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'O'         05000335
            .     PDR
POWERDISTRIBUTION LIMITSSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS continued c.Verifying thattheAXIALSHAPEINDEXismaintained withintheallowable limitsofFigure3.2-2,where100percentofmaximumallowable powerrepresents themaximumTHERMALPOWERallowedbythefollowing expression:
MxNwhere:1.Misthemaximumallowable THERMALPOWERlevelfortheexistingReactorCoolantPumpcombination.
: c. Verifying that the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX is maintained within the allowable limits of Figure 3.2-2, where 100 percent of maximum allowable power represents the maximum THERMAL POWER allowed by the following expression:
2.Nisthemaximumallowable fractionofRATEDTHERMALPOWERasdetermined bytheFxcurveofFigure3.2-3.. Systems-Theincoredetectormonitorsystemmaybeusedformonitoring thecorepowerdistribution byverifyingthattheincoredetectorLocalPowerDensityalarms:a.Areadjustedtosatisfytherequirements ofthecorepowerdistribution mapwhichshallbeupdatedatleastonceper31daysofaccumulated operation inMODE1.b.HavetheiralarmsetpointadjustedtolessthanorequaltothelimitsshownonFigure3.2-1whenthefollowing factorsareappropriately includedinthesettingofthesealarms:.1.Ameasurement calculational uncertainty factorof1.07*,2.Anengineering uncertainty factorof1.03,3.Alinearheatrateuncertainty factorof1.01duetoaxialfueldensification andthermalexpansion, and4.ATHERMALPOWERmeasurement uncertainty factorof1.02.*Anuncertainty factorof1.10applieswheninLOADFOLLOWOPERATION.
MxN where:
gIfthecoresystembecomesinoperable, reducepowertoMxNwithin4hoursandmonitorlinearheatrateinaccordance withSpecification 4.2.1.ST.LUCIE-UNIT13/42-2Amendment No.  
: 1. M  is the  maximum  allowable  THERMAL POWER level  for the existing Reactor Coolant      Pump combination.
/~~~'3/4.2:~PONER0ISTRIBUTIONLINITSBASES3/4.2.1LINEARHEATRATEThelimitation oflinearheatrateensuresthatintheeventofaLOCA,thepeaktemperature ofthefuelcladdingwillnotexceed2200'F.Eitherofthetwocorepowerdistribution monitoring systems,theExcoreDetectorMonitoring SystemandtheIncoreDetectorthonitoring System,provideadequatemonitoring ofthecorepowerdistribution andarecapableofverifying thatthelinearheatratedoesnotexceeditslimits.TheExcoreDetectorMonitoring Systemperformsthisfunctionbycontinuously monitoring theAXIALSHAPEINDEXwiththeOPERABLEquadrantsymmetric excoreneutron.fluxdetectors andverifying thattheAXIALSHAPEINDEXismaintained withintheallowable limitsofFigure3.2-2.Inconjuction withtheuseoftheexcoremonitoring systemandinestablishing theAXIALSHAPEINDEXlimits,thefollowing assumptions aremade:1)theCEAinsertion limitsofSpecifications, 2)theAZIMUTHAL POllERTILTrestrictions ofSpecification3.2.4aresatisfied, and3)theTOTALPLANARRADIALPEAKINGFACTORdoesnotexceedthelimitsofSpecification 3.2.2.TheIncoreDetectortlonitoring Systemcontinuously providesadirectmeasureofthepeakingfactorsandthealarmswhichnavebeenestablished fortheindividual incoredetectorsegmentsensurethatthepeaklinearheatrateswillb.maintained withintheallowable limitsofFigure3.2-1.Thesetpoints forthesea'farmsincludeallowances, setintheconservative directions, for1)ameasurement-cal culational uncertainty factorof1.07*,2)anengineering unceit.aintyfactorof1.03,3)anallowance of1.01foraxialfueldensification andthermalexpansion, and4)aTHERMALPOWERmeasurement uncertainty factorof1.02.3/4.2.2,3/4.2.3and3/4.2.4TOTALPLANARANDINTEGRATED RADIALPEAKINGFACTORSFyANDFrANDAZIMUTHAL POWERTILTTqThelimitation onFTandTareprovidedtoensurethattneassumptions usedintheanalysisforBtablisfling theLinearHeatRateandLocalPowerDensity-HighLCOsandLSSSsetpoints remainvalidduringoperation atthevariousallowable CEAgroupinsertion limits.Thelimitations onFTrandTqareprovidedtoensurethattheassumptions
: 2. N  is the  maximum allowable fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER  as determined by the Fx curve of Figure 3.2-3..
~Anuncertainty factorof1.10applieswheninLOADFOLLOWOPERATION.      Incore Detector Monitoring Systems - The incore detector monitor system may be used    for monitoring the core power distribution by verifyi ng that the i ncore detector Local Power Density alarms:
ST.LUCIE-UNIT183/42-1 O.
: a. Are adjusted to    satisfy the requirements of the core    power distribution map which shall be updated at least once per 31 days of accumulated operation in MODE 1.
2.1SAFETYLIMITSBASES2.1.1REACTORCORETherestrictions ofthissafetylimitpreventoverheating ofthefuelcladdingandpossiblecladdingperforation whichwouldresultinthereleaseoffissionproductstothereactorcoolant.Overheating ofthefuelisprevented bymaintaining thesteadystatepeaklinearheatratebelowthelevelatwhichcenterline fuelmeltingwilloccur.Overheating ofthefuelcladdingisprevented byrestricting fueloperation towithi'nthenucleateboilingregimewheretheheattransfercoefficient islargeandthecladdingsurfacetemperature isslightlyabovethecoolantsaturation temperature.
: b. Have their alarm setpoint adjusted to less than or equal to the limits shown on Figure 3.2-1 when the following factors are appropriately included in the setting of these alarms:
Operation abovetheupperboundaryofthenucleateboilingregimecouldresultinexcessive claddingtemperatures becauseoftheonsetofdeparture frcmnucleateboiling(DNB)andtheresultant sharpreduction inheattransfercoefficient.
                  .1. A  measurement  calculational uncertainty factor of 1.07*,
DNBisnotadirectlymeasurableparameter duringoperation andtherefore THERMALPOWERandReactorCoolantTemperatur eandPressurehavebeenrelatedtoDNBthroughtheExxonXNBcorrelation.
: 2. An  engineering uncertainty factor of 1.03,
TheXNBDNBcorrelation hasbeendeveloped topredicttheDNBfluxandthelocationofDNBforaxiallyuniformandnon-uniform heatfluxdistributions.
: 3. A  linear heat rate uncertainty factor of 1.01 due to axial fuel densification and thermal expansion, and
ThelocalDNBheatfluxration,DNBR,definedastheratiooftheheatfluxthatwouldcauseDNBataparticular corelocationtothelocalheatflux,isindicative ofthemargintoDNB.TheminimumvalueoftheDNBRduringsteadystateoperation, normaloperational transients, andanticipated transients islimitedto1.22usingtheXNBDNBRcorrelation.
: 4. A THERMAL POWER    measurement  uncertainty factor of 1.02.
Thisvaluecorresponds toa95percentprobability ata95percentconfidence levelthatDNBwillnotoccurandischosenasanappropriate margintoDNBforalloperating conditions.
* An  uncertainty factor of 1.10 applies      when  in  LOAD FOLLOW OPERATION.
ThecurvesofFigure2.1-1showthelociofpointsofTHERMALPOWER,ReactorCoolantSystempressureandmaximumcoldlegtemperatur e'ithfourReactorCoolantPumpsoperating forwhichtheminimumDNBRisnolessthantheDNBRlimitforthefamilyofaxialshapesandcorresponding radialpeaksshowninFigureB2.1-1.ThelimitsinFigure2.1-1werecalculated forreactorcoolantinlettemperatures lessthanorequalto580'F.Thedashedlineof580'Fcoolantinlettemperature isnotasafetylimit;however,operation above580'Fisnotpossiblebecauseoftheactuation ofthemainsteamlinesafetyvalveswhichlimitthemaximumvalueofreactorinlettempratur e.Reactoroperation atTHERMALPOWERlevelshigherthan112$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERisprohibited bythehighpowerleveltripsetpointspecified inTable2.1-1.Theareaofsafeoperation isbelowandtotheleftoftheselines.ST.LUCIEUNIT1B2-1 SAFETYLIMITSBASESTheconditions fortheThermalMargi'nSafetyLimitcurvesinFigure2.1-1tobevalidareshownonthefigure.Thereactorprotective systeminccmbination withtheLimitingConditions forOperation, isdesignedtopreventanyanticipated combination oftransient conditions forreactorcoolantsystemtemperature,
g If  the core system becomes inoperable, reduce power to M x N within 4 hoursand monitor linear heat rate in accordance with Specification 4.2.1.
