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February 2005 Davis-Besse Monthly Status Report
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2005
Download: ML050530175 (3)


February 2005 NRCs inspections completed during mid-cycle outage NRC Resident Inspection Staff Three fully qualified resident inspectors are FirstEnergy recently completed a mid-cycle outage at assigned to the Davis-Besse site on a full-time Davis-Besse, performing NRC-required inspections of the basis. The normal complement for a reactor replacement reactor vessel head, the reactor vessel site is two inspectors, but a third inspector was bottom, and the steam generators. added in September 2003 to provide additional oversight. All three inspectors and their An NRC inspector observed and evaluated Davis-Besses families live in the vicinity of the Davis-Besse visual inspections of upper and lower vessel head for plant.

leakage, as required by the Order issued by the NRC before the plans restart. No evidence of leakage was Christopher S. Scott Thomas has been the detected. senior resident inspector at Davis-Besse since January 2002. He previously was a resident NRC inspectors also observed and evaluated the utilitys inspector at the Prairie Island Nuclear Power inspections of the plants steam generators. The utility Station in Minnesota. Scott specialized in expanded the scope of this inspection after initial nuclear engineering with the U.S. Navy for 15 examinations of a sample of steam generator tubes years before joining the NRC. He holds a revealed flaws. The flawed tubes were plugged or masters degree in environmental engineering.


John E. Jack Rutkowski was assigned as a Other utility inspections of piping and components were resident inspector at Davis-Besse in June also review by the NRC inspectors. 2003. Prior to joining the NRC in 2002, Jack held a wide range of technical and A report of the NRC inspection (Report No. 50-346/05-03) management positions in the nuclear industry.

will be issued in mid-March and will be available on the He also served in the U.S. Navy. He holds a NRC web site. masters degree in nuclear science and engineering and a masters degree in business First round of independent administration.

assessments completed Monica P. Salter-Williams became the third member of the resident inspection staff in FirstEnergy has completed the last of four independent September 2003, coming to Davis-Besse from assessments required by a Confirmatory Order, issued by the NRCs Region I office. She was previously the NRC to FirstEnergy as part of its authorization to an engineer at a nuclear power plant in resume operations at Davis-Besse. The Order requires Pennsylvania. Monica has a masters degree the utility to conduct independent assessments of four key in nuclear engineering from Pennsylvania State areas at the plant: operations performance, corrective University and a bachelors degree in chemistry action program, engineering program effectiveness, and from Georgia State University.

organizational safety culture, including safety conscious work environment. Nancy Keller is the resident office assistant.

She has been the administrative backbone of These assessments are to be conducted each year for a the NRC resident inspectors office since 1994.

five-year period.

NRC Update: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant February 2005 - Page 2 The operations, corrective action program, and engineering assessments are available on the NRCs Davis-Besse web site. The organizational safety culture assessment was completed in late December, and the report is expected to be available to the public in March.

Web-based access restored for NRC online document library Documents in the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions online documents library known as ADAMS are available again through a convenient, user-friendly web-based access tool.

On Oct. 25 the NRC suspended public access to the ADAMS online library and some other parts of its web site to review documents and remove any that could reasonably be expected to aid a potential terrorist. The agency previously restored access to non-sensitive reactor documents using Citrix software.

Beginning in early February, users may access documents directly from the NRC web site, rather than only through Citrix. This web-based ADAMS, which was initially available in January 2003, features basic and advanced search options for users to search and retrieve files of publicly available documents.

Davis-Besse documents can easily be found using the docket number 05000346 as a search criterion.

NRC Issues Inspection Reports NRC Davis-Besse Web Site Its been close to a year since Davis-Besse resumed Due to an updating of the NRC web site, the operations after its two-year outage. Enough operational data link to Davis-Besse documents and has been gathered for performance indicators to become information has been changed. It is now meaningful measures of the plants safety performance. Since available on the NRC Nuclear Reactors Davis-Besses restart in March 2004, NRC resident inspectors page. On the web site: -

have been conducting additional inspections in areas normally select Nuclear Reactors from the blue tabs evaluated through performance indicator statistics. Now, with at the top of the page. The Davis-Besse link the performance indicators considered valid measurements, is listed among the key topics at the right of the NRC resident inspectors will redirect this inspection effort the reactors page.

to other safety-significant areas of plant operation and performance.

Integrated Resident Inspection (Report No. 50-346/04-16, issued February 11, 2005) reviewed the results of seven weeks of inspection by the NRC resident inspectors. No significant findings were identified.

Special Emergency Preparedness Inspection - Discrepant Alert and Notification System Performance Indicator Data (Report No. 50-346/04-18, issued January 13, 2005) reviewed the utilitys activities in response to the testing failure of the Alert and Notification System, especially with respect to the reporting requirements of the performance indicator program. NRC inspectors identified an apparent violation of NRC regulations in that the utility submitted discrepant Alert and Notification System Performance Indicator data for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2004. The inspection also found that the Ottawa County Sheriffs Department lost the capability of activating all 54 sirens in the Emergency Planning Zone for a period of 10 days. This issue has been preliminary determined to be one of low-to-moderate safety significance. Further action by the NRC on these two issues is pending.

Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection (Report No. 50-346/04-17, issued January 30, 2004) evaluated the plant staffs ability to identify and characterize problems and to resolve them. No significant findings requiring further NRC action were identified.

Integrated Resident Inspection (Report No. 50-346/04-15, issued December 20, 2004) reviewed the results of seven weeks of inspection by the NRC resident inspectors. NRC inspectors identified a violation of NRC regulations: the utility failed to perform an adequate safety evaluation review for changes made to the facility.

NRC Update: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant February 2005 - Page 3 Public Participation in the Process The NRCs experience is that members of the public, including public officials and citizens, often raise questions or provide insights that are important to consider. If you have questions or want to provide information or a point of view, please contact us. For feedback on this newsletter, contact Viktoria Mitlyng 630/829-9662 or Jan Strasma 630/829-9663 (toll free 800/522-3025 - ext -9662 or -9663). E-mail: Extensive information about the Davis-Besse reactor vessel head damage and the ensuing activities is available on the NRC web site: - first select the Nuclear Reactors tab at the top of the page and then select Davis-Besse under the list of key topics.