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Proposed Tech Specs 3.8.2 Allowing Use of Low Specific Gravity Cells in Vital 125 Volt Dc Sys When Desired
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1996
Shared Package
ML20134M148 List:
NUDOCS 9611220250
Download: ML20134M154 (16)


- . .. . .- -. .. . . -- - - _-. . . .

1 and Lota Spedsc_

.- . . TABLE 4.8-3 Q -


Category A (1) Category B (2) l l




CONNECTED CELL l Electrolyte Level > Minimum level > Minimum level Above top of l indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not and s " above and s " above overflowing maximum level maximum level indication mark indication mark -

", Float Voltage 2 2.13 volts 2 2.13 volts (c) > 2.07 volts Not more than

.020 below the i

average of all l connected cells i Specific Gravity 2 1.195 . or 2 1.195 (a) 2 1.200 (b) l Average of all Average of all connected cells connected cells

> 1.205 2 1.195(b) j t

(a Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level.

1 (b Or battery charging current is less than 2 amps when on charge.

(c Corrected for average electrolyte temperature.

(1 For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery 6

may be considered OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> all the Category B measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values,

and provided all Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits
within the next 6 days.
(2) For any Category B parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category 8 parameters are 4

within their allowable values and provided the Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits within 7 days.

(3) Any Category B parameter not within its allowable value indicates an inoperable battery.

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2 l

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9611220250 961101 PDR ADOCK 05000369 p PDR

  • l McGUIRE - UNIT 1 3/4 8-15 Amendment No. 166

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8 TABLE 4.8-3 (Continued) N b bP ec b bYA 4 p Rotw b BATTERY SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ( Cellsi Category A (1) Category B(2) Category C(3)

Parameter Limits for each Limits for each Allowable value designated pilot connected cell for each


cell connected cell Electrolyte a Minimum level 2 Minimum level Above top of Level indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not i

and s 1/4" above and s 1/4" above overflowing

' maximum level maximum level indication mark indication mark Float Voltage 2 2.20 Volts 2 ?.17 Volts (4) > 2.14 Volts -


. Specific (5) 2 1.285 (6) C 2 1.280 Not more than Gravity E 0.020 below L the' average of L all connected cells or a

. 1.280 B Average of Average of all A all connected connected T cells > 1.285 (7) cells a ._,

_ T 1.280 (6)(7)


Y (1) For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the bat,tery may be considered OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, all the Category C measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values.

All Category B parameter (s) must be within limits in the next 6. days.

(2) For any Category B parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category C parameters are within their allowable values and provided the Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits within 7 days.

(3) Any Category C parameter not within its allowable value indicates an IN0PERABLE battery.

(4 Corrected for average electrolyte temperature.

(5 Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level.

Or battery charging c'urr'ent is less than 2 amps when on float charge.

With no more than 5 cells at the minimum limits.

l l

l McGUIRE - UNIT 1 3/4 8-16 Amendment No. 166  !

  • I i

TABLE 4.8-3 RUd lM bP ebkiCCW ]

BATTERY SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS (Gould ells) l Category A (1) Category B (2)


DESIGNATED PILOT CONNECTED CELL VALUE FOR EACH CELL CONNECTED CELL Electrolyte Level > Minimum level > Minimum level Above top of indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not and s " above and s " above overflowing maximum level maximum level  ;

indication ma"* _

indication mark .


, Float Voltage 2 2.13 volts 2 2.13 volts (c) > 2.07 volts  !

l Not more than l .020 below the l average.of all i

connected cells

Specific Gravity 2 1.195 ,

or 2 1.195 2 1.200 (b)


Average of all Average of all ,

connected cells connected cells

> 1.205 2 1.195(b) l a ' Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level.

b Or battery charging current is less than 2 amps when on charge.

c Corrected for average electrolyte temperature.

1 For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery.

may be considared OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> all the Catsgory B measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values, and provided all Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits l within the next 6 days. *

, (2) For any Category B parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery l

may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category B parameters are l.

within their allowable values and provided the Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits within 7 days.

