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{{#Wiki_filter:TABLE3.5-1(ContinuedPROTECTIONSYSTEMINSTRUMENTATIONNO.FUNCTIONALUNIT19.DegradedVoltage480VSafeguardsBus20.AutomaticTripLogicIncludingReactorTripBreakersTOTALNO.ofCHANNELS2/busNO.ofKDHNELSTOTRIP2/busMIN.OPERABLEKiANNELS1/busPERMISSIBLEBYPASSCONDITIONSNote45OPERATORACTIONIFCONDITIONSOFCOLUMN1OR3CANNOTBEMET14CEDHNELOPERABLEABOVET=350FNote5NOTE1:NOTE2:NOTE3:NOTE4:NOTE5:F.P.Whenblockconditionexists,maintainnormaloperation.Channelsshouldbeoperableatallmodesbelowthebypassconditionwiththereactortripsystembreakersintheclosedpositionandcontrolroddrivesystemcapableofrodwithdrawal.Channelsshallbeoperableatallmodesbelowthebypassconditionexceptduringrefuelingdefinedtobewhenfuelisinthereactorvesselwiththevesselheadclosureboltslessthanfullytensionedorwiththeheadremoved.Onereactortripbreakermaybebypassedforsurveillancetestingprovidedtheotherreactortripbreakerisoperable.Channelsshallbeoperableatallmodesaboverefuelingwhenthecontrolroddrivesystemiscapableofrodwithdrawalunlessbothreactortripbreakersareopen.FullPowerSS'01270014890117PDRADOCK05000244PPNU 12.WiththenumberofoperablechannelslessthantheTotalNumber.ofChannels,operationmayproceedprovidedtheinoperablechannelisplacedinthetripped,conditionwithin1hour.ShouldthenextChannelFunctionalTestrequirethebypassofaninoperablechanneltoavoidthegenerationofanactuation.signal,operationmayproceeduntilthisChannelFunctional.Test.AtthetimeofthisChannelFunctionalTest,or.ifatany"timethenumberofoperablechannelsislessthantheMinimumOperableChannelsrequired,beathotshutdownwithin6hoursandatanRCStemperaturelessthan.350'Fwithin6hours.13.WiththenumberofoperablechannelslessthantheMinimumOperableChannelsrequired,operationmaycontinueprovidedthecontainmentpurge-andexhaustvalvesaremaintainedclosed.14.Shouldonereactortripbreakerorchanneloftriplogicbeinoperablethe.plantmustnotbeintheoperatingmodefollowingasix,hourtimeperiod,andthebreakermustbeopen.Ifoneofthediversereactortripbreakertripfeatures(undervoltageorshunttripattachment)ononebreakerisinoperable,restoreittooperablestatuswithin48hoursor,declarebreakerinoperable.Ifat.theendofthe48hourperiodonetripfeatureisinoperableitmustberepairedortheplantmustnotbein.theoperatingmode,andthereactortripbreakermustbeopen,followinganadditionalsixhourtimeperiod.Thebreakershallnotbebypassedwhileoneofthediversetripfeaturesisinoperableexceptforthetimerequiredforperformingmaintenancetorestorethebreakertooperablestatus.AmendmentNo.3.5-15Proposed TABLE4.1-1(CONTINUED)ChannelDescritionCheckCalibrateTestRemarks25.ContainmentPressureRMNarrowrangecontainmentpressure(-3.0,+3psig)excluded26.SteamGeneratorPressure27.TurbineFirstStagePressure28.EmergencyPlanRadiationInstrumentsM29.EnvironmentalMonitorsMNANA30.LossofVoltage/DegradedVoltage480VoltSafeguardsBus31.TripofMainFeedwaterPumps32.SteamFlow33~T.NANANA34.ChlorineDetector,ControlRoomAirIntakeNA35.AmmoniaDetector,ControlRoomAirIntakeNA36.RadiationDetectors,ControlRoomNAAirIntake37.ReactorVesselLevelIndicationSystem38a.TripBreakerLogicChannelTesting38b.TripBreakerLogicChannelTestingNANANANANANotes1,2and3Note1 TABLE4.1-1(CONTINUED)ChannelDescritionCheckCalibrateTestRemarks39.ReactorTripBreakersNANAFunctiontest-Includesindependenttestingofbothundervoltageandshunttripattachmentofreactortripbreakers.Eachofthetworeactortripbreakerswillbetestedonalternatemonths.Note240'anualReactorTripNANAIncludesindependenttestingofbothundervoltageandshunttripcircuits.Thetestshallalsoverifytheoperabilityofthebypassbreaker.41a.ReactorTripBypassBreaker41b.ReactorTripBypassBreakerNANANANAUsingtestswitchesinthereactorprotectionrackmanuallytripthereactortripbypassbreakerusingtheshunttripcoil.Automaticallytriptheunder-voltagetripattachment.NOTE1:Logictrainswillbetestedonalternatemonthscorrespondingtothereactortripbreakertesting.Monthlylogictestingwillverifytheoperabilityofallsetsofreactortriplogicactuatingcontactsonthattrain(SeeNote3).Refuelingshutdowntestingwillverifytheoperabilityofallsetsofreactortripactuatingcontactsonbothtrains.Intesting,operationofonesetofcontactswillresultinareactortripbreakertrip;theoperationofallothersetsofcontactswillbeverifiedbytheuseofindicationcircuitry.NOTE2:Testingshallbeperformedmonthly,unlessthereactortripbreakersareopen,orshallbeperformedpriortostartupiftestinghasnotbeenperformedwithinthelast30days.NOTE3=Thesourcerangetriplogicmaybeexcludedfrommonthlytestingprovideditistestedwithin30dayspriortostartup.
