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San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Core Operating Limits Report for Unit 2 Cycle 17 and Unit 3 Cycle 16
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2013
From: Onge R J
Edison International Co, Southern California Edison Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME0604, TAC ME0605
Download: ML13073A140 (42)


J SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON°An EDISON INTERNATIONAL& CompanyRichard l. St. OngeDirector, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs andEmergency Planning10 CFR 50.4February 15, 2013ATTN: Document Control DeskU. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555Subject:Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362Core Operating Limits ReportSan Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3References: 1) NRC letter from James R. Hall (NRC) to Ross T. Ridenoure, datedDecember 15, 2009, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2and 3 -Issuance of Amendments Revising Technical Specification5.7.1.5, "Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)" (TAC NOS. ME0604and ME0605)Dear Sir or Madam:The Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Unit 2 Cycle 17 and Unit 3 Cycle 16 forthe San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) are provided as an enclosure tothis letter as a mid-cycle revision. This submittal is made in accordance with Section,"Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)," of the SONGS Technical Specifications.The COLR is no longer contained in the Unit-Specific Licensee Controlled Specifications(LCS). It has been moved to a unit specific document that is also controlled under 1 OCFR50.59. Hence, this is an administrative change and there are no technical changes to theCOLR.Enclosure 1 contains the COLR for Unit 2 and Enclosure 2 contains the COLR for Unit 3.This submittal contains no new commitments.If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. Mark Morgan,Plant Licensing Lead at (949) 368-6745.Sincerely,uV-JP.O. Box 128San Clemente, CA 92672 Document Control Desk -2- February 15, 2013Enclosures: 1. Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station(SONGS) Unit 22. Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station(SONGS) Unit 3cc: E. E. Collins, Jr., Regional Administrator, NRC Region IVR. Hall, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3B. Benney, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3G. Warnick, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, San Onofre Units 2 and 3


1:Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station(SONGS) Unit 2 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTSAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATIONUNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTRevision 0Effective Immediately50.59 review: 201726946-012Name PQS Code /PQS Ver. Initials Signature Date265474Prepared By Kameron Raisi Approvals Documented in SAP CaseKMKR 28753265474Reviewed By Kevin Balch Approvals Documented in SAP CaseKB 28753265474Approved By Tom Remick Approvals Documented in SAP CaseTR 28753Page 1 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTTABLE OF CONTENTSContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 2LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................... 3DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................................. 4AFFECTED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................... 4ANALYTICAL M ETHODS ............................................................................................................................. 5CORE OPERATING LIM ITS .......................................................................................................................... 73.1.1 Shutdow n M argin (SDM ) -Tavg > 200 Deg F ................................................................. 73.1.2 Shutdow n M argin (SDM ) -Tavg -< 200 Deg F ................................................................. 73.1.4 M oderator Tem perature Coefficient (M TC) ..................................................................... 73.1.5 Control Elem ent Assem bly (CEA) Alignm ent .................................................................... 