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PY-CEI/MRR-1694        tachmen    .
Attachment 2          PY-0 . RR-1496 L Page 1 of 54              e 1 o.
3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.1    REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.1 As a minimum, the reactor protection system instrumentation channels
        . shown in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE with the REACTOR PRO CT                  '
YST RESPONSE TIME as shown in Table 3.3.1-2.                      pa          yg9%g APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3.1-1.                      f* M N "r ACTION:                                          -      P            s
                                                          &      (INSERT I)
: a. With the number of OPERABLE channels lest than required by the Minimum OP'ERABLE Channels 'per Trip System requirem t for one trip system, place the 'ipoperable chann'el(s) and/or that trip s tem in the tripped condithn* within 1 hottr. The provisions of S cification 3.0.4 are not appl'itable.
: b. With the nuher of OPERABLE annels less than requ d by the Minimum s per Trip Sys        requirement for both rip systems, place OPERABLEChantie{ipsystem**inth at least one tr    s                  tripped condition with q one hour and take the ACTION Table M.1-1.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS    Each reactor protection system instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the perfor: nance of the CHANNEL' CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION operations for the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS and at the frequencies shown in Table LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TESTS and simulated automatic operation of all channels shall be performed at least once per 18 months. The REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME of each reactor trip functional unit shown in Table 3.3.1-2 shall be demonstrated to be within its limit at least once per 18 months. Each test shall include at least one channel per trip system such that all- channels are tested at least once every N times 18 months where N is the total number of redundant channels in a specific reactor trip system. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable to the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION surveillances for the Intermediate Range Monitors for entry into their applicable OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS (as shown in Table from OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, provided the surveillances are t    +'
performed within 12 hours after such entry.
                                                                  $        NSERT2) o        *An inoperable thannel need not bk."praced in the tripoed condition where this gg n o n, wo'uld cause the Trip Function to occurhIn these cases, the\ inoperable channel shallsbe restored te 0PERABLE x            status within 2 hours or the ACTI required by 98          Table h3.1-1 for thatxTrip Function shall be taken.
N        **Thetripktemneedno be placed in the trihped condition if thi                            ould cause ou          the Trip Funbtion to occur.\When a trip system caq be placed in the ipped y          condition with'6ut causing the' Trip Function to occuh place the trip system l
oc          with the most in' operable channeis in the tripped condition; if both systems s
  $"          have the same number                  N s of inoperable channels, place eithdr          s trip system in the eo tripped condition.
  ""A PERRY - UNIT 1                          3/4 3-1                    Amendment No. 41 l
PY-CEIn!RR-1694    achment              1 Attachment 2    PY-C    RR-1496t      !
Page 2 of 54    . ge 2 of              l 1
1 e
            '      #                    r
* gm in h. Mred A c"dik ^)
: a. With one channel regt ired by Table 3.3.1-1 inoperable in one or more Functi onal Units, place the inoperable channel and/or that t rip system in the tripped condition
* within 12 hours.
: b. With two or more channels required by Table 3.3.1-1 inoperable in one or more Functional Units:
: 1. Within one hour, verify sufficient channels remain Q                  OPERABLE or tM pr i e to maintain trip capability in the Functional Unit, and ll 4t e
', n %        2. Within 6 hourc, place the inoperable channel (s) in
  .                  one trip system and/or that trip system ** in the tripped condition *, and Gdi+io[ g}    3. Within 12 hours, restore the inoperable channels in the other trip system to an OPERABLE status or
* M pr - 4 .                                              l(
Otherwise, take the ACTION required by Table 3.3.1-1 for the Functional Unit.
    *An inoperable channel or trip system need not be placed in the tripped condition where this would cause the Trip Function to occur. In these cases, if the inoperable channel is not restored to OPERABLE status within the required time, the ACTION required by Table 3.3.1-1 for the Functional Unit shall be taken.
    **This ACTION applies to that trip system with the most inoperable channels; if both trip systems have the same number of inoperable channels, the ACTION can be applied to either trip                  ,
j l
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2                  achme Page 3 of 54                PY-C      RR-1496 L e3o TABLE 3.3.1-1                (Continued)
REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION                                        Wf%Y            l      TD TABLE NOTATIONS                                                                I gtJ &
W (c) " ch:nnel ::y be pl:::d in an inoperable :tatu: fo r up t *f ... ur: for rp required            :urveil?:n : 3....
              . .a + 4 ,. -. .,4s.s without          p?::ing the trip :y:te: i- the tripped
                                                .                ___ noenio,e a .__ 3 4                          n. ..__
                                                                                                                            +.4.  .......
J. :. " .'.. : T... . . _,E.
                  ..                . . . ' ' ;.Z..: . ,'. .: _. .:...'. . .: _. '. "' ' ' ' "' ~ " ' "' ""' '      - - ' '' " Y (b) Unless adequate shutdown margin has been demonstrated per Specifica-tion 3.1.1 and the "one rod-out" Refuel position interlock has been
'          demonstrated OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.1 the shorting links shall be removed from the RPS circuitry prior to and during the time any control rod is withdrawn."
(c) An APRM channel is inoperable if there are less than 2 LPRM inputs per level or less than 14 LPRM inputs to an APRM channel.
(d) This function is not required to be OPERABLE when the reactor pressure 4
vessel head is removed per Specification 3.10.1.
(e) This function shall be automatically bypassed when the reactor mode switch is not in the Run position.
(f) This function is not required to be OPERABLE when DRYWELL INTEGRITY is not required.
(g) With any control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Speci fication or
(h) This function is automatically bypassed when turbine first stage pressure is less than the value of turbine first stage pressure corresponding to 40%** of RATED THERMAL POWER.
    *Not required fo control rods removed per Specification or
    **The Turbine First Stage Pressure Bypass Setpoints and cor respn                                                  o ding                      !
Allowable Values are adjusted based on Feedwater temperatures (see 3/4.2.2 for definition of AT). The Setpoints and Allowable Values for various aTs are as follows:
T(*F)                                Setooint (psig)                              Allowable Value (psig) 0=T                                                < 212                                                < 218 0< aT < 50    -                                  7 190                                                7 196 50 < AT < 100                                    7 168                                                7 174 100 < aT],170                                    E146                                                  [152
;  PERRY - UNIT 1                                              3/4 3-5                            Amendment No. 29 4
l PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 4 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-5:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours provided the associated Functional Unit maintains RPS trip capability.
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694      achmen i Attachment 2      PY-L, .4tR-1496 1, Page 5 of 54      Jage 6 o INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.2 ISOLATION ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.2 The isolation actuation instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3.2-1 shall be OPERABLE with their trip setpoints set consistent with the values shown in the Trip Setpoint column of Table 3.3.2-2 and with ISOLATION SYSTEM                PONS TIME as shown in Table 3.3.2-3.
l                                                                  N o,; , cb g6 f N5ge5,  %          YI    l APPLICABILITY:          As shown in Table 3.3.2-1.                                            /
)                  a. With an isolation actuation instrumentation channel trip setpoint i                        less conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column l                        of Table 3.3.2-2, declare the channel inoperable until the channel l
is restored to OPERABLE status with its trip setpoint adjusted m      .
consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.
  ' Insert D                '-
th the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by t l
7  (            I b.
l                        Min gum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for ne trip i                        systemylace the inoperable channel (s) and/or that tr' system in I
the tripp      condition
* within one hour. The provis    s of Specifica-tion 3.0.4          t applicable.
: c. Withthenumbero?$PERABLEchannelslesst n required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels pe N rip System requir ent for both trip systems, l                        place at least one triphstem** in t tripped condition within one l                          hour and take the ACTION rhquired        Table 3.3.2-1.
            *An inoperable channel need n            be placed in the Tipped condition where this l            would cause the Trip Functi n to occur. In these cd s, the inoperable channel                      ,
shall be restored to OP IIABLE status within 2 hours or e ACTION required by                      (
!            Table 3.3.2-1 for t          Trip Function shall be taken.
            **Thetripsystemfeednotbeplacedinthetrippedconditioni his would cause the Tr y Function to occur. When a trip system can be pla              in the tripped c dition without causing the Trip Function to occur, place e trip s        em with the most inoperable channels in the tripped condition,      f bot      ystems have the same number of inoperable channels, place either tr
    '                tem in the tripped condition.
l PERRY - UNIT 1                            3/4 3-9 I
PY-CEI/NRR-1694  g_" }chm n - 14 96L Attachment 2      '
4e 7o Page 6 of 54 INSERT 3:
                                                                          > +This r
l      >. With the number of OPERABLE Channels less than re q u i re-
;          by the Minimum UPERABLE Channels per                  Trip Sys em l          requirement for one trip system,
!                    Within 12 hours for Trip Functions common to RPS l                    instrumentation, and
: 2.        ithin 24 hours for Trip Functions nc . common to RP ' Instrument ation.
  ;        place the      ioperable channel (s) and/or      la t trip system
(        in the tripp d condition 4
: c. With the number of OPERABLE Channe        ., less than required l          by the Minimum OPERABLE Chann 1s per Trip System l          requirement for boe i trip systerr ,
l l          1.      Within one hour, , lace t e inoperable channel (s) in one trip system a i/o      that trip system 44 in the tripped condition 4, ' d
: 2.      Within 12 hours f >r T 'p Functions common to RPS
!                    instrumentation. and wa hin 24 hours for Trip Functions not smmon to R ~ instrumentation, place the inoperab]    channel (s) 12 the other trip eystem in the tripred condition 4 4  An inoperabl- channel or trip system ne-d not be placed in the trip ed condition where this woul cause the Trip Function .o occur.        In these cases, if t e inoperable channel      s not restored to OPERABLE statue within the requir d time, the ACTION required by TABLE o 3.2-1 for that rip Function shall be taken.
!      **  T    s ACTION applies to that trip system with the s most toperable channels; if both trip systems have % e %2me number of inoperable channels, the ACTION can be u. ; Cw d l
to either trip system.
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 7 of 54                  l l
l Insert for page 3/4 3-9:
: b. Vith one channel required by Table 3.3.2-1 inoperable in one or more Trip Functions, place the inoperable channel and/or that trip system in the tripped condition
* vithin:
: 1. 12 hours for Trip Functions common to RPS instrumentation, and
: 2. 24 hours for Trip Functions not common to RPS instrumentation,
: c. With two or more channels required by Table 3.3.2-1 inoperable in one or more Trip Functions;
: 1. Vithin one hour, verify for automatic trip functions that sufficient channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition
* to maintain isolation capability for the Trip Function, and
: 2. Within 12 hours for Trip Functions common to RPS instrumentation, and within 24 hours for Trip Functions not common to RPS instrumentation, place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition *.
Otherwise, take the ACTION required by Table 3.3.2-1 for the Trip Function.
*An inoperable channel or trip system need not be placed in the tripped condition where this vould cause the Trip Function to occur. In these cases, if the inoperable channel is not restored to OPERABLE status within the required time, the ACTION required by Table 3.3.2-1 for the Trip Function shall be taken.
l i
achmen PY-CEI/NRR-1694    p Attachment 2          *O Page 8 of 54 TABLE 3.3.2-1 (Continued)
ISOLATION ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION            g ACTION                %                      I      i ytf*    f i
9      uW NOTES (Continued)              M
      ) ^ ch::::1 ::y be pl:::d ' -:n in per:51: :hter f:r "; 5          heur: fer              l r:quir:d curr:f'!= : eith:rt pl::ing th: trip cyctr
* _... trf pped ::r-ditten p =vid:d :t 1:::t : : Other OPEP^.SLE ch:nn:1 i- +2    :=: trip                I i                                                                  '
          -cy:t:: f: : riter n; +2:t p:rr:ter_                                    j (b) Also actuates the standby subsystem of the annulus exhaust gas treatment system.
(c) Also actur.tes the control room emergency filtration system in the recir-                1 culation mode of operation.
(d) Also trips and isolates the mechanical vacuum pumps.
(e) Closes only RWCU system isolation valve (s) 1G33-F004 (SLCS Pump A) and 1G33-F001 (SLCS Pump B).
(f) Man"al initiation isolates 1E51-F064 and 1E51-F031 only and only following manual or automatic initiation of the RCIC system.
(g) Containment and Drywell Purge System inboard and outboard isolation valves each use a separate two out of two isolation logic.
(h) Requires RCIC system steam supply pressure - low coincident with drywell pressure high to isolate valve 1E51-F077.
(i) For this signal, one trip system has two channels which close valves 1E51-F063 and 1E51-F076 while the other trip system has two channels which close valve 1E51-F064.
(j) Isolates both RHR and RCIC.
(k) There is only one (1) RCIC manual initiation channel for valve group 9.
l 1
PERRY - UNIT 1                          3/4 3-16
PY-CEZ/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 roga 9 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-16:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows:  (a) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions 1.h and 5.m; and (b) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions other than 1.h and 5.m provided the associated Trip Function maintains isolation capability.
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l l                                          --                    -  - - . . - . . .  . .  -.            .~
TABLE 3.3.3-1                                                                                                              .
CHANNELS PER                                      OPERATIONAL c:                                                                                  TRIP            FUNCTIOH(a) CONDITIONS                                                      ACTION TRIP FUNCTION h
A.                DIVISION 1 TRIP SYSTEM
: 1. RilR-A (LPCI MODE) AND LPCS SYSTEM 2                                          1,2,3,4*,5*                        30
: a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, level 1                                                                        1,2,3                              30 2
: b. Drywell Pressure - High                                              1                                            1,2,3,4",5*                      19
: c. LPCS Pump Olscharge Flow - Low (Bypass)                                                                            1,2,3                            31    m>m 1
: d. Reactor Vessel Pressure - Low (LPCS Injection                                                                    4*, 5*                            32    Sl 0 ?
Valve Permissive)
Reactor Vessel Pressure - Low (LPCI Injection                        1                                            1,2,3                            31    *gg
: e.                                                                                                                      4*, 5*                            32    E;l t Valve Permissive)
LPCI Pump A Start Time Delay Relay                                    1                                            1,2,3,4*,Sa                      31    ogg g                          f.
1                                            1,2,3,4* Sa                      39    m-*
: g. LPCI Pump A Discharge Flow - Low (Bypass)                                                                          1, 2, 3, 4 * , 5*                33    gwh 1
: h. Manual Initiation                                                                                                                                                e
2 ID)                                          1, 2, 3                      _3D Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 a.
: b. Manual Inhibit                                                        1                                            1,2,3                              33Q i
1                                              1,2,3                          31
: c. ADS Timer                                                                                                            1. 2, 3                      M 30
: d. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 3 (Permissive)                1                                                                        '
31 2                                                          , 2, 3 j                                  e. LPCS Pump Discharge Pressure - High (Permissive)
'                                        LPCI Pump A Discharge Pressure - High (Permissive)                    2                                              1,2,3                          31 f.
2                                              1,2,3                          33
: g. Manual Initiation 1
Y                                    "
                                                                                    -\                    (>1r                                                              i ?E                ". 1
                                                                                                                                                                                      %'el> 4 gr*                          . . ,                                                            2m 5 3  -          W k                        (i d '' p                                                                              h g.1,                                                      c c,
                                                                                                                                                                                ;5. _.            0
TABLE 3.3.3-1 (Continutd) h                                            EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION 4                                                                            MINIMUM OPERABLE      APPLICABLE i
CHANNELS PER          OPERATIONAL c                                                                            TRIP FUNCTION (a) CONDITIONS            ACTION i'i TRIP FUNCTION
            "        8. DIVISION 2 TRIP SYSTEM
Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1                  2            1,2,3,4*,5*        30
: a.                                                                            1,2,3              30        m>,
: b. Drywell Pressure - High                                                  1,2,3              31      $%?
: c. Reactor Vessel Pressure - Low (LPCI Injection              1 Valve Permissive) 4*, 5*              32        **Q
: d. LPCI Pump B Start Time Delay Relay                          1            1,2,3,4*,5*        31        Oft LPCI Pump Discharge Flow - Low (Bypass)                    1/ pump      1, 2, 3,  4*, 5*  39      o g '2:
: e.                                                                            1,2,3,4*,5*        33      "a
: f. Manual Initiation                                          1 uw-f y
2(b)        1, 2, 3            30
: a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 e
: b. Manual Inhibit                                              1            1,2,3          fC83_ 3 0, l 1            1, 2, 3                                          ,
: c. ADS Timer                                                                1,2,3
: d. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 3 (Permissive)      1                                                      'li LPCI Pump B and C Discharge Pressure - High (Permissive)    2            1,2,3              3
: e.                                                                            1,2,3              33 2
: f. Manual Initiation mp                  et2nb
g  g2qy3        9-      m
                                                                                                              >  #                            l c          o g 1> '% Fat 1
f3 (f5(  -.
                                                                                                                                        't c
- - - - _ _ - _ _ _                                                                                                                      _r      - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
TABLE 3.3.3-1 (Continued)
!                                      A
                                      !E                                                                                                APPLICABLE
                                        '                                                                          CHANNELS PER        OPERATIONAL TRIP FUNCTION (a) CONDITIONS                                                      ACTION E  TRIP FUNCTION O  C. DIVISION 3 TRIP SYSTEM s
: a.      Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 2                  4(b)        1, 2, 3, 4*,                                          5*      34
                                                                                          ##                                4(b)        1, 2, 3                                                        3
: b.      Drywell Pressure - High Reactor Vessel Water Level - High, Level 8                  4(c)        1, 2, 3, 4*,                                          5*          N
: c.                                                                                                                                                            ll
: d.      Condensate Storage Tank Level - Low                        2 fd)        1, 2, 3, 4* , 5*                                                35
: e.      Suppression Pool Water Level - High                        2(d)        1, 2 , 3 , 4 * , 5
* 35
: f.      HPCS Pump Discharge Pressure - High (Bypass)                1            1,2,3,4*,5*                                                    4 0
: g.      HPCS System Flow Rate - Low (Bypass)                        1            1, 2, 3, 4*,                                          5*
t' Manual Initiation ##                                        1            1,2,3,4*,5*                                                                  ll b              h.
MINIMUM                                                      APPLICABLE TOTAL NO. CHANNELS OPERABLE                                                        OPERATIONAL OF CHANNELS TO TRIP CHANNELS                                                        CONDITIONS            ACTION D. LOSS OF POWER
: 1. 4.16 kv Emergency Bus Undervoltage###          2/ bus  2/ bus    2/ bus                                                      1, 2, 3, 4**,  5**      37 (Loss of Voltage)                      ggg
: 2. 4.16 kv Emergency Bus Undervoltage              2/ bus  2/ bus    2/ bus                                                      1, 2, 3, 4**,  5**        38 (Degraded Voltage)
J)    i ensan i ::y b;il:::d *        :n in per:ble :tztu: forupidghnur;d:Fngp:rfed: ef required
                                                -turv:t'l:ne: etth:ut p!::tn;; th: trfp tyrter 8- th:-trfpped tenditier previd:d :t 1 ::t en:-
Other OPEP^9tE chcrnel *- th: :::: trip :y:t_:: f: ::riter*          th:t p:r ::ter                                      #                            g (b) Also actuates the associated division diesel generator.                                                                                  gg          5*ftbe (c) Provides signal to close HPCS pump injection valve only.
(d) Provides signal to HPCS pump suction valves only.                                      1                          W tTN
* When the system is required to be OPERABLE per Specification 3.5.2 or 3.5.3.                                                          gg                      .m
                                          **    Required when ESF equipment is required to be OPERABLE.
Not required to be OPERABLE when reactor steam dome pressure is less than or equal to 100 psig.
                                          ##    The injection function of Drywell Pressure - High and Manual Initiation are not required to                                                          y>,
be OPERABLE with indicated reactor vessel water level on the wide range instrument greater than                                                    4? O            is the Level 8 setpoint coincident with the reactor pressure less than 450 psig.                                                                        **gox@
                                          ### The Loss of Voltage and Degraded Voltage functions are common to Divisions 1, 2 and 3.                                                                Oit f o@* 5 m            c 2
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 13 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-30:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed          I as follows:  (a) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions C.1.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h; and (b) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions other than C.I.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h provided the associated Trip Function maintains ECCS initiation capability.
!                                                                                                                                                                                                  PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2                                              * **"            '
  +                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PY.C ~              R-1496 L TABLE 3.3.3-1 (Continuec .Page 14 of M e 14 o EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION I
