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   ,Insert 1 to page B 3/4 8-1
   ,Insert 1 to page B 3/4 8-1
Regulatory Guide 1.108 criteria for determining and reporting valid tests and failures, and accelerated diesel generator testing, have been superseded by implementation of the Maintenance Rule for the diesel generators per 1OCFRS0.65. In addition to the Surveillance Requirements of, diesel preventive maintenance is performed in accordance with procedures based on manufacturer's recommendations with consideration given to operating experience.
Regulatory Guide 1.108 criteria for determining and reporting valid tests and failures, and accelerated diesel generator testing, have been superseded by implementation of the Maintenance Rule for the diesel generators per 10CFRS0.65. In addition to the Surveillance Requirements of, diesel preventive maintenance is performed in accordance with procedures based on manufacturer's recommendations with consideration given to operating experience.

Line 233: Line 233:
Insert 1 to page B 3/4 8-1 Regulatory Guide 1.108 criteria for determining and reporting valid tests and failures, and accelerated diesel generator testing, have been superseded by implementation of the Maintenance Rule for the diesel generators per 1OCFRS0.65. In addition to the Surveillance Requirements of, diesel preventive maintenance is performed in accordance with procedures based on manufacturer's recommendations with consideration given to operating experience.}}
Insert 1 to page B 3/4 8-1 Regulatory Guide 1.108 criteria for determining and reporting valid tests and failures, and accelerated diesel generator testing, have been superseded by implementation of the Maintenance Rule for the diesel generators per 10CFRS0.65. In addition to the Surveillance Requirements of, diesel preventive maintenance is performed in accordance with procedures based on manufacturer's recommendations with consideration given to operating experience.}}

Revision as of 17:34, 7 November 2019

Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting,which Calls for Diesels to Be Subjected to Insp Based on Vendor Recommendations at Least Once Per 18 Months During Shutdown
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/1997
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18102B662 List:
NUDOCS 9711170098
Download: ML18102B663 (13)



.- EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR MAINTENANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES WITH PROPOSED CHANGES The following Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License No. DPR-70 are affected by this change request:

Technical Specification 3/4 8-3 3/4 8-4 3/4 8-Sa Table 4.8-1 3/4 8-Sb Bases 3/4.8.1 and 3/4.8.2 B 3/4 8-1 The following Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License No. DPR-75 are affected by this change 'request: * ' ** * - , *-


9711170098 971104 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P PDR 1


                                  • -*************-**-*******************-*****************------

4.8.l.l.l Two phy*ically independent A.C. circuit* between th* off*ite tr&n*mi**ion network and th* on*it* Cla** lE di*tribution *y*tem (vital bu*

ay*tem) *hall be:

a. Determined OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 7 day* by verifyinq corr*ct br*ak*r alignment*, power availability, and
b. Oemon*trated OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 18 month* during *hutdown by tran*f*rring (manually and automatically) vital bu* *upply from one 13/4 kv tran*former to th* oth*r 13/4 kv tran*former.

4.8.l.l.2 Each di***l g*n*rator *hall b* demon*trated OPERABLE:

a. In accordance with th* fr*qu*ncy *pecified in Table 4.8-l on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:

A-+ le~s f-

l. V*rifying th* fu*l level in it* day tank.

oll ce per 3 r ckv5 2. verifying th* di***l *tart* and accelerate* to 900 rpm in l*** than or *qual to 10 **cond*** Th* generator voltage and fr*qu*ncy *hall b* ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Bz within 13 **ccnd* aft*r the *tart *iqnal.

SuD**qu*ntly, v*rifying the generator i* *ynchrcnized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 Jew**, and operat** at a load of 2500-2600 Jew for greater than or equal to 60 minut***

3. Verifying th* di***l generator i* aligned to provide *tandby power to th* a**ociated vital bu*.
b. At l*a*t once per 31 day* and after each operation of th* di***l wh*r*

th* period of operation wa* greater than or equal to one hour by checking for and removing accumulated water from th* day tank*.

c. At l*a~t once per 6 month* the di***l generator *hall be *tarted from ambient condition* and accelerated to at l*a*t 900 rpm in l*** than or equal to 10 **cond*** Th* generator voltage and frequency *hall be ~

3950 and s 4580 volt* and 60 +/- l.2 Bz within 13 **cond* after th* *tart

  • ic;nal.

