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{{#Wiki_filter:UM NUCI.EAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 195 IS 7SI~\'~NRC DISTR ISUTION FGR RT 60 DOCKET MATERIAL OOCKET NUMBER md&M FILE N4MBER~NO/rZ~TO: Mr.Edson G, Case FROM: CPGL Raleigh, N.C.27602 M.A.McDuffie OATE OF OOCUMENT 09 23 77 OATE RECEIVEO 09/27/77 ETTE R QI5 R I G IN A I QCOPV ClNOTORIZEO l20NC~IFIEO PROP INP4T'ORM NUMBER OF COPIES RECEIVEO OESCRIPTION ENCCOSU RE Consists of Agreement Terminating Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement, contain-ing CPGL's commitment to build a conneoting-500 kv transmission line between the Virginia Electric an Power Co.and the Duke Power
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 195 IS 7SI                         ~\
TO:                                               FROM:                                      OATE OF OOCUMENT Mr. Edson       G, Case                           CPGL 09 23 77 Raleigh, N. C. 27602               OATE RECEIVEO M. A. McDuffie 09/27/77 ETTE R                   ClNOTORIZEO          PROP                  INP4T'ORM          NUMBER OF COPIES RECEIVEO QI5 R I G IN A I         l20NC~IFIEO QCOPV OESCRIPTION                                                       ENCCOSU RE Consists of Agreement Terminating Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement, contain-ing CPGL's commitment to build a conneoting-500 kv transmission line between the Virginia Electric                       an Power Co. and the Duke Power Co. systems...
                                              -1p                   8p
'LANT'AME'HEARONHARRIS                      UNITS   1 4 lcm 09/28/77 FOR ACTION/INFORMATION ASSIGNED'D         V'OORE         LTR BRANCH   CHI-"r "
                      'AGER."                                         PRO JECT MANAGER=
EN INC ASSISTANT                                        LICENSE ASSISTQiT:
                                                                                                ~ VOLL~
COLLLVS'ONTROL EXTERNALOISTRIBUTION                                                          NUMBER
                          /    '.  ~

-0 ClPQP, Carolina Power&Light Company September 23, 1977 (fit itittI], LftTTTff()j
                      -0                                               (fititittI],                't r I.~
't r I.~,ls Mr.Edson G.Case, Acting Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 IT T RE: SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POMER PLANT, UNITS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 DOCKET NOS.50-400 50-401 50-402 AND 50-'403  
ClPQP,                                         LftTTTff()j Carolina Power & Light Company
                                                                                          ,ls September     23, 1977 Mr. Edson G. Case, Acting Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555                                     IT T
RE:   SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POMER PLANT, UNITS                       1, 2, 3 AND 4 DOCKET NOS. 50-400             50-401 50-402 AND             50-'403