: pressure, andthermalpowerlevelthatwouldresultinaDNBRoflessthantheDNBRlimitandprecludethe)existenceofflowinstabilities.
ST. LUCIE - UNIT  1                    3/4 2-2                          Amendment No.
2.1.2REACTORCOOLANTSYSTEMPRESSURETherestriction ofthisSafetyLimitprotectstheintegrity oftheReactorCoolantSystemforoverpressurization andtherebypreventsthereleaseofradionuclides contained inthereactorcoolantfromreachingthecontainment atmosphere.
Thereactorpressurevesselandpressurizer aredesignedtoSectionIIIoftheASMECodeforNuclearPowerPlantcomponents whichpermitsamaximumtransient pressureof11(g(2750psia)ofdesignpressure.
TheReactorCoolantSystempiping,valvesandfittings, aredesignedtoANSIB31.7,ClassIwhichpermitsamaximumtransient pressureoflit@(2750psia)ofccmponent designpressure.
    ~ ~
TheSafetyLimitof2750psiaistherefore consistent withthedesigncriteriaandassociated coderequiranents.
/ ~
TheentireReactorCool.antSystemishydrotested at3125psiatodemonstrate integrity priortoinitialoperation.
3/4.2           PONE R  0 IS TR I B UT I ON L IN I T S BASES 3/4.2.1          LINEAR HEAT RATE The limitation      of linear heat rate ensures that in the event of            a LOCA, the  peak temperature      of the fuel cladding will not exceed 2200'F.
ST.LUCIE-UNIT1B2-3Amendment No.
Either of the      two core power distribution monitoring systems, the Excore Detector Monitoring System and the Incore Detector thonitoring System, provide adequate monitoring of the core power distribution and are capable of verifying that the linear heat rate does not exceed its limits. The Excore Detector Monitoring System performs this function by continuously monitoring the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX with the OPERABLE quadrant symmetric excore neutron. flux detectors and verifying that the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX is maintained within the allowable limits of Figure 3.2-2. In conjuction with the use of the excore monitoring system and in establishing the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX limits, the following assumptions are made: 1) the CEA insertion limits of Specifications and are satisfied, 2) the AZIMUTHAL POllER TILT restrictions of Speci fication 3.2.4 are satisfied, and 3) the TOTAL PLANAR RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR does not exceed the limits of Specification 3.2.2.
2.2LIMITINGSAFETYSYSTEMSETTINGSBASESReactorCoolantFlow-Low(Continued) reactorcoolantpumpsaretakenoutofservice.Thelow-flowtripsetpoints andAllowable Valuesforthevariousreactorcoolantpumpcombinations havebeenderivedinconsideration ofinstrument errorsandresponsetimesofequipment involvedtomaintaintheDNBRabovetheDNBRlimitundernormaloperation andexpectedtransients.
The  Incore Detector tlonitoring System continuously provides a direct measure  of the peaking factors and the alarms which nave been established for the individual incore detector segments ensure that the peak linear heat rates will b. maintained within the allowable limits of Figure 3.2-1. The setpoints for these a'farms include allowances, set in the conservative directions, for
Forreactoroperation withonlytwoorthreereactorcoolantpumpsoperating, theReactorCoolantFlow-Lowtripsetpoints, thePowerLevel-High tripsetpoints, andtheThermalMargin/Low Pressuretripsetpoints areautomatically changedwhenthepumpcondition selectorswitchismanuallysettothedesiredtwo-orthree-pump position.
: 1) a measurement-cal culational uncertainty factor of 1.07*, 2) an engineering uncei t.ainty factor of 1.03, 3) an allowance of 1.01 for axial fuel densification and thermal expansion, and 4) a THERMAL POWER measurement uncertainty factor of 1.02.
Changingthesetripsetpoints duringtwoandthreepumpoperation preventstheminimum.valueofDNBRfrcmgoingbelowtheDNBRlimitduringnormaloperational transients andanticipated transients whenonlytwoorthreereactorcoolantpumpsareoperating.
3/4.2.2, 3/4.2.3      and  3/4.2.4      TOTAL PLANAR AND INTEGRATED RADIAL PEAKING FACTORS    F y
PressurizerPressure-High ThePressurizer Pressure-High trip,backedupbythepressurizer codesafetyvalvesandmainsteamlinesafetyvalves,providesreactorcoolantsystemprotection againstoverpressurization intheeventoflossofloadwithoutreactortrip.Thistrip~'ssetpointis100psibelowthenaninalliftsetting(2500psia)ofthepressurizer codesafetyvalvesanditsconcurrent operation withthepower-operated reliefvalvesavoidstheundesirable operation ofthepressurizer codesafetyvalves.Contairment Pressure-High TheContairment Pressure-High tripprovidesassurance thatareactortripisinitiated concurrently withasafetyinjection.
AND  Fr  AND AZIMUTHAL POWER          TILT    Tq The limitation on FT and T are provided to ensure that tne assumptions used  in the analysis for Btablisfling the Linear Heat Rate and Local Power Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the various allowable CEA group insertion limits. The limitations on FTr and Tq are provided to ensure that the assumptions
SteamGenerator Pressure-Low TheSteamGenerator Pressure-Low tripprovidesprotection againstanexcessive rateofheatextraction fromthesteamgenerators andsubsequent cooldownofthereactorcoolant.Thesettingof600psiaissufficiently belowthefull-load operating pointof800psigsoasnotST.LUCIE-,UNIT1B2-.5Anendment No.
          ~ An  uncertainty factor of 1.10 applies                when  in LOAD FOLLOW OPERATION.
LIMITINGSAFETYSYSTEMSETTINGSBASESThermalMarin/LowPressureTheThermalMargin/LowPressuretripisprovidedtopreventoperation whentheDNBRislessthantheDNBRlimit.Thetripisinitiated wheneverthereactorcoolantsystempressuresignaldropsbeloweither1887psiaoraccmputedvalueasdescribed below,whichever is'igher.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT  1                                      8  3/4 2-1
TheccmputedvalueisafunctionofthehigherofhTpowerorneutronpower,reactorinlettemperature, thenumberofreactorcoolantpumpsoperating andtheAXIALSHAPEINDEX.Theminimumvalueofreactorcoolantflowrate,themaximumAXIMUTHAL POWERTILTandthemaximumCEAdeviation permitted forcontinuous operation areassumedinthegeneration ofthistripfunction.'n
: addition, CEAgroupsequencing inaccordance withSpecifications,themaximuminsertion ofCEAbankswhichcanoccurduringanyanticipated operational occurrence priortoaPowerLevel-High tripisassumed.TheThermalMargin/Low Pressuretripsetpoints includeappropriateallowances forequipment responsetime,calculational andmeasurement uncertainties, andprocessing error.Afurtherallowance of30psiaisincludedtocompensate forthetimedelayassociated withproviding effective termination oftheoccurrencethatexhib1tsthemostrapiddecreaseinmargintotheDNBRlimit.Asymmetric SteamGenerator TransientProtective TripFunctionASGTPTFTheASGTPTFconsistsofSteamGenerator pressureinputstotheTM/LPcalculator, whichcausesareactortripwhenthedifference inpressurebetweenthetwosteamgenerators exceedsthetripsetpoint.
TheASGTPTFisdesignedtoprovideareactortripforthoseeventsassociated withsecondary systanmalfunctions whichresultinasymmetric primaryloopcoolanttemperatures.
2.1      SAFETY  LIMITS BASES 2.1.1    REACTOR CORE The  restrictions of this safety limit prevent overheating of the fuel cladding and possible cladding perforation which would result in the release of fission products to the reactor coolant. Overheating of the fuel is prevented by maintaining the steady state peak linear heat rate below the level at which centerline fuel melting will occur.
Themostlimitingeventisthelossofloadtoonesteamgenerator causedbyasinglemainsteamisolation valveclosure.Theequipment tripsetpointandallowable valuesarecalculated toaccountforinstrument uncertainties, andwillensureatripatorbeforereachingtheanalysissetpoint.
Overheating of the fuel cladding is prevented by restricting fuel operation to withi'n the nucleate boiling regime where the heat transfer coefficient is large and the cladding surface temperature is slightly above the  coolant saturation temperature.