Th* generator *hall b* *ynchronized to it* emergency bu*, loaded to 2500-2600** kw in l*** than or equal to 60 *ec:ond*, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 kw for at lea*t 60 minut***

Thi* t**t, it it i* performed *o it coincide* with the te*ting required by surveillance Requirement, may al*o **rv* to concurre~tly meet tho** requirement*.

SJU.Dl - UNI'i' 1 3/4 8-3 Amendment No. 148



                                                                                                                                                        • r
d. At l*a*t one* per 18 month* durinq *hutdown by:

Subjectinq th* di***l to an in*pection in accordance with procedure*

prepared in conjunction with it* manufacturer'* recommendation* for thi* cla** of * **rvice,

2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load greater than or equal to 820 Jew, th* voltaqe and frequency are re*tored to ? 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 4 **cond*.
3. Simulating a lo** of off*it* power by it**lf, and:

a) Verifyinq de-energization of the vital bu* and load *h*dding from the vital bu*.

b) verUyin; th* di***l *tart* on the auto-*tart *iqnal*,

energize* th* vital bu* with permanently connected load* within ll **cond*, energize* the auto-connected. *hutdown load* tr.rough th* load **qu*ncer and operate* for qreater than or equal to 5 minute* while it* generator i* loaded with th* *hutdovn load*. Th* *t*ady *tat* voltage and frequency of th* vital bu*

  • hall be maintained at ? 3950 and S 4580 volt* and 60 +/- l.2 Hz during thi* te*t.
4. Verifyin; that on an ESP actuation te*t *iqnal without lo** of off*it* pcNer th* di***l generator *tart* on th* auto-start *ignal and operate* on *tandby for greater than or equal to 5 minute***

Th* generator voltaq* and frequency *hall be ? 39SO and ~ 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 **cond* after the auto-*tart signal and shall b* maintained within th*** limit* during this teat.

5. Not U*ed.
6. Simulatin; a lo** of off*it* power in conjunction with an ESF actuation te*t *ignal, and:

a) Verifying de-energization of th* vital bu* and load shedding frcm th* vital bu*.

b) Verifying th* di***l *tart* on th* auto-*tart *ignal*,

ener;iz** the vital bu* with permanently connected load* within ll **cond*, enerqiz** th* auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through th* load **qu*ncer and operate* for greater than or equal to 5 minute* while it* generator i* loaded with th*

emergency load*. Th* *t*ady *tat* voltage and frequency of th*

vital bu* *hall b* maintained at ~ 3950 and S 4580 volt* and 60 +/- l.2 Hz during thi* t**t.

Amendment No. 148 SALEM - UNIT l 3/4 8-4


                                                                                                              • ~**************~*******
b. At leA*t once per 92 day* by verifying that a sample of diesel fuel from each of the a.bove required fuel storage ~anks is within the acceptAble limits specified in Table l of .\STM 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.

4.8.l.l.4 Reports - All die**l generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall e reporte o e Connis*ion in a Special Report pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days. Reports of dieael generator failures shall include the information recoft'll\ended in Regulatory Po*ition C.3.b of Regulatory Guide l.108, Revision l, August 1977. If the number of failure* in the last too valid tests <on a per nuclear Wlit baaisl is greAter t~ or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide * *oa, Revision l. August 1977.



  • Surveill&nce testing shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer*1 recommendations regarding engine prelube, warm-up and loadin9 (unle** loading time* are specified in the individual surveillance Requirements! .
    • This band is meant a* guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. I..oads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test.

SAI..F..M - UNIT l 3/4 8-Sa Amendment No.

