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{{#Wiki_filter:Table2.1O.C.CookUnit2l.OCA/ECCS AnalysisSu@naryResultsfortheCcle5CoreConfiuration85$ENCFuelPeakRodAverage8urnup(HMD/kg)FTQTPeakCladdingTemperature (oF)MaximumLocalEr-H20Reaction(5)TotalZr-H20Reaction2.02.041.41521987.4<<'20965.7(1.0:g4OS2eO29 GSOOOSfb""
{{#Wiki_filter:Table 2.1          O.C. Cook  Unit  2 l.OCA/ECCS Analysis Su@nary Results for the          C cle  5 Core  Conf i uration    85$ ENC  Fuel Peak Rod Average 8urnup (HMD/kg)                     2.0        10.0        47.0 FT                                                  2.04        2.04        2.04 Q
T 1.415      1.415        1.415 Peak Cladding Temperature            (oF)            2198        2190        '2096 Maximum Local Er-H20          Reaction (5)          7.4        7.3          5.7 Total Zr-H20 Reaction                              < 1.0      < 1.0      (1.0
:g4OS2eO29   @40521'",<<,", '",.
~~i-1p'llL'i1 Table3.21.0DECLGBreakAnalysisParameters PeakRodAverageBurnup(HID/kg)TotalCorePower(NMt)*TotalPeaking(F~)TFractionEnergyDeposited inFuel~FullyModerated Core~VoidedCore2.034112.040.9740.95410.034112.040.9740.95447.034112.040.9740.954Ccle585%ENCFuel)Peaking~AxialxEngineering
~EnthalpyRise(F~H)T1.4421.4151.4421.415l.4421.415*2%poweruncertainty isaddedtothisvalueintheLOCAanalysis.
Table3.41.0DECLGBreakFuelResponseResultsforCycle5PeakRodAverageBurnup(NMD/kg)InitialPeakFuelAverageTemperature (oF)HotRodBurst~Time(sec)~Elevation (ft)~ChannelBlockageFractionPeakCladTemperature
        'PDGCK,,               'g
~Time(sec)~Elevation (ft)~Temperature (oF)Zr-SteamReaction~LocalMaximumElevation (ft)~LocalMaximum(g)*~CoreMaximum2.0215160.96.50.242278.6321988.637.4<1.010.0206061.76.50.272278.6321903.637.3<1.047.0162967.97.00.472418.8820968.885.7<1.0*Values400secintoLOCAtransient.
,,pgp              pGp'.. ',
iFQ~2-0IiF~1.<150RePNQO/KGPCTHODE('THEOHOOE(HOOE5ATC.$0FT-)IClClgQ,~d44.0e0.0Lt0.01400t000t)00tt04TIHE-SE'CONDS%0.0)Cl.~Fiqure3.41TOODEE2CladdingTemperature versusTime,1.0DECLGBreak,2.MWD/KgCase iFQ~R,.04iFOH~1'15DRi 17HW/K1.PCTHODEtNOK1$ATl.lfFT.)t.MTQKt)NSEtHOOEu.AT1.00FT)44.0t0.0tt0.0iC0.05$.0t.td0TIHE'SECONDSS0.0050Xb.~ci~nr~l4RTOODEE2CladdinoTemperature versusTime,1.0DECLGBreak,47.MWD/KgCase
:p   ~
>FW2.04oFOWl.<150Ro10HNOIK1..PCTNHKfNODE19ATa.etFT.)t-RLPTllKDt400E(HATE0AT0.$0FT.)i0.0e0.41t0.0140.0'O0.0t40.0TINE-SECONDStl0.4KJt.0~-~Figure3.42TOODEE2CladdingTemperature versusTime,1.0DECLGSreak,10.NWD/KgCase Mr.Haro1dR.Den<<4AEP:NRC:0860KATTACHMENT 2PROPOSEDREVISIONTOTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES CSFLORATEANDNUCEARENTYE00ERATIO3.2.3Thecombination ofindicated ReactorCoolantSystem(RCS)totalflowrateandRshallbemaintained withintheregionofallowable operation shownonFigures3.2-4and3.2-5for4and3loopoperation, respectively.
For:Westinghouse FuelNAHR-"-f1.48[1.0+0.2(1.0-P)]for:ExxonNuclearCompanyFuelNWWWWO~WW&W&W&WWW WWWWWOWWWWR=1.49[1.0+0.2(1.0-P)]And,F<H51.36/PforExxonNuclearCompanyFuelNwhere:RATEDTHERMALPOWERandFAHN=measuredvaluesofF<obtainedbyusingthemovableNincoredetectors toob$ainapowerdistribution map.ThemeasuredvaluesofF~andflow,withoutadditonal uncertainty allowance, shallbeusedtocomparewithlimits.fZZLIQAPXJJX'QXXQK MODE1.NWithFAHabovetheallowable limitorwiththecombination ofRCStotalflowrateandRoutsidetheregionofacceptable operation shownonFigure3.2-4or3.2-5(asapplicable):
              ~ ~
a~Within2hours:l.EitherrestoreFAandthecombination ofRCStotalflowNrateandRtowithPntheabovelimits,or2.ReduceTHERMALPOWERtolessthan50$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERandreducethePowerRangeNeutronFlux-HightripsetpointtoJ55$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERwithinthenext4hours.D.C,COOK-UNIT23/42-9AMENDMENT NO.
'i L
kGXZQK:(Continued) b.Within24hoursofinitially beingoutsidetheabovelimits,verifythroughincorefluxmapp1ngandRCStotalflowratecompar1aon thatF$Eandthecomhinatlon ofRandROEtotalflowratearerestored%owithintheabovelimits,orreduceTHERMALPOWERtolessthan5$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERwithinthenext2hours.c~Identifyandcorrectthecauseoftheout-of'-limit condition priortoincreasing THERMALPOWERabovethereducedTHERMALPOWERLimitrequiredbyACTIONitemsa.2and/orbabove;subsequent POWEROPERATION mayproceedprovfdedthatF)andthecombination ofRandindicated RCStotalflowratearedemonstrated, throughincorefluxmappingandRCStotalflowratecomparison, tobewithinthereg1onofacceptable operation asdefinedaboveforF"andasshownonFigure3.2-4or3.2-5(asapplicable) forRCSflowrateandRpriortoexceed1ng thefollowing THERMALPOWERlevels:1.Anominal501ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER,2.Anominal75$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER,and3.Within24hoursofattaining g954ofRATEDTHERMALPOWER. ofSpecif1cation 4.0.4arenotapplicable.
1p 'll i-1
N'.2.3.2F<Hshallbedetermined tobewithintheabovelimitsandthecombination ofindicated RCStotalflowrateandRshallbedetermined tobewithintheregionofacceptable operation ofFigure3.2-4or3.2-5(asapplicable):
a.Priortooperat1on above75$ofRATEDTHERMALPOWERaftereachfuelloading,andb.Atleastonceper31Effective FullPowerDays. shallbesub)ected toaCHANNELCALIBRATION atleastonceper18months. bymeasurement atleastonceper18months.D.C.COOK-UNIT23/42-10AMENDMENT NO.  
Table 3.2      1.0  DECLG Break Analysis Parameters Peak Rod Average Burnup        (HID/kg)             2.0        10.0          47.0 Total Core Power (NMt)*                             3411      3411          3411 T                                        2.04 Total Peaking (F~)                                 2.04                      2.04 Fraction Energy Deposited in Fuel
~~4846eMeasurement Uncertainties of3.5%forFlo~and4%FJHareaccounted forintheanalysiswhichsupportsthisFigure.4442C)440[ACCEPTABLE OPERATION REGION~~~=-=--=-'=-:-UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION REGION(0.3=,:i.
      ~   Fully Moderated Core                     0.974      0.974          0.974
      ~  Voided Core                              0.954      0.954          0.954 C  cle  5  85% ENC  Fuel)
Peak ing
2(l.0-P)lWESTINGHOUSE FUELR*FNH/1.49{1.0 0.2(1.0-P)]
      ~  Axial x Engineering                      1. 442      1. 442        l. 442 T
      ~   Enthalpy Rise (F~H)                     1.415      1.415          1.415
~~3634XCL,CD32'Htasureaent Unclrtalnt)es:
*2% power    uncertainty is    added  to this value in the LOCA  analysis.