==Dear Mr.Case:==
==Dear Mr. Case:==
In response to a concern expressed by your staff on September 19, 1977, Carolina Power g Light Company (CPAL)herewith provides a copy of the~Areement Terminatin Carolinas-Vir inias Power Pool A reement, This document contains CP&L's commitment to build a connecting 500 kv transmission line between the Virginia Electric and Power Company and the Duke Power Company systems.This 500 kv trans-mission line is described in the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Repoxt.Yours very truly, g, A, McDuffie Seni,or'Vice President Engineering
&Construction MAM/gsm 336 Fayettevitle Street~P.O.Box 155t~Raleigh, N.C.27602 r7g g 7p>/Oey' f f 4I R('Ilail'.Ilj(31 Jq']'I'gg')Ig"~:" I I'"(I CR JO')J.*1 i~JR'S VJ H(<l!4 R,)J')6'I'>'I O()I a RCI I II')".I<'H.'l'.I'1JIS RGJlJ:.I'lNJ.Xs'.I.', n)adc Il)is Nl)(I;y ol'iily, 1<)/0, 4y<<>>,I I)('ti"(ic>>
In response to a concern expressed by your staff on September 19, 1977, Carolina Power g Light Company (CPAL) herewith provides a copy of the ~Areement Terminatin Carolinas-Vir inias Power Pool A reement, This document contains CP&L's commitment to build a connecting 500 kv transmission line between the Virginia Electric and Power Company and the Duke Power Company systems. This 500 kv trans-mission line is described in the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Repoxt.
C" roll>>>>I 0'o'cl'..J.)';lit Coiiii>::il
Yours very       truly, g, A, McDuffie Seni,or 'Vice President Engineering       & Construction MAM/gsm 336 Fayettevitle Street ~ P. O. Box 155t ~ Raleigh, N. C. 27602     r7g g 7p>/Oey'
>',)ul<: I.".'cv C<)n)'>ny, oil(i Ca i ojiii:i 1".)<.i l i'ic k.0'i." Conili:uiy
'in<I Vii piiii i,).",Jc<:t vic a i<l Pov:<v C<>iiiliany.
f f
Ilcvc)>>aft cl'('f<'.vv<:d (0 (ls 1 il)'t,lcs''1Tix 1.SSE T JJ: 9'1'J1'llx3."AH, the P'ivtics e>;'cc<<tc'<I tlie Cai o14i<s-Virginias J'<i<'cr Po;il Rgrc<imciil.(hcvcinaf(cv
<."allcd tlic CiAl'iVR Pool hgvcclY)c>>t) on Jujy 3.1961, and)iavc op<:rated pui sua>>t lo its terms,<<s revise<I aiid'im<.nd<.d, since May 1,)9G7, to tlic present.;and.WII2:BJ.'RS, ca<,"li of the Pavties has bccom<'member of tlic Southeaster>>
4I R('Ilail'.Ilj(31 Jq']'                   I'gg')Ig"~:"     I'"(I I
1".lectric Reliability Council wliicli divas formed on Jan>>ii y 14,.10VO;and WJJI.",JLJ;MRS, Ilie Pai.lies hereto have executed Ihe Virgi>>ia-C!rolili
CR   JO')J.* 1 i~JR'S   VJ H(<l!4 R,)                   J') 6'I'     >
's 17eli.ability Agre<.'n)cnt,.a sub-group ivitl)i>>tl)c So<<tl!~'astern Elccti ic Reliability Council;aiid KVJJ)";JiJ".,RS, tlie Vi'i t,"inia-Car o)inas Jicli il~iTity Gvoup and tli<: Soullicastern 1".1<.ctvic 13<<jialiility Council ivi11 provic c a vcliiclc for cooi di>>a-Iioii a>>d-I)la>>>>i>>J!
                                                                                    'I O()I a RCI I II')". I<'H.'l
fov vcli'ibilily of electric s<:voice r;n a hvoadci base Ihan>>os Iirovid<.d i>>I:lie<..'AJ:VA'J'ool hJ;i c<>>nc>>';i>>d O'I'JJ.'.IIJ'.R'I,<'.a<:I)uf Ilic 1 avll<.'s Ii<:)cto)>>>>'o'lid Iias fov ma>>y 1 y<'.i s l>ccii I>>t<vco>>>>ccI<:<I ivitli tlie I';ii'ty ov Pai li<::.:;v:Iiose cl<<::ti ic systcni'I 1;adjoins it, pttrsu:trtt toMilcrcottttc:ctioti
              '.I'1JIS RGJlJ:.I'lNJ.Xs'.I.',               n)adc Il)is Nl)               (I; y ol'iily,                 1<) /0, 4y <<>>,I I)('ti"(ic>> C" roll>>>>         I 0'o'cl'..     J.)   ';lit Coiiii>::il>', )ul <:                 I   .".'cv C<)n)'> ny,       oil( i Ca i ojiii:i 1".)<.i l i'ic   k. 0'i." Conili:uiy 'in<I Vii piiii i, ).",Jc<:t vic                           a i<l Pov:< v C<>iiiliany.
'tgrcct>tct)ls ot~fWin wHh Lite 1'<<dcral , Power Cotnmission; nt>d'.7 III'.Itl.",AH, futut.c sales and exchanges of capacity, energy and spinning, emergency assistattce and cont diva(iota of scheduled maintenance can bt: made under interconnection agrccmcnts between thc Parties morc sin>ply and expeditiously titan under the prescnl.CAIRVA Pool Agree@>cnt; and WIIEBEAS;the annual fixed capital charges pro'vided in the CARVA Pool Agreen1cnt and its Appendices have become obsolete due to the rising cost of capital;tlte pricing formula in that Agreement is excessively com-plicated and provides insufficient meatts of adjustment to reflect current'economic conditions; NOW TIIEREFORE the Parties hereto, in consideration of their agrecmenis each with.the other do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1.'.The Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement dated July 1, 1961, as subsequently amended and revised, together with all appehdices thereto, is hereby terminated, effective April 30, 1970, the last day of its current fiscal year.2.Each Party will continue to ma1<c annual payments in suppot i of previously
Ilcvc)>>aft cl'('f<'.vv<:d (0 (ls             1   il
'tuthorizcd Pool Transmission Facilities in the amounts and for the periods specified in Appendix A attached hereto and incorporated into this contract by reference.
3.Each I'arty hereby rcaffir tns its t igiits<<nd obligations under the'ollowitlg cvAL1'acts:
: 1. SSE T JJ:
(1)T)1(!(iollL)<<cl b(:Lwc(:ll Caro)ina)ower 8t, l..iglil Corrip'iiiy an(1 TVA p (.'(c(:uted iT<<n<<nl y 22,).970;'2)Thc hvo contrncls between Lh(.'oulhcrn Company and'Dul(c Powci Conitiany, boll>dated August 1, 19GO.(3)Thc cont,ract, b(.tween Carolina Power h.Lig)il Comp<<ny and'Llic ol)icr Parlies hcrclo wilh i cspcct to Asheville Unit No.2, which Lermiiiat,es May 1, 1984;(4)Thc contracl between South Carolina Electric'&
9'1'J1'llx3."AH, the         P'ivtics                   e>;'cc<<tc'<I   tlie Cai o14i <s-Virginias J'<i<'cr Po;il Rgrc<imciil. (hcvcinaf(cv <."allcd tlic CiAl'iVR Pool hgvcclY)c>>t) on Jujy                                                       3.
Gas Company and the Soulh Carolina Publi'c Service Autliority which terminates April 30, 1974;(5)The contract bclwcen Virginia Electric and Power Company and Allcglieny Power System for the purchase of 100 megawatts from Nay 15, 1972, to September 15, 1972;4.For a per iod of three year s.from May 1, 1970, the parties agree to adhere to the principle of.equalized reserve in the allocation of reserve, responsibility amoiig Lhc four companies, in t)ie manner sct forth in Para-graph 6 below.Thc 300 meg<<ivatts of capacity which Vir ginia Electric and Pow'cr Company is pure)iasing from American Elect'ric 1'ower C'ompany for thc pci iod May 1, 1971, to April 30, 1974, is hcr(.l)y recognized as Vcpco's capacity, to thc crt~nt, il is actually<<vailablc Lo Vepco.5.Each (if fisc parties agrees to file will>t)ic'Federal Popover Com-mission service sc)i(i(l<<l(.s for ())l.Iini)tcd Terr>>)ower;(2)Slioi t.Term 1 Popover;and (3)Spii>>iing Hi s<<i vc;in subsl<<ntially the form sct forth in hppcn<)i(:(:s 1), C t;.I)(r(lL i()i<<(l)i(.rC;Lo a>>d i>>coi)>or((tcd inlo lhis conlr<<ct by  
1961, and )iavc op<:rated pui sua>>t lo                                     its terms, <<s revise<I aiid                 'im<.nd<.d, since May         1, )9G7,       to tlic present.; and.
WII2:BJ.'RS,           ca<,"li of the Pavties has bccom<'                                       member of tlic Southeaster>> 1".lectric Reliability Council wliicli divas formed on Jan>> ii y 14,
