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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20065D49514 September 1990Forwards Updated Exam Schedule for Facility,In Response to Generic Ltr 90-07, Operator Licensing Natl Exam Schedule
ML20065D04914 September 1990Forwards Operator & Senior Operator Licensing Exam Ref Matl for Exam Scheduled for Wk of 901112,per 900607 Request
ML20059K46814 September 1990Provides Supplemental Info Re Emergency Response Data Sys (Erds).Data Transmitted by Util ERDS Will Have Quality Tag of 4 & Point Identification for ERDS Renamed
ML20059G23410 September 1990Provides Response to Request for Addl Info Re Interpretation of Tech Spec 3/4.7.10, Fire Barriers. Interpretation Is Implemented & Unnecessary Compensatory Measures Removed.List of Fire Barriers Inspected on One Side Only EnclFire Barrier
ML20064A6276 September 1990Requests That Requirement Date for Installation & Testing of Alternate Ac Power Source & Compliance w/10CFR50.63 Be Deferred Until Completion of Eighth Refueling Outage
ML20059G4966 September 1990Submits Voluntary Rept of Svc Water HX Testing During Sixth Refueling Outage.Expected Flow Rates Not Achieved.Periodic Tests Developed to Check Efficiency of Containment Air Coolers
ML20059D41228 August 1990Forwards Second 10-Yr Interval Pump & Valve Inservice Testing ProgramSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Stroke time
Incorporated by reference
Cold shutdown justification
ML20028G86128 August 1990Forwards Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station Semiannual Rept: Effluent & Waste Disposal,Jan-June 1990.
ML20059D55224 August 1990Forwards Semiannual Fitness for Duty Rept for Jan-June 1990Fitness for Duty
ML20059B52923 August 1990Forwards Updated Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Hpi/Makeup Nozzle,Per 900510 Meeting W/Nrc.Util Believes That Addl Analysis to Assess Structural Integrity of Nozzle Using More Conservative Fracture Model Supports Previous Analysis
ML20058Q39116 August 1990Requests NRC Concurrence on Encl Interpretation & Technical Justification of Tech Spec 3/4.7.10, Fire BarriersSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Weak link
ML20058P78010 August 1990Advises of Intentions to Revise Testing Requirements for Fire Protection Portable Detection Sys at Plant & Functional Testing of auto-dialer & Telephone Line Subsys from Daily to Weekly Testing
ML20063P9989 August 1990Submits Supplemental Response to Insp Rept 50-346/89-21. Util Rescinds Denial & Accepts Alleged ViolationHydrostatic
ML20056A5343 August 1990Confirms Electronic Transfer of Payment of Invoice I0942 Covering Annual Fee for FY90,per 10CFR171
ML20058M7793 August 1990Forwards Rev 10 to Industrial Security Plan & Rev 6 to Security Training & Qualification Plan.Revs Withheld
ML20058L1821 August 1990Forwards Davis-Besse Dcrdr Human Engineering Discrepancy Repts 1988 Summary Addendum 1,Vol 1, Per NRC Audit Team Request
ML20056A83423 July 1990Forwards Revised Monthly Operating Rept for June 1990 for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1
ML20055H46020 July 1990Discusses Resolution of Draft SER Open Item on Voluntary Loss of Offsite Power.Util Preparing License Amend Request Per Generic Ltrs 86-10 & 88-12 to Relocate Fire Protection Tech Specs & Update Fire Protection License Condition
ML20055F96817 July 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,adding Centerior Svc Company as Licensee in Facility Ol.Change Allows for Improved Mgt Oversight,Control & Uniformity of Nuclear Operations
ML20055F85617 July 1990Discusses Util Planned Activities Re Instrumented Insp Technique Testing Performed at Facility in View of to Hafa Intl.Relief Requests Being Prepared by Util for Sys on Conventional Hydrostatic TestingHydrostatic
ML20044B30012 July 1990Provides Written Confirmation of Util Electronic Transfer of Funds to NRC on 900711 in Payment of Invoice Number I1050
ML20044B18410 July 1990Requests Approval of Temporary non-code Repair & Augmented Insp of Svc Water Piping,Per 900626 TelconCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20055D97029 June 1990Provides Written Confirmation of Util Electronic Transfer of Funds for Payment of Invoice 0111 Covering Insp Fees for 890326-0617
ML20055F22614 June 1990Forwards 1990 Evaluated Emergency Exercise Objectives for Exercise Scheduled for 900919
ML20055C75214 June 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Potential Stress Corrosion Cracking of Internal Preloaded Bolting in Swing Check Valves & Justification for Alternate Insp Schedule for One Valve. No Anchor Darling Swing Check Valves Installed at PlantNon-Destructive Examination
Anchor Darling
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20043H52914 June 1990Forwards Plans Re Reorganization & Combining of Engineering Assurance & Svc Program SectionsFire Protection Program
