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{{#Wiki_filter:ROCHESTER GASANDEIECTRICCORPORATION R.E.GINNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTRevision13'o:QualityAssurance ProgramForStationOperation DOCKETNO.50-244December1987871230022k 87i223,PDRADOCK05000244P h~)
{{#Wiki_filter:ROCHESTER GAS AND EIECTRIC CORPORATION R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Revision 13'o:Quality Assurance Program For Station Operation DOCKET NO.50-244 December 1987 871230022k 87i223, PDR ADOCK 05000244 P h~)
Introduction Ina,Hay28,1974letterfromM'.RobertA.Purple,theUnitedStatesAtomicEnergyCommission akedseveralquestions ontheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation.
Introduction In a,Hay 28, 1974 letter from M'.Robert A.Purple, the United States Atomic Energy Commission a ked several questions on the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.
Theinformation requested andfurtherclarification oftheprogramareprovidedinSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term keratin<,
The information requested and further clarification of the program are provided in Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term keratin<, Licen e.Supple-ment IV is a revised description of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Prograni for Station Operation and supersedes Supplement II in its entirety.The following revisions have been made to the description of the program: Section IV.2 Additions That-all Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engi-neering, and Purchasing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years.That the list of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are based on the list in Section 1.2.1 of the FSAR.The management review of the quality assurance program may'e in a form other than an audit.That the t'uclear Safety Audit and Review board is required to review the statu and adequacy of the quality assurance prcx ram at least once every two years.That the Chairman of the Kuclear Safety Audit and Review Board reports to the Chairman of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation on NSARB activities.
Licene.Supple-mentIVisareviseddescription oftheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance PrograniforStationOperation andsupersedes Supplement IIinitsentirety.
Section IV.3 Additions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.  
Thefollowing revisions havebeenmadetothedescription oftheprogram:SectionIV.2Additions That-allQualityAssurance, QualityControl,Engi-neering,andPurchasing procedures arereviewedforadequacyatleastonceeverytwoyears.Thatthelistofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programarebasedonthelistinSection1.2.1oftheFSAR.Themanagement reviewofthequalityassurance programmay'einaformotherthananaudit.Thatthet'uclearSafetyAuditandReviewboardisrequiredtoreviewthestatuandadequacyofthequalityassurance prcxramatleastonceeverytwoyears.ThattheChairmanoftheKuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardreportstotheChairmanoftheBoardofRochester GasandElectricCorporation onNSARBactivities.
SectionIV.3Additions Thatspareorreplacement partsmeet,atleast,therequirements oftheoriginaldesign.  

Thatforplantmodification, thedesignengineerselectsandreviewsmaterials, parts,andequipment forsuitability ofapplication.
That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.
Thatdesigndeficiencies aredocumented andcontrolled inaccoroance withSectionIV.16.Thatdesigndocuments arecollected, stored,andmain-tainedinaccordance withSectionII.17andalistingofwhichdesigndocuments aremaintained.
That design deficiencies are documented and controlled in accoroance with Section IV.16.That design documents are collected, stored, and main-tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.
Clarification Clarified whichdeigndocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
Clarification Clarified which de ign documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
SectionIV.4Additions Thatprocuren.ent documents forspareorreplacement partsareprocessed inthesamemannerasotherprocurement documents.
Section IV.4 Additions That procuren.ent documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.
Thatthereviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isreflected onthedocumentoronacontrolformwhichisattachedtotheprocurement document.
That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are avaiaable for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts for similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.
Thatthedocuments areavaiaable forverification inPurchasing andplantrecords.ThatQualityControlreviewsprocurement documents forspareandreplacement partsforsimilarity totheoriginalrequirements, andadequacyofqualityrequire-ments.SectionIV.5Clarification Clarifies whichdocuments arereviewedbyQualityAssurance.
Section IV.6 Addition Yiade procurement document review requirements consis-tent with Section IV.4.11 P I J t That suppliers of'aterials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.
SectionIV.6AdditionYiadeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consis-tentwithSectionIV.4.11 PIJt Thatsuppliers of'aterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredbyprocurement documents toprovidecontrolofmanufacturing inspection andtestinginstructions.
Section IV.9 Additions Yade procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process acti-vities.Section IV.10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection i" available to the inspector prior to the performance of the activity.That Quality Control inspection'procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be'sed, the identification of'he organization responsible ior performing the inspection, the acceptance and regection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.That in pection equipment is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration statu is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IV.11 Addition That test procedures include te"t methods and test instrumentation definition.
SectionIV.9Additions Yadeprocurement documentreviewrequirements consistent withSectionIV.4.AddedQualityControlresponsibilities forsur-veillance andinspection ofspecialprocessacti-vities.SectionIV.10Additions Thatalldocumentation necessary toperformaninspection i"available totheinspector priortotheperformance oftheactivity.
1 I Section IV.12 Addition h That-shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.
ThatQualityControlinspection'procedures includetheidentification ofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected andadescription ofthemethodofinspection tobe'sed,theidentification of'heorganization responsible iorperforming theinspection, theacceptance andregection
Section IV.14 Addition That writtt=n procedures control the u e of hold tags, test tags and labels and that the procedure require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control is ues monthly material deficiency report summarie , that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and that when unsatisfactory trend are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That, plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audit and the monitoring of.activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofinspection results,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification oftheinspection activity.
That in pection and test records contain a description of the type of.test or inspection activity, evidence of completion oC the activity, results, the name of the inspector or~bruta recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activist.;, and a record of any nonconformances.
Thatinpectionequipment iscalibrated inaccor-dancewithSectionIV.12andthatcalibration statuisverifiedpriortoperforming theinspection activity.
SectionIV.11AdditionThattestprocedures includete"tmethodsandtestinstrumentation definition.
1I SectionIV.12AdditionhThat-shop standards calibration istraceable tonationalstandards or,wherenationalstandards arenotavailable, thebasisofcalibration isdocumented.
SectionIV.14AdditionThatwrittt=nprocedures controltheueofholdtags,testtagsandlabelsandthattheprocedure requiretherecording ofthenameofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.SectionIV.15AdditionThatQualityControlisuesmonthlymaterialdeficiency reportsummarie,thatthesesummaries arereviewedandanalyzedbyQualityAssurance, andthatwhenunsatisfactory trendarenoted,theyarereportedtomanagement, usingthecorrective actionreportinaccordance withSectionIV.16.SectionIV.17Additions That,plantrecordsincludeoperating logs,specifications, calibration procedures andnonconformance reports,andtheresultsoftions,tests,auditandthemonitoring of.activities andmaterialanalyses.
: drawings, reports,inspec-plantThatqualityassurance recordsofspecialprocessactivities aremaintained byEngineering andthattheyincludethequalification recordsofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment.
Thatinpectionandtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeof.testorinspection
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oCtheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector or~brutarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivist.;,

SectionIV.18AdditionThatQualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting theauditslistedinTableXV.18-1.InJuly1974,theUnitedStatesAtomicEnergyCommission requested information ontheconformance oftheR.E.GinnaQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperating tothedocumententitled"Guidance ofQualityAssurance Requirements DuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",bevision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0).Theinfor-mationrequested isprovidedinRevision1toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFull-Term Operating Licene.Thefollowing changeshavebeenmadetoSupplement IV:SectionIV.1Additions Adescription oitheextenttowhichthequalityassurance programconformstothedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Requirements DuringTheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants",Revision0datedOctober1973(GrangeBook-Revi-sion0).OnOctober1,1974,Rochester GasandElectricCor-.porationreviseditscorporate structure.
Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits listed in Table XV.18-1.In July 1974, the United States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operating to the document entitled"Guidance of Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", bevision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The infor-mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating Licen e.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.1 Additions A description oi the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Grange Book-Revi-sion 0).On October 1, 1974, Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-.poration revised its corporate structure.
Thisorganization changehasnotaffectedthefunctional interrelationships betweentheorganizations responsible forimplementing thequalityassurance program.Inaddition, theRG&Ecommitment tothe"OrangeBook"inAugusthasnecessitated someshiftingofresponsibilities.
This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.In addition, the RG&E commitment to the"Orange Book" in August has necessitated some shifting of responsibilities.
ThechangeRGSEhasmadearereflected inRevision2toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement accompanying Application foraFullTermOperating Licen"e.Thechangesaffecteverysectionoithesupplement exceptsections12&14.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions 2andeachrevisedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelinotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.
The change RGSE has made are reflected in Revision 2 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating Licen"e.The changes affect every section oi the supplement except sections 12&14.Change pages are listed in Instructions 2 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level i noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.
JI Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelat,thebottomofthepageandbyreference intheindex,pageIV-vii.Unrevised pageswithaverticalsolidblacklineinthemarginreflectchangestothedocumentbetweenSupplement IIandSupplement IV.Someeditorial corrections havebeenmade,andthesearealsomarked.Effective February1,1976,threeadditional organizations intheRochester CasandElectricCorporation havebeenassignedresponsi-bilitiesforcontrolofqualityrelatedactivities.
J I Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at, the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.Some editorial corrections have been made, and these are also marked.Effective February 1, 1976, three additional organizations in the Rochester Cas and Electric Corporation have been assigned responsi-bilities for control of quality related activities.
Thechangesarereflected inReviion3toSupplement IVtotheTechnical Supplement Accompanying Application foraFullTermCperating License.Revision3alsoreflectssomereclarification oftermsandresponsibilities whichdonotlessonourprogramcommitments.
The changes are reflected in Revi ion 3 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement Accompanying Application for a Full Term Cperating License.Revision 3 also reflects some reclarification of terms and responsibilities which do not lesson our program commitments.
Reclarification changesareconcentrated insection"IV-3,IV-4,IV-5,IV-6andIV-15.ChangepagesarelistedinInstructions-3 andeachrevisedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatetrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepageandbyreference intheindex,pageIV-vii.'nrevised pageswithaverticalsolidblacklineinthemarginreflectchangestothedocumentbetweenSupplement IIandSupplement IV.DuringJuly,1978,Rochester GasandElectricCorporation reviseditscorporate structure.
Reclarification changes are concentrated in section" IV-3, IV-4, IV-5, IV-6 and IV-15.Change pages are listed in Instructions-3 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the late t revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.'nrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.During July, 1978, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation revised its corporate structure.
Thisorganization changehasnotaffectedthefunctional interrelationships betweentheorganizations reponsibleforimplementing thequalityassurance program.Reviion4alsoreflectssomereclarification oftermsandrespon-sibilities whichdonotlessenRochester GasandElectricCor-porationprogramcommitments.
This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations re ponsible for implementing the quality assurance program.Revi ion 4 also reflects some reclarification of terms and respon-sibilities which do not lessen Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration program commitments.
Reclarification changesareconcentrated inectionIV-1,IV-2,IV-3,IV-7,IV-10andIV-15.ChangepagesarelitedinInstructions-4 andeachreviedpageismarkedwithrevisionlevel.Sincesinglespacingofeachpajehareducedthenumberofpages,eachpagebeginning withIV-1isnumberedconsecutively resulting intheRevision4notationatthebottomforthatpagecontaining different
Reclarification changes are concentrated in ection IV-1, IV-2, IV-3, IV-7, IV-10 and IV-15.Change pages are li ted in Instructions-4 and each revi ed page is marked with revision level.Since single spacing of each paje ha reduced the number of pages, each page beginning with IV-1 is numbered consecutively resulting in the Revision 4 notation at the bottom for that page containing different'information than the corresponding page number of previous revisions.
'information thanthecorresponding pagenumberofpreviousrevisions.
Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference.
Tablesandfigureswhichhavebeencompletely revisedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepageandbyreference.
in the index, page IV-vii.
In a February 8, 1979 letter from Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information.
InaFebruary8,1979letterfromMr.DennisL.Ziemann,theNuclearRegulatory Commission requested additional information.
associated with their review of Revi ion 4.Revision 5 provides the additional information and better clarification of the program consistent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Cas and Electric letter dated March 9, 1979.Change pages are listed in In tructions-5, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revi ion x~marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables which have been re-vised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page.In a June 5, 1979 letter fron.Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information associated with their review of Revision 5.Revision 6 provides the additional information consi tent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Gas and Electric letter dai:ed June 25, 1979.Change pages are listed in Instruction
associated withtheirreviewofReviion4.Revision5providestheadditional information andbetterclarification oftheprogramconsistent withthatwhichwasforwarded inRochester CasandElectricletterdatedMarch9,1979.ChangepagesarelistedinIntructions
-6, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The re-vision level is noted by arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Revi ion 7 was prepared to indicate recent organization changes in the corporate structure, Quality Assurance and General Maintenance.
-5,andeachrevisedpageismarkedwitharevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestreviionx~markedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Tableswhichhavebeenre-visedareshownbyrevisionlevelatthebottomofthepage.InaJune5,1979letterfron.Mr.DennisL.Ziemann,theNuclearRegulatory Commission requested additional information associated withtheirreviewofRevision5.Revision6providestheadditional information consitentwiththatwhichwasforwarded inRochester GasandElectricletterdai:edJune25,1979.ChangepagesarelistedinInstruction
Change pages are listed in Instructions
-6,andeachrevisedpageismarkedwitharevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestrevisionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.There-visionlevelisnotedbyarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Reviion7waspreparedtoindicaterecentorganization changesinthecorporate structure, QualityAssurance andGeneralMaintenance.
-7, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revi ion is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each veri.ical line.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ceneric Letter 81-01 issued May 4, 1981 requested that the quality assurance program commit to USNRC Regulatory Guides 1.146 and regulatory positions C.5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 of Regulatory Guide 1.58 Revision 1.Revi ion 8 incorporates those commitments.
This revision also describes a change in responsiblity for pro-curement of nuclear fuel from the Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning to the Engineering Department and provides updated organizational chart f.or those previou ly provided.In addition, the latest revi ion is marked by a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Revision 9 incorporates recent change in~the corporate structure.
-7,andeachrevisedpageismarkedwitharevisionlevel.Inaddition, thelatestreviionismarkedwithaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachveri.icalline.NuclearRegulatory Commission CenericLetter81-01issuedMay4,1981requested thatthequalityassurance programcommittoUSNRCRegulatory Guides1.146andregulatory positions C.5,6,7,8and10ofRegulatory Guide1.58Revision1.Reviion8incorporates thosecommitments.
Prefix IV is also being deleted from each page to recognize that Technical Supplement Accompanying Application For A Full Term Operating License is being uperseded during 1984.In addition, commencing with this revision only the latest revision will be indicated by a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.vB Revision 10 incorporates recent changes in the corporate structure and Engineering Organization depicted in Figures 2-1 and 2-5 respectively.
Thisrevisionalsodescribes achangeinresponsiblity forpro-curementofnuclearfuelfromtheDirector, Strategic andFuelPlanningtotheEngineering Department andprovidesupdatedorganizational chartf.orthoseprevioulyprovided.
A clarification to Figure 2-3 has also been made.Revision 11 incorporates recent changes in the Management, Engineering, and Ginna Organizations depicted in Figures 2-1, 2-3, and 2-5, respectively.
Inaddition, thelatestreviionismarkedbyaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.Therevisionlevelisnotedbyanarabicnumeralnexttoeachverticalline.Revision9incorporates recentchangein~thecorporate structure.
Revision 12 incorporates recent changes in the management Engineer-ing, Ginna and General Maintenance organizations depicted in Figures 2-1, 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5, respectively.
PrefixIVisalsobeingdeletedfromeachpagetorecognize thatTechnical Supplement Accompanying Application ForAFullTermOperating Licenseisbeinguperseded during1984.Inaddition, commencing withthisrevisiononlythelatestrevisionwillbeindicated byaverticallineinthelefthandmarginofeachpage.vB Revision10incorporates recentchangesinthecorporate structure andEngineering Organization depictedinFigures2-1and2-5respectively.
Figure 2-5 now reflects the organization of the Engineering Division which includes the departments of General Maintenance and Engineering previously depicted in Figures 2-4 and 2-5 respectively.
Aclarification toFigure2-3hasalsobeenmade.Revision11incorporates recentchangesintheManagement, Engineering, andGinnaOrganizations depictedinFigures2-1,2-3,and2-5,respectively.
Figure 2-4 now illustrates the Electric Transmission and Distribution organization.
Revision12incorporates recentchangesinthemanagement Engineer-ing,GinnaandGeneralMaintenance organizations depictedinFigures2-1,2-3,2-4and2-5,respectively.
Additionally, minor clarifications have been made to the sections associated with supplier selection (Section 7), Quality Assurance Manager experience and responsibility (Section 2), and clarification of those reports forwarded to Quality Assurance and management descry.bed in Sections 15 and 16.The Table 1 listing of the various implementing procedures has also been revised to reflect the two added departments and related shift in responsibilities.
Figure2-5nowreflectstheorganization oftheEngineering Divisionwhichincludesthedepartments ofGeneralMaintenance andEngineering previously depictedinFigures2-4and2-5respectively.
Revision 13 incorporates recent changes in the'Management, Ginna, Electric Transmission and Distribution and Engineering organizations depicted in Figures 2-1, 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5 respectively.
Figure2-4nowillustrates theElectricTransmission andDistribution organization.
Additionally, clarifications have been made to sections 11, 16 and 17 and to Table 1 in response to the NRC comments contained in their endorsement letter of revision 12 dated February 27, 1987'C Revision 13 December 1987 TABLE GF CONTENTS Section 2.3.4.Title QUALITY ASSURAhCL PROGRAfi FCR STATIGN GPERATIGN C Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Pacae 5.Instruction
Additionally, minorclarifications havebeenmadetothesectionsassociated withsupplierselection (Section7),QualityAssurance Managerexperience andresponsibility (Section2),andclarification ofthosereportsforwarded toQualityAssurance andmanagement descry.bed inSections15and16.TheTable1listingofthevariousimplementing procedures hasalsobeenrevisedtoreflectthetwoaddeddepartments andrelatedshiftinresponsibilities.
, Procedures and Drawings 13 6.Document Control 14 7.Control of Purchased tiaterial, Equipment and Service 16 8.Identification and Control of Materials, Parts ana Components 20 of Sf.ecial Proces es Inspection Test Control Control of thea uring and Test Equipment Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection, Test and Operating Statu Nonconforming t'aterials, Parts and Components 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 16.17.18.Corrective Action Quality A uxance Records Audi ts 29 30 Revision 12 December 1986 v3.
Revision13incorporates recentchangesinthe'Management, Ginna,ElectricTransmission andDistribution andEngineering organizations depictedinFigures2-1,2-3,2-4and2-5respectively.
r J I LIST OF TABLES Table Number 18-l Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pacae I IST OF FIGURES Fi re Number 2-l 2-2 2-3 Title Management Organization Deleted Ginna Station Organization P acre 51 52 532-5.2-6 Electric Transmission and Distribution 54 Organization Engineering Division Organization 55 Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions 56 V11 Revision 13 December 1987 0
Additionally, clarifications havebeenmadetosections11,16and17andtoTable1inresponsetotheNRCcommentscontained intheirendorsement letterofrevision12datedFebruary27,1987'CRevision13December1987 TABLEGFCONTENTSSection2.3.4.TitleQUALITYASSURAhCL PROGRAfiFCRSTATIGNGPERATIGN CQualityAssurance ProgramOrganization DesignControlProcurement DocumentControlPacae5.Instruction
UALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION ualit Assurance Pro ram The Quality Assurance Program has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of the structures,,systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public.These quality affecting activities include operation, maintenance, repair, inservi'ce inspection, refueling, modification, test and inspection.
,Procedures andDrawings136.DocumentControl147.ControlofPurchased tiaterial, Equipment andService168.Identification andControlofMaterials, PartsanaComponents 2012.13.14.15.ControlofSf.ecialProcesesInspection TestControlControloftheauringandTestEquipment
In addition, the Quality Assurance Program applies to the activities associated with the packaging of licensed radioactive materials to be shipped in accordance with 10 CFR Part 71.The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.This policy is implemented under the overall direction of the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering through the Manager, Quality Assurance, the Superintendent, Nuclear Production, the Superintendent, Ginna Station and heads of other supporting departments.
: Handling, StorageandShippingInspection, TestandOperating StatuNonconforming t'aterials, PartsandComponents 2122232426272816.17.18.Corrective ActionQualityAuxanceRecordsAudits2930Revision12December1986v3.
The program is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual which contains the requirements and assignment of.,responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is prepared, reviewed, and maintained by Quality Assurance and approved by the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering.
rJI LISTOFTABLESTableNumber18-lTitleQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingProcurement DocumentRequirements AuditListPacaeIISTOFFIGURESFireNumber2-l2-22-3TitleManagement Organization DeletedGinnaStationOrganization Pacre5152532-5.2-6ElectricTransmission andDistribution 54Organization Engineering DivisionOrganization 55GinnaStationReviewandAuditsFunctions 56V11Revision13December1987 0
The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Ginna Station, Engineering, General Maintenance, Research and.Science, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Purchasing procedures.
UALITYASSURANCE PROGRAMFORSTATIONOPERATION ualitAssurance ProramTheQualityAssurance Programhasbeendeveloped bytheRochester GasandElectricCorporation toassuresafeandreliableoperation oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant.Thisprogramappliestoallactivities affecting thesafetyrelatedfunctions ofthestructures,,systems, andcomponents thatpreventormitigatetheconsequences ofpostulated accidents thatcouldcauseunduerisktothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.Thesequalityaffecting activities includeoperation, maintenance, repair,inservi'ce inspection, refueling, modification, testandinspection.
These procedures are prepared and approved by the responsible organization and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.
Inaddition, theQualityAssurance Programappliestotheactivities associated withthepackaging oflicensedradioactive materials tobeshippedinaccordance with10CFRPart71.ThebasicRochester GasandElectricCorporation qualityassurance policyisestablished bytheChairmanoftheBoardandChiefExecutive Officer.Thispolicyisimplemented undertheoveralldirection oftheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering throughtheManager,QualityAssurance, theSuperintendent, NuclearProduction, theSuperintendent, GinnaStationandheadsofothersupporting departments.
The procedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.
TheprogramisgovernedbyaGinnaStationQualityAssurance Manualwhichcontainstherequirements andassignment of.,responsibilities forimplementation oftheprogram.Themanualisprepared,
All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years by the responsible organization.
: reviewed, andmaintained byQualityAssurance andapprovedbytheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering.
Table 1-1 provides a listing of the subjects and a short description of the subject matter which is contained in the procedures.
Theprogramisimplemented throughQualityAssurance, GinnaStation,Engineering, GeneralMaintenance, Researchand.Science, ElectricTransmission andDistribution, andPurchasing procedures.
Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual..Organizational responsibilities are described in Section 2.Revision.13 December 1987 V
Theseprocedures arepreparedandapprovedbytheresponsible organization andreviewedandconcurred withbyQualityAssurance.
The Quality Assurance Program covers all existing Seismic Category I and Class lE structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities affect-ing the quality of these structures, systems, and components are controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.A detailed listing of the structures, systems, and components covered by the Quality Assurance Program, based on Section 3.2.of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.Details of the system boundaries and the quality classi-fication of water-and-steam-containing components are con-tained on system flow drawings.The listing of structures, systems, and components covered by the Quality Assurance Program and the system flow drawings are prepared and main-tained by Engineering and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.
Theprocedures arecontained inseparatemanualsmaintained bytheresponsible organization.
Modifications or additions to existing structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accord-ance with the guidelines in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that.these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.
Alltheseprocedures arereviewedforadequacyatleastonceeverytwoyearsbytheresponsible organization.
Refresher sessions are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.
Table1-1providesalistingofthesubjectsandashortdescription ofthesubjectmatterwhichiscontained intheprocedures.
Training of personnel not'n the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training requirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.In addition to training in quality assurance, each depart-ment conducts on-the-job training to the extent necessary to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments
Organizational interfaces aredefinedandcontrolled bysectionsoftheQualityAssurance Manual..Organizational responsibilities aredescribed inSection2.Revision.13December1987 V
.The Superintendent, Nuclear Production is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-fication of operators, as necessary.
TheQualityAssurance ProgramcoversallexistingSeismicCategoryIandClasslEstructures, systems,andcomponents, including theirfoundations andsupports.
Where necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.Revision 12 December 1986 t
Activities affect-ingthequalityofthesestructures, systems,andcomponents arecontrolled toanextentconsistent withtheirimportance tosafety.Adetailedlistingofthestructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbytheQualityAssurance Program,basedonSection3.2.oftheUpdatedFinalSafetyAnalysisReport,iscontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.Detailsofthesystemboundaries andthequalityclassi-ficationofwater-and-steam-containing components arecon-tainedonsystemflowdrawings.
The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the Quality Assurance Program at least once every two years to assure that meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and 10CFR50, Appendix B.This review consists of audits or of a review equivalent to an audit performed by company personnel or outside organizations.
Thelistingofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbytheQualityAssurance Programandthesystemflowdrawingsarepreparedandmain-tainedbyEngineering andreviewedandconcurred withbyQualityAssurance.
The Quality Assurance Program is designed to meet the require-ments of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program conforms to the following NRC Regula-tory Gu'ides and ANSI Standards:
Modifications oradditions toexistingstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated thesameseismicclassifica-tionastheexistingsystem.Newstructures, systems,andcomponents aredesignated aseismicclassification inaccord-ancewiththeguidelines inUSNRCRegulatory Guide1.29,Revision3.Supervisory personnel areindoctrinated inqualityassurance
a.NRC Regul'atory Guide'1.8, Revision 1,"Personnel Selec-tion and Training." b.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.28,,Revision 2,"Quality Assur-'nce Program Requirements (Design and Construction)." c.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and,Electric Equipment." d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Require-ments During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)/e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." f.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.38, Revision 2,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." g.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.39, Revision 2,"Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." h.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.58, Revision 1,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel i.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.64, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants." Revision 12 December 1986 e
: policies, manuals,andprocedures toassuretheyunderstand that.thesearemandatory requirements whichmustbeimple-mentedandenforced.
j.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.74, Revision 0,"Quality Assur-ance Terms and Definitions." k.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.88, Revision 2,"Collection, Storage and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Records." Note: When record storage facilities are not designed in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.88, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.l.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.116, Revision O-R,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems." m.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.123, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants." n.ANSI N45.2.12, D3, R4, 2/74"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants." o.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.146, Revision 0,"Qualification of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants." Or anization The major organizations participating
Personnel responsible forperforming activities affecting qualityaretrainedandindoctrinated intherequirements, purpose,scope,andimplementation ofqualityrelatedmanualsandprocedures.
'in the Quality Assur-.ance Program are Purchasing, Engineering, Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Electric Transmission and Distribution, Research and Science, Quality Assurance and Quality Control~Groups;the Plant Operations Review Committee; and'he Nucle'ar Safety Audit and Review Board.Figure 2-1 is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to the corporate organization.
Refresher sessionsareheldperiodically andretraining isrequiredwheneveranewprocedure isissuedoramajorrevisionismadetoanexistingprocedure.
Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are: Chairman of the Board Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering Chief Engineer Director, Engineering Services Manager, Quality Assurance Purchasing Agent Superintendent, Nuclear Production Superintendent, Ginna Station Superintendent, Ginna Support Services-Ginna Nuclear Assurance Manager Revision 13 December 1987
Trainingofpersonnel not'nthequalityassurance organization istheresponsibility ofeachdepartment performing anactivityaffecting quality.QualityAssurance assistsinestablishing trainingrequirements andassuresthatpersonnel aretrainedbyauditingtrainingrecords.Inadditiontotraininginqualityassurance, eachdepart-mentconductson-the-job trainingtotheextentnecessary toassurethatpersonnel arequalified fortheirprimaryworkassignments
.TheSuperintendent, NuclearProduction isresponsible fortheformaltraining, qualification, licensing, andrequali-ficationofoperators, asnecessary.
Wherenecessary, personnel aretrainedinradiation protection, plantsafetyandsecurity.
Revision12December1986 t
TheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisrequiredtoreviewthestatusandadequacyoftheQualityAssurance Programatleastonceeverytwoyearstoassurethatit.ismeaningful andiseffectively complying withcorporate policyand10CFR50,AppendixB.Thisreviewconsistsofauditsorofareviewequivalent toanauditperformed bycompanypersonnel oroutsideorganizations.
TheQualityAssurance Programisdesignedtomeettherequire-mentsofTitle10oftheCodeofFederalRegulations, Part50,AppendixB,"QualityAssurance CriteriaforNuclearPowerPlants."Theprogramconformstothefollowing NRCRegula-toryGu'idesandANSIStandards:
a.NRCRegul'atory Guide'1.8, Revision1,"Personnel Selec-tionandTraining."
b.NRCRegulatory Guide1.28,,Revision 2,"QualityAssur-'nce ProgramRequirements (DesignandConstruction)."
c.AECRegulatory Guide1.30,Revision0,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheInstallation, Inspection, andTestingofInstrumentation and,Electric Equipment."
d.AECRegulatory Guide1.33,Revision0,"QualityAssurance ProgramRequirements (Operation),"
andregulatory staffcommentsandsupplementary guidancecontained inthedocumententitled"Guidance onQualityAssurance Require-mentsDuringtheOperations PhaseofNuclearPowerPlants,"Revision0datedOctober1973(OrangeBook-Revision0)/e.AECRegulatory Guide1.37,Revision0,"QualityAssurance Requirements forCleaningofFluidSystemsandAssociated Components ofWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants."f.NRCRegulatory Guide1.38,Revision2,"QualityAssurance Requirements forPackaging,
: Shipping, Receiving, Storage,andHandlingofItemsforWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants."g.NRCRegulatory Guide1.39,Revision2,"Housekeeping Requirements forWater-Cooled NuclearPowerPlants."h.NRCRegulatory Guide1.58,Revision1,"Qualification ofNuclearPowerPlantInspection, Examination andTestingPersonnel i.NRCRegulatory Guide1.64,Revision1,"QualityAssurance Requirements fortheDesignofNuclearPowerPlants."Revision12December1986 e
j.NRCRegulatory Guide1.74,Revision0,"QualityAssur-anceTermsandDefinitions."
k.NRCRegulatory Guide1.88,Revision2,"Collection, StorageandMaintenance ofNuclearPowerPlantRecords."
Note:Whenrecordstoragefacilities arenotdesignedinaccordance withtherequirements ofRegulatory Guide1.88,duplicate recordsarekeptintwoseparatestoragelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.l.NRCRegulatory Guide1.116,RevisionO-R,"QualityAssurance Requirements forInstallation, Inspection, andTestingofMechanical Equipment andSystems."
m.NRCRegulatory Guide1.123,Revision1,"QualityAssurance Requirements forControlofProcurement ofItemsandServicesforNuclearPowerPlants."n.ANSIN45.2.12, D3,R4,2/74"Requirements forAuditingofQualityAssurance ProgramsforNuclearPowerPlants."o.NRCRegulatory Guide1.146,Revision0,"Qualification ofQualityAssurance ProgramAuditPersonnel forNuclearPowerPlants."Oranization Themajororganizations participating
'intheQualityAssur-.anceProgramarePurchasing, Engineering, GinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, ElectricTransmission andDistribution, ResearchandScience,QualityAssurance andQualityControl~Groups;thePlantOperations ReviewCommittee; and'heNucle'arSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.Figure2-1isanorganizational chartshowingtheseorganizations andtheirrelationship tothecorporate organization.
Positions responsible fortheprincipal elementsofthequalityassurance programare:ChairmanoftheBoardSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering ChiefEngineerDirector, Engineering ServicesManager,QualityAssurance Purchasing AgentSuperintendent, NuclearProduction Superintendent, GinnaStationSuperintendent, GinnaSupportServices-GinnaNuclearAssurance ManagerRevision13December1987

