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{{#Wiki_filter:-- _--.--__ . - - . . - - -. . .._----g'[NRC PUBLIC DCCUMENT RCOM
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.CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I he. eby certify tnat copies of Revised page 21 of CASE SUFFLSIE:T 20 PETITICN FOR LEAT : TO I:ITERYE'iE A:ECC:i~'ENTIcNS of 5/7/79 and Revised AFFIDA7If CF MARILYN STINSCN
'of 5. 22/79 in Dceket :ios. 50-445 and 50 kh6 have been served on the fellowing by hand deli ~ery+ or cy depcsit in tne U. S. = ail, fir.;t clase** as indicated belev by the asterisZ or double asterisk, this 23rd day of May,' 1979; I have alac sent Mr. Fouke rand W . Gay, by First Class Mail today, copies of the 5/18/79 ALAE-549 decision.
_ . - - . . - - -     . . .     ._
.Lwrence J. Chandler e Mr.. Dick Fcuke W*
f Counsel for U2C Staff C7UR U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:issica 14C0 Eemphill Washington, D. C.
    -       -                                                                 -       -
20555 Ft. Worth, Texas 761Ch*, Elizabeth C . Ecvers, Esq. , Chair =an*
Atc=?c ' Safety and Licensing Ecard Panels .,<
[                                     NRC PUBLIC DCCUMENT RCOM CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I he. eby certify tnat copies of Revised page 21 of CASE SUFFLSIE:T 20 PETITICN FOR LEAT : TO I:ITERYE'iE A:ECC:i~'ENTIcNS of 5/7/79 and Revised AFFIDA7If CF MARILYN STINSCN
.Af.c:nic Safety and Licensing Ecard U. S. Nuclear degul tory Cc =ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=nission Washingten, D. C;.
              'of 5. 22/79 in Dceket :ios. 50-445 and 50 kh6 have been served on the fellowing by hand deli ~ery+ or cy depcsit in tne U. S. = ail, fir.;t clase** as indicated belev by the asterisZ or double asterisk, this 23rd day of May,' 1979; I have alac sent Mr. Fouke rand W . Gay, by First Class Mail today, copies of the 5/18/79 ALAE-549 decision.
2C555 , Washington, D. C.
20555'Atccie Safety ar.d Licersing Appeal Lester Kornblith Esq.,Me=ber 4 Fanel'(5) $..g-Atc=1c Safety a 1 Licensing Scard U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cac:=1ssion Wachington, D. C.
Lwrence J. Chandler e                                   Mr.. Dick Fcuke W* f Counsel for U2C Staff                                   C7UR U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:issica                     14C0 Eemphill
20555 Washington, D. C.
* Washington, D. C.           20555                       Ft. Worth, Texas         761Ch
20555 i Decketing and Service Sectica (L) 4A- Richard Cole, Esq., Me=ber %
Office cf tne Secretary
  .      Elizabeth C . Ecvers, Esq. , Chair =an*                 Atc=?c ' Safety and Licensing Ecard Panels .,<
., Atcc:ic Safety and Licensing Ecard <
Af.c:nic Safety and Licensing Ecard                     U. S. Nuclear degul tory Cc =ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=nission               ,
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=.ission
Washingten, D. C;.           2C555
,'U. S. Nuclear Reg..latory Cc=nission Washington, D. C.
20555 Washingten, D. C.
Washington, D. C.           20555 Atccie Safety ar.d Licersing Appeal Lester Kornblith Esq.,Me=ber 4                                 Fanel'(5) $..g-Atc=1c Safety a 1 Licensing Scard                       U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cac:=1ssion                   Wachington, D. C.         20555 Washington, D. C.           20555                                                                                     i Decketing and Service Sectica (L)               4A
20555'Nichclas S. Reynolds y
      - Richard Cole, Esq., Me=ber %                             Office cf tne Secretary                                   .
, Debevcis & Liber =an-
/}1200 - lith St., N. W.
Atcc:ic Safety and Licensing Ecard <                   U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=.ission
, Wasninrten, D. C.
2CO36 V(Mrs.) Juanita Ellis, President Mr. Geeffrey M. Gay f CASE (Citizens Asscciation for Scund Enercy)
West Texas Lep.1 Ser rices 1h26 S. F01%
U. S. Nuclear Reg..latory Cc=nission                   Washington, D. C.         20555 Washingten, D. C.             20555
EC6 W. 2. Jaggener Building Callas, Texna 75224 810 Ecusten Street 21k/9h6-9h--6 Ft. Werth, Tenas 761L2 Riccard W. Lcverre, Esq. A
, Assis ann Attcrney General ( % @f /I:re-~-a'' Prctectica Divisica p?. O. Een 125L.3, Capitel Statica g:$V 08 3 Austin, Tenas 73711 p'4 g u[a\ w"s H e r.:.f'*n b g'% 'e i"s'428 045 Non p 7 @ &,: ,\s.  
Nichclas S. Reynolds y                                                                                   ,
...- 21 -I further proof in the form of ec=parisons aith other studies by the applicant to substantiate the stated figure.
Debevcis & Liber =an-1200 - lith St., N. W.
Wasninrten, D. C.           2CO36
V(Mrs.) Juanita Ellis, President Mr. Geeffrey M. Gay           f                         CASE (Citizens Asscciation for Scund Enercy)
West Texas Lep.1 Ser rices                               1h26 S. F01%
EC6 W. 2. Jaggener Building                             Callas, Texna       75224 810 Ecusten Street                                         21k/9h6-9h--6 Ft. Werth, Tenas           761L2 Riccard W. Lcverre, Esq. A                                                                             ,
Assis ann Attcrney General                                     ( % @f /
I:re-~-a '' Prctectica Divisica                             p
          ?. O. Een 125L.3, Capitel Statica                               g:$
Austin, Tenas           73711                           p' V
4 08 g   3 H
u[a\ w"s
* e r.:.
g'     b
                                                                                    "s 428       045 Non p 7 @ &,                   % 'e i
                                                      ,\       s
                                                              .   .
I   further proof in the form of ec=parisons aith other studies by the applicant to substantiate the stated figure.
The report " Nuclear Pcver Costs," a report by the subec==ittee en Environ-
The report " Nuclear Pcver Costs," a report by the subec==ittee en Environ-
=ent, Energy, and Natural Resources of the Cc=mittee on Government Operations of the Ecuse of Representatives, released April 26, 1978, yields far different figures. It states, in part:
    =ent, Energy, and Natural Resources of the Cc=mittee on Government Operations of the Ecuse of Representatives, released April 26, 1978, yields far different figures. It states, in part:
s" Dis =antling a nuclear plant nov =ay cost anywhere from $31 =1111cn to = ore than $100 Milion in 1977 dollars -- between 3 percent and lo percent of the