fov usc by and bctwccn sue)>of tlic)>avtics w)iosc electr)c cyst<<n>s arc adjoining, over cxisi,ing inter connections or such ad<litional, interconnec-tions as mny bc rstalilis)>e<l.bete.
.10VO; and WJJI.",JLJ;MRS,       Ilie Pai.lies hereto have executed Ihe                                       Virgi>>ia-C!rolili 's 17eli.ability Agre<.'n)cnt,.a sub-group ivitl)i>> tl)c So<<tl!~'astern Elccti ic Reliability Council; aiid KVJJ)";JiJ".,RS,       tlie Vi'i t,"inia-Car o)inas Jicli il~iTity Gvoup and tli<:
ccn a>>y of))>e parties.Each party un(levtal'cs that ii.will,usc its best.cffo~ts to ol~tain Federal Power Commission acceptance for filing of these Service Sclicdules as rite sc)>edulcs of the filing'party.
Soullicastern 1".1<.ctvic 13<<jialiility Council ivi11 provic c a vcliiclc for cooi di>>a-Iioii a>>d-I)la>>>>i>>J! fov vcli'ibililyof electric s<:voice r;n                                               a hvoadci base Ihan
Each party agvees that it will not withdraw ov cancel any of those three service schedules prior to April 30, 1973.All parties undertal<e to use theiv b'cst efforts io obtain Federal Power Commission acceptance for filing as a vate schedule of Carolina Power h Light Company, the contract between that Company and the other parties)icrcto with respect to'Ashcvil'.e Unif.No.2, G.For a period of three years beginning May 1, 1970, the parties hereto agree'to buy or sell Limited Term Power in such amounts and for such periods that each of the four companies will carry the same percentage reserve (herein called Equalized Hcservc)based on that Company's estimated Adjusied System Load, estimated each year for the throe 12-month periods beginning May 1, 1970;May 1, 1971;and May 1, 1972.The said 12'-moi>th periods shall be called.Annual Allocation Periods.The total amount of reserve to be divided avnong thc companies will be the excess of thc sun>of ihe companies'djusted System Capabilii.i<<s over thc.sum of the companies'djusted System Loads."Adjusted System Capability" of a Con~pany is ihc sum of tlic nct generating capa)>i'.i'nstalled on iis systein and nsadc available foi" inclusion herc,'under; plus fiiro capnbsli)y t,otlicr than Gin>itcd Term Powev)puvch;ised froni ollicvs wli~i c tl>c res~i"vc vcs)>onsi)>i!ity is ihai, of thc pure)iascv, and  
>>os Iirovid<.d i>> I:lie <..'AJ:VA'J'ool hJ;i c<>>nc>>'; i>>d O'I'JJ.'.IIJ'.R'I,   <'.a<:I) uf Ilic               1   avll<.'s Ii<:) cto     )>>>>       'o'lid Iias     fov ma>>y 1
~..~mitius fir m."<<Ics to otlicrs Lhc rc.:ervc responsibility is Ll>at ol'hc purchaser,"Adjusted Systcn>Load" of a company is its pcalr net territorial load for a cloclc-hour, adjustc(l in three ways: (a)By adding firm power sales to other companies (other than Limi'tcd Term Power)when the reserve rcsponsi-bility is Lhat of thc seller;'b)
y<'.i s l>ccii I>>t< vco>>>>ccI<:<I ivitli tlie I';ii'ty ov Pai                                   li<::.:; v:Iiose cl<<::ti ic systcni
By subtracting firm power purchases from other com-panies (other Lhan Limited Term Power)when the reser ve responsibility is that of t.he seller;and (c)Hy subtract,ing I'ntcrrupt,ible Powc'r Sales.Prior to G>e beginning of each Annual Allocation Period, each Company will supply the others Lhc estimate of it;s peak Adjusted System Load for'the said allocat.ion period.This estimate will be used throughout
.the period for calculating Equalized Reserve.Equalized Reserve for each Company will bc calculated, and the amount.s of Limited Term purchases or sales rcsul't,ing therefrom ivi11 become effective on the fir st day of Lhc Annual Allocation Pc>iod.New allocat,ions of Equalized Reserve will be.~~made, and nc)v amounts of Limited Term Power sales determined each time thc Adjusted System Capat>ility of onc or-more conspanics is changed.After Lhc last.such change i>>an Annual Allocat,ion Period, the then effective allocation rvill rcniain in cftc.ct, until Lhc cnd of such period.IN'6'I'.l'Ni;.'3$
O'Jtt",Rt.'OL thc P!>>Lir..tie rcto have caused this 5 h.~~hgrcc)ncnt to l~c execute(l))y tl)cir cluny autliorircd officers, thc<lay and yc>r first alcove ivrittcn.hTTESI-Seer etary CABOLINh POWEB h LIGI1T COa>PANY vk>c.".:='e.
~~+<iC p/'(f:~~~i (w~l>~+~(~~+ATTEST Jl/.~QJ:ore ta ry DUIM POWEB COMPANY Py~y'.~C'c+..~('(j<c J(rl/ATTT" ST:~~~;Secretary SOUTII CAROLINA ELECTBIC-8c GAS COMPANY gp)c,.~)~r-l-'>"~ATTEST:~)Q f~.Secretary VIBGINIA ELECTBIC AND POWER COMPANY Qy.c'Qc.~P,'7 p;,.lr<<sr~i~".re  
    ;adjoins it, pttrsu:trtt toMilcrcottttc:ctioti 'tgrcct>tct)ls   ot~ fWin wHh Lite 1'<<dcral
,   Power Cotnmission;           nt>d
A T:zia".'..';TIO!'AY S FOR''RVA PCOL Tl'AKS>!TSS~o.l FACZ TTTES Page 1:-zc='itv Cmanv Portion Opined Pool Pzrticipzt'n (4 Xn-Service Date T~n" t ion u" te Rocky Mount-Battleboro 230 kv CPE:L Vepco 65%35%100/100%1967&1968" April 30, 1973 ee-Robinson 115'ur OCB"'eree-Rob nson 115/100 kv Transf.Duke COL""-;.Fiver 13S/100 Lw Transf,.Duke Davidson R've 115/100 kv Transf.'.:ei:berry 115/100 kv T"ansf.D"ke Duke Gzston to Ev"retts 230 lar Added Length Vepco 100%100%100%100%100%1CG%100%-100%100%100%100%100/1967 1967 1968 1967 1967 1967 April 30)April 30, 1973 1972~~''5A ro~~~v)1972 Ap il 3C, 1972 Apri'0, 1972 April 30, 1972 Fo:;.bozo-Eno 230 kv 2nd Circuit Asheville-Horseshoe Tie Duke CPScL Dul:e CTP~cL 42%58%83%17%1'00%100/1 00%1 QQ/1968 1968 April 30, 1973 april 30,'971'.a:=port-Kewberry 230 lm Canadys-Su.-..ter 230 lcv D'ke SCHGG SCl~~G Cpi.L 45%55%<<0/60/100/100/.1GO/100%1971 1967 8 1970 April 30, 1976 Apri'0,'975':ateree-Sw-..ter 230 kv SC,.~cG COL 18%82%'100%100/1970'.or 1 30, 1975=!anderson-Ro..boro 132 kv CP~L 100/100/.1969 April 30, 1979 C.-V'g...a Sta te Linc-Covans-o~'0 kv Du4 e Or1971 Apr 1 30)1976 E I.r~yp t pp ipse tpq D he 100%tpp t~'00%1972.-.o il 30)1973 APPENDIX A Parse 2 rrw!xx Trow DATEs rot'~svw pooL vi..~zswlssrow rAcxLnl"s 1<<tv (0)ur~-Carson 500 kv Co<<oanv vepco Portion 0~we.d 5)100%'-Pool~Part'c<<pation 50%Xn-Service Date 1972 Te'~at<<o 1 Da e Apr''30, 1975 C Non<c ia 300 Vecco CP&L 50%50%.100/100%1972 Apr 1 30, 197S (')"nd-':.'a'e 500 kv CP&T 100%0%(3)(3)=:a~wort-3<<c.".-.o-.d 500 kv CP&L Duke 45/5)/100/10O%1972'April 30, 2.978 (1)=ootnotes:
            '.7 III'.Itl.",AH, futut.c sales and exchanges of capacity, energy and spinning, emergency assistattce and cont diva( iota of scheduled maintenance can bt: made under interconnection agrccmcnts between thc Parties morc sin>ply and expeditiously titan under the prescnl. CAIRVA Pool Agree@>cnt; and WIIEBEAS;the annual fixed capital charges pro'vided in the CARVA Pool Agreen1cnt and its Appendices have become obsolete due to the rising cost of capital; tlte pricing formula in that Agreement is excessively com-plicated and provides insufficient meatts of adjustment to reflect current economic conditions; NOW TIIEREFORE the Parties hereto,               in consideration of their agrecmenis each with. the other do hereby mutually agree as follows:
