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Exam Rept 50-186/OL-86-02 on 860701-03.Exam Results:One Upgrade Senior Operator Candidate & One Operator Candidate Passed
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 07/09/1986
From: Burdick T, Higgins R, Dave Hills
Shared Package
ML20202F461 List:
50-186-OL-86-02, 50-186-OL-86-2, NUDOCS 8607150280
Download: ML20202G005 (95)


. .


1 REGION III Report No. 50-186/0L-86-02 Docket No. 50-186 License No. R-103 Licensee: University of Missouri Research Park Colubmia, M0 65201 Facility Name: University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Examination Administered At: University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Examination Conducted: July 1, 2, and 3, 1986 Examiners: H g ' r[ 7[9/7[

f. {h D. E. Hills fr/f[7f

~Date Approved By: dick 7/[/b

'Date Examination Summary Examinaticn_ administered on July _1,, 2, and 3,1986_,(Report e -186/_0L-8,6-0 Examinations were administered to one upgrafe_ senior operator No. 50,did' ate and~~_21 can


one operator candidate.

Resul ts : Both candidates passed.

i l

8607150280 860710 PDR ADOCK 05000186 V PDR


1. Examiners
  • R. L. Higgins D. E. Hills K. R. Ridgway
  • Chief Examiner
2. Examination Re_v_iew Meeting An examination review meeting is no longer conducted. Specific facility comments concerning written examination questions, followed by the NRC response, are enumerated in the following paragraphs.
a. Two coments were made concerning the reactor operator written examination.

Question A.01 Facility Coment: In 5000 = 8.5 instead of 9.5.

NRC Response: Agree. The answer was changed to 255 seconds or 4.25 minutes, in accordance with the correct value for In 5000.

_ Question D.02 Facility ConTrent: Point distribution on answer sheet did not appear to total assigned point value of problem.

NRC Response: Agree. The point 'value for each portion of the answer was modified to equal the total point value for the problem.

b. Four coments were made concerning the senior operator written examination.

Question I_.05_

Facility Coment: Answer should conform to 50P VIII.3.5.3 Rabbit Stuck in Tube. The " laboratory supervisor" position no longer exists at this facility, an operator should advise the health physicist or the reactor shift supervisor. The " laboratory supervisor" reference in Hazards Sumary will be revised.

NRC Response: Agree. The answer was changed to " notify shift supervisor." The facility is admonished to revise its reference traterial to reflect the current facility organization, l

l l

2 1

l i

Question J.08.c.

4 Facility Connent: Should be phosphate corrosion control (Dearborn i 4630) instead of chromates. The university environmental health office notified the facility several years ago that we needed to 1 :hift from chromate corrosion control. This informational reference j in 50P should have been changed then but was overlooked. We will i change it in the next 50P revision.

I NRC Response: Agree. The answer was changed to " phosphates ',

(Dearborn 4630)." The facility is admonished to revise its literature to reflect current facility practices.

ques _tionK.12 f Facility Consent
The aluminum protective head.may also be called

, the " top hat" due to its shape.

NRC Response: Agree. The answer was modified to also grant full

credit for the response " install the top hat."

Question K.16.b Facility Comment: The pH limits for the secondary have changed several times in the past year. Our Dearborn representative and secondary chemist have been varying the pH operating band to find i the optimum range for our system (currently 7.8 to 8.2).

t NRC Response: Agree. The answer was changed to 7.8 to 8.2. The facility is admonished to revise its literature to reflect current practices.

3. Exit Meeting i

! At the conclusion of the startup portion of the plant walk-through examination an exit meeting was held. The following personnel attended i this exit meeting:

i ,

j Facjlj_ty Representatives:

W. A. Meyer, Acting Reactor Manager i N. Tritschler, Shif t Supervisor NRC Representatives 1 R. 1. Higgins, Chief Operator Licensing Examiner j D. E. Hills, Operator Licensing Examiner  ;

, K. R. Ridgway, Operator Licensing Examiner i t

I 3

_ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . _ . _ ~ . _ . . _ . . . . . _ . --

The following observations and generic issues were discussed:

a. The literature provided to the NRC for the purpose of examination preparation was not completely adequate. No prints were included, and some references needed to be revised,
b. "No Smoking" signs should be installed in the emergency generator room.
c. Procedures should be kept near the location of components which may have to be operated locally during an emergency.
d. Administrative procedures need to give more specific guidance in situations such as lost keys and missing tags.
e. Personnel were observed with coffee cups and lighted cigarettes on the reactor pool deck.
f. Some examinees were unfamiliar with the steps needed to change the inputs to the Area Radiation Monitoring System.
g. One examinee crossed a boundary marked " contact Health Physics Prior to Entry" without contacting Health Physics.
h. Neither the senior operator examinee nor the reactor operator examinee referred to the startup procedure during the actual plant startup.
i. Some examinees were not well informed on certain aspects of reactor theory such as subcritical multiplication and samarium.
j. Some examinees could not locate the applicable Facility Emergency Procedure when required to do so.
k. The facility itself was quite clean, except for the hallway leading to the mechanical equipment room.
1. Facility personnel were cooperative throughout the course of the examinations. j l



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REACTOR TYPE: --_ST__--_____---_-__-___

TE__ .

DATE ADMINISTERED: _@6/Q7/91____________ ___

EXAMINER: _ HILL @2_D._______________

APPLICANT: _________________________

_I N_

___ S _ T RU_ C_T _I O_ _ __ _ N_S

__ _ T O_ AF_ P L _I C_ _A N_T_:

Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side only.

Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in par entheses af t er the question. The passing great requires at least 70% in each category Enemination paper s wi11 be piclLd up s:> (6) hours etter the E - s ' i n e t l o') Startz.

, Dr CATEGDrs ,, 0 : ArImICANT'S CATECnr.y T

_ _ V_ A_ L U_."_ _ - _ _ D_1 /_1_ _ _ - - _EC_ O_ R E_ _ _ - _ V_ A_ L_ U_ E_ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E_ A_ T_ E_ G_ D P_ _Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _


4 c.

__1_, rdi ________ '-


- D ~

P F (~ t7 R Or Eh'

- ' ' ON

_i_te___ ___________

_13:52__ _1$159 ___________


_13159__ _1$199 ___________ ________ C. GENERAL OPERe.t LING CHARACTERISTICS

_13192__ _13:99 ___________ ________ D. INETFUMENTS AND CONTROLS l

_ _1 3 _. 5_ 0 _ . __17_.5_0

_ _ _ _ ___________ -_______ E. SArETY AND EMER3ENCY SYSTEMS

_15:2S__ _1E:02 ________



_1$192__ _1$192 ___________ ________ G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY 100.00 100.00 TOTALS FINAL GRADE _________________*/.

All wor k done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.



p ;ssesungsgassymm.gauwme==wemmemsymmysupu-JI - -

ES-201-2 IIRC RULES AfG GUIDELIllES FOR LICDISE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic dental of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
3. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
4. Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination.
5. Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).
6. Use only the paper provided for answers.
7. Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each section of the answer sheet.

Consecutively number each answer sheet, write "End of Catdgory " as 8.

appropriate, start each category on a new page, write on o_nly one side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer sheet.

9. Nunt>er each answer as to category and number, for example,1.4, 6.3.
10. Skip at least three lines between each answer.
11. Separate answer sheets from pad and place finished .nswer sheet f:cc down on your desk or table.
12. Use abbreviations only if they are comonly used in facility literature.
13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer required.
14. Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or not.
15. Partial credit may be given. Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION l i


1 1 16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of

the examiner only.

l l

WPb NweM.wse:cs sg

. . . . l i - ,

2 ES-201-2 l IRC Rules and Guidelines for l

License Examinations

17. You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completinji the examination. This must be done after the examination has been camp eted.
18. When you complete your examination, you shall:
a. Assemble your examination as follows:

(1) Examination questions on top.

(2) Examination aids - figures, tables, etc.

(3) Answer pages including figures which are a part of the answer.

b. Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination questions.
c. Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use for answering the questions. 1 i
d. Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner. If after l leaving, you are found in this area while the examination is still l in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.

I i

r 2

E g- ,

QUESTION A.01 (1.00)

Reactor power is 100 watts and increasing on a 30 second period.

How long will it take for the reactor power to reach 500 kilowatts? (1.0)

(Neglect heating effects.)

OUESTION A.02 (2.00)

a. Explain what the difference is between k-infinite and (1.0)


b. U-effective of a reactor is given an 1.0795 delta k/k. (0.5)

What 4-excess does the reactor have7 (0,5)

c. What reett: .Ity is ecsocieted with this i-effectivt" i

OUCC T IO*. A.OT (1.00; ,


Elplear whet it m t+ n t L.y t h +. to m " del eyed neut r on #rection."

OUEST!ON A.04 (2.00)

a. A step inte-tion of a small amount of positive reactivity isCectribe made tc e reactcr while critical in the very low power range.

tht changec 2n neutron flur afier the r eac t i vi t y eddition. (1,0) j (Nc g l ec t heating effects.) ,

l ts . Dc t cr i tie the th6ngen in neutron flux f oll owi ng a reector s t r e n, l (1.0) >

' from full power operation.

OUESTION A.05 (1.50) 4

a. What is the purpose of the "moder ator " in the reactor? (1.0)
b. Indicate which one of the following is considered an important (0.5) aspect of a good moder ator .

(1) low mass number (2) large absorption cross section (3) small scattering cross section



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QUESTION A.06 (2.00)

Indicate whether each of the following statements concerning fission (If FALSE explain why it is product poisons are TRUE or FALSE. (2.0)


a. The equilibrium xenon concentration increases with increasing power level while the equilibrium samarium concentration significantly decreases with increasing power level.
b. A reactor startup several days after s scram from extended high power operation is considered xenon and samarium free.

DOEE7 ION A.07 (2.00)

W .e t c-fcct ct c t a moder e t or t en per at u- e inceeate have or, the 40 l o <.. n g ~ E c.cin each.

( 1. 0 '

c. Cure N e - t i vi t y (1.0;
t. C e n t r c '. Ecd Worth CUE ET I D's A.GE (2.00)
e. Dett. ribe h u e. eos oper ator c ar, de t er mi ne when the reettor in c r i t i c (1.0) t.1 during e s tor Lup.
b. A person being trained on the reactor has developed a system f or reactor startups. He noted that the last time he did a startup th( rcacto" Wat critical et 5000 CPS. He r ea s on t- that for his ne. t s ;ertup ( so rne months later) when he reachec 5000 CFS the reactor will be critictd. le thit per s t * ' t Eyctem velid?

( 1. O: ai n you r answer.

CJESTION A.09 (1.00)


a. Wnat p r es.sur e in psig corresponds to 65 psia?
b. What is the saturation temperature corresponding to 65 psia? (0.5) i

(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

" ,# 73 "p g ~A g

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QUESTION B.01 (3.50)

Indicate the component which corresponds to each letter designation (A through G) on the attached cross-sectional view of the reactor (3.5) core.

i I

I i

QUESTION B.02 (2.00)

a. Esplain why it is important to maintain antisiphon system pressure (1.0) within minimum and ma>:imum values.
b. Enplein h o e. the pressure within the antisiphon system is (1.01 maintained.

L' ui. E ' 10.- D.67 (T.50 l e, N tcribt bc. th( Ts c e t t ot Loop Vtnt Sytte m Liqcic: Lesti Co,t r oller s C 9; 5 Ez: oper etc 1n conjunction wi tt. the vtntang of ges? fr:-

t C CDA enc

n ; et i pr .

e e' y pipano. Et sur c- t c include ALL autometic ertions ith sianels f r om thenc controll er s. (1.5 e '_ociater

b. Dettribe tr e ficwptth f or the re:heut.t line f r cam the- v er.t temi ( i . O ',

including ri.)or components and final exhaust point locetion.


Descr a be the r espontc of Containment Evil di ng E:thout t Systen. I sol a t i on Velver 16A and 16E vpon loss of electrical power to their respective Ech' edc r valves. Et sure t o des c r i b o- the mechanien, by which each l of these valves 16A and 16B perform the resulting action including (2.5) the source of the motive f orce for that action.

4 l!



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G. '

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9 QUESTION B.05 (1.50)

Indicate for each of the following statements whether it applies to chim rods or to the regulating rod.

a. Utilized to compensate f or the large reactivity changes which j occur during the day in the core due to cyclic poison effects and long term ef f ects such as f uel burnup. (0.5)


b. Worth less than 1 */. d el t a k/k (0,5)
c. W211 drive in upon a rod run-in signal i

OLIESTION B.06 (2.50)

e. Litt t.oth tr+ p i n,e r y and te t or de y f uric t i orit of t t i c- nitrogo.

.1.Q' s,ttua.

t,. De tt r i L1 e;i eutcmttIc oc ti orit a r id e l e r r,t. ett ot_ l at ed w2th e elou crop in n i t o g e r, n y t t e"r. t r s o nir.i t t i r.g line pressure from 140 psig tt 100 ptig. I rir l u de t ht- ittpoint for reth of the ccticht or a l ar c4 .

(1.5' 1

i l

l l


(***** END OF CATEGORY D *****)

C N 953 QUESTION C.01 (2.00)

Dascribe three methods of normal reactor loop cooling system operation.

Include any differences in major equipment used and any applicable (2.0) system flow rates and power levels for each.

QUESTION C.02 (1.00)

E:< p l a i n why, during normal operating conditions, the reactor will scram if the Reector Convective Loop Valves 546A and 546B are (1.0) opened.

OUE t T I C'. C.OT (1.50) ita c t c: l t t a n t t r e .) o r hmer de ir . t i n t' e. i t t i tiernf or t (1.E' onpe .ceits.

O ui E i ' ,' C.04 (2.00)

4. Etterit.c the crittrie uced in o t t te l i ch i n r; the f l owr ete the Fea; Loop C c e.41,. n t System. ( 1. r:

4 0-

b. W iy cutt the Pool Loop Cooling Syster remain in operation f or e (0.5; mir,imum of five minutes after a normal reactor shutdown 7

! W ic t it the purpos e of Pool Holdup Tent T504 ^ (0.5' t.

OUESTION C.05 (2.50)

Gi u the normel operating range f or erch of the f ol l owing parameters. (Include unite.)

Et e t t or Outlet Cool an t Temperature (0,5) e.

Fool Coolant Flow, 5 Megawatt Operation (0,5) b.

J c. Nitrogen System Dent Pressure When Full (0.5)


d. Pool Outlet Temperature (Hot Leg)

Antisiphon System Pressure (0.5) e.

i i

I i





.C Tk <

l i

QUESTION C.06 (2.00)

c. Explain why the worth of the cannister and sanples placed in the (1.0)

' central flux trap is limited to a specific amount.

b. Explain why reactivity ef f ects are more of a concern in the central l flux trap than in the other experimental facilities. (1.0) l l


DUESTION C.07 (2.50)

Indicate whether each of the f ollowing reactivity coef ficients are positive or negative for the indicated locations.

Void Coefficicnt of the Flu: Trap (0.5) is . (0,5)

b. Void Coefficient of the Core (O.E'
c. T en per ed u e Cor#fieient of the Cor e In.E:

O. T ee por et e e Con fia ti ei t of ti.e F o o '.

( 0. E. '

( , T o m;.et c-tv c Cta f il c i ent c>i i tie Fle T*ci.

CJEC211Cn C.0E (1.00) i i

Etttc t v.O r e e e cm _ fc4r ns2ntiining weier c hemiit t y c o'it r el i to the (1.0) p r i tr o* y coulant sy'ter.