. ~




    • -------------****************************-***************************-*****

TABLE 4. 8-l DIESEL GENERATOR TEST SCHEDULE Number of Failure* in La*t 20 Valid Te*t** Te*t Frequency M

zero or l 2 or more w**


befetP I. criteria for determining the number of failure* end number of valid~

  • hall be in accordance with Requlatory Po*ition c.2.* of Rec;ulatory Guide 1.101, Rrti*ion l, Auc;u*t 1977, where th* number of te*t* and failure* i*J'

! ~9Zmined on a per di***l generator ba*i**

\ .. Thi* te*t frequency *hall be maintained until **v*n con*ecutiv* failure tree d...and* have been performed and th* number of f ailur** in th* la*t 20 valid demand* ha* been reduced to zero or one.


  • . l 3/4 8-Sb Amendment No. 148

- -' .

8~1 "ON ~a & llW1f t-1 t/t I pei:!tOll 8,n.ft~J-- "°" *~q ~'Tn:IZ1~ ~'iOA* ~t liG9 --~ ~t JO ""92Q 1,naQ.nJtmW ..... JO lltdl!H M'T~*~aeocudN oao wat ~* la't~*~

AQ A*'Tl1CfW'TtN ~Q iJO eonzun !!S~q ~'TUZf~ . .~tOA HIMll iniw U81{WNQ i'TUZTD ...D snPt* O* *t..-ondd* .binml!INJ untn~* ~

0 NUWtt'T~ D'f1IO'T.nd h' *~Q ~'T~;t UOl~~ ~Z1\D29AO dmro" pn .l.nwf .ad JO '°'I'lIIYllUO eqi la't~*aua p £q ao 90l~*ndo 20~WN h'Tn\p pe.T"Tnl.-.Z ~ li'TUZfD 6v'ys16ll.. llP ~'T* £c .-we~c!

an uo~~ llO"J~*nMl9d pn no'f Hawaed tnl~t* ~

1etX1a wx:s:msaz UiiUtbbi wrrma t't'ilt

  • , a..z69p on .lT*;ftl'tsozdd* ~* ua~*,,.._*

no 1q; U'T**ui. . o* P9'161**P an u1;w*q no "1'*1 * ~ 1M26ep oot *l t"*"f P l"ISWUC n 20J Uft;Wnd*n tlO 9Clftl ~V'T9 MU. * ~ ~- 0? + Ott l"f un~w.z.S..* t'TO ~l t ..*lP Ml* ~9'1* v... .~1i'T~ ~u*1 .... '6v'f;**~

IDVWttllA2ft8 20J 11101i1puoo t*1;1vi 6srfq*1t~* JO ~od.INI eq; ao,

~it uatmy 't uoi*tAeaS * **~vwu ZeA04 n*t=>>ftll ;w ...~I a~ D'T2i.Detl *~'T*UO ** Ptln *~'Tun ao;w.1~

tH*la JO 6vlu9:. DT~l28'. 'IOt *t 9P'Tft0 "2cn*t1'6e11 pn 'tLlt 'Ot qD~

.'H"ftcl4n1 ""°' ~* .IOJ .bl~~ aet .zoi*a..-e t ...1G JO UO'T~tes.

'6"t ei:iTn~ .Uo~*t"6ev JO 11101i~ ,.,, eq~ DOdn ..." aaw 12o~w.z.ue6 t ..*TP 1q; Jc UI'II~C eq; 61rnw2;1u099p .zo; 1au~U.. -=wtna.u"' MU. *

"lft;W;8 ~'TUft Ml* 6Vla,WaV"T .. paw ~.ZO~'TUC. 20J *tQWt'TWAW l"f

.h;inqwdw::> to.z;uoo pvw uo1;wa~uu1 ~*lDlU"* (? pn 1~12.S ~* ~*~*

.IOJ uo1;1puo:1 bl:rJt*ftJN 20 w.opaftql eq; a1 peDlw;a,. . 9CI VWD Ailt'TD*J ... ~

t 't ;wqi .uuu1 6u"ft*nJN pn w.op;""' 6u'J.1np -MA* uo1;acn.1u1p ..-~.,~ ..

SN* *.:.nee .aMOc! *~*a pn *~*y s-tn~* ~V'T* eq~ JO .U.I'lina.o MU.