Ll11 TABLE,1DetailedTechnicalSecificationChanesLocationDescritionofChaneReasonforChanep.3.5-8,Table3.5-1Page3of3AddItem20-AutomaticTripLogicincludingReactorTripBreakers.Thischangereflectsnewoperatingconditionrequire-mentsfortheReactorTripBreakersandreactortriplogic.ChangeNote3-thefifthwordofsentenceshouldbechangedfrom"of"to"at".Correcttypographicalerror.AddNote4tothebottomofthispage.ThisNoteisneededtoexplainthebypassconditioninthenewItem20.p.3.5-15ActionStatementAddNumber14tothebottomofthispage.Thisnoteisrequiredtoexplainfullytheoperatoractionsrequirediftherequirementofcolumn3forline20ofTable3.5-1cannotbemet.p.4.1-7Table4.1-1AddItems38aand38bcon-cerninglogictestingonamonthlyandrefuelingoutagebasis.ThisadditionreflectsnewtestingrequirementsinresponsetoNRCletter'3-28.p.4.1-7aTable4.1-1AddItem.39concerningthetestingofReactorTripBreakers.ThisadditionreflectsnewtestingrequirementsinresponsetoNRCletter83-28.AddItem40concerningthetestingofthemanualtrippingoftheReactorTripBreakers.ThisadditionreflectsnewtestingrequirementsinresponsetoNRCletter83-28.AddItems41aand41bcon-cerningthetestingoftheReactorTripBypassBreaker.ThisadditionreflectsnewtestingrequirementsinresponsetoNRCletter83'"28.AddNotes1,2,3ThesenotesarerequiredtoexplainthetestingrequirementsofthelogicassociatedwiththeReactorTripBreakers.  
: 19. Degraded Voltage            2/bus    2/bus          1/bus                                  T  = 350 F 480V Safeguards  Bus
: 20. Automatic Trip Logic                                              Note 4          14        Note  5 Including Reactor Trip Breakers NOTE 1: When block condition exists, maintain normal operation.
NOTE 2: Channels should be operable at all modes below the bypass condition with the reactor trip system breakers in the closed position and control rod drive system capable of rod withdrawal.
NOTE 3: Channels shall be operable at all modes below the bypass condition except during refueling defined to be when fuel is in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or with the head removed.
NOTE 4: One reactor trip breaker may be bypassed for surveillance testing provided the other reactor trip breaker is operable.
NOTE 5: Channels shall be operable at all modes above refueling when the control rod drive system is capable of rod withdrawal unless both reactor trip breakers are open.
F.P. Full  Power SS'01270014  890117 PDR  ADOCK  05000244 P                PNU
: 12. With the number of operable channels less than the Total Number. of Channels, operation may proceed provided the inoperable channel is placed in the tripped, condition within 1 hour. Should the next Channel Functional Test require the bypass of an inoperable channel to avoid the generation of an actuation. signal, operation may proceed until this Channel Functional. Test. At the time of this Channel Functional Test, or. if at any "time the number of operable channels is less than the Minimum Operable Channels required, be at hot shutdown within 6 hours and at an RCS temperature less than. 350'F within 6 hours.
: 13. With the number of operable channels less than the Minimum Operable Channels required,       operation may continue provided the containment purge and exhaust valves are maintained closed.
: 14. Should one reactor  trip  breaker or channel of  trip logic be inoperable the. plant must not be in the operating mode following a six, hour time period, and the breaker must be open.