I l

t l l l

(***** END OF CATEGORY C *****)  ;


NB -

QUESTION D.01 (3.00)

Indicate what type of nuclear detector is utilized by each of the following nuclear instrumentation channels and describe how in each the ef f ect of gamma rays is prevented f rom causing an erroneous indication of neutron flux, (1.0)

a. Channel 1 Source Range Monitor (2.61
b. Channels 2 and 3 Intermediate Range Monitors (..'s
c. Channels 5 and 6 Power Range Monitors OUESTION D.02 (3.00)

DettrIbe f our typec of tript atecitieted with the nuclear i nt t r uc+ n t e t i(7.0 or.

Inte c :1 att range channelt. en c hr: v. each trip is r tw o t .

CUEEi!Gr. D.03 (T.OO) ttt pe ir er y pur ptita of (ech of tt e f ol l c wi ntj cctivity c : n scytstem t or t ri c ' c. r i t' c 1tt respect 1vr SeTpie 1 oc at i or i in relction to n j c-c cir.j v c n t t witn,n t ht ep;.1 i t ( b i t s y s.t r c .

( .0

e. F l e t> t on Froduct Monitor ( 1. G :
b. Seconder y Loop Muni t or OJECTIGN D.04 (2.00) four c o n d i t i e i t, th<t n'u t t be net prior to eutomatic Det:t 1L+ (2.01 operation of the regulating rod.

DUESTION D.05 (1.00)

I Explein why the cleanup flow is subtracted from the indicated flow in ,

I reactor loops A end B when determining the pot setting for the reactor (1.0) l power calculator flow potentiome.ter. '


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ __ _ _ ,_ _ . . _ _ ~_. _

QUESTION D.06 (1.00)

Explain how the automatic shim control circuit repositions the shim rods. Include the various conditions which will cause rod movement (1.0) and subsequent stopping by this circuit.

QUESTION D.07 (2.00)

For each status deccription "a" through "d" of the Alarm and Annunciate

! System indicate which of the conditions (1) through (4) would result i in that status.


i c. Ill umi nation Ori D i r.. (0.5)

b. Illuminetton Flashing (0.E:
c. Il l umi nat i cin On F ight (0.E
a. I l l u m i n a +. t . n 034 C ONT I T I Di)E.

(1? Alar m w; t rtttived and the or o.r ut or pr ent r' tl.o 4 i n ov.i e"J g r sut htaut t c .. The (1cr m cond) t i osi lic e not yr t J

( Al er m wat received t >ut thu ep+ o e t er has nc t yet p ent) the ,

ArI r owl eigt pu'hbottar. Tt t i1ern ( o'idi t i e- her n:t sel c i v0r* ud .

t7 Al ter m w e t. r ett t ved end the.- oper4 tor p r e t t- e d the R i 'iowl e 1 t-puchbutten. The ale m condition siibsequent l y cl ec ed bu'. the operator has not yet pretbed the Ftttt Liut t c . .

(4) na arm was received and the operator pressed t. h e A_inuv. ledge pu t>hb ut t ori . The alerm condi ti on subsequesnt1 y cl et.r ed and t he operator pressed the Reset button.

j 1

l l

l 1

(***** END OF CATEGORY D *****)


%r3 s

QUESTION E.01 (2.00)

The reactor i s operating at 5 Magawatts with a core inlet pressure of 65 psia. For some unexplained reason pressure slowly begins to increase. Describe all actions (including alarms) thator will be impede taken by the pressurizer and safety systems to control (2.0) this pressure increase. (Include setpoints.)

! OUESTION E.02 (1.50)

a. Describe how a Reactor Loop Low Pressure Scrani initiated by signals (0.5) from pressure transmitters PT944A or PT944B must be reset.


b. E>:pl ai n why t h i <. type of l oc k'out was installed.

W .e 1 can this type of scram be bypassed? (0.5' c.

i 1

C'JE E T I D'- E.07 (1.50)

List t2. tcmdttsorie or tignelt. which will c mis c . . + cactic r od r un- i n.

(1.C (Oetpcints not r c c.; u t r e d . )

i DUEST1DN E.04 (2.50)

e. Describe two conditions or signals which will cause cutomatic start of the emergency generator. (1.O' j

! b. Erplain why tho en'er cer c y cu ne r a t cir continuet to run f or five tr i n s t re s after site power has been restored. (0.5'

c. Which of the following loadt. can be supplied fron the eniergency (1.O' generator?

(1) E:; h o u t,t Fan EF-13 (2) Truct Entry Door Motor (3) Containment Building Fer sonnel Elevator

! (4) Supply Ventilation Fan GF2 I (5) Primary Fump PGO!A ,

1 l


tw-ew- r-y e-yr--pyg--w p- yo---wwpp- c m.- r-w7--y ---rw'+wiw--ww .'g--w'--r+v--Nmw'**e----'--'gr--w--w-w N-- 'eyww - www mm%1


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. i

~ . y ,. . .

QUESTION E.05 (1.00)

Which of the f ollowing components can be supplied with air f rom the (1.0)

Emergency Backup Air Compressor?

(1) Pool Loop Isolation Valve 509 (2) Reactor Loop Isolation Valve 507A (3) Containment Building Exhaust Isolation Valve 16A (4) Emergency Generator I (5) Freight Door 101 Gasket l 1

I OUESTION E.06 (3.00)  ;

c. From what two locations con the Facility Evatuatich Al a r ". be

(!.O' canuall / inttiated. I v.1 1 1 rt sit f r cc, c F e "- i i i t 3 t.. Ii .

  • 1 ts t f o ..e 4.ut oc c t 3 c i- c t 2 o r . t sti) c !

E,acuotien cl er m. ( 2 .

Dar !;T ;;'. E' . 0 7 (T.O^)


Wh)c'. 04 t ht fc11owthg t c h 'J 1 ( 1 on t 6,i11 r e_ ; u l t in i r t er i D6 0 >e" (T.

t;> Sosce Feinge Manitor Chennci 1 Incperative (i) Low F ool L t- v e l

(?) Thermal Column Door Open (4) High Off-gas Activity (5) Low Reficctor Differential Preuuure (6) Low Fr essur 1:er L t.v e l (7) Low Focl Flow

(***** END OF CATEGORY E *****)

! g QUESTION F.01 (2.00)

List the five Facility Emergency classifications. (1.25)

c. .

List three action levels for emergency classes. (0.75) b.

1 l

QUESTION F.02 (2.00)

Describe four responsibilities of the Duty Operator prior to leeving (2.0) contatnment in the event of a Facility Evacuation.

l UUr El 1 Ot. F.C ( 1. f"'O

( 0. T ~

( . Lc- 'ht' tie tup".

TFUF or F Al. FC : ( 0 . T. .

t. . E ' m ts whe tt .r r trio f ol l o.41 r u, 1


c f f ( s t i n c; cli c r o,i t - in t. o r e - r ei t 2 vii y oflit r then Op e e t i c;'it j

no rel ste -e y t. t + t o p o v. 9 cscit r u (i.e. refuelir.g ariu s t. a r t u p )

ert rtro i ) r t.. d t o in dir ec tl y t- i ip e s v i e t d ts ., e renior r e d '. t o r operatct . However , a stant os reactor o p e. e. t. o r is not required t o tie pr e s vit dur i riti e, "h c it ttertup".

f OUESTION F.04 (1.00) ,

I l

i Choon- all cf tN f ol 1 oui rig c ondi t i ont which r e c4 u i r t- t he r eac.t or (1.0) operator to IMMEDIATELY scram the reactor. ,

(1) Reactor Eradge Ar t 4: Rct:i at i on M:.i it or not f uric t i oni ng (2) Experimental Equipment is in a manner hatardous l

' to personnel and the hor ar d i s dut- to r crii eti on from t he j re0ctor.

( ~. ) Complete l o t t, of ter onder y f I ov. due to trip of a sec onde r y pun.p l (4) Iriuper e t. i ve t untr ol rod drive mechanism i


i 1

1 I


"8 d NN'? tw QUESTION F.05 (3.00)

o. Describe the symtoms which may indicate an electrical anomaly such as single phasing or a reduction in line voltage. (1.0)
b. Describe the immediate actions to be taken by the reactor operator in the event of a single phasing or low voltage condition. (2.0)

QUESTION F.06 (2.50)

Dercribe five conditions which could cause a loss or reduction in (2.5)

. secondary flow.

l 1

l l

l C JLii ID:, F.07 ( 1. D':i; l

De:eribe thett - e t h o d e. t o ups - t hs I cier gr nt y C(o e Cet i i ric; Velvet I

544,n ena 54LE s',t _ i d b o t. h valvn fall to a u t. o : 4tstalif t pe n f e. l ow ria .

or f l ov. . (1.E' z e- c r ( ? ti u c to l o t. t of pre u u** l l \

l DJE51 ION F.OE ( 2 . O '.) )

e. Explain why i t i n desireble to secure both Pool Cooling System Pumps F5004 and F509D timul tencously as prescribed in the Fool Cooling Syste*

Ehutdown F rocudur e COP /V-3. ( 1. M

b. Luplain wh f the F ool Cooling System Startup Procedure SOr/v-1 rtquiret tra outlet vol ve of the heet e :c hanger not in te*vice to be placed 1n i tu thr otti ed peut ti on es opponed to (1.O!

it es wet. done f or the 1niet vel ve.

l l

I i

e I,

i i


(***** END OF CATEGORY F *****)

l l,

'----ww---w w----,y- wwe- w-,y--,mi--=w--y--- C-e--yw-w - yw ----nyyy--

- - - -y,- -----my--m-epe ,,y--w----&+ywwwewwy,-y-y

,.'iK's-ige W ' M :':#TlW C q

_ . . - - -- . l I

QUESTION G.01 (1.00)

Which of the f ollowing Area Radiation Monitoring System detectors ot the described location are capable of causing an automatic (1.0) reactor isolation?

(1) Reactor Bridge (2) Fuel Storage Room (3) Beamport Floor North Wall (4) Containment Exhaust Air Plenum OUESTION G.02 (3.00)

a. Changee werc rnad e to a r eac t or er:per2 ment which could lead to a significant al t er at i on in area radiation levels as reactor power Iri itcordente wi t ti iccility pr c c edur e t , i Her]th it arecr e e tt r .

f i'. y '; 1 r. I O ~. P . : i i C 1 9 ' ) wI tli dIr& t c oifd h a' 1e e f 1 otit tt3 i &ir COntrGI rcom '

r' .C + f i l i U t 3 fig ili(- :pt

  • 1 ti s. < t (ittr i t'g i fit i Ut.* f etfit

.* C (31 1 I r.u c .tc i ) L.

At v,h a t f o u r' poi nt s ( c o .ti t t i er < c- p o w r-r l ru mal reector s tat tup.

le a:)t) 1t *N Corit t ( l Rot en r e(pii r od t c. i rif or et ttu H( 411 t t. Ft.yc ct (T.f' Technitten cf the t e -t or ctatut or p o v.o r level.

t .( t 4 or at t a :p o r t rl I I dire t coc. ': t i t i cvit z.r t- I t .<- t cr if c in t

t. ..n (1 O e n thebe re nts is not a;-ino .ledi,ss'"

OUESTION G.07 (1.00)

Whot er e the c or,d i t i onto r equi r i rig i t t u e nt s. of a Rcdietio'i War l l

(1.01 I F ermi t"


@ @ MA7t NOF ' . 4PWAMMM l

l l

QUESTION G.04 (2.50)

o. Describe three methods available to remove radioactive waste from the liquid waste
  • retention system in the form of dry active (1.5) waste.
b. Fill in the blanks:

If the 10 CFR 20 limits are not exceeded and the total activity of radionuclides does not exceed (1) ______ 10 may mci of tritium the authorire or 2water mci of to other nuclides, the ______

be pumped to the sanity sewer. Any tank containing water with an activity greater than 2 mci of other nuclidet will be (1.0) )

discharged only with the approval cf the ______(2) ______. l 1

l l

C'UE ! I * . 6. OL ( T . O S)

DtLcr: Lt t he rz2torIng r(2 *i r ( r.t nt t t iic t ere to ta i m p i t ,s e ". t c ~' v. ' , (Incit,;c e n ro.; ;

raci c e _t i ve esterial in t.h e pool ch ir i n o the following Si tu a t t or.s .

type of pe tonm 1 r t tpont i t.l e I o- thotr ectient.1

a. Ceust t a .Pling at e .3 d e 9 t' rett greete' thai 100 c.illire-(1.6?

pe- hw.

C ,ises a v.eriang ar t a cj o u t. rate of lets than 100 millire,r

b. (1.0 per hour .

CUCS' ION G . 06. (1.00) r ec t. h e v i rig the t ec t- curie s tr engt t. ( f o-C o n s i d t. r t w .i pcInt tourttt ,

e;;arple, 1 c ur i e each). Source A's gemmas have an energy of 1 MeV wherets Source E*s gammat have an ener gy of 2 MeV. You ota t ai n a reading f rom the same Geiger counter 10 feet from each source.

Would the r eading f rom caour c e A tie atiriut twice, orie- h a l f , or Crplein you answer. (1.0) the une as that frce Source E

I 1

l l

i I


R Nw "#<Jugawa. w.

- t i

l l

QUESTION G.07 ( .50) ,

I Assuming equal absorbed doses (measured in rads), which one of the l following types of radiation will have the greatest biolcgical effect on the body: (0.5)

(1) beta i (2) gamma (3) thermal neutrons (4) fast neutrons


l i


e. If the dote r ate f rom a radiation poi r t tource is 100 mrem /hr et 1 meter , what is the done rate at 25 cm? Show your wor k . (1.O'
t. H a. I o' e c o0) ct you bt 2 5 c. m frtw t ha' t.c o r c e befo e e :t et di r.9 the 1, CFR 20 quarterly vJ ioi e body done limit? Ehow you wer I . (1.0'


C J E T., T 1 C ' . C 09 (1.00 L;! .c t twc c: e. t i g t , fez,tureo of the pneumatic t ut.e s y s. t e n. L e r v e- to l i n.i t the ecd:etior ha:ard from theno tubtiM (1.01 i

i 4

l i

i l

I l

! (***** END OF CATEGORY G *****)

! (************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************)


= gi


. t , . s. 3 9

8 "*I P = PO e' * = P O10 N=Ne

~ *

= Atp V1 = A202V2 o n 7 A = AN $.

y = -.s. +0-D or T = 0D Q = A1VI = A2 V2

o 10 lo g ,y ,-ux -x/TVT b.r

I 10 E in " out *O stored p

k-1 km - k i

  • A 'N $

R ITts = 0.693 E = KE + PE + U + pV + Q + W /

R/hr @ d feet = g Z D =


k<1 point source 8e cp3g 1-k2 Idt i


= 12d2 2  ;

' y2 .

g Iid =

1d2 - line source

-=1-k M

2 R/hr x time - R

"{ "h j

reduced for - turbine. SG pump, nossle.

. cps

  • b Rad x QF = Rem rif1C*. C nden8er. PI Pe, Rx ,)

M cps n fl v a /dp Ti Tis Bio x Tis Rad s, g g = b t y2 #

  • net " A " doppler
  • Dmod
  • Dvoid Blo + 3 Rad ** **
  • I " * ***

a D 2g e head loss a Ap i

    1. e+OSm X + # Pu + P=h +p ambient =k p

Boron + prod + pfuel + F = pA 2E c apap g ,, = ap1 phase x K U o pog,,,,) k = f(quality & Pressure)  !

l i

Pump laws speed a flow 4 km - ka + ?,k (speed)3a pressure


Sk=k-1 MATil (8 Peed)3a power Q = kAaT = hAa7 = UAa7 SUM = y =b 0 " *

  • pat I8 "
  • Q = mah r$V y **""

p , 3.1 x 1018' , , - ,

log x = c log x Q = cot ;j '

all = m c. aT . E, l P

g , y, log x = lot; x - log y AU - m c aT

, y log xy = log x + log y 11 = U + pv Defect = Coeff x a Parameter AS = $T $y

~ s pV = nRT f.