    • o.aftOI *~*y *~isuo MIO JO 9.zftt'T*J *thl* pn .zCMllOC!
  • ~*unc Jo Hot ,._.... n 1n1" ;u.p1:nl'fN suo"fi1puoo _....,u. 6crf np 1 ina*c uo1aNn*U'TP pea*t:>09** WN* 190.aftOI ~ *~*a paw *~** *~11uo ac *a** au.pu~"f °"~ a***t n 6ulV"T*~u1 . . uodn pes" *n pvw *HJttwvv

~U*PT~~* eq; JO suo1~*** UOl~lpuOD t*lilUl *"; qii~ ~a*;*"f*ao~ *.zw 19D~no*

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UOl~*.z.So .l;lti:n; w-nU"f;UOD uodn UOl~~,.z~**3 ei:it~d *9D2ft08 a~

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  • cs -.z** ~= ot o* .v. rfpueddy Jo Lt uo12*~l2= ub1**a t*~..,~ ;o *~a... ~11\be~
  • ~~ AJ*T~** ...~.A* U01~Nn.Z~*'TP puw **:t.zno* .I~ *~*a puw *=** ~gypunpe~

puw ;u1pu9depv"f P91'l~* 99TVl* M&* *A;n1:.*J 9"~ Ul'f~'T" 1uo1i1puo::1

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  • 1** *~~ It ~01 P9.Zlr\be~ ~U..Slnb* pe~*t*~ A**1** 1q; Atc!dn1 o; *tq9tt*A*

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...................................................................... ...

i'Rilill iiAba ~fil511i l'f/t e*

,Insert 1 to page B 3/4 8-1


Regulatory Guide 1.108 criteria for determining and reporting valid tests and failures, and accelerated diesel generator testing, have been superseded by implementation of the Maintenance Rule for the diesel generators per 10CFRS0.65. In addition to the Surveillance Requirements of, diesel preventive maintenance is performed in accordance with procedures based on manufacturer's recommendations with consideration given to operating experience.


    • -***------******************************************************************

4.a.1.1.1 Two phy*ieally ind*pend*nt A.C. eireuit* between th* off*it*

tranmni**ioa n*twork and th* on*it* Cl*** lE di*tribution *Y*t9m (vital bu*

  • y*t.aa) *hall bes
a. D*t*rmin*d OPERABLJ: at l***t one* per 7 day* by verifyinq eorr*et breaker ali9ND9nt*, power availability, and
b. D91Den*trated OPIRABL& at leaat one* per 18 month* during *hutd°"'1l by tranaferring (manually and autcm&tieally) vital bu* *upply from one 13/4 kv tranaformer to the other 13/4 kv tran*former.
4. 8 .1.1. 2 lach di***l genera.tor *hall be demonatrated OPZRABL& 1
    • '1-i, In accordance with th* frequency *pacified in Table 4.B-1 on a TEST BASIS by:

STAGGE~o A-+ /eQ~ f  ;;\


o11c.e per l. Verifying the fuel level in it* day tank.

31 Ja.ys 2. Verifying th* di***l *tart* and accelerate* to 900 rpn in l*** than or equal to 10 **conda*. The generator voltage and frequency *hall be ~ 3950 and S 4580 volt* and 60 % 1.2 Ba within 13 **cond* after th* *tart *ic;nal.

Sub*equently, verifying th* generator i* aynchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 Jcv**, and operate* at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minute*.

3. Verifying the di***l generator i* aligned to provide *tancil>y power to the aaaociated vital bu*.
b. At leaat once per 31 day* and after each operation of the di***l where the period of operation wa* greater than or equal to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> by cheekinq for and r..avinq accumulated water frOll th* day tanka.
e. At leaat once per 6 month* the di***l generator *hall be *tarted frocn ambient condition* and accelerated to at l*a*t 900 rpn in l*** than or equal to 10 ..c:onda*. The generator voltage and frequency *hall be

~ 39IO and s 4580 volt* and 60 ! 1.2 Hz within 13 **conda after the 1t&rt

  • 19Ml*

Tba ,..erator *hall be *ynchronized to it* ...rgency bu*, loaded to 2500-2600** kw in l*** than or equal to 60 **condm, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 kw for at l*a*t 60 minut***

Thi* teet, if it i* per!ormed *o it coincidee with the t**ting r*quired by surveillanc5 Bequirell"lnt 4.a.1.1.2.a.2, may Algo **rv* to concurrently meet tho** r~iTementa.

