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08/16/1978 Letter Results of Recently Completed Steam Generator Inspection and Preventive Plugging Program
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/16/1978
From: Stallings C
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
To: Harold Denton, Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19095A245 (18)


e e RrCHMOND,VrHGrNIA 23261

(. j August 16; 1973: , .-,:,

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-*1 Hr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 466 ,'-;

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation PO&M/DLB: das  ;~~*

Attn: Mr. Albert Schwencer, Chief Docket No. 50-281 Operating Reactors Branch 1 License No. NPF-4 Division of Reactor Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Connnission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

The results of a recently completed Surry Unit No. 2 steam generator in-spection and preventive plugging program are presented in the attachment to this letter.

The total number of tubes plugged in Surry Unit No. 2 is now approximate-ly 21. 5%. Therefore existing analyses regarding safe operation under normal and accident conditions are applicable.

In our submittal of July 28, 1978: (Serial No. 431). we requested an amend-ment to Operating License DPR-37 for Surry Unit No. 2. The proposed change is to extend operation for an additional six months of equivalent full power op-eration with the same conditions and limitations issued in the April 7, 1973:

Order for Modification of License. The six month period would be from the Unit No. 2 start up which occurred on August 1, 1978-. Based on. (1) confidence de-veloped in the preventive plugging program; (2) total tube plugging .remaining less than the allowable 25% and (3) the acceptable results of the recently com-pleted inspection and plugging program, we have concluded that operation of Unit 2 for an additional six months of equivalent full power operation would in no way endanger the health and safety of*the general public. Accordingly, we request your approval of the proposed amendment to Operating License DPR-37.

Very truly yours, "tc;, ]J? ~e~ :ri,'a/

C. M. Stallings Vice President - Power Supply and Production Operations Attachment cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly


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-~ The tube gauging program is based on expected regions:of high tube*

defonriation. These regions are detennined by the finite element analysis.which, when combined with tube strain tests, yields tube hoop ..

strains versus tube location and extent of: plate defonnation. Initially, the 12._5% strain bmmdary was used in the gauging program \vhen li~tle plant*.specif~t: data was available. After bvo initial inspections and five reinspections *of the Sury plants, we nm~ have the benefit of plant specific infonnation which indicates.the conservatism of the 12.5%

boundary* arid the _adequacy of the boundary. This is, the majority of the tubes inspected do the .650 inch probe. In

.addition, all tubes restricting the .610 inch or .540 inch prone have all. fallen well within the inspection boundary_._ This is *sig-

  • nificartt since the . 610 inch and the . 540 inch restricted ~ubes fonn the hasis for the plu~ging patterns in the tubelane region.

Since full closure -w~ obsenred in Surry Unit ***2

  • s*team generators ..

during the -r-.1arch. 1977 inspection, Surry Unit 2 is regarded as beyond full closure by approximately 12 EFPM' s. The tube hooo strain contours calculated for lL 5 EFPM beyond ful_l closure (Figure 1) were *utilized to detennine the 15% bm.mdary for this inspection. Figure 2 for 18 EFPM.

beyond full closure bm...rnds

  • the approximate condition expected after six
  • _m:mths of additional operation.

The iclenti fication of *the inspection region by* the 15% contour is il~us-t~ated. in Figure 3. A~ditional inspec~ion prograrrs are defined for the wedge and patch plate regions. Thes~ programs are based on previous leaker history at the Turkey Point and Surry sites, as well as previous gauging results at the Surry and Turkey Point sites, as deerr.ed appro-priate.

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-*1* - *-*- I *-*.

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. _ *.1-._. The shown.__in Figure 1 indicates regions near the tubelane of

__ :_:--;_* .strain in excess of*-1s%. on the cold leg side. Due to the current aware-ne?s of the potential for future tube defonnation on the cold leg side, an

- -----~--"inspection of all three steam generators _was perfonned during. this outage in conjtmction'with

. -the U-bend

. inspection program conducted from the cold.

leg. The entire inspection program is outlined in Figure 4.

