ST-HL-AE-1695, Informs That Subsidence Monitoring Data Responding to SER (NUREG-0781) Confirmatory Item 3 Outlined in FSAR Section 2.5.C.5.Data Will Be Updated in FSAR Annually for First 5 Yrs After Unit 1 Operating Permit Issued

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Informs That Subsidence Monitoring Data Responding to SER (NUREG-0781) Confirmatory Item 3 Outlined in FSAR Section 2.5.C.5.Data Will Be Updated in FSAR Annually for First 5 Yrs After Unit 1 Operating Permit Issued
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1986
From: Wisenburg M
To: Noonan V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-#386-936, RTR-NUREG-0781, RTR-NUREG-781 OL, ST-HL-AE-1695, NUDOCS 8607110059
Download: ML20206U696 (2)


- 1 The Light Company n ,usi<>n ugiis s& P- im. m>x = n . ibxaom oim 22a2n July 7, 1986 ST-HL-AE-1695 File No.: G9.18, C07.01 Mr. Vincent S. Noonan, Project Director PWR Project Directorate #5 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 Subsidence Monitoring

Dear Mr. Noonan:

Additional information on subsidence monitoring was requested per the South Texas Project Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-0781), Confirmatory Item

  1. 3. The subsidence monitoring program is outlined in FSAR Section 2.5.C.5.

The instrumentation is observed at the frequencies as itemized in Table 2.5.C-1. The data which is tabulated and graphed in the FSAR Table 2.5.C-3 and Figures 2.5.C-19, 2.5.C-19A, 2.5.C-23, 2.5.C-23A, 2.5.C-24 and 2.5.C-24A will be updated in the FSAR annually for the first 5 years after the Unit 1 operating permit is issued. After the first 5 years, the data will be updated in the FSAR every 5 years.

Upon review of the data, should any trends become apparent which may have a significant effect on the plant site, the NRC will be notified and immediate steps will be taken to update the FSAR tables and figures.

Based upon the information in this submittal, Houston Lighting & Power considers this item " closed" If you should have any questions on this matter, please contact Mr. M. E. Powell at (713) 993-1328.

Very t ul ours, Jg M. 1 is nburg Manager, h clear Licens~ng RLE/yd 8607110059 860707 PDR ADOCK 05000498 E PDR L1/NRC/ac Nk O

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Houston Lighting & Power Company ST-HL-AE-1695 File No.: G9.18, C07.01  ;

Page 2 cc:

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr. , Director Brian E. Berwick, Esquire Division of PWR Licensing - A Assistant Attorney General for Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation the State of Texas U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 12548, Capitol Station Washington, DC 20555 Austin, TX 78711 4

Robert D. Martin Lanny A. Sinkin Regional Administrator, Region IV Christic Institute Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1324 North Capitol Street 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Washington, D.C. 20002 Arlington, TX 76011 Oreste R. Pirfo, Esquire N. Prasad Kadambi, Project Manager Hearing Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Executive Legal Director 7920 Norfolk Avenue U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, MD 20814 Washington, DC 20555 ,

Claude E. Johnson Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire Senior Resident Inspector /STP Chairman, Atomic Safety &

c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Licensing Board Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 910 Washington, DC 20555 Bay City, TX 77414 Dr. James C. Lamb, III M.D. Schwarz, Jr., Esquire 313 Woodhaven Road Baker & Botts Chapel Hill, NC 27514 j One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77002 Judge Frederick J. Shon Atomic Safety and Licensing Board J.R. Newman, Esquire U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Newman & Holtzinger, P.C. Washington, DC 20555 1615 L Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20036 Citizens for Equitable Utilities, Inc.

c/o Ms. Peggy Buchorn

Director, Office of Irspection Route 1, Box 1684 and Enforcement Brazoria, TX 77422 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Docketing & Service Section Office of the Secretary T.V. Shockley/R.L. Range U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Central Power & Light Company Washington, DC 20555 P.O. Box 2121 (3 Copies)

Corpus Christi, TX 78403 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards H.L. Peterson/G. Pokorny U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission City of Austin 1717 H Street P.O. Box 1088 Washington, DC 20555 Austin, TX 78767 J.B. Poston/A. vonRosenberg City Public Service Board P.O. Box 1771 San Antonio, TX 78296 L1/NRC/ac Revised 5/22/86 i

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