P1 IV . . EI V 2,  ! l Tl T3 CV + C2V2 =

C (Vi + V2) ] j H l

. k. !

%_ _ .- _ _ v c

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  • TeMS 1. Segnare00d Steam: Tempeestisse TAMS-Cessessmed
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. ., Wra G M7 16SH 137 5 3W Sun OS S 3842 9 18 JS2 )2WO Wie 368 3B 868 16M8 at $78?4 $b2 0$ 16 3643 7  ; 817 s7mS Wsa mg 50 60$ 16611 3s8 5 364 IN 06 4 IHa4 79 4 8952 l2831 Se m8 Ilabe SalM24 38 Ob4 36 970 30688 079 I 11412 10 W s2M3 M8 WI8 Il $?6 001M37 35 L72 31139 900 M Off 9 18460 82980 ten I 2768 me set 12 512 001u68 Si lls 31151 37218 0754 347$ GMCI 1 4697 32098 Ws3 3as t 13 % 8 0 016691 N IE ? 28878 176 14 0723 1189 0 SJCSI 1 4571 37U2 28 .

212 e H 6k 8 016719 M PB? M 799 10017 0 70 I alSC S B3121 I as47 17%8 212 8 _r % A '**

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  • 276 0 IS 9CI 8 016747 N 878 24 39a 30410 0678 1852 8 63181 J 4323 I FSCS 216 4 -

278 9  !? lH 0 016775 23 331 23 848 308 23 06S 2 11534 43741 lAMI t ha? 333 224 6 II SM . tan 6MS 21 529 21 54S 19227 06? t 11W 9 63300 140B1 1230 De8 fre e M t:5 0 016H4 2C 0% 2C C?3 19631 060 0 llM 3 83359 TJ961 I?3?C 3as t me 21 M 7 00168M 88 7t! 18 738 20C35 0574 1157 0 E3417 83Bd2 1 7760 3374 .... ,

.* IM I 23216 44168 % 174S4 17471 20440 GW 8 1169 2 0J476 IJ725 122Cl 338 e " ;V.N ' -

3st e 2s 9EI S 016126 16 30s 16 !?! 20045 952 1 116C 5 83133 IJ609 1 7142 MtSN *'~

Mae M 6?6 00169St il243 IS 76: 212 $0 M95 1167 C L3M; 33M4 I 7025 Me4 -

Pas e 29 79t 00169% B4 29 34 78; 214 SE $44 4 11634 036sl IJ379 I PC;f . .-Jet 8 252 e 3C 6!'- 0 C17C22 !! 3S8 13 3?S 220 t ? 944 1 Il68 7 4370t IJ?H I 69?? 262 8 fla t 130% S C170$$ 12 S20 12 533 22a69 941 4 1164 1 83763 IJ1Sa 16S;7 ft4 8 Met 25 4:7 S Cl?M5 11 745 11 76? 228 76 9325 116* 4 0 3t:9 130f! 1680 Ste t 264 t 37 ba O C17173 Il C?S li re: 232 8? 93)5 1168 7 430'6 12933 16&;l sta e Mit 4C SCC 0 017157 1C 3S1 It 375 23t 91 9331 Il?t t 0 3937 128'1 167th 348 2778 42 2a' 0 017193 9 736 9 7SS 24091 9X3 It ?! ! 03M7 12735 167C2 272 8


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I mae 258 775 44187C 17640 3 7en 379 4 822 0 IMIS 0 $717 Still IS234 ese ee8 270 600 8 0187S IMH 17the M38 0182 1701 9 $ $7M 0 98?9 ISitt age 9 413 8 3E789a 0014t! 8 6162 3 6340 281 014 2 17C2 4 8 5016 0 9341 ISIS 7 aut sul 2956 9 uiw IMu ixSi m2S 8102 unr 8 Gms 09:n une en

  • ein Ste no utew imos t em n69 006 2 Imi O Sm ems n00e est e.8 In29i uit0e low tun 40 0 On2 2 iMat Sma Own im? ese ce8 336 443 00lta 3 3591 I 3767 40$ 7 798 0 1703 7 0 6034 43980 3 Stos ce8 678 351 00 0 01913 13C2M 13?171 410 1 793 9 IMa0 0000 SetCJ 1 8986 028 eia 3603 0 01919 124487 IJ640b 414 6 709 7 1200 2 0 6112 6516 189 3 ett an mi S4 um nmi inw m0 me i7 4 um um nMe mi man mM team non n6 06 an$ un iral 06n0 Sm43 neu ..

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\ JWMOWW 1.0 13 12 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 17 Entropy. Bru/ b, F I8 1.9 2.0 4

2.1 22 2 Mollier diagram (b-s3 for steam.

-86/07/01-HILLS, D.


P=P*exp (t /T) 500,000= 100*ex p (t /30) in 5000=t/30 t=30* W' GGir seconds = 4.75 minutes (1.0)

I' W k.Z X REFERENCE Basic Reactor Theory ANSWER A.02 (2.00)

c. F-2nfinite as the mul tiplication constant for e theoretical rcactor wi th zero 1edage. t'-ef f ecti ve t al:er into account ne vi r ont 1ot t due t o s1 ov. enci fett l eal age (1-eff = l-inf +

s ; o.- and f as. t non-lealage probability.) (1.0)

p. l -e:: t et t- = ,-<tiettive-1 = 1.0795-1 = 0.07c;5 de)ta L (C.D'
c. heactivity = (I --ei f et t i ve-1 ) /i - e f 3 ec ti ve = ( 1. 07'7C- 1 ) /1. 0795 =

0.0736 delti 6 /i (0,5)

REFERENCE Eat.i c R e. at t or The:my ANSWEF A.03 (1.00)

The fraction of all neutrons in a given generation which are emitted from the decay of fission fragments at a significant time after the actual fission event. (1.0)

REFERENCE Eac2c Reactor Theory

M W?7

-86/07/01-HILLS, D.


c. There is a " prompt jump" increase in neutron flux due to the immediate effects of prompt neutrons. (0.5)

Power then increases on a stable period the value of which is determined by the amount of reactivity inserted and the delayed ,

neutron generation time. (0.5) l

b. Following a scram there is a prompt drop in neutron flux as l p-umpt neutron generation is stopped. (0.5) to Flux then gradually decreases as delayed neutrons continue (0,5) J be generated from the decay of the precursor groups. l I

REFERENCE Bat 2c Reactor Theory i

ANuWEF A.03 (1.50) ,

e. rs at < c ni of 1ou ener 9 y hcvr the hiohett probeli)iiy of can i ng Most neutrons are born o' high energ.

fascion in the fuel. (*.O)

The c.oderetor r e d u t e t- thc nc-et r ori enL oy Ievel.

I e a 1 t- .

b. (1) 1o . mest n u mb en (O.Si REFET.ENCE benic Recctor T r.e ar y ANSWER A.06 (2.00)
a. Felte (0,5) - After reaching equilibrium the remerium concentretion remainc constant. (0.5)
b. F a l t r- (0.5) - It may be xenon f r ee twt semariur will not ce:ay away. (0.5)

REFERENCE Bauic Reactor Theory


i 1

ANSWER A.07 (2.00)

a. Core reactivity is decreased. (0.5)

The temperature increase causes a density decrease in the moderator.

- There is less_ moderation and more neutron leakage which is a negative reactivity effect. (0.5)

b. Control rod worth increases. (0.5)

As moderation is decreased and the probability of leakage into a control rod increases, the effectiveness of the control rods increases. (0,5)

REFERENCE Basic Reactor Theory fi ,0 [' . ( ! b

. *i (7. nf*)

s. [ 4 - (- N(. [tO V i OC afid f I u!' 14 V t- 1 i f 6 L i t U Fet ' ;i e t i DFi . WT IC 'il [rCi M " 3 (- V L 3 co.tinues to i nc r e;-s e and per i od remains positive a i t t>r rod
w. t hdr swe 1, thc r e ec t nr is super c r i t i r al . The t : act ceitital porition is difficult to di4ferentiate froT. subcritical nv: t i p l I c e.t 1 of . . (1.0)

L, . Not valid (0.5) - The count rat e at critical is a functio- c4 cterting count r e t. " (source) and the shutdown rna r g i n . Alst stveral mon t ric l atr r bur nup , poi s oric , cod any chanc;es in e>: p e r i men t s will have some effect. (0.5)

REFERENCE Basic Reactor Theory ANEWER A.09 (1.00)


o. 50 psig (0. 5)
b. 297 degrees F (0.5)

D - - NMA5TWIW35f  ?

R__. ___- - __ ______ .


ANSWER B.01 (3.50)

A. Control Blade (0.5)

B. Small Graphite Reflector Elements (0.5)

C. Irradiation Elements (0.5)

D. Beamport (0.5)

E. Fuel Elements (0.5)

F. Beryllium Reflector (0.5)

G. Large Graphite Reflector Elements (0.5)

REFERENCE MURR Trai ni ng Manual , p. I-2.

ANSWER B.02 (2.00)

n. Net ti n.: n i n.. - pr et:t ur o tc. ent.or o s.uf f i c i e ni c.. ie b r (. i : t he ti r hc t c! .ou l d a double ended pipe rupture occur. (0.5)

M ,- : i n e r- pr t Lt ur e c.ut i be n ai rit ei ne d b e l ov, t hr oper at i ng c ce e pressure to minimize possibility of air l e s ', e g e into the pr imary c oci z nt due io 1etiing eriti e i phon val vt t . (C.5)

b. Maneally introducing air from the f acilit y air surply ( 0 . 5. ' and ve r.t a ng the t yr t en. through per ti c ul ete anti c h a r c t.i l filte s. (0.5)

REFERENCE MURR Tr e i n i n c; Menusi , p. I-29.

ANSWER B.03 (2.50)

a. LC925A vents the tant through v c-n t vel ve 552A on low level in the vent tank. (0.5)

If water level continues to recede LC925E operates a perellel vent valve 5528 (0.5) and initiates a rod run-in (0.5).

b. E >. h a u t- t linc divergec to parallel paths each conteinino a str ai ner ,

check valve, and solenoid valve (0.25). Exhaust line conve ges and passes through pr essure regul ator (0.25) and charcoal filter (0. 2E) and then to the pool sweep (0.25).

l REFERENCE MURR Training Manual , p. I-31.

U f W h HM fG1%%E:dR'WC;ibsD++QP f*(M '


ANSWER B.04 (2.50)

For valve 16A, loss of electrical power to either Schrader valve will vent air from the actuator (0.5) and allow the spring to close the valve (0.5). For valve 16B, loss of electrical power to either Schrader valve on the open side of the actuator will vent air from the open side (0.5). On loss of electrical power to the Schrader valves on the close side of the actuator, these valves will supply air to the close side (0,5) from an accuml ator tant (0.25) supplied by a dedicated air compressor (0.25).

REFERENCE MURR Trai ning Manual , p. I-87.

r ':MTF E.05 (1.53) c., 5' ,1 c hcdt 'O.5)

b. F jul at i ng Fed (0.5)
c. S'il e Rods (0.5)

REFEREICE M J Nis Tr a;r1nc Mc .ve.) , p. . II-76, I -- 7 5 .

ANSWER B.06 (2.50)

a. Pr i mar y - To provide pressuri: ed non-contaminated gas to the pressurizer. (0.5) 5ccondery - To act as a backup to the air in the val ve opeating system. (0.5)

L. Autometic sv.1tching of ber 1 s (0.5) et 1T0 psi g (O.25). Nitrogen System Lev. Fressur e alarm on annunciator unit in control r o c. m (0.5) at 115 psig (0.25).

REFERENCE MURR Trai ni ng Mar.uel , p. IV-1, IV-2.

-86/07/01-HILLS, D.


. ANSWER C.01 (2.00)

Natural convection to pool with vessel head removed and flanged port open (0.25) - Limited to 100 kilowatts (0.25).

. Reactor loop pressurized with only one pump and one heat exchanger (0.25).

5 megawatts in use (0.25) - 1850 (+50,-50) gpm flowrate (0.25) -

Reactor loop pressurized with two pumps and two heat exchangers in (0.25) use (0.25) - 3700 gpm (+50,-50) gpm flowrate (0.25) - 10 megawatts REFERENCE MURR Hazards Summary Report, p. 5-1.

ANSWER C.02 (1.00)

Wi C. e s t t' v. E i t' tO l' y'p a i i iht ( co O r et * +] t i og 1n i C i v. El i I f (," r *1i} p t e s t- J r f . (O.b- bliferEntIa1 { F (?'_ G' t r e s.J i t C h 9 2 'r E 2 QI e l v.1 1 1 CavEe trip r. : t t e r ( e t. h f l o v. Ec r an Lctpoint. (0.5) REFEFO. E MdTJ 1 reining Minual, p. I-2(. ANSWER C.O! (1.50) Changes in reactor reacti vi ty due to beamport activities such as draining or flooding a beamport. Exporare of personnel ta radiation as a r esul t of meivement 5 of shielding or inadequale sf s l el d ilig . Rel e cte of redioactive g e s e t- such as Ar -41 which e e produced in the b ea rrp er t . A production of explosive or t o::i c materials in the beamporto. (3 required - 0.5 pts. each) REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. I-20.

Rff%M;UCFr.+rrq;,]s=6N >u[e -5: T7 3 km,";p'd.-4 ' ' " ' ' 9 " 3 b PAGE

                                                                                                "" 7 23


c. Flowrates were adjusted according to the composition of the special reflector elements in the reflector irradiation area such that the pressure drop across the reflector region is kept constant. (1.0)
b. To remove core decay heat from the reflector and experimental facility. (0.5)
c. To allow oxygen and nitrogen activity to decay bef ore coolant water is returned to the pool. (0.5)

REFERENCE MURR Training Manual , p. I-38, I-39. ANSWEF C.05 (C.50)

a. 1Ja dt p e. s r (c. m
b. F~. (+100,-100) cue (0.5;
c. 2 O ? ;- 2 20 > ptig ( O . ". )
d. 105 d e g r e e-s C ( 0 . 5 'e
e. 7.>-45 psig (c 5)

RErEFF r>CE SDF /1 - 14, VII-54 ANSWER C.06 (2.00)

a. To ensur e that the reactivity insertion is less than that which would cause fuel element fai1ure. (1.O)
b. T r.c otncr e: per i mental facilities are decoupled f r om the reactor b y tr e e n s o f the berylliur reflector and thus reactivity effects ar e tni n i mal . (1.0)

REFERENCE MLiRR Tr ei ni ng Manual , p. I-12, I-14. l t __ __


a. positive (0.5)
b. negative (0.5)
c. negative (0.5)
d. positive (0.5)
e. positive (0,5)

REFERENCE MURR Hazards Summary Report, p. 4-14. SOP /VIII-7. Critical Parameters List AN S.4E F. C.OE (1.00) 7 o mi r 1 r.) : c thc c or r ot.1 on reie. (O. 5) To minacize Inavted attivity. (0.5) REEEEENCE SOP /II-4

                                                                                                             *que i i T fr y g h g .. Q eJ             ."*fiQgy, ,y f ,-*885":me***F PAGE 25


                                                                    -26/07/01-HILLS, D.
         . ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI ANSWER           D.01             (3.00)

Fission Chamber (0.5) - Pulse Height Discriminator (0.5) c.

b. Compensated Ion Chamber (0.5) - Gamma-ray induced currents are automatically subtracted from total current readings. (0.5)
c. Uncompensated Ion Chamber (0.5) - Neutron flux is of sufficient intensity that gamma current is insignificant. (0.5)

REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. II-4, II-12. ANSWER D.02 (3.00)

                                             .W                                                i 051 v.i 1 1 1ight, Dr a wt r Inope - ci . ve    ( O .C - Deawcr i noper a t i ve pi ne]
1. " a l rw m , reat t or wiI:

ant.voc i e t o- v.1 i i t. a r- v . ' e "nuc1e.- i n t. t e o men t a t . r t_r.o, t o. :! - - .ato,ctat F e< e; (0.T5) Fe+1oc Scr am Tr .p (a. N Ca. tv =

  • Wc i or scra"
                                                                                         . 2 5 '- - L c( l out trip cmt ta r e t4 t v i- ) n g ihe r e at t g.if4 (.li       ( O. T'.)

of coritrol r od t. (O.25' - b or-t Fer2om Fc Fun- I r . Tr i p (0.7 -- C a _. s e t. ron-3< (u t o., e t i c hetet (0.E: Fcriot Autometit E t. ,t r ol liite lo.; Trip (0 - r . vomti tia r egal et i no contrei rod fro- cper ateo in the automatic trade (0.25) - AotomatIc Reset (0.25) REFEFENCE MURR Training Mensal, p. II-30, II-31, 11-32. l l ANSWER D.03 (2.00)

a. To indicate poeti ble Juel failure (0.5) - M:mitors offluent from the reattor on the discharge of heat c.: change >s SO3A and 503E4 (O.5).
b. To detect 1cals into the secondary system froTi the pool or primary (0.5) - Located on the return line from the heat exchanger (0.5).

REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. II-46, II-49. l

k-;gy,Ag 3.[ M p ~ jjy $7T'0" ~PAIE ~ M ifMSTRUpWNTS ANDfCg!!TRgt::I

    .' D .  -

ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MIS;0URI -C6/07/01-HILLS, D. ANSWER D.04 (2.00) The period as indicated by both IRM-2 and IRM-3 must indicate not less than 35 seconds. (0,5) The WRM selector switch must be in the 5 kilowattt red scale position or above. (0.5) The power trace pointer (black) on the WRM recorder must be reading greater than the auto control prohibits setpoint (red). (0.5) The regulating blade position must be greater than 60% withdrawn such that the 60% annunciator alarm is energized. (0.5) REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. II-79. (,N E.4 E C D.05 (1.00) F r i ner y =. y t t ( r :1 eci up fIow t>ypes t "t i ihe c or e and yot it f 1 owt tnrough tbe pr : . v y f1on orifice. ( 1. O) REFERENCE SDP/I-9, VII-1. ANSWER D . 0 6. (1.00) Shim rods will qutomatically inser t when the regulating rod reaches the 20% withdrawn position. (0.5) The insertion will be a sufficient amount to drive the r egul ati ng rod to its 60% withdrawn position at which point the signal is terminated. (0,5) REFERENCE M'J RR T r ai ni ng Me nve l , p. II-81. ANSWER D.07 (2.00)

a. (3) (0.5)
b. (2) (0.5)
c. (1) (0.5)
d. (4) (0.5)

REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. II-68 MURR Hazards Summary Report, p. 9-19

g m- -

                                                                                                                ~, y'   *;,n;, a " ~ . 'Z" J',5 = + y qp_
                        .W.                                                         ,- .:.--' -' * *6-*:,


     , ' - .E.      SAFETY AND DERIENCY- - _

PAGE 77 " " ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI -86/07/01-HILLS, D. ANSWER E.01 (2.00) When pressurizer pressure exceeds 105% of 70 psi valve 545 will open to bleed off nitrogen gas to the offgas system. (0.5) If pressure exceeds 110% of 70 psi pressurizer high pressure alarm will sound in the control room. (0,5) A reactor scram occurs at 115% of 70 psi. (0.5) At still a higher pressure the excess pressure will be vented through safety relief valve 537 to the offgas system. (0.5) REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. I-47. ANSWER E.0: (1.50) e V,; e t + + C.t n t c o l Em irs i (1El) ha<, tiet -i t iir nt (' ie " t r t.t ' E *id t br-n tmti tc *oi . 0.5) L> . W:in thL ; e t( nt erit i s yphon 5 y bt <>a t he c c. e - t*cys pr etsur 1: eJ and the

                        %4L can re                   ste, causing cycling of the pati- end valves if not f c- the cIrtu)t 1otFout.                            (0.5)

Ce- be b ypa s ce:' in 50 Iiloa tt mcdt . (0,5) c. FsE T E F E 'J F MURE Tecining Meiu 1. p. I - 7.4 , p II 7E. ANSWER E.03 (1.50) High Fowr Short Fercid Lcw F ool Level Vent Tani L ow. Level Rod Not In Contact With Magnet Anti-siphon Line High Level , Truck Entry Door Seal Def l e t ed l Regulating Elade Position less than 10% withdrawn or bottomed  ! (6 required - O.25 pts.. each) REFERENCE SOP /I-15,I-16,I-17,I-18. l 1 4 I t e I

C g .- y . ., Q 5 VABE - M '


_. __. ,.G_AFETY AND DERSDC_Y__S_h__m_r_iS_ ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI -86/07/01-HILLS, D. ANSWER E.04 (2.50) Loss of site electrical power at substation "B". (0.5) o. Signal from seven day clock plant exerciser. (0.5)

b. To assume the load should any additional power interruptions occur. (0.5)
c. (1) and (2)

(2 required - 0. 5 pts. each - Will subtract 0.5 pts. for each incorrect answer given up to value of question.) REFERENCE MURR Trai ni ng Ma aual , p. III-lo, III-ll, III-12. ANEMF E.05 (l.00) (T: i, (5 ( '. rc-,  :*( - i ~ pts ( ict. - LN II -ut.ti a t 0.5 ptt. f o, tw i. : nt or r ec t l c o r .. ; . g i s e,

                  .                s     to v s l u t. of qu Aion.)

REFERE*'.E MURR 1 r 4 : n: ri; t-  :( ), p. IV-P. ANSWEh E.06 (3.00)

a. Reactor Control Room (0.5)

Lobby Control Center (0.5)

b. Ecactor screms r i nmc o t sv tiletion eyt-tem i sol at i on doors. close Centaincent exhaust isolation valver cl ose Fat 212 ty hc n s o u n d s-Fl ashing r e: light en t er i or to tht- cont a i r emen t per s onnel airloci door is ene gized i (4 required - 0.5 pts. each)

REFEFENCE F EF'-1, p. 1. ANSWER E.07 (2.00) I 1 (6), (7) l (2), (5), (4 required - 0.5 pts each - Will subtract 0.5 pts. for each incorrect I l answer given up to total value of question) l

HM*'a i~2 .=^:P ; - K y. _ : wW"WW. W. .c. ,.9. w=,._:.r.

_ ; =. . ; , c
                                                                                       .. r.      m          -

_ WET _E_M_S __ _ ' ** ? W P A G E '" Mi P


REFERENCE SOP /I-15, I-16, I-17, I-18

  • gammevnesmosa -

sue _1 y ..c. .'Ty;=

      - + > . , s. >. n 7;;...;.nRf_v__"           -    . , -       _ y :rmy.y u . '       . y        .y 7,_.gmp-                           -, _g , g
      .'F__. _ S_T_A_N_D_ARD AND EME_R_S_E_N_C_Y__O_P_E_R_A__f _!N_G__P_R_O_C_E_D_.L_N_tE_S_

MM 30 ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI -86/07/01-HILLS, D. ANSWER F.01 (2.00)' O. Facility Evacuation (0.25) Reactor Isolation (0.25) Fire (0.25) Medical (0.25) Security (0.25)

b. Unusual Event (0.25)

Alert (0.25) Site Area Emergency (0.25) REFERENCE FEPs EEF - 1, p. 1. M.5WFR F . C .~ (2.00) Verif t iit t tht r eet t or has st r arined as indicated t.y the i nstr umente t ) or,. Verli. t. h e t al. u!ii m reau h ew t; bottomed as indicatea by the concole lights. vtr24 tin i thc t orit ei nme nt hat secled ae indiceted by the vent i 1 at i on dooi a .a the e e u r t. vel ve lights. Er.sur e cIl pe t.nnri ere cleered f r on, fifth, fourth, third, end second levcis of the czoteinment building and e.<it via personnel air lock doors. 1( thc AtsistV - Duty Opt-r a t or ir. not inown to be in conteinment, the Duty Operator small also ensure that all personnel are cleared from the beamport fI00*- (4 required - 0.5 pts. each) REFERENCE F E F'- 2 , p. 2,3. ANSWER F.03 (l.00)

a. A " hot stz-tup" i t, a startup within two hourt, of any shutdown, in which re-start capabi1ity is in doubt. (0,5)
b. False (0.5) l REFERENCE SOF/I-3, I-4, I-7. l

mas. n eesta+-ssgrt.C, f,4= a.wpa.amwwwwwact.y :.-w-.a gm ,yg_ - ipy

                                                                                                                                          .r y A8I 1 y                                    _,


                                       - - - - - - - - - - - -OPERATING
                                                               - - - - - - - - - - -rhuiNtES ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI                                        -86/07/01-HILLO, D.

ANSWER F.04 (1.00) (1) and (4) (2 required - 0.5 pts. each - Will subtract 0.5 pts. for each incorrect cnswer given up to total value of question.) REFERENCE R E F'- 13-2 . ANSWER F.05 (3.00)

       #. . This type et anomel y may not be obvi ous.                                    Syrt.t om s i nc l ude di rr.mi ng of lights, loss of some containment lights, or loss of some process s',etca equ; ; a.< ni .              (l . O)
b. Ec-en i hr rce t ar /or if clroad. n r arr med , c h r-t i reetto- t h e t d o van . U.C T ._ r r i OF F a . pump and tooling toer fant in a. erpedit:aar rc ; c ,er . r s: 5)

F'at c F]1 s 61 vt - c or.1 r ol i in ihe nor n.O l t hut d 0v.n potition e ". d (n a r iu c i coce. (0.5 Tr:p the t. s o trontfor twitth on iubetatior E " . (0,5) FsEFEF ENCE FEF C-1. ANSWER F.06 (2.50) Mcchanical failure of a secondary cooling pump. Air binding of a secondary c ool i ng purnp . A brcai in the secondary cooling line. L o t. t of wctcr 1. the cool 1ng iower teusing punip to shutoff when 1ow sump level sw;tch is tripped. Restriction in flow due to a feulty checi valve on the dittharge side of a running su..p pump. Foi1ure in 1 o v. sump 1evel c ut out tircuitry (pr oper sump l evel , but pumpt. trip off.) Clogged suction strainer. (5 required - 0.5 pts. each) i REFERENCE REP-13-1. 1


s. c_ . . c. - . .. ... - - - , ., . ~ . _ r. , , ,,,, , ^


                                                                                                    'h8E ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI                       -86/07/01-HILLS, D.

ANSWER F.07 (1.50) Open manually f rom control room with valve control switch. (0.5) Open manually with T-wrench locally at valve. (0.5) Close the air supply line to the valve at th bridge and disconnect copper tubing on the valve side of the 3-way solenoid. (0.5) REFERENCE REF-19-1. AN5WER F.08 (2.00)

a. To minimize chect valve slam. (1.0)

L. 7o pre m.t e tes - i vc pr es tor e ti et t.ou ? d occ ur in e ri it01ated h e .d e . c n = g *. - . (1.D) l ra . ru Nr r S> /V-1, V-3. l l

" V M y.y.m,g, u 7 -; .. .,x,.g c. -,3 g,,

., - S__, _  R_A_D__IC_T__IO_N CONTR_O_L__AN_D__S_A_F_ETY
                                                      -                                                                                                     33 ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI                        -B6/07/01-HILLS, D.

ANSWER G.01 (1.00) (1) and (4)  ; (2 required - 0.5 pts. each - Will subtract 0.5 pts. for each incorrect answer given up to total value of question.) REFERENCE MURR Training Manual, p. II-50, II-51 FEP-2, p. 1 ANSWER G.02 (3.00)

a. When the reactor reaches criticality. (0.5)

W:,*- r o e ; *. : - power reachet 50 1. i 1 owa t t r . ( 0. 5) We e s_.c- powm- r eaches 5 megewetts ( 2. 5 rr egawa t ts if c; er a t i ng 2n Mo c k-  !. (0.5) waa r e z. t o- powtr r eiic hn 10 na. gewa t i L (5 mcycwat to if cp ating , in Made I: (0.5) I ti . hocctor ;cse wi11 te rnei n t r i n ed t. t e eteady IevtI untiI t t,. p r ot.1 e.r-it ccr r ec te _ . (1,0) RL F t,'.E SOF/I-7, I-5. ANSWEF, G.OT (1.00) Significant potential for e >: p o s ur e of personnel to radiat ion or the spr ec d:ng or release of ai rborne or surface contamination. (1.0) REFEFINCE SOF/I-11 ANSWER G.04 (2.50)

a. Sludge Settlement (0.5)  ;

Cuno Filters (0.5) l Chemical Frecipitant Treatment (0,5) I

b. (1) Shift Supervisor (0.5) l (2) Reactor Manager (0.5)


n W ? S

  • m q m Y [ h,k .~. 3 k g ;, 2*Y% vf**


c. Health Physics will monitor the operation to minimize radiation exposure to personnel, terminating the oper i Q eccessary. (1.0) I
b. Presence of member of Heal th Physics staf f ^,a,t,ionif,"dn"d only if, a ]

licensed Reactor Operator or qualified sample handler surveys I the operation. (1.0) l REFERENCE SOP /VIII-8. ANSWER G.06 (1.00) Ab ca t tiit Ecce (0.5) - Gci not seric i t i v4- to c>nergy. (C . 5) ] R E F Ei .E C i-E. tic T h e _;r y A N E. C F- G.07 ( .CO) (4) fatt n e e t r c i t. (0,5) REFERENCE 10 CFR 20.4 AN5WER G.OE (2.GO)

e. 10U r' rem /1 hr * (1 m/(25 cm + (1 rn /100 c m ) ) ) +
  • 2 == 1600 mr en/hr ( 1. C '
b. Quarterly dose limit = 1.25 rem or 1250 mrem (0.5) 1250 mrem * (1 hr/1600 mrem) = .78 hours or 47 minutes (0,5)

REFERENCE Dasic Theory 10 CFR 20.101 ANSWER G.O9 (1.00) Distance of the tubes from personnel working in the area. (0,5) Speed at which the sample container is transported through the system. (0.5) t

eg ANSWERS -- UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI -86/07/01-HILLS, D. REFERENCE Hazards Summary 8-25 l l l i I I I

Y , --- - !^ T i w ;.:yn geg[,y--Gj Q 3 Q c,:== =, , , TEST CROSS MEFEREPCE PABE ' T QUESTION VALUE REFERENCE A.01 1.00 HEDOOOOO57 A.02 2.00 HEDOOOOO58 A.03 1.00 HEDOOOOO59 A.04 2.00 HEDOOOOO60 A.05 1.50 HEDOOOOO61 A.06 2.00 HEDOOOOO62 A.07 2.00 HEDOOOOO63 A.08 2.00 HEDOOOOO64 A.09 1.00 HEDOOOO110 14.50 B.01 3.50 HEDOOOOO65 B.02 2.00 HEDOOOOO66 B.03 2.50 HEDOOOOO67 B.04 2.50 HED0000068 B. O!. 1.50 HEDOOOOO69 E.06 2.50 HEDOOOOO70 14.5 C 01 2.0c HE DOOOG ' 71 C C: 1.OJ HEDOOO?O72 C.02 1 . 5:: HEDOOCOO7-' C . t i4 2.00 HEDOOOOO74 L . 05 2.L HEDOOO'.n?5 c . w. 2.CO HEDOOO6076 C.07 2.5: HEDOOOaG77 C.05 1.O HEDOOMO73 14.50 D.01 3.00 HEDOOOOO79 D.O 3.00 HEDOOOOOOO D.02 2.00 HEDOOOOOE11 D.04 2.00 HEDOOOOO22 D.05 1.00 HEDOOOOGET D.06 1.00 HEDOOOOOG4 1 D.07 2.00 HED0000085 14.00 E.01 2.00 HEDOOOOO86 E.O2 1.50 HEDOOOOOS7 E.03 1.50 HEDOOOOOG8 E 04 2.50 HEDOOOOOB9 E.05 1.00 HEDOOOOO90 E.06 3. C O HEDOOOOO91 E.07 2. HEDOOOOO92 _ _ _ _ _'J O_ l 13.50 F.01 2.00 HEDOOOOO93 . 1

