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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217H10013 October 1999Summary of 990930 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Five Percent Power Uprate for Plant,Unit 1.List of Meeting Participants & Licensee Meeting Handout Encl
ML20210P1614 August 1999Summary of 990415 Meeting with Utils in Knoxville,Tn Re Status of Mark 3 Program Designed to Determine & Validate Submerged Structure Drag Loads of Newley Installed ECCS Strainers at Perry,Grand Gulf & Clinton Facilities
ML20196J23529 June 1999Summary of 990617 Meeting with B&Wog & FTI Re B&Wog Emergency Operating Procedure Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Presentation Slides Encl
ML20207H35314 June 1999Summary of 990317 Meeting with SCE Re Issues Staff Identified in Review of 980910 License Amend Application & Exemption Request to Remove Hydrogen Monitoring & Control Sys from SONGS Licensing Basis.Meeting Attendee List EnclExemption Request
Fuel cladding
ML20206P08312 May 1999Summary of 990428 Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co & Duquesne Light Co in Rockville,Maryland Re Proposed Asset Transfer Between Firstenergy Corp & Dl & Resulting 10CFR50.80 License Transfer of Dl Ownership Interest
ML20206D60330 April 1999Summary of 990318 Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co in Rockville,Maryland Re Review Schedule & Content of Proposed QA Topical Rept for Both Davis-Besse & Perry Facilities.List of Meeting Attendees Encl
ML20206D09523 April 1999Summary of 990419 Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co in Rockville,Maryland Re Briefing New NRR Projects Personnel on History & Organization of Davis-Besse & Schedule & Priority of near-term Licensing ActionsUltimate heat sink
Fuel cladding
ML20205D48325 March 1999Summary of 990222 Public Hearing with Util Re Gathering Addl Info Related to Two Petitions Filed Pursuant to 10CFR2.206 by Ucs Re Operation of River Bend Station & Perry Nuclear Power Plant.List of Attendees & Transcript of Hearing EnclFuel cladding
ML20198S3065 January 1999Summary of 981204 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Changes to Design & Licensing Basis of Containment Isolation Provisions for Feedwater Sys
ML20198J16515 December 1998Summary of 981118 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md Re Ampacity Validation Analyses.List of Attendees & Handouts Provided by Util EnclFire Barrier
ML20198D58015 December 1998Summary of 981119 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Changes to Design & Licensing Basis of Containment Isolation Provisions for Feedwater SysExemption Request
ML20202D3529 December 1998Summary of 981123 Petition Review Board Meeting Re 2.206 Petition on Perry Unit 1,submitted on 981109 by Ucs.Meeting Attendees ListedFuel cladding
ML20195D45510 November 1998Summary of Operating Reactors Events Briefing 98-07 Held on 981021.List of Attendees,Significant Elements of Discussed Events & Significant Events That Were Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program Encl
ML20155H38029 October 1998Summary of 980915 Meeting with Util & Contractor Polestar Applied Technology,Inc in Rockville,Md Re Revised Accident Source Term for Perry Pilot Plant Review.List of Meeting Participants & Nonproprietary Handouts Encl
ML20154J36713 October 1998Summary of 980910 Meeting W/Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Proposed Changes to Design & Licensing Basis to Containment Isolation Provisions for Feedwater System.List of Attendees EnclHydrostatic
ML20154C4772 October 1998Summary of 980908 Meeting with Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co,Entergy Operations,Inc & Illinois Power Co Re Joint Effort to Propose TSs to Reduce Requirements on Secondary Containment Integrity During RefuelingAnticipated operational occurrence
Recently irradiated fuel
ML20236P66110 July 1998Summary of 980708 Briefing 98-06 to Inform Senior Managers from Ocm,Edo,Aeod & NRR & Regional Ofcs of Selected Events That Occurred Since Last Brief on 980701.List of Attendees & Briefing Slides Encl
ML20216B8557 May 1998Summary of 980429 Meeting W/Southern California Edison in Rockville,Maryland Re Proposed Amend to TS to Allow Operation of Plant at Reduced Tcold in Reactor Coolant Sys. W/Meeting Slides & List of Meeting Attendees
ML20203A35329 January 1998Summary of 971223 Meeting W/Sce in Rockville,Md to Discuss Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly Relief Request.List of Attendees & Slides EnclBoric Acid
Stress corrosion cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
ML20198G17218 December 1997Summary of 971215 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Quality Programs at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.List of Meeting Participants & Meeting Handouts EnclCoatings
Incorporated by reference
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20199G7126 November 1997Summary of 971023 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Results of Steam Generator Tube Degradation & Run Time Analysis for SONGS Unit 2.List of Attendees & Slides EnclBoric Acid
