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| number = ML20087C684
| number = ML20087C684
| issue date = 01/08/1992
| issue date = 01/08/1992
| title = Proposed Tech Specs Chapter 6.0, Administrative Controls.
| title = Proposed Tech Specs Chapter 6.0, Administrative Controls
| author name = Mcmeekin T
| author name = Mcmeekin T
| author affiliation = DUKE POWER CO.
| author affiliation = DUKE POWER CO.

Latest revision as of 03:11, 16 April 2020

Proposed Tech Specs Chapter 6.0, Administrative Controls
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/1992
From: Mcmeekin T
Shared Package
ML20087C677 List:
NUDOCS 9201140357
Download: ML20087C684 (60)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILIW 6.1.1 The Station Manager shall be responsible for overall unit operation ano shall delegata in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.

i 6.1.2 The Shift Supervisor (or during his absence from the control room, a designated individual) shall be responsible for the control room command function.

H"'!eer r Amanagementdirectivetothiseffect,signedbytheVice-President, 54444+n personnel on an annual basis.o :20tica shall be reissued to all h;9;;r rr:n; tio foc G.o ve N u c. % s a c. "

6.2 ORGANIZATION 0FFSITE zuse.d 6.2.1 T5: :ff+4t: :r;;:rhati:r f r ='t :;n;ipment end technice; i ppert u shell L. ei 4. crib.d in Uiw FSAR, Ctieptwe M. ,

. UNIT STAFF 6.2.2 The unit organization shali be as shown in the FSAR, Chapter 13, and:

, a. Each on-duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1;

b. At least one licensed Operator for each unit shall be in the control room when fuel is in either reactor. In addition, while either unit is in MODE 1, 2, 3, or 4, at least one licensed Senior Operator shall be in the control room; QLaa tee +ie w ; -
c. Aws;gdentt, ,^ny; ice Techniciar reactor; s'.all be-on site when fuel is in either d.

All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be, observed and directly supervised by either a licensed Senior Operator or licensed Senior Operator Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurrent responsibil-ities during this operation; and

  • 6 M S :!th nhy:ft: T::hrt:fon :::;;;ittaa -ty be teet-t'in th: :iniee I revir: :nt: for ; p:ri ef time- w +-b + ceed 2 he-is in ere r t; :: r 0*-

date regnetad shgange., pr:Vid:d immediatt 0 tion-4G---tikeis is IIII thi r T *ed petittene.

McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-1 920114o357 noto3 Amendment No. 98 (Unit 1)

Pl>R iiDOCK 03000369 Amendment No. 80 (Unit 2)


A I!1 SERT for 6.2.1 6.2.1 OFFSITE AllD ONSIT3 ORGANIZATIO!1S Onsite and of fsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication chall be established and defined for the highest management levels through intermediate

, levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationshipu shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the 4

form of organization charts, . functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationship, and descriptions for key personnel positions, job or in equivalent- forms of documentatton. These requirements shall be documented in the FSAR.

b. The Station Manager shall be responsiblo for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
c. The Vice President of McGuire Nuclear Site anall have responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
d. The Senior Vice President Nuclear Generation Department will be the Senior Nuclear Executive and have corporate responsibility for overall nuclear safety,
e. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry our radiation protection and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, th6y shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

, n on

  • b c.e + seE o proden)


  • dj
f. Administrative procedures hal4 be developed and implemented to limit the working hours o. di- staf f who perform safety related functionst e.g., gd Senior Operators, licensed Operators, ho*Hh-phyttetttt,licens
= t .ery es e reim i . and key maintenance personnel. M ra,di a 4.(e,a pm t e c,no ra -+ cchn , c. i esn sl Adequate shift coverage shall be maintained without routine heavy use of overtime. The objective shall be to have operating personnul work a norma) 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> day with alternating 44 hour5.092593e-4 days <br />0.0122 hours <br />7.275132e-5 weeks <br />1.6742e-5 months <br /> and 36 hour4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> work week while the unit is operating. Howev r. in the event that unfore- l seen problems require substantial amounts of overtime to be used, or during extended periods of shutdown for refueling, major maintenance or major plant guidelines shallmodifications, be followed: on a temporary basis, the following
1) An individual should not be permitted to work more than 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> straight, excluding shift tumever time;
2) An individual should not be permitted to work more than 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> in any 24-hour period, nor more than 28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> in any 44-hour period, nor more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in any 7-day l period, all excluding shift turnover time;
3) A break of at least 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> should be allowed between work periods, including shift turnover time; and *
4) Except during extended shutdown periods, the use of overtime should be considered on an individual basis and not for the entire staff on a shift.

Any deviation from the above guidelines shall be authorized by the Station Manager or his deputy, or higher levels of management, in accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis for granting the deviation. Controls shall be included in the procedures such that individual overtime shall be reviewed monthly by the Station Mana(er or his designee to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned.

guidelines is not authorized. Routine deviation from the above McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-2 Amendment No.48(Unit 1)

Amendment No.29(Unit 2) 11/12/85 l

TA8tE'6.2-1 1


'S E



-U MDDE 5 or,6 AND

  • MODE 1, 2, 3


a 1 1 SS 1 u

none 1 SRO 1 8

2* 3 RO 3*

e AD 3* 3 8 3' none 1 I

SS - Shif t Supervisor. with a Senior Operator license SRO - . Individual with a Senior Operator license NO - Individual with an Ooerator license '

AO - Auxiliary operator

. f4 ".J;Mt !a; A .i ?.J i=.. M E+ M Qaa ge d a/ AL least one of the required individuals must be assigned to the designated mi*:n for each unit. -

b/. - At least ore licened Senior Operator or licensed Senior Operator Limited to fuel Handling must be present during EORE ALTERATIONS on either unit, who has no other concurrent responsibilities.


?ABLE 6.2o1 (Continued)

Except for the Shift Supervisor, the Shift Crew Composition may be one less 1 than the minimum requirements of Table 6.2 1 for a period of time not to I exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to accommodate unexpected absence of on-duty shift  !

crew members provided immediate action is taken to restore the Shif t Crew Composition to within the minimum requirements of Table 6.2 1. This provision l does not permit any shift crew position to be unfanned upon shift change cue [

to an oncoming shif t crewman being late or absent.

During any absence of the Shift Supervisor from the control room .hile the unit is in MODE 1, 2, 3 or 4, an individual (other than the Shif t T;ct-f c:!4Ma^occ ci f

^914t *) with a valid Senior Operator license shall be designated to assume l the control room command function. During any absence of the Shift Supervisor

' fr:m tne control room while tne unit is in NODE $ or 6, an incividual .itn a  ;

valid Senior Operator or Operator license shall be designated to assume the control room command function.

ift Manage.y-l Shift Supers isor and he SRO

  • On occasions wnen there is a need for both .

j to be absent f rom the ' control room, the hall be allowed to assu the control room command function and serve as the SR0 in the control room provided that: (1) the Shift Supervisor is available to retJrn to the ~

control room within 10 minutes, (2) the assumption of SR0 d Jties'by the be limited to period 6 not in excess of 15 minutes duration , 5nd a total time-not f, exceed 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> during any 8-hour shift, and (3) the & 4 has an SRO license on the unit.

. I A





l- ,

r l

L ,

6-6 McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 -


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.2.3 McGUIRE SAFETY REVIEW GROUP FUNCTION TheMcGuireiafetyReviewGroupkSRG)shallfunctiontoprovidethe review of plant design and operating experience for potential opportunities to improve plant safety; evaluation of plant operations and maintenance activities; and, to advise management on the overall quality and safety of plant operations.

The MSRG shall make recommendations for revised procedures, equipm6nt modifica-tions, or other means of improving plant safety to appropriate station / corporate management.

COMPOSITION TheMRGshallbecomposedofatleastfivededicated, full-time engineer CAtad on mitadach shall hay

_ e o% e e- tee.% ca l pro +e s a.L c. ar.

i 61 (1) ' A bachelor's degree in engineering or related science and at least 2 years professional level experience in his/her field at least 1yearofwhichexperienceshallbeinthenuclearfield;or (2) At least 5 years of nuclear experience and hold or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license; or (3) At least 8 years of prc.<ssional level experience in his/her field, at laast 5 years of which experience shall be in the nuclear field.

A minimus of of these personnel shall have the qualifications specified in (1) above. &

RESPONSIBILITIES The%RGshallberesponsiblefor:

a. Review of selected plant operating characteristics and other appro-priate sources of plant design and operating experience information for awareness and incorporation into the performance of other duties.
b. Review of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of the evaluation of selected plant operating characteristics and other appropriate sources of plant design and operating experience infonnation,
c. Reviewofselectedprograms, procedures,andplantactivities,includ-ing maintenance, modification, operational problems, and operational analysis,
d. Surveillance of selected plant operations and maintenance activities t to provide independent verification" that they are performed correctly

! and that human errors are reduced to as low as practicable,

e. Investigation of selected unusual events and other ocpurrences as assigned by Station Management or the Manager of @p' Safety Assurance.
  • Not responsible for sign-off function.

McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-7 AmendmentNol10(Unit 1)

Amendment No.92(Unit 2)


AUTHORITY The Assurance,on%RGshallreporttoandadvisetheManagerofit:hrl$afety those areas of responsibility specified in Section 6.2.3.

RECORDS RecordsofactivitiesperformedbytheNRGshallbepreparedand maintained for the life of the station. Summary reports of activities l

performed by the RG shall be forwarded each calendar month to the Manager i i

l i

ofsusperfSafety ssurance, D

6.2.4 SHIFT 15C""!!AL A0Y!SGA lMA N A M S1 The Shift Tt M h: lac h:r shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Shift Supervisor. - N\ ann a e." l Who se. Funce on3 ingge, wge., og a  ;

% Eb~TichnCM Advir,oq y 6.3 UNIT STAFF QUAL.!FICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the unit staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifica-tions of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions and the supplemental require-ments specified in Sections A and C of Enclosure 1 of the March 28, 1980 NRC letter to all licensees, except for the Radiation Protection Manager who shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975.

6.4 TRAINING Wre.44 \ ~

6.4.1 A retraining and replacement tr. ..itng [


.he. Manager and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 55 and the supplemental requirements specified in Sections A and C of Enclosure 1 of the March 28, 1980 NRC letter to all licensees, and shall include f amiliarization with relevant industry cperational l'

experience identified by tnepRG.

L Amendment No.110(Unit 1)

McGUIRE - UNITS l'and 2 6-7a Amendment No. 92(Unit 2) .

, __ __ _ _ ._..._ _. , _ ~

.._ _ ._ _ , i


_6 ._5 REVIEW AND AUO!T Q1 TECHNICAL REVIEV AND CONTROL ACTIVITIES Each procedure and program required by Specification 6.8 and other procedures which affect nuclear safety, and changes thereto, sna11 be prepared by a qualified individual / organization. Each such procedure, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by an individual / group other than the individual /

group which prepared the procedure, or changes thereto, but who may be from the same organization as the. individual / group whicit prepared the procedure, or changes thereto. Proposed changes to the Appendix A Technical Specifications shall be prepared by a qualified individual /organitation. The preparation of each proposed Technical Specifications change shall be reviewed by an individual /

group other than the individual / group which prepared the proposed change, but who may be from the same organization as the individual / group which prepared the proposed change. Proposed changes to the Technical Specifications shall be approved by the Station Managerf57 nis oc s.i g n e. e. .]