73.1.7 Regulating CEA Insertion Lim its ........................................................................................ 83.1.8 Part Length Control Elem ent Assem bly (CEA) Insertion Lim its ...................................... 83.2.1 Linear Heat Rate (LHR) ...................................................................................................... 83.2.4 Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) ............................................................ 83.2.5 Axial Shape Index (ASI) ...................................................................................................... 93.4.1 RCS DNB (Pressure, Tem perature and Flow) Lim its ...................................................... 93.9.1 Boron Concentration ....................................................................................................... 9Page 2 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.4- 1Figure 3.1.5-1Figure 3.1.5-2Figure 3.1.5-3Figure 3.1.5-4Figure 3.1.7-1Figure 3.1.8-1Figure 3.2.4-1aFigure 3.2.4-1 bFigure 3.2.4-2LIST OF FIGURESM TC Acceptable Operation .................................................................... 10Required Power Reduction After Single Non-Group 6 Full LengthC E A D eviation ........................................................................................ 11Required Power Reduction After Single Group 6 Full Length CEAD eviation ........................................................................................... 12Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEA Deviation(CEA Initially > 112.5 Inches Withdrawn) ....................................... 13Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEA Deviation(CEA Initially < 112.5 Inches Withdrawn) ...................................... 14Regulating CEA Withdrawal vs. Thermal Power .................................... 15Part Length CEA Insertion Limit vs. Thermal Power ............................. 16DNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators (COLSSOut Of Service (> 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE) ........ 17DNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators (COLSSOut Of Service (< 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE) ........ 18DNBR Operating Limit Based On Core Protection Calculator (COLSSOut Of Service, Both CEACs INOPERABLE) ................................. 19Page 3 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTDESCRIPTIONThis Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification5.7.1.5. The Core Operating Limits have been developed using the NRC approvedmethodologies specified in Technical Specification TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS3.1.1 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg > 200 Deg F3.1.2 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg < 200 Deg F3.1.4 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)3.1.5 Control Element Assembly (CEA) Alignment3.1.7 Regulating CEA Insertion Limits3.1.8 Part Length Control Element Assembly (CEA) Insertion Limits3.2.1 Linear Heat Rate (LHR)3.2.4 Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)3.2.5 Axial Shape Index (ASI)3.4.1 RCS DNB (Pressure, Temperature and Flow) Limits3.9.1 Boron ConcentrationPage 4 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTANALYTICAL METHODSThe following Technical Specification analytical methods (identified by report number,title, revision, date, and any supplements), previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, shallbe used to determine the core operating limits. Changes to the analytical methods are controlledin accordance with 10CFR50.59.REPORT TITLE REVISION DATENUMBERCENPD-132P Calculative Methods for the C-E Large 0 AugustBreak LOCA Evaluation Model 1974Calculational Methods for the C-E Supplement 1 FebruaryLarge Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1975Calculational Methods for the C-E Supplement 2-P July 1975Large- Break LOCA Evaluation ModelCalculative Methods for the C-E Large Supplement 3-P-A June 1985Break LOCA Evaluation Model for theAnalysis of C-E and W Designed NSSSCalculative Methods for the CE Nuclear Supplement 4-P-A MarchPower Large Break