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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000128/198600620 August 1986Grants 30-day Extension Until 860922 for Reply to 860722 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty Re Insp Rept 50-128/86-06 & EA-86-105,per 860811 Request
IR 05000128/199200219 January 1993Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-128/92-02
IR 05000128/199700111 August 1997Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-128/97-01 on 970317-21.Revised NOV Re Violation E,Concerning Failure to Survey Encl
ML19210D38824 September 1979Forwards Response to IE Bulletin 79-19.One Solid Low Level Radwaste Shipment of 0.5619185 Ci Made in 1979.Liquid Radwaste Shipped in 55-gallon Drums to Todd Nuclear for Processing
ML19224D0722 July 1979Forwards Preliminary Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML19225A13810 July 1979Forwards Corrected Page 33 to Tech Specs for License R-8
ML19242A15423 July 1979Forwards Fifteenth Progress Rept 1978, Submitted to DOE
ML19246A9892 July 1979Forwards Application for Renewal of License R-83,SNM Requirements,Sar,Tech Specs,Eia,Emergency Plan & Operator Requalification Program
ML19249B58723 August 1979Requests Inclusion on Mailing List Re License R-83
ML19254D9457 September 1979Submits Info Re Impact of Pending Safeguards Upgrade Rule, on Continued Operation.Also Forwards Annual Operating Rept 1978
ML19256B4342 July 1979Submits Application for Renewal of License R-83 for Continued Operation of Triga pool-type Reactor.W/Supporting Documents & Financial Rept for Year Ending 780831
ML19261D45613 June 1979Submits Addl Info Re Tech Spec Change Request to Allow Radiography of Explosive Matl,In Response to NRC 790607 Telcon
ML19291B11521 August 1979Responds to 790821 Telcon Request for Change to Tech Specs for License Amend.In Interest of Industrial Safety & Protection of Equipment,Implementation of Smoke Detector Sys Presently Under Study
ML19296A1936 February 1979Forwards Safety Analyses for Amend 7 to License R-83. Proposes to Modify Tech Spec to Permit Radiography of Up to 5 Lb of Explosive Matl in a Radiography Facility Associated W/Nuclear Science Center Reactor
ML19318A45623 May 1980Responds to NRC 800515 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-128/80-01.Corrective Actions:Redundant SOP Book Will Not Be Returned to Control Room
ML19323G46414 April 1980Responds to Item of Noncompliance Noted in IE Insp 50-128/80-01.Corrective Actions:Sop Book Surveillance Record Has Been Placed at Front of Vol 1 of Each Set of SOPs for Documentation of SOP Book Surveillance.Memo 59 Encl
ML19325C83913 October 1989Forwards 801020 Ltr Documenting Change of Licensee for Nuclear Science Ctr Reactor,Agreement Ltr Re Occupational Safety Advice & Revised Tech Spec Page 46
ML19327B28924 October 1989Requests That Licensee on License R-83 Be Officially Designated as Texas Engineering Experiment Station,Texas A&M Univ Sys,Per 890904 License Amend Request
ML19330A80225 July 1980Forwards ORO-4207-13, Sixteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr, 1979
ML19331D60728 August 1980Forwards Revised App III to Sixteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr, 1979 Consisting of Summaries of Health Physics Support,Effluent Releases,Environ Survey Program,Radiation & Contamination Control Program
ML19339A66020 October 1980Application to Revise 790702 Request for Renewal of License R-83.Revisions to Application,Tech Specs & Safety Evaluation Are Due to Adminstrative Changes
ML19350C1995 February 1981Discusses Calibr of Regulating Control Rod for Core VI & Safety Amplifier Response to Noise Transients.Calibr Performed on 810119 Due to Extended Period of Maint.On 810130,two Safety Control Rods Scrammed
ML20012A06728 February 1990Advises That Federal Govt Funding Not Available for Conversion of Nuclear Science Ctr Triga Reactor from High Enriched U to Low Enriched U Fuel During FY90.Reactor Does Not Have Further Plans for Conversion in 1990
ML20012C5499 March 1990Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-128/90-01 on 900110-12.Corrective Actions:Emergency Preparedness & Physical Security Designated as Next Scheduled Operator Requalification Program Topic for Lecture
ML20023B64929 April 1983Forwards Completion & Results of Phase I of Nscr Post-Damage Pulse Test Program for Full Flip Triga Core.
