ML20205D483 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Perry, River Bend |
Issue date: | 03/25/1999 |
From: | Robert Fretz NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned) |
To: | NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned) |
Shared Package | |
ML20205D487 | List: |
References | |
2.206, NUDOCS 9904020218 | |
Download: ML20205D483 (12) | |
J fMf6/fE7 fy
' WASHINGTON, D.C. mas annt L
March 25, 1999 y
b LICENSEES: Entergy Operations, incorporated.
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
- FACILITIES:. River Bend Station, Unit 1 Perry Nuclear Power Plant -
' An informal public hearing was held on Monday, February 22,1999, for the purpose of gathering additional information related to two petitions filed pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Reaulations (10 CFR), Section 2.206 by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
-i regarding the operation of the River Bend Station (RBS) and the Perry Nuclear Power Plant -
(PNPP). The hearing was conducted at Nuclear Regulatory Commission'(NRC) Headquarters as well as at three video conference sites located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Cleveland, Ohio, i
and Painesville, Ohio. The informal public hearing lasted approximately 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. A list of attendees has been included as Enclosure 1. The transcript of the hearing will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room and has been included as Enclosure 2.
j On September 25,1998, David A. Lochbaum, acting on behalf of the UCS, submitted a Petition pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206 requesting that the RBS be immediately shut down and its operating J license suspended or modified until the facility's design and licensing bases were updated to permit operation with failed fuel assembies or until all failed fuel assemblies were removed from 4
L the' reactor core, in a letter dated November 9,1998, the UCS also' submitted a similar 1
10 CFR 2.206 Petition concerning the PNPP. This informal public hearing was held to gather information and to provide clarification of the issues raised it' the Petition. The UCS, the
- licensees, and public were given the opportunity to present ir formation directly related to the i
Elinor G. Adensam, Director, Project Directorate l-2, Division of Licensing Project Management,
- chaired the hearing.' Ms. Adensam opened the F. caring with a brief explanation of the 10 CFR 2.206 pre ess, followed by an introduction of the participating representatives from the UCS, f
Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOl), FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FirstEnergy), and the
Mr. Lochbaum, representing the UCS, made the first presentation. The UCS reiterated its i
concerns that RBS and PNPP are violating the terms of their operating licenses by operating
' with fuel assemblies known to be leaking amounts of radioactivity. In addition, Mr. Lochbaum
stated that " plant workers face a greater risk from radiation overexposure" c'.: ring normal plant j
operation. In arguing its case that the RBS and the PNPP licensees were violating the terms I
of their licensing bases, the UCS provided examples where statements made in the RBS and
. PNPP Upde'ed Safety Analysis Report (USAR) Chapter 15 accident analysis appear to
. preclude operation with preexisting fuel cladding failures.; For example, PNPP's USAR
. Section, " Radiological Consequences," states that "[a]n evaluation of the radiological
9904020218 990325 T^~
PDR ADOCK 05000440 i
4 p.
< = consequences wa's not made for this event, since no radioactive material is released from the j
fuel." The UCS contends that this ana!ysis is not applicable whenever the plants operate with known fuel cladding leakage. As a result, the UCS believes that the licensees are violating their L respective operating licenses. Mr. Lochbaum asserted that the licensees also violated Federal i
Regulations associated with their as-low-as-reasonably-achievable worker protection programs.-
In closing, the UCS again asked the NRC to order the RBS and PNPP to shut down until the damaged fuel was replaced. A copy of Mr. Lochbaum's prepared statement is included in the l-summary as Enclosure 3.
The licensees made separate presentations, which addressed the issues raised in the petitions.
Representatives from EOl and FirstEnergy stated that the " quoted excerpts" presented by the UCS from the USAR were "taken out of context" and that the entire licensing bases.
documentation should be considered to aetermine whether the plants were operating in accordance with their respective licensing requirements. Both licensees stated that they are operating their plants safely within the restrictions imposed by the Technical Specifications and would not hesitate to shut down the plants if their leaking fuel assemblies posed a danger to the -
public. EOl and FirstEnergy requested that the NRC deny the UCS petitions in their entirety A
. copy of the licensees' presentation overheads are included as Enclosuree i and 5 of this meeting summary.