South C"rolina Flectr<<c&Gas Company terminates payments on April 30, 1976, and otming conpan es assu..e SC&G paynent responsibilities through April 30, 1978.(2)Pool participation x"ill b 50%from~!ay 1,'1971 to April 30, 1973 and 35%frcn Hay 1, 1973 to Apr'1 30, 1976.C"-"o'."..a Po:;.-r&i.iqht Conpany ajrees that it~"ill construct ti:is shcr<<ing=co" y t+e other co...zan<<ies.
1.'. The Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement dated July                 1, 1961, as subsequently amended and revised,               together with all appehdices thereto, is hereby terminated, effective April 30, 1970, the last day of its current fiscal year.
'he'l<<ne t<<<<ill be cons s'ch t=-.:.e:s"aro<<'-.."-
: 2. Each Party       will continue to ma1<c annual payments in suppot i of previously 'tuthorizcd Pool Transmission Facilities in the amounts and for the periods specified in Appendix A attached hereto and incorporated into this contract by reference.
Power 6 Light Company needs the facility in A'~(r a.a.s.~~i>>O~seg...ent of the 500 kv tructed and placed in its 04<<n system and in 1 ne,~;xthout se v'ce at ewe g ncv V'4v>>i~4 territorial lo"d~r<<>>'~<<<<1 l~d I e v.J.v>>the operztin~and r.:aintenance e>:penses or Pool ira.Snission oe d<<stributed axon~t"..e
: 3. Each     I'arty hereby rcaffir tns its t igiits <<nd obligations under the'ollowitlg cvAL1'acts:
<<n the r=t<<o of each Conxny's cst<<n"ted ceak ae" lu-I w sa es to ron-nanber co'..panies, to the sun of s ch es" inated peak ne" s, plus firn sales to non-nenber conpanies, of all the companies,;5)<<te.,-'as 1 1 accessary line and subs tat ion f acilit's z<<<<h<<ch hav'e been previously a>reed-"=-.;': the C.-'.iV'."=:cecutive Committee and listed in Notices of Obl~ation a..d)!irutes o C~~V-'~~~g>>V<<c'C:..--.;:0.s.
0 l KZ C)~C1~C/7 Eu~Elp~!W~Cl~e~CU (iW~n}}
(1) T)1(! (iollL) <<cl b(:Lwc(:ll Caro) ina       ) ower   8t, l..iglil Corrip'iiiy an(1 TVA (.'(c(:uted iT<<n<<nl y 22, p                                ).970;
          '2)   Thc hvo contrncls between Lh(.'oulhcrn Company and
    'Dul(c Powci Conitiany, boll> dated August 1, 19GO.
(3) Thc cont,ract, b(.tween Carolina Power               h. Lig)il Comp<<ny and'Llic ol)icr Parlies hcrclo wilh i cspcct to Asheville Unit No. 2, which Lermiiiat,es May         1, 1984; (4) Thc   contracl between South Carolina Electric'& Gas Company and the Soulh Carolina Publi'c Service Autliority which terminates April 30,         1974; (5) The contract bclwcen           Virginia Electric and Power Company and Allcglieny Power System for the purchase of 100 megawatts from Nay 15, 1972, to September 15, 1972;
: 4. For a per iod of three year         s.from May     1, 1970,     the parties agree to adhere to the principle         of. equalized reserve in the allocation of reserve, responsibility amoiig       Lhc four companies,         in t)ie manner sct forth in Para-graph   6 below. Thc 300 meg<<ivatts of capacity which Vir ginia Electric and Pow'cr Company is pure)iasing from American Elect'ric 1'ower C'ompany for thc pci iod May 1, 1971, to           April 30,   1974,   is hcr(.l)y recognized as Vcpco's capacity, to thc crt~     nt, il is actually <<vailablc         Lo Vepco.
: 5. Each (if fisc parties agrees to file will> t)ic'Federal               Popover Com-mission service sc)i(i(l<<l(.s for ()) l.Iini)tcd Terr>>           ) ower; (2) Slioi t. Term 1
Popover; and (3)   Spii>>iing   Hi   s<<i vc; in subsl<<ntially the form sct forth in hppcn<)i(:(:s 1), C t;. I) (r(lL i()i<<(l )i(.rC;Lo a>>d i>>coi)>or((tcd inlo lhis conlr<<ct by
                            ~                                   .     ~
rcf'cvcnc<<) fov usc by and bctwccn       sue)> of tlic )>avtics w)iosc electr)c cyst<<n>s arc adjoining, over cxisi,ing inter connections or such ad<litional, interconnec-tions as mny bc rstalilis)>e<l.bete. ccn a>>y of     ))>e parties.     Each party un(levtal'cs that ii. will,usc its best. cffo~ ts to ol~tain Federal Power Commission acceptance for filing of these Service Sclicdules as rite sc)>edulcs of             the filing'party. Each party agvees that it will not withdraw ov cancel any of those three service schedules prior to April 30, 1973.         All parties     undertal<e to use theiv b'cst efforts io obtain Federal Power Commission acceptance for filing as                   a vate schedule of Carolina Power h Light Company, the contract between that Company and the other parties )icrcto with respect to'Ashcvil'.e Unif. No. 2, G. For   a period of three years beginning May             1, 1970, the parties hereto agree'to buy or sell Limited Term Power in such amounts and for such periods that each of the four companies           will carry     the same percentage reserve (herein called Equalized Hcservc) based on that Company's estimated Adjusied System Load,           estimated each year         for   the throe 12-month periods beginning May     1, 1970;   May 1, 1971; and May       1, 1972.     The said 12'-moi>th periods shall be called. Annual Allocation Periods.             The total amount of reserve to be divided avnong thc companies         will be the excess of thc sun> of ihe companies'djusted System Capabilii.i<<s over thc.sum of the companies'djusted                   System Loads.
          "Adjusted System Capability" of         a Con~pany       is ihc sum of tlic nct generating capa)>i'.i'nstalled on iis systein and nsadc available foi" inclusion herc,'under; plus   fiiro capnbsli)y t,otlicr than   Gin>itcd Term Powev) puvch;ised froni ollicvs wli~ i c tl>c res~ i"vc vcs)>onsi)>i!ity is ihai, of thc pure)iascv,     and
mitius fir m ."<<Ics to
otlicrs   wlir. re Lhc rc.:ervc responsibility is
                                                                                          ~        Ll>at ol'hc purchaser, "Adjusted Systcn> Load" of                       a company is its pcalr net           territorial load for a cloclc-hour, adjustc(l in three ways:
(a)   By adding firm power sales to other companies (other than Limi'tcd Term Power) when the reserve rcsponsi-bility is   Lhat of thc     seller;'b)
By subtracting firm power purchases from other com-panies (other Lhan Limited Term Power) when the reser ve responsibility is that of                       t.he seller; and (c)   Hy subtract,ing I'ntcrrupt,ible Powc'r Sales.
Prior to     G>e   beginning of each Annual Allocation Period, each Company   will supply     the others Lhc estimate of it;s peak Adjusted System Load for'the said allocat.ion period.                       This estimate will be used throughout
. the period   for calculating Equalized Reserve.                             Equalized Reserve for each Company   will bc calculated,         and the amount.s of Limited Term purchases or sales rcsul't,ing therefrom         ivi11           become effective on the         fir st day of Lhc   ~ ~
Annual Allocation Pc> iod. New allocat,ions of Equalized Reserve                                   will be .
made, and nc)v amounts of Limited Term Power sales determined each time thc Adjusted System Capat>ility of onc or-more conspanics is changed.
After Lhc last. such change i>> an Annual Allocat,ion Period, the then effective allocation rvill rcniain in cftc.ct, until                 Lhc cnd of     such period.