Operation above the upper boundary of the nucleate boiling regime could result in excessive cladding temperatures because of the onset of departure frcm nucleate boiling (DNB) and the resultant sharp reduction in heat transfer coefficient. DNB is not a directly measur able parameter during operation and therefore THERMAL POWER and Reactor Coolant Temperatur e and Pressure have been related to DNB through the Exxon XNB correlation.     The XNB DNB correlation has been developed to predict the DNB flux and the location of DNB for axially uniform and non-uniform heat flux distributions. The local DNB heat flux ration, DNBR, defined as the ratio of the heat flux that would cause DNB at a particular core location to the local heat flux, is indicative of the margin to DNB.
The minimum value of the DNBR during steady state operation, normal operational transients, and anticipated transients is limited to 1.22 using the XNB DNBR correlation. This value corresponds to a 95 percent probability at a 95 percent confidence level that DNB will not occur and is chosen as an appropriate margi n to DNB for all operating conditions.
The curves    of Figure 2. 1-1 show the loci of points of THERMAL POWER,   Reactor Coolant System pressure and maximum cold leg temperatur four Reactor Coolant Pumps operating for which the minimum DNBR is e'ith no less than the DNBR limit for the family of axial shapes and cor responding radial peaks shown in Figure B 2.1-1. The limits in Figure 2.1-1 were calculated for reactor coolant inlet temperatures less than or equal to 580'F. The dashed line of 580'F coolant inlet temperature is not a safety limit; however, operation above 580'F is not possible because of the actuation of the main steam line safety valves which limit the maximum value of reactor inlet tempratur e. Reactor operation at THERMAL POWER levels higher than 112$ of RATED THERMAL POWER is prohibited by the high power level trip setpoi nt specified in Table 2. 1-1. The area of safe operation is below and to the left of these li nes.
ST. LUCIE UNIT    1                          B 2-1
SAFETY  LIMITS BASES The conditions for the Thermal Margi'n Safety Limit curves in Figure 2.1-1 to  be  valid are shown on the figure.
The reactor protective system in ccmbination with the Limiting Conditions for Operation, is designed to prevent any anticipated combination of transient conditions for reactor coolant system temperature, pressure, and thermal power level that would result in a DNBR of less than the DNBR limit and preclude the    )
exi stence of fl ow instabilities.
2.1.2  REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE The restriction of this Safety Limit protects the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System for overpressurization and thereby prevents the release of radionuclides contained in the reactor coolant from reaching the containment atmosphere.
The reactor pressure vessel and pressurizer are designed to Section III of the ASME Code for Nuclear Power Plant components which permits a maximum transient pressure of 11(g (2750 psia) of design pressure. The Reactor Coolant System piping, valves and fittings, are designed to ANSI B 31.7, Class I which permits a maximum transient pressure of lit@ (2750 psia) of ccmponent design pressure.     The Safety Limit of 2750 psia is therefore consistent with the design criteria and associated code requiranents.
The entire Reactor Cool.ant System is hydrotested at  3125 psia to demonstrate integrity prior to initial operation.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT  1                B 2-3              Amendment No.
2.2    LIMITING SAFETY    SYSTEM SETTINGS BASES Reactor Coolant Flow-Low (Continued) reactor coolant pumps are taken out of service. The low-flow trip setpoints and Allowable Values for the various reactor coolant pump combinations have been derived in consideration of instrument errors and response times of equipment involved to maintain the DNBR above the DNBR limit under normal operation and expected transients. For reactor operation with only two or three reactor coolant pumps operating, the Reactor Coolant Flow-Low trip setpoints, the Power Level-High trip setpoints, and the Thermal Margin/Low Pressure trip setpoints are automatically changed when the pump condition selector switch is manually set to the desired two- or three-pump position. Changing these trip setpoints during two and three pump operation prevents the minimum .
value of DNBR frcm going below the DNBR limit during normal operational transients and anticipated transients when only two or three reactor coolant pumps are operating.
trip Press uri zer Pressure-High The  Pressurizer Pressure-High trip, backed up by the pressurizer code safety valves and main steam line safety valves, provides reactor coolant system protection against overpressurization in the event of loss of load without reactor trip. This              's setpoint is 100 psi below the nani nal    lift setting (2500 psia) of the pressurizer code safety valves and its concurrent operation with the power-operated relief valves avoids the undesirable operation of the pressurizer code safety valves.
Contairment Pressure-High The  Contairment Pressure-High     trip  provides assurance that  a reactor  trip is initiated  concurrently with a safety injection.
Steam Generator    Pressure-Low The Steam Generator Pressure-Low trip provides protection against an  excessive rate of heat extraction from the steam generators and subsequent cooldown of the reactor coolant. The setting of 600 psia is sufficiently below the full-load operating point of 800 psig so as not ST. LUCIE   -,UNIT  1                  B  2-.5                    Anendment No.
LIMITING SAFETY    SYSTEM SETTINGS BASES Thermal Mar in/Low Pressure The Thermal Margi n/Low Pressure      trip is  provided to prevent operation  when  the  DNBR is less than the    DNBR  limit.
The  trip is initiated whenever the reactor coolant system pressure signal  drops below either 1887 psia or a ccmputed value as described below,   whichever is'igher. The ccmputed value is a function of the higher of hT power or neutron power, reactor inlet temperature, the number of reactor coolant pumps operating and the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX.
The minimum value of reactor coolant flow rate, the maximum AXIMUTHAL POWER TILT and the maximum CEA deviation permitted for continuous operation are assumed in the generation of this trip function.'n addition, CEA group sequencing in accordance with Specifications and is assumed.       Finally, the maximum insertion of CEA banks which can occur during any anticipated operational occurrence prior to a Power Level-High trip is assumed.
The Thermal    Margin/Low Pressure trip setpoints include appr opriate allowances    for equipment response time, calculational and measurement uncertainties, and processing error. A further allowance of 30 psia is included to compensate for the time delay associated with providing effective termination of the occur rence that exhib1ts the most rapid decrease in margin to the DNBR limit.
Asymmetric Steam Generator Tr ansient Protective          Trip Function  ASGTPTF The ASGTPTF    consists of  Steam Generator    pressure inputs to the TM/LP calculator,     which causes a reactor trip when the difference in pressure  between  the  two steam generators exceeds the trip setpoint.
The ASGTPTF is designed to provide a reactor trip for those events associated with secondary systan malfunctions which result in asymmetric primary loop coolant temperatures.          The most limiting event is the loss of load to one steam generator caused by a single main steam isolation valve closure.