                            .en                                                                                                                                                                    1....  . , , ..*k._..
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                                                                                                                                                                  .. ..        ..      1.,.                          .. .-,.    .. . . 4. . . .s u,.  .  . a...u. .
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                                                                                                                                  .        .                          T. . 2. ,= .f....I..... .                          ..,_..4..--.'..'y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            . 2II~''.      7A  1. -
                                                  )                  a_ ._ , , . .. + u. . . . _. ., < . . . a .s n e + . t. ,. . , . . , + . ..-- .. cree
                                                                                                                                                                                                              . ---- .            a..._-. - ..          ..
ACTION 32                  -
With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Minimum l              qMS                                                    OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, place the g                                          inoperable channel in the tripped condition within(.= 5. 24 hours)
ION 33                            With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requi ement, restore j                                                              i the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within                                                                                                                              ours or 4
                                                                                      .u. ..._u._ .,
Ci r.v. e n.u.u. _ i, i u_ . . &. . . . . . _ _ _ . .. n. e _c e.m.. e.. u . . . u. ,. . .. _ . _ . .
u,,                . ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .,-..<_m m..  . v.
g                j                                                    %. 1 .. . ... . M.n.e      . . .B    . .A.B PL.
                                                                                                                      . f- f. . . . . . . . .
1., 7.- . T. l,. . ...
                                                                                                                                                          -                              f
                                                                                                                                                                                              .1- . 6 4. . ......,-..J._..___._.A.
4_      N
_1                ,
: e.          . . + <
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                                                                                                                                                            - . _ . _ . . . . _ .                ..s-..,.,....s..,.....y,-
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                                                                                                                                      .. , . . . . _ _......, ,...,-.                        u...
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                                                                                                                                      ..                                .u.
                                                                                                                                                              .. . . . . ,_ . ..._    unee .,...+._                            4....
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ..7..,. f, i                          ACTION 36                                  With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the
  }                                                                    Hinimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, place i                                                                      at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within j                                  24 hours                  _ _6Wh@ or declare the HPCS system inoperable.                                                                                                                                  .
i ACTION 37 -
With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Total Number
,                                                                      c,f Channels, declare the associated emergency diesel generator inoperable and take the ACTION required by Specification
;                                                                      or, as appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                                      '
i                          ACTION 38 -                                With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Total Number j                                                                      of Channels, place the inoperable channel in the tripped condi-j                                                                      tion within 1 hour; operation may then continue until perform-a
: 9. once of the next.,required CHANNEL                                                                                            FUNCTIONAL                                      TEST.
i,                      . .e.v. e n.u.. .e.. n.          '
: n. .. c..
                                                                                    .. u..        .._u.
                                                                                                  . . . . . . . . ..                a..n .e n . . . f....-u..........
2...--..m_              . .
___ ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . . w ... m m.,.              u.....
;                                                                                                                                                1.,.    , . . . T t.-, ..f.....t...        .                            __.A..._._...A.,1._.-                      *
                                                            } JJ          f t ...i=;=dle.. . n. D r D.                      A.D f._C'-                                                                                  ..,.
l the                                              ch==1                            the trip;;d :=d'ti= u'th'r. ;y= ..=                                                                                  sLJ l      " n tr e the '=; = d1: d = = 1 t: ^PE"^"LE :t:t;; u'th'nTQ , -
Q-dulr: ": :n ci:t-d rytt= '=;rdle.                                                                                                                                                                --
j t                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -
!                              'It h E N T' N E W A C ~i~t o N 90 WAE ]
PERRY - UNIT 1                                                                                                3/4 3-31                                              Amendment No. 30 d
  )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
l PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 15 of 54 Inserts for page 3/4 3-31:
ACTION 30 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain            j OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic        :
actuation capability of either Division 1 or Division 2 ECCS and either ADS Trip System A or Trip System B, and place the l
inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 24 hours.
Otherwise, declare the associated system (s) inoperable.
Action 31 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to maintain automatic actuation capability of either Division 1 or Division 2 ECCS and either ADS Trip System A or Trip l              System B, and restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status l
vithin 24 hours. Otherwise, declare the associated ADS trip system (s) or ECCS inoperable.
l Action 34 - With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the l              Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify l              vithin one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic l              HPCS actuation capability, and place the inoperable channel (s) in l                the tripped condition within 24 hours. Otherwise, declare the HPCS system inoperable.
( Action 35 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that the HPCS pump suction is either aligned or is capable of automatically realigning to the suppression pool, and place at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition vithin 24 hours. Otherwise, declare the HPCS system inoperable.
Action 39 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify vithin one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to maintain automatic actuation capability of either Division 1 or Division 2 ECCS, and restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days. Otherwise, declare
;                the associated system (s) inoperable.
l Action 40 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, restore      l the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days.          :
Otherwise, declare the HPCS system inoperable.                        )
l l
                                                                                                ~{6, s The anticipated transient without scram recirculation pump trip (ATVS-RPT) system instrumentation channels shown in Table shall gpM l be OPERABLE with their trip setpoints set consistent with values shown in the Trip Setpoint column of Table
PLCLAW APPLICABILITY:      OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1.                                1  W LTn ACTION:
: a. With an ATVS-RPT system instrumentation channel trip setpoint less            ]
conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column of Table, declare the channel inoperable until the channel is restored to OPERABLE status with the channel trip setpoint adjusted consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.
With the number of OPERABLE channels one ldthan required by the inimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for one or b t* sy4tems, place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped c            ition withi ene-houe. 24hourb
: c. With the n      er of OPERABLE channels two or more less      an required by the Minimu        PERABLE Channels per Trip System    uirement for one trip system and:
l              1. If the inoperable      nnels consist    ' one reactor vessel water level channel and one react      vessel*
sure channel, place both inoperable channels in t          ped condition
* within@ne4our. 24g
: 2. If the inoperable  chan    s inc  e two reactor vessel water level channels or two rea    r vessel pre    re channels, declare the trip system ino able.                                                            . ,
: d. With one trip          em inoperable, restore the in rable trip system                    I to OPERABL      atus within 72 hours or be in at leas      TARTUP within the nex      hours.
: e. Wi      oth trip systems inoperable, restore at least one trip        stem l                o OPERABLE status within one hour or be in at least STARTUP wi the next 6 hours.
i  SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each ATVS recirculation pump trip system instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST, and CHANNEL CALIBRATION operations at the frequencies shown in Table LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TESTS and simulated automatic operation of all channels shall be performed at least once per 18 months.
1 aThe inoperable channels need not be placed in the tripped condition where this would cause the Trip Function to occur. In this case, the inoperable channels shall be restored to OPERABLE status within 2 hours, or the trip system shall be declared inoperable.
PERRY - UNIT l'                        3/4 3-40
i PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 17 of 54
-                                                                                    1 Insert for page 3/4 3-40:
(b) Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement:
:      1. Verify that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are j              in the tripped condition to maintain ATVS-RPT trip capability for:
I            a)    either the low reactor vessel water level or the high reactor vessel pressure Trip Function within one hour, and 4            b)    both the low reactor vessel water level or the high reactor vessel pressure Trip Functions within 72 hours, and
: 2. Place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 14 days.
I      Otherwise, either remove the associated recirculation pump from service or be in at least STARTUP vithin the next six hours.
1 d
I l
                                                    ,                                                                              MINIMUMOPERABLECHAggjLSPER c-  TRIP FUNCTION                                                                      TRIP SYSTEM z
* 1. Reactor Vessel Water Level -                                                      2
* Low, Level 2
: 2. Reactor Vessel Pressure - High                                                    2 i
I es W W W      WP  W5  au er          er        y W                1  Y d55                    53 m        pr:efd:d th: :ther ch::::: i: 0"c"*"Lc.                          y s
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l l
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L          l Attachment 2              l Page 19 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-41:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours provided the associated Trip Function maintains ATVS-RPT trip capability, i
l t
l l
l l
i I
l i
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2            achmen Page 20 of 54        PY-C      R-1496  L INSTRUMENTATION                                                                      e 21 o END-0F-CYCLE RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The end-of-cycle recirculation pump trip (EOC-RPT) system instrumentation channels shown in Table shall be OPERABLE with their                lWs.
trip setpoints set consistent with the values shown in the Trip Setpoint column                      ,
of Table and with the END-OF-CYCLE RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP SYSTEM                  k[      ;
RESPONSE TIME as shown in Table                                                            i APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, when THERMAL POWER is greater than or                  y equal to 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER.
REf'L AGE-ACTION:                                                                                  7g
: a. With an end-of-cycle recirculation pump trip system instrumentation ItOSEAT' channel trip setpoint less conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column of Table, declare the channel inoperable until the channel is re~ stored to OPERABLE status with the channel setpoint adjusted consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.
With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for one o            oth sys.tems_,_ place the inoperable channel (s) in the trippe ondition wit
* one-houa K elve hours.)
: c. With the      ber oF0PERABLE channels two or more le          than required by the Minim OPERABLE Channels per Trip Syst            equirement for one trip system and:
: 1. If the inoperabl      hannels consis    f one turbine control valve channel and one tur      e stop v  e channe channels in the trippe      on '  on within@l,  placetwelve ne-houn      both inoperable hours.)    l
: 2. If the inoperable cha        si    ude two turbine control valve channels or two tu ne stop va          channels, declare the trip system inoperabl .
: d. With one trip s        em inoperable, restore the    perabic trip system to OPERABLE      tus within 72 hours or reduce TH      L POWER to less than 40%      RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 6 h        s.
: e. Wit    oth trip systems inoperable, restore at least one t
* system OPERABLE status within one hour or reduce THERMAL POWER t less than 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 6 hours.
J PERRY - UNIT 1                            3/4 3-44
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 21 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-44:
: b. Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement:
: 1. Verify that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain E0C-RPT trip capability for both the turbine stop valve closure and turbine control valve fast closure Trip Functions within two hours, and
: 2. Place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 72 hours.
Otherwise, either remove the associated recirculation pump fast speed breaker from service or reduce THERMAL POVER to less than 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 6 hours.
TABLE b                                                END-0F-CYCLE RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION
            !"E c                                                                                                            MINIMUM E                                                                                                        OPERABLECHANNEgI TRIP FUNCTION                                                                          PER TRIP SYSTEM e
: 1.        Turbine Stop Valve - Closure                                                          2(b)
: 2.        Turbine Control Valve - Fest closure                                                  2(b) 2 ## 4                            2 ^ '      =0 w                  ........      .. . ....5......
5_5EUb5f        5 b 2 ..  ,, .,.'..
                                                                !-f5$ 5. 5 l $ U [ib$i d h
                                                                                                            "    '2 # 2
            ..'              (b)This function is automatically bypassed when turbine'first stage pressure is less than the w                  value of turbine first stage pressure corresponding to 40%" of RATE 0 THERMAL POWER.                                                                        ;
                            *The Turbine First Stage Pressure 8ypass Setpoints and corresponding Allowable Values are adjusted based on Feedwater temperatures (see 3/4.2.2 for definition of AT). The Setpoints and Allowable                                                              !
                            - Values. for various ATs are as follows:                                                                                                                      l T(*F)                    Setpoint (psig)                  Allowable Value (psic)                g k
[$y 0=T                                    < 212                                  < 218                        P                                        *5O F                  0 < AT < 50 -                          7 190                                7 196                      -@                                          UEU  i
            @                  50 < AT < 100                          7 168                                7 174                        y    h                                  o@g
100 < aT < 170  .                      _7 146                                -7 152                        q                                        ~~
i  :
a                                                                                                                                                                        T"s* .!
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 23 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-46:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours provided the associated Trip Function maintains EOC-RPT trip capability.
i I
1 1
l l
i 1
TABLE 3.3.5-1 o
  -1 MINIMUM i
c                                                                                                                                        OPERABLECHANNEL{a)
PER TRIP SYSTEM                    ACTION 5
* 2                          50
: a.                    Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 2 2(b)                      51
: b.                    Reactor Vessel Water Level - High, Level 8 2(c)                      52
: c.                    Condensate Storage Tank Water Level - Low 2 IC)                      52
: d.                    Suppression Pool Water Level - High
: e.                  Manual Initiation                                                                                          1(d)                      33
: 8. ; r:ble Ct:tre for up t $.027:                f:r 7:;r'r:d :trv:''l:ne:                  "
  )"          (:) ^ ch:nnel ::y 5: pl:: d 8-Or Oth:r 0"E"""LE ch:nnel '- the w                            pl:01n; the tr'; :y:t- *- the trf;;:d ::ndiif:n pr:v'd:d                                                        1:::t :n:
S                        c::: tr!                                :;:ter f: ::-'tcr* ; th t per:::t--
  *          (b) One trip system with two-out-of-two logic.
(c) One trip system with one-out-of-two logic.
(d) There is only one manual switch.                                                                                                                                        EP                          m :, m Z
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - -                                                                                                                            __m      _ _ _ _ _ _ _      ____.._ _ _ - _ - _
PY-CEX/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 25 of 54 I
1 1
Insert for page 3/4 3-51:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows:  (a) for up to 6 hours for Functional Unit e; and (b) for up to 6 hours for Functional Units other than e provided the associated Functional Unit maintains RCIC initiation capability.
l l
l l
1 I
i l
I l
                      -                              _ , - , , . . , _    __ . . , , . , _ . . _r.,._. ,,. , .. ,_ . _ , . ..
!                                                                                                                                                  PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2                                                achmen .
j                      gg                                                                                                                          Page 26 of 34                                      PY-c .                    R_1496 L h(T A                                                    TABLE 3.3.5-1 (continued)                                                                                                e 25 o REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM l                                                                                    ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION                                                                                                                                              l
:                      G,mu            e,          ,,,
k~,wa          n            -,  u... u..,_ .._u..__
                                                                                  ....              ,. a. n ..e. o.n..e ,. e.            u.
                                                                                                                                                ...,,... 3..,,...u..-..              .      ..
                                                                                                                                                                                              ..,. .7.... .      , i.,., . u....
u..,.._.,._..._ n. .n .e.o n..o , e .r. .u . ._._._. _ 3.        ,..      .. v.    .,  .e......              .....,_____..
pgpgc,E.-                            -
For ::: trie y t::. P1::: th: ' :?:r:51: :h: :'C:L:0d/:-
th:t trip :y:t:r 2__,___
ir, the tripp:d u.u._ ,m, e , ,, . , .. _. ._. _. . .,____-.m
:: d,_it10 etth!Qg:,m:@
5 g 5. EAT                                                            ._,.
Qme                  . .<._. . .m.      . . . ,        .. , ... .. .. ._.. .
                                                                                                                                    . , . . . . . . .        u...        e.
                                                                                                                                                                          ....r .s. ,.  . .. .,... . . . .. ..      . _.m,.
ACTION 51 -              With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE channels per Trip System requirement, declare the RCIC system inoperable (w'IEhTnT4T5TrFij                                                                                                                                                l e, _                                ..._u.
rv.. .e  n u. ..        u...,. c. u...                                  ,. n. n...e o..n .e s e .A. ... .. . 3.                    3. .,  .. ...u. . ...
                          .                                                                                                                                                                  .....,_.2
                                                                                                                                                                                            ..,....t,..            .      .. u. . .
u.,.._.i._...._      n.  .n  e  n  , o  . e  r.u.._._._._,.                                      c                                                            ,_ .
r..        _ _  v. _.    ,
                                                                                                                                                            ,,.. . r_ .  . _....
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u.. . . . . . . . u..... . . . ,.. ...s,.,... . . . . . . . . ,_                                      ..    . . , ...u......
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: u. =.. s., ..      __
                                                                                                . .. . u..    ..          e.r e r. .. .,. .. .. . . ..
                                                                                                                          ...                                _ ...a..- . . . . . , . . ,___                . . . . u.....
                                                                                    ..                  __                        _.                                            ...,_..... ____a,
                                                \.ry.......                          r...,                ..      .a.      3.      ..      u. . . e....r.. e... .r . , . . . . . _ ....r...                      .
ACTION 53 -              With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement._ restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status withinf6-hoursNor declare the RCIC system inoperable.
4 hour 31 e
PERRY - UNIT 1                                                                      3/4 3-52                                          Amendment No. 30
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 27 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-52:
ACTION 50 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of low reactor vessel vater level channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic RCIC system actuation capability, and place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 24 hours. Otherwise, declare the RCIC system inoperable.
ACTION 52  Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify within one hour that the RCIC pump suction is aligned or vill automatically realign to the suppression pool, and place at least i              one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 24 hours.
Otherwise, declare the RCIC system inoperable.
l l
1 l
f                                                                        PY-CEI/NRR-1694 i                                                                        Attachzent 2 i                                                                        Page 28 of 54                  ,chmen i                                                                                                    PY-C        R-1496 L