6. 5.1. 3 Proposed modifications to unit nuclear safety-related structures, systems and components shall be <::esigned by a qualified individual / organization.

Each such modification shall be reviewed by an individual / group other than the individual / group which designed the modification, but who may be from the sarre organization as the individual / group which designed the modification, pQ q Nep;;;d xdi'i::ti:n: te ascieer ;efety r;i;t:Hs4tructures, syst=, :nd 4 enmnonanM =he11 he 2;; e W prie- te 4 ;1:::nt:ti;n by th; Stetien ",enager; hert B

-Per by the Ore-etia; Sr; r ^*^ndent, th; T::hnic:1 0:rvi::: Superint:ndent,-

th' S rint:E d :4' 4

!"t;ir;t; 0;h;d" ing, :r th: ": int:ntne: :spertnruntnrnt, i et-preu4 = 1y de=40n?_?ari hy th* St:ti n ".:n g .

6. 5.1. 4 Individuals responsible for reviews performed in accordance with 1 Speci)'icitions,,and6.5.1.3shallbemembersofthestati-d3 supervisory staff, previously designated by the ":ti:r " art;:r to perform such reviews. Each such review shall include a termination of whether not additional, cross-disciplinary, review is nec ssary. If deemed ssary, l such review shall be performed by the appropriate si eview personnel.

%gnatedet;tien j g g. g.g g

%\ae,,d 6. 5.1. 5 Prepwwd; :nd exper e:nt: "ich affect : :ti:n ne:10:r ;&fety d

andere nst eddr;: sed da th: PS?" cr Techni :! Speci'i::ti;n; :h:11 b; g4 4 revi r:d ty th Stati:r ":n:;;r; Or by the Opereting Osperintend.nt, the l D;;hnicel 0.rvi:t= 5"a rint;ncent th; ".intenance Ovpe,intendent, er the O Swerint;nd;nt of Inte;r:t:d 0cheduiiny ..-pren cuely designeted by thE S* tion ". n ;;r.

McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-8 Amendment No.52 (Unit 1)

Amendment No.33 (Unit 2)

INSERT B Proposed modifi.:ations to nuclear safett'-related structures, systems, and components shall be approved prior to implementation by the Station Manager; or for the Station Manager by the Mechanical Superintendent, the operations Superintendent, the I and E Superintendent, or the Work Control Superintendent, as previously designated by the Station Manager.

INSERT C Proposed tests and experiments which affect station nuclear safety and are not addressed in the FSAR or Technical Sper d fications shall be reviewed by the Station Manager; or for the Station Manager by the Mechanical Superintendent, the operations Superintendent, the I and E Superintendent, or the Work Control Superintendent, as previously designated by the Station Manager.

_________.__..__._m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ACTIVITIES (Continued) IbnG3C d#8h, 0 5 50*^C' l Atil



TS and all violatfors of Tect>6tcal Specifications


shall be investigated a report prepared which evaluttes the occurrence anc which provides recomme aionstopreventrecurrence,puchreportsshallbe approved by the StetiU ".naver and transmitted to the Vice President,.Auc44an D*"en, and to the rector of the Nuclear Safety Review Board.

6. 5.1. 7 The St+44:n ":.. ;;r shall assure the performance of special reviews and investigations, and the preparation and submittal of reports thereon, as requested by the Vice P?esident Alear Pr: duct 4m Telde.J} TM-st M:urity gregr::, 2nd- igh ;nting-pre :daresi shell be rw14wed-44-le44-ence-per- 12 enttti. Rin;en;nd d ch:rg:: -:hel' b; appr0ved -

by-the Stat hn "On;;;r r perintendent of St;tica Services end trentmuted, te-th: V444-Pfetid;nt, "veltee Dreductf en, and to the Dire-ctee-+f--th: % clear Safety D= % 90 erd.

Tet eA cd*Tha_statier : :rg:ney pt , and Sph::ntiz precede :,- :h:11 be.-

r:vked at k::t ;n;; p:- 12 mL R;;; r;nded ch;ngei eh di-b: approved byJ ha Statie" Wene;er and-trent.itted t0 th: Vic; S:: dint, Eclier EiOGuc-M en , end te the Diretter of the Scism h':tv P.:vf w Eterd. The 5++t4en ".g; n

-'i r e r shall

n unnassure ec e h m;hea berformance n v ro u eJ of a review by a qualifiedindividual/organIzationofeveryunplannedonsitereleaseofradio-active material to the environs including the preparation and forwarding o' reports covering evaluation, recommendations, and disposition of the corr; :tive ACTION to prevent recurrence to the Vice fresident, ""cleer ored :14e* anL to theNuclearSafetyReviepoard. [cT3c-i The St:tfer us ar : shall assure the performance of a review by a qualified individual / organ' zation of changes to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL. and Radwaste Treatment Systems, o nw v. w +e m nss.vvaseeA l The Station en:ger shall ensure the~ performance of a review by a qualified individual /or anization of the Fire 'rotection Program and implement-ing procedures and subm ttal of recommended changes to the Nuc? ear Safety Revie.

Board M nd Mangue e . Human 'Re. s c u re e d  ;

f a _


l Reports documenting each of the activities performed under Specifi-cations througn shall be maintained. Copies shall be proviced to thegice Presicent, ";;h:r Pr:ducti:n, and the Nuclear Safety Review Boaro.


FUNCTION The NSRB shall function to provide independent review and-audit of designated activities in the areas of:

a. Nuclear power plant operations,
b. Nuclear engineering, c Chemistry and radiochemistry, McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-9 Amendment No.98(Unit 1)

Amenoment No An tuni+ 4



FUNCTION (Continued)

d. Metallurgy,
e. Instrumentation and control,
f. Radiological safety,
g. Mechat.: cal and elec'crical engineering, and
h. Administrative control and quality assurance practices.

ORGANIZATION gg ,e j , g ,, gee, pn:,,; g,ng , g,, ,, Ge nemg 4 6.5 1.2 appointed in writing by theTheDirector,membersandalternatemehrsoftheNSRBshallbe M...i an academic degree in an engineering or?,physical voudhm, and shall have science , and inu!ce %;;M=t field; addition, of cinimum shall have shall 3 years a minimum of 5 years technical experience, of which a be in ont or more areas given in Specifica-tion in NSRB activFties at any one time. 4 No more than two att.ernates shall participate as voting members.

lh58 RT DJ

  • _ ICc n e.v-at o w n Director. TheNSRBshallbecomposedofatleastfivemembersfincluding",he Members of the NSRB may be from the Nuclear N i... M Department, from other departments within the Corapany, or from external to the Company. A caximum staff. of one member of the NSRB may be from the McGuire Nuclear !tetier.-

(sw provide expert advice to the NSR8.

Consultants shall be utilized ,as determined by the NSRB Director to Staff assistance may be provided to the HSRB in order to promote the proper, timely, and expe:fitious performance of its functions. The NSRa initial year of shall meet at least once per calendar quarter during the

  • ation following fuel loading and at least once per 6 months theru.G - The quorum of the NSR8 necessary for the performance of the NSRB review and audit functions of these Technical Specifications shall consist of the Director, or his designated alternate, and at least four other

-NSR8 members including alternates.

shall have line +esponsibilit) or-operation No more than-a minority of the quorum of McGuire Nuclear Station.

T.n t:. pee i a \ cet 1, e. s appeMm e nt Wi%A %

aca.dem i e ,1 egree  %, c. c.nd id =4e e, Foy engneerin$ o gsic.atSc.leece.


@Vo.MO e J w in o. mi n i m u m - o.rr e.i f 3 ears Wpere,e.nce in one o4- O c. Oxe.o.s in S(eci fic a ,..

'ca o G . 6. 2. l a McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-10



a. The safety evaluations for: (1) changes to procedures, equipment, or systems, and (2) tests or experiments completed under the provision of Section 50.59, 10 CFR to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question;
b. Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in Section 50.59, 10 CFR;
c. Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in Section 50.59, 10 CFR;
d. Proposed changes in Technical Specifications or this Operating License;
e. Violations of Codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance;
f. Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of unit equipment that affect nuclear safety;
h. All recognited indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of structures, systems or components that could affect nuclear safety; go,yica4ioW)
1. Quality A:=:nce Department audits relating to station operations and actions taken in response to these audits; and J. Reparts of activities performed ynder the provisions of Specifi-cations 6. 5.1.1 through 6. 5.1. U.

AUDITS b Audits of unh activities shall be performed under the cognizance of the NSRB. These audits shall encompass:

a. The conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions a-4 test sca-par 12 :: nth;;

G=ht4ie 4 1

b. The performance, training, and qualifications of the entireNat staf f at le::t once pc 12 innttrs; 9

Amendment No. ,2 (Unit 1)

McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-11 Amendment No.13 (Unit 2)

.-.-_.. - . - . - - . _ _ _ -. - . - _- - .- _ - . - - ~_ -.-- - .-.-



c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurrinC in unit equipment, structures, systems, or method oft operation that l

af fect nuclear safety ht-4*et :n:: per-4-me%%;

d. The performance of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the criteria of Appendix B, 10 CFR Part 50 W e:st :nce eer 2: ::ntMt
e. The Emergency Plan and implementing procedureslat 1:--i : :: pe ?

Li; ==nd,

f. The Security Plan and implementing procedures let 1::;t en : pn 12j heftMW;
g. The Facility Fire Protection programmatic controls including the 5mplementino proceduresIet !:::t : re per e ?: = : :y ;;;;;nw]

{'t!;ir; 0 0A ::ec:rn:h;

h. The fire protection equipment and program implementation et 1:=tl 1:::: ::r u rethclutilizing either a qualified offsite licensee

~ fire protection engineer or an outside independent fire protection consultant. An outside independer.t fire protection consultant shall be used at least every third year;

i. The Radiological En'#ironmental Monitoring Program and the results thereoflet 1:=t : :: ;:r u : = :s J. The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures @
k. The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for SOLIDIFICATION of radioactive wastes '-t 1:=t :n:: ;:r M r:rtht;
1. The performance of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program for effluent and environmental monitoring bt M=t :re,e,2:j B2 .~ m 2, and m.

M Any other area of ~uattFoperation considered appropriate by the NSRB or the 'lic: "r :td:st, " :1::r "r d :t!: .

AUTHORITY N C M E" bC o- c5'ded tow 8 '~ e ME O N - The NSRB shall report to and advise the V :: "rt !d:,t, hciesr i

%: duction, or those areas of responsibility specified in Specifications and

4 s

McGUIRC - UNITS 1 and 2 6 ..?


'-~"" *

...J .l-RECORDS Recordt, of NSRB activities shall oe preparuu, approved, tnd cistri utec as indicated below: - ,4 -

5 u. . . ,-] (m' emu e el

a. Minute  ? each NSRB meeting all be prepared, approved, and forwarced to the ice President, Nuclear %edw444a, and to the Caecutive Vice President, followiny each Ec.91avea[^!g;;.

meet r -~ , Mktet%4-end-Neve%m.-

g ie , g n Q ) .itnin la cays i c

0. ReportsofreviewsencompassedoySpecificath 8 aoovei snali di prepared, approv10 ars,1 forsarded to the% ice President, Nuclearf(keie*J1 0.r* A W 4m, and to the Executive Vice President.