7 Why,l[, c{~,E47sgr :y QA i~3dhk305,f?M. 79 ggp QUESTION VALUE REFERENCE j ________ ______ __________ 1 F.02 2.00 HEDOOOOO94 F.03 1.00 HEDOOOOO95 F.04 1.00 HEDOOOOO96 F.05 3.00 HEDOOOOO97 F.06 2.50 HEDOOOOO98 F.07 1.50 HEDOOOOO99 F.08 2.00 HEDOOOO100 15.00 G.01 1.00 HEDOOOO101 G.02 3.00 HEDOOOO102 G.03 1.00 HEDOOOO103 G.04 2.50 HEDOOOO104 G.05 2.00 HEDOOOO105 G.06 1.00 HEDOOOO106 G.07 .50 HEDOOOO107 G.OS 2.00 HEDOOOO10G G . Oci 1.00 HEDOOOO109 14.00 100.00 l l l l l


 .                             SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION FACILITY:                                   U.N)_VElit_.1] Y _OF _t)]_ SSDWij REACTOR TNPE:                              T E S T _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

DATE ADMINISlEPED: _ 8 c. / 07 / Y 1_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E X At11tJER: _ tj l Gb l N 5_, _ R . _ __ _ _ _ _ . ,. _ AF PL I C Al ll : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _

   .I!4 I!n-@.T .109p ] O . Af ?L I C R'[ fl. :

Ute ELpc* te paptr f or the z.r E wer b . Urite 44ris wer t ori orie t a de orij v. Staple question sheet on top ot the answer theets. Points for each quertlure ert Inditisted I ri p i-. r e r e t h e t t e- td t er the q u es. t i on . lhe pattino or ade r ex1 r e-- at least ^? O * . in cach cateoore and a final crade of at Icirt 7 0*.. L: .#u nst : ori ; t por t. w))) ti c parled up ti; (t> hourt Edtcr the e :: oi.; r. _ '_ i o r i startr.

                                                                                          .       UF LATEGOPi
                     . OF       (,i f 'L I C At JT 5                            CATEOUFi

_ T_;t] pL _ _. _ ff D P E, _'if A UL _ ,_.___,___.L 6 _f.E G O T i., _ _ , ._ , _ _ __ _ __WLUE. RE.CluR THEOky . ~ .. g i:" ' _?S.00 _ __ . . , ,_ . _ _ _ _ _ . . fi.

 ?0.00__ _?';.9Q                _ _ _ _ .                                     _         , _ . _ .

I. P F.D I D A C T I V E M A l E R I A L 5 H A N I L Jf K - DISPG5AL AND HAZARD 3 .2'..02___ _ dO O~:' J. Of f LIFIC DFE F AT IN6 CHARACTER 1STICb _;9 00_ _ g:.'.OO _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ , , ______,, i: . F LfE L HANDLING AND CORE PahAMETERS p.'. _ _ _ _ ?i . ' ' ' _ _ . . _ L. ADf1J illSl PA T IVE PROCEDURLf_ . CONDI T I UN5 AND L IMI T AT I CII'._.

;"._.       .i    l'     .00                                                                           T OT(4LS F ltinL GPe4DE                                    _. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . .

Al1 5 .rt ceret c r- th) _ t- ar. l o s t 2 or. It nis our i . 1 have riei ther given os r c . v ; ."2d cid. .

                                                                                                                                                      ~                ~   ~~    '~


 *'    ~

ES-201-2 NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
3. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
4. Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination.
5. Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).


6. Use only the paper provided for answers.
7. Print your name ir. the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each section of the answer sheet.
8. Consecutively number each answer sheet, write "End of Category " as appropriate, start each category on a new page, write on only one side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer sheet.
9. Number each answer as to category and number, for example,1.4, 6.3.
10. Skip at least thrae lines between each answer.
11. Separate answer sheets from pad and place finished answer sheet face down on your desk or table. ,
12. Use abbreviations only if they are comonly used in facility literature.
13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer required.
14. Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or not. 4
15. Partial credit may be given. Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION
16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of the examiner only.

l l l l 2 ES-201-2 l NRC Rules and Guidelines for License Examinations

17. You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after the examination has been completed.
18. When you complete your examination, you shall: f Assemble your examination as follows: l
a. 1 (1) Examination questions on top.

(2) Examination aids - figures, tables, etc. (3) Answer pages including figures which are a part of the answer.

b. Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination questions.
c. Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use for answering the questions,
d. Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner. If after leaving, you are found in this area while the examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.

l l 2

PAGE 2 ,!b . ._hl' ACT.Di; . T HE_OFD OUEbl 1 OtJ H.01 (1.00) Gi ve two ressons why the 10 MW E quilibr iuni reactivity value of xenon It arcator than thet of samarium. L UEbl J ulJ H.02 t1.00) Wt.y doet ,, u i un r eac tivi ty peal. Liter a tr ip from hiah pt.uer ~ OUEST1ON H.03 ( .Su) ie tere) t hc a._ c hai al E m i e > Ly which t en,ar i um 149 1s r en.ove d irom iht-c or c'- DUE57 ) Dl! H. 04 t2.00)

a. The r t at t o' i s. 3 ris ti al } v <ubtritical With a sourcc ranae count r a, t e c4 10 cps. Rods a* e wi thdr etor- to raise the count rate to 16 cpn. If rods ar e sor) ri wi t hdr ain. to 2ntret the t c iiie ci.ount of r eact i vi t y as wet I r i-strted b the first roo wittidrawel, vhot will be the new equi l i br i uiri c c.u n t r 2.t t 5*.: w .Our u ur 6 . tj.b)
6. Why dcan it tst e l onger to reach this nev equilibrium count rate t h c,n it dati to r e - ch it cpt (0.57 OUE ST I Oil H.uS ( 1. O'.O L:l1, e r . It & 1/ti pact r equi r e ct to be pcrformed dur Ina a reettor startup7 DJESI101J H. d 4 (1.SOi l

l ,b ,- coet 11,0 efic c t s .e del ayed r e u t r ore fraction difier from the dcJteco neutron fractio: OUE El } iiN ti. 0 7 (1.v0) L ,' t . , 1 :. tiie Ltab]e eesttor period a4 t er a r c-ec t or trip equal t o -B'.. < r" c e id e ? (+**++ CAIECOR) H C Ola ltJU L D Ofl lJEXT f%GE *****)

PA6E 3 , d e... 6 pfG y l O S ,I H E O E i OLIEFllON H.OB (2.50)

a. By prciceaur e. what ib the 4 attest r eet t or peri od whi ch can be us ed wh c ri raising reactor power to 50 kW? (0.5)
b. As.t umi t.g r evt t or poucr it tiel o te talted at ihe Ehoriest per mi se i til c-period, how lone will it t al.e to raise reactor power from 2.5 flN to b lii41' .).Of
c. L: p) aj rs why, wi t r e ihe c sunc. r eac t or pE r i t.d . It t al t-t lern timt to inctea':e powei f . om 5 11W to /.B NW than it does to increase power f r on.
         ! thJ to D NW OUES T I Gil      H.09                '1.SOi Es;.]     >n   hoe i out u ric _ t r c nt zre cn rier at ed at the MUhP.

OULL110!i H.10 ( 1. 'H i

a. Ut.t t t e r.a c or d) i 2 uit Ete net eis cir y 1o ceuce a rapid al umi num-wat er reaction? (1.0
b. W h .4 t car woul d t. e e vol ec.d bv an al un>2 nuni-water r eet t l er s ? (0.5)

OUESTIOi! H.11 (2.00) What f our paraNct<*e 4te uitd to dc ter mirie the r eactor safety l i nei t Lur vt OUEL i 1011 H.12 1. 1 . 0 0 1 Why is cr.c of ths eviety 1)mit c r i t et ie at the MURR thE r EQUI r emerit t c, ais 2 r.t e l a the hot c ,snnel coolant e"it teraper ature bel ow satur atio6 ' DUL blIOf! H.  ? t 'c . SO )

a. Whal 11: siutleate bO211 na " '.1..t>
b. Nee t.: t at neeat.t t. / tht i t:t ni " Df jE:R'" (1.0)
t. Wact is th. Dt:Di 11 a.1 L a t i on for tiie NURR? (0 9

(+++-*+ CATEGUHf H COIJT il1ULD DI! tJE7.1 PAGE +++++> i

Pf.GE 4 , ti. ....f< E D C T O!? l LIE O f f OULS110t1 H.14 (1.00)

t. . Wlit.t pressur e iri poi g c.or r esporids to 65 poia? (O. 5)
b. What 13 the u stvr . t i on teir,perature cor r espondi rig to 65 psia? (0.5)

(*++++ EliD Or LATEGOPY H +++++)

t 1x.._.88pJ OACJ J yE_ USMEl@LS, 6699LJ NG,.QJ 5695GL,_692_B6 Z GEpp PAGE 5 1 i

! = *         .

i i QUEST 1Ott I.01 (2.00) 't i s. What thr ec: conditions must be satisfied to per mit whole body r adi atlon e::posure in e:: cess of 1.25 rems per quarter? (1.5) l .; b. What ic the 1eae) 1imit ior skiri e>:posur e to indi viduals less .then 10 l years of aue? (0.5) i OUESTlDN I.02 (1.00) ! Why is 2 OJa ne tiet onl y f i s s.l ore pr oduct to be cons i der ed when det ero.i rea reg the Internal dose due to the i ncies t i on of fission pr oducts? DUE5110ij 1.02 (1.00) In addit 2on t o r a di atl ore t- ur v ey s , hou aE r edi at i on leakane from beace por i f e:: p er i men t s detec te d? DUE S110la 1.04 (1.00) i What two detton featuret of the pneumatic tube system serve to limit the radiation ha: ar d from these tubes? I i I OUE511DN I.05 (1.00) 7 What action s.ticul d you es t eac tor operator take if an e::per irnenter i nf orsac j you that thc irraciation container has become l od g t.d soniewhere in the r pneun,OLic tube? l

;    OUEST Iota                         1.06                 (2.00)
a. In add 1 tion to the individual himseli, whose per m2 s.s,i on ruut t be obtaincd 4

in ordr to all ow en,argtency radiation expusure in excess of 10CFF.20 i l limit / tO.5) l b. What erc the volutetery emer aeric y expotur e quidellhes f or savirig a 1 life? (0.5) j c. List t wo personnel selection cri teri a which are used when deciding who ! will be perirsi tted to recei ve r adi ation e::posures in excess of !OCFICO i l i mi t e . ( 1. W I (+++++ C AT E L4UP i 1 CD'111NUED DN NE XT PAGE *+**+) l

J a . . ., B89300CIJ W _ t191EB.I St S,.BSNpL 1 NG_ p.I .SF050! _6ND_ B9 ? 6BDS PAGE 6 DUEETICN 1.O? (2.00) One of the inmediate actior, steps of the Si te Ar ea Emergency procedur e ae to send an cpesator to west tower with a radi ati on monitor. What fout ac t i orit nutt this Individual tekc' OUEbT1DN 1.OD (1.50) W h c:t thece at t l or t 0,u t t be ial en dur i no a El t e firec. Emer gt acy if the radlenuclida c cric e r,t.r a t l u n respesisi bl e i t. determined to be in e,: cess of 9t.,0... . m1 OUESTIOh 1.03 ( 1 . 0 0 '- Why d ch the 51te e< u Esiier gen c - pr ot edor e r equire t het thc optretor scat to west tower coa .nicate by i n t er c on. r ather then by portable redio DUE El ] Dt1 1.10 (1.DO.

4. . In cod; t i ori to tbe t 1 1 tir badoe r E cl i re the h a l l wis y near the lobbv, in what two locat.ons are PCs Lept for issuance to offsite personnel durinc a:. es..t.t u t 't e l y ' 1.U)
b. Ceri f i l ri. badges I r. the t'adge r ac t bc a r t.1 g n e d to offsite per scr nel- ( O . '._.
  • D U E t.I 1 O N 1.11 ( .COi Wriat I nin,ed; at t at . 3 ori mutt be tal e ti 14 the r e-ac t or tiridge ares radiet1ori monitarina s. stem l a: determined not to be functioning' DUtLS1 ) Or j 1.12 ( .Du, Whet i s .medi e t e ectic.n n.u st be i al er. ii t he r e is en abreer neal 1 y high leve] 04 r ut1103:ti vat in tiie p r i rur y cooling s /steire?

l l l (+++++ CAlEbORY } LONlJNUEl, ON NExl FAGE ***++) l l 1

     - -           .     .                            .          -      = _ .                           . . - - - --            - -          -            - - _ _ .                                _ _ _ _

Js__B9DJO9CIJyE_DOIEB1969_b9996Jyg_pIgEpS96_90D_US.29BD5 PAGE 7 DUESTION 1.13 (1.00) What additional heal th physics requirenient is imposed during a reactor startup when a change is made to a beamport or other reactor e::per i ment which could l ead to s.i gni fi c aset al teratiorm in area radiation levels as reactor power 15. ancreased? i OUE511OlJ I.14 ( 1. 00) tihat beeil t h physi tt r equi r en, erit neuct be r,ct pr2or to allowing eretr y i rit o ] centrolled access t.l gh radiation areas followis,o a reactor shutdoan? DUESl101J 1.15 '2.00)

4. Wh o d e t er n a n s.-> whet her or reot a Radi et i on Wor L Permit (feUP) 1E
required? 10.Li j b. What type of i o 6. r equ2 r et ari RWP"> (0.5)
c. Where is the approved RWF posted? (0.5)
d. M t er the Job him beer con.plet ed arid tlee job tite decontaniincted. what is done with the RWl'~' ( 0 . 'l >

i OUEST I OlJ I.16 (1.00) 1

a. Hoo is argon 41 produced? (0.5)

! b. What r edi ol og2 c al h 6: 44r d i s- Leuted by ergon 410 (i.e. airbornt

;                 particulate. i r.t er n a l e.: p owur e , e::ternel e::pouur e,                                                  surface

! c or e t aori rw t i or. . ctc.) ( 0. 5 ) i E e 1 ! (u +++ Et0 OF C.41 F bOR f 1 m ++) I

  ,-.--w,.,-    .

n ,-,-g-- - , - - - - - --------na- - y .m, +--,,-,-,,-c,ms.w..,--.. w-- .w.., ,mm-..e -c..,,-e -w----. - - - - - , --,-c-ny, , - ,

l J a __.SF, EQ,I F ,1 G, OEEBST10p. _ p HSRS;J EB15.T_J p,S PAGE S 1 1 QUESIION J.01 ( 1. O .O Other t bare dur i rig power reduct1on or reattor Eleut down , when can the cotet r o) blades be meved in gang centrol after the reactor is cr itical? DUE El 101 ' J.O2 (4.00) Sti te the a pp r o'. ) n.a t e salves i or the f ol1 oni no par an ct ers :

a. T emperatur e coe f i t ti eri l . of the primary coolant system.

te . 1 en.per at or (- c opi i i c l erit et tlic poo).

c. Total clean cor e r od tar t ti .
d. E+is t:st dela>ed neutt on it ac t i ori.
e. Vold coefficient of the flun trep,
f. Peactivat, w. .t tt. ci+ equ111 t rl em s ainar 2 um at 10 NW.
g. Reettivity worth of ea.illibrium ,enon at 10 MW.
h. Fucl e nt i c hms rit .

