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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20210P7986 August 1999Notice of Violation from Insp on 980901-990513.Violations Noted:Prior to 980901,licensee Inadvertently Performed Field Change to Pressurizer Spray Valve RC-2,not Approved by Organization That Performed Original DesignBoric Acid
Packing leak
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20198B5439 December 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980918-1109.Violation Noted:Maint Work Order Which Contained Instructions to Abandon Primary Water Storage Tank Was Not Appropriate to Circumstance
ML20236W23128 July 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980512-0623.Violation Noted:As of 980522,established Measures Inadequate to Ensure That Design Basis of Containment Bldg Emergency Sump Correctly Translated Into Specifications
ML20236G93630 June 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980526-0617.Violation Noted:Record Reviews & Interviews Showed That Unescorted Access to Protected Area Granted to Two Security Officers W/O All Required Elements of Employment History
ML20236F20027 June 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980608-11.Violations Noted: Licensee Failed to Conduct Audits of Process Control Program & Implementation Procedures for Processing & Packaging Radwaste at Least Once Per 24 MonthsProcess Control Program
ML20249A60611 June 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980401-0512.Violation Noted:Before 980415,Procedures DB-OP-06230 & DB-OP-03011 Were Not Appropriate to Circumstances Due to Not Providing Instructions for Manipulting Valves as Listed
ML20248M3119 June 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980422-0507.Violation Noted:Condition Adverse to Quality Not Promptly Identified & Corrected,In That on 980515,potential Condition Adverse to Quality Rept Not Initiated After Unauthorized Wire BrushCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20248B16226 May 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980427-30.Violation Noted: No Surveys Performed by Licensee on 980421 to Identify Potential for High Dose Rates in Anulus Area During Incore Detector Movement,Prior to Allowing Workers to Enter Area
ML20216D88110 March 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980107-0218.Violation Noted:On 980106,during Performance of Procedure DB-SP-03357, Rev 01, RCS Water Inventory Balance, Step 4.1.10,RO Erroneously Closed RCP Seal Return Valve MU-38Hot Short
Safe Shutdown
ML20198Q0794 November 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 971006-10.Violation Noted:Class 7 Radioactive Matl Package Excepted from Specification Packaging,Marking & Labeling Requirements & Shipping Paper & Certification Were Improperly Transported
ML20198P09831 October 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970818-0929.Violation Noted:On 970826,NRC Identified That Maint Personnel Did Not Use Four 0-72 Psi Test Gauges w/0.05% Accuracy or Equivalent While Performing DB-MI-03906
ML20217G8781 October 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970707-0818.Violation Noted:Between May 1996 & June 1997,interim Measures Were Not Taken to Aid Operator Response Actions If Worst Case Circulating Water Linebreak Were to Occur
ML20217C64323 September 1997NOV from Insp on 970527-0707.Violation Noted:Operator Rounds Package Change Was Issued for Use W/O Superintendent, Operations or Designee Signature on Approval Page Attached to Master Reading Sheets
ML20141D8249 May 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970303-0414.Violation Noted:Verification of Allowable Trip Values for Relays Providing Diesel Generator Start & Loadshed on Essential Bus Function Not Being Performed Monthly During Channel Tesing
ML20140C5337 April 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970118-0307.Violation Noted:Nrc Identified That When Nuclear Instrument NI-6 Was Declared Inoperable,One Channel of Reactor Protection Sys Associated W/High Flux Was Also Inoperable
ML20135F1046 March 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970113-17.Violation Noted: Licensee Had Not Established Adequate Reliability Performance Criteria for 26 risk-significant Sys to Demonstrate Performance or Condition
ML20135D33825 February 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 961126-970124 & 970213. Violations Noted:Failure to Perform Test Prerequisites & Procedure Steps in Numerical Sequence,Failure to Record Entry in Unit Log on 961230
ML20134P4556 February 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 961202-970117.Violation Noted:Entrance to Truck Bay Area,Radiation Area W/General Area Radiation Dose Rates as High as 10 Mrem in 1 H,Was Not Posted W/Sign Bearing Radiation Symbol
ML20133C94327 December 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 960815-1009.Violation Noted:Nrc Inspectors Identified That Operator Failed to Identify & Document Test DeficienciesStroke time
ML20134M80419 November 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 960611-0814.Violation Noted:Polar Crane Was Used to Lift Reactor Vessel Head Lifting Rig Over Open Reactor Vessel on 960416
ML20129E29322 October 1996Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Provide Adequate Protection to Ensure Operation of Equipment for Sys Necessary to Achieve & Maintain Hot Shutdown ConditionsHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML20128M30823 August 1996Notice of Violation from Investigation Conducted on 960108. Violation Noted:Electrician Journeyman Engaged in Deliberate Misconduct by Falsifying Info on Data Sheet for Procedure DB-ME-04100Emergency Lighting
ML20149J18528 December 1994Notice of Violation from Insp on 941025-1208.Violation Noted:Foreign Matl Exclusion Closeout Insp of Rc/Refuel Canal Was Not Adequately Done Following Completion of Refueling Activities & Reassembly of Reactor on 941026Foreign Material Exclusion
ML20149H35810 November 1994Notice of Violation from Insp on 940914-1025.Violation Noted:Fme Control for Reactor Cavity/Refuel Canal Area Was Not Adequately ImplementedForeign Material Exclusion