IN '6'I'.l'Ni;.'3$ O'Jtt",Rt.'OL thc P!>>               Lir .. tie rcto have caused this 5
                                                          .           ~
hgrcc)ncnt to   l~c execute(l ))y tl)cir cluny autliorircd officers, thc <lay and yc >r first alcove ivrittcn.
hTTESI-                                       CABOLINh POWEB h LIGI1T COa>PANY vk>c.".:='e.
Seer etary                                    ~ ~+<iC p/'( f:~~~i             (w~l>~+~ ( ~ ~ +
ATTEST                                       DUIM POWEB COMPANY Jl/.                                   Py       ~ y'         .~C'     c+..
~QJ:ore ta ry                                                              ~('(   j   <c J(rl     /
ATTT"ST:                                     SOUTII CAROLINA ELECTBIC-8c GAS COMPANY
  ;  Secretary
                ~~  ~                              gp      )  c,.~           ) ~r-l-'>"~
ATTEST:                                       VIBGINIAELECTBIC AND POWER COMPANY
              ~)Q f~.                             Qy. c'         Qc.~P,
                                                                          '7 Secretary p;,. lr       <<sr~i ~".re
                                                                                                    * .V ~
                                                                /PPi':~i!DTN. A                                       Page  1 T:zia".'..';TIO!'AY S FOR''RVA       PCOL Tl'AKS>!TSS~o.l FACZ TTTES Portion           Pool Opined     Pzrticipzt'n         Xn-Service
:-zc='itv                            Cmanv                                  (4            Date              T    ~   n" t ion u" te Rocky Mount-Battleboro 230 kv                           CPE:L               65%             100/         1967 & 1968     "
April 30,       1973 Vepco                35%              100%
Gzston to Ev"retts 230 lar Added Length Vepco                            100%              100%-            1967            April      30) 1973 ee-Robinson 115 'ur          OCB              Duke              100%              100%              1967            April 30,        1972
"'eree-Rob          nson 115/100 kv Transf.           COL                 100%              100%              1968            April      30, 1972
""-;. Fiver 13S/100           Lw Transf,.             Duke               100%              100%              1967            ro ~' ~
                                                                                                                                          ~v ) 1972 Davidson R've             115/100 kv Transf.           D"ke                100%              100%              1967            Ap    il 3C,    1972
'.:ei:berry 115/100 kv T"ansf.                         Duke               1CG%             100/              1967            Apri'0,          1972 Fo:;.bozo-Eno 230 kv 2nd            Circuit          Duke                42%             1'00%             1968             April     30, 1973 CPScL                58%              100/
Asheville-Horseshoe Tie                               Dul:e               83%             1 00%             1968             april     30, '971 1 QQ/
CTP~cL              17%
        '.a:=port-Kewberry 230 lm                     D 'ke                45%              100/              1971            April      30, 1976 SCHGG                55%              100/.
Canadys-Su.-..ter         230 lcv                     SCl ~~G             <<0/             1GO/         1967 8 1970         Apri'0,           '975 ipse                Cpi.L                60/            100%
':ateree-Sw-..ter         230 kv                     SC,.~cG             18%             '100%             1970             '.or   1 30, 1975 COL                  82%              100/
=!anderson-Ro..boro           132 kv                   CP~ L             100/             100/.             1969             April     30, 1979
  -o C. -V 'g
                  ... a Sta te Linc-Covans
        ~       kv                                   Du4 e               Or                                1971            Apr     1 30) 1976 E
I.           D  he              100%             '00%             1972             .-.o il 30)     1973 r~ yp              t pp                tpq                    tpp        t~
APPENDIX A                                                       Parse 2 rrw!xx Trow     DATEs rot'~svw     pooL vi..~zswlssrow       rAcxLnl"s Portion            '- Pool oc.. ng         0~we.d       ~Part'c<<pation           Xn-Service 1<<tv          (0)                      Co<<oanv              5)                                    Date             Te   '~at<<o 1 Da e ur~-Carson          500 kv                                      vepco            100%                  50%              1972              Apr''30,   1975 C   Non     <c   ia 300                                           Vecco               50%               .100/               1972             Apr 1 30, 197S   (')
CP&L                50%                100%
        "nd-':.'a'e 500 kv                                       CP&T               100%                 0%               (3)                                 (3)
=:a~wort-3<<c."..o-.d 500               kv                       CP&L               45/               100/               1972             'April 30,   2.978 (1)
Duke                5)/                10O%
South     C"rolina Flectr<<c             & Gas Company     terminates payments on April 30, 1976,               and otming conpan es assu..e     SC &G         paynent responsibilities through April 30,               1978.
(2)       Pool   participation x"ill b                 50% from ~!ay 1, '1971 to       April 30,     1973 and 35%   frcn Hay 1, 1973   to Apr'1 30, 1976.
C"-"o'."..a Po:;.-r & i.iqht Conpany ajrees that shcr<<ing = co"                   t+e other   co...zan<<ies.
                                                                                  'he ~"ill construct ti:is seg...ent of the 500 kv 1 ne, ~;xthout
                                                                                          'l<<ne t<<<<ill be cons tructed and placed in se v'ce at y
s 'ch t=-.:.e:s "aro<<'-.."- Power 6 Light Company needs the facility in its 04<<n system and in                                    ewe g ncv
            '   ~( r   a.a.s.   ~~   i>>OA
the operztin~ and r.:aintenance e>:penses or Pool ira. Snission V   '4v>>i 4   ~       oe d<<stributed axon~ t"..e <<n the r=t<<o of each Conxny's cst<<n"ted ceak ae" territorial
lo"d lu- I w sa es to ron-nanber co'..panies, to the sun of s ch es" inated peak ne" I e            <<<<1 v.J. v>>      l d s, plus firn sales to non-nenber conpanies, of all the companies,
                                          'as                     line and subs tat ion     facilit's               hav'e been previously a > reed
              -"=-.; ':te the 1 1 accessary C.-'.iV'. "=:cecutive Committee and listed in Notices             of z<<<<h<<ch Obl ~ation a..d )!irutes o C~~V-'
          ~ ~   g>> V     <<       C:..       --.;:0 .s.
0   l KZ C)~       Cl C1
~ Elp Eu~
CU (