$1 billion capital cost. Even the higher figures, however, do not include perpetual care costs for rubble frca the plant containing radicactive nickel which may remain hazardcus for up to 1 5 million years. After 30 to LO years, the expected lifespan of a nuclear plant, decc=missionirg costs would quad-ruple (assuming 5 percent annual inflation) ."But these figures are all estimates, frcm the lovest to the highest, and no one really knows how such it will cost or who will pay the bill to de-cc==ission this Nation's coc=ercial nuclear reactors. Decocnissioning ecsts therefore represent substantial unkncvn costs of nuclear-generated electricity
          " Dis =antling a nuclear plant nov =ay cost anywhere from $31 =1111cn to = ore than $100 Milion in 1977 dollars -- between 3 percent and lo percent of the
-- costs ratepayers =ay be burdened with LO years af ter the reactor startup date." If the a=ount for decc==issicnir4 the CPSES vere figured to be 3% or 10%
          $1 billion capital cost. Even the higher figures, however, do not include perpetual care costs for rubble frca the plant containing radicactive nickel which may remain hazardcus for up to 1 5 million years. After 30 to LO years, the expected lifespan of a nuclear plant, decc=missionirg costs would quad-ruple (assuming 5 percent annual inflation) .
of the current cost of construction, il,7CO,500,000 ($17 billion plus $5CO,CCO estimated for the ecst of correcting the errer in design of the second reacter+), it would yield a figure of between $51 millien and $170 million.
          "But these figures are all estimates, frcm the lovest to the highest, and no one really knows how such it will cost or who will pay the bill to de-cc==ission this Nation's coc=ercial nuclear reactors. Decocnissioning ecsts therefore represent substantial unkncvn costs of nuclear-generated electricity
In the May 7, 1979 issue of FORTUNE =agazine, Peter N. Skinner, an environ-mental engineer in the New York State atterney general's effice, is qucted as saying: , g cy, S o ny-e a 4sy.* See Ccntention No. 6. 2, felleving.
          -- costs ratepayers =ay be burdened with LO years af ter the reactor startup date."
$y eg>y 428 046 , w"  
If the a=ount for decc==issicnir4 the CPSES vere figured to be 3% or 10%
., e COUNTY OF SOMERVELL STATE OF TEXAS AFFICAVIT OF MARlLYN STINSON 1, Marilyn Stin:en, being duly sworr. on oath, state the following:
of the current cost of construction, il,7CO,500,000 ($17 billion plus $5CO,CCO estimated for the ecst of correcting the errer in design of the second reacter+),
1.That I am a resident of the municipality of Glen Rose, Somervell County, Texas, and that I live at 506 Barnard.
it would yield a figure of between $51 millien and $170 million.
.I 2.That I am over 21 years of age and of sound mind.
In the May 7, 1979 issue of FORTUNE =agazine, Peter N. Skinner, an environ-mental engineer in the New York State atterney general's effice, is qucted as saying:                                               , g cy, S
3 That my husband and I own a five-axle semi-tractor trailer and operate a business from the above address which consists of refrigerated hauling service in a five-state area, including Texas.
ny- eo    4sy a
4.That our home, personal and business property are located within five (5) miles of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.
5 That I am a charter member of CASE (Citizens Association for Sound Energy) and have been a member for over five years.
* See Ccntention No. 6. 2, felleving.                 $         y eg>
6.That for the reasor,s stated in the most recent Petition for Leave to Intervene and Contentions filed by CASE in Docket No. 50-445 and 50-446, dated May 7, 1979, the licensir g for operation of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant I will constitute a serious threat to our property and our health, safety and i environment.
                                                        ,            y       428     046 w"
Specifically, such threat from the routine or emergency operation
-of the Comanche Peak plant includes:
ininediate or later death, cancer, other health probletas, excessive danger to me personally from the effects of low-level radiation due to my heart condition, destruction c-loss of our home, personal and business property, and possibly irreversible damage to the environment.
7 That for this reason, I have authorized CASE to represent me in the public
e COUNTY OF SOMERVELL STATE OF TEXAS AFFICAVIT OF MARlLYN STINSON 1, Marilyn Stin:en, being duly sworr. on oath, state the following:
!health, safety and environmental aspects of the operating license hearings for the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.
: 1. That I am a resident of the municipality of Glen Rose, Somervell County, Texas, and that I live at 506 Barnard.                                            .
, i"Rio n'i fQ
$$c)Ma'rilyn Stinson ~~
: 2. That I am over 21 years of age and of sound mind.
'~V Somervell County State of Texas
3     That my husband and I own a five-axle semi-tractor trailer and operate a business from the above address which consists of refrigerated hauling service in a five-state area, including Texas.
-Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1979 n 22~ 4d &LO(5M
: 4. That our home, personal and business property are located within five (5) miles of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.
\Notary P o' lit
5     That I am a charter member of CASE (Citizens Association for Sound Energy) and have been a member for over five years.
~.P 4Ab (of ficial seal) if 4 a# #' 4, %-423 047 s-a.e hy&N\//6}}
: 6. That for the reasor,s stated in the most recent Petition for Leave to Intervene and Contentions filed by CASE in Docket No. 50-445 and 50-446, dated May 7, 1979, the licensir g for operation of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant           I will constitute a serious threat to our property and our health, safety and i         environment. Specifically, such threat from the routine or emergency operation
of the Comanche Peak plant includes: ininediate or later death, cancer, other health probletas, excessive danger to me personally from the effects of low-level radiation due to my heart condition, destruction c- loss of our home, personal and business property, and possibly irreversible damage to the environment.
7     That for this reason, I have authorized CASE to represent me in the public           !
health, safety and environmental aspects of the operating license hearings for the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.                         ,                 i "Rio   ~
n'i fQ $$c)
Ma'rilyn Stinson ~~
V Somervell County State of Texas                             -
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1979 n 22 Notary P o' lit
                                                                      ~ 4d &LO(5M
P (of ficial seal)                             if 4Ab 4 a # #' 4, %         -
423     047 s-         a.         e hy&     N 6
                                                  \     //}}

