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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20006D3016 February 1990Requests That Commission Immediately Order PG&E to Refrain from Conducting Random Drug Testing Until NRC &/Or Us Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit Rules on Requests for Stay
ML20155F85812 August 1988FOIA Request for Diablo Canyon Long-Term Seismic Program Final Rept
ML20153H1335 May 1988Appeals Denial of FOIA Request for Release of Documents Listed in Apps E & F,Originally WithheldNew Project Manager
ML20154D2363 March 1988FOIA Request for Documents Re Insp,Audit or Study Performed by or on Behalf of AEC Conducted on Plant Before Sept 1971
ML20147D11321 September 1987FOIA Request for Records of 831103 Commission Meeting Re Plant
ML20235W72518 September 1987FOIA Request for All Records Documenting Policy Mentioned in Encl Jf Stolz Re Fire Protection Review & Records Re SEP or Isap at Plant
ML20236K04814 September 1987FOIA Request for Documents Re Insp Ref in Encl JB Martin & BNL Work as Consultant to NRC Re Plant
ML20235T65910 July 1987Supplemental FOIA Request for Documents Contained in 30 Boxes Re Plant.Index for 30 Boxes Requested
ML20235T67427 March 1987FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant for 660101-860331
ML20199D09316 June 1986Forwards Intervenors San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace & Sierra Club Application for Stay of Amend 8 to License DPR-80 & Amend 6 to License DPR-82
ML20199D10816 June 1986Forwards Intervenors San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace & Sierra Club Application for Stay of Amend 8 to License DPR-80 & Amend 6 to License DPR-82.DM Grueneich & Ef Lowry Notice of Appearance Encl
ML20128Q37024 July 1985Opposes Issuance of License for Full Power Operation. Opposition Based on Grounds Previously Relied Upon & Presented to Commission in Application for Stay
ML20128Q39424 July 1985Forwards Joint Intervenors 850724 Application for Stay. Limited Stay of 1 Wk Requested to Permit Filing of Application to Us Court of Appeals for Emergency Stay of License Pending Appeal
ML20128Q40024 July 1985Forwards Application for Stay.Requests Limited Stay of 1 Wk from Date of License Approval by Commission to Permit Application to Us Court of Appeals for Emergency Stay Pending Appeal
ML20116A04822 April 1985Opposes Issuance of License for Fuel Loading & Operation of Unit 2 Based on Grounds Presented in Opposition to Licensing of Unit 1 & ALAB-763.No License May Lawfully Be Issued Until Aslab Issues Decision on QA in Design of Unit 2
ML20099K05815 March 1985Forwards Suffolk County & State of Ny 850312 Reply Memorandum,Per ASLB 850305 Order.Affidavit of Jl Monteith, Pc Roberts,P Mcguire,Mj Turano & Tp Compitello,Attached to Memorandum,Also Encl.W/O EnclAffidavit
ML20128F8988 February 1985FOIA Request for Transcript & Other Records of 840730 Commission Meeting.Transcript Page Referring to Meeting EnclEarthquake
ML20108B05312 November 1984Informs of New Address & Phone Number for Law Firm,Effective 841201.Related Correspondence
ML20098A82719 September 1984Requests Pc Valentine Be Removed from Svc List in Proceeding
ML20096A66129 August 1984Expresses Opposition to Util 840820 Amend Application Extending Term of License & Requests Hearing,Per Atomic Energy Act,To Be Held Prior to Commission Decision on Application
ML20093J32625 July 1984Forwards Application for Stay.Decision Requested by 840727. Limited Stay of 1 Wk Requested If Aslab Denies Application
ML20093J31725 July 1984Forwards Application for Stay of Hearing Re OL Issuance. Limited Stay of 1 Wk Requested If Commission Denies Application
ML20093F75518 July 1984Forwards Corrected Page 9 of 840717 Petition for Review of ALAB-775
ML20093F73917 July 1984Responds to 840628 Order Re Joint Intervenors Motion for Protective Order.Efforts to Release Exhibits 3,4,7 & 10 of 840611 Reply Unsuccessful.Related Correspondence
ML20093F74917 July 1984Requests Indefinite Postponement of Scheduled Vote on Application for Full Power License.Request Based on Recent Evidence That Seismic Danger Associated W/Plant Is Significantly Greater than Assumed in ALAB-644Earthquake
ML20083R52319 April 1984Forwards Response to Aslab Order Re FEMA Finding
ML20087N7692 April 1984Renews Request That NRC Vote on Util Application for Reinstatement of Suspended Low Power OL Be Held in San Luis Obispo,Ca to Permit Persons Most Affected by Decision to Observe Deliberations & Vote
ML20087K91422 March 1984Forwards Executed Signature Page for Affidavit of M Kaku Submitted as Attachment to Joint Intervenors 840320 Renewal of Application for Stay
ML20087J17720 March 1984Forwards Renewal of Application for Stay to Permit Completion of Administrative Review & Opportunity for Court Review of Joint Intervenors Emergency Motion
ML20080N54315 February 1984Requests That Insp Rept 50-275/83-37 & Related Repts, Studies & Documents Immediately Be Placed in PDR & Issued to Svc List in Proceeding
ML20081B40720 January 1984FOIA Request for Records Re 1977 Nuclear Svcs Corp Audit of Pullman Power Products
ML20079H42917 January 1984Renews 830915 Request That Commission Briefing Scheduled for 840215 Re Reinstatement of Suspended Low Power License Be Held in San Luis Obispo,Ca
ML20079E46613 January 1984Submits Joint Intervenors Opposition to Util Applications to Permit Hot Sys Testing (Modes 3 & 4) & Low Power Operation. Design & Const Deficiencies Should Be Corrected Before Addl Licensing Authority Granted
ML20083J4756 January 1984Requests Commission 840117 Briefing on Concerns Requiring Further Review Prior to NRC Recommendation Re Low Power Licensing Be Rescheduled After House Subcommittee 840124 Hearing
ML20081E91728 October 1983Forwards Rf Reedy Affidavit Verifying Accuracy of Statement of Qualifications Submitted W/Direct Testimony,Per ASLB 831007 Order.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit
ML20085K96715 October 1983Forwards Pj Kempthorne & Fi Samaniego Testimony
ML20080S36214 October 1983Forwards Idvp TestimonyAffidavit
ML20078F5174 October 1983Forwards Page 41 of Nuclear Svcs Corp Audit of Pullman Power Products Filed W/Joint Intervenors 830909 Suppl to Motion to Reopen Record on Const QA Issue
ML20078A40621 September 1983Forwards Notice of Appearance of DB Raskin on Behalf of Teledyne Engineering Svcs as Program Manager of Idvp. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080F26715 September 1983Requests Meeting to Hear Views of Parties on Reinstatement of Low Power Test License Be Held in San Luis Obispo,Ca & That Public Be Allowed Opportunity to Address Commission. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20076H6671 September 1983Comments on Idvp Final Rept & NRC Sser 18 Re Reissuance of Suspended License for Fuel Loading & Low Power Operation. Commission Consideration of NRC Recommendation Premature. Reissuance OpposedEarthquake
Power-Operated Valves
ML20077J46710 August 1983Informs of 830727 Meeting Between Diablo Canyon Project & Idvp Re Util Excessive Emphasis on Schedule.Action Requested Re Improper Encroachment on Independence of Idvp.Related Correspondence
ML20085E31427 July 1983Forwards Notice of Appearance & Requests Addition to Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20023B9733 May 1983Advises That Since 830423 Correspondence,Informant Contacted Joint Intervenors Re Allegations of Bechtel/Util Misconduct. Fear of Reprisals Prevented Informant from Meeting or Calling NRC
ML20072B9394 March 1983Advises That J Reynolds Will Represent Joint Intervenors at 830316 Oral Argument
ML20212M1152 August 1982Forwards Comments on Proposed Idvp,Phase II Mgt Plan. Copyrighted Matl EnclNondestructive Examination
ML20062C7252 August 1982Comments on Teledyne Engineering Svcs 820618 Phase II Program Mgt Plan,Per Commission Invitation.Commission Should Require Listed Specific Changes to Audit ProgramEarthquake
ML20053D24028 May 1982Discusses Problems Encountered W/Teledyne Independent Review of Facility Design & ConstEarthquake
ML20027E06912 May 1982Appeals Partial Denial of FOIA Request for Documents Re Commission Deliberations on Diablo Canyon Decision ALAB-644
ML20207Q72513 April 1982Requests Info Re Meetings of Subcommittee Reviewing Seismic Design Deficiencies,Including Dates of Meetings Held & Date, Time & Location of Meetings to Be Held