If  one of the (undervoltage diverse reactor trip breaker trip features or shunt trip attachment) on one breaker is inoperable, restore  it to operable status within 48 hours or, declare breaker inoperable. If at. the end of the 48 hour period one trip feature is inoperable        it  must be repaired or the plant must not be in. the operating mode, and the reactor trip breaker must be open, following an additional six hour time period. The breaker shall not be bypassed while one of the diverse trip features is inoperable except for the time required for performing maintenance to restore the breaker to operable status.
Amendment No.                   3.5-15                        Proposed
Channel Descri tion                          Check    Calibrate      Test              Remarks
: 25. Containment Pressure                                R          M  Narrow range containment pressure
(-3.0, +3 psig) excluded
: 26. Steam Generator Pressure
: 27. Turbine  First  Stage Pressure
: 28. Emergency Plan Radiation                M Instruments
: 29. Environmental Monitors                  M            NA        NA
: 30. Loss  of Voltage/Degraded              NA Voltage 480 Volt Safeguards Bus
: 31. Trip of Main    Feedwater Pumps        NA          NA
: 32. Steam Flow 33 ~ T.
: 34. Chlorine Detector, Control    Room    NA Air Intake
: 35. Ammonia  Detector, Control    Room      NA Air Intake
: 36. Radiation Detectors, Control    Room  NA Air Intake
: 37. Reactor Vessel Level                                            NA Indication System 38a. Trip Breaker                          NA          NA                          Notes 1, 2  and 3 Logic Channel Testing 38b. Trip Breaker                          NA          NA                          Note 1 Logic Channel Testing
Channel Descri tion                          Check    Calibrate      Test                Remarks
: 39. Reactor Trip Breakers                  NA          NA                Function test - Includes independent testing of both undervoltage and shunt trip attachment of reactor trip breakers. Each of the two reactor trip breakers will be tested on alternate months.
Note  2 40 'anual    Reactor Trip                    NA          NA                Includes independent testing of both undervoltage and shunt trip circuits. The test shall also verify the operability of the bypass breaker.
41a. Reactor  Trip Bypass Breaker            NA          NA                Using  test switches in the reactor protection rack manually trip the reactor trip bypass breaker using the shunt  trip coil.
41b. Reactor  Trip Bypass Breaker          NA          NA                Automatically trip the under-voltage trip attachment.
NOTE 1: Logic trains will be tested on alternate months corresponding to the reactor trip breaker testing.
Monthly logic testing will verify the operability of all sets of reactor trip logic actuating contacts on that train (See Note 3). Refueling shutdown testing will verify the operability of all sets of reactor  trip actuating contacts on both trains. In testing, operation of one set of contacts will result in  a  reactor trip breaker trip; the operation of all other sets of contacts will be verified by the use of indication circuitry.
NOTE 2: Testing shall be performed monthly, unless the reactor trip breakers are open, or shall be performed prior to startup  if testing has not been performed within the last 30 days.
NOTE 3= The source range trip logic may be excluded from monthly testing provided prior to startup.
it is tested within 30 days
ATTACHMENT B This proposed Technical Specification change reflects the request made  in the January 9, 1987 NRC letter from Dominic C. DiIanni to Roger W. Kober concerning the "Review of Design for Automatic Shunt Trip for Reactor Trip Breakers (Generic Letter 83-28 Item 4.3)".