Superintendent, ElectricSubstations Superintendent, GeneralMaintenance QualityServicesCoordinator
Superintendent, Electric Substations Superintendent, General Maintenance Quality Services Coordinator Director, Research and Science In addition to the above individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and audit plant operations.
: Director, ResearchandScienceInadditiontotheaboveindividuals, twoadvisorygroupsareutilizedtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
These groups are the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering.
ThesegroupsarethePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee actsinanadvisorycapacitytotheGinnaStationSuperintendent andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardadvisestheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering.
The qualifications of members and the responsibilities of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating Licensed No.DPR-18, Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Thequalifications ofmembersandtheresponsibilities oftheseorganizations aredescribed inAppendixAtoProvisional Operating LicensedNo.DPR-18,Section6.0,Technical Specifications.
The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the Quality Assur-ance Program and issued the governing policy statement.
TheChairmanoftheBoardoftheRochester GasandElectricCorporation directedtheestablishment oftheQualityAssur-anceProgramandissuedthegoverning policystatement.
He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit and'eview Board to review and audit plant operations.
Hehasestablished theNuclearSafetyAuditand'eview Boardtoreviewandauditplantoperations.
The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the President on all activities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering has corporate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
TheChairmanoftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardisresponsible tothePresident onallactivities oftheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.TheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering hascorporate responsibility foroperation ofGinnaStationinaccordance withapplicable regulatory requirements.
He is responsible for establishing the policies and requirements necessary to assure safe and reliable operations of Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
Heisresponsible forestablishing thepoliciesandrequirements necessary toassuresafeandreliableoperations ofGinnaStation.Heisalsoresponsible forthoseitemsdelineated inSection6.0,Technical Specifications.
He has overall responsibility for and authority to direct the Quality Assurance Program.The responsibility for proper implementation of the quality assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Superintendent, Ginna Station.The Chief Engineer is responsible for supervising the Engineer-ing Division which is responsible for establishing policies and requirements for fuel management and the design and construction of major modifications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards.
Hehasoverallresponsibility forandauthority todirecttheQualityAssurance Program.Theresponsibility forproperimplementation ofthequalityassurance programrequirements atGinnaStationhasbeenassignedtotheSuperintendent, GinnaStation.TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forsupervising theEngineer-ingDivisionwhichisresponsible forestablishing policiesandrequirements forfuelmanagement andthedesignandconstruction ofmajormodifications inaccordance withapplicable designbases,regulatory requirements, codesandstandards.
He is also responsible for safety related main-tenance, repair, modifications and inspections performed at the General Maintenance facility, for support of these activities at Ginna Station, and for special processes and-5-Revision 13 December 1987
Heisalsoresponsible forsafetyrelatedmain-tenance,repair,modifications andinspections performed attheGeneralMaintenance
: facility, forsupportoftheseactivities atGinnaStation,andforspecialprocesses and-5-Revision13December1987

-theinservice inspection programperformed bytheResearchandScienceDepartment.
-the inservice inspection program performed by the Research and Science Department.
Asrequested byGinnaStation,heisalsoresponsible forreviewing uniquemaintenance andrepairprocedures formajorequipment.and isresponsible forassuringthattheresponsibilities oftheManager,QualityAssurance areimplemented.
As requested by Ginna Station, he is also responsible for reviewing unique maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.and is responsible for assuring that the responsibilities of the Manager, Quality Assurance are implemented.
TheChiefEngineerisalsoresponsible fortheretention ofthoserecordsforwhichEngineering isresponsible.
The Chief Engineer is also responsible for the retention of those records for which Engineering is responsible.
TheDirector, Engineering Servicesisresponsible totheChiefEngineerfordesigning andconstructing majormodi-fications inaccordance withapplicable designbases,regulatory requirements, codesandstandards andfornuclearfuelmanagement.
The Director, Engineering Services is responsible to the Chief Engineer for designing and constructing major modi-fications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards and for nuclear fuel management.
TheManager,Quality'Assurance, isresponsible forestab-lishingtheoverallQualityAssurance Program.'eisresponsible forassuringthattheprogramsatisfies therequirements of10CFRSO,AppendixB,andformaintaining thetotalprogramuptodate.Heisresponsible forassuringthatall.theplannedandsystematic actionsnecessary toprovideadequateconfidence thatGinnaStationwilloperatesafelyandreliablyareestablished andfollowed.
The Manager, Quality'Assurance, is responsible for estab-lishing the overall Quality Assurance Program.'e is responsible for assuring that the program satisfies the requirements of 10CFRSO, Appendix B, and for maintaining the total program up to date.He is responsible for assuring that all.the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and reliably are established and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the.individual or group directly responsible for performing the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all,necessary quality affecting activities are performed.
Heprovidesmanagement withobjective information concerning quality,independent ofthe.individual orgroupdirectlyresponsible forperforming thespecificactivity.
He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff, Figure 2-1, for the conduct of staff training, for directing its activities and.for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.P The Manager, Quality A'ssurance is a graduate engineer with at least six years of responsible experience, of which two years is in quality assurance and three years in the design or operation of nuclear power plants.The Manager, Quality Assurance and the Quality Assurance Staff are responsible for formulating corporate quality assurance policy and for assuring its implementation.
Hehastheauthority andorganizational freedomtoassureall,necessary qualityaffecting activities areperformed.
This includes writing Quality Assurance policies and reviewing the procedures of the organizations participating in the Quality Assurance Program.They are also responsible for auditing all aspects of the Quality Assurance Program and-for ensuring significant conditions adverse to quality are corrected.
Heisresponsible formaintaining aqualityassurance staff,Figure2-1,fortheconductofstafftraining, fordirecting itsactivities and.forestablishing andimplementing acomprehensive auditprogram.PTheManager,QualityA'ssurance isagraduateengineerwithatleastsixyearsofresponsible experience, ofwhichtwoyearsisinqualityassurance andthreeyearsinthedesignoroperation ofnuclearpowerplants.TheManager,QualityAssurance andtheQualityAssurance Staffareresponsible forformulating corporate qualityassurance policyandforassuringitsimplementation.
They are responsible for assuring that proper codes, standards, and quality requirements are specified in design, procurement, and installation documents.
ThisincludeswritingQualityAssurance policiesandreviewing theprocedures oftheorganizations participating intheQualityAssurance Program.Theyarealsoresponsible forauditingallaspectsoftheQualityAssurance Programand-forensuringsignificant conditions adversetoqualityarecorrected.
They are responsible for assuring that the suppliers of safety-related material, equipment and services are properly qualified, and Revision 13 December 1987 they are responsible for conducting audits and surveillances at these supplier's facilities.
Theyareresponsible forassuringthatpropercodes,standards, andqualityrequirements arespecified indesign,procurement, andinstallation documents.
In addition, the staff assists the Manager, Quality Assurance, in the preparation of the audit schedule, audit status reports, corrective action report summaries and in the preparation and mainten-ance of the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual.The Director, Research and Science is responsible for super-vising and directing a staff, Figure 2-5 which is responsible for the development and qualification of procedures utilized for special processes.
Theyareresponsible forassuringthatthesuppliers ofsafety-related
He is responsible for providing functional guidance and direction for those methods.He is responsible for establishing the Inservice Inspection Program and for coordinating changes thereto.He is also responsible for the routine maintenance of lifting and handling equipment and for the testing and evaluation of Ginna Station materials.
: material, equipment andservicesareproperlyqualified, andRevision13December1987 theyareresponsible forconducting auditsandsurveillances atthesesupplier's facilities.
The Manager, Divisional Services is responsible to the Chief Engineer for providing records, document control, schedule and administrative support services to the Engineering Division.The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.
Inaddition, thestaffassiststheManager,QualityAssurance, inthepreparation oftheauditschedule, auditstatusreports,corrective actionreportsummaries andinthepreparation andmainten-anceoftheQualityAssurance Procedures Manual.TheDirector, ResearchandScienceisresponsible forsuper-visinganddirecting astaff,Figure2-5whichisresponsible forthedevelopment andqualification ofprocedures utilizedforspecialprocesses.
He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made by Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance and the other involved depart-ments as appropriate.
Heisresponsible forproviding functional guidanceanddirection forthosemethods.Heisresponsible forestablishing theInservice Inspection Programandforcoordinating changesthereto.Heisalsoresponsible fortheroutinemaintenance ofliftingandhandlingequipment andforthetestingandevaluation ofGinnaStationmaterials.
~Superintendent, Nuclear Production is responsible to the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering for directing Ginna nuclear production activities and tho'se support activi-ties associated with Nuclear Assurance, Training, and Emergency Planning.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible to the Superintendent, Nuclear Production for the overall on-site safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the performance of all Ginna Station quality affecting activities in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for providing qualified personnel to perform these activities in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and procedures.
TheManager,Divisional Servicesisresponsible totheChiefEngineerforproviding records,documentcontrol,scheduleandadministrative supportservicestotheEngineering Division.
He is also responsible for-those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specification:
ThePurchasing Agentisresponsible fortheprocurement ofmaterials,
The Superintendent, Ginna Support Services reports to the Superintendent, Ginna Station and is primarily responsible for the performance of modification, refueling, and test activities in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He acts in behalf of the Superintendent, Ginna Station during his absence.Revision 13 December 1987 The Ginna Nuclear Assurance Manager reports to the Super-intendent, Nuclear Production.and is responsible for assuring that station activities affecting quality are precribed and carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifica-tions, and procedures.
: services, andcomponents, fromqualified suppliers, inaccordance withapplicable commercial, technical, andqualityrequirements.
He is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee and delegates the day to day quality assuring planning and work monitoring responsibilities to the station Quality Control Engineers and QC Inspectors.
Hemaintains alistingofqualified suppliers determined throughanevaluation madebyPurchasing, Engineering, QualityAssurance andtheotherinvolveddepart-mentsasappropriate.
Quality Control Engineers are responsible for the review of procurement documents initiated at Ginna and for the review of plant procedures which involve maintenance, repair, refueling, modification, and testing.They are also responsible for the coord'ination of inspection activities and the assurance that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.
~Superintendent, NuclearProduction isresponsible totheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering fordirecting Ginnanuclearproduction activities andtho'sesupportactivi-tiesassociated withNuclearAssurance,
This includes the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts and components and the processing of nonconconformance reports.Quality Control personnel initiate corrective action reports and assure that corrective action is taken.They also perform routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provide reports to Ginna supervision and management with objective information concerning the quality of these activities.
: Training, andEmergency Planning.
In addition to the Ginna Station Quality Control staff and the Nuclear Assurance Manager, the Ginna Station'uper-intendents are assisted by other designated staff members, Figure 2-3, in the implementation of certain Quality Assurance Program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assi'gned responsibility for testing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test status control, calibration-and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling and modification.
TheSuperintendent, GinnaStationisresponsible totheSuperintendent, NuclearProduction fortheoverallon-sitesafeoperation ofGinnaStation.Heisresponsible fortheperformance ofallGinnaStationqualityaffecting activities inaccordance withtherequirements ofthequalityassurance program.Heisresponsible forproviding qualified personnel toperformtheseactivities inaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications, andprocedures.
The Superintendent, General Maintenance, is responsible for supervising and directing a staff, Figure 2-5, which super-vises the performance and verification of safety related maintenance, repair and modification activities performed at the General Maintenance facility.He is also responsible for providing trained and qualified welders, riggers and'ciane operators for the support of Ginna activities.
Heisalsoresponsible for-thoseitemsdelineated inSection6.0,Technical Specification:
The Quality Services Coordinator is responsible to the Superintendent, General Maintenance, for performing or directing the performance of verification activities for which General Maintenance Quality Control is responsible.
TheSuperintendent, GinnaSupportServicesreportstotheSuperintendent, GinnaStationandisprimarily responsible fortheperformance ofmodification, refueling, andtestactivities inaccordance withtherequirements ofthequalityassurance program.HeactsinbehalfoftheSuperintendent, GinnaStationduringhisabsence.Revision13December1987 TheGinnaNuclearAssurance ManagerreportstotheSuper-intendent, NuclearProduction.and isresponsible forassuringthatstationactivities affecting qualityareprecribed andcarriedoutinaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifica-tions,andprocedures.
Revision 13 December'987 In this capacity he is responsible for assuring that activi-ties, affecting quality,'re carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and procedures.
HeisamemberofthePlantOperations ReviewCommittee anddelegates thedaytodayqualityassuringplanningandworkmonitoring responsibilities tothestationQualityControlEngineers andQCInspectors.
He is also responsible for the preparation of Quality Maintenance, Quality Research and Science and Quality Engineering procedures and for the training of the corresponding personnel in the implementation of these procedures.
QualityControlEngineers areresponsible forthereviewofprocurement documents initiated atGinnaandforthereviewofplantprocedures whichinvolvemaintenance, repair,refueling, modification, andtesting.Theyarealsoresponsible forthecoord'ination ofinspection activities andtheassurance thatinspection requirements areincludedinapprovedprocedures.
He also coordinates receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts and components, performs routine surveillance of General Maintenance activities.
Thisincludesthereceiptinspection ofincomingmaterials, partsandcomponents andtheprocessing ofnonconconformance reports.QualityControlpersonnel initiatecorrective actionreportsandassurethatcorrective actionistaken.Theyalsoperformroutinesurveillance ofothergroupsinvolvedinqualityaffecting activities andprovidereportstoGinnasupervision andmanagement withobjective information concerning thequalityoftheseactivities.
He also coordinates the processing of nonconformance reports, corrective action reports and the replies to audit reports for the three departments.
InadditiontotheGinnaStationQualityControlstaffandtheNuclearAssurance Manager,theGinnaStation'uper-intendents areassistedbyotherdesignated staffmembers,Figure2-3,intheimplementation ofcertainQualityAssurance Programrequirements attheplant.Thesestaffmembersareassi'gned responsibility fortesting,storageofmaterialandequipment, operating andteststatuscontrol,calibration
The Superintendent Electric Substations Department is respons-ible for directing a staff, Figure 2-4 which is responsible for providing relay engineering, maintenance.and testing services.He is also responsible for design, modification and construction activities at Station 13A and for supporting the Engineering department's design and construction activi-ties at Ginna.He is also responsible for coordinating and for providing support documentation for any design modifica-tions initiated within the Electric Transmission and Distribu-tion Division.Desi n Control Design activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.Engineering is responsible for the design and control of design activities (including design interfaces) for major modifications of structures, systems or components.
-andcontrolofmeasuring andtestequipment notusedbyQualityControl,maintenance ofmaterialhandlingequipment, operatortraining, andcontrolofallactivities involving operation, maintenance, repair,refueling andmodification.
Augmenting this effort is the design and technical support provided by the Electric Substations department for those activities for which Electric Transmission and Distribution is responsible.
TheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, isresponsible forsupervising anddirecting astaff,Figure2-5,whichsuper-visestheperformance andverification ofsafetyrelatedmaintenance, repairandmodification activities performed attheGeneralMaintenance facility.
In this regard they support Engineering for design of safety related modifications.
Heisalsoresponsible forproviding trainedandqualified welders,riggersand'cianeoperators forthesupportofGinnaactivities.
Ginna Station is responsible for the design and control of design activities for Minor modifications of structures, systems, or components.
TheQualityServicesCoordinator isresponsible totheSuperintendent, GeneralMaintenance, forperforming ordirecting theperformance ofverification activities forwhichGeneralMaintenance QualityControlisresponsible.
Ginna Station is also responsible for classifying station originated modifications as either Major or Minor.Engineering reviews and concurs with modi-fications being classified as Minor.Minor mo'difications typically involve (1)component changes which involve vendor design and limited to the extent that the change does not impact existing per'formance requirements, (2)additions within Seismic Category I buildings which perform no safety functions and which either interface with Seismic Category I Revision 12 December 1986 E"'
Revision13December'987 Inthiscapacityheisresponsible forassuringthatactivi-ties,affecting quality,'re carriedoutinaccordance withapproveddrawings, specifications andprocedures.
or Class lE items or whose failure could reduce the function-ing of any safety related component required for safe shutdown.of the plant to an unacceptable level, (3)changes to a safety related system determined not to be major (i.e., vents, drains, alarms, indicating lights, etc.).Design control is implemented by means of procedures which include: design considerations, design review requirements; internal and external interface control considerations; design document review, approval, distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design con-siderations include, as appropriate:
Heisalsoresponsible forthepreparation ofQualityMaintenance, QualityResearchandScienceandQualityEngineering procedures andforthetrainingofthecorresponding personnel intheimplementation oftheseprocedures.
physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;appropriate design bases, codes, standards and regulations;
Healsocoordinates receiptinspection ofincomingmaterials, partsandcomponents, performsroutinesurveillance ofGeneralMaintenance activities.
'acceptability for operation, maintenance and repair;acceptance and rejection criteria;and quality standards and other quality assurance requirements.
Healsocoordinates theprocessing ofnonconformance reports,corrective actionreportsandtherepliestoauditreportsforthethreedepartments.
Design.verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests as appropriate to assure the adequacy of the design.'he design of plant modifications is verified by an engineer other than the one who performed the original design.For Major modification design, this may be done by Engineering department design engineers or consulting engineers as re-quested.For Minor modification station design, this may be done by Ginna Station and or Engineering department design engineers as appropriate.
TheSuperintendent ElectricSubstations Department isrespons-iblefordirecting astaff,Figure2-4whichisresponsible forproviding relayengineering, maintenance
Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the technical and quality requirements.
For plant modifications, standard"off-the-shelf" commercial or pre-viously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by the design engineer.Design changes are normally reviewed and approved in accord-ance with the same procedures as the original design.Supplemental procedures are established for the review and approval of field changes.In general, design changes including field changes, are reviewed and approved by the organizations or individuals that performed the original design, review and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals are designated, provided they have access to pertinent back-ground information and are competent in the specific design area.Design verification and field change systems are methods utilized to detect, document and correct design process errors and deficiencies.
Heisalsoresponsible fordesign,modification andconstruction activities atStation13Aandforsupporting theEngineering department's designandconstruction activi-tiesatGinna.Heisalsoresponsible forcoordinating andforproviding supportdocumentation foranydesignmodifica-tionsinitiated withintheElectricTransmission andDistribu-tionDivision.
In addition, the corrective action system, described in Section 16, is utilized to control and Revision 12 December 1986
DesinControlDesignactivities areperformed byRochester GasandElectricCorporation personnel oraresubcontracted toorganizations providing servicestoRochester GasandElectric.
Engineering isresponsible forthedesignandcontrolofdesignactivities (including designinterfaces) formajormodifications ofstructures, systemsorcomponents.
Augmenting thiseffortisthedesignandtechnical supportprovidedbytheElectricSubstations department forthoseactivities forwhichElectricTransmission andDistribution isresponsible.
InthisregardtheysupportEngineering fordesignofsafetyrelatedmodifications.
GinnaStationisresponsible forthedesignandcontrolofdesignactivities forMinormodifications ofstructures, systems,orcomponents.
GinnaStationisalsoresponsible forclassifying stationoriginated modifications aseitherMajororMinor.Engineering reviewsandconcurswithmodi-fications beingclassified asMinor.Minormo'difications typically involve(1)component changeswhichinvolvevendordesignandlimitedtotheextentthatthechangedoesnotimpactexistingper'formance requirements, (2)additions withinSeismicCategoryIbuildings whichperformnosafetyfunctions andwhicheitherinterface withSeismicCategoryIRevision12December1986 E"'
orClasslEitemsorwhosefailurecouldreducethefunction-ingofanysafetyrelatedcomponent requiredforsafeshutdown.oftheplanttoanunacceptable level,(3)changestoasafetyrelatedsystemdetermined nottobemajor(i.e.,vents,drains,alarms,indicating lights,etc.).Designcontrolisimplemented bymeansofprocedures whichinclude:designconsiderations, designreviewrequirements; internalandexternalinterface controlconsiderations; designdocumentreview,approval, distribution, control,andrevisionrequirements; andcorrective action.Designcon-siderations include,asappropriate:
physics,stress,materials, thermal,hydraulic, radiation andaccidentanalysis; appropriate designbases,codes,standards andregulations;
'acceptability foroperation, maintenance andrepair;acceptance andrejection criteria; andqualitystandards andotherqualityassurance requirements.
Design.verification utilizesvariousmethodssuchasformaldesignreviews,alternate calculations, ortestsasappropriate toassuretheadequacyofthedesign.'he designofplantmodifications isverifiedbyanengineerotherthantheonewhoperformed theoriginaldesign.ForMajormodification design,thismaybedonebyEngineering department designengineers orconsulting engineers asre-quested.ForMinormodification stationdesign,thismaybedonebyGinnaStationandorEngineering department designengineers asappropriate.
Spareorreplacement technical andqualityrequirements.
Forplantmodifications, standard"off-the-shelf" commercial orpre-viouslyapprovedmaterials, parts,andequipment areselectedandreviewedforsuitability ofapplication bythedesignengineer.
Designchangesarenormallyreviewedandapprovedinaccord-ancewiththesameprocedures astheoriginaldesign.Supplemental procedures areestablished forthereviewandapprovaloffieldchanges.Ingeneral,designchangesincluding fieldchanges,arereviewedandapprovedbytheorganizations orindividuals thatperformed theoriginaldesign,reviewandapproval.
Wherethisisnotpractical, otherresponsible designorganizations orindividuals aredesignated, providedtheyhaveaccesstopertinent back-groundinformation andarecompetent inthespecificdesignarea.Designverification andfieldchangesystemsaremethodsutilizedtodetect,documentandcorrectdesignprocesserrorsanddeficiencies.
Inaddition, thecorrective actionsystem,described inSection16,isutilizedtocontrolandRevision12December1986

