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Rept on Impact of Cooling Water Use at DC Cook Nuclear Plant
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 01/01/1977
RTR-NUREG-1437 AR, NUDOCS 9111110005
Download: ML20079M927 (200)



   'I t'

11 7 Report on the Impact of lEE Coolins Water Use at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant [I ll ll Submitted to the Michigan Water Resources Commission and its Chief Engineer , January 1, 1977 Li


, Y.R 9111110005 770101 I m PDR NUREG l o 143/ C PDR a -



l I l l t ,

    -t Report on the Impact of Cooling Water Use at the

'i Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant i LI E Submitted to the Michigan Water Resources t- i Commission and its Chief Engineer

 "                                          January 1, 1977 I


TABLE OF CONTENTS Il Page 1 I. INTRODUCTION..................................... l II. PHYSICAL IMPACT OF PLANT OPERATION............... 9 l A. Site Characteristics........................ 9

1. Plant Location......................... 9 fg 2. Meteorology............................ 11,

'E 3 Hydrology.............................. 15 !as B. Plant Charanteristics and Operation......... 29

1. Intake Cribs........................... 32 r 2. Screenhouse............................ 35 ll 3 4

Circulating Water Pumps................ Condensers............................. 36 36

 ;                     5      Circulating Water Discharges...........       37 i

C. Thermal Plume Charactoristics............... 43 i

1. Thermal Lead Analysis.................. 44
2. Modeling Techniques for the Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume.......... 47 iE 3 Field Observations of the Cook 5 Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume.'......... 51
4. Comparison and Validation of Model Predictions with Field Observations., 60 l3 ,

Ther=al Plume for Full Power, Two

 ,5                    5 Unit 0poration.......................       68 i


  ,l l

i A. Effects on Aquatic Populations Other Than Fish................................. 95 t f 1 1. Effects on Phytoplankton............... 95

2. Effects on Zooplankton................. 100 Effects on Benthos..,.................. 104
    'g j

3 4 Effects on Per1phyton.................. *117 5 Effects on Macrophyton................. 118

6. Effects on She11rish................... 119 B. Effects on F1sh............................. 119 C. Gross Organic Loading Effects............... 133 D. Effects on W31dlife......................... 138
    ;I                                          .

I *..r--, w - r -r --

I. INTRODUCTION l On December 27, 1974, the Michigan Water Resources Commission (hereinafter "MWRC") issued to the Indiana and Michigan Power Company (hereinafter "I & M" or " Company") an authorisation to discharge (hereinafter " Permit") from the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (hereinafter " Cook Nuclear Plant" or " Plant") located at Brid;; man, Michigan (Per=it No. MI 0005827). The Permit is to remain in effect until October 31, 1979 This authorization was made pursuant to section 402(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Centrol Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 551251 et sec. (hereinafter "FWPCA") under the I State of Michigan's authority as a participant in the National Pollution Discharge 511mination System, granted October 17,

  . 1973         -

[~' The Permit contains various effluent limitations which were formulated based on (1) " Effluent Guidelines and . Standards" for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category (40 C.F.R. $423) promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter "USEPA")

  'E   on October 8, 1974; and (2) Michigan's State Water Quality Stardards (Mich. Ad. Code, Part 4).       See " Thermal and In-take Studies - Guidance Manual," Michigan Water Resources Commission,SureauofWatehManagement, Michigun Department of Natural Resources (February, 1975) (hereinafter " Guidance Manual") at I-1.

Both the Permit's " Initial" and " Final" effluent limitations require that discharges from the Cook Nuclear l-

2- _l l Plant comply with Water Quality Standards concerning heated effluents (Mich. Ad. Code, Part 4, R 323 107(2)(b)). The author 1~ation also reflects the USEPA's " Effluent Guidelines and Standards" which, at the time the permit was issued, g called for a no discharge of heat effluent limitation effec-tive on July 1, 1981 (40 C.F.R. 5423 13(m)).1 Although the

           . On July lo, 1970 the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit remanded, inter alia, this thermal effluent regulation.     (Apcalachian Power Co., et al v. Train,       F.2d I          , 2 Pollution Control Guide (CCH) 140,026, at 40,190 (4th Cir. 1976)). Lecause this regalation is no lenger in force, it is doubtful whether section C.l. of the Permit (Permit, p. 7 of 8), which sets forth a compliance schedule
  .I    for the design and construction of a closed-cycle cooling system, is presently enforceable.

The Appalachian Power court also specifically considered the legal basis for requiring "backfit" to modify nuclear i plants which had already undergone Atemic Energy Commission (hereinafter "AEC") review of the environmental impacts of plant operation, inclucing the impacts of once-through g cooling water use, as mandated by the National Environmental E Policy Act (hereinafter "NEPA") (42 U.S.C. 554321, el seq.). Specifically, the court of appeals noted that ther6 were fifty-five nuclear units -- among which are Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 -- which had successfully completed AEC

-I      environmental review bar  on open-cycle cooling and thus ordered the USEPA to reconsider federal backfit requirements,

.I i Despite these uncertainties concerning the legal basis for the Permit's present Compliance Schedule for implementing closed-cycle cooling, the Company seeks establishment by the MVRC pursuant to section 316 of an alternate thermal limitation based on the results of the Company's environ-4 mental impact assessment programs. Establishment of the alternate thermal limitation will obvir.te the need for revi-sion of the Permit to take into account the decision in o I Appalachian Pewer or any modified regalatiens that result l' rem the remand _, I lI 1

I authori:ation expires before the no discharge of heat limi-tation was to become effective, a " Schedule of Compliance" was included which, inter alia, required the permittee to take steps to ensure that the July 1, 1981 effluent limita-tion, if applicable, could be met. Faced with the prospect of a no discharge of heat l 11:1tation, I & M chose to seek an alternate thermal effluent limitation pursuant to section 316(a) of the FWPCA (letter from R. M. Kopper, Executive Vice President, I & M, to Ralph W. Purdy, Executive Secretary, MWRC, November 25, 1974). The Permit reflects I & M's desire to obtain this alternate thermal effluent limitation by requiring that the permittee present a demonstration that the thermal discharge will not I interfere with the protection and propogation of a balanced l indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife in and

    . on the body of water into which the discharge is to be made 4

(Permi:, $ C.l.a., p. 7 of 8). In accordance with this requirement and with 40 C,.F.R. $$1.22.11 (a)(2) and 122.13, which provide for such a demonstration being based on a written plan of study, on April 7, 1975, I & M submitted

          " Plan of Study and Demonstration Concerning Thermal Discharges at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant" (hereinafter " Study Plan").2 I   2    in ne course of preparing this report, the Study Plan was reviewed. Several typographical errors wera discoverec.

Those which could be of significance are set fc.Na with cor-rections in an Appendix to this section of the Report. E

a The Study Plan sets forth the Company's analysis + of the expected physical impacts of Plant operation and s L their biolegical implications. In accordance with M'dRC ~ guidance (see Guidance Manual, Chapter I), this technical k analysis is based on a philosophy of considering total impact of plant operatie on the aquatic environment, including the effects of impingement, plant passage and plume entrain-ment. The information and analysis in the Study Plan fully support a conclusion that Cook Nuclear Plant operation with the alternate thermal effluent limitation the Company requests will not interfere with the protection and propogation of a balanced indigenous community of fish, shellfish and wildlife in and on the receiving water body and that the locat$on, design, capacity and construction of the Plant's cooling water intake system approprietely reflects the best technology available for minimi::- ing adverse environmental impact. The Study Plan also calls for an extensive monitoring program to verify these predictions. This Report represents the conclusions reached through a con-sideration of both the predictive data and information set forth in the Study Plan and the results of the monitoring program. On June 9, 1975, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. $122.13, the 57C wrote to the Company commenting on the 3tudy Plan and on June 13, 1975, a meeting was held with members of the K4RC staff to discuss the Company's efforts. The D'RC commented that its reviewing committee ". . . feels that the documen' is very well done and that the plan is well thought out." (June 9, 1975 letter from R. J. Courchaine, Chief Engineer, 53C, and C. M. Fetter:1f, Chief Envirennental Scientist, M'4RC to J. A. Druckemiller, Manager of Invironmental Affairs,

I & M). Specific concerns raised by the MWRC have been addressed by the Ocmpany in meetings with the Conmission staff and in subsequent reports. The Permit also requires the Company to perform a study to determine the effects of the Cook Nuclear Plant's I cooling water intake structure to show that the existing cooling water intake design, location, construction and l capacity reflect the best technology available for minimi::ing adverse environmental impact in accordance with section 316(b) of the FWPCA (Permit, $I.B.8., p. 7 of 8). Pursuant to this Permit section, on February 18, 1975, the Company submitted " Plan of Study and Time Schedule for Environmental Monitoring of the Effects of Cooling Water Intake Structure at the' Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant." On March 18, 1975, l R. J. Courchaine and C. M. Fetterolf wrote to the Company commenting on the 316(b) Study Plan and suggesting various changes. On June 19, 1975, following discussions with the MWRC staff, the Company submitted " Comments Concerning: Plan of Study and Time Schedule for Environmental Monitoring of the Effects of Cooling Water Intake Structures at the

   ,                                         Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant by Dr. John C. Ayers" which addressed the comments set forth in the March 18, 1975 l                                               letter.                                                                           Bared on these submittals, the Company's 316(b)

Study Plan was approved on July 3, 1975 (letter from R. J. Coureraine to R. M. Kopper, Executive Vice President, I & M). I E

l Because of the interrelated nature of the 316(a) I and 316(b) studies, a joint report made pursuant to both study p*ans is now being submitted. This Report draws on

;g       data and analysis presented in past studies of the Cook

3 i' Nuclear Plant's physical and environmental impact. Of l particular relevance is " Report on the Performance of Thermal Plume Areal Measurements" (hereinafter " Thermal Plume Report") (in two volumes) submitted to the MWRC by the

  ,      Company on June 1, 1976. The Thermal Plume Report forms the monitoring basis for thermal plume predictions used to assess the biological impact of the Plant's heated discharge.

The Report now being sub.aitted, together with the f*,udy Plans and other supporting documentation, constitutes the Company's demonstrations pursuant to section 316 of the FWPCA. The remainder of this Report is organized as

,I follows:

{g Section II " Physical Impact of Plant Operation" sets forth the characteristics of the site, the Plant and i' _m the pnysical impacts of Plant operation. Section III " Environmental Monitoring and Data Analysis" describes the manner in which the biological monitoring program is designed to. detect and evaluate effects of Plant operation on lake biota.

l. Section IV " Impact of Plant Cperation on Lake 1

Biota" summarizes the results of the environmer,tal monitor-ing program and analy:es the Plant's impact on the site area and the lake. E

7- - Section V " Impact of Alternatives to the Cook l Nuclear Plant Cooling Water System" describes alternatives ( to and possible modifications of the present cooling water-s system. The environmental and financial costs and other impacts of these systems are evaluated. It is the conclusion of this Report, as supported l by the underlying studiez and by the numerous other studies of the Cook Nuclear Plant's environmental impact, that I continued operation of this facility as planned will not cause significant harm to the aquatic environment, and will l assure the protection and propogation of a balanced,,indige-nous population of shellfish, fish and wildl.Lfe in and on the receiving water. In addition, the Report and the under-lying studies show that the location, design, construction and capacity of the Plant's cooling water intake structures reflect the best technology available for adverse environmental impact. 1 . O ___._--__--__.--__.___2.-_ -___ _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ . - _ . _ . _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ . - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ____-___ ____ _ ___ __

8-L APPENDIX ( The following are corrections for typographical j errors found in the Study Plan during the course of preparing this Report: Pm Correction E-39 and B-210 Table B *F should read 'c and

                            'C shon.d read 'F throughout the table.

I B-471 - 46.1'F should read 76.1*F in bottom two entries in the first column. I E-130 and B 497 Figure B 46 -- On the 5 F isotherm, 1.6 should read 1.0 and 77 5 should read 27 9 g  : I I 5

l 9-II. PHYSICAL IMPACT OF PLANT OPERATION Complete and detailed descriptions of much of the material discussed in this section can be found in the Study Plan and in AEC's " Final Environmental Statemen't Relating to Operation of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2" (hereinafter "FES") issued August, 1973 The brief sum-maries below draw heavily from those two documents and provide a convenient review of that material necessary for a full understanding of the Company's analysis of the total l biological effects of cooling water use at the Cook Nuclear Plant. A. Site Characteristics

1. Plant Location. The Cook Nuclear Plant is located on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan (Figure l 1) in Lake Township, Berrien County, about two miles north of Bridgman, Michigan. The station occupies a 650-acre site approximately ten miles southwest of the twin cities of St.

Joseph and Benton Harbor, Michigan. The Plant site is about, equidistant (approximately 35 miles) from the Bailly Nuclear Generating Station in Porter County, Indiana and the Palisades Nuclear Station ac South Haven, Michigan (Study Plan at E-1 through E-3; FES at II-l through II-24). l l

I , O Grand. Rapids 8 l Loke Michig a n bl/ CH. .I ~ I Kalamazoo , l POWER PLANT Bohle

'l   .

SITE 49enton Hcrbor gSt. Joseph

 .l                                                     J o Niles o Chicago "g                          '


                                                                  ~              ~   ~    ~~

o Elkhart

. Bend

( I Qi

                    . i Gary q                             .

1,I- ~

                                        .                   /NO.

l l" SCALE OF MILES Fort 0- 2,5 5,0 75 10 0 Wayn6

l Figure 16 Location of the Cook Muclear Plant on the Southeastern Shore of Lake Michigan.

E . l - I

I '

                                                                               )              o l           +

Grand. Rapids L.oke l Mic hig o n MICH. POWER Kalamazoo ,

 'l PLANT                                                                          !re"'i cl 1                           SITE                            48enten Harbor                                              ,

S t. Joseph l [J ' o Niles o Chicago

 }                                                       '


                                                                          ~      ~


                                                                                                ~      ~      ~

m  :

           .         . i                                    Bend ig              q           Gary E           M   l
                       ,                 scu.c or Fort 75            ico       Vlayne
 ,g                o         as                     5,o Tl l:'                              Figure 1                Location of the Cook Nuclear P                                                        Plant on the Southeastern Shore of Lake Michigan, og                                               .

l - E

                                 -  11 -
 'l              The southern basin of Lake Mi O1gan has a maximum depth of 540 feet and a mean depth of about 276 feet.                                    The I contours of the lake bottom were fashioned by glacial goug-g ing and scouring. The overlying sediments were deposited in the course of glacial ice melting and recession, and these sediments have been reworked by the sorting action of the g lake water. Wave action has been particularly responsible 3

for the shallow water distributien of sand and gravels along the shore and the trend to more silty sands at intermediate

   ,   depths (Study Plan at E-8 through E-10; FES at II-26 through II-23).

There are two parallel and reasonably stable sand bars at shallow depths opposite the Plant site about 450 and L 1000 feet from the water's edge. Water depth between the bars varies from 5-6 feet to some 13 feet. The 30-foot depth contour, often referred to as the outer limit of the beach water ene, lies approximately oae-half mile offshore. The 100-foot depth contour, an arbitrary outer limit of the inshore water cone utill:ed for recreation, boating er l potable water supplies, lies 5-6 miles offshore. depth contours can be found on the bathymetric chart, Figure Other lake L E-4, of the Study Plan. 1

         .       2. Meteorology. The climate.of the Plant site is h       typical of the Great Lakes areas; that is, continental with cold, dry winters and warm, rainy summers.                        Adequate ventila-
tion in the area is usually ensured by the leck of restrictive


12 - terrain fe.atures and by the passage of extratropical cyclones with their frequent changes in wind speed. Lake breezes are frequent, especially in the spring. An annual wind rose for the site is presented in Figure 2 (taken from FES Figure II-t 10a based on data from Chapter 2 of the Cook Final Safety Analysis Report; see FES at II-38 through II 41, XII-9(1); Study Plan at E 4). Though the Company has collected meteorological data from a 200-foot tower at the site since the summer of 1966, the data period is too short to establish a climatic normal. Long period average data collected at nearby Benton Harbor Airport do, however, indicate weather trends at the Plant site. These data are summarized in Table 1 which follows. Seasonal high temperatures (> 90*; occur from May l _ through September or October, with seasonal lows (zero or sub:ero) occurring during the fall or winter months of

     !!ovember through March. Ice ston   can be expected in the vicinity of.the Cook Nuclear Plant; 33 significant occurrences have been recorded from 1898 to 1965 (Study Plan at E 4; FES While snowfall data for Benton Harbor is not available, data exists for Eau Claire, Michigan, a" town 18 miles east of the station. At Eau Claire, the average annual snowfall during the period from 1951 through 1960 was g   57.7 inches and varied from 29.4 inches in 1953 to 88.5 inches in 1958 (Study Plan at E 4; FES at II 41).

lI I

                                      -13 N



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MILES PER 80VR Annual Windrose for 200-ft Level at the Site- !l rigure 2 'I g ' 9 4 y . . E

                                             -     14 -

E TABLE 1. Meteorological Data for Benton Harber Airport, Michigan

  • I Temperature (*F)

ExtremesC No. of Days d Precipitation' Average b Max Min T>90'T T('r (inches) Jan 26.8 68 -15 0 30 2.29 Feb 28.4 65 -12 0 25 2.14 Mar 35.7 81 -6 0 26 2.61 Apr 47.6 88 16 0 9 3.53

,       May           56.9           92        23
  • 1 4.44 June 66.9 101 35 3 0 3.71 July 71.3 99 40 3 0 3.33 Aug 70.4 98 38 3 0 2.75
       -Sept          64.1           98        28         3
  • 2.44 Oct 53.7 86 21 0 4 3.06 Nov 40.6 82 -19 0 16 2.54 Dec 29.9 63 -4 0 26 2.34 Annual 49.4 101 -19 12 137 35.18 s

aData from Climatic Summary of.the United States, supplement for 1951-1960

!.            for Michigan,   U. S. Weather Bureau, 1964 bBased on 18 years    of record.

I C Sased en 16 years d Based on 10 years of record. (1951-1960) of record.

        ' Eased on 19 years of record.
         *Less than 0.5 but greater than zero.


E - 15 - )- I Strong, gusty winds occasionally occur and are l usually associated with thunderstorms and squall lines. The recurrence interval for winds of 90 mph is 100 years. Thir-6 I teen tornadoes have been reported in the l' latitude-longitude square in 46 years of record (1916-1961). This constitutes a recurrence rate for the station of once in every 1042 years (Stud- ?lan at E-7; FES at II-41).

  ;                       3    Hydrology.

(a) Waves. The average fetch (the distance l over which the d can generate waves) of Lake Michigan in the area of the Cook Nuclear Plant is 140-160 nautical miles. The Weather 'tice normally forecasts wave heights for Lake Michigan according to fetch, wind persiscence and

  '_I                                                   -

wind speeds, and these predictions, assumir~ 24-hour dura-tion and a 140 nautical mile fetch, give: Wind Soeed (knots) Wave Height (feetl 14 4 20 l 26 32 7 11 13 38 17 I 44 52 21 26 g However, due to wind speed and direction variability, shore-line "runup," and the action of the two offshore sand bars, wave heights in excess of 3 4 feet are not often expected at the site (FES at II-23). (b) Currents. The ambient lake current in the vicinity of the plant discharge is recogniced as being I

lI i the single most impcrtant phyaical parameter affecting the si:e, position and trajectory of the thermal plume and the l dispersion of chemical effluents. Specific current para-meters are direction, speed, and directional persistence. I Nearshore l'ake current data has been ec= piled from: (1) 4 ducted propeller current meter studies of the nearshore water off the Plant site (see Semi-annual Envirennental Operating Report); (ii) dye and drogue studies at the Plant site (J. C. Ayers and J. C. K. Huang); (iii) timed travel of dye patch studies in the surf :ene at Warren Dunes State Park (Coastal Engineering Research Center); (iv) Savonius rotor and ducted propeller current meter studies of the I nearshore waters at the Palisades Nuclear Plant site (Argonne l National Laboratory); and (v) ducted propeller current ceter studies and timed drogues at the Palisades Nuclear Plant

      . site. This data was summarized in the Study Plan and analy:ed with respect to the percentage of time the current would flow in a given direction, the persistence or length of time it would flow in a given direction, and the percen' age of time it would flow with a given speed (Study Plan at E-11 l     through E-30) .

l In addition data taken for the, period from December, 1974 to October, 1975 from four current meters deployed at the Cook Nuclear Plant site was summarized in the Thermal Plume Repert. The data correlated very poorly frem one current meter to the next. It appears that che meters were

 'I      being influenced to seme extent by secondary currents 10 ucid E

h by the discharge. Thus, estimates of current behavior shoul.d be based upon the data given in the Study Plan (Thermal Plume

 'I                                  Report at 10-12, 86-91).

l In general, comparisons of that current data are diffi-cult because they were taken in different locations, at different times, with different techniques, and the data were summarized in different formats. The data were, however, analyzed and the following conclusion made: (1) The nearshore bottom current directions at the Plant site, between 800 feet and 2200 feet offshore, I are estimated to occur the following percentages of time l (Study Plan at E-17).

 ,.                                               Nearshore Current Direction Probabilities t-Current Direction                                                                                         Percentage of Time Nortn                                              60%

South 16% East 7% r un West 9%. Lg Calm 8% (ii) Currents in the breaker :ene (usually less than 100 feet offshore) can be expected to flow north or south with approximately equal frequency. Calm periods are predicted to occur approximately 3 percent of the time (Study Plan at E-17). I l

I (iii) Based on current speed data from the Cook l1uclear Plant and from the Pa31sades Nuclear Plant, the probability of occurrence of current speeds in the various velocity ranges was estimated. These values are summarized below (Study Plan at E-23). Ectf.matec Probabilities of Current Speeds at the Cook Nuclear Plant Site Current Sneed Range (fps) Perc entage o f Ti:ae 0 - 0.1 28% 0.1 - 0.3 41% 7 3 - 0.5 16% 05-1.0 11%

                      > 1.0                                            4%

I These estimates are for currents beyond the outer bar. The current speeds inside the outer bar and in the breaker tone will tend to be higher, at times approachins 5 fps (Study I Plan at E-24). (iv) The limited data available on the per-sistence of the nearshore currents indicates that the average persistence of a current flowing north or south will be on the order of 1-1/2 days. The persistence of these offshore waters flowing east or west will average less than one-half day. It is estimated that currents persisting in a given l direction for longer than 5 days weuld occur lens than 5 per-cent of the time (Study Plan at E-29 through E-30). I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _

                                       ,                  In summary, the nearshore currents are variable in both time and space. The current speeds tend to decrease as T'g     the depth increases and there is some indication that the sur-Lg' face currents increase as the distance offshore increases.

There is, however, insufficient data available to allow mean-

  .-     ingful quantification of these effects.

(c) Temperature. A ten-year data base of lake water temperature at the intakes of tne St. Joseph Water Tre atT.ent Plant gives an indication of ambient temperatures occurring at the Plant site. This data was presented in -c Tables E-4 and E-5 of the Study Plan and provides monthly


maximum and minimum temperaturec, ::.onthly average temperatures, and maximum weekly average temperatures (Study P1 at E-33 throuEh E-37).

  -.I               To give an indication of extremes, the         jear maxi-mum weekly average temperatures at the St. Joseph Water Treat-        ,

ment Pltnt ar summari::ed below: r3

-i ;5               Month                  *F mg                 January              34.1
     'E             February             33.b March                36.8
 ,. g               April                47.4 j-g                  May                  54.0

. - June 64.5 l July 71.3 l l August- 70.6 i September 68.3 October 60.1 l' November 51.4 L December 40.1 Fis'>re 3 graphically depicts the surface water temperature


over the course of a year. The tecperatures were acnitored 300 feet frem the shcre of tha C:ok Nuclear Plant at 2h fee water depths.

                                     . . ;q- - -- ; ._ _ ,;--    _q     7___ ;   ,         . . . _.       .            .             __                   .

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N' - b r'i, f '!/ l j D a L I

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I, 18 60 - 1 2 l AVER AGE SUHFACE WATER  !

                                                                                                                                                                  'y E,  50   -         -         TEMPERATURES 2

i e1 a 40 - y k -D_N b o Ln j~ g _ .. . I I I I I I I I I I 30 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEP]fMDER OCTO0f R NOVEMDER DEC[M8fH J A ndu A rt f f[ttRUARY M ARCis APRIL Daily Haximum and Hinimien Lake Michigan trater T'emneratures 300 f eet from Shore of tha Cook Nuclear Plant at 2-4 teet Water Deptfis Figure 3 , Ayers, .I. C., and G. E. Arnold,It. F. anderson, and 11. K. Soo, Benton liarbor Power Pleat Limnological Studies. Part VII. Cook Plant Preoperationsi Studies 1970. Special Iteport flo. 44, Great Lales Itenearcli Division The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Marcli 1971. .

s Data from in-situ temperature sensors located at the Plant site were presented in the Thermal Plume Report. [ Although technical difficulties were encountered with these devices, the data produced provides an indication of daily maximum, minimum and average temperatures at four locations and five depths. The temperatures showed considerable varia-tion during a given 24-hour period and also from one location I to the next (Thermal Plume Report at 10, 92-98). Seibel and Ayers (1976) have i.;alyzed and compared the in-situ Plant data and the Benton . arbor and St. Joseph water intake data for the period 1970 through 1975 The study revealed an enormous fluctuation in amoient lake temperatures. Their report noted (id, at 3): l Natural lake-water fluctuations in excess of 3 F are a common occurrence in all months except January [ Figure 4]. The greatest temperature fluctuations occur during the summer months of l June , July , August and September when natural variations of up to 27 F were recorded during the 5-year study. Varying amounts of upwellin3 of 1 cold deep offshore waters can best explain the natural temperature sariations that occur in the lp coastal regime. Wind-induced upwelling is thought responsible for the natural daily flue-tuations in excess of 12 F, while a combination of wind and internal wave movement seems a plausible explanation for the sraller variations. The small fluctuation in average minimum and average maximum monthly lakewater temperatures at stations of differeno depths indicates fre-quent mixing of the nearshore waters. In fact, the " remarkable similarities in the natural tempera-ture variations [over the long term] at the two water intake I locations at Benton Harbor and St. Joseph stations" ([1. at ( c) led the authors to conclude that, l

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                                                                              / / 6l-12-li 1547 18-20 24-23 24-20 27-23 INCITEMENT OF CHANGE *F l

Triaxial ,epresentation of the natural lake water temperature va ria tic, in pergent by month and in 3*F increments for the St. Joseph - llenton Ilarbor location for the period 1970-1975. 1

                              ,"                                    Pigure 4

l the close fit of the two curves in Figure [5] illus-trates that the average minimum and average maximum monthly temperatures for the two stations differ little..The difference between the average maximum and average minimum for each station varies only slightly from year to year. These two factors indi-I cate that the average monthly conditions for the two stations are similar and indicate a greater amount of mixing in the nearshore waters of this I southeastern portion of Lake Michigan than has been known before. Qd_. at 7] (d) Thermal Bar. While th data analyzed by Seibel and Ayers were not taken at th time of the thermal bar, and therefore do not bear directly on this phenomenon, their findings on the magnitude of mixing in the nearshore I waters are consistent with the discussion of the " thermal bar" set out in the Study Plan (Study Plan at E-38 through E-52).3 As discussed in the Study Plan the sudden change in

         ,          water temperature and color that identifies the region of the thermal bar is the result of a convergence of the nearshore and offshore waters.                               The nearshore surface water flows in a lake-ward direction as a result of " density currents" produced by

solar energy heating the earr. sore water more rapidly than

      ]              the offshore water.                               These thermally driven currents, plus J

As was noted in that discussion the thermal bar is not a barrier which traps inshore water, but, rather, is a thermally driven process that produces large water motions and advects I the nearshore w?.ter into the open lake. This conclusion was supported by ther cdynamic and hydraulic studies of the physical processes associt 'd with the develcpment of the I thermal bar. I

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wind and wave action produce large water motions and con-siderable mixing at the convergence with subsequent advec-tive flow to the offshore side of the bar. Thus, the thermal bar is not a barrier to thorough mixing. Rather it is the ever moving boundary, or " front," of that region of the lake that has developed a thermocline (vertical stratification) due to solar heating. Concern has been expressed by the MWRC (letter to

      -    J. A. Druckemiller, I&M, from R. J. Courchaine, Chief Engineer, MWRC, June 9, 1975) that for time periods of less than one conth especially under " stable wind regimes," thorough mixing wouli not be expected between the nearshore and offshore ::enes. This concern is predicated on an arbitrary I boundary between the nearshore and offshone regions of the lake; a boundary that does not exist for the forces that produce lake currents and water motions.   " Stable wind i       E E regimes" imply either a steady wind or no wind. A steady wind certainly produces currents and these currents are known to persist for several days even after the wind has stopped (Mortimer 1975). There are numerous other phenomena produc-ing motion and dispersion in large water bodies and reference I is made to Mortimer (1971 and 1975) for a thorough dis-      ,

cussion of both the theoretical studies and observations l~ made in large lakes, including Lake Michigan. l 5 Indications that nearshore waters arc always in motion may be seen in the. temperature data shown in the

 -         Thermal Plume Report. These data show the daily maximum and lI

minimum water temperatures measured $tt several locations and depths near the Cook Nuclear Plant. Temperature variations with time and location are apparent t.nd are produced by masses of a kater with different temperatures moving past the sensors. In addition, the Study Plan provided data on pages E 46 through E-50, to support the assertion that the thermal bar does not act as a barrier. The data on pages E 49 and E-50 were represented on plots showing the variations, over

     . a ten-year period, of the specific conductivity and chloride concentration in water sampled frem the Michigan City, Indiana municipal water intake. That data showed the absence of any higher concentration of chemicals and pollutants in I the nearshore waters during the existence of the bar and is consistent with the view that the ther:a1 bar is a highly dynamic, ongoing process. The data have been replotted I (Figures'6 and 7) so that each year's data may be observed separately. If consistently high concentrations were noted i        at the time of the spring and fall thermal bars (April and December th*'ough January), the:. thermal bar might be acting as a barrier. No such trend has been observed.