ML20149F2312 August 1994Notice of Violation from Insp on 940603-0722.Violation Noted:From 940621-0630,Foreign Matl Exclusion Was Not Adequate for Spent Fuel Pool Area,In That Exclusion Access Barrier on West Side of Pool Had Been RemovedForeign Material Exclusion
ML20059B83629 December 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930927-1116.Violation Noted:Change in Alignment of Isolation Valves Did Not Receive Written SE & Was Not Documented as Change in Facility
ML20058D93424 November 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 931101-05.Violations Noted: One Licensed Operator Did Not Receive Medical Exam
ML20059M59226 September 1990Notice of Violation from Insp on 900417-0717.Violation Noted:Licensee Transferred Reactor Core Support Assembly from Temporary Storage & Installed in Reactor VesselHydrostatic
Condition Adverse to Quality
Substantial potential for overexposure
Overspeed trip
ML20246C46117 August 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890605-0716 & 24.Violations Noted:Failure to Follow Provisions of Tech Spec 3.0.3 While Both Trains of Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Inoperable During Mode 1
ML20246K7615 May 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890313-17 & 0418.Violation Noted:Failure to Prescribe Need for Fire Brigade Assistance Upon Receipt of Alarm in Control Room.Failure to Establish Continuous Fire Watches within 1 H,Per Tech Spec 3.7.10.aFire Protection Program
ML20245E05621 April 1989Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Violations Noted:On 881218,personnel Withdrew Group 3 Rods W/O First Inserting Regulating Rods 5- 7,thus Failing to Follow Steps Outlined in DB-PF-06203Rod Drop Event
ML20246N76522 March 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890116-0228.Violation Noted:Radioactive Fluid Leak Reduction Program Outside Containment Not Implemented & Maintained & Grab Samples Not Taken of Radioactive Gas ReleasesGrab sample
ML20245J07724 February 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890123-0206.Violation Noted:Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-June 1988 Did Not Identify & Quantify Abnormal Gaseous Release Event on 880120
ML20245E06424 February 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 881201-890115.Violation Noted:Procedure DB-PN-00007 Not Implemented When Maint Planner Failed to Review Necessary Drawings for safety- Related Groups 3 & 4 CRD Programmer Drawer
ML20206M39921 November 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880804-1020.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Document or Resign Three Retests Consisting of Steps 6.4.1-6.4.17 of Procedure DB-PF-10050
ML20195F94921 November 1988Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $80,000.Violation Noted:Qc Inspector Discharged from Work at Plant by QC Supervisor for Identifying & Pursuing Resolution of Failure to Follow Quality Procedure
ML20204J29919 October 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880912-16 & 1011.Violation Noted:Determined That on Four Occasions,Persons Performing Continuous Fire Watch Duties Found Sleeping or Dozing & Continous Fire Watches Not Established within 1 HFire Barrier
Continuous fire watch
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML20245J99722 September 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880504-0802.Violation Noted:Failure to Ensure That Only Work Specified in Maint Work Package Performed & Several QC Certified Inspectors Did Not Complete Qualification CardsCondition Adverse to Quality
ML20151R4223 August 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880516-0630.Violation Noted:Licensee Implementing Procedures Do Not Implement Cleanliness Requirements of Section 8 of Nuclear QA Manual
ML20207H86524 July 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 830711-840109.Violations Noted:Fire in Auxiliary Shutdown Panel Room Could Have Resulted in Loss of Control & Indications for Both Auxiliary Feedwater PumpsHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML20155D4558 June 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880509-13.Violation Noted: Refueling Equipment Operator Demonstrated Lack of Sufficient Knowledge to Operate Refueling Equipment During Defueling Operations
ML20151X90627 April 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880216-0331.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Implement Rev 16 to Plant Procedure Pp 1102.10 by Not Venting Steam Generators During Fill to Prevent Pressurization W/Main Steam Isolation Valves Closed
ML20151T16020 April 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880222-26 & 0307-11. Violation Noted:No Design Drawings or Detailed Drawings Used During Installation of Assemblies & No Instructions/ Procedures Found for Installation & Insp
ML20151H8165 April 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880101-0215.Violation Noted:Licensee Did Not Restore Seismic Trigger to Operability or Submit Special Rept After Discovering That Seismic Trigger Did Not Have Required Range
IR 07100116/201203129 January 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 871116-1231.Violations Noted:Licensee Replaced 75 Ft Fire Hose Section w/50 Ft Hose Section on Fire Hose Station HCS-30
ML20234B10711 September 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870810-14 & 19-21.Violation Noted:Licensee Spectroscopy Sys Failed to Identify & Quantify Cs-134,present in Liquid Waste Samples,At Concentration Greater than 5 X 10-7 Uci/Ml
ML20235H1659 September 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870601-0731.Violation Noted:Failure to Follow Procedures as Identified in Area of Operational Safety
ML20234C68624 June 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870401-0531
ML20214F2708 May 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870201-0331Offsite Circuit
ML20207S53513 March 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 861201-870131