ML20043G56614 June 1990Forwards Rev 9 to Industrial Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20043G78112 June 1990Forwards Info Re Implementation of NUREG-0737,Item II.F.2, Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation, Per NRC 900214 Safety Evaluation.Item II.B.1 Issue Re Reactor Vessel Head Vent Also Considered to Be Closed
ML20043F60911 June 1990Forwards Util Comments on NRC Insp Rept 50-346/90-12, Per 900601 Enforcement Conference Re Core Support Assembly Movement & Refueling Canal Draindown.Refueling Canal Draindown Procedure Provides Specific Draining Instructions
ML20043E1301 June 1990Withdraws 870831 & 890613 Applications to Amend License NPF-3.Changes Requested Addressed by Issuance of Amend 147 or Can Now Be Made as Change to Updated SAR Under 10CFR50.59
ML20043D56031 May 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,revising Tech Spec 3/, Combustible Gas Control - Hydrogen Analyzers. Request Consistent W/Nrc Guidance,Generic Ltr 83-37,dtd 831101,NUREG-0737 Tech Specs & Item II.F.1.6
ML20043D14531 May 1990Forwards Rev 11 to Updated SAR for Unit 1.Rev Updates Table 6.2-23 Re Containment Vessel Isolation Valve Arrangements
ML20043D56931 May 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,requesting Extension of Expiration Date of Section 2.H to Allow Plant Operation to Continue Approx 6 Yrs Beyond Current Expiration Date
ML20043D16229 May 1990Documents Util Understanding of NRC Interpretation of Plant Tech Spec,Action b.2 Re Fire Suppression Water Sys, Per 891206 Telcon.Nrc Considered Electric Fire Pump Operable Provided Operator Stationed to Open Closed Discharge Valve
ML20043C23325 May 1990Forwards Summary of 900510 Meeting W/B&W & NRC in Rockville, MD Re Hpi/Makeup Nozzle & Thermal Sleeve Program.List of Attendees & Meeting Handout Encl
ML20043B17018 May 1990Forwards Revised Exemption Request from 10CFR50,Section III.G.2,App R for Fire Areas a & B,Adding Description of Specific Limited Combustibles That Exist Between Redundant Safe Shutdown Components in Fire Area aSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
ML20043A54416 May 1990Discusses Status of Safety & Performance Improvement Program Portion of B&W Owners Group EOP Review Project
ML20043A23111 May 1990Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-346/90-08. Corrective Actions:Results of Analysis of Radiological Environ Samples & Radiation Measurements Included in 1989 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept
ML20043A49010 May 1990Forwards Summary of Differences Between Rev 5 to Compliance Assessment Rept & Rev 1 to Fire Area Optimization,Fire Hazards Safe Shutdown Evaluation, Vols 1-3.Rept Demonstrates Compliance W/Kaowool Wrap RemovalSafe Shutdown
ML20042F9804 May 1990Provides Written Confirmation of Util Electronic Transfer of Payment of Invoice Number 10716 to Cover Third Quarterly Installment of Annual Fee for FY90
ML20042F5783 May 1990Provides Status of Hpi/Makeup Nozzle & Thermal Sleeve Program.Nrc Approval Requested for Operation of Cycle 7 & Beyond Based on Program Results.Visual Insp of Thermal Sleeve Identified No Thermal Fatique IndicationsWeld Overlay
Thermal fatigue
ML20042F09530 April 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-346/90-02. Corrective Actions:Maint Technician Involved in Tagging Violation Counseled on Importance of Procedure Adherence W/ Regard to Personnel Safety
ML20042E73127 April 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,deleting 800305 Order Requiring Implementation of Specific Training Requirements Which Have Since Been Superseded by INPO Accredited Training Program
ML20042F08427 April 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-346/89-201 for Interfacing Sys LOCA Audit on 891030-1130.Corrective Actions:Plant Startup Procedure Will Be Revised Prior to Restart from Sixth Refueling Outage
ML20042F19627 April 1990Informs of Adoption of Reorganization Plan Re Plants on 900424.Reorganization Will Make No Changes in Technical or Financial Qualifications for Plants.Application for Amends to Licenses Adding Company as Licensee Will Be Submitted
ML20043F72620 April 1990Requests Exemption from 10CFR55.59(a)(2) to Permit one-time Extension of 6 Months for Reactor Operators & Senior Reactor Operators to Take NRC 1990 Requalification Exam. Operators Will Continue to Attend Training CoursesExemption Request
ML20042E70917 April 1990Forwards Annual Environ Operating Rept 1989 & Table 1 Providing Listing of Specific Requirements,Per Tech Spec Radiological Environmental Operating Report
ML20012F5093 April 1990Forwards Completed NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheets,Per Generic Ltr 90-01
ML20012F6002 April 1990Submits Supplemental Response to Station Blackout Issues,Per NUMARC 900104 Request.Util Revises Schedule for Compliance W/Station Blackout Rule (10CFR50.63) to within 2 Yrs of SER Issuance Date
ML20012E01822 March 1990Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,changing License Condition 2.C(4) Re Fire Protection Mods to Fire Extinguishers,Fire Doors,Fire Barriers,Fire Proofing,Fire Detection/Suppression & Emergency LightingFire Barrier
Emergency Lighting