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ML20059L25514 September 1990Advises of Preparation for Final Refueling Outage to Complete Second 10-yr Interval for Inservice InspsHydrostatic
Scram Discharge Volume
ML20059H53510 September 1990Forwards Encls 1-3 of Generic Ltr 90-07 Re Operator Licensing Exam Schedule
ML20059F5125 September 1990Requests Exemption from Filing Requirement of 10CFR55.45(b)(2)(iii) to Allow Submittal of NRC Form 474, Simulator Facility Certification, After 910326 Deadline & to Allow Administering of Simulator Portion of Test
ML20059F74431 August 1990Forwards Util Review of NRC Backfit Analysis for Hardened Wetwell Vent.Nrc Analysis Does Not Support Conclusion That Hardening Existing Vent Is cost-beneficial Mod for PlantHardened vent
ML20059G06431 August 1990Advises That Util Agreed to Revised Frequency of Once Every 12 Months for Corrective Actions Audits Per Tech Spec Change Request 65 Based on 900718 & 19 Discussions
ML20059E90630 August 1990Forwards Response to 900808 Request for Addl Info Re NRC Bulletin 90-002, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Fuel Channel Box Bow
ML20059F16930 August 1990Requests Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App J, Section III.D.1(a) for Facility Re Schedule Requirements for Connecting Type a Testing w/10-yr Inservice Insp Interval, Per 10CFR50.12(a)(2)
ML20064A46630 August 1990Responds to 900803 SALP Rept 50-289/89-99.TMI Does Not Expect to Be Lead Plant for Installation of Advanced Control Sys.Maint Backlog Goals Established.Info on Emergency Preparedness & Engineering/Technical Support Encl
ML20059G18429 August 1990Ack NRC Request to Perform Type C Testing During Unscheduled Outage,As Plant Conditions Will Allow.Type C Exemptions Should Remain in Effect Until New Outage Start Date
ML20059C87929 August 1990Forwards TMI-1 Semiannual Effluent & Release Rept for Jan - June 1990, Including Executive Summary of Effluent Release Rept,Disposal & Effluent Release Data & Assessment of Radiation Doses.No Changes to ODCM for Reporting PeriodProcess Control Program
ML20059D54929 August 1990Responds to NRC Re Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty Re Personnel Inattentiveness & Failure of Site Managers to Correct Condition.Shift & Immediate Supervisor Discharged
ML20059C78527 August 1990Forwards Rev 5 to Sys Description 3184-007, Solid Waste Staging Facility, Updating Minor Changes to Pages 6,8,9 & 13
ML20059C82327 August 1990Advises That SPDS Enhancements Described in Completed,Per 900628 Request.Offline & Online Testing Completed & Enhancements Considered to Be Operational
ML20059C85724 August 1990Provides Results of Evaluation of Ability to Meet Acceptance Criteria for Eccs,In Response to 900804 Notice of Violation. Plant Meets Acceptance Criteria Contained in 10CFR50.46 W/ Valve Logic Design Deficiency in Containment Spray SysUltimate heat sink
ML20059C10924 August 1990Forwards Rev 6 to Physical Security Contingency Plan.Rev Withheld
ML20059B82524 August 1990Forwards Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000,per NRC
ML20056B46520 August 1990Corrects Statement Made in 900716 Response to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Rosemount Transmitters. Identified That Only Half of Operating Crews Provided W/ Briefing on Bulletin
ML20058Q18517 August 1990Requests That Distribution List for TMI-2 Correspondence Be Updated to Be Consistent W/Recently Implemented Organizational Changes.Ee Kintner,Mb Roche & Wj Marshall Should Be Deleted
ML20058Q18213 August 1990Advises That Util Will No Longer Provide Annual Update to Dewatering Sys for Defueling Canisters Sys Description,Per NRC .W/Completion of Defueling & Shipment of All Defueling Canisters Offsite,Sys Has Been Deactivated
ML20058Q17213 August 1990Forwards TMI-2 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept,First Quarter 1990, Update
ML20063P9529 August 1990Advises That Response to NRC 900523 Request for Assessment of Hazardous Matl Shipment Will Be Sent by 910531
ML20058N0789 August 1990Submits Info Re pressure-temp Operating Limits for Facility, Per Generic Ltr 88-11.Util Recalculated Adjusted Ref Temp for Each Belt Line Matl as Result of New Displacement Per Atom Values
ML20058L9553 August 1990Responds to SALP Rept 50-219/88-99.Although Minor,Several Factual Errors Noted.Dialogue Promotes & Identifies Areas Where Improvements Should Be MadeSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20058L9523 August 1990Forwards Rev 2 to Security Contingency Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20058M7203 August 1990Forwards Rev 2 to TER 3232-019, Div Technical Evaluation Rept for Processed Water Disposal Sys. Mods Include Elimination of Pelletizer & Relocation of Druming Station to Discharge of Blender/Dryer