(3) Any Category B parameter not within it's allowable value indicates an inoperable battery.

l l

McGUIRE - UNIT 2 3/4 8-15 Amendment No. 148 f '

l i

, ,' TABLE 4.8-3 (Continued)


! Category A (1) Category B(2) Category C(3) l

' Parameter Limits for each Limits for each Allowable value l designated pilot connected cell for each cell connected cell Electrolyte 2 Minimum level a Minimum level Above top of Level indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not and s 1/4" above and s 1/4" above overflowing i maximum level maximum level '

indication mark indication mark Float Voltage 2 2.20 Volts a 2.17 Volts (4) > 2.14 Volts -

Specific (5) 2 1.285 (6) C 2 1.280 Not more than Gravity E 0.020 below L the average of L all connected cells or a 1.280 l

, B Average of Average of all A all connected connected T cells >1.285(7) cells a T 1.280 (6)(7) -


Y (1) For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, all the Category C measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values.

All Category B parameter (s) must be within limits in the next 6 days.

(2) For any Category 8 parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category C parameters are within their allowable values and provided the Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits within 7 days.

(3) Any Category C parameter not within its allowable value indicates an INOPERABLE battery.

Corrected for average electrolyte temperature.

Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level.

Or battery charging current is less than 2 amps when on float charge.

With no more than 5 cells at the minimum limits.

McGUIRE - UNIT 2 3/4 8-16 Amendment No. 148

,. TABLE 4.8-3 BATTERY SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Gould and Low Specific Gravity Round Cells) l Category A (1) Category B (2)


DESIGNATED PILOT CONNECTED CELL VALUE- FOR EACH CELL CONNE0TED CELL Electrolyte Level > Minimum' level > Minimum level Above top of

indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not l

and s " above and s " above overflowing maximum level maximum level indication mark indication mark  !

Float Voltage a 2.13 volts a 2.13 volts (c) > 2.07 volts.

Not more than

.020 below the average of all i

connected cells i Specific Gravity 2 1.195 or 2 1.195 i (a) 2 1.200 (b) 1

' Average of all Average of all connected cells connected cells

> 1.205 a 1.195(b) l a .rected for electrolyte temperature and level. I b Or battery charging current is less than 2 amps when on charge.

c ' Corrected-for average electrolyte temperature.

1 For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery l may be considered OPERABLE'provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> all the Category B measurements are taken and round to be within their allowable valuas, ar.d provided all Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits within the next 6 days.  !

(2) For any Category 8 parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, .the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category B parameters.are within their allowable values and provided the Category 8 parameter (s) are restored to within limits within 7 days.

(3) Any Category B parameter not within its, allowable value indicates an inoperable battery. ,


l McGUIRE - UNIT 1 3/4 8-15 Amendment No.

1 '

TABLE 4.8-3 (Continued)


Category A (1) Category B(2) Category C(3)

L Parameter Limits for each Limits for each i

Allowable value l

! designated pilot- connected cell for each '. l l cell connected cell

^ i Electrolyte a Minimum level 2 Minimum level Above top of Level indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not '

! and s 1/4" above and s 1/4" above overflowing  !

i maximum level maximum level  !

indication mark indication mark i Float Voltage 2 2.20 Volts a 2.17 Volts (4) > 2.14 Volts i Specific (5) 2 1.285 (6) C 2 1.280 Not more than Gravity E 0.02,0 below L the average of j' L all connected i

cells or a 1.280 B Average of Average of-all j

i A all connected connected i

T cells > 1.285 (7) cells a T

1.280 (6)(7) l E j ._ ;

, R i Y l t

} (1) For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the bat,tery 1

j may be considered OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, all the Category C measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values,

' i All Category B parameter (s) must be within limits in the next 6. days.

(2) For any. Category B parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category C parameters are within their allowable values and provided the Category B parameter (s) are restored to within limits within 7 days.

1 (3) Any Category C parameter not within its allowable value indicates an

INOPERABLE battery. ,
(4 Corrected for average electrolyte temperature. .

T (5 Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level.

(6 Or battery charging c'urrent is less than 2 amps when on float charge.

(7 With no more than 5 cells at the minimum limits.