In summary, it is easy to understand how the "converg-l ence" at the advancing front of the vertically stratified near-shore water can be interpreted as a barrier to mixing. However, l" understanding the factors that combine to form the thermal bar explain why the phenomenon does not trap the inshore waters and cause a buildup of pollutants. The thermal bar exists because of natural processes Onat produce large move-ments cf water and it should not be considered a significant I

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l l 0l J. F M A M J J A S O N D - I ricu-a 7 MICHIGAN CITY , INDIANA

                                                  ' CI iI ORICES AS CL, 1957-1967 'NCt USIVE


 <-        factor with respect to discharges in the nearshore water.

The Cook Nuclear Plant's discharge will interact with the thermal bar only during the initial phases of its formation,

 ,I a period of a few days, and will merely deflect the converg-
 ;         ence in a lakeward direction.
 ;               B. Plant Characteristics and Operation The Cook Nuclear Plant utilizes two identicsa       .

k pressuri:ed water type (PWR) reactors supplied by 'desting-r house. Each reactor is designed for an output of 3250 FNt , i the license application rating, corresponding to approxi-mately 1090 FNe gross and 1054 FNe net ; they are expected to be capable of an ultimate output of approximately 3391 DNt. At that level the two turbine generators, supplied by General Electric and Brown, Boveri & Company, will produce approxi-matel'/ 1130 FNe gross and 1093 Kde net . (study Plan at E-70; FEs at 111-7). [. E

4. 5 Except for the nuclear type steam supply systems, the Cook Nuclear Plant operates on the same principle as fossil-fueled power plant,=, namely by converting thermal to electrical energy via a Rankine steam cycle. For each unit, steam flows from the steam generator to ar. 1300 rpm, tande compound, reheat steam turbine operating in 4 closed con-f .

densing cycle with six stages of regenerative feedwater u heating. One stage in the Rankine cycle is the condensation .' .. i of steam in the condenser'. I

s The condenser coeling water and service water for the two nuclear reactors are drawn from and returned to Lake Michigan by the station's once-through cotling system. The design total heat rejection rate from the condensers for the two reactors operating at full power is 15.5 x 109 STU/hr, and the derign cooling water flow rate through the condensers

 ,     is 1,645,000 gpm (3665 crs). These figures are for a power e

level of 3391 MWt per reactor (study Plan at E-71; FES at II-7). ( The Plant is now cperating with Unit 1 only, generating approximately 1090 MWe gross. The unit capacity factor during the 16 months that Unit 1 has been generating g commercially is 80.7%. As of October, 1976, Unit 1 h a d'

 ,_    generated in excess of 10,500,000 MWH gross since coming on line February 10, 1975, and serves as a base loaded unit for      -

the American Electric Power system. At 1090 MWe Unit 1 operates with a cooling water flow rate of 710,000 gpm (1582 I cfs), a temperature rise of no more than 11.6 C (20 9 F), and a heat rejection rate of 7.41 x 10 9 STU/Hr. Construction continues on Unit 2 with a projected startup date of January, 1978. As an integral part of that project, the Unit 2 condensers and circ.11ating water pumps u have already been installed and are scheduled for testing in early January, 1977 The Unit 2 discharge tunnel and discharge structure have also been constructed. ?crtions of the Unit 2 cooling system which are co=on to Unit 1 and, therefore, I

i , nave been operational since January, 1975, include the three circulating water intakes, the forebay, trash racks and travel-ing screens. In fact, the entire Unit 2 cooling system has already been constructed and is operational, though as yet untested. Condenser and turbine design of Unit 2 is somewhat different from the Unit 1 design, resulting in different , condenser cooling water flow rates for the two units. Unit -- I 2 operating at 1090 MWe simultaneously with Unit 1, has a design cooling water flow of 935,000 spm (2083 cfs) with a resulting temperature rise across the condenser of 8.9oc (16*F). There are additional water flow requirements for the service water systems. Normally, Units 1 and 2 combined will require 25,000 gpm for these systems. This used in the cooling of auxiliary equipment such as pumps,

     ;I oil coolers and motors, and after Unit 2 becomes operational
i. will account for about 2% of the total heat load from the 1

Cook Nuclear' Plant to Lake Michigan. In addition, boiler blowdown water is released at a maximum rate of 250 gpm per unit and is discharged to Lake Michigan with the condenser eccling water. The maximum tempera-ture of the blowdown stream prior to mixing with the cooling water is approximately 150 F (65.6oC). Chemical analyses of

           .I   'ba koiler blowdown prior to mixins with the cooling water is performed on a regular basis and these reports are included in the " Monthly Operating Reports" to the MWF.C. A review of the I   " Monthly Operating Reports" shows that the effluent pH ranges I

from 7 3 to 10.0. Total copper concentrations were renerally nil, however, an average of'51 samples (neglecting 2 unrep-resentative samples taken shortly after a startup) shows total copper averaged Total suspended solids con-centration in the samples were variable, ranging from 0.10 to 83 1" mg/1. Total iron concentrations averageo 0 96 mg/l for 50 samples analyted (again, r.nalysis of 2 unrepresentatit t samples collected shortly after a sta';up were neglected) (Study Plan at E-84). There are five essential elements to the circula - ing water system.

1. Intake ': ribs . The intake cribs (Figures 3 and 9) consist of upturned, moothly rounded intaP.e elbows set in the lake bottom, surrounded by sacked concrete and riprap to prevent erosion. The inlet to each elbow is com-

\ pletely surrounded by an octagonal heavy structural steel frame with bar racks and guides on all sides. The structure is designed for protection against large ice floes and the entry of large pieces of foreign matter into the intake pipe. The bar racks and guides form an eight by eight inch grill; the tcp of the structural frame is provided with a plate

   -  steel roof to prevent the formation of a vortex which would
pull in fle.y
.ng obj ects from above. Water flows from the ' ake structure through three 16-feet-diameter corrugated steel intake pipes to the screenhouse located on the beach.

These pipes were laid in a trench excavated in the lake bottom and covered with at least two feet of sand. The normal average cooling water velocity through the eighc bf eight inch intake grills is 1.27 feet per second;

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I the velocity in the intake pipes is about 6 feet per second (Study _ Plan at E-73 through E-75; FES at III-8).

2. Screenhouse. The screenhouse is common to

,I both reactor units and contains the circulating water pumps, 9 trash racks, traveling screens, essential service pumps, diesrl-driven fire pumps and associated equipment. Ccoling water passes from the intake pip'es into the screenhouse forebay, through the trash racks and traveling screens, before reaching the circulating water pumps (Figure 8). The trash racks were constructed with 3/8 inch thick by I four inch deep bars on three inch centers, giving an opening of 2-5/8 inches. The water velocity through the trash racks is about one foot per second. After passing through the trash racks, the water is further screened by the traveling screens (Figures 8 and 9). A traveling screen is an endless belt of screen baskets or frames ten feet wide and approximately two and a half feet high of No. 14 W & M copper wire with 3/8 inch openings. The average water velocity through the screens is two feet ,I per second at the ludest expectec water level in the screen-house forebay. The traveling sepeen is motorized andt geared to I travel in a vertical direction. Leaves, trash, twigs and any other objects small encugh to pass through the trash racks and be collected by the screens, are removed from the screens by I I

~ 36 - streams of high pressure water and sluiced into the trash a $ flume. This wash water is sprayed from a series of noccles - near the top of the screen travel and is supplied by the screen wash pumps. The trash flume passes in front of all of the traveling screens, collecting screen wash and debris from each. The debris removed by the screen wash is collected and disposed on land. The clean screen wash water returns to the screenhouse in front of the traveling screens (Study I m Plan at E-85). The screens on each unit are normally rotated and l washed once every eight hours. Should the water level dif-ference across the screens increase to a predetermined value, an alarm sounds and the screen wash system starts autoratically and runs until the differentials drop to normal or until the screens are manually stopped. 3 Circulating Water Pumps. Frcm the traveling screen the water flows to the suction of a nominal 230,000 gpm vertical, wet pit, mixed flor circulating water pump. I There are three circulating water pumps for Unit 1 and four for Unit 2. The circulating water flows to the intake tunnels which deliver the water to each unit's condenser shells. 4 Condensers. Each unit has three single pass con-denser shells. A condenser shell consists of a series of arsenical-copper ccndensing tubes with water bo::es en each end to distribute and collect the cooling wacer flowing; chrough the tubes. The water flows into the inlet water box, passes I I

37 - through the condenser tubes where the water absorbs the latent heat of vaporication of the steam and flows out the discharge 4 I water box into the discharge tunnel. The total cooling water transit time from intake to discharge is approximately ten minutes, while the cooling water transit time through the steam condenser is only about 6 seconds. 5 Circulating Water Diaharges. The condenser

    -g cooling water is discha.rged to Lake Michigan through slot-type structures, connected to the Plant by two discharge pipes, one 2.5 feet in diameter (Unit 1) and one 18 feet in diameter

(Unit 2), submerged in the lake and buried under at least two feet of sand. The discharges are located in approximately 18 feet of water (at average lake level of 579 feet MSL), 1200 feet offshore, and are about 300 feet apart (Study Plan at E-79; FES at III-ll). By hydraulic scale model testing, the most effectiva discharge structure design for the Cook Nuclear Plant was deter-mined. The design incorporates horicontal discharge slots i'g l [' E oriented in an offshore direction (Figure 10), with a scour bed to protect the lake bottom in the vicinity of the jets (Figure

       ,11 ') . TT   Unit 1 structure consists of two discharge slots, each 1

30 feet wide by 2 feet high and 1.5 feet above the lake bottom. The Unit 2 structure has three discharge slots, each 20 feet wide by 2.75 feet high and 1.75 feet above the lake bottom. The exit ,. velocity for both units in 13 feet per second (Study Plan at E-I 79; FFS at III-11). I

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1 40 - I The area covered by the scour bed for each jet forms a rectangle approximately 320 feet long by 375 feet wide, having a smooth continuous surface between and around both discharge structures. The stone selected for scour protection is graded in three size ranges and placed on a vinyl filter cloth material. A one-foot layer of mattress stone (1.5 inches to 5 inches in average diameter) serves to secure the filter cloth and to provide a transition to the l' 4 protective layer above. The typical cover stone runs from 5

          .sunds to 150 pounds in site and forms a two-foot thick        .
   . layer on top. Immediately in front of the structures a five-foot thickness of up to 500 pound stone is installed to withstand the initial turbulent flow from each diffuser slot (Study Plan at E-79 through E-82; FES au III-11).

The circulating water system has two modes of opera-tion: normal and deicing. Under normal conditions lako water enters the system through the three crib structures located approximately 2250 feet offshore in 24 feet of water (for average lake level of 579 feet MSL). Each intake crib is piped to the

    . screenhouse. The water from the three lo-foot diameter intake pipes must pass through the trash rack and the traveling screens in the screenhouse. For each unit, the screened i   water is pumped from the screenhouse to the r.ain condenser shells. Chlorine gas mixed with water is added periodically i

to the circulating water system through diffusers lI l I

h 41 - located below each circulating water pump suctior, bell. Chlorination is necessery to avoid the buildup of biologically I prod'uced slime in the condensers and turbine auxiliary coolers. The treatment is required to maintain acceptable heat transfer within the condenser (Study Plan at E-83). From each of the main condenser shells the water flows by separate tunnels to a ecmmon discharge chamber and then flows to the lake in a submerged discharge pipe which terminrtes in a jet discharge approximately 1200 feet from the shoreline. During winter operation of the Plant, it sometimes becomes necessary to operate in a deicing mode to prevent ice hrmation around the intake structure. Cooling water is then drawn in via two, rather than three, intake pipes, and heated discharge water is routed back thrcush the third pipe. This results in slightly lower condenser flow rates, an increase in velocity at the intake cribs frem 1 3 feet per second to 1.9 feet per second, and an increase in temperature rise across the condensers of 0 56oC - 1.lloC (1-2 ?), for the two units. The Plant was expected to operate in the deicing mode a maximum of approximately 11 weeks per year, i.e., the period of time when the ambient lake temperature is below 1.67 C (35 F) (Study Plan at E-77). However, since the beginning of operation in January, 19"3, operatien in the deicing mode has been significantly less than the estimated 11 weeks per year. I I - - -

42 - Also, during the colder winter months there will be some " recirculation" when the warmer than ambient thermal l plume is in the vicinity of the intakes. " Recirculation" does not imply. that discharge water flows di: actly frem the discharge structures to the intake structures and thereafter undergoes plant passage once more. In fact, due to the high }

..             cegree_of mixing resulting from discharge turbulence, the actual volume of discharge water likely to be recirculated

[ is small. Based on the monitoring of Unit 1 operation it is estimated that when recirculation occurred, less than 10% of the discharge was physically recirculated through the Plant, and oftentimes only a much smaller volume was reed culated. I However, the " recirculation" phenomenon will cause the temperature of water entering the intake structures to be somewhat higher than ambient.

         -                  This pnenomenon occurs during the winter months when the lake temperature is approximately 40 F or less
      .I        and the thermal discharge mixes relatively uniformly from top to bottom instead of stratifying on the sur-     ,

face. The monitoring data reported in the Thermal Plume oI ~ Report for the months of December, 1975 and February-March, 1976, indicate the Unit 1 thermal plume water will be in the vicinity of the intake except when there are northerly flowing lake currents with speeds greater than 0.16 fps. Based upon the available current data and the estimations of current persistence and direction (Study Plan at E-17, E-23),-it is anticipated that recirculation of the Unit 1 plume will occur I e --


43 - approximately 60*. of the time during the winter mo: .hs when the lake temperature is less than 40 F (late December I through mid-March) . With both units in operation, it is estimated nat recirculation will occur during most of this winter period. The effect of recirculation on the intake water temperature observed during the thermal plume monitoring periods amounted to a maximum increase of about 1.4 ?. As the temperature of cooling water at the condonser inlet is increased, the cooling water temperature at the exit from the condenser will be increased by a similar amount. The temperature rise across the condenser remains the same, but the higher than normal initial temperature ultimately yields a higher discharge temperature. With both units operating


the recirculation may increase the intake tenperature on the order of 2 to 3 F. It is conceivable that with both units in operation, there will be no need for operating in the de-icing mode because of the recirculation. C. Thermal Plume Characteristic _s_ The Company has engaged in extensive analysis of the thermal plume resulting from operation of the Cook Nuclear Plant. These efforts have been divided between physical and analyti-cal modeling of the plume and field observation of the areal extent of the plume produced during operation of Unit i at the Cook Nuclear Plant. Much of the analysis has been pre-vicusly reporoed to the MWF.C. A detailed explanation of the physical and analytical model, including a discussion of the I _

predicted results, was presented in the Study Plan. Simi-larly, an explanation of the field observation, including an extensive summary of results, was presented in the Thermal Plume Report. As a result of these efforts the Company can now validate the physical / analytic model based on the field measurements taken. In this manner the field data taken at 81% full power of Unit 1 can ce extrapolated through use of the model to give conservative values for the thermal plume at full power for both Units 1 and 2.

1. Thermal Lead Analysis. The rate of reduction of the excess temperature associated with a thermal plume is dependent upon the magnitude and distribution of the excess heat discharged to the body of water. " Excess heat" is defined as the heat artifically introduced into a natural water body. " Excess temperature" is a measure of the con-centration of excess heat and is defined,as the difference between the temperature within the thermal plume and the .

ambient water body temperature. I The ambient water body temperature at the Cook Nuclear Plant is the rer. ult of natural heat input into - Lake Michigan and man-made sources of heat input, other than the Plant discharge. Raddart energy in the forms of solar radiation and atmospheric long-wave radiation as the principal source of natural heat input. Rivers and streams are addi-tional significant sources of thermal energy input to Lake

        " "**""> ""="'*" '= " *""'"' '"* "'== = " "" ' " " * " * " '

i I

l 45 - The three principal man-tr.ade sources of heat input to the lake are e'.ectric utility generating stations, steel plants, and municipal wastewater treatment plants. A study by Asbury (1970) concerning the lakewide physical effects of themal discharges on Lake Michigan, showed that if all the waste heat projected for the year 2000 were mixed throughout the lake, the lake surface temperature would have to increase only 0.056*C (0.1 F) to dissipate this energy. On the basis of his analysis, Asbury (1970) concluded that the lakewide effects of man-made thermal discharges into Lake Michigan are negligible and will continue to be so for the rest of this century (Study Plan at E "4 through E-58) . In Asbury's analysis the man-made thermal inputs were primarily thermal discharges from electric power plants r and the assumption used for the analyses was that the thermal discharges into Lake Michigan would increase in proportion [ to the increase in generating capacity between 1969 and 2000. To the extent that new plant projections are too high or that' !I cooling towers are employed, the assumed increase in thermal dis-charges to Lake Michigan is probably too large. This would imply that the lakewide effects would be even less than the insignificant effects cited above. The impact of the Cook Nuclear Plant is a small

   .I                  fraction of the lakewide inputs.          When both units are operating at full power the Plant will discharge 15.5 x 10 9 STU/hr.


46 - Although there is a rapid buildup of thermal energy in the r

 !       cooling water as it passes through the condensers, once it is discharged to the lake, the temperature of the cooling water rapidly dec" eases. The cooling water loses thermal energy via heat transfer at the surface and by mixing with the cooler lake water. As the mixing and diffusion of the l   heated plume into the ambient lake water proceeds, the r      thermal energy discharged by the Plant is distributed over t

larger and larger areas. Concern has be.en expressed about the possibility of heat buildup in the neerby waters, as a result of' thermal

  .      discharge from a once-through cooling system. These concerns were addressed in the Study Plan and the physical processes related to heat input to the water and the transport of heat within the water were described. There are three meenanisms which control the distribution of excess temperature. The ll L       first two mechanisms involve dilu' tion of the heated effluent by cooler ambient receiving water as a result of entrainment induced by the discharge jet and mixing due to the ambient turbulence. The third mechanism is based upon the loss of j g       excess heat from the water surface tc the atmosphere by
 ;5 means of radiation, evaporation and convection. The Study Plan concluded that these three processes provided adequate I

transport mechanisms to disperse heat inputs to the lake, in-4[ I cluding solar input (solar heat adds a far greater quantity of heat than the lake's power plants) (Study Plan at E-60 through E-6c). I

47 - Material presented in this document (see pp. 19-23, supra) has described large water temperaturc variations , measured in the vicinity of th's Plant. These temperature variations are the result of ne.tural phenemenon such as up-wcilings, internal waves and large- and small-scale turbu-lence in the l'ake which transpo:: large masses of water an: thereby promote mixing. These phenomena are further evi-dence that no bul'lup of heat in the nearshore waters of Lak, Michigan adjacent to the Cook Nuclear Plant has been observed or is likely to oatul This conclusion it corcoborated by observations of a nearby natural heat input to Lake Michigan. About 1C miles north of the Plant site the St. Joseph River flows into the lake at a flow rate of 5400 cfs and a AT of 5'O (9*F) in May, for a total heat input rate of 10 9 x 109 BTU /hr. This is approximately 70% of the heat input from the Cook Nuclear Plant. Infrared everflights during the approximate time the St. Joseph River has its maximum thermal dideharge show the thermal plume maving southward and show that the plume has been dispersed beyond recognition after a istance of about 3 miles (Otudy Plan at E-68), 2 .. Modeline Technicues for the Cook' Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume,. As described above (see pp. 37 40, supr:/, the ence-through circulating water system for the Plant utill:es an offshore submerged hori: ental jet-type discharge for each of the two uni *4. The thermal plume which evolves from these dis- l charge structures may be characterized by three flow regL=es. 1

g . g 1 48 - I I The "near-field" region of the thermal plume is that region where tr clume is well defined and tne veloa.ity of the water 1r. the plume is still significantly greater than the ambient water body velocity. This velocity differ-ente between tne plume and ambient water body produces con-siderable turbulence and mixing, which results in lateral and vertical spreading of the plume. This induced mixing is enhanced to a lesser degree by the ambient water body tur-bulence. A " transition region" occurs when the ambient tur-bulence approaches or exceeds the jet induced mixing as an important med sm

                           . in the dilution process.      Ultimately, t*  sufficient distance from the discharge, i.e., the "far-field," the excess jet velocity is dissipated, and the plume is advected in the direction of the ambient current.           Dilution in the far-field is controlled by ambient turbulent dispersion.

,a Estimates of the exceas temperature distribution

5 within the near-field and the transition region cetween the nerr- and far-field were obtained from a hydraulic model l

study performed by Alden Research Laboratories of Holden, l L Massachusetts. A large and elaborately detailed hydraulic modcl war built to simulate' the near-field jet induced entrain-ment. T is enabled an t.ccurate simulation.of the interaction of the d.scharge plumes from the two multi-jet structures with each "her and the lake boundaries. The hydraulic model was des gned on a scale ratic of 1: 75 for both the vertical and hori::ontal dimensions. The model simulated the ( I .

   .                                           49 -

l dynamics of the interaction between the discharge jets and the ambient lake current, along with prototype effluent and ig ambient water temperatures. The model basin was approximately 100 by 47 feet, thus representing a portion of Lake Michigan measuring 7500 feet along the shoreline and 3500 feet out into the lake (Study Plan at E-S8 through E-89). The excess temperature distributions for the ftr-field were obtained by the use of the hydraulic model data and an analytical model. The results of the hydraulic rrodel study were used to initia11:e a far-field analytical model

  'I     to obtain the excess temperature distribution in the far-P field for stagnant and representative lake current conditions.

In the stagnant lake case, the extrapolation of W the near-field excess temperatures to the i'ar~ field entailed the use of an empirical correlation by Wed. gel (1964) for plume centerline temperature decay. By trial and error, an iE ,qg imaginary discharge was defined that would yield a match L g with the temperatures obtained from the hydraulic model 'i g Once a match was established, the correlation was results. used to estimate the centerline location of the lower excess temparature, isotherm in the far-field. The widths of the far-field excess temperature isotherm were approximated by increasing the plume width linearly as a function of center-line distance from the discharge, as proposed by Stol enbach and Harleman (1971). The appropriate lines.r growth rate was determined from the hydraulic model data. 3 I I - -

l For modeling situations involving a lake current, l an overall centerline trajectory was obtained by averaging the traj ectories of Units 1 and 2. This was necessary E because of the complexity of the discharge jet configuration. The centerline trajectories determined by this process compared favorably with the hydraulic model data. The second step involved the derivation of a model which would simulate the decay of excess temperature in the far-field jl under the condition of an ambient current. The analysis used the Sundaram (,1969) model which assumed the plume in 4 the far-field to be moving along with the same velocity as the ambient lake current. The width of the thermal plune was estimated by assuming the far-field excess temperature to be distributed normally about the plume centerline. The . mathematical far-field model was then coupled to the near-field and transition regions, as modeled in the hydraulic l' tests, by assuains the far end of the last closed excess 1: temperature isotherm was an imaginary outra11 whose location dimensions, temperature and flow were obtained directly from the hydraulic model data. The results of this analysis technique were fully reported in the Study Plan (Study Plan at E-89 through E-110). Plume models were generated for two unit, full power, opera-iI

c tion; one unit full power, operation; and one unit, 31% of full power, cperation. Various lake currents were analyzed
      .    .               . O T 4 $             b I

l I occurred with a lake current of 0.2 fps, while for one unit l operation the maximum area occurred with stagnant lake conditions. Figures 12 through 15 describe thermal plume predictions for operation of Unit 1 at approximately 31% of full powe , and for lake currents of 0.0, 0.2, 0 5, and 1.0 feet per second, respectively. The data in Table 2 presents the velocity-distance profile for one unit, 81% of full l ' ,- power, operation with no lake current (i.e., a worse case); i Table 3 indicates the total area enclosed between isotherme in that case. Predictions for two unit, full power, cperation are presen:ed at ';sges 68-76, infra. 3 Field Observation of the Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume. Pursuant to a " Study Plan for the Performance of Thermal Plume Areal Measurements" submitted to the MWRC on April 11, 1975, and approved by the ERC on July 3, 1975, .-. the Company undertook a thermal' survey to determine the size, shape and location of the thermal plume under differ-ing wind and lake conditions. The study involved measurements of the thermal discharge during the feur seasons of the year with Unit 1 operating at approximately 31% of full power.

   . Monitoring took place during the following periods:

May, 1975 July to August, 1975 September to October, 1975

 -- I               December, 1975                                       \

February to March, 1975 I I .__ _. - . _ . - _e .._ _ . ..-... ___.,_ __.

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                                              .                                                             Figure 12.                     Unit 1 (811. Power) Thermal Plume at Current Velecity of 0.0 fps.

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ex . o.2 f ts - ,s 2 ,- g - _- 1 4 V I o i s.e emoe(ra r,) . . t SCALE  ; . Figure 13. Unit 1 (81% Power) Thernt Plume at Current Velocit) of 0.2 fps. { 1


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j. j i

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l E rea<s }\ es~r A=* I sornc ese Peren . Sea rea c Sea ., 10 5 *r ke osa e 70. 2 *F [ re.a. e 10. 9 *r t)nr 43ee a T S o *r us. e 70. 9 'T t peu ..e

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                                                                                                                               ,s' t(- 0.5 f f5-                                 ,                                               ,,-

t __ M . 4 h- I o sgo so,a-{Fra r) S* ALE Figure 14. Unit 1 (81% Power) Thermal Plu at Current Velocity of 0.5 fps stootec tsN E - Ils ona<on oe Te s t Dara oojtefn - Bl% R.s v e o tw,cn Dou.-re e C Coo < N..ct r e ti ,n r


Unor i Te~reza ruse s t1m e.c r uforca c.U.s r l a< a L%sucar O. S res 1~ rn a c s annocrer fle e Tsorace>< Perrn . Soarnet Seevn . G.O. s -r (Je r s3en a 70A*f traio< e c. o . s *r Drr Le a 1S. t *F harn Gn.*I *f - De scan.12 c Un o r i AT s 1.1

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un ' g ] , . O, - 6.O f PS

  • 1 4

i, 4 r At t - o 500 sooo(vu r)

e _a .

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Figure 15. Unit 1 (81% Power) Thermal Plume at Current velocity cf 1.0 fps. i 4 i ) SuoRCLtNE i tiroanun ic Te st Dnra-4/zs/1z- BI To Rarea lb a t Douno C co<w Aca cee / r Un.r 1 Tcercase r ve r A~ esca r (Alarce. G S. G *F Lsec Cue s e n t' l. O ffS , l b, Envase - A r flu e Tso rm ens Derrx : Sver.sce  ! t

                                                                                                                      & 91 'T .                                                                              i Soorn            & S.4 *r                       wsr Bos s                                                                                                                 )

i rs.n. c c S.c., *r par ems c5.o*r i n$$$V8 h . r i De'cuaecc s T e j va .1 s sr n 2 -r  ; t

j - 56 - Table 2 I Prediction of Distance and Velocity Along the Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Centerline at the Outer Edge of Several Isotherms Plume Centerline Plune Centerline Plume Center 1 ne Excess Temp. Distance Velocity AT *C(*F) - X (feet) U (fps) ,I 13 0 9 73 0 (17.6) I 4.44 125 5.1 (8.0) 3 33 375 3.4 (6.0) , 2.78 1,000 1.4 (5.0) 2.22 1,'430 1.2 (4.0) 1.67 3,440 0.6 (3 0) 1.11 5,940 0.25 (2.0) .. I Table 3 I Areas of Various Isotherms in the Cook

                                                 !Juelear Plant Thermal Plume E           Excess Temperature                                       Area Between Excess W                                   Isotherms                     Temperature Isotherms CC (_ F )                           A (acres) 10.33 and 3.69                                      -

(19 5 and 7) , 3.89 and 2.73 2.0 (7 and 5) l 2.78 and 2.22 (5 and 4) 50 l 2.22 and 1.67 (4 and 3) 49 0 l 1.67 and 1.11 232.0 l (3 and 2) T9TALS 238.0

I - 57 I A total of 30 plumes were mapped du' ting the monitoring effort. g The results of the study have previously been reported to the

           !GRC (see Thermal Plume Report) and are summarized in Table 4 During the spring and summer seasons the observed plumes were very small and some " negative" plumes were observed.   (Negative plumes occur when the lake is stratified l  and the intakes are below the thermocline. The resulting discharge water is cooler than the ambiant water near the surface.)   The largest plume observed during the study occurred during the winter.

The areas within the A3*F isotherm and the p1'c... centerline excess temperatures exhibited considerable varia-tion as a function cf season of the year. The primary reason for the variations appeared to be the relative tempera-

 ;         ture difference between the intake water and the ambient p         water at a depth of one meter. The plumes were smaller when
I '

lake stratification caused the intake water temperature to be less than the ambient water temperature and were larger when recirculation of the discharge water resulted in the h L. intake temperature being higher than the ambient tempera-l ture. The region of lake influenced during the monitoring l effort by the Unit 1 discharge, operating at 81% of full 1 power, is shown in Figure 16. The figure indicates that the areas within the 43 7 isotherm did not extend significantly ), g n em south of the discharge ner touch the shoreline. r 1

58-l Table 4 i l I Seasonal Variation of Plume Areas and Widths i May.1975 Aret.s (acres) 0 5.8 < 4. 3 Width (meters) 0 30.  ? Average Area . 3.5 ac.*es Aver' age Width - 80 meters I July-Aucust, 1975 e Areas (acres) 0 0 2.6 1.1 >1 0 2.5 l Width (meters) 0 0 85 65 25 0 70 [gW Average Area Average Width - 35 meters 1.2 acres l September-October, 1975

~ Areas (acret) 9.4 18.5 9.2 21.7 16.7
:4 Width (metert-) 105
                                                                                                                                           .                                   . 50.5 210             135               135                              135           220           290 I                                                                                      Average Area            - 22.9 acres Average Width - 176 meters I         ,

December, 1975 E Areas (acres) B.0 13.1 67.5 32.2 g Width (meters) 100 85 330 350 Average Area - 30.2 acres

     .I                                                                                          Average Width - 141 meters r

February-March 1976 m Areas (acres) 18.2 45.4 47.6 39.5 17.5 119.9 Width (meters) 300 175 300 270 200 470 Average Area - 48 acres Average Widtn - 2S6 meters I v y w a- e--.-r g p+Fm e m .e--'--'r-*- v' e-w----w-wwyM de-'.rr'- .-4-t m-9^-

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I - 60 - I The warmer than normal lake temperature observed during the February to March monitoring period precluded the possibility of observing a " sinking plume." The winter plumas were observed to bc well mixed to the lake bottem.or


to a depth of 12 meters. 4 Comparison and Velidation of Model Fredictions with Field Observations. The maj or emphasis of the hydraulic and analytical modeling was to determine the thermal plume con-i figuration for Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and _, operating at full

              . power. One series of tes             , however, was performed to evaluate the effects of Unit 1 at 100% of ful). power.                  This
 ,              data was analytically scaled to estimate the effect of Unit 1 operating at 81% of full power.              The re.3ults are presented J3 -

in the Study Plan and summarized above (see pp. 51-56, supra). A:nbient water temperature for this series of tests approxi-7 mated the summer temperatures in Lake Michigan (65-70*F).