~ *The following additional conservatisms were utilized in detennining the Surry 2 inspection botmdary: *

-A. In the flow slot area it is estimated that the 15% strain botmdary at 11. 5 EFPM beyond full closure extends to approximately the 9th row.

The _inspection botmdary for this inspection.extended to *the 12th row*in order to be consistent with previous *inspection plans.

B. When a restricted tube was fotmd close to .the inspection botmdary ,*

the inspection was expanded in that area.

Therefore, it appears that the-inspection botmdary was adequate.

2*. EVALUATION OF INSPECTION RESULTS The results of the inspection program, which is described in Section 1 and outlined in Figure 4, are presented in Figures 5 through 7 for Stearn Genera-tors A, B, and C respectively. These results support the adequacy of the insp~ction program described above and the plugging criteria which will be presented in the next section. Specifically:

A. No tube leaks oca.rrred over the last three months of operation.

-* - B." Tubes in the tube lane region that restrict the O. 650 inch .probe lie

.. !'ri-thin the- 15% strain -*

bot..mdary. In addition, 0.540 inch restricted tubes

__ ---~lie wi~ the 17.5% strain bot..mdary.



  • . ~---.

C. -In -the* tubelane region* there were oniy -~ive tubes--in Steam Generator A that restrict the O. 540 inch probe *

. - ...:-...:: --*~*-*- ;.*.. -

D. In Stearn Generators A, B, and C, restricted tubes developed directly adjacent to previous activity. This is particularly true of the tubes that restrict the O. 540 inch and O. 610 inch probe.

  • Thus, the* activity appears .

to be moving in a stable manner .

. E. Activity was noted in wedge areas* of all steam genera tors and this activity appears consistent with previous experience . I at other units. Based on the behavior of these areas at other sites, the current plugging

'. criteria should stabilize these regions.


fell well within appropriate strain contour b'a.undaries for the cold leg side. This indicates that this cold leg activity continues to grow at a very slow rate as compared to the hot leg activity.

Implementation of the current plugging.criteria, following this very extensive gauging.program, supports-six months- of continued operation.


The progressi?n of strain contours over the intended operating period is utilized as the basis for preventive plugging of tubes in the tubelane region_which are located in rows beyond 0.540" _restricted tubes. In earlier inspections the closeness of' the *strain contour lines prevented identification of the appropriate contour which most reasonably indi-cated the extent and progression of tubes with greatest deformation.

Init~ally, the ~5% strain contour was chosen when limited plant specific datq. _ was available and the strain contour lines indicated by finite element analysis fell close together on the plots. A review of the relationship beuveen the most restricted tubes at Surry 2 at this time and the finite element analysis strain contours at 11.5 EFPM beyond full


e closure indicates that the 17.5% strain contour more realistically estimates.the boi.mdary of these restricted tubes. Also the movement of the 17.5% strain contour over the next period of operation in the central tube lane region should be less than two rows in six months.

The growth of this contour is displayed in Figure 8. From this Figure, the rate of growth is conservatively set at 1/3 row per ITX)nth over most of the tubelane, and 5/6 rQw per month at the outside coltmms over the

.next perio4 of operation. Thus for a six month operating period, two rows*should be plugged over mst of the tubelane and five rows at the outside columns. Again, it should be pointed out that there have been numerous cases of *tubes restricting the 0.540 inch probe for some time and ~ot yet leaking. This is an additional conservatism.

The criterion established for plugging tubes in the region of the patch-plate differs from that used for other regions of the bundle. All leaks in the patchplate region have occurred at the perimeter of *i:.he plate or near to the patchplate boundary, where plug welds connect the patchplate to the main body. of the bundle.* All observed data still indicates that the phenomenon at the patchplate is local in*nature and should not be attributed to the general strained state of.the plate, nor can the phenom-enon be. represented by the finite element rrodel. While. the hoop strains in this region do not appear high enough in themselves to cause severe tube deformation, they apparently are high enough to act as catalysts for the local phenomenon which occurs at the patchplate. Due to these factors, the region of the* patchplate should have its own inspection*

program (Figure 4) and a corresponding plugging criteria. Because of the fact that leakers in this region have not always restricted 0.540 inch probes, leakers and tubes that restrict the 0.540 inch probe should be treated alike, and the surrounding tubes about both should be plugged.

