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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20059L57419 September 1990Forwards Rev 2 to Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Cable Issues Supplemental Rept Corrective Actions,Sept 1990. Rept Revised to Clarify Cable Bend Radius & Support of Vertical Cable & Document Resolution of Jamming Issues
ML20064A68718 September 1990Requests Closure of Confirmatory Order EA-84-054 Re Regulatory Performance Improvement ProgramSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML18033B51717 September 1990Forwards Addl Info Re 900524 Tech Spec Change 287 on Reactor Pressure Instrument Channel.Schematic Diagrams Provided in Encl 2
ML20064A68517 September 1990Responds to NRC Recommendations Re Primary Containment Isolation at Facility.Background Info & Responses to Each Recommendation Listed in Encl 1
ML20059L49317 September 1990Provides Addl Info Re 900713 Tech Spec Change 290 Concerning Hpci/Rcic Steam Line Space Temp Isolations,Per Request
ML20059K66617 September 1990Forwards Evaluation That Provides Details of Plug Cracks & Justification for Continued Operation Until 1993Safe Shutdown
ML20059K29714 September 1990Responds to NRC 900208 SER Re Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97, Rev 3, Neutron Flux Monitoring Instrumentation. TVA Endorses BWR Owners Group Appealing NRC Position Directing Installation of Upgraded Neutron Flux Sys
ML20059H38610 September 1990Forwards Corrective Actions Re Radiological Emergency Plan, Per Insp Repts 50-259/89-41,50-260/89-41 & 50-296/89-41. Corrective Action:Plant Manager Instruction 12.12,Section Revised
ML20059H40310 September 1990Discusses Plant Design Baseline & Verification Program Deficiency D.4.3-3 Noted in Insp Repts 50-327/86-27 & 50-328/86-27.Evaluation Concluded That pre-restart Walkdown Data,Loops 1 & 2 Yielded Adequate Design Input
ML20059H18331 August 1990Forwards Nonproprietary PFE-F26NP & Proprietary PFE-F26, Sequoyah Nuclear Plan Unit 1,Cycle 5 Restart Physics Test Summary, Re Testing Following Vantage 5H Fuel Assembly installation.PFE-F26 Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(b)(4))
ML20059E28831 August 1990Forwards Addl Info Re Alternate Testing of Reactor Vessel Head & Internals Lifting Rigs,Per NUREG-0612.Based on Listed Hardships,Util Did Not Choose 150% Load Test OptionNon-Destructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20059E18531 August 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-327/90-22 & 50-328/90-22.Corrective Actions:Extensive Mgt Focus Being Applied to Improve Overtime Use ControlsCondition Adverse to Quality
Fire Protection Program
ML18033B50331 August 1990Forwards Financial Info Required to Assure Retrospective Premiums,Per 10CFR140 & 771209 Ltr
ML20059E17431 August 1990Informs That Plant Restart Review Board & Related Functions Will Be Phased Out on Date Fuel Load Commences
ML20028G83428 August 1990Forwards Calculation SCG1S361, Foundation Investigation of ERCW Pumping Station Foundation Cells.Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20059D70628 August 1990Requests That Sims Be Updated to Reflect Implementation of Program to Satisfy Requirements of 10CFR50,App J.Changes & Improvements Will Continue to Be Made to Reflect Plant Mods, Tech Spec Amends & Recommendations from NRC
ML20063Q24320 August 1990Responds to 900807 Telcon Re Rev to Commitment Due Date Per Insp Rept 50-260/89-59 Re Electrical Issues Program
ML20056B51820 August 1990Responds to NRC Re Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty & Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-327/90-01 & 50-328/90-01.Corrective Actions:Organizational Capabilities Reviewed.Payment of Civil Penalty Wired to NRCCondition Adverse to Quality
ML18033B49320 August 1990Suppls Response to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-259/90-14,50-260/90-14 & 50-296/90-14.Corrective Actions: TVA Developed Corporate Level std,STD-10.1.15 Re Independent Verification
ML20063Q24720 August 1990Submits Implementation Schedule for Cable Tray Support Program.Util Proposes Deferral of Portion of Remaining Activities Until After Current Unit 2 Cycle 4 Refueling Outage,Per 900817 Meeting.Tva Presentation Matl EnclFeedwater Heater
Eddy Current Testing
ML20063Q24617 August 1990Forwards Cable Test Program Resolution Plan to Resolve Issues Re Pullbys,Jamming & Vertical Supported Cable & TVA- Identified Cable Damage.Tva Commits to Take Actions Prior to Startup to Verify Integrity of safety-related CablesCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20063Q24417 August 1990Advises That IE Bulletin 80-11 Re Masonry Wall Design Implemented at Facilities.Design Finalized,Mods Completed, Procedures Issued & Necessary Training Completed.Sims Data Base Should Be Updated to Show Item Being Implemented
ML20063Q24517 August 1990Provides Revised Response to Generic Ltr 89-19 Re Request for Action Concerning Resolution of USI A-47, Safety Implication of Control Sys in LWR Nuclear Power Plants & Notification of Commitment Completion
ML20059A48616 August 1990Responds to Verbal Commitment Made During 900801 Meeting W/Nrc Re Control Room Habitability.Calculations Performed to Support Util 900531 Submittal Listed in Encls 1 & 2
ML20059A51416 August 1990Provides Response to NRC Bulletin 88-008,Suppl 3 Re Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Rcs.Util Does Not Anticipate Thermal Cyclic Fatique Induced Piping,Per Suppl 3 to Occur in Plant.Ltr Contains No Commitment