documentcorrective actiontoprecluderecurrence ofthosedesignprocesserrorsanddeficiencies whichareconsidered tobeasignificant condition adversetoquality.QualityAssurance is.responsible forassuringthatdesigncontrolprocedures, whethertheworkisdonebyRochester GasandElectricorbyotherorganizations, arepreparedandimplemented andincorporate'appropriate designcontrolpractices, checks,andreviews.Designcontrolprocedures arereviewedtoassurethatanindependent verification isperformed.
document corrective action to preclude recurrence of those design process errors and deficiencies which are considered to be a significant condition adverse to quality.Quality Assurance is.responsible for assuring that design control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incorporate'appropriate design control practices, checks, and reviews.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent verification is performed.
Engineering andGinnaStationareresponsible forestablishing measuresforthepropercontrolofdesigndocuments andre-visionsthere-to, toassurethatdistribution istoresponsible individuals andinatimelymannertopreventinadvertent useofsuperseded designinformation.
Engineering and Ginna Station are responsible for establishing measures for the proper control of design documents and re-visions there-to, to assure that distribution is to responsible individuals and in a timely manner to prevent inadvertent use of superseded design information.
Themeasuresincludetheuseofdocumentrevisionlevels,documenttransmittals, releasestamps,fieldchangerequestformsanddistribution lists..Designdocuments arecollected, stored,andmaintained in'accordance withSection6and17,asappropriate.
The measures include the use of document revision levels, document transmittals, release stamps, field change request forms and distribution lists..Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in'accordance with Section 6 and 17, as appropriate.
Designdocuments includedesigncriteria,
Design documents include design criteria, analyses, specifications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.Quality Assurance and Station Quality Control, through pre-paration assistance and/or review assure the proper inclusion of quality standards in the design of major and minor modi-fications, respectively.
: analyses, specifications,
Quality Assurance is also responsible.for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in specifications.
: drawings, designreviewrecords,andchangesthereto.QualityAssurance andStationQualityControl,throughpre-parationassistance and/orreviewassuretheproperinclusion ofqualitystandards inthedesignofmajorandminormodi-fications, respectively.
The Manager, Quality Assurance reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when they occur.Plant'odifications are controlled by means of applicable Ginna Station, Engineering, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Quality Assurance procedures.
QualityAssurance isalsoresponsible
These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and approval of design documents, safety, analyses, and plant modification procedures..
.forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements areincludedinspecifications.
Plant modifications are reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifica-tions.Procurement Document, Control Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement docu'ments for materials, parts, components, and services required to perform quality affecting activities.
TheManager,QualityAssurance reviewsandapprovesanydeviations fromqualitystandards whentheyoccur.Plant'odifications arecontrolled bymeansofapplicable GinnaStation,Engineering, ElectricTransmission andDistribution, andQualityAssurance procedures.
Revision 12 December 1986 hl Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings.Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is initiated by department staff personnel.
Theseprocedures provideforthepreparation, review,andapprovalofdesigndocuments, safety,analyses, andplantmodification procedures..
Procurement proce-dures require that organizations preparing procurement documents consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table 4-'l.Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station are reviewed by Quality Control and approved by the department super-intendent or his designated representative.
Plantmodifications arereviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoardasrequiredbySection6.0,Technical Specifica-tions.Procurement
Procurement, documents initiated in Engineering, Research and Science, Electric Transmission and Distribution, General Maintenance and Quality Assurance are reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by designated departmental supervision.
: Document, ControlProcurement documentcontrolappliestothecontrolofprocurement docu'ments formaterials, parts,components, andservicesrequiredtoperformqualityaffecting activities.
Evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is recorded on the documents or on the attached control form.The attached control form identifies to Purchasing a procure-ment method which will ensure that the s'elected supplier is capable of providing the item or service in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.
Revision12December1986 hl Suchdocuments maybepreparedbyRochester GasandElectricorbyacontractor andincludepurchaserequisitions, purchaseorders,serviceagreements, contracts, specifications, anddrawings.
Considerations used in selecting a supplier and for determining the corres-ponding procurement method are described in Section 7 After purchase requisitions, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required re-'views and approvals, a purchase order is issued by Purchasing to the selected supplier and controlled as described in Section 7.These documents are maintained by Purchasing, by the originating department, and/or by the receiving locations, as appropriate, until procurement is completed.
Procurement ofmaterials, parts,components, andservicesisinitiated bydepartment staffpersonnel.
Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve the original documents as described above.Changes or revisions to procurement documents are subject to the same review and approval requirements as the original documents.
Procurement proce-duresrequirethatorganizations preparing procurement documents considerandinclude,asappropriate, theitemslistedinTable4-'l.Procurement documents, including thoserequesting spareorreplacement parts,initiated atGinnaStationarereviewedbyQualityControlandapprovedbythedepartment super-intendent orhisdesignated representative.
Originating department technical review of procurement documents includes verifi.cation of applicable regulatory, code and design requirements.
Procurement, documents initiated inEngineering, ResearchandScience,ElectricTransmission andDistribution, GeneralMaintenance andQualityAssurance arereviewedbyQualityAssurance andapprovedbydesignated departmental supervision.
Quality Assurance/
Evidenceofreviewandapprovalofprocurement documents isrecordedonthedocuments orontheattachedcontrolform.Theattachedcontrolformidentifies toPurchasing aprocure-mentmethodwhichwillensurethatthes'elected supplieriscapableofproviding theitemorserviceinaccordance withtherequirements oftheprocurement documents.
Quality Control review of the above includes checks to verify proper inclusion of quality standard, quality assurance program requirements, method or procurement and the applicable Revision 13 December 1987 l J t acceptance crite'ria.
Considerations usedinselecting asupplierandfordetermining thecorres-pondingprocurement methodaredescribed inSection7Afterpurchaserequisitions, serviceagreements, contracts, specifications, anddrawingshavereceivedtherequiredre-'viewsandapprovals, apurchaseorderisissuedbyPurchasing totheselectedsupplierandcontrolled asdescribed inSection7.Thesedocuments aremaintained byPurchasing, bytheoriginating department, and/orbythereceiving locations, asappropriate, untilprocurement iscompleted.
Quality Control also reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement parts for adequacy of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compa-tibility, and the inclusion of the quality requirements and acceptance criteria of the original design.Instructions, Procedures, and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric company organization is responsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and imple-menting procedures as required to implement the Quality Assurance Program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of personnel, and responsi-bilities and duties of personnel.
Undernocircumstances arepurchasing requirements altered(exceptforquantityorpricing)duringorderplacement unlessreviewandconcurrence isobtainedfromthosewhowererequiredtoreview,concurwith,andapprovetheoriginaldocuments asdescribed above.Changesorrevisions toprocurement documents aresubjecttothesamereviewandapprovalrequirements astheoriginaldocuments.
Quality Assurance reviews and concurs with these procedures.
Originating department technical reviewofprocurement documents includesverifi.cation ofapplicable regulatory, codeanddesignrequirements.
Table 1-1 provides a summary of the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings.Ginna Station is responsible for providing and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modification, testing and inspection.
This includes instruc-tions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety related systems;correction of abnormal, o f f normal, or alarm conditions, response to emergencies and other significant events;radioactivity-control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.
QualityControlreviewoftheaboveincludescheckstoverifyproperinclusion ofqualitystandard, qualityassurance programrequirements, methodorprocurement andtheapplicable Revision13December1987 lJt acceptance crite'ria.
Ginna Station is responsible for the preparation and imple-mentation of quality control inspection procedures utilized for detailed station inspection activities.
QualityControlalsoreviewsprocure-mentdocuments forspareorreplacement partsforadequacyofqualityrequirements andtodetermine similarity, compa-tibility, andtheinclusion ofthequalityrequirements andacceptance criteriaoftheoriginaldesign.Instructions, Procedures, andDrawinsEachRochester GasandElectriccompanyorganization isresponsible fordeveloping, reviewing, approving, andimple-mentingprocedures asrequiredtoimplement theQualityAssurance Program.Theseprocedures coveractivities suchasdocumentcontrol,trainingofpersonnel, andresponsi-bilitiesanddutiesofpersonnel.
Ginna Station is responsible for appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the completion of plant modifications.
QualityAssurance reviewsandconcurswiththeseprocedures.
Ginna Station is also responsible for the preparation and issuance of those minor modification design documents not provided by Engineering or the equipment supplier.General Maintenance is responsible for providing and for implementing procedures associated with shop work required to support Ginna Station maintenance, repair and modifica-tion activities.
Table1-1providesasummaryofthesubjectmattercontained intheprocedures whichareusedtoimplement thequalityassurance program.Procurement documents requiresuppliers andcontractors tohaveappropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, anddrawings.
General Naintenance is also responsible for the preparation and for the implementation of quality control inspection procedures utilized for detailed inspec-tion activities at their facilities.
GinnaStationisresponsible forproviding andimplementing instructions andprocedures associated withoperation, maintenance, repair,in-service inspection, refueling, modification, testingandinspection.
Revision 12 December 1986 Electric Transmission and Distribution is responsible for the preparation and implementation of relay inspection and testing procedures as required to direct detailed inspec-tions and testing activities for which they are responsible.
Thisincludesinstruc-tionsandprocedures listedinUSAECRegulatory Guide1.33foradministrative control;generalplantoperation; startup,operation, andshutdownofsafetyrelatedsystems;correction ofabnormal, offnormal,oralarmconditions, responsetoemergencies andothersignificant events;radioactivity
Electric Transmission and Distribution also assists in the preparation of routine relay maintenance and testing procedures used by their personnel in the annual Ginna Station protective relay surveillance program.Engineering is responsible for providing approved specifi-cations, and drawings associated with major modifications and when minor modifications necessitate drawings or speci-fications; These documents require those performing the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate procedures, specifications and drawings.Engineering has established procedures for revising drawings and specifica-tions.These procedures cover updating of as-built drawings.after plant modifications and the revision, approval, dis-tribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.
-control; controlofmeasuring andtestequipment; chemicalandradiochemical control;andfuelhandlingandrefueling.
Research and Science is responsible for providing and for implementing instructions and procedures associated with special processes, routine maintenance and inspection of cranes and handling equipment as well as materials testing and inservice inspection.
GinnaStationisresponsible forthepreparation andimple-mentation ofqualitycontrolinspection procedures utilizedfordetailedstationinspection activities.
Ik Persons preparing and approving documents are responsible for assuring.'that specifications, instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities.have been satisfactorily accomplished and assuring that the documents are kept current.'Indoctrination and training of personnel is provided by the responsible organizations to ensure that quality affecting activities are conducted in accordance with established documents.
GinnaStationisresponsible forappropriate changestosuchdocuments uponreceiptofregulatory directives, instructions fromRochester GasandElectricmanagement, orthecompletion ofplantmodifications.
In addition, surveillance by Quality Control personnel, as described in Section 10 and audits by Quality Assurance as described in Section 18 are used to verify that quality affecting activities are being performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures and drawings.Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of pro-cedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.'tandard document control requireme'nts are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Superintendent, Ginna Production is responsible for the control of all documents issued at Ginna Station.Electric Transmission and Distribution is responsible for the control of documents by their organizations.
GinnaStationisalsoresponsible forthepreparation andissuanceofthoseminormodification designdocuments notprovidedbyEngineering ortheequipment supplier.
Engineering controls the distribution of controlled manuals issued for Revision 13 December 1987 Engineering, General Maintenance, Research and Science, Quality Assurance, Purchasing and Electric Transmission and Distribution.
GeneralMaintenance isresponsible forproviding andforimplementing procedures associated withshopworkrequiredtosupportGinnaStationmaintenance, repairandmodifica-tionactivities.
Each organization controlling documents has a separate procedure to control documents in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual designates responsibilities and defines requirements for, the preparation, review and approval of documents.
GeneralNaintenance isalsoresponsible forthepreparation andfortheimplementation ofqualitycontrolinspection procedures utilizedfordetailedinspec-tionactivities attheirfacilities.
Each department responsible for an activity is responsible for providing the necessary review and approval of instructions, procedures or drawings to assure that they are adequate, and include appropriate qualitative and quanti-tative requirements.
Revision12December1986 ElectricTransmission andDistribution isresponsible forthepreparation andimplementation ofrelayinspection andtestingprocedures asrequiredtodirectdetailedinspec-tionsandtestingactivities forwhichtheyareresponsible.
Departmental Quality Control repre-sentatives review departmental maintenance, repair, refueling and modification procedures, prior to use, to assure quality assurance requirements are included.The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsibility for reviewing Ginna Station procedures prior to their approval as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.
ElectricTransmission andDistribution alsoassistsinthepreparation ofroutinerelaymaintenance andtestingprocedures usedbytheirpersonnel intheannualGinnaStationprotective relaysurveillance program.Engineering isresponsible forproviding approvedspecifi-cations,anddrawingsassociated withmajormodifications andwhenminormodifications necessitate drawingsorspeci-fications; Thesedocuments requirethoseperforming theworktoobtain,understand, andcomplywithappropriate procedures, specifications anddrawings.
Detailed inspection, test, and examination procedures used by qualified personnel require the review and concurrence of the.responsible tech-nical person associated with that activity.Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Engineering, Research and Science, Purchasing, and Electric Transmission and Distribution quality assurance implementing procedures require the review and concurrence of Quality Assurance and the approval of the appropriate department supervisor.
Engineering hasestablished procedures forrevisingdrawingsandspecifica-tions.Theseprocedures coverupdatingofas-builtdrawings.afterplantmodifications andtherevision,
Quality Assurance procedures are approved by the Manager, Quality Assurance.
: approval, dis-tribution, andcontrolofalldrawingsandspecifications.
w The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of document involved, its importance to safety, and the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must be controlled; identifies the difference between con-trolled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies of''a document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists of document holders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled documents using approved forms internally and externally.
ResearchandScienceisresponsible forproviding andforimplementing instructions andprocedures associated withspecialprocesses, routinemaintenance andinspection ofcranesandhandlingequipment aswellasmaterials testingandinservice inspection.
Types of documents which are controlled include Technical Specifications, UFSAR, Quality Assurance Manual, procedures (such as quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, calibration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications and drawings.'uppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in procure-ment documents to provide for control of documents,'including manufacturing, inspection and testing instructions.
IkPersonspreparing andapproving documents areresponsible forassuring.'that specifications, instructions, procedures, anddrawingsincludeappropriate quantitative orqualitative acceptance criteriafordetermining thatimportant activities
Revision 13 December 1987
.havebeensatisfactorily accomplished andassuringthatthedocuments arekeptcurrent.'Indoctrination andtrainingofpersonnel isprovidedbytheresponsible organizations toensurethatqualityaffecting activities areconducted inaccordance withestablished documents.
.7 The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to assure that documents are available when required;to pro-perly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organiza-tions which review and approve documents have access to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation into documents;.and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.r 4p Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations, are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents in their designated departments and, therefore, procurement'ocument control requirements.
Inaddition, surveillance byQualityControlpersonnel, asdescribed inSection10andauditsbyQualityAssurance asdescribed inSection18areusedtoverifythatqualityaffecting activities arebeingperformed inaccordance withapprovedinstructions, procedures anddrawings.
Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations are further responsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to'assure adequate systems are implemented.
DocumentControlProcedures areestablished tocontroltheissuanceofpro-cedures,instructions,
Control of Purchased" Material, E ui ment, and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, planning for item or service acceptance control of supplier performance and acceptance of items and services are five major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment and services..All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section 4.All reviews, inspections, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Procurement planning is utilized by the procuring organiza-tions for determining the methods to be used for acceptance of the item or service as well as requirements for the control of the supplier performance.
: drawings, andspecifications.'tandard documentcontrolrequireme'nts arecontained intheQualityAssurance Manual.TheSuperintendent, GinnaProduction isresponsible forthecontrolofalldocuments issuedatGinnaStation.ElectricTransmission andDistribution isresponsible forthecontrolofdocuments bytheirorganizations.
Source inspection (surveillance), certificate of conformance, receipt inspec-tion and post installation test are'methods which are considered for item acceptance with receipt inspection, utilized in the acceptance of all items.In lieu of these methods, acceptance of services is based on either or a combination of: (1)surveillance of the activity and (2)review of objective evidence for conformance to the procure-ment document requirements (i.e.certifications, stress reports etc.).The extent of the acceptance methods and as-sociated verification activities will vary and be a function of the relative importance'and complexity of the purchased item or service and the suppliers past performance.
Engineering controlsthedistribution ofcontrolled manualsissuedforRevision13December1987 Engineering, GeneralMaintenance, ResearchandScience,QualityAssurance, Purchasing andElectricTransmission andDistribution.
Revision 12 December 1986 T r Consideration for the control of supplier performance includes the necessity for document submittals or surveillance, and under what situation the supplier is to report nonconformances.
Eachorganization controlling documents hasaseparateprocedure tocontroldocuments inaccordance withtherequirements oftheQualityAssurance Manual.TheQualityAssurance Manualdesignates responsibilities anddefinesrequirements for,thepreparation, reviewandapprovalofdocuments.
Results of the planning are incorporated in the procurement documents and or on the attached procurement control form as described in Section 4.Selection of a supplier is based on the evaluation of its capability to provide the item or services in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.
Eachdepartment responsible foranactivityisresponsible forproviding thenecessary reviewandapprovalofinstructions, procedures ordrawingstoassurethattheyareadequate, andincludeappropriate qualitative andquanti-tativerequirements.
The evaluation which is accomplished during the procurement planning, determines the necessity for the supplier selection to be from the approved suppliers list maintained by Purchasing.
Departmental QualityControlrepre-sentatives reviewdepartmental maintenance, repair,refueling andmodification procedures, priortouse,toassurequalityassurance requirements areincluded.
Purchasing utilizes the approved suppliers list for the selection source of those suppliers required to have a satisfactory quality assurance program.The evaluation guidelines for source selection considers the item complexity, method(s)of acceptance and for a replacement item, if the source is to be restricted to the original supplier.For engineered and off-the-shelf items procured from suppliers required to have a quality assurance program, supplier selection is from the approved suppliers list or one who is in the process of being added to the list, after having its capability evaluated to purchaser satisfaction.
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee hastheresponsibility forreviewing GinnaStationprocedures priortotheirapprovalasrequiredbySection6.0,Technical Specifications.
Items or services which meet industry standards and are typically utilized in applications other than nuclear may be purchased from suppliers not listed on the approved suppliers list provided that item acceptance can be based on acceptance of standard commercial quality which is supplemented, as necessary, with source surveillance, pre-or post-installation tests, receipt tests, commercial supplier test reports, commercial supplier certificates, or receipt inspection.
Detailedinspection, test,andexamination procedures usedbyqualified personnel requirethereviewandconcurrence ofthe.responsible tech-nicalpersonassociated withthatactivity.
Items or services which have nuclear quality requirements which normally require the supplier to implement a quality assurance program but for which no such supplier can be practicably utilized may also be purchased from suppliers not listed on the approved suppliers list provided that verification of nuclear quality can be accomplished by methods such as source surveillance, pre-or post-installation tests, receipt tests, supplier test reports, supplier certificates, or receipt inspection as approved by Quality Assurance.
GinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, Engineering, ResearchandScience,Purchasing, andElectricTransmission andDistribution qualityassurance implementing procedures requirethereviewandconcurrence ofQualityAssurance andtheapprovaloftheappropriate department supervisor.
Depart-mental procedures establish guidelines for source selection evaluations and for documenting the results on the procurement control form through indication of the corresponding procurement method.The purchase requisition will also identify the source when replacement parts are to be procured from the original equipment supplier.Revision 12 December 1986 1
QualityAssurance procedures areapprovedbytheManager,QualityAssurance.
Addition of a supplier to the approved suppliers list is based on satisfactory evaluation of the supplier's capability by Quality Assurance, Purchasing and other departments, as appropriate.
wTheQualityAssurance Manualrequiresthatdocuments becontrolled asappropriate, considering thetypeofdocumentinvolved, itsimportance tosafety,andtheintendeduseofthedocument.
For Engineered items, Engineering is responsible for evalu-ating the overall design or manufacturing capability of the supplier including his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.
Itspecifies thetypesofdocuments whichmustbecontrolled; identifies thedifference betweencon-trolledanduncontrolled copiesofthesamedocument; includesthemethodforidentifying holdersofcontrolled copies;requiresthatonlycontrolled copiesof''adocumentbeusedforofficialpurposes; requiresthatlistsofeffective revisions beissuedperiodically; requireslistsofdocumentholderstobemaintained bythedistributors; andrequiresthatdistributors transmitcontrolled documents usingapprovedformsinternally andexternally.
As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabilities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabili-ties, and experience are reviewed.Quality Assurance is responsible for evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accor-dance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of lOCFRSO Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric requirements.
Typesofdocuments whicharecontrolled includeTechnical Specifications, UFSAR,QualityAssurance Manual,procedures (suchasqualityassurance, engineering, purchasing, repair,maintenance, test,calibration, fuelhandling, modification, andadministrative),
The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices, accept-ance criteria, required quality assurance records and their retention, and quality assurance requirements and controls imposed by the supplier on his subcontractors.
specifications anddrawings.'uppliers ofmaterials, equipment, andservicesarerequiredinprocure-mentdocuments toprovideforcontrolofdocuments,
Supplier evaluation is conducted by means"o'X procedures or..checklists which identify applicable regular'ry,..ox;.
'including manufacturing, inspection andtestinginstructions.
code.quality assur-ance requirements."irma Station, Research and Scii'nce,.
'Quality.Assurance and~-Electric Transmission and Distribution;-evaluate, the;-.suppliers of inspection, test, and calibration services which they intend to use.The departments responsible for performing supplier evalu-ations shall document their results in reports which discuss areas investigated, findings, and conclusions.
.7 TheQualityAssurance Manualfurtherrequiresthateachorganization provideinitsprocedures formeasures:
As applicable, concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance, Ginna Station, Research and Science, General Maintenance, and Electric Transmission and Distribution is required to place a supplier on the qualified suppliers'ist.
toassurethatdocuments areavailable whenrequired; topro-perlyreviewandapprovedocuments suchasprocedures, instructions, specifications, anddrawings; toprovidethesamereviewsandapprovals forchangestodocuments aswasrequiredoftheoriginaldocument; torequirethatorganiza-tionswhichreviewandapprovedocuments haveaccesstopertinent information andadequateknowledge oftheoriginaldocumentintent;toassurethatapprovedchangesarepromptlytransmitted forincorporation intodocuments;
One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Measures are established by Engineering and Quality Assurance to control supplier performance for engineered items.These measures typically include the processing of change infor-mation, surveillance of supplier activities and the control of documents exchanged with the supplier.In addition, each department procuring off-the-shelf items or services esta-blishes similar measures for the control of supplier perfor-mance.With the exception of processing change information, Revision 12 December 1986 the need for and applicable extent of purchaser controls of the supplier are determined during procurement planning.'uality Assurance is responsible for determining and document-ing the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.
.andtoassurethatobsoleteorsuperseded documents areeliminated fromthesystemandnotused.r4pQualityAssurance andtheQualityControlorganizations, areresponsible forreviewandconcurrence ofprocurement documents intheirdesignated departments and,therefore, procurement'ocument controlrequirements.
The objective of supplier surveil-lance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of product conformance with respect to the purchase order requirements.
QualityAssurance andtheQualityControlorganizations arefurtherresponsible forreview,inspection, surveillance, andaudit,asappropriate, ofdocumentcontrolsystemsto'assureadequatesystemsareimplemented.
For complex engineered items, Quality Assurance and Engi-neering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.The results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or tr'ip reports which are distributed to the Manager, Quality Assurance, and the department which initiated the procurement.
When a deviation from purchase order requirements is noted, the Quality Assurance represen-tative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if necessary.
: Material, Euiment,andServicesProcurement documents, supplierselection, planningforitemorserviceacceptance controlofsupplierperformance andacceptance ofitemsandservicesarefivemajormeansusedincontrolling purchased
Ginna Station Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they meet all technical and quality requirements.
: material, equipment andservices.
The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.
.Allprocurement isconducted inaccordance withprocurement documents asstatedinSection4.Allreviews,inspections, surveillances, andauditsareconducted bypersonnel whoarecompetent inestablishing whetherornotasupplieriscapableofproviding acceptable, qualityproducts.
The verification methods for the acceptance of items and services are specified on the attached procurement control form during procurement planning and.the purchase requisition preparation.
Procurement planningisutilizedbytheprocuring organiza-tionsfordetermining themethodstobeusedforacceptance oftheitemorserviceaswellasrequirements forthecontrolofthesupplierperformance.
Department superintendents are responsible for receiving and storing items pending their acceptance.
Sourceinspection (surveillance),
Upon receipt, the department.stockkeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon delivery of items and associated services for maintenance, repair, modification, and refueling.
certificate ofconformance, receiptinspec-tionandpostinstallation testare'methodswhichareconsidered foritemacceptance withreceiptinspection, utilizedintheacceptance ofallitems.Inlieuofthesemethods,acceptance ofservicesisbasedoneitheroracombination of:(1)surveillance oftheactivityand(2)reviewofobjective evidenceforconformance totheprocure-mentdocumentrequirements (i.e.certifications, stressreportsetc.).Theextentoftheacceptance methodsandas-sociatedverification activities willvaryandbeafunctionoftherelativeimportance'and complexity ofthepurchased itemorserviceandthesuppliers pastperformance.
This inspection in-cludes the use of written procedures or checklists to verify that the items and services conform to the procurement docu-ments (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that documentary evidence of conformance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence Revision 12 December 1986
Revision12December1986 Tr Consideration forthecontrolofsupplierperformance includesthenecessity fordocumentsubmittals orsurveillance, andunderwhatsituation thesupplieristoreportnonconformances.
Resultsoftheplanningareincorporated intheprocurement documents andorontheattachedprocurement controlformasdescribed inSection4.Selection ofasupplierisbasedontheevaluation ofitscapability toprovidetheitemorservicesinaccordance withtherequirements oftheprocurement documents.
Theevaluation whichisaccomplished duringtheprocurement
: planning, determines thenecessity forthesupplierselection tobefromtheapprovedsuppliers listmaintained byPurchasing.
Purchasing utilizestheapprovedsuppliers listfortheselection sourceofthosesuppliers requiredtohaveasatisfactory qualityassurance program.Theevaluation guidelines forsourceselection considers theitemcomplexity, method(s) ofacceptance andforareplacement item,ifthesourceistoberestricted totheoriginalsupplier.
Forengineered andoff-the-shelf itemsprocuredfromsuppliers requiredtohaveaqualityassurance program,supplierselection isfromtheapprovedsuppliers listoronewhoisintheprocessofbeingaddedtothelist,afterhavingitscapability evaluated topurchaser satisfaction.
Itemsorserviceswhichmeetindustrystandards andaretypically utilizedinapplications otherthannuclearmaybepurchased fromsuppliers notlistedontheapprovedsuppliers listprovidedthatitemacceptance canbebasedonacceptance ofstandardcommercial qualitywhichissupplemented, asnecessary, withsourcesurveillance, pre-orpost-installation tests,receipttests,commercial suppliertestreports,commercial suppliercertificates, orreceiptinspection.
Itemsorserviceswhichhavenuclearqualityrequirements whichnormallyrequirethesuppliertoimplement aqualityassurance programbutforwhichnosuchsuppliercanbepracticably utilizedmayalsobepurchased fromsuppliers notlistedontheapprovedsuppliers listprovidedthatverification ofnuclearqualitycanbeaccomplished bymethodssuchassourcesurveillance, pre-orpost-installation tests,receipttests,suppliertestreports,suppliercertificates, orreceiptinspection asapprovedbyQualityAssurance.
Depart-mentalprocedures establish guidelines forsourceselection evaluations andfordocumenting theresultsontheprocurement controlformthroughindication ofthecorresponding procurement method.Thepurchaserequisition willalsoidentifythesourcewhenreplacement partsaretobeprocuredfromtheoriginalequipment supplier.
Revision12December1986 1
Additionofasuppliertotheapprovedsuppliers listisbasedonsatisfactory evaluation ofthesupplier's capability byQualityAssurance, Purchasing andotherdepartments, asappropriate.
ForEngineered items,Engineering isresponsible forevalu-atingtheoveralldesignormanufacturing capability ofthesupplierincluding hisparticular technical abilitytoproducethedesign,service,item,orcomponent delineated intheprocurement documents.
Aspartofthisreview,thesupplier's designcapabilities, machinery capabilities, handlingcapabilities, testingfacilities, servicecapabili-ties,andexperience arereviewed.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forevaluating thesupplier's overallqualityassurance organization andprograminaccor-dancewithapplicable codes,standards, applicable partsoflOCFRSOAppendixB,andRochester GasandElectricrequirements.
Thereviewincludesconsideration of:companyorganization, qualityassurance personnel qualifications, reviewandcontrolofdesigndocuments, manufacturing procedures, qualityassurance procedures, calibration practices, accept-ancecriteria, requiredqualityassurance recordsandtheirretention, andqualityassurance requirements andcontrolsimposedbythesupplieronhissubcontractors.
Supplierevaluation isconducted bymeans"o'Xprocedures or..checklists whichidentifyapplicable regular'ry,..ox;.
Assurance and~-Electric Transmission andDistribution;-evaluate, the;-.suppliers ofinspection, test,andcalibration serviceswhichtheyintendtouse.Thedepartments responsible forperforming supplierevalu-ationsshalldocumenttheirresultsinreportswhichdiscussareasinvestigated,
: findings, andconclusions.
Asapplicable, concurrence ofPurchasing, Engineering, QualityAssurance, GinnaStation,ResearchandScience,GeneralMaintenance, andElectricTransmission andDistribution isrequiredtoplaceasupplieronthequalified suppliers'ist.
Oneorganization canremoveasupplierfromthelistwithoutconcurrence oftheothers.Measuresareestablished byEngineering andQualityAssurance tocontrolsupplierperformance forengineered items.Thesemeasurestypically includetheprocessing ofchangeinfor-mation,surveillance ofsupplieractivities andthecontrolofdocuments exchanged withthesupplier.
Inaddition, eachdepartment procuring off-the-shelf itemsorservicesesta-blishessimilarmeasuresforthecontrolofsupplierperfor-mance.Withtheexception ofprocessing changeinformation, Revision12December1986 theneedforandapplicable extentofpurchaser controlsofthesupplieraredetermined duringprocurement planning.'uality Assurance isresponsible fordetermining anddocument-ingthedegreeofsuppliersurveillance (including review,inspection, oraudit)requiredduringdesign,fabrication, inspection, testing,andshipping, andforproviding therequiredsurveillance.
Theobjective ofsuppliersurveil-lanceistoprovideasamplingreviewofthesupplier's qualityassurance programimplementation andofproductconformance withrespecttothepurchaseorderrequirements.
Forcomplexengineered items,QualityAssurance andEngi-neeringareresponsible forjointdevelopment ofsurveillance plansinadvanceofsurveillance tripstoidentifyareastobereviewed.
Theresultsofthesurveillance triparedocumented bymeansofinspection sheetsortr'ipreportswhicharedistributed totheManager,QualityAssurance, andthedepartment whichinitiated theprocurement.
Whenadeviation frompurchaseorderrequirements isnoted,theQualityAssurance represen-tativehastheauthority toinformthevendorthataparticular itemisunacceptable, toissueanonconformance report,ortostopwork,ifnecessary.
GinnaStationQualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofsitecontractors toassurethattheymeetalltechnical andqualityrequirements.
Thereporting anddocumenting ofcontractor surveillance ismanagedinamannersimilartosuppliersurveillance.
Theverification methodsfortheacceptance ofitemsandservicesarespecified ontheattachedprocurement controlformduringprocurement planningand.thepurchaserequisition preparation.
Department superintendents areresponsible forreceiving andstoringitemspendingtheiracceptance.
.stockkeeper logstheitem,placesa"hold"tagontheitem,andnotifiesQualityControlthattheitemhasarrived.QualityControlisresponsible forreceiptinspection upondeliveryofitemsandassociated servicesformaintenance, repair,modification, andrefueling.
Thisinspection in-cludestheuseofwrittenprocedures orchecklists toverifythattheitemsandservicesconformtotheprocurement docu-ments(ifthishasnotbeenperformed bysourceinspections) andthatdocumentary evidenceofconformance isavailable attheplantpriortoinstallation oruse.Documentary evidenceRevision12December1986

