ST-HL-AE-2039, Forwards Update to FSAR Page Q&R 12.3-3 to Reflect Current Design of Fuel Handling Bldg,Per Question 331.8.Proposed Changes Will Be Submitted in Future FSAR Amend

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Forwards Update to FSAR Page Q&R 12.3-3 to Reflect Current Design of Fuel Handling Bldg,Per Question 331.8.Proposed Changes Will Be Submitted in Future FSAR Amend
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/1987
From: Wisenburg M
ST-HL-AE-2039, NUDOCS 8704280178
Download: ML20213A686 (4)



The Light c o m P u y >>e"'e"iix n "x&>>"-<< >>.o.>*>x ivoo in>"e". ><x"' , ooi <7is>228-92ii April 20, 1987 ST-HL-AE-2039 File No.. G9.01 10CFR50 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Proj ect Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 Response to NRC Question 331.8 of the FSAR Attached for your information and use is a proposed change to the subject response as given on page Q&R 12.3-3 of the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) FSAR. The proposed change does not affect the Safety Evaluation Report for STPEGS Units 1 and 2, NUREG-0781.

This proposed change updates the response to reflect the current design of the STPEGS Fuel Handling Building and resolves comments made by USNRC Region IV Inspector H.D. Chaney. The proposed changes indicated will be submitted in a future FSAR Amendment. These changes are necessary to prevent personnel access to high radiation areas during transfer of spent fuel and will be implemented prior to movement of spent fuel through the transfer tube.

If you should have any questions on this matter, please contact Mr.

S. M. Head at (512) 972-8392.

M. R. Wi enburg Deputy Pr ject Ma ger WPE/hg


FSAR page Q&R 12.3-3, " Response to Question 331.8" 8704280178 870420 PDR ADOCK 05000498 A PDR 14/NRC/rg/hg-0 00 1 9


ST-HL-AE-2039 Houston Lighting & Power Company No.: G9.01 cc:

Regional Administrator, Region IV M.B. Lee /J.E. Malaski Nuclear Regulatory Commission City of Austin 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 P.O. Box 1088 Arlington, TX 76011 Austin, TX 78767-8814 N. Prasad Kadambi, Project Manager A. von Rosenberg/M.T. Hardt U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission City Public Service Board 7920 Norfolk Avenue P.O. Box 1771 Bethesda, MD 20814 San Antonio, TX 78296 Robert L. Perch, Proj ect Manager . Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue 1717 H Street Bethesda, MD 20814 Washington, DC 20555 Dan R. Carpenter Senior Resident Inspector / Operations e/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 910 Bay City, TX 77414 Claude E. Johnson Senior Resident Inspector /STP c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 910 Bay City, TX 77414 M.D. Schwarz, Jr., Esquire Baker & Botts One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77002 J.R. Newman, Esquire Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.

1615 L Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20036 T.V. Shockley/R.L. Range Central Power & Light Company P. O. Box 2121 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 L4/NRC/rg/hg-0 Revised 2/3/87


- ST-HL-AE-2039 STP FSAR Fila No.: G9.01

, Page 1 of 2 Question 331.8 Describe precautions taken and to be taken to prevent inadvertent access '

during fuel tra asfer to the very high radiation areas in the vicinity of the fuel transfer tube, e.g., to the space immediately adjacent to the tube, shown at C2 in Figure 1.2-45.


f refuel" event n access to the area adjacent to the fuel transfer tube du ations, the door leading to the area is kept lo . The keys to the door under the administrative control o e Watch Supervisor.

Ahanke udtL This door, shown in Figure 1.2-39 ted on elevation -29 ft 0 in. in

.g., g ,4j f the wall located 2 f t 9 in th of the co line 26.9 between Recirculation Valve osure Tank Room 1A and the ess area containing the ladder that' ends up to elevation 20 ft 11 in. As is is the only access to area, and to the fuel transfer tube, control o ess at this rway controls access to the area adjacent to the fuel tran e.


Q&R 12. 3-3 Amendment 4, 4/6/79

Attachment ST-HL-AE-2039 File No.: G9.01 Page 2 of 2 INSERT 1


There are two access paths to the unshielded area adjacent to the fuel transfer tube in the Fuel Handling Building:

1. Via a ladder up from Room FHB-011 at elevation (-) 13'0" to Room FHB-112 at elevation 21' 2 1/2" (as shown in Figures 1.2-39 and 1.2-40);
2. Via a ladder down from Room FHB-304 at elevation 68'0" to Room FHB-112 at elevation 21' 2 1/2" (as shown in Figures 1.2-40, 1,2-41, and 1.2-42).

To restrict access to the area adjacent to the fuel transfer tube, STP will:

1. Provide lockable, grating type, barriers at the points of access to the ladders in Rooms FHB-011 and FHB-304;
2. Insure, through procedural requirements, that the appropriate barriers and doors to Room FHB-112 are locked closed prior to and during the transfer of irradiated fuel through the fuel transfer tube;
3. Conspicuously post these barriers in accordance with 10CFR20.203(c) and other applicable project requirements.

The keys to these barriers and doors are under the administrative control of the Security Force Coordinator.