Cm.s.tew4489d t rMMt %e, w1 thin 14 dp,ys,.j_g,1,pheetteg, s h,w,,1ggccmpletionof the rovi W; artg, @cjuA c e 4-e n e<*t i c W) ' ,,

' id e n , e r-]

c. Audit reports eqfimpassed t,y s$cedLtio.J pecifi:atiq14 5.2.9 above, shall b be i forwardej to the % ice President, Nuclear ReedweHen, and to the' Executive Vice Presioent gngin::rN, Cen teneMettr~end Nehe44e*, and to 1 the management / positions responsible for the creas auditect withirt

, 30 de"s after titpletion ,of the audit by the auditing orga.iization, d ger . G enc eng,e a l 6.6 ,ffP,0RTtBLE EVENT ACTION 6.6.1 Tle fol10 wing rctions shall be taken for itEPORTABLE EVENTS:

e. The Commiusion shs11 be notifiect and a report submitted pbrsuant to the requirementsNecMjonA of je.nion 50,}73 to 10 CFR Part 50, and

- b. Each REPORTABLE '/dNT thal be reviewed by the t,tation Manager; or

~o,. h 5hNow (1) Ce etite Sul erintendent, (2) the T+:Hcel Srvices[I W1

"" M&L -

Juperiatendent, (3) the P Stenenee Superintendent, or (4) the

'p t-K Coch._el}eSuperintendrnt e6 Iht:;rded-Wedi6g,aspreviouslydesignatedtyk the Stat 3cn Minager, and tM results of the review shall be submitted to tne NSR8.and thegVice Pres 1 dent. Wec % er "r: i:tien.

3 1 gg I M ec b ica.h 6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The follow!ng ac' lions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated: 4.lg

a. The NRC Operations Center shall be notified b elephone as soon as possible and in all cases within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. The ice President Wech:r-PrMectiaa, and the NSRB shall_be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; bpe entio ns i
b. A Safety Limit Violetion rt shall be prepared. .The report shall be reviewed by the 0;;r . a Superintendent and the Station Manager.

This report shall describe: (1) applicable circumstances preceding the violation. (2) effects of the violation upon facilit) _ ccmponents, systems, or structures, and (3) corrective action taken to prevent recurrence; McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-13 Amendment No. 52(Unit 1)

Amendment No. 33(Unit 2)


c. The Safety Limit Violation Reptfr/ t shall be submitted to the ComAllsion, the NSRB and the>Vice President, #wl+ar-Anevetien, within 14' days of the violation; and
d. Critical operation of the unit sh:11 not be resumed until authorized by the Commission.

6.8 PROCEDURE $ AND PR; GRAMS 6.8.1 Writter. procedures thall be established, tinp'ienented, and maintained covering the activities referenetd bM ow;

a. The applicablo procedures recomt. ended in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 Revision 2, Fe'oruary 1978;
b. The applicable procedures required to inplement the requirements of NUREG-07.17; T e.(e4e.1 c.O Sece !ty-P1an-implementat4ca @

3e g e g A P Emergency- m n-1 entate,

e. PROCESS CONTROL P : / GRAM implementation;
g. Quality Assurance Program for effluent and environmental monitoring.
h. Fire Protection Program implementation. 1
1. Commitments contained in M_Qhanler16.0 . s W \Uc e hsi d e nt e,r h, s d e si g ne eJ c , 6.8.2 Each procedure of Specif at' ion 6.8.1 above.-and changes thereto, shall be reviewed and approved by the tation S n:;; ; er by: (13-the Operating Supee4eteM+ntr -(4)-the-Teskic 1 Service; -5:;;rir.t;ndt,-(31-the-Meint+ nance Superktendent, er (4)-the-Swer?ntendet OMnte;r=+=d Scheeling :: prev 4evs4y dut nated 9 by the Stat 4on i n;;;r; prior to implementation and_ thall _be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures. For(As+14+dSci=:-1 3enterlprocedures which iglement offJite environmental, technical, and labora-tory activities, the above review and approval may be perfonned b g;;;;r in Prodsctier Puduct4cr Suppeet-BepertrM,-!:Environmental in cf th: Servicesp'r du4;n:ted Techic Q2y d e s%nc ed pea n 6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of ' Specification 6.8.1 above may tre made provided:

a ., The intent of the original procedure is not altered;

b. The change is approved by two members of the plant management Staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Operator license on the unit affected; and

'*Rev4w :nd 7enval ==y b; peefe=d by the See:* tent ,t ef StatdHE.1 Saukssk .

McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6 14 Amendment No.125 (Unit 1)

Amendment No.107 (Unit 2)




N d5' M ' "

3 d "_ Y iC d. >"6 1*%'*I4' I

c. The change is documented, reviewed, and approvoo by thF W M n f44*egeq ne hya (1_) the Opeeethg $ght in G M *t74-@} H A t*tt+n i hw44e; Super ; oi.cthi, ( 3) the "ehrtene%+4we4Me deet-v

( A) t% $epte&Mte*0eet-t+-httt9M4+d-OcMv i iitJ-es-fmeritM ry f M ona te4-twy-t he-GtetWenspr , w i t h i n 14 day s o f i n s l eme n t a '. ' o n .

6. 8. 4 1he following programs shall be established, im;;,letren.ed, 3r ncinta aer
a. Reactor Coolant Sources outside Containment l A program to reduce leakage f rom those ;orsio% of i outside l containment that could contain highly red'osctive fluiJs during a I serious transient or accident to as low tr, practical levelt, it e systems include RHR, Boron Recycle, Ref uelit rj Water, L'ouid n'.ite. 1 Waste Gas, Safety injection, Chemical an) /olume Ccitt 1. Centain- '

ment Spray, and Nuclear Sampling. The program shal. .nclude the following: l

1) Preventive maintenance and periodic visual 1,.spection equirements, and
2) Integrated leak test requirements for aas.1 system at refueling cycle intervals or less.
b. In-Plant kadiation Monitoring A program which will' ensure the cap 1bilit" '.c ac:urately determine the airborne iodine concentration in v.tal areas under o cident conditions. This program shall in.lude the fofioving:
1) Training of personnel,
2) Procedures for monitoring, an
3) Provisions for maintent1 ce of sampling atd ana.ysis etiuipment.
c. Secondary Water Cnemistry A program for rtunitoring of secondary water chemistry to inhibit steam generator tube degra;1ation. This program siall include:
1) Ideitification of a s mpling schedule for it a t.rlt;ral variables and control points for chese variables,

') Identification of%the procedures used to measure the values of the critical va,'iables,

3) Identification of process samplir.t points, which shall include monitoting thi discharge of the condensate pumps for evidence of condenser in leakage, heGUIRE - dNITS 1 and 2 6-15 Amer 1 ment No.52 (Unit 1)

Amendment No.33 (Unit 2) t

. . . . - - . _ _ _ . . . . ~ . - . - . . . . . . . - _ ~ . . . . . . - ~_ . . . . .- . . _.-

I l

l 1

1 l

l l

1 l

1 NO CHAllGES Oli PAGES 6-16 through 6-22

,, .s + ..r, , , , - . , , . u, . ,,, , , -w,e,-- mv , -


g. Records of training and qualification for current members of the unit staff;
h. Records of inservici inspections performed pursuant to these Technical Specifications;
i. Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures or equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR $0.59;
j. Records of meetings of the NSRB and reports required by Specification;
k. Records of the service lives of all snubbers including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records;
1. Records of-secondary water sampling-and water quality; and
m. Rec 0rds of analyses required by the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program that would permit evaluation of the accuracy of the analysis at a later date. This should include procedures effec-tive at specified times and QA records showing that_these procedures were followed,
n. Records of reviews performed for changes made to the ODCM and the PCP. l 6.10.3 Records of quality assurance activities required by the QA Manual shall be retained for a period of time required by ANSI N45.2'.9-1974.


Procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposure.

6.12 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.12.1 In lieu of the " control device" or " alarm signal" required by paragraph 20.203(c)(2) of 10 CFR 20. each high radiation area, as defined in 10 CFR Part 20, in which the intensity of radiation is equal to or less than 1000 mrom/hr at 45 CM (10 in.) f rom the radiation source or from any surface '

which the radiation penetrates shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring '

issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP). Individuals qualified in radiation l protection procedures-(e.g., 7::= um Hechnician) or personnel continu-ously escorted by such indivFddlls may be exempt from the RWP issuance require-ment during the performance of t. heir assigned duties in high radiation areas with exposure rates equal to o less than 1000 mres/hr provided they are other-wise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry into high radiation areas.

' McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-23 Amendment No.119 (Vnit 1)-

[Qd ioMe,1?roteMo d * -


w. 1..: ,,+'-_,.. .-;y - - - - , . .c,, , .--r s.,._  %,. ,.m, ,.mm_- .[m.m . .n ...m,-, , c.- ,. , ,e ,.s--.4 .,,,.-,..w - , -y6.m,.~ y


Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall te provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area; or
b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously inte; rates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them; or
c. An individual qualified in radiation proterAion procedures with a radiation dose rate monitoring device who is responsible for providing positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the

"" f an Mci!th "hv:!:4+4 in the RWP.

1Raa mb o a % <e.Ho o marageel 6.12.2 in addition to the requirements'of Specification 6.12.1, areas acces-sible to pt ,annel with radiation levels greater than 1000 mrsm/hr at 45 CM (18 in.) from the radiation source or from any surface which the radiation penetrates shall be provided with locked doors to prevent unauthorized entry, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Foreman on duty and/or health physics supervision. Doors shall remain locked-except curing periods of access by personnel under an approved RWP which shall specify the dose rate levels in the immediate work area and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area, in lieu of the stay time specification of the RWP, direct or remote (such as closed circuit TV cameras) continuous surveillance may be made by personnel qualifted in radiation protection procedures to provide positivt exposure control over the activities being performed within the area.

For individual areas accessible to personnel with radiation levels greater than 1000 mrem /hr* that are located within large areas, such as PWR containment, where no enclosure exists for purposes of locking, and no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual areas, that area shall be bar*

ricaded, conspicuously posted, and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device.

6.13 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 4 6.13.1 The PCP shall be approved by the Commission prior to implementation.

6.13.2 Licensee-initiated changes to the PCP:

a. Shall be docunented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.10.3n. This documentation shall contain:

A Measarement made at 18 inches from source of radioactivity.

McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6-24 Amendment No.119 (Unit li Amendment No.101 (Unit 2)



1) Sufficient information to support the change together witn the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the enange(s) and
2) A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of the solidified waste product to existing recuire*

ments of Federal, State, or other applicable regulations, b.- Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the station manager and a qualified individual / organization.

6.14 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MsNUAL (00CM) 6.14.1 The 00CM shall be approved by the Commission prior to implementation.

6.14.2 Licensee initiated changes to the 00CM:

a. Sha11 be documented and records of revfews performed shall be retained as required by Specification 6.10.3n. -This documentation-shall contain: ,
1) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and
2) A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive ef fluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR-  ;

Part 190,-10 CFR 50,36a..and Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50 and i not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, i dose, or setpoint calculations. ,


b. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the station- ,

manager and a qualified individual / organization.  !


c. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, t legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the'  !

