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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000289/199900727 September 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-07 on 990718-0828.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Plant SupportTime of Discovery
Flow Induced Vibration
PNO-I-99-043, on 990916,Hurricane Floyd Was Approaching Ccnpp,Sgs,Hcgs & Ocnpp.Hurricane Was Centered at Latitude 36.0 North & Longitude 76.6 West & Moving north-northeast at Approx 25 Mph.Plants Remain at Power16 September 1999PNO-I-99-043:on 990916,Hurricane Floyd Was Approaching Ccnpp,Sgs,Hcgs & Ocnpp.Hurricane Was Centered at Latitude 36.0 North & Longitude 76.6 West & Moving north-northeast at Approx 25 Mph.Plants Remain at Power
IR 05000289/199900419 August 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-04 on 990606-0717.Noncited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
Fire Barrier
Enforcement Discretion
Emergency Lighting
Local Leak Rate Testing
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
IR 05000289/19990059 July 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-05 on 990510-28.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Effectiveness of Engineering Functions in Providing for Safe Operation of PlantCommercial Grade Dedication
Operability Determination
Battery sizing
IR 05000289/19990068 July 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-06 on 990608-11.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness PlanMinimum staff
IR 05000289/199900329 June 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-03 on 990425-0605.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportOperability Determination
Commercial Grade
Through-Wall Leak
Operability Assessment
Unidentified leakage
IR 05000289/199900214 May 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-02 on 990314-0424.Two Violations Noted & Being Treated as non-cited Violations.Major Areas Inspected: Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support.Security Program Met Safeguards RequirementsSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Condition Adverse to Quality
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000289/199900116 April 1999Insp Rept 50-289/99-01 on 990131-0313.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportGrab sample
Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
Continuous fire watch
IR 05000289/19980095 March 1999Insp Rept 50-289/98-09 on 981227-990130.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportBoric Acid
IR 05000219/19980124 March 1999Insp Rept 50-219/98-12 During Periods 981214-18,990106-07 & 20-22.No Violations Identified.Major Areas Inspected: Review of Licensee self-assessment of Plant Environ Qualification Program & Corrective Actions for Open Items
IR 05000289/199800812 January 1999Insp Rept 50-289/98-08 on 981101-1226.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant SupportFire Barrier
Operability Determination
Fire Watch
IR 05000289/19980073 December 1998Insp Rept 50-289/98-07 on 980920-1031.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support,Including Results of Insps by Regional Inspector Re Emergency Preparedness & Radiological Controls
IR 05000219/199800925 November 1998Insp Rept 50-219/98-09 on 980914-1025.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant SupportShutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Non-Destructive Examination
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Temporary Modification
Foreign Material Exclusion
Feedwater Heater
Stress corrosion cracking
Operability Determination
Battery sizing
Maintenance Rule Program
ML20196C60725 November 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980914-1025.Violation Noted:On 981014,security Force Vehicle Escort Left Non licensee-designated Vehicle Unattended in Protected Area & Failed to Ensure That Vehicle Ignition Locked & Key Removed
IR 05000219/199800820 October 1998Insp Rept 50-219/98-08 on 980727-0913.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Temporary Modification
Emergency Lighting
Feedwater Heater
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Operability Determination
Fire Protection Program
Coast down
ML20154M02515 October 1998Insp Rept 50-289/98-06 on 980810-27.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Engineering Activities Associated with Findings from NRC Architect Engineering Team Insp Completed in Jan 1997 & Documented in NRC Insp Rept 50-289/96-201Stroke time
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Past operability
Temporary Modification
High Energy Line Break
Operability Determination
ML20154L98215 October 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980810-27.Violation Noted: in Oct 1997,change to Facility as Described in Section 6.1, Eccs,Of TMI-1 Ufsar,Involving Unreviewed Safety Question,Was Made Without Prior Commission Approval
IR 05000289/19980052 October 1998Insp Rept 50-289/98-05 on 980726-0919.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support.Security Facilities & Equipment Were Well Maintain, Reliable & Met Licensee Commitments & NRC Requirements
ML20153E94724 September 1998Exam Rept 50-289/98-301 Conducted on 980824-27.Exam Results: Four SRO Applicants Passed All Portions of Initial License ExamBoric Acid
High Radiation Area
Job Performance Measure
Continuous fire watch
Fire Watch
Overspeed trip
Potassium iodide
IR 05000289/19980034 September 1998Insp Rept 50-289/98-03 on 980524-0725.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
Internal Flooding
Process Control Program
IR 05000219/199800526 August 1998Insp Rept 50-219/98-05 on 980614-0726.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant SupportHigh Radiation Area
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
IR 05000219/199809917 July 1998SALP Rept 50-219/98-99 for 961201-980613Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
Missed surveillance
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000219/19980072 July 1998Insp Rept 50-219/98-07 on 980615-19.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Status of Plant motor-operated Valve Program to Determine Acceptability for Closure of NRC Review Under GL 89-10Stroke time
Anchor Darling
High Energy Line Break
Operability Determination
Weak link
IR 05000289/199800222 June 1998Insp Rept 50-289/98-02 on 980322-0523.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportEnforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Operability Determination
ML20249B36615 June 1998Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Violation Noted:Prior to 980304, Licensee Failed to Establish Adequate Design Control Measures to Verify Adequacy of Design Voltage
