RBG-21-165, Rev 1 to, River Bend Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20127K666 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | River Bend ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/24/1985 |
To: | Harold Denton Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
PROC-850424, RBG-21-165, NUDOCS 8506270529 | |
Download: ML20127K666 (105) | |
p 9 dB \\ ? 1 Table of Contents \\ ) Section Page 1.0 I nt rod uht i on...................................................1-1 Liquid Effluent Methodology...................................1 2.0 2-2; 6 2.1 River Bend Station Site Description................... 2-1 2.2 Compliance with 10CFR20 (Liquids).................... 2-1 2.3 Determination of,Setpoints for Radioactive Liquid v Effluent Monitors............................................ 2-2 2.4 Determining the Dose for Radioactive Liquid' Effluents.......... 2-4 2.5 Projecting Dose for Radioactive Liquid Effluents............... 2-5 ] 3.0 Gaseous Effluent Methodo1ogg................... 3-1 3.1 Introduction............#........................................ 3-1 l 3.2 Daqa Requirements for Gaseous Effluents.............. 3-1 j 3.3, In'stantaneous Release Rate and Setpoint Determination.......... 3-1 3.4" Cumulative Dose Determination for Radioactive Gaseous Eff1 tents....................................................3-9 l 3.5 Dose Projection - Determination of Need to Operate j Ventilation Exhaus.t jTeeatment System......................... 3-17 l \\ 4.0 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.................. 4-1 5.0 40CFR 19 0 Cons ider tt ions........................................ 5 -1 5.1/ Compliance with 40CFR190...................'.................... 5-1 5 /2 Calculations Evaluating Conformance with 40CFR190.............. 5-1 5.3 Calculations for Total Body Dose........................... Thyroid Dose............................................... 5-1 5.4 5-2 6.0 Interlaboratory Comparison Studies............................. 6-1 6.1 Requirement...........................,(........................ 6 6.2 Program........................................................ 6-1 i b i 4 b a I f d a 1 /
)! s Appendices b A Liquid MPC Values B Liquid Environmental Dose Transfer Factors A. IT C K L Air Dose Transfer Factors g 1 D Expected _ Gaseous Radionuclide Mixture E X/Q and Dfg Values for Restricted Area Boundary F Maximum X/Q and D/Q for Individual Locations G Instantaneous Dose Transfer Factor Tables H Gaseous MPC Values I Environmental Dose Transfer Factors for