.'of3.5%forFlowandi%..<orFareaccounted for.:intheanalysiswhich,supportsthisFigure.0~~A~ACCEPTAgLE OPERATION REGION~~~Ktshouldbenotedthatthreeloooooerat'on usingthiscurseisnotcurrenlyallowedNechangescontained inthistableareforReference only.~Ii~~~~C730IC)28(~UNACCEPTAgLE
Table 3.4    1.0  DECLG Break Fuel Response Results  for Cycle 5 Peak Rod Average Burnup (NMD/kg)               2.0          10.0          47.0 Initial  Peak Fuel Average Temperature  (oF)                           2151        2060          1629 Hot Rod Burst
      ~ Time (sec)                             60. 9        61.7          67.9
      ~ Elevation   (ft)                       6.50        6.50          7.00
      ~ Channel  Blockage Fraction              .24          .27          .47 Peak Clad Temperature
      ~ Time (sec)                             227          227          241
Thecurvesarebasedonanuclearenthalpyrisehotchannelfactor,p,ori.49andareference cosinewithapeakoft.55i'oraxialpowershape.Anallowance isincludedforanincreaseinF<HatreducedpowerbasedAH'ntheexpression:
      ~ Elevation   (ft)                       8.63        8.63          8.88
F>H-1.48[1+0.2(1-P)](Westinghouse Fuel)F<H=1.49[1+0.2(1-P)](ExxonNuclearCompanyFuel)NwherePisthefractionofRATEDTHERMALPOWER.Theselimitingheatfluxconditions arehigherthanthosecalculated fortherangeofallcontrolrodsfullywithdrawn tothemaximumallowable oontrolrodinsertion assumingtheaxialpowerimbalance iswithinthelimitsofthef(AI)functionoftheOvertemperature trip.Whentheaxialpowerimbalance iknotwithinthetolerance, theaxialpowerimbalance effectontheOvertemperature ATtripswillreducethesetpoints toprovideproteotion consistent withcoresafetylimits.ForExxonNuclearCompanysuppliedfuel,anadditional limitation onF<isappliedtoensurecompliance withECCSacceptance criteria.
      ~ Temperature   (oF)                     2198        2190          2096 Zr-Steam Reaction
Thislimitation isdiscussed inbasissection3/4.2.2and3/4.2.3anddoesnotaffectthesafetylimitcurve.2.1.20CTherestriction ofthisSafetyLimitprotectstheintegrity oftheReactorCoolantSystemfromoverpressurization andtherebypreventsthereleaseofradionuclides contained inthereactorcoolantfromreachingthecontainment atmosphere.
      ~ Local Maximum Elevation    (ft)       8.63          3. 63        8. 88
Thereactorpressurevesselandpressurizer aredesignedtoSectionIIIoftheASMECodeforNuclearPowerPlantwhichpermitsamaximumtransient pressureof110$(2735psig)ofdesignpressure.
      ~ Local  Max imum  (g)*                   7.4          7.3          5.7
TheReactorCoolantSystempiping,valvesandfittings, aredesignedtoANSIB31.11967Edition,whichpermitsamaximumtransient pressureof120%(2985psig)ofcomponent designpressure.
      ~ Core Max imum                          <1.0        <1.0          <1.0
TheSafetyLimitof2735psigistherefore consistent withthedesigncriteriaandassociated coderequirements.
*Values 400 sec into    LOCA transient.
TheentireReactorCoolantSystemishydrotested at3107psig,125$of'designpressure, todemonstrate integrity priortoinitialoperation.
i FQ~2- 0 I i F~1.   < 150Re P NQO/KG PCT HODE (HOOE 14 AT  I.Ct FT. l t- RLN'THEO HOOE
Thespecifications of'hissectionprovideassurance offuelintegrity duringCondition I(NormalOperation) andII(Incidents ofModerateFrequency) eventsby:(a)maintaining thecalculated DNBRinthecoreatorabovedesignduringnormaloperation andinshorttermtransients, and(b)limitingthefissiongasrelease,fuelpellettemperature andoladd1ngmechan1cal properties towithinassumeddesigncriteria.
( HOOE 5 AT C.$ 0 FT- )
Inadd1tion, limitingthepeaklinearpowerdensitydur1ngCondition Ieventsprovidesassurance thattheinitialcond1t1ons assumedf'rtheLOCAanalysesaremetandtheECCSacceptance criterialimitof2200Fisnotexceeded.
I Cl Clg Q,~
Thedefinitions ofcertainhotohannelandpeakingfactorsasusedinthesespecifications areasfollows:F(Z)HeatFluxHotChannelFactor,isdefinedasthemaximumlocalheatfluxonthesurfaceof'fuelrodatcoreelevation Zdividedbytheaveragefuelrodheatflux,allowingformanufacturing tolerances onfuelpelletsandrods.NFAHNuclearEnthalpyRiseHotChannelFaotor,isdefinedastheratiooftheintegraloflinearpoweralongtherodwiththehighestintegrated powertotheaveragerodpower.NThelimitsonF(Z)andF<forWestinghouse suppliedfuelatacore-averagepowerof3431MWtare1.$7and1.48,respectively, whichassureconsistency withtheallowable heatgeneration ratesdeveloped foracoreaveragethermalpowerof3391MWt.ThelimitsonF(Z)andF".forENCsuppliedfuelhavebeenestablished forgcorethermalpoweroP3411MWt.ThelimitonF(Z)is2.04.ThelimitonF>is1.36forLOCA/ECCS analysisand1.49forDIIBanalyses.
d 44.0      e0.0        Lt0.0  140 0      t00 0      t)0  0      tt0 4    %0.0     )Cl. ~
Theanalysessupporting theExxonNuclearCompanylimitsarevalidforanaveragesteamgenerator tubepluggingofupto5$andamax1mumpluggingofoneormoresteamgenerators ofupto10$.Inestablishing thelimits,aplantsystemdescription withimprovedaccuracywasemployedduringtherefloodportionoftheLOCATransient.
TIHE  SE'CONDS Fiqure 3.41 TOODEE2    Cladding Temperature versus Time, 1.0      DECLG Break, 2. MWD/Kg Case
WithrespecttotheWestinghouse suppliedfueltheminimumproJected excessmarginofatleast10$toECCSlimitswillmorethanoffsettheimpactofincreasesteamgenerator tubeplugging.
ThelimitsonAXIALFLUXDIFFERENCE assurethattheF(Z)upperboundenvelopeisnotexceededduringeithernormaloperation oFintheeventofxenonredistribution following powerchanges.TheF(Z)upperboundenvelopeis1.97timestheaveragefuelrodheatfluxforWeslinghouse suppl1edfueland2.04t1mestheaveragefuelrodheatfluxforExxonNuclearCompanysuppliedfuel.Targetfluxdifference isdetermined atequilibrium xenonconditions.
i FQ~R,. 04 i FOH~1'15DRi 17HW/K
Thefulllengthrodsmaybepositioned withinthecoreinaccordance withtheirrespective insertion limitsandshouldbeinsertednearthe1rnormalposit1onforsteadystateoperation athighpowerlevels.ThevalueoftheD.C.COOK-UNIT2B3/42-1AMENDMENT NO.
: 1. PCT HODE tNOK  1$ AT l.lf FT. )
2HEATLOTCTOThelimitsonheatfluxhotchannelfactor,RCSflowrate, andnuclear,enthalpyrisehotchannelfactorensurethat1)thedesignlimitsonpeaklocalpowerdensityandminimumDNBRarenotexceededand2)$ntheeventofaLOCAthepeakfuelcladtemperature willnotexceedthe2200FECCSacceptance criterialimit.Eachoftheseismeasurable butwillnormallyonlybedetermined periodically asspecified inSpecifications 0.2.2and4.2.3.Thisperiodicsurveillanoe issufficient toensurethatthelimitsaremaintained provided:
: t. M TQKt) NSE tHOOE  u. AT 1.00 FT )
a.Controlrodsinasinglegroupmovetogetherwithnoindividual rodinsertion differing bymorethan+12stepsfromthegroupdemandposition.