SALEK - UNIT 2 Amindment No * : 26


            • ----********************************************************************
d. ; At l***t one* per 18 month* during *hutdown by:
l. Subjecting the di***l to an in*pection in accordance with procedure*

prepared in conjunction with it* manufacturer'* recommendation* for thi* cl*** of *tandl:ly **rvice,

2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load o! greater than or equal to 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are re*tored to ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- l.2 Hz within 4 *econd*.
3. Simulating a lo** o! off*ite ~r by it**lf, and:

a) Verifyin9 de-energization ot the vital bu* and load *hedding

!rem th* vital bu*.

b) Verifyin9 the di***l *tart* on th* auto-*tart *ignal*,

energiz** th* vital bu* with permanently connected load* within 13 **cond*, energize* the auto-connected *hutdown load* through th* load **qu*ncer and operate* tor 9reater than or equal to 5 minut** while it* generator i* loaded with th* *hutdown load*. Th* *teady *tat* volta9e and frequency o! th* vital bu*

  • hall be m&intain*d at ~ 3950 and S 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz durin9 thi* t**t.
4. Verifyin9 that on an ISP actuation te*t *i9nal without lo** ot o!f*it* power the di***l generator *tart* on the auto-*tart *ignal and operate* on *tandby tor greater than or equal to 5 minute**.

Th* generator voltage and frequency *hall be ? 3950 and ~ 4580 volte and 60 +/- l.2 Hz within 13 *econd* after the auto-*tart *ignal and

  • hall be m&intained within th*** limit* during thi* te*t.

S. Deleted

6. Simulatin9 a lo** of o!f*ite power in conjunction with an ESF actuation te*t *ignal, and a) Verifyin9 de-energization of the vital bu* and load *hedding from the vital bu*.

b) Verifying th* die**l *tart* on th* auto-*tart *ignal*,

energize* th* vital bu* with permanently connected load* within 13 **cond*, energize* th* auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through th* load **qu*ncer and operate* for greater than or equal to S minute* while it* generator i* loaded with th*

emergency load*. Th* *teady *tate voltage and frequency of the vital bu* *hall be m&intained at ? 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- l.2 Hz during thi* te*t.

3/4 8-4 Amendment No. t25 SALEM - UNIT 2


                                                                                                • ~***aa************************
b. At leaat one* per 92 days by verifying tha~ ~ sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fuel n.orage t..nk* i.s within the acceptable limits specified in Ta.b~e l of AS'n4 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sed~ment 4.8.l.l.4 Reports - All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid. shall be repor e to th* Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 d&y*. Reports of dieael generator failure* shall include ::.he information recoft'lftended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide l.108, Revision l, Auguat 1977. If the number of failure* in the last 100 valid tests (o~ per nuclear unit baaisl is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide l.108, Revision l, August 1977.

Sur-teillance teating shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine, warm-up and loading (unles* loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements) .

    • This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for spGcial testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test.

SALEM - UNT.'J. ? 3/4 8-6 A.mendmen*: No . i =;



sURVSit.LAMC'S Rl~UIREM!!NTS (Continued)

TABLE 4.8-1 OIISZL GZNl!RATOR TZST SCHEOULZ Humber of railure* in La*t 20 yalid Te*t** Tiit FrtaYIDCy Zero or l M w**


  • criteria for determining th* number of failure* and number of valid
  • hall be in accordance with Requlatory Po*ition c.2.* of Rec;ulatory cu~d*

l.101, Mvi*ion 1, Auc;u*t 1977, wh*re th* number of te*t* and fail'.lr** ~*

de~ed on a per die**l generator ba*i*.

    • Thi* t**t frequency *hall be maintained until eev1n coneecutiv* fa~lur*

tr . . dem&nd* have been performed and th* number of failure* in th* l**~

20 valid demand* ha* been reducmd to zero or one.