McGUIRE - UNIT 1 3/4 8-16 Amendment No.

TABLE 4.8-3 I I

, , ,' BATTERY SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Gsuld and Low Specific Gravity Round Cells)

Category A (1) Category B (2)



. t Electrolyte Level > Minimum level > Minimum level Above top of -

j indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not i and s " above and s " above overflowing

maximum level maximum level indication mark indication mark l Float Voltage 2 2.13 volts 2 2.13 volts (c) > 2.07 volts l Not more than

.020 below the j average of all i connected cells j i Specific Gravity 2 1.195 ,

or 21.195  !

(a) 2 1.200 (b) i Average of all Average of all i connected cells connected cells

> 1.205 m 1.195(b)

, i 1

(a . Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level. i b Or battery charging current is less than 2 amps when on charge. '

c Corrected for average electrolyte temperature.

1 For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery i may be considered OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> all the Catsgory B measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values, and provided all Category 8 parameter (s) are restored to within limits I within the next 6 days. J (2) For any Category B parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the b'attery i may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category B parameters are l within their allowable values and provided the Category B parameter (s) are i restored to within limits within 7 days. l (3) Any Category B parameter not within it's, allowable value indicates an inoperable battery. ,

i i

McGUIRE - UNIT 2 3/4 8-15 Amendment No.

I ll

TABLE 4.8-3 (Continued)


Category A (1) Category B(2) Category C(3)

Parameter Limits for each Limits for each Allowable value designated pilot connected cell for each '.

cell connected cell

Electrolyte 2 Minimum level 2 Minimum level Above top of' Level indication mark, indication mark, plates, and not and s 1/4" above and s 1/4" above overflowing l 4

maximum level maximum level indication mark indication mark l

Float Voltage 2 2.20 Volts 2 2.17 Volts (4) > 2.14 Volts ,

Specific (5) 2 1.285 (6) C 2 1.280 Not more than

Gravity E 0.02,0 below 4

i L the average of i L all connected l

cells or 2 1.280 B Average of Average of all A all connected connected .

T cells > 1.285 (7) cells 2 I T

1.280 (6)(7) 1 E

R Y  ;

(1) For any Category A parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the bat,tery l may be considered OPERABLE provided that within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, all the Category '

C measurements are taken and found to be within their allowable values.

All Category B parameter (s) must be within limits in the next 6. days."

(2) For any Category 8 parameter (s) outside the limit (s) shown, the battery may be considered OPERABLE provided that the Category C parameters are within their allowable values and provided the Category 8 parametdr(s) are restored to within iimits within 7 days.

(3) Any Category C parameter not within its allowable value indicates an IN0PERABLE battery. .

(4 Corrected for average electrolyte temperature.

(5 Corrected for electrolyte temperature and level.

(6 Or battery charging c'urrent is less than 2 amps when on float charge.

(7) With no more than 5 cells at the minimum limits.

McGUIRE - UNIT 2 3/4 8-16 Amendment No.




l l


Technical Discunnion of Svatem Demian i

The 125 VDC Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System is provided to supply power to nuclear safety related I instrumentation and control loads requiring an uninterrupted power source to maintain safe reactor status during the following plant conditions:

I 1.

Normal Plant Operation (including startup and shutdown) 2.

Station Blackout or Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) 3.

Design Basis Events (DBE) including but not limited to Main Steam Line Breaks (MSLB), S' Generator Tube i Rupture accidents, and Loss of Cs i at Accidents (LOCA) 4.

Station Blackout or LOOP concurrent with the DBE listed in (3) above. ,

The design of the 125 VDC I & C power system (see Figure 1)  ;

is such that four batteries, chargers and distribution i centers serve both units. Each of the four batteries and 1

chargers are. connected through their own respective 1 distribution center which is shared by both Units 1 and 2.

The loads served from these distribution. canters are unitized, providing a 125 VDC power pan 91 board and. inverter for each The distribution are designed to provide cross-ti.e capability with itt " associated" distribution center of the same traite (load group).