LOCA Evaluation 2001ModelCENPD-137P Calculative Methods for the C-E Small 0 AugustBreak LOCA Evaluation Model 1974Calculative Methods for the C-E Small Supplement 1-P JanuaryBreak LOCA Evaluation Model 1977Calculative Methods for the ABB C-E Supplement 2-P-A April 1998Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model(Cycle 2 SER) Letter, G. W. Knighton (NRC) to K.P. N/A January 9,Baskin, "Issuance of Amendment No. 198530 to Facility Operating License NPF-10 and Amendment No. 19 to FacilityOperating License NPF-15," San OnofreNuclear Generating Station Units 2 and3Page 5 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREPORT TITLE REVISION DATENUMBER(Cycle 3 SER) Letter, G. W. Knighton (NRC) to K. P. N/A May 16,Baskin (SCE), "Issuance of Amendment 1986No. 47 to Facility Operating LicenseNPF-10 and Amendment No. 36 toFaci 1 ity Operating License NPF- 15,"San Onofre Nuclear Generating StationUnits 2 and 3CEN-356(V)-P-A Modified Statistical Combination of 01-P-A May 1988UncertaintiesCEN-635(S) Identification of NRC Safety Evaluation 00 FebruaryReport Limitations and/or Constraints 1999on Reload Analysis MethodologySCE-9801-P-A Reload Analysis Methodology for the 0 JuneSan 1999Onofre Nuclear Generating StationUnits 2 and 3CENPD-404-P-A Implementation of ZIRLOTM Cladding 0 NovemberMaterial in CE Nuclear Power Fuel 2001Assembly DesignsSCE-0901-A PWR Reactor Physics Methodology 0 DecemberUsing 2009Studsvik Design CodesPage 6 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTCORE OPERATING LIMITSThe cycle-specific operating limits for the specifications listed are presented below.3.1.1 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg > 200 Dea FFor Tavg > 200 Deg F the SDM shall be >_ 5.15% Ak/k3.1.2 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg -200 Deg FFor Tavg < 200 Deg F the SDM shall be > 4.0% Ak/k3.1.4 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)The MTC shall be > [more positive than] -3.7E-4 Ak/k/°F at RTPANDThe steady state MTC shall be no more positive than the upper MTC limit shown inFigure 3.1.4-13.1.5 Control Element Assembly (CEA) AlignmentWith one non-group 6 full length CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by > 7inches, initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-1requirements.With one group 6 full length CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by > 7 inches,initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-2 requirements.With one part length CEA initially > 112.5" misaligned from its group by > 7 inches,initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-3 requirements.With one part length CEA initially < 112.5" misaligned from its group by > 7 inches,initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-4 requirements.Page 7 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT3.1.7 Regulating CEA Insertion LimitsThe regulating CEA groups shall be limited to the withdrawal sequence, and insertionlimits specified in Figure 3.1.7- Part Length Control Element Assembly (CEA) Insertion LimitsThe Part Length CEA groups shall be limited to the insertion limits specified in Figure3.1.8- Linear Heat Rate (LHR)LHR shall not exceed 12.8 kW/ft.3.2.4 Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)The DNBR shall be maintained by one of the following methods:a. Maintaining Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS) calculated corepower less than or equal to COLSS calculated core power operating limit basedon DNBR (when COLSS is in service, and either one or both control elementassembly calculators (CEACs) are OPERABLE);b. Maintaining COLSS calculated core power less than or equal to COLSScalculated core power operating limit based on DNBR decreased by 13.0% RTP(when COLSS is in service and neither CEAC is OPERABLE);c. Operating within limits as specified in Figure 3.2.4-1A for initial power > 90%RTP or Figure 3.2.4-1B for initial power < 90% RTP using any OPERABLE coreprotection calculator (CPC) channel (when COLSS is out of service and eitherone or both CEACs are OPERABLE); ord. Operating within limits as specified in Figure 3.2.4-2 using any OPERABLE CPCchannel (when COLSS is out of service and neither CEAC is OPERABLE).Page 8 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT3.2.5 