 '-                        With Unit 1 at Si% of full power the maximum area within the a3 F isotherm was fbund to be 56 acres.               The 1

i maximum area was achieved with a lake currents. It may be seen from Table h that the average areas of the plumes t observed during the monitoring period were much smal*er than I the calculated area during the spring and summer, were abcut 1 I one-half the calculated area during the fall, and were about 35% the calculated area during the winter. lI 3

                                                              'Iwo of the thirty plumes measured in the field were larger than the "alculated area.       The December 9, 1975, plume (time:    1014-1205) indicates 67.5 acres within the a3 ? isotherm at a depth of one meter.         The plume measured 2-1/2 hours later, under almcst identical conditions, had an area of 32.2 acres within the 63 ? isotherm; a reduction in area by more than a factor of 2.         The data shows that tnis change took place primarily within the upper two meters of the lake; at a depth of three meters and below, the plume areas are essentially identical for the two plumes.         Analysis 1

of the available lake current data and meteorological data does not provide an obvious reason for this variation in plume H si::e . L 7t is difficult to make a direct comparison of the

1. . .

December 9 plume with the model because the lake current direction is flowing counter to the discharge flow in the p ,I ' e actual case, whereas the model had the current flowing in the direction of the discharge flow. The counterflowing case would be expected to produce a larger plume than the I co-flowing case. However, this observation would have no impact on the analytical model for two unit operation, since in that case there is no distinction between the counter-and co-flowing modes. In addition, differences in the con-1 denser AT's, the ambient water temperar".re and the ambient temperature are all in the directice would cause the actual plume to be largsr in area than the model. l'

                                                          - 62   -

The March 11, 1976, plume was found to have an area of 120 acres within the a3 ? isotherm at a depth of one meter. This was considerably larger than any other plume measured curing that monitoring period and was, in fact, the largest plume measured during the entire year's monitoring effort. The plume was measured between the hours of 1016-1200. The condenser aT prior to 0800 was 20.5 F because of the use of only two condenser circulating pumps. At 0300 the condenser aT was decreased to 17."*F. Another factor that could cause this plume to be larger is that the intake temperature of 40.5 41 ? was 2.5 to 3 F

          ]          higher than the ambient lake temperature prior to 0900 hours.

Thus, :he discharge temperature prior to 0800 was 23-23 5 F above the ambient lake temperature. This would certainly be expected to yield a larger plume thar. that obtained from the I g, model, where the discharge temperature was only 17.6 F above d.- 1 ambient.

       }                          For purposes of comparison, the hydrar.lic model tests for Unit 1 at full power utill:ed a discharge tenperature that         -

was 21.8 F above the ambient lake temperature (stagnant lake case). The area within the A3 F isotherm was determined to be 215 acres (Study Plan at E-90). It may be seen that the area within the 63 F isotherm is quite dependent on the l difference between the discharge and ambient temperatures. I If the hydraulic and analytical model analyses had been per-formed with a discharge / ambien: AT of 23 ? insteac of 21,8 ? l they could be expected to predict an area in excess of 215 acres.

l Thus, it appears that the modeling technique utilized for predicting the plume areas would predict even larger areas u sn those actually measured in the two largest plumes if similar conditions had been utill:ed in the model. The remaining 28 of the 30 measured plumes had areas that were considerably less than the 56 acres predicted by the modeling technique. These conclusions confirm the statement in the Study Plan that the "results of the analytic studies fl conservatively overestimate the size of the plume within the fsr-field excess temperature isotherms # # *" (S*udy Pla!, t E-89). ] The depth of the thermal plumes predicted oy the model was 10.5 to 14 feet during the summer and 27.5 to 30 feet during the winter (Study Plan at E-91). Monitoring

 ,     data showed the plumes (in the far-field) te be about 3 feet thick during the summe: , about 10-20 feet thick during the i     fall; and reaching the lake bottom at least to a depth of 39 feet during the winter (limit of measurement) (Thermal .*'lume Report at 103-04).      Thus, the analysis predicted plume depth a little greater than observed during the summer and a                                ,

\.- l little less than observed during the winter. In general, the correlation between predicted and measured depths is l better than would normally be expected. Predictions of the plume velocity and excess tempera-ture as a function of distance frcm the discherge were presented in the Study Plan (Study Plan at E-106). Plume velocities were

l not measured during the monitoring effort but excess tempera-tures as a function of distance have been determined (Thermal Plume Report at 105-09). The comparison between predicted I and measured distances are given below: Centerline Distance te Excess Temperature Isotherms Distance-feet


I AT 'F Predicted May Auc. Oct. Dec. March 6 375 - - - 175 - 'l. 5 1000 100 - - 550 - 4 1430 175 - 675 950 1640a

u. 3 3'340 675 300 1100 1100 5740*
  • March 11, 1976 plume It may be seen that in every instance, except the abnormal
   .I     March 11, 1976 plu=e,             the predicted uistances are greater than the actual measurements.              The analytical modci, there-r          fore, is also conservative. in predicting the length of the plume.

No clearly defined " sinking" plumes were observed , during the monitoring period because cf warmer than normal iI lake water temperature during the February-March, 1976, effort. Therefore, no comparison can be made with the predicted lake, bottom area affected by the discharge. On a qualitative L basis, the hydraulic model results indicate that the surface execss temperature isotherms encompassed larger areas than

,I   ~

the corresponding isotherms on the bottom. The field data revealed no consiscent trend; sometimes the surface isethe:~n I


areas were larger and sometimes intermediate or bottom irothern L areas were larger, g The hydraulic model demonstrated an effect of lake L current speed on the plume area; the largest plume area for one unit operation occurring with stagnant lake conditions. No such correlation could be determined from the field data because other variables were more dominant. There .tas an apparent seasonal variation in the plume areas, but tnese l variations appeared to be the result of other factors; pri. marily the intake temperature relative to the ambient lake temperature. During spring and summer, strat$fication of the lake often results in the intake water temperature being severr.1 degrees cooler than + ambient temperature near the surface. This produces small plude areas. During the fall season the lake is relatively well mixed, the intake and ambient lake temperatures are about the same, and the plume areas are larst - than the spring and summer plumes. During the winter, whenever recirculation effects cause the intake temperature to become higher than the ambient temperature, the plume areas became still larger. This between the in-take and ambient water temperatures appeared to be the most dominhat factor in explaining the variation in plume si:e observed during the monitoring effort. The modeling e.nd analytical results were used to estimate an area of influence of the thermal discharge (Study Plan at E-12h through E-129). For Unit 1 operating at 31 f. o f

full power, it was predicted that the 63 ? isotherm during its meandering and fluctuation, would remain within an ova.' - shaped envelope. The location of the predicted boundaries of I this envelope, with recpect to the discharge, is given in Table 5 alcng with the location of the boundaries of the observed area of influence, and both are graphically depicted in Figure 17. , Trble 5 Beundary Location of Area of Influence [ Direction Distance from Discharge

 ,g from                   (teet) 3                   Dischary        Predicted               Oin ~/ed North             3000                   4900 South             3000                     560 East              1200                     660 West              2100                   4600 It may be seen from Table 5 that the observed boundaries of the area of influence of the 63 F isethers is displaced further north and more offshore than predicted.                         The distance l  between the north-south boundaries was about as predicted (5460 ft. observed vs. 6000 ft, prtdicted) while the distance
 ,         between the east-west boundaries was somewhat larger than predicted (5260 ft. observed vs. 3300 ft.predictec).                          The H           observed area of influence was further offshore than pre-dicted and the 63*F isotherm was not observed to touch the beach east of the discharge, as predicced.                    In general, the predicted area of influence was conservative realtive to the observed area of influence.


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                                                    - 6e -

[ 5 Thermal Plume fer Full Power, Two Unit operatten. Comparison of the predicted versus observed thermal plumes, l with Unit 1 operating at Sl% full power, indicates that the modeling technique used was conservative in predicting plume size and shape. Considering the state of the art of modeling thermal discharges, it 1. felt that this ecmbined h/draulic and analytical modeling technique produced a remarkable a priori estimate d the plume characteristics. Based upon this comparison of the predicted versus observed plumes, there is increased confidence that the predictions for full power, two unit operation of the Cook Nuclear Plant will also prove to be conservative. The results from modeling full power, two unit operation were previously reported to the MWP.C in the Study Plan. Those results are summarized below: 1 (a) Plume maps are depicted in Figures 13 through 21 for lake currents of 0.0, 0.2, 0 5, and 1.0 fps. (b) The maximum area for full power, two unit operation was obtained for a lake current of 0.2 fps. The areas between excess temperature isotherms, plume depths, and volumes indicated in Table 6, below.

                                                                  .     . . . . . . . .. ..ia

I Table 6 I I Excess Temerature Isotherms


Area Between Excess Temperature Isothems A (acres) Pime Depth (cumer) (feet) Pime Depth (winter) (feet) Vol ce (avg. cumer (and winter) I 10.o3 and 5 56 (19 5 and 10) 03 45 45 (eubic feet) 6.75 x 10' l 5 56 and 3.69 (10 and 7) 6.6 11.0 16.5 3 9 x 105 3.89 and 2.78 128.0 14.0 28.5 5 32 x 107 (7 and 5) 6.62 x 107 I 2.78 and 2.22 (5 and 4) 148.0 12.0 30.0 g 2.22 and 1.67 289 0 10 5 27 5 1.41 x los j.g (4 and 3) 1.67 and 1.11 568.0 - - - (3 and 2)

   ,                        (c)  Time-temperature and velocity-distance profiles
     .             for full power, two unit operation with a lake current of 0.2 fps are presented in Table 7, below.

Table 7


Plume Centerline Plume Centerline Plume Centerline Excess Temp. Distance Velocity Time AT 'C('F) - X (feet) U (fps) (minutes) 10_.63 0 13 0 30

         .I        (19 5) 5.56                            125              6.2                    32
(10) 4.48 400 2.4 4.3 l (8) 3.89 650 2.2 6.1 l

(7) 3 33 1,215 1.6 11.6

 , nn .              (6) uJ 2.78                          3,000              1.0                   27.9 (5)

2.22 4,410 0.65 56.4 (4) 1.67 6,600 0.20 142.3 (3) l 1.11 (2) 12,350 0.20 622.5


M M M M M' M M i _M M ~Qs M M M"M M M M M M s f . \ s s -

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  • s
                                                                                  \                    g                                       /                                                                      g \.                                               -
 ~,                                                      ~                           \                                                        s                                              \                         gg
                                                                                         \               \                                                                                    \                                                                                                                   -

s s


s g t- . .

                                                                                     .          N            \                          ,f                                                         s-                     gT                -                   -

I s Figure 18 N \ g \s s

                                                               .                                         A \                                                                                                                           i       ;

N \ s Two Unit (Full Power) Thermal

                                                                                                                                                         .                                                                         i s s                                                                                          s                        g                                               -

Plume at Current Velocity of . NN g s 3 g , 0.0 fps.- Ns 's - 's t# - k

                                                                                                                          \                    \N                      I

[ Mg . s ss 3 s - s [ - s .

                                                                                                                                         ~, g x                -1      s\                                                                                                                                       *
                                                                                                                                                                       '(                          )

s . t s .

                                                                                                                             .                               %                ~                                                                                 .

t_,my + [

                                                                                                                                                                         ,.                                 I                                                                   .
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                                                                                                             /                                                                */                                                                                      .

sp f'/ ~..,f**

                                                                                                                                                                  ,, s
                                                  \                                    , ,                          ,,,,-."                                     .', Figure 19.

X , j Two Unit (Full Power) The~ mal Plume at Current Velocity of 0.2 fps.