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.for the period of the report in which any change to the 00CM was made. Each' change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that.was changed, _

and shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented. ,

4 McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2 6 25 Amendment No.119 (Unit 1)

Amendment No.101' (Unit 2)'

i i



SYSTEMS" 6.15.1 Licensee initiated major changes to the Radioactive Waste Systems i (liquid, gaseous, and solid):

a. Shall be reported to-the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive f Effluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the Station Manager. The discussion of each change shall ,

contain: ,

1) A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR Part $0.59; i 4
2) Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason i for the change without benefit of cdditional or supplement'al information; j
3) A detailed. description of the equipment, components, and processes invo1ved and the interfaces with other plant systems;
4) An evaluaC on of the change, which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ from those previously ,

predicted in the License application and amendments thereto; [

5) An evaluation of the change, which shows the expected maximum ,

exposures to indi.vidual in the UNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the License application and amendments thereto; -

6) A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive f materials in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste.
to the actual releases for the period prior to when the changes j are to be made;
7) An estimate of the exposure-to plant operating personnel as a  :

result of the change; and l

8) Documentation of the fact that the chance was reviewed and-found. acceptable by the Station Manager { er the.Mkis+rw %%.r..]  !

u ,

b. Shall'become effective upon review and acceptance by a qualified-individual / organization. 3


  • Licensees may chose to submit the information called for-in this specifi-

- cation as part of the annus1 FSAR update.

l 6 26 McGUIRE - UNITS 1 and 2

  • Amendment Amendment No.13 Hoc Unit p ((Unit 2) 1) '

.- - _a . . , .. -.-.a-.-._----.,.,-.. .. . , . - . - , - . . - -

a 8 i




Eggmary and_llastification The changes we are proposing are itemized below, according to the af fected section of Chapter 6 of the Technical Specifications. The majority of the changes are in response to the realignment, re-titling and other restructuring activities which were effective November 1, 1991.

Attachment 4 consists of draft revised pages of the McGuire FSAR, Chapter 13, which describes the 'w organization. Basically, all station activities now fall undet the responsibility of the Sita Vice President who can then delegate to the Station Manager or other supervisory staff as appropriate for the activity involved.

This transition to the " site" concept accounts for many of the changes in responsibility and lines of authority for the onsite and offsite organizations.

Several other proposed changes are in responsr to standard Review <

Plan (SRP), Section 17. 3 which was issued 1. August, 1990. As discussed with members of your staf f on October 30, 1991, we are in the process of revising the Duke QA Topical, it. which we will implement the guidance in SRP 17.3. These changes, therefore, will provide consistency with both documents.

One other proposed change would add an arternative qualification for NSRB members who have extensive experience in an area of expertise in lieu of a technical degree.

All of these changes are summarized below:

Eq_Q11Js Eup/ nary and Justification of Proposed Changgg 6 .1. *e This change reflects realignment of authority to the site, and the larger group of affected personnel who will be at the Site. This change is purely adminis-trative and it can therefore be considered acceptable.

6.2.1 This specification defines the requirements, authority and the current lines of responsibility of the offnite and onsite organizations. As discussed above, the nuclear site organization centralizes the resources needed for safe and efficient operation of the plant.

This change reflects the realignment of management authority which is consistent with the recommendation of Generic Letter 88-06, and is thus acceptable.

6.2.1T In this table the title of Shift Manager has replaced that of Shift Technical Advisor. The function and activities of the Shift Manager encompass and exceed the requirements of a Shift Technjaal Advisor, as 2-1

defined in " Clarification of THI-requirements," NUREG 0737. Thus this change can be considered acceptable.

6.2.2 The term " Health Physics" has been replaced with

" Radiation Protection" throughout thn Duke System.

This is purely an administrative change with no offect on function and should be considered acceptable.

In (c) the astorisk and associated footnote have boon doloted because they are no longer needed. This footnote was inserted during an earlier time when there was only one technician on shift. We now have ample shift coverage due to omorgency staffing commitments, making this requirement obsolete.

This change would also help simplify section 6.2.2 by eliminating an unnecessary req uirement. This can be considered an acceptablo admin:.strative change.

In (f), the word " station" is used to denote staff who report to the Station Manager and who are engaged in the " hands-on" operation and maintenance of the station. The common terminology for auxiliary operators is now "non-licenced nporators". The deletion of the M ir. MSRG is purely editorial. It was expressed by the respective site staffs that the term " Safety Review Group", or "SRG", is sufficient at each site and that specifying the station is unnecessary. This administrative change should be considered acceptable. The deletion of the term " Nuclear" in Nuclear Safety Assurance is an administrative change, which reflectc the broader scope for this position. This change should be considered cceeptable since it is purely administrative. With the reorganization, the SRG work unit has increased in size due to the inclusion of personnel from the former on-site quality assurance group, comprised of quality verification specialists, some of which are not degreed. Accordingly we are proposing to revise this section to reflect the expanded resources of the SRG, and to clearly establish that at least 3 persons should meet criterion (1).

These changes are editorial and administrative and do not diminish or alter the function of the site SRG, and thereforo should be considered acceptable.



6.2.4 The title of Shitt Manager (SM) has replaced that of Shift Technical Adviser (STA), but its functions and activitios encompass and exceed the requirements of a Shift Technical Advisor, as defined in " Clarification of THI-Requirements", NURPG 0737. Thus this change can be considered acceptable.

6.4 This change reflects realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in TT 6.2.1, and draft revised HNS FSAR, Chapter 13.2. The new title of Training Manager reflects the broader concept of sito responsibility. It is administrative in naturo and thus should be considered accepthole. It was felt that the Station Manager should he able to delegate his approval authority to the appropriate member of the station supervisory staff in the event of his unavailability, since he and his staf f have overall responsibility for the safe operation of the plant.

This j a an administrative change only and should be consi(.ered acceptable. It wt.s felt that the Station Manager should be able to delegate his approval authority to the appropriate med or of the station supervisory staf f in the event of his unavailability, since he and his staff have overall res ponsibility for the safe operation of the plant.

The key supervisory titles have been revised to reflect the reorganization and their re-naming. These changen are purely administrative and should be acceptable. These changes reflect realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in proposed TS 5.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter

13. These changes are administrative and therefore should be considered acceptable. It was felt that the Station Manager should be able to delegnte his approval authority to the appropriate member of the station supervisory staf f in the avent of his unavailability, since he and his staff overall responsibility for the. cafe operation of the plant.

The key supervisory <itles have been revised to reflect the reorganization t.d their re-naming. These changes are purely administ'ative and should be acceptable. This change reflects realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in 23

proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chaptor.


This change also reflects the current philosophy that the Safety Review Group should report to a management that is independent and separate from that of the station and the NSRB. We feel that this is primarily administrative but also philosophically correct and therefore acceptable. This change reflects realignment of authority or s

responsibility as discussed above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13.

This change also reflects the current philosophy that the Safety Review Group should report to a management that is independent _ and separate from that of the station and the NSRB. We feel that this is primarily administrative but also philosophically correct and therefore acceptable. These requirements are being relocated to the Security Plan which will be maintained and implemented by the Site Security Manager. This is consistent with guidance provided by SRP 17.3, which encourages the implementing manager to become responsible;for the qualit/ off the

, plans and implementing procedures. Also, 10CFR 50.54(p) requires an annual review of security program procedures, with directions for reporting the results to management. We feel this requirement is redundant to the existing regulatjon in 10CFR 50.54; therefore this change should be accepted. - Consistent with 10CFR 50.54 (t), the Site _ Emergency Plan provides for the annual review of all procedures. This requirement is being relocated to the Emergency Plan which will be maintained and iwplemented by the site Emergency Manager. This is consistent with guidance provided by SRP 17.3, which encourages the implementing manager-to become responsible for.the-quality of plans and the im?lementing procedures. Wo. feel this requirement ..s-redundant to the. existing regulation in 10CFR 50.54; therefore this change should be_ accepted.-

6. 5.1.10 These changes : reflect realignment of authority- or responsibility as discussed above . and described in proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13.

This change is also consistent with Specifications 2-4

_ _ - _ - _ _ - - O and where the Manager of Safety Assurance assures the review of reportable events and special investigations.

These changes are administrative and therefore shou)d be considered acceptable. These changes reficct realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13.

That the responsibility for this review should fall to the Manager of Safety Assurance is consistent with the philosophy expressed for the other activities in this Section concerned with reportable special reviews.

This change is administrative and should be conuidored acceptable.

s These changes reflect realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13.

That ,he responsibility for this review should fall to the Manager of Safety Assurance is consistent with our philosophy expressed for the other activities in this section concerned with special reviews.

The Manager, Human Resources now has responsibility for the Fire Protection Program. These changes are primarily administrative and thus should be considered acceptable. This change reflects the realignment of authority to the site. These changes are clearly editorial or administrative and therefore should be considered acceptable. The naming of Executive Vice President, Power Generation reflects the realignment of reporting authority for the NSRB as discuesed in draft revised MNS FSAR Chapter 13 and in the QA Topical section 17.3.

This change is administrative, since the functions of the NSRB are unaffected but we also believe this change is philosophically correct and acceptable.

The o*her proposed change in this section would increase the pool of qualified individuals from which candidates could be appointed to independently review operational phase activities. The - requirements for 25

those who operate the plant are at least this flexible.

The appointment would be subject to the approval of the Executive Vice President, Fower Generation.

This proposed change is not directly related to the Duke reorganization or tha requisite revisions to our licensing documents. If its consideration might slow down the review of all other changes in this chapter, we would prefer to consider it separately in another submittal. These changes reflect realignment of authority or responsibility as dise.ussed above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1, draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13, and the revised QA Topical Report.

The use of the torn " site" assures the continued independent nature of the NSRB. These changes are administrative and should be considered acceptable. Thic change reflects the renaming of the Department, the function of which is unchanged. This adminis-trative change should be considered acceptable.

The "12" corrects a typographical error and is purely editorial. We are ap;i cag here the broader term " site" to reflect all.those activities associated with the station, not those that are only specific to - the operation of the unit.

The term " station" in (b) is consistent with its use in Specification 6.2.2(f) and implies those people reporting to the Station Mantger, responsible for operation and maintenance of the unit. These changes are administrative and do not alter the function of the NSRB organization and therefore should be considered ,


Audit frequencies are being deleted here bu t. in the revised QA Topical we - are preparing .the 2cllowing statement, using SRF 17.3 guidance on planned and and


periodic assessments scheduling resource allocation:

" Audits of selected aspects of operational' phase-activities are performed with a frequency commensurate  ;

with safety significance and in such a manner as to  !

assure that an audit of all safety related functions is l completed within a period of two (2) years. The audit

! 2-6 l


system is reviewed periodically and revised as necessary to assure coverage commensurate with current and planned activities."

The naming of Executive Vice President, Power Generation reflects the realignment of reporting authority for the NSF, as discussed-in draft revised MNS FSAR* Chapter 13 t x; n the QA Topical Section 17.3.

