ST-HL-AE-1305, Submits Info Re Heavy Load Handling Sys.Rept in Response to Generic Ltr 81-07 Submitted on 831219 & Revised Rept Submitted on 841019 Documenting Load Handling Sys at Facility

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Submits Info Re Heavy Load Handling Sys.Rept in Response to Generic Ltr 81-07 Submitted on 831219 & Revised Rept Submitted on 841019 Documenting Load Handling Sys at Facility
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/1985
From: Wisenburg M
To: Knighton G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-#385-046, CON-#385-46, REF-GTECI-A-36, REF-GTECI-SF, RTR-NUREG-0612, RTR-NUREG-612, TASK-A-36, TASK-OR GL-81-07, GL-81-7, OL, ST-HL-AE-1305, NUDOCS 8508020153
Download: ML20132E975 (3)


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The Light C*mpartynmeye ige s um_ no. n_x noo n ee cu neo, aun 22-2n July 29, 1985 ST-HL-AE-1305 File No.: G9.10 Mr. George W. Knighton, Chief Licensing Branch No. 3 Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Project Units 1 & 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 NRC Request For Additional Information Concerning Heavy Load Handling Systems

Dear Mr. Knighton:

Your June 18, 1985 letter requested the following information on heavy load handling systems.

Describe the means provided to assure the integrity of lifting eyes, concrete structures, and any other heavy loads so that they will not fall apart while being handled during refueling should the lifting eye fail or the load impact other structures.

Alternately, describe the consequences of failure of concrete structures or other heavy loads during handling. This evaluation should confirm that unacceptable fuel damage or damage to safety related equipment will not occur.

Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) completed a thorough review of load handling systems at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) pursuant to Generic Letter 81-07. A report in response to this Generic Letter was submitted on December 19, 1983, and based on questions resulting from NRC's review of this report a revised report was submitted on October 19, 1984 In this report, HL&P documents the review of load handling systems at STPEGS which could drop a heavy load on spent 8508020153 850729 PDR ADOCK 05000498 9r30 0


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ST-HL-AE-1305 File No.: G9.10 Page 2 fuel, the spent fuel cooling system, or safety related systems. As documented in this report, heavy loads that do not satisfy the criteria for a single failure proof load handling system or have sufficient safety factors to make a load drop extremely unlikely (including interfacing lift points) are provided with safe load paths that avoid passing the loads over spent fuel, the spent fuel cooling system or safety related components during modes of operation when the components are required.

If you have any questions, please contact M. A. McBurnett at 512-972-8530.

Very gruly urs, 1

M. . nb g Manager, Nucl r Licensin MAM/bjf S8/NRC2/d


r . ST-HL-AE-1305 File No: G9.10 Houston Lighting & ther Company Page 2 cc:


Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., Director J. B. Poston/A. vonRosenberg i

Division of Licensing City Public Service Board Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation P.O. Box 1771

! U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission San Antonio, TX 78296 Washington, DC 20555 Brian E. Berwick, Esquire Robert D. Martin Assistant Attorney General for Regional Administrator, Region IV the State of Texas

! Nuclear Regulatory Comission P. O. Box 12548, Capitol Station i 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Austin, TX 78711 j Arlington, TX 76011 Lanny A. Sinkin N. Prasad Kadambi, Project Manager 3022 Porter Street, N.W. #304 i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20008

! 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 Oreste R. Pirfo, Esquire

i. Hearing Attorney
Claude E. Johnson Office of the Executive Legal Director j Senior Resident Inspector /STP U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ,

i c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555

! P. O. Box 910

  • Bay City, TX 77414 Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire

)j Chairman, Atomic Safety & Licensing Board 1 M. D. Schwarz, Jr. , Esquire U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission i Baker & Botts Washington, DC 20555 One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77002 Dr. James C. Lamb, III l 313 Woodhaven Road

J. R. Newman, Esquire Chapel Hill, NC 27514 '

l Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.

1615 L Street, N.W. Judge Frederick J. Shon

{ Washington, DC 20036 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission l l Director, Office of Inspection Washington, D. C. 20555 j 1 and Enforcement '

j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Mr. Ray Goldstein, Esquire '

i Washington, DC 20555 1001 Vaughn Building 807 Brazos 1 i E. R. Brooks /R. L. Range Austin, TX 78701 [

] Central Power & Light Company  !

) P. O. Box 2121 Citizens for Equitable Utilities, Inc.  !

j Corpus Christi, TX 78403 c/o Ms. Peggy Buchorn l l

Route 1, Box 1684 1 H. L. Peterson/G. Pokorny Brazoria, TX 77422 l City of Austin l l P. O. Box 1088 Docketing & Service Section i l

Austin, TX 78767 Office of the Secretary i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission i Washington, DC 20555 1

! S8/NRC2/d Revised 5/22/85