44.0        t0.0        tt0.0    iC0.0      5$ .0 0    S0.0      05  0    Xb. ~
b.Controlrodgroupsaresequenced withoverlapping groupsasdescribed inSpecification limitsofSpecifications
TIHE'      SECONDS ci~nr~   l 4R  TOODEE2  Claddino Temperature versus Time, 1.0    DECLG  Break, 47. MWD/Kg Case
d.Anditionallimitation onF<appliestoExxonNuolearCompanyfuel.NThisF<Hlimit,incombination witktheF~(Z)limit,ensurescompliance withtheECCSacceptance criteria.
Anallowance isincludedforanincreaseinF<Hatreducedpowerbasedonthefollowing expression:
                                          > FW2. 0 4 o FOWl. < 150R o 10HNOI K 1.. PCT  NHK f NODE  19 AT FT. )
NTheaxialpowerdistribution, expressed intermsofAXIALFLUXDIFFERENCE, ismaintained withinthelimits,NF<Hwillbemaintained withinitslimitsprovidedoonditions a.throughd.abovearemaintained.
t- RLPTllKD t400E (HATE 0 AT 0.$ 0 FT. )
AsnotedonFigures3.2-4and3.2-5,RCSflowrateandF<maybe"tradedoff"againstoneanother(i.e.,alowmeasuredRCSflowra@isacceptable ifthemeasuredF<isalsolow)toensurethatthecalculated DNBRwillnotbebelowthebesign DNBRvalue.Therelaxation ofF<HasafunctionofTHERMALPOWERallowschangesintheradialpowershapeforallpermissible rodinsertion limits.Theformofthisrelaxation forDNBRlimitsisdiscussed inSection2.1.1ofthebasis.F<Ng1.36/P(ExxonNuclearCompanyFuel)where:PisthefractionofRATEDTHERMALPOWER.Thepowerdependence ofthisallowance is1/Pbecausetheassooiated F<Hlimitof136resultsfromtheLOCAanalysis.
i0.0      e0.4        1t0.0  140.0   'O0.0      t40.0      tl0.4    KJt.0     ~- ~
Themorerestrictive oftheflowdependent DNBRF<HlimitandtheLOCANF~limitforExxonNuclearFuelCompanyfuelmustbeapplied.D.C.COOK-UNIT2B3H2-4AMENDMENT NO.
TINE  SECONDS Figure 3.42  TOODEE2  Cladding Temperature versus Time, 1.0    DECLG  Sreak, 10. NWD/Kg Case
F~reB3/42-2illustrates theimplementat1on ofthelimitsasafnctioofpower.AmeasuredflowwillresultinalimitingvalueforRwhichmustbeobtainedfromFigure3.2-4orFigure3.2<<5.FromthislimitingR,alimitingF<Hcanbeobtainedbecause:Westinghouse FuelF>H=1.48XRX[1.0+0.2(1.0-P)3, ExxonNuclearCompanyFuelFAH=1.49XRX[1.0+0.2(1.0-P)]
Where:PTHERMALPOWERRATEDTHERMALPOWERFigureB3/42-2displaystwolimitiggDNBRFcurvesfearExxonNuclearNCompanyfuelforflowsof36.77X10cpm,an37.63X10gpm.Alsodisplayed onFigureB3/42-2isthelimitoqF<HwhichresultsfromtheLOCAanalys1si'orExxonNuclearCompanyfueQpmustbemaintaiyd belowandtotheleftofboththeapplicable DNBRF<HlmIItandtheLOCAF<Hlimit.ForWestinghouse fuelthere1sonlyoneglimit.Itrustbeobtained-Nfromtheapplicable relationships amongR,F<H,P,andflow.WhenanFmeasurement istaken,bothexperimental errorandmanufacturing tolerance mustbeallowedfore5gistheappropriate allowance forafullcoremaptakenwiththeincoredetectorfluxmappingsystemand3$istheappropriate allowance formanufactur1ng tolerance.
WhenRCSflowrateandF<aremeasured, noadditional allowances.
CS FLO          RATE AND NUC EAR ENT              Y    E 0    0      ERATIO 3.2.3              The      combination of indicated Reactor Coolant System (RCS) total flow rate and R shall be maintained within the region of allowable operation shown on Figures 3.2-4 and 3.2-5 for 4 and 3 loop operation, respectively.
areNnecessary priortocomparison 4ththelimitsofSpecif1cat1on 3.2.3.Measurement errorsof3.5$forRCSflowtotalflowrateand4$forFN<Hhavebeenallowedforindetermination ofthedesignDNBRvalueandinthedeterm1nation oftheLOCA/ECCS limit.D.C.COOK-UNIT2B3/42-4aAMENDMENT NO.
For: Westinghouse Fuel                            for:  Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel N                                                  N AH R    -"                                    f    R =  WWWWO  ~ WW&W&W&WWW WWWWWO  WWWW
: 1. 48   [1. 0   + 0. 2 (1. 0-P) ]               1.49 [1.0 + 0.2 (1.0 - P) ]
N And, F <       H 5 1.36/P for      Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel where:
andFAH                  =   measured  values of    F N<   obtained by using the movable incore detectors to ob$ ain a power distribution map. The measured values of F ~ and flow, without additonal uncertainty allowance, shall be used to compare with limits.
MODE    1.
With      F A H
above  the allowable limit or with the combination of RCS total flow rate          and R outside the region of acceptable      operation shown on Figure 3.2-4 or 3.2-5 (as applicable):
a~       Within      2 hours:
: l. Either restore F NA and the combination of          RCS  total flow rate and R to withPn the above limits, or
: 2. Reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50$ of RATED THERMAL POWER and reduce the Power Range Neutron Flux - High trip setpoint to J 55$ of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 4 hours.
D.C,         COOK   -   UNIT 2                        3/4 2-9                          AMENDMENT NO.
kGXZQK: (Continued)
: b.             Within  24 hours  of initially being    outside the above limits, verify through incore flux mapp1ng        and  RCS total flow rate compar1aon that F $ E  and  the  comhinatlon      of R and ROE total flow rate are restored %o    within  the  above    limits,   or reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 5$ of    RATED  THERMAL    POWER  within  the next 2 hours.
c~             Identify and correct the cause of the out-of'-limit condition prior to increasing THERMAL POWER above the reduced THERMAL POWER Limit required    by ACTION items a.2 and/or b above; subsequent POWER  OPERATION may proceed provfded that F ) and the combination of R and indicated RCS total flow rate are demonstrated, through incore flux mapping and RCS total flow rate comparison, to be within the reg1on of acceptable operation as defined above for F" and as shown on Figure 3.2-4 or 3.2-5 (as applicable) for RCS flow rate and R prior to exceed1ng the following    THERMAL POWER  levels:
: 1. A  nominal 501  of  RATED THERMAL POWER,
: 2. A  nominal 75$ of  RATED THERMAL POWER,       and
: 3. Within  24 hours  of attaining g    954  of RATED THERMAL POWER.  The    provisions of Specif1cation 4.0.4 are not applicable.
N F <H  '.2.3.2 shall be determined to be within the above limits and the combination of indicated RCS total flow rate and R shall be determined to                        be within the region of acceptable operation of Figure 3.2-4 or 3.2-5 (as applicable):
: a. Prior to operat1on            above 75$ of  RATED THERMAL POWER      after  each fuel loading,           and