   ~~~nta P               -M                          k                    .
                                                                                                               %                                         s                      .

9 *# # f1 Emot k

  • em v. ,, o . . efseir * $ **l**I?* p e, c c.,,,. sr , s.e ss as-T -o s-.a., me s e e -r aa e.-n-r e s ers 1.1-ae n e aa "

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                                                                                                    ,s'                                      .                   ,-
                                 ,(                             ,
                                                                                            ,'                    p :x- r__ _             ..

N - s j Figure 20

                  ,2 f;                                            y                   d                                                                                      Two Unit (Full Pow"6r) Thermal Plume at Current Velocitp of 0.5 fps.

( 4I /' .

               ~*       .~e4                                                                                                                 .

t . .

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( _- l - ne .

                        ,,.- r                     */8 '/* * { /*'/                                                    e       .ec      %          n ,

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r. u. v. ass y .s c a o em r .

w s.. s_ o.. . a s - s- s a -r va. a v.s .r -

                               * * = . s a. 4 *f                         A See             419 *P J".*=     a E 8 *r                                                                                            .

D.e e.

  • es e i ar 3p.e-r .

e *

  • ef 44.e *F

_1 l M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M , Figure 21.' 'hwo Unit (Full Power) Thermal Plume at Current Velocity of leC fps.

                                                                                             \              -                                                                                                                   .



_,__----y. s x N r

                                                                                                                            ,', ,,',-                          ..                              1 1

s' s' ,- l s' . _- 1 f '

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                                                                                  /                                                    /

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                                                                                                                   -             s-                                 -

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            !                        s m e., e                                                                                         ..-=

c u - Vdan,Q<1rs, "I*iln, { -Ia qn o-, c. ! n.,- s-nr. ~.< rc.1 O ore f$3' i n= a im**t=r se vrs Ts ernave-es A-o. oar unree st2 *r Aae< ear A.e t e*

  • e e e Oee m a S.evees f.o..e e so.*e L2s*r Me r B.e e 64.2 *r _

Der Des e . t s e =r Ma*. e t s. t 'r . Nas e. LT.1*f O,,,,.4 e r . Uei AT 2e 1 *r u.a 2 a r as.s r

                                                                                                              'l l


(d) Figure 22 presents an estimate of the change in surface area within the 43*F isotherm versus time after plant blackout. l (e) The locations of the predicted boundaries of the excess isotherm envelopes are given in Table 8 below and graphically depicted in Figure 23 Table 8 ,. Maximum extent of Plume (Derived from a variety i of current conditions) Excess temperature distance from discharge structure (ft.) i 4 'C( F) North East South West 1.11(2) 9400 1200 9400 7400 1.67(3) 6200 1200 6200 5200 2.78(5) 2100 1200 2100 2600

3. 8 9 ('7 ) 500 00 500 600 I
  'I                                                                                           .
   .I LI
l .

I I I I l

                                     . sn                                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                                                                                                                     .


                                 .                                                                                                                                                                                DONALD C. COOK N9 CLEAR ?LANT v


            ..h'%.                                                                                             .

d.. .g. VERSUS

     .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TWO UNITS, FULL POWER
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Figure 23. Two Unit (Full Power) Predicteu IM *No plume will cover the entire Plume Envelope Superimposed on I area enclosed by the plume on Unit 1 (81% Power) Predicted O O envelopes depicted herein. and Observed Envelopes.* (compare Pigs. 16 and 17)

l III. ENVIRONME!!TAL MONITORING AND DATA ANALYrIS r- The organisms in the lake relevant to the study of the Cook Nuclear Plant's impact on the aquatic environment uivide themselves naturally into seven categories: phyto-plankton, zooplankton, benthos, periphyton, fish eggs, fish , larvae and adult fish. Monthly or seasonal collectuns of these organisms are made from the open lake using research vessels. These collections allow measurement of species IA cg abundances in Lake Michigan and reveal any changes in abundance

,           that might be caused by Plant operation. The results of t           open lake collections are referred to as " field dat,.  "

In addition to field data it is, however, also important te Eg ' know the quantity of ecch kind of organism that is drawn r into the Cook Nuclear Plant cooling water intake system. I Adult fish that enter the ;.lant will be impinged and die on the traveling screens, which have a 3/8 inch mesh. When the l screens are washed, and as part of t~ monitoring program, L impinged fish are collected in 6 mesh basket and saved for later analysis. Fish eggs and larvae too small to be caught on the screens, pass through the condensers and emerge in the rg LE discharge water. In a similar manner ph;toplankt" , zooplankten and benthos drawn into the intake pass through the Plant and exit with the discharge water. All of these organisms are sampled in the intake forebay and at the discharge bay by pumping up Tuantities of water through a 3 inch pipe and filtering the - .I ' stream through a nylon net with a mesh site of 0 35 mm. I I

After an appropriate volume of water is filtered, the net-washings are saved in a bottle, preserved with formalin, and returned to the laboratory for analysis. These collections are referred to as entrainment samples. Thus, the monitor-ing program yielcs three types of data sample: field, impingement and entrainmer.t. The types of collection used for each organism are summariced in the fo] lowing table: Field Impingement Entrainment Phytoplankton X X Zooplankton X X 3enthos I X Periphyton X X Fish eggs X X

  1. Fish larvae X X Adult fish X X Since both field and intake samples are taken for each of seven types of crganism, there are a total of four-teen sample categories. Each of these categories is dis-cussed below. A more detailed description of the sampling program was presented in the Study Plan (see pp. M-16 through M-30). Data summaries and :abulctions are set forth in the noted references.

Field Study of Phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are microscopic floating plants that serve as the base for the aquatic food chain. At some. locations elevated temperatures have increased the growth rate of phytcplankton or caused a I I - - _ _____

79 - I shift in community composition toward dominance by green or blue-green algae. The purpose of phytoplankton field

 .        program is to look for such effects at the Cook tiuclear Plant.

Seasonal surveys of phytoplankton take place in April, July and October of each year. A one-liter dater sample is taken from each of thirty-six stations at a depth of one meter. These samples are returned to the laboratory for microscopic counting. 'ine result of the analysis is a list of the algal forms found in each sample, identified to the species level wherever possible, with the abundance stated as the number per milliliter of lake water. The number of distinguishable forms is about 600. Detailed count-ing results appear as part of a regular report series. These include: J. C. Ayers (1975), "Bacterih and Ph>:oplankton of the Seasonal Surveys or 1972 and 1973," Special Report No. _l

 ,         44, Part 21, of the Great Lakes Research Division; J. C.

U Ayers (1975), "The Phytoplankton of the Cook Plant Monthly Minimal Surveys During the Preoperational Years 1972, 1973 and 1974," Special Report No. 39, Great Lakes Research Divi-

 .:         sion. A thorough dir,cussion of the fi st operational 3 ear, 1975, is given in :he Semi-annual Environmental Operatinc

Report for January through June, 1976. In additio:. to ce-tailed species abundances, these reports give summaries showing a breakdvwn of results into nins algal types. E Similar counts are prepa'sd from short survey i samples taker once each month during May, June, August,

g '

September and Nov'- r. These results supplement those of the seasonal surve;,., and are taken from cach of eleven stations.

The importance of these field data lies in an ability I' 9 to compare preoperational data with operational data on the i same organisms, so that any changes resulting from Plant operation can be identified. A description of results is presented in sect, ion IV of this report. The expected minimal

   ;             impact of the Cook Nuclear Plant on phytoplankton was
   ,             discussed in the Study Plan (see pp. B-3 through B 48) and has been confirmed by the monitoring program.
 ,a                         Field Study of Zoonlankton. Zooplankton occupy ag                                                                                                           *

, an intermediate position in the food web of the lake. Tahing 9.. nourishment primarily from the phytoplankton community, they serve as a food source for various species of fish. If the ? Cook Nuclear Plant discharge were to change the numbars or lf.E i species-composition of the cooplankton, this could affect the ng (, availability of fish food. Reguia: counting of icke samples js used to look for any such changes. Susonal surveys of =co-pa - plankton take place in April, July and October of each year, ] with a short survey in each of the intervening months and also in November. The seasonal surveys make collections at each of 28' stations, while 11 stations are visited during the short surveys. At each station two vertical hauls are made from bottom to surface with a #10 nylon net (0.158 mm mesh). Zooplankton are washed from the net, preserved in a I

jar and returned to the laboratory for analysis. The I. identification of ooplankters to the species level is time-consuming, and is routinely done only for a subset of the stations, as explained in the Study Plan (see paSe M-15). The rest of the stations are counted to the genus level. A summary of the results of the ::coplankton field study follow in section IV of this report and are based upon a regular report series which includes:

      =g              Stewart, J.A. Lake Michigan Zooplankton Communities 3              .n the area of the Cook Nuclear Plant, pp. 211-332 in Seibel and Ayers (eds) 1974       The Biological, ChemiT cal, and Physical Character of Lake Michigan in the
   'I.                Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.      Great Lakes Research Division, Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 51.   (covers 1973)

.:h Evans, M.S. 1975 The Precperational Zeoplankton In-vestigations Relative to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Great Lakes Resaarch Division, Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 58. (covers 1974) I Roth, J.J. Study of Zooplankton, pp. 77-168 in Ayers E

-W                    and Seibel (eds) 1973       Benton Harbor Power PTant Limnological Studies. Part XIII. Cook Plant Pre-ig                    operational Studies. Great Lakes Res. Div. Univ of             ,

(JE Mich. Special Report No. 44 (covers 1971, 1972) pg . Study of Zooplankton, pp. 8-25 in_n 15 aenton sareer Power Plant Limnological Studies. Part XV. The Biological Survey of 12 November 1970. Great p Lakes Res. Div., Univ. o.f Mich. Special Report No. 44 j.l (covers November 1970)

  1. . Pages 52, 53, 57-63, 73-76 in_
  • Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies. Part IV. Cook Plant Preoperational Studies, 1969 Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 44 JE (covers 1969)

.L5 _I

                                                                                                                                           .           9 The expected impact of the Plant on cooplankton

, has been discussed in the Study Plan (pp. B 49 through B-74) where it is concluded that Plant operation will have a mini-g mal effect on these organisms. This conclusion has been Lg confirmed by the monitoring program. Field Study of Benthos. Benthos are animals that live on or in on or in the lake's bottom sediment. In Lake t

           =      Michigan, they consist chiefly of crustaceans, insects, worms and molluses.      Their chief importance is as a food supply for fish. While benthic invertebrates are eaten by 7

C many of the fish species present near the Plant, it is not

         .-        certain if benthos are an essential element of the food o

chain. Studies of stomach contents of s. . and yellow perch from the Cook Nuc3 ear Plant indicate that cooplankton may be a more important food source to these species during

          ..I most of the year (Study Plan at B-75 and F-76).

Like other crganisms, benthos may respond adversely to a heat stimulus. A statistical method for assessing heat effects on benthos has been devised to check for any adverse response. The basis for that statistical method is a field survey program designed to measure the abundance and density of species found in the sediments near the Cook Nuclear a Plant (Study ?lan at M-36 through M-38) . Surveys of LE

        -           benthos take place in April, July and October of each each year, with 30 stations bring visited each time.                     The sta-tions are arranged in three depth      ones. Zone 0 is from 0 to 8 meters deep, zone 1 is from 8 to 16 meters deep, and zone 2 is I

I from 16 to 24 meters deep. Each sample is the contents or one chamber of a Triplex penar grab. In zone 0, four casts are made at each station. In zones 1 and 2, two casts are made at each station. Each grab cast retrieves a quantity of bottom sediment, which is washed in a sieving device to separ-ste out the animals. The animals from a particular cast are I preserved in a jar and returned to the laboratory for analysis. l Samples are counted under a strong 11gnt, usually with the aid of a microscope. Identification is to the species level

    -g W wherever possible. The counting process results in a list of n

I the species found, accompanied by an estimate of their den-sity in the original bottom sedimer.t (numbers per square meter). Preoperational benthos data has been summarized in I the following report: S. C. Mo: ley (1975), "Preoperational Investigations of Zoobenthos in Southeastern Lake Michigan h ,_ Near the Cook Nuclear Plant," ,$pecial Report No. 56 of the Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan. Operational data is given in the Semi-annual Environmental Operating Reports. A summary account of all available data appears in section IV of this report. Expected effects of the Plant upon benthos have been discussed previous?.) in the 5' Study Plan (pp. B-75 through bl51) where no significant im-pact was predicted. Monitoring results confirm the expecta-r Field Study of Periphyton. It is possible that the local discharge of heat might stimulate the grosth of I

                                         - 8 4 .-

periphyton (attached algae), including nuisance forms like 71adophora. Tour periphyton collectors, each bearing i duplicate collection surfaces, are set in water dep*,hs of 4.6 and 9 1 meters opposite the north and south range poles (400 meters north and south of the Plant) . These styrofoam blocks are moored at least one meter below the still water surface, and are removed monthly, or more often, from May

       .I   through November for species identification and monthly growth assessment. The periphyton collecting program is described in more detail in the Study Plan (see pp. M-21 through M-23).

Originally, periphyton was included in the atudy program because of agency requests. It is now apparent that this particular part of the study program m15ht justifiably have been omitted, since the natural lake bottnc in the Cook Nuclear Plant area is lacking in susstrates for periphyton Browtn. The only place for miles around where periphyton grow l 1s on the intake and discharSe structures themselves, an'd on the adjacent riprap. Results of periphyton monitoring are re-

   -         ported in:

j Robinson, D.C. A Qualitative Survey of Periphytic Diatoms in the Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear

     .m Power Plant. pp. 179-206 in_,Sei'oel and Ayers (eds) 3      g          1974. The Biological, Chemical, and Physical Character

'" E

  • of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C.

Cook Nuclear Plant. Great Lakes Reserreh Division, , Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 51. (covers 1972 and 1973) ,a Dorr, J.A. III. Underwater Operations in Southeastern g Lake Michigan-near the Donald C. Cook Power Fla.nt durin5 1973 pp. 465 475 in_ seibel and Ayers (eds) (op. cit.) (covers 1973). I I

r ' I Seibel, E., N. Schrank, and S.L. Williams. Stud,y of Attacned Algae. pp. 63-76 in Ayers and Seibel (eds) 1973 Benten Harbor Power Pfant Limnological Studies. Part XIII. Cook Plant Preoperational Studies 1972. Great Lakes Res. Div. Univ of Mich. Special Report _I No. 44. (covers 1972) E . Study of Aquatic Macrophytes. pp. 3 169-177 in Ayers and Seibel (eds) 1973 Benten Harbor Power PlaHt Limnological Studies. Part XIII. Cook Plant Preoperational Studies 1972. Great Lakes Res. Div. Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 44 (cevers I 1972) Dorr, J.A. III and T. J. Miller. Eenton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies. Part XXII. Underwater Operations ir. Southeastern Lake Michigan near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant during.1974 Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 44 (covers 1974) Field Study of Fish Eggs. If a significant percent-age of viable fish eggs were being damaged by plant entrain- . ment, local fish populations could 'oe affected. Ent: ainment samples of fish eggs provide a means of assessing fish egg losses and field studies provide knowledge on the densities I of fish eggs in the lake. These data are considered together to evaluate the effect of Plant operation. Fish eggs are noted whenever they occur in fish larvae samples. Sampling methods for fish larvae are described oelow. Detailed results appear as part of a regular report ceries and in special reports. These include: Jude et al. (1973), " Studies of the Fish Population Near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1972," Special Report No. 4 4 , P art 12, of the Great Lakes Research Division; Jude et al. (1975),

     " Inshore Lake Michigan Fish Populations Near the Donald C. Cook Nu: lear Power Plant, 1973," Special Report No. 52, creat Lakes

l Research Division. The status of field sample and data analysis and the monitoring program are discussed in the Semi-annual En-vironmental Operating Reports which include: January-June 1975, July-December 1975, January-June 1976, and July-December 1976; preliminary data analysis and monitoring results are presented when available. Field data were used in the preparation of the Study

   -I    Plan (see pp. B-19) through B-479) to establish the status of fish egg, fish larvae and adult fish abundance and distribu-tion in southeastern Lake Michigan      near t:   Cook Nuclear Plant.

I Subsequent to preparation of the Study Plan, additional field data have further clarified and expanded knowledge of these abun-dances and distributions, thus providing a more extensive data base.from which to evaluate antrainment losses. The expanded information n'ow available is not in any important way different from that upon which the Study Plan was based. Year-to-year

variations in aburdance and distribution of fish eggs, fish larvae and adult fish do occur, as was expccted, but they are I within the range of natural variation.

Field Study of Fish Larvae. Field collection of fish larvae assist in determining whether Cook Muclear Plant opera-

    .E 3    tion is aff ecting the abundance of fish larvae or their seasonal or depth distribution. A day sample and   c. night sample are collected once a month, weather permitting, from each of 10 It a*,io n s , three of which are beach stations. At the beach stations two simultaneous net tows are made, using I                           %

l plankton nets hauled by hand along a stretch of beach 61 mettrs in length. The remaining seven stations are offshore; I at each of these, a series of tows is made with a plankton net to obtain a representative sample of the entire water column. Fish larvae field study data appear in the cita-tions listed in the section titled, " Field Study of Fish Eggs;" conclusions drawn from these data are in accordance with those discussed in that section. Field Study of Adult Fish. Eleven perra.nent sta-


tions are maintained in the study area, which includes the Warren Dunes area as well as the Cook Nuclear Plant site., Fish are collected using three kinds of netting gear: I seine, trawl and gill net. Seine hauls are made at the beach stations, using a seine 38 meters in length wnich is pulled by hand, parallel to the shore, for a distance of 61 meters. Two such hauls are made during the day and another two during the night once each month. At five of the off-shore stations, duplicate tcws are made with a bottom trawl during both day and night once each month. ! Nylon gill nets 160 meters in length are set parallel L l 'co the shore at five of the offshore stations once*a month, l 5 weacher permisting, for approximate 1;r 12 hours during the day-time and 12 hours during the night. Fish collected by any of the three methods are bagged, labeled and frc en for later analysis in the laboratory. The species, length, weight and I

I l

l l sex of each collected fish are recorded, as well as any of


the following: lamprey scars, fin clips and any evidence of disease or parasites. Data and results of adult fish 'ield studies appear as part of a regular report series and in special reports. These include: Jude et al. (1973), '" studies of the Fish Population Near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1972," Special Report No. 44, Part 12, of the Great Lakes Research Divisf:n; Jude et al. (1975), " Inshore Lake Michigan Fish Populations Near the Donald C. Cook Nucleal Power Plant, 1973," Special Report No. 52, Great Lakes Research Division. The status of field sample and data analysis and the monitor-ing program are discussed in the Semi-annual Environmental Operation Reports which include: January-June 1975, July-December 1975 January-June 1976, and July-December 1975; preliminary data analysis and monitoring results are presented when available. The conclusions drawn thus far from the f'ield study

   -     of adult fish are again in accordance with those diseussed in the " Field Study of Fish Eggs" section.

Entrainment Study of Phytoplankton. Water samples are pumped from the intake forebay and from the discharge forebay three times during a 24-hour period: in early morn-I ing, at midday and in late evening. This procedure is carried out once each month and allows a direct measurement of plant passage effects by comparison of the condition of 4.ntake ul

. l. versus discharge samples. Species composition and abundance, as well as chlorophyll a_ and pheopigments, are pscorded for I each sample. The ratic of pheophytin a_ to chlorophyll a_ can be used to measure damage to the phytoplankton as a result of plant passage. Results of phytoplankton entrainment monitoring are given in the Semi-annual Environmental Operat-ing Reports and a summary of all available data is given in Section I7 of this report. Effects of the Plant on phyto-plankton have been discussed previously in the Study Plan (pp. B-35 through B-42). Monitoring is indicating that effects of the Plant are.less than was expected, t Entrainment Study of Zooplankton. Zooplankton are collected from the forebays by pumping aater through a hose into a barrel in which a #10 plankton net is suspended. Dupli-cate samples are taken from both the intake and discharge forebays. This procedure is repeated once each month. Two kinds of analyses are done on the samples. First, species composition and abundance are determined. In addition, the percent of the animals that are dead is determined for each species. The live / dead counts are performed immediately and also after holding for 6 hours and 24 hours at the ambient water temperature. These procedures are designed to estimate the quantity of coplankton that are being drawn through the Cook Nuclear Plant condensers and the percentage of those en-trained which are killed. Results of :coplankton entrainment j monitoring are repcrted in Evans, M.S. (1975) (see p. 81, supra) and in the Semi-annual Envircnmental Operating Reports.



sur. mary of all available data is given in section IV of this report. The expected effects of the Plant on cooplankton have been discussed previously (see Study Plan at B-35 through B-42 and B-69 through B-71). RMults of monitoring indicate that Plant-related damage to cooplankton are less than had been expected. Entrainment Study of Benthos. Benthos are collected in conjunction with the fish larvae procedure described below. Although these animals normally live on or in the sediment,

      'I          they sometimes swim up into the water column and become vulner-able to entrainment.      Monitoring results on benthos entrainment are given in the following publications and a summary of all results is given in section IV of this report:
      ,I g              Mo: ley, S.C. Preoperational Distribution of Benthic
      ;g                Macroinvertebrates in Lake Michigan near the Cook Nuclear Plant. pp. 5-137 in_ Seibel and Ayers (eds) 1974. Tne Biological, Chemical, and Physical Charac-ter of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C.

Cook Nuclear Plant. Great Lakes Research Division, Univ of Mich. Special Report No. 51. (covers 1972

      !-                and 1973)
       .                Mocley, S.C. 1975                       Preoperational Investigations of Zoobenthos in Southeastern Lake Michigan Near the Cook Nuclear ?lant. Great Lakes Research Division, Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 56.                        (covers 1972, j          1973, and 1974)

Mo: ley, S.C. Study of Benthic Organisms. pp. 178-250

         'g             in Ayers and Seitel (eds) 1973                       Benten Harbor Power v.5            Plant Limnological Studies. Part XIII. Cook Plent Preoperational Studies 1972. Great Lakes Rer. Div.,

iI Univ. of Mich. Specisl Report No. 44 1971, and 1972) (covers 1970, I . Study of Benthic Organisms. pp. 26-63 g Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies. Part XV. The Biological Survey of 12 November 1970. Great Lakes Rcs. Div. Univ. of Mich. Special Report No. 44 (covers Neverrber 1970) I

91 -

                                       . pp. 52-56 in Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies.          Part IV. Cook Plant Pre-operational Studies, 1969           Great Lakes Res. Div.,

Univ, of Mich. Special Report No. 44 (covers 1969) Live / dead determinations are not practical w;;n I this collecting method secause long pumping times necessary to collect adequate samples result in organisms dying in the collecting nets. In section IV, 100% mortality is assumed for entrained benthos, although it is likely that less than 100% mortality actually occurs. ' Effects of the Plant on entrainable benthos have been discussed previously (Study Plan at B-121 through B-124) and have been confirmed by the monitoring program. Entrainment Study of Perichyton. Fragments of periphyton, such as Cladochora filaments, may break off their substrate and be wa'shed into the intake. When this happens, they are found and identified in the phytoplankton entrainment samples. Entrainment of periphyton is not a particular concern, and was not included in the Study Plan,

     ;       but is listed here for the sake of completeness.             Because of the lack of suitable substrates in the area, large numbers of periphyton fragments were not expected in entrainment samples. In fact, very few have been encountered.

g~ trainment Study r' Fish Eggs. Fish eggs are collec- }I ted in conjunction with the fish larvae collection procedure. If the Cook Nuclear Plant were damaging fish eggs in significant - numbers through entrainment, this could have an effect on the local fish populations. Entrain =ent samples provide a measure


of damage. Making live / dead determinations on fish eggs r L presents difficulties, and no attempt to make them was anticipated in the Study Plan (see pp. M-31 and M-39), For [ purposes of this demonstration, 100% mortality of fish eggs j has been assu:ned. However, this is believed to be a very conservative estimate. Data from entrainment studies of fish eggs and larvae are discussed in Speciel Reports of the Great Lakes Research Division which include: Jude et al. (1975), "In-shore Lake Michigan Fish Populations Near tha Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1973," Special Report No. 52. The studies of entrainment sample and data analysis and the monitoring program are discussed in the Semi-annual Environ-

    , mental Operation Reports which include: January-June 1975, July-December 1975, January-June 1976, and July-December 1976; preliminary data and monitoring results are presented when available.                      A study cf fish egg and larvae forebay stratifica-tion, and comparison of mean concentrations of fish larvae in the field (lake) and forebay during certain periods of 1974 and 1975 are discussed in Jude (1975) "Entrainment of Fish Larvae and Eggs on the Great Lakes, with Special Refer-ence to the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Southeastern Lake Michigan".                     Contribution No. 202, Great Lakes Research Divi-i sion.

The losses of the fish life stages by entrainment and impingement are in the ranges anticipated and the data

support the expectations which were developed in the Study Plan (see pp. 3-193 through B-479). In developing the Study

           -Plan the estimates End predictions made were cc.:servative in I      that they tended to overestimate losses, presume mortality, etc. The increased information now available confirms that the effects of the Cook Nuclear Plant on the indigenous fish populations will be minimal, as expected.

Entrainment Study of Fish Larvae. Fish larvae are collected by pumping from the intake forebay for four 6-hour segments during a 24-hour period. This is done once a week during June, July and August and twice a :nonth during tac I rest of the year. The timing of these collections is designed to catch any brief runs of particulai species which may occur. Such runs are most likely during the summer months, which accounts for the weekly sanpling schedule in June through August. The stream of water from the sampling oump is filtered through a plankton net suspended in a barrel of water. Fish larvae are sorted by species and enumerated, but it hat not been found practical to de' ermine whether a larva l was alive or dead at the time of sampling. likely to survive in the plankton net in a 50 gpm stream of Few larvae are

              *4ater for six hours.

In section IV, 100% mortality is assumsc for the fish larvae that pass through the Plant. Again, it is believed that this assumption is quite conservative. Fish larvae entrainment data appear in the citations listed in the section titled, "Ent ainment Study of Fish I I

                                      - yu -

Eggs;" conclusions drawn from these data are in accordance with those discussed in that section. Impingement Study of Adult Fish. Fish too large to pass through the traveling screens will be impinged. When the acreens are. washed, the impinged fish collect in a mesh basket and are saved for later analysis. Throughout the year 1975, all impinged fish were retained and counted. Beginning in March 1976 the impinged fish were collected from the water pumped during a 24-hour period every fourth day. Fish collected from the screens are counted, measured

 -       and weighed in the same manner described for the field collections,
i. $ Summaries of monthly and yearly adult fi;.h impinge-
 '. B ment data are prepared. Data analysis appear in the Special Reports of the Great Lakes Resesrch Division which include:

Jude et al. (1975), " Inshore Lake Michigan Fish Populations Near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1973," Special Report No. 52. The status of impingement sampling and data ,

 ,        analysis and the monitoring program are discussed in the S et. innual Environm,ntal Operating Reports which include:

January-June 1975, July-December 1975, January-June 1976, and July-December 1976; preliminary data analysis and monitor-ing results are presented when available.

      ==             The conclasions drawn thus far from the impingement
    ,l study of adult fish are again consistent with those discussed in the "Entrainment Study of Fish Eggs" section. That is, increased information now available confirms that the effects I   of the Cook Nuclear Plant on the indigenous fish populations will be minimal, as expected.

IV. IMPACT OF PLANT OPERATION ON LAKE BIOTA Chapter B of the Study Plan analyzed the compos 1-tion of indigenous species populations in the Cook Nuclear . Plant area and the projected impact of Plant operation on l~ these species. In this manner the total biological effect I of Plant operation was projected and, in conjunction with the

         ;     monitoring scheme set forth in Chapter M of the Study Plan and summarized in section III of this report, these predictions have now been validated based on field and monitoring data.

This section reports on this validation and, where appropriate, attempts to put estimates of Plant impacts into perspective vis-a-vis impact on the . -ceiving water body -- Lake Michigan, particularly its southeastern basin. m I A. Effects on Acuatic Populations Other Than Fish

'I                       1. Effects on Phytoplankton. Phytoplankton serve as the major basic energy source for life in the lake by con-verting the energy of sunlight into structured chemical h   ener6y that can enter the food web of the lake and support the organisms in the several trophic levels of the lake's biotic community (Study Plan at B-3 through B 48).

Phytoplankton are highly variable in numbers,

  ,            both te=porally andrspatially; . counts: range frbia: less: than 100 to several thousand cells per milliliter.       In any sample 2 to 5 species or forms will account for half the total individuals present.      In these numerically I

e dominant taxa in the Cook Nuclear Plant survey areL there 1 a tends to be a regular seasonal succession with diatoms dominant in spring and early su=er, diatoms decreasing and greens and blue-Ereens increasing in late surser, and greens and blue-greens dominant (but diatoms increasing) in fall. Flagellates are generally abundant during the three seasons. In preoperational 1974 and operational 1975 greens and blue-greens were more abundant in late su=er and f all than had been the case in previous years. This is within the range h of natural variability, and the changes occurred in distant h st.ations as well as in those near the discharge. No signifi- 9 cant changes in phytoplankton species composition or seasonal succession have , occurred and no species have been eliminated I since the Plant began operation. In the Cook Nuclear Plant re51on the co=ouly impor-tant phytoplankton species are: diatoms Tabells.ria fenestrata, _ Frazilaria crotonensis, Melosira granulata *. ancustissima, Synedr_a_ filiformis, Cyclotella stellicera, Stephanodiscus I minutus, and Stephanodiscus tenuis; green algae Gloeocystis spp. (usually G. planctonica); and blue-greens Anacystis incerta, Gomphosphaeria lacustris, Chroccoccus spp. (usually C_ . linneticus), and Anabae g flos-acuae (Study Plan at 3-32 through ? 34; Environmental operating Report at 30- 31). Except for the spring-blooming Stephancdiscus minut n , the important diatoms of the Plant region have rather broad ranges of temperatures of occurrence (Study

l 1 Plan at 3-33, 3-34) and the short-period exposure to a few degrees of excess temperature caused by their being en-iI trained into the Plant's thermal plume represents no threat of mortality. The species of greens and blue-greens important in the Cook Nuclear Plant region commonly occur in waters much warmer than Lake Michigan. Thus, thermal plume entrainment represent s no t hreat of mor:ality and is of too short dura-l tion to speed metabolic rates and trigger obnoxious blooms, f Tabulation of the effects of plant passage on phytoplankton (Study Plan at 3-36 through 3-33) at a number of plants shows results ranging from 46% stimulation to 67% mortality. Cook Nuclear Plant monthly measurements of plant passage effects since February 1975 show insignificant damage to phytoplankton; to be conservative an assu.ption of overall average mortality includi.g delayed mortality of 5% has been used. Estimated numbers of phytoplankters entering One Cook Nuclear Plant per year during 2-unit operation have been cor: pared to the estimated numbers in Lake Michigan (Study Plan at 3 40, 3 41); the numbers entaring per year represent less than 0.1% of the lake population. Overall average results of entrainment studies at the Cook Nuclear Plant from February 1975 through June 1976 give phaeopt7 tin / chlorophyll a_ ratios (expressed as the mean plus or minus the standard errcr) as follows: for fresh samples, intake 0.35 i 0.04 and iischarge 0 33 1 0.04 (each the average of 51 means of triplicate samples); fer samples I

  = incubated at ambient (intake) temperature for up to he I

h - 98 .. l hours, intake 0.30 1,0.05 and discharge 0.35 1 0.06 (averages of 26 and 25 means of triplicate samples). The implied slight improvement from intake to discharge in fresh samples is not significant at the 5% level. Possibly also insignifi-cant is the intake-to-discharge change in incubated samples, but to be conservative this difference is interpreted as indicating a 5% delayed chlorophyll damage due to condenser passage. This is lower than most of the damages to fresh samples reported in pages B-36 through B-38 of the Study Plan and does not indicate serious damage. I An effort to evaluate the annual loss of phyto-