3/4 8-7 ~ndment No. ~



e e



...... ******************************************************************

J/t.1,1 'P? l/t.1,2 A.C. SOyJSCJI NfD OMIITI PO!fll DIIT)5IlpAIQI SXSTIMS Th* O~ILITT of th* A.c. and D.C pov.r *ourc** and a**oeiated di*tri.l)ution *Y*t ... durin9 operation *n*ur** that *uffici*nt power will b*

avail&Ol* to *upply th* **fety related equip.9nt required for 1) the **f*

  • hutdown of the facility, and 2) the *iti9ation and control of accident condition* vithin the facility. The *iniaaa *pecified independent and redundant A.C. and o.c. power ecurc** and diatri.l)ution *Y*t ... *ati*fy th*

requir...nt* of General De*iqn Criterion 17 of Appi9nd.i.JI *a* to 10 CF1l Part so.

Th* ACTIOll requir...nt* *pecified for the le.el* of d99radation of the pov.r 1ourc** pro.ide reatriction upon continued facility operation comaen*urat* vith the lr#el of 499radation. The O*IJtAmILITT of th* power

  • ourc** are conaiatent vith th* initial condition aaauapcion* of the accident analy*** and are ba*ed upon iaaintainin9 at leaat tvo independent *et* of on1it* A.C. and D.C. power *ource1 and aa*ociated di*tr~tion *Y*t...

OP~La durin9 accident condition* coincident vith an aaaumed lo11 of of f*it*

power and *ift9l* failure of one on*it* A.C. eource.

Th* OPSJlAaILITT of th* *inillua *pec:ified A.C. and o.c. paver MNrc.. and a1.oeiated di1tri.l)ution *y*t... duri09 *nutdown and refuelin9 en1ure1 that l) th* facility can be maintained in the *hutdown or refuelin9 condition for extended time period*, and 2) *ufficient in1truiaentation and control capability i* avail&ttl* for .onitorin9 and aaintainin9 the unit *tatu*.

Th* Surveillance it.quir...nt* for d.-cn1tratin9 the OPSRAIILITY of th*

di***l 9enerator1 are baled upon the reccemendation1 of Jte9ulatory Guide l.9,

  • seleetion of Di*.. l Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Suppli**,*

March 10, 1971, and Jtequlatory Guida 1.101, *Periodic Te1tin9 of Di***l Generator Unit* Oaed a* On*ite llectria Power Sy1t... at Muclear Power Plant*,* Ra*i*ion 1, Au9'1*t 197~

~~s&e.I /~ ror the parpo... of **tabliahift9 initial condition* for *urT*illance t**tin9, *ambient coadition** . .an that the die .. l lube oil t..peratur*

i* 120 : 20 d99r. .* r. Th* *iniaaa lube oil temperature for an OPll'AILJ:

di***l i* 100 499z ..* r. Lube oil heater* are de*i;ned to maintain the oil t-.perat11&'9 a~ approaiaately 120 d99r..* r.

3(t.1.l *r*ucar IQOIPMQT PWflCAIVI DIYICll

~ electrical penetration* and penetration conductor* are protected by eitber deener9iain9 cirC1!it* not req\aired during reactor operation or by d9ton1tratin9 the OPSJ\AIILITY of primary and backup overcurrent prot~ion circui~ br*a~rc durift9 periodic 1urT*illance.

' .

Th* *urveillanc* frequency applice.blu to aolded ca .. circuit breaker* and lower voltA9* circuit breaker~ provideD L~*urance of breaker reli&Oility by tectin9 ct leaQt on~ reproocneative OCSIPl-~ of o~ah manufacturer'* brand of 1DOld0C! caeO aft~ latfOr Y@ltaqC Circuit br~~~CrCe l~Ch.llAJ\UfACtUrer'8 molded SALSX - tmI~ 2*  :: 3/~ ..... 1 Aa!>ndm9nt No. *' -

  • - 'J





Insert 1 to page B 3/4 8-1 Regulatory Guide 1.108 criteria for determining and reporting valid tests and failures, and accelerated diesel generator testing, have been superseded by implementation of the Maintenance Rule for the diesel generators per 10CFRS0.65. In addition to the Surveillance Requirements of, diesel preventive maintenance is performed in accordance with procedures based on manufacturer's recommendations with consideration given to operating experience.