: b. At least once per            31  Effective Full    Power Days.    The RCS total flow rate indicators                shall  be  sub)ected to a    CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months.    The RCS          total flow rate shall    be determined      by measurement    at least once per 18 months.
D.C. COOK -   UNIT 2                          3/4 2-10                              AMENDMENT NO.
~       ~
48 e
Measurement Uncertainties of 3.5% for Flo~ and 4%
F JH are accounted for in  the  analysis which 46      supports this Figure.
                                                                            ~ ~
                                                        ~ =-=     -- =-'=-: -UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION REGION (0.3=,:i. 77)   .
34 0.90            0.94          0.98          1.02            1.06                        a ~ a<
R*F~NH/1. 48[1.0+0. 2( l. 0-P ) l  WESTINGHOUSE    FUEL R*FNH/1.49{1.0 0.2(1.0-P)]         EXXON NUCLEAR CO.       FUE F I GURE 3. 2 4  RCS TOTAL Fl O'NRATE VERSUS R          FOUR LOOP 5 IN OPERATION
: 0. C. COOK  UNIT 2                          3/4 2-11                                Amendment No.
                                                                                    ~ ~
                                                                    ~   ~
                  'Htasureaent Unclrtalnt)es:
              .'of  3.5% for  Flow and i%
                                                          ~ ~ ~      Kt should be noted      that
            .. <or F      are accounted for                         three looo ooerat'on using
            .: in the analysis which                                this curse is not curren ly allowed        Ne changes supports this Figure.
36 contained in this table are 0   ~
for Reference only.
i ~
                                            ~ A ~
                                                                                                        ~~     ~
                                                                          ~I ACCEPTAgLE X
CL                      OPERATION
,CD REGION 32 C7 30 I
                                                                        ~   OPERAT'ON
( ~                                      ~'"IGt' 28                                                                                                  ~
                                  =:: . (0.971,26.'.=.)
24 1.06          1.10              14
: 0. 90            0. 94          0.98              1.02 R<F "H/l.48{ 1. 0+0. 2( 1. 0-P ) ]     MES  NGHOUSE FUEL R*F"H/1.49{1.0+0.2(I.O-P) ]             EXXON NUCLEAR CO. FUEL FIGURE    3.2-5  RCS TOTAL FLOQRATE VERSUS R                - THREE LOOPS IN OPERATION
: 0. C. COOK    UNIT 2                            3/4 2-12                                          Apgn4nent No.
p, shape.
AH'n The curves    are based on a nuclear enthalpy rise hot channel factor, or i.49 and a reference cosine with a peak of t.55 i'or axial power An allowance is included for an increase in F< H at reduced power based the expression:
                      -     1.48 [1 + 0.2 (1-P)]       (Westinghouse Fuel)
F<   =     1.49 [1 + 0.2 (1-P)]       (Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel)
H where  P  is the fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER.
These limiting heat flux conditions are higher than those calculated for the range of all control rods fully withdrawn to the maximum allowable oontrol rod insertion assuming the axial power imbalance is within the limits of the f ( A I) function of the Overtemperature            trip. When the axial power imbalance ik not within the tolerance, the axial power imbalance effect on the Overtemperature A T trips will reduce the setpoints to provide proteotion consistent with core safety limits.
For Exxon Nuclear Company supplied fuel, an additional limitation on F <         is applied to ensure compliance with ECCS acceptance criteria. This limitation is discussed in basis section 3/4.2.2 and 3/4.2.3 and does not affect the safety limit curve.
2.1.2                0    C The  restriction of this Safety Limit protects the integrity of the      Reactor Coolant System from overpressurization and thereby prevents the release of radionuclides contained in the reactor coolant from reaching the containment atmosphere.
The  reactor pressure vessel    and pressurizer are designed to Section    III of the ASME Code for Nuclear Power          Plant which permits a maximum transient pressure of 110$ (2735 psig) of design pressure.               The Reactor Coolant System piping, valves and fittings, are designed to ANSI B 31.1 1967 Edition, which permits a maximum transient pressure of 120% (2985 psig) of component design pressure. The Safety Limit of 2735 psig is therefore consistent with the design criteria and associated code requirements.
The  entir e Reactor Coolant System is hydrotested at 3107 psig, 125$ of
'design pressure, to demonstrate integrity prior to initial operation.
D.C.       COOK - UNIT 2                        B  2-2                    AMENDMENT NO.
The  specifications  of'his    section provide assurance of fuel integrity during Condition I (Normal Operation) and II (Incidents of Moderate Frequency) events by: (a) maintaining the calculated DNBR in the core at or above design during normal operation and in short term transients, and (b) limiting the fission gas release, fuel pellet temperature and oladd1ng mechan1cal properties to within assumed design criteria. In add1tion, limiting the peak linear power density dur1ng Condition I events provides assurance that the initial cond1t1ons assumed    f'r the  LOCA  analyses are met and the  ECCS acceptance criteria limit of    2200 F  is not  exceeded.
The  definitions of certain hot      ohannel and peaking factors as used  in these specifications are    as follows:
F (Z)           Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, is defined as the maximum local heat flux on the surface of' fuel rod at core elevation Z divided by the average fuel rod heat flux, allowing for manufacturing tolerances on fuel pellets and rods.
Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Faotor, is defined as the ratio N
FAH of the integral of linear power along the rod with the highest integrated power to the average rod power.
N The  limits  on F (Z) and F    < for Westinghouse supplied fuel at a core
-average power    of  3431 MWt  are 1.$ 7 and 1.48, respectively, which assure consistency with the allowable heat generation rates developed for a core average thermal power of 3391 MWt. The limits on F (Z) and F ". for ENC supplied fuel have been established for core thermal power oP 3411 MWt. The limit on F (Z) is 2.04. The limit on F >g is 1.36 for LOCA/ECCS analysis and 1.49 for DIIB analyses.     The analyses supporting the Exxon Nuclear Company limits are valid for an average steam generator tube plugging of up to 5$ and a max1mum plugging of one or more steam generators of up to 10$ .         In establishing the limits, a plant system description with improved accuracy was employed during the reflood portion of the LOCA Transient. With respect to the Westinghouse supplied fuel the minimum proJected excess margin of at least 10$
to ECCS limits will more than offset the impact of incr ease steam generator tube plugging.
The  limits on AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE assure that the F (Z) upper bound envelope    is not exceeded during either normal operation oF in the event of xenon redistribution following power changes.         The F (Z) upper bound envelope is 1.97 times the average fuel rod heat flux for Weslinghouse suppl1ed fuel and 2.04 t1mes the average fuel rod heat flux for Exxon Nuclear Company supplied fuel.
Target flux difference is determined at equilibrium xenon conditions. The full length rods may be positioned within the core in accordance with their respective insertion limits and should be inserted near the1r normal posit1on for steady state operation at high power levels. The value of the D.C. COOK - UNIT 2                          B 3/4 2-1              AMENDMENT NO.
2    HEAT    L      OT CTO The limits on heat flux hot channel factor, RCS flowrate, and nuclear, enthalpy rise hot channel factor ensure that 1) the design limits on peak local power density and minimum DNBR are not exceeded and 2) $ n the event of a LOCA the peak fuel clad temperature will not exceed the 2200 F ECCS acceptance criteria limit.
Each of these is measurable but will normally only be determined periodically as specified in Specifications 0.2.2 and 4.2.3. This periodic surveillanoe is sufficient to ensure that the limits are maintained provided:
: a.     Control rods in    a  single group  move together with no individual rod insertion differing       by more than + 12 steps from the group demand position.
: b.     Control rod groups are sequenced with overlapping groups as described in Specification
: c.     The  control rod insertion limits of Specifications      and are maintained.
: d.     The axial power distribution, expressed in terms        of AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE, is maintained within the limits, maintained within its limits provided oonditions a. through d.
N F<H    will be above are    maintained. As noted on Figures 3.2-4 and 3.2-5, RCS flow rate and F<     may be "traded off" against one another (i.e., a low measured RCS flow ra@ is acceptable        if the measured F< is also low) to ensure that the calculated DNBR will not be below thebesign DNBR value. The relaxation of F<H as a function of THERMAL POWER allows changes in the radial power shape for all permissible rod insertion limits. The form of this relaxation for DNBR limits is discussed in Section 2.1.1 of the basis.
An      ditional    limitation on F <N applies to Exxon Nuolear Company fuel.
This F < H      limit, in combination witk the F~(Z) limit, ensures compliance with the  ECCS    acceptance criteria. An allowance is included for an increase in  F <N H
at reduced    power based on the    following expression:
F  <N  g  1.36 /P                    (Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel) where:    P  is the fraction of      RATED THERMAL POWER.
The power dependence of this allowance is 1/P because            the assooiated  F <
H limit  of 1 36 results from the LOCA analysis.
The more      restrictive of the flow dependent DNBR F <N H limit and the      LOCA F ~    limit for Exxon Nuclear Fuel Company fuel must be applied.
D.C. COOK  -  UNIT 2                            B3H 2-4                AMENDMENT NO.
RISER- (Continued)
F~re    B 3/4 2-2  illustrates the  implementat1on      of the limits as a f nctio of power. A measured  flow will result in    a  limiting value for R which must be obtained from Figure 3.2-4 or Figure 3.2<<5.           From this limiting R, a limiting F <     can be obtained because:
H Westinghouse Fuel                                    Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel F > H=1.48 X    R X  [1.0+0.2(1.0-P)3,              F  A H=1.49 X  R X  [1.0+0.2(1.0-P)]
THERMAL POWER Where:      P RATED THERMAL POWER Figure  B  3/4 2-2 displays two limitigg DNBR F N curves fear Exxon Nuclear Company fuel for flows of 36.77 X 10 cpm, an 37.63 X 10 gpm. Also displayed on Figure B 3/4 2-2 is the limit oqF< H which results from the LOCA analys1s i'or Exxon Nuclear Company fueQ p            must be maintaiyd below and to the left of both the applicable DNBR F< H      l mIIt and the LOCA F<
H limit.
For Westinghouse fuel there 1s only one N limit.
g                It  rust be obtained from the applicable relationships among R, F< H, P,            and  flow.
When an F    measurement  is taken, both experimental error and manufacturing tolerance must be allowed fore 5g is the appropriate allowance for a full core map taken with the incore detector flux mapping system and 3$ is the appropriate allowance for manufactur1ng tolerance.
When RCS  flow rate and F <N are measured, no additional allowances. are necessary prior to comparison 4th the limits of Specif1cat1on 3.2.3.
Measurement errors of 3.5$ for RCS flow total flow rate and 4$ for FN<H have been allowed for in determination of the design DNBR value and in the determ1nation of the    LOCA/ECCS  limit.
D.C. COOK  - UNIT 2                          B  3/4 2-4a                  AMENDMENT NO.
0 1.65
        ~      &
                                                    ~  ~
                                                      -~ ~
1.55 Opium+
                                              ~ ~~
                                                                ~  I
  .35 0          20          40      60            80      100 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER FIGURE B      3/4 2-2 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE    OF F~H    LIMIT VERSUS      PERCENT THERMAL POWER FOR EXXON FUEL B 3/4 2-4b}}