The NRC asked questions at the end of each presentation to clarify information provided during the hearing. Ms. Adensam then asked members of the public participating in the informal public hearing at Louisiana State University, Lake Erie College, and Cleveland, Ohio, video conference sites for comments. The hearing was well-attended by the public at all sites. Four members of the public fumished comments and asked various questions of the NRC staff.
. Enclosure 6 provides a response to NRC-related concerns raised by the public that are not suitably covered in the pending Director's Decision. The licensees then provided closing remarks. Since the UCS had declined the opportunity to make a closing statement, the hearing was concluded.
- f Robert J. Fretz, Project Manager Project Directorate IV-1 Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-458 and 50-440
- 1. List of Meeting Attendees-.
- 2. Hearing Transcript
- 3. UCS Stttement a
- 4. - EOI Slide Presentation
- 5. FirstEnergy Slide Presentation
- 6. Answers to Comments Raised By Members of the Public cc w/encs:. See next page i
2 consequences was not made for this event, since no radioactlye material is released from the fuel." The UCS contends that this analysis is not applicable whenever the plants operate with known fuel cladding leakage. ; As a result, the UCS believes that the' licensees are violating their respective operating licenses. Mr. Lochbaum asserted that the licensees also violated Federai Regulations associated with their as'-low-as-reasonably-achievable worker protection programs.
In closing, the UCS again asked the NRC to orde'r the RBS and PNPP to shut down until the damaged fuel was replaced. A copy of Mr. Lochbaum's prepared statement is included in the summary as Enclosure 3.
The licensees made separato presentations, which addressed the issues raised in the petitions.
Representatives from EOl and FirstEnergy stated that the " quoted excerpts" presented by the UCS from the USAR were "taken out of context" and that the entire licensing bases documentation should be considered to determine whether the plants were operating in accordance with their respective licensing requirements. Both licensees stated that they are operating their plants safely within the restrictions imposed by the Technical Specifications and would not hesitate to shut down the plants if their leaking fuel assemblies posed a danger to the public. EOI and FirstEnergy requested that the NRC deny the UCS petitions in their entirety A copy of the licensees' presentation overheads are included as Enclosures 4 and 5 of this meeting summary.
The NRC asked questions at the end of each presentation to clarify information provided during the hearing. Ms. Adensam then asked members of the public participating in the informal public hearing at Louisiana State University, Lake Erie College, and Cleveland, Ohio, video conference sites for comments. The hearing was well-attended by the public at all sites. Four members of the public furnished comments and asked various questions of the NRC staff. provides a response to NRC-related concerns raised by the public that are not suitably covered in the pending Director's Decision. The licensees then provided c!osing remarks. Since the UCS had declined the opportunity to make a closing statement, the hearing was concluded.
Robert J. Fretz, Project Manager I
Project Directorate IV-1 Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 1
Docket Nos. 50-458 and 50-440 DISTRIBUTION
Docket Files OGC
- 1. List of Meeting Attendees PUBLIC ACRS
- 2. Hearing Transcript PDill-3 RF G. Hill (4) j
- 3. UCS Statement PDIV-1 RF E.Barnhill
- 4. EOl Slide Presentation G. Dick L. Berry
- 5. FirstEnergy Slide Presentation S.Richards G. Grant, Rlll 6.' Answers to Comments Raised R.Fretz K.Brockman, RIV
' By Members of the Public D. Pickett J.Zwolinski/S.IT 'k cc w/encs: See next page Document Name: G:\\RBFINAL\\MTS-2206.WPD i
(A)D/PD4r71 1 b'
RFretz h L. Berry G. Dick NAME h/d/99 t, /.2 f/99 DATE 3/25/99 COPY 6$'SINO YES[NO)
W 1'
I Entergy Operations, Inc.
