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Annual Assessment Meeting - Slides
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/2015
Division Reactor Projects III
Download: ML15092A480 (20)


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Annual Assessment Meeting Reactor Oversight Process - CY 2014 Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region III Monticello, MN March 26, 2014 1

Opening Remarks Anne Boland Director, Division of Reactor Projects NRC Region III 2

Our Mission

  • To license and regulate the nations civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment 3


  • Introduction
  • National Nuclear Plant Performance Summary
  • Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Performance Results
  • Xcel Response and Remarks
  • NRC Closing Remarks
  • Break
  • NRC Available for Public Questions 4

National Plant Performance Summary Status as of 3/4/2015 Licensee Response Column 1 77 Regulatory Response Column 2 17 Degraded Cornerstone Column 3 2 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone Column 4 2 Unacceptable Column 5 0 IMC 0350 Oversight 1 Total 99 5

Significance Threshold Performance Indicators

Only Baseline Inspection
Increases NRC oversight
Increases NRC oversight
Increases NRC oversight Inspection Findings
Very low safety issue
Low to moderate safety issue
Substantial safety issue
High safety issue 6

Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Annual Assessment Summary January 1 - December 31, 2014

  • Xcel operated Monticello in a manner that preserved public health and safety.
  • In the 4th quarter the Yellow finding associated with external flooding was closed, but a new Greater-than-Green (GTG) finding in Security was identified.
  • With both findings in the 4th quarter, Monticello met the criteria for entering column 4, Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone, of the NRC Action Matrix.
  • On February 27, the NRC granted a Deviation from the NRC Action Matrix, which places Monticello in column 2, Regulatory Response.


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Deviation from NRC Action Matrix

  • Deviations are allowed from the Action Matrix when the regulatory actions defined by the Matrix may be inappropriate.
  • A Deviation is an agency decision that is approved by the EDO and reviewed by the Commission.
  • The Deviation was granted based on the overall improvement in licensee performance and the successful completion of the 95002 inspection for the external flooding finding and the positive results of the 2014 biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection.


NRC Actions in 2014

  • Routine, Baseline Inspections

- Triennial Fire Protection Inspection

- Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection

- 95002 Supplemental Inspection for External Flooding finding

  • Post-Fukushima Activities 9

Safety Significant Findings

  • One GTG finding was identified in the Security cornerstone in the 4th quarter.

- The issue was associated with the ability to meet the licensees design basis for Security

- The issue was self-identified by the licensee and corrective actions were implemented to restore compliance

- Although the finding occurred a decade ago, the NRC concluded that the cause of the finding was similar to those issues being addressed by the current performance improvement efforts.


95002 Supplemental Inspection

  • On December 2, 2014, the NRC completed the 95002 inspection for the external flooding finding.
  • The inspection determined whether: the causes of the deficiencies were understood; the extent of the issues were identified; that corrective actions will prevent recurrence; and that safety culture impacts were evaluated.
  • The NRC concluded that Monticello had met the 95002 objectives and identified no other significant issues.


Substantive Cross-Cutting Issue (SCCI) in Human Performance

  • During the August 2014 mid-cycle assessment, the NRC identified an SCCI in human performance, associated with the aspect H.14, Conservative Bias. This SCCI was held-open during the end-of-cycle assessment in February 2015.
  • The SCCI will remain open until the number of inspection findings with this aspect is reduced to below the threshold of four, corrective actions taken to improve performance prove effective, and sustained improvement is observed in the H.14 aspect of the human performance area.
  • Monticello is one of only three plants (including Prairie Island and Duane Arnold) nationwide with an open SCCI.


NRC Planned Actions in 2015

  • Routine, Baseline Inspections

- Component Design Basis Inspection

- Emergency Preparedness Exercise

- 95001 Supplemental Inspection for Security finding

- Interim Spent Fuel Storage Installation Program Review

  • NRC review of licensee efforts to improve site safety culture with a focus on human performance
  • Post-Fukushima Activities 13

Licensee Response and Remarks Peter A. Gardner Site Vice President Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 14

Closing Remarks Cynthia Pederson Regional Administrator NRC Region III 15

Questions/Comments 16

Contacting the NRC

  • Report an emergency

- (301) 816-5100 (call collect)

  • Report a safety concern

- (800) 695-7403


  • General information or questions


- Select What We Do for Public Affairs 17

NRC Representatives

Reference Sources

  • Reactor Oversight Process



  • Public Electronic Reading Room


  • NRC Information Digest



  • Public Document Room 800-397-4209 (Toll Free) 19

NRC Social Media Channels