OLIE51 I Of 1 J.03 (2.50)

a. What i s- the purpoce of the antisiphon tyrtem? (1.0)
b. I r. order for the antisiphon system to perform its functiori, what wa t a-1r- cl linstation n..i s t t.c obt_cr ved' ( 0 . 5 .+
c. Wiset ettico must be taler. to meintain r e e.c t or operation if antisiphuri syt. t en, pr es s ur e decreasen to the low pr eEcure al ar m Eetpoirit? (O.L>
d. The r c%c t m shall be shutdoun if the ent1Exphon s/ stem pressure dro,_

tic 1 ow __ _ _ . . p .- ) u . ( 0 . 5 .' OllEt'Tl ull J.v4 ( 1. O'.' s bl.. s- hi .u ) d ti.e pr imar r s yitem r c n in r c r vi t e f or 15 minutes aftct resctot riiu td c . in ~ t+++++ C AT Et,ORY J CONTINLIED DN NEx1 F- NEE +e$+* >

J.,.__ SPEG I F I G , OPER A,T I tLG_Q!i AR ACJ ERI ST I CS PAGE 9 OUESTIOr4 J.OD (1.50) For tiode II oper at t ori onl y one purnp arid one heat exchanger are required to be used.

a. LJhct E,houl d be done to pr everst Inadvertent oper ati on of the pun.p which will nct be used? (0.51
b. Why i s, the outlet valve of the htat e:: c h o rioer not in ser vi te l ef t. In the throttled po-Itten? (1.0)

D UL E.1 1 D'1 J.Oc (2.50)

a. Ai t r-r star t i rio one secondar y pump, it is nec erter y to wait _ _ _ , _ ni) riut t -

pr i or to sterting the second p uivip . ( 0. 5)

b. Wh. c anriot two s ccoridc t y punpt be stattcd at the tanie t i roc (1.'
c. Uhv is SF-3 the preferred c-oc onc e r v pump to te used during single p u ent:

c pr. r a t i on ' ', 1 . O ' OUESTIO:: J.07 (1.00)

a. 1 RUE or F,; LEE. ThL c ool ; riu towcr i ar. vi t.r at 1 ori trip wl)1 stop the i(i.

If e ceaa .Ibtation occurs and car, be relied upon to prevent damsac duc to i LL' .f C u."nuldat t ore. (O.5/

b. TRUE or fat SE. All thrce cooling tower bayi niay be deiced at thc s i nd t i rr.o . (.5)

DUE b1 1 Di ' J.OE (1.50) W*.a t c hem) tal i t) i t. (6r e) idded to tht secondery E rs t en. to contr01:

a. 31 c. .: c ' - (0.5>

b, p W' tO.5? *

. c orr a n i or. - (0,5) t+++++ L'/ i l E GOR r J EDUIINUED DlJ NEAT PAGE +++++)

PAGE 10 J.t_._ St%C] F J C_ OEER ATJ NG._ CHAR ACTERJ STJ CS QUE6IIOrt J.09 (1.50 tchat three l unned) c.te act i tent mu:L be taken by the r eactor oper a t or af it c rods fail to run-in automatically when required by the protect 1or- systen OUE 51 1011 J.10 (2.90) Wt ii t. four a n.inedi c t e ac t i t nt neurt tc t el t.n if the lichte i ri t h e r c i, t t or Ls u a l d i r.c c l a, concurrent si tii a l ost- of soae conti.Inment lichts and s oinu p r ._.c e t = equipp. ;t" OUE $ 1 10t! J.11 (1.50) tohc,t thr ee 2 i a t t z.c t 2 ont nius t be t el.E n li ihe reattor oper et or dctett; a stuct control rod: , a I i (+++++ END OF EATEGOI<V J +++++)

h2_._ E UE!;_ HO!!.DL. I t@_ OND,. CORE.1AR AMETERS F' AGE 11 QUEsllON L.01 ( .50) y Al) iutl trentfers wi11 be authorired by the __,.__. QUESTION L. O ' ( .SO) Hvi . nia n y ric w fuel e l eo crit t n.< n be haridled et eny orie tinit?' OUES T 1OtJ f. 93 t1.00) Wricri . 1i et t,) 1 . 1e t h t.c e u',111 c r y c4 or e tor el1 owed io asEltt i re fuel me,ement~' DUEb l I OtJ I. 04 ( .00) Chootc the C OH<LCl r r>r p oret r . Fuel e]enento chculd be trio . e d cuch that the (coricave end; side plate: ccnven erid > faces oncoming obstacles. DUEST I Of J h.05 t).00) Wt .a t prccautiori it tal eri to c ri;ur e irrediated tuel bcIng chipped will not malt even if all toolant oster drains from the shipping c a t. i 5' DUEETION h . Oe. i1.00) Hoo doct the oper etor .erif, that tt.e ear oper t ted fuel haridl i ng tool has properly latched onto a fuel element' OUL51 ] OtJ l.07 t .50) 1 F .i 'E or F i:LEF, The i et tirei qur- i or uti) att hi ng the sti r operated fuc1 hand 11rio toul f r om fuel elements inserted into the reactor it to 1;f1 i f.e i ool off ti .t e ) e n.e n t . 1 (+++++ CAlEbOR( L CON 1INLIED DU NEXl P4bE +*+++i l

E r..._ E UEL. USN.DL.l f JGJLJ D._ QQRE._ Ef R AME T E R.S PAGE 12 OLtESTION l'.08 (1.00) What probleni could occur if the fue) haridlirig tcol i s- not proper)y released from e, fuel element after inserting it into the reactor? DLIESTION l. 09 ( .50) Who prepares the fuel handling sequerice? DUEb1 I OlJ F ~.10 (1.00> Wh, ir t ht: EPM s t e.1 er and c hi:r t r ec or dt.r t ur ried on and t h t- fies1on chaaber i ris er ted tc the 1000 counts per second pouition prior to nicuarig futI a re or out of the r ec.c t or ' OUEST I Of J f . 11 (2.OOi What t we pr ec e ut i cris. niu t t t.e t c3 en pr 1 or to removiog a conteol b l id d e O f f ".: c t. iiie'.:b .so l E M ' DUESTIDL 6 .12 ( ) . OW If the pr et sur e ,ctsel hei ci at to be I t: f t off c.f t er refueling it completed what must be done to protect the core? DLIE F.1 I ON i .17 (1.00) Why i s the br 1dge arf 15 pl aced in thc upscalt potation prior to removar,a a conte 01 blade offset n.ach ani sm? DUE51 ] D!1 i .11 (1.09' Whri 4.t t 2 on n.u ; t be t c L en if ihe offset nit:chan1 c m dDet nDt breal lone i r c.r> lth reficctor platfurm after a p p l y i nc3 a reasonable

a. ...ou r i t oi tontion' I

l l l l (+++++ CATEGOk( F CONT liluh D DN NLXT PP,GF **+++)

PnGE 13

 !5p _ _ELEL, bei.J.DLIt45 OtJD_C9BE_EGB6t1EIEBS OUESTION       I;.15             ( .50) 1 RLIE or FALSE.        fif i er the c orit r ol til rede of f set mechanism has elear ett the guide pins it is coinpl etel y reinoved from the gap.

DUESlION t . . l e> (1.00)

a. The pH 11:ni t for t h e pr i iriar', s y s t eit. It _ , _ , . _ . (O.51
b. The pH f or the s ec creoar y syttrm in _ _ _ _ . _ . (0.5)

CUEST1Oti I. 17 ( 5. u'.9 Etctt t h e- cttpcint f er the f ol 1 owi rig s cr a nit:

2. pOr1Cd.
b. pr inner y c o c l arit 41ow.
c. reactor inlet temperatur e.
a. r enc t or outlet t eoiper atur t .
e. primarv coolant low pressure,
f. high power .
g. pool coolant f1ow.
h. pool level.
1. pr ess ur 1:er low level.
j. pr resor 1:Et high prescure.

OUEST1011 6.18 (1.00)

    "If a e cr i re bed hat. e reduccd DF. coret 2 dc r therigino to n riti.:I s regenerated r e u i re. "        What is meant try tiee term "DF"?

(+++++ ErJL. DF Cf0EGDRi l' +++++)

Ls..._ODM.IUJSJB9UyE_ EBpCEDUBES,_CQUp,IU 095. AND_ LJMJJOIIpOS PAGE 14 I OUE F.,1 1 Cf 4 L.01 ( .50) l he mi tei n,um number of r eac tor operators f or reactor operation will b e ,_ _, ,_ __ _ licensed i ndi vi dual s , with at least _ _ . _ _ of these licensed aE it scl el or opt r ot or. OUE 5T I Oli L.02 ( . 5'.o TF;UE or F f,L E E . If t tit ceurc of are uten hc cluled scram t ari reot bE d e t e c a.i n e d , the Reactor flanaact or his deslanated representative n.o . Et111 apptove a rcettor ti trtup providtd all t yt t enes ar e f osind to be rior.u l . QUEETIOll L.CG ( .Lv) On1 < ob cr . c r e appr c .cd b3 the Reac t or Mariacer or thc _____ arc allooed in the ol r o o n, durino a reactor startup or shutdown. OUtElIDf1 L.04 ( .50' TF:UE or Fe'4LSE. Control of ti.c r tw t or can be tr antic r re d i r on, orir. operator to another durina pawer t r a n s l er.t operat ions pr ovided the traretf cr at di ret t 1 y super vi sed L. y a 11 censed s er ei or reactor operator. D U~.E.1 I DrJ L,OD (1.00> What is a " hot steet.up"7 DUL E l l h'l L.06 ( ) . O' > L or e t i. i r emc re t i n t c c.r a t y 1E requa r c d iu be mai nti 1 ric si at el1 t i me i. un ) 0 r2 twv conditiorec at t- it.e t . flau.e t h esie . oui $13Dil L . v ~., t. P . 0 0 4 fic n t i vu" c.i t lic F1: c or ed1 t 1 vos e.hach o.u c t bc- mr t in or der for rctc.o* coret ai na cnt integrity to be s a t i s f i c.1. l (++++. EM EbtiP y L CUtalllJilED Dil NF Al FAGE +++++)

F'AbE 15 L.. App 101 SIF AID'E,, EBOCEQUEE,S., _ GOND I J.I 095. GUD,.(. I MJ J 8J I pNS 1 QUE.Sl I Ot ! L.OS (1.00) LJhat is the niinimum s hu t d e wr. mar oi n requi r enierit at the MURR? DUEST1ON L.09 ( 2. OW The -c:tter io riot a)1 owed to bc-t.ttirted up unlest ther e is a dequis t t neutron flun level i t or i n q . Name the two we.ays which are menti or.ed isi itsi ria cal Spc t i f i c e t i ere s by which t h a t. r equi r ennen t t er, tie L t.t i s f i ed . QUE5! ION L.10 ( 1. i.'O ) Whit is ttit- twt ; t f or t + t at.11 e h i na I tc hni c ial Epecliacetion l i r..I t s f or' e '. o r a g e fvel burnup~ DUE ST ] DN L.11 ( 1. 0 > > What are the Tech Spec limits for: o, pool t e,tip e r c.t ur e ~ t.b> Li . .olume of primiry qrede watcr r equir c o to be tonriected to the r ect t or m e t e. u p wotor systcm' t . 5, DULST}ON L.12 (1.00) Wh t,t t. r c t t .c. t wo t- 1 t ur t 1 oris which rc quir L thet a Ful1 Power prontartup checisheet be completed; DULLl104 L.13 ( 1. O ' ' LJht n can a t-t ar t op t. o made without be s a tio t o p r t. pi t e o Ete r tup Checisheet of ony iind: 1 DUELT]DN L.16 t 1. O' O ' Wh:t 4.r e t he t wo r1i ur t l oni I r. whi c h the Rtattrr F *h ,'t i c i s t is reqtired to perf eries or approve en E.L P 7 1 (++++- Liil E 6 Din' L LUlli) NUf t) ON NLx1 FAbL +++++)

L p, ,, ODt11NISTRAT IyE..F,'R.DCED'JRES., gOtJD1119t4.S_. AUD_ LJ t11IRTJ Ot45 FAGE 16 OUE5 I 1 O!i L.1". (1.00) Wi s at ac.t a on must be tal en if, wh21e coriouctirag a star tup using an e.stimated ECF, the dif f erence between actual and estimated critical p os. i t i on e. c. ec d s, the all owabl e tol er aret tA UUE5 flu 1 L.16 (1.008 t 14 i r..t twc- of ihe thr et si tnat 2 oris ciur 2 rica e reattor rtortup wii) c t. ruavire reactor sts.tur e .nouric cinen t; to b e ni_.d e over the public A. d d r e t c- <: , r. t en. ' D'JE bT l Of J L .1 ' (1.00' Ut i e. t 2 r. thc n.i n ) (nu m nut 1Let 2 rit t r unis.n t i:t 2 on 4 or a r c-i.c t er s t ..r t e t ' l D U E S 1 l OfJ L.18 4 1. O .' ) fi ci r t c a re cliet 6 t r..x t ti e romp!eted 2f the t orit r c.1 room v211 bc u ria t t e r.d cJ tor an e:: t c r.d ed period of t i mc. f ollow1 ria a shutdown.

b. What 31 tiiL i s i+ C Cf th2L c les L I E litet 8, . b !
b. Who 1 r r e;-pon a l bl e f or erisur i no 2tb CUinplGtion? (.5)

DUL i- 1 10t) L.10 (1.00) What is t h e p e r p t. s s- of the f o l l c w i n t.! teas? Ei . Red tW' (.55

b. Whttu tea? (.5' UULE1JDN t. . TO (1.00.5
o. W:.ut c eppeocal neu t t be o b t I,t ric d tit i er r- t acir can tie s.t t ached or r ei .ov ed '

t t.S' 1

b. Whr. 11- rier nia i t c-ci t c. 6 t t e.c t, t i; o r t c. ett u 2 p ri.cq , t ' i, . 5 s 1

I (***** ENf) QF CM EG&Y L

                                            .                                             +*"+)

g,+++**+++++++ ENie OF E* N 1]IM 11011 +++++++++***+++i .

y I s ill AT i tlN S *


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10 11 1.2 3.3 14 1S I6 17 38 1.9 20 28 22 2 Mollier diagram (h s) for steam.

. Lb . . BE(<CJO6, J HEOF'y PAGE 17 feiti HLHb -- UN1','E RE I T Y OF F11EiDURI -86 / 07 / 01 -H I GG i r45, h. (<liSidEh H.01 (1.00) Xaiore hoe ; greatcr f2r92On y2 eld. (.b> Xenori hat a 1 ar ger mi c.roscop 2 c cr oas sett2on f or thesmal neutrond. (.5' RE F E h f rJ'.:L Wer t i ngt.ovet- htettor t or e Lorit r ol , i hapter 4 Haz a r d s Su...irist , 4-14 htJH4LR H. 02 ' od) tic tw: ,. thor t tr h e. l f 1 2 i ce thari e ri c.r i , to 2 r:2 t 2 Oll y E. f t e r e tr)p .tiui will bu Id up be ause the on i r r ea,0,> 01 aics han a une reirain2ng in :er ois d ag.1 3 E v e n t u s.1 1, r. e t t et the 2od2rie w211 bc' c ore v er t c d t o :;t riore , et v,' i l t t . t 2 ni.