Latest revision as of 18:58, 2 February 2020

Agreement Terminating Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1977
From: Mcduffie M
Carolina Power & Light Co
To: Case E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18230B029 (13)


NRC FORM 195 IS 7SI ~\



TO: FROM: OATE OF OOCUMENT Mr. Edson G, Case CPGL 09 23 77 Raleigh, N. C. 27602 OATE RECEIVEO M. A. McDuffie 09/27/77 ETTE R ClNOTORIZEO PROP INP4T'ORM NUMBER OF COPIES RECEIVEO QI5 R I G IN A I l20NC~IFIEO QCOPV OESCRIPTION ENCCOSU RE Consists of Agreement Terminating Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement, contain-ing CPGL's commitment to build a conneoting-500 kv transmission line between the Virginia Electric an Power Co. and the Duke Power Co. systems...

-1p 8p








/ '. ~


-0 (fititittI], 't r I.~

ClPQP, LftTTTff()j Carolina Power & Light Company

,ls September 23, 1977 Mr. Edson G. Case, Acting Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 IT T

RE: SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POMER PLANT, UNITS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 DOCKET NOS. 50-400 50-401 50-402 AND 50-'403

Dear Mr. Case:

In response to a concern expressed by your staff on September 19, 1977, Carolina Power g Light Company (CPAL) herewith provides a copy of the ~Areement Terminatin Carolinas-Vir inias Power Pool A reement, This document contains CP&L's commitment to build a connecting 500 kv transmission line between the Virginia Electric and Power Company and the Duke Power Company systems. This 500 kv trans-mission line is described in the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Repoxt.

Yours very truly, g, A, McDuffie Seni,or 'Vice President Engineering & Construction MAM/gsm 336 Fayettevitle Street ~ P. O. Box 155t ~ Raleigh, N. C. 27602 r7g g 7p>/Oey'

f f

4I R('Ilail'.Ilj(31 Jq']' I'gg')Ig"~:" I'"(I I

CR JO')J.* 1 i~JR'S VJ H(<l!4 R,) J') 6'I' >

'I O()I a RCI I II')". I<'H.'l

'.I'1JIS RGJlJ:.I'lNJ.Xs'.I.', n)adc Il)is Nl) (I; y ol'iily, 1<) /0, 4y <<>>,I I)('ti"(ic>> C" roll>>>> I 0'o'cl'.. J.) ';lit Coiiii>::il>', )ul <: I .".'cv C<)n)'> ny, oil( i Ca i ojiii:i 1".)<.i l i'ic k. 0'i." Conili:uiy 'in<I Vii piiii i, ).",Jc<:t vic a i<l Pov:< v C<>iiiliany.

Ilcvc)>>aft cl'('f<'.vv<:d (0 (ls 1 il


1. SSE T JJ:

9'1'J1'llx3."AH, the P'ivtics e>;'cc<<tc'<I tlie Cai o14i <s-Virginias J'<i<'cr Po;il Rgrc<imciil. (hcvcinaf(cv <."allcd tlic CiAl'iVR Pool hgvcclY)c>>t) on Jujy 3.

1961, and )iavc op<:rated pui sua>>t lo its terms, <<s revise<I aiid 'im<.nd<.d, since May 1, )9G7, to tlic present.; and.