River Bend Station cc:
l l
Winston & Strawn Executive Vice President and 1400 L Street, N.W.
Chief Operating Officer Washington, DC 20005-3502 Entergy Operations, Inc.
l P. O. Box 31995 Manager - Licensing Jackson, MS 39286 Entergy Operations, Inc.
l' River Bend Station General Manager - Plant Operations P. O. Box 220
. Entergy Operations, Inc.
St. Francisville, LA 70775 River Bend Station P. O. Box 220 Senior Resident inspector St. Francisville, LA 70775 P. O. Box 1050 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Director - Nuclear Safety Entergy Operations, Inc.
President of West Feliciana River Bend Station Police Jury -
P. O. Box 220 P. O. Box 1921 St. Francisville, LA 70775 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Vice President - Operations Support Regional Administrator, Region IV Entergy Operations, Inc.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 31995 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Arlington, TX 76011 Attorney General Ms. H. Anne Plettinger State of Louisiana 3456 Villa Rose Drive P. O. Box 94095 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Baton Rouge, LA 70804 9095 Administrator Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway Louisiana Radiation Protection Division P. O. Box 651 P. O. Box 82135
-Jackson, MS 39205 Baton Rouge, LA 70884-2135 Mr. Randall K. Edington Mr. David A. Lochbaum Vice President - Operations Union of Concerned Scientists Entergy Operations, Inc.
1616 P Street NW, Suite 310 River Bend Station Washington, DC 20036-1495 P.O. Box 220 '
St. Francisville, LA 70775 l
l I
FirstEnergy Nucl:1r Operating CompIny
- Perry Nuclea Powsr PIInt, Units 1 and 2 l
Mary E. O'Reilly -
' James R. Williams
- FirstEnergy Corporation.
Chief of Staff 76 South Main St.
Ohio Emergency Management Agency
- Akron, OH 44308 2855 West Dublin Granville Road
- Columbus, OH 43235-2206
. Resident inspector's Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission -
Donna Owens, Director.
P.O. Box 331 -
._ Ohio Department of Commerce Perry, OH 44081-0331-Division of Industrial Compliance Bureau of Operations & Maintenance l
Regional Administrator, Region 111 6606 Tussing Road U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 4009 801 Warrenville Road -
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-9009 Lisle, IL 60532-4531-Mayor, Village of North Perry Sue Hiatt North Perry Village Hall OCRE Interim Representative 4778 Lockwood Road 8275 Munson s
North Perry Village, OH 44081 Mentor, OH 44060 Radiological Health Program
- Henry L. Hegrat Ohio Department of Health Regulatory Affairs Manager-P.O. Box 118
_ FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Columbus, OH 43266-0118 Perry Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 97, A210 Ohio Environmental Protection
' Perry, OH 44081
. Agency 1
DERR-Compliance Unit Lew W. Myers ATTN: Mr. Zack A. Clayton i
- Vice President - Nuclear, Perry P.O. Box 1049 l
FirstEnergy Nuclear. Operating Company Columbus, OH 43266-0149 l
P.O.' Box 97, A200 Perry, OH 44081 Chairman Perry Township Board v Trustees Mayor, Village of Perry 3750 Center Road, Bo). 35 P.O. Box 100 Perry, OH 44081 Perry, OH 44081-0100 State of Ohio William R. Kanda, Jr., Plant Manager Public Utilities Commission FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company East Broad Street Perry Nuclear Power Plant Columbus, OH 43266-0573 P.O. Box 97, SB306 Perry, OH 44081 I
m j
I NRC Headauarters Elinor G. Adensam David A. Lochbaum Director, Project Directorate 1-2 Union of Concerned Scientists Division of Licensing Project Management USNRC Rick J. King Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Gary Holahan Affairs - River Bend Station Director Entergy Operations, Inc.