sufficient toidentifythecodes,standards orspecifications metbythepurchased
sufficient to identify the codes, standards or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is retained.In the event a final source inspection for the acceptance is conducted prior to receipt by RGSE, Quality Control performs an inspection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required docu-mentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document the extent, of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted", files the documentation and receipt, in'spection results, and releases the item for storage or use.If the item is nonconforming or the d'ocumentation is unsatisfactory, Quality Control initiates a nonconformance report which is controlled in accordance with Section 15.All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have docu-mentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event the traceability is lost or the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not be released for use.Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance with written require-ments and applies to material, parts, or components in any.stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.
: material, equipment, andservicesisretained.
Identifi-cation and control requirements are established by either an existing procedure or requirements documents which are prepared during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability or quality;and the proper identification of materials, parts, and components prior to release for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.
Intheeventafinalsourceinspection fortheacceptance isconducted priortoreceiptbyRGSE,QualityControlperformsaninspection forshippingdamageorlostpartsandadocumentchecktoassurethattherequireddocu-mentation hasbeenreviewedandiscomplete.
Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that drawings and specifications contain appropriate require-~ments for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components, as appropriate.
Areceiving inspection checklist iscompleted forallitemsreceivedtodocumenttheextent,oftheinspection performed, including thedocuments checked,andtheinspection results.Iftheitemanddocumentation areadequate, QualityControllabelstheitemas"Accepted",
Suppliers are required to assure that all required documentation for an item is properly identified and related to the item.Each item is required to be physically identified, either by marking on the item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase Revision 12 December 1986 order number is used to the maximum extent possible for relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.
filesthedocumentation andreceipt,in'spection results,andreleasestheitemforstorageoruse.Iftheitemisnonconforming orthed'ocumentation isunsatisfactory, QualityControlinitiates anonconformance reportwhichiscontrolled inaccordance withSection15.Allitemsissuedmustbearanacceptance tagandhavedocu-mentation tosupporttheacceptability oftheitem.Intheeventthetraceability islostorthedocumentation reviewisunsatisfactory, theitembecomesnonconforming andmaynotbereleasedforuse.Identification andControlofMaterials, Parts,andTheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents isaccomplished inaccordance withwrittenrequire-mentsandappliestomaterial, parts,orcomponents inany.stageoffabrication, storage,orinstallation.
Identification is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appro-priate means are employed.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and control of materials, parts, and components at the plant are, approved by the Superintendent, Ginna Station.The responsible supervision of other departments which receive material which is to be stored away from the plant are.responsible for establishing procedures for identification and control and for maintaining identification and control of material, parts, or components, stored or used in their area of responsibility.
Identifi-cationandcontrolrequirements areestablished byeitheranexistingprocedure orrequirements documents whicharepreparedduringtheplanningstagesofaproject.Theidentification andcontrolrequirements coveritemssuchas:traceability toassociated documents suchasdrawings, specifications, purchaseorders,manufacturing testdataandinspection documents, andphysicalandchemicalmilltestreports;specification ofthedegreeofidentification toprecludeadegradation oftheitem'sfunctional capability orquality;andtheproperidentification ofmaterials, parts,andcomponents priortoreleaseformanufacturing,
In the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, it is handled as nonconforming material and deviations and waivers are controlled and documented in accordance with Section 15.Control of S ecial Processes Written procedures are established to control special pro-cesses, such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes,-standards, and design specifications.
: shipping, construction, andinstallation.
Qualification of personnel and procedures complies with the requirements of applicable codes and standards.
Engineering andQualityAssurance areresponsible forassuringthatdrawingsandspecifications containappropriate require-~mentsfortheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents, asappropriate.
When special process'ualification requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel quali-fication requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification requirements.
Suppliers arerequiredtoassurethatallrequireddocumentation foranitemisproperlyidentified andrelatedtotheitem.Eachitemisrequiredtobephysically identified, eitherbymarkingontheitemorbytags.Physicalidentification bypurchaseRevision12December1986 ordernumberisusedtothemaximumextentpossibleforrelatinganitematanytimetoapplicable documentation.
Initiators of procurement activities are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.
Identification iseitherontheitemorrecordstraceable totheitem.Wherephysicalidentification isimpractical, physicalseparation, procedural control,orotherappro-priatemeansareemployed.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control, personnel are respon-sible for reviewing procurement documents to ensure that requirements for control of special processes are included.Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Materials Engineering.
TheSuperintendent, GinnaStationisresponsible formain-tainingidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,orcomponents
Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and con-tractors are reviewed and concurred with by Materials Engi-neering.-21-Revision 13 December 1987 A The Ginna Station Maintenance Manager and Manager Nucle c ear, ssurance are responsible for assuring that personnel per-forming special processes under their cognizance are quali-fied and are using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes, specifications, and standards.
: received, stored,installed, andusedattheplant.Procedures coveringtheidentification andcontrolofmaterials, parts,andcomponents attheplantare,approvedbytheSuperintendent, GinnaStation.Theresponsible supervision ofotherdepartments whichreceivematerialwhichistobestoredawayfromtheplantare.responsible forestablishing procedures foridentification andcontrolandformaintaining identification andcontrolofmaterial, parts,orcomponents, storedorusedintheirareaofresponsibility.
Within the Research and Science Department, the Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection Services is responsible for the qualification of NDE personnel and procedures.
Intheeventthattraceability islostforaspecificitem,itishandledasnonconforming materialanddeviations andwaiversarecontrolled anddocumented inaccordance withSection15.ControlofSecialProcesses Writtenprocedures areestablished tocontrolspecialpro-cesses,suchaswelding,heattreating, andnondestructive examination toassurecompliance withapplicable codes,-standards, anddesignspecifications.
The Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection is responsible for the qualification of welding procedures and the training and qualification of welders.Ginna Station maintains reco ds f r personnel and procedures to demonstrate that required 0 r qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality Assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance, inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.
Qualification ofpersonnel andprocedures complieswiththerequirements ofapplicable codesandstandards.
Ins ection Procedures prepared for the control of activities include'd a inspection requirements and hold points as requir d b r wings, instructions, requirements documents, specifi-c y cations, codes, standards, or regulatory requirements.
Whenspecialprocess'ualification requirements arenotincludedinexistingcodesandstandards, theyaredescribed inprocedures whichgivedetailsofthespecialprocess,thepersonnel quali-ficationrequirements, theequipment necessary, andthespecialprocessqualification requirements.
For clarification and to distinguish from preventative mainte-the nance inspections the following controls are associat d'th e wi quality assurance function inspections and referred to as verification inspections.
Initiators ofprocurement activities areresponsible forrequiring suppliers, inprocurement documents, tocontrolspecialprocesses inaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
Instructions for conductin detailed g 0'l d verification inspections are contained in inspectio pr cedures.These inspection procedures and all supporting n specifications and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.
QualityAssurance andQualityControl,personnel arerespon-sibleforreviewing procurement documents toensurethatrequirements forcontrolofspecialprocesses areincluded.
Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify conformance of activities to the documented instruc-tions, specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected, a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the group responsible for performing the inspection, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the b inspection activity.Verification inspections are perform d y qualified inspection personnel who are independent of the e personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are required by procurement documents to have and follow similar procedures and to use independent inspectors.
Rochester GasandElectricprocedures forspecialprocesses areprepared,
Inspectors are sufficiently trained to'adequately evaluate the activity they are inspecting.
: reviewed, andapprovedbyMaterials Engineering.
Revision 13 December 1987 e
Specialprocessprocedures submitted bysuppliers andcon-tractorsarereviewedandconcurred withbyMaterials Engi-neering.-21-Revision13December1987 ATheGinnaStationMaintenance ManagerandManagerNuclecear,ssuranceareresponsible forassuringthatpersonnel per-formingspecialprocesses undertheircognizance arequali-fiedandareusingqualified procedures inaccordance withapplicable codes,specifications, andstandards.
Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing verification inspections, as required, during plant operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modi-fication, and testing when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.
WithintheResearchandScienceDepartment, theManager,Materials Engineering andInspection Servicesisresponsible forthequalification ofNDEpersonnel andprocedures.
When the work is performed by outside contractors, Quality Control is responsible for sur-veillance of the subcontractor's inspection activities.
TheManager,Materials Engineering andInspection isresponsible forthequalification ofweldingprocedures andthetrainingandqualification ofwelders.GinnaStationmaintains recodsfrpersonnel andprocedures todemonstrate thatrequired0rqualifications havebeenobtainedandarekeptcurrent.QualityAssurance andQualityControlperformsurveillance, inspections, andauditsofspecialprocesses performed byRochester GasandElectricorcontractors toassurecom-pliancewithprocedures.
All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section 12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.
InsectionProcedures preparedforthecontrolofactivities include'dainspection requirements andholdpointsasrequirdbrwings,instructions, requirements documents, specifi-cycations,codes,standards, orregulatory requirements.
In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing methods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when control is inadequate without both.Quality Assurance is responsible for the adequate inclusion of inspection requirements in specifications.
Forclarification andtodistinguish frompreventative mainte-thenanceinspections thefollowing controlsareassociatd'thewiqualityassurance functioninspections andreferredtoasverification inspections.
The Ginna Manager Nuclear Assurance is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in maintenance, repair, refueling,.
Instructions forconductin detailedg0'ldverification inspections arecontained ininspectio prcedures.Theseinspection procedures andallsupporting nspecifications anddrawingsareprovidedtoinspection personnel forusepriortoperforming theinspection.
modification and testing procedures.
Inspection requirements andholdpointsareutilizedtoverifyconformance ofactivities tothedocumented instruc-tions,specifications, anddrawingsforaccomplishing theactivity.
He is also responsible for the assignment of qualified inspection personnel required for the inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the performance of and conducting the surveil-lance of inservice inspection.
Inspection procedures includetheidentification ofqualitycharacteristics tobeinspected, adescription ofthemethodofinspection tobeused,theidentification ofthegroupresponsible forperforming theinspection, theacceptance andrejection
The Quality Services Coordinator is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in procedures,'instructions and/or checklists controlling maintenance, modification and repair activities and related fabrication processes at the General Maintenance facility.With the exception of that which pertains to Pump and Valve Testing, the Director Research and Science is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Inspection Program.Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Pump.and Valve Testing Program.The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is contained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.
: criteria, therequirements fortherecording ofinspection results,andtherequirements forproviding evidenceofcompletion andcertification ofthebinspection activity.
Test.Control Whenever testing is required to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satisfactorily in service, a test program is instituted employing written and'pproved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical Specifications, draw-ings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, Revision 13 December 1987 codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.
Verification inspections areperformdyqualified inspection personnel whoareindependent oftheepersonnel performing thework.Outsidecontractors arerequiredbyprocurement documents tohaveandfollowsimilarprocedures andtouseindependent inspectors.
The test program requires the identification, control, and documen-tation of all tests, and the preparation of written proce-dures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary test equipment and calibration requirements; material require-ments;test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment, conditions; limiting conditions; detailed perfor-mance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instruc-tions for disposition of deviations; data collection require-ments;and test result approval.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible for the station test program, which includes the surveillance test program required by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications and testing associated with modifications.
Inspectors aresufficiently trainedto'adequately evaluatetheactivitytheyareinspecting.
Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Control, and approved by the Superintendent, Ginna Station.The Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved procedures.
Revision13December1987 e
When contractors are employed for tests, the contractor is required to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.
QualityControlpersonnel areresponsible forperforming verification inspections, asrequired, duringplantoperation, maintenance, repair,in-service inspection, refueling, modi-fication, andtestingwhentheworkisperformed byRochester GasandElectricpersonnel.
All test results are required to be docu-mented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.When requested by Ginna Station, Electric Transmission and Distribution performs test activities to determine the cause of protective relay malfunctions.
Whentheworkisperformed byoutsidecontractors, QualityControlisresponsible forsur-veillance ofthesubcontractor's inspection activities.
These test activities are performed in accordance with approved procedures by qualified personnel.
Allinspection equipment iscalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withSection12.Calibration statusisverifiedbyinspection personnel priortoperforming aninspection operation.
Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that required tests for major modifications are included in specifications.
Intheeventaninspection ofprocessed materialorproductsisimpossible orimpractical, indirectcontrolbymonitoring processing methods,equipment, andpersonnel isprovided.
Engineering and Electric Transmission and Distribution assistance in the preparation of modification-related test procedures may be provided to the Ginna Station staff.The Ginna Station Technical Manager is responsible for the adequate inclusion of test requirements in minor modification design documents and for reviewing modification-related test results for acceptability to design requirements.
Bothinspection andprocessmonitoring arerequiredwhencontrolisinadequate withoutboth.QualityAssurance isresponsible fortheadequateinclusion ofinspection requirements inspecifications.
Reviews of minor modification design by Station Quality Control verifies adequate inclusion of test requirements Control.of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measuring and test equipment includes calibration procedures, establishment of Revision 13 December 1987 calibration frequencies, and maintenance and control requirements of measuring and test instruments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondestructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems, and structures.
TheGinnaManagerNuclearAssurance isresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements andholdpointsareincludedinmaintenance, repair,refueling,.
Calibra-tion procedures include step-by-step methods for calibration and requirements for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, experience, and other conditions affecting measurement capability.
modification andtestingprocedures.
Control of measuring and test equipment requires: a recall system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a system providing unique identification of equipment, traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing trace-ability of shop standards to nationally recognized.standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures'contain instructions to document the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing for records to be maintained which indicate the complete status of all items.under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of new equipment to be entered into the calibration and control system including require-ments for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.
Heisalsoresponsible fortheassignment ofqualified inspection personnel requiredfortheinspection ofqualityaffecting activities andforcoordinating theperformance ofandconducting thesurveil-lanceofinservice inspection.
In the event a measuring instrument ( or field standard)is found out of calibration,.an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.
TheQualityServicesCoordinator isresponsible forassuringthatadequateinspection requirements areincludedinprocedures,
The Superintendent, Gonna Station is resonsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and cali-bration of measuring and test equipment at Ginna Station in accordance with the above requirements.
'instructions and/orchecklists controlling maintenance, modification andrepairactivities andrelatedfabrication processes attheGeneralMaintenance facility.
Instruments specified in Section 4.l, Technical Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, inspection, and test are calibrated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.
Withtheexception ofthatwhichpertainstoPumpandValveTesting,theDirectorResearchandScienceisresponsible forestablishing therequirements fortheInservice Inspection Program.QualityAssurance isresponsible forestablishing therequirements fortheInservice Pump.andValveTestingProgram.Theprogramforinservice inspection ofthereactorcoolantsystemandothersafetyrelatedsystemsiscontained inSection4.2,Technical Specifications.
Measuring, test or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.The Director, Research and Science and Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory, are responsible for esta-blishing a program and the preparation of procedures for the control and calibration of measuring and tes't equipment used by their respective departments. Revision 13 December 1987
Test.ControlWhenevertestingisrequiredtodemonstrate thatamaterial, part,component, orsystemwillperformsatisfactorily inservice,atestprogramisinstituted employing writtenand'pproved procedures whichareinaccordance withbasicrequirements established inTechnical Specifications, draw-ings,instructions, procurement documents, specifications, Revision13December1987 codes,standards, andregulatory requirements.
Thetestprogramrequirestheidentification, control,anddocumen-tationofalltests,andthepreparation ofwrittenproce-duresrequiredforsatisfactory accomplishment ofthetesting.Writtentestprocedures andchecklists include:necessary testequipment andcalibration requirements; materialrequire-ments;testpersonnel requirements; prerequisite plantandequipment, conditions; limitingconditions; detailedperfor-manceinstructions forthetestingmethodandtestequipment instrumentation; acceptance andrejection criteria; instruc-tionsfordisposition ofdeviations; datacollection require-ments;andtestresultapproval.
TheSuperintendent, GinnaStationisresponsible forthestationtestprogram,whichincludesthesurveillance testprogramrequiredbySection4.0,Technical Specifications andtestingassociated withmodifications.
Testprocedures arepreparedbytheplantstaff,reviewedbythePlantOperations ReviewCommittee andQualityControl,andapprovedbytheSuperintendent, GinnaStation.TheSuperintendent isresponsible fortheperformance oftherequiredtestsinacorrectandtimelymannerutilizing writtenandapprovedprocedures.
Whencontractors areemployedfortests,thecontractor isrequiredtoperformtestinginaccordance withhisqualityassurance programrequirements.
Alltestresultsarerequiredtobedocu-mented,reviewed, andapprovedbythoseresponsible forperforming thetest.Whenrequested byGinnaStation,ElectricTransmission andDistribution performstestactivities todetermine thecauseofprotective relaymalfunctions.
Thesetestactivities areperformed inaccordance withapprovedprocedures byqualified personnel.
Engineering andQualityAssurance areresponsible forassuringthatrequiredtestsformajormodifications areincludedinspecifications.
Engineering andElectricTransmission andDistribution assistance inthepreparation ofmodification-relatedtestprocedures maybeprovidedtotheGinnaStationstaff.TheGinnaStationTechnical Managerisresponsible fortheadequateinclusion oftestrequirements inminormodification designdocuments andforreviewing modification-relatedtestresultsforacceptability todesignrequirements.
Reviewsofminormodification designbyStationQualityControlverifiesadequateinclusion oftestrequirements Control.ofMeasurinandTestEuimentThecalibration andcontrolsystemformeasuring andtestequipment includescalibration procedures, establishment ofRevision13December1987 calibration frequencies, andmaintenance andcontrolrequirements ofmeasuring andtestinstruments, tools,gauges,shopstandards, andnondestructive testequipment whicharetobeusedinthemeasurement, inspection, andmonitoring ofcomponents, systems,andstructures.
Calibra-tionprocedures includestep-by-step methodsforcalibration andrequirements forinstrument accuracy.
Calibration frequency isbasedonrequiredaccuracy, degreeofusage,stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, experience, andotherconditions affecting measurement capability.
Controlofmeasuring andtestequipment requires:
arecallsystemassuringtimelycalibration ofequipment; asystemproviding uniqueidentification ofequipment, traceability tocalibration testdata,andidentification ofthenextcalibration dateontheequipment; asystemproviding trace-abilityofshopstandards tonationally recognized
.standards (wherenationalstandards donotexist,procedures'contain instructions todocumentthebasisforcalibration) andperiodicrevalidation ofshopstandards; asystemproviding forrecordstobemaintained whichindicatethecompletestatusofallitems.underthecalibration systemincluding themaintenance, calibration results,abnormalities, andlastandfuturecalibration dates;andasystemcontrolling thepurchaserequirements ofnewequipment tobeenteredintothecalibration andcontrolsystemincluding require-mentsforaccuracy, stability, andrepeatability undernormaluseconditions.
Intheeventameasuring instrument (i.e.shoporfieldstandard) isfoundoutofcalibration,
.aninvestigation isconducted todetermine thevalidityofpreviousmeasurements.
TheSuperintendent, GonnaStationisresonsible fortheprocedures andprogramrequiredtoassurecontrolandcali-brationofmeasuring andtestequipment atGinnaStationinaccordance withtheaboverequirements.
Instruments specified inSection4.l,Technical Specifications, areincludedintheprogram.Tools,gauges,andinstruments necessary formaintenance, inspection, andtestarecalibrated andcontrolled inaccordance withstationprocedures.
Measuring, testorinspection equipment usedbyQualityControlisincludedintheprogram.TheDirector, ResearchandScienceandSuperintendent, ElectricMeterandLaboratory, areresponsible foresta-blishingaprogramandthepreparation ofprocedures forthecontrolandcalibration ofmeasuring andtes'tequipment usedbytheirrespective departments. Revision13December1987
Handlin,Storae,andShiinGinnaStationSupervision isresponsible fordeveloping andimplementing procedures forthehandling, storage,shipping, preservation, andcleaningofmaterialandequipment delivered toorlocatedatGinnaStation.GeneralMaintenance, ElectricTransmission andDistribution, andResearchandScienceareresponsible forpreparing andimplementing procedures forthehandling, storage,shipping, preservation, andcleaningofmaterialandequipment delivered toorlocatedintheirworkareas.Inaddition, within.theResearchandScienceDepartment, theManager,Materials Engineering andInspection isresponsible forpreparing andimplementing procedures fortheroutinemaintenance andinspection ofliftingandhandlingequipment.
Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in Ginna Station Supervision is responsible for developing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located at Ginna Station.General Maintenance, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Research and Science are responsible for preparing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located in their work areas.In addition, within.the Research and Science Department, the Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection is responsible for preparing and implementing procedures for the routine maintenance and inspection of lifting and handling equipment.
Undernormalcircumstances, manufacturer's specificwritteninstructions andrecommen-dationsandpurchasespecification requirements areinvokedforcleanliness, preservation, specialhandling, andstoragewithrespecttoenvironmental requirements.
Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written instructions and recommen-dations and purchase specification requirements are invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handling, and storage with respect to environmental requirements.
Intheabsenceof,orinadditionto,specificmanufacturer requirements, thedepartment superintendent mayinvokeadditional require-mentsinaccordance withdepartment procedures.
In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the department superintendent may invoke additional require-ments in accordance with department procedures.
TheChiefEngineerisresponsible forspecifying inprocure-mentdocuments andinengineering specifications thatwrittenprocedures beused,asappropriate, forthehandling,
The Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in procure-ment documents and in engineering specifications that written procedures be used, as appropriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning, and preservation of materials and equipment procured for modifications.
: shipping, storage,cleaning, andpreservation ofmaterials andequipment procuredformodifications.
These procedures are prepared by contractors, by the station staff, or by staff members of General Maintenance or Electric Transmission and Distribution as appropriate.
Theseprocedures arepreparedbycontractors, bythestationstaff,orbystaffmembersofGeneralMaintenance orElectricTransmission andDistribution asappropriate.
Rochester Gas.and Electric procedures are reviewed and approved as described in Section 6.In the preparation of procurement documents, department procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, shipping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of manufacturing and installation prior to operational acceptance.
Rochester Gas.andElectricprocedures arereviewedandapprovedasdescribed inSection6.Inthepreparation ofprocurement documents, department procedures, andcontractor procedures, consideration ofhandling,
Quality Assurance is responsible for review of Engineering specifications to assure that, proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.
: shipping, storage,cleanliness, andpreservation isgiventoallmaterialandequipment throughout variousstagesofmanufacturing andinstallation priortooperational acceptance.
Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of handling, storage, and shipping activities by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.
QualityAssurance isresponsible forreviewofEngineering specifications toassurethat,properhandling, storing,andshippingrequirements havebeenspecified.
Revision 12 December 1986
QualityControlisresponsible forsurveillance ofhandling, storage,andshippingactivities bysuppliers, Rochester GasandElectricpersonnel, andcontractors.

Insection,Testand0eratinStatusEquipment orsystemsnotreadyfornormalserviceareclearlyidentified byuseoftags,controllogs,andothersuitablemeanstoindicatethestatusinapositivemanner.Theidentification issufficient topositively indicatethestatusoftheparticular equipment orsystembeingisolated.
Ins ection, Test and 0 eratin Status Equipment or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by use of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible for indicating the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance, repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Electric System Operating Rules.The Superintendent, Ginna Station designates personnel who have station holding authority.
TheSuperintendent, GinnaStationisresponsible forindicating thestatusofoperating equipment orsystemstoberemovedfromserviceformaintenance, repair,ormodification inaccordance withtheapprovedElectricSystemOperating Rules.TheSuperintendent, GinnaStationdesignates personnel whohavestationholdingauthority.
Personnel who have station holding authority are responsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems'in accordance with the approved station holding procedures.
Personnel whohavestationholdingauthority areresponsible fordirecting thestatuschangeofequipment andsystems'inaccordance withtheapprovedstationholdingprocedures.
System status is indicated through the use of hold tags, block tags and corresponding control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test status are use of test.tags, labels, or work inspection and test status sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.
Systemstatusisindicated throughtheuseofholdtags,blocktagsandcorresponding controllogs.Equipment orsysteminspection andteststatusareindicated
Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources are identified and controlled by the use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Maintenance, repair, or modification of components, systems, or structures utilizes procedures, travelers, data sheets and checklists to indicate status of the work, inspections and tests and corresponding acceptance or rejection for a particular component, system, or structure.
.byuseoftest.tags,labels,orworkinspection andteststatussheets.Writtenprocedures controltheuseofholdtags,testtags,andlabels.Theprocedures requiretherecording ofthenameofthepersonplacingandremovingthetag.Systems,components, andequipment whicharefoundtobeunacceptable duringoraftertestingareclearlyidentified.
These job control forms are prepared jointly by the job supervisor and Quality Control and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status and the completion of required inspections and tests.Ginna Station Quality Control monitors the status change activities for their compliance to approved procedures and assures that inspection results are properly logged.Ginna Station Quality Control also establishes the procedures for implementing the inspection status sheets utilized during inservice inspection. Revision 13 December 1987
Fuelhandlingoperations involving fuelassemblies orotherradioactive sourcesareidentified andcontrolled bytheuseoftags,stamps,orothersuitablemeans.Maintenance, repair,ormodification ofcomponents, systems,orstructures utilizesprocedures, travelers, datasheetsandchecklists toindicatestatusofthework,inspections andtestsandcorresponding acceptance orrejection foraparticular component, system,orstructure.
Thesejobcontrolformsarepreparedjointlybythejobsupervisor andQualityControlandmaintained atadesignated controllocationtoindicatethestatusandthecompletion ofrequiredinspections andtests.GinnaStationQualityControlmonitorsthestatuschangeactivities fortheircompliance toapprovedprocedures andassuresthatinspection resultsareproperlylogged.GinnaStationQualityControlalsoestablishes theprocedures forimplementing theinspection statussheetsutilizedduringinservice inspection. Revision13December1987

Nonconformin Materials, Parts,andComonentsProcedures:are established forthecontrol,evaluation anddisposition ofdeficient
Nonconformin Materials, Parts, and Com onents Procedures:are established for the control, evaluation and disposition of deficient material, parts, and components.
: material, parts,andcomponents.
Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to the drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold tag and reported on a nonconformance report.Quality Control is responsible for issuing nonconformance reports, initiating repair or rework, and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.Prior to installation or use, nonconforming items generally remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved disposition has been received.Nonconforming items which are released for installation to meet critical fabrication schedules are controlled by Quality Control to prevent inadvertant use prior to clearance of the nonconformance.
Materials, parts,orcomponents whichdonotconformtothedrawingorspecification requirements areidentified withaholdtagandreportedonanonconformance report.QualityControlisresponsible forissuingnonconformance reports,initiating repairorrework,andinspecting andapproving repairedorreworkeditems.Priortoinstallation oruse,nonconforming itemsgenerally remaininaQualityControlreceiving inspection areauntilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
After installa-tion or use, nonconforming items are identified and con-trolled until approved disposition has been received.Nonconformances identified at a supplier's facility and reported to RG&E, which have supplier recommended diposi-tions of use-as-is, or repair, are normally processed by the department.
Nonconforming itemswhicharereleasedforinstallation tomeetcriticalfabrication schedules arecontrolled byQualityControltopreventinadvertant usepriortoclearance ofthenonconformance.
originating the procurement.
Afterinstalla-tionoruse,nonconforming itemsareidentified andcon-trolleduntilapproveddisposition hasbeenreceived.
Organizations which specify the requirement being dispositioned are responsible for reviewing and approving the supplier recommended dispo-sition.This also applies to nonconformances discovered after receipt inspection, during handling or after instal-lation or use.Items are repaired and reworked only in accordance with.approved procedures and current drawings.Quality Control assures that approved procedures and/or drawings are avail-able for use prior to the repair or rework and rei'nspects all repaired or reworked items.The repair or rework must be verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at least equal to the original inspection method.Items which are accepted"use-as-is" are fully documented with the drawing or specification requirement and technical justification for acceptance.
Nonconformances identified atasupplier's facilityandreportedtoRG&E,whichhavesupplierrecommended diposi-tionsofuse-as-is, orrepair,arenormallyprocessed bythedepartment.
All such items are approved prior to use by the cognizant organization having responsi-bility for the requirement.
originating theprocurement.
In addition, those"use-as-is" nonconformances which also deviate from a Design Criteria requirement shall require additional approval of the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering.
Organizations whichspecifytherequirement beingdispositioned areresponsible forreviewing andapproving thesupplierrecommended dispo-sition.Thisalsoappliestononconformances discovered afterreceiptinspection, duringhandlingorafterinstal-lationoruse.Itemsarerepairedandreworkedonlyinaccordance with.approved procedures andcurrentdrawings.
Quality Control issues monthly nonconformance status reports.Copies of nonconformance reports are forwarded to Quality Assurance for review, tabulation and processing of periodic trend reports to management.
QualityControlassuresthatapprovedprocedures and/ordrawingsareavail-ableforusepriortotherepairorreworkandrei'nspects allrepairedorreworkeditems.Therepairorreworkmustbeverifiedasacceptable byaninspection oftheaffecteditemwhichisatleastequaltotheoriginalinspection method.Itemswhichareaccepted"use-as-is" arefullydocumented withthedrawingorspecification requirement andtechnical justification foracceptance.
Adverse trends form a basis for supplier re-evaluation or for other corrective action-per Section 16.Revision 13 December 1987
Allsuchitemsareapprovedpriortousebythecognizant organization havingresponsi-bilityfortherequirement.
Inaddition, those"use-as-is" nonconformances whichalsodeviatefromaDesignCriteriarequirement shallrequireadditional approvaloftheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering.
QualityControlissuesmonthlynonconformance statusreports.Copiesofnonconformance reportsareforwarded toQualityAssurance forreview,tabulation andprocessing ofperiodictrendreportstomanagement.
Adversetrendsformabasisforsupplierre-evaluation orforothercorrective action-perSection16.Revision13December1987

Corrective ActionQualityAssurance establishes therequirements foridenti-fication, reviewandcorrection ofsignificant conditions adverse'o quality.Significant conditions adversetoqualitysuchasfailures, malfunctions, deficiencies, de-viations, defective materialandequipment, andnonconfor-mancesarereportedonacorrective actionreport.Sign-ificant.conditions adversetoqualityincludeconditions affecting safety,conditions whichcouldresultinplantshutdown, highmaintenance items,andoperating procedure deficiencies.
Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identi-fication, review and correction of significant conditions adverse'o quality.Significant conditions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, de-viations, defective material and equipment, and nonconfor-mances are reported on a corrective action report.Sign-ificant.conditions adverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.
Thecorrective actionreportidentifies thecondition; thecauseofthecondition, andthecorrective actiontaken.Corrective actionreportsmaybeinitiated byQualityAssur-ance,Engineering, GinnaStation,GeneralMaintenance, ResearchandScience,ElectricTransmission andDistribution orPurchasing staffpersonnel.
The corrective action report identifies the condition; the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assur-ance, Engineering, Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Research and Science, Electric Transmission and Distribution or Purchasing staff personnel.
Corrective actionreportsinitiated atGinnaStationaresubmitted toQualityControlforreview.Corrective actionreportsinitiated bydepart-mentsotherthanatGinnaStationarereviewedandprocessed byQualityAssurance.
Corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station are submitted to Quality Control for review.Corrective action reports initiated by depart-ments other than at Ginna Station are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.
Whenasignificant condition adversetoqualityatGinnaStationisidentified, QualityControlevaluates'he affectofcontinuing theactivity.
When a significant condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates'he affect of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up or preclude identification and correction of the deficiency, continuing the activity would increase the extent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition,.stop work action is taken.Ginna Station Quality Control Supervision has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testing or inspection.
Ifcontinuing theactivitywouldcoveruporprecludeidentification andcorrection ofthedeficiency, continuing theactivitywouldincreasetheextentofthedeficiency orleadtoanunsafecondition,
deficiencies, at Ginna Station.Ginna Station Quality Control may recommend stop work action to the Superintendent, Ginna Station on operating deficiencies.
.stopworkactionistaken.GinnaStationQualityControlSupervision hasauthority tostopworkonmaintenance, repair,inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testingorinspection.
The Manager, Quality Assurance,has authority to stop work for conditions identified in Purchasing, Engineering, Electric Transmission and Distribution or cognizant supplier associations.
deficiencies, atGinnaStation.GinnaStationQualityControlmayrecommend stopworkactiontotheSuperintendent, GinnaStationonoperating deficiencies.
The Plant Operations Review Committee reviews all, corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and recommends interim corrective action if the action does not represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating procedures.
TheManager,QualityAssurance,has authority tostopworkforconditions identified inPurchasing, Engineering, ElectricTransmission andDistribution orcognizant supplierassociations.
Significant conditions adverse to quality identified in General Maintenance and Research and Science are submitted to the Quality Services Coordinator for review.The Quality Services Cpordinator has the authority to stop or limit work*activities within General Maintenance and Research and Science.Revision 13 December 1987 1(
ThePlantOperations ReviewCommittee reviewsall,corrective actionreportsinitiated atGinnaStationandrecommends interimcorrective actioniftheactiondoesnotrepresent achangeinconfiguration ofthedeficient item.TheCommittee recommends permanent corrective actionforallconditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolveoperating procedures.
Conditions adverse to quality which involve design defi-ciencies or a recommended corrective action which involves a design change are reviewed by Ginna Station or Engineering as applicable.
Significant conditions adversetoqualityidentified inGeneralMaintenance andResearchandSciencearesubmitted totheQualityServicesCoordinator forreview.TheQualityServicesCpordinator hastheauthority tostoporlimitwork*activities withinGeneralMaintenance andResearchandScience.Revision13December1987 1(
The cognizant organization determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective action to preclude repetition.
Conditions adversetoqualitywhichinvolvedesigndefi-cienciesorarecommended corrective actionwhichinvolvesadesignchangearereviewedbyGinnaStationorEngineering asapplicable.
Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action reports to assure that the cause of the condition has been determined and that corrective action has been taken to preclude repe-tition.Corrective action summary reports are submitted to the the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering to keep them aware of significant condition's adverse to quality, related causes and corrective action being taken.ualit Assurance Records Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.
Thecognizant organization determines thecauseofthecondition andrecommends corrective actiontoprecluderepetition.
Ginna Station is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant records.Engineering, as directed by the Chief Engineer, is responsible for the retention and maintenance of Engineering records.Quality Assurance, Purchasing, Research and Science, General Maintenance and Electric Transmission and Distribution departments are responsible for assuring the maintenance and retention of records which they originate.
QualityAssurance reviewsallcorrective actionreportstoassurethatthecauseofthecondition hasbeendetermined andthatcorrective actionhasbeentakentoprecluderepe-tition.Corrective actionsummaryreportsaresubmitted tothetheSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering tokeepthemawareofsignificant condition's adversetoquality,relatedcausesandcorrective actionbeingtaken.ualitAssurance RecordsQualityAssurance isresponsible forestablishing thebasicrequirements forqualityassurance recordretention andmaintenance.
This may be accomplished either by retaining the records in their department or by forwarding them to Ginna Station or Engineering, as appro-priate.Each organization retaining records is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and implementation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.
GinnaStationisresponsible fortheretention andmaintenance ofplantrecords.Engineering, asdirectedbytheChiefEngineer, isresponsible fortheretention andmaintenance ofEngineering records.QualityAssurance, Purchasing, ResearchandScience,GeneralMaintenance andElectricTransmission andDistribution departments areresponsible forassuringthemaintenance andretention ofrecordswhichtheyoriginate.
The records which fall within quality assurance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.10 of the Technical Specifications and the Quality Assurance Program.All records associated with the operation,, main-tenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modifica-tion, inspection and testing of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.Ginna Station records include operating logs;the results of inspections, tests, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonconformance and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment for special processes and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering or Ginna Station as appropriate.
Thismaybeaccomplished eitherbyretaining therecordsintheirdepartment orbyforwarding themtoGinnaStationorEngineering, asappro-priate.Eachorganization retaining recordsisresponsible forpreparation, review,approval, andimplementation ofspecificqualityassurance recordprocedures fortheirareasofresponsibility inaccordance withtheserequirements.
Revision 13 December 1987
Therecordswhichfallwithinqualityassurance recordrequirements includethoserecordsrequiredbySection6.10oftheTechnical Specifications andtheQualityAssurance Program.Allrecordsassociated withtheoperation,,
main-tenance,repair,inservice inspection, refueling, modifica-tion,inspection andtestingofstructures, systems,andcomponents coveredbythequalityassurance programareincluded.
GinnaStationrecordsincludeoperating logs;theresultsofinspections, tests,andthemonitoring ofplantactivities;
: drawings, procurement documents andmaterialanalyses; calibration procedures andreports;andnonconformance andcorrective actionreports.Recordsofthequalification ofpersonnel, procedures, andequipment forspecialprocesses andtheresultsofreviewsaremaintained byEngineering orGinnaStationasappropriate.