The equipment    trip setpoint  and  allowable values are calculated to account  for instrument uncertainties,       and will ensure a trip at or before reaching the analysis setpoint.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT  1                          B 2-7
POWER D ISTRIBUT ION          LIMITS BASES used  in the analysis establishing the            DNB Margin  LCO, and Thermal Margin/Low Pressure            LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the F,
various al 1 owable CEA group insertion Limits. If xy' F or T exceed their basic limitations, operation may continue under the additional r estrictions      imposed by the ACTION statements since these additional restrictions provide adequate provisions to assure that the assumptions used in establishing the Linear Heat Rate, Thermal Margin/Low Pressur e and Local Power Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid. An AZIMUTHAL    PO'WER    TILT    ) 0.10 is not expected and if it should occur, subsequent      oper  ation would    be restricted to only those operations required to identify the        cause    of this unexpected tilt.
The value      of  T    that must be used in the equation      F    = F  (1 + T )
q and  F r
          = F r
(1,+'    T )    is the measured tilt.
The  surveillance requirements for verifying that T F T and T  F, are within their limits provide assurance that the actual values of xy'.              F,    F r
and T do not exceed the assumed values.                Yeri fying F      and F after q                                                            xy        r each fuel loading prior to exceeding 75$ of RATED THERMAL POWER provides additional assurance that the core was properly loaded.
3/4. 2. 5  DNB PARAMETERS The  limits      on the DNB related parameters assure that each of the parameters      are maintained within the normal steady state envelope of operation assumed in the transient and accident analyses.                The limits are consistent with the safety analyses assumptions and have been analytically demonstrated adequate to maintain a minimun DNBR of >1.22 throughout each analyzed transient.
The 12 hour        periodic    sur veillance of these parameters through instrument readout    is sufficient to          ensure  that the parameters are restored within their limits following load changes and other expected transient operation. The 18 month periodic measurement of the RCS total flow rate is adequate to detect fl ow'egradation and ensure correl ation of the fl ow indi cation channel s wi th measured flow such that the indicated percent flow will provide sufficient verification of flow rate on a 12 hour basis.
ST. LUCIE    -  UNIT    1                    B 3/4 Z-Z                    Amendment No.
+ ~
~  ~
3/4.4      REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES 3/4.4. 1    REACTOR COOLANT LOOPS AND COOLANT CIRCULATION The plant is designed to operate with both reactor coolant loops and associated reactor coolant pumps in operation, and maintain DNBR above the DNBR limit during all normal operations and anticipated transients. In NODES 1 and 2 with one reactor coolant loop not in operation, this specification requires that the plant be in at least HOT STANDBY within 1 hour.
In  MODE  3, a single reactor coolant loop provides sufficient heat removal capability    for removing decay heat; however, single failure considerations requi re that two loops be OPERABLE.
In NODE 4, and in MODE 5 wi th reactor coolant loops filled, a single reactor coolant loop or shutdown cooling loop provides sufficient heat removal capability for removing decay heat; but single failure considerations require that at least two loops (either shutdown cooli ng or RCS) be OPERABLE.
In  NODE 5  with reactor coolant loops not  filled, a single shutdown cooling loop provides    sufficient  heat removal capability for removing decay heat; but si ngle failure considerations and the unavailability of the steam generators as a neat removing component, require that at least twor shutdown cooling loops be OPERABLE.
The  operation of one Reactor Coolant Pump or one shutdown cooling pump provides adequate flow to ensure mixing, prevent stratification and produce gradual reactivity changes during boron concentration reductions 1n the Reactor Coolant System. The reactivity change rate associated with boron reductions will,,
therefore, be within the capability of operator recognition and control.
The  restrictions  on starting a Reactor Coolant Pump in MODE 5 with one or more RCS cold legs less than or equal to 165'F are pr ovided to prevent RCS pressure transients, caused by energy additions from the secondary system, which could exceed the limits of Appendix G to 10 CFR 50. The RCS will be protected against overpressure transients and will not exceed the limits of Appendix G by either 1) restricting the water volume in the pressurizer and thereby providing a volume for the primary coolant to expand into, or 2) by restricting starting of the Reactor Coolant Pumps to when the- secondary water temperature of each steam generator is less than 45'F above each of the Reactor Coolant System cold leg temperatures.
3/4.4.2    and  3/4.4.3  SAFETY VALVES The  pressurizer code safety valves operate to prevent the RCS frcm being pressurized abgve its Safety Limit of 2750 psia. Each safety valve is designed to relieve 2 x 10~ lbs. per hour of saturated steam at the valve setpoint. The relief capacity of a single safety valve is adequate to relieve any overpressure condition'which could occur during shutdown. In the event that no safety valves are OPERABLE, an operating shutdown cooling loop, connected to the RCS, provides overpressure relief capability and will prevent RCS overpressurization.
ST. LUCIE  -  UNIT 1                      B 3/4 4-1                Amendment No.
SAFETY EVALUATION RE:  St. Lucie Unit  1 Docket No. 50-335 Proposed License Amendment Linear Heat Rate Technical    S ecification  Flux Peakin Au mentation Factors I. Introduction Past practice for ECCS analysis has been to postulate that axial gaps can occur in the fuel rod pellet .stack.
Such. gaps could theoretically occur because of fuel column densification in combination with an increase in the cladding ovality. With severe creep ovality, the pellet stack could be gripped by the cladding before densification is'omplete such that a gap would form between pellets as further densification occurs. This gap would lower the fuel density in a horizontal plane, resulting in an increase in thermal neutron flux and higher local rod powers. This possible power increase is used in establishing peaking factor limits.
II. Evaluation Exxon Nuclear (ENC) and    Florida Power 6 Light (FPL) have made a careful evaluation of the conditions that are necessary to form such gaps and have concluded that for ENC-designed fuel, such gaps will not occur. The justifi-cation for this position has been submitted to the USNRC in support of a revised clad collapse procedure in Reference  l. The reasons  are:
: 1. Densification is complete after    a few thousand MWD/MT  exposure.
: 2. Ovality does not proceed to the point that pellets are gripped by the cladding until after fuel densifi-cation is complete. This conclusion is verified by the calculation of ovality and creepdown with the COLAPX and RODEX2 fuel performance codes.
: 3. The upper plenum spring acts to keep a positive pressure on the pellets to overcome resistance of the pellet stack to downward motion. The spring is fabricated of creep resistant Inconel X-750 to avoid early load relaxation and is designed to provide positive downward pressure over the range of potential densification.

