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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217H58115 October 1999Forwards 1999 Update to FSAR, for McGuire Nuclear Station.With Instructions,List of Effective Pages for Tables & List of Effective Pages for FiguresSafe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Tornado Generated Missile
Design basis earthquake
Feedwater Heater
Battery sizing
Turbine Missile
Fuel cladding
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML20217F32613 October 1999Submits Quantity of Tubes Insp from Either Side of SGs A-D & Lists Tubes with Imperfections,Locations & Size.No Tubes Removed from Svc by Plugging.Total of Eleven Tubing Wear Indications Identified at Secondary Side Supports in SGs
ML20217F35913 October 1999Forwards Info Copy of Cycle 14 COLR for McGuire Nuclear Station,Unit 1
ML20217F80113 October 1999Informs That on 990930,NRC Completed mid-cycle PPR of McGuire Nuclear Station.Areas That Warranted More than Core Insp Program Over Next Five Months,Not Identified.Historical Listing of Plant Issues EnclFire Barrier
ML20217G78613 October 1999Forwards MOR for Sept 1999 & Revised MOR for Aug 1999 for McGuire Nuclear Station,Unit 1 & 2
ML20217J5096 October 1999Forwards Revs to Section 16.15- of McGuire Selected Licensee Commitments Manual.Section Has Been Revised to Allow Testing of Portions of DG Fuel Oil Sys Every 10 YrsVT-2
ML20217C8355 October 1999Communicates Correction to Info Provided During 990917 Meeting with Duke Energy & NRC Region Ii.Occupational Radiation Safety Performance Indicator Values Should Have Been Presented as 1 Instead of 0
ML20217C4474 October 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-369/99-06 & 50-370/99-06 on 990801- 0911.Determined That One Violation Occurred & Being Treated as Non-Cited Violation
ML20212J2194 October 1999Informs That Util 980326 Response to GL 97-06, Degradation of SG Internals Provides Reasonable Assurance That Condition of Steam Generator Internals Are in Compliance with Current Licensing Bases for Facility
ML20212J7804 October 1999Discusses GL 98-01 Issued by NRC on 980511 & DPC Responses for McGuire NPP & 990615.Informs That NRC Reviewed Responses & Concluded That All Requested Info Re Y2K Readiness Provided.Subj GL Considers to Be Closed
ML20212M16523 September 1999Refers to 990917 Meeting at Region II Office Re Licensee Presentation of self-assessment of McGuire Nuclear Station Performance.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation Handouts,Encl
ML20212D16720 September 1999Forwards Exemption & SER from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App A,General Design Criterion 57 Re Isolation of Main Steam Branch Lines Penetrating Containment.Exemption Related to Licensee Application
ML20212B64915 September 1999Informs That Encl Announcement Re 990913 Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-9 & NPF-7 Forwarded to C Observer in North Carolina,For PublicationFuel cladding
ML20212D53215 September 1999Informs That Duke Energy Corp Agrees to Restrict Max Fuel Rod Average Burnup to 60,000 Mwd/Mtu,In Order to Support NRC Final Approval & Issuance of Requested Amend
ML20216E87914 September 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 & Revised Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for McGuire Nuclear Station
ML20212A41314 September 1999Informs That TR DPC-NE-2009P Submitted in 990817 Affidavit, Marked Proprietary,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure, Pursuant to 10CFR2.709(b) & Section 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954,as AmendedAffidavit
ML20212A05010 September 1999Informs That Postponing Implementation of New Conditions Improved by RG 1.147,rev 12,acceptable Since Evaluation on Relief Based on Implementing Code Case for Duration of Insp IntervalThrough-Wall Leakage
ML20212A2639 September 1999Forwards Rev 25 to McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program, IAW 10CFR50.55a. Section 8.0 Contains Summary of Changes & Detailed Description of Changes Associated with Rev 25
ML20212A5198 September 1999Requests NRC Approval for Relief from Requirements of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1989 Edition,App VI,VI-2430(c) & 2440(b).Approval of 99-GO-002 Is Requested by 000301
ML20211J36731 August 1999Forwards Public Notice of Application for Amend to License NPF-9 Seeking one-time Extension of Surveillance Frequency for TS SR Beyond 25% Extension Allowed by TS SR 3.0.2Fuel cladding
ML20211H17430 August 1999Forwards Comments on Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 & McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 Specific Reactor Vessel Info Contained in Rvid.Ltr Dtd 990107,rept ATI-98-012-T005 & Partial marked-up Rept WCAP-14995 Encl
ML20211M44530 August 1999Forwards Summary of Util Conclusions Re Outstanding Compliance Issue Re Staff Interpretation of TS SR 3.0.1,per Insp Repts 50-369/99-03 & 50-370/99-03,as Discussed with NRC During 990618 MeetingEnforcement Discretion
Temporary Modification
Operability Determination
ML20211K88326 August 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-369/99-05 & 50-370/99-05 on 990620-0731.Two Violations Occurred & Being Treated as NCVs
ML20211G51824 August 1999Forwards SE Re second-10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan Request for Relief 98-004 for Plant,Unit 1