The proposed changes incorporate on-, line reactor trip breaker testing into the Technical Specifications. A detailed description of all the changes is presented on Table 1.
This change    in Technical Specifications clearly is not a request for  a change  in the authorized power level as it is related only to operational and testing requirements of the reactor trip breakers within the plant. Further, the major possible consequence of this change that can be foreseen. at this time is that over a period of time additional plant trips may occur through actions taken during monthly testing of the reactor trip breakers. However, occasional trips are considered within the normal operating conditions at a power  plant.
A  significant hazards analysis has been accomplished against the criteria in    10CFR50.92. Because the proposed changes constitute additional limitations and control on both operation and testing they do not:
(1)   involve  a  significant increase in the probability or consequences  of an  accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.
Therefore, Rochester Gas and. Electric submits that the issues associated with this amendment request 'warrant a no significant hazards  finding.
L l
1 1
TABLE, 1 Detailed Technical  S  ecification  Chan es Location        Descri tion of  Chan e            Reason  for  Chan e
: p. 3.5-8,       Add  Item 20 - Automatic Trip      This change reflects new Table 3.5-1      Logic including Reactor Trip      operating condition require-Page 3  of 3    Breakers.                         ments for the Reactor Trip Breakers and reactor trip logic.
Change Note 3  - the fifth        Correct typographical error.
word of sentence should be changed from "of" to "at".
Add Note 4  to the bottom of      This Note  is  needed  to this  page.                       explain the bypass condition in the new Item 20.
: p. 3.5-15        Add Number 14  to the bottom      This note  is required to Action Statement of this page.                     explain fully the operator actions required    if the requirement of column 3    for line 20 of Table 3.5-1 cannot be met.
: p. 4.1-7        Add Items 38a and 38b con-        This addition reflects new Table 4.1-1      cerning logic testing on a        testing requirements in monthly and refueling outage      response  to  NRC  letter basis.                           '3-28.
: p. 4.1-7a        Add Item. 39 concerning  the      This addition reflects new Table 4.1-1      testing of Reactor Trip            testing requirements in Breakers.                         response  to  NRC letter 83-28.
Add  Item 40 concerning the        This addition reflects new testing of the manual              testing requirements in tripping of the Reactor            response  to  NRC letter Trip Breakers.                     83-28.
Add Items 41a and 41b con-         This addition reflects new cerning the testing of the        testing requirements in Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker.       response  to  NRC letter 83'"28.
Add Notes 1, 2, 3                  These notes are    required to explain the testing requirements of the logic associated with the Reactor Trip Breakers.
'I t
  ~ ~ ~
Table 1 (Cont'd)
Lines  in the margins showing changes indicate changes in the Technical Specifications as currently approved by the NRC. The substance of this submittal is the same as that of our January 26, 1988 letter which was supplemented by our August 26, 1988 letter. Both were of the. same subject.
This letter does reflect the fact that Amendment No. 30 was approved and thus  if one compares this submittal with the August submittal, one would find the item numbers on Table 4.1-1 changed from 37a, 37b, 38, 39, 40a and 40b to 38a, 38b, 39, 40, 41a and 41b, respectively. In addition, the above table has been changed to accurately detail these numbering changes.}}