ML20059A51215 August 1990Provides Clarification of Implementation of Replacement Items Project at Plant for Previously Procured Warehouse Inventory.Util Committed to 100% Dedication of Commercial Grade,Qa,Level Ii,Previous Procurement Warehouse Spare
ML18033B48214 August 1990Submits Revised Response to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-259/89-16,50-260/89-16 & 50-296/89-16.Extends Completion Dates for Commitments to 901203
ML18033B48313 August 1990Responds to NRC 900713 Ltr Re Violations & Deviations Noted in Insp Repts 50-259/90-18,50-260/90-18 & 50-296/90-18. Corrective Actions:Craft Foreman Suspended for Three Days & Relieved of Duties as Foreman
ML18033B48110 August 1990Responds to NRC 900710 Ltr Re Power Ascension Testing Program.Four Hold Points Selected by NRC Added to Unit 2 Restart Schedule
ML18033B4808 August 1990Forwards Response to SALP Repts 50-259/90-07,50-260/90-07 & 50-296/90-07 for Jul 1989 - Mar 1990Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Fire Protection Program
ML20058N2367 August 1990Confirms That Requalification Program Evaluation Ref Matl Delivered to Rd Mcwhorter on 900801.Ref Matl Needed to Support NRC Preparation for Administering Licensed Operator Requalification Exams in Sept 1990
ML20058M2327 August 1990Forwards Rept of 900709 Fishkill,Per Requirements in App B, Environ Tech Spec,Subsections 4.1.1 & 5.4.2.Sudden Water Temp Increase Killed Approximately 150 Fish in Plant Diffuser Pond
ML20058M01127 July 1990Forwards Addl Info Re Plant Condition Adverse to Quality Rept Concerning Operability Determination.Probability of Cable Damage During Installation Low.No Programmatic Cable Installation Problems ExistSafe Shutdown
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20058M44727 July 1990Responds to Unresolved Items Which Remain Open from Insp Repts 50-327/90-18 & 50-328/90-18.TVA in Agreement W/Nrc on Scope of Work Required to Address Concerns W/Exception of Design Basis Accident & Zero Period Accelaration Effects
ML20055J35327 July 1990Forwards Revised Commitment to Resolve EOP Step Deviation Document Review Comments
ML20055J07726 July 1990Requests Termination of Senior Reactor Operator License SOP-20830 for Jh Sullivan Due to Resignation from Util
ML20055G66117 July 1990Forwards Justification for Continued Operation for safety- Related Cables Installed at Plant,Per 900717 Telcon.No Operability Concern Exists at Plant & No Programmatic Problems Have Been Identified.Summary of Commitments EnclCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20058L70016 July 1990Forwards Response to SALP Repts 50-327/90-09 & 50-328/90-09 for 890204 - 900305,including Corrective Actions & Improvements Being ImplementedForeign Material Exclusion
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20044B21213 July 1990Clarifies Util Position on Two Items from NRC 891221 Safety Evaluation Re TVA Supplemental Response to Generic Ltr 88-01 Concerning IGSCC in BWR Stainless Steel Piping.Insp Category for Nine Welds Will Be Changed from Category a to D
ML20055F61513 July 1990Provides Addl Bases for Util 900320 Proposal to Discontinue Review to Identify Maint Direct Charge molded-case Circuit Breakers Procured Between Aug 1983 & Dec 1984,per NRC Bulletin 88-010.No Significant Assurance Would Be Expected
ML18033B43713 July 1990Forwards Corrected Tech Spec Page 3.2/4.2-45 to Util 900706 Application for Amend to License DPR-52 Re ADS
ML18033B43313 July 1990Requests Temporary Exemption from Simulator Certification Requirements of 10CFR55.45(b)(2)(iii)Exemption Request
ML20044B22112 July 1990Forwards Addl Info Clarifying Certain Conclusions & Recommendation in SER Re First 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp ProgramDissimilar Metal Weld
ML20055F60912 July 1990Provides Response to NRC Bulletin 88-003 Re Insp Results. No Relays Found to Have Inadequate Latch Engagements. Therefore,No Corrective Repairs or Replacement of Relays Required
ML18033B42510 July 1990Forwards Cable Installation Supplemental Rept,In Response to NRC Request During 900506 Telcon.Rept Contains Results of Walkdowns & Testing Except Work on Ongoing Cable Pullby Issue
ML18033B4246 July 1990Advises That Util Expects to Complete Implementation of Rev 4 to Emergency Procedure Guidelines by Mar 1991.Response to NRC Comments on Draft Emergency Operating Instructions Encl
ML18033B4205 July 1990Provides Basis for Closure of Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3. Util Has Concluded That Analyses Presented in BWR Owners Group Repts Acceptable for Resolving Issue,Subj to Listed Conditions
ML20055D2532 July 1990Provides Status of Q-list Development at Plant & Revises Completion Date for Effort.Implementation of Q-list Would Cause Unnecessary & Costly Delays in Replanning Maint,Mod, outage-related Activities & Associated Procedure Revs
ML18033B4092 July 1990Responds to NRC 900601 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-259/89-53,50-260/89-53 & 50-296/89-53.Corrective Actions: Condition Adverse to Quality Rept Initiated & Issued to Track Disposition of Deficiency in Chilled Water Flow RatesTemporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20043H90621 June 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info on Status of Licensee Implementaion of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/Imposition or Requirements or Corrective Actions. No Commitments Contained in Submittal