                                                                                                      . e 28 o TABLE 3.3.6-1 (Continued)
d                                        ACTION ION 60    -  Declare the RPCS inoperable and take the ' ACTION required by l
1                        Specification
4      ACTION 61      -
With the number of OPERABLE Channels:
: a. One less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 7 days or place the inoperable 4PLAc4-                      channei in the tripped condition within the next hour.
i Two or more less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE LJ(TW              I b.
Channels per Trip Function requirement, place at least MNg                            one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within one hour.
d!ON52 -            E'ith the nrt:r Of OPER^3LE charnel: 1::: th:2 n; ired by the
                        - Mini:= OPEE^2LE Ch:=:1: per hip c= tier -- dn rnt,s' ace    -
                        " h: in:p;nb1: 05: =:1 4- the tripped Orditir "ithdr31 ' ur,:
                          .                                                                                h: 9
ACTION 63 -      With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by ttie_,
Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, initiate a rod block.
            *With more than one control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or
          **0FERABLE channels must be associated with SRMs required OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.2.
            #With IRMs on range 2 or below.                                ,
(a)This function is automatically bypassed if detector count rate is > 100 cps or the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher.
(b)This function is automatically bypassed when the associated IRM channels are on range 8 or higher.
(c)This function is automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher.                                                                                                    ;
(d)This function is automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 1.
g , g .a y          u    3 , _ 7 17 ._ g.          g'.-u          c3 g ..      c 1,,. - ,c _    ,
                ~;gc;- M ,cr '71] ] rc7; .;3 t}--3ct {;7 "t7;;,g t' - "T" NC', ;;      'J;', ^ .r i;:{cd x -lition, ;r      Eled at I- r*  7          _
                                                                    ^n.TJ.nJ : L:. 1 ;;, th_ _
S 'M C'!CT"J i 1; m..itanic,; tF:t iu:          :;t: -
PERRY - UNIT 1                            3/4 3-57
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 29 of 54 Inserts for page 3/4 3-57:                                                      ,
l ACTION 62 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to initiate a rod block by the associated Trip Function, and place at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 24 hours. Otherwise, initiate a rod block.
(e) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance l      of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours provided the associated Trip Function maintains control rod block capability.
l i
- . _ _ . .      - - -          .      ...  .        . - _    . - _ - ~ ~        -        _ .- . _ . -      - -  _      -    .- - -._.      ... -              _.    -.
TABLE 3.3.9-1 5
g                                                  PLANT SYSTEMS ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION
            '                                                                                            HINIMUM                  APPLICABLE g                                                                                  OPERABLECHANNE(g)                    OPERATIONAL                            s q  TRIP FUNCTION                                                                  PER TRIP SYSTEM                      CONDITIONS                  ACTION s
: 1.        CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM                                                                                                                              \
1,2,3                                      \
: a. Drywell Pressure - High                                                        2                                                    130          ;
: b. Containment Pressure - High                                                    2                      1,2,3                          131          ')
: c. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1                                      2                      1,2,3                          130
: d. Timers                                                gy
: 1.                    1,2,3                          131 (1 Se stem A and B (10 minute timer)
(2    sj;em B (1.5 minute timer)                    $*PP
                                                                                                +            1 1,2,3                          131
: e. Manual Initiation                                                              1                      1,2,3                                        l w  2.        FEE 0 WATER SYSTEM / MAIN TURBINE TRIP SYSTEM n
M o                  Reactor Vessel Water Level - High, Level 8                                    3                                    1
: a.                                                                                                                                          132
: a. Drywell Pressure - High                                                        2                      1,2,3                    1 130
: b. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1                                      2                      1,2,3                          130
: c. Suppression Pool Water Level - Low                                            2                      1,2,3                          131 Suppression Pool Makeup Timer                                  ^              1                      1,2,3                          131 d.
: e. SPMU Manual Initiation                    Q P LPrC E- (Mi W/I                1                      1,2,3 TJ35MTf                                          ~
(s 131 l'3 C :=t2                                                                                                            _-
: tat = fu up ::                ._. r ;ui n e ::=:i' unce                ithout ta; ca em
                            = == 1= ::y m e5:m[1 cem  = [i ::= imp  tuseu 51:    =. = = p m it; 4_.._.          : = t = == = 2 =m = > =                                          ,
th: :::: tr*p cycter '    rerfter'n; th:t pir:r ter                                                                                    ,3y
                                                                                                                                                              - in n :
n men og'o a
x Eb d            :b E      e
l PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 31 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-100:
(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed                                                          I as follows:  (a) for up to 6 hours for Trip Function 1.d.(2); and (b) for                                                      !
up to 6 hours for Trip Functions other than 1.d.(2) provided the                                                                i l      associated Trip Function maintains Plant Systems actuation capability.                                                          l l
i l
l l
l l
t l
l l
l l
l 1
1 achmen .-
PY-CEY/NRR-1694                    PY-C-                RR- 14 96L Attachment 2                                  'e 35 o Page 32 of 54 l
INSERT 5:                                                                                                                                                                  I TABLE 3.3.9-1 (Continued)                                                                                          !
PLANT SYSTEMS ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION                                                                                                l ACTIONS                                                                                      ;
kO TION 13^                      "ith the number cf OPEP^. ELE cF:- c1c 1ccc ther
_ _ _ _ . _ . ..,..._a_ u_ .,. .t..__
                                                                                                                        .      u. i _ 4. _. . . _ n_ n r_o. .n.o_ r_r, nu. . _ .
Trip Eyctc= requircrent:
QPL%b                                  c.            "ith crc channel inc;crchlc, placc the
                                                                                                  -incpcrchic                      chcr .cl                  ir    the                tripped
() l TN                                            =cndition ::ithir 24 hcure cr de:1 crc the eeeeciated cyctc;(c) ircpcratic T_N5 bg                                  '
                                                                                    ) .'          "ith mere ther enc chcrn:1 inc;crchic, dcc1cre                    the              ccccciated                          cyctc=(c)
_.. pcrable 404                                                                                                        ,___
                                           m r*vn u.            w    u. 4. . 1. .  .1.._
                                                                                                                . _ t _ _ _ c n_ n.e.n. _a.a r.r _t.____,
                                                                                                                          . _            ..      _        _  ...___._,t._._                    .      .
                                                                                }  rc;uired by the "ini = OPEP^. ELE Chc.nncic por Trip Eycter rc;uircacnt, placc th: inc;crctic                                                                              '
s, 2_      .t.._ &. _ .2yy_ ___ _s _ . . 3 2. 1_.                        1 t.. .. n.-2
                                                                                    -.._.. .s he                  er declare the crcccicted cyctc=(c)
Q.ure    ;;r:bic            . -
ACTION 132 -                    a.            With the number of OPERABLE Channels one less              than        required by                        the                Minimum OPERABLE                    Channels                  per        Trip                System requirement,                            restore                the            inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 7 days YO                                                  or be in at least STARTUP within the next 4,&*Y                                                6 hours.
v                                b.            With the number of OPERABLE channels teo less                than        required by                        the                Minimum OPERABLE                    Channels                  per          Trip                System requirement, restore at least one of the inoperable channels to OPERABLE status within 72 hours or be in at least STARTUP within the next 6 hours.
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LSEAT NEu Acrio4 63 ttER.E.
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 33 of 54 l
t Inserts for newly created page of Table Actions:
ACTION 130 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify l              vithin one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic actuation capability of either subsystem A or subsystem B, and place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 24 hours. Otherwise, declare the associated subsystem (s) i              inoperable.
ACTION 131 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to maintain automatic actuation capability of either l
l subsystem A or subsystem B, and restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 24 hours. Otherwise, declare the associated subsystem (s) inoperable.
ACTION 133 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 24 hours.
Otherwise, declare the associated subsystem (s) inoperable.
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R-1496 L Attachment 2          re 37 o REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.2 SAFETY VALVES SAFETY / RELIEF VALVES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Of the following safety / relief valves, the safety valve function of at least 7 valves and the relief valve function of at least 6 valves other than those satisfying the safety valve function requirement shall be OPERABLE with the specified lift settings:
Number of Valves          Function        Setpoint* (psig) 8                    Safety          1165 1 11.6 psi 6                    Safety          1180 1 11.8 psi 5                    Safety          1190 1 11.9 psi 1                    Relief          1103    15 psi 9                    Relief          11131 15 psi 9                    Relief          1123 1 15 psi APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2 and 3.
: a. With the safety and/or relief valve function of one or more of the above required safety / relief valves inoperable, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 24 hours.
: b. With one or more safety / relief valves stuck open, close the stuck open safety / relief valve (s); with suppression pool average water temperature 110*F or greater, place the reactor mode switch in the Shutdown position.
: c. With one or more safety / relief valve tail pipe pressure switches inoperable, restore the inoperable switch (es) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SHUTOOWN within the following 24 hours.
: d. With either relief      lve function pressure actuation trip system "A" or "B" inoperable, restc e the inoperable trip system to OPERABLE status within 7 days; otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours.
;        SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The tail          e  pressure switch for each safety / relief valve shall be demonstrated OPERAB            ;h the setpoint verified to be 3015 psig by per-                  y formance of a: j                                          g
: a. CHANNELFUNCTIONALTESTatleastonceperJ1 days,anda
: b. CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months.
f Thereliehplvefunctionpressureactuationinstrumentationshallbe demonstrated OPtRABL        y performance of a:
y pe y        a. CHANNEL FUNCTIO _Hol TEST i l ding calibration of the trip unit, at least once per % da
  -            b. CHANNEL CALIBRATIOR,ysd,        D                    nc u
  #                                          LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST ** and simulated automatic operation of the entire system at least once per 18 months.
          *The lift setting pressure shall correspond to ambient conditions of the valves at nominal operating temperatures and pressures.
M _SRV      solenoid
            ;intf tho        energization shall be used alternating between the "A" solenoid "R" Colenoid.                -~
      @ INS mkt NFuS FOOTNOTE
* REE d PERRY - UNIT 1                            3/4 4-7 l
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 35 of 54 l
Insert for page 3/4 4-7:                                                                          1
          # When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of                      l required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up                      !
to 6 hours provided the associated Function maintains Relief initiation capability.
1 l
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694    PY-C . R-1496 L Attachment 2          ge 38 o Page 36 of    ,
REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SAFETY / RELIEF VALVES LOW-LOW SET FUNCTION                                                            1 l
LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The relief valve function and the low-low set function of the                                  l following reactor coolant system safety / relief valves shall be OPERABLE with                        !
the following settings:
i Low-Low Set Function            Relief Function Setpoint* (psig) i 15 psi      Setpoint* (psig)
Valve No.              Open      Close          Open            Close i
1821-F0510            1033      926            1103 1 15 psi 1003 2 20 psi 1821-F051C            1073      936            1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi 1821-F051A            1113      946            1113 t 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi 1821-F051B            1113      946            1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 osi 1821-F047F            1113      946            1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi 1821-F051G            1113      946            1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2 and 3.
: a. With the relief valve function and/or the low-low set function of one of the above required reactor coolant system safety / relief valves inoperable, restore the inoperable relief valve function and the low-low set function to OPERABLE status within 14 days or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within
;            the next 12 hours ant.i in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours.
: b. With the relief valve function and/or the low-low set function of more than one of the above required reactor coolant system safety / relief valves inoperable, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWH within the next 24 hours.
: c. With either relief valve / low-low set function pressure actuation trip system "A" or "B" inoperable, restore the inoperable trip system to                            i OPERABLE status within 7 days; otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN                          1 within 12 hours and in COLD SHUT 00VN within the following 24 hours.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                                            I
                                                                                              $55 The relief valve function and the low-low se actuation instrumentation shall be demonstrated OPERAB unction pressure performance of a:
j      ,
              . . . . . , - b _..
y ob'
                                            '    "9                          "    **    **
: b. CHANNEL CALIBRATION, LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST and simulated automatic operation of the entire system at least once per 18 months.
        "The lift setting pressure shall correspond to ambient conditions of the valves at nominal operating temperatures and oressures.                                            '
( 4 TUSEtAT NEW FooTNOT e., & WEA6                      M FtKHY - UNIT 1                          3/4 4-8
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 i                                                                              Page 37 of 54                      -
Insert for page 3/4 4-8:
        # When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours provided the associated Function maintains Low-Low Set initiation capability.
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694      PY-C    'R- 14 96L Attachment 2          .ge 39 o Page 38 of 54 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION (1                                                                                                      i BASES 3/4.3.1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION The reactor protection system automatically initiates a reactor scram to:
: a. Preserve the integrity of the fuel cladding.
: b. Preserve the integrity of the reactor coolant system.
: c. Minimize the energy which must be absorbed following a loss-of-coolant accident, and
: d. Prevent inadvertent criticality.
This specification provides the limiting conditions for operation necessary to preserve the ability of the system to perform its intended function even during periods when instrument channels may be out of service because of main-tenance. When necessary, one channel may be made inoperable for brief intervals to conduct required surveillance.
The reactor protection system is made up of two independent trip systems.
There are usually four channels to monitor each parameter with two channels in
!(  cach trip system. The outputs of the channels in a trip system are combined i    in a logic so that either channel will trip that trip system. The tripping of i    both trip systems will produce a reactor scram.      The system meets the intent , ,,,
i of IEEE-279 for nuclear power plant protection systems. (thy baserfor tWtFp''{ns settings of the RPS are discussed in the bases for Specification 2.2.1.
l          The measurement of response tinc at the specified frequencies provides assurance that the protective functions associated with each channel are com-l pleted within the time limit assumed in the safety analyses. No credit was                $;; g taken for those channels with response times indicated as not applicable.                    Mg Response time may be demonstrated by any series of sequential, overlapping              Q          ,
i or total channel test measurement, provided such tests demonstrate the total channel response time as defined. Sensor response time verification may be demonstrated by either (1) inplace, onsite or offsite test measurements, or l    (2) utilizing replacement sensors with certified response times.
s I
i PERRY - UNIT 1                        B 3/4 3-1
                                                                            .~.    .          .-      -
ichmen .
PY-CEI/NRR-1694                        PY-C-    ' R- 14 9 61, Attachment 2                            ge 40 o _
Page 39 of 54 INSERT 6:
                    .Specified              surveillance                    intervals          and            surveillance                  and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with        NEDC-30851P,                  " Technical          Specification                          Improvement Analysis for BWR Reactor Protection System," as approved by-the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to T. A. Pickens from A. Thadani dated July 15, a and 5, Trir o nraMlit; ir 1987. Id iccardc to t.CTIO"
                      ..:.:nzd oc cach Nnctic c1 " nit L ing carablc of initiating -
l 9cacter Protectic: ?,ctc~ netuatier ' ithcut ernc!dering -                                                                - _        j r_ m t _ _ _ : . a..e A u6 v44u . u
_. 3. . c _ e .3 ,- ,-
                                                                    ,. , , ,, o 3 REP L A C E_
W\TB                                          %
                                                                                    ~E N 5 EAT                                W                                l i
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 40 of 54 Inserts for Bases page B 3/4 3-1:
ACTION b.1 is intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a                                    l loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable,                                  ;
untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION b.1, RPS " trip capability" is considered to be maintained when each " Functional Unit" identified in Table 3.3.3-1 has sufficient channels OPERABLE or in the tripped condition such that both trip systems vill generate a trip signal upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Functional Unit" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).
The Functional Units identified in Table 3.3.1-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours, provided the associated Functional Unit maintains trip capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the RPS reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the RPS will trip when necessary.
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                                                                                  . ~ . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ , .
4 PY-CEI/!aR-1694          Ch "
-f                                                                    Attachment 2 2
Page 41 of 54          'M 4I INSTRUMENTATION l
f h
BASES                                                            , %9 P, M
,                                                                                          i~
!                    This specification ensures the effectiveness of the instrumentIation used
.          to mitigate the consequences of accidents by prescribing the OPERABIL TY
!                                                                    s
                                                                      ' t2EE54?8. M 5 ::-
l          M$b5E                                          MiiEaEe5s-5kp51 ' ' [s a e 4
          # M e high and low values are critical and may have a substantial j            effect on safety. The setpoints of other instrumentation, where only the high 1            or low end of the setting have a direct bearing on safety, are established at a
}            1evel away from the normal operating range to prevent inadvertent actuation of i            the systems involved.
* 3 i                    Except for the MSIVs, the safety analysis does not address individual sensor response times or the response times of the logic systems to which the sensors are connected. For 0.C. operated valves, a 3 second delay is assumed before the valve starts to move. For A.C. operated valves, it is assumed that i            the A.C. power supply is lost and is restored by startup of the emergency diesel generators. In this event, a time of 13 seconds is assumed before the i            valve starts to move. In addition to the pipe break, the failure of the D.C.
operated valve is assumed; thus the signal delay (sensor response) is concurrent
;            with the 13-second diesel startup. The safety analysis considers an allowable
;    {.      inventory loss in each case which in turn detemines the valve speed in conjunc-tion with the 13-second delay. It follows that checking the valve speeds and the 13-second time for emergency power establishment will establish the response time for the isolation functions.
l!                  Operation with a trip set less conservative than its Tr'.p Setpoint but j            within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the
;            difference between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance
;              for instrument drift specifically allocated for each the safety analyses, i
i 3/4.3.3 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION The emergency core cooling system actuation instrumentation is provided to initiate actions to mitigate the consequences of accidents that are beyond
;              the ability of the operator to control. This specification provides the
]            OPERABILITY requirements, trip setpoints and response times that will ensure 1
effectiveness of the systems to provide the design protection. Although the instruments are listed by system, in some cases the same instrument may be used to send the actuation signal to more than one system at the same time.
Insert 8 Operation with a trip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the difference between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety j
PERRY - UNIT'l                        B 3/4 3-2
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694  PY-C  - R-1496L Attachm:nt 2      .ge 42 o Page 42 of 54 INSERT 7:
Specified    surveillance          intervals                                      and    surveillance    and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30851d,      Supplement 2. " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Instrumentation Common to RPS and ECCS Instrumentation," as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated January                                                  6,  1989 and NEDC-31677P,
                    " Technical  Specification                      Improvement                            Analysis    for    BWR Isolation Actuation Instrumentation" as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC SER letter to S.D. Floyd from C.E.
Rossi dated June 18, 1990.
ADD N Etc INSEAT REAQ g                  INSERT 8:
wpp M              Specified    surveillance          intervals and                                          surveillance    and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30936P, Part 2, " Technical Specification Improvement i        Methodology (with Demonstration for BWR ECCS Actuation t            Instrumentation)" as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated December 9, 1988 (Part 2).