This chLnge is admi1 .' stivo, since the functions of the NSRB e e . af fecu but we also believe this change is philosophically correct and acceptable.

These changes do not alter the function nor diminish the quality of the Audit l'ro: .am. Therefore, they should be considered acceptable. These changes reflect realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1. These reporting requirements to Senior Management are also discussed in the revised QA Topical Report in Section 17.3'.3 "Self Assessment".-

Those changes are administrative oni r and therefore are acceptable. These changes reflect realignment. of authority or responsibility as discussad above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1. These reporting requirements - to Senior Management are also discussed in the revised QA Topical Report in Section 17. 3. 3 - "Self Assessment".

These changes are administrative only and therefore are acceptable.

6.6.1 These changes reflect realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and described in proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13.

The key supervisory titles have been revised to reflect the reorganization and their re-naming. These changes are purely administrative and should be acceptable.

6.7.1 The changes in (a) and (c) reflect realignment of authority or responsibility to the site as discussed above and described in TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13.

Operations Superintendent in (b) is simply renaming of the position. These changes are . administrative and therefore should be conside:.a acceptable.

6.8.1 (c) and (d) are being removul from the Technical 2-7

_ _ ~

l Specifications and relocated to Security Plan and Emergency Plan, respectively, because the procedures covering these activities are t+e responsibility of the Site Emerge:ncy Planner and tt.e Site Security Manager and, as such, are included in their raspective site Plans. This is consistent with guidence provided in revised Standard Review Plan Section 17.3, which encourages the delegation of authority to the implementing manager. This change will simplify this specification and is administrative. It should be considered acceptable.

6.8.2 Review and approval of procedures was changed to re-flect realignment of authority or responsibility, since some procedures no longer fall under the responsibility of the Station Manager (e.g., fire protection, perfor-mance procedures, emergency planning). The Site Vice President can delegate to the implementing manager, consistent with the revised QA Topical Report and guidance given in SRP 17.3, which encourages the delegation of authority to the implementing manager.

The General Manager, Environmental Services, now has responsibility for all offsite environmental activities. The term " Applied Science Center" is no longer correct and is therefore unnecessary. All of these changes are administrative and as such 7hould be considered acceptable.

6.8.3 These changes in (c) reflect realignment of authority or responsibility as discussed above and in proposed TS 6.2.1, and draft revised MNS FSAR, Chapter 13. These changes also simplify the specification and make it consistent with revised 6.8.2. These changes are administracive and should be considered acceptable.

6.12.1 The term " Health Physics" has been replaced with

" Radiation Protection" throughout the Duke System.

Likewise, the " Station Health Physicist" has been renamed. These are purely administrative changes with no effect on function and should be considered acceptable.

6.15(a)8 This change allows the Chemistry Mi.tager, who has line responsibility over radiological effluent controls, to review and approve changes to the Radwaste-Treatment Systen. This is consistent with Si_ndard Review Plan SRP 17.3. which encourages the delegation of suthority to the implementing manager. It also allows additional flexibility in the case where one c,r the other is unavailable. This change is administrative and should y 2-8 h

e ..

be considered acceptable.

I l-l 2-9


e Se h

-._n Analysis of Bicnificant Hasards Consideration:

As Required by 10CFR- 50.91, this analysis,is provided concerning whether the proposed amendments'-involve significant ' hazards considerations, as defined by- 10CFR 50.92. Standards for  :

determination-that a_- proposed amendment involvos no - significant ,

hazards =_ considerations are if _ operation _ of 'the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not: 1) . involve a-significant increase in the probability _ or consequences . of an accident previously evaluated; or_2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or 3) involve a-significant reduction in_a margin of .

safety The proposed amendments would-not= involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of'a-previously evaluated accident.

Nor would they create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated. The changes 1do- '

not have- any impact upon the_ design ._or_' operation -of plant equipment; therefore, they cannot serve to initiate a new type of 4 accident.

The proposed amendments would not involve a reduction in a margin-of safety. The changes would not impact -the design- or operation _ of any plant systems or components.  ;

Based upon-the preceding analysis, Duke Power Company concludes; that the proposed amendments do-not involve a Significant Hazards Consideration.


d 3-1

. ._ _ u- -- . . _ , - , _ . - . _ _


l e

Chapter 13. Conduct of Operations SicGuire Nuclear Station CHAPTER 13. CONDUCT OF OPbRATiONS l


13.1 Organintion NicGuire NMear Station 13.1 ORGANIZATION 13.1.1 CORPORATION ORGANIZATION 1 The corporate structure of Duke Power Company pertinent to Nuclear Station operation is shown in i Figure 13-1 on page 1310 and Figure 13 2 on page 13-11.

I Corporate Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Duke has over 75 years of experience in the design, construction and operation of electric generating -

st ition.=, As of 1987, Duke operated eight conventional steam electric stations with a capacity of 6,526 N1We, three nuclear steam electric stations with a capacity of 7,170 NIWe,25 hydroelectric stations with a capacity of EC N1We, four pumped storage units with a capacity of 610 N1We and combustion turbine and diesel peaking units with a capacity of 599 NtWe, for a total systern capacity of 15,747 NfWe.

s Company involvement in nuclear power begna in the early 1950's with various personnel receiving nuclear training. Selected personnel have been involved full time in nuclear projects since the mid 1950's. Duke participated in the Carolina Virginia Nuclear Power Associates (CVNPA), wftich resulted in a 17,000 kWe nuclear steam clectric unit at Parr, South Carolina. This unit, the Carolinas Virginia Tube. Reactor.

(CVTR), produced electricity over the period 1963 to 1967 as part of a five year operating research program. Duke's three unit Oconee Nuclear Station began operation in 1973, the two unit McGuire Nuclear Station began operation in 1981, and two unit Catawba Nuclear station began operation in 1984.

As a result of these and other assignments, many engineering personnel in the Duge organization have had prior nuclear experience as well as extensive experience in the power field.

Various departments within the Company have responsibility for design, construction, quality assurance and operation of each 2uclear station. Duke contracts with a nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendor l

for the design and manufacture of the complete NSSS. The NSSS vendor also provides technical consultation in areas such as construction, testing, startup and initial fuel loeding.

i l Duke's corpora ; functions,' tesponsibilities and ' authorities for quality assurance are addressed in Topical Report DUKE 1A.

The Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer has overall responsibility for corporate functions :

l invohing plannmg, design, construction and operation of the Company's generation, transmission, and distribution facilities, as well as other staff functions.

I line responsibilities relative to Nuclear Generation are delegated through the Executive Vice President, i Power Generation Group, to the Senior Vice President, Nuclear Generation as shown in Figure.13-1 on -

1 page 13-10 and Figure 13-2 on page.1311.

I Organization for Design end Construction L

1 EfTective November 1,1991. Duke reorganized to create the Power Generation Group, which includes the

I Nuclear Generation Department. Separate organizations for design and construction ceased to exist.

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13.1 Organization . NicGuire Nuclear Station 1 Nuclear Generation Department Organization 1 Duke's Nuclear Generation Department, headed by the Senior Vice President. Nuclear Generation, has I corporate responsibility for overall nuclear safety, as established by Technical Specifications. Reponing to I the Senior Vice President is a Vice President for each nuclear site, and the General N1anager, Nuclear i Services.

1 The Nuclear Generation Department Organization is shown in Figure 13 3 on page 1312.

1 i Deleted I

i Nuclear Site i 13, Site Organization I he nuclear site organization centralizes the resources for safe and efficient nuclear plant operations under 1 a vice president at the nuclear site.

1 The Vice President of NicGuire Nuclear site has the resronsibility for overall plant nuclear safety as 1 established by Technical Specifications. The site staff is fully, capable and equipped to handle all I situations invohing safety of the station and public. The Nuclear site staff is shown on Figure 13-4 on 1 page 13-13.

I As established by the Duke Quality Assurance Program Topical Report, Duke 1A, anyone involved in

! quality activities in the Duke organization has the authority and responsibility to stop work if they

' discover deficiencies in quality.

1 1 Personnel Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities I ne functions and responsibilities of key site supervisory staff are described in the succeeding paragraphs.

1 (a) Station .\ tanager i The Station Nianager reports to the Vice President, $1cGuire Site and has direct responsibitity for 1 operating the station in a safe, reliable and efficient manner. lie is responsible for protection of the I station staff and the general public from radiation exposure and/or any other consequences of an accident I- at the station. Ile bears the responsibil'y 'or compliance with the facility operating license.

I (b) Operations Superintendent i The Operations Supermtendent has the responsibility for directing the actual day-to day operation of the I station. .In the event of the absence of the Station Nianager, the Operations Superintendent, if so.

I designated, assumes the responsibilities and authority of the Station Ntanager.

1 (c) Shift Operations Stanager 1 The Shift Operations Nianager is responsible for directing the activities of tne on-shift licensed and I non licensed operations personnel. "

REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-3

13.1 Organization McGuire Nuclear Station 1 (d) Shift Supenisor i A Shift Supenisor is responsible for the actual operation of the station on his assigned shift. lie directs I the actisities of the operators on his shift and is cognizant of all maintenance actisity being performed .

I while he is on duty.- The Shift Supenisor on duty has both the authority and the obligation to shut down I a unit if, in his opinion, conditions warrant this action.l 1 (e) Assistant Shift Supenisor i An Assistant Shift Supenisor assists the Shift Supenisor in operation of the station on his assigned shift.

  • 1 The Assistant Shift Supenisor on duty has both the authority and the obligation to shut down a unit if,-

1 in his opinion, conditions warrant tMr action.

I (f) Control Operator 1 A Control Opernor is responsible for the actual operation of a Unit on h' is assigned shiC ne Control

! Operator has both the authority and obligation to shut down a unit if, in his opinion, conditions warrant I this action, 1 . (g) Radiation Protection Manager 1 The Radiation Protection Manager hu the responsibility for conducting the Radiation Protection i program. Ilis duties includc the training of personnel, continuous determination of the radiological status I of the station, surveillance of radioactive waste -. disposal operations,- conductirg the radiological-I environmental monitoring program and maintaining all required records. lie has direct access to the 1 Station Manager in matters conceming any phase of radiological protection.

1 (h) Chemistry Manager I The Chemistry Manager is responsible for overall chemistry and radiochemistry requirements, .with special I emphasis on primary and secondary system water chemistry.

1 (i) Mechanical St.perintendeat i The Mechanical Superintendent is responsible for directing maintenance activities in connection with I mechanical and non instrument related electrical equipment.-

1 (j) Instrument and Dectrical Superintendent 1 The Ins'trument and Electrical Superintendent.has responsibility for preventive maintenance and repair of-I allinstrumentation and controls, with the exception of certain electricalinstrumentation applying only to I the generators and switching station, which are maintained on a system basis by other departments. - lie .

I also supenises computer maintenance.

1- -(k) Work Control Superintendent 1 The' Work Control Superintenant 'is responsible for directing the station's operational and outage activities through the coordination, development, shift and outage management of a timely and effective 1 integrated station schedule.

1 (1) Safety Assurance Manager REV; (DRAFT NOV 199_l) 13-4 L  ;!

l__ i

l l

13.1 Organlaation AlcGuire Nuclear Station 1 The Nianager of Safety Assurance is responsible for directing the activities of Environmental and

-1 Regulatory Compliance, safety Review, Emergency Preparedness, INPO Coordinator, and itPES.