POWERDISTRIBUTIONLIMITSBASESusedintheanalysisestablishing theDNBMarginLCO,andThermalMargin/Low PressureLSSSsetpoints remainvalidduringoperation atthevariousal1owableCEAgroupinsertion Limits.IfF,ForTexceedxy'theirbasiclimitations, operation maycontinueundertheadditional restrictions imposedbytheACTIONstatements sincetheseadditional restrictions provideadequateprovisions toassurethattheassumptions usedinestablishing theLinearHeatRate,ThermalMargin/Low PressureandLocalPowerDensity-HighLCOsandLSSSsetpoints remainvalid.AnAZIMUTHAL PO'WERTILT)0.10isnotexpectedandifitshouldoccur,subsequent operationwouldberestricted toonlythoseoperations requiredtoidentifythecauseofthisunexpected tilt.ThevalueofTthatmustbeusedintheequationF=F(1+T)qandF=F(1,+T)isthemeasuredtilt.rr'Thesurveillance requirements forverifying thatF,FandTTTarewithintheirlimitsprovideassurance thattheactualvaluesofF,Fxy'.randTdonotexceedtheassumedvalues.YerifyingFandFafterqxyreachfuelloadingpriortoexceeding 75$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERprovidesadditional assurance thatthecorewasproperlyloaded.3/4.2.5DNBPARAMETERS ThelimitsontheDNBrelatedparameters assurethateachoftheparameters aremaintained withinthenormalsteadystateenvelopeofoperation assumedinthetransient andaccidentanalyses.
To  verify the conclusion that significant existedgaps are not, formed, ENC has made a number of scans of irradiated rods and confirmed that axial gaps do not              Because of these results no flux peaking    augmentation  factors  are required for ENC designed     fuel.
Thelimitsareconsistent withthesafetyanalysesassumptions andhavebeenanalytically demonstrated adequatetomaintainaminimunDNBRof>1.22throughout eachanalyzedtransient.
ENC  has performed neutronics calculations for Combustion Engineering designed fuel which show that, the peak rod power for CE fuel is at least 10% less than the peak power for ENC fuel during Cycle 6. Because the maximum value of flux. peaking augmentation factors is signifi-cantly less than 10%, no augmentation factor need be applied to CE fuel.
The12hourperiodicsurveillance oftheseparameters throughinstrument readoutissufficient toensurethattheparameters arerestoredwithintheirlimitsfollowing loadchangesandotherexpectedtransient operation.
Therefore, Florida Power 8 Light Company has concluded that a flux peaking augmentation factor curve need not be contained j.n St. Lucie Unit 1 Technical Specificat.ions.
The18monthperiodicmeasurement oftheRCStotalflowrateisadequatetodetectflow'egradation andensurecorrelationoftheflowindicationchannelswithmeasuredflowsuchthattheindicated percentflowwillprovidesufficient verification offlowrateona12hourbasis.ST.LUCIE-UNIT1B3/4Z-ZAmendment No.
III. Conclusion Based on the considerations described above, (1) the proposed change does not increase the probability or consequences qf accidents or malfunctions of equipment, important to safety and does not reduce the margin of safety  as defined in the basis for any technical specification, therefore, the change does not involve a significant hazards consideration, (2) there is reason-able assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation    in the proposed manner, and (3) such activities wil'1 be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of'he public.
~~3/4.4REACTORCOOLANTSYSTEMBASES3/4.4.1REACTORCOOLANTLOOPSANDCOOLANTCIRCULATION Theplantisdesignedtooperatewithbothreactorcoolantloopsandassociated reactorcoolantpumpsinoperation, andmaintainDNBRabovetheDNBRlimitduringallnormaloperations andanticipated transients.
InNODES1and2withonereactorcoolantloopnotinoperation, thisspecification requiresthattheplantbeinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithin1hour.InMODE3,asinglereactorcoolantloopprovidessufficient heatremovalcapability forremovingdecayheat;however,singlefailureconsiderations requirethattwoloopsbeOPERABLE.
InNODE4,andinMODE5withreactorcoolantloopsfilled,asinglereactorcoolantlooporshutdowncoolingloopprovidessufficient heatremovalcapability forremovingdecayheat;butsinglefailureconsiderations requirethatatleasttwoloops(eithershutdowncoolingorRCS)beOPERABLE.
InNODE5withreactorcoolantloopsnotfilled,asingleshutdowncoolingloopprovidessufficient heatremovalcapability forremovingdecayheat;butsinglefailureconsiderations andtheunavailability ofthesteamgenerators asaneatremovingcomponent, requirethatatleasttwoshutdowncoolingloopsbeOPERABLE.
rTheoperation ofoneReactorCoolantPumporoneshutdowncoolingpumpprovidesadequateflowtoensuremixing,preventstratification andproducegradualreactivity changesduringboronconcentration reductions 1ntheReactorCoolantSystem.Thereactivity changerateassociated withboronreductions will,,therefore, bewithinthecapability ofoperatorrecognition andcontrol.Therestrictions onstartingaReactorCoolantPumpinMODE5withoneormoreRCScoldlegslessthanorequalto165'FareprovidedtopreventRCSpressuretransients, causedbyenergyadditions fromthesecondary system,whichcouldexceedthelimitsofAppendixGto10CFR50.TheRCSwillbeprotected againstoverpressure transients andwillnotexceedthelimitsofAppendixGbyeither1)restricting thewatervolumeinthepressurizer andtherebyproviding avolumefortheprimarycoolanttoexpandinto,or2)byrestricting startingoftheReactorCoolantPumpstowhenthe-secondary watertemperature ofeachsteamgenerator islessthan45'FaboveeachoftheReactorCoolantSystemcoldlegtemperatures.
3/4.4.2and3/4.4.3SAFETYVALVESThepressurizer codesafetyvalvesoperatetopreventtheRCSfrcmbeingpressurized abgveitsSafetyLimitof2750psia.Eachsafetyvalveisdesignedtorelieve2x10~lbs.perhourofsaturated steamatthevalvesetpoint.
Thereliefcapacityofasinglesafetyvalveisadequatetorelieveanyoverpressure condition'which couldoccurduringshutdown.
IntheeventthatnosafetyvalvesareOPERABLE, anoperating shutdowncoolingloop,connected totheRCS,providesoverpressure reliefcapability andwillpreventRCSoverpressurization.
ST.LUCIE-UNIT1B3/44-1Amendment No.
SAFETYEVALUATION RE:St.LucieUnit1DocketNo.50-335ProposedLicenseAmendment LinearHeatRateTechnical Secification
-FluxPeakinAumentation FactorsI.Introduction PastpracticeforECCSanalysishasbeentopostulate thataxialgapscanoccurinthefuelrodpellet.stack.Such.gapscouldtheoretically occurbecauseoffuelcolumndensification incombination withanincreaseinthecladdingovality.Withseverecreepovality,thepelletstackcouldbegrippedbythecladdingbeforedensification is'omplete suchthatagapwouldformbetweenpelletsasfurtherdensification occurs.Thisgapwouldlowerthefueldensityinahorizontal plane,resulting inanincreaseinthermalneutronfluxandhigherlocalrodpowers.Thispossiblepowerincreaseisusedinestablishing peakingfactorlimits.II.Evaluation ExxonNuclear(ENC)andFloridaPower6Light(FPL)havemadeacarefulevaluation oftheconditions thatarenecessary toformsuchgapsandhaveconcluded thatforENC-designed fuel,suchgapswillnotoccur.Thejustifi-cationforthispositionhasbeensubmitted totheUSNRCinsupportofarevisedcladcollapseprocedure inReference l.Thereasonsare:1.Densification iscompleteafterafewthousandMWD/MTexposure.
Thisconclusion isverifiedbythecalculation ofovalityandcreepdown withtheCOLAPXandRODEX2fuelperformance codes.3.Theupperplenumspringactstokeepapositivepressureonthepelletstoovercomeresistance ofthepelletstacktodownwardmotion.Thespringisfabricated ofcreepresistant InconelX-750toavoidearlyloadrelaxation andisdesignedtoprovidepositivedownwardpressureovertherangeofpotential densification.
Toverifytheconclusion thatsignificant gapsarenot,formed,ENChasmadeanumberofscansofirradiated rodsandconfirmed thataxialgapsdonotexistedBecauseoftheseresultsnofluxpeakingaugmentation factorsarerequiredforENCdesignedfuel.ENChasperformed neutronics calculations forCombustion Engineering designedfuelwhichshowthat,thepeakrodpowerforCEfuelisatleast10%lessthanthepeakpowerforENCfuelduringCycle6.Becausethemaximumvalueofflux.peakingaugmentation factorsissignifi-cantlylessthan10%,noaugmentation factorneedbeappliedtoCEfuel.Therefore, FloridaPower8LightCompanyhasconcluded thatafluxpeakingaugmentation factorcurveneednotbecontained j.nSt.LucieUnit1Technical Specificat.ions.
III.Conclusion Basedontheconsiderations described above,(1)theproposedchangedoesnotincreasetheprobability orconsequences qfaccidents ormalfunctions ofequipment, important tosafetyanddoesnotreducethemarginofsafetyasdefinedinthebasisforanytechnical specification, therefore, thechangedoesnotinvolveasignificant hazardsconsideration, (2)thereisreason-ableassurance thatthehealthandsafetyofthepublicwillnotbeendangered byoperation intheproposedmanner,and(3)suchactivities wil'1beconducted incompliance withtheCommission's regulations andtheissuanceofthisamendment willnotbeinimicaltothecommondefenseandsecurityortothehealthandsafetyof'hepublic.

