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Annual Assessment Meeting - Reactor Oversight Process 2013 Slides
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/2014
Download: ML14108A401 (22)


MonticelloNuclear Monticello Nuclear Generatin g Plant g Annual Assessment Meeting MeetingReactor Oversight Process -2013Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region III Monticello, MN March 31, 2014 O p enin g pg Cynthia PedersonRegionalAdministrator Regional AdministratorNRC Region III 2

Our Mission

  • Tolicenseandregulate
  • To license and regulate the nation's civilian

use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensureadequate ensure adequate protection of public

health and safety, promotethecommon promote the common defense and security, and protect the 3 environment.

A g enda gIntrodction

  • Introd u ction *National Summary of Nuclear Plant Performance Performance*Monticello Plant Performance Results XlRdRk*X ce l R esponse an d R emar k s*NRC Closing Remarks Bk*B rea k*NRC available to address Public Questions 4

National Summary of Plant Performance PerformanceStatusasof 12/31/2013 Status as of 12/31/2013Licensee Response 80RegulatoryResponse 9 Regulatory Response 9Degraded Cornerstone 9Mltil/RtitiDCt 1 M u lti p l e/R epe titi ve D eg. C orners t one 1Unacceptable 0IMC0350Oiht 1 IMC 0350 O vers i g ht 1Total100 5 Si g nificance Threshold gPerformanceIndicators Performance Indicators Green:Only Baseline InspectionWhite:Increases NRC OversightYllINRCOiht Y e ll ow: I ncreases NRC O vers i g ht Red:Increases NRC Oversight Inspection Findings Green:Very Low Safety Issue White:LowtoModerateSafetyIssue White: Low to Moderate Safety Issue Yellow:Substantial Safety Issue Red:High Safety Issue 6

Monticello Ins p ection Activities pJanar1December31 2013 Jan u ar y 1 -December 31 , 2013*Baseline Inspection -~2500 hoursRidtItitdil

-R es id en t I nspec tors on s it e d a il y-Regional Inspectors from Lisle, IL



-En g ineerin g gg-Radiation Protection

-Security 7-Emergency Preparedness Monticello Ins p ection Activities p2013RefelingOtage 2013 Ref u eling O u tage*In Jul y 2013, Monticello com pleted a three month refuelin g outa g e ypggduring which several substantive plant modifications were made to support the extended power uprate.

  • The NRC identified numerous examples of human performance issues associated with inadequate contractor control, inadequate procedures or work instructions, and with management decision making/oversightwhichresultedinseveralfindingsoflowsafety making/oversight , which resulted in several findings of low safety significance.

8 Action Matrix Summary January2013December2013 January 2013 -December 2013 Licensee Response Regulatory Response Degraded Multiple/Rep Degraded Unacceptable Performance Response I Response II Degraded Cornerstone III Degraded Cornerstone IV Performance VIn the first quarter of 2013, Monticello was in Column 1-Licensee Response Column. In the second quarter, the plant moved to Column 3-Degraded Cornerstone Column. This was

due to a (substantial safety significance) involvingtheplant'sfailuretohaveproceduresinplacetofully involving the plant's failure to have procedures in place to fully address the effects of an external flooding scenario.

9 Monticello Assessment ResultsMonticellowasoneofonly9plantsnationwidetobeassessedinthe Monticello was one of only 9 plants nationwide to be assessed in the Degraded Cornerstone Column. MonticellowasalsotheonlyRegionIIIplanttobeassigneda Monticello was also the only Region III plant to be assigned a substantive cross-cutting issue in the area of human performance, specifically complete, accurate and up-to-date design documentation, procedures and work instructions. Due to the decline in performance, Monticello will receive increased inspection and oversight until corrective actions taken prove to be effectiveandsustainedperformanceimprovementis observed effective and sustained performance improvement is observed. 10 NRC Actions In 201 4*Supplemental 95002 inspection for Fldi Fl oo di ng*Routine, baseline inspections

  • SubstantiveCross


  • Substantive Cross-Cutting Issue in Human Performance*Dry Cask Storage
  • ExtendedPowerUprate
  • Extended Power Uprate 11 Monticello Ins p ection Activities pYelloFindingforEternalFlooding Yello w Finding for E x ternal Flooding*On June 11

, 2013 , the NRC issued a Yellow findin g for the ,,glicensee's failure to maintain a procedure fully addressing the design basis external flooding event. The issue was documented in Inspection Report 2013009.*This issue was identified as part of the agency follow up actions in res ponse to the Fukushima nuclear event.

p*This finding will remain open until the NRC completes a 95002supplementalinspection.

12 95002 supplemental inspection.

2014 Supplemental 95002TeamInspection Team Inspection

  • Theobjectivesofthe95002inspectionare The objectives of the 95002 inspection are to provide assurance that: -the causes of the deficiency are understood-the extent of the issue has been identified-corrective actions will prevent reoccurrencesafetyculturehasbeenevaluated

-safety culture has been evaluated 13 Monticello Ins p ection Activities pDrCaskStorage Dr y Cask Storage*Monticello has loaded 16 dry fuel storage canisters*In October 2013

, the NRC identified that weld tests were

,performed improperly on one canister. Subsequently, the licensee identified five additional canisters with improper weld tests.*The NRC is confident the casks are leaktightbecause multiple additional tests were performed on the closure welds that demonstrated no leakage. The casks are also subject to radiation monitoring which has not shown any elevated

radiation levels.*The NRC is evaluating the licensee's actions to address this 14 issue.

Monticello Ins p ection Activities pEtendedPoerUprate E x tended Po w er Uprate*On December 10

, 2013 , the NRC a pproved the licensee's ,,pprequest for an extended power uprate (EPU) , to raise the current licensed power from 1775 to 2004 MWt(a 13%

increase).*The NRC is evaluating the licensee's actions to implement the EPU.15 Licensee Response and Remarks Northern States Power Company 16 Questions/Comments 17 Contactin g the NR C g Rt*R epor t an emergency-(301) 816-5100 (call collect)*Report a safety concern -(800) 695-7403

  • Generalinformationorquestions General information or

-Select"WhatWeDo"forPublicAffairs 18 Select What We Do for Public Affairs NRC Re p resentatives p*CynthiaPederson,RegionalAdministrator Cynthia Pederson, Regional Administrator-(630) 829-9658*Ken O'Brien, Deputy Division Director, DRP-(630) 829-9601*Terry Beltz, Project Manager, NRR-(301) 415-3049*Paul Zurawski, Senior Resident Inspector (763)295 2066-(763) 295-2066*Patricia Voss, Resident Inspector-(763) 295-2066*Ken Riemer

, Branch Chie f ,-(630) 829-9628*Nick Shah, Project Engineer-(630) 829-9821 19 NRC Re p resentatives p*ViktoriaMitlyng,PublicAffairsOfficer Viktoria Mitlyng, Public Affairs Officer-(630) 829-9662*PremaChandrathil, Public Affairs Officer-(630) 829-9663*NRC Region III Office Switchboard-(630) 829-9500 (800) 522-3025 20 Reference SourcesReactorOersightProcess

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