ML20056A20730 July 1990Forwards Response to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. Record Review Performed & Sys Walkdowns Completed to Assemble Requisite List
ML20055J45827 July 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-289/90-10. Corrective Actions:Missing Support Brace on Cable Tray Support Found & Corrected
ML20055J45627 July 1990Advises That Info Contained in Generic Ltr 90-06,not Applicable to Current Nonoperating & Defueled Condition of Facility.Generic Ltr Will Be Reevaluated,If Decision Made to Restart Facility
ML20055H69020 July 1990Forwards Rev 25 to TMI-2 Organization Plan for NRC Review & Approval.Rev Proposes Consolidation of Plant Operations & Maint Sections Into Plant Operation & Maint Section
ML20058N99120 July 1990Partially Withheld Response to NRC Bulletin 90-002 Re Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Box Bow (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(1))Affidavit
ML20055H79620 July 1990Advises of Change to Preventive Maint Program for Electromatic Relief Valves.Rebuild Schedule Will Be Modified to Require Rebuilding Two or Three Valves During Refueling Outage & Remaining Valves During Next Refueling Outage
ML20055J04819 July 1990Requests 2-wk Extension for Submittal of Response to Re Installation of Hardened Wetwell Vent W/ Appropriate Extension Period to Be Decided Pending Outcome of 900724 Meeting Discussion W/Bwr Owners GroupHardened vent
ML20055G44319 July 1990Forwards Rev 12 to 990-1745, TMI-1 Fire Hazards Analysis Rept & Update 9 to FSAR for TMI-1
ML20055G87819 July 1990Discusses Compliance W/Reg Guide 1.97 Re Containment High Range Radiation Monitors,Per 900507-11 Insp.Physical Separation of Power Cables & Required Isolation Will Be Provided to Satisfy Reg Guide Category 1 RequirementsHigh Energy Line Break
ML20064A12211 July 1990Discusses 900710 Telcon W/Nrc Re Util Corrective Actions in Response to NRC Finding That Operator Received Passing Grade on Administered Requalification Exam in 1989 Should Have Received Failing Grade.Corrective Actions Listed
ML20055F96011 July 1990Forwards, 1990 TMI Nuclear Station Annual Emergency Exercise Scenario to Be Conducted on 900912.W/o Encl
ML20055F84910 July 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-16,consisting of Tech Spec Change Request 188,reducing Low Condenser Vacuum Scram Setpoint
ML20044A9539 July 1990Forwards Util Response to Weaknesses Identified in Maint Team Insp Rept 50-289/89-82.Corrective Actions:Engineering Personnel Reminded to Assure Documented Approval Obtained Prior to Proceeding W/Work
ML20055E0485 July 1990Documents Action Taken by Util to Improve Heat Sink Protection Sys & Current Status of Sys.Main Feedwater Logic Circuits Modified Prior to Startup from 8R Outage to Eliminate Potential for Inadvertent Isolation
ML20055E0012 July 1990Forwards Revs 1 & 2 to Topical Rept 067, TMI-1 Cycle 8 Core Operating Limits Rept, Per Tech Spec
ML20055D20728 June 1990Forwards Certification of TMI-1 Simulation Facility,Per 10CFR55.45.b.5.Resumes of Personnel Involved Encl. Resumes Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(6))
ML20055C99728 June 1990Forwards Rev 27 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld
ML20055D08625 June 1990Documents Deviation from Requirements of Reg Guide 1.97,per Insp on 900507-11.Based on Most Limiting Analysis,Existing Range of 0-1,200 Psi Sufficient.Deviation Consistent W/B&W Owners Group Task Force Evaluation of Reg Guide
ML20043H74721 June 1990Confirms Telcon W/A Dromerick Re Util Plans to Inspect CRD Hydraulic Control Units During Plant Walkdown to Address USI A-46, Seismic Qualification of Equipment in Operating Nuclear Power Plants. Walkdown Planned in Oct 1992
ML20043H40318 June 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info on Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issue Resolved W/Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions.Scram Discharge Volume
ML20043H48518 June 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-50,consisting of Tech Spec Change Request 179
ML20043H23014 June 1990Documents Licensee Commitment to Improve Seismic Restraints for Diesel Generator Switchgear Encls,Per 900613 Telcon W/ Nrc.Engineering Will Be Finalized & Mods Completed Prior to 900622
ML20043F99211 June 1990Forwards Listing of Exam Ref Matl Sent on 900601 in Response to 900505 Ltr
ML20043F7587 June 1990Responds to Request for Info Re Util Compliance W/Generic Ltr 88-01 & Insp Plans for Upcoming 13R Outage.Frequency of Insp of Welds Classified as IGSCC Categories C,D & E Will Not Be Reduced During 13R Outage
ML20043F0664 June 1990Forwards Inservice Insp Data Rept for Period 880816-900304. Owner Rept for Repairs or Replacements Performed on ASME Section XI Class 1 & 2 Components,Also Encl