During normal operation, the independent and physically l

separated batteries are floated on the buses and assume load without interruption upon loss of a battery charger or AC power source. Battery chargers EVCA, EVCB, EVCC, and EVCD provide DC power to their respective distribution centers conditions.

and maintain their respective batteries at float The 125 VDC distribution centers supply power to their respective 125 VDC power panelboards and the 120 VAC vital power. inverters. All distribution center and power panelboard circuit breakers are closed except for the bus tie breakers and the spare battery charger distribution center breakers in EVDS. Battery bus voltage is indicated

' by voltmeters located on the 225 Volt DC vital control distribution centers. The Dattery bus voltage is also j monitored by under-voltage relays which alarm when the battery bus voltage reaches a point at which adequate capacity to perform its intended safety function is still available.

13 l

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j { n_ Ej TRAIN A

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1 1 3 l dlll31 !

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6 2


6 k_ KJ TRAIN B 3

y B

8 3

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g to : .- g

"'" j g

_ g

- l.

- ~ ,

. . ^-l1l1 -$

1 a 6  ;

g!g .-

Vital Instrumentation and Control Power System FIGURE 1

4 ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 When the ACTION statement of Technical Specification is invoked via OPERABLE tie breakers, and one battery and charger is removed from its bus, the distribution center (of the removed battery) and its normal loads are still energized by a full capacity charger and battery of the same affected train. For this alignment, one battery is serving two buses on one train. On the other train, two batteries are serving two buses, while assuring l train redundancy at all times. All four batteries, including the one serving two buses during the Allowable l Outage Time (AOT), are sized to serve normal and emergency loads of both buses. They independently have the capacity to automatically supply minimum engineered safety feature DC loads for accident conditions in one unit and safely shut down the other unit assuming both a loss of offsite power and a single failure in the 125 VDC system.

During a blackout or LOOP on one or both trains, the essential motor control centers feeding the Vital l Instrumentation and Control Battery Chargers associated with l the affected train will be load shed by the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) load sequencer. No more than eleven seconds after the diesel generator start signal, the affected __

essential motor control centers and battery chargers will be reloaded onto the essential bus by the diesel load sequencer. During the time period that the battery chargers are deenergized, the batteries, alone, feed the vital instrumentation and control loads. Protective logic inside each battery charger prevents each battery from discharging into its associated charger when the charger is deenergized.

The McGuire shared DC system design is not vulnerable to a single failure (Reg Guide 1.6) because of the additional capacity and redundancy explained above. For all-design basis events, any single battery by itself can supply an entire train of DC loads. The interaction between each unit's 125 VDC system is limited such that allowable combinations of maintenance and test operations as governed by the plant Technical Specifications will not preclude the system's capability to automatically supply power to minimum ESF DC loads in either unit, assuming a loss of offsite power.




' \

  • ATTACHMENT 2 Page 3 {

l Descrintion of Pronosed Chanaes The present Technical Specifications for McGuire's Vital Battery system were developed from the Westinghouse Standard Technical Specifications, Revision 4. The current TS provides battery parameter requirements for Gould square battery cells and for ATT high specific gravity Round Cells.

The proposed amendment adds battery surveillance requirements for low specific gravity round cells to TS 3.8.2 and dif ferentiates between those parameterc for high  !

specific gravity cells versus those for low specific gravity round cells. This will allow low specific gravity cells to I be used in the vital 125VDC system application at McGuire l when desired. '

Justification for chance to Technical Snecifications l

This proposed change to the McGuire Technical l

Specifications, Section 3/4.8.2 D.C. Sources, adds the Limits and Allowable values for the Low Specific Gravity l Round Cells. The specific changes are included in Table

_. l 4.8-3 and include limits for Electrolyte Level, Float _


l Voltage, and Specific Gravity. These parameter changes are compatible with the manufacturer's specifications and will ensure that tne low specific gravity batteries are capable of supplying the design loads.

The new low specific gravity round cells have the capability and capacity to maintain an adequate DC system voltage for the vital DC buss during a design basis event. The new batteries can meet design requirements for supplying the safety-related loads during the required one hour duration.

The new batteries will be installed on existing battery racks which are nuclear safety-related.