Axial Shape Index (ASI)Core average ASI shall be within the following limits:a. COLSS OPERABLE -0.27 < ASI < +0.27b. COLSS OUT OF SERVICE -0.20 < ASI < + RCS DNB (Pressure, Temperature and Flow) LimitsRCS Parameters for pressurizer pressure, cold leg temperature, and RCS total flow rateshall be within the limits specified below:a, Pressurizer pressure > 2025 psia and < 2275 psia;b. RCS cold leg temperature (Tc):1. For THERMAL POWER less than or equal to 30% RTP, 522°F < Tc < 558°F2. For THERMAL POWER greater than 30% RTP, 535°F < Tc < 558°F;c. RCS total flow rate > 396,000 gpm.3.9.1 Boron ConcentrationBoron concentrations of the Reactor Coolant System and the refueling canal shall bemaintained within the limit specified below to ensure that the more restrictive of thefollowing reactivity conditions is met.a. Keff< 0.95,ORb. Boron concentration >2600 ppm.Page 9 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.4- 1MTC Acceptable Operation0_50-0.5-1-1.5LU0I-.11REGION OF UNACCEPTABLE, ,.LIiOPERATION AT ALL TIMESTSL3.1.4 LiwitLi._R o s P o s it iv e M T C L im it ------- --------. ---r -----(E-4 dK/K/F)=O.5-(0.008 x % RTP)--- -- ---- --- ------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ---------.---.--REGION OF UNACCEPTABLE OPERATIONOPRTONDRNSTAD STAT-- ----- ----------------------------------------------------- ----. .........------......----......--------L ......- -REGIN OFACCETABL OPEATIO--------r ------T -------4 ---------------------: -------- -------- -------- ----------- ---------- ---- -- --- ------- ---- ----------- ------ ----------- --- -- ---------COLR Loer Limi-~ ~ --------------------------- ------ ----------- ---- --------................. ------ ----------M diN f .ii ,REGION OF UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION I-2-2.5-3-3.5-40 10 20 30 40 50 60 7080 90 100POWER LEVEL (% RTP)Page 10 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-1Required Power Reduction After Single Non-Group 6 Full Length CEA Deviation *20REGION OFACCEPTABLE (120 Minutes, 15%)15 OPERATIONz05 (60 Minutes, 10%)DaUj REGION OF2 UNACCEPTABLE0. 5OPERATION15 Minutes, 0%)0 20 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)When core power is reduced to 50% of rated power per this limit curve, furtherreduction is not required by this specification.Page 11 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-2Required Power Reduction After Single Group 6 Full Length CEA Deviation *20REGION OFACCEPTABLE15 OPERATIONz0t 10 (120 Minutes, 10%)o (60 Minutes, %-/ UNACCEPTABLE/ OPERATION: (15 Minutes, 0%) , ,0 20 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)When core power is reduced to 50% of rated power per this limit curve, furtherreduction is not required by this specification.Page 12 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-3Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEADeviation (CEA Initially > 112.5 Inches Withdrawn)20NO0 POWERo 10aREDUCTION?REQUIRED00. 500 20 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)Page 13 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-4Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEADeviation (CEA Initially < 112.5 Inches Withdrawn) *200-0z010r.500 20 40 60 80 100TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)120When core power is reduced to 50% of rated power per this limit curve, furtherreduction is not required by this specification.Page 14 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.7-1Regulating CEA Withdrawal vs. Thermal Power108"GP. 6S&§S'6C)0GP. 6 GP. 4150 120 90 60 30 0 0 1 20 90 60 30 0GP. 5 GP. 3I ..I150 120 90II6030j0I I i I150 120 90Critical CEA Position -Inches WithdrawnPage 15 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.8-1Part Length CEA Insertion Limit vs. Thermal Power*1 nl0.90--0.80 -0.70-i 0.600.50(X 0.40-0 0.30-,2 0.2013o~o,I I I1 ] I I I I I ---I________-1,&, 112.5" (75%)-UTransientInsertion LimitLong Term Steady StateInserilon LimitLLSaSaa-~aa----------------I~.___________22.5w (15%)0) IW I I I 1 -1. 1L 1-.. ...I ----- L.L I L JLI150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Part Length CEA PosilIon, Inches WithdrawnPage 16 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.2.4-1aDNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators(COLSS Out Of Service (>_ 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE)COLSS OUT OF SERVICE (>=90% RTP)ONE OR BOTH CEACS OPERABLE2.52A -W2.302.2-aj1.< -1.9 .8-Io 1.7 -1.6-1.5REGION OFACCEPTABLEOPERATION0000ý-0.2 <= ASI <= 0.1DNBR>= 0.6