Revision as of 11:41, 19 October 2019

Certificate of Svc for Revised Page 21 of 790507 Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Revised Page & Affidavit of M Stinson Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/1979
From: Ellis J
Citizens Association for Sound Energy
PLED-790507, NUDOCS 7907180768
Download: ML19225A291 (3)


- - _-- .- -


_ . - - . . - - - . . . ._


- - - -



'of 5. 22/79 in Dceket :ios. 50-445 and 50 kh6 have been served on the fellowing by hand deli ~ery+ or cy depcsit in tne U. S. = ail, fir.;t clase** as indicated belev by the asterisZ or double asterisk, this 23rd day of May,' 1979; I have alac sent Mr. Fouke rand W . Gay, by First Class Mail today, copies of the 5/18/79 ALAE-549 decision.


Lwrence J. Chandler e Mr.. Dick Fcuke W* f Counsel for U2C Staff C7UR U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:issica 14C0 Eemphill


. Elizabeth C . Ecvers, Esq. , Chair =an* Atc=?c ' Safety and Licensing Ecard Panels .,<

Af.c:nic Safety and Licensing Ecard U. S. Nuclear degul tory Cc =ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=nission ,

Washingten, D. C;. 2C555


Washington, D. C. 20555 Atccie Safety ar.d Licersing Appeal Lester Kornblith Esq.,Me=ber 4 Fanel'(5) $..g-Atc=1c Safety a 1 Licensing Scard U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cac:=1ssion Wachington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 i Decketing and Service Sectica (L) 4A

- Richard Cole, Esq., Me=ber % Office cf tne Secretary .