1 (m) lluman Resources Stanager 1 ' The riuman Resourus Nianager is responsible for coordination of site administrative functions including I clerical, document control, safety, fire protection, training and security..

1 (n) Shift .Nianager 1 A Shift Nianager provides evaluation and assessment of both normal and unanticipated transi nts. Shift Crew Composition For unit operations, an operating shift consists of one Shift Supenisor who holds a Senior Reactor Operator license, one individual who holds _ a Senior Reactor Operator license, three persons with 1 Operator licenses, three auxiliary operators, and one Shift Nianager (who fulfdis the STA role). Detailed shift crew requirements are defined in Chapter 6 of the Technical Specifications.

I 13.1.2,5 Nuclear Services organization -

1 The Nudear Senices organization provides corporate oversite and specific technical senices to all Dulm i Nuclear sites. This organization is headed by the General Nianager, Nuclear Senices. The organization 1 chart is shown in Figure 13 5 on page 1314. The function ud ' responsibilities are described in the i succeeding paragraphs.

I 1. Nuclear Engineering i This organization has responsibility for aafety analysis, probabilistic risk assessments, reactor core i design, out of core fuel management, core thermal hydraulic design, fuel fabrication, and failed fuel 1 analysis.

1' 2. Engineering!N1aintenance Support i This organization provides operating support to all Duke nuclear sites with an emphasis on generic 1 programs and the promotion of consistancy, Support is p.mided for the reas of Civil and Electrical 1 Engineering, Niechanical and . Instrument _ & Electrical (l&E) N1aintenance,' and - Nicchanical and 1 Electrical Staterials Procurement Engineering.

1 3 Safety Assurance 1 This organization provides oversight and support to assure safe nuclear station operation and-I coinpliance with regulatory requirements, Work Units include Nuclear Licensing Senices,' Operational I Event Andysis Emergency Planning and QA Technical Senices.

1- 4. Operations, Perfoimance, and Automation


1 This orgamzation provides services and leadership which support, and supplement station personnet f I efforts as they relate to the operation of the station. Primary roles _ include support of long i im -  !

e I development of new programs, policies and technology in the areas of reliability improvement, generic 1 operating issues, system and component performance, and automation projects; as well as support for -

1 those the development of projects that are not feasible or economical endeavors for the individual I station.

1 5. Nuclear Technical Senices -

REY: (DRAFI NOV.1991) 13 1

_ __m________.____.__._.a

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13.1 Organintion McGuire Nucleat Station 1 This organization is responsible for providing oversight and technical suppott in the areas of I chemistry, radiation protectio:1 radwaste and radioactive materials control. It also determine.and 1 maintaintall dosimetry records for Duke Power personnel.

13.1.3 QUALIFICATIONS OF STATION PERSONNEL 1 The qualifications of personnel in the site organizatioti are in accordance with Section 4 of the " Standard for Selection and Training of Nuclear- Power Plant Personnel," ANSI N18.1 1971, Replacement -

1 personnel for positions in the stations are fully traintJ and qualified to ful eheir appointed positions.

! Qualifi, cations of key site personnel are available for inspection onsite.

13,1,3/' Minimum Qualification Requirements The minimum qualification requirements for station personnel are outlined in the succeeding paragraphs.

(a) Station Manager ne Station Manager shall have a minimum of ten years of responsible nuclear nr fossil station  !

experience, of which a muumum of three years shall be nuclear station expenence. A maximum of four years of the remaining seven years of experience may be fulfilled by academic training on a one for one, time basis. To be acceptable, this academic training shall be in an engineering or scientific field generally associated with powe, production. The Station Manager shall have acquired the experience and trainmg normally required for examination by the NRC for a Senior Reactor Operator license, whether or not t te exanunation is taken. '

I (b) Operations Superintendent 1

The Operations Superintendent shall have a minurum of eight years of responsible nuclear or fossil ,

station experience, of which a minimum of three years shall be nuclear station experience. A maximum of two years of the remaining five years of experience may be fulfilled by academic training, or related I technical training, on a one for one, time basis, The Orerations Superintendent shall hold or have held a-Setsior Reactor Operator heense.

l (e) Fafety Assurance Manager i The Nafety Assurance Manager should base a ndnimum of eight years of responsible nuclear er fossil nation experience, of which a mutimum of one year shall be nuclear station experience. A maximum of four years of the remaining seven years of expenence should be fulfdled by satisfactory completion cf academic training.

1 - (d) Work Control Superintendent i He Work Control Superintendent should have a minimum of eight years of responsible nuclear or fossil station experience, of which a minimum of oae year shall be nuclear station. experience. A maximum ot four years of the remainin'g seven years of. experience should be fulfdled by satisfactory completion of academic training.-

, I (e) Shift Operations Manager .

1 The Shift Cperations Manager shall have a minimum of a high school diploma. or equivalent, and four years of responsible nuclear or fossil station experience, of which a mmunum of one year shan be nuclear atation experience. A maximum of two years of the remaining three years of experience may be fulfdled REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-6

t 13.1 Organization McGuire Nuclear Station I by academic or related technical training on a one for one, time basis. A Shift Operations $1anager shall-hold a Senior Reactor Operator license.

1 (f) Chemistry Slanager ne Chemistry Nianager shall have a minimum of five years of experience in chemistry, of.wtkh a minimum of one year shall be in radiochemistry. A minimum of two years of this Sve years of experierce should be fulfilled by academic or related technical training. . A maximum of four years of this fise years of experience may be fulfdled by academic or related technical training I (g) Radiation Protection Slanager ,

1 The Radiation Protection hianager shall have a minimum of five years of experience in radiation protection at a nuclear facility. A muumum of two years of this five years of experience should be related technical training. A maximum of four years of this five rats of experience may be fulfilled by academic or related teciatical training.

1 (h) Sterhanical Saperintendent i A Niechanical Superintendent shall have a minimum of seven yeart of responsible nuclear or fossil station 1 -perience, or applicable industrial experier.x of which a minunum of one year shall be nuclear station

I xperience. A maximum of two years of the remaining six-years of experience may be fulfdled by I satisfactory completion of academic or related technical training on a one for one time basis, The-
1. Niechanical Superintendent should also have a non destructive testing familiarity, craft knowledge, and an 1 understanding of electrical, pressure vessel and piping codes.

1 (i) Instrument and Electrical Superintendent 1 The Instrument and Electrical Superintendent shall have a muumum of five years of experience in-instrumentation and control of which a muumum of six months shall be in nuclear instrumentation and

!. control. A mmunum of two _ years of this five years of experience should be fulfilled by academic or -

related technical training. A maximum of four years of this five years of experience may be fulfilled by academic or related technical training.

1 (j) Shift Supenisor 1 A Shift Supecivsor shall have 1; ne 9W.ifications as the Shift Operations Ntanager.

1 (k) Assistant Shift Supervisor 1 An Assistant Shift Supervisor shall have the same qualifications as a Shift Supervisor.

l 1 (1) Operators = ,

Operators to be licensed by the NRC shall have a high school diploma, or equivalent, and two years of '

nuclear or fossil station experience, of which a mmunum of one year shall be nuclear station experience.-

In onier to be acceptable for full responsibility in a job, they shall hold an NRC Reactor Operator license.

Operators, whether or not A:y are to be licensed by the NRC, should have a high school diploma, or eqt,alentiand should possess a high degree of manual dexterity and mature judgment /

(m) Technicians REY: (DRMT NOV 1991) 13 _ _-

1 13.1 Organization McGuire Nuclear Station Technicians in responsible positions shall have a minimum of two years of experience in their specialty.

These personnel should have a mtumum of one year of related technical training in addition to their-experience.

1 (n) Maintenance Personnel Maintenance personnel in responsible positions shall have a minimum of three years of experience in one or more crafts. They should possess a high degree of manual dexterity and ability, and should be capable ofleaming and applying basic skihs in maintenance operations.

1 (o) Shift Manager 1 A Shift Manager shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline and two years of responsibi nuclear power plant experience accompanied by do overall knowledge of the plant.

13.1,3.2 Qualifications of Station Personnel Individuals who comprise the staff at McGuire Nuclear Station shall meet or exceed the qualification requirements specified in Section, " Minimum Quahfication Requirements" on page 13 6.

1 REY:(DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-8 ,


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1 13.1 Organiration %frGuire Nuclear Station 13,1.4 TABLES l 1 Taue 1,t1. To Be Providnt __

REV: (DdAFI NOV 1991) 13-9

t 13.1 Organiz tion - -. . b SicGuire Nuclear Station m

'13.1.5 FIGURES nhu lrinan I, .


.. Pres iden t L. -'- m es -m 44 Vice Chair -Executive VP Corporate Group Executive VP- Executive VP customer Group . Power Generation General Counsel.

Group-Figure 13-1.

Corporate Organir.ation C

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REY:(DRAFT NOV 1991) 13 10

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13,1 Organization SicGuire Nuclear Station el jie n i


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1 Figure 13 4. .l 1

Typical Nuclear Site Organization REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-13 J

13.1 Organizction NfcGuire Nuclear Station l GENERAL MANAGER NUCLEAR SERVICES ,


i Figure 135-1 Nuclear Senices Organization


REV: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-14

13.1 Organization NicGuire Nuclear Station I l'igure 13-6.

1 Deleted REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-15

13.2 Training NieGuire Nuclear station 13.2 TRAINING 13.2.1 GENERAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The principal objective of the Duke Power Company Employee Training and Qualifications System (ETQS) is to assure job proficiency of all statior personnel involved in safety related work through effective training and qualification. The system is designed to accommodate future growth and meet commitments to and comply with applicable established regulations and accredaation standards.

Qualification is indicated by successful completion of presenbed training, demonstration of the ability to perfonn avigned work or tasks competently anc where required by regulation, maintaining a current and -

valid license issued by the agency establishing the requirements.

1 The Vice President, Generation Services Department, has overall responsibility for the administration of I the Employee Training and Qualification . System (ETQS). - The Vice President, NicGuire site, is responsible for the quality of work performed by individuals in the nuclear station. The Station Stanager is responsible for the timely and effective development of assigned pen.onnel.

Training is designed, developed and implemented according to a systematic approach to training.

Employees are provided with formal training to establish the knowledge foundation and on the job training to develop work performance skills. Continuing training is provided, as required, to maintain '

proficiency in these knowledge and skill components, and to pro.ide further employee development.

The Employee Training and Qualifications Program is designed to prepare initial and replacement station personnel for safe, reliable and etlicient operation of the nuclear facility. The program is intended to meet or exceed INPO accreditation standards and regulatory requirements.

Appropriate training for personnel of various training and experience backgrounds is provided. The level at which an employee initially enters the training and qualification system for the'particular area, is determined by an evaluation of the employee's past experience and level of ability. Regulatory Requirements The applicable r ottions ct the NRC regulations, regulatory guides, and reports listed below will be used in providing guido, e in piam staffmg and training.