(1) XN-NF-82-06, '"Qualification of 'Exxon Nuclear Fuel for Extended Burnup", June 1982.

'"Qualification of'ExxonNuclearFuelforExtendedBurnup",June1982.
                        )    st
STATEOFFLORiDA)))stRobertE.Uhribeingfirst.dulysworn,deposesandsays:ThatheisYicePresident ofFloridaPoweraLight,Company,theL>censeeherein;Thathehasexecutedtheforegoing document,;
that,thestate-mentsmadeinthissaid.documentaretrueandcorrecttothebestofhisknowledge, information, andbelief,andthatheisauthorized toexecutethedocumentonbehalfofsaidRobertE.UhrigSubscribed andsworntobeforemethisdayof19>10TARYPUBLiC,inandfortheCountyofDade,StateofFloridaNycommission expires:}}
Robert E. Uhri        being  first. duly  sworn, deposes  and says:
That he is Yice President                          of Florida Power a Light, Company, the L>censee      herein; That he has executed the foregoing document,; that, the state-ments made in this said. document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Robert E. Uhrig Subscribed and sworn to before      me  this day  of                              19
>10TARY  PUBLiC,   in and  for the  County of Dade, State of Florida Ny commission    expires:}}

Latest revision as of 15:23, 4 February 2020

Proposed Tech Spec Revising Linear Heat Rate Prior to Unit Restart Following Upcoming Refueling Outage
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Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1983
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'O' 05000335




c. Verifying that the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX is maintained within the allowable limits of Figure 3.2-2, where 100 percent of maximum allowable power represents the maximum THERMAL POWER allowed by the following expression:

MxN where:

1. M is the maximum allowable THERMAL POWER level for the existing Reactor Coolant Pump combination.
2. N is the maximum allowable fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER as determined by the Fx curve of Figure 3.2-3.. Incore Detector Monitoring Systems - The incore detector monitor system may be used for monitoring the core power distribution by verifyi ng that the i ncore detector Local Power Density alarms:

a. Are adjusted to satisfy the requirements of the core power distribution map which shall be updated at least once per 31 days of accumulated operation in MODE 1.
b. Have their alarm setpoint adjusted to less than or equal to the limits shown on Figure 3.2-1 when the following factors are appropriately included in the setting of these alarms:

.1. A measurement calculational uncertainty factor of 1.07*,

2. An engineering uncertainty factor of 1.03,
3. A linear heat rate uncertainty factor of 1.01 due to axial fuel densification and thermal expansion, and
4. A THERMAL POWER measurement uncertainty factor of 1.02.
  • An uncertainty factor of 1.10 applies when in LOAD FOLLOW OPERATION.

g If the core system becomes inoperable, reduce power to M x N within 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />sand monitor linear heat rate in accordance with Specification 4.2.1.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 3/4 2-2 Amendment No.


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3/4.2 PONE R 0 IS TR I B UT I ON L IN I T S BASES 3/4.2.1 LINEAR HEAT RATE The limitation of linear heat rate ensures that in the event of a LOCA, the peak temperature of the fuel cladding will not exceed 2200'F.

Either of the two core power distribution monitoring systems, the Excore Detector Monitoring System and the Incore Detector thonitoring System, provide adequate monitoring of the core power distribution and are capable of verifying that the linear heat rate does not exceed its limits. The Excore Detector Monitoring System performs this function by continuously monitoring the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX with the OPERABLE quadrant symmetric excore neutron. flux detectors and verifying that the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX is maintained within the allowable limits of Figure 3.2-2. In conjuction with the use of the excore monitoring system and in establishing the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX limits, the following assumptions are made: 1) the CEA insertion limits of Specifications and are satisfied, 2) the AZIMUTHAL POllER TILT restrictions of Speci fication 3.2.4 are satisfied, and 3) the TOTAL PLANAR RADIAL PEAKING FACTOR does not exceed the limits of Specification 3.2.2.

The Incore Detector tlonitoring System continuously provides a direct measure of the peaking factors and the alarms which nave been established for the individual incore detector segments ensure that the peak linear heat rates will b. maintained within the allowable limits of Figure 3.2-1. The setpoints for these a'farms include allowances, set in the conservative directions, for

1) a measurement-cal culational uncertainty factor of 1.07*, 2) an engineering uncei t.ainty factor of 1.03, 3) an allowance of 1.01 for axial fuel densification and thermal expansion, and 4) a THERMAL POWER measurement uncertainty factor of 1.02.