Atcc:ic Safety and Licensing Ecard < U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=.ission



U. S. Nuclear Reg..latory Cc=nission Washington, D. C. 20555 Washingten, D. C. 20555


Nichclas S. Reynolds y ,

Debevcis & Liber =an-1200 - lith St., N. W.

Wasninrten, D. C. 2CO36



V(Mrs.) Juanita Ellis, President Mr. Geeffrey M. Gay f CASE (Citizens Asscciation for Scund Enercy)

West Texas Lep.1 Ser rices 1h26 S. F01%

EC6 W. 2. Jaggener Building Callas, Texna 75224 810 Ecusten Street 21k/9h6-9h--6 Ft. Werth, Tenas 761L2 Riccard W. Lcverre, Esq. A ,

Assis ann Attcrney General ( % @f /

I:re-~-a Prctectica Divisica p

?. O. Een 125L.3, Capitel Statica g:$

Austin, Tenas 73711 p' V

4 08 g 3 H



u[a\ w"s

  • e r.:.

g' b


"s 428 045 Non p 7 @ &,  % 'e i

,\ s


. .


I further proof in the form of ec=parisons aith other studies by the applicant to substantiate the stated figure.

The report " Nuclear Pcver Costs," a report by the subec==ittee en Environ-

=ent, Energy, and Natural Resources of the Cc=mittee on Government Operations of the Ecuse of Representatives, released April 26, 1978, yields far different figures. It states, in part:


" Dis =antling a nuclear plant nov =ay cost anywhere from $31 =1111cn to = ore than $100 Milion in 1977 dollars -- between 3 percent and lo percent of the

$1 billion capital cost. Even the higher figures, however, do not include perpetual care costs for rubble frca the plant containing radicactive nickel which may remain hazardcus for up to 1 5 million years. After 30 to LO years, the expected lifespan of a nuclear plant, decc=missionirg costs would quad-ruple (assuming 5 percent annual inflation) .

"But these figures are all estimates, frcm the lovest to the highest, and no one really knows how such it will cost or who will pay the bill to de-cc==ission this Nation's coc=ercial nuclear reactors. Decocnissioning ecsts therefore represent substantial unkncvn costs of nuclear-generated electricity

-- costs ratepayers =ay be burdened with LO years af ter the reactor startup date."

If the a=ount for decc==issicnir4 the CPSES vere figured to be 3% or 10%

of the current cost of construction, il,7CO,500,000 ($17 billion plus $5CO,CCO estimated for the ecst of correcting the errer in design of the second reacter+),

it would yield a figure of between $51 millien and $170 million.

In the May 7, 1979 issue of FORTUNE =agazine, Peter N. Skinner, an environ-mental engineer in the New York State atterney general's effice, is qucted as saying: , g cy, S

ny- eo 4sy a


  • See Ccntention No. 6. 2, felleving. $ y eg>

, y 428 046 w"



e COUNTY OF SOMERVELL STATE OF TEXAS AFFICAVIT OF MARlLYN STINSON 1, Marilyn Stin:en, being duly sworr. on oath, state the following:

1. That I am a resident of the municipality of Glen Rose, Somervell County, Texas, and that I live at 506 Barnard. .


2. That I am over 21 years of age and of sound mind.

3 That my husband and I own a five-axle semi-tractor trailer and operate a business from the above address which consists of refrigerated hauling service in a five-state area, including Texas.

4. That our home, personal and business property are located within five (5) miles of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

5 That I am a charter member of CASE (Citizens Association for Sound Energy) and have been a member for over five years.

6. That for the reasor,s stated in the most recent Petition for Leave to Intervene and Contentions filed by CASE in Docket No. 50-445 and 50-446, dated May 7, 1979, the licensir g for operation of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant I will constitute a serious threat to our property and our health, safety and i environment. Specifically, such threat from the routine or emergency operation


of the Comanche Peak plant includes: ininediate or later death, cancer, other health probletas, excessive danger to me personally from the effects of low-level radiation due to my heart condition, destruction c- loss of our home, personal and business property, and possibly irreversible damage to the environment.

7 That for this reason, I have authorized CASE to represent me in the public  !

health, safety and environmental aspects of the operating license hearings for the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant. , i "Rio ~

n'i fQ $$c)

Ma'rilyn Stinson ~~


V Somervell County State of Texas -

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1979 n 22 Notary P o' lit

~ 4d &LO(5M




P (of ficial seal) if 4Ab 4 a # #' 4, % -

423 047 s- a. e hy& N 6

\ //