       . plankton during plant passage has been made, not only for itself but because it bears upon orga.11c loading to the lake and upon the quantity of fish not grown (plant-related morta11 ties could represent a potential loss of food material). i The data used are the total cells /ml given in Table 2, pp.

18-21, phytoplankton section, Semi-annual Environmental Operat-ing Report, January-June 1976. I For each month of 1975 the phytoplankton counts in intake and discharge samples were averaged (February and December being averaged to provide a value for the missing

 ,          Janary). The monthly averages were summed and divided by 12 to give a mean cell count. This amounted to 3199 cells /ml.
                                          -9 gram dry weight per cell (Ayers Multiplying by the 0.57 x   10 and Seibel, 1973 at 58-61, Berton Harbor Power Plant Limno-logical Studies, Part XIII. Cook Plant Preoperational Studies E
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~                  ~'

1972) and by 1 x 10 6 ml/m3 gives 1823 x 10 (= 1.823 x 10 kg/m ) mean dry weight of phytoplankton in the cooling water. 3


Multiplying by 10 to convert to weg weight gives 18.23 x 10 '

                          'kg/m mean wet weight of phytoplankton in the cooling water.

3 At 3 27 x 109 m / year cooling water flow for two unit opera-3 tion, the wet weight of phytoplankters passing through the plant amounts to 59,000,000 kg per year. The 5% delayed chlorophyll damage (above) is taken as mortality, and phyto-plankton loss is thus estimated at 2,950,000 kg annually. Measured by any standard such a loss will pose no serious consequences to the indigenous aquatic ccmmunity in southern Lake Michigan. The following " thought experiment" provides some perspective for evaluating the magnitude of It should be understood, however, that this 6l the loss. thought experiment is solely for illustrative purposes and is not intended to be a prediction of effects resulting from % a phytoplankton loss estimated at approximately 3 million . i kilograms annually. Assuming a 10% production efficiency at each npward step in trophic level (as indicated in Odum, Fundamentals of Ecology 67, 76 (3d ed. (1971)) we can vrite: 2,950,000 kg wet weight annual loss of phytoplankton from two unit Plant operation p 295,000 kg wet weight of coplankton not produced annually-29,500 kg wet weight of cooplanktivorous fish (alewife) not produced annually 2,950 kg wet weight of piscivorous fish (salmonids) not produced annually I E

        #           IMAG,       ALUATION
                                                             %j            $ Q f ,.

9, s>y ,,,, , - ,, ,,.,, 4,5 $$s,,, a$' yl

   + y ,9                                                        <ee I.0     lf a E
                                  'ln B SE    --

1.1 b

e. 2: E3A -
                                          $ l.8 Jij__


                                      =  j. =i.6


  • 4 6" 4sr  % c 4sp3ff
                                                                + s A

&f/ ,y,,g77 - - Vg/ ,  ; t i 9;gpv

             -i                                               ,
                                                  . , L.,stM ll        . u. . s-     :
      <,9 ~ &' %

0 ,

                             ! MAGE EVAL.UATION
   \D 6k>O 1        tk gff         TEST TARGET (MT-3)
                                                                                    /          ,[/f?p[{ Qf

~3 \:- 4%

      \            k@e                                                                   s/ed !b

yff,(,,3(f N%s# $ 4 %r'k49 l.0 IN Mn G w, pa= y, j,j 'j [L $0N i= bp=.s


l.25 II 71.6

                                             ,         b.4       =

11. 4 150mm 6"

  • 4_

p> . 4 4S++s N

   <>,g,/,,y,,,,p                                            -
                                                                                  <gsVAe o>p ;                                                                     9V                 '

L%. +* " " ' 0' - - ~i ' -

                                                     - 100 -

- The 1974 sports catch of salmonid fish in all states around ? Lake Michigan is calculated to be 2,153,000 kg wet weight. l Thus, the loss of 2,950 kg of potential salmonids from > pnytoplenkton losses at the Cook Nuclear Plant would amount to less than 0.14% of the 1974 sports catch; clearly an insignificant r9ount and well within the statistical error associated with the sports catch figures.

2. Effects on Zoopl:nkton. Cooplankton occupy at. _

intermediate position in the faod web of Lake Michigan. Tak-ing their nourishment primari.y from the phytoplankton com-munity, the :coplankton are a food source for some species of fish and small :coplankton are food for larger carnivorous tooplankten. Injured or dead :coplankters while settling , through the water column can be eaten by planktivorous fish or carnivorous cooplankton; after settling to the bottom the dead or injured are food for bacteria, epibenthic 20o-plankton, be.ithos, or bottom-feeding fish, _ Important species of =cuplankters in the Plant area of the d.nshore waters of the lake and their times of . greatest abundance in winter (W), spring (Sp), summer (Su), and autumn (A) are: the copepods Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi (W,Sp,A);.Diaptonus ashlandi_ (W,Sp); Diaptonus minutus (Sp,A); , the cladocerans Bosmina longirestris (Su,A), Eubosmina coreconi (A); the rotifers Asplanchna spp. (Su); and unidenti-fied copepod nauplii (Sp,A). Numbers of total :coplankton range frem about 1000 ce se';aral tens of thousands per cubic meter and peak abundances usually occur in summer.

i fl 101 - Literature values of lethal temperatures and of high l 1 l temperatures of natural occurrence for the important :coplank-ters of the Cook Nuclear Plant region indicata that entrainment into the Plant's thermal plume is unlikely to cause mortality f to these organisms-i- Co=parison of coplankton numbers pt.ssing through ,g the Plant to the numbers in the lake (Study Plan at 3-41) indicates that considerably less than 0.1% of the lake's P F population would be exposed to the Plant per year of two unit operation. Pages 3-68 through 3-71 of the Study Plan  ; indicate that plant-passage might damage copepods of the j genera Cyclops and Diaptomus, and such has been found to be the case. Pages 2 and 3 of the :coplankton section of the pg Semi-annual Environmental Cperating ?eport, January-June 1976,

i. y l

indicate that nauplii, immature copepodites, and adults of Cveloos and Diactomus species have been the major ccmaonents e s r j... of the dead cooplankters during entrainment studies at the r. I p Cook Nuclear Plant, Stimulation of productivity and occurrence of pop-l ulation shifts have not been detectable in :coplankten studies at the Cook Nuclear Plant site. Variations in abundance n have occurred, but they appear te be within the range of I i d ' natural variation and have occurred both at stations where ![ plume impact was present and at stations distant from the e t


j Zooplankton mortality studies in the screenhouse ,4 i were begun in January 1975 and have continued on a T.cnthly , basis since. Two collectiens each are taken frc= the intake !E 4 1

         - -. .         - ,--- ,   - - - - --- _ .- . .. - .- . - ,-.-- ...,,. , -- ,. - ,... .-....- ,, _ .- , ,,-. -                                                     ..r...- - - . , - , - . , ,
                                              - 102 -

I and discharge forebays after sunset and before noon. Each collection is innediately divided into six subssmples, two of which are immediately examined for 0-hour (fresh) mortali-ties and the rest are incubated at intake tenperatur'e for I duplicate examinations at 6 and 24 hours later. Dead animals are identified, counted, and removed at the plant; live ones are preserved and returned to the laboratory for identirica-tion and counting. Surplus plankton noo used in the mortality experiments are returned alive to the laboratory where selected specier are subjected to long-term culture experiments to determine their reproductive capacity. In general, highest mortalities have been found in January and February and lowest nortalities in spring and fall. The mortality data for fresh (0-hour) and the 6- and l 24-hour ipcubations have been averaged by groups fo:n 7he period January 1975 threugh April 1976. The results are presented in the folloC ng table. Intake Mortalities, T Incubation No. of Mean plus or minus (hours) Cases Ran e Standard Error I O 32 2.3 - 62.1 13.13 1 2.33 6 26 1.0 - 23.0 11.75.+ 1.18 E 24 30 3 7 - 55.2 17.67 1 2.25 Discharce Mortalities, % l 0 31 2.7 48.3 12.36 1 1.79 6 28 3 7 - 3h.8 13 10 i 1,38 24 30 2.1 - 52.S 17.55 1 2.06 g I

                                                     - 103 -

There is no substantial difference between the intake and I discharge mortalities for any of the three incubation times. Given measurement uncertainties, it is believed that the L true plant-passage mortality is small.but positive, perhsps f as much as 5%. From monthly cooling water flows, monthly :coplankton densities, and mean dry weights of individuals of the :co-I plankton taxa it is estimated that the cooplankton biomass that passed through the Plant in 1975 was 39,408 kg dry seight, or 393,080 kg wet weight. At 5% m:rtality, Unit 1 1s esti-mated to have killed 19,700 kg wet weight of :coplankton in i 1975. The wet weight of :coplankton expected to be entrained during tuo unit operation is 914,265 kg; at 5 mortality, 45,700 kg wet weight is expected to be killed. This figure, like the expected loss of phytoplankton, is too small to have any appreciable impact on the a"._uatic community in Lake Michigan. For illustrative purposes the

coplanxton loss can be analyzed by using the same thought experiment used to analyze the phytoplankton loss. Making similar assumptions we can write:

45,700 kg wet weight annual loss of =coplankton from two unit Plant operation 4,570 kg wet weight of coplanktivorous fish (alewife) not produced annusily u57 kg wet weight of piscivorcus fish (salmonids) not produced annually. The 457 kg of potential salmonid loss would represent only ' O.021% of the 1974 sports catch.

                                                      - 104 -

1 Long-term culture experiments with cooplankton show - i f that females of Cyclo.o_s. spp. and Diaptemus spp. which have passed through the condensers can produce viable eggs that hatch into viable nauplii capable of ecmpleting their meta-morphosis to copepodites. This is reported more fully in the Semi-annual Environmental Operating Report for January-June 1976, pp. 5-3 of the cooplankton section, 3 Effects on Benthos. Senthos, like cooplankton, occupy an intermediate position in the food web of Lake Michigan. The benthos are bottom-dwelling organisms living on or in the bottom sediments but in contact with the near-bottom water. In this environment, their primary foods are organic detritus near, on, or in the bottem as well as smaller

 '                  organisms indigenous to the bottom or attracted to it by food supplies there.            Sece benthos engage in filter-feeding on particulate matter in the near-bottom water while others leave the bottom in feeding or reproductive forays into the near-bottom water. Althcagh the limits of the benthic habitat E         are somewhat imprecise, the habitat is overwhelmingly bottom-dominated.            By scavenging near, on, and in the bottom and by predation on other scavengers, while in turn being fed upon by fish, the benthes play an important role in upgrading and returning to the food web energy that might have been lost by being incorporated into the bottom sediments.
                                        'Benr50s abundances and (cc some extent) population f

ecmpositions are pronouncedly depth-dependent . ' dave actian in nearshcre areas creates unstable substrates and winnows I

                                        - 105 -

away food materials, resulting in the support of small popula-tions primarily of burrowing forms. In greater depths further from shore wave action does not reach bottom, substrates are stable, and food materials settle to th' bottom; the combina-I- tion re2uits in favorable conditions of food and shelter, and greatest benthos abundances occur under water depths of a few tens of meters. Still farther from shore and under still greater depths, deccmposition of food materials while settling to the bottom limits food supplies and the bottom supports a sparser benthos population. Zonation of the benthoc corrunity in the Cook Nuclear Plant region by water depth (Study Plan at B-76) with :ene changes at 3,16, and 24 meters is both required and justified by the distribution of the benthic fauna. Zone 0 (nearest the shore, O to S neter depth) is dominated by chironocid (midge-I fly) larvae in su==er (Su), autumn (A), and spring (Sp) with limited appearance of the fingernail clam, Pisidium. The important species in this tone are: Chironomus fluviatills-group (Su,A,Sp), Cryptochironomus sp. 2 (Su,A,Sp), Para-t g cladocel=a tylus (Su), Chironomus cf. attenuatus (Su), Para-

 -3          chironomus ef. demeijerei (Su), Chaetogaster diaphanus (Su),

Pisidium spp. (A,Sp), and i==ature Tubifididae without hair chcetae (Sp).

 'I                      In :ene 1 (8 to 16 meters) the inpertant species are:   the amphipod Pontecoreia affinis (Su), the fingernail clams Pisidium spp. (Su,A,Sp), Schaerium striatinum (Su,A,Sp),


                                                              - 100 -

P i and the oligochaetes Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Su,A), immature ! Tubiricidae without hair chaetae (Su,A,Sp), and immature Tub'.ficidae with hair chaetae (A). In ene 2 (16 to 24 meters), where there are no sub-stantial seasonal differences in species composition, the important species are: ?cntoporeia affinis, Fisidium spp., Sphaerium nitidum, Styledrilus heringianus, Linnedrilus hoffmeister1, and i= mature Tubificidae without hair chaetae. In :ene'3 (depths greater than 24 meters) there are species shifts primarily in the Sphaeriidae and Chiro-nemidae. Representatives of the genus Sphaerium hre rare and Heterotrissocladius oliveri ("cf. subpilosus" of earlier reports) is virtually the only midgefly species at depths over 24 meters. In this depth ene oligochaetes and finger-nail cla=s are reasonably abundant, there is a substantial increase in ?cntoporeia affinis (Study Plan at E-83 through B-93) and the mysid Mysis relicta becomes a prominent member of the population (Squdy Plan at 3-85). The assemblage of species ch.'acteristic of :ene 3 extends throughout the Great Lakes in the profundal zone. Total numbers of benthic organisms increase with increasing depth up to abcut 30 40 meters in :ene 3 Scaling from the abundance graphs Of Mo: ley 1975 (Preopera-tional Investigations of Zoobenthos in Southeastern Lake Michigan Near the Cook Nuclear Plant, Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. Of Mich., Special Report No. So, pp. 36-37), total benthos numbers per square meter average about- none 0, 300;

                                    - 107 -

gone 1, 4000; cone 2, 9000; and :ene 3, 20,000. Eggleton j 1937 (Papers Mich. Acad. Sci., 22: 593-611), Powers and Robertson 1965 (Proc. 8th Conf. on Great Lakes Res., pp. 153-159), and Robertson and Alley 1966 (Limnol. and Oceanog.,

        '1: 576-583) have similarly documented a maximum around 30 40

meters, followed by diminished numbers in greater depths. l Pontoporeia affinis, Mysis reliota, and chironctids are, of the species above, considered the most important as

;                          Pontoporeia and chironomids occur naturally foods for fish.

at temperatures higher than those occurring in the Cook Nuclear , Plant plume in su=mer. Smith 1970 (Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., i 99: 418-22) and Juday and Birge 1927 (Ecology, 3: 445-52) (Study Plan at S-117, B-148, 3-150) indicate short-ter: survival tempera-tures for Mysis_ higher than those of the plume in su==er. Thus, a floating plume in summer would offer little threat to benthos reaching it. The sinking plume 6f winter might, if it persisted and if it consistently vered one area for

     .g  weeks, result in the premature release v. young of Pontecoreia.
     -g Mysis is comparatively rare in the Cook Nuclear Plant region even in winter (Study Plan at 3-86). While the thermal plume
   -     study was not able to detect a sinking plume, conditions during January and early February may have produced a sinking plume. If that occurred, it is possible that the temporarily higher than usual abundances of tubificids, fingernail clams, and chironocids observed in the 16-24 meter depth near the plant in April 1975 (Se:1-annual Environmental Operating Report, January-June 1975, p. 1 of benthos section) may have been an effect of such a plume. In May and June 1975 the numbers had returned to " normal" ( M. at 3 cf benthos secticn), thus indicat-ing no adverse effect.
                                       - 108 -

Winter plume surveys were made on December 6 and 9, 1975, and February 27 and 29, 1976 (see Thermal Plume Report). Lake ice conditions prevented plume surveys between the December and February dates. The ambient lake water tempera-tures were 42' to 43 ? and 39* to 40 7 during the December I and February surveys, raspectively. At ambient lake tempera-tures of 39 F, the te=perature of maximum water density, or higher, the thermal plune will stratify at the surface or be well =$xed vertically throughout the wat er col =n . r I There is some evidence which indicates that the high velocity, jet discharge of the Cook Nuclear Plant may impede formation of a sinking plune er moderate its impact by 4~ promoting mixing and reducing the temperature differentials.

   -I      The turbulence created by the jet discharge produces mixing throughout the water column during the winter =cnths.       Thus,  ,

the plume temperature is reducec to a temperature within a few degrees of the ambient temperature while the discharge water has sufficient =ctentum to inhibit sinking. In the far field

     .I    region, where the plume =cmentum has diesipated', ccnditions tay allow the formation of a sinking plume.       Ecwever, the temperature difference between the plume water and the ambient lake water is no lenger sufficient to produce a density differ-ence necessary for a prcnounced sinking plume er to produce any significant effects.      Thermal surveys made at the ~1cn Nuclear Plant indicated the formation of poorly defined sinking plumes frc= the high velocity discharge when the ambient tempera-ture wes abcut 33*F (" Collected F.epcr s on che Excess Tenperature, I

109 - Suspended Sediments, Lake Currents and Bathymetric Changes in

    -l    the Vicinity of the :: ion Generating Station on Lake Michigan, 1973-1975."   Hydrocon, Reference 124, February, 1976, pp.

151-92.) The largest temperature differential between the

r. -

ambient lake temperature and the water in the sinking plume r was observed to be 2 F at one vertical sampling station. At all other comparable regions, the temperature difference was less (1-1.5 F). Even if the Zion experience is not duplicated at the e i Cook Nuclear Plant site, a sinking plume is not likely to be a E frequent occurrence. Sinking plumes at two plants with low velocity discharges en Lake Michigan have been studied. Pipes, Pritchard, and Seer (" Condenser Water Discharge Plumes from

 .        Waukegan Generating Station under Winter Conditions."    Com-monwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Ill. January 1973, p. 41)
a. g .

found that sinking plumes were produced in only two of four different behaviour modes of winter discharge plumes at Waukegan. Hoglund and Spigarelli 1972 (Studies of the sinking plume phenomenon, pp. 614-624 in_ Proc. 15th Conf. I Great Lakes Res., Intern. Assoc. Great Lakes Res.) instrumented l the bottom of the lake off the discharge at the ?cint Beach l, Nuclear Plant. They found that excess temperatures greater 'a

  -       than 4 C* were present in their instrument array frem    ero to 3% of the time; excess temperatures greater than 2.6 C were present from 0 3% to 25.6% of the time; excess tenperatures greater than 1.5 C were present 3 7% to 45.5% of the time; and no instrument recorded excess temperatures 1C0% of the li     I   time. Thus, the sinking plume was either dispersed or shifted away from the instruments more :har half the time.


                                   -110 -

With shifting and dispersible sinking plumes, significant adverse effects on benthos are unlikely. l-This is even more true at the Cook Nuclear Plant site. Because of the way benthos are distributed in the area, only small percentages will be exposed to the thermal plume, and then only sporadically in winter. Pages 3-123 and 3-124 of the Study Plan estimate that 2% cf the local populatien of

       ?cntoporeia, 10% of the local population of chironomid larvae, and 0.01% of the lakewide population of Mvsis will suffer entrainment into the Cook Nuclear Plant's cooling system.

Some very local stimulation of benthos produe:1vity may be expected from the " artificial reef" nature of the Plant's intake and discharge structures and the associated riprap areas but, because of tneir small size in comparison to the total nearshore bottom area, it will be inconsequen-tial to the benthos of the region. Dead and injured plankton resulting from plant passage will be distributed over a large area of bottom by currents and wave action; they may constitute a slight

 ,I increase in benthos food supply. Because of the turbulence and currents in the nearshore areas of the lake, there should be no stressful depletion of oxygen near bottom from E    these organisms. At most there may be some increase in populations of detritivorous species, but no change in species composition.

~ Because of the high natural variability in benthos samples, shifts in benthos species cc= position are difficult I to detect. No striking differences in benthes compositions can be seen between the operational abundances in 1975 and

111 -  ! 1976 and those of previous years (Semi-annual Environmental 1 of benthos section). Operating Report, January-June 1976, p. Potential effects of plant operation on benthos

 ;                 involve impingement and plant passage as well as plume
 --                effects. Impingement losses have consisted of crayfish which are an artifwt of the riprap areas and which the plant is t

cropping. Plant passage has involved more than 50 benthic

    - I.           forms, most of which are taken only occasionally.                            Entrained J.                  species with higher densities or with particular trophic significance in Lake Michigan include the naidid oligochaete Chaetogaster, the coelenterate Hydra, Chironomus larvae, and the important crustaceans Pontoporeia affinis and Mysis

_ relicta. Chaetogaster and Chironomus larvae are from the sand bottom out to a depth of 16 meters, which is continuous for at least 11 km north and south of the plant. The H9dra a are believed to come from the intake structures and the riprap. Pontoporeia and Mysis have the bulk of their populations off-shore frcm the 0-16 meter depth interval where the intakes are located. Both Pontoporeia and Mysis have been entrained into the intake forebay at average densities of less than 0.1 animal per cubic meter of water, as shown below. El JI I

    .I w,,iwTir   aes- wwv-w ~wv  --

v-ew-wqw- , rwwn-v-e g y--- - y- --,y +- w --+-

                                                                                        - 112 -

I Mean concentrations (No./m 3 ) of Pontoporeia and l Mysis in monthly entrained samples in 1975 and 1976. The means are simple averages of all the separate estimates fer various weeks and times of day.

 ':l .

Month Pontoporeia Mysis J an . 1975 0.027 0.013

 ._                            Feb.                                                            0.010                   0.002 Mar.                                                               0                    0.009 I                    Apr.

May 0 0.019 0.010 0.006 June 0.009 C.008

  ,l                           July                                                            0.016                      0 Aug.                                                           0.070                      0

Sept. 0.024 0.001 Oct. 0.008 0.043 Nov. 0.010 0.010 Dec. 0.076 0.071 I Jan. 1976 reb. Mar. 0 30 0.01 0.01 0.43 0.03 0.02 0.01 I Apr. May June 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.08 Grand ave. 0.04 0.02

    ,I If the grand average concentrations from the above table are t,                       multipled by the 3.27 x loS                                              m 3 yearly cooling water flow for two unit operation ~, and if 100r mortality'is ascumed, the estimates of numbers lost annually are 1 3 x 10 8 Pontoporeia and 65 x 106 Mysis.

There are no good estimates of the densities of in-shore Mysis populations, and calculation of a bottem area


depletion equivalent to this entrainment loss is not possible. Pontoporeia in 1975 had a mean density of 1944 individuals per square meter in the bottom between depths of 3 and 16 meters near the Cook Nuclear Plant (the intake depth is approxi-

              -I           mately 8 meters).                                        Dividing the entrainment loss of 1 3 x 10        8 5
                        -          --.m                                                  _____              .
                                                                                                                                       - . , , ,a
                                                   - 113 -

individuals by 1944 individuals /m2 gives an equivalent bottom depletion of if 5 neres per year of operation. The area of depletion represents only a small fraction of the lake bottom near the plant , and the loss is insignificant. Monthly average collections of entrained Chironomus and Chaetogascer in 1975 and part of 1974 are given below. These counts are not required by the Technical Specifications and were not continued in 1976. I Monthly average densities of Chironomus larvae of the fluviatilis type and of Chaetogaster diaphanus in water passing through the Cook Nuclear Plant, May 1974-December 1975, numbers

    -I              per cubic meter.

I Month Chironomus Chaetogaster May 1974 I July Aug. 1.766 0.051 0 759 0.074 0 368 0.853 Nov. 3.140* 0.143* Jan. 1975 0 0 Feb. 1.670 0 Mar. 0.010 0 I Apr. May 0.005 0.040 0 0.10 June 0.005 1.08 July 0.170 1.28 Aug. 0.650 0 95 Sep. 0.060 1.28 Oct. 0 1.19 Nov. 0.001 0.27 Dec. 0 0.10 I "Satple collected during a bottom-disturbing storm. Chironomus and Chaetegaster, unlike Mysis and g g Pontoporeia, are small enough to escape through the meshes of sampling nets and screens. Since a finer mesh (350 micron openings) is used to sample e..: rained benthos than is used to collect these species from the lake botten, a smaller pro-O. YO k O .

                                                  - 114 -

I populations is somewhat (Chironomus) or greatly (Chaetogaster) exaggerated. In some cases no representatives of these genera occurred in lake-bottom samples near the intakes while several were present in entrainment samples. Consequently it is not possible to make reasonably direct calculations of the areas fr'on which entrained animals may have been removed. Befc:?e estimating the number of acres depleted of Chironemus each year by entrainment it is necessary to correct for the difference in the mesh sizes used for field and en-l trainment sampling. A special study showed that 79% of the Chironomus retained on a 350 micron mesh escaped.the 500 micron mesh used in lake sampling. In other words, past lake sampling has found only one-fifth of the Chironomus present. The mean density of nine Chironotus per square meter fcund in May, 1974 through June, 1975 should be cultiplied by five, giv-ing 45 Chironomus per square meter retained by a 350 micron I =esh. This leads k;o an estimate of 335 acres depleted of I Chironomus Regular benthic samples indicated a population of Chaetogaster diaphanus which increased frem 3 to 30 per m2 between July and August 1974, but a special study with a finer-ceshed screen revealed a population of 4,500/m 2 in late July of that year. Although the procedure used above yields an estimate of 7,850 acres depleted of Chaetogaster from May 1972 to June 1975, the true value is probably near 0.5% of this area (or 39 25 acres). Chaetc; aster can eproduce rapidly by asexual means to repopulate depleted areas. I The bottcu areas frc: which Chir,onccus and Chaeto-gaster may be removed by entrainnent are but small fractions

115 - of the adjacent lake bottom, and the losses, if they actually I occurred, wou,d . be insigni.eicant. For lack of data on plant passage effects on en-trainable benthos, the following assessment of Plant effects on these organisms assumes total mortality and is a " worst possible case" evaluatien." Mocley 1975 (Preoperational Investigations of Zoobenthos in southeastern Lake Michigan near the Cook Nuclear Plant. Special Report No. 56, Oreat Lakes Res. Div., Univ. of Mich., pp. 77-73) gives concentra-tions of benthic organisms entrained at the Cook Nuclear Plant. They are given in terms of tctal-animals-minus-Hydra, for the Hydra appear to come from the intake structures and/or the riprap area and are not a normal component of the benthos. From replicate samplings Mo: ley gives: I Means of total-animals-minusJ.ydra in entrainEent samples from the Cook Nuclear Plant intake ferebay. Units are numbers per cubic meter.

.                    Month                              Time                    Means I            July                               Day                      1 39 1.49
    'I                                                  Night                    0.49 O.30 August                             Day                      0.52 I                                                Night 2.14 0.69 5.44
    .                                                                            S.90
                                                                                 , ,a
    ,                                                                             t.I-November                           Day                     3.52 Night                  15.3 Grand avg.                                           4.08
  • Ir. point of fact, One literature ir.dicates that benthos mortalities resulting from plant passage may be significantly less than 100%, and even as low as 50% (see Lauer, et al. --

1 197ha; see also n. 5, infra).

i 116 - I - 1 l i l Multiplying 4.08 organisms /m3 by the 3.27 x 10 S m / year 3 I I- 1 two unit cooling water flow gives 13.3 x 109 benthic organisms h per year passing through the condensers and being killed.  ; The data of Powers, Ro 'tsen, C:aika, and Alley 1967 (Lake Michigan biological data, 1964-66. pp. 179-227 m Studies on the Envircnment and Eutrophication of Lake Michigan. Special Report No. 30, Great Lakes Res. Div., Univ. of Mich.) provide a base for obtaining the dry weight of the "mean benther" of southeastern Lake lichigan. These investigators, during the years 1964-66, collected at a station one mile off 3enten Harbor a total of 40 grab samples of benthes from which organism Ocunts and total ash-free dry weights were determined. , Ash-free day weights (total d.ry weight minus residue after incineration at 500*C) wereusedbecause{ingernailclams were present and this parameter eliminates the weights of their calcareous shells while allowing their numbers and the weights of their meats to be included in the totals. For

I each sample the ash-free weight was divided by the number of organisms and the resulting 40 means ccabined into a grand average (0.402 mg/ organism ash-free dry weight) and multi-plied by 10 to conver to wet weight, giving 4.02 ms ash-free wet weight per " n benther."

Multiplying 13 3 x. 10 9 organisms passing through the plant per year by 4.02 mg wet weight per organism and by I I I

l i

                                     - 117 _

l i

              -8 1 x 10     kg/=g gives 53,470 kg per year wet weight of benthic i

organisms passing through the Cook Nuclear Plant, and a'1 i .I 1 . conservatively assumed to be killed. The anticipated loss of benthos attributable to Cook Nuclear Plant operation is not of sufficient magnitude

,I to endanger the Lake Michigan aquatic co== unity.      Evaluating the loss of benthos by means of the thougnt experiment used to evaluate the losses of phytoplankten and tooplankton give f       the following results:

)g 53,470 kg wet weight annual loss of benthos frem ?B two unit Plant operation

s 5,347 kg wet weight of benthivorous fish (slimy jg sculpin) not produced annually 535 kg wet weight of piscivorous fish (salmonids) not produced annually.

l The loss of 535 kg of salmonids would represent a loss equal to O.024% of the 1974 sports catc~h.

4. Effects on Periphyton. The periphyton are species of attached algae. Their limited importance to the protection of fish ste=s from their occasional use as food by some fish species, as shelter for small fish-food organiscs, "I

their occasional use as anchors for fish egg-strings (e.g., perch), and as general indicators of water quality. In the Cook Nuclear Plant region the dearth er sub-strates greatly reduces the food, shelter, and habitat func-tions described above. The cnly sites available for periphyton growth are the Plant 's in-lake installations and these con-stitute an insdsnificant pcrtien of the lake botten.

^ - 113 - L Sy ?ar the most abundant of the periphytonic species F in the Cook Nuclear Plant region are the diatoms, scme of which L are obligatory attached species, scme of which are facultative attached or planktonic, and some of which are planktonic forms that appear to be sampled while passing or may be trapped in other periphyton. By far the most important of the periphytic algae in the Plant region is the filamentous green alga, Cladophora glomerata, which forms matlike growths on the intake and discharge structures. The colonial plank-tonic green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda and S,. dircrphus are common among the microscopic forms. Blue-green algae have not been detected in significant amounts in the. Cook Nuclear Plant periphyton. The periphytonic species cf the region occur under a wide range of temperatures and are denizens of the local harbors,where water temperatures rise well above those of the open lake. The Cook Nuclear Plant thermal plume might well stimulate them to greater growth but for the unavail-ability of substrates. 5 Effects on Macrophyton, Macroph'/ ton are rooted I aquatic plants. When present in a given region they furnish food and shelter for fish and fish-food species, are v; sited for food by diving ducks, and furnish substrates for a rich population of periphyton. Ecwever, macrophytes are absent from the Cook Nuclear Plant region because the shifting bottom prevents their rooting. Operation of the ?.lant has not changed

I - 119 - I this condition. Installation of the riprap area has not resulted in growth of macrophytes there. In the Cook Nuclear Plant region the macrophytes have a 'no relevance to the protection of fish, shellfish, or wildlife,

o. Effects on Shellfish. In the coamonly under-
 .                          stood meaning of this term (edible clams , crabs, etc . ) there are no shellfish in Lake Michigan.         Fingernail clams of several species do exist in the lake and provide food for some species of fish.        These clam 5 have previously been dis-cussed in the subsection on benthes.         In 6ddition, a substan-tial population of crayfish has beceme established in the riprap around the plant intake and discharge structures.

The crayfish are being cropped by the Plant via i=pingement o r. the traveling screens and by local fish (chiefly perch). There is no evidence that the crayfish population has attracted additional fish.

3. Effects on Fish Prior sections have addressed the effects of the I Cook Nuclear Plant thermal plume and plant passage on lower elements of the lake biota that are important to the maintenance of fish populations. In this section the effects of Plant opera-m n en young ene eeu1t fish, f1sh eges, ene f1sh 1ervee ere g

examined. I _I I

                                    -  120 -

l On February 3, 1975, the MWRC informed the Company l 1 of the Commission's selection of " Representative Important { I Species for Use in 316 De=enstrations for Michigan's Electric Generating Facilities." This list of fishes of southeastern Lake Michigan served as the basis for Chapter 3, Section C of the Study Plan. The following paragraphs su==arize, species by species, the proj ected and observed effects of the Plant I on these fish. I Lake Sturgeen -- (Study Plan at 3-213 t hrough 3-217 ) . The st",rgeon is an endangered species very rare in the Cook Nuclear Plant region; two were taken in 1972; two in I 1973; three in 1974; two in 1975; and one in 1970. the sturgeon is a river spawner, its eggs and larvae are unlikely to be affected by Plant operation. The Since adults appear to =cve offshore into deep water in su==er I and would thus avoid the thermal plume. Operation of the Blant is having no discernable effect on this species. Longnose and White Suckers -- (Study Plan at B-213 thrcugh 5-229 ) . Suckers are forage fi.=h with some ce==ercial value and (in streams) some sport value.

              " hey spawn in early spring in streams and the young drift out of the streams after hatching. Nursery areas r

are apparently in lakes, but no larvae have been taken ~ at the Cook Nuclear Plant. A few small suckers are caught at the Plant in spring and su==er and larger adults t hrcughout the year. The absence of entrained eggs I and larvae at the Plant indicates no spawning in this area. Suckers are caught in the lake near the Plant at a rate of about 100-300 per year and are impinged at a 'E rate of about h5 per year. Plume temperatures are .3 below lethal temperatures for, adults, but too high in su==er for optimum growth. There is no evidence that I . the Plant is affecting these species. Alewife -- (Study Plan at E-23 0 through B-252 ) . Alewives are the = cst abundant fish in the Cook Nuclear Plant I region, averaging about 72% of the numbers caught in the lake and 74% of the numbers '= pinged. Adults move inshore in spring, spawn near shore frc= May into

'I            August, disperse widely in the warm upper waters of su==er, and for the most part return to deeper waters I                 ..
                               - 121 -

I in. fall; very few overwinter near shore. Larvae appear in late May-June and continue to hatch into summer. Young-of-the-year are present in summer and I, early fall with most apparently returning to deep - water in late fall. Temperatures in the plur.e are not I high enough nor of long enough duration to adversely affect any of the post-larval alewife life stages. Because alewife eggs become surpended by storms and other stages are distributed throughout the water column, the species is subject to entrainment and impingement and is the one most heavily ^ropped by the plant. Local reproduction and recruitment from outside are -I adequately maintaining the local population and no effects of Plant creration are evident. Threatened Coregonids -- (Study Plan at 3-275 through B-27o). Four species of ciscoes (shortjaw, longj aw , shortnose, and klyi) have vanished, or become vanish-I ingly few in numbers, in Lake Michigan since the 1920's. The reasons for this appear to be overfishing, lamprey predation, and hybridization with the bloater. None E of these species has been taken in the lake near the