AND Fr AND AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT Tq The limitation on FT and T are provided to ensure that tne assumptions used in the analysis for Btablisfling the Linear Heat Rate and Local Power Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the various allowable CEA group insertion limits. The limitations on FTr and Tq are provided to ensure that the assumptions

~ An uncertainty factor of 1.10 applies when in LOAD FOLLOW OPERATION.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 8 3/4 2-1


2.1 SAFETY LIMITS BASES 2.1.1 REACTOR CORE The restrictions of this safety limit prevent overheating of the fuel cladding and possible cladding perforation which would result in the release of fission products to the reactor coolant. Overheating of the fuel is prevented by maintaining the steady state peak linear heat rate below the level at which centerline fuel melting will occur.

Overheating of the fuel cladding is prevented by restricting fuel operation to withi'n the nucleate boiling regime where the heat transfer coefficient is large and the cladding surface temperature is slightly above the coolant saturation temperature.

Operation above the upper boundary of the nucleate boiling regime could result in excessive cladding temperatures because of the onset of departure frcm nucleate boiling (DNB) and the resultant sharp reduction in heat transfer coefficient. DNB is not a directly measur able parameter during operation and therefore THERMAL POWER and Reactor Coolant Temperatur e and Pressure have been related to DNB through the Exxon XNB correlation. The XNB DNB correlation has been developed to predict the DNB flux and the location of DNB for axially uniform and non-uniform heat flux distributions. The local DNB heat flux ration, DNBR, defined as the ratio of the heat flux that would cause DNB at a particular core location to the local heat flux, is indicative of the margin to DNB.

The minimum value of the DNBR during steady state operation, normal operational transients, and anticipated transients is limited to 1.22 using the XNB DNBR correlation. This value corresponds to a 95 percent probability at a 95 percent confidence level that DNB will not occur and is chosen as an appropriate margi n to DNB for all operating conditions.

The curves of Figure 2. 1-1 show the loci of points of THERMAL POWER, Reactor Coolant System pressure and maximum cold leg temperatur four Reactor Coolant Pumps operating for which the minimum DNBR is e'ith no less than the DNBR limit for the family of axial shapes and cor responding radial peaks shown in Figure B 2.1-1. The limits in Figure 2.1-1 were calculated for reactor coolant inlet temperatures less than or equal to 580'F. The dashed line of 580'F coolant inlet temperature is not a safety limit; however, operation above 580'F is not possible because of the actuation of the main steam line safety valves which limit the maximum value of reactor inlet tempratur e. Reactor operation at THERMAL POWER levels higher than 112$ of RATED THERMAL POWER is prohibited by the high power level trip setpoi nt specified in Table 2. 1-1. The area of safe operation is below and to the left of these li nes.


SAFETY LIMITS BASES The conditions for the Thermal Margi'n Safety Limit curves in Figure 2.1-1 to be valid are shown on the figure.

The reactor protective system in ccmbination with the Limiting Conditions for Operation, is designed to prevent any anticipated combination of transient conditions for reactor coolant system temperature, pressure, and thermal power level that would result in a DNBR of less than the DNBR limit and preclude the )

exi stence of fl ow instabilities.

2.1.2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE The restriction of this Safety Limit protects the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System for overpressurization and thereby prevents the release of radionuclides contained in the reactor coolant from reaching the containment atmosphere.

The reactor pressure vessel and pressurizer are designed to Section III of the ASME Code for Nuclear Power Plant components which permits a maximum transient pressure of 11(g (2750 psia) of design pressure. The Reactor Coolant System piping, valves and fittings, are designed to ANSI B 31.7, Class I which permits a maximum transient pressure of lit@ (2750 psia) of ccmponent design pressure. The Safety Limit of 2750 psia is therefore consistent with the design criteria and associated code requiranents.

The entire Reactor Cool.ant System is hydrotested at 3125 psia to demonstrate integrity prior to initial operation.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 B 2-3 Amendment No.

2.2 LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS BASES Reactor Coolant Flow-Low (Continued) reactor coolant pumps are taken out of service. The low-flow trip setpoints and Allowable Values for the various reactor coolant pump combinations have been derived in consideration of instrument errors and response times of equipment involved to maintain the DNBR above the DNBR limit under normal operation and expected transients. For reactor operation with only two or three reactor coolant pumps operating, the Reactor Coolant Flow-Low trip setpoints, the Power Level-High trip setpoints, and the Thermal Margin/Low Pressure trip setpoints are automatically changed when the pump condition selector switch is manually set to the desired two- or three-pump position. Changing these trip setpoints during two and three pump operation prevents the minimum .

value of DNBR frcm going below the DNBR limit during normal operational transients and anticipated transients when only two or three reactor coolant pumps are operating.

trip Press uri zer Pressure-High The Pressurizer Pressure-High trip, backed up by the pressurizer code safety valves and main steam line safety valves, provides reactor coolant system protection against overpressurization in the event of loss of load without reactor trip. This 's setpoint is 100 psi below the nani nal lift setting (2500 psia) of the pressurizer code safety valves and its concurrent operation with the power-operated relief valves avoids the undesirable operation of the pressurizer code safety valves.

Contairment Pressure-High The Contairment Pressure-High trip provides assurance that a reactor trip is initiated concurrently with a safety injection.

Steam Generator Pressure-Low The Steam Generator Pressure-Low trip provides protection against an excessive rate of heat extraction from the steam generators and subsequent cooldown of the reactor coolant. The setting of 600 psia is sufficiently below the full-load operating point of 800 psig so as not ST. LUCIE -,UNIT 1 B 2-.5 Anendment No.

LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS BASES Thermal Mar in/Low Pressure The Thermal Margi n/Low Pressure trip is provided to prevent operation when the DNBR is less than the DNBR limit.

The trip is initiated whenever the reactor coolant system pressure signal drops below either 1887 psia or a ccmputed value as described below, whichever is'igher. The ccmputed value is a function of the higher of hT power or neutron power, reactor inlet temperature, the number of reactor coolant pumps operating and the AXIAL SHAPE INDEX.

The minimum value of reactor coolant flow rate, the maximum AXIMUTHAL POWER TILT and the maximum CEA deviation permitted for continuous operation are assumed in the generation of this trip function.'n addition, CEA group sequencing in accordance with Specifications and is assumed. Finally, the maximum insertion of CEA banks which can occur during any anticipated operational occurrence prior to a Power Level-High trip is assumed.

The Thermal Margin/Low Pressure trip setpoints include appr opriate allowances for equipment response time, calculational and measurement uncertainties, and processing error. A further allowance of 30 psia is included to compensate for the time delay associated with providing effective termination of the occur rence that exhib1ts the most rapid decrease in margin to the DNBR limit.

Asymmetric Steam Generator Tr ansient Protective Trip Function ASGTPTF The ASGTPTF consists of Steam Generator pressure inputs to the TM/LP calculator, which causes a reactor trip when the difference in pressure between the two steam generators exceeds the trip setpoint.

The ASGTPTF is designed to provide a reactor trip for those events associated with secondary systan malfunctions which result in asymmetric primary loop coolant temperatures. The most limiting event is the loss of load to one steam generator caused by a single main steam isolation valve closure.