Latest revision as of 10:56, 4 February 2020

Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Addition of Item 37 on Page 4.1-7 & Renumbering of Subsequent Items Re Reactor Trip Breakers
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/17/1989
Shared Package
ML17261A824 List:
NUDOCS 8901270014
Download: ML17261A825 (8)




19. Degraded Voltage 2/bus 2/bus 1/bus T = 350 F 480V Safeguards Bus
20. Automatic Trip Logic Note 4 14 Note 5 Including Reactor Trip Breakers NOTE 1: When block condition exists, maintain normal operation.

NOTE 2: Channels should be operable at all modes below the bypass condition with the reactor trip system breakers in the closed position and control rod drive system capable of rod withdrawal.

NOTE 3: Channels shall be operable at all modes below the bypass condition except during refueling defined to be when fuel is in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or with the head removed.

NOTE 4: One reactor trip breaker may be bypassed for surveillance testing provided the other reactor trip breaker is operable.

NOTE 5: Channels shall be operable at all modes above refueling when the control rod drive system is capable of rod withdrawal unless both reactor trip breakers are open.

F.P. Full Power SS'01270014 890117 PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PNU

12. With the number of operable channels less than the Total Number. of Channels, operation may proceed provided the inoperable channel is placed in the tripped, condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Should the next Channel Functional Test require the bypass of an inoperable channel to avoid the generation of an actuation. signal, operation may proceed until this Channel Functional. Test. At the time of this Channel Functional Test, or. if at any "time the number of operable channels is less than the Minimum Operable Channels required, be at hot shutdown within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and at an RCS temperature less than. 350'F within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.
13. With the number of operable channels less than the Minimum Operable Channels required, operation may continue provided the containment purge and exhaust valves are maintained closed.
14. Should one reactor trip breaker or channel of trip logic be inoperable the. plant must not be in the operating mode following a six, hour time period, and the breaker must be open.

If one of the (undervoltage diverse reactor trip breaker trip features or shunt trip attachment) on one breaker is inoperable, restore it to operable status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or, declare breaker inoperable. If at. the end of the 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period one trip feature is inoperable it must be repaired or the plant must not be in. the operating mode, and the reactor trip breaker must be open, following an additional six hour time period. The breaker shall not be bypassed while one of the diverse trip features is inoperable except for the time required for performing maintenance to restore the breaker to operable status.

Amendment No. 3.5-15 Proposed


Channel Descri tion Check Calibrate Test Remarks

25. Containment Pressure R M Narrow range containment pressure

(-3.0, +3 psig) excluded

26. Steam Generator Pressure
27. Turbine First Stage Pressure
28. Emergency Plan Radiation M Instruments
29. Environmental Monitors M NA NA
30. Loss of Voltage/Degraded NA Voltage 480 Volt Safeguards Bus
31. Trip of Main Feedwater Pumps NA NA
32. Steam Flow 33 ~ T.
34. Chlorine Detector, Control Room NA Air Intake
35. Ammonia Detector, Control Room NA Air Intake
36. Radiation Detectors, Control Room NA Air Intake
37. Reactor Vessel Level NA Indication System 38a. Trip Breaker NA NA Notes 1, 2 and 3 Logic Channel Testing 38b. Trip Breaker NA NA Note 1 Logic Channel Testing


Channel Descri tion Check Calibrate Test Remarks

39. Reactor Trip Breakers NA NA Function test - Includes independent testing of both undervoltage and shunt trip attachment of reactor trip breakers. Each of the two reactor trip breakers will be tested on alternate months.

Note 2 40 'anual Reactor Trip NA NA Includes independent testing of both undervoltage and shunt trip circuits. The test shall also verify the operability of the bypass breaker.

41a. Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker NA NA Using test switches in the reactor protection rack manually trip the reactor trip bypass breaker using the shunt trip coil.

41b. Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker NA NA Automatically trip the under-voltage trip attachment.