ML20023B90512 April 1983Responds to NRC 830316 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-128/82-03.Corrective Actions:Training Sessions Conducted for Reactor Operations Personnel to Demonstrate Proper Preparation of Ice BathShutdown Margin
License Renewal
ML20023D97430 May 1983Forwards Revised Page 29 of Tech Specs Correcting Error in Item 3.8 Re Primary Coolant Conditions
ML20024D97721 June 1983Forwards Public Version of Summary Evaluation of Evacuation Time Estimates.Adverse Weather Conditions (Rain) Should Be Considered for Summer Scenario
ML20024J3747 October 1994Forwards Rev of Emergency Preparedness Plan for Nuclear Science Ctr Tx A&M Univ Sys. Plan Rewritten to Correct Weakness Identified by Previous NRC Insp at Facility (NRC Insp Rept 50-128/93-01) & Changes Desired by Licensee
ML20028A18928 October 1982Forwards Public Version of Emergency Preparedness Plan
ML20028A6451 November 1982Forwards Public Version of Corrected Page 13 & App B,Item 1,to Recently Submitted Emergency Plan
ML20041A51112 February 1982Requests Extension Until 820305 to Respond to 42 Questions & to Submit Fuel Damage Rept.Extension Will Provide Sufficient Time to Complete Neutron Radiography Studies of Fuel Elements Adjacent to Damaged Fuel Positions
ML20041D9085 March 1982Forwards Response to Questions Generated by Lasl Site Visit & Fuel Incident Rept Interpretation of Damage to Flip Fuel During Operation of Nuclear Science Ctr Reactor at Tx A&M Univ.Shutdown Margin
ML20042C6728 February 1982Requests Opportunity to Meet W/Commission Chairman to Present Concern Re Proposed Regulations That Will Severely Impede Programs of Many Reactor Facilities
ML20043B15211 May 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-128/90-01 on 900221-23.Corrective Actions:Program for Review of Users License Established & Responsibility for Radiation Protection Program Transferred to LicenseeLicense Renewal
ML20043E2584 June 1990Forwards Proposed Change to Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program.Proposed Change Makes Written Exams Administered to Operators on Physical Security Plan Part of Operator Requalification Program
ML20044D0227 May 1993Responds to Emergency Planning Program Weaknesses Noted in Insp Rept 50-128/93-01.Corrective Actions:Addl Changes Made to Emergency Plan to Ensure Info Consistent W/Actual Events at Time of Declaration of Emergency Class
ML20045H03225 March 1993Forwards Proposed Amend 13 to License R-83,allowing Greater Flexibility Re Possession of Radioactive Matls for Supporting Research & Development Functions.Justification for Requested Amend Encl Also
ML20050E2024 February 1982Forwards Rept of Contamination Involving Visitors & Personnel on Upper Research Level of Containment Bldg Adjacent to Pool
ML20054L38816 June 1982Ltr to All Research & Test Reactor Licensees Requesting That Reg Guide 2.6 (for Comment) & ANSI/ANS-15.16 (Draft II Dtd 811129) Be Used to Meet Requirement of Final Amend to 10CFR50.54(r) Re Emergency Planning.Fr Notice Encl
ML20054M4018 July 1982Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-128/82-01 on 820604.No Noncompliance NotedAffidavit
ML20056C13423 March 1993Confirms Meeting Between Wd Reece & B Murray on 930428 to Discuss NRC Mgt Personnel Opportunity to Review & Discuss Performance Perspectives of Licensed Activities
ML20056C4558 June 1993Forwards Initial Exam Rept 50-128/OL-93-02 on 930518
ML20056E6169 August 1993Requests Response to Encl Ref Matl Request for Ro/Sro Licensing Exams Scheduled for 931108.Info on Administration of Written Exams & Rules & Guidelines Also Encl
ML20058B47216 July 1982Forwards Amend 8 to License R-83.Amend Changes Tech Specs Re Administrative Organizational Controls
ML20058C33121 July 1982Forwards Eighteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr,1981
ML20058L3619 December 1993Forwards Initial Exam Rept 50-128/OL-93-03 Administered During Wk of 931108.W/o Encl
ML20058L3639 December 1993Forwards Initial Exam Rept 50-128/OL-93-03 Administered During Wk of 931108
ML20058L39113 December 1993Forwards Results for Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Facility on 931109.W/o Encl
ML20058L50824 July 1990Forwards Kr Hall Re Availability of Funds for Any Future Decommissioning of Nuclear Science Ctr Reactor, Per 10CFR50.33(k),for Filing