Division of Systems Safety & Analysis USNRC Steve Bethay Director, Licensing Ralph Caruso Entergy Operations, Inc.
Section Chief-BWR Systems Reactor Systems Branch Charles B. Franklin USNRC Manager, NEAD Entergy Operations, Inc.
Joseph Donoghue 1340 Echelon Parkway Reactor Engineer Jackson, MS 39286 Reactor Systems Branch USNRC Brian Thumm Licensing Engineer Robert Fretz Entergy Operations, Inc.
Project Manager-River Bend Station Divisidn of Licensing Project Managenient Howard Bergendahl
'USNRC Director Perry Nuclear Services Douglas Pickett FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Project Manager-Perry Division of Licensing Project Management Henry Hegrat USNRC Manager, Regulatory Affairs FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Chris Nolan PO Box 97, Mail Zone A215 Project Manager Perry, OH 44081 Division of Licensing Project Management USNRC F. A. Kerney Superintendent, Plant Operations Nick Hilton FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Project Manager Division of Licensing Project Management Paul W. Bordley USNRC Supervisor, Nuclear Unit FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Mark Blumberg NRR/DIPM USNRC Page 1 of 7 ENCLOSURE 1 I
James Emley Matt Eyre Engineer Fuel Project Engineer FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company PECO Nuclear 965 Chesterbrook Blvd.,62A-5 l
Mary O'Reilly Wayne, PA 19087-5691 Attorney FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Kim Green 76 S. Main Street Engineer, NUSIS Akron, OH 44308 11140 Rockville Pike, Suite 500 Rockville, MD 20852 John Butler Senior Project Manager James F. Mallay Nuclear Energy Institute Director, Regulatory Affairs 17761 Street, NW Siemens Power Corporation Washington, DC 20006 2101 Horn Rapids Road Richland, WA 99352 John R. Spadaro Supervisor, Nuclear Fuels Engineering Pat Tenurio PP&L, Inc.
Project Officer, FEMA j
2 North 9th Strwt 500 C Street, SW j
Allentown, PA 18101 Washington, DC 20472
Rick Edwarde Robert K. Temple Director, Government Operations, FTG Attorney 1700 Rockville Pike #525 Winston & Strawn Rockville, MD 20852 35 West Wacker Drive j
Chicago, IL ' 60601 I
Michael J. Riith Deputy Chief of Staff W. Glenn Warren Office of Congressman LaTourette Chairman, BWROG 1224 LHOB PO Box 1295, m/c Bin B052 Washington, DC 20515 Birmingham, AL 35201 Wayne Barber Glen Watford Reporter, McGraw-Hill Manager, Nuclear Fuel Engineering 1200 G Street, NW, No.1100 General Electric Company Washington, DC 20005 PO Box 780, m/c A13 Wilmington, NC 28409
- Steve Unglesbee Mass Media Relations David Lewis Nuclear Energy Institute Counsel to FirstEnergy Shaw Pittman i
Page 2 of 7
Stan Focht i
Principal Engineer, ANI Town Center, Suite 3005 29 South Main Street Wcst Hartford, CT 06107
T. A. Keys Manager, BWR Fuel Engineering TVA S. Ray
. Manager, Core Analysis SF Licensing Westinghouse l
Roger W. Huston Principal Licensing Support Services 4204 Christine Place Alexandria, VA 22311 Marlene Taylor Regulatory Engineer j
PECO Jimmy LaRoue Assistant Editor Atomic Energy Clearinghouse 3030 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 202 Arlington, VA 22201 Page 3 of 7
LIST OF ATTENDEES INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING, FEBRUARY 22,1999 Lake Erie Colleae Video Conference Site s