  • ASI + 2.140.1 < ASI <= 0.2DNBR >= 2.2REGION OFUNACCEPTABLEOPERATIONII II-0.3-0.2-0.1 0 0.1CPC AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (ASI)0.20.3Page 17 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.2.4- lbDNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators(COLSS Out Of Service (< 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE)COLSS OUT OF SERVICE (<90% RTP)ONE OR BOTH CEACS OPERABLE2.82.7-2.6-z2.5-ILl3:2.40<2.3 -S2.2S 2.1C.2rREGION OFACCEPTABLEOPERATION-0.2 <= ASI <- 0.05DNBR>= 0.6
  • ASI+ 2.350.05 < ASI <= 0.2DNBR>= 2.38REGION OFUNACCEPTABLEOPERATIONI1.9-1.8ij-0.3-0.2-0.1 0 0.1CPC AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (ASI)0.20.3Page 18 of 19 S02-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.2.4-2DNBR Operating Limit Based On Core Protection Calculator(COLSS Out Of Service, Both CEACs INOPERABLE)COLSS OUT OF SERVICEBOTH CEACS INOPERABLE3.7.3.6-O 3.5 -z003.3-J9J3.2S3.1zS3.E 2.9-0REGION OFACCEPTABLEOPERATION-0.2 <= ASI <= 0.0DNBR >= 1.5
  • ASI + 3.250.0 < ASI <= 0.2DNBR >= 3.25REGION OFUNACCEPTABLEOPERATION2.8-2.7-0.2-0.3I I I I I I-0.1 0 0.1 0.2CPC AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (ASI)0.3Page 19 of 19


2:Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station(SONGS) Unit 3 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTSAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATIONUNIT 3CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTRevision 0Effective Immediately50.59 review: 201726946-014Name PQS Code /PQS Ver. Initials Signature Date265474Prepared By Kameron Raisi Approvals Documented in SAP CaseKMKR 28753265474Reviewed By Kevin Balch Approvals Documented in SAP CaseKB 28753265474Approved By Tom Remick Approvals Documented in SAP CaseTR 28753Page 1 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 2LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................... 3DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................................. 4AFFECTED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................... 4ANALYTICAL M ETHODS ............................................................................................................................. 5CORE OPERATING LIM ITS .......................................................................................................................... 73.1.1 Shutdow n M argin (SDM) -Tavg > 200 Deg F ................................................................. 73.1.2 Shutdow n M argin (SDM) -Tavg -- 200 Deg F ................................................................. 73.1.4 M oderator Tem perature Coefficient (M TC) ..................................................................... 73.1.5 Control Elem ent Assem bly (CEA) Alignm ent .................................................................... 73.1.7 Regulating CEA Insertion Lim its ........................................................................................ 83.1.8 Part Length Control Elem ent Assem bly (CEA) Insertion Lim its .................................... 83.2.1 Linear Heat Rate (LHR) ...................................................................................................... 83.2.4 Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) ............................................................ 83.2.5 Axial Shape Index (ASI) ...................................................................................................... 93.4.1 RCS DNB (Pressure, Tem perature and Flow ) Lim its ...................................................... 93.9.1 Boron Concentration ....................................................................................................... 9Page 2 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.4- 1Figure 3.1.5-1Figure 3.1.5-2Figure 3.1.5-3Figure 3.1.5-4Figure 3.1.7-1Figure 3.1.8-1Figure 3.2.4-1aFigure 3.2.4-1bFigure 3.2.4-2LIST OF FIGURESM TC Acceptable Operation .................................................................... 