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 43 of 54 Inserts for top of Bases page B 3/4 3-2:
ACTION c.1 is intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION c.1, " isolation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are                            ,
OPERABLE or in the tripped condition such that each " Trip Function" identified in Table 3.3.2-1 is capable of isolating the associated piping flow paths upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event). ACTION c.1 is not applicable to the Manual Initiation Trip Functions since they are not assumed in any accident or transient analysis. Thus, a total loss of manual initiation capability for up to 24 hours (as allowed by ACTION c.2) is permitted.
The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.2-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is ple;ed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as fcilows:    (a) for up to 6 hours for Trip Function 5 m; and (b) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions other than 5 m provided the associated Trip Function maintains isolation capability.      Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability enalysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the isolation vill occur when necessary.
Insert for bottom of Bases page B 3/4 3-2:
ACTIONS 30, 31, 34, 35 and 39 contain provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels.      In regard to ACTIONS 30, 31, 34, and 39, " automatic actuation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE (or are in the tripped condition for ACTIONS 30 and 34) such that each " Trip Function" identified in l            Table 3.3.3-1 is capable of initiating an ECCS function upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event). For ECCS Divisions 1 and 2, each Trip Function should be able to initiate either Division 1 or Division 2; for ADS Trip Systems A and B, each ADS Trip Function should be able to initiate either Trip System A or Trip System B; and for HPCS, the logic should be able to initiate HPCS.
The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.3-1 (except for those in Section D of the Table) are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows:        (a) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions C.1.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h; and (b) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions other than C.1.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h provided the associated Trip Function or the redundant Trip Function (in the other Division) maintains ECCS initiation capability. Upon completion of the Surveillar x, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the ECCS vill initiate when necessary.
e  ,chme PY-C      .R- 14 9 6L PY-CEI/NRR-1694
                                                                                    . p 43 os Attachment 2 INSTRUMENTATION Page 44 of 54 y
l BASES 3/4.3.4 RECIRCU UTION PUMP TRIP ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION The anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) recirculation pump trip system provides a means of limiting the consequences of the unlikely occurrence                ;
of a failure to scram during an anticipated transient. The response of the                    1 plant to this postulated event falls within the envelope of study events in General Electric Company Topical Report NED0-10349, dated March 1971 and NEDO-24222, dated December 1979, and Section 15.8 of the FSAR.
~' Insert 9h The end-of-cycle recirculation pump trip (E0C-RPT) system is an essential safety supplement to the Reactor Protection System. The purpose of the EOC-RPT is to recover the loss of thermal ma gin which occurs at the end-of cycle. The physical phenomenon involved is that the void reactivity feedback due to a pressurization transient can add positive reactivity to the reactor system at a faster rate than the control rods add negative scram reactivity. Each EOC-RPT system trips both recirculation pumps, reducing coolant flow in order to reduce the void collapse in the core during two of the most limiting pressurization events. The two ev'ents for which the EOC-RPT protective feature will function are closure of the turbine stop valves and fast closure of the turbine control valves.
A fast closure sensor from each of two turbine control valves provides input to the EOC-RPT system; a fast closure sensor from each of the other two turbine control valves provides input to the second EOC-RPT system. Similarly, a position switch for each of two turbine stop valves provides input to one E0C-RPT system; a position switch from each or the other two stop valves provides input to the other E0C-RPT system. For each EOC-RPT system, the sensor relay contacts are erranged to form a 2-out-of-2 logic for the fast closure of turbine control valves and a 2-out-of-2 logic for the turbine stop valves. The operation of either logic will actuate the EOC-RPT system and trip both recirculation pumps.
6 sert 10 Each EOC-RPT system may be manually bypassed by use of a keyswitch which                l 1s administratively controlled. The manual bypasses and the automatic Operating                i Bypass at less than 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER are annunciated in the control room.
The EOC-RPT system response time is the time assumed in the analysis between initiation of valve motion and complete suppression of the electric arc, i.e., 140 ms.      Included in this time are: the time from initial valve movement to reaching the trip setpoint, the response time of the sensor, th response time of the system logic, and the time allotted for breaker arc suppression.
W. d          l'
                                          %                                                M
[A t>D meg a.MEM Ek" Mperation with a +. rip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the difference between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance g      for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety C      analyses.
PERRY - UNIT 1                        8 3/4 3-3
_- -        - - .          -.        . _.    . . ~ - .- -              -        . -          - -  .  - _ -        -    -              - - -.
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PY-CEI/NRR-1694          PY-C      (R-1496L j                                                                                    Attachment 2                ge 44 o
* j                                                                                    Pagr 45 of 54 i
i                                Spoeified          surveillance          intervals        and  surveillance                  and i                                maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance j                                with GENE-770-08-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test i                                Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected
!                                Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as approved by the
'                                                          -ed in the N Rafety E                      on Report (SER)
NRC and do l                                letter to .P. N qi from                  . E. Rosi ated & 2Ay32..
t M                                            J i                                INSERT 10:
k Specified                  surveillance          intervals        and  surveillance                  and i                                maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance
!        @TS(qA^                with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes'to Surveillance Test i                                Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected                                                          ,
h          Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as apnre"ad by the                                                      !
i i
e                      '
                                      'nd documentad in the NRC SER letter dated            ZL t to( Jh from
:                                                            f i
i i
:              Insert for Bases page B 3/4 3-3:                                N
:              ACTIONS (ATVS-RPT) and (End-of-Cycle RPT) are 1              intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function                                                        l i
i              situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped ATVS-RPT or
;              E0C-RPT instrument channels. In regard to these ACTIONS, "RPT trip a
capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE or in the tripped condition such that each " Trip Function" identified
!              in Table (ATUS-RPT) and (EOC-RPT) is capable of tripping j              both recirculation pumps upon receipt of a valid signal from that." Trip 3              Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).
J The Trip Functions identified in Table and are modified by 1              a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status                                                            ,
I i
solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated
;              ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours, provided the associated Trip Function maintains recirculation pump trip (ATVS or E0C-RPT) capability.                                  Upon
:              completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken.
This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the j
i average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the robability that the recirculation pumps vill trip when necessary.
J l
    .n .. ,          - - - -            ,                      - . .              .    -                  --          ..-~ - --. - . -
a  achmen PY-CEI/NRR-1694 ge 45 o Attachm:nt 2 Page 46 of 54 i
(                                                                                            l BASES                                                                                  l 3/4.3.5 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION The reactor core isolation cooling system actuation instrumentation is provided to initiate actions to assure adequate core cooling in the-event of reactor isolation from its primary heat sink and the loss of feedwater flow to the reactor vessel.
nsert i1 Operatio'n with a trip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but        .
within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the differ-      '
ence between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety analyses.
3/4.3.6 CONTROL R00 BLOCK INSTRUMENTATION The control rod block functions are provided consistent with the requirements of the specifications in Section 3/4.1.4, Control Rod Program Controls and Section 3/4.2 Power Distribution Limits. The trip logic is arranged so that a trip in any one of the inputs will result in a control rod i            lock.
J          Operation with a trip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the differ-ence between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety analyses.
(      3/4.3.7 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION 3/ RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the radiation monitoring instrumentation ensures that; (1) the radiation levels are continually measured in the areas served by the individual channels; (2) the alars or automatic action is initiated when the radiation level trip setpoint is exceeded; and (3) sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables          i following an accident. This capability is consistent with.10 CFR Part 50,            !
Appendix A, General Design Criteria 19, 41, 60, 61, 63 and 64.                        l SEISMIC MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION                                        l The OPERABILITY of the seismic monitoring instrumentation ensures that        j sufficient capability is available to promptly determine the magnitude of a          1 seismic event and evaluate the response of those features important to safety.
This capability is required to permit comparison of the measured response to that used in the design basis for the unit. This instrumentation is consistent        l with the reconnendations of Regulatory Guide 1.12 " Instrumentation for                l Earthquakes", April 1974.                                                            l 3/ METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION                                  )
The OPERABILITY of the meteorological monitoring instrumentation ensures that sufficient meteorological data is available for estimating potential radiation doses to the public as a result of routine or accidental release of I'    radioactive materials to the atmosphere. This capability is required to eval-        ,
uate the need for initiating protective measures to protect the health and safety of the public. This instrumentation is consistent with the recommenda-tions of Regulatory Guide 1.23 "OnsitiMeteorological Programs," February,1972.
-t PERRY - UNIT 1                        B 3/4 3-4
a c hme n t-PY-C-                          R- 14 96L PY-CEI/NRR-1694                                                                  c. 46 o Attachment 2 Page 47 of 54 i
i Specified            surveillance                    intervals                                            and                        surveillance                                                    and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30936P, Part 2 " Technical Specification Improvement Methodology (with Demonstration .for BWR ECCS Actuation Instrumentation)" as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated December 9, 1988 (Part 2), and in accordance with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications" and GENE-770-06-02, .
                                    " Addendum to Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical. Specifications", which were ann oved bv the NRC and aneumented in the SER letter to(b D b 1 frorr(CAAnQdated (3Q3 1L in.the SER letter to G. _ Beck from C.E.VRossi-cated beptember 1T3, 1991, respectively.
d (WLO DM                                                                                                                                                                                        p INSERT 12:                                                                                                                                                        Sf    i l                                  Specified            surveillance                    intervals and                                                                  surveillance                                                  and          f maintenance outage. times have been determined-in accordance with NEDC-30851P,                              Supplement 1, " Technical Specification.                                                                                                                          ,
Improvement                      Analysis            for                              BWR                      Control                                            Rod                      Block Instrumentation," as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated September 22, 1988, and in GENE-770-06-01,
!                                    " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times . for Selected - Instrumentation Technical l                                  Specifications",
in the SER letterwhich                      tc(Asinawerefrom(Cideid)        approved _bv                                        dated      the_ NRC                      l3 2]M)          an@d h-nted
                                    ,4Ak W 1A Wk                                                                          -
r i
t l
l l
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 48 of 54 Insert for Top of Bases page B 3/4 3-4:
ACTIONS 50 and 52 contain provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are          l taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION 50, RCIC
  " automatic actuation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition such that          ,
each " Functional Unit" identified in Table 3.3.5-1 is capable of initiating        l the RCIC system upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Functional Unit"          l (without the need to consider a further single failure event).
The Functional Units identified in Table 3.3.5-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows:    (a) for up to 6 hours for Functional Unit e; and (b) for up to 6 hours for Functional Units other than e provided the associated Functional Unit maintains RCIC actuation capability.        Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the RCIC System vill initiate when necessary.
Insert for Middle of Bases page B 3/4 3-4:
ACTION 62 contains provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels.        In regards to ACTION 62, rod block initiation capability is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels remain OPERABLE such that each " Trip Function" identified in Table 3.3.6-1 is capable
; of inserting a rod block upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).
The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.6-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for            ;
performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be          l delayed for up to 6 hours, provided the associated Trip Function maintains          l control rod block capability.        Upon completion of the Surveillance, or        l expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the control rod block vill occur when necessary.
4  achmen .
PY-CEI/NRR-1694    PY-C-          R-1496L Attachment 2        M" 07                                          ,
Page 49 of 54                                                      l INSTRUMENTATION                                                                                                          l
pressure and the feedwater system / main turbine trip system in the event of a                                          l failure of the feedwater controller under maximum demand. The LPCI mode of                                              I the RHR system is automatically initiated on a high drywell pressure signal                                              i and/or a low reactor water level, level 1, signal. The containment spray                                                I system will then actuate automatically following high drywell and high con-tainment pressure signals. A 10-minute minimum and a 11.5-minute maximum time delay exists between initiation of LPCI and containment spray actuation.
The suppression pool makeup system is automatically initiated on a low suppres-                                          I sion pool water level signal with a concurrent LOCA signal or following a specified time delay after receipt of a LOCA signal.
A high reactor water level, level 8, signal will actuate the feedwater system / main turbine trip system.
1 PERRY - UNIT 1                        8 3/4 3-7
achmen .
PY-C .-    <RR-1496L PY-CEI/NRR-1694
                                                            . g 48 o Attachment 2 Page 50 of 54 1NSERT 13 Specified  surveillance  intervals    and    surveillance            and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as approved by the NRC and dop mtM in the NRC Safety Eva_]uation Report (SER) letter to@P. 6ik from(LBJoM atedgd{21 gip, ADD N E4D INS EAT BE M                          9;3 Y
s ee#
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 51 of 54 Insert for Bases page B 3/4 3-7:
ACTIONS 130 and 131 contain provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regard to these ACTIONS,
" automatic actuation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE (or are in the tripped condition for ACTION                    1 130) such that each " Trip Function" identified in Table 3.3.9-1 is capable of actuating their associated Plant system (either Containment Spray subsystem A or subsystem B; or either Suppression Pool Makeup subsystem A or subsystem B) upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).
The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.9-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associF.ted ACTIONS may be delayed as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours for Trip Function 1.d.(2); and (b) for up to 6 hours for Trip Functions other than 1.d.(2) provided the associated Trip Function maintains the appropriate Plant Systems actuation capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the Plant Systems vill initiate when necessary.                            ;
I l
                                                                            - - - - e,w m, ....
        ^ ~      ~    -                              --                        _                                ._
j achmen .              j PY-C-          R- 14 96L      )
l                                                                      PY-CEI/NRR-1694 ge 49 o l                                                                      Attachment 2 Page 52 of 54                                  ,
:                    Demonstration of the safety-relief valve lif t settings will occur only during shutdown and will be performed in accordance with the provisions of Specification 4.0.5.
The low-low set system ensures that safety / relief valve discharges are t
minimized for a second opening of these valves, following any overpressure tran-sient. This is achieved by automatically lowering the closing setpoint of 6 valves and lowering the opening setpoint of 2 valves following the initial opening. In this way, the frequency and magnitude of the containment blowdown duty cycle is substantially reduced. Sufficient redundancy is provided for the low-low set system such that failure of any one valve to open or close at its reduced setpoint does not violate the design basis.
u        /
;              3/4.4.3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE 3/ LEAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEMS The RCS leakage detection systems required by this specification are provided to monitor and detect leakage from the reactor coolant pressure boundary. These detection systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.45, " Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection
:        Systems", May 1973.
3/ OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE                  ,
The allowable leakage rates from the reactor coolant system have been based on the predicted and experimentally observed behavior of cracks in pipes. The normally expected background leakage due to equipment design and the detection capability of the instrumentation for determining system leakage was also con-sidered. The evidence obtained from experiments suggests that for leakage                              ;
somewhat greater than that specified for UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE the probability                          l is small that the imperfection or crack associated with such leakage would grow                        '
rapidly. However, in all cases, if the leakage rates exceed the values specified or the leakage is located and known to be PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, the reactor                        '
will be shutdown to allow further investigation and corrective action.
The Surveillance Requirements for RCS pressure isolation valves provide added assurance of valve integrity thereby reducing the probability of gross valve failure and consequent intersystem LOCA. Leakage from the RCS pressure isolation valves is IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and will be considered as a portion of the allowed limit.
PERRY - UNIT 1                          B 3/4 4-3
achmen .
PY-CEI/NRR-1694  PY-C    ,R- 14 96L Attachment 2        ;e 50 o Page 53 of 54 INSERT 14:
l Specified  surveillance  intervals    and    surveillance      and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as approved by the NRC and doc- nnted in the NRC Safety E'aluation Report (SER) letter to@A Gi@ from(GB&d) dated #p Z1;1992..                          ll AbD ELO IN SECT ~ HULE]
l l
l l
>                                                                          l i
i i
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L j
I Attachment 2 l
Page 54 of 54                    l l
l Insert for Bases page B 3/4 4-3:
The Surveillances are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours, provided the associated Function maintains Safety Relief / Low-Lov Set capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the Relief valves / Low-Lov Set vill initiate when necessary.
l l
d                                                                  PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachm2nt 3 Page 1 of 2 SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION The standards used to arrive at a determination that a request for amendment involves no significant hazards considerations are included in the Commission's Regulations, 10CFR50.92, which state that the operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not (1) involve a 4
significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated, (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated, or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.
The determination of no significant hazards submitted with the original request for amendment dated June 24, 1992 remains complete and accurate for that submittal. The following is a description of the determination made for the changes proposed in this letter.
The proposed amendment has been reviewed with respect to these three factors and it has been determined that the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazard because:
: 1. This proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
The probability of occurrence of a previously evaluated accident is not increased because the instrumentation does not affect the initiation of any accident. The proposed changes do not alter the plant design or methods of operation. The revised wording vill increase the assurance, for the vast majority of instruments and logics, that automatic initiation of the logic will be maintained while instrument surveillance testing or repair is performed.
The consequences of all previously evaluated accidents remains unchanged by this proposed revision. The revised wording assures that the automatic functions remain viable during surveillance testing or repairs, or requires that appropriate compensatory actions be taken. Since the present specifications do not require this check of the logic,'the proposed revision actually has a beneficial result in the consequences of accidents, since the proposed change vill assure automatic instrumentation actuation even while one instrument is being surveilled or repaired.
: 2. This proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.
The instrumentation involved are those instruments which sense plant problems and/or accidents, and then initiate systems or alarms to respond to the plant problem / accident. The proposed change does not modify any    )
of the instruments, or the initiation logic formed by the instruments.      I Therefore, no new or different type of an accident has been created.        I l
PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachm2nt 3 Page 2 of 2 1
: 3. This proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in the                        ,
margin of safety.
As stated above, this proposed change does not result in any plant modification nor change to plant operations. The proposed change vill benefit the availability of the automatic initiation features of the instruments involved during surveillance testing or repairs, by now requiring that a check be made for the vast majority of the instruments to assure that making them inoperable for surveillance testing or repair does not result in a loss of function. This added check assures that a loss of function has not occurred, or if it has, that the Technical Specification ACTION statements be entered promptly. Thus, the margin of safety during surveillance tests and instrument repairs is either increased or is maintained consistent with the June 29, 1992 submittal; and the June 29, 1992 submittal previously justified that there is not a significant reduction in the margin of safety, based on the BVROG analysis results presented in the various Topical teports on Surveillance Interval and Allovable Outage Time Extensions.