10CFR PART 50 " Licensing of Productica and Utilization Facilities" 10CFR PART 55 " Operators Licenses" 10CFR PART 19 " Notices, lastructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections"

. Regulatory Guide 1.8 " Qualification and Training for Nuclear Power Plants"

. NRC " Operator Licensing Guide," NUREG 0094, July 1976

" Utility Staffmg and Trammg for Nuclear Power," WASH ll30, USAEC Revised 1973

. SUREG 0654 Regulatory Guide 8.2 " Guide for Administrative Practices in Radiation N1onitoring" Regulatory Guide 8.8 "Information Relevant to Staintaining Occupational Radiation Exposures As low As Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear Power Reactor)"

Regulatory Guide 8.13, " Instructions Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure" NUREG 0737 REV:(DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-16 q

13.2 Training McGuire Nuclear Station the OJT/quahfications program for each technical area which is designed to supplement training received through forma! dassroom, laboratory, and/or simulator training. The objective of the program is to e

assure the trainee's ability to perform job tasks as desenbed in the task desenptions and the Training and Qualification Guides. Continuing Training Continuing Training is any training not provided as laitial Qualification and Basic Training which maintains and improves job related knowledge and skills.

13 Operator Requahtication Training


The training is designed to maintain and demonstrate continued competence of all licemed operators.

The training is described in the Duke Power Company Employee Training and Qualifications System, Standard No. 2306.0 " Periodic Training Licensed Operator Requalification" dated efTective N1 arch 1, 1987, as reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January 28,19S7, Employee Development / Management Supervisory Training Any training which falls outside of the scope of Technical Training and General Employee Training is.

considered to be Employee Development or $1anagement!Supenisory Training.

Err.ployee Development Stanagement Supenisory Training may consist of various classes for different management personnel levels. An individual's training will depend on the position description and nomination by management.

13.2.3 OPERATOR LICENSE TRAINING Duke Power Company's reactor operator and senior reactor operator training programs are based upon "a systems approach to training" as defined by 10CFR 55,4. These trammg programs were accredited by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and the National Nuclear Accrediting Board on Ntay 30, 1985 (51NS). Certification of these training programs was made to the NRC in Ntr. II.B. Tucker's letters dated Stay 18,1987 and September 11,1987.

Ths training for Reactor Operator and Senior Reactoc Operator replacement is described in the Duke Power Company Employee Training and Qualification ' System Standards No. 2303.0 " License Preparatory Reactor Operator Program" and No. 2304.0 " License Preparatory Senior Reactor Operator Program" dated effective N1 arch 1,1987, as reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January 28,1987.

13.2.4 TRAINING PROGRAM EVALUATIONS Trammg and qualifications activities are monitored by Production Training Senices Personnel. The

! Quality-Venfication Department audits the station Employee Training and Qualification System. In addition, trainees and vendors may provide input conceming trammg program effectiveness. Niethods utilized to obtain- this information could be surveys, questionnaires, performance appraisals, staff evaluation, overall training program effectiveness evaluation instruments, etc. Frequently conducted classes are not evaluated each time, flowever, they are routinely evaluated at a frequency sutlicient to deterrnE., program Wectiveness by the ETQS Working Groups. Evaluation information may be collected through:

- verification of program objectives as related to job duties for which intended; REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-19 1

13.2 Trainir.g McGuire Nuclear Station 13.2.6 FIGURES 1 Figure l>7.

I Deleted l

l REY:(DRAFT NOV 1991) 13 2:

13A Review and Audit .NfcGuire Nuclear Station 13.4 REVIEW AND AUDIT I

la matters of nuclear safety, both onsite and off. site review of station startup, operation, maintenance and technical matters is performed. Offsite review is perfonned by the Nuclear Safety Review Board (NSRB) whereas onsite review is performed by designated, qidified individuals. This review process cormnences at least six months prior to the initial operation of a station, so as to include preoperational testing and checkout of the station. Guidance in the development of the review program for test and operation is I derived frorr. ANSI N18.71976, Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Plants.

I 13.4.1 ON SITE REVIEW l - Qualified individuals from the station supenisory staff are assigned to review procedures, procedure I changes, technical specification changes and plant modifications involviog nuclear safety. These 1 individuals are previously designated to perform these reviews. The final approval of the above reviews is I by the Station Safety Assurance Nianager, in addition, for each review conducted, a determination is 1 made as to whether or not additional cross disciplinary review is necessary, if concluded that it is I necessary, the additional review would be performed by the appropriate designated station _ review I personnel.

1 Other matters, such as incident investigation, performance of special reviews, review of the station security I program and review of the station emergency plan are assigned to individuals or ad hoc groups from the 1 operating organization.

I 13.4.2 INDEPENDENT REVIEW Off Site Review The Nuav Safety Review Pnard (NSRB) is established to verify that the operation of 4 station is l

pedorm' in a safe manner consistent with Company policy, approved operating procedures and license l provisions; to review important proposed station modifications, tests and procedures; to verify that ,

reportable occurren;es are promptly investigated and corrected in a manner which reduces the probability 1 of occurrence; and to detect trends which may not be apparent to a day-to day observer. The Board I repons its findings and recommendations to the Executive Vice President, Power Generation, and as I required by Technical Specifications.


' The membership of the NSRB coketively has the competence required to review prol.. ns in the j

i following areas: Nuclear power se ion operations, nuclear engineering, chemistry, radiochemistry, metallurgy, instrumentation and control, radiological safety, mechanical engineering and electrical i engineering. The NCRB is composed of no 'less than five persons, of whom no more than one is a j i member of the station organization A quorum consists of five members and must include either the ch?rman or his designated altemate. l I

Tormal meetings are held at least semi annually. Store frequent meetings are held if necessary.

l .'etinutes of meetmgs are prepared and dinributed to the Executive Vice President, Power Generation, and 1 I as required by Technical Specifications. The NSRB has the following general responsibilities; i

t REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-23 l 1

13.4 Review and Audit .\tcG; ire Nuclear Station

1. Review safety evaluations for (1) changes to procedures, equipment or systems, and (2) tests or experirr:-ts completed under the provisions of 10CFR 50.59(a)(1) to venfy that such actions did not constituto an unreviewed safety question.
2. Review proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which involve unreviewed safety question as defmed in 10CFR 50.59.
3. Review tests or expenments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defmed in 10CFR 50.59.
4. Review proposed changes in Technical Specifications or the Facility Operating Licenses.

5 Review violations of applicable statutes, codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance.

6. Review significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of station equipment that affect nuclear safety.
7. Review incidents that are the subject of non routine reports submitted to the Commission.

I S. Review Quality Verification Department audits relating to station operations and actions taken in response to these audits.

Audits of station activities are perfonned under the cognizance of the SSRil. These audits encompass such items as:

1. Ac conformance of station operation to provinons contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable facility operating license conditions.
2. The performance, training and qualifications of the station staff.
3. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in equipment, structures, systems or methods of operation that affect nuclear safety,
4. The perfonnance of activities required by the quality assurance program to meet the criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50.
5. He station emergency plan and implementing procedures.
6. The station security plan and implementing procedures.

s i

REY: (DRAIT NOV 1991) 13 24

i 13.5 Station Procedures 31cG91re Nuclear Station The annunciator response procedures are grouped by panels, then subdisided by annunciator names so that the response procedure for an annunciator rnay be quickly located. Procedures Performed by Non Licensed Personnel Maintenance Procedures Staintenance of station safety-related structures, systems and components is performed in accordance with written procedures, documented instructions. or drawings appropriate to the circumstances (for example, skills normally possessed by qualified maintenance personnel may not require detailed step by step delineation in a written procedure) which conform to applicable codes, .tandards, specifications, criteaa,-

etc. Where appropriate sections of related vendor manuals, instructions or approved drawings with acceptable tolerances do not proside adequate guidance to assure the required quality v work, an approved, written maintenance procedure is provided.

Each procedure is sufficiently detailed that que!ified. workers can perform the requi ed functions without direct supervision. Written procedurep, howertr, cannot address all contingencies and maintenance procedures, therefore, contain a degree of flexibihty appropriate to the activities for which each is-applicable.

1 The station's Niechanical section, under the Niechanical Superintendent, has responsibility for preparation and implementation of maintenance procedures related to electrical and mechanical equipment.

13.5,1.2.2 Instrument Procedures Ntaintenance, testing, and calibration J station safety-related instruments is performed in accordance with written, approved procedures.

Each procedure is sutliciently detailed that qualified workers can perform the required functions without direct supervision. Written procedures, however, cannot address all contingencies and therefore contain a degree of flexibility appropriate to the activities for which each is applicable.

1 The station's Instrument and Electrical section, under the Instrument and Electrical Superimendent, has responsibility for preparation and implementation ofinstrurnent procedures; 13.5,1.2.3' Periodic Test Procedures Testing conducted on a periodic basis to determine various station parameters and to verify the continuing -

capability of safety related structures, systems and components to meet performance requirements is conducted in accordance with approved, written praedures; Periodic tests procedures are utilized to perform such testing and are sufEciently detailed that qualified personnel can perform the required functic , without direct supervision.

1 Periodic test procedures are performed by the station's Chemistry, RP, Operations, hiechanical, and'IAE groups.  ? Chemistry Procedures Chemical and radiochemical activities associated with station safety related structures, systems, and components are performed in accordance with approved, written procedures and the station chemistry manual.

REY: (DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-29

13.5 Stetien Precedurm McGuire Nudear Staskin l'ach procedure in sufficiendy detaded that quah6ed workers can perfonn the required functions without direct supenision. Written procedures. howevei, cannot address all contmgencies and therefore contain a


degree of Deubthty appropnate to the activities for which each is appbcable.

lhe statiorn chemistry section has respornibihty for preparation and implementation of chemistr>

poctdures, 1 Radiation Protection Procedures IrJonnation m.nieming these procedures is prc'ented in Sections 131.5, "Operatmg Procedures" on page 12 3 and 12 2.5, " Pmcedures" on pwe 12 4? plant Security PrcceduNt Information concerning these procedures is present d in the Station Security Plan. Radioactive Waste Management Procedures Infonnation concemmg these procedures is presented in Sections 11.2 4, " Operating procedures" on page 11.2 4, i13.4. " Operating Procedures" en page 113.4, and 11.5.3, " System Design and Operation" e on r. age 11.53. Emergency Preparedness Procedures -

Information conceming these procedures is presented in Section 13 3. Emergency Planning" on page 13-22. Materials and Control Procedures Information concerning these procedures is presented in Duke Power Company Topical Repon, Quality 1 Assurance Program, DUKE.I. " $1fication Procedures information soncerning these procedures is presented in Duke Power Company Topical Repon, Qual;ty 1 Assurance Program, DUKE.1. Administrativo Controls Station adminiurative pro;cdures ne written in order to administratively control au station testing, maintenance, and operating activities. listed below are several areas for whkh administrative procedures ,

are written, including principle features:

1. The reactor operator's authority ar.d .esponsibility: The reactor operator is given she authority to  !

manipulate controls which directly or indirectly afTect core reactivity, inclumng a reactor trip if he deems neceswy, lie is also assigned the responsibility for knowing tb- lir , and stpoints associated with safety related equipment and systems as specified in the Te'.hmc e deations and desig ..

in the operating procedures, g

2. The senior tewtor operator's authority and responsibility: The senior reactor operator, in addition to the authorities and responubilities desenbed for the reactor operator, is given the authonty to direct the licensed activities of the reactor operator and ultimately is held responsible for all licensed activ' ties at the station within his control.