ML20216J92112 September 1997Summary of 970821 Meeting W/Toledo Edison Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Instrument Drift Study.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20216G5174 September 1997Summary of 970805 Meeting W/Util Re Thermo-Lag Corrective Actions at Peach Bottom & Limerick.List of Attendees & Meeting Handouts EnclSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20141E77014 May 1997Summary of 970508 Meeting W/Cei in Rockville,Md Re Priorities & Schedules of Licensing Issues for Plant,Unit 1. List of Meeting Attendees & Meeting Handout Encl
ML20140H4887 May 1997Provides Summary of 970401 Telcon Between NRC & BWROG Re Topical Rept NEDC-31858P,Rev 2, BWROG Rept for Increasing MSIV Leakage Rate Limits & Elimination of Leakage Control SysEarthquake
ML20140F35630 April 1997Summary of 970414 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Associated W/Use of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Matl at Plants.Meeting Attendees & Handouts EnclSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20138C80825 April 1997Summary of 970410 Meeting W/Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station in Rockville,Md Re Planned Construction of Sf Dry Cask Storage Facility for Units 2 & 3.List of Attendees & Copy of PECO Meeting Handout EnclEarthquake
ML20138D94423 April 1997Summary of 970324 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md Re ECCS suction-strainer Program for Perry Npp,Unit 1.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclHydrostatic
Liquid penetrant
ML20137X93416 April 1997Summary of 970403 Meeting W/Licensee to Discuss plant-specific Thermo-Lag Corrective Action Programs. List of Attendees & Handouts EnclFire Barrier
Exemption Request
Fire Watch
ML20134A96222 January 1997Summary of 961204 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Merger Between Centerior Energy Corporation & Ohio Edison Company.List of Attendees & Info Handouts Encl
ML20147A72622 January 1997Summary of 960910 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Revised Eal.List of Attendees Encl
ML20133G14010 January 1997Summary of 961025 Meeting W/Peco in Delta,Pa Re Status of Licensing Actions Associated W/Plants.List of Attendees & Copy of Presentation Matl EnclOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Protection Program
ML20058N48515 December 1993Summary of 931119 Meeting W/Sce in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Decommissioning Plan for SONGS 1.List of Attendees Encl
ML20058G7842 December 1993Summary of 931103 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Evaluation of Core Shroud Indications at Plant.List of Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl
ML20058F04524 November 1993Summary of 931103 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Submittal Plans for Cost Beneficial Licensing Actions & to Get Feedback from NRC Staff.List of Attendees Encl
ML20062J8708 November 1993Summary of 931028 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Presentation of Summary of Plant Course of Action Plan to NRC Mgt
ML20059G7451 November 1993Summary of 931101 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Implementation of RG 1.97 for Steam Generator (SG) Pressure Instruments at Plant.List of Mtg Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20059B09720 October 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-39 on 931013Fuel cladding
ML20057F1275 October 1993Summary of 930902 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re NRC 930405 Safety Evaluation of Rev 3 to IST Program.List of Attendees Encl
ML20058N00130 September 1993Summary of 930902 Meeting W/Peco Re Installation of Certain Planned analog-to-digital Retrofit Mods During Scheduled Sept 1993 Facility OutageCommercial Grade
Hardened vent
ML20057D16827 September 1993Summary of 930805 Meeting W/Util Re Methods of Providing Control Room Operators W/Optimal Info on Instrument Accuracies Under Harsh Environ Conditions.List of Attendees & Util Slides Encl
ML20058M18622 September 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-35 on 930915
ML20057B47715 September 1993Summary of 930824 Meeting W/Util Re Implementation of dual-site Senior Reactor Limited to Fuel Handling (Lsr) Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Meeting Handouts EnclExemption Request
ML20149D60515 September 1993Summary of 930708 Region III Annual Training Managers Conference in Glen Ellyn,Il.Purpose of Meeting to Provide Forum for Discussion on Rev 7 of Operator Licensing Examiner Stds & to Discuss Operator Licensing IssuesGeneric Fundamentals Examination
License Renewal
ML20057A5692 September 1993Summary of 930809 Meeting W/Util in Wayne,Pa Re Various Licensing Activities Re Plants.List of Attendees EnclBackfit
ML20056F8179 August 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-29 on 930804.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20056E2053 August 1993Summary of 930729 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Response to GL 90-06 Involving TS for Porv.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20056D98418 May 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-17 on 930512
ML20128L52712 February 1993Summary of 930115 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Containment Penetration Bellows Tests in Response to NRC Info Notice 92-20Exemption Request
ML20128H6218 February 1993Summary of 921123-24 Meeting in King of Prussia,Pa Re Positions on Operator Licensing Issues & to Solicit Input