Latest revision as of 11:44, 6 September 2020

Proposed Tech Specs Increasing Surveillance Test Intervals & AOT for Instrumentation
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/1994
Shared Package
ML20067D507 List:
NUDOCS 9403080259
Download: ML20067D509 (56)


. - -- -- _-- - - - ._- - -. . - - - - - -

PY-CEI/MRR-1694 tachmen .

Attachment 2 PY-0 . RR-1496 L Page 1 of 54 e 1 o.

3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.1 As a minimum, the reactor protection system instrumentation channels

. shown in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE with the REACTOR PRO CT '

YST RESPONSE TIME as shown in Table 3.3.1-2. pa yg9%g APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3.1-1. f* M N "r ACTION: - P s


a. With the number of OPERABLE channels lest than required by the Minimum OP'ERABLE Channels 'per Trip System requirem t for one trip system, place the 'ipoperable chann'el(s) and/or that trip s tem in the tripped condithn* within 1 hottr. The provisions of S cification 3.0.4 are not appl'itable.
b. With the nuher of OPERABLE annels less than requ d by the Minimum s per Trip Sys requirement for both rip systems, place OPERABLEChantie{ipsystem**inth at least one tr s tripped condition with q one hour and take the ACTION Table M.1-1.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each reactor protection system instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the perfor: nance of the CHANNEL' CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION operations for the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS and at the frequencies shown in Table LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TESTS and simulated automatic operation of all channels shall be performed at least once per 18 months. The REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME of each reactor trip functional unit shown in Table 3.3.1-2 shall be demonstrated to be within its limit at least once per 18 months. Each test shall include at least one channel per trip system such that all- channels are tested at least once every N times 18 months where N is the total number of redundant channels in a specific reactor trip system. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable to the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION surveillances for the Intermediate Range Monitors for entry into their applicable OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS (as shown in Table from OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, provided the surveillances are t +'

performed within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after such entry.

$ NSERT2) o *An inoperable thannel need not bk."praced in the tripoed condition where this gg n o n, wo'uld cause the Trip Function to occurhIn these cases, the\ inoperable channel shallsbe restored te 0PERABLE x status within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or the ACTI required by 98 Table h3.1-1 for thatxTrip Function shall be taken.

N **Thetripktemneedno be placed in the trihped condition if thi ould cause ou the Trip Funbtion to occur.\When a trip system caq be placed in the ipped y condition with'6ut causing the' Trip Function to occuh place the trip system l

oc with the most in' operable channeis in the tripped condition; if both systems s

$" have the same number N s of inoperable channels, place eithdr s trip system in the eo tripped condition.

""A PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-1 Amendment No. 41 l

PY-CEIn!RR-1694 achment 1 Attachment 2 PY-C RR-1496t  !

Page 2 of 54 . ge 2 of l 1

1 e

' # r

  • gm in h. Mred A c"dik ^)




a. With one channel regt ired by Table 3.3.1-1 inoperable in one or more Functi onal Units, place the inoperable channel and/or that t rip system in the tripped condition
  • within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
b. With two or more channels required by Table 3.3.1-1 inoperable in one or more Functional Units:
1. Within one hour, verify sufficient channels remain Q OPERABLE or tM pr i e to maintain trip capability in the Functional Unit, and ll 4t e

', n % 2. Within 6 hourc, place the inoperable channel (s) in

. one trip system and/or that trip system ** in the tripped condition *, and Gdi+io[ g} 3. Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, restore the inoperable channels in the other trip system to an OPERABLE status or

  • M pr - 4 . l(

Otherwise, take the ACTION required by Table 3.3.1-1 for the Functional Unit.


  • An inoperable channel or trip system need not be placed in the tripped condition where this would cause the Trip Function to occur. In these cases, if the inoperable channel is not restored to OPERABLE status within the required time, the ACTION required by Table 3.3.1-1 for the Functional Unit shall be taken.
    • This ACTION applies to that trip system with the most inoperable channels; if both trip systems have the same number of inoperable channels, the ACTION can be applied to either trip ,


j l

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2 achme Page 3 of 54 PY-C RR-1496 L e3o TABLE 3.3.1-1 (Continued)


W (c) " ch:nnel ::y be pl:::d in an inoperable :tatu: fo r up t *f ... ur: for rp required :urveil?:n : 3....

. .a + 4 ,. -. .,4s.s without p?::ing the trip :y:te: i- the tripped

. ___ noenio,e a .__ 3 4 n. ..__

+.4. .......

J. :. " .'.. : T... . . _,E.

.. . . . ' ' ;.Z..: . ,'. .: _. .:...'. . .: _. '. "' ' ' ' "' ~ " ' "' ""' ' - - ' " Y (b) Unless adequate shutdown margin has been demonstrated per Specifica-tion 3.1.1 and the "one rod-out" Refuel position interlock has been

' demonstrated OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.1 the shorting links shall be removed from the RPS circuitry prior to and during the time any control rod is withdrawn."

(c) An APRM channel is inoperable if there are less than 2 LPRM inputs per level or less than 14 LPRM inputs to an APRM channel.

(d) This function is not required to be OPERABLE when the reactor pressure 4

vessel head is removed per Specification 3.10.1.

(e) This function shall be automatically bypassed when the reactor mode switch is not in the Run position.

(f) This function is not required to be OPERABLE when DRYWELL INTEGRITY is not required.

(g) With any control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Speci fication or

(h) This function is automatically bypassed when turbine first stage pressure is less than the value of turbine first stage pressure corresponding to 40%** of RATED THERMAL POWER.

  • Not required fo control rods removed per Specification or
    • The Turbine First Stage Pressure Bypass Setpoints and cor respn o ding  !

Allowable Values are adjusted based on Feedwater temperatures (see 3/4.2.2 for definition of AT). The Setpoints and Allowable Values for various aTs are as follows:

T(*F) Setooint (psig) Allowable Value (psig) 0=T < 212 < 218 0< aT < 50 - 7 190 7 196 50 < AT < 100 7 168 7 174 100 < aT],170 E146 [152

PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-5 Amendment No. 29 4

l PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 4 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-5:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Functional Unit maintains RPS trip capability.

l l

l l

l 1

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 achmen i Attachment 2 PY-L, .4tR-1496 1, Page 5 of 54 Jage 6 o INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.2 ISOLATION ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.2 The isolation actuation instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3.2-1 shall be OPERABLE with their trip setpoints set consistent with the values shown in the Trip Setpoint column of Table 3.3.2-2 and with ISOLATION SYSTEM PONS TIME as shown in Table 3.3.2-3.

l N o,; , cb g6 f N5ge5,  % YI l APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3.2-1. /


) a. With an isolation actuation instrumentation channel trip setpoint i less conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column l of Table 3.3.2-2, declare the channel inoperable until the channel l

is restored to OPERABLE status with its trip setpoint adjusted m .

consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.

' Insert D '-

th the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by t l

7 ( I b.

l Min gum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for ne trip i systemylace the inoperable channel (s) and/or that tr' system in I

the tripp condition

  • within one hour. The provis s of Specifica-tion 3.0.4 t applicable.


c. Withthenumbero?$PERABLEchannelslesst n required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels pe N rip System requir ent for both trip systems, l place at least one triphstem** in t tripped condition within one l hour and take the ACTION rhquired Table 3.3.2-1.


  • An inoperable channel need n be placed in the Tipped condition where this l would cause the Trip Functi n to occur. In these cd s, the inoperable channel ,

shall be restored to OP IIABLE status within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or e ACTION required by (

! Table 3.3.2-1 for t Trip Function shall be taken.

    • Thetripsystemfeednotbeplacedinthetrippedconditioni his would cause the Tr y Function to occur. When a trip system can be pla in the tripped c dition without causing the Trip Function to occur, place e trip s em with the most inoperable channels in the tripped condition, f bot ystems have the same number of inoperable channels, place either tr

' tem in the tripped condition.

l PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-9 I

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 g_" }chm n - 14 96L Attachment 2 '

4e 7o Page 6 of 54 INSERT 3:



> +This r

l >. With the number of OPERABLE Channels less than re q u i re-

by the Minimum UPERABLE Channels per Trip Sys em l requirement for one trip system,

! Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions common to RPS l instrumentation, and

2. ithin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions nc . common to RP ' Instrument ation.
place the ioperable channel (s) and/or la t trip system

( in the tripp d condition 4

c. With the number of OPERABLE Channe ., less than required l by the Minimum OPERABLE Chann 1s per Trip System l requirement for boe i trip systerr ,

l l 1. Within one hour, , lace t e inoperable channel (s) in one trip system a i/o that trip system 44 in the tripped condition 4, ' d

2. Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> f >r T 'p Functions common to RPS

! instrumentation. and wa hin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions not smmon to R ~ instrumentation, place the inoperab] channel (s) 12 the other trip eystem in the tripred condition 4 4 An inoperabl- channel or trip system ne-d not be placed in the trip ed condition where this woul cause the Trip Function .o occur. In these cases, if t e inoperable channel s not restored to OPERABLE statue within the requir d time, the ACTION required by TABLE o 3.2-1 for that rip Function shall be taken.

! ** T s ACTION applies to that trip system with the s most toperable channels; if both trip systems have % e %2me number of inoperable channels, the ACTION can be u. ; Cw d l

to either trip system.


PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 7 of 54 l l

l Insert for page 3/4 3-9:

b. Vith one channel required by Table 3.3.2-1 inoperable in one or more Trip Functions, place the inoperable channel and/or that trip system in the tripped condition
  • vithin:
1. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions common to RPS instrumentation, and
2. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions not common to RPS instrumentation,
c. With two or more channels required by Table 3.3.2-1 inoperable in one or more Trip Functions;
1. Vithin one hour, verify for automatic trip functions that sufficient channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition
  • to maintain isolation capability for the Trip Function, and
2. Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions common to RPS instrumentation, and within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions not common to RPS instrumentation, place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition *.

Otherwise, take the ACTION required by Table 3.3.2-1 for the Trip Function.

  • An inoperable channel or trip system need not be placed in the tripped condition where this vould cause the Trip Function to occur. In these cases, if the inoperable channel is not restored to OPERABLE status within the required time, the ACTION required by Table 3.3.2-1 for the Trip Function shall be taken.

l i


achmen PY-CEI/NRR-1694 p Attachment 2 *O Page 8 of 54 TABLE 3.3.2-1 (Continued)


9 uW NOTES (Continued) M

) ^ ch::::1 ::y be pl:::d ' -:n in per:51: :hter f:r "; 5 heur: fer l r:quir:d curr:f'!= : eith:rt pl::ing th: trip cyctr

  • _... trf pped ::r-ditten p =vid:d :t 1:::t : : Other OPEP^.SLE ch:nn:1 i- +2  :=: trip I i '

-cy:t:: f: : riter n; +2:t p:rr:ter_ j (b) Also actuates the standby subsystem of the annulus exhaust gas treatment system.

(c) Also actur.tes the control room emergency filtration system in the recir- 1 culation mode of operation.

(d) Also trips and isolates the mechanical vacuum pumps.

(e) Closes only RWCU system isolation valve (s) 1G33-F004 (SLCS Pump A) and 1G33-F001 (SLCS Pump B).

(f) Man"al initiation isolates 1E51-F064 and 1E51-F031 only and only following manual or automatic initiation of the RCIC system.

(g) Containment and Drywell Purge System inboard and outboard isolation valves each use a separate two out of two isolation logic.

(h) Requires RCIC system steam supply pressure - low coincident with drywell pressure high to isolate valve 1E51-F077.

(i) For this signal, one trip system has two channels which close valves 1E51-F063 and 1E51-F076 while the other trip system has two channels which close valve 1E51-F064.

(j) Isolates both RHR and RCIC.

(k) There is only one (1) RCIC manual initiation channel for valve group 9.

l 1

PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-16

PY-CEZ/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 roga 9 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-16:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions 1.h and 5.m; and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions other than 1.h and 5.m provided the associated Trip Function maintains isolation capability.

I l

l l


I l

l l

l l -- - - - . . - . . . . . -. .~

TABLE 3.3.3-1 .




1. RilR-A (LPCI MODE) AND LPCS SYSTEM 2 1,2,3,4*,5* 30
a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, level 1 1,2,3 30 2
b. Drywell Pressure - High 1 1,2,3,4",5* 19
c. LPCS Pump Olscharge Flow - Low (Bypass) 1,2,3 31 m>m 1
d. Reactor Vessel Pressure - Low (LPCS Injection 4*, 5* 32 Sl 0 ?

Valve Permissive)

Reactor Vessel Pressure - Low (LPCI Injection 1 1,2,3 31 *gg

e. 4*, 5* 32 E;l t Valve Permissive)

LPCI Pump A Start Time Delay Relay 1 1,2,3,4*,Sa 31 ogg g f.

1 1,2,3,4* Sa 39 m-*

g. LPCI Pump A Discharge Flow - Low (Bypass) 1, 2, 3, 4 * , 5* 33 gwh 1
h. Manual Initiation e




2 ID) 1, 2, 3 _3D Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 a.

b. Manual Inhibit 1 1,2,3 33Q i

1 1,2,3 31

c. ADS Timer 1. 2, 3 M 30
d. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 3 (Permissive) 1 '

31 2 , 2, 3 j e. LPCS Pump Discharge Pressure - High (Permissive)

' LPCI Pump A Discharge Pressure - High (Permissive) 2 1,2,3 31 f.