WII2:BJ.'RS, ca<,"li of the Pavties has bccom<' member of tlic Southeaster>> 1".lectric Reliability Council wliicli divas formed on Jan>> ii y 14,

.10VO; and WJJI.",JLJ;MRS, Ilie Pai.lies hereto have executed Ihe Virgi>>ia-C!rolili 's 17eli.ability Agre<.'n)cnt,.a sub-group ivitl)i>> tl)c So<<tl!~'astern Elccti ic Reliability Council; aiid KVJJ)";JiJ".,RS, tlie Vi'i t,"inia-Car o)inas Jicli il~iTity Gvoup and tli<:

Soullicastern 1".1<.ctvic 13<<jialiility Council ivi11 provic c a vcliiclc for cooi di>>a-Iioii a>>d-I)la>>>>i>>J! fov vcli'ibililyof electric s<:voice r;n a hvoadci base Ihan

>>os Iirovid<.d i>> I:lie <..'AJ:VA'J'ool hJ;i c<>>nc>>'; i>>d O'I'JJ.'.IIJ'.R'I, <'.a<:I) uf Ilic 1 avll<.'s Ii<:) cto )>>>> 'o'lid Iias fov ma>>y 1

y<'.i s l>ccii I>>t< vco>>>>ccI<:<I ivitli tlie I';ii'ty ov Pai li<::.:; v:Iiose cl<<::ti ic systcni



adjoins it, pttrsu
trtt toMilcrcottttc:ctioti 'tgrcct>tct)ls ot~ fWin wHh Lite 1'<<dcral

, Power Cotnmission; nt>d

'.7 III'.Itl.",AH, futut.c sales and exchanges of capacity, energy and spinning, emergency assistattce and cont diva( iota of scheduled maintenance can bt: made under interconnection agrccmcnts between thc Parties morc sin>ply and expeditiously titan under the prescnl. CAIRVA Pool Agree@>cnt; and WIIEBEAS;the annual fixed capital charges pro'vided in the CARVA Pool Agreen1cnt and its Appendices have become obsolete due to the rising cost of capital; tlte pricing formula in that Agreement is excessively com-plicated and provides insufficient meatts of adjustment to reflect current economic conditions; NOW TIIEREFORE the Parties hereto, in consideration of their agrecmenis each with. the other do hereby mutually agree as follows:

1.'. The Carolinas-Virginias Power Pool Agreement dated July 1, 1961, as subsequently amended and revised, together with all appehdices thereto, is hereby terminated, effective April 30, 1970, the last day of its current fiscal year.

2. Each Party will continue to ma1<c annual payments in suppot i of previously 'tuthorizcd Pool Transmission Facilities in the amounts and for the periods specified in Appendix A attached hereto and incorporated into this contract by reference.
3. Each I'arty hereby rcaffir tns its t igiits <<nd obligations under the'ollowitlg cvAL1'acts:

(1) T)1(! (iollL) <<cl b(:Lwc(:ll Caro) ina ) ower 8t, l..iglil Corrip'iiiy an(1 TVA (.'(c(:uted iT<<n<<nl y 22, p ).970;

'2) Thc hvo contrncls between Lh(.'oulhcrn Company and

'Dul(c Powci Conitiany, boll> dated August 1, 19GO.

(3) Thc cont,ract, b(.tween Carolina Power h. Lig)il Comp<<ny and'Llic ol)icr Parlies hcrclo wilh i cspcct to Asheville Unit No. 2, which Lermiiiat,es May 1, 1984; (4) Thc contracl between South Carolina Electric'& Gas Company and the Soulh Carolina Publi'c Service Autliority which terminates April 30, 1974; (5) The contract bclwcen Virginia Electric and Power Company and Allcglieny Power System for the purchase of 100 megawatts from Nay 15, 1972, to September 15, 1972;

4. For a per iod of three year s.from May 1, 1970, the parties agree to adhere to the principle of. equalized reserve in the allocation of reserve, responsibility amoiig Lhc four companies, in t)ie manner sct forth in Para-graph 6 below. Thc 300 meg<<ivatts of capacity which Vir ginia Electric and Pow'cr Company is pure)iasing from American Elect'ric 1'ower C'ompany for thc pci iod May 1, 1971, to April 30, 1974, is hcr(.l)y recognized as Vcpco's capacity, to thc crt~ nt, il is actually <<vailablc Lo Vepco.
5. Each (if fisc parties agrees to file will> t)ic'Federal Popover Com-mission service sc)i(i(l<<l(.s for ()) l.Iini)tcd Terr>> ) ower; (2) Slioi t. Term 1

Popover; and (3) Spii>>iing Hi s<<i vc; in subsl<<ntially the form sct forth in hppcn<)i(:(:s 1), C t;. I) (r(lL i()i<<(l )i(.rC;Lo a>>d i>>coi)>or((tcd inlo lhis conlr<<ct by

~ . ~

rcf'cvcnc<<) fov usc by and bctwccn sue)> of tlic )>avtics w)iosc electr)c cyst<<n>s arc adjoining, over cxisi,ing inter connections or such ad<litional, interconnec-tions as mny bc rstalilis)>e<l.bete. ccn a>>y of ))>e parties. Each party un(levtal'cs that ii. will,usc its best. cffo~ ts to ol~tain Federal Power Commission acceptance for filing of these Service Sclicdules as rite sc)>edulcs of the filing'party. Each party agvees that it will not withdraw ov cancel any of those three service schedules prior to April 30, 1973. All parties undertal<e to use theiv b'cst efforts io obtain Federal Power Commission acceptance for filing as a vate schedule of Carolina Power h Light Company, the contract between that Company and the other parties )icrcto with respect to'Ashcvil'.e Unif. No. 2, G. For a period of three years beginning May 1, 1970, the parties hereto agree'to buy or sell Limited Term Power in such amounts and for such periods that each of the four companies will carry the same percentage reserve (herein called Equalized Hcservc) based on that Company's estimated Adjusied System Load, estimated each year for the throe 12-month periods beginning May 1, 1970; May 1, 1971; and May 1, 1972. The said 12'-moi>th periods shall be called. Annual Allocation Periods. The total amount of reserve to be divided avnong thc companies will be the excess of thc sun> of ihe companies'djusted System Capabilii.i<i'.i'nstalled on iis systein and nsadc available foi" inclusion herc,'under; plus fiiro capnbsli)y t,otlicr than Gin>itcd Term Powev) puvch;ised froni ollicvs wli~ i c tl>c res~ i"vc vcs)>onsi)>i!ity is ihai, of thc pure)iascv, and

mitius fir m ."<<Ics to


otlicrs wlir. re Lhc rc.:ervc responsibility is

~ Ll>at ol'hc purchaser, "Adjusted Systcn> Load" of a company is its pcalr net territorial load for a cloclc-hour, adjustc(l in three ways:

(a) By adding firm power sales to other companies (other than Limi'tcd Term Power) when the reserve rcsponsi-bility is Lhat of thc seller;'b)

By subtracting firm power purchases from other com-panies (other Lhan Limited Term Power) when the reser ve responsibility is that of t.he seller; and (c) Hy subtract,ing I'ntcrrupt,ible Powc'r Sales.