ML20211F29717 August 1999Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Updated Pages for DPC-NE-2009,submitted 980722.Pages Modify Fuel Design & thermal-hydraulic Analysis Sections of DPC-NE-2009. Proprietary Page 2-4 Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790Affidavit
ML20211B11216 August 1999Forwards Topical Rept DPC-NE-2012, Dynamic Rod Worth Measurement Using Casmo/Simulate, Describing Results of Six Drwm Benchmark Cycles at Catawba & McGuire & Discusses Qualification to Use Drwm at Catawba & McGuire
ML20210V01713 August 1999Confirms Conversation Between M Cash & M Franovich on 990806 Re Mgt Meeting,Scheduled for 990917 to Present self- Assessment of Plant Performance.Meeting Will Be Held in Atlanta,Ga
ML20210S22312 August 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2.Revised Rept for June 1999,encl
ML20210T45110 August 1999Forwards Response to NRC RAI Re 981014 Standby Nuclear Svc Water Pond Dam Audit Conducted by FERC
ML20210R43110 August 1999Forwards Summary Rept of Mods,Minor Mods,Procedure Changes & Other Misc Changes Per 10CFR0.59Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Grab sample
Tornado Missile
Post Accident Monitoring
Temporary Modification
Tornado Generated Missile
Feedwater Heater
Maintenance Rule Program
Control of Heavy Loads
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML20210R00310 August 1999Forwards Revised TS Bases Pages to NRC for Info & Use. Editorial Changes Were Made to Correct Incorrect UFSAR Ref Number Associated with Certain Reactor Coolant Sys Pressure Isolation Valves
ML20210Q3705 August 1999Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Authorized Representative of Facility Must Submit Ltr as Listed,Thirty Days Before Exam Date in Order to Register Individuals to Take Exam
ML20210H76921 July 1999Submits Summary of 990715 Meeting at Facility Re Presentation of Results of Most Recent Periodic Ppr.List of Meeting Attendees Encl
ML20209H15514 July 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2.Revised Rept for May 1999 Also Encl
ML20210E19313 July 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-369/99-04 & 50-370/99-04 on 990509-0619.Four Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as Ncv,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy
NUREG-1431, Forwards SER Agreeing with Util General Interpretation of TS LCO 3.0.6,but Finds No Technical Basis or Guidance That Snubbers Could Be Treated as Exception to General Interpretation9 July 1999Forwards SER Agreeing with Util General Interpretation of TS LCO 3.0.6,but Finds No Technical Basis or Guidance That Snubbers Could Be Treated as Exception to General Interpretation
ML20209G5158 July 1999Forwards Amended Pages to Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Repts, for 1997 & 1998 for McGuire Nuclear Station. Portion of Rept Was Inadvertently Omitted Due to Administrative Error,Which Has Been CorrectedAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
ML20196J9006 July 1999Informs That 990520 Submittal of Rept DPC-NE-3004-PA,Rev 1, Mass & Energy Release & Containment Response Methodology, Marked Proprietary Will Be Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of AEA of 1954Affidavit
ML20196J43829 June 1999Informs That as Result of Staff Review of Util Responses to GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1,NRC Revised Info in Rvid & Releasing Rvid Version 2
ML20196G37224 June 1999Documents Verbal Info Provided to NRR During Conference Call Re Relief Requests 98-002 & 98-003VT-2
ML20196G74622 June 1999Requests Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR54.17(c) That Application for Renewed Operating License Not Be Submitted to NRC Earlier than 20 Yrs Before Expiration of Operating License Currently in EffectAging Management
License Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20195K36014 June 1999Forwards MORs for May 1999 for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 & Revised MORs for Apr 1999.Line 6 Max Dependable Capacity (Gross Mwe) on Operating Data Rept Should Be Revised to 1114 from Jan 1998 to Apr 1999
ML20195D5693 June 1999Submits Ltr to Facilitate Closing of Inspector Follow Up Item 50-369,370/97-15-05,re Revising Site Drawings in UFSAR Into Summary one-line Flow Diagrams,Per NRC 990327 Telcon
ML20195F1852 June 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-369/99-03 & 50-370/99-03 on 990328- 0508.Two Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy
ML20195E8772 June 1999Confirms Telcon with M Cash on 990524 Re Public Meeting for 990715.Purpose of Meeting to Discuss Results of NRC Most Recent PPR
ML20207D05221 May 1999Informs That in Telcon on 990519 Between a Orton & Rf Aiello Arrangements Made for Administration of Initial Written Exam for McGuire Nuclear Station on 990603.Exam Will Be Administered at Catawba Simultaneously with Written Exam
ML20196L17920 May 1999Communicates Util Licensing Position Re Inoperable Snubbers. Licensee Has Determined That Structure of ITS Has Resulted in Certain Confusion Re Treatment of Inoperable Snubbers
ML20196L18520 May 1999Forwards Proprietary & non-proprietary Version of Rev 1 to TR DPC-NE-3004, Mass & Energy Release & Containment Response Methodology, Consisting of Finer Nodalization of Ice Condenser Region.Proprietary Info WithheldAffidavit
ML20206T44813 May 1999Forwards Rev 3 to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3002-A, UFSAR Chapter 15 Sys Transient Analysis Methodology, IAW Guidance Contained in NUREG-0390
ML20206R07913 May 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 & Revised Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999