2 1,2,3 33

g. Manual Initiation 1

Y "


-\ (>1r i ?E ". 1


%'el> 4 gr* . . , 2m 5 3 - W k (i d p h g.1, c c,

5. _. 0






Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 2 1,2,3,4*,5* 30

a. 1,2,3 30 m>,


b. Drywell Pressure - High 1,2,3 31 $%?
c. Reactor Vessel Pressure - Low (LPCI Injection 1 Valve Permissive) 4*, 5* 32 **Q
d. LPCI Pump B Start Time Delay Relay 1 1,2,3,4*,5* 31 Oft LPCI Pump Discharge Flow - Low (Bypass) 1/ pump 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5* 39 o g '2:
e. 1,2,3,4*,5* 33 "a
f. Manual Initiation 1 uw-f y

2(b) 1, 2, 3 30

a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 e
b. Manual Inhibit 1 1,2,3 fC83_ 3 0, l 1 1, 2, 3 ,
c. ADS Timer 1,2,3
d. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 3 (Permissive) 1 'li LPCI Pump B and C Discharge Pressure - High (Permissive) 2 1,2,3 3
e. 1,2,3 33 2
f. Manual Initiation mp et2nb


g g2qy3 9- m


> # l c o g 1> '% Fat 1

f3 (f5( -.

't c

- - - - _ _ - _ _ _ _r - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

TABLE 3.3.3-1 (Continued)


! A



a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 2 4(b) 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5* 34
    1. 4(b) 1, 2, 3 3
b. Drywell Pressure - High Reactor Vessel Water Level - High, Level 8 4(c) 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5* N
c. ll
d. Condensate Storage Tank Level - Low 2 fd) 1, 2, 3, 4* , 5* 35
e. Suppression Pool Water Level - High 2(d) 1, 2 , 3 , 4 * , 5
  • 35
f. HPCS Pump Discharge Pressure - High (Bypass) 1 1,2,3,4*,5* 4 0
g. HPCS System Flow Rate - Low (Bypass) 1 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5*

t' Manual Initiation ## 1 1,2,3,4*,5* ll b h.


1. 4.16 kv Emergency Bus Undervoltage### 2/ bus 2/ bus 2/ bus 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5** 37 (Loss of Voltage) ggg
2. 4.16 kv Emergency Bus Undervoltage 2/ bus 2/ bus 2/ bus 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5** 38 (Degraded Voltage)

J) i ensan i ::y b;il:::d * :n in per:ble :tztu: forupidghnur;d:Fngp:rfed: ef required

-turv:t'l:ne: etth:ut p!::tn;; th: trfp tyrter 8- th:-trfpped tenditier previd:d :t 1 ::t en:-

Other OPEP^9tE chcrnel *- th: :::: trip :y:t_:: f: ::riter* th:t p:r ::ter # g (b) Also actuates the associated division diesel generator. gg 5*ftbe (c) Provides signal to close HPCS pump injection valve only.

(d) Provides signal to HPCS pump suction valves only. 1 W tTN

  • When the system is required to be OPERABLE per Specification 3.5.2 or 3.5.3. gg .m
    • Required when ESF equipment is required to be OPERABLE.


Not required to be OPERABLE when reactor steam dome pressure is less than or equal to 100 psig.

  • "(


    1. The injection function of Drywell Pressure - High and Manual Initiation are not required to y>,

be OPERABLE with indicated reactor vessel water level on the wide range instrument greater than 4? O is the Level 8 setpoint coincident with the reactor pressure less than 450 psig. **gox@

      1. The Loss of Voltage and Degraded Voltage functions are common to Divisions 1, 2 and 3. Oit f o@* 5 m c 2

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 13 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-30:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed I as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions C.1.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h; and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions other than C.I.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h provided the associated Trip Function maintains ECCS initiation capability.



! PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2 * **" '




.en 1.... . , , ..*k._..

, nm . nu wo n. a i r m. . o .t.._

. . .u.m .__ . s. n.e . .r a..a..n t.f. .u.

.. .. .. 1.,. .. .-,. .. . . 4. . . .s u,. . . a...u. .


-Mini = 0"E"""LE Ch=n:1 ; r T-f; F ::tir --^ f r:=nt:

. Uith =: d==1 '=p:rdle, pin: th: ;rdl; :h==1 4

. W ar- CE, 4.... .. u. .

....,.._2 4, . . . a , ._ w 4. +. 4.

.,....__ ,__,.u,.

m_ .Iw 4. +__ . - - .

a., i . + w.

% x. . < c _ c. . - _ ' =i-WM  ;-M $lere th :==' t:d d 1


I 8-Yith = r: th= := then:1 --

T N 5m..- EAT). :y:t= ' = = -- . ,

n ,,, r ,... u.

3 nm .mo ,,m..o _ _,

...m.. ..m...._. . . m..o .r e . . , e.......u.......... .


-- uk. - I u. f. . .1... ... . . . A..M e. B

. . .A. B f_f P. u.. . . . .- 1. .. , . - .

. . T. . 2. ,= .f....I..... . ..,_..4..--.'..'y

. 2II~. 7A 1. -

) a_ ._ , , . .. + u. . . . _. ., < . . . a .s n e + . t. ,. . , . . , + . ..-- .. cree

. ---- . a..._-. - .. ..


With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Minimum l qMS OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, place the g inoperable channel in the tripped condition within(.= 5. 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)

ION 33 With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requi ement, restore j i the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within ours or 4


.u. ..._u._ .,

Ci r.v. e n.u.u. _ i, i u_ . . &. . . . . . _ _ _ . .. n. e _c e.m.. e.. u . . . u. ,. . .. _ . _ . .

u,, . ..

.,-..<_m m.. . v.

g j  %. 1 .. . ... . M.n.e . . .B . .A.B PL.

. f- f. . . . . . . . .

1., 7.- . T. l,. . ...

- f

.1- . 6 4. . ......,-..J._..___._.A.

4_ N

_1 ,

e. . . + <

.. . . . .. .,_. , ~.+ ,

.,.,. .u..

- . _ . _ . . . . _ . ..s-..,.,....s..,.....y,-

u x a 3

. ~- -, '


. ._ _ m. a 4. +_ 4_ m . _ 4. +_ .w. < _x _ __

. _ _ . , ._ . s.,i._...


u_n e e . ,. .. . ._ < _ - , .- . ..u . ,

4 g g&. . e

. ._ .u.. . &. .. ,

. ,. s.

.. , . . . . _ _......, ,...,-. u...

.unPe.... .,.. _ ,_____ <, .

G CTIO" M ' b n
= n := cf OPEP^.SLE ch r =1: !=: th e re etr:d by in: 3 j 'ni :: =t'= 7: ;;'rs=t, p!=: j gp_ ] a"t len t : = ' =p--21:OPEP.^."LE th==1 Ch==1: 4-th: pr Tr'; F f= uithin 3

j MEy  ; = 5: r,

-..______,' =...$..: lip the up s..,c3 y g= g tr';;;d gg =  :=d't,7=

gg= gg /,

y yy. **. .... ,w. .. _.., ..

.. .u.

.. . . . . ,_ . ..._ unee .,...+._ 4....

..7..,. f, i ACTION 36 With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the

} Hinimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, place i at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within j 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> _ _6Wh@ or declare the HPCS system inoperable. .

i ACTION 37 -

With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Total Number

, c,f Channels, declare the associated emergency diesel generator inoperable and take the ACTION required by Specification

or, as appropriate. '

i ACTION 38 - With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Total Number j of Channels, place the inoperable channel in the tripped condi-j tion within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />; operation may then continue until perform-a

9. once of the next.,required CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST.

i, . .e.v. e n.u.. .e.. n. '

n. .. c..

.. u.. .._u.

. . . . . . . . .. a..n .e n . . . f....-u..........

2...--..m_ . .

___ ~

. . w ... m m.,. u.....


1.,. , . . . T t.-, ..f.....t... . __.A..._._...A.,1._.- *

} JJ f t ...i=;=dle.. . n. D r D. A.D f._C'- ..,.

l the ch==1 the trip;;d :=d'ti= u'th'r. ;y= ..= sLJ l " n tr e the '=; = d1: d = = 1 t: ^PE"^"LE :t:t;; u'th'nTQ , -

Q-dulr: ": :n ci:t-d rytt= '=;rdle. --

j t -


! 'It h E N T' N E W A C ~i~t o N 90 WAE ]

PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-31 Amendment No. 30 d

) .

l PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 15 of 54 Inserts for page 3/4 3-31:

ACTION 30 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain j OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic  :

actuation capability of either Division 1 or Division 2 ECCS and either ADS Trip System A or Trip System B, and place the l

inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Otherwise, declare the associated system (s) inoperable.

Action 31 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to maintain automatic actuation capability of either Division 1 or Division 2 ECCS and either ADS Trip System A or Trip l System B, and restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status l

vithin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, declare the associated ADS trip system (s) or ECCS inoperable.

l Action 34 - With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the l Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify l vithin one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic l HPCS actuation capability, and place the inoperable channel (s) in l the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, declare the HPCS system inoperable.

( Action 35 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that the HPCS pump suction is either aligned or is capable of automatically realigning to the suppression pool, and place at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition vithin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, declare the HPCS system inoperable.

Action 39 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify vithin one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to maintain automatic actuation capability of either Division 1 or Division 2 ECCS, and restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days. Otherwise, declare

the associated system (s) inoperable.

l Action 40 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, restore l the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days.  :

Otherwise, declare the HPCS system inoperable. )

l l



~{6, s The anticipated transient without scram recirculation pump trip (ATVS-RPT) system instrumentation channels shown in Table shall gpM l be OPERABLE with their trip setpoints set consistent with values shown in the Trip Setpoint column of Table



a. With an ATVS-RPT system instrumentation channel trip setpoint less ]

conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column of Table, declare the channel inoperable until the channel is restored to OPERABLE status with the channel trip setpoint adjusted consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.

With the number of OPERABLE channels one ldthan required by the inimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for one or b t* sy4tems, place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped c ition withi ene-houe. 24hourb

c. With the n er of OPERABLE channels two or more less an required by the Minimu PERABLE Channels per Trip System uirement for one trip system and:

l 1. If the inoperable nnels consist ' one reactor vessel water level channel and one react vessel*

sure channel, place both inoperable channels in t ped condition

  • within@ne4our. 24g
2. If the inoperable chan s inc e two reactor vessel water level channels or two rea r vessel pre re channels, declare the trip system ino able. . ,
d. With one trip em inoperable, restore the in rable trip system I to OPERABL atus within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at leas TARTUP within the nex hours.
e. Wi oth trip systems inoperable, restore at least one trip stem l o OPERABLE status within one hour or be in at least STARTUP wi the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

i SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each ATVS recirculation pump trip system instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST, and CHANNEL CALIBRATION operations at the frequencies shown in Table LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TESTS and simulated automatic operation of all channels shall be performed at least once per 18 months.

1 aThe inoperable channels need not be placed in the tripped condition where this would cause the Trip Function to occur. In this case, the inoperable channels shall be restored to OPERABLE status within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, or the trip system shall be declared inoperable.

PERRY - UNIT l' 3/4 3-40

i PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 17 of 54

- 1 Insert for page 3/4 3-40:

(b) Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement:

1. Verify that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are j in the tripped condition to maintain ATVS-RPT trip capability for:

I a) either the low reactor vessel water level or the high reactor vessel pressure Trip Function within one hour, and 4 b) both the low reactor vessel water level or the high reactor vessel pressure Trip Functions within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, and

2. Place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 14 days.

I Otherwise, either remove the associated recirculation pump from service or be in at least STARTUP vithin the next six hours.

1 d

I l






  • Low, Level 2
2. Reactor Vessel Pressure - High 2 i

I es W W W WP W5 au er er y W 1 Y d55 53 m pr:efd:d th: :ther ch::::: i: 0"c"*"Lc. y s

Zm W

t Z -

d i r ,m>m o n .<

& N OQ n I M


CD E N a

O :3 mn I

t,pt PJ N W

4 t

_. a g

+ - r

@ E I hi M


m C*

l l

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L l Attachment 2 l Page 19 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-41:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Trip Function maintains ATVS-RPT trip capability, i

l t

l l

l l


i I

l i

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2 achmen Page 20 of 54 PY-C R-1496 L INSTRUMENTATION e 21 o END-0F-CYCLE RECIRCULATION PUMP TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The end-of-cycle recirculation pump trip (EOC-RPT) system instrumentation channels shown in Table shall be OPERABLE with their lWs.

trip setpoints set consistent with the values shown in the Trip Setpoint column ,


RESPONSE TIME as shown in Table i APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, when THERMAL POWER is greater than or y equal to 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER.


a. With an end-of-cycle recirculation pump trip system instrumentation ItOSEAT' channel trip setpoint less conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column of Table, declare the channel inoperable until the channel is re~ stored to OPERABLE status with the channel setpoint adjusted consistent with the Trip Setpoint value.

With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for one o oth sys.tems_,_ place the inoperable channel (s) in the trippe ondition wit

  • one-houa K elve hours.)
c. With the ber oF0PERABLE channels two or more le than required by the Minim OPERABLE Channels per Trip Syst equirement for one trip system and:
1. If the inoperabl hannels consis f one turbine control valve channel and one tur e stop v e channe channels in the trippe on ' on within@l, placetwelve ne-houn both inoperable hours.) l
2. If the inoperable cha si ude two turbine control valve channels or two tu ne stop va channels, declare the trip system inoperabl .
d. With one trip s em inoperable, restore the perabic trip system to OPERABLE tus within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or reduce TH L POWER to less than 40% RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 6 h s.
e. Wit oth trip systems inoperable, restore at least one t
  • system OPERABLE status within one hour or reduce THERMAL POWER t less than 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

J PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-44

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 21 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-44:

b. Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement:
1. Verify that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain E0C-RPT trip capability for both the turbine stop valve closure and turbine control valve fast closure Trip Functions within two hours, and
2. Place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Otherwise, either remove the associated recirculation pump fast speed breaker from service or reduce THERMAL POVER to less than 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.




1. Turbine Stop Valve - Closure 2(b)
2. Turbine Control Valve - Fest closure 2(b) 2 ## 4 2 ^ ' =0 w ........ .. . ....5......

5_5EUb5f 5 b 2 .. ,, .,.'..

!-f5$ 5. 5 l $ U [ib$i d h

" '2 # 2

..' (b)This function is automatically bypassed when turbine'first stage pressure is less than the w value of turbine first stage pressure corresponding to 40%" of RATE 0 THERMAL POWER.  ;

  • The Turbine First Stage Pressure 8ypass Setpoints and corresponding Allowable Values are adjusted based on Feedwater temperatures (see 3/4.2.2 for definition of AT). The Setpoints and Allowable  !

- Values. for various ATs are as follows: l T(*F) Setpoint (psig) Allowable Value (psic) g k


[$y 0=T < 212 < 218 P *5O F 0 < AT < 50 - 7 190 7 196 -@ UEU i

@ 50 < AT < 100 7 168 7 174 y h o@g


100 < aT < 170 . _7 146 -7 152 q ~~

i  :

a T"s* .!

E p  ?

f c:



er Y O r

b Oe F


PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 23 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-46:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Trip Function maintains EOC-RPT trip capability.

i I

1 1



l l

i 1

TABLE 3.3.5-1 o







  • 2 50
a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 2 2(b) 51
b. Reactor Vessel Water Level - High, Level 8 2(c) 52
c. Condensate Storage Tank Water Level - Low 2 IC) 52
d. Suppression Pool Water Level - High
e. Manual Initiation 1(d) 33
8. ; r:ble Ct:tre for up t $.027: f:r 7:;r'r:d :trv:l:ne: "


)" (:) ^ ch:nnel ::y 5: pl:: d 8-Or Oth:r 0"E"""LE ch:nnel '- the w pl:01n; the tr'; :y:t- *- the trf;;:d ::ndiif:n pr:v'd:d 1:::t :n:

S c::: tr!  :;:ter f: ::-'tcr* ; th t per:::t--

  • (b) One trip system with two-out-of-two logic.

(c) One trip system with one-out-of-two logic.

(d) There is only one manual switch. EP m :, m Z

v d ,g ,


emon trs P

P P o a si



k @

Y' ,


% f fu = 7

!\- r O

m t*


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - __m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.._ _ _ - _ - _

PY-CEX/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 25 of 54 I

1 1

Insert for page 3/4 3-51:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Functional Unit e; and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Functional Units other than e provided the associated Functional Unit maintains RCIC initiation capability.

l l

l l

1 I

i l

I l


- _ , - , , . . , _ __ . . , , . , _ . . _r.,._. ,,. , .. ,_ . _ , . ..

! PY-CEI/NRR-1694 Attachment 2 achmen .

j gg Page 26 of 34 PY-c . R_1496 L h(T A TABLE 3.3.5-1 (continued) e 25 o REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM l ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION l

G,mu e, ,,,

k~,wa n -, u... u..,_ .._u..__

.... ,. a. n ..e. o.n..e ,. e. u.

...,,... 3..,,...u..-.. . ..

..,. .7.... . , i.,., . u....

u..,.._.,._..._ n. .n .e.o n..o , e .r. .u . ._._._. _ 3. ,.. .. v. ., .e...... .....,_____..

pgpgc,E.- -

For ::: trie y t::. P1::: th: ' :?:r:51: :h: :'C:L:0d/:-

th:t trip :y:t:r 2__,___

ir, the tripp:d u.u._ ,m, e , ,, . , .. _. ._. _. . .,____-.m

d,_it10 etth!Qg:,m:@


5 g 5. EAT ._,.