Prior to G>e beginning of each Annual Allocation Period, each Company will supply the others Lhc estimate of it;s peak Adjusted System Load for'the said allocat.ion period. This estimate will be used throughout

. the period for calculating Equalized Reserve. Equalized Reserve for each Company will bc calculated, and the amount.s of Limited Term purchases or sales rcsul't,ing therefrom ivi11 become effective on the fir st day of Lhc ~ ~

Annual Allocation Pc> iod. New allocat,ions of Equalized Reserve will be .

made, and nc)v amounts of Limited Term Power sales determined each time thc Adjusted System Capat>ility of onc or-more conspanics is changed.

After Lhc last. such change i>> an Annual Allocat,ion Period, the then effective allocation rvill rcniain in cftc.ct, until Lhc cnd of such period.

IN '6'I'.l'Ni;.'3$ O'Jtt",Rt.'OL thc P!>> Lir .. tie rcto have caused this 5


. ~


hgrcc)ncnt to l~c execute(l ))y tl)cir cluny autliorircd officers, thc <lay and yc >r first alcove ivrittcn.


Seer etary ~ ~+<iC p/'( f:~~~i (w~l>~+~ ( ~ ~ +


~QJ:ore ta ry ~('( j <c J(rl /



~~ ~ gp ) c,.~ ) ~r-l-'>"~


~)Q f~. Qy. c' Qc.~P,

'7 Secretary p;,. lr <<sr~i ~".re

  • .V ~

/PPi':~i!DTN. A Page 1 T:zia".'..';TIO!'AY S FORRVA PCOL Tl'AKS>!TSS~o.l FACZ TTTES Portion Pool Opined Pzrticipzt'n Xn-Service

-zc='itv Cmanv (4 Date T ~ n" t ion u" te Rocky Mount-Battleboro 230 kv CPE:L 65% 100/ 1967 & 1968 "

April 30, 1973 Vepco 35% 100%

Gzston to Ev"retts 230 lar Added Length Vepco 100% 100%- 1967 April 30) 1973 ee-Robinson 115 'ur OCB Duke 100% 100% 1967 April 30, 1972

"'eree-Rob nson 115/100 kv Transf. COL 100% 100% 1968 April 30, 1972

""-;. Fiver 13S/100 Lw Transf,. Duke 100% 100% 1967 ro ~' ~




~v ) 1972 Davidson R've 115/100 kv Transf. D"ke 100% 100% 1967 Ap il 3C, 1972

'.:ei:berry 115/100 kv T"ansf. Duke 1CG% 100/ 1967 Apri'0, 1972 Fo:;.bozo-Eno 230 kv 2nd Circuit Duke 42% 1'00% 1968 April 30, 1973 CPScL 58% 100/

Asheville-Horseshoe Tie Dul:e 83% 1 00% 1968 april 30, '971 1 QQ/

CTP~cL 17%

'.a:=port-Kewberry 230 lm D 'ke 45% 100/ 1971 April 30, 1976 SCHGG 55% 100/.

Canadys-Su.-..ter 230 lcv SCl ~~G <<0/ 1GO/ 1967 8 1970 Apri'0, '975 ipse Cpi.L 60/ 100%

':ateree-Sw-..ter 230 kv SC,.~cG 18% '100% 1970 '.or 1 30, 1975 COL 82% 100/

=!anderson-Ro..boro 132 kv CP~ L 100/ 100/. 1969 April 30, 1979

-o C. -V 'g


... a Sta te Linc-Covans

~ kv Du4 e Or 1971 Apr 1 30) 1976 E

I. D he 100% '00% 1972 .-.o il 30) 1973 r~ yp t pp tpq tpp t~

APPENDIX A Parse 2 rrw!xx Trow DATEs rot'~svw pooL vi..~zswlssrow rAcxLnl"s Portion '- Pool oc.. ng 0~we.d ~Part'c<<pation Xn-Service 1<<tv (0) Co<<oanv 5) Date Te '~at<<o 1 Da e ur~-Carson 500 kv vepco 100% 50% 1972 Apr30, 1975 C Non <c ia 300 Vecco 50% .100/ 1972 Apr 1 30, 197S (')

CP&L 50% 100%

"nd-':.'a'e 500 kv CP&T 100% 0% (3) (3)

=:a~wort-3<<c."..o-.d 500 kv CP&L 45/ 100/ 1972 'April 30, 2.978 (1)

Duke 5)/ 10O%


South C"rolina Flectr<<c & Gas Company terminates payments on April 30, 1976, and otming conpan es assu..e SC &G paynent responsibilities through April 30, 1978.

(2) Pool participation x"ill b 50% from ~!ay 1, '1971 to April 30, 1973 and 35% frcn Hay 1, 1973 to Apr'1 30, 1976.

C"-"o'."..a Po:;.-r & i.iqht Conpany ajrees that shcr<<ing = co" t+e other co...zan<<ies.


'he ~"ill construct ti:is seg...ent of the 500 kv 1 ne, ~;xthout

'l<<ne t<<<<ill be cons tructed and placed in se v'ce at y

s 'ch t=-.:.e:s "aro<<'-.."- Power 6 Light Company needs the facility in its 04<<n system and in ewe g ncv

' ~( r a.a.s. ~~ i>>OA


the operztin~ and r.:aintenance e>:penses or Pool ira. Snission V '4v>>i 4 ~ oe d<<stributed axon~ t"..e <<n the r=t<<o of each Conxny's cst<<n"ted ceak ae" territorial


lo"d lu- I w sa es to ron-nanber co'..panies, to the sun of s ch es" inated peak ne" I e <<<<1 v.J. v>> l d s, plus firn sales to non-nenber conpanies, of all the companies,



'as line and subs tat ion facilit's hav'e been previously a > reed

-"=-.; ':te the 1 1 accessary C.-'.iV'. "=:cecutive Committee and listed in Notices of z<<<<h<<ch Obl ~ation a..d )!irutes o C~~V-'

~ ~ g>> V << C:.. --.;:0 .s.



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