    ,: Or s on  Up.e.       bil l } be gr e9ter thare audino oecay, caus2nc : e r.on c or i._ es .t r .t 2 v i                r t o tit L r t's i ( ' .

REFEREt1CE Weit 2r.pho'te kractor Cor e Lc ret r ul . Clie p t t t 4 f,r I L4EP H.02 t . C.O > TJeutr on abt ur pt s ore. REFEFENCE Nca t i r ph _w o heet t er Cot c C ur et r ol , Ehepttr 4


 , th . BE.AC.IOB_.Tr(EOB.Y AIJ5 HEP 5 -- UNIVEkbl1Y OF M3MOURI                                -86 / 07 / 01 -H I GG 1 tJ5, R.

AriSWER H.04 (2.00) si. (CRI ) / IL R2) = (1 - I c f f . ) ! ( 1 - l'ef f 1) (.1) (LR2)/(CRO) = t1 - Eeff3)/() - i.ef f 2) (.1) F oi 4 2 c Leff) + .16 (.1) Eeff3 = Leff2 + 46 4.1) ief43 = 6:eff1 4 2 31 (.1) CR1(1 - Ueff1) = CR2(1 - Ietf1 - .il: ) t.1) Ic(1 - )eff1) = 168.1 -- lef41 - AI) t.1) 10 - 10ft"ff1 = 16 - 16t ~e f f 1 -- 1 c .'. I: (.15 16/I

  • 6 - Ol=f41 r bil - F efi l) ( .1 )

4r a (3/84 (1 - teff1) (.1) Ch! = CF 2 t 1 -- t c. f f 2 ) / t 1 - Leif3) ( .1 ) CF. C f' L 1 - ' l m.- i 1 4 L' .' 3 /[ t - tl .o f f 1 + 2.' t ? 3 CRI. = CR2L1 - teit) - Alt /t1 - Irfi) - 2.'63 L.1) CIO = CR2[1 - Ioff1 - ( 7. ' 8 9 t1 - Foffli3/C1 - }eff1 -- C/4)(1 - toftli3 ( .1 ) C F:0 r- CR 2 d; / E > ' l - Leff1)/(1/4)(1 - 6rfi2) (.1) CR3 = CR2 tS/6,, (1/ 4 r = F Pc ('i'2> - 16 ( b /.'s = 40 Cp s (.1)

b. At ieif approcthet cr et . rnc.r e gorit r et 2 unt cortributt a s2anifstart riuq,tn e of neutrons. t.o tr.or e neut r ori cener tion.s are required f ut- neu t r or, f l u?-

to 1 (".- ( 1 off. (.bi REF EREt1CE titl5 hcottor Oper g4; 2on 12,1- 0 ancl 1 2 . 46 - 2 At15NEF: H.05 t 1. '.iO f The in21aal st&rtup e4tcr the re.ctor has Leten 1cadrd w2th c new n ed CorU. REF Ehlf 4CE ' 50P Monval 11.2.? eil E WE R H.Ob (1.bvi

Del e > cd tient e t.nt er e tio, t. 4. t l ower ereut us t r t.7b) so t h t.> cre Itrt 13 6 v 1) tc lesi ou t. of the core ( . 7 '31.

fiCF EF f t!C E Pr ai r l e I t 1 enti Er ec t r., 7 t,t or y Su.v eu L et c ore ilon, p 100

PAGE 19 , th_ _ RE,4CIOR, , ThiEOP.Y ANSWEF:5 -- UrtIVERSIlY DF M I 550Ur, ) -86/07/01-HIGGINd, R. Al45WEP H.07 (1.00) Soon ofter a r eactor trap power wt11 decrease at the same rate at whith the longest lived del a , ed neu tron precursor decays. This precursor her a half 1 i i t: of LL.e secc.ndr. wh2ch c or r c sporids to a rneeri 12fe of 80 secoridt. REF EREflCE Pr c2 r l e Isl erid keec t or Tht er y Rt itw Lce r,on Pl ere , p 1'.69 ANObtER H.09 (2.Lvi

e. 30 t er cr e dt
b. Tlic ehertctt p t. r n. ) s ; i t. ) e pt.r a od ureti er t hc t e ci r comt't enc t.t 1E 10i.

scconds. 'O.4-F = F' ( ( .ptt. ) ( v . :. i t n I ri t F / F

  • a 100 In(5/2.L) n e9.3 seconds (0.3
c. F c ..c t or p t. r l od 2 t, i. roc e t ur c tif the r o 1 e t 2 vc. , rather ths.ri t he etivo)ute.

rete of power c h e ria e . 7.b f1W l '., 1.5 times es large er. 5 MW. While L MJ 2t 1.6" t 2 rns t i+ lerta ic .'. t 1W . REFERENCE Prear1r 1tI<od F 'c E c t t.r Theory F e .'r e w L o r.a.or F'l ar e , p 100 SDF Manuel 11.1.1.I fil bWEP H.09 (1.LV) Oc t 2 v4.t ted ttructvrel n.teriel (mitt 6 h> gh-erscr oy g eirntna . ( l's . 5 ) 1he g a a.n. 3 strale2 a ber,111v.t e t. orr, t re the reflector (0.5). r e sul t i r.< in t h c-di c a riteor et 2 cri of the bc r v) I t um 4 t un. t rito two ciphs perticitet eritii neutron (0.5s. REFERLtRL H#:ordu S u r.n.o r i 1 ^. - 2 " r 41 h.-UL R 61. 11 t1.50

e. Oluria tiv n te r.p 2 r o tur e tu obc.u itu meltina point. (.L)

Aluminun at 3 ri i 4 4 rec ) , di v2 ded f or (n. ( . 5)

b. Hydeogro

FME 20 U.. _RE,0CIPE'_TULQby Af45WLUS -- UNIVERS11Y OF MISSOURI ~B6 / 07 / 01 -HI GG1 tJ5, R. REFEREf1LE Heror ds c.i y 13-22 ANLWE.h H.11 (2.00) Pr ett ur 1:or presture C.or e i l ow rate f C or o pt.wer I rel et wcter t e,<.r er e t. ur e l'1 1 E b Et>C E T e c.l . Spec F-aaure 2.2 (if h t.'L i,' H.12 (1 . U..-. M oid t. , dr cul a c 2 r.ct aba 12 t y wh2ch c t.ul d c c u t.e t h e p r e- r.., t u r e c'i t- e t of 1.<! !! : . I FIFEhEhLL Mc.: t r di f u r.....ii t , L- 4 e, orid 46 l

,    AtiLWEP              H.13             a2.Dv)
a. i t c.t - f or n.t,t l er s of sn.411 bulbics Des the hetit tr e. ret f c r turface wh 2 <. h ar e quickly swept into the subc oc.el ed liquid and c on d er, s ed .


b. thett + l u: rec ored to taut.t Dill: .i / ( 1 ot e l h e: o t 41 u;; )
c. f11 n a rnve, of 1.2 REFEhlNLL Har er du Sumary L-52 Not1oir i ritu nr.-c.r a no Hiit edt.ool. , p 9-7e Tech Ste 2.1 fine L.'L h H.1 1 t j . s'" o
          . . . M't110
l. ,' M F a

l l I

   .th. .. BE6C10Fj.1HbOfil                                                                                                                                                           FAGE     21 ArtENERE -- UNIVEHbl'IY OF M155(IURI         -86/07/01-H166INb,                          R.

REFERENCE bl eis ni 'I 6b l es i

PACE 22 ,lL. RADIDAQ WC_NjMEJ ALS.H4NDLitK ..lf).SPOb4L.  ? OfJD,,tf474RDS AlE.WERS -- UN1YERS ITY OF fil 550UR] -86/07'01-H1G61N5. R. ANbWER I.01 (2.00)

e. Duar t er 1 y dot e Ices then 3 r en.L Liietime dose less than 5(N-18)

Ac c u.rol et ed oc cupnt 2 onal e::pos u r e is documcnted on NRC Form 4 d.O.5 each)

b. .7E,rEmr per quertcr RE.F E pet E E 10CF 300.16) eted 101 i

fN2WER I.02 (1.On> lodine ( c on t t i t u t e t, e large +: cction of t hr- f)rcion v2 cid. sod)ne at volatile anc2 it) a c t ua.s l e t e. 2n t h r. thytold. REFEFEl>CE Ha:: ar d Sur.ns y 1:-07 (NEWER I.03 (1.00) Pc r mt,rit n t l y 2 ne t el l ed r adi c t 2 cri n.on) t or t l ocated on t he bean. hol e f l o:: r . REFEREHCf. ~ Ho:i r d bum.'ior y 0-15 ANEWEP 1.04 (1.Ovi l Ariv tiso o4 the f ollowirep (.D ech): ,

1. D2stence of the tubes freni p or notenel vsort2nq in tho atca.
2. Epted et which the rerapje conta2ncr is t roritpor tid t he ouch the rsr*e.o.

3 Doutile unc ap sul at s ori of s e m p i te s .

4. li)teeina of e hautt ai t .
W ~2, ' -~ ~
                                                                                <.mM.f4axd4 7"

I5[ITEan.4 % (~19f..t , s- c.- 2 D , y/.

                                                          .ym L

4% xP. N f".z*de


t.tL)4}"&~e&&a~&M& + Ww A Ai A>+ W* g4 'M WMM e d h ,24 M Q Jadae m QL,

      - 4 % u d o g' Y -yt>                                                               6600 MPc.

Y b Mf4c4WLyss4 " '

                                                   <&- NRc JM ..                  ,,


J.[__ BOD 100R11 E_t!61E6186S,.H68DL,1NG_DIECOS64_86Q H67,@EQS PAGL 22 AN51.'ERS -- UNI VERSI TY- OF MISCOUR1

                                                                  -Be., / 07 /01 -H I SB I NS , R.

4 1 i l

!   ANSWER            1.05            (1.00) l     Advi s e the het.1 th physi c-i et or              d ; , t.         ; super vi sor .

I i REFERENCE L t Har t.rde Sun.o er y B-20 i . ANSUCP I.Oh (2.00). l a. En cer gtnc ,' D: r 6ctor 1 i b. 100 r c.r 1. Arq twc of the. f c.} } c.ui na (0.5 t>ach): i c. j 1. Woacen of child-bearing aan shell not t+Ie part. j 2. 1 h *.- vol vrit ihould be over 4'.; ye ar c ol d .

'J. . The voluntcet hes not received previous e,.posure in c:: cess of l 10C F R2O I i n) i b.

j 4. The voluntoce ic fcmi1iar with the c orit equenc er of radiatton i e:pusurc. l 5. Dt's e-r a t e i r. tho t'e t t er re. It inec t or ebl e/ Lriown. l FEFERENCE l' EEP 4, a mniedi ate at ti on etcp 9 SEP 11 SEP Wori:thect D J i ANSWER 1.07 (2.00) i

]     1. VLrify the bacl gt cond r adiati on at t h .- t t ac I: rnoni t or .                                              -

j 2. Verify control roca, readings. ! 3. Mari: initial needl e peti ti on on areal oo di sp) ay wi th ti nice i or futurc

,            analysis if conteal room disp 1ay becomes inaccessiblo.
4. Vetifv thet the f1t.w rate through t he nioni tor at bet wet.n 6 and f3 H F N.

, EE.P 4 i n.inab 4;te e t-t i on stop b i 1 i , i l i [

J 4.....FjeLal.0/.C,1I.S.'Ei _091ERlOQ. HQHDL 1[JC7 !!! Sf;L!S/'.L _OtJi! FjQ2 GR12S I ML .l AriStJERS -- LitlIVERb] T v OF MISEDLIR A -Eit./ .s'-/ / 01 - H I C-C i t JE , R. Af45WER I.OS (1.50)

1. Securt EF-13 efid 14.

J. Secure RF-1 und 2, and SF-1 and 2.

3. Sec ur t. all indav2 dual v e r. t f eret.

n'. 5 eacli p f(LF LRLIJCL SE.F 4, 2 rnii.L d > e t e e t t 2 c.ri step Atl.:WEP I . v 'd t1.00) F'eri et ] e r c d2 o ef i ccit the t. t c.t i n.o' e 2 t c.r . REFEREtJCE SE F- 4. 2 n.nied ) a t e i< t 2 or. Etep i. AtJ5UER I.10 (1.50s E. 1. HPs y y. L A .wL Lot by ricar tiie rE C cpt i ofi deE l. .

2. He_=lth physics o*tice on top of the computer printer cabinet.

(0. 5 eteli)

b. fJo REFEREtJEE E E F- 10 f,lJLt JE R I.I1 ( .50)

Scr.3c. the r eactor . f6f LI;EIK E RF_ P 6 e,16.tC R I . 1.' ( . 54 o Sue an. the ree: tor. l


. l's _. EQUI. DIS.T IW, .t]61ER) 6L5_Fj(.NDLIts plSF,DSAL, At_JD ,HA2 ARDS PI)C,F 2b AtJ5'4E F:E -- Uil) VE RLI T Y OF MISLOURI - 86/ 07 / 01 -H I GG i tJ5, R. REF EREICE REP 20 ATJLtJE F 1.17 (1.00) Hes]th phys 2cr technicsan w)11 be a s i g n ect t o cont i rtuout } y n.or.1 t ur thet e::per i men t throughout the startup. F:L' F ERE f JC E

    $0P I.4.2.J f.tJbt4L R           I.14         (1.00'      ,

A radiation s ur ve', of the erea must Lie made. RE FERLtJCL SOP I.4.5.E ATJbt.'E R I.15 (2.OOi

s. $hlft EUpCrVisor. ( . 5)
b. Wort i nvol vi no s.2 grei f i c er.t potential expoture of personnel t o r edl et t or, or the sprzeding or relene of etrborne or surf ace contami nati on. (.5)
c. At the job s i t e. (.57
d. It is placed i r, the health physics RtJP file. ( . 51 REFEF:EtJCE EOP I.4.7 AtJEtJER I . I cs (1. O'.
a. Neutr or, et.s orpt : ori Li y argon 40, which c onipr i s e t. 1 *. oi t t.e a tinor g,hr t e.


t. . Entti r al c.n pos ur e. ( . D :-

REFEREtJCE Tcch Spec  !. . ? l l I s

Y,s . .S[EC I F IC _DF,E RQ11NG _,C,tj0B AC] E B I.511C) F' AGE 26 ANSWERE -- UlJ1VEREllY OF MISSOURI - 86 / 07 / 01 -HI G61 f 45 R. Af4SWER J.01 (1.00) A t, part of the automatic shimo i no pr ogr am. REFEREtJCE EUP I.4.3.D Atl5WER J.02 a. 4 . 0 0 )

e. -7 -

10 r :' p - b f i . ' l .' F (-6 t o -E: f or fulI crcdit) (9.5)

b. 1. J.4 10 e::p -4 al 'l. / F (1.2 to 1.4 for ful credit) (0.5)
c. 11. 55*. 6 / F- tle to 17 f or full credat) (0.5)
d. .00738 (.007 to .0075 for fulI crealt) (0.51
c. . ESS 1 0 e .;. -L 16 ' 6 / c c of voi ci t . t; to .9 f or full credit) (0.5
f. E. 275 - 10 e:p -3 fl./l (8 to 9 for full credit) (0.5)
g. 2.73 10 e: p -2 46/l 42.5 to 3 tot full credit) (0.5)
h. 9 ~.'. 15'. U-2 35 (o; to 9 3. D. f or full credit) (0.5)

RE F E F E lJC.E Critict1 Pirz+etcre e r. d Cor e Cher ec tcr i stics ArJ5UER J.03 (2.50)

a. Breal a Elphon of the i'L5 in case of a pi pe r uptur e. 11.0)
b. Water level must be less thart 6 i n c h e s, above the antisiphon valves. (.5)
c. E t t r t.) 2 s . rior n.e l t yt t eai p r e s. t. u r e b y admi t ti ng air through t he ai r vi. ] s e end reaulater o r. the bridge. (.S'
d. 2" (.5' REFEREilCL SOF 1 t,' . 3. I crid 2

. dI .._ECEC IF.1 [ _C)CE P(3T,,1 f.JG,,fimF qf_ T EJ ) ST lt 5 PAC E F AtibNLFm -- Url!VLPb}IY OF t11 SbCiUh l - 8ta / 07 / 0 3 -H I L.C 1 t J5, P. AliSWEP J.04 ( l . OJ.' ? le r eniovc- de c a s heat. REF LhEtJiE 9'n' ;U.2 A! .NE > : 3 . et. (. 5. - (0,0)

   .. 1 ric p u nip ohich will not 1e u t- < ci wall t;c t ategnti out et thc brecicr.

