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Beaver Valley, Units 1 & 2, Davis-Besse and Perry - Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company'S (Fenoc'S) Fourth Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigatio
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Davis Besse, Perry
Issue date: 02/26/2015
From: Belcher S L
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EA-12-049, L-15-002, TAC MF0841, TAC MF0842, TAC MF0961, TAC MF0962
Download: ML15057A398 (26)


FENOCFirs't Energ/ M.,c.ea, qprr"rrngc76 South Main StreetAkron. Ohio 44308Samuel L. BelcherSenior Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerFebruary 26,2015L-15-002ATTN: Document Control DeskU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-00110 cFR 2.202SUBJECT:Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationDocket No. 50-346, License No. NPF-3Perry Nuclear Power PlantDocket No. 50-440, License No. NPF-58FirstEnerqy Nuclear Operatinq Companv's (FENOC's) Fourth Six-Month Status Repo!-tin Responseto Merch 12.2012 Commission Order Mqdifying Licenses,with Resard toRequirements for Mitigation Strateoies for Bevond-Desiqn-Basis External Eve.nts (OrderNumber EA-12-049) (TAC Nos. MF0841, MF0842. Mt0961, ?qd MF0962)On March 1 2,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) issuedan order (Reference 1) to FENOC. Reference 1 was immediately effective and directsFENOC to develop, implement, and maintain guidance and strategies to maintain orrestore core cooling, containment, and spent fuel pool cooling capabilities in the eventof a beyond-design-basis external event. Specific requirements are outlined inAttachment 2 of Reference 1.Reference 1 required submission of an initial status report 60 days following issuance ofthe final interim staff guidance (Reference 2) and an overall integrated plan pursuant toSection lV, Condition C. Reference2 endorses industry guidance document NuclearEnergy Institute (NEl) 12-06, Revision 0 (Reference 3) with clarifications and exceptionsidentified in Reference 2. Reference 4 provided the FENOC initial status reportregarding mitigation strategies. Reference 5 provided the FENOC overall integratedplan for Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS), Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station (DBNPS), and Perry Nuctear Power Plant (PNPP). Reference 6 provideda revision to the PNPP OlP.Reference 1 requires submission of a status report at six-month intervals followingsubmittal of the overall integrated plan. Reference 3 provides direction regarding the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationPerry Nuclear Power PlantL-15-002Page 2content of the status reports. The purpose of this letter is to provide the fourthsix-month status report pursuant to Section lV, Condition C.2, of Reference 1, thatdelineates progress made in implementing the requirements of Reference 1. Theattached reports for BVPS, DBNPS, and PNPP (Attachments 1,2, and 3, respectively)provide an update of milestone accomplishments since the last status report, includingany changes to the compliance method, schedule, or need for relief/relaxation and thebasis, if any.This letter contains no new regulatory commitments. lf you have any questionsregarding this report, please c-ontact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manager - Fleet Licensing,at 330-315-6810.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed onFebruary 'Ll ,2015.Respectfully,Samuel L. BelcherAttachments:1. Beaver Valley Power Station Fourth Six-Month Status Report for thef mplementatibn of Order EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsZ. Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Fourth Six-Month Status Report for thelmplementation of Order EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events3. perry Nuclear Power Plant Fourth Six-Month Status Report for the lmplementationof Order EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements forMitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsReferences:1. NRC Order Number EA-1 2-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events,dated March 12,2012Z. NRC Interim Staff Guidance JLD-lSG-2O1 2-01, Compliance with Order EA-12-049,Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation ltflggiesfor Beyond-DeJign-Basis ExternalEvents, Revision 0, dated August 29,201.23. NEI 12-06, Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) lmplementation Guide,Revision 0, dated August2012 6.Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2Davis-Besse Nuclear Power StationPerry Nuclear Power PlantL-15-002Page 34. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's) Initial Status Report inResponseio March 12,2012 bommission Order Modifoing Licenses with Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(Order Number EA-12-049), dated October 26,2012b. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's) Overall Integrated Plan inResponseio March ii, z7l2 -Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Eventscc:(Order Number EA-12-049), dated February 27,2013FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's) Revision of Overallf ntegrateJ Plan for Peiry Nuclear Power Plant in Response to March 12,2012Commission Order Nnodifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for MitigationStrategies for Beyond-Oeiign-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049),dated September 25, 2014.Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)NRC Region I AdministratorNRC Region lll AdministratorNRC Resident Inspector (BVPS)NRC Resident Inspector (DBNPS)NRC Resident Inspector (PNPP)NRC Project Manager (BVPS)NRC Project Manager (DBNPS)NRC Project Manager (PNPP)Ms. Jessica A. Kratchman, NRR/JLD/PMB, NRCDirector BRP/DEP (without Attachments)Site BRPIDEP Representative (without Attachments)Utility Radiological Safety Board (without Attachments)