Latest revision as of 02:38, 4 February 2020

Proposed Tech Spec Changes Re Addl Limitation on Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor Due to New Loca/Eccs Analysis in Support of Cycle 5 Reload
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1984
Shared Package
ML17320B074 List:
NUDOCS 8405290296
Download: ML17320B075 (17)


Table 2.1 O.C. Cook Unit 2 l.OCA/ECCS Analysis Su@nary Results for the C cle 5 Core Conf i uration 85$ ENC Fuel Peak Rod Average 8urnup (HMD/kg) 2.0 10.0 47.0 FT 2.04 2.04 2.04 Q

T 1.415 1.415 1.415 Peak Cladding Temperature (oF) 2198 2190 '2096 Maximum Local Er-H20 Reaction (5) 7.4 7.3 5.7 Total Zr-H20 Reaction < 1.0 < 1.0 (1.0

g4OS2eO29 @40521'",<<,", '",.



'PDGCK,, 'g

,,pgp pGp'.. ',

p ~

~ ~

'i L

1p 'll i-1

Table 3.2 1.0 DECLG Break Analysis Parameters Peak Rod Average Burnup (HID/kg) 2.0 10.0 47.0 Total Core Power (NMt)* 3411 3411 3411 T 2.04 Total Peaking (F~) 2.04 2.04 Fraction Energy Deposited in Fuel

~ Fully Moderated Core 0.974 0.974 0.974

~ Voided Core 0.954 0.954 0.954 C cle 5 85% ENC Fuel)

Peak ing

~ Axial x Engineering 1. 442 1. 442 l. 442 T

~ Enthalpy Rise (F~H) 1.415 1.415 1.415

  • 2% power uncertainty is added to this value in the LOCA analysis.

Table 3.4 1.0 DECLG Break Fuel Response Results for Cycle 5 Peak Rod Average Burnup (NMD/kg) 2.0 10.0 47.0 Initial Peak Fuel Average Temperature (oF) 2151 2060 1629 Hot Rod Burst

~ Time (sec) 60. 9 61.7 67.9

~ Elevation (ft) 6.50 6.50 7.00

~ Channel Blockage Fraction .24 .27 .47 Peak Clad Temperature

~ Time (sec) 227 227 241

~ Elevation (ft) 8.63 8.63 8.88

~ Temperature (oF) 2198 2190 2096 Zr-Steam Reaction

~ Local Maximum Elevation (ft) 8.63 3. 63 8. 88

~ Local Max imum (g)* 7.4 7.3 5.7

~ Core Max imum <1.0 <1.0 <1.0

i FQ~2- 0 I i F~1. < 150Re P NQO/KG PCT HODE (HOOE 14 AT I.Ct FT. l t- RLN'THEO HOOE

( HOOE 5 AT C.$ 0 FT- )

I Cl Clg Q,~

d 44.0 e0.0 Lt0.0 140 0 t00 0 t)0 0 tt0 4 %0.0 )Cl. ~

TIHE SE'CONDS Fiqure 3.41 TOODEE2 Cladding Temperature versus Time, 1.0 DECLG Break, 2. MWD/Kg Case

i FQ~R,. 04 i FOH~1'15DRi 17HW/K

1. PCT HODE tNOK 1$ AT l.lf FT. )
t. M TQKt) NSE tHOOE u. AT 1.00 FT )

44.0 t0.0 tt0.0 iC0.0 5$ .0 0 S0.0 05 0 Xb. ~

TIHE' SECONDS ci~nr~ l 4R TOODEE2 Claddino Temperature versus Time, 1.0 DECLG Break, 47. MWD/Kg Case