NOTE 1: Logic trains will be tested on alternate months corresponding to the reactor trip breaker testing.

Monthly logic testing will verify the operability of all sets of reactor trip logic actuating contacts on that train (See Note 3). Refueling shutdown testing will verify the operability of all sets of reactor trip actuating contacts on both trains. In testing, operation of one set of contacts will result in a reactor trip breaker trip; the operation of all other sets of contacts will be verified by the use of indication circuitry.

NOTE 2: Testing shall be performed monthly, unless the reactor trip breakers are open, or shall be performed prior to startup if testing has not been performed within the last 30 days.

NOTE 3= The source range trip logic may be excluded from monthly testing provided prior to startup.

it is tested within 30 days

ATTACHMENT B This proposed Technical Specification change reflects the request made in the January 9, 1987 NRC letter from Dominic C. DiIanni to Roger W. Kober concerning the "Review of Design for Automatic Shunt Trip for Reactor Trip Breakers (Generic Letter 83-28 Item 4.3)".

The proposed changes incorporate on-, line reactor trip breaker testing into the Technical Specifications. A detailed description of all the changes is presented on Table 1.

This change in Technical Specifications clearly is not a request for a change in the authorized power level as it is related only to operational and testing requirements of the reactor trip breakers within the plant. Further, the major possible consequence of this change that can be foreseen. at this time is that over a period of time additional plant trips may occur through actions taken during monthly testing of the reactor trip breakers. However, occasional trips are considered within the normal operating conditions at a power plant.

A significant hazards analysis has been accomplished against the criteria in 10CFR50.92. Because the proposed changes constitute additional limitations and control on both operation and testing they do not:

(1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Therefore, Rochester Gas and. Electric submits that the issues associated with this amendment request 'warrant a no significant hazards finding.

L l

1 1

TABLE, 1 Detailed Technical S ecification Chan es Location Descri tion of Chan e Reason for Chan e

p. 3.5-8, Add Item 20 - Automatic Trip This change reflects new Table 3.5-1 Logic including Reactor Trip operating condition require-Page 3 of 3 Breakers. ments for the Reactor Trip Breakers and reactor trip logic.

Change Note 3 - the fifth Correct typographical error.

word of sentence should be changed from "of" to "at".

Add Note 4 to the bottom of This Note is needed to this page. explain the bypass condition in the new Item 20.

p. 3.5-15 Add Number 14 to the bottom This note is required to Action Statement of this page. explain fully the operator actions required if the requirement of column 3 for line 20 of Table 3.5-1 cannot be met.
p. 4.1-7 Add Items 38a and 38b con- This addition reflects new Table 4.1-1 cerning logic testing on a testing requirements in monthly and refueling outage response to NRC letter basis. '3-28.
p. 4.1-7a Add Item. 39 concerning the This addition reflects new Table 4.1-1 testing of Reactor Trip testing requirements in Breakers. response to NRC letter 83-28.

Add Item 40 concerning the This addition reflects new testing of the manual testing requirements in tripping of the Reactor response to NRC letter Trip Breakers. 83-28.

Add Items 41a and 41b con- This addition reflects new cerning the testing of the testing requirements in Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker. response to NRC letter 83'"28.

Add Notes 1, 2, 3 These notes are required to explain the testing requirements of the logic associated with the Reactor Trip Breakers.

'I t

~ ~ ~

Table 1 (Cont'd)

Lines in the margins showing changes indicate changes in the Technical Specifications as currently approved by the NRC. The substance of this submittal is the same as that of our January 26, 1988 letter which was supplemented by our August 26, 1988 letter. Both were of the. same subject.

This letter does reflect the fact that Amendment No. 30 was approved and thus if one compares this submittal with the August submittal, one would find the item numbers on Table 4.1-1 changed from 37a, 37b, 38, 39, 40a and 40b to 38a, 38b, 39, 40, 41a and 41b, respectively. In addition, the above table has been changed to accurately detail these numbering changes.