Inspection andtestrecordscontainadescription ofthetypeoftestorinspection
Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.
: activity, evidenceofcompletion oftheactivity, results,thenameoftheinspector ordatarecorder, theacceptance orrejection oftheactivity, andarecordofanynonconformances.
The requirements and responsibilities for record accessibility and transmittal are described in the Quality Assurance Manual sections as appropriate.
Therequirements andresponsibilities forrecordaccessibility andtransmittal aredescribed intheQualityAssurance Manualsectionsasappropriate.
Requirements and responsi-bilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable quality assurance record procedures, codes, standards, and procurement documents.
Requirements andresponsi-bilitiesforpreparation, inspection, identification, review,storage,retrieval, maintenance, andtheretention ofqualityassurance recordsareinaccordance withapplicable qualityassurance recordprocedures, codes,standards, andprocurement documents.
Records are available to authorized personnel.
Recordsareavailable toauthorized personnel.
Removal of records from storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible record control activity.Records are either stored in record storage facilities which are designed to prevent destruction of records due to fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept in two separate'torage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, classifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.The procedures establish retention requirements, accessibility, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.Ginna Station is responsible for maintaining plant operating records as required in Section 6.10, Technical Specifications.
Removalofrecordsfromstorageisdocumented onsign-outcardsandaccountability ismaintained bytheresponsible recordcontrolactivity.
Engineering is responsible for maintaining off-site prepared design records,'uch as specifications, drawings, design review reports, and design control documentation; quality assurance records, such as audit reports and supplier surveillance reports;purchasing records, such as supplier qualifications, bid evaluations, and purchase orders.Audits Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is determined by audits of all organizations performing quality affecting activities Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting audits of'ach organization involved in the quality assurance program on a planned, periodic basis.Audit intervals are based on the status and safety importance of activities being performed. Revision 13 December 1987
Recordsareeitherstoredinrecordstoragefacilities whicharedesignedtopreventdestruction ofrecordsduetofire,flooding, theft,anddeterioration bytemperature orhumidityconditions; or,duplicate recordsarekeptintwoseparate'toragelocations inseparatebuildings whicharephysically isolatedfromeachother.Recordkeepingprocedures provideforreceiving, classifying,
: indexing, labeling, andpreparing recordsforstorage.Theprocedures establish retention requirements, accessibility, controlofobsoleterecorddestruction, andcontrolforissuanceandreturnofallrecords.GinnaStationisresponsible formaintaining plantoperating recordsasrequiredinSection6.10,Technical Specifications.
Engineering isresponsible formaintaining off-siteprepareddesignrecords,'uch asspecifications,
: drawings, designreviewreports,anddesigncontroldocumentation; qualityassurance records,suchasauditreportsandsuppliersurveillance reports;purchasing records,suchassupplierqualifications, bidevaluations, andpurchaseorders.AuditsCompliance withallaspectsofthequalityassurance programandtheeffectiveness oftheprogramisdetermined byauditsofallorganizations performing qualityaffecting activities QualityAssurance isresponsible forconducting auditsof'achorganization involvedinthequalityassurance programonaplanned,periodicbasis.Auditintervals arebasedonthestatusandsafetyimportance ofactivities beingperformed. Revision13December1987
I'udits of Ginna Station', Engineering, Research and Science, General Maintenance, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table 18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.
Engineering, ResearchandScience,GeneralMaintenance, ElectricTransmission andDistribution, andPurchasing organizations areperformed annually.
Audit frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are estab-lished to assure that each of the activities are audited at the frequency specified in Section 6 Technical Specifications which includes annually for those activities required to meet the criteria of Appendix B, lOCFR Part 50.Additional audits are conducted as required by special conditions or circumstances.
Table18-1isalistoftheactivities tobeauditedineachoftheorganizations.
Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about the audit, such as the functional areas to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit, the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.
Auditfrequencies arebasedonthelevelofactivityineacharea.Auditschedules areestab-lishedtoassurethateachoftheactivities areauditedatthefrequency specified inSection6Technical Specifications whichincludesannuallyforthoseactivities requiredtomeetthecriteriaofAppendixB,lOCFRPart50.Additional auditsareconducted asrequiredbyspecialconditions orcircumstances.
The audits are performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct, responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit.results are documented and reported to the supervisor
Eachauditrequiresthedevelopment ofanauditplantoprovideinformation abouttheaudit,suchasthefunctional areastobeaudited,thenamesandassignments ofthosewhowillperformtheaudit,thescheduling arrangements, andthemethodofreporting findingsandrecommendations.
-and division head having responsibility in the area audited, the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited is required to review the audit results, take necessary action to correct the deficiencies identified by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans and audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified personnel, such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.
Theauditsareperformed inaccordance withwrittenprocedures orchecklists byappropriately trainedpersonnel nothavingdirect,responsibilities intheareasbeingaudited.Audit.resultsaredocumented andreportedtothesupervisor
Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procure-ment, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program for compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.
-anddivisionheadhavingresponsibility intheareaaudited,theSeniorVicePresident, Production andEngineering andtheNuclearSafetyAuditandReviewBoard.Withinaspecified periodoftime,thepersonhavingsupervisory responsibility intheareaauditedisrequiredtoreviewtheauditresults,takenecessary actiontocorrectthedeficiencies identified bytheaudit,anddocumentandreportthecorrective action.QualityAssurance isresponsible fordeveloping auditplansandauditchecklists, designating andtrainingauditpersonnel, andconducting audits.Auditsmaybeconducted byQualityAssurance engineers orotherqualified personnel, suchastechnical specialists fromothercompanydepartments andoutsideconsultants.
Audits are conducted, as required, to assure that major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents.
Auditsofmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsuppliers areconducted duringtheearlystagesofdesignandprocure-ment,asrequired, toevaluatetheirqualityassurance programforcompliance withallaspectsoftheprocurement documents.
During the project, additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly imple-mented in accordance with procurement documents. Revision 13 December 1987
Auditsareconducted, asrequired, toassurethatmajorcontractors, subcontractors, andsuppliers areauditingtheirsuppliers'uality assurance programsinaccordance withprocurement documents.
Duringtheproject,additional auditsareperformed, asrequired, toassureallqualityassurance programrequirements areproperlyimple-mentedinaccordance withprocurement documents. Revision13December1987

QualityAssurance performsregularanalysesofauditresultstoevaluatequalitytrends.Resultsoftheseanalysesareprovidedtomanagement fortheirregularreview.Revision12December1986.
Quality Assurance performs regular analyses of audit results to evaluate quality trends.Results of these analyses are provided to management for their regular review.Revision 12 December 1986.
0~Pl Tablel-lQualityAssurance ProgramProcedures SubjectListingualitAssurance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination ofQualityAssurance andSupervisory Personnel TrainingofQualityAssurance Personnel Management ReviewoftheQualityAssurance ProgramPeriodicReviewofQualityAssurance Procedures QualityAssurance GroupOrganization andResponsibilities QualityAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricDesignCriteriaQualityAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectric.Engineering Specifications QualityAssurance ReviewofArchitect/Engineer's DesignDocuments Requisitioning QualityAssurance ServicesQualityAssurance ReviewofRochester GasandElectricProcurement Documents IVIVPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofRochester GasandElectricQ.A.Specifications Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofGinnaStationQualityAssurance ManualPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofQualityAssurance Procedures IVReviewofDepartmental Procedures Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofProcedure Deviation RequestsbyQualityAssurance Evaluation ofSuppliers byQualityAssurance SupplierSurveillance VIVIVIIVIIRevision12December1986 Table1-1(cont'd)ualitAssurance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaControlofSupplierPerfcrnanceQualityAssurance Evaluation ofBidsInservice PumpandValveTestingProgram=QualityAssurance Reviewofh'onconformance ReportsVIIVIIXIXVPreparation, ReviewandProcessing ofCorrective ActionReportsbyQualityAssurance
0~Pl Table l-l Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing ualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination of Quality Assurance and Supervisory Personnel Training of Quality Assurance Personnel Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program Periodic Review of Quality Assurance Procedures Quality Assurance Group Organization and Responsibilities Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Design Criteria Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric.Engineering Specifications Quality Assurance Review of Architect/Engineer's Design Documents Requisitioning Quality Assurance Services Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Procurement Documents IV IV Preparation, Review and Approval of Rochester Gas and Electric Q.A.Specifications Preparation, Review and Approval of Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual Preparation, Review and Approval of Quality Assurance Procedures IV Review of Departmental Procedures Preparation, Review and Approval of Procedure Deviation Requests by Quality Assurance Evaluation of Suppliers by Quality Assurance Supplier Surveillance VI VI VII VII Revision 12 December 1986 Table 1-1 (cont'd)ualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Control of Supplier Perfc rnance Quality Assurance Evaluation of Bids Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program=Quality Assurance Review of h'onconformance Reports VII VII XI XV Preparation, Review and Processing of Corrective Action Reports by Quality Assurance.XVI Qualification of Auditing Personnel Audit Scheduling and Planning Performance of Quality Assurance Audits Reporting and Follow-Up of Audit Findings Conduct of Quality Assurance During and in Follow-Up oi'SNRC and Management Audits XVI II XVIII XVI II XVIII, XVIIIRevision 12 December 1986 Table 1-1 (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Ginna Quality Assurance Program Implementation Training of Ginna Personnel Ginna Administrative and Engineering Staff Responsibilities Ginna Modification Project Organization Plant Operations Review Committee Operating Procedure Control of Station Modification Station Modification Installation Acceptance and Completion Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Minor Modification Safety Analysis Control of Procurement Documents for Purchased Materials, Parts, Components and Services IV Requisitioning Services from General Maintenance IV Plant Procedures Plant Procedure Control and Distribution Control of Engineering Documents Vendor Manual Control Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials VIVI VI VII Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Control of Purchased Services VII VII Control of Accepted Material, Parts and Components VIII Identification and Marking of Material VIII-36 Revision 13 December 1987 Table l-l (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Control of WeldingHeat Treating and Nondestructive Examination IX Welding Equipment Performance
.XVIQualification ofAuditingPersonnel AuditScheduling andPlanningPerformance ofQualityAssurance AuditsReporting andFollow-Up ofAuditFindingsConductofQualityAssurance DuringandinFollow-Up oi'SNRCandManagement AuditsXVIIIXVIIIXVIIIXVIII,XVIIIRevision12December1986 Table1-1(cont'd)GinnaProcedures AppendixBCriteriaGinnaQualityAssurance ProgramImplementation TrainingofGinnaPersonnel GinnaAdministrative andEngineering StaffResponsibilities GinnaModification ProjectOrganization PlantOperations ReviewCommittee Operating Procedure ControlofStationModification StationModification Installation Acceptance andCompletion Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofDesignDocuments Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofMinorModification SafetyAnalysisControlofProcurement Documents forPurchased Materials, Parts,Components andServicesIVRequisitioning ServicesfromGeneralMaintenance IVPlantProcedures PlantProcedure ControlandDistribution ControlofEngineering Documents VendorManualControlReceiptandAcceptance ofPurchased Materials VIVIVIVIISupplierQualification Technical Evaluation ControlofPurchased ServicesVIIVIIControlofAcceptedMaterial, PartsandComponents VIIIIdentification andMarkingofMaterialVIII-36Revision13December1987 Tablel-l(cont'd)GinnaProcedures AppendixBCriteriaControlofWeldingHeatTreatingandNondestructive Examination IXWeldingEquipment Performance
'Verification Nondestructive Examination IX IX Inspection and Surveillance Activities Qualification'f Surveillance and Inspection Personnel Preventive Maintenance Programs for Electrical, Mechanical and Valves Inservice Inspection X, XIV Environmentally Qualified Equipment Maintenance Program Performance of Tests XI Qualification of Test Personnel XI t Calibration and Control of Measuring and Test Equipment, XII Installed Plant Instruments and Equipment Maintenance and Inspection of Material Handling Equipment Control of Material Handling and Handling Equipment Storage and Preservation of Materials XIII XIII XIII Control of Heavy Loads at Ginna r Electric System Operating Rules Test Status Control XIII XIV XIV Bypass of Safety Function or Jumper Control Control of Temporary Modifications XIV XIV Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Materials XV-37-Revision 13 December 1987
'Verification Nondestructive Examination IXIXInspection andSurveillance Activities Qualification'f Surveillance andInspection Personnel Preventive Maintenance ProgramsforElectrical, Mechanical andValvesInservice Inspection X,XIVEnvironmentally Qualified Equipment Maintenance ProgramPerformance ofTestsXIQualification ofTestPersonnel XItCalibration andControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment, XIIInstalled PlantInstruments andEquipment Maintenance andInspection ofMaterialHandlingEquipment ControlofMaterialHandlingandHandlingEquipment StorageandPreservation ofMaterials XIIIXIIIXIIIControlofHeavyLoadsatGinnarElectricSystemOperating RulesTestStatusControlXIIIXIVXIVBypassofSafetyFunctionorJumperControlControlofTemporary Modifications XIVXIVControlandDisposition ofNonconforming Materials XV-37-Revision13December1987
'n Table l-l (cont d)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Issue of Nonconformance Reports Corrective Action at Ginna Station Ginna Records Record Storage Facility and Equipment Maintenance and History Program Ginna Station Response to Internal Audits XV XVI XVII XVII XVII XVIII Revision 12 December 1986
'n Tablel-l(contd)GinnaProcedures AppendixBCriteriaIssueofNonconformance ReportsCorrective ActionatGinnaStationGinnaRecordsRecordStorageFacilityandEquipment Maintenance andHistoryProgramGinnaStationResponsetoInternalAuditsXVXVIXVIIXVIIXVIIXVIIIRevision12December1986
~I Table l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria h Indoctrination and Training Engineering Department Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Input Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Analyses Engineering Drawings I Preparation, Review and Approval of Specifications Design Verification Design Interface Control Preparation, Review and Approval of Safety Analyses Review and Approval of Architect Engineer or Consultant Design Documents t Preparation, Review and Approval of Field Change Requests Purchase Requisition Engineering Procedures Engineering Procedure Deviation Request Distribution and Control of Documents by the Control Number Method IV V VI Control of Documents by the List, of Current Revisions Method VI Distribution and Control of Documents by Project Correspondence Procedures Receipt, Control and Distribution of Drawings and Aperature Cards Supplier Evaluation VI VI VII Revision l2 December 1'986 Table l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Preparation, Review and Approval of Bid Requests, Bid Evaluations and Recommendations for Award VII Engineering Review of Nonconforming Materials, Parts or Components XV Initiating and Responding to Corrective Action Reports XVI Records XVII Engineering Response to Audits XVIII Revision 12 December 1986
~I Tablel-l(cont'd)EnineerinProcedures AppendixBCriteriahIndoctrination andTrainingEngineering Department Organization andResponsibilities Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofDesignInputDocuments Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofDesignAnalysesEngineering DrawingsIPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofSpecifications DesignVerification DesignInterface ControlPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofSafetyAnalysesReviewandApprovalofArchitect EngineerorConsultant DesignDocuments tPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofFieldChangeRequestsPurchaseRequisition Engineering Procedures Engineering Procedure Deviation RequestDistribution andControlofDocuments bytheControlNumberMethodIVVVIControlofDocuments bytheList,ofCurrentRevisions MethodVIDistribution andControlofDocuments byProjectCorrespondence Procedures Receipt,ControlandDistribution ofDrawingsandAperature CardsSupplierEvaluation VIVIVIIRevisionl2December1'986 Tablel-l(cont'd)EnineerinProcedures AppendixBCriteriaPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofBidRequests, BidEvaluations andRecommendations forAwardVIIEngineering ReviewofNonconforming Materials, PartsorComponents XVInitiating andResponding toCorrective ActionReportsXVIRecordsXVIIEngineering ResponsetoAuditsXVIIIRevision12December1986
Tablel-l(cont'd)Purchasin Procedures AppendixB'riteriaPeriodicReviewofPurchasing Procedures Indoctrination andTrainingofPurchasing Personnel Purchasing Department Organization andResponsibilities IIPreparation, Review,ApprovalandIssuanceofPurchaseOrdersandChangestoPurchaseOrdersReguestsforBidsandBidEvaluation Purchasing Procedures Purchasing Procedure Deviation RequestSupplierEvaluation Establishment andMaintenance ofQualified Suppliers ListSupplierNonconformance ReportProcessing Purchasing Department ResponsetoCorrective Action.ReportsandCorrective ActionReporting Purchasing RecordsPurchasing ResponsetoAuditsIVIVVIIVIIXVXVIXVIIXVIIIRevision12December1986 Tablel-l(cont'd)GeneralMaintenance Procedures AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination andTrainingGeneralMaintenance Organization andResponsibilities Documentation andControlofModification/
Table l-l (cont'd)Purchasin Procedures Appendix B'riteria Periodic Review of Purchasing Procedures Indoctrination and Training of Purchasing Personnel Purchasing Department Organization and Responsibilities II Preparation, Review, Approval and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Changes to Purchase Orders Reguests for Bids and Bid Evaluation Purchasing Procedures Purchasing Procedure Deviation Request Supplier Evaluation Establishment and Maintenance of Qualified Suppliers List Supplier Nonconformance Report Processing Purchasing Department Response to Corrective Action.Reports and Corrective Action Reporting Purchasing Records Purchasing Response to Audits IV IV VI I VII XV XVI XVII XVIII Revision 12 December 1986 Table l-l (cont'd)General Maintenance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training General Maintenance Organization and Responsibilities Documentation and Control of Modification/
Fabrication Activities Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofPurchaseRequisitions andRelatedProcurement Documents QualityMaintenance Procedures QualityMaintenance Procedure Deviation RequestPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofGeneralMaintenance Fabrication RouteCardsIVControlandDistribution ofDocuments Regulating SafetyRelatedActivities ReceiptandAcceptance ofPurchased Materials Cont'rol, ofAcceptedMaterial, PartsandComponents Traceability ofMaterialIssue,ControlandStorageofWeldConsumables ControlofWeldingInspection andSurveillance Activities ConductofCraneOperators ControlandDisposition ofNonconforming
Fabrication Activities Preparation, Review and Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Related Procurement Documents Quality Maintenance Procedures Quality Maintenance Procedure Deviation Request Preparation, Review and Approval of General Maintenance Fabrication Route Cards IV Control and Distribution of Documents Regulating Safety Related Activities Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Cont'rol, of Accepted Material, Parts and Components Traceability of Material Issue, Control and Storage of Weld Consumables Control of Welding Inspection and Surveillance Activities Conduct of Crane Operators Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Material, Parts and Components Corrective Action at General Maintenance Quality Maintenance Records General Maintenance Response to Internal Audits VI VII VIII VIII VIII IX XIII XV XVI XVII XVIII Revision 12 December 1986
: Material, PartsandComponents Corrective ActionatGeneralMaintenance QualityMaintenance RecordsGeneralMaintenance ResponsetoInternalAuditsVIVIIVIIIVIIIVIIIIXXIIIXVXVIXVIIXVIIIRevision12December1986
~~'i Table l-l (cont'd)Research and Science Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training Research and Science Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review and Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Related Procurement Documents Quality Research and Science Procedures Quality Research and Science Procedure Deviation Request Preparation, Review and Approval of Material Handling Equipment Instructions Control and Distribution of Documents Regulating Safety Related Activities Receipt, and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Preparation, Review and Approval of Supplier Evaluation Welding Prodedure Preparation Review and A'pproval Welding Procedure Qualification Heat Treating Procedures Welder Qualification and Currency Nondestructive Examination Procedures Nondestructive Examination Procedures Manual Nondestructive Examination Personnel Qualification Inservice Inspection Program and Plans Incorporating Ginna Modifications into Inservice Inspection Program Test Control IV VI VII VII IX IX IX IX IX IX IX KI Revision 12 December 1986 Table l-l (cont'd)Research and Science Procedures Appendix B Criteria Test Personnel Qualification Calibration and Control of Nondestructive Examination Instruments XI XII Inspection and Maintenance of Material Handling Equipment Overhead and Gantry Cranes Inspection and Maintenance of Portable Lifting and Handling Equipment Underhung Cranes, Jib Cranes and Monorail Systems Slings and Related Apparatus Classification and Training of Material Handling Equipment Personnel Mobile Hydraulic Cranes Inspection and Maintenance of Jacks Forklift Loading Forks Monorails XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII Training and Qualification of Crane Operators Lifting Devices in the Containment Vessel Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Material, Parts and Components Corrective Action at Research and Science Quality Research and Science Records Research and Science Response to Internal Audits XIII XIII XV-XVI XVII XVIIIRevision 12 December 1986
~~'i Tablel-l(cont'd)ResearchandScienceProcedures AppendixBCriteriaIndoctrination andTrainingResearchandScienceOrganization andResponsibilities Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofPurchaseRequisitions andRelatedProcurement Documents QualityResearchandScienceProcedures QualityResearchandScienceProcedure Deviation RequestPreparation, ReviewandApprovalofMaterialHandlingEquipment Instructions ControlandDistribution ofDocuments Regulating SafetyRelatedActivities Receipt,andAcceptance ofPurchased Materials Preparation, ReviewandApprovalofSupplierEvaluation WeldingProdedure Preparation ReviewandA'pproval WeldingProcedure Qualification HeatTreatingProcedures WelderQualification andCurrencyNondestructive Examination Procedures Nondestructive Examination Procedures ManualNondestructive Examination Personnel Qualification Inservice Inspection ProgramandPlansIncorporating GinnaModifications intoInservice Inspection ProgramTestControlIVVIVIIVIIIXIXIXIXIXIXIXKIRevision12December1986 Tablel-l(cont'd)ResearchandScienceProcedures AppendixBCriteriaTestPersonnel Qualification Calibration andControlofNondestructive Examination Instruments XIXIIInspection andMaintenance ofMaterialHandlingEquipment OverheadandGantryCranesInspection andMaintenance ofPortableLiftingandHandlingEquipment Underhung Cranes,JibCranesandMonorailSystemsSlingsandRelatedApparatus Classification andTrainingofMaterialHandlingEquipment Personnel MobileHydraulic CranesInspection andMaintenance ofJacksForkliftLoadingForksMonorails XIIIXIIIXIIIXIIIXIIIXIIIXIIIXIIIXIIIXIIITrainingandQualification ofCraneOperators LiftingDevicesintheContainment VesselControlandDisposition ofNonconforming
: Material, PartsandComponents Corrective ActionatResearchandScienceQualityResearchandScienceRecordsResearchandScienceResponsetoInternalAuditsXIIIXIIIXV-XVIXVIIXVIIIRevision12December1986