> FW2. 0 4 o FOWl. < 150R o 10HNOI K 1.. PCT NHK f NODE 19 AT FT. )

t- RLPTllKD t400E (HATE 0 AT 0.$ 0 FT. )

i0.0 e0.4 1t0.0 140.0 'O0.0 t40.0 tl0.4 KJt.0 ~- ~

TINE SECONDS Figure 3.42 TOODEE2 Cladding Temperature versus Time, 1.0 DECLG Sreak, 10. NWD/Kg Case


CS FLO RATE AND NUC EAR ENT Y E 0 0 ERATIO 3.2.3 The combination of indicated Reactor Coolant System (RCS) total flow rate and R shall be maintained within the region of allowable operation shown on Figures 3.2-4 and 3.2-5 for 4 and 3 loop operation, respectively.

For: Westinghouse Fuel for: Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel N N AH R -" f R = WWWWO ~ WW&W&W&WWW WWWWWO WWWW

1. 48 [1. 0 + 0. 2 (1. 0-P) ] 1.49 [1.0 + 0.2 (1.0 - P) ]

N And, F < H 5 1.36/P for Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel where:


andFAH = measured values of F N< obtained by using the movable incore detectors to ob$ ain a power distribution map. The measured values of F ~ and flow, without additonal uncertainty allowance, shall be used to compare with limits.



With F A H

above the allowable limit or with the combination of RCS total flow rate and R outside the region of acceptable operation shown on Figure 3.2-4 or 3.2-5 (as applicable):

a~ Within 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />s:

l. Either restore F NA and the combination of RCS total flow rate and R to withPn the above limits, or
2. Reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50$ of RATED THERMAL POWER and reduce the Power Range Neutron Flux - High trip setpoint to J 55$ of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.


kGXZQK: (Continued)

b. Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of initially being outside the above limits, verify through incore flux mapp1ng and RCS total flow rate compar1aon that F $ E and the comhinatlon of R and ROE total flow rate are restored %o within the above limits, or reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 5$ of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

c~ Identify and correct the cause of the out-of'-limit condition prior to increasing THERMAL POWER above the reduced THERMAL POWER Limit required by ACTION items a.2 and/or b above; subsequent POWER OPERATION may proceed provfded that F ) and the combination of R and indicated RCS total flow rate are demonstrated, through incore flux mapping and RCS total flow rate comparison, to be within the reg1on of acceptable operation as defined above for F" and as shown on Figure 3.2-4 or 3.2-5 (as applicable) for RCS flow rate and R prior to exceed1ng the following THERMAL POWER levels:

1. A nominal 501 of RATED THERMAL POWER,
2. A nominal 75$ of RATED THERMAL POWER, and
3. Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of attaining g 954 of RATED THERMAL POWER. The provisions of Specif1cation 4.0.4 are not applicable.

N F <H '.2.3.2 shall be determined to be within the above limits and the combination of indicated RCS total flow rate and R shall be determined to be within the region of acceptable operation of Figure 3.2-4 or 3.2-5 (as applicable):

a. Prior to operat1on above 75$ of RATED THERMAL POWER after each fuel loading, and
b. At least once per 31 Effective Full Power Days. The RCS total flow rate indicators shall be sub)ected to a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months. The RCS total flow rate shall be determined by measurement at least once per 18 months.


~ ~

48 e

Measurement Uncertainties of 3.5% for Flo~ and 4%

F JH are accounted for in the analysis which 46 supports this Figure.




~ ~

~ =-= -- =-'=-: -UNACCEPTABLE OPERATION REGION (0.3=,:i. 77) .

34 0.90 0.94 0.98 1.02 1.06 a ~ a<


0. C. COOK UNIT 2 3/4 2-11 Amendment No.

~ ~

~ ~

'Htasureaent Unclrtalnt)es:

.'of 3.5% for Flow and i%

~ ~ ~ Kt should be noted that

.. <or F are accounted for three looo ooerat'on using

.: in the analysis which this curse is not curren ly allowed Ne changes supports this Figure.

36 contained in this table are 0 ~

for Reference only.

i ~

~ A ~

~~ ~




,CD REGION 32 C7 30 I




( ~ ~'"IGt' 28 ~



=:: . (0.971,26.'.=.)

24 1.06 1.10 14

0. 90 0. 94 0.98 1.02 R<F "H/l.48{ 1. 0+0. 2( 1. 0-P ) ] MES NGHOUSE FUEL R*F"H/1.49{1.0+0.2(I.O-P) ] EXXON NUCLEAR CO. FUEL FIGURE 3.2-5 RCS TOTAL FLOQRATE VERSUS R - THREE LOOPS IN OPERATION
0. C. COOK UNIT 2 3/4 2-12 Apgn4nent No.

p, shape.

AH'n The curves are based on a nuclear enthalpy rise hot channel factor, or i.49 and a reference cosine with a peak of t.55 i'or axial power An allowance is included for an increase in F< H at reduced power based the expression:


- 1.48 [1 + 0.2 (1-P)] (Westinghouse Fuel)


F< = 1.49 [1 + 0.2 (1-P)] (Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel)

H where P is the fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER.

These limiting heat flux conditions are higher than those calculated for the range of all control rods fully withdrawn to the maximum allowable oontrol rod insertion assuming the axial power imbalance is within the limits of the f ( A I) function of the Overtemperature trip. When the axial power imbalance ik not within the tolerance, the axial power imbalance effect on the Overtemperature A T trips will reduce the setpoints to provide proteotion consistent with core safety limits.

For Exxon Nuclear Company supplied fuel, an additional limitation on F < is applied to ensure compliance with ECCS acceptance criteria. This limitation is discussed in basis section 3/4.2.2 and 3/4.2.3 and does not affect the safety limit curve.

2.1.2 0 C The restriction of this Safety Limit protects the integrity of the Reactor Coolant System from overpressurization and thereby prevents the release of radionuclides contained in the reactor coolant from reaching the containment atmosphere.

The reactor pressure vessel and pressurizer are designed to Section III of the ASME Code for Nuclear Power Plant which permits a maximum transient pressure of 110$ (2735 psig) of design pressure. The Reactor Coolant System piping, valves and fittings, are designed to ANSI B 31.1 1967 Edition, which permits a maximum transient pressure of 120% (2985 psig) of component design pressure. The Safety Limit of 2735 psig is therefore consistent with the design criteria and associated code requirements.

