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NUREG-2194 Volume 1, Rev. 1, Standard Technical Specifications, Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000) Plants, Volume 1: Specifications31 January 2024NUREG-2194, Vol. 1, Rev. 1, Standard Technical Specifications, Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000) Plants, Volume 1: Specifications
NUREG-2194 Volume 2, Rev. 1, Standard Technical Specifications, Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000) Plants, Volume 2: Bases31 January 2024NUREG-2194, Vol. 2, Rev. 1, Standard Technical Specifications, Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000) Plants, Volume 2: Bases
ML05180064023 June 2005Summary of Meeting Held Between NRC Staff and Industry on TSTF-448, Control Room Habitability, Revision 1
ML20134M66320 November 1996Vermont YankeeForwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Scope & Insp Methods Proposed for Insp of Core Spray Internal Piping During Fall 1996 Refueling Outage at Plant
ML20134F9455 November 1996Vermont YankeeForwards Safety Evaluation Accepting TR YAEC-1926 & Incorporation of Power/Flow Exclusion Region Calculation Method Using LAPUR5 Computer Code & Implementation of Solomon Stability Monitor for Licensee Facility
ML20129C33618 October 1996Vermont YankeeNotification of 961021 Meeting W/Officials of Vynpc to Discuss Status of Licensees Activities to Restore Fire Protection Program at VT Yankee Nuclear Power Station to Full Compliance W/App R to 10CFR50
ML20128N34311 October 1996Vermont YankeeForwards Safety Evaluation Re Evaluation of Flaw Indication Found During Reactor Pressure Vessel Insps at Plant
ML20128N1964 October 1996Vermont YankeeRequests Review of Resolution of Spent Fuel Storage Pool Safety Issues:Issuance of Final Rept,Vermont Yankee Power Station.Rept to Commission Encl
ML20129G3362 October 1996Vermont YankeeForwards SE Accepting Proposed Repair of Core Shroud Designed as Alternative to Requirements of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Per GL 94-03
ML20247N89421 September 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Amend 10 to Indemnity Agreement B-65,reflecting Changes to 10CFR140 Which Increase Primary Layer of Nuclear Liability Insurance Provided by ANI & Maelu
ML20247P53618 September 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Safety Evaluation Re Compliance W/Atws Rule 10CFR50.62 Requirements.Understands That ATWS Mods for Facility Will Be Implemented During Ninth Refueling Outage Planned for Late Summer - Early Fall 1990.TAC Closed
IR 05000313/198902224 August 1989Arkansas NuclearInsp Repts 50-313/89-22 & 50-368/89-22 on 890515-19 & 0613-16.Weaknesses Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Lers,Previous Insp Findings & Review of Licensee Program for Conducting Safety Evaluations Per 10CFR50.59
ML20246D93123 August 1989Arkansas NuclearInforms of Safety & Performance Improvement Programmatic Audit at Plant Scheduled for 890912-14.Audit Series Consists of Programmatic,Implementation & Followup Audit
ML20245K36011 August 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards SER Accepting Corrective Actions Taken in Response to Plant 890120 High Pressure Injection Sys Backflow Event. TAC 71972 Considered Closed
ML20245K38110 August 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-51 & NPF-6,modifying Tech Specs Re Review Responsibilities of Plant Safety Committee
ML20245J0449 August 1989Arkansas NuclearDiscusses Withdrawal of 890227 & 0323 Applications for Amends to Licenses DPR-51 & NPF-6 Re Snubber Surveillance
ML20247N73031 July 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Safety Evaluation Concluding That Isolation Devices Properly Tested & Acceptable for Use in Spds,Per Generic Ltr 82-33.Approval Subj to Confirmation That Failure During Testing Attributable to Defective Component
ML20247A82011 July 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 831105 & 850726 Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3 Re Reactor Trip Reliability - on-line Functional Testing of Reactor Trip Sys
ML20246J5187 July 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Safety Evaluation of NRC 881205-08 Audit of Util Response to IE Bulletin 79-27.Expresses Concern That Util Had No Procedures for Testing Nonnuclear Instrumentation/Ics Power Supply Automatic Bus Transfer Switches
ML20245K99529 June 1989Arkansas NuclearAck Receipt of 890307 Response to Generic Ltr 88-14, Instrument Air Supply Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Response Acceptable
ML20246B34523 June 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Safety Evaluation Concluding That Util 830415 & 840717 Procedures Generation Packages (PGP) for Emergency Procedures,Per Insp Rept 50-313/88-17,deemed Incomplete. Concerns Should Be Evaluated & PGP Revised Appropriately
ML20244C7867 June 1989Arkansas NuclearComments on Util Response to Generic Ltr 88-17 Re Expeditious Actions for Loss of Dhr.Response Meet Intent of Generic Ltr But Lacks Some Details Requested in Encl 2 of Ltr.Nrc Observations Listed
ML20246G0351 May 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Fr Notice of Withdrawal of 861212 Application for Amend to License DPR-51 Re Tech Spec Limit on Fuel.Allotted Response Time Passed
ML20246G0481 May 1989Arkansas NuclearNotice of Withdrawal of 861212 Application for Amend to License DPR-51 to Change Fuel Enrichment Tech Specs
ML20245D62911 April 1989Arkansas NuclearInforms That 861212 Application for Amend to License DPR-51 Considered Withdrawn,Per 890407 Telcon