I~~Tablel-l(cont'd)ElectricTransmission andDistribution Procedures AppendixBCriteriaQualityAssurance ProgramImplementation forElectricTransmission andDistribution Department TrainingofElectricTransmission andDistribution Personnel ElectricTransmission andDistribution Organization Design/Modification Activities ControlControlofProcurement Documents forPurchased Parts,Components andServicesPreparation, Review,andApprovalofElectricTransmission andDistribution andLaboratory Procedures IVControlofElectricTransmission andDistribution
I~~Table l-l (cont'd)Electric Transmission and Distribution Procedures Appendix B Criteria Quality Assurance Program Implementation for Electric Transmission and Distribution Department Training of Electric Transmission and Distribution Personnel Electric Transmission and Distribution Organization Design/Modification Activities Control Control of Procurement Documents for Purchased Parts, Components and Services Preparation, Review, and Approval of Electric Transmission and Distribution and Laboratory Procedures IV Control of Electric Transmission and Distribution
~~Procedures, Schedules andTestFormBooksSupplierQualification Technical Evaluation ReceiptandAcceptance ofInstrumentation andStandards Equipment ControlofPurchased ServicesforEMAILKIdentification andControlofMaterials, PartsandComponents Performance ofTestsatGinnaStationPerformance ofTestsattheElectricLaboratory Qualification ofTestPersonnel Calibration andControlofTestInstruments
~~Procedures, Schedules and Test Form Books Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Receipt and Acceptance of Instrumentation and Standards Equipment Control of Purchased Services for EMAIL K Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components Performance of Tests at Ginna Station Performance of Tests at the Electric Laboratory Qualification of Test Personnel Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection and Test Status at Electric Meter and Laboratory Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Parts and Components VI VII VII VII VIII XI XI XI XII XIII XIV XV Revision 12 December 1986 Table l-l (cont'd)Electric Transmission and Distribution Procedures Appendix B'riteria Initiating and Processing of Corrective Action Reports XVI Control of Quality Assurance Records XVII Response to Audits XVIIIRevision 12 December 1986 l~~~~0 0 TABIE 4-1 Procurement Document Re irements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: 1.Sco e of Work--Detailed statement of the work to be per-formed.*2 Technical Re uirements-by reference to specific drawings, specifications, codes, regulations, procedures or instruc-tions, including revisions, that describe the items or services to be furnished.
: Handling, StorageandShippingInspection andTestStatusatElectricMeterandLaboratory ControlandDisposition ofNonconforming PartsandComponents VIVIIVIIVIIVIIIXIXIXIXIIXIIIXIVXVRevision12December1986 Tablel-l(cont'd)ElectricTransmission andDistribution Procedures AppendixB'riteriaInitiating andProcessing ofCorrective ActionReportsXVIControlofQualityAssurance RecordsXVIIResponsetoAuditsXVIIIRevision12December1986 l~~~~0 0TABIE4-1Procurement DocumentReirementsItemstobeconsidered forinclusion inprocurement documents include:1.ScoeofWork--Detailedstatement oftheworktobeper-formed.*2Technical Reuirements
Also identified shall be test, inspection and acceptance requirements, and any special re-quirements for such activities as designing, identification, fabrication, cleaning, erecting, packaging, handling, shpping and extended storage.*3.ualit Assurance Pro ram Re irements-which require the supplier to have a documented quality assurance program that implements portions or all of lOCFR50 Appendix B as well as applicable quality assurance program requirements of other nationally recognized codes and standards.
-byreference tospecificdrawings, specifications, codes,regulations, procedures orinstruc-tions,including revisions, thatdescribetheitemsorservicestobefurnished.
Also included shall be the requirement that the supplier in-corporate appropriate quality assurance program require-ments in subtier procurement documents.
Alsoidentified shallbetest,inspection andacceptance requirements, andanyspecialre-quirements forsuchactivities asdesigning, identification, fabrication,
*4.Ri ht of Access-to include the facilities and records of the supplier for source inspection and audit by the Purchaser or parties designated by the purchaser.
: cleaning, erecting, packaging,
Also included shall be provisions for the identification of witness and hold points and the minimum time of advance notice.*5.Documentation Re uirements-Submittal approval and retention requirements for documents such as quality assurance manuals, special process and test procedures, materials records, calcu-lations and analyses.*6.Nonconformances
: handling, shppingandextendedstorage.*3.ualitAssurance ProramReirements-whichrequirethesuppliertohaveadocumented qualityassurance programthatimplements portionsoralloflOCFR50AppendixBaswellasapplicable qualityassurance programrequirements ofothernationally recognized codesandstandards.
-Requirements for-reporting and disposition of nonconformances to procurement requirements.
Alsoincludedshallbetherequirement thatthesupplierin-corporate appropriate qualityassurance programrequire-mentsinsubtierprocurement documents.
I*-Included in the review by Quality Assurance/Quality Control.Revision 13 December 1987 TABLE 1 8-1 Audit List Functional Or anization Activities Audited L'ngineering Indoctrination and Training Design Control Procu remen t Doc urr en t Con tr ol Document Control Records Procurement Control Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Records and Document Control Procurement Control Ginna Station QA Indoctrination and Training Ginna Staff Training, Retraining-Qualification and Performance Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control and Records Inservice Inspection Surveillance Testing Handling, Storage and Shipping Facility Gperation Conformance to all provisions contained in Technical Specifications and applicable license condition Refueling Calibration and Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics&Chemistry Security Plan and Procedures Emergency Plan and Procedures Inspection 6 Surveillance
*4.RihtofAccess-toincludethefacilities andrecordsofthesupplierforsourceinspection andauditbythePurchaser orpartiesdesignated bythepurchaser.
*Fire Protection Program and Implementing Procedures Corrective Action associated with deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, struc-tures, y tems or methods of, operation Revision 12 December 1986 TABLE l8-1 (cont'd.)Audit List Functional Or anization Active.ties AuditedGeneral Maintenance Transportation of Radioactive Waste Fire Protection and Loss Prevention Program Inspection and Audit***Fire Protection and Loss Prevention Program.Independent Inspections and Audits Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and Results Thereof*Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual and Implementing Procedures
Alsoincludedshallbeprovisions fortheidentification ofwitnessandholdpointsandtheminimumtimeofadvancenotice.*5.Documentation Reuirements
*Process Control Program and Implementing Procedures
-Submittal approvalandretention requirements fordocuments suchasqualityassurance manuals,specialprocessandtestprocedures, materials records,calcu-lationsandanalyses.
-Requirements for-reporting anddisposition ofnonconformances toprocurement requirements.
I*-IncludedinthereviewbyQualityAssurance/Quality Control.Revision13December1987 TABLE18-1AuditListFunctional Oranization Activities AuditedL'ngineering Indoctrination andTrainingDesignControlProcurementDocurrentControlDocumentControlRecordsProcurement ControlPurchasing Indoctrination andTrainingProcurement DocumentControlRecordsandDocumentControlProcurement ControlGinnaStationQAIndoctrination andTrainingGinnaStaffTraining, Retraining-Qualification andPerformance Modification Maintenance andRepairProcurement ControlDocumentControlandRecordsInservice Inspection Surveillance TestingHandling, StorageandShippingFacilityGperation Conformance toallprovisions contained inTechnical Specifications andapplicable licensecondition Refueling Calibration andControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment HealthPhysics&Chemistry SecurityPlanandProcedures Emergency PlanandProcedures Inspection 6Surveillance
*FireProtection ProgramandImplementing Procedures Corrective Actionassociated withdeficiencies occurring infacilityequipment, struc-tures,ytemsormethodsof,operation Revision12December1986 TABLEl8-1(cont'd.)
AuditListFunctional Oranization Active.ties AuditedGeneralMaintenance Transportation ofRadioactive WasteFireProtection andLossPrevention ProgramInspection andAudit***FireProtection andLossPrevention Program.Independent Inspections andAuditsRadiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramandResultsThereof*OffsiteDoseCalculation NanualandImplementing Procedures
*ProcessControlProgramandImplementing Procedures
***Triennally Indoctrination andTrainingNaintenance andRepairProcurement ControlDocumentControlandRecordsShopFabrication andRepairsControlofNeasuring Equipment, SpecialProcesses
***Triennally Indoctrination and Training Naintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control and Records Shop Fabrication and Repairs Control of Neasuring Equipment, Special Processes Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection and Surveillance Electric Transmission and Distribution Indoctrination and Training Design/Nodification Control Procurement Control Document Control and Records Handling and Shipping Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Test Control Revision 12 December 1986 e
: Handling, StorageandShippingInspection andSurveillance ElectricTransmission andDistribution Indoctrination andTrainingDesign/Nodification ControlProcurement ControlDocumentControlandRecordsHandlingandShippingControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment TestControlRevision12December1986 e
TABLE 18-1 (cont'd.)Audit List Functional Or anization Activities Audited Research and Science Indoctrination and Training Handling, Storage, and Shipping Procurement Control Welding and NDE Inservice In pection Document Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Test Control Records Revision 12 December 1986 ltllES OF SUPERVISIO&#xc3; allO AOMIMIHIATIO&#xc3; LINES OF COMMUNKATIOH CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHART PRESIDENT 51 MOR ViCf PR(5iDINI (USIVMIR d ADMiH 5(RVK(5 5(NiOR VK(PR(SiD(NI Lia5 d IL(C IRK DiSIRiduliON d CORPORal(PlaHNiNG"SENIOR VICE PRESIDEN1 PRODUCTION d ENGINfERING SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT d CONTROLLER VP ELECTRIC IRANSMiSSION.
AuditListFunctional Oranization Activities AuditedResearchandScienceIndoctrination andTrainingHandling, Storage,andShippingProcurement ControlWeldingandNDEInservice InpectionDocumentControlControlofMeasuring andTestEquipment TestControlRecordsRevision12December1986 ltllESOFSUPERVISIO&#xc3; allOAOMIMIHIATIO&#xc3; LINESOFCOMMUNKATIOH CHAIRMANOFTHEBOARDR.E.GINNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTMANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHARTPRESIDENT 51MORViCfPR(5iDINI (USIVMIRdADMiH5(RVK(55(NiORVK(PR(SiD(NILia5dIL(CIRKDiSIRiduliON dCORPORal(
~,4 I*
The figure previously appearing on this page was deleted with the issuance of Revision 7, dated November 1980.Revision 12 December 1986 r+~
Thefigurepreviously appearing onthispagewasdeletedwiththeissuanceofRevision7,datedNovember1980.Revision12December1986 r+~
N S I)I I'A It'I'M I!N'I'U I'ERIN'I'EN Dl'.NT I;A BOltATOlt Y SERVICES M E'I'ER MAINTENANCE MANAGElt FIEI.D SERVICES MANAGER EN GIN EERI N G MANAGElt A DMIN I STRATI VE AND SIIOPS NOTE: Chart is abreviated to show only key positions involved in implementing QA program and therefore does not show all positions in the division.CONSTRUCTION RE I.AY TEST MAINTENANCE AND'I'EST TltA VEI.INC 0 PE ltA'I'OltS ENGINL'I RING QU Al.l'I'Y SI ItVICI S RGSE 7l87 pc(1 5 FIGURE 2-4 P%
gl l ENGINEERING DIVISION ORGANIZATION A CHIEF ENGINEER Superintendent, G<<n<<rul Muintenunce Director, Engineering Services Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Divisional Services Director, Research&Science I Ul Ul I Manager, Shop Operations Manager, Field Service Operations and Project Planning Manager, Administrative Services Manager, Inspection/Land Survey and Building Services Manager, Construction Engineering Manager, Electrical Engineering Design Manager, Electrical Engineering Services Manager, Mechanical Engineering Quality Services Coordinator Quality Assurance Functional Lead Engineers Supervisor, Cost and Schedule Supervisor, Office Services and Document Control Staff Management Services Research and Development Analyst Manager Environmental Science and Laboratory Service Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection Services III I" 0 N 4J Manager, Nuclear Engineering Manager, Structural Engineering Administrative Prospect Direction FIGURE 2-5 RG&E 11/87 pcf I S (v',@1'~lt I Vl I QA PORC I I I I l Research and Science Electric Transmission and Distribution Purchasing General Maintenance Engineering Plant Review Audits M tV CO Figure 2-6 RG&E 10/86 RAF f~w)1}}
NSI)II'AIt'I'MI!N'I'UI'ERIN'I'EN Dl'.NTI;ABOltATOlt YSERVICESME'I'ERMAINTENANCE MANAGEltFIEI.DSERVICESMANAGERENGINEERINGMANAGEltADMINISTRATIVEANDSIIOPSNOTE:Chartisabreviated toshowonlykeypositions involvedinimplementing QAprogramandtherefore doesnotshowallpositions inthedivision.
: Director, Engineering ServicesManager,QualityAssurance Manager,Divisional ServicesDirector, Research&ScienceIUlUlIManager,ShopOperations Manager,FieldServiceOperations andProjectPlanningManager,Administrative ServicesManager,Inspection/Land SurveyandBuildingServicesManager,Construction Engineering Manager,Electrical Engineering DesignManager,Electrical Engineering ServicesManager,Mechanical Engineering QualityServicesCoordinator QualityAssurance Functional LeadEngineers Supervisor, CostandScheduleSupervisor, OfficeServicesandDocumentControlStaffManagement ServicesResearchandDevelopment AnalystManagerEnvironmental ScienceandLaboratory ServiceManager,Materials Engineering andInspection ServicesIIII"0N4JManager,NuclearEngineering Manager,Structural Engineering Administrative ProspectDirection FIGURE2-5RG&E11/87pcfIS (v',@1'~ltI VlIQAPORCIIIIlResearchandScienceElectricTransmission andDistribution Purchasing GeneralMaintenance Engineering PlantReviewAuditsMtVCOFigure2-6RG&E10/86RAF f~w)1}}

Revision as of 14:30, 7 July 2018

Rev 13 to QA Program for Station Operation.
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1987
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ROCHESTER GAS AND EIECTRIC CORPORATION R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Revision 13'o:Quality Assurance Program For Station Operation DOCKET NO.50-244 December 1987 871230022k 87i223, PDR ADOCK 05000244 P h~)

Introduction In a,Hay 28, 1974 letter from M'.Robert A.Purple, the United States Atomic Energy Commission a ked several questions on the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.

The information requested and further clarification of the program are provided in Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term keratin<, Licen e.Supple-ment IV is a revised description of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Prograni for Station Operation and supersedes Supplement II in its entirety.The following revisions have been made to the description of the program: Section IV.2 Additions That-all Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Engi-neering, and Purchasing procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years.That the list of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are based on the list in Section 1.2.1 of the FSAR.The management review of the quality assurance program may'e in a form other than an audit.That the t'uclear Safety Audit and Review board is required to review the statu and adequacy of the quality assurance prcx ram at least once every two years.That the Chairman of the Kuclear Safety Audit and Review Board reports to the Chairman of the Board of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation on NSARB activities.

Section IV.3 Additions That spare or replacement parts meet, at least, the requirements of the original design.

That for plant modification, the design engineer selects and reviews materials, parts, and equipment for suitability of application.

That design deficiencies are documented and controlled in accoroance with Section IV.16.That design documents are collected, stored, and main-tained in accordance with Section II.17 and a listing of which design documents are maintained.

Clarification Clarified which de ign documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.4 Additions That procuren.ent documents for spare or replacement parts are processed in the same manner as other procurement documents.

That the review and approval of procurement documents is reflected on the document or on a control form which is attached to the procurement document.That the documents are avaiaable for verification in Purchasing and plant records.That Quality Control reviews procurement documents for spare and replacement parts for similarity to the original requirements, and adequacy of quality require-ments.Section IV.5 Clarification Clarifies which documents are reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Section IV.6 Addition Yiade procurement document review requirements consis-tent with Section IV.4.11 P I J t That suppliers of'aterials, equipment, and services are required by procurement documents to provide control of manufacturing inspection and testing instructions.

Section IV.9 Additions Yade procurement document review requirements consistent with Section IV.4.Added Quality Control responsibilities for sur-veillance and inspection of special process acti-vities.Section IV.10 Additions That all documentation necessary to perform an inspection i" available to the inspector prior to the performance of the activity.That Quality Control inspection'procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected and a description of the method of inspection to be'sed, the identification of'he organization responsible ior performing the inspection, the acceptance and regection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the inspection activity.That in pection equipment is calibrated in accor-dance with Section IV.12 and that calibration statu is verified prior to performing the inspection activity.Section IV.11 Addition That test procedures include te"t methods and test instrumentation definition.

1 I Section IV.12 Addition h That-shop standards calibration is traceable to national standards or, where national standards are not available, the basis of calibration is documented.

Section IV.14 Addition That writtt=n procedures control the u e of hold tags, test tags and labels and that the procedure require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Section IV.15 Addition That Quality Control is ues monthly material deficiency report summarie , that these summaries are reviewed and analyzed by Quality Assurance, and that when unsatisfactory trend are noted, they are reported to management, using the corrective action report in accordance with Section IV.16.Section IV.17 Additions That, plant records include operating logs, specifications, calibration procedures and nonconformance reports, and the results of tions, tests, audit and the monitoring of.activities and material analyses.drawings, reports, inspec-plant That quality assurance records of special process activities are maintained by Engineering and that they include the qualification records of personnel, procedures, and equipment.

That in pection and test records contain a description of the type of.test or inspection activity, evidence of completion oC the activity, results, the name of the inspector or~bruta recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activist.;, and a record of any nonconformances.


Section IV.18 Addition That Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting the audits listed in Table XV.18-1.In July 1974, the United States Atomic Energy Commission requested information on the conformance of the R.E.Ginna Quality Assurance Program for Station Operating to the document entitled"Guidance of Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", bevision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0).The infor-mation requested is provided in Revision 1 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full-Term Operating Licen e.The following changes have been made to Supplement IV: Section IV.1 Additions A description oi the extent to which the quality assurance program conforms to the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During The Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Grange Book-Revi-sion 0).On October 1, 1974, Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-.poration revised its corporate structure.

This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations responsible for implementing the quality assurance program.In addition, the RG&E commitment to the"Orange Book" in August has necessitated some shifting of responsibilities.

The change RGSE has made are reflected in Revision 2 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement accompanying Application for a Full Term Operating Licen"e.The changes affect every section oi the supplement except sections 12&14.Change pages are listed in Instructions 2 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level i noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.

J I Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at, the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.Unrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.Some editorial corrections have been made, and these are also marked.Effective February 1, 1976, three additional organizations in the Rochester Cas and Electric Corporation have been assigned responsi-bilities for control of quality related activities.

The changes are reflected in Revi ion 3 to Supplement IV to the Technical Supplement Accompanying Application for a Full Term Cperating License.Revision 3 also reflects some reclarification of terms and responsibilities which do not lesson our program commitments.

Reclarification changes are concentrated in section" IV-3, IV-4, IV-5, IV-6 and IV-15.Change pages are listed in Instructions-3 and each revised page is marked with revision level.In addition, the late t revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference in the index, page IV-vii.'nrevised pages with a vertical solid black line in the margin reflect changes to the document between Supplement II and Supplement IV.During July, 1978, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation revised its corporate structure.

This organization change has not affected the functional interrelationships between the organizations re ponsible for implementing the quality assurance program.Revi ion 4 also reflects some reclarification of terms and respon-sibilities which do not lessen Rochester Gas and Electric Cor-poration program commitments.

Reclarification changes are concentrated in ection IV-1, IV-2, IV-3, IV-7, IV-10 and IV-15.Change pages are li ted in Instructions-4 and each revi ed page is marked with revision level.Since single spacing of each paje ha reduced the number of pages, each page beginning with IV-1 is numbered consecutively resulting in the Revision 4 notation at the bottom for that page containing different'information than the corresponding page number of previous revisions.

Tables and figures which have been completely revised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page and by reference.

in the index, page IV-vii.

In a February 8, 1979 letter from Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information.

associated with their review of Revi ion 4.Revision 5 provides the additional information and better clarification of the program consistent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Cas and Electric letter dated March 9, 1979.Change pages are listed in In tructions-5, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revi ion x~marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Tables which have been re-vised are shown by revision level at the bottom of the page.In a June 5, 1979 letter fron.Mr.Dennis L.Ziemann, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requested additional information associated with their review of Revision 5.Revision 6 provides the additional information consi tent with that which was forwarded in Rochester Gas and Electric letter dai:ed June 25, 1979.Change pages are listed in Instruction

-6, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revision is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The re-vision level is noted by arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Revi ion 7 was prepared to indicate recent organization changes in the corporate structure, Quality Assurance and General Maintenance.

Change pages are listed in Instructions

-7, and each revised page is marked with a revision level.In addition, the latest revi ion is marked with a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each veri.ical line.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ceneric Letter 81-01 issued May 4, 1981 requested that the quality assurance program commit to USNRC Regulatory Guides 1.146 and regulatory positions C.5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 of Regulatory Guide 1.58 Revision 1.Revi ion 8 incorporates those commitments.

This revision also describes a change in responsiblity for pro-curement of nuclear fuel from the Director, Strategic and Fuel Planning to the Engineering Department and provides updated organizational chart f.or those previou ly provided.In addition, the latest revi ion is marked by a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.The revision level is noted by an arabic numeral next to each vertical line.Revision 9 incorporates recent change in~the corporate structure.

Prefix IV is also being deleted from each page to recognize that Technical Supplement Accompanying Application For A Full Term Operating License is being uperseded during 1984.In addition, commencing with this revision only the latest revision will be indicated by a vertical line in the left hand margin of each page.vB Revision 10 incorporates recent changes in the corporate structure and Engineering Organization depicted in Figures 2-1 and 2-5 respectively.

A clarification to Figure 2-3 has also been made.Revision 11 incorporates recent changes in the Management, Engineering, and Ginna Organizations depicted in Figures 2-1, 2-3, and 2-5, respectively.

Revision 12 incorporates recent changes in the management Engineer-ing, Ginna and General Maintenance organizations depicted in Figures 2-1, 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5, respectively.

Figure 2-5 now reflects the organization of the Engineering Division which includes the departments of General Maintenance and Engineering previously depicted in Figures 2-4 and 2-5 respectively.

Figure 2-4 now illustrates the Electric Transmission and Distribution organization.

Additionally, minor clarifications have been made to the sections associated with supplier selection (Section 7), Quality Assurance Manager experience and responsibility (Section 2), and clarification of those reports forwarded to Quality Assurance and management descry.bed in Sections 15 and 16.The Table 1 listing of the various implementing procedures has also been revised to reflect the two added departments and related shift in responsibilities.

Revision 13 incorporates recent changes in the'Management, Ginna, Electric Transmission and Distribution and Engineering organizations depicted in Figures 2-1, 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5 respectively.

Additionally, clarifications have been made to sections 11, 16 and 17 and to Table 1 in response to the NRC comments contained in their endorsement letter of revision 12 dated February 27, 1987'C Revision 13 December 1987 TABLE GF CONTENTS Section 2.3.4.Title QUALITY ASSURAhCL PROGRAfi FCR STATIGN GPERATIGN C Quality Assurance Program Organization Design Control Procurement Document Control Pacae 5.Instruction

, Procedures and Drawings 13 6.Document Control 14 7.Control of Purchased tiaterial, Equipment and Service 16 8.Identification and Control of Materials, Parts ana Components 20 of Sf.ecial Proces es Inspection Test Control Control of thea uring and Test Equipment Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection, Test and Operating Statu Nonconforming t'aterials, Parts and Components 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 16.17.18.Corrective Action Quality A uxance Records Audi ts 29 30 Revision 12 December 1986 v3.

r J I LIST OF TABLES Table Number 18-l Title Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing Procurement Document Requirements Audit List Pacae I IST OF FIGURES Fi re Number 2-l 2-2 2-3 Title Management Organization Deleted Ginna Station Organization P acre 51 52 532-5.2-6 Electric Transmission and Distribution 54 Organization Engineering Division Organization 55 Ginna Station Review and Audits Functions 56 V11 Revision 13 December 1987 0

UALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM FOR STATION OPERATION ualit Assurance Pro ram The Quality Assurance Program has been developed by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation to assure safe and reliable operation of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.This program applies to all activities affecting the safety related functions of the structures,,systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public.These quality affecting activities include operation, maintenance, repair, inservi'ce inspection, refueling, modification, test and inspection.

In addition, the Quality Assurance Program applies to the activities associated with the packaging of licensed radioactive materials to be shipped in accordance with 10 CFR Part 71.The basic Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation quality assurance policy is established by the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.This policy is implemented under the overall direction of the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering through the Manager, Quality Assurance, the Superintendent, Nuclear Production, the Superintendent, Ginna Station and heads of other supporting departments.

The program is governed by a Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual which contains the requirements and assignment of.,responsibilities for implementation of the program.The manual is prepared, reviewed, and maintained by Quality Assurance and approved by the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering.

The program is implemented through Quality Assurance, Ginna Station, Engineering, General Maintenance, Research and.Science, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Purchasing procedures.

These procedures are prepared and approved by the responsible organization and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.

The procedures are contained in separate manuals maintained by the responsible organization.

All these procedures are reviewed for adequacy at least once every two years by the responsible organization.

Table 1-1 provides a listing of the subjects and a short description of the subject matter which is contained in the procedures.

Organizational interfaces are defined and controlled by sections of the Quality Assurance Manual..Organizational responsibilities are described in Section 2.Revision.13 December 1987 V

The Quality Assurance Program covers all existing Seismic Category I and Class lE structures, systems, and components, including their foundations and supports.Activities affect-ing the quality of these structures, systems, and components are controlled to an extent consistent with their importance to safety.A detailed listing of the structures, systems, and components covered by the Quality Assurance Program, based on Section 3.2.of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, is contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.Details of the system boundaries and the quality classi-fication of water-and-steam-containing components are con-tained on system flow drawings.The listing of structures, systems, and components covered by the Quality Assurance Program and the system flow drawings are prepared and main-tained by Engineering and reviewed and concurred with by Quality Assurance.

Modifications or additions to existing structures, systems, and components are designated the same seismic classifica-tion as the existing system.New structures, systems, and components are designated a seismic classification in accord-ance with the guidelines in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3.Supervisory personnel are indoctrinated in quality assurance policies, manuals, and procedures to assure they understand that.these are mandatory requirements which must be imple-mented and enforced.Personnel responsible for performing activities affecting quality are trained and indoctrinated in the requirements, purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals and procedures.

Refresher sessions are held periodically and retraining is required whenever a new procedure is issued or a major revision is made to an existing procedure.

Training of personnel not'n the quality assurance organization is the responsibility of each department performing an activity affecting quality.Quality Assurance assists in establishing training requirements and assures that personnel are trained by auditing training records.In addition to training in quality assurance, each depart-ment conducts on-the-job training to the extent necessary to assure that personnel are qualified for their primary work assignments

.The Superintendent, Nuclear Production is responsible for the formal training, qualification, licensing, and requali-fication of operators, as necessary.

Where necessary, personnel are trained in radiation protection, plant safety and security.Revision 12 December 1986 t

The Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is required to review the status and adequacy of the Quality Assurance Program at least once every two years to assure that meaningful and is effectively complying with corporate policy and 10CFR50, Appendix B.This review consists of audits or of a review equivalent to an audit performed by company personnel or outside organizations.

The Quality Assurance Program is designed to meet the require-ments of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B,"Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants." The program conforms to the following NRC Regula-tory Gu'ides and ANSI Standards:

a.NRC Regul'atory Guide'1.8, Revision 1,"Personnel Selec-tion and Training." b.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.28,,Revision 2,"Quality Assur-'nce Program Requirements (Design and Construction)." c.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.30, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and,Electric Equipment." d.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)," and regulatory staff comments and supplementary guidance contained in the document entitled"Guidance on Quality Assurance Require-ments During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 0 dated October 1973 (Orange Book-Revision 0)/e.AEC Regulatory Guide 1.37, Revision 0,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." f.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.38, Revision 2,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." g.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.39, Revision 2,"Housekeeping Requirements for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants." h.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.58, Revision 1,"Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel i.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.64, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants." Revision 12 December 1986 e

j.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.74, Revision 0,"Quality Assur-ance Terms and Definitions." k.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.88, Revision 2,"Collection, Storage and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Records." Note: When record storage facilities are not designed in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.88, duplicate records are kept in two separate storage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.l.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.116, Revision O-R,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems." m.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.123, Revision 1,"Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants." n.ANSI N45.2.12, D3, R4, 2/74"Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants." o.NRC Regulatory Guide 1.146, Revision 0,"Qualification of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants." Or anization The major organizations participating

'in the Quality Assur-.ance Program are Purchasing, Engineering, Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Electric Transmission and Distribution, Research and Science, Quality Assurance and Quality Control~Groups;the Plant Operations Review Committee; and'he Nucle'ar Safety Audit and Review Board.Figure 2-1 is an organizational chart showing these organizations and their relationship to the corporate organization.

Positions responsible for the principal elements of the quality assurance program are: Chairman of the Board Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering Chief Engineer Director, Engineering Services Manager, Quality Assurance Purchasing Agent Superintendent, Nuclear Production Superintendent, Ginna Station Superintendent, Ginna Support Services-Ginna Nuclear Assurance Manager Revision 13 December 1987

Superintendent, Electric Substations Superintendent, General Maintenance Quality Services Coordinator Director, Research and Science In addition to the above individuals, two advisory groups are utilized to review and audit plant operations.

These groups are the Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Plant Operations Review Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Ginna Station Superintendent and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board advises the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering.

The qualifications of members and the responsibilities of these organizations are described in Appendix A to Provisional Operating Licensed No.DPR-18, Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

The Chairman of the Board of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation directed the establishment of the Quality Assur-ance Program and issued the governing policy statement.

He has established the Nuclear Safety Audit and'eview Board to review and audit plant operations.

The Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board is responsible to the President on all activities of the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.The Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering has corporate responsibility for operation of Ginna Station in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.

He is responsible for establishing the policies and requirements necessary to assure safe and reliable operations of Ginna Station.He is also responsible for those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

He has overall responsibility for and authority to direct the Quality Assurance Program.The responsibility for proper implementation of the quality assurance program requirements at Ginna Station has been assigned to the Superintendent, Ginna Station.The Chief Engineer is responsible for supervising the Engineer-ing Division which is responsible for establishing policies and requirements for fuel management and the design and construction of major modifications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards.

He is also responsible for safety related main-tenance, repair, modifications and inspections performed at the General Maintenance facility, for support of these activities at Ginna Station, and for special processes and-5-Revision 13 December 1987

-the inservice inspection program performed by the Research and Science Department.

As requested by Ginna Station, he is also responsible for reviewing unique maintenance and repair procedures for major equipment.and is responsible for assuring that the responsibilities of the Manager, Quality Assurance are implemented.

The Chief Engineer is also responsible for the retention of those records for which Engineering is responsible.

The Director, Engineering Services is responsible to the Chief Engineer for designing and constructing major modi-fications in accordance with applicable design bases, regulatory requirements, codes and standards and for nuclear fuel management.

The Manager, Quality'Assurance, is responsible for estab-lishing the overall Quality Assurance Program.'e is responsible for assuring that the program satisfies the requirements of 10CFRSO, Appendix B, and for maintaining the total program up to date.He is responsible for assuring that all.the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that Ginna Station will operate safely and reliably are established and followed.He provides management with objective information concerning quality, independent of the.individual or group directly responsible for performing the specific activity.He has the authority and organizational freedom to assure all,necessary quality affecting activities are performed.

He is responsible for maintaining a quality assurance staff, Figure 2-1, for the conduct of staff training, for directing its activities and.for establishing and implementing a comprehensive audit program.P The Manager, Quality A'ssurance is a graduate engineer with at least six years of responsible experience, of which two years is in quality assurance and three years in the design or operation of nuclear power plants.The Manager, Quality Assurance and the Quality Assurance Staff are responsible for formulating corporate quality assurance policy and for assuring its implementation.

This includes writing Quality Assurance policies and reviewing the procedures of the organizations participating in the Quality Assurance Program.They are also responsible for auditing all aspects of the Quality Assurance Program and-for ensuring significant conditions adverse to quality are corrected.

They are responsible for assuring that proper codes, standards, and quality requirements are specified in design, procurement, and installation documents.

They are responsible for assuring that the suppliers of safety-related material, equipment and services are properly qualified, and Revision 13 December 1987 they are responsible for conducting audits and surveillances at these supplier's facilities.

In addition, the staff assists the Manager, Quality Assurance, in the preparation of the audit schedule, audit status reports, corrective action report summaries and in the preparation and mainten-ance of the Quality Assurance Procedures Manual.The Director, Research and Science is responsible for super-vising and directing a staff, Figure 2-5 which is responsible for the development and qualification of procedures utilized for special processes.