10Required Power Reduction After Single Non-Group 6 Full LengthC E A D eviation ........................................................................................ 11Required Power Reduction After Single Group 6 Full Length CEAD eviation ........................................................................................... 12Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEA Deviation(CEA Initially > 112.5 Inches Withdrawn) ....................................... 13Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEA Deviation(CEA Initially < 112.5 Inches Withdrawn) ...................................... 14Regulating CEA Withdrawal vs. Thermal Power .................................... 15Part Length CEA Insertion Limit vs. Thermal Power ............................. 16DNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators (COLSSOut Of Service (> 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE) ........ 17DNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators (COLSSOut Of Service (< 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE) ........ 18DNBR Operating Limit Based On Core Protection Calculator (COLSSOut Of Service, Both CEACs INOPERABLE) ................................. 19Page 3 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTDESCRIPTIONThis Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification5.7.1.5. The Core Operating Limits have been developed using the NRC approvedmethodologies specified in Technical Specification TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS3.1.1 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg > 200 Deg F3.1.2 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg < 200 Deg F3.1.4 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)3.1.5 Control Element Assembly (CEA) Alignment3.1.7 Regulating CEA Insertion Limits3.1.8 Part Length Control Element Assembly (CEA) Insertion Limits3.2.1 Linear Heat Rate (LHR)3.2.4 Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)3.2.5 Axial Shape Index (ASI)3.4.1 RCS DNB (Pressure, Temperature, and Flow) Limits3.9.1 Boron ConcentrationPage 4 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTANALYTICAL METHODSThe following Technical Specification analytical methods (identified by report number,title, revision, date, and any supplements), previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, shallbe used to determine the core operating limits. Changes to the analytical methods are controlledin accordance with 1 OCFR50.59.REPORT TITLE REVISION DATENUMBERCENPD-132P Calculative Methods for the C-E Large 0 AugustBreak LOCA Evaluation Model 1974Calculational Methods for the C-E Supplement 1 FebruaryLarge Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1975Calculational Methods for the C-E Supplement 2-P July 1975Large- Break LOCA Evaluation ModelCalculative Methods for the C-E Large Supplement 3-P-A June 1985Break LOCA Evaluation Model for theAnalysis of C-E and W Designed NSSSCalculative Methods for the CE Nuclear Supplement 4-P-A MarchPower Large Break LOCA Evaluation 2001ModelCENPD-137P Calculative Methods for the C-E Small 0 AugustBreak LOCA Evaluation Model 1974Calculative Methods for the C-E Small Supplement 1-P JanuaryBreak LOCA Evaluation Model 1977Calculative Methods for the ABB C-E Supplement 2-P-A April 1998Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model(Cycle 2 SER) Letter, G. W. Knighton (NRC) to K.P. N/A January 9,Baskin, "Issuance of Amendment No. 198530 to Facility Operating License NPF-10 and Amendment No. 19 to FacilityOperating License NPF-15," San OnofreNuclear Generating Station Units 2 and3Page 5 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREPORT TITLE REVISION DATENUMBER(Cycle 3 SER) Letter, G. W. Knighton (NRC) to K. P. N/A May 16,Baskin (SCE), "Issuance of Amendment 1986No. 47 to Facility Operating LicenseNPF-10 and Amendment No. 36 toFaci l ity Operating License NPF- 15,"San Onofre Nuclear Generating StationUnits 2 and 3CEN-356(V)-P-A Modified Statistical Combination of 01-P-A May 1988UncertaintiesCEN-635(S) Identification of NRC Safety Evaluation 00 FebruaryReport Limitations and/or Constraints 1999on Reload Analysis MethodologySCE-9801-P-A Reload Analysis Methodology