ML20244D18411 April 1989Arkansas NuclearDiscusses 881103 Steam Generator Inservice Insp Remedial Action Plan.Concerns Raised Re Significant sulfur-induced Intergranular Attack Corrosion Activity in Steam Generators Above 15th Support Plate.Action on Item Closed
ML20236C81410 March 1989Arkansas NuclearConcludes That B&W Methodology Significantly Improved Safety of B&W-designed Reactors Permitting Closure of TMI Action Plan Item II.K.3.5 Re Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Issue (Multi-Plant Action G-01)
ML20235W88723 February 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Request for Addl Info Re Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Testing.Info Requested by 890324
ML20235V11523 February 1989Arkansas NuclearForwards Request for Addl Info Re Proposed Plant Mods to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.62 in Order to Complete Review
ML20195J42929 November 1988Arkansas NuclearSummary of 881118 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Four Plant Startup Issues Including:Dhr Sys Shutdown Cooling Mode of Operation,Operability of Penetration Room Ventilation Sys & Operability of Nozzles in safety-related Piping Sys
ML20205P22026 October 1988Arkansas NuclearSummary of 881018 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Results of Inservice Insp of Casings of Reactor Coolant Pumps a & B & Request for Relief from ASME Code Requirements for Inspecting Reactor Coolant Pumps.Related Info Encl
ML20205H86925 October 1988Arkansas NuclearForwards Safety Evaluation Supporting 861124 & 880603 Response to Generic Ltr 86-06,TMI Action Item II.K.3.5 Re Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps
ML20207K95212 October 1988Arkansas NuclearNotification of 881018 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Relief Request from ASME Code Inservice Insp Requirements for Reactor Coolant Pump Casings
ML20245D82727 September 1988Arkansas NuclearNotification of 881013 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Closeout of Longstanding Safety Issues.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20207K12221 September 1988Arkansas NuclearAdvises That Upon Receipt of NRC Approval of Conceptual ATWS Design,Required ATWS Equipment Should Be Installed
ML20153D40925 August 1988Arkansas NuclearInforms That 880527 Response to Generic Ltr 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Boundary Components in PWR Plants, Acceptable
ML20207J03324 August 1988Arkansas NuclearDiscusses Resolution of Generic Issue 124 Re Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Reliability.Resolution Relied on Audit of Serveral Parameters That Effect Availability & Reliability of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys
ML20151Q9202 August 1988Arkansas NuclearInforms That Response to NRC Bulletin 88-001, Defects in Westinghouse Circuit Breakers, Satisfactory
ML20151M10029 July 1988Arkansas NuclearRequests Addl Info Re 880701 Proposed License Amend for Sys Energy Resources,Inc to Assume Responsibility for Plant Operation
ML20150G04212 July 1988Arkansas NuclearForwards Summary of Background Info for Proposed Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Tech Spec Limit,Per 880706 Request
ML20150F24529 June 1988Arkansas NuclearSummary of 880607 Meeting W/Util in Little Rock,Ar Re B&W Owners Group Safety & Performance Improvement Program at Plant
ML20195G38215 June 1988Arkansas NuclearForwards NRC Positions for Resolution of Six Open Items Re Review of Proposed Second 10-yr Inservice Testing Program, Per 871117 & 18 Meetings.Util Should Proceed W/Resubmittal of Proposed Second 10-yr Inservice Testing Program
ML20195H52814 June 1988Arkansas NuclearForwards Results of NRC Review of Util 880129 Response to Generic Issue GI-124 Re Auxiliary Feedwater Sys (Afws) Reliability.Improvement in Afws Reliability & Secondary Side DHR Capability Warranted.Response within 60 Days Requested
ML20195D6027 June 1988Arkansas NuclearAdvises That Responses to Generic Ltr 88-03, Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps Acceptable.No Further Action Necessary
ML20154P71823 May 1988Arkansas NuclearForwards Request for Addl Info Re Spds.Questions Re Max Credible Fault Testing of Rochester Instrument Sys SC-132 & Energy Inc Model 00993-4 Remain Unresolved.Info Requested within 30 Days from Receipt of Ltr
ML20154D55610 May 1988Arkansas NuclearRequests Addl Info Re Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2. Response Requested within 30 Days of Ltr Receipt
IR 05000313/19880014 March 1988Arkansas NuclearInsp Repts 50-313/88-01 & 50-368/88-01 on 880120-0221. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint & Surveillance & Followup on TMI Action Item II.3.5,generic Ltrs & Previously Identified Items
IR 05000313/19870391 March 1988Arkansas NuclearInsp Repts 50-313/87-39 & 50-368/87-39 on 871201-880119.No Violations Noted.Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification,Surveillance & Followup on NRC Bulletins,Lers & Previously Identified Items
IR 05000313/198703815 December 1987Arkansas NuclearInsp Repts 50-313/87-38 & 50-368/87-38 on 871101-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety verification,maint,surveillance,10CFR21 Repts,Cold Weather Preparations & Containment Integrity
IR 05000313/198703630 November 1987Arkansas NuclearInsp Repts 50-313/87-36 & 50-368/87-36 on 871001-31.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification,Maint,Surveillance & Followup on Previously Identified Items