He is responsible for providing functional guidance and direction for those methods.He is responsible for establishing the Inservice Inspection Program and for coordinating changes thereto.He is also responsible for the routine maintenance of lifting and handling equipment and for the testing and evaluation of Ginna Station materials.

The Manager, Divisional Services is responsible to the Chief Engineer for providing records, document control, schedule and administrative support services to the Engineering Division.The Purchasing Agent is responsible for the procurement of materials, services, and components, from qualified suppliers, in accordance with applicable commercial, technical, and quality requirements.

He maintains a listing of qualified suppliers determined through an evaluation made by Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance and the other involved depart-ments as appropriate.

~Superintendent, Nuclear Production is responsible to the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering for directing Ginna nuclear production activities and tho'se support activi-ties associated with Nuclear Assurance, Training, and Emergency Planning.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible to the Superintendent, Nuclear Production for the overall on-site safe operation of Ginna Station.He is responsible for the performance of all Ginna Station quality affecting activities in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He is responsible for providing qualified personnel to perform these activities in accordance with approved drawings, specifications, and procedures.

He is also responsible for-those items delineated in Section 6.0, Technical Specification:

The Superintendent, Ginna Support Services reports to the Superintendent, Ginna Station and is primarily responsible for the performance of modification, refueling, and test activities in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance program.He acts in behalf of the Superintendent, Ginna Station during his absence.Revision 13 December 1987 The Ginna Nuclear Assurance Manager reports to the Super-intendent, Nuclear Production.and is responsible for assuring that station activities affecting quality are precribed and carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifica-tions, and procedures.

He is a member of the Plant Operations Review Committee and delegates the day to day quality assuring planning and work monitoring responsibilities to the station Quality Control Engineers and QC Inspectors.

Quality Control Engineers are responsible for the review of procurement documents initiated at Ginna and for the review of plant procedures which involve maintenance, repair, refueling, modification, and testing.They are also responsible for the coord'ination of inspection activities and the assurance that inspection requirements are included in approved procedures.

This includes the receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts and components and the processing of nonconconformance reports.Quality Control personnel initiate corrective action reports and assure that corrective action is taken.They also perform routine surveillance of other groups involved in quality affecting activities and provide reports to Ginna supervision and management with objective information concerning the quality of these activities.

In addition to the Ginna Station Quality Control staff and the Nuclear Assurance Manager, the Ginna Station'uper-intendents are assisted by other designated staff members, Figure 2-3, in the implementation of certain Quality Assurance Program requirements at the plant.These staff members are assi'gned responsibility for testing, storage of material and equipment, operating and test status control, calibration-and control of measuring and test equipment not used by Quality Control, maintenance of material handling equipment, operator training, and control of all activities involving operation, maintenance, repair, refueling and modification.

The Superintendent, General Maintenance, is responsible for supervising and directing a staff, Figure 2-5, which super-vises the performance and verification of safety related maintenance, repair and modification activities performed at the General Maintenance facility.He is also responsible for providing trained and qualified welders, riggers and'ciane operators for the support of Ginna activities.

The Quality Services Coordinator is responsible to the Superintendent, General Maintenance, for performing or directing the performance of verification activities for which General Maintenance Quality Control is responsible.

Revision 13 December'987 In this capacity he is responsible for assuring that activi-ties, affecting quality,'re carried out in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and procedures.

He is also responsible for the preparation of Quality Maintenance, Quality Research and Science and Quality Engineering procedures and for the training of the corresponding personnel in the implementation of these procedures.

He also coordinates receipt inspection of incoming materials, parts and components, performs routine surveillance of General Maintenance activities.

He also coordinates the processing of nonconformance reports, corrective action reports and the replies to audit reports for the three departments.

The Superintendent Electric Substations Department is respons-ible for directing a staff, Figure 2-4 which is responsible for providing relay engineering, maintenance.and testing services.He is also responsible for design, modification and construction activities at Station 13A and for supporting the Engineering department's design and construction activi-ties at Ginna.He is also responsible for coordinating and for providing support documentation for any design modifica-tions initiated within the Electric Transmission and Distribu-tion Division.Desi n Control Design activities are performed by Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation personnel or are subcontracted to organizations providing services to Rochester Gas and Electric.Engineering is responsible for the design and control of design activities (including design interfaces) for major modifications of structures, systems or components.

Augmenting this effort is the design and technical support provided by the Electric Substations department for those activities for which Electric Transmission and Distribution is responsible.

In this regard they support Engineering for design of safety related modifications.

Ginna Station is responsible for the design and control of design activities for Minor modifications of structures, systems, or components.

Ginna Station is also responsible for classifying station originated modifications as either Major or Minor.Engineering reviews and concurs with modi-fications being classified as Minor.Minor mo'difications typically involve (1)component changes which involve vendor design and limited to the extent that the change does not impact existing per'formance requirements, (2)additions within Seismic Category I buildings which perform no safety functions and which either interface with Seismic Category I Revision 12 December 1986 E"'

or Class lE items or whose failure could reduce the function-ing of any safety related component required for safe shutdown.of the plant to an unacceptable level, (3)changes to a safety related system determined not to be major (i.e., vents, drains, alarms, indicating lights, etc.).Design control is implemented by means of procedures which include: design considerations, design review requirements; internal and external interface control considerations; design document review, approval, distribution, control, and revision requirements; and corrective action.Design con-siderations include, as appropriate:

physics, stress, materials, thermal, hydraulic, radiation and accident analysis;appropriate design bases, codes, standards and regulations;

'acceptability for operation, maintenance and repair;acceptance and rejection criteria;and quality standards and other quality assurance requirements.

Design.verification utilizes various methods such as formal design reviews, alternate calculations, or tests as appropriate to assure the adequacy of the design.'he design of plant modifications is verified by an engineer other than the one who performed the original design.For Major modification design, this may be done by Engineering department design engineers or consulting engineers as re-quested.For Minor modification station design, this may be done by Ginna Station and or Engineering department design engineers as appropriate.

Spare or replacement parts must at least meet the technical and quality requirements.

For plant modifications, standard"off-the-shelf" commercial or pre-viously approved materials, parts, and equipment are selected and reviewed for suitability of application by the design engineer.Design changes are normally reviewed and approved in accord-ance with the same procedures as the original design.Supplemental procedures are established for the review and approval of field changes.In general, design changes including field changes, are reviewed and approved by the organizations or individuals that performed the original design, review and approval.Where this is not practical, other responsible design organizations or individuals are designated, provided they have access to pertinent back-ground information and are competent in the specific design area.Design verification and field change systems are methods utilized to detect, document and correct design process errors and deficiencies.

In addition, the corrective action system, described in Section 16, is utilized to control and Revision 12 December 1986

document corrective action to preclude recurrence of those design process errors and deficiencies which are considered to be a significant condition adverse to quality.Quality Assurance is.responsible for assuring that design control procedures, whether the work is done by Rochester Gas and Electric or by other organizations, are prepared and implemented and incorporate'appropriate design control practices, checks, and reviews.Design control procedures are reviewed to assure that an independent verification is performed.

Engineering and Ginna Station are responsible for establishing measures for the proper control of design documents and re-visions there-to, to assure that distribution is to responsible individuals and in a timely manner to prevent inadvertent use of superseded design information.

The measures include the use of document revision levels, document transmittals, release stamps, field change request forms and distribution lists..Design documents are collected, stored, and maintained in'accordance with Section 6 and 17, as appropriate.

Design documents include design criteria, analyses, specifications, drawings, design review records, and changes thereto.Quality Assurance and Station Quality Control, through pre-paration assistance and/or review assure the proper inclusion of quality standards in the design of major and minor modi-fications, respectively.

Quality Assurance is also responsible.for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in specifications.

The Manager, Quality Assurance reviews and approves any deviations from quality standards when they occur.Plant'odifications are controlled by means of applicable Ginna Station, Engineering, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Quality Assurance procedures.

These procedures provide for the preparation, review, and approval of design documents, safety, analyses, and plant modification procedures..

Plant modifications are reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifica-tions.Procurement Document, Control Procurement document control applies to the control of procurement docu'ments for materials, parts, components, and services required to perform quality affecting activities.

Revision 12 December 1986 hl Such documents may be prepared by Rochester Gas and Electric or by a contractor and include purchase requisitions, purchase orders, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings.Procurement of materials, parts, components, and services is initiated by department staff personnel.

Procurement proce-dures require that organizations preparing procurement documents consider and include, as appropriate, the items listed in Table 4-'l.Procurement documents, including those requesting spare or replacement parts, initiated at Ginna Station are reviewed by Quality Control and approved by the department super-intendent or his designated representative.

Procurement, documents initiated in Engineering, Research and Science, Electric Transmission and Distribution, General Maintenance and Quality Assurance are reviewed by Quality Assurance and approved by designated departmental supervision.

Evidence of review and approval of procurement documents is recorded on the documents or on the attached control form.The attached control form identifies to Purchasing a procure-ment method which will ensure that the s'elected supplier is capable of providing the item or service in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.

Considerations used in selecting a supplier and for determining the corres-ponding procurement method are described in Section 7 After purchase requisitions, service agreements, contracts, specifications, and drawings have received the required re-'views and approvals, a purchase order is issued by Purchasing to the selected supplier and controlled as described in Section 7.These documents are maintained by Purchasing, by the originating department, and/or by the receiving locations, as appropriate, until procurement is completed.

Under no circumstances are purchasing requirements altered (except for quantity or pricing)during order placement unless review and concurrence is obtained from those who were required to review, concur with, and approve the original documents as described above.Changes or revisions to procurement documents are subject to the same review and approval requirements as the original documents.

Originating department technical review of procurement documents includes verifi.cation of applicable regulatory, code and design requirements.

Quality Assurance/

Quality Control review of the above includes checks to verify proper inclusion of quality standard, quality assurance program requirements, method or procurement and the applicable Revision 13 December 1987 l J t acceptance crite'ria.

Quality Control also reviews procure-ment documents for spare or replacement parts for adequacy of quality requirements and to determine similarity, compa-tibility, and the inclusion of the quality requirements and acceptance criteria of the original design.Instructions, Procedures, and Drawin s Each Rochester Gas and Electric company organization is responsible for developing, reviewing, approving, and imple-menting procedures as required to implement the Quality Assurance Program.These procedures cover activities such as document control, training of personnel, and responsi-bilities and duties of personnel.

Quality Assurance reviews and concurs with these procedures.

Table 1-1 provides a summary of the subject matter contained in the procedures which are used to implement the quality assurance program.Procurement documents require suppliers and contractors to have appropriate instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings.Ginna Station is responsible for providing and implementing instructions and procedures associated with operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modification, testing and inspection.

This includes instruc-tions and procedures listed in USAEC Regulatory Guide 1.33 for administrative control;general plant operation; startup, operation, and shutdown of safety related systems;correction of abnormal, o f f normal, or alarm conditions, response to emergencies and other significant events;radioactivity-control;control of measuring and test equipment; chemical and radiochemical control;and fuel handling and refueling.

Ginna Station is responsible for the preparation and imple-mentation of quality control inspection procedures utilized for detailed station inspection activities.

Ginna Station is responsible for appropriate changes to such documents upon receipt of regulatory directives, instructions from Rochester Gas and Electric management, or the completion of plant modifications.

Ginna Station is also responsible for the preparation and issuance of those minor modification design documents not provided by Engineering or the equipment supplier.General Maintenance is responsible for providing and for implementing procedures associated with shop work required to support Ginna Station maintenance, repair and modifica-tion activities.

General Naintenance is also responsible for the preparation and for the implementation of quality control inspection procedures utilized for detailed inspec-tion activities at their facilities.

Revision 12 December 1986 Electric Transmission and Distribution is responsible for the preparation and implementation of relay inspection and testing procedures as required to direct detailed inspec-tions and testing activities for which they are responsible.

Electric Transmission and Distribution also assists in the preparation of routine relay maintenance and testing procedures used by their personnel in the annual Ginna Station protective relay surveillance program.Engineering is responsible for providing approved specifi-cations, and drawings associated with major modifications and when minor modifications necessitate drawings or speci-fications; These documents require those performing the work to obtain, understand, and comply with appropriate procedures, specifications and drawings.Engineering has established procedures for revising drawings and specifica-tions.These procedures cover updating of as-built drawings.after plant modifications and the revision, approval, dis-tribution, and control of all drawings and specifications.

Research and Science is responsible for providing and for implementing instructions and procedures associated with special processes, routine maintenance and inspection of cranes and handling equipment as well as materials testing and inservice inspection.

Ik Persons preparing and approving documents are responsible for assuring.'that specifications, instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities.have been satisfactorily accomplished and assuring that the documents are kept current.'Indoctrination and training of personnel is provided by the responsible organizations to ensure that quality affecting activities are conducted in accordance with established documents.

In addition, surveillance by Quality Control personnel, as described in Section 10 and audits by Quality Assurance as described in Section 18 are used to verify that quality affecting activities are being performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures and drawings.Document Control Procedures are established to control the issuance of pro-cedures, instructions, drawings, and specifications.'tandard document control requireme'nts are contained in the Quality Assurance Manual.The Superintendent, Ginna Production is responsible for the control of all documents issued at Ginna Station.Electric Transmission and Distribution is responsible for the control of documents by their organizations.

Engineering controls the distribution of controlled manuals issued for Revision 13 December 1987 Engineering, General Maintenance, Research and Science, Quality Assurance, Purchasing and Electric Transmission and Distribution.

Each organization controlling documents has a separate procedure to control documents in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual.The Quality Assurance Manual designates responsibilities and defines requirements for, the preparation, review and approval of documents.

Each department responsible for an activity is responsible for providing the necessary review and approval of instructions, procedures or drawings to assure that they are adequate, and include appropriate qualitative and quanti-tative requirements.

Departmental Quality Control repre-sentatives review departmental maintenance, repair, refueling and modification procedures, prior to use, to assure quality assurance requirements are included.The Plant Operations Review Committee has the responsibility for reviewing Ginna Station procedures prior to their approval as required by Section 6.0, Technical Specifications.

Detailed inspection, test, and examination procedures used by qualified personnel require the review and concurrence of the.responsible tech-nical person associated with that activity.Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Engineering, Research and Science, Purchasing, and Electric Transmission and Distribution quality assurance implementing procedures require the review and concurrence of Quality Assurance and the approval of the appropriate department supervisor.

Quality Assurance procedures are approved by the Manager, Quality Assurance.

w The Quality Assurance Manual requires that documents be controlled as appropriate, considering the type of document involved, its importance to safety, and the intended use of the document.It specifies the types of documents which must be controlled; identifies the difference between con-trolled and uncontrolled copies of the same document;includes the method for identifying holders of controlled copies;requires that only controlled copies ofa document be used for official purposes;requires that lists of effective revisions be issued periodically; requires lists of document holders to be maintained by the distributors; and requires that distributors transmit controlled documents using approved forms internally and externally.

Types of documents which are controlled include Technical Specifications, UFSAR, Quality Assurance Manual, procedures (such as quality assurance, engineering, purchasing, repair, maintenance, test, calibration, fuel handling, modification, and administrative), specifications and drawings.'uppliers of materials, equipment, and services are required in procure-ment documents to provide for control of documents,'including manufacturing, inspection and testing instructions.

Revision 13 December 1987

.7 The Quality Assurance Manual further requires that each organization provide in its procedures for measures: to assure that documents are available when required;to pro-perly review and approve documents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, and drawings;to provide the same reviews and approvals for changes to documents as was required of the original document;to require that organiza-tions which review and approve documents have access to pertinent information and adequate knowledge of the original document intent;to assure that approved changes are promptly transmitted for incorporation into documents;.and to assure that obsolete or superseded documents are eliminated from the system and not used.r 4p Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations, are responsible for review and concurrence of procurement documents in their designated departments and, therefore, procurement'ocument control requirements.

Quality Assurance and the Quality Control organizations are further responsible for review, inspection, surveillance, and audit, as appropriate, of document control systems to'assure adequate systems are implemented.

Control of Purchased" Material, E ui ment, and Services Procurement documents, supplier selection, planning for item or service acceptance control of supplier performance and acceptance of items and services are five major means used in controlling purchased material, equipment and services..All procurement is conducted in accordance with procurement documents as stated in Section 4.All reviews, inspections, surveillances, and audits are conducted by personnel who are competent in establishing whether or not a supplier is capable of providing acceptable, quality products.Procurement planning is utilized by the procuring organiza-tions for determining the methods to be used for acceptance of the item or service as well as requirements for the control of the supplier performance.

Source inspection (surveillance), certificate of conformance, receipt inspec-tion and post installation test are'methods which are considered for item acceptance with receipt inspection, utilized in the acceptance of all items.In lieu of these methods, acceptance of services is based on either or a combination of: (1)surveillance of the activity and (2)review of objective evidence for conformance to the procure-ment document requirements (i.e.certifications, stress reports etc.).The extent of the acceptance methods and as-sociated verification activities will vary and be a function of the relative importance'and complexity of the purchased item or service and the suppliers past performance.

Revision 12 December 1986 T r Consideration for the control of supplier performance includes the necessity for document submittals or surveillance, and under what situation the supplier is to report nonconformances.

Results of the planning are incorporated in the procurement documents and or on the attached procurement control form as described in Section 4.Selection of a supplier is based on the evaluation of its capability to provide the item or services in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documents.

The evaluation which is accomplished during the procurement planning, determines the necessity for the supplier selection to be from the approved suppliers list maintained by Purchasing.

Purchasing utilizes the approved suppliers list for the selection source of those suppliers required to have a satisfactory quality assurance program.The evaluation guidelines for source selection considers the item complexity, method(s)of acceptance and for a replacement item, if the source is to be restricted to the original supplier.For engineered and off-the-shelf items procured from suppliers required to have a quality assurance program, supplier selection is from the approved suppliers list or one who is in the process of being added to the list, after having its capability evaluated to purchaser satisfaction.

Items or services which meet industry standards and are typically utilized in applications other than nuclear may be purchased from suppliers not listed on the approved suppliers list provided that item acceptance can be based on acceptance of standard commercial quality which is supplemented, as necessary, with source surveillance, pre-or post-installation tests, receipt tests, commercial supplier test reports, commercial supplier certificates, or receipt inspection.

Items or services which have nuclear quality requirements which normally require the supplier to implement a quality assurance program but for which no such supplier can be practicably utilized may also be purchased from suppliers not listed on the approved suppliers list provided that verification of nuclear quality can be accomplished by methods such as source surveillance, pre-or post-installation tests, receipt tests, supplier test reports, supplier certificates, or receipt inspection as approved by Quality Assurance.

Depart-mental procedures establish guidelines for source selection evaluations and for documenting the results on the procurement control form through indication of the corresponding procurement method.The purchase requisition will also identify the source when replacement parts are to be procured from the original equipment supplier.Revision 12 December 1986 1

Addition of a supplier to the approved suppliers list is based on satisfactory evaluation of the supplier's capability by Quality Assurance, Purchasing and other departments, as appropriate.

For Engineered items, Engineering is responsible for evalu-ating the overall design or manufacturing capability of the supplier including his particular technical ability to produce the design, service, item, or component delineated in the procurement documents.

As part of this review, the supplier's design capabilities, machinery capabilities, handling capabilities, testing facilities, service capabili-ties, and experience are reviewed.Quality Assurance is responsible for evaluating the supplier's overall quality assurance organization and program in accor-dance with applicable codes, standards, applicable parts of lOCFRSO Appendix B, and Rochester Gas and Electric requirements.

The review includes consideration of: company organization, quality assurance personnel qualifications, review and control of design documents, manufacturing procedures, quality assurance procedures, calibration practices, accept-ance criteria, required quality assurance records and their retention, and quality assurance requirements and controls imposed by the supplier on his subcontractors.

Supplier evaluation is conducted by means"o'X procedures or..checklists which identify applicable regular'ry,..ox;.

code.quality assur-ance requirements."irma Station, Research and Scii'nce,.

'Quality.Assurance and~-Electric Transmission and Distribution;-evaluate, the;-.suppliers of inspection, test, and calibration services which they intend to use.The departments responsible for performing supplier evalu-ations shall document their results in reports which discuss areas investigated, findings, and conclusions.

As applicable, concurrence of Purchasing, Engineering, Quality Assurance, Ginna Station, Research and Science, General Maintenance, and Electric Transmission and Distribution is required to place a supplier on the qualified suppliers'ist.

One organization can remove a supplier from the list without concurrence of the others.Measures are established by Engineering and Quality Assurance to control supplier performance for engineered items.These measures typically include the processing of change infor-mation, surveillance of supplier activities and the control of documents exchanged with the supplier.In addition, each department procuring off-the-shelf items or services esta-blishes similar measures for the control of supplier perfor-mance.With the exception of processing change information, Revision 12 December 1986 the need for and applicable extent of purchaser controls of the supplier are determined during procurement planning.'uality Assurance is responsible for determining and document-ing the degree of supplier surveillance (including review, inspection, or audit)required during design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipping, and for providing the required surveillance.

The objective of supplier surveil-lance is to provide a sampling review of the supplier's quality assurance program implementation and of product conformance with respect to the purchase order requirements.

For complex engineered items, Quality Assurance and Engi-neering are responsible for joint development of surveillance plans in advance of surveillance trips to identify areas to be reviewed.The results of the surveillance trip are documented by means of inspection sheets or tr'ip reports which are distributed to the Manager, Quality Assurance, and the department which initiated the procurement.

When a deviation from purchase order requirements is noted, the Quality Assurance represen-tative has the authority to inform the vendor that a particular item is unacceptable, to issue a nonconformance report, or to stop work, if necessary.

Ginna Station Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of site contractors to assure that they meet all technical and quality requirements.

The reporting and documenting of contractor surveillance is managed in a manner similar to supplier surveillance.

The verification methods for the acceptance of items and services are specified on the attached procurement control form during procurement planning and.the purchase requisition preparation.

Department superintendents are responsible for receiving and storing items pending their acceptance.

Upon receipt, the department.stockkeeper logs the item, places a"hold" tag on the item, and notifies Quality Control that the item has arrived.Quality Control is responsible for receipt inspection upon delivery of items and associated services for maintenance, repair, modification, and refueling.

This inspection in-cludes the use of written procedures or checklists to verify that the items and services conform to the procurement docu-ments (if this has not been performed by source inspections) and that documentary evidence of conformance is available at the plant prior to installation or use.Documentary evidence Revision 12 December 1986

sufficient to identify the codes, standards or specifications met by the purchased material, equipment, and services is retained.In the event a final source inspection for the acceptance is conducted prior to receipt by RGSE, Quality Control performs an inspection for shipping damage or lost parts and a document check to assure that the required docu-mentation has been reviewed and is complete.A receiving inspection checklist is completed for all items received to document the extent, of the inspection performed, including the documents checked, and the inspection results.If the item and documentation are adequate, Quality Control labels the item as"Accepted", files the documentation and receipt, in'spection results, and releases the item for storage or use.If the item is nonconforming or the d'ocumentation is unsatisfactory, Quality Control initiates a nonconformance report which is controlled in accordance with Section 15.All items issued must bear an acceptance tag and have docu-mentation to support the acceptability of the item.In the event the traceability is lost or the documentation review is unsatisfactory, the item becomes nonconforming and may not be released for use.Identification and Control of Materials, Parts, and The identification and control of materials, parts, and components is accomplished in accordance with written require-ments and applies to material, parts, or components in any.stage of fabrication, storage, or installation.

Identifi-cation and control requirements are established by either an existing procedure or requirements documents which are prepared during the planning stages of a project.The identification and control requirements cover items such as: traceability to associated documents such as drawings, specifications, purchase orders, manufacturing test data and inspection documents, and physical and chemical mill test reports;specification of the degree of identification to preclude a degradation of the item's functional capability or quality;and the proper identification of materials, parts, and components prior to release for manufacturing, shipping, construction, and installation.

Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that drawings and specifications contain appropriate require-~ments for the identification and control of materials, parts, or components, as appropriate.

Suppliers are required to assure that all required documentation for an item is properly identified and related to the item.Each item is required to be physically identified, either by marking on the item or by tags.Physical identification by purchase Revision 12 December 1986 order number is used to the maximum extent possible for relating an item at any time to applicable documentation.

Identification is either on the item or records traceable to the item.Where physical identification is impractical, physical separation, procedural control, or other appro-priate means are employed.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible for main-taining identification and control of materials, parts, or components received, stored, installed, and used at the plant.Procedures covering the identification and control of materials, parts, and components at the plant are, approved by the Superintendent, Ginna Station.The responsible supervision of other departments which receive material which is to be stored away from the plant are.responsible for establishing procedures for identification and control and for maintaining identification and control of material, parts, or components, stored or used in their area of responsibility.

In the event that traceability is lost for a specific item, it is handled as nonconforming material and deviations and waivers are controlled and documented in accordance with Section 15.Control of S ecial Processes Written procedures are established to control special pro-cesses, such as welding, heat treating, and nondestructive examination to assure compliance with applicable codes,-standards, and design specifications.

Qualification of personnel and procedures complies with the requirements of applicable codes and standards.

When special process'ualification requirements are not included in existing codes and standards, they are described in procedures which give details of the special process, the personnel quali-fication requirements, the equipment necessary, and the special process qualification requirements.

Initiators of procurement activities are responsible for requiring suppliers, in procurement documents, to control special processes in accordance with the above requirements.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control, personnel are respon-sible for reviewing procurement documents to ensure that requirements for control of special processes are included.Rochester Gas and Electric procedures for special processes are prepared, reviewed, and approved by Materials Engineering.

Special process procedures submitted by suppliers and con-tractors are reviewed and concurred with by Materials Engi-neering.-21-Revision 13 December 1987 A The Ginna Station Maintenance Manager and Manager Nucle c ear, ssurance are responsible for assuring that personnel per-forming special processes under their cognizance are quali-fied and are using qualified procedures in accordance with applicable codes, specifications, and standards.

Within the Research and Science Department, the Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection Services is responsible for the qualification of NDE personnel and procedures.

The Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection is responsible for the qualification of welding procedures and the training and qualification of welders.Ginna Station maintains reco ds f r personnel and procedures to demonstrate that required 0 r qualifications have been obtained and are kept current.Quality Assurance and Quality Control perform surveillance, inspections, and audits of special processes performed by Rochester Gas and Electric or contractors to assure com-pliance with procedures.

Ins ection Procedures prepared for the control of activities include'd a inspection requirements and hold points as requir d b r wings, instructions, requirements documents, specifi-c y cations, codes, standards, or regulatory requirements.

For clarification and to distinguish from preventative mainte-the nance inspections the following controls are associat d'th e wi quality assurance function inspections and referred to as verification inspections.

Instructions for conductin detailed g 0'l d verification inspections are contained in inspectio pr cedures.These inspection procedures and all supporting n specifications and drawings are provided to inspection personnel for use prior to performing the inspection.

Inspection requirements and hold points are utilized to verify conformance of activities to the documented instruc-tions, specifications, and drawings for accomplishing the activity.Inspection procedures include the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected, a description of the method of inspection to be used, the identification of the group responsible for performing the inspection, the acceptance and rejection criteria, the requirements for the recording of inspection results, and the requirements for providing evidence of completion and certification of the b inspection activity.Verification inspections are perform d y qualified inspection personnel who are independent of the e personnel performing the work.Outside contractors are required by procurement documents to have and follow similar procedures and to use independent inspectors.

Inspectors are sufficiently trained to'adequately evaluate the activity they are inspecting.

Revision 13 December 1987 e

Quality Control personnel are responsible for performing verification inspections, as required, during plant operation, maintenance, repair, in-service inspection, refueling, modi-fication, and testing when the work is performed by Rochester Gas and Electric personnel.

When the work is performed by outside contractors, Quality Control is responsible for sur-veillance of the subcontractor's inspection activities.

All inspection equipment is calibrated and controlled in accordance with Section 12.Calibration status is verified by inspection personnel prior to performing an inspection operation.

In the event an inspection of processed material or products is impossible or impractical, indirect control by monitoring processing methods, equipment, and personnel is provided.Both inspection and process monitoring are required when control is inadequate without both.Quality Assurance is responsible for the adequate inclusion of inspection requirements in specifications.

The Ginna Manager Nuclear Assurance is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements and hold points are included in maintenance, repair, refueling,.

modification and testing procedures.

He is also responsible for the assignment of qualified inspection personnel required for the inspection of quality affecting activities and for coordinating the performance of and conducting the surveil-lance of inservice inspection.

The Quality Services Coordinator is responsible for assuring that adequate inspection requirements are included in procedures,'instructions and/or checklists controlling maintenance, modification and repair activities and related fabrication processes at the General Maintenance facility.With the exception of that which pertains to Pump and Valve Testing, the Director Research and Science is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Inspection Program.Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the requirements for the Inservice Pump.and Valve Testing Program.The program for inservice inspection of the reactor coolant system and other safety related systems is contained in Section 4.2, Technical Specifications.

Test.Control Whenever testing is required to demonstrate that a material, part, component, or system will perform satisfactorily in service, a test program is instituted employing written and'pproved procedures which are in accordance with basic requirements established in Technical Specifications, draw-ings, instructions, procurement documents, specifications, Revision 13 December 1987 codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.

The test program requires the identification, control, and documen-tation of all tests, and the preparation of written proce-dures required for satisfactory accomplishment of the testing.Written test procedures and checklists include: necessary test equipment and calibration requirements; material require-ments;test personnel requirements; prerequisite plant and equipment, conditions; limiting conditions; detailed perfor-mance instructions for the testing method and test equipment instrumentation; acceptance and rejection criteria;instruc-tions for disposition of deviations; data collection require-ments;and test result approval.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible for the station test program, which includes the surveillance test program required by Section 4.0, Technical Specifications and testing associated with modifications.