    >E    Plant or by impingement. Hybridization has resulted in blending of morphological characteristics until identi-fication of the rare species is diffi; alt to impossible.

I The very limitec numbers of " unidentified coregonids" taken at the Plant (0.2% of the lake catch, less than 0.01% of impinged fish) may contain these rare species but identification difficulties =ake it impossible to determine. The very .1.ow take by the Plant cannot be deemed to be having any effect on these species.

 'I       Lake Herring  -- (Study Plan at B-268 through B-270).

Also one of the threatened coregonids, the lake herring o has not been taken in impinged fish at Cook Nuclear Plant, and catches in the lake field studies have been: 10 in 1972; one in 1973; one in 1974; and one in 1975 No eggs or larvae of this species have been entrained at eI the Plant. Because of their scarcity it is unlikely that Plant operation has any effect on this species. Lake Whitefish -- (Study Plan at B-271 through B-274). Another threatened coregonid, the lake whitefish is scarce in the Cook Nuclear Plant region. One was impinged in 1976; in-lake fishing captured none in 1972; five in 1973; one in 1974; three in 1975; and seven in 1976. t In view cf this fish's scarcity, its preference for cold (deep) water, and since no eggs nor larvae been collected, it is unlikely that Plant operation is having any effect en this species. - I

h - 122 - I Bloater -- _(Study Plan at B-253 through B-267). bloater, the smallest species of an original seven-The species complex of chubs, has been by far the deminant

     'I     chub of Lake Michigan since 1960-61, but is in a decline of several years' duration and is considered threatened.

I Prefering cold water, the bloater makes limited migra-tions toward shore in spring, but there is also some evidence that they will come inshore during periods of upwelling. Catches of bloater at the Cook Nuclear Plant I site in summer of 1973 were related to periods of upwelling. In-lake catches have been less than 300 in each of 1973, 1974, and 1975; impinged bloaters have I been 10 in 1974; 47 in 1975; and 47 in 1976. eggs or larvae havebeen taken in lake sampling or No bloater entrainment studies at the Plant. Spawning away from the Plant region, preference for cold water, and low l numbers in the region combine to indicate that Plant operation has little effect on this species. Spotta11 Shiner -- (representing also longnose dace

s. and slimy and mottled sculpin, Study Plan at B-296 I through B-309).' The spottal shiner is a forage fish of the littoral cone of lakes. It has recently become very abundant in parts of Lake Michigan as the emerald
     ~g'    shiner declined. This fish is heav.11y bottom-oriented 3    and benthos is usually the preferred food of inci-viduals over 70 mm length. Larger adults begin to r       '

migrate inshore in March, concentrating at about 9m of de7th and moving to the beach :ene in daytime and away from shore at night. Spawning usually occurs e in 1-10 feet of water in June-July, with postspawning movement of the adults to 6-9 m. Eggs, larvae, or juveniles are present near shore until fall when young

       -    of the year move offshore to join the adults.       Off-
      -B    shore movement is incomplete; some individuals over-E    winter near shore. Spottails have commonly been the t-second most abundant species taken in lake fishing (16% average) and fourth (8%) after alewife, trout-perch, and yellow perch among impinged fish. In some years they have become the most abundant in both types of "g           samples in winter. With spawning in shallow water
     .3     near shore the eggs and larvae are unlikely to be affected by the thermal plume. Since juveniles are acclimated to high shallow-water temperatures in I    summer, it is unlikely that the plume will have any adverse effect upon them. Adults appear to have short-tern survival temperatures higher than those in the plume. Although the species is heavily entrained and impinged, local reproduction and recruitment from other areas appear to be adequately sustaining the local populations.


                                   - 123 -
     ;        Emerald Shiner -- (Study Plan at B-310 through B-316).

! A forage minnow with cormnercial value as bait, the C emerald shiner has undergone a severe decline since k the 1960's presumably because of its inability to com-pete with a3ewives fer its cooplankton food. The emerald shiner represents 0.02% of the catch by all I types of gear and has been taken in lake fish!.ng al-most entirely by beach seining. Only one fish of this species has been impinged (in 1975). No icentifiable eggs or larvae of the species have been collected.

 ' l-Spawning occurs in the beach :one in July, the eggs and larvae have high thermal tolerances and resistance to temperature apparently increases with sice of the fish.

Emerald shiners occur in waters warmer than those of the Cook Nuclear Plant plume. Their rarity, their

  ,,g         beach cone habitat, and their high thermal tolerances as   " ender this species little apt to be damaged by Plant operation.

I Carp,-- (Study Plan at 3-277 through B-295). The carp is an introduced fish with widely known preference for

 -g           warm water. They spawn in marshes and shallow weedy
    '5        areas, of which there is none in the Plant regien. no carp eggs or larvae has been entrained; carp larvae were taken in field samples in 1975    Juvenile and g.l adult carp apparently enter the Plant region from elsewhere and live in the inshore waters in spring, su=mer, and fall; during these seasons they comprise about 0.02% of the in-lake catch by all gear and less L            than 0.01% of the impinged fish. It is believed that   ,

carp move to deep water (or away from the Plant site) J bW in winter. All life stages of carp have high thermal tolerances and it is unlikely that the juveniles and adults are killed by the thermal discharge. Thermal k preference data indicate that carp should be attracted 5 to the discharge 'lume during much of the year, and this has been observed. i Burbot -- (Study Plan at B-317 through B-323), surbot, a deep-water fish with cold water preference, is present in only small numbers in the Plant region (10 to 20 per year taken during in-lake fishing and 2 to 5 per year

 'fw           impinged). Adults move inshore in winter to spawn Eggs and larvae of burbot have been collected in larvae q


      -l       tows in the lake but no eggs or larvae have been en-trained. The inshore zone is probably a nursery area in spring, but only two larvae have been captured.

Adults are confined below the thermocline in summer; I- the very few adults impinged in summer may well be individuals moving inshore during upwellings. The I I

                                      - 124 -                                 !

l- l I

 ,g           shallow spawning habit (in 3 m or less) of burbot means E  that their eggs are not apt to be reached by a sinking plume during winter, if one exists, and that the nursery        i a  area is not likely to be reached by the floating plume g  in later months. Thermal tolerance data from the literature appear to be inapplicable to the burbot eggs, larvae, and juveniles which are found successfully

l living in the inshore :ene near the Plant. Plant operation has had no discernable effect on burbot in the region. t N1nesoine Stickleback -- (Study Plan at B 458 through B-464). This forage fish is numerically unimportant in ,3 the Plant region. The region is unsuited for its 5 spawning for lack of a weedy bottom. One larva was

     ,-       found in a field sample but no eggs have been found.

ig a few adults (0.01-0.02% of total catch) have been

    'g        netted in the lake and fewer (less than 0.01% of catch) impinged. Thermal tolerance of adults ensures no plume exclusion even in summer. Plant operation has had no discernable effect on the local population.
 " -          Rainbow smelt -- (Study Plan at B 465 through B 479).
 ,            Smelt are an introduced species which generally is third most abundant (about 7% of total catch in the lake, about 2% of total impinged fish) in collections at the Plant. Adults move inshore in spring to spawn

and offshore before summer warm temperatures. Eggs, larvae, and juveniles occur along shore. Young-of-the-year move offshore in fall. Adults and juveniles

  'I          will follow cold upwelled water shoreward during the su=mer. Impingement of adults occur durinE the Eg          spring spawning movement and during upwelling in summer; L3          juveniles are impinged mostly during their fall off-shore migration. Eggs and larvae-are entrained during
   E        late spring and early summer. Larvae, juveniles, and g  adults are entrained or impinged in greater numbers at night, indicating movement up off the bottom at night. Thermal tolerances of smelt are lower than I"

plume temperatures; evidently the plume does not reach the inshore nursery to any significant extent. Plant operation has produced no demonstrable effect on the local smelt population. Yellow Perch -- (Study Plan at B-324 through B-337). IE Perch are an important sports and commercial fish in the 5 Cook Nuclear Plant region. They are commonly the fourth most abundant species taken in the lake (about 3% of

      ~g       total catch) and may be third or fourth (7% of take) 3   in impinge =ent. Adults move inshore to spawn in spring I


                             - 125 -

h but significant spawning in the Flant region has not l been found. The inshore zone serves as sery area for larvae and j uveniles. a summer They are nur-taken by netting, entrainment, and impingement during summer 'I and fall, and seme juveniles and adults are impinged during winter. Thermal tolerances of all life stages of perch are high enough that the Plant's discharge I poses no serious threat of excluding the species, Since significant spawning does not take place ne < the Plant site, alongshore migration of larvae and juveniles is considered to be the means byOperationwhich the nursery area near shore is established. of the Plant has had no discernable effect on the I local perch populaticn. Logrerch -- (Study Plan at 3-344 through 3-346). This f species is extremely rare in the Cook Nuclear Flant region. It was not captured at all in the lake fish-ing in 1972 through 1974, and has not been encountered One was impinged in I in any other field sampling. 1975; none in earlier years or in 1976. Thus opera-tion of the Plant has had no effect on this species. Trout-cerch -- (covered in the Study Plan by reference to spectail shiner; see MWRC " Table 2" reproduced in Study Plan at 3-2). Trout-perch is commonly the fifth f I most abundant species collected in the lake near the Plant. Why this species should be so abundant in the !g Plant region is not known; perhaps those environmental 5 factors favoring the sportail also favor the trout-perch. The trout-perch averages 1-3% of captures in the lake and 3-6% of impinged fish. Cook Nuclear Plant I operation has had no discernable effect on122, (See discussion of spotta11 shiner at p. the supra.) species. Lake Trout -- (Study Plan at 3-347 through 3-363). A stocked sport fish, lake trout eggs and larvae are in hatcheries and Juveniles have neither havebeen beennetted nettedner andentrained impinged llW at the Plant. in limited numbers chiefly in spring and fall. Adults ! will follow upwelled cold water to shore in summer.

'N Ripe males and fenales are taken during the fall spawn-lW      ing period but no successful spawning has been evident in the Plant region. Lake trout average 0.1-0.2% of catches in the lake and about 0.03-0.05% of impingement Q     captures. In view of the large numbers stocked and the 5     wide distribution of stocking, it is censidered that Cook Muclear Plant operation is having no sericus I     effecc cn this species.


-3 - 126 - .g Rainbow Trout -- (Study Plan at B-364 through B 403). Rainbow trout have been collected in very small numbers I in the Plant region (about 0.01% of captures in the lake and greatly less than 0.01% of impinged fish). Small rainbows have been seined over a wid 1snge of I temperatures in the beach :ene; and rainboc: re one of the few species taken in winter. Being main 2/ stocked fish, no eggs or larvae have been entrained at t he P.'. ant . I The smallest rainbows taken are large enough to be impinged. In view of the large numbers stocked and the wide distribution of stocking, it is highly unlikely I that Cook Nuclear Plant operation is having serious effect on this species. Brown Trout -- (Study Plan at B 404 through B 420). I Brown trout collected in the Plant region have been low in numbers (about 0.04% of lake catches, and only nine have been impinged ir the years 1974., 1975, and 1976) and spread ever most of the year with somewhat higher catches in su==er. Most of these were small trout taken by seining the beach ene in summer. No eggs or I larvae of this stocked fish have been entrained.

        .one ,iuveniles are large enough to be impinged.

Beach In view of the large numbers stocked and the wide distri-I bution of stocking, operation of the Cook Nuclear Plant is not considered to have any serious effect on this species. Coho and Chinook Salmon -- (Study Pla.5 at 3 421 through B-443). Cono and chinook salmon taken in the Plant area have been low in numbers (coho about 0.1% and I.. chinook about 0.04% of in-lake captures; both greatly less than 0.01% of i= pinged fish). For the most part these were small fish seined from the beach _I cone during the warmer months. No eggs or larvae tave been taken although some natural reproduction in s; reams has been reported for both coho and chinook Coho I migrate along tne Michigan shore in early sammer and fall but there is no evidence of the Plant's thermal plume having any blocking effect en the migration. Impinged fish are generally small and are apparently young fish inhabiting or moving along the beach tone. There is no evidence that Plant operation is having any serious effect on these stocked fish species. Atlantic Salmon -- (Study Plan at B 444 throu2h B 457). E A very recent program of Atlantic salmon stocking is B still not evaluatable. Stocked fish are tco large to pass through the traveling screens and are thus vulner-able to impingement. No fish of this species have been I taken in the Plant studies. Reasoning from the other stocked salmonids, it appears that Plant operation will have no effect upon the population of these stecked fish. I

                                         --127 -
,                      As'descrited above, the thermal plume of the Cook          .

Nuclear Plant has not had and is not expected to have any signifitant impact on lake biota. The balance of the indige-nous co== unities of fish in the lake and in the site area will not be affected. Impinge =ent and entrainment effects I- will cause environmental impact. As shown above, however, these effects imply no significant harm to or disruption of the aquatic environment. A su mary analysis of total cumula-tive, co=bined impingement and entrainment effects fellows. It demonstrates that the total biological impact expected as a result of Cook Nuclear Plant cperation on the aquatic en-vironment has been and is expected to continue to be quite minimal. I Fd sh eggs, fish larvae, juvenile fish, and adult fish are taken into the plant with the condenser cooling water. Fish large enough to be caught on the travelini; screens are killed and removed from the plant. Juveniles small enough to pass through the traveling screens, as well as eggs, larvae, and other small organisms, undergo condenser h passage with accompanying mortalities which are censervatively assumed to be 100%.5 L Various types of organisms undergo plant passage and i suffer varying degrees of mcrtality. With respect to phyto-plankton and :coplankton the results of the monitoring pro-gram indicate that plant passage mortalities are on the I crder of 5% (see pp. 97-98, suora (phy cplankton) and pp. 101-103, surra (:coplankton)); with respect :: benthos the literature shows survival rates that range frc= 50% to 97% depending en I other variables (Lauer, el where the conservative 100% mortality see also p. 115 and n. 2

g. 1972a; assumption is made for benthos); and with respect to fish eggs and fish larvae I repcrted studies indicate that nortality is generally high

( i . e ._ , 92% to 100%), although there are studies citing scr:ality rates as low as 39% (cc= pare Marcy 1975 and Fleuver 1971 with Lauer, et al. 1974b and Hadoeringh 197t).

I - 128 - In assessing the 'mpcrtance 6f icsses of fish life-stages and of other organisms due to condenser passage, it has been unrealistically assur.ed that all organisms killed l in condenser passage are thenceforth unavailable tc the lake's Thus, the assessment obtained is extremely cen-food web. servative. Annual impingement losses on a lakewide and Cook-NuclearaPlant-only basis were calculated for alewife, smelt, sidmy sculpin, and lake trout. Anrual losses were compared t to the standing crop of each species in the entire lake and reported as a percent of the total standing crop remuved, e.g. Number per year impinged at the Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 = percent of fish species Lake Michigan standing lost frem Lake Michigan I crop estimate for that species for one unit operation l, Calculations of the lakewide losses were made in a similar

 .                        f a s hion .

One-unit operation was converted to two-unit cpera-tien b1 multiplying by 2 32, the ratio of the cooling water flows, e.g., percent of fish species lost from Lake Michigan . for one-unit operation x 2.32 = percent of fish species estimated to be lost frc= lake Michigan for two-unit peration. I Lakewide impingement losses were estimated based on mean impingement of a fish species per megawatt Of pcwer per year and the total megawatts cf power produced by plants en the lake. The number of each of the five species impinged at the Occk Nuclear Plant fer all of 1975; Palisades fer July 1, 1972 :: June 29, g I .

129 - 1973; :' ion Nuclear Plant (2 units) for 1974 and 1975; and Point Beach (2 units) November 1, 1973 to September 31, 1974, and November 1, 1974 to September 31, 1975, were divided by the nameplate megawatt rating of the respective plants to obtain an estimate of the number of each species impinged per megawatt per year. The numbers of each species impinged per negawatt per year for each plant were averaged to obtain a grand mean impingement estimate per negawatt per year. Multiplying this grand mean number of each species impinged per negawatt per year by the total megawatts produced by plants on the lake yields an estimate of the lakewide l . impingement losses for each of the five species. The follow-ing is a discussion of the results of these calculations. E Alewife impingement at the Cook I'uclear Plant is expected to be 0.0012% of the lake's alewife population per l year. Alewives impinged annually by all the generating stations around Lake Michigan are estimated to amount to l 0.1% of the lake's alewife population. CDM/Linnetics working from impingement data supplied by several plants around the lake, estimates annual total alewife impingement by all I plants to be 0.004% of the lake's alewife population ("The Lake-wide Effects of Impingement and Entrainment on the Lake


Michigan Fish Populations", forthecting, 1977). Rainbow smelt impingement at the Cook Nuclear Plant is expected to be 0.0009% of the lake's smelt population per I year. Smelt 1. pinged annually by all generacing statiens

                                                                                         - 130 -

E . around Lake Michigan are estimated to amount to 0.029% of the lake's smelt population CDM/Linnetics (above) estimates total annual smelt impingement by all plants to be 0.065-I 0.067% of the lake's smelt population. l Slimy sculpin impingement at the Cook Nuclear Plant P is expected to be 0.007?% of the lake's sculpin population per year. Sculpin i= pinged annually by all generating stations around Lake Michigan are estimated to amount to 0.23% of the lake's sculpin population. CDM/Limneties * (above) estimates total annual set ' pin impingement by all plants to be 0.03-0.04% of the lak 's sculpin population. Lake trout impingment at the Cook Nuclear Plant is f^

   -l expected to be 0.0037% of the lake's population of this fish per year.             Lake trout impinged annually by all generating stations around Lake Michigan are estimated to amount to
\:   I                                              0.02% of the lake population of this fish.             CDM/Limnetics (above) estimates total annual lake trout impingement by all L                                                 plants to s e 0.04% (800 impinged out of 2.2 million in the lake) of the lake's lake trout population.

Fish of all species impinged by all generating stations around Lake Michigan are estimated to amount to

 ,                                                4.8% of the probable catch of a present-day full-fledged co==ercial fishery, if one existed.                During full power, two unit operation, the Cook Nuclear Plant's impingement of all species is expected to amount to about 0.07% of such a i                                               commercial catch per year.

The wet weights of alewife (5124 kg), scelt (49 kg), and slimy sculpin (59 kg) impinged at Cook Nuclear Plant *'ni . 1 in 1975 have been taken from Table 27 in the fish section of

i ia - 131 - 3 j the Semi-ttnnual Envircnmental Operating Report covering

!              January through June ic76.        These weights have been converted 1

l to estimates of weights of salmonids not produced because the , impinged fish are removed and are no" available as food, il l Cenversicn to two-unit operation was accomplished by multi-plying by the 2 32 ratio of cooling water flows, only ene l upward step in trophic level is involved in the ccnversien of forage fish to carnivorous fish; for this step a production efficiency of 10% was assumed. Salmonids eat other things I beside alewives, smelt and slimy sculpin and 10% out of a higher efficiency figure (say 20%) seems reasonable. The 10% > production efficiency is consistent with present kncwleds i  ! !.l 4 l Odum (1971, pp. 64, 76) gives production efficiencies between secondary trophic levels as being 10 te 20%. [g . Jude (in press, Table 3) reported the numbers of l l i fish eggs and fish larvae collected at Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 i iti ten 24-hour sampling periods from early May through late i November 1974 The average of his daily estimates of larvae entrafned was 612,000 larvae per day, er 2.33 x 10 8 1arvae per year. Multiplying this number by a probably optimistic, [3 L and therefore conservative, natural survival rate of 0.002 l (two per thousand of each year's hatch survive to adulthood) gives 466,000 adults from these larvae. Assuming again con-servatively that these adults would have been "mean a2ewives" (heavier than "mean smelt" er "mean sculpin"), multiplicatien l by the 0.038 kg per "mean alewife" gives 17,70B kg of alewife I .

n _ _ . -=. -__ - -_ _ 1 I

                                     -   12 -

i l as the ecio.A i s ..* these larvae. At 10% production  ! e ffit,5 ts V , O M ' .t of alewife could conceivably have produced 2,711 kg of salmonids. Since all the larvae entering t g the plant are conservatively assumed to be killed, this weight of salmonids is an estimate of production lost due to the operation of Unit 1; multiplying by the 2 32 ratio to assess two-unit cooling water flow, yields 3,542 kg as an estimate of lost salmonid production. The average of Jude's daily estimates of eggs en-trained was 38 x 105 eggs per day, or 1.4 x 10 9 eggs per year. Multiplying this number of eggs by an assumed survival rate of 0.001 (one per thousand survives from egg to adult-hood) gives an estimated 14 x 10 5 adults from these eggs. Con-servatively taking these adults to be "mean alewife," we


multiply by 0.038 kg per alewife and obtain 53,200 kg of alewife adults as the yield of these eggs. Applying a i production efficiency of 10't, for the trophic step frem alewife to salmonid, this weight of alewife "could have produced"

 'I    5,320 kg of salmonids.       Since all the eggs entering the plant are conservatively assumed to be killed, this weight l

of salmonids is " annual production lost" due to egge killed L during Unit 1 operation; multiplying by the 2 32 ra:io of cooling water flows, gives 12,342 kg " annual loss" of salmenids due to two-unit egg loss. Evaluating the Cock Nuclear Plant's annual mertalities to fish stages, phytoplankten, ::coplanP in, and benthes in terms of the quantity of salmonids that these losses would l l deny to the sports fishery gives a cumulative total of 21,041

                                                                          - 133 -

l kg of salmonids not produced and allows a ecmpletion of the

                                   " thought experiment."               This amounts to 1% of the 1974 Lake Michigan spcrts catch of 2,153,000 kg of salmonids.                 Plant-induced morta11 ties to all entrained and impinged organisms by all the generating stations around Lake Michigan are estimated to amount to a total loss of potential salmenids less than about 6% cf the 1974 sports catch from Lake Michigan. The above comparison to the salmonid production process, is set ferth in an attempt to give seme perspective to impingement and entrainment data.                Thus, it is concluded that even by the very conservative adulysis presented, the total biological implications cf plant impingement and entrainment are not significant.

, C. Gross Organie Loading gffects Organic loading due to the return to the lake of dead organisms killed during plant passage has the potential of causing increased oxygen demand, or even oxygen depletion, in the bottc= sediments and the near-bottom water in areas I where these organisms settle out. The Study Plan examined several aspects of the organic loading question as it relates specifically to Cook Nuclear Plant cperation. Based on that examination the following estimates for the partitioning of the inshore water flow past the plant was given: 1.1% of the flow undergoes condenser passage; 1.3% of the flow is entrained into the discharge plume at a temperature greater than 3.36*C ateve ambient;


l - 134 - l 1.0% is in the plume at a temperature of 2.78-3 88'C above ambient; 2.6% is in the plume at a temperature of 1.67-2.78'C above ambient; 12.2% is in the plume at a temperature of 0.56-1.67'C above ambient (Study Plan at B-171 through B-173). A total of 18.7% of the flow of inshore water past the plant is in some way affected by the condenser cooling operation. These figures apply for a lake current of 0.2 fps and to two-unit operation. Under " worst possible case" conditions (100% morta-lity during condenser passage) it was estimated that an I average of 807 kg dry weight of =coplankton would be killed per day'(Study Plan at B-174, Table B-13). Considerably larger dry weights of live : cop 1Lnkters are estimated to be entrained into the plume at temperatures 5 5'C (10'F) or less above ambient. Short-term exposures to these plume temperatures are considered unlikely to cause mortality to j entrained :coplankters. Using a settling rate of 0.1 cm/sec, the predicted

I si:es of the stratified plume in summer and the unstratified winter plume, and a lake current er 0.2 fps, it was estimated that dead :coplankters would settle out on 3 04 million square nieters ob,3ake bottom in summer and on 1.21 million

! square meters of lake bottom in winter (Study Plan at B-176 i through B-183). Maximum deposition rates of the dead :co-plankton in a 0.2 fps lake current were estimated to be (in mg dry weight /m / day): 319 in spring, 372 in summer, 336 in lI

g - 135 - autumn, and 579 in winter (study Plan at B-1S3). At 10% condenser passage mortality these deposition rates are re-duced to 1/10 (Study Plan at B-137). Phytoplankters, with their slower settling rate, I will settle out several miles away from and over a greater area than the cooplankton (Study Plan at B-190 through B-191). With a 10% condenser mortality of coplankton the small in-crease in the deposition of crganic material in the discharge area is unlikely to have any effect other than an increase in food supply for detritus-feeding benthos. j If serious oxygen depletion were taking place a 4. jm change in benthos species composition would be observed. No l such change has been noted nor have any other indications of oxygen depletion been evident in the water near the Plant. l h Increased oxygen demand as a result of Plant operation has I [ not and is not expected to lead to oxygen depletion and hence is not considered a problem. ( For some years it has been customary to refer to  ; power plants as gigantic predators on those water-borne organisms ecming within their reach. However, the more iI f l accurate assessment is that power plants do not use, de- ! grade, or disperse the energy contained in the organisms i' ( they destroy, but instead return the dead organisms to the i h ecosystem as detritus from which little or no energy has been removed. i LI I

                                                                                                            - 136 -

I To asce99 and evaluate the organic loadings to l Lake Michigan from the operatiens of the Cook Nuclear Plant, and of all the plants on the lake, the following data has t been assembled:

 .E                                                                                   Annual wet-weicht organte leading to Lake M ehigan from W                                                                              operation of Cook Nuclear Plant.                                                                                      (Impinged fish are removed from the site.)
 'I Live wet wt.                                                                                   Assuming     Dead wet g                                                                                                           entering /yr.                                                                                  Mortality    wt. leav-kg                                                                                                 %        ing/yr,kg Phytoplankton                59,000,000                                                                                         5        2,950,000
  -                                                                                   Zooplankton                                914.265                                                                              5           45,700 I                                                                              Benthos Fish larvae Fish eggs 53,470 1,014 633 100 100 100 470 53,633 1,014 TOTAL                                                                                                              3,050,817 Considering the uncertainties of the estimates involved, I                                               3,000,000 kg can justifiably be taken as the Cook Nuclear
    .g                                                  Planti s annual contribution of organic loading to the lake.

The total megawattage of generatinC ttations on the Ir_ke is about 6 times the 2200 Mw to be generated by the Cook Nuclear Plant. Hence, a first approximation of lakewide generating station organic loading is 13,000,000 kg. Dead crganisms returned to the lake as detritus are forms of particulate organic matter. Robertson and Powers

   ~I                                                  (1965.                            Particulate organde Matter in Lake Michigan.                                                                                      pp.

l 175-161 g Proc. 8th Conf. on Great Lakes Res., Univ. of l Mich. ) reported on particulate organic natter in the lake; their values are low because cocplankton and other larger I " " " " " " ' ' ' " " * * ' " " " " " " " * * " " " " * " " ' ' " " "*"""'


137 - g their mean values during May through October 1964 (their Fig. I 4, p . 179) from ten inshore station around the lake for the g upper 25 meters of water gives as a grand average 0 96 mg/1, or approximately 1 mg/l dry weight. Multiplying by ten to

envert to wet weight, gives 10 mg/1.

Another major water use of Lake Michigan is with-drawal for municipal water supplies. This is a water use, which is considered necessary and allowed to increase, but

  >                      whi:h (through chlorination) kills all the organisms it en-trains, and which (through filter backwash and sewage treat-l                   ment thereof) returns the organisms to the lake as particulate organic matter degraded by the action of microorganisms involved in sewage treatment.

Gamet (1962, Table 2, p. 243 g Great Lakes Basin. AAAS) gives the approximate total water treatment plant capaci-h ties or consumptions f0r municipal supply withdrawals from Lake Michigan in 1956 as 2,051 mgd. This is equivalent to t a l. I slightly less than 749 x 10 9 gallons per year. At 3 7853 l liters per gallen, the withdrawal amounted to 2.8 x 10 12 1/ year. Multiplying by 10 mg/l wet weight and by 1 x 10

                                                                                                                                                              -6 kg/=g, we obtain 23 x 106 kg/yecc as a first approximation of the particulate organic matter entrained and returned by all the municipal water plants on Lake Michigan.                                                                          Considering that municipal water supply use of the lake has increased since 1956, the organic loading added to the lake by all the generating stations is about half that being added by munici-4 pal water supply plants on the lake.


                               - 13B -

Many years of organic loading as a result of filter .I backwash frem municipal water plants has not resulted in oxygen depletion. Organic loading results from municipal g water use, power plant cooling water use and natural causes is not expected to become a problem in Lake Michigan. Particulate organic matter returned to the lake by generating stations is fresh and essentially undegraded. Fish and :coplankton eat ~ of it as it settles through the water colur.n. Arrived at the bottom, it becemes feed for a

I wide variety of bacteria, epibenthic :ooplankton, and benthos which d$rectly or indirectly are fish foods and return the energy of the organic load to the energy flew of the eco-
g fu system. .

l D. Effects on Wildlife Section B.D.l. of the Study Plan (pp. B 4SO through l 487) surveys the status and food habits of waterfowl in southeastern Lake Michigan. It was estimated therein that

E an annual average of 550 waterfowl would be present in winter j in a 50 square mile area of the lake centered en the Cook Nuclear Plant. However, these waterfowl would not be evenly distributed, but would gather in areas where food and shelter were particularly attractive; the rigorous environment in the Cook Nuclear Plant region does not qualify as an attractive shelter.

Txcept for seagulls, the overwintering waterfowl consist of 12 plant-eating duck species, three species of fish-eating ducks, and five duck species with mixed diets l I

l - 139 - (Study Plan at B 435, Table B-57). The absence of macrophytes in the Cook Nuclear Plant region eliminates the plant-eating ducks and reduces the attractiveness of the region to those with mixed diets. I Section B.D.2. of the Study Plan (pp. B 488 through l B 439) reviewed the available information on use of thermal discharges by naterfowl and found only one case of winter use of a discharge (on an inland lake) by waterfowl (p. B 439, reported by J. Truchan). Except for one day in summer 1976 when large numbers of inch-long alewives were passing through the plant and being red upon by seagulls, the Ccmpany knows of no use of the Cook Nuclear Plant by wildlife not already discussed. .l The evidence is that Plant operation has, at most, a negligible effect on water birds. There is no reason to believe that there would be any site area or lakewide damaging effect of thermal discharges on water birds. g I .I LI LI 'I I I

140 - I V. IMPACT OF ALTERNATIVES TO THE COOK NUCLEAR PLANT I COOLING WATER SYSTEM The type of cooling water system chosen for a par-I ticu1*r plant depends upon a number of considerations, includ-l ing the zi:e and type of plant, the location of the plant, and environmental considerations. A major factor in the selection and design of the Cook Nuclear Plant's cooling water system has been the concept of utill:ing the water of Lake Michigan and returning it with a minimum effecc on the lake biota. The obvious choice to achieve this end for a plant located on the dunelands of Lake Michigan (a very large, I cold body of water which can absorb heat with minimal impact) l 1s once-through coolir.g with its relatively small aesthetic and meteorological effects. As previous sections of this I report have demonstrated (see pp. 44 47, supra), the heat to be added to Lake Michigan by the Plant discharge is ul-timately lost to the atmosphere with no build-up of heat in !. the lake and no effect on the overall heat balance of the

lake. Moreover, other sections of this report (see pp.95-139, supra) have demonstrated that operation of the Plant's once-l through cooling wate. system will net cause significant Due to differing site adverse effect to the lake's biota.

characteristics, the decision making process at other generat-ing site locations has led the American Electric Power Corpora-tien, I L M's parent company, to select cooling towers as the preferred means of cooling, rather than a ence-through system. Where that decision has been reached, it has been I

                                 - 141 -

based either on limited cooling water availability or a con-cern that thermal discharges into rivers might have a pro-nounced effect on downstream water temperatures. l This commitment to the environment was summarized by John Tillinghast, then Vice President of I & M and Executive I Vice President, Engineering and Construction, American Electric Power Service Corporation, in his June 24, 1971 statement to the MWRC (at page 6): Far more cooling towers are on the AEP System than are on any other electri: utility system. How-I ever, a strong cocmitment to technology does not mean a wasteful Octmitmeno to technology when it till serve no purpose. We have had more experience with these towers than anyone else, and this is precisely l why we feel so strongly that building them at the Cook Plant would be utterly wasteful -- in terms of both natural and financial resources. The point is I -- and our record bears this out -- that the AEP System does not hesitate to go to cooling towers where they are needed. I A. Alternatives to Once-Throuch Cooline

                . As part of the AEC's review process, the Company