The entir e Reactor Coolant System is hydrotested at 3107 psig, 125$ of

'design pressure, to demonstrate integrity prior to initial operation.


The specifications of'his section provide assurance of fuel integrity during Condition I (Normal Operation) and II (Incidents of Moderate Frequency) events by: (a) maintaining the calculated DNBR in the core at or above design during normal operation and in short term transients, and (b) limiting the fission gas release, fuel pellet temperature and oladd1ng mechan1cal properties to within assumed design criteria. In add1tion, limiting the peak linear power density dur1ng Condition I events provides assurance that the initial cond1t1ons assumed f'r the LOCA analyses are met and the ECCS acceptance criteria limit of 2200 F is not exceeded.

The definitions of certain hot ohannel and peaking factors as used in these specifications are as follows:

F (Z) Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, is defined as the maximum local heat flux on the surface of' fuel rod at core elevation Z divided by the average fuel rod heat flux, allowing for manufacturing tolerances on fuel pellets and rods.

Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Faotor, is defined as the ratio N

FAH of the integral of linear power along the rod with the highest integrated power to the average rod power.

N The limits on F (Z) and F < for Westinghouse supplied fuel at a core

-average power of 3431 MWt are 1.$ 7 and 1.48, respectively, which assure consistency with the allowable heat generation rates developed for a core average thermal power of 3391 MWt. The limits on F (Z) and F ". for ENC supplied fuel have been established for core thermal power oP 3411 MWt. The limit on F (Z) is 2.04. The limit on F >g is 1.36 for LOCA/ECCS analysis and 1.49 for DIIB analyses. The analyses supporting the Exxon Nuclear Company limits are valid for an average steam generator tube plugging of up to 5$ and a max1mum plugging of one or more steam generators of up to 10$ . In establishing the limits, a plant system description with improved accuracy was employed during the reflood portion of the LOCA Transient. With respect to the Westinghouse supplied fuel the minimum proJected excess margin of at least 10$

to ECCS limits will more than offset the impact of incr ease steam generator tube plugging.

The limits on AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE assure that the F (Z) upper bound envelope is not exceeded during either normal operation oF in the event of xenon redistribution following power changes. The F (Z) upper bound envelope is 1.97 times the average fuel rod heat flux for Weslinghouse suppl1ed fuel and 2.04 t1mes the average fuel rod heat flux for Exxon Nuclear Company supplied fuel.

Target flux difference is determined at equilibrium xenon conditions. The full length rods may be positioned within the core in accordance with their respective insertion limits and should be inserted near the1r normal posit1on for steady state operation at high power levels. The value of the D.C. COOK - UNIT 2 B 3/4 2-1 AMENDMENT NO.

2 HEAT L OT CTO The limits on heat flux hot channel factor, RCS flowrate, and nuclear, enthalpy rise hot channel factor ensure that 1) the design limits on peak local power density and minimum DNBR are not exceeded and 2) $ n the event of a LOCA the peak fuel clad temperature will not exceed the 2200 F ECCS acceptance criteria limit.

Each of these is measurable but will normally only be determined periodically as specified in Specifications 0.2.2 and 4.2.3. This periodic surveillanoe is sufficient to ensure that the limits are maintained provided:

a. Control rods in a single group move together with no individual rod insertion differing by more than + 12 steps from the group demand position.
b. Control rod groups are sequenced with overlapping groups as described in Specification
c. The control rod insertion limits of Specifications and are maintained.
d. The axial power distribution, expressed in terms of AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE, is maintained within the limits, maintained within its limits provided oonditions a. through d.

N F<H will be above are maintained. As noted on Figures 3.2-4 and 3.2-5, RCS flow rate and F< may be "traded off" against one another (i.e., a low measured RCS flow ra@ is acceptable if the measured F< is also low) to ensure that the calculated DNBR will not be below thebesign DNBR value. The relaxation of F<H as a function of THERMAL POWER allows changes in the radial power shape for all permissible rod insertion limits. The form of this relaxation for DNBR limits is discussed in Section 2.1.1 of the basis.

An ditional limitation on F <N applies to Exxon Nuolear Company fuel.

This F < H limit, in combination witk the F~(Z) limit, ensures compliance with the ECCS acceptance criteria. An allowance is included for an increase in F <N H

at reduced power based on the following expression:

F <N g 1.36 /P (Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel) where: P is the fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER.

The power dependence of this allowance is 1/P because the assooiated F <

H limit of 1 36 results from the LOCA analysis.

The more restrictive of the flow dependent DNBR F <N H limit and the LOCA F ~ limit for Exxon Nuclear Fuel Company fuel must be applied.


RISER- (Continued)

F~re B 3/4 2-2 illustrates the implementat1on of the limits as a f nctio of power. A measured flow will result in a limiting value for R which must be obtained from Figure 3.2-4 or Figure 3.2<<5. From this limiting R, a limiting F < can be obtained because:

H Westinghouse Fuel Exxon Nuclear Company Fuel F > H=1.48 X R X [1.0+0.2(1.0-P)3, F A H=1.49 X R X [1.0+0.2(1.0-P)]

THERMAL POWER Where: P RATED THERMAL POWER Figure B 3/4 2-2 displays two limitigg DNBR F N curves fear Exxon Nuclear Company fuel for flows of 36.77 X 10 cpm, an 37.63 X 10 gpm. Also displayed on Figure B 3/4 2-2 is the limit oqF< H which results from the LOCA analys1s i'or Exxon Nuclear Company fueQ p must be maintaiyd below and to the left of both the applicable DNBR F< H l mIIt and the LOCA F<

H limit.

For Westinghouse fuel there 1s only one N limit.

g It rust be obtained from the applicable relationships among R, F< H, P, and flow.

When an F measurement is taken, both experimental error and manufacturing tolerance must be allowed fore 5g is the appropriate allowance for a full core map taken with the incore detector flux mapping system and 3$ is the appropriate allowance for manufactur1ng tolerance.

When RCS flow rate and F <N are measured, no additional allowances. are necessary prior to comparison 4th the limits of Specif1cat1on 3.2.3.

Measurement errors of 3.5$ for RCS flow total flow rate and 4$ for FN<H have been allowed for in determination of the design DNBR value and in the determ1nation of the LOCA/ECCS limit.


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