Test procedures are prepared by the plant staff, reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee and Quality Control, and approved by the Superintendent, Ginna Station.The Superintendent is responsible for the performance of the required tests in a correct and timely manner utilizing written and approved procedures.

When contractors are employed for tests, the contractor is required to perform testing in accordance with his quality assurance program requirements.

All test results are required to be docu-mented, reviewed, and approved by those responsible for performing the test.When requested by Ginna Station, Electric Transmission and Distribution performs test activities to determine the cause of protective relay malfunctions.

These test activities are performed in accordance with approved procedures by qualified personnel.

Engineering and Quality Assurance are responsible for assuring that required tests for major modifications are included in specifications.

Engineering and Electric Transmission and Distribution assistance in the preparation of modification-related test procedures may be provided to the Ginna Station staff.The Ginna Station Technical Manager is responsible for the adequate inclusion of test requirements in minor modification design documents and for reviewing modification-related test results for acceptability to design requirements.

Reviews of minor modification design by Station Quality Control verifies adequate inclusion of test requirements Control.of Measurin and Test E ui ment The calibration and control system for measuring and test equipment includes calibration procedures, establishment of Revision 13 December 1987 calibration frequencies, and maintenance and control requirements of measuring and test instruments, tools, gauges, shop standards, and nondestructive test equipment which are to be used in the measurement, inspection, and monitoring of components, systems, and structures.

Calibra-tion procedures include step-by-step methods for calibration and requirements for instrument accuracy.Calibration frequency is based on required accuracy, degree of usage, stability characteristics, manufacturer's recommendations, experience, and other conditions affecting measurement capability.

Control of measuring and test equipment requires: a recall system assuring timely calibration of equipment; a system providing unique identification of equipment, traceability to calibration test data, and identification of the next calibration date on the equipment; a system providing trace-ability of shop standards to nationally recognized.standards (where national standards do not exist, procedures'contain instructions to document the basis for calibration) and periodic revalidation of shop standards; a system providing for records to be maintained which indicate the complete status of all items.under the calibration system including the maintenance, calibration results, abnormalities, and last and future calibration dates;and a system controlling the purchase requirements of new equipment to be entered into the calibration and control system including require-ments for accuracy, stability, and repeatability under normal use conditions.

In the event a measuring instrument ( or field standard)is found out of calibration,.an investigation is conducted to determine the validity of previous measurements.

The Superintendent, Gonna Station is resonsible for the procedures and program required to assure control and cali-bration of measuring and test equipment at Ginna Station in accordance with the above requirements.

Instruments specified in Section 4.l, Technical Specifications, are included in the program.Tools, gauges, and instruments necessary for maintenance, inspection, and test are calibrated and controlled in accordance with station procedures.

Measuring, test or inspection equipment used by Quality Control is included in the program.The Director, Research and Science and Superintendent, Electric Meter and Laboratory, are responsible for esta-blishing a program and the preparation of procedures for the control and calibration of measuring and tes't equipment used by their respective departments. Revision 13 December 1987


Handlin , Stora e, and Shi in Ginna Station Supervision is responsible for developing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located at Ginna Station.General Maintenance, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Research and Science are responsible for preparing and implementing procedures for the handling, storage, shipping, preservation, and cleaning of material and equipment delivered to or located in their work areas.In addition, within.the Research and Science Department, the Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection is responsible for preparing and implementing procedures for the routine maintenance and inspection of lifting and handling equipment.

Under normal circumstances, manufacturer's specific written instructions and recommen-dations and purchase specification requirements are invoked for cleanliness, preservation, special handling, and storage with respect to environmental requirements.

In the absence of, or in addition to, specific manufacturer requirements, the department superintendent may invoke additional require-ments in accordance with department procedures.

The Chief Engineer is responsible for specifying in procure-ment documents and in engineering specifications that written procedures be used, as appropriate, for the handling, shipping, storage, cleaning, and preservation of materials and equipment procured for modifications.

These procedures are prepared by contractors, by the station staff, or by staff members of General Maintenance or Electric Transmission and Distribution as appropriate.

Rochester Gas.and Electric procedures are reviewed and approved as described in Section 6.In the preparation of procurement documents, department procedures, and contractor procedures, consideration of handling, shipping, storage, cleanliness, and preservation is given to all material and equipment throughout various stages of manufacturing and installation prior to operational acceptance.

Quality Assurance is responsible for review of Engineering specifications to assure that, proper handling, storing, and shipping requirements have been specified.

Quality Control is responsible for surveillance of handling, storage, and shipping activities by suppliers, Rochester Gas and Electric personnel, and contractors.

Revision 12 December 1986

Ins ection, Test and 0 eratin Status Equipment or systems not ready for normal service are clearly identified by use of tags, control logs, and other suitable means to indicate the status in a positive manner.The identification is sufficient to positively indicate the status of the particular equipment or system being isolated.The Superintendent, Ginna Station is responsible for indicating the status of operating equipment or systems to be removed from service for maintenance, repair, or modification in accordance with the approved Electric System Operating Rules.The Superintendent, Ginna Station designates personnel who have station holding authority.

Personnel who have station holding authority are responsible for directing the status change of equipment and systems'in accordance with the approved station holding procedures.

System status is indicated through the use of hold tags, block tags and corresponding control logs.Equipment or system inspection and test status are use of test.tags, labels, or work inspection and test status sheets.Written procedures control the use of hold tags, test tags, and labels.The procedures require the recording of the name of the person placing and removing the tag.Systems, components, and equipment which are found to be unacceptable during or after testing are clearly identified.

Fuel handling operations involving fuel assemblies or other radioactive sources are identified and controlled by the use of tags, stamps, or other suitable means.Maintenance, repair, or modification of components, systems, or structures utilizes procedures, travelers, data sheets and checklists to indicate status of the work, inspections and tests and corresponding acceptance or rejection for a particular component, system, or structure.

These job control forms are prepared jointly by the job supervisor and Quality Control and maintained at a designated control location to indicate the status and the completion of required inspections and tests.Ginna Station Quality Control monitors the status change activities for their compliance to approved procedures and assures that inspection results are properly logged.Ginna Station Quality Control also establishes the procedures for implementing the inspection status sheets utilized during inservice inspection. Revision 13 December 1987

Nonconformin Materials, Parts, and Com onents Procedures:are established for the control, evaluation and disposition of deficient material, parts, and components.

Materials, parts, or components which do not conform to the drawing or specification requirements are identified with a hold tag and reported on a nonconformance report.Quality Control is responsible for issuing nonconformance reports, initiating repair or rework, and inspecting and approving repaired or reworked items.Prior to installation or use, nonconforming items generally remain in a Quality Control receiving inspection area until approved disposition has been received.Nonconforming items which are released for installation to meet critical fabrication schedules are controlled by Quality Control to prevent inadvertant use prior to clearance of the nonconformance.

After installa-tion or use, nonconforming items are identified and con-trolled until approved disposition has been received.Nonconformances identified at a supplier's facility and reported to RG&E, which have supplier recommended diposi-tions of use-as-is, or repair, are normally processed by the department.

originating the procurement.

Organizations which specify the requirement being dispositioned are responsible for reviewing and approving the supplier recommended dispo-sition.This also applies to nonconformances discovered after receipt inspection, during handling or after instal-lation or use.Items are repaired and reworked only in accordance with.approved procedures and current drawings.Quality Control assures that approved procedures and/or drawings are avail-able for use prior to the repair or rework and rei'nspects all repaired or reworked items.The repair or rework must be verified as acceptable by an inspection of the affected item which is at least equal to the original inspection method.Items which are accepted"use-as-is" are fully documented with the drawing or specification requirement and technical justification for acceptance.

All such items are approved prior to use by the cognizant organization having responsi-bility for the requirement.

In addition, those"use-as-is" nonconformances which also deviate from a Design Criteria requirement shall require additional approval of the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering.

Quality Control issues monthly nonconformance status reports.Copies of nonconformance reports are forwarded to Quality Assurance for review, tabulation and processing of periodic trend reports to management.

Adverse trends form a basis for supplier re-evaluation or for other corrective action-per Section 16.Revision 13 December 1987

Corrective Action Quality Assurance establishes the requirements for identi-fication, review and correction of significant conditions adverse'o quality.Significant conditions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, de-viations, defective material and equipment, and nonconfor-mances are reported on a corrective action report.Sign-ificant.conditions adverse to quality include conditions affecting safety, conditions which could result in plant shutdown, high maintenance items, and operating procedure deficiencies.

The corrective action report identifies the condition; the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken.Corrective action reports may be initiated by Quality Assur-ance, Engineering, Ginna Station, General Maintenance, Research and Science, Electric Transmission and Distribution or Purchasing staff personnel.

Corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station are submitted to Quality Control for review.Corrective action reports initiated by depart-ments other than at Ginna Station are reviewed and processed by Quality Assurance.

When a significant condition adverse to quality at Ginna Station is identified, Quality Control evaluates'he affect of continuing the activity.If continuing the activity would cover up or preclude identification and correction of the deficiency, continuing the activity would increase the extent of the deficiency or lead to an unsafe condition,.stop work action is taken.Ginna Station Quality Control Supervision has authority to stop work on maintenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modification, testing or inspection.

deficiencies, at Ginna Station.Ginna Station Quality Control may recommend stop work action to the Superintendent, Ginna Station on operating deficiencies.

The Manager, Quality Assurance,has authority to stop work for conditions identified in Purchasing, Engineering, Electric Transmission and Distribution or cognizant supplier associations.

The Plant Operations Review Committee reviews all, corrective action reports initiated at Ginna Station and recommends interim corrective action if the action does not represent a change in configuration of the deficient item.The Committee recommends permanent corrective action for all conditions adverse to quality which involve operating procedures.

Significant conditions adverse to quality identified in General Maintenance and Research and Science are submitted to the Quality Services Coordinator for review.The Quality Services Cpordinator has the authority to stop or limit work*activities within General Maintenance and Research and Science.Revision 13 December 1987 1(

Conditions adverse to quality which involve design defi-ciencies or a recommended corrective action which involves a design change are reviewed by Ginna Station or Engineering as applicable.

The cognizant organization determines the cause of the condition and recommends corrective action to preclude repetition.

Quality Assurance reviews all corrective action reports to assure that the cause of the condition has been determined and that corrective action has been taken to preclude repe-tition.Corrective action summary reports are submitted to the the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering to keep them aware of significant condition's adverse to quality, related causes and corrective action being taken.ualit Assurance Records Quality Assurance is responsible for establishing the basic requirements for quality assurance record retention and maintenance.

Ginna Station is responsible for the retention and maintenance of plant records.Engineering, as directed by the Chief Engineer, is responsible for the retention and maintenance of Engineering records.Quality Assurance, Purchasing, Research and Science, General Maintenance and Electric Transmission and Distribution departments are responsible for assuring the maintenance and retention of records which they originate.

This may be accomplished either by retaining the records in their department or by forwarding them to Ginna Station or Engineering, as appro-priate.Each organization retaining records is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and implementation of specific quality assurance record procedures for their areas of responsibility in accordance with these requirements.

The records which fall within quality assurance record requirements include those records required by Section 6.10 of the Technical Specifications and the Quality Assurance Program.All records associated with the operation,, main-tenance, repair, inservice inspection, refueling, modifica-tion, inspection and testing of structures, systems, and components covered by the quality assurance program are included.Ginna Station records include operating logs;the results of inspections, tests, and the monitoring of plant activities; drawings, procurement documents and material analyses;calibration procedures and reports;and nonconformance and corrective action reports.Records of the qualification of personnel, procedures, and equipment for special processes and the results of reviews are maintained by Engineering or Ginna Station as appropriate.

Revision 13 December 1987

Inspection and test records contain a description of the type of test or inspection activity, evidence of completion of the activity, results, the name of the inspector or data recorder, the acceptance or rejection of the activity, and a record of any nonconformances.

The requirements and responsibilities for record accessibility and transmittal are described in the Quality Assurance Manual sections as appropriate.

Requirements and responsi-bilities for preparation, inspection, identification, review, storage, retrieval, maintenance, and the retention of quality assurance records are in accordance with applicable quality assurance record procedures, codes, standards, and procurement documents.

Records are available to authorized personnel.

Removal of records from storage is documented on sign-out cards and accountability is maintained by the responsible record control activity.Records are either stored in record storage facilities which are designed to prevent destruction of records due to fire, flooding, theft, and deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions; or, duplicate records are kept in two separate'torage locations in separate buildings which are physically isolated from each other.Record keeping procedures provide for receiving, classifying, indexing, labeling, and preparing records for storage.The procedures establish retention requirements, accessibility, control of obsolete record destruction, and control for issuance and return of all records.Ginna Station is responsible for maintaining plant operating records as required in Section 6.10, Technical Specifications.

Engineering is responsible for maintaining off-site prepared design records,'uch as specifications, drawings, design review reports, and design control documentation; quality assurance records, such as audit reports and supplier surveillance reports;purchasing records, such as supplier qualifications, bid evaluations, and purchase orders.Audits Compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and the effectiveness of the program is determined by audits of all organizations performing quality affecting activities Quality Assurance is responsible for conducting audits of'ach organization involved in the quality assurance program on a planned, periodic basis.Audit intervals are based on the status and safety importance of activities being performed. Revision 13 December 1987


I'udits of Ginna Station', Engineering, Research and Science, General Maintenance, Electric Transmission and Distribution, and Purchasing organizations are performed annually.Table 18-1 is a list of the activities to be audited in each of the organizations.

Audit frequencies are based on the level of activity in each area.Audit schedules are estab-lished to assure that each of the activities are audited at the frequency specified in Section 6 Technical Specifications which includes annually for those activities required to meet the criteria of Appendix B, lOCFR Part 50.Additional audits are conducted as required by special conditions or circumstances.

Each audit requires the development of an audit plan to provide information about the audit, such as the functional areas to be audited, the names and assignments of those who will perform the audit, the scheduling arrangements, and the method of reporting findings and recommendations.

The audits are performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct, responsibilities in the areas being audited.Audit.results are documented and reported to the supervisor

-and division head having responsibility in the area audited, the Senior Vice President, Production and Engineering and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Board.Within a specified period of time, the person having supervisory responsibility in the area audited is required to review the audit results, take necessary action to correct the deficiencies identified by the audit, and document and report the corrective action.Quality Assurance is responsible for developing audit plans and audit checklists, designating and training audit personnel, and conducting audits.Audits may be conducted by Quality Assurance engineers or other qualified personnel, such as technical specialists from other company departments and outside consultants.

Audits of major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are conducted during the early stages of design and procure-ment, as required, to evaluate their quality assurance program for compliance with all aspects of the procurement documents.

Audits are conducted, as required, to assure that major contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are auditing their suppliers'uality assurance programs in accordance with procurement documents.

During the project, additional audits are performed, as required, to assure all quality assurance program requirements are properly imple-mented in accordance with procurement documents. Revision 13 December 1987

Quality Assurance performs regular analyses of audit results to evaluate quality trends.Results of these analyses are provided to management for their regular review.Revision 12 December 1986.

0~Pl Table l-l Quality Assurance Program Procedures Subject Listing ualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination of Quality Assurance and Supervisory Personnel Training of Quality Assurance Personnel Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program Periodic Review of Quality Assurance Procedures Quality Assurance Group Organization and Responsibilities Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Design Criteria Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric.Engineering Specifications Quality Assurance Review of Architect/Engineer's Design Documents Requisitioning Quality Assurance Services Quality Assurance Review of Rochester Gas and Electric Procurement Documents IV IV Preparation, Review and Approval of Rochester Gas and Electric Q.A.Specifications Preparation, Review and Approval of Ginna Station Quality Assurance Manual Preparation, Review and Approval of Quality Assurance Procedures IV Review of Departmental Procedures Preparation, Review and Approval of Procedure Deviation Requests by Quality Assurance Evaluation of Suppliers by Quality Assurance Supplier Surveillance VI VI VII VII Revision 12 December 1986 Table 1-1 (cont'd)ualit Assurance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Control of Supplier Perfc rnance Quality Assurance Evaluation of Bids Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program=Quality Assurance Review of h'onconformance Reports VII VII XI XV Preparation, Review and Processing of Corrective Action Reports by Quality Assurance.XVI Qualification of Auditing Personnel Audit Scheduling and Planning Performance of Quality Assurance Audits Reporting and Follow-Up of Audit Findings Conduct of Quality Assurance During and in Follow-Up oi'SNRC and Management Audits XVI II XVIII XVI II XVIII, XVIIIRevision 12 December 1986 Table 1-1 (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Ginna Quality Assurance Program Implementation Training of Ginna Personnel Ginna Administrative and Engineering Staff Responsibilities Ginna Modification Project Organization Plant Operations Review Committee Operating Procedure Control of Station Modification Station Modification Installation Acceptance and Completion Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Minor Modification Safety Analysis Control of Procurement Documents for Purchased Materials, Parts, Components and Services IV Requisitioning Services from General Maintenance IV Plant Procedures Plant Procedure Control and Distribution Control of Engineering Documents Vendor Manual Control Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials VIVI VI VII Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Control of Purchased Services VII VII Control of Accepted Material, Parts and Components VIII Identification and Marking of Material VIII-36 Revision 13 December 1987 Table l-l (cont'd)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Control of WeldingHeat Treating and Nondestructive Examination IX Welding Equipment Performance

'Verification Nondestructive Examination IX IX Inspection and Surveillance Activities Qualification'f Surveillance and Inspection Personnel Preventive Maintenance Programs for Electrical, Mechanical and Valves Inservice Inspection X, XIV Environmentally Qualified Equipment Maintenance Program Performance of Tests XI Qualification of Test Personnel XI t Calibration and Control of Measuring and Test Equipment, XII Installed Plant Instruments and Equipment Maintenance and Inspection of Material Handling Equipment Control of Material Handling and Handling Equipment Storage and Preservation of Materials XIII XIII XIII Control of Heavy Loads at Ginna r Electric System Operating Rules Test Status Control XIII XIV XIV Bypass of Safety Function or Jumper Control Control of Temporary Modifications XIV XIV Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Materials XV-37-Revision 13 December 1987

'n Table l-l (cont d)Ginna Procedures Appendix B Criteria Issue of Nonconformance Reports Corrective Action at Ginna Station Ginna Records Record Storage Facility and Equipment Maintenance and History Program Ginna Station Response to Internal Audits XV XVI XVII XVII XVII XVIII Revision 12 December 1986

~I Table l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria h Indoctrination and Training Engineering Department Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Input Documents Preparation, Review and Approval of Design Analyses Engineering Drawings I Preparation, Review and Approval of Specifications Design Verification Design Interface Control Preparation, Review and Approval of Safety Analyses Review and Approval of Architect Engineer or Consultant Design Documents t Preparation, Review and Approval of Field Change Requests Purchase Requisition Engineering Procedures Engineering Procedure Deviation Request Distribution and Control of Documents by the Control Number Method IV V VI Control of Documents by the List, of Current Revisions Method VI Distribution and Control of Documents by Project Correspondence Procedures Receipt, Control and Distribution of Drawings and Aperature Cards Supplier Evaluation VI VI VII Revision l2 December 1'986 Table l-l (cont'd)En ineerin Procedures Appendix B Criteria Preparation, Review and Approval of Bid Requests, Bid Evaluations and Recommendations for Award VII Engineering Review of Nonconforming Materials, Parts or Components XV Initiating and Responding to Corrective Action Reports XVI Records XVII Engineering Response to Audits XVIII Revision 12 December 1986


Table l-l (cont'd)Purchasin Procedures Appendix B'riteria Periodic Review of Purchasing Procedures Indoctrination and Training of Purchasing Personnel Purchasing Department Organization and Responsibilities II Preparation, Review, Approval and Issuance of Purchase Orders and Changes to Purchase Orders Reguests for Bids and Bid Evaluation Purchasing Procedures Purchasing Procedure Deviation Request Supplier Evaluation Establishment and Maintenance of Qualified Suppliers List Supplier Nonconformance Report Processing Purchasing Department Response to Corrective Action.Reports and Corrective Action Reporting Purchasing Records Purchasing Response to Audits IV IV VI I VII XV XVI XVII XVIII Revision 12 December 1986 Table l-l (cont'd)General Maintenance Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training General Maintenance Organization and Responsibilities Documentation and Control of Modification/

Fabrication Activities Preparation, Review and Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Related Procurement Documents Quality Maintenance Procedures Quality Maintenance Procedure Deviation Request Preparation, Review and Approval of General Maintenance Fabrication Route Cards IV Control and Distribution of Documents Regulating Safety Related Activities Receipt and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Cont'rol, of Accepted Material, Parts and Components Traceability of Material Issue, Control and Storage of Weld Consumables Control of Welding Inspection and Surveillance Activities Conduct of Crane Operators Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Material, Parts and Components Corrective Action at General Maintenance Quality Maintenance Records General Maintenance Response to Internal Audits VI VII VIII VIII VIII IX XIII XV XVI XVII XVIII Revision 12 December 1986

~~'i Table l-l (cont'd)Research and Science Procedures Appendix B Criteria Indoctrination and Training Research and Science Organization and Responsibilities Preparation, Review and Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Related Procurement Documents Quality Research and Science Procedures Quality Research and Science Procedure Deviation Request Preparation, Review and Approval of Material Handling Equipment Instructions Control and Distribution of Documents Regulating Safety Related Activities Receipt, and Acceptance of Purchased Materials Preparation, Review and Approval of Supplier Evaluation Welding Prodedure Preparation Review and A'pproval Welding Procedure Qualification Heat Treating Procedures Welder Qualification and Currency Nondestructive Examination Procedures Nondestructive Examination Procedures Manual Nondestructive Examination Personnel Qualification Inservice Inspection Program and Plans Incorporating Ginna Modifications into Inservice Inspection Program Test Control IV VI VII VII IX IX IX IX IX IX IX KI Revision 12 December 1986 Table l-l (cont'd)Research and Science Procedures Appendix B Criteria Test Personnel Qualification Calibration and Control of Nondestructive Examination Instruments XI XII Inspection and Maintenance of Material Handling Equipment Overhead and Gantry Cranes Inspection and Maintenance of Portable Lifting and Handling Equipment Underhung Cranes, Jib Cranes and Monorail Systems Slings and Related Apparatus Classification and Training of Material Handling Equipment Personnel Mobile Hydraulic Cranes Inspection and Maintenance of Jacks Forklift Loading Forks Monorails XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII Training and Qualification of Crane Operators Lifting Devices in the Containment Vessel Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Material, Parts and Components Corrective Action at Research and Science Quality Research and Science Records Research and Science Response to Internal Audits XIII XIII XV-XVI XVII XVIIIRevision 12 December 1986

I~~Table l-l (cont'd)Electric Transmission and Distribution Procedures Appendix B Criteria Quality Assurance Program Implementation for Electric Transmission and Distribution Department Training of Electric Transmission and Distribution Personnel Electric Transmission and Distribution Organization Design/Modification Activities Control Control of Procurement Documents for Purchased Parts, Components and Services Preparation, Review, and Approval of Electric Transmission and Distribution and Laboratory Procedures IV Control of Electric Transmission and Distribution

~~Procedures, Schedules and Test Form Books Supplier Qualification Technical Evaluation Receipt and Acceptance of Instrumentation and Standards Equipment Control of Purchased Services for EMAIL K Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components Performance of Tests at Ginna Station Performance of Tests at the Electric Laboratory Qualification of Test Personnel Calibration and Control of Test Instruments Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection and Test Status at Electric Meter and Laboratory Control and Disposition of Nonconforming Parts and Components VI VII VII VII VIII XI XI XI XII XIII XIV XV Revision 12 December 1986 Table l-l (cont'd)Electric Transmission and Distribution Procedures Appendix B'riteria Initiating and Processing of Corrective Action Reports XVI Control of Quality Assurance Records XVII Response to Audits XVIIIRevision 12 December 1986 l~~~~0 0 TABIE 4-1 Procurement Document Re irements Items to be considered for inclusion in procurement documents include: 1.Sco e of Work--Detailed statement of the work to be per-formed.*2 Technical Re uirements-by reference to specific drawings, specifications, codes, regulations, procedures or instruc-tions, including revisions, that describe the items or services to be furnished.

Also identified shall be test, inspection and acceptance requirements, and any special re-quirements for such activities as designing, identification, fabrication, cleaning, erecting, packaging, handling, shpping and extended storage.*3.ualit Assurance Pro ram Re irements-which require the supplier to have a documented quality assurance program that implements portions or all of lOCFR50 Appendix B as well as applicable quality assurance program requirements of other nationally recognized codes and standards.

Also included shall be the requirement that the supplier in-corporate appropriate quality assurance program require-ments in subtier procurement documents.

  • 4.Ri ht of Access-to include the facilities and records of the supplier for source inspection and audit by the Purchaser or parties designated by the purchaser.

Also included shall be provisions for the identification of witness and hold points and the minimum time of advance notice.*5.Documentation Re uirements-Submittal approval and retention requirements for documents such as quality assurance manuals, special process and test procedures, materials records, calcu-lations and analyses.*6.Nonconformances

-Requirements for-reporting and disposition of nonconformances to procurement requirements.

I*-Included in the review by Quality Assurance/Quality Control.Revision 13 December 1987 TABLE 1 8-1 Audit List Functional Or anization Activities Audited L'ngineering Indoctrination and Training Design Control Procu remen t Doc urr en t Con tr ol Document Control Records Procurement Control Purchasing Indoctrination and Training Procurement Document Control Records and Document Control Procurement Control Ginna Station QA Indoctrination and Training Ginna Staff Training, Retraining-Qualification and Performance Modification Maintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control and Records Inservice Inspection Surveillance Testing Handling, Storage and Shipping Facility Gperation Conformance to all provisions contained in Technical Specifications and applicable license condition Refueling Calibration and Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Health Physics&Chemistry Security Plan and Procedures Emergency Plan and Procedures Inspection 6 Surveillance

  • Fire Protection Program and Implementing Procedures Corrective Action associated with deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, struc-tures, y tems or methods of, operation Revision 12 December 1986 TABLE l8-1 (cont'd.)Audit List Functional Or anization Active.ties AuditedGeneral Maintenance Transportation of Radioactive Waste Fire Protection and Loss Prevention Program Inspection and Audit***Fire Protection and Loss Prevention Program.Independent Inspections and Audits Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and Results Thereof*Offsite Dose Calculation Nanual and Implementing Procedures
  • Process Control Program and Implementing Procedures
  • Biennially
      • Triennally Indoctrination and Training Naintenance and Repair Procurement Control Document Control and Records Shop Fabrication and Repairs Control of Neasuring Equipment, Special Processes Handling, Storage and Shipping Inspection and Surveillance Electric Transmission and Distribution Indoctrination and Training Design/Nodification Control Procurement Control Document Control and Records Handling and Shipping Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Test Control Revision 12 December 1986 e

TABLE 18-1 (cont'd.)Audit List Functional Or anization Activities Audited Research and Science Indoctrination and Training Handling, Storage, and Shipping Procurement Control Welding and NDE Inservice In pection Document Control Control of Measuring and Test Equipment Test Control Records Revision 12 December 1986 ltllES OF SUPERVISIOÃ allO AOMIMIHIATIOÃ LINES OF COMMUNKATIOH CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHART PRESIDENT 51 MOR ViCf PR(5iDINI (USIVMIR d ADMiH 5(RVK(5 5(NiOR VK(PR(SiD(NI Lia5 d IL(C IRK DiSIRiduliON d CORPORal(PlaHNiNG"SENIOR VICE PRESIDEN1 PRODUCTION d ENGINfERING SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT d CONTROLLER VP ELECTRIC IRANSMiSSION.


~,4 I*

The figure previously appearing on this page was deleted with the issuance of Revision 7, dated November 1980.Revision 12 December 1986 r+~






N S I)I I'A It'I'M I!N'I'U I'ERIN'I'EN Dl'.NT I;A BOltATOlt Y SERVICES M E'I'ER MAINTENANCE MANAGElt FIEI.D SERVICES MANAGER EN GIN EERI N G MANAGElt A DMIN I STRATI VE AND SIIOPS NOTE: Chart is abreviated to show only key positions involved in implementing QA program and therefore does not show all positions in the division.CONSTRUCTION RE I.AY TEST MAINTENANCE AND'I'EST TltA VEI.INC 0 PE ltA'I'OltS ENGINL'I RING QU Al.l'I'Y SI ItVICI S RGSE 7l87 pc(1 5 FIGURE 2-4 P%

gl l ENGINEERING DIVISION ORGANIZATION A CHIEF ENGINEER Superintendent, G<<n<<rul Muintenunce Director, Engineering Services Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Divisional Services Director, Research&Science I Ul Ul I Manager, Shop Operations Manager, Field Service Operations and Project Planning Manager, Administrative Services Manager, Inspection/Land Survey and Building Services Manager, Construction Engineering Manager, Electrical Engineering Design Manager, Electrical Engineering Services Manager, Mechanical Engineering Quality Services Coordinator Quality Assurance Functional Lead Engineers Supervisor, Cost and Schedule Supervisor, Office Services and Document Control Staff Management Services Research and Development Analyst Manager Environmental Science and Laboratory Service Manager, Materials Engineering and Inspection Services III I" 0 N 4J Manager, Nuclear Engineering Manager, Structural Engineering Administrative Prospect Direction FIGURE 2-5 RG&E 11/87 pcf I S (v',@1'~lt I Vl I QA PORC I I I I l Research and Science Electric Transmission and Distribution Purchasing General Maintenance Engineering Plant Review Audits M tV CO Figure 2-6 RG&E 10/86 RAF f~w)1