  'g   made an assessment pursuant to NEPA of the possible
 ,5 alternatives to once-through cooling. That assessment l   examined dry cooling towers, wet natural draft cooling towers, wet mechanical draft cooling towers, and I cooling ponds as alternatives to once-through cooling. The results of this analysis are contained in the " Environmental Report for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant" (dated February 1, 1971) and Supplement Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (dated Ncvember 3, 1971; April 12, 1972; and June 27, 1972, respectively:

i. I

                                                                                                             - 142 -

Based on this analysis the Company concluded that the once-through design of the Cook Nuclear Plant cooling water system I would "not adversely affect the waters of Lake Michigan" and that the possible alternatives "would be much less desirable in terms of their effects on the environment" (Environmental Report at 10 4 and 10-5). These conclusions were fully confirmed in the independent assessment of the Cook Nuclear Plant once-through design made by the staff of the AEC, and published E in the FES. The staff concluded that " operation of the (Cook Nuclear] Station as now designed [that is, with a ol _ ence-tnrough cooling water system] probably will not produce a significant change in the overall ecelogy of Lake Michigan,


either as a whole or in the southern Michigan shore sector"

             .                                             (FES at XI-14).      Three and one-half years later, the detailed
  • monitoring programs conducted by the Company amply support that I

position. Based on the results of these monitoring programs, and a reassessment of the alternatives to once-through


cooling, the Company still believes that the present design of the Cook Nuclear Plant cooling system is the OptL.:a1

1. Drv Cooling Towers. Dry cooling towers remove heat from a circulating fluid through radiation and con-vection to air being circulated past the heat exchanger tubes. Because of the poor heat transfer properties of air, I tubes are generally finned to increase che heat transfer I-
                                        ~143 -

g i area. The theoretical lowest temperature that a dry cooling I i system can achieve is the dry-bulb temperature of the air, l l The dry-bulb temperature is always higher than the wet-bulb temperature, which is the theoretical lowest temperature that a wet cooling tower can achieve. As a consequence tur-bine back-pressures will be increased, as will the range of back-pressures over which the turbines must operate. This I will result in a reduced plant capability. Dry cooling towers l now being used for European and African fossil plants are limited to plants in the 200-iG or smaller category; the use

   ,l      of dry towers to meet the much larger cooling requirements of 1000-!W nuclear stations would require new turbine designs to achieve optimum efficiencies at the higher back-pressure and range required of this system (Silvestri and Davids 1971).

In addition, the environmental effects of heat

   ,.      releases from dry cooling towers have not been quantified.

(g Some air pollution problems may be encountered; noise genera-lg ~ tion problems for mechanical-dry towers will be equivslent

   ,l      or more severe than those of wet cooling towers; and the
   ,.      aesthetic impact of natural-draft dry towers, despite the probable absence of a visible plume, will remain.

Given the uncertainties in technology and the large economic penalties associated with dry cooling towers, the Company views such an alternative as impractical for use at the Cook Nuclear Plant. But even if construe:1on of such towers for a 2,200 !G plant were technologically possible, I I

                                                                      - 144 -

they could not be used at the Cook !1uclear Plant because the turbines, which have already been erected, cannot operate I with a condenser pressure above 4" mercury absolute; whereas dry towers, because they return water at te=peratures substan-tially above the ambient air, would during the summer months create condenser pressures of 8" to 14" of mercury absolute. Thus dry towers, which are in any event not technically feasible for a plant of this size, could not be used with the Plant 's t:trbines (FES at XI-15).

2. Wet Cooling Towers. There are two types of wet (evaporative) towers -- mechanical draft and natural l draft. Each type uses an extended water surface developed by a baffle structure in the heat transfer ru: tion to maximize exposure to air in order to achieve maximum cooling through evaporation. In mechanical draft towers fans are used to force air through the heat transfer sections, while in natural draft towers, the flow of air through the tower 's .

generated by the difference of air density inside and out-side the tower. Both types of towers would require about 30,000 gallons of lake water per =inute to replace losses due primarily to evaporation.

 -                                                     For the Cook fluelear Plant , 14 nochanical draft towers would be needed -- each 73 feet wide, 400 reet long and 60 feet high.              They would require seme 90 acres of presently undisturbed dune area.              Their major disadvantage would be the discharge at a relatively low altitude of I


                                    - 145 -

30,000 gallons per minute of water vapor and droplets. Severe icing and other meteorological effects would be a strong possibility. If natural draft towers were used at the Cook Nuclear Plant, two hyperbolic towers would be required -- l each 520 feet in diameter and 500 feet high. They would occupy about 40 seres of presently undisturbed dune land. I Because of the hef.sht of their discharges, it is believed that meteorological effects wculd be 2ess than in the case of the mechanical draft towers. Both typer of *.owers have an aesthetic impact that is considered significant to many people; mechanical draft touers are often seen as rather ugly while natural-draft I towers dominato the landscape for a considerab24 distance because of their great si::e (on the order of 500 feet hign and 500 feet in tare diameter). We towers also produce visible cloud-liPe plumes of length typically less than one mile. Othe" significe.n;; environmental impacts arising frem wet towers are: (a) the removal of land from other usec;


(b) the possible induction of fog, snow or icing conditions;


(c) the dep",asition of salt on the surrounding land; (d) increased consumptive use of water over once-through cooling (30,000 gpm compared to 3,200 gpm, see '"able 9, infra) ; and (e) effects on aquatic life similar to those resulting frem l cnce-through cooling, but on a reduced scale since intake water is needed only for evaperative and drift losses plus I

                                                                                - 146 m g                                    blowdown water while the warm discharge is only blowdown (FES at XI-16).

3 Cooling Ponds. The design of'a cooling pond depends upon empirical relationships between many variables. A minimum depth of B-12 feet is generally required. Con-l struction of an effective cooling pond to produce tempera-tures comparable to cooling towers would require the acquisi-I tion of about 5,000 acres, or 8 square miles, of land in the g vicinity of the Plant. Using the scenic dunelands adjacent to the Plant would ocnstitute a completely unacceptable use of land resources and would be justifiably objectionable to local residents. Additionally, the inability of the sandy soil in this area to retain water would require a costly and environ-mentally intrusive installation of asphalt or a comparable material. The use of the land area to the east of the Plant might also be unst.tisfactory as a water retaining area 6 without additionel preparation. And, this area would require large expenditures for an extensive network of buried pipes te conduct the cooling water 1-1/2 miles from the Plant as welh as requiring a major pumping system with a sizable use y of energfe . 4 Cost-Benefit Comparison. This report has docu-mented the minimal environmental impact resulting from use of the Cook 11uelear Plant once-through coc11ng water system. These negligible effects on the aquatic environment are 1 g_ overwhelmingly outweighed by (a) the capital costs of backfitting

                                      - 147 -

l the Plant with an alternative cooling system (over $91 million for the cheapest system, see Table 10); (b) the annualized cost (including debt service) of operating an alternative system (more than $30 million, see Table 10); e (c) the considerable financial costs (more than $16 million per year, see Table 10) and resource costs of wasted power,

 <m       which either cannot be produced because of the lower plant i.g       efficiency or is used in operating the cooling towers, (d) l   the attendant environmental costs of producing replacement power; (e) the very considerable wasted costs of censtructing t-those portions of the present cooling system which would a
have to be abandoned; and (f) the adverse aesthetic effects t.

of cooling towers on the dunelands of the Lake Michigan shoreline. C' Set forth below, in summarized chart form (see 4 Tables 9 and 10), is a description of the overall costs of L the once-through cooling sy: tem as well as three alterna-

,          tives:   (a) natural draft cooling towers; (b) mechanical draft cooling towers; and (c) a cooling pond. While the Cem-pany believes that because of the land use requirement a cool-ing pond is not a practical alternative at the Cook Nuclear Plant site it has nevertheless been evaluated.     '2cwever, dry j          cooling towers, which are for technological reasons totally unfeasible, have not been evaluated. Tn evaluating the overall cost, the Company has taken into account the follow-ing factors:     (a) ecological cost to the lake; (b) recrea-I    tion cost; (c) consumptive use of water and the meteorological l

p ._ i. I L I i i ; Teol: ' Aestrette 4 UE[-WQi3ee Ee; C:sts'eitice.s HI a 4:The nr"6 uter dis:harge das iltCisr.srttive estiratedl'se of3,80 hter Fe: Mat %n_Cest :De once-through c3 CCC!l10 IV. trot interfe:1 with swirt-leg '! gall;ns cf ktier Fer fiftte 115 fct visible to (

                        $s M                       :                                                                    talorg tre sNre er with tct. teva;trate to tre atrcsphere               stixxgh the offshor(
                                                   !                                                                    tirs er eter skiir4 en the          arm tre lake's safs:t as a tat the disearge t(
lak e . tresalt ' of t*e ence-tr.~;q,5 I All cf tre pipir4 C I t e:cliri.. No aherse envirm-. Itake sin.ctures ar(
: trental effe:ts smit fm turder htter. BeQ
sthis evtperat'. n. :frcnt of tre pist.t1
:  : sof otst:'J:tions aM t a t  :  : tirreditent
dri ft . to tre {

ITTC"* ~~ tile dinrarge to tre 1sn :T.ert *cdd t-e r4 interferen:t :The consritivt sse of nier :tre two retural ., CPAPT tould te lirJted to ti wd:m sto tatters, teaters, er skitra <uld t'e atcut 30,000 nt al- st:wers hould tce er CCC C C aftut tre c:clits tower. Das tticuitt atcut ty the tat of arcst all of shi:h wuld te aftet high a-d W mu 1:w solids conteat of Lakt tratu al draft c:clirt to.ers. seva; crated to tre at:res; tere. adia eter. Bey va

Fl:P.!ge,wster would riedr.ite :The retterol:gi:11 effe:ts slarge ercuth to end
the typtre e .ts f:r bi: Mown;: tresultirg fm the disparte istory ta11dits ard itNs .tMre w:213 te to sig- ter this qmtity cf wster tarea of a tasetall rdficar,i e:ol:Cical effe:t  : Iva;<r ft:r t.o localirad aftm sw:h dis:targe. :roir,ts $00 feet ateve tre 21rtre cold
1r wuld vestter te vis
: :pm.rd are tdre.n. siteused feet it: tt
tural draft coc11r4 r te:,nstitute a very
: satstheti: intNs10
: is:er.1: ide PA:ht
sa-d W, tid c"ritete
t stre 10. I:sfile vt
: ifinnt Ms teen 4ts

_ _.2 _ to:Meye. 11 rA'C C :A;;r:xt. ately tne are as :Se e as ttr. cts:rited f:r i?:urteen re:t.ed:t'. draf t ife Te rutantial CFA"i trat dis:rited for ratural tratJ11 ditft ex11rg t:af ts.  ::co11rg towtts bruid result intte (0 feet in11 at CCC C C stowers. 1:re c:nsriti:r. cf ateut tou11 rat detrut

.  :.V,0% pr of lake uter, al- :f:m tre T14*.t'41 i  :  : trcit all cf Wi:5 S;uld te th.e.or, d2e to th

["  : :evs;erated to tr.+ aWs;-here. :ttey edi t.We a

: i?.tver, this qmtity of  : adverse effe t u;c.-

2  : :ater vsp:r ww11 t+ dis- ageLT t and F t

:erged to the at :s:here at tte visitie to the

{p i :n distan:e of enly (2 feet :tte likt erd frm b  :  : :ht:vt the t::ed. Truis ex1d :; enter. In a3diti-

:res4t in t,erious ating ;re- :a1 drif t t0atra
: tleJ to T W tepi:re.t,as tt erstiri Fdifty Iy -
: :stil as p ssitie 1:ir4 tr:- traist levels as ft

[  :

tlens cr. riset a::ess reads :3 S W O feet.
rd en ;stitt t.!r?ven.

1  : C'!CN :A;;reateh tre_ see as :Tri?UEl1 te a si:atlE I" e c::1L g ;&TUserrative ~il gcrd w: Ad no: d

         $)               M*D                   :trat denrited f:t r4%ral                                             :;t:: cr tN use cf d;acleds           :w:dd resatt is the corar;- :the ;1 ant's 1:w r.

i :d-v: c:clic.; t:wrs.  : Tar recre c i:n. See a'ss :tive use ci a cut 0,E0 r;n tvisitie frcn the 1 I b  :  :"ird lls e Cc st . "  : f 1Ge uter, a;;:vxt ately :ever, at tires, s. I  :  : :30,0M p cf wht:5 cid te sf:rgi 4 ray oc:ur I. a,  :  : :evsp: rated to the atres; tere :surfa:e cf the ;or i

:f:m the perd s;rf t:e e .3 ttA :::st s nuld rave t-i:)L  :

2 tre-airder would te see; age :in trat a 11 gt ra. 21:sses. It is un11Xtly trat twend disrupt tre

: c id rer21 in a y ad- :Svever, such cost 11y te sig.ift:aa.t1
:  : verse effe:ts.
strese assxisted b
                                                                                                                      ?                                     *

!. ttravrs. f s i i d t 1 l 4 4 th * ' .c ! J 4 1 y- *w y 'wasr -yp ww- y M y ' e-g w g ._ - y w ---py-1r-su-s'e up per Y- lemeurrw ,+rt rget

t v e. E el:rt a1 Cast Fe:rott n Cest C:s Etive t?.e er 'nt-r Aestt+tte f Nm..- uc ..n w fx;c t*, a t r, e n . :c.> 4 4T---- a- rc u : =,>M w um u t e r d r. s : r.rg- c a s :Wis est t aEl trat ),M- Tre or.ce-tr.ra gh : CCCL:24 :D.  : re t *.r.t e rf ere witn a der.!rs :gf.1:r.s of '

  • r t e r rart.t e fis ret visit >1, to SIT:9. t t a ber; t *e sN re e r wi'h lat- :en; crate ts e at cs; tere  : t t he o f f ve.

ti g .:r n'er skiir( en tre :fhr tre like's s aft:e as a :t* tre d16:tArge e

l tr e :r esult cf the cr.:e-tr. :tth :All cf tre p1*tr4
:  :::clitg. I:0 afverse envirm- ltake st:N:tures er
: :rer tal ef fe:t s rysuit fer :urder n'er. 'I?e
                          .                                                          :                                               :tras en;crati:n.                            ifr:nt cf tre Fir.t
:  : :rT ctst:N:tler.s a-
                                                                                     .                                               :                                            :1rief L ent to tre

_1. r_i_ft .

5 ,e wis;".r(e t: tre 1Ge _7__-.._y ..

l'P"U'.  : ,N:.e 5:1.1 t r : imer.e:r:e : Je c rs T.1ve use .f u ter 4.% t.? r.atura,.- E DT-  :.N11 te IL-iteJ to ti: d: n :tr t erers, tcr.ers, cr sam t <. ull t e a t. .! 30, W rp. al- ::: w r s culd t-e e* CCCL2C :frr tre c:clirt t:-er. Pe :tr ; U t at .t ty tr.c use cf  : cst all cf el:h vald te :reet high and SM TW9 11:s solits e:r.te-t c! ia)t  : rain 1 d7ft cid t g t:.ers. :eva; crated to tre aivr;te :dit eter. 'Ite/ v:

F.i:PJt e n* t r W.11 rard.-1:e : ~

I 'r a re

  • t' r^1:r! . tl e f f t:t s 31 rf ? e- Sto t o er.
tre rmirmerts f:r t!:h, :res it L g ft:". tr a d i gd.rg e : s t c ry 1412 L*4 714
t % s , t re er.3 t e r s!p :  ::f tras c;Etiu cf nier :rea cf a tue'til
"lfi vt e:01:El:al effect  : m;cr frm t : 1:ct11 red :iti c:1f v?!!ter. '
fw su:h dis:Parce.  :  :; L"t s 5 3 f ee t ate a tre  :;1r e vault te vis
:  :(- . d a~e t&c.n . :t cuurd feet in t.
                         .                                                          :                                                :                                            ::a! draft CMIL*4
eprstitute a ver/
: .  : wst i: intr. sit
                                                                                                                                     .                                            : s:erl: 16 e M:rl
: :rd mul: c :*T le t e
: :tre 1-:. Fr: file wr
Met tas teen des

hm . . r: .1 ,. m..L ;;;;r;ii.t ,r.,v tr+ s;re n_ . _ _ _ ;_m icc. at*rr cu x .;-

                                                                                                                        .,-7_..,.:7. czt een re:tr.' :a, cart   .
2.e 1. re . ,.

tun stra- et t: rite d f:r ra art: rat e t' enf* c a :trc t:-  :  : Mirc tcurs v.sM r es^ u ~ O feetr*** tan e C:CG .t crs. 2 r e ::r.s rT

  • 1:a. cf etNt  :. m it rat ...
                                                                                                                                        '?,0:: cc cf 17.ka nie r , ed - t i:w t k . Fl et's "..


                                                                                    '                                                   v'* ali cf w'd:t v 11 te                  9 0.- < t r, d .e t o t r t                                                                                                           : e c , c rat ej t a t re r,:s; *.e re.
  • ej v;.;$ tave a
N . e r , t M 3 q. r* i' cT :Werse effe: L;c
o'er si,r'r w 21 t dis- :arre c t:e ard tre
                                                                                    '                                                   : e r! t > tM at~ :gt-are et de vis!*le t 3 t*e t
:n distc:e c ' cnly t : fe+t  : t *
  • 1 G t t.rd fry a.,  :  : n ve t e p :_n* P2: c R! em er In sdliti

! in seri;;s 1:1 g ; r;-  : 31 dn ' . t o.ers f g ', t 'r1 t: ;1W e;.ho .,a3 :gr* :*ir5 Flldly

.e'1 t3;rn ";e 1:'rg ir:- -,ise 1e.els a s f a_

g . . ', .j 4 t '. r 3 c- tit e:c e n r:-'It :3 M -U 00 feet, l _.y._._..__,_.. C1. ' O e , T T : ( '..~7 t. s.- .

                                                       . - _* 4 L- r'_.Ri. . _ ,        _~___.,I1*
                                                                                         '+     ':
                                                                                                       - - - . . - - - . - -_ ,v d_ r..m irf ;C'$ 2l!ti .*.I'.tt 3 5 !
  • l t '. ? i* ' '": ". ,a. s.e t.t-
                                                                                                                                                                            ._ :_rJ
A ;< . -!-*. b:.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  , I t'; I f?O                 * *r d e a : r m
  • f; r r2 .-d :P -et.n # U '.  ; !I tet.1. ir.tN c:rsrs- :tre ;1 rt's l h ;'
                            % '- c :;Lr.g :. m                                         '       : - > c i:r      14: a;=               : tis a t. n : f e t M L , r.      '. g: -    visitle fr:n tre 1
', rd I;te Cc e " .:T le e W er, a;;r: x t a'.ely :ever, *: t L e s, s. -
                                                                                                                                      ; 3 : , T : ) V C l k'0 % e 7l $ t s        :f:ge:i"f 72/ OCr *
                                                                                   -                                                  :nt; rm: ta tra tir:t; hee : e f a:e c f t*e ;cr

r ~.m  : N p e rd nrf a : e rz.1 t re ::st s v:u!d rave t

:re& der Wuld te se ;ere :t . trat e Irre ra
                         *                                                         ;                                                                 It is L.rii<*;, trat         r.'ul d di s r.:; t t r e
lt u " .id rerf.
                                                                                                                                        * -l s e                17 er a !.          " :-- tr, s. h c st
                         .                                                         :                                                 :n rse effe:ts.                                ly te siinifi m tl'
tn::e ass::itttd b
: t : .v r s .
                                                                 .w M

g e . --w.s S1 APPRTURE CARD Alm A3Alaye 9,, l trd t'se C st 7?rr aial Cest he riure Card st . Ileg syster :te cra:e-treagn c'E&rg sys- :% firua tat c.Qe cr :e-ter;QCc:Mirc st er s, st en i s ak'..t M3 rllEr., g,.tli , it'*', t< a ss e it is 10:a*.ed tall cf wrl:h tas alrygfy teen eqerde!. 'ite f f.1:drg t atie qw.tifies tre a' tuli:ei { upwellirg t M rg t *e t el c f the lake,  :: st cf tr.e er.:e.tre;q3 desip, r te visitle idx s ret ir. lve a*y 1stsj use. t . jd the in- t i I lacate1 s t

  • Jath in 1 1
' lite is free 1

( there is re t! Lttoral 1 . [t C Dc,4[rf

  • rf tC ra t Jrs .-'.rJ A.r :eX.Jg m :1he C P.; 111.r 1T..es_ ** f r t4 r,.#1t '. L*g ( M C C ) .1r : .1** teO ra! : C:3 [*, C :C airf a 5N:t:.ers v uld r ;. ire t.e dis- st e.ers tas teen estt atal e a;;r:st ately !!'..! r.1111:r- i: this arculd te added tre et in :t. rte.:e cf O a:res cf 10:st of t!.? cre:e tricyh exiti s, sten el:h v.d d te wasted. Also, ta:kfittirt, with
        $ennte :;reser.tly m11st.;rted d r*-                                      trated eart e:clieg tr.ers vmid ret.* in s!rn!Tt: art re-alties asaxistel with f a s s a 9- 111rd .                                                      Wcrer effi:it'c/ e* d 1: s cf ge .truirg et;a:ity rd e ge ses to rest:re tras et;4                                                                 a Fa playir.g i                                                             :tility. gararatie m;j te le ss f r t.9 reitir.S. r1rst , te:Lse tre e:cde .ser 1 eld. fu -!                                                              .:wli g nier wM d te wt ar traa t r=, 1.G e s n e r t ra t .0611 t e L S ed c n a cra e.t rengh
      .7 va;-cr                 :                                                 :t t si s , t N e f fie ler.:/ c',' p l e.                       gerf:r r:e w:d d te red.:el. Ms tre rir.t c';eratiri le severd                                                                 te its r.uirm ca;atility u*l:t ras teen fiu! tj desip 5;uld trab:e less ele:-

air. hit -: :tri:ity tran 1: <> 13 if re*-2ned to utili:e t5r Ice nier far emitri en a cr.:e.

  ,:.ers wuit:                                                                    :tremp. tasi '. Se:ord, a la ger e :s.t cf pr,ersti n wsid te cor.sred in the Jp1f t:a .t !                                                                    :Plart 's c; erat!:r s.              ; * .is 1. te:t';te rcre ele:tri:ity rsst te dented to t'.rvitt '
  • thrt tre .7 liri vn+r trrNh tM clutd cy:le tru. wNid te r. ewe f:r a cnce.ttrN?h sy let ?? 1:st et:t:it) r d 1:1 ass::ined enari/ vnid tave t te repla:e3 frm cther sh'relire !

(,destivy r

sre:es. 15 f:1 : .t*g t it le :;_a.*':! Tie s au t
  • e c r St s a s s: i n e$ wit n ta Mitt irt t he sh tre Cd 1 :M Met. As er te ten T .r. trat inle, tre tota; erralized c:st ( Ai:5 is tre '
a cri of d:'.les trt* n:s* te g rid cut yerly f r tre life cf tre rirt ty t!c cen-
    )netto                                                                                          s . W- s e e t e e -t- -in
                                                                                                                                                   - -ra n i:n.- - - -

y rs w:wr-d m:..e 1. re:t r i:M c a', c::e i- ,sr

.te r3 e , f - ta;.Y:bg tre c d}; a re:!ci:al caft c,:hirg

ca;.7. i. L# i trare f:re, t i*4 truars v uld ra:e ssita* e .t:wer sjs e- has tte e: iv.ej at r;; ra ira t ely $ T. . ? ra ll! r . b tras sNuld te aided

      ' pre:intly t*e ust cf st at 9' A res cf tr. et**r c:st ; - aitie5 d
  • t :r!! e d f:r r " "' '7 f t c :- 117 t :.e rs . De folle.tri
            ;*crile. :; rt t e r.t ly urd i s * -* * '
  • e - t a t ie q w t i T!t s t *e s e c a s a- d 1- f t : n e s t rat t v t :: C. rc e-.111: e! c: st vn!d t e in a

tf s l:d . :aceis cf 3D ralli:r Enlfl:.nt : . the p>ie.t 's : tly h%1d !  ! (tli: frx. : - 4 Visit:rs' ,8 5 1, re: Ped- t t r.01sy, t 1 Nii t t 1*g i a .; h% 2


4 h__.,w. ==1-,e.4u - = I4

                                                                   -.+.w*                                                        -

j g

                                                                                         ..-------7.-..-                             . , - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                       ..                                        -]

t 7.w.- **

                                                                                                       'A. UN ! B:* # . I
  • L A  : <l .-----.u-t ir{. I' ' s f* w t" O C2 . * ; ( ; C %{'"V"M }--

b:* f ry.  : A C X l L* ( W &' v. r P ile ca (* I fle.' b .lf r+qaire ML * *; r: (irate'/ II' '. r211*:". "' !*l5 l' ei c e l ' i-I t ' L Nr c:It [e' Alties des-

          .e . h..             :a:res er ! t;re riles cf                                  1* d f r r.'* cti e3 % c:^1' ; t . r).                                      *e TSl- i e t e ie p"* ! Tie s trese 0:s's visin e               : led rc .: L 3 "! rat *,'%    f;r                 :r-J iY : n e: t.'.n t v t: > . er, a.t
  • d c J : w. M te ep;::Wa'ely ID rllit:n.
       }c .>e       t r.-          :rr e tti:ral cr firiri le-                        .
        ,        A t str e t i: :;c s.e s .                                           .

14 it. .l*T C ' ' nde Isse : 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Its .

re retttrg.: toili live-t

                        .g  . .

lh e M IL*4 1  : _ _ l -- --- _ -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .me      -m-v.m,.
                                                                                                                                          %mooo 5 - o\                                                                                      -l\

M M M M M M M - M M M M M -M M M

                                                   - 149    .

TABLE 10 Once-Through Natural Draft Mechanical Draf t Cooling Cooling Gyn. Cooling Towern Cooling Towers Ponds

1) Capital Invented to Install $ 21,600,000 $ 81,800,000 $ 91,234,000 $ 87,000,000 j2) Annual Carrying Charge on 3,888,000 14,700,000 16,422,000 15,660,000 Cool]ng Tower Investment
3) Annual Maintenance Expennen 15,000 25,000 50,000 25,000
%)   Capital Invented for Replace-                   -

56,250,000 26,820,000 52,650,000 ment Facility

5) Annual Carrying Charge on Replace- -

10,125,000 4,828,000 9,477,000 ment Facility Investment

6) Annual Replacement Cost For -

2,614,000 1,927,000 2,278,000 Heplacement Power (Energy) -

7) Replacement Power Costs During -

26,785,000 26,785,000 26,785,000 Tle-In Period 8) Annua 11 zed Tle-In Power - 3,669,000 3,669,000 3,669,000 Replacement Costs

9) Cont of Abandoned Facilities -

17,600,000 17,600,000 17,600,000 101 Annualized Cost oP Abandoned __ 3,168,000 3,168,000 3,160,000 Fac111tlen OTAL ANNUAI.IZED COST $ 3 ,903,000 $ 34,301,000 $ 30,064,000 $ 34,283,000

                                 - 150 -

effects resulting therefrom; (d) aesthetic cost; (e) land use cost; and (f) financial cost. Since several of these factors are not susceptible of quantification, it has not  ; i been possible to add the various costs and arrive at a single overall dollar ces figure for each alternative. B. Alternatives to the Cook Nuclear Plant Intake Structures l Fursuant to Section 316(b) of the FWFCA, the Company has undertaken to show that "the location, design, construction, and capacity of [the Cook Nuclear Plant) cooling water intake structures reflect the best technology available for minimi::ing adverse environmental impact . " Regulations promulgated by the USEPA specify that information contained in the " Development Document for Best Technology Available for the Location, Design, Construction and Capacity of Cooling Water Intake Structures for Minimi:ing Adverse Environmental Impact" (issued April, 1976) (hereinafter " Development Docu-ment") should be ecnsidered in making the required showing. 40 C.F.R. $402.12.6 The Development Document, in turn, sets forth the following criteria for measuring a 316(b) showing: 6 On April 26, 1976, the Indiana and Michigan Electric Com-pany, along with several other electric power generating com-panies, filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the I Fourth Circuit a Petition to Review and Set Aside the United States Environmental Protection Agency's April 16, 1976 promul-gation of regulations for cooling-water intake structures (No. 76-1474). The ccurt of appeals has acknowledged this petition and has tentatively called for argument on juris-dictional issues (Crder, dated October 26, 1976). I I

                                        - 151 -

l H Owing to the highly site specific characterietics of available technology for the location, design, con- ~ struction and capacity of cooling water intake struc-tures for minimizing adverse environmental impact, no technology can be presently generally identified as p the best t e c hnolo gy a v a ila o le,, even within broad cate-L gories of possible application. Within this context, a prerequisite to the identification of best technology

-        available for any specific site should be a biological study and associated report to characterize the type, extent, distribution, and significant overall environ-mental relation of all aquatic organisms in the sphere of influence of the intake, and an evaluation of available technologies, to identify the site speciffc I        best technology available for the location, design, construction and capacity of cooling water intake structures for minimizing adverse environmental im-I        pact.    # # #

The term "best technology available" infers the use of I the best technology available ecmmercially at an eco-nomically practicable cost. Consideration of the economic practicability of employing the best technology available also must be done on a similarly individualized basis. (Development Document at 170-l'I7; emphasis added.) l Moreover, where a 316(b) showing is being made for an exist-ing intake structure (defined as a structure in operation or upon which construction had commenced as of December 13, 1973), evaluation of the ava11abis technologies is to proceed on a modified basis. i' In determining the "best technology available" that is applicable to an existing structure, the degree of adverse environmental impact should be considered. An existing structure may be acceptable despite the fact that it does not conform in all details to the criteria recommended in this document if, as a result, environ-mental damage is minimal. Such an evaluation also is to be on a case-by-case basis * # 5 (Development Document at 142 (emphasis added); see also id, at 193) The Cock Nuclear Plant intake structures qualify as existing structures and should be evaluated as such. The Development Document recommends that an evaluation of intake structure environmental impact be done through the acquisition of biological data which identifies important,

152 - indigenous aquatic organisms, specifies their temporal and spatial distribution, provides a description of water tempera-tures, document organism swimming capabilities, and relates the location of the intake with concern fer the seasonal and diurnal spatial distribution of the identified aquatic organism (Development Document at 12-13, 177-78). The Company has undertaken such an analysis and the results are reported in the Study Plan (see Chapter B) and updated in this report (see pp. 95-139, supra). Based on that analysis it is clear that the Cook Nuclear Plac.t intake structures will have cnly minimal impact on the aquatic biota both of Lake Michigan and the area immediately surrounding l the Plant. The Company has also participated in sponsor-ing the preparation of " Review of the Literature on Lake rl Michigan Fish" (March,1976) which gathers and su .mari::es information en Lake Michigan species abundancies and "The Lake-Wide Effects of Impingement and Entrainment on the Lake Michigan Fish Populations" (forthcoming, 1977) which presents data and scientific analysis to the effect that lake-wide, steam-electric-power-plant-caused impingement and entrainment result in very minimal harm to the lake. Thus, under standards for review of existing in-take structures, such as the Cook Nuclear Plant's, no detailed i analysis into the location, design, construction and capacity of the Plant intake structures is required. However, the Ccmpany has made such an analysis demonstrates that, E as well as causing no significant ha.m. , the Plant intake I I

                                  - 153 -                                                l j

structures when measured against the technologies described in the Development Document do, in fact, conform to the I criteria rece= mended and are indeed the best technclogy available for minimizing adverse environmental impact to the sottheastern basin of lake Michigan. A complete description of the Cook Nuclear Plant intake system is given in an earlier section of this report (see pp. 32-36, 40 41, supra). Several design features of the Plant intake system are particularly relevant to impact on the lake. First, in order to ;:rotect each of the intake elbows from large solid objects in the water, particularly, massive ice formations whicF frequently occur in the winter, a heavy I structural steel frame, octagonal in plan, was installed on the lake bottom over each elbow. Second, each intake struc-ture nas a solid steel roof so that water flowing to the Such a roof, inlet elbows moves in a horf.: ental direction. commonly called a " velocity cap," reduces the likeliheed of Third, the fish entrainment and eventual impingement. structural steel frame is provided with bar racks in both directions to prevent the entry of large debris into the

.f      intake pipes. An additional environmental benefit gained

'I i from the offshore design is the avoidance of any obstruction to the natural beach in front of the Cook Huclear Plant. Although from the beginning of plant design, an offshore location for cooling water intakes was tensidered i, to be the most appropriate, the original design of the intake structures was conceived as a stone-filled circular I

                                      - 154 -

- crib or " doughnut" similar to that which is installed at the y Bailly Plant of Northern Indiana Public Service Company about i 30 miles south of the Cook Nuclear Plant. The doughnut-shaped, rock-filled crib intake structure passes water from the lake to the intake pipe. The spacing of the grating bars bears to some degree upon- the magnitude of fish entrainment (smaller spaces exclude more and smaller fish), but too-close spacing l can result in plugging by vegetation, plastic sheets, etc., t requiring costly manual cleaning of the grates, A review of this concept led to the conclusion


that the present design was more desirable for a number of reasons. Since no good data relative to fish entrainment by crib versus submerged intakes are available, it is not possible to make a choice between the two alternatives on i that basis. However, the rock-filled crib in the original l design would have extended above the lake surface and would have created a physical obstruction and possible ha::ard to I navigation as well as a visual intrusion when viewed from shore. In addition, it appeared much more difficult to prevent large debris from entering the intake pipes through openings that were to be provided in the rock fill. , The following is an analysis of the four factors -- location, design, construction and capacity -- relevan- to 316(b) considerations:

1. Location. Location referc to both the hori-contal and vertical placement of the intake structure with respect to the local above-water and under-water topography
  • - 155 -

b (Development Document at 15; see also 40 C.F.R. 5402.11(b)). Factors that should be considered in determining an optimal [ location are the nature of the water source from which the supply is taken, the location of the intake structure with respect to the discharge structure, the vertical location of the intake, the location of the intake with respect to the balance of the plant, and the avoidanc e of areas of important biological activity (Development Document at 15-16). The water source for the Cook Nuclear Plant, . Lake Michigan, is a large lake. Important considerations in the design of an intake on a large lake are a storm wave protec-tion system and protection against large ice floes and the damage they may cause. Both of these considerations can be seen in the Flant design in that (a) the intake crib is located below major wave action and any $ce formation, (b) the intake and discharge pipes are buried at least two feet below the lake botton, and (c) the screenhouse is well behind the shoreline. In addition, since the intake crib is a small offshore structure it does not interfere with the littoral drift or adversely impact on shoreline stability. To minimice recirculation problems the intake structure is located more than a thousand feet from the dischar ge structures and well below the normal depth of - the thermal plume. While conditions resulting in recircula-tion from discharge to intake have existed on occasion (see pp. 42 h3, supra), the present 1ccation of the intake cribs minimice the impacts from recirculation and, as ncted abcVe

, - 156 - (pp. 95-139, supra), no adverse effects on lake biota due to plume recirculation have been observed. The fact that the intake and discharge are relatively far apart and physically removed frcm the plant causes toe entrainment time to be longer than would occur with a shoreline intake and discharge (approximately 10 minutes from intake to discharge). The consequence of this has been somewhat attenuated by locating the discharge closer inshore than the intake structure thereby decreasing the period of entrainment following condenser passage. The offshore intake location, however, avoids the impingement problems that may exist with shoreline intakes or intakes built at the end of a forebay or intake canal; it also I avoid; impact to shoreline and adj acent dune land. Thus, the offshore location at the Cook Nuclear Plant site is cleerly more desirable than a shoreline location. Finally, the location of the Plant intake structures properly reflect the knowledge of the aquatic community gained during pre- and post-operational monitoring.


The findings contained in this report (see pp. 95-139, supra) and the Study Plan (see Chapter B) indicate that

 'I       there are no'important spawning areas, j uvenile rearing l  areas, fish migration paths, shellfish beds or any other unique concentration of aquatic life in the immediate vicinity of the intake structures. Similarly, vertical placement of the intake cribs is in 2h feet of water (for average lake level of 579 feet MSL), 2250 feet offshore, so as to minimize danger tc aquatic life.


                                                                                                            - 157 -
2. Design. Design refers to the arrangement of