Qme . .<._. . .m. . . . , .. , ... .. .. ._.. .

. , . . . . . . . u... e.

....r .s. ,. . .. .,... . . . .. .. . _.m,.

ACTION 51 - With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE channels per Trip System requirement, declare the RCIC system inoperable (w'IEhTnT4T5TrFij l e, _ ..._u.

rv.. .e n u. .. u...,. c. u... ,. n. n...e o..n .e s e .A. ... .. . 3. 3. ., .. ...u. . ...

. .....,_.2

..,....t,.. . .. u. . .

u.,.._.i._...._ n. .n e n , o . e r.u.._._._._,. c ,_ .

r.. _ _ v. _. ,

,,.. . r_ . . _....

pe.-% mu



u.. . . . . . . . u..... . . . ,.. ...s,.,... . . . . . . . . ,_ .. . . , ...u......

__ c:

u. =.. s., .. __


. .. . u.. .. e.r e r. .. .,. .. .. . . ..

... _ ...a..- . . . . . , . . ,___ . . . . u.....

.. __ _. ...,_..... ____a,

\.ry....... r..., .. .a. 3. .. u. . . e....r.. e... .r . , . . . . . _ ....r... .

ACTION 53 - With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement._ restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status withinf6-hoursNor declare the RCIC system inoperable.

4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 31 e

PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-52 Amendment No. 30

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 27 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-52:

ACTION 50 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of low reactor vessel vater level channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic RCIC system actuation capability, and place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, declare the RCIC system inoperable.

ACTION 52 Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify within one hour that the RCIC pump suction is aligned or vill automatically realign to the suppression pool, and place at least i one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Otherwise, declare the RCIC system inoperable.

l l


1 l

f PY-CEI/NRR-1694 i Attachzent 2 i Page 28 of 54 ,chmen i PY-C R-1496 L

. e 28 o TABLE 3.3.6-1 (Continued)


d ACTION ION 60 - Declare the RPCS inoperable and take the ' ACTION required by l

1 Specification

4 ACTION 61 -

With the number of OPERABLE Channels:

a. One less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 7 days or place the inoperable 4PLAc4- channei in the tripped condition within the next hour.

i Two or more less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE LJ(TW I b.

Channels per Trip Function requirement, place at least MNg one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within one hour.

d!ON52 - E'ith the nrt:r Of OPER^3LE charnel: 1::: th:2 n; ired by the

- Mini:= OPEE^2LE Ch:=:1: per hip c= tier -- dn rnt,s' ace -

" h: in:p;nb1: 05: =:1 4- the tripped Orditir "ithdr31 ' ur,:

. h: 9


ACTION 63 - With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by ttie_,

Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, initiate a rod block.


  • With more than one control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or
    • 0FERABLE channels must be associated with SRMs required OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.2.
  1. With IRMs on range 2 or below. ,

(a)This function is automatically bypassed if detector count rate is > 100 cps or the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher.

(b)This function is automatically bypassed when the associated IRM channels are on range 8 or higher.

(c)This function is automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher.  ;

(d)This function is automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 1.

g , g .a y u 3 , _ 7 17 ._ g. g'.-u c3 g .. c 1,,. - ,c _ ,

~;gc;- M ,cr '71] ] rc7; .;3 t}--3ct {;7 "t7;;,g t' - "T" NC', ;; 'J;', ^ .r i;:{cd x -lition, ;r Eled at I- r* 7 _

^n.TJ.nJ : L:. 1 ;;, th_ _

S 'M C'!CT"J i 1; m..itanic,; tF:t iu:  :;t: -

PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 3-57

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 29 of 54 Inserts for page 3/4 3-57: ,

l ACTION 62 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip Function requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to initiate a rod block by the associated Trip Function, and place at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, initiate a rod block.

(e) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance l of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Trip Function maintains control rod block capability.

l i


- . _ _ . . - - - . ... . . - _ . - _ - ~ ~ - _ .- . _ . - - - _ - .- - -._. ... - _. -.

TABLE 3.3.9-1 5




1,2,3 \

a. Drywell Pressure - High 2 130  ;
b. Containment Pressure - High 2 1,2,3 131 ')
c. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 2 1,2,3 130
d. Timers gy
1. 1,2,3 131 (1 Se stem A and B (10 minute timer)

(2 sj;em B (1.5 minute timer) $*PP

+ 1 1,2,3 131

e. Manual Initiation 1 1,2,3 l w 2. FEE 0 WATER SYSTEM / MAIN TURBINE TRIP SYSTEM n

M o Reactor Vessel Water Level - High, Level 8 3 1

a. 132
a. Drywell Pressure - High 2 1,2,3 1 130
b. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 1 2 1,2,3 130
c. Suppression Pool Water Level - Low 2 1,2,3 131 Suppression Pool Makeup Timer ^ 1 1,2,3 131 d.
e. SPMU Manual Initiation Q P LPrC E- (Mi W/I 1 1,2,3 TJ35MTf ~

(s 131 l'3 C :=t2 _-

tat = fu up :: ._. r ;ui n e ::=:i' unce ithout ta; ca em

= == 1= ::y m e5:m[1 cem = [i ::= imp tuseu 51: =. = = p m it; 4_.._.  : = t = == = 2 =m = > = ,

th: :::: tr*p cycter ' rerfter'n; th:t pir:r ter ,3y

- in n :


n men og'o a

x Eb d :b E e

l PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 31 of 54 Insert for page 3/4 3-100:

(a) When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed I as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Function 1.d.(2); and (b) for  !

up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions other than 1.d.(2) provided the i l associated Trip Function maintains Plant Systems actuation capability. l l

i l

l l

l l

t l

l l

l l

l 1

1 achmen .-

PY-CEY/NRR-1694 PY-C- RR- 14 96L Attachment 2 'e 35 o Page 32 of 54 l

INSERT 5: I TABLE 3.3.9-1 (Continued)  !


kO TION 13^ "ith the number cf OPEP^. ELE cF:- c1c 1ccc ther

_ _ _ _ . _ . ..,..._a_ u_ .,. .t..__

. u. i _ 4. _. . . _ n_ n r_o. .n.o_ r_r, nu. . _ .

Trip Eyctc= requircrent:

QPL%b c. "ith crc channel inc;crchlc, placc the

-incpcrchic chcr .cl ir the tripped

() l TN =cndition ::ithir 24 hcure cr de:1 crc the eeeeciated cyctc;(c) ircpcratic T_N5 bg '

) .' "ith mere ther enc chcrn:1 inc;crchic, dcc1cre the ccccciated cyctc=(c)

_.. pcrable 404 ,___ m r*vn u. w u. 4. . 1. . .1.._

. _ t _ _ _ c n_ n.e.n. _a.a r.r _t.____,

. _ .. _ _ ...___._,t._._ . .

} rc;uired by the "ini = OPEP^. ELE Chc.nncic por Trip Eycter rc;uircacnt, placc th: inc;crctic '


s, 2_ .t.._ &. _ .2yy_ ___ _s _ . . 3 2. 1_. 1 t.. .. n.-2

-.._.. .s he er declare the crcccicted cyctc=(c)

Q.ure  ;;r:bic . -

ACTION 132 - a. With the number of OPERABLE Channels one less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 7 days YO or be in at least STARTUP within the next 4,&*Y 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

v b. With the number of OPERABLE channels teo less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement, restore at least one of the inoperable channels to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least STARTUP within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

1 i

LSEAT NEu Acrio4 63 ttER.E.

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 33 of 54 l

t Inserts for newly created page of Table Actions:

ACTION 130 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify l vithin one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition to maintain automatic actuation capability of either subsystem A or subsystem B, and place the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, declare the associated subsystem (s) i inoperable.

ACTION 131 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, verify within one hour that a sufficient number of channels remain OPERABLE to maintain automatic actuation capability of either l

l subsystem A or subsystem B, and restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, declare the associated subsystem (s) inoperable.

ACTION 133 - Vith the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per Trip System requirement, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Otherwise, declare the associated subsystem (s) inoperable.

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chme PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C .

R-1496 L Attachment 2 re 37 o REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.2 SAFETY VALVES SAFETY / RELIEF VALVES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Of the following safety / relief valves, the safety valve function of at least 7 valves and the relief valve function of at least 6 valves other than those satisfying the safety valve function requirement shall be OPERABLE with the specified lift settings:

Number of Valves Function Setpoint* (psig) 8 Safety 1165 1 11.6 psi 6 Safety 1180 1 11.8 psi 5 Safety 1190 1 11.9 psi 1 Relief 1103 15 psi 9 Relief 11131 15 psi 9 Relief 1123 1 15 psi APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2 and 3.


a. With the safety and/or relief valve function of one or more of the above required safety / relief valves inoperable, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
b. With one or more safety / relief valves stuck open, close the stuck open safety / relief valve (s); with suppression pool average water temperature 110*F or greater, place the reactor mode switch in the Shutdown position.
c. With one or more safety / relief valve tail pipe pressure switches inoperable, restore the inoperable switch (es) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTOOWN within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
d. With either relief lve function pressure actuation trip system "A" or "B" inoperable, restc e the inoperable trip system to OPERABLE status within 7 days; otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The tail e pressure switch for each safety / relief valve shall be demonstrated OPERAB ;h the setpoint verified to be 3015 psig by per- y formance of a
j g
a. CHANNELFUNCTIONALTESTatleastonceperJ1 days,anda
b. CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months.

f Thereliehplvefunctionpressureactuationinstrumentationshallbe demonstrated OPtRABL y performance of a:

y pe y a. CHANNEL FUNCTIO _Hol TEST i l ding calibration of the trip unit, at least once per % da


  1. LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST ** and simulated automatic operation of the entire system at least once per 18 months.
  • The lift setting pressure shall correspond to ambient conditions of the valves at nominal operating temperatures and pressures.

M _SRV solenoid

intf tho energization shall be used alternating between the "A" solenoid "R" Colenoid. -~


  • REE d PERRY - UNIT 1 3/4 4-7 l

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 35 of 54 l

Insert for page 3/4 4-7: 1


  1. When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of l required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up  !

to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Function maintains Relief initiation capability.

1 l

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C . R-1496 L Attachment 2 ge 38 o Page 36 of ,


LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The relief valve function and the low-low set function of the l following reactor coolant system safety / relief valves shall be OPERABLE with  !

the following settings:

i Low-Low Set Function Relief Function Setpoint* (psig) i 15 psi Setpoint* (psig)

Valve No. Open Close Open Close i

1821-F0510 1033 926 1103 1 15 psi 1003 2 20 psi 1821-F051C 1073 936 1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi 1821-F051A 1113 946 1113 t 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi 1821-F051B 1113 946 1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 osi 1821-F047F 1113 946 1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi 1821-F051G 1113 946 1113 1 15 psi 1013 1 20 psi APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2 and 3.


a. With the relief valve function and/or the low-low set function of one of the above required reactor coolant system safety / relief valves inoperable, restore the inoperable relief valve function and the low-low set function to OPERABLE status within 14 days or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within
the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> ant.i in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
b. With the relief valve function and/or the low-low set function of more than one of the above required reactor coolant system safety / relief valves inoperable, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWH within the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
c. With either relief valve / low-low set function pressure actuation trip system "A" or "B" inoperable, restore the inoperable trip system to i OPERABLE status within 7 days; otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN 1 within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUT 00VN within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.


$55 The relief valve function and the low-low se actuation instrumentation shall be demonstrated OPERAB unction pressure performance of a:

j ,

. . . . . , - b _..

y ob'

' "9 " ** **

b. CHANNEL CALIBRATION, LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST and simulated automatic operation of the entire system at least once per 18 months.

"The lift setting pressure shall correspond to ambient conditions of the valves at nominal operating temperatures and oressures. '

( 4 TUSEtAT NEW FooTNOT e., & WEA6 M FtKHY - UNIT 1 3/4 4-8

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 i Page 37 of 54 -

Insert for page 3/4 4-8:

  1. When a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> provided the associated Function maintains Low-Low Set initiation capability.

l l

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achment  !

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C 'R- 14 96L Attachment 2 .ge 39 o Page 38 of 54 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION (1 i BASES 3/4.3.1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION The reactor protection system automatically initiates a reactor scram to:

a. Preserve the integrity of the fuel cladding.
b. Preserve the integrity of the reactor coolant system.
c. Minimize the energy which must be absorbed following a loss-of-coolant accident, and
d. Prevent inadvertent criticality.

This specification provides the limiting conditions for operation necessary to preserve the ability of the system to perform its intended function even during periods when instrument channels may be out of service because of main-tenance. When necessary, one channel may be made inoperable for brief intervals to conduct required surveillance.

The reactor protection system is made up of two independent trip systems.

There are usually four channels to monitor each parameter with two channels in

!( cach trip system. The outputs of the channels in a trip system are combined i in a logic so that either channel will trip that trip system. The tripping of i both trip systems will produce a reactor scram. The system meets the intent , ,,,

i of IEEE-279 for nuclear power plant protection systems. (thy baserfor tWtFp{ns settings of the RPS are discussed in the bases for Specification 2.2.1.

l The measurement of response tinc at the specified frequencies provides assurance that the protective functions associated with each channel are com-l pleted within the time limit assumed in the safety analyses. No credit was $;; g taken for those channels with response times indicated as not applicable. Mg Response time may be demonstrated by any series of sequential, overlapping Q ,

i or total channel test measurement, provided such tests demonstrate the total channel response time as defined. Sensor response time verification may be demonstrated by either (1) inplace, onsite or offsite test measurements, or l (2) utilizing replacement sensors with certified response times.

s I

i PERRY - UNIT 1 B 3/4 3-1

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C- ' R- 14 9 61, Attachment 2 ge 40 o _

Page 39 of 54 INSERT 6:


.Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30851P, " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Reactor Protection System," as approved by-the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to T. A. Pickens from A. Thadani dated July 15, a and 5, Trir o nraMlit; ir 1987. Id iccardc to t.CTIO"

..:.:nzd oc cach Nnctic c1 " nit L ing carablc of initiating -

l 9cacter Protectic: ?,ctc~ netuatier ' ithcut ernc!dering - - _ j r_ m t _ _ _ : . a..e A u6 v44u . u

_. 3. . c _ e .3 ,- ,-

,. , , ,, o 3 REP L A C E_

W\TB  %

~E N 5 EAT W l i

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i 1

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 40 of 54 Inserts for Bases page B 3/4 3-1:

ACTION b.1 is intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a l loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable,  ;

untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION b.1, RPS " trip capability" is considered to be maintained when each " Functional Unit" identified in Table 3.3.3-1 has sufficient channels OPERABLE or in the tripped condition such that both trip systems vill generate a trip signal upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Functional Unit" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).

The Functional Units identified in Table 3.3.1-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, provided the associated Functional Unit maintains trip capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the RPS reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the RPS will trip when necessary.

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4 PY-CEI/!aR-1694 Ch "

-f Attachment 2 2

Page 41 of 54 'M 4I INSTRUMENTATION l

f h

BASES , %9 P, M

, i~


! This specification ensures the effectiveness of the instrumentIation used

. to mitigate the consequences of accidents by prescribing the OPERABIL TY

! s

' t2EE54?8. M 5 ::-

l M$b5E MiiEaEe5s-5kp51 ' ' [s a e 4

  1. M e high and low values are critical and may have a substantial j effect on safety. The setpoints of other instrumentation, where only the high 1 or low end of the setting have a direct bearing on safety, are established at a

} 1evel away from the normal operating range to prevent inadvertent actuation of i the systems involved.

  • 3 i Except for the MSIVs, the safety analysis does not address individual sensor response times or the response times of the logic systems to which the sensors are connected. For 0.C. operated valves, a 3 second delay is assumed before the valve starts to move. For A.C. operated valves, it is assumed that i the A.C. power supply is lost and is restored by startup of the emergency diesel generators. In this event, a time of 13 seconds is assumed before the i valve starts to move. In addition to the pipe break, the failure of the D.C.

operated valve is assumed; thus the signal delay (sensor response) is concurrent

with the 13-second diesel startup. The safety analysis considers an allowable
{. inventory loss in each case which in turn detemines the valve speed in conjunc-tion with the 13-second delay. It follows that checking the valve speeds and the 13-second time for emergency power establishment will establish the response time for the isolation functions.

l! Operation with a trip set less conservative than its Tr'.p Setpoint but j within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the

difference between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance
for instrument drift specifically allocated for each the safety analyses, i

i 3/4.3.3 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION The emergency core cooling system actuation instrumentation is provided to initiate actions to mitigate the consequences of accidents that are beyond

the ability of the operator to control. This specification provides the

] OPERABILITY requirements, trip setpoints and response times that will ensure 1

effectiveness of the systems to provide the design protection. Although the instruments are listed by system, in some cases the same instrument may be used to send the actuation signal to more than one system at the same time.

Insert 8 Operation with a trip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the difference between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety j



PERRY - UNIT'l B 3/4 3-2

achmen <

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C - R-1496L Attachm:nt 2 .ge 42 o Page 42 of 54 INSERT 7:

Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30851d, Supplement 2. " Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Instrumentation Common to RPS and ECCS Instrumentation," as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated January 6, 1989 and NEDC-31677P,

" Technical Specification Improvement Analysis for BWR Isolation Actuation Instrumentation" as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC SER letter to S.D. Floyd from C.E.