for the 0 JuneSan 1999Onofre Nuclear Generating StationUnits 2 and 3CENPD-404-P-A Implementation of ZIRLOTM Cladding 0 NovemberMaterial in CE Nuclear Power Fuel 2001Assembly DesignsSCE-0901-A PWR Reactor Physics Methodology 0 DecemberUsing 2009Studsvik Design CodesPage 6 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTCORE OPERATING LIMITSThe cycle-specific operating limits for the specifications listed are presented below.3.1.1 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg > 200 Deg FFor Tavg > 200 Deg F the SDM shall be > 5.15% Ak/k3.1.2 Shutdown Margin (SDM) -Tavg -200 Deg FFor Tavg _< 200 Deg F the SDM shall be > 4.0% Ak/k3.1.4 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)The MTC shall be > [more positive than] -3.7E-4 Ak/k/°F at RTPANDThe steady state MTC shall be no more positive than the upper MTC limit shown inFigure 3.1.4-13.1.5 Control Element Assembly (CEA) AlignmentWith one non-group 6 full length CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by > 7inches, initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-1requirements.With one group 6 full length CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by > 7 inches,initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-2 requirements.With one part length CEA initially > 112.5" misaligned from its group by > 7 inches,initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-3 requirements.With one part length CEA initially < 112.5" misaligned from its group by > 7 inches,initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with Figure 3.1.5-4 requirements.Page 7 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT3.1.7 Regulating CEA Insertion LimitsThe regulating CEA groups shall be limited to the withdrawal sequence, and insertionlimits specified in Figure 3.1.7- Part Length Control Element Assembly (CEA) Insertion LimitsThe Part Length CEA groups shall be limited to the insertion limits specified in Figure3.1.8- Linear Heat Rate (LHR)LHR shall not exceed 12.8 kW/ft.3.2.4 Departure From Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR)The DNBR shall be maintained by one of the following methods:a. Maintaining Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS) calculated corepower less than or equal to COLSS calculated core power operating limit basedon DNBR (when COLSS is in service, and either one or both control elementassembly calculators (CEACs) are OPERABLE);b. Maintaining COLSS calculated core power less than or equal to COLSScalculated core power operating limit based on DNBR decreased by 13.0% RTP(when COLSS is in service and neither CEAC is OPERABLE);c. Operating within limits as specified in Figure 3.2.4-1A for initial power > 90%RTP or Figure 3.2.4-1B for initial power < 90% RTP using any OPERABLE coreprotection calculator (CPC) channel (when COLSS is out of service and eitherone or both CEACs are OPERABLE); ord. Operating within limits as specified in Figure 3.2.4-2 using any OPERABLE CPCchannel (when COLSS is out of service and neither CEAC is OPERABLE).Page 8 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT3.2.5 Axial Shape Index (ASI)Core average ASI shall be within the following limits:a. COLSS OPERABLE -0.27 < ASI _< +0.27b. COLSS OUT OF SERVICE -0.20 < ASI < + RCS DNB (Pressure. Temperature and Flow) LimitsRCS Parameters for pressurizer pressure, cold leg temperature, and RCS total flow rateshall be within the limits specified below:a. Pressurizer pressure > 2025 psia and < 2275 psia;b. RCS cold leg temperature (Tc):1. For THERMAL POWER less than or equal to 30% RTP, 522°F < Tc < 5580F2. For THERMAL POWER greater than 30% RTP, 535°F < Tc < 558°F;c. RCS total flow rate > 396,000 gpm.3.9.1 Boron ConcentrationBoron concentrations of the Reactor Coolant System and the refueling canal shall bemaintained within the limit specified below to ensure that the more restrictive of thefollowing reactivity conditions is met.a. Keff< 0.95,ORb. Boron concentration >2600 ppm.Page 9 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.4- 1MTC Acceptable OperationL-0t-I--0.50--0.5-1-1.5-2-2.5-3-3.5REGION OF UNACCEPTABLE-TS!3.1.4 Lirait OEPRATION AT ALL TIMESS---------- -- I._R os Positive MTC Limit ----- ----- ........ ... ..... ------UNACCEPTABLEOPERATION DURINGSTEADY STATEREGION OF ACCEPTABLE OPERATIONJ---------------------. T --------------------......----------------------------. .--. .........r ----------- ----------.------------ --------------------- ----------- --- ----------------COLR Lower Limit----- -------------- -------------------- --------.---.--- -~---------U~~ T REGION OF UNACCEPTABLE OPERATIO=N ::____-40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8090 100POWER LEVEL (% RTP)Page 10 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-1Required Power Reduction After Single Non-Group 6 Full Length CEA Deviation *20 -REGION OFACCEPTABLE (120 Minutes, 15%)S15 OPERATIONI-Nz0o UNACCEPTABLEa. 5 /OPERATION15 Minutes, 0%) .....D020 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)When core power is reduced to 50% of rated power per this limit curve, furtherreduction is not required by this specification.Page 1 Iof 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-2Required Power Reduction After Single Group 6 Full Length CEA Deviation *20REGION OFACCEPTABLES15 OPERATIONz0U 10 (120 Minutes, 10%)U 1o (60 Minutes, 5%)UNACCEPTABLEOPERATION0 (15 Minutes, 0%)0 20 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)When core power is reduced to 50% of rated power per this limit curve., furtherreduction is not required by this specification.Page 12 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-3Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEADeviation (CEA Initially > 112.5 Inches Withdrawn)20.15NO0 POWERo 10U. REDUCTION3REQUIRED00*0 20 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)Page 13 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.5-4Required Power Reduction After Single Part Length CEADeviation (CEA Initially < 112.5 Inches Withdrawn) *20 -REGION OFACCEPTABLE(15 Miue,0)UACPALTOPERATIONz0100 (12(0 Minutes, 5%)(15 Minutes, 0%) UNACCEPTABLEOPERATION00 20 40 60 80 100 120TIME AFTER DEVIATION (MINUTES)When core power is reduced to 50% of rated power per this limit curve, furtherreduction is not required by this specification.Page 14 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.7-1Regulating CEA Withdrawal vs. Thermal PowerI-S.50S4-U0GP. 6 GP. 4! I 9 6 I 0 1 120 I 60150 120 90 60 30 0 150 120 90 60GP. 5I 1 I 0 3 0150 120 90 60 30 0I30 0GP.350 120 90Critical CEA Position -Inches WithdrawnPage 15 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.1.8-1Part Length CEA Insertion Limit vs. Thermal Power*01.00I iI --- T1 I 1 I I -F -I*****~ ~ I0.90 -0.80,,, 112.5" (75%)0.70 -'UN Transient-0 Insertion Limito- Long Term Steady State-Insertion Limil____________ m-- nn-- ---------------------------------------------------___m_ _=22.5" (15%)10 10O -.I I I 1 -1 1. 1 -- --L -I -L. I I I150 140 130 120 110 100 90 BO 70 60 50 40 30 20 10Part Length CEA Position, Inches WithdrawnPage 16 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.2.4-1aDNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators(COLSS Out Of Service (> 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE)COLSS OUT OF SERVICE (>=90% RTP)ONE OR BOTH CEACS OPERABLE2.52A -W 2.3-M2.2-a0-I1.j< 2-21.7-1.6-1.5REGION OFACCEPTABLEOPERATIONl r ,,"U. <A=/ I <-- U./DNBR>= 0.6

  • ASI + 2.140.1 < ASI <- 0.2DNBR >= 2.2REGION OFUNACCEPTABLEOPERATION7-0.2-0.3-0.1 0 0.1CPC AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (ASI)0.20.3Page 17 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.2.4-lbDNBR Operating Limit Based on Core Protection Calculators(COLSS Out Of Service (< 90% RTP), One or Both CEACs OPERABLE)COLSS OUT OF SERVICE (<90% RTP)ONE OR BOTH CEACS OPERABLE2.82.7s2.6z02.502uJ2.42J,4 2.3$2.22.1CL0.0 21.91.8-0.3-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2CPC AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (ASI)0.3Page 18 of 19 S03-COLRRevision 0SONGS UNIT 3 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTFigure 3.2.4-2DNBR Operating Limit Based On Core Protection Calculator(COLSS Out Of Service, Both CEACs INOPERABLE)COLSS OUT OF SERVICEBOTH CEACS INOPERABLE3.53.4-to 3.3 -z0o03.2 -~31 -0*-jS3-2.9 -0.2.7-2.6-REGION OFACCEPTABLEOPERATIONI~I-0.2 <= ASI <=- 0.01.0
  • ASI+ 3.10.0 < ASI <= 0.2DNBR>= 3.1REGION OFUNACCEPTABLEOPERATION0 1;~1-0.3-0.20.2-0.1 0 0.1CPC AXIAL SHAPE INDEX (ASI)0.3Page 19 of 19