REY:(DRAIT NOV 1991) 1300

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tkm P*oentures  %!cGuire Nuclear Station

! .;tinties affecting station operation or operating indication' All station personnel performing functions which may affect urut operation or Control Room indications are required to nottfy the Control Operator (licensed Reactor Operatori prior to irutisting such action. Removal of an mstrument or component 7 ton senice requires tFe permission of the Shift Supenisor or Assistant Shift Supenitor (licensed Senior Reactor Operators).

4 Maniriulation of fanlity controls: No one is permitted to manipulate the fanhty controls w ho is not a licere reactor operator or senior reactor operator, except for license trainees operating under the of a licensed operator. The licensed operators are required to comply with the requahfication proparn as desenbed in Section 112.2, 'tropam Content Desenption" on page 1317.

1 Responsibibty for licensed activities. Responsibility for directing the beensed activities of licensed operators is assigned to individuals with senior reactor operator licenses by virtue of their position within the station organization.

6. Equipment con al: Equipment controlis maintained and documented through the use of safety tap and eq.ipment dehneating tags.
7. Master surveillance testing schedule: This procedure estabbshes a rnaster surveillance testing schedule to insure that all safety related testing is performed and evaluated on a tunely basis. Sun eillance testing is scheduled such that the safety of the station is not dependent on the performance of a structure, system or component which has not been tested within its specified testing intenal. 'lhe master survedlance testing schedule identifies surveillance ard tes'ing requirements, applicable procedures, and irquired ta frequency. Assipunent of responsibiht;- Or these requirements is also indicated.

A station Directive is written which requires a reactor operator or micr reactor operator to be p :sent at the controls at all times during the operation of the facility. D ' .:rea designated "at the controlv is defined by Figure 13 8 on page 13 35.

Administrative or special ord rs of s transient or self can -ling nature are issued (and rescinded if necessary) by the use of intrastation memoranda.

The adnunistrative control o ' maintenance is maintained as follows:

1. In order to assure safe, reliable, and eflicient operation, a comprehensive maintenance program for the station's safety related structures, systems and comoonents is established.

I 2. The Mechanical Superintendent is responsible for krcting the performance of station maintenance I acts ities affecting electrical and mechanierJ equipmet The instrument and Electrical Superintendent is retpomible for directing the performance of station rt '-*~~-- ~' ..;es affecting instrumentation.

3. Personnel performing maintenance activities are qualified in accoidance with applicable codes and standards, as appropriate.
4. Maintenance is performed in accordance with written procedures which conform to applic ble codes, standards, specifications, criteria, etc.

l 1 Maintenance is scheduled so as not to jeopardize station operation or the safety or a reactor or l reactors.

6. Maintenance histories are maintained on station safety related electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, and instrumentation.

l 1 The administrative control of modification is discussed in Topical Report, Dl'KE.1, Quality Assurance i Program.

1 REY:(DRAFT NOV 1991) 1131

13.$ Station Promiures NicGuire Nuclear Station 13.5.2 ADMINISTRATION OF STATION PROCEDURES Preparation of Procedures Each procedure is auigned to a member of the station stafi for deselopment. Initial procedure drafts are I resiewed by members of the station staff; the Nuclear Generation Depanment General Omcc, and other departments within Duke; and by personnel frotn Westinghouse and other vendors; as appropriate.

Following resolution of review comments, a revised procedure is prepared and forwarded to a presiously designated qualified reviewer for review and cornmmt. This quahfied resiewer also makes the determination whether or not any additional, cron disciphaary review n required. Aher all required and appropnate reviews have been completed a final wrsion of a procedure is prepared. Upon approval by I the Responsible implementing Alanager as pieviously designated, a procedure twomes available for use.

1 AdditLnal discunion of procedure preparational control is contained in Topical Repott, DUKE.1, Quality Anurance Program. Charmes to Procedures Stinor changes to an approved procedure, without prior approval of the appropriate supenisory penonnel are pennitted only to the extent that such changes correct errors in the applicable approved procedure of a typographical or editonal nature.

Af ajor changes to an approsed procedure undergo the sarre review and approval ptocess as procedures. Development and Maintenance of Emsrgency Procedures The administrative control of emergency procedures (EPs) aiffen from that of other station procedures.

The procen is described in detail in References 14 on page 13 33. liriefly, an EP draft is developed from the corresponding Emergency Procedure Guideline (EPG) by a member of the station Operations group.

I his draft is reviewed by the Nuclear Engineering section of the Nuclear Senices Group to ensure that the technical guidance contained therein egrees with the EPG. Other members of the Kation Operations group review the draft for the written correctnen of specific ite-rmation, e g., valve tag numben and equipment locations, and for adherence to the station Emergency Procedure Writers Guide (contained in References 14 on page 13 33). Revisions to the drah are made, if necessary, and a technical verification certifieste is ined by the Nuclear Engineering section for the revised EP. Prior to final appraval the EP is validated according to the program described in References 14 on page 13 33. This validation is to ensure that the EP as written is executable by the operator. Validation is performed on the NicGuire Nuclear Station plant simulator or with another of the methods described in References 14 on page 13 33. From this point the EP goes to the qualified re,iewer and the approval procca proceeds as for operating procedures. Changes to EPs follow the same process of written correctnen review by the Operations group and human factors review against the Writers Guide, if the changes is also a change to the EPO, the technical review against the corresponding EPG is repeated, For changes which might affect executability of the EP, the validation process is repeated.

REY:(DRAFT NOV 1991) 13-32


13.6 Station Rmed5 hicGuire Nuclear Station 13.6 STATION RECORDS hicGuire station records are t.iaintained in a controlled and systematic manner in order to adequately document station operation. 'this maintenance is in accotdance uith the intent of the following:

1. Title 10. Code of Federal Regulstions, Part 50, Appendix D, Criterion XVil:
2. Title 18, Code of Federal Regulations. Part 125. Section 125.3. Section 22.2.

13.6.1 STATION RECORDS ADMINISTRATION The hicGuire Station $14 nager has the fmal responsibility for the proper management of station records

'the vaaous station supenisors are responsible to the station hianager for assuring the proper management, as applicable, of records within their puniew.

Station records are maintained in an identifiable and retrievable manner in the station Staster Fde. Access to, and use of, the $1 aster File is controlled.

13.6.2 STATION RECORDS REQUIREMENTS Administrative Records Reportable Occurrences i Records of reportable occurrences are retained for a minimum of sit (6) years. Nuclear Safety Review Board Niinutes of iceetings of the Nuclear Safety Review Board applicable to hicGuire Nuclear Station are retained for a minimum of six (6) years. Environmental Records Records of off site emironmental surveys are retained for the life of the station. Malntenance Records Modifications Records of modifications to the station as describe.d in the FSAR are retained for the hfe of the station, Maintenance Histories hiaintenance histories are maintained on station safety.related structures, systems and components. These histories contain a description of maintenance performed and sufficient documentation to assure identification of any replacement parts used. These records are retained for a minimum of six (6) years.


13.6 Station Records .\fcGuire Nueicar Station Inspoetions Safety.related inspections, such as equipment insenice inspections, cleanliness inspections and procedure compliance inspections, are documented in such a manner as to allow identification of the individual (s) perforrning the inspection, when the inspection was performed, the type and purpose of the inspection, and the resuhs of the inspection. These records are retained for a rninimum of sin (6) years. Operating Records Changes to Operating Procedures Records of changes to safety related operating procedures are retained for the life of the station. Stitchboard Record ne Switchboard Record contains data on station and unit electrical power loadings and generation, generator temperatures, but voltages and transmission line voltages, and is retained for a rmnimum of six (6) years. Meactor Opretions L.ogbook The Reactor Operations Logbook is maintained for each unit at the station, & logbook contains information conreming changes in reacthity, . Notations are made of any abnonnal conditions of operation due to auxiliary equipment and of releases of radioactive waste, both gaseous and liquid.

Alarms received are normally logged by computer, however, those pertaining to reactor core conditions are also listed in this log with appropriate explanatior., The Reactor Operations logbook is retained for a minimum of six (6)) cars.

i.4 Shift Supervisor Logbook The Shift Supeni>or logbook contains a summary of station operation for each shift. Significant at normalities which occur are explained in greater detail than would be expected in the Reactor Operations logbook. The Shift Supervisor Logbook is retained for a minimum of six (6) years. Radiological Records Personnel Radiation Exposure Personnel radiation exposure records, including an individual's past radiation exposure history and current radiation exposure, for the appropriate perumnet as requi.ed by 10CFR 20, ate retained for the life of the .


13.8,2.5.2 Radiation MonNocing -.

Radiation monitoring records, including records of radiatkn and contamination surveys idestifiable as to location (s) and date(s), are retained for the life of the station. Radioactive Releases Records of radioactive releases and waste disposal are retaLed for the life of the station, 8pecial Nuclear Material Records 13 37

.c 134 Station Rucrds McGuire Nuclear Station 13.4.2.g.1 Physical Inventory Position maps, photographs, teledsion tapes or other suitable devices showing the location and ,

identification nf each fuel assembly are maintained for each fuel storage area. These records are updated at the completion of each major fuel handling operation. Also, a record is maintained of the storage location history of each fuel anembly from the time it is received at the station until it is shipped off site.

Special nuclear material physical inventory records are snaintained for the life of the station. lootop6c inventory Records are kept which show the isotopic content of each fuel anembly as follows:

1. When received.
2. Semi annually while being irradiated in a teactor.
3. At the time of shutdown prior to each refueling outage.
4. At the time the fuel anembly is shipped off site.

Isotopic inventory records are retained for the life of the station.

13.8.2,7 Testing Tsacords 13.g.2.7.1 Prooperational Testing Safety related - preoperational testing records are retained - in - sufficient detail to permit adequate confirmation of the testing program, in panicular, these records identify the data taketts), the results af the testing and whether or not the results were acceptable, discrepancies and their cause, and any corrective action resulting from the test. Preoperational testing records are rete.ined for the life of the station, 8pocial1esting Records of special reactcr tests or experiments are retained for the life of the -tation. Perlodic Testing S4ety related periodic testing records are retained in sufficient detail to permit adequate confirmation of the testing program. In particular these records identify the data taker (s), the results of the testing and' whether or not the results were acceptable, discrepancies and their cause, and any corrective action resulting from the test. Also, records of ether periodic checks, calibrations, etc., perfermed in accordance with surveillance requirements for safety related _ parameters, structures, systems and components are retained. Periodic testing and surveillance records are retained a minimum of six (6) years.

13 38


    • f 139 Nudear Scrurity .\fcGuire Nuclear Stathm 13.7 NUCLEAR SECURITY A wparate Phyr,ical Secunty Plan is submitted for the protection of each nuclear 3.ation against potential cts of rac"ological sabotage or theft of special nuclear matenal. This information is to be withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10CFR 73.21. The Physical Security Plan encompasses the physical secunty organization, selection and training of personnel for security purposes, communications systerns for secunty, provisions for monitoring the status of vital equipment, access controls to the station including physical baniers and means of detecting unauthorind intrusions, and anangements with law enforcement authonties for assistance in responding to any security threat.

This Physical Security Plan conforms to the requirements of 10CFR $0.34 (c) and 10CFR 73.55.

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