Rossi dated June 18, 1990.


wpp M Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30936P, Part 2, " Technical Specification Improvement i Methodology (with Demonstration for BWR ECCS Actuation t Instrumentation)" as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated December 9, 1988 (Part 2).


PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 43 of 54 Inserts for top of Bases page B 3/4 3-2:

ACTION c.1 is intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION c.1, " isolation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are ,

OPERABLE or in the tripped condition such that each " Trip Function" identified in Table 3.3.2-1 is capable of isolating the associated piping flow paths upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event). ACTION c.1 is not applicable to the Manual Initiation Trip Functions since they are not assumed in any accident or transient analysis. Thus, a total loss of manual initiation capability for up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (as allowed by ACTION c.2) is permitted.

The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.2-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is ple;ed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as fcilows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Function 5 m; and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions other than 5 m provided the associated Trip Function maintains isolation capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability enalysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the isolation vill occur when necessary.

Insert for bottom of Bases page B 3/4 3-2:

ACTIONS 30, 31, 34, 35 and 39 contain provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regard to ACTIONS 30, 31, 34, and 39, " automatic actuation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE (or are in the tripped condition for ACTIONS 30 and 34) such that each " Trip Function" identified in l Table 3.3.3-1 is capable of initiating an ECCS function upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event). For ECCS Divisions 1 and 2, each Trip Function should be able to initiate either Division 1 or Division 2; for ADS Trip Systems A and B, each ADS Trip Function should be able to initiate either Trip System A or Trip System B; and for HPCS, the logic should be able to initiate HPCS.

The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.3-1 (except for those in Section D of the Table) are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions C.1.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h; and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions other than C.1.f, C.1.g, and C.1.h provided the associated Trip Function or the redundant Trip Function (in the other Division) maintains ECCS initiation capability. Upon completion of the Surveillar x, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the ECCS vill initiate when necessary.

e ,chme PY-C .R- 14 9 6L PY-CEI/NRR-1694

. p 43 os Attachment 2 INSTRUMENTATION Page 44 of 54 y

l BASES 3/4.3.4 RECIRCU UTION PUMP TRIP ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION The anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) recirculation pump trip system provides a means of limiting the consequences of the unlikely occurrence  ;

of a failure to scram during an anticipated transient. The response of the 1 plant to this postulated event falls within the envelope of study events in General Electric Company Topical Report NED0-10349, dated March 1971 and NEDO-24222, dated December 1979, and Section 15.8 of the FSAR.

~' Insert 9h The end-of-cycle recirculation pump trip (E0C-RPT) system is an essential safety supplement to the Reactor Protection System. The purpose of the EOC-RPT is to recover the loss of thermal ma gin which occurs at the end-of cycle. The physical phenomenon involved is that the void reactivity feedback due to a pressurization transient can add positive reactivity to the reactor system at a faster rate than the control rods add negative scram reactivity. Each EOC-RPT system trips both recirculation pumps, reducing coolant flow in order to reduce the void collapse in the core during two of the most limiting pressurization events. The two ev'ents for which the EOC-RPT protective feature will function are closure of the turbine stop valves and fast closure of the turbine control valves.

A fast closure sensor from each of two turbine control valves provides input to the EOC-RPT system; a fast closure sensor from each of the other two turbine control valves provides input to the second EOC-RPT system. Similarly, a position switch for each of two turbine stop valves provides input to one E0C-RPT system; a position switch from each or the other two stop valves provides input to the other E0C-RPT system. For each EOC-RPT system, the sensor relay contacts are erranged to form a 2-out-of-2 logic for the fast closure of turbine control valves and a 2-out-of-2 logic for the turbine stop valves. The operation of either logic will actuate the EOC-RPT system and trip both recirculation pumps.

6 sert 10 Each EOC-RPT system may be manually bypassed by use of a keyswitch which l 1s administratively controlled. The manual bypasses and the automatic Operating i Bypass at less than 40% of RATED THERMAL POWER are annunciated in the control room.

The EOC-RPT system response time is the time assumed in the analysis between initiation of valve motion and complete suppression of the electric arc, i.e., 140 ms. Included in this time are: the time from initial valve movement to reaching the trip setpoint, the response time of the sensor, th response time of the system logic, and the time allotted for breaker arc suppression.

W. d l'

% M

[A t>D meg a.MEM Ek" Mperation with a +. rip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the difference between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance g for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety C analyses.

PERRY - UNIT 1 8 3/4 3-3

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i j ,chme .

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C (R-1496L j Attachment 2 ge 44 o

  • j Pagr 45 of 54 i



i Spoeified surveillance intervals and surveillance and i maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance j with GENE-770-08-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test i Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected

! Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as approved by the

' -ed in the N Rafety E on Report (SER)

NRC and do l letter to .P. N qi from . E. Rosi ated & 2Ay32..

t M J i INSERT 10:

k Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and i maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance

! @TS(qA^ with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes'to Surveillance Test i Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected ,

h Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as apnre"ad by the  !

i i

e '


'nd documentad in the NRC SER letter dated ZL t to( Jh from

f i

i i


Insert for Bases page B 3/4 3-3: N
ACTIONS (ATVS-RPT) and (End-of-Cycle RPT) are 1 intended to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function l i

i situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped ATVS-RPT or

E0C-RPT instrument channels. In regard to these ACTIONS, "RPT trip a

capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE or in the tripped condition such that each " Trip Function" identified

! in Table (ATUS-RPT) and (EOC-RPT) is capable of tripping j both recirculation pumps upon receipt of a valid signal from that." Trip 3 Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).

J The Trip Functions identified in Table and are modified by 1 a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status ,

I i

solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated

ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, provided the associated Trip Function maintains recirculation pump trip (ATVS or E0C-RPT) capability. Upon
completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken.

This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the j

i average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the robability that the recirculation pumps vill trip when necessary.

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( l BASES l 3/4.3.5 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION The reactor core isolation cooling system actuation instrumentation is provided to initiate actions to assure adequate core cooling in the-event of reactor isolation from its primary heat sink and the loss of feedwater flow to the reactor vessel.

nsert i1 Operatio'n with a trip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but .

within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the differ- '

ence between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety analyses.

3/4.3.6 CONTROL R00 BLOCK INSTRUMENTATION The control rod block functions are provided consistent with the requirements of the specifications in Section 3/4.1.4, Control Rod Program Controls and Section 3/4.2 Power Distribution Limits. The trip logic is arranged so that a trip in any one of the inputs will result in a control rod i lock.

J Operation with a trip set less conservative than its Trip Setpoint but within its specified Allowable Value is acceptable on the basis that the differ-ence between each Trip Setpoint and the Allowable Value is an allowance for instrument drift specifically allocated for each trip in the safety analyses.

( 3/4.3.7 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION 3/ RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The OPERABILITY of the radiation monitoring instrumentation ensures that; (1) the radiation levels are continually measured in the areas served by the individual channels; (2) the alars or automatic action is initiated when the radiation level trip setpoint is exceeded; and (3) sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables i following an accident. This capability is consistent with.10 CFR Part 50,  !

Appendix A, General Design Criteria 19, 41, 60, 61, 63 and 64. l SEISMIC MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION l The OPERABILITY of the seismic monitoring instrumentation ensures that j sufficient capability is available to promptly determine the magnitude of a 1 seismic event and evaluate the response of those features important to safety.

This capability is required to permit comparison of the measured response to that used in the design basis for the unit. This instrumentation is consistent l with the reconnendations of Regulatory Guide 1.12 " Instrumentation for l Earthquakes", April 1974. l 3/ METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION )

The OPERABILITY of the meteorological monitoring instrumentation ensures that sufficient meteorological data is available for estimating potential radiation doses to the public as a result of routine or accidental release of I' radioactive materials to the atmosphere. This capability is required to eval- ,

uate the need for initiating protective measures to protect the health and safety of the public. This instrumentation is consistent with the recommenda-tions of Regulatory Guide 1.23 "OnsitiMeteorological Programs," February,1972.

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i Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with NEDC-30936P, Part 2 " Technical Specification Improvement Methodology (with Demonstration .for BWR ECCS Actuation Instrumentation)" as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated December 9, 1988 (Part 2), and in accordance with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications" and GENE-770-06-02, .

" Addendum to Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical. Specifications", which were ann oved bv the NRC and aneumented in the SER letter to(b D b 1 frorr(CAAnQdated (3Q3 1L in.the SER letter to G. _ Beck from C.E.VRossi-cated beptember 1T3, 1991, respectively.

d (WLO DM p INSERT 12: Sf i l Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and f maintenance outage. times have been determined-in accordance with NEDC-30851P, Supplement 1, " Technical Specification. ,

Improvement Analysis for BWR Control Rod Block Instrumentation," as approved by the NRC and documented in the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) letter to D.N. Grace from C.E. Rossi dated September 22, 1988, and in GENE-770-06-01,

! " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times . for Selected - Instrumentation Technical l Specifications",

in the SER letterwhich tc(Asinawerefrom(Cideid) approved _bv dated the_ NRC l3 2]M) an@d h-nted

,4Ak W 1A Wk -

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 48 of 54 Insert for Top of Bases page B 3/4 3-4:

ACTIONS 50 and 52 contain provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are l taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION 50, RCIC

" automatic actuation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE or are in the tripped condition such that ,

each " Functional Unit" identified in Table 3.3.5-1 is capable of initiating l the RCIC system upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Functional Unit" l (without the need to consider a further single failure event).

The Functional Units identified in Table 3.3.5-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Functional Unit e; and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Functional Units other than e provided the associated Functional Unit maintains RCIC actuation capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the RCIC System vill initiate when necessary.

Insert for Middle of Bases page B 3/4 3-4:

ACTION 62 contains provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regards to ACTION 62, rod block initiation capability is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels remain OPERABLE such that each " Trip Function" identified in Table 3.3.6-1 is capable

of inserting a rod block upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).

The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.6-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for  ;

performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be l delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, provided the associated Trip Function maintains l control rod block capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or l expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the control rod block vill occur when necessary.

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C- R-1496L Attachment 2 M" 07 ,

Page 49 of 54 l INSTRUMENTATION l


pressure and the feedwater system / main turbine trip system in the event of a l failure of the feedwater controller under maximum demand. The LPCI mode of I the RHR system is automatically initiated on a high drywell pressure signal i and/or a low reactor water level, level 1, signal. The containment spray I system will then actuate automatically following high drywell and high con-tainment pressure signals. A 10-minute minimum and a 11.5-minute maximum time delay exists between initiation of LPCI and containment spray actuation.

The suppression pool makeup system is automatically initiated on a low suppres- I sion pool water level signal with a concurrent LOCA signal or following a specified time delay after receipt of a LOCA signal.

A high reactor water level, level 8, signal will actuate the feedwater system / main turbine trip system.


1 PERRY - UNIT 1 8 3/4 3-7

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PY-C .- <RR-1496L PY-CEI/NRR-1694

. g 48 o Attachment 2 Page 50 of 54 1NSERT 13 Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as approved by the NRC and dop mtM in the NRC Safety Eva_]uation Report (SER) letter to@P. 6ik from(LBJoM atedgd{21 gip, ADD N E4D INS EAT BE M 9;3 Y

s ee#


PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachment 2 Page 51 of 54 Insert for Bases page B 3/4 3-7:

ACTIONS 130 and 131 contain provisions to ensure that appropriate actions are taken if a loss-of-function situation occurs during repairs of multiple, inoperable, untripped instrument channels. In regard to these ACTIONS,

" automatic actuation capability" is considered to be maintained when sufficient channels are OPERABLE (or are in the tripped condition for ACTION 1 130) such that each " Trip Function" identified in Table 3.3.9-1 is capable of actuating their associated Plant system (either Containment Spray subsystem A or subsystem B; or either Suppression Pool Makeup subsystem A or subsystem B) upon receipt of a valid signal from that " Trip Function" (without the need to consider a further single failure event).

The Trip Functions identified in Table 3.3.9-1 are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associF.ted ACTIONS may be delayed as follows: (a) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Function 1.d.(2); and (b) for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Trip Functions other than 1.d.(2) provided the associated Trip Function maintains the appropriate Plant Systems actuation capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the Plant Systems vill initiate when necessary.  ;

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Demonstration of the safety-relief valve lif t settings will occur only during shutdown and will be performed in accordance with the provisions of Specification 4.0.5.

The low-low set system ensures that safety / relief valve discharges are t

minimized for a second opening of these valves, following any overpressure tran-sient. This is achieved by automatically lowering the closing setpoint of 6 valves and lowering the opening setpoint of 2 valves following the initial opening. In this way, the frequency and magnitude of the containment blowdown duty cycle is substantially reduced. Sufficient redundancy is provided for the low-low set system such that failure of any one valve to open or close at its reduced setpoint does not violate the design basis.

u /

3/4.4.3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE 3/ LEAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEMS The RCS leakage detection systems required by this specification are provided to monitor and detect leakage from the reactor coolant pressure boundary. These detection systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.45, " Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection
Systems", May 1973.


The allowable leakage rates from the reactor coolant system have been based on the predicted and experimentally observed behavior of cracks in pipes. The normally expected background leakage due to equipment design and the detection capability of the instrumentation for determining system leakage was also con-sidered. The evidence obtained from experiments suggests that for leakage  ;

somewhat greater than that specified for UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE the probability l is small that the imperfection or crack associated with such leakage would grow '

rapidly. However, in all cases, if the leakage rates exceed the values specified or the leakage is located and known to be PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, the reactor '

will be shutdown to allow further investigation and corrective action.

The Surveillance Requirements for RCS pressure isolation valves provide added assurance of valve integrity thereby reducing the probability of gross valve failure and consequent intersystem LOCA. Leakage from the RCS pressure isolation valves is IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and will be considered as a portion of the allowed limit.

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 PY-C ,R- 14 96L Attachment 2 ;e 50 o Page 53 of 54 INSERT 14:

l Specified surveillance intervals and surveillance and maintenance outage times have been determined in accordance with GENE-770-06-01, " Bases for Changes to Surveillance Test Intervals and Allowed Out-Of-Service Times for Selected Instrumentation Technical Specifications" as approved by the NRC and doc- nnted in the NRC Safety E'aluation Report (SER) letter to@A Gi@ from(GB&d) dated #p Z1;1992.. ll AbD ELO IN SECT ~ HULE]

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PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L j

I Attachment 2 l

Page 54 of 54 l l

l Insert for Bases page B 3/4 4-3:

The Surveillances are modified by a Note to indicate that when a channel is placed in an inoperable status solely for performance of required Surveillances, entry into associated ACTIONS may be delayed for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, provided the associated Function maintains Safety Relief / Low-Lov Set capability. Upon completion of the Surveillance, or expiration of the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance, the channel must be returned to OPERABLE status or the applicable ACTIONS taken. This Note is based on the reliability analysis assumption that 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is the average time required to perform channel surveillance. That analysis demonstrated that the 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> allowance does not significantly reduce the probability that the Relief valves / Low-Lov Set vill initiate when necessary.

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d PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachm2nt 3 Page 1 of 2 SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION The standards used to arrive at a determination that a request for amendment involves no significant hazards considerations are included in the Commission's Regulations, 10CFR50.92, which state that the operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not (1) involve a 4

significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated, (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated, or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The determination of no significant hazards submitted with the original request for amendment dated June 24, 1992 remains complete and accurate for that submittal. The following is a description of the determination made for the changes proposed in this letter.

The proposed amendment has been reviewed with respect to these three factors and it has been determined that the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazard because:

1. This proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The probability of occurrence of a previously evaluated accident is not increased because the instrumentation does not affect the initiation of any accident. The proposed changes do not alter the plant design or methods of operation. The revised wording vill increase the assurance, for the vast majority of instruments and logics, that automatic initiation of the logic will be maintained while instrument surveillance testing or repair is performed.

The consequences of all previously evaluated accidents remains unchanged by this proposed revision. The revised wording assures that the automatic functions remain viable during surveillance testing or repairs, or requires that appropriate compensatory actions be taken. Since the present specifications do not require this check of the logic,'the proposed revision actually has a beneficial result in the consequences of accidents, since the proposed change vill assure automatic instrumentation actuation even while one instrument is being surveilled or repaired.

2. This proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

The instrumentation involved are those instruments which sense plant problems and/or accidents, and then initiate systems or alarms to respond to the plant problem / accident. The proposed change does not modify any )

of the instruments, or the initiation logic formed by the instruments. I Therefore, no new or different type of an accident has been created. I l

PY-CEI/NRR-1694 L Attachm2nt 3 Page 2 of 2 1

3. This proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in the ,

margin of safety.

As stated above, this proposed change does not result in any plant modification nor change to plant operations. The proposed change vill benefit the availability of the automatic initiation features of the instruments involved during surveillance testing or repairs, by now requiring that a check be made for the vast majority of the instruments to assure that making them inoperable for surveillance testing or repair does not result in a loss of function. This added check assures that a loss of function has not occurred, or if it has, that the Technical Specification ACTION statements be entered promptly. Thus, the margin of safety during surveillance tests and instrument repairs is either increased or is maintained consistent with the June 29, 1992 submittal; and the June 29, 1992 submittal previously justified that there is not a significant reduction in the margin of safety, based on the BVROG analysis results presented in the various Topical teports on Surveillance Interval and Allovable Outage Time Extensions.