Connie iJine Edward Somers Dire 's., Concerned Citizens' Network 25 West Jefferson Street 38521 Dodds Landing Drive Jefferson, OH 44047 Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 Rober Archer Janet Jodlowski Lake County EMA Director 9150 Florence Road 8505 Garfield Road Kirtland, OH 44094 Mentor, OH 44060 Ronald Novak John Wills 1643 Woodward Avenue State Radiation Analyst Lakewood, OH 44107 Tom Williams Jennifer Bonner North Perry Village Councilman 45210 Wellington North Perry Village Perry, OH 44081 Grace MacDonald Dale B. Wedge 9071 Lake Shore Assistant Director, Ceauga, County Mentor, OH 44060 12518 Merritt Drive Chardon, OH 44024 Jeffrey Clark Resident inspector Chris Hess Perry Nuclear Power Plant Office of Congressman Steve LaTourette USNRC 1 Victoria Place, Room 320 Painesville, OH 44077 Jack Federau 3051 Clark Road PO Box 23 Perry, OH 44081 Russell Bimber 10471 Prouty Road Painesville, OH 44077-2204 Louis Dens 143 Arlington Avenue Painesville, OH 44077 Jeanette Crislys Painesville 1ownship Trustee Page 4 of 7
. Cleveland. Ohio Video Conference Site:
Christine Lipa Mark Durbin Senior Resident inspector Senior Public Relations Representative Perry Nuclear Power Plant FirstE~,1y Nuclear Operating Company USNRC.
Clinton Warne Jeff Laudberg President, Consumers League Senior Engineer 15715 Chadbourns FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Kevin Niedermier -
Reporter, WKSU 1887 Warrensville Road South Euclid, OH 44121 G. Nelson 1288 Nicholson Lakewood, OH 44107 David Ellison Green Party of Ohio 3118 Carroll Avenue Cleveland, OH 44113 Gino Raffaelli Musician Cleveland Orchestra j
3165 Monmouth Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Michael McMurray Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmame,nt 2161!?' ifield Drive Clevelaa.! r elghts, OH 44106 Maureen Lauber 8436 Ashley Drive Br. Heights, OH 44147 Pat Van Lier Cleveland Free Times 1914 West 45th Street Cleveland, OH 44102 Page 5 of 7
LIST OF ATTENDEES INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING, FEBRUARY 22,1999 Lou'isiana' State University Video Conference Site:
Charles Marschall Ken Grissom Branch Chief, DRP-C -
State Editor USNRC-Region IV Louisiana State News Papers Arlington, TX PO Box 4033-C Lafayette, LA 70502 George Repogle Senior Resident inspector Donald A. Browning River Bend Station, 12299 Highway 965 USNRC' St. Francisville, LA 70775 Norman Garrett H. Anne Plettinger Resident inspector 3456 Vella Rose Drive River Bend Station Baton Rouge, LA 70806 USNRC Prosanta Chowdhury, Manager Karen P. Laurent Environmental Radiation Programs 2222 Myrtledale Avenue Louisiana Radiation Protection Division Baton Rouge, LA 70808-2878 7220 Bluebonnet Road Maynard Ketcham Fitness Center, Rm. 350 Amy C. Wells Baton Rouge, LA 70810 -
Communications Specialist Entergy Operations, Inc.
Ron'ald Wascom 4916 Myrtle Hill Avenue l Administrator Zachary, LA 70791 Louisiana Radiation Protection Division Patricia Campbell.
Doris Falkenheiner Technical Assistant President, Louisiana Audibon Council Regulatory - Entergy Operations, Inc.
355 Napoleon Street River Bend Station Baton Rouge, LA 70802 PO,9ox 220 St. Francisville, LA 70748 Walter M. Ball, Jr.
Assistant Editor Baton Rouge 1552 Longwood Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Page 6 of 7 u
INFORMAL PUDLIC HEARING, FEBRUARY 22,1999 Michael Kennard Stoller Nuclear Fuel, Inc.
485 Washington Avenue Pleasantville, NY 10570 Susan Hyatt 8275 Munson Road Mentor, OH 44060 Steve Gannis 13511 Detroit Avenue Apartment C-9 Cleveland, OH 44107 l
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