F r c . en t c :cez- i ve pr eiEut e i r. the isolat.ed hw+t e: chancer. (1.01 b. PLr EpE rat t SC9- '/ .1. 2 hr15WEP J . Ot. t 2. L +

a. 10 O.i. 5 -
b. lhe brE_2n lesel en ) ) be cir ewn down 4arter than the mtd eup water c ars t.

Eupplied K .5) , which will result in the actuation of a low sump l e /;l trip w.D).

c. T he c hrc 1 vi.]ce on SF-3 1e rated for hi ghcer fIout than those or. SP-1 or SV -. (1.01 RE F E PEtJUE SUP VI.1.H f.f if.WE R J.07 t).00- '
a. FAL5E te . IRUE hEl CFEllCE LDi s'] . 3.1
                                     - _ _ _ ~ _ . _                                        _ _                  _ . _ _ . _ . _                                         _.-_ __ --

i J. ....SF%CIElc_OtEROll.NG,,CH986GlEM AST I CS PAGE 28 ANSWERt. -- UtJ1 VERSI T Y OF MISSOUR1 -86 / 07 / 01 -H I 6S i tJ5, R. I i* , .I l ! ANSWER J.08 (1.50) I j a. Dr_arborn 712 or 717 E rni c r obi oc i dr-) ( 0. 5's 1 } b. sulfuric acid (0.5)

c . _M: . . : ; ? - : ' t _42L.(#W m W30) 1 im;u s. tn> (0.5) i 1
,          REFEREtJCE l            SDF' VI c.3,                 t. S arid e< . 6 i

Al15WER J.OG (1.50) i

1. Sc r c.n. the reactor. (0.51
2. Ensure all the rods z-ro full in. (0,5)
3. Eriture the rccctor is t r.utt i ng dowri at i ridi c atc d by nuclear i n t r uer.en t a t i on . (O.Si REFEREtK E

) REP-1 1 i AtJSWEh J.10 (2.00 I

1. Sc r an. tree reactor /or if elready scr ammed, chect reactor shutdown. 10. 5. )

1 2. Turn off all pump and cooling tower f ans in an enpedi tious rnanner. 8. 0. 5 ' I

3. F*1 ac c all valve contr ols in their nor nial shutdowre position and manuel l

mode. (0.5)

4. Trip the auto tr antf er om tcre on substation "B". (0.5) i REF ERENEE REP-9 1

ANSWEP J.11 (1.50)

1. E.c r em t t ie reactor, noting eppr ou a rnatr- Etuck posi ti ori. (0.5)
2. Ficce the master suitch in test tc. prevent the mechanisms f r cin drivino i in. (0.5
3. Ver14e the r c ac.t or ic steut t i ng dows. by nuclear i n s t r unient at i on . (0.5/

REFERENCE REP-D I _ . , , . , - , . - - - , . ~ , .

C*t . .EMEL. UQUl:L,1,9SJUDlQfjE ,868/:l!ElEBS R4bE 2'/ AfJEWht<S -- UtJ1'.Tf 61 T T OF M) SE DitR I - Bo < 07 / 01 -HI GE llJ5. R. ANSWEE V.01 ( .50) R t.L'c t o r Narsauc r REF EPE.t JCE SUP 11. 2.1. A (.! 4 GL EP t 02 ( .50i Or.e RE F LPEI JCE 5DI' ] 1 . 2 . 1 . L' ATJSWEF i . O'?- (1.001 Only wher, g. tit t i rio ttic fve] e1ement E.t r os r t tic wcc 2 r divider (O.b znd only urider the direct wupervision of a s: e.n i or reactor oper ator (0.L). F EF E OEtJCE SOP II.2.1.H AtiLNER L.O1 ( . t.O i Sideplate F:EF ERE t aC E 50P II.J.1.1 4.i J bUE P U.05 (1.OO) I r r t:d 2 6.t ed fuel it riot tr arrtf rr red unt1} tif t er adequate decay tirw. REFEREl,CE ti .: r,r cla b u nr rn r , l '! - 17

i EUEL. ,!jif.JI,'t,1tJ6 AND,,C,QPE 2AM9t1El E!?fs F AbE 30 !>i. ANEWEFiL - '_irJJ VLRE ll 'i OF f115CDUFil -E'6 / 07 / 0 3 -H I GB ) NS , R. AilSWER 6;.06 (1.00> Obst r c2 no ttic t the rec 6 ) nd) c rit or or , t he bori2ontal cy)inder is ful)v rettacted. REF ERF t4CE 50F I1.2.1.L At ibl 'E I 6 07 t . J.O r Felbe FEFLF:ET;E E SOf- II.2.1.L At15WER L.OP ().00) Accident 1, 12 4 t i r.o z. r i d ) <<z.v 2 rio t'n r1swert a f ei ' I riches off of itr seated c o c i t i ci.. F EFERE tJCE SCP II.2.1.L (4rJEWE R t.v9 ( . soy 1he Reactor Ph,52c1ut PEF E PEl1C E SOP 1 I . 2. 2. is ie js t.:t k I. 10 ( 1. '.*O r Entur e thet cor e r ect t 2 viiy i t- cor.t 3 nuouc1 i rnoni t or t d t o pr e v e: t inadvertes.t cr2ticai2tv. 1 l F:E FEhETK E LOP 11.2.2.F I

Ud.. .f.UEL .H61JDL_ING_ANI) . CORE _F'AF;AMETERS PAbE 31 hiJLWERb -- U'Ji\'Ekbil Y OF MISSOURI -86/07/01-HIGGINS, R. AlJSb.ER K.11 (2.00)

1. Im f ut- I the cor e of two fvej elements. (1.O)
2. i.eep the other three blades in their fully inserted position (un]ct= per tui tted to raise them by the Reactor l1anager ) . (1.0)

REFERENCE SOC- 11.3.3.C At ist .iE h h.12 (1.00) (k Irit tel 1 the e l u rr.I n v.ii p r e t c c t I v ._- h e s. ti on the pr est ur e veste} . REF EF Ef JCE SU;- 1).2.2.h ATJ5WER t . 13 (1.00) F r evcrit c b et11 di rie 2 rol at i t ri a l e r rn whilc the blade it bei no her.cil e d out t.' water. F EF E REllCE EOP 11.3.2.A At JLWE R L.14 (1.00) Rc]2 eve the tention on the liftino t c.o1 (.5> and determine the r e e r or, for the difficult, betore continuing the a t t e o.p t to lift the mech.anistn (.51. PEF EREllCE 50' - II.3.2.L At J WEP l 1 ". i .M Felse F<EFE.FElJCE E Oi 1 I . 3. ~. 81

Ah ,.1Uf L 146H%] NQ _ ANO.,,GO6h.,f 66Ot1!- KRg i& 32 Af45WLi6 -- UNIVEREllY OF F13 S500R ) -86 e O7 / 0 3 - H ] GO.1 H5, fi . AIJSWLF. 6:.16 (1.00)

a. b-7
b. '. -
             ~ ^

7 3 - T.2 PLFEEENLE SDP 11-15 At Jr.WE R  ! . 17 (b.OO) J

e. 8 secorid a . (0.5'
b. 1725 ar.n. tO.b>
c. 150 F . (0.53
d. 170 F . i. O . b >
e. 6 ~. pala (O.St
i. 12 '.C. . ( 0. 's r
g. 490 cptn. (0.5)
h. 23 icet. tO.S>
1. 1 ".- 1 1 i n t. h e n bel ou c e rit er l i n e. 5 0 . 5 '-
j. 78 pn20. ' i.' . S ?

REF EFLtJCE SLF 1, Teble IV AlJ5NER K.15 (1.00) DF 2 E. the di_ c ent ania na t i on factor, the ratio of the i nipur i t y conten-tration u p s t r e atr. of the resin bed to tr.e i nipur i t y c ori t ent r c4 t i on dowris,t r e tar of the r et a n bed. REFERErJCE SDP V.5.2.D

L-2._ . ODt1) N 151 F@T I VC , Pf QC E Dub E E.3 .. CO!_JD11 ) Of J5,. AND _L I.M 1 T A1 1 DrJS PAGE 33 AtJSt.'FRS -- llNI VE RE I T Y OF MlbEDUH1

                                                              -86/0//01-HIGSINS,                R.

ANSWER L.01 ( .50.1 l 2 ( 25*. 1 (.25) REF Ef<ElICE SOP 1. 4. 2. C (4f 15i 'E R L.02 ( . *.;O ) 1 r vic FEFERCl4CL SW- 1.4.7.A AtlEt!EP L.03 ( .N-) Stelit Eurc r v2 tot REFEFEtCE EDP 1. 4 . 3.1-Atl5MEE L.04 ( .50> Falec-REFEREt4CE EDP 1.4.3.C AtJ5WEP L. % (1.00) n L t a-r t vi-. tu 1ri2 n tvo houri of any elevi dr.a ri in wh2eh r ei- t c r t capabilltv is lir rivub t . , REri F ENf f EUP 1.1.3.L

L,..._0D01B15T B01.1 MF _Ehl!L E QWE % 3 _CL!NDlllOUh.,000_L_ld116IlOUS PAC 4 34 AIEl h.RS -- Lilll VERS I T Y OF MlbEDUR) -86/07/01-HIG5116. R. AllSWER L.06 ( 1. OO :s

1. The rect tor 1r E ec.or ed . (0.5)
2. No irrisdiated i vel at bring haridl ed whi ch has a dectsy time let.s t h e1.

60 days. (0. 5 ) RE F EREllCE Teci. Spec 3.S.a ANSWEP L.07 (2.00) h r. y four of the i el 1 owling (0.5 each::

1. Truck entry door cl oE ed arici tt al ect.
2. Littlity seal trench filled with water to the depth required to m r.i n t s i n a nii ro murr. water ti c- i41 of 4.25 icet.
3. All c orit a i remen t building ventilation s y s t eiri a u t oin s :1 c al l y cl or a rig door 3 g rid ere oper i L.) e or cloird.
4. 'lhe rec.ctor mcc'lani c al equipment room evhsust systeni, includinc the poriiculatt a n cI h e.) over s f21ters, 2o operable.
5. The pc r sa.i.el ai r l oci door is oper abl e,
c. T ric o te:t r et eer.t t.t o 1 cle n t I se a i tttt war i a 4 at t or v .

REFEl:EfiCE Teth Spec 1.15 ANSWER L.09 (1.00) int reactor s h c.l l be tut.c ri t i c al by a rnar q) r) of at least

  .O_ 4t.      (O.5), with any one shino blado iul1y uithdrawn                             (O.5+.

Pi- F ERENE E' Tech Spec 3.1.0 p.l E i F N L.OC (L.00)

1. Sour ce t e4r e ce I rida t a t et at 1 east 1 r p s. ariri wa dt' r cri;.e I rid ) c at e s-a paw.- 10.;l c4 r c a t er than 1 wett. (1.0)
2. Source raroe i rici) c a t er at l ei:r t 2 cps 4rict is ver)flec to be responding to neutroiez iust prior to startup. (1.0)

RE t E f EllCF. Icch Spcc 3.4.e

. L'r... f@l110l ST 801. I VE ._PFj0( ETUFiF Fu. COf JDI T_10lJ5_ AND_L I MI T(jT,1,0NR P/GI ?.5 Alh WL F 5 -- lif J 3 VE RE I T ) DF MISE.OURI -06/07/01-HIE 6]N5, R. ANSWER L.10 (1.00) Li nel t 4utl p l 2,t e twcl 1 i rio to )est i bari 107.. REFERENEE 1rth Lptc -2. . b . o ANSWEP L.11 (1.00)

e. 1.'O F. L O. 51 ts . 2000 gol. (0.5, REF EPE IK L l ec t, Eptc T . 4 . b a n t' 3.10. t.

A!JSULE L.12 (1.00)

   ). Operat1on isb o, E 50 h.W.           IO.b)
2. Operation twl o:, 50 FM wi th forced conve-tlon coul i ng. (0.51 REFERENCE SOF I . 4 . 2.. F A!JE.WE R L.13 (1.00)

When the reac tor at r eturned to power within t wo hour s a f t t-r a st.utdawn f r o g, full power (0.5), providing the status of any syste... c o ,'er ed to thc prcrtartup thtci:che et E hAs riot chariged si rece tht-last power cenercLlon (.2De, or the shift supervisor determines that n o s y e t er. he. t been affected by the cause of the shutdown (.25). REF ERENLL 5( F- 1. 4 . l . 2 f.r i k"C h L.14 (1.00)

3. A it,eiop iel I c+o ng a t hu l ct c.wn in whith iuel handling has talan plsce. (' .5?
2. Whcre tequxited ta y the rhift super vi sor . ( O. D)

L. . .. AbMll 15T F'411VE .PCOCEDU.Rk.5,,, cot.J[ I T 10t45 AND. L IMI 1(,1 J 01;15 hnE ?.e ANSUER5 -- Ut4IVEhE1IY OF M1SCOURI -86 / 07 / 01 -lil GG Ills , l<. FIEF L 6:1 NL L SDP I 4 . 's . G . : and 3 ANE.i!L P L.1L t1. a."> > Insert controt roa; a r.d calculate the ECP. REFEbl.ldi SOP 1. 'I . ?. . G . 4 (;h Ei .'L R L . I t. (1. O' ' As . v t u. . of tht iel 2 owinc O.> . 5 e s c t ', i :

1. O .. qit r e c tri.t rit of tree r c et t c.: s t i.t t up .
2. WI.en power le,el will be held c0nstar.t tor more than 5 minutes.

7.. WI .en the de_4 tcd r;over it,t 1 It c.t t 20 ret d . REFEPElaCE SOP 1.4.T.1 AT45WEP L.17 (1.001 1 Source Fe r o e t . . '.c i 2 Int ermedi ste Rgr ;.- (.25; 2 Power h erec e t.25' 1 Wide (.25i FEFERFi!CE 50F' 1 . 4 . !.. H (4tJLWED 1 .1 E: ( 1. O. O

a. Shutd:.m, cnEcki.ect .v.5).
b. Stili t Euper s 1:c * . ( O. N R Ef E R E!illi Efu 1.4.L.f

F i

 . L . 6kUl!JI ST.Rf 11ME   EBOL,E!!UBES , _C DUL.nlllO!M_.(?ND_,L l ulIO11 DNS Ps it,E 7' 1
                                                       -86 / 07 .' O l - H l bE.1 t JS , R.


a. Pr evc ret I rejur y t r> pe r sonnel . (0.5)
b. Pr o .'I d e s u p p l enien t s.1 information concernino operating pr ocedur es. to.5)

RLFEFEtJEE EU- Atl5:'ER L.20 e.1. OO i

a. Sh2fi Super .1 c:or . u . 51 .
b. L i c er.s ed Operators. u.t . 5 )

REFEFErJCE SOF 1.4.10._ and 3}}