ML20237E44910 June 1998EN-98-047:on 980615,notice of Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000 Issued to Licensee.Action Based on Severity Level III Problem Involving Inoperability of Three of Five Automatic Depressurization Valves
ML20217F66422 April 1998Insp Rept 50-219/98-80 on 980223-0313 & 0330-0402.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:EngineeringSafe Shutdown
Stroke time
Temporary Modification
Operability Determination
Power Operated Valves
ML20217F64922 April 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980223-0313 & 0330-0402. Violations Noted:On 980226,seismic Deficiency W/Containment Spray Heat Exchanger,That Had Been Identified in Late 1996 by Licensee,Had Not Been Adequately Corrected
ML20216H19115 April 1998Insp Rept 50-219/98-04 on 980226-0318.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Plant SupportOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Integrated leak rate test
ML20216H17015 April 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980226-0318.Violations Noted:Since Initial Plant Operation,Operators Implemented Procedure 307,isolation Condenser Sys,Permitting Fill & Make Up to Isolation Condensers During Normal Plant Operations
ML20216J01814 April 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 971229-980208.Violation Noted:Written SE Was Not Performed to Provide Bases for Determination That Change in Facility as Described in SAR Did Not Involve USQTemporary Modification
IR 05000289/19980019 April 1998Insp Rept 50-289/98-01 on 980125-0321.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant SupportHigh Radiation Area
Missed surveillance
Foreign Material Exclusion
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Operability Determination
ML20197A87726 February 1998SALP Rept 50-289/98-99 for Period 960805-980124High Radiation Area
Emergency Lighting
Missed surveillance
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20203L78226 February 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 971102-980124.Violation Noted:Licensee Not Review & Approve Substantive Change to Existing Inservice Test Surveillance Procedure. Page 25 of Incoming Submittal Not Included
IR 05000289/199701026 February 1998Insp Repts 50-289/97-10 & 50-320/97-03 on 971102-980124. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint,Engineering & Plant Support.License Operator Requalification Program, Corrective Actions Program & Security Also InspectedUnanalyzed Condition
Boric Acid
Time of Discovery
Fitness for Duty
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
Locked High Radiation Area
Job Performance Measure
Operability Determination
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Grace period
Water hammer
ML20199H61427 January 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 970907-1101.Violation Noted:Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valve Was Returned to Svc Without Performing an IST to Verify Proper Valve Operation After Valve Replaced
IR 05000219/19970084 December 1997Insp Rept 50-219/97-08 on 971020-24.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Emergency PlanLocked High Radiation Area
ML20203D7592 December 1997Insp Rept 50-289/97-09 on 970907-1101.Violations Being Considered for Escalated Enforcement Action.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Engineering,Maint & Plant Support Over 8 Wk PeriodSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Stroke time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Locked High Radiation Area
High Energy Line Break
Local Leak Rate Testing
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
ML20199G78817 November 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970707-970824.Violation Noted:In Oct 1993,vendor Specification for Emergency Svc Water Pump Bowl Assemblies Was Changed from Cast Iron to Stainless SteelCondition Adverse to Quality
PNO-I-97-068, on 971103,unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 H Occurred.Oil Leaks Detected & Repaired.Third RCP Inspected & Engineers Found Low Seal Flow at Second Stage Pump Seal. Resident Inspectors Following Onsite Activities5 November 1997PNO-I-97-068:on 971103,unplanned Shutdown Greater than 72 H Occurred.Oil Leaks Detected & Repaired.Third RCP Inspected & Engineers Found Low Seal Flow at Second Stage Pump Seal. Resident Inspectors Following Onsite Activities
IR 05000289/19970089 October 1997Insp Rept 50-289/97-08 on 970728-0906.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Engineering,Maintenance & Plant Support & Results of Announced Insp in Area of Emergency PreparednessHigh Radiation Area
Enforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Foreign Material Exclusion
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20217H3288 October 1997Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $210,000.Violation Noted:On 940601,design Bases Were Not Correctly Translated Into Operating Procedures Re Switchover of Dhrs Pumps from Bwst to Reactor Building SumpStroke time
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20198R2833 October 1997EN-97-096:on 971008,notice of Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $210,000 Issued to Licensee.Action Based on Violations Involving Design Engineering,Equipment Classification & Corrective Actions
IR 05000289/199700619 August 1997Insp Repts 50-289/97-06 & 50-320/97-02 on 970616-0727. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20210R98019 August 1997Insp Repts 50-289/97-06 & 50-320/97-02 on 970616-0727. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20210R96419 August 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970616-0727.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Implement EP Implementing Procedure EPIP-TMI-.03,Exhibit 1, Emergency Notifications & Call Outs
PNO-I-97-045, on 970801,electricians Restoring One Set of Main Generator Exciter Brushes,Following Routine Surveillance,When One of Brushes Sparked Excessively & Disintegrated.Electricians Exited Area & Notified CR4 August 1997PNO-I-97-045:on 970801,electricians Restoring One Set of Main Generator Exciter Brushes,Following Routine Surveillance,When One of Brushes Sparked Excessively & Disintegrated.Electricians Exited Area & Notified CR
IR 05000219/199700429 July 1997Insp Rept 50-219/97-04 on 970526-0706.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering,Maint & Plant SupportHigh Radiation Area
Grab sample
Temporary Modification
Job Performance Measure
Process Control Program
Overspeed trip
ML20149K01723 July 1997Insp Rept 50-289/97-07 on 970428-0502 & 0512-16.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:EngineeringBoric Acid
Weak link
Water hammer
ML20149K00823 July 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970428-0502 & 0512-16. Violations Noted:On 970430,LER 97-03,did Not Contain Clear, Specific,Narrative Description of What Occurred