Additionally, the new batteries will be tested to assure that the battery duty cycle requirements can be met prior to declaring the vital DC system operable. This will provide further justification of the adequacy of the new batteries to meet the design basis requirements.


. McGuire UFSAR was reviewed including Section 8.3 (Onsite Power Sources). No UFSAR changes are required regarding this TS amendment.



1 1


EVALUATION The following analysis is provided in accordance with the I will involve a significant hazards consideration. This criteria of 1 determination ensures that the operation of the facility in i accordance with the proposed amendmant would not: i (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or I consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or i (2) accident from any accident previously evaluated; orcreate the p (3) j involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety .

The proposed amendment modifies the requirements of Technical Specification 3.8.2 to-allow use of low specific ,

gravity.round cells to replace any 125 volt Battery Bank. 4 The amendment adds the required cell and bank parameters to i be measured for the replacement battery to Table 4.8-3 and _.,  !

modifiesthe monitor surveillance new battery. requirements as needed to properly The following against evaluation the Part 50.92(c)measures aspects of this proposal all three standards are satisfiedrequirements to demonstrate that l First Standard i

Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment vill not involve a significant increase in the probability eval ua ted. or consequences of an accident previously The 125isvolt System notDC an Vital Instrumentation and Control Power accident an accident mitigation system. initiator; however, it serves as seismically mounted. The new battery will be for the new battery. There is no change in theThere is no change in cabling re physical and electrical separation provisions for the battery. The performance of plant safety functions will not be degraded by the new battery.


. -- -. _ . _ - . . - ~

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Attachment 3 j Page 2  !

The low specific gravity round cells will be purchased to meet the same plant requirements as the installed battery.  !

The replacement batteries will be purchased under the Duke Commercial. Grade program and will be qualified to QA-1 standards using the provisions of this program.

I For the above reasons, it can be concluded that the proposed i amendment will not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. {

i Second Standard The amendment would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any kind of accident previously evaluated.

There are no new or common failure modes created by the use of low specific gravity round cells. The low specific gravity round cell battery has exhibited consistently high reliability. The low specific gravity cells will perform the same function.


For these reasons, the possibility of a new or different  !

kind of accident from any kind of accident previously evaluated is not created.

Third Standard The amendment would not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The vital batteries are required to power emergency and safe shutdown loads for safety related instrument and control equipment durbo ecrtain accident conditions. Ultimately, safety related equipment required to maintain the integrity of fission product barriers depend upon proper performance of the new battery. The new battery will perform the same function. As such, the replacement battery will not affect any fission product barriers.

Since the acceptance limits with respect to the required redundancy and functional capability of the battery system are not affected by this change, there is no reduction in the margin of safety.

Based on the above and the supporting technical justification, Duke Power Company has concluded that there is no eignificant hazard involved in this amendment request.



,,- .. .o ATTACHMENT 4 '

ENVIRONMENTAL. IMPACT EVALUATION The' proposed technical specification amendment has'been  ;

reviewed against the criteria of 10CFR51.22 for environmental considerations. The proposed amendment does not involve a significant. hazard, nor increase the types and amounts of effluents that may be released offsite, nor l increase individual or cumulative occupational radiation 1 exposures. Therefore, the proposed amendment meets the ,

criteria given in 10CFR51.22(c)(9) for an Environmental i

' Impact Statemant. ,

I l

I i

i i

1 l

I 19


ATTACHMENT 5 Justification for Exigent TS Change

a. Explanation of the exigent situation EVCC battery failed its scheduled TS surveillance (modified performance test) on-10/28/96. As a result, McGuire has decided to replace battery EVCC. Due to the uncertainty of the availability of high specific gravity replacement batteries, _ replacement with low


l specific gravity cells may be necessary. This i amendment will also allow replacement of other battery banks with the low specific gravity cells if needed.

This action will enable the return of EVCC battery to an operable status in an expeditious manner.

b. Why the licensee could not avoid the situation l The EVCC surveillance failure was not anticipated since McGuire's previous test results were satisfactory and i the batteries have performed reliably. I 1

I l


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