The equipment trip setpoint and allowable values are calculated to account for instrument uncertainties, and will ensure a trip at or before reaching the analysis setpoint.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 B 2-7

POWER D ISTRIBUT ION LIMITS BASES used in the analysis establishing the DNB Margin LCO, and Thermal Margin/Low Pressure LSSS setpoints remain valid during operation at the F,

various al 1 owable CEA group insertion Limits. If xy' F or T exceed their basic limitations, operation may continue under the additional r estrictions imposed by the ACTION statements since these additional restrictions provide adequate provisions to assure that the assumptions used in establishing the Linear Heat Rate, Thermal Margin/Low Pressur e and Local Power Density - High LCOs and LSSS setpoints remain valid. An AZIMUTHAL PO'WER TILT ) 0.10 is not expected and if it should occur, subsequent oper ation would be restricted to only those operations required to identify the cause of this unexpected tilt.

The value of T that must be used in the equation F = F (1 + T )

q and F r

= F r

(1,+' T ) is the measured tilt.

The surveillance requirements for verifying that T F T and T F, are within their limits provide assurance that the actual values of xy'. F, F r

and T do not exceed the assumed values. Yeri fying F and F after q xy r each fuel loading prior to exceeding 75$ of RATED THERMAL POWER provides additional assurance that the core was properly loaded.

3/4. 2. 5 DNB PARAMETERS The limits on the DNB related parameters assure that each of the parameters are maintained within the normal steady state envelope of operation assumed in the transient and accident analyses. The limits are consistent with the safety analyses assumptions and have been analytically demonstrated adequate to maintain a minimun DNBR of >1.22 throughout each analyzed transient.

The 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> periodic sur veillance of these parameters through instrument readout is sufficient to ensure that the parameters are restored within their limits following load changes and other expected transient operation. The 18 month periodic measurement of the RCS total flow rate is adequate to detect fl ow'egradation and ensure correl ation of the fl ow indi cation channel s wi th measured flow such that the indicated percent flow will provide sufficient verification of flow rate on a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> basis.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 B 3/4 Z-Z Amendment No.

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3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM BASES 3/4.4. 1 REACTOR COOLANT LOOPS AND COOLANT CIRCULATION The plant is designed to operate with both reactor coolant loops and associated reactor coolant pumps in operation, and maintain DNBR above the DNBR limit during all normal operations and anticipated transients. In NODES 1 and 2 with one reactor coolant loop not in operation, this specification requires that the plant be in at least HOT STANDBY within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

In MODE 3, a single reactor coolant loop provides sufficient heat removal capability for removing decay heat; however, single failure considerations requi re that two loops be OPERABLE.

In NODE 4, and in MODE 5 wi th reactor coolant loops filled, a single reactor coolant loop or shutdown cooling loop provides sufficient heat removal capability for removing decay heat; but single failure considerations require that at least two loops (either shutdown cooli ng or RCS) be OPERABLE.

In NODE 5 with reactor coolant loops not filled, a single shutdown cooling loop provides sufficient heat removal capability for removing decay heat; but si ngle failure considerations and the unavailability of the steam generators as a neat removing component, require that at least twor shutdown cooling loops be OPERABLE.

The operation of one Reactor Coolant Pump or one shutdown cooling pump provides adequate flow to ensure mixing, prevent stratification and produce gradual reactivity changes during boron concentration reductions 1n the Reactor Coolant System. The reactivity change rate associated with boron reductions will,,

therefore, be within the capability of operator recognition and control.

The restrictions on starting a Reactor Coolant Pump in MODE 5 with one or more RCS cold legs less than or equal to 165'F are pr ovided to prevent RCS pressure transients, caused by energy additions from the secondary system, which could exceed the limits of Appendix G to 10 CFR 50. The RCS will be protected against overpressure transients and will not exceed the limits of Appendix G by either 1) restricting the water volume in the pressurizer and thereby providing a volume for the primary coolant to expand into, or 2) by restricting starting of the Reactor Coolant Pumps to when the- secondary water temperature of each steam generator is less than 45'F above each of the Reactor Coolant System cold leg temperatures.

3/4.4.2 and 3/4.4.3 SAFETY VALVES The pressurizer code safety valves operate to prevent the RCS frcm being pressurized abgve its Safety Limit of 2750 psia. Each safety valve is designed to relieve 2 x 10~ lbs. per hour of saturated steam at the valve setpoint. The relief capacity of a single safety valve is adequate to relieve any overpressure condition'which could occur during shutdown. In the event that no safety valves are OPERABLE, an operating shutdown cooling loop, connected to the RCS, provides overpressure relief capability and will prevent RCS overpressurization.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 1 B 3/4 4-1 Amendment No.

SAFETY EVALUATION RE: St. Lucie Unit 1 Docket No. 50-335 Proposed License Amendment Linear Heat Rate Technical S ecification Flux Peakin Au mentation Factors I. Introduction Past practice for ECCS analysis has been to postulate that axial gaps can occur in the fuel rod pellet .stack.

Such. gaps could theoretically occur because of fuel column densification in combination with an increase in the cladding ovality. With severe creep ovality, the pellet stack could be gripped by the cladding before densification is'omplete such that a gap would form between pellets as further densification occurs. This gap would lower the fuel density in a horizontal plane, resulting in an increase in thermal neutron flux and higher local rod powers. This possible power increase is used in establishing peaking factor limits.

II. Evaluation Exxon Nuclear (ENC) and Florida Power 6 Light (FPL) have made a careful evaluation of the conditions that are necessary to form such gaps and have concluded that for ENC-designed fuel, such gaps will not occur. The justifi-cation for this position has been submitted to the USNRC in support of a revised clad collapse procedure in Reference l. The reasons are:

1. Densification is complete after a few thousand MWD/MT exposure.
2. Ovality does not proceed to the point that pellets are gripped by the cladding until after fuel densifi-cation is complete. This conclusion is verified by the calculation of ovality and creepdown with the COLAPX and RODEX2 fuel performance codes.
3. The upper plenum spring acts to keep a positive pressure on the pellets to overcome resistance of the pellet stack to downward motion. The spring is fabricated of creep resistant Inconel X-750 to avoid early load relaxation and is designed to provide positive downward pressure over the range of potential densification.

To verify the conclusion that significant existedgaps are not, formed, ENC has made a number of scans of irradiated rods and confirmed that axial gaps do not Because of these results no flux peaking augmentation factors are required for ENC designed fuel.

ENC has performed neutronics calculations for Combustion Engineering designed fuel which show that, the peak rod power for CE fuel is at least 10% less than the peak power for ENC fuel during Cycle 6. Because the maximum value of flux. peaking augmentation factors is signifi-cantly less than 10%, no augmentation factor need be applied to CE fuel.

Therefore, Florida Power 8 Light Company has concluded that a flux peaking augmentation factor curve need not be contained j.n St. Lucie Unit 1 Technical Specificat.ions.

III. Conclusion Based on the considerations described above, (1) the proposed change does not increase the probability or consequences qf accidents or malfunctions of equipment, important to safety and does not reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification, therefore, the change does not involve a significant hazards consideration, (2) there is reason-able assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, and (3) such activities wil'1 be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of'he public.


(1) XN-NF-82-06, '"Qualification of 'Exxon Nuclear Fuel for Extended Burnup", June 1982.


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Robert E. Uhri being first. duly sworn, deposes and says:

That he is Yice President of Florida Power a Light, Company, the L>censee herein; That he has executed the foregoing document,; that, the state-ments made in this said. document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Robert E. Uhrig Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19

>10TARY PUBLiC, in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida Ny commission expires: