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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20059D13931 August 1990Forwards Pulstar Annual Rept to NRC for Jul 1989 - June 1990, & Environ Radiation Surveillance Rept for Jul 1989 - Jul 1990
ML20055H91624 July 1990Forwards Statement of Financial Qualifications,Per 10CFR50.33(f)(3) for Pulstar Reactor Facility
ML20055G64420 July 1990Forwards Rev 5 to Physical Security Plan,Per 900622 Request for Addl Info.Rev Incorporates Subj Matter of Three Commitments.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d))
ML20055H08318 July 1990Advises That Amend 9 to SAR Will Be Revised,Per Encl Calculations & Results in Response to Request for Addl Info
ML20042E29517 April 1990Forwards Rev 4 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d))
ML19332C40517 November 1989Forwards Kv Mani Current Resume,Transcripts for Degrees, Outlines for Ne 404 & Ne 508 Courses & Radiation Safety Short Courses Taught,In Response to 891106 Request for Qualifications of Reactor Health Physist.Encls Withheld
ML19324C3916 November 1989Requests That Pj Turinsky Be Removed from Publication Mailing List
ML19324B57220 October 1989Requests Addl Time to Respond to Questions on Pulstar SAR Until 891220
ML19327B19813 October 1989Advises That Kv Mani Meets Tech Spec 6.1.4,despite Failure of American Board of Health Physics Exam.Mani Meets Acceptable Equivalent Statement Per Listed Qualifications. Facility Adequately Staffed
ML19325D82713 October 1989Requests Correction to Mailing List to Reflect Changes in Administration Identified in Amend 8 to License R-120, Figure 6.1-1 of Pulstar Nuclear Reactor Tech Specs
ML20247A18230 August 1989Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp. Corrective Actions:Personnel Trained by New Health Physics Procedure 30-2 & Permanent Electrical Svc Installed for Sampler by Univ Physical Plant Organization
ML20206L73321 November 1988Responds to NRC Re Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-297/88-04.Corrective Actions:Radiation Protection Ofc in Process of Updating All Procedures,Including Procedures Associated W/Radiation Surveillance & Effluent Monitoring
ML20206M38417 November 1988Forwards Attachment A,Section 6.7.5.i, Environ Radiation Surveillance Rept for Period 870728-880308, to 1987-88 Tech Specs Annual Rept Dtd 880830.Attachment a Delayed in Printing & Unavailable W/Main Body of Rept
ML20150F33912 July 1988Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-297/88-03.Corrective Actions:Reactor Safeguards Advisory Group Meetings Will Be Scheduled by Manager of Nuclear Operations
ML20236N5676 November 1987Responds to NRC Re Violation Noted in Insp Rept 50-297/87-03.Corrective Actions:Procedure HP-40-1 Reviewed & Modified to Include Case of Unloading Samples When Reactor Shutdown
ML20215A2323 June 1987Forwards Environ Radiation Monitoring Program at Duane Arnold Energy Ctr,Cedar Rapids,Ia, for Jan-Dec 1986,per Cooperative Agreement NRC-30-83-648.Rept Submitted Late Due to Util Date Change for Info Submittal & Personnel Reasons
ML20210A16121 April 1987Responds to Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-297/87-01 on 870316-18.Corrective Actions:Personnel Advised Not to Irradiate Matl for Transfer Outside Facility Until Procedure Issued & Shipping Form Revised
ML20214L48329 August 1986Forwards Annual Rept for Jul 1985 - June 1986 & Environ Radiation Surveillance Rept for Aug 1985 - Jul 1986
ML20203G33812 June 1986FOIA Request for Documents Re Reactor & Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Exam Results for Jan 1983 - Dec 1984
ML20138C5608 October 1985Responds to 850927 Order to Show Cause Re Possession of Highly Enriched U Onsite.Facility Not Licensed to Possess Highly Enriched U as of 850909 Amend to License R-120. Amend 9 Encl
ML20134L74129 August 1985Forwards Pulstar Annual Rept to NRC for Period Jul 1984 - June 1985 & Environ Radiation Surveillance Rept for Period Aug 1984 - Jul 1985
ML20112F02320 March 1985Forwards Revised Pages 19,20,25,26 & 27 of Rev 1 to Pulstar Emergency Plan,Per NRC 850305 Questions
ML20108A47615 October 1984Forwards Corrected 840726 Request for Tech Spec Changes W/ Minor Editorial CorrectionsShutdown Margin
ML20092C52415 June 1984Requests Delay of Implementation of Pulstar Emergency Plan to Allow Completion of Revised Version of Emergency Plan.Submittal of Revised Plan Expected within 60 Days
ML20080H9356 February 1984Informs That J Thomas Resigned as Chancellor of North Carolina State Univ to Accept Presidency of Univ of Alabama on 810630.New Chancellor Is Br Poulton
ML20083J4514 January 1984Notifies That Tl Brackin Has Been Appointed Acting Reactor Health Physicist for Pulstar Facility.Change in Mailing Address Noted
ML20080C08016 August 1983Notifies That Go Miller Permanently Appointed Nuclear Operations Administrator for Pulstar Facility
ML20077H1511 July 1983Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-297/83-01.Corrective Actions:Reactor Health Physicist Assigned Responsibility for Orientation Process
ML20085A80316 May 1983Forwards Rev 3 to Pulstar Reactor Security Plan,Eliminating Control Room Access Keys.Rev Withheld
ML20072L64029 March 1983Forwards Final Survey Re Radiation & Removable Contamination of R-3 Reactor Bay After Biological Shield Demolished.Final Survey Shows Compliance W/Criteria Established by RW Reid to Jl Thomas.Removable Contamination Survey Encl
ML20072L64316 March 1983Forwards Final Survey of R-3 Reactor Bay After Removing R-3 Reactor Biological Shield.Area Above Crane Track Shows No Greater Deviation of Radiological Cleanliness than Area Below Crane.No Swipes on Area Above Crane Necessary
ML20064K98826 January 1983Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-111/82-02 & 50-297/82-01.Justification That Present Procedure Re Stack Monitor Sys Provides Capability of Early Detection of Fuel Clad Failure SubmittedFuel cladding
ML20064L00613 January 1983Responds to NRC Re Violation Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-111/82-02 & 50-297/82-02.Justification for Continued Use of Present Stack Gas Monitor Sys Procedures Provided
ML20069N8453 December 1982Advises That Decommissioning Will Take Longer than Anticipated Due to Technical Difficulty of Breaking Up Heavily Reinforced Concrete.Number of Demolition Workers Increased.Work Will Be Complete by 830120
ML20028A8043 November 1982Forwards Public Version of Emergency PlanSafe Shutdown
Grab sample
ML20069D75217 September 1982Forwards Section 6.7.5(h),covering Environ Radiation Surveillance Portion of Annual Rept Submitted 820826
ML20063J44526 August 1982Forwards Pulster Annual Rept to Nrc,Jul 1981-June 1982
ML20054H08418 May 1982Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-111/82-02 & 50-297/82-01.Corrective actions:820312 Incident Reported & Reactor Safeguards Advisory Group Met 820331.Disputes Item a Re Safeguards Advisory Group
ML20040F2774 February 1982Forwards Section 6.7.5(b) Missing from Annual Rept for Environ Radiation Surveillance Submitted 810827
ML19347E61630 April 1981Responds to NRC 810306 Ltr Providing Guidance Criteria for Release of Facility to Unrestricted Use.Addendum to Dismantling Plan Encl
ML20003E57527 March 1981Requests Prompt Attention to Univ Submittals Re Dismantling of Reactor.Plans in Progress to Renovate or Demolish Reactor Bldg.Map of Bldg & Surrounding Area Encl
ML19350A94012 March 1981Advises of Two Organizational Changes in Nuclear Engineering Dept.Pj Turinsky Replaces TS Elleman as Dept Head.Rg Cockrell Replaces Jr Bohannon as Director of Nuclear Reactor Program.Requests Appropriate Changes to Mailing Lists
ML19341C64219 February 1981Requests Dismantling of R-3 Reactor & Termination of License R-3
ML20003B1243 February 1981Forwards Proposed Change to Tech Specs of License R-120 & Univ 791018 Cover Ltr to Ensure Positive Identification Per 810129 Telcon
ML20008D86010 October 1980Forwards Executed Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement E-7, Changing Description of Location
ML19344E60527 August 1980Forwards Annual Rept,Jul 1979 to Jul 1980.
ML19310A4025 June 1980Forwards Dismantling Plan for R-3,10 Kw Reactor,In Response to NRC Request
ML19316B1394 June 1980Ack Receipt of NRC 800519 Ltr Re Physical Protection Requirements.Physical Security Plan Submitted & Implemented in 1974,achieves Objectives of 10CFR73.67(a),(b),(c),(f) & (G),Therefore New Plan Is Not Necessary
ML19211C4544 January 1980Submits Supporting Info to 791210 Ltr Re Mod to Request for Extension of License R-63.Info Re Area & Stack Monitors, Transfer of SNM from License R-63 & Plan to Dismantle/ Decommission Reactor Encl
ML19211D1214 January 1980Requests Certain Additions to License R-120.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)