{ elements that make up the coolinE, water intake structure (see 40 C.F.R. $402.ll(c)). The most obvious design criteria of I an intake system is to insure that the system meets the

   ;                                                                   operational requirements of the plant while minimizing environmental impact.             This involves an evaluation of the various components which comprise the intake system.                   The Development Document identifies the following groups of components:           screens (including physical and behavioral screening systems), fish handling and bypass equipmeht, and intake structures themselves (Development Document at 27).
   .I                                                                   In evaluating these components, minimization of intake ll velocity is a major design censideration (Development Docu-ment at 27-34).

With respect to general screen design, the conclusions of the Development Document are particularly

    .I noteworthy.

The basic conclusion related to the design section is that there is no generally viable alternative to the onventional traveling water screen available at the I present time. * *

  • Furthermore, since the configura-tion of the intake is largely determined by the screen-ing system employed, the conventional intake structure will probably remain substantially unchanged in the near future. (Development Document at 180; emphasis added)

This conclusion has added significance at the Cook Nuclear Plant, as impingement rates will not be altered by a change in traveling screen design. I I .

                                        - 158 -

Impinsemen* rates can, however, be reduced by 1 appropriate design of the offshore intake structure. In i 1 this regard the Development Document reaches the following I conclusions ( M. at 182-83): (a) none of the available behavioral screening I systems has demonstrated consistently high efficiencies in diverting fish from intake structures; (b) the performance of electric screening systems and air bubble curtains appear to be very erratic; (c) no successful application of light or sound barriers has been identified; and (d) " velocity cap" intakes have been shown to be generally effective in reducing fish intake, and it is recommended that all offshore intakes be fitted with l a velocity cap or alternative design that provides hori ental intake velocities, t

       >                     The Cook Nuclear Plant intake cribs are, of course, fitted with velocity caps, in accordance with the Development Document's recommendations as to best technology available.

Aside, however, from a discussion of velocity caps, the other offshore intake structures described in the Develop-ment Document are suitable only as river water makeup struc-tures and do not have sufficient capacity for the needs of the Cook Nuclear Plant. The literature en Lake Michigan cooling water use (e.g., Argonne National Labcratory, 1971) describes other designs. These are summarized below. I

159 - Kewaunee Plant Cooling System The condenser cooling-water systam for the Kewaunee Plant is shown schematically in Figure 24 Briefly, the cooling water is withdrawn from the lake at three intake ports located about 1, feet below the lake l surface. Steel trash grills with 1-foot square open-ings are installed above the intake openings to prevent large debris from entering the system (Fig. 25). In addition, an air-bubble screen around the periphery of the intake structure discourages possible fish pene-trations. Most of the intake structure and the entire I 10-foot diameter intake pipe leading from the structure to the plant is buried below the bottom of the lake. The cooling water is drawn through the intake ports, in I a downward direction, at about 0.9 fps. It flows by action of gravity through the 10-foot ID intake pipe and empties into the forebay of the screenhouse. The i n water velocity in the intake pipe at full flow is about g 11 fps. The screenrouse forebay acts as a stilling basin to reduce the water velocity before the water passes through a bar or trash grill (site unknown) and .l the traveling screens. The Kewaunee Plant intake has the very serious

problem of vertical intake currents. Fish appear to be

= unable to sense- vertical currents and thus unable to avoid them (Downs and Meddock 1974; Schuler and Larson, 1974). Point Beach Plant Cooling System The condenser cooling-water system for the Point Beach Plant is schematically shown in Figure 26. The

g- Point Beach Plant has two generating units and two lg independent condenser cooling systems. The intake structure is made of steel piling forming a hollow cylindrical structure, standing upright on the lake

.l l bottom, and filled with staggered limestone blocks. In addition, thirty-eight, 30-inch diameter pipes pass through the intake structure about 5 feet above the l lake bottom. The lakeside ends of these pipes are '

covered with 1-3/16 x 2-inch gratings. Figure 27 is an isometric view of the intake design. Most of the l

intake water flows through the void spaces between the limestone blocks. The isometric sketch is not correctly drawn, because the blocks are shown closely fitted when in reality they are somewhat more randomly oriented. I lI

                                                                          -160-             .

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- - 165 - The Point Beach Plant intake has the same problems as the Bailly Plant intake (i.e., the intake protrudes above the lak'e surface level), whica was evaluated and l_ then rejected as a suitable design for the Cook Nuclear Plant. l Zion Station Cooling System The schematic flow diagram for the Zion Station I condenser cooling system is shown in Figure 26. Details of the intake structure are shown in Figure 29. The inlet ports are about 17 feet below the water I surface. The roof structure is located above the two large intake ports to prevent vortex motions in the inlet water, as well as to provide more of a horizontal velocity gradient around the intake. Water net only enters I through the larger two center ports but additionally through 45 small-diameter holes located around the periphery of the intake. These smaller ports serve a I double purpcse. water is recirculated through them to prevent system In the winter time, warm discharge icing. These smaller ports eventually lead to the l center intake pipe shown in Figure 29, via a common plenum, the thawing box. All three 16-foot diameter intake pipes lead to the forebay. At full circulating I flow, the average water intake velocity at the two larger ports will be 2.47 fps while the 16-foot intake

                    ~ pipes will have a 5.6 fps average flow velocity.

The Zion Station intake is basically a velocity cap intake similar to the Cook Nuclear Plant intake and I therefore offers no real alternative to the Cook Nuclear Plant design. Palisades Plant Cooling System r The schematic for the Palisades Plant condenser cooling system, as originally designed, is shown in Figure 30. Cooling water is withdrawn frem the lake at about 3300 feet offshore. The intake consists of a vertical 11-foct diameter pipe, with its opening loca-ted about 6 feet from the lake bottom. A 60-foot wide, 60-foot long, 12-foot high box is centrally located over the intake. The box lias a steel plate for its top and 2-inch vertical bars, spaced 10 inches apart, around the sides. The trash rack located inside the screenhouse consists of a grating with vertical bars about 1 inch apart. The discharge canal is a structure about 37 feet wide at the shore, opening tc 100 feet 8

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nb 5_ j Tremie corcrete s' q, i6 0' .me = = sm o a o' Z1::n Station Water-1::ake 5::ue:ure in Lake Fichir,an Figure 29

7, N Sil0REl.INE

                  .        LAKE 14tCillGAff NDENm!

DISCllARGE STRUCIURE) /. , N .[ _. A Q ,---

                                                                                                 "    7- vvsc-If1TAKE STRUCTURE rl   l                      _


                                                                                     =                ...:

3 . [y CIRCULATillG PUldPS

                                                                                                               /,L xTRAVillflG SCHff tJS 3/8 in. IAES
                              .                                                                       -s           .

DISCIIARGE 103 II OffSil0RE 3300 fl OffSIIORE s

 '                                                      100 ft WIDE AT DISCilARGE
      '15 fps IfdIAK[ Vfl 0Cl1Y AT PIPE                 5.0 x 109 Olu/lir 11tfitt.1AL 015CilARGE:

x 405,11 0 gpn it'lAKI ILOW ' lli in. S:'ACIO VIRilCAl. GRAlif1G I 4 Schematic of Original- Pa11anden Condenser CoolinE-Llater System Figure 30 l . . . . . . .

                                      - 169 -

at the point of discharge, about 108 feet from-shore. The average discharge velocity across the 100-foot wide opening will generally be less than 2 fps. The cool- [ ing-water transit time from the condenser header to the point of discharge into the lake is roughly 25 seconds. The Palisades Plant intake, like the Zion Station

  ,              intake, employs a velocity cap design similar to the Cook Nuclear Plant design, again offering no alternative
  "              to the present design.

It is clear from the above that the technology

       .I being used at other comparable generating stations for offshore structures does not de=onstrate that alternatives Eto the Cook Nuclear Plant intake structures would be desir-able. In addition, it should be noted that the velocities experienced at the Cook Nuclear Plant intake (approximately
    .I-1 3 fps) are typical of velocities at other similar generat-b         ing plants.

The Company believes that the 1.3 fps irtake

 .I        velocity with this intake design and location is optimal for I   protection of fish. The data and discussion on intake velocities in the Development Document are not directly a

applicable to the velocity cap design employed at the Cook Nuclear Plant. The Development Document discusses a?propriate velocities through a traveling screen. In this regard, it is reported that screen velocities at existing plants are typically in the 2-3 fps range, whereas velocities of 0.3- "Ik


1.1 fps may be needed to minimize the impingement of fish. In addition, the Development Document also states that when l temperature and species specific swimming speeds are cen-L i sidered, intake velocities considerably less than 1 fps may I be needed (Development Document at 23-33).


                                - 170 -


 'l                  At the Cook Nuclear Plant, because the intake is located offshore and water is pipad approximately 2250 feet to the screenhcuse forebay, the velocity across the traveling screen (which is approximately 2 fps) is much less important than the velocity into the intake structure.      The


 'E  important velocity is that at the velocity cap, a horizontal velocity. Since the purpose of a velocity cap is to produce a hori:: ental current recogni::able by fish, if the intake velocity becomen insignificant, fish will not try to avoid

) tne intake current, but instead will swim under the velocity I cap and experience the vertical current which is not readily detected by fish. In fact, diver observations indicate that fish are swimming freely around th; velocity gap. Schuler (1973) concludes that a 1 5 fps 1,takle velocity at the velocity cap is optimum. Thus, to lower the Cook Nuclear Flant intake ilocity below 1 3 fps may be counterproductive. The final design consideration is the use of fish handling and bypass facilities. Most equipment of this type is installed at federal irrigation diversions in the western part of the United States. Relatively little work has been done on developing these facilities for incor-poration into existing power plant intake structures (Develop-ment Document at 103). There are three types of such facili-ties adapted for use at thermal power generating plants: I

                                                        - 171 -

l (a) Fish Pumps - rotary pumps with open or blade-less impellers. l (b) Fish Elevators - baskets or similar lifting devices that raise fish after they have been concentrated over the basket and dump them into a trough for retura to the waterbody (see Figures 31 and 32). (c) Overflow Weirs - a fish ej ector system that cencentratee fish in a quiet area of water, accomplishes removal by raising the water level in the trapping com-partmant until it flows over the weir, and uses a movable screen at the bottom of the compartment to herd I the fish upward until they swin over the weir into a return trough (see Figure 33). In addition to these three methods of removing fish fr m the intake structure prior to impingement, it is also possible to modify a traveling screen so that impinged fish could conceivably be rescued following impincemen; and be discharged to a return trough. Such a system has been designed by J. D. Ristroph for use at the Virginia Electric


Power Company's Surry Plant on the James River near Jamestown, Virginia. The following description is taken from an un-- published handout by Ristroph: W A traveling screen design was developed which would collect fish tenporarily impinged on the face of I the screen or those maintaining pcsition just in front of the screen face. This is accomplished by bolting a steel compartmented trough on the lip of a conventional screen basket in a position capable of maintaining a I minimum of 2 inches of water-during the time of travel I



1 I l 0.38M ] i (16") ' le 3: E I O u d t ( h T LV k ( S_\ % . 0.91M /S EC , 15CM I (3'/SEC) s , ELEVATOR B ASKET (6") 9,, l N ( ' l }2.1M (T-0") $ me g V

                                        \        g SCREEN *


                                                                   /                  y FISH SEEK I,             '


                                            , 0.63CM (%") M ESH                                 ,


.I Fipare 31 I


                                                                              -173-i                                                                                                 .

I -

                               -. ' n
                                       / Dx Ny a                                         .


                                                 ' BASKET 6.1 M(20')                                         I                                    -

__ , f __ g- SCREE I ~\ 21 M WIDE ' 2.1 M D E EP FLOW ) I P m. 1 i 1.9 CM i

                                         ,     ,--                                                          {'


                                                                     -174-                                                                                                               4 k                        PATElliE0taas a 3,820,342 to h
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t't. 3, ' s $ -

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n E , rw, . - -

                                                              -l             .                                                          .

Overflow Weir Fish Ejector System Figure 33

I - 175 - I from the water surface to the headshaft sprocket [see Figure 34]. Fish picked up or falling into the i trou6h of water do not have the tendency to flip out and repeat the process until they are in a moribund condition. The new screens are designed and constructed to operate on a continuous mode, thus reducing the time I. of any possible impingement of fish on the screen to two minutec or less. This period of time can be I reduced to one minute or less at times of high fish population levels by use of a variable speed control mechanism.

.I             W           N           N          #         #

As the screen travels over the head shaft sprocket,

.I       the water with the fish is spilled onto the screen sur-face. . On further rotation to the rear, fish slide down g       the screen and [are] deflected into a trough of running

'g water for transport back into the river away from the intake structure. A low pressure screen wash system at g 10-15 psi has been incorporated into the design to aid

.g in removing fish and returning them to the river.

While devices of the Ristroph type may become I practicably useful in the future, this technology has not been successfully used where fish species such as those en-countered at the Cook Nuclear Plant site are found. More- "EN over, in addition to the mechanical uncertainties surrounding the use of fish handling devices, the environmental effects of such equipment have not yet been docunented. Thus, even if it were desirable to include, on an experimental basis, some type of fish handling or bypass facility as part of the design of a new intake structure, there is no basis for backfitting an existing intake structure with such untested technology. As the Development Document peints out (Develop-ment Document at 183): >I I

                                                -176-I                                  i 1





l 3

                              \~C1 FOR DEBRIS REMOV AL L/     -

b- ' 4

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                                                                                                                     'V I                                     :f                                               '

A .) FISH RF.MOVAL T/ l 10.5 CM DETAIL-1 ,_..I . . l '

                             .hs                                .




                               - 17' -

I Unfortunately, the case c: Jish handling and bypass systems in conjunction with cooling water intakes is not a highly developed technology at the present tine. I Therefore, a blanket recommendation requiring these systens at all new intakes cannot be made, but this technology should be considered. If fish handling facilities cannot be recom-mended for all new intake structures, a forticri they are LI not appropriate for backfitting existing facilities. This is particularly the case where design constraints imposed by the existing facilities would require a maj or construction effort to incorpcrate fish handling and bypass equipment. In the case of the Cook Nuclear Plant the limitations in-posed by the existing screenhouse make the case for such facilities highly dubious. For example, if the Ristroph Traveling Screen were to be backfitted at the Cook Nuclear clant it would be l necessary to build a sluiceway so that reset.ed fish could be returned to the lake beyond the surf ::one and to design that sluiceway so that it would not be blocked by the littoral drift of sand or damaged by packed ice. This would require a : substantial rebuilding of One screenhouse. It would be nece=sary for the Company to obtain an amendment to the Permit to allow the discharge of live fish and trash from the screens. Other fish handling devices (e.g , fish pumps, fish eleva crs, and overflow weirs) all must be used in conjunction with methods that concentrare the fish into one area. Such methods typically involve the use of angled vanes and fish bypass channels. Figures 25 and 36 E

                                                                         -170-E                                                                                               1.45M3/SEC (50 FT 3/SEC) M AX i1.8M (6')                       j                                                 l

<E 0.61M TO 0.76M (2' TO 2' 6") 1 I 5 FLUME WATER DEPTH J 15.3M (60') LONG 3 3eC 220 C (520 F.720F) WATER LI

                                                           \                     ,+                 _
                                                                    ' O.3M TO 1.2M/SEC .'
                .                                                     (l' TO 4'/SEC)                                                             ;

s' y 0.6M l 0.8M p ( 2') (2.F)i' I

   !                                                                                 2.54 CM ANGLE WAS                         \h' VARIED                                                             (7") SEST
                                                \ s s -f\


h. ,

3 , i A \ TI _. E 3



                                                                           /                      AREA CRITICAL, FISH MAY
          .g                                                                                       REFUSE TO ENTER j .g w..


 !._                                                                    Figure 35 I

c e- -* ,eT+i

g g, I . e 7 t' R

 -I ,r _ SHOR ELIN E m                                         ..
                                                                        ' TRASH BARS .,

p , _. ,

                                         , r-'        1 t r r .- t : r.                          iii*


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"l \/ '/~ FISH MOVEMENTy* i s- f. .\s^..-\ a

                                                                                                      ..                                          !         n.-

c . l- \  !.}, x , ,. .

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                                                                                .*-                       .... ek                   >, #
                                                                                                   -                                                              'i
  -l                                                                                              /

s/ . br! 4 w, l . .


I, .


FISH PUMP - Figure 36



E - 18 0 _ illustrate the angled vanes or screens; Figures 37 and 38 show complete systems.7 F.owever, all of these systems. would also require a very substantial redesign, rebuilding and expansion of the screenhouse. As can be seen from Figure 40, it is necessary to desir,;n a screenhouse with quiet areas prior to the traveling screens so that the fish which concentrate in these areas can be removed by fish pumps or fish elevators. The present Cook Nuclear Plant screenhouse does not have space to accommodate such facill-L tiea without major modification requiring a prolonged outage of both generating units, a loss in net electrical generation I of 1054 MWe per unit per day, and a resulting generating i penalty of about $270,000 per unit per day. In addition, a sluiceway would be required with the attendant problems described above.

 ,s j        7 The principle of the angled vane or louver diverter is illustrated in Figure 39       The following description is taken from page 51 of the Development Document:
    -W             The individual louver panels are placed at an angle of 90* to the direction of flow and e e jfg         followed by flow straighteners. The abrupt chnge o3          in velocity and direction form a barrier throv;h which the fish will not pass if an escape route is provided.

The stream velocity is reprecented in the figure as V s_ . Upon sensing the barrier the fish will -rient perpendicular to the barrier and attempt to swim away at a velocity Vf. The resultant velocity Va carries LI the fish downstFeam roughly parallel to the barrier to the bypass located at the downstream end of the barrier. The centrolling parameters in the design of the louver system are the channel velocity Vs_, the angle of inclination of the barrier with respect to the channel flow (10# to 15* recommended) and the I spacing between louver panels which is related to che fish sice. I

                                -181-FLUSHING FLOW FISH S3 A E   , LEVATOR
 .5                   .                        /\       I /X.'O W

e o/ ,



 'E               g     N vf m ,-                      .

g .

               $                     li w         ~


                             ' 'g#)' y O
                                                          /                   .

l ~& f a s u. SIiSN C CdNVENTidN L" V

                         . BAR RACK                    \(b, RIVER                              q PLAN il          INTAKE STRUCTURE TO DIVERT FISH BY LOUVER
     .   ' SCREENS AND RETURN THEM DOWNSTREAM Figure 37 I                        .



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ll i ;Il ligI - FLOW STRAIGHTENERS h j vs lli , 7 l N " /p li ig;1 Y ! k V-r i 1 1 llil i I fl CLEAR SPACE BETWEEN BARS iII. j. go[}N,gi

                                    - = ~ -
                                                                                                     %                -O, i

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LOUVER DIVERT ER-SCIIEFA ATIC l  ; ] Figure 39 4 . _ _ _ m

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CLEAR SPACE DETWEEN DAHS f I lgi IllN i l is a iE % 1-

                        --7 ~ ~


                                                                             \.        FISit DYPASS LOUVER DIVERTEH-SCilEMATIC Figure 39 4

l -184- . I . I LA . r== J w't

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                                    . 185 I                     Based on the high cost of such action, the experimental nature of these systems, the limited environ-mental imptst of the existing design, and the unknown en-vironmental impacts of any new system, the Ccmpany does not believe that backfit with bypass and fish handling facilities l

is warranted at the Cook Nuclear Plant. I 3 Construction. Construction refers to the i process of physically constructing the cooling water intake structure, including site preparation (see 40 C.F.R. 5402.11(d)). Adverse impact to the environment occurs because construction activities may displace the resident aquatic arganisms, in-crease the turbidity level of the water source, or result in

!        harm to the ecosystem from improper disposal of excavated material (Development Document at 145 47).
'I -                       As has previously been noted (see pp. 3C 31,
 ,l      supra), construction of the Cook Nuclear Plant intake structure is complete. During construction the Ccmpany received & permit in July', 1969, to construct a temporary cofferdam Lt the beach in front of the plant. This dam was built in October, 1969, and was removed as of December 23, 1972. The permit for the cofferdam expired on December 31, 1972. In the latter part of 1969 the Comp &ny applied to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for permission to (a) construct the offshore intake and discharge condenser cooling system, and (b) build a teuporary safe harbor to be used for the vessels involved I
                                                                               - 186 -

in dredging and construction of the offshcre intake and dis-charge facilities and for receiving several large compon-l ents. Both permits were granted on July 9, 1970, and the harbor was installed by late 1970. Due to concern that the cofferdam and tempo-g rary safe harbor might adversely affect normal beach nourish-ment by impeding the north to south lake current (littoral drift), the Company began a beach nourishing program in l 1969 Sand was hauled periodically from the north side to the south side of the dam. A total of about 20,000 cubic l yards of sand was hauled before the lake ice made further nourishing unnecessary. In the spring of 1970 a sand

'I                         eductor system was constructed so that the trapped sand i                          could be pumped hydraulically as a slurry.

In addition, the Company instituted a beach monitoring program consisting of two parts: (al periodic aerial surveys of shoreline for at least one mile south and north of the plant, and (b) surveys of beach profiles and f_ lake bottom within a one-mile radius. For the aerial surveys, 7 pipes were placed at 500 feet intervals between the base of n. the dunes and the water, and each month low level aerial photos were taken, extending out to 150 feet from the water's Il edge. The pipes also acted as benchmarks for the lake bottom J L profile measurements. The data were turned over to the Michigan Department of Natural Tsesources and to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, as part of the harbor and cofferdam permit requirements. I

                               - 187 -

Further, con. 01s to red- e impact taken by the Company were: (a) the sand and underlying clay that were dredged from s.4e lake bottom were separated and only clay-free sand was used for covering the intake and dis-charge pipes, and (b) the sand remcVed from the area of the ecfferdam and harbor was stockpiled for use in restoring the g lake bottom after removal of the temporary structures. As a result of these actions the Company was able to minimize all adverse environmental impacts arising from construction of the intake structures. There will be no further impacts arising from construction of the intake structures, assuming that the Company is not required to alter the presently designed system. Should backfitting be I required, there will of course be adverse environmental l impact to the lake.

4. Capacity. The regulations indicate that capacity refers to the maximum withdrawal rate of water through a cooling water intake structure (see 40 C.F.R.

5402.11(e)).e The capacity of the Cook Nuclear Plant intake l s?ructures ir 1,645,000 Epm (3665 crs). I # As noted (see n. e, supra), these regulations are presently under chh11enge in litigation. The Company believes that l section 316(b) of the FWPCA does not provide authority for requiring backfit to achieve closed-cycle or other off-stream cooling. I I

                                - 188 -

A reduction in volume of intake flow, to reduce the adverse I " environmental impacts of cooling water use can only be " achieved by modificatione. to the plant, and not tne intake L. structure. The Development Document lists six environmental impacts directly related to the amount of cooling water used: (a) interaction with the intake structure; (b) interaction with the cooling system; (c) interaction with the discharge structure; (d) interaction with the receiving water environment at the outfcil; (e) exposure to chemicals cdded between the intake and the outfall; and (f) exposure to elevated temperature levels during and after passage through the cooling system (Development Document at 149). Reductions in intake capacity can be I achieved either by reducing the flow through a once-through cooling system or by adopting a cooling system employ-ing cooling towers or " helper" devices. In the case of the Cook Nuclear Plant neither of these actions is warranted in light of the Plant's minimal effect on the aquatic environ-ment. A reduction in flow through the cooling system would decrease plant efficiency and increase the temperature rise across the condenser. Figure 41 shows the cooling water


[ requirements for fossil and nuclear power plants as a function of the temperatures across the condenser. If the Unit 1 cooling water capacity was reduced by about one-third (from 1532 cfs to 1000 cfs), the temperature rise across the condenser


               --- NUCLEAR,                                                  FOSSIL, g

1), = 33 %, 11, = 40% l IN-PLANT LOSSES



                                                                               = 15 %

l 2500.- 5, /,'k / k o / / 9 I :a$ am0 - g a g ,3,,S. , f

                                                                              , >5 p*,-
      -                              er si        sv lE ~

15 0 0 '- A. 7 p/'/ e D/ 4 W / s'

 ! $                                        /       i 's
                                                         /                              ~,-

l )Z l000 -

                                   ,.-' ,/                     /*,\1 a

J ' Q- 500 - / g l 0-0 1000 2000 3000 l COOLING WATER FLOW (Q), cfs , l AT = CONDENSER TEMR RISE . 1]t = PL ANT THERMAL EFFICIENCY 5 Figure 41 I i

                                     - Ic0 -

l would increase from 21'? to approximately 32'F; if the Unit 2 cooling water capacity was also reduced by about ene-third (frcm 20S3 cfs to 1400 cfs) the temperature rise across the condenser would increase frt; 16*F to approximately 24*F. Given the limited impact of the present system on lake biota (see pp. 95-139, supra), such drastic action is unwarranted. l

                         !!or could backfitting the Cook ?!uelear Plant with a clo. sed-cycie cooling system to reduce intake struc-ture impacts be justified.'        The increased financial and
-l environmental costs of such action have already been dis-cussed (see pp. 142-50, supra), and should be compared with the minimal impacts arising from the present design (see pp. 95-139, supra). The Development Document shows that existing intake structures conform to the best technology available if environmental damage is minimal (see Development Document at 142 43, 193, 221), as it is at the Cook 1uclear Plant.         This l    1s particularly significant where the statute and reguia-tions require only that adverse environmental impacts be I    minimi::ed and not eliminated altogether (see Development l   Document at 222).      In making such a determination, the costs of alternatives should, of course, be considered (see id.). In light of these considerations, no change in the Plant's cooling water intake structure is appropriate.
  • See also nn. o anc c, , supra.
    .I I

I - .-

                                              =               -
                                                                                                        - 191 -

4 I VI. CONCLUSION L This Report has summarized the data and analyses of the various monitoring and other study efforts which have

-                                 been conducted to evaluate the impact of cooling water use at the Cook Nuclear Plant. It has been demonstrated in l

accordance with section 316(a) of the FWPCA that operating the Plant under the alternative thermal effluent limitation requested by the Ccmpany would assure the protection and propogation of a balanced indigenous population of shell-fish, fish, and wildlife in and on the body of water into which the Plant discharges. The Report has also demonstrated in accordance with section 316(b) of the FWPCA that the location, design, construction, and capacity of the Plant's cooling water intake structure reflects the best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact, and that any modification of the current cooling system is unwarranted. . I e 4

l - 192 -

l REFERENCES Many of the references are fully cited in the text of the report. Those that are not, are cited in full, below: Asbury,sJ.G. (1970), " Effects of Thermal Dischargen on I the Mass / Energy Balance of Lake Michigan," ANL/ES-1, Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne National Laboratory for U.S. Environmental Pro-tection Agency (1972), Summary of Recent Technical Information Concerning Thermal Dischstges into I Lake Michigan. Center for Environmental Studies

                                                        & Environmental Statement Project, Argonne National Laboratory. 131 pp.

g . Downs, D. I. and K. R. Meddock (1974), Engineering Ap-p11 cation of Fish Behavior Studies in too Design I of Intake Systems for Coastal Generating Stations. Presented at the ASCE National Water Resources Conference, 21 January 1974 Fleuver, D. A. (1971), Preliminary Report on the Effects of Steam Electric Station Operations on Entrained Organisms: A Progress Report to the Maryland I.. Department of Natural Resources under the Post-operative Assessment of Effects of Estuarino Power Plant Orant, p. 104, in J. A. Mihursky and A. J. I McErlean (co-principa Finvestigators), Post Opera-tive Assessment of the Effects of Estuarine Fower

                                                        ' Plants. Chesapeake Bay Lab., Ref. No. 71-24a.

I Hadderingh, R. H. (1974), Effects of Entrainment and Screening of Young Fish at Fleuo Power Station. g Mimeo. 13 pp. Lauer, O. J., W. T. Waller, D. W. Bath, W. Meeks, R. Heffner, T. Ginn, L. Zubarik, P. Bibko and P C. ,I I' Storm (1974a), Entrainment Studies on Hudson River Organisms, pp. 37-82, in L. D. Jensen (ed.), ,g - Entrainment and Intake Screening. ' Proceedings of ' '3 . the Second Entrainment and Impingement Screening Workshop, Department of Geography and Environmental

  -m                                                     Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Report No.

5 15. 347 pp.

I .


l.g - 193 - E Lauer, O. J., W. T. Waller and D. W. Barth (1974b), 5 Fish Egg and Larvae Entrainment by the Indian Point p Power Plant on the Hudson River Estuary. Paper i presented at the' Northeast Division American Fisher-ies Society Meeting, Feb. 1974 , a Marcy, B. C. (1975), Entrainment of Organisms at Power Plants on Fiuh Eggs and Larvae, pp. 31-54, i_n_ S. B. l.g Sa11a (ed.), Fisheries and Energy Productien: A Symposium. Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass. l 300 pp. Mortinar, C. H. (1975), " Physical Limnology of Lake L g Michigan, Part 1. Physical Character 1 tics of Lake Machigan and Its Responses to Applied Forces," h ANL/ES 40, Vol. 2., Argonne National Laboratory. Mortimer, C. H. (1971), "Large-Scale Cscillatory Motions and Seasonal Temperature Changes in Lake Michigan y 3 and Lake Ontario," Special Report No. 12, Center

  'g  -

for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wiscensin-Milwaukee. T.istroph, J. D. A Free Ride for Fish. Public Handout.

-                                   Schuler, V. J. (1973), Experimental Studies in Guiding
                                            '*arine Fishes of Southern California with Screens
         .l                                   and Louvers. For Southern California Edison Company, Bulletin 8.                   39 pp.                                 -

Schuler, V. J. and L. E. Larson (1974), Experimental Studies Evaluating Aspects of Fish Behavior as Parameters in the Design of Generating Station 4 I- Intake Systems. Presented at the ASCE National I. Water Resources Conference, 21 January 1974 Seibel, E. and J. C. Ayers (1976), " Natural Lake Water Temperature in the Nearshore Waters of Southeastern Lake Michigan," Contribution No. 204 of the Great

Lakes Research Division, The University of Michigan.

Silvestri, G. J. and J. Davids (1971), " Effects of High l Condenser Pressure on Steam Tt.rbine Design," Westinghouse Electric Corp. Paper for presentation at American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois,

          ;l                                       April 1971.

Sundaram, T. R., C. C. Esterbrook, K. E. Piech and G. Rudinger (1969), "An Investigation of the Physical Effects of Thermal Discharges into Cayuga Lake (Analytical Studies)," CAL 'M. VT-2616-0-2, Cornell Aeronau ical Laboratory, Inc., Nov. 1969 S I - .. ~ .... ... .... . . . , . _ . ._ _ . _ , _ . . ~ .

I - iga - Stolzenbach, E. and D. R. F. Harleman (1971), "An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Sur-faca Discharges of Heated Water," M.I.T. Hydro-I dynamics Laboratory Technical Report 11o. 135, Feb. 1971. l Wiegel, R. L., I. Mobarek and Y. Jen (1964), " Discharge of Warm Water Jet Over Sloping Bottom," Technical Report HEL 3 4, Inst, of Engineering Research, l Univ, of California, Berkeley, Calif., 11ov. 1964 I I I I. I - I I . k

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