In addition, tubes that restrict the 0.610 inch probe should be plugged, and as a final conservatism tubes on either side of the patchplate boundary (plate perimeter on one side and plug welds on the other three sides) that restrict the 0.650 inch probe should be plugged.


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Finally, due to the local plate cracking that is believed to occur at the periphery and near wedge locations, tube leaks may at lower levels .of tube restriction than in the tubelane. Thus, the wedge areas should have their own inspection program and plugging criteria.. The plugging criteria at hot leg wedge locations calls for treating leakers and tubes that restrict the 0.540 inch probe in a similar manner. In addition, tubes that restrict the 0.610 inch probe and peripheral tubes*

that restrict the O. 650 inch probe .should be plugged. CC)ld leg plugging will be based on the degree of activity noted and rates of progression

~bserved from gauging.

The plugging criteria which supports* at least six oonths of op~ration are:

A. All tubes which do not pass the 0. 540 inch probe will be plugged.


  • Additionally, for in excess of six months operation~ two tubes beyond
  • (i.e., higher row mnnbers) any tube in columns *15-79 which does not pass the 0.540 inch probe will be plugged in the tubelane region; for such tubes in column 1-14 and 80-94 five tubes b~yond ,vill be plugged on the hot leg side and four tubes beyond will. be plugged on the cold leg in the tubelane region.

C. All tubes which do not pass the 0.610 inch probe will be plugged.

D. The tubes* in any colWTII1 for which plugging llllder criteria (A), (B),

or (C) above is implemented in the tubelane region will also be plugged 1n the lower row nwnbered tubes back to the tubelane if not already plugged.

E. As a conservative measure, tubes completely surrot.mding any known leaky tubes including the diagonally next tube will be plugged if not already covered by the foregoing criteria.


e F. In any given column which is surrotm~ed by columns containing tuhcs with significant tube restriction or prior plugging, (thereby creating a "plugging valley" in the pattern) engineering judgement will he used to fill the bottom of the valley. In the peripheral tubelane areas near the three and nine o'clock wedges, tubes surrounded by previously

  • plugged tubes or tubes exhibiting high deformation activity will be plugged.

based on engineering judgement.

G. Additional preventive plugging will be implemented at.the hot leg wedge locations. -This plugging will include all tubes that:

1. Restrict the 0.540 inch probe

.2. Restrict the 0.610 inch probe

3. Restrict the 0.650 inch probe at the periphery
4. Surround leakers and tubes that restrict the 0.540 *inch probe including the diagonally next tube.

H. Application of the criteri~ specified in G, above, will be on the basis of engineering judgement for cold leg wedge locations.

I .. Additional preventive plugging will be implemented in the patchplate region .. This plugging will include all tubes that:.

1. Restrict the 0.540 inch probe
2. Restrict the 0.610 inch probe
3. Surround lea.kers and tubes that restrict the 0.540 inch probe including the diagonally next tube
4. Lie on either sides of the patchplate botmdary (plate perimeter on one side and plug welds on the other three) and restrict the 0.650 inch probe.
4. ACI1JAL PLUGGING PATIERN Figures 9, 10, and 11 indicate the plugging patterns for Surry Unit 2 steam generators resulting from the application of the plugging criteria stated above.


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t Figure 1. Lube Boop Strain at 11.5 EFPM's Be1ond Full Closure

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--- .02'iCOO INCREMENT .. If .'t'>OOO l'IAl ."l'Hl'>2 Figure 2 Tube Hoop Strain at 18 EFPM's Beyond Full Closure

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~MANWAY Ftgure 3. Current Tube Lane lnspectton Boundary Based ~n Tube Hoop Stratns NOZZLE--4tei-I

SERIES *51 93 9189 87$35 83 81 n 111s 13 11 ID1~71.,s &.3M 59 s, ss :3 5149 47 45 43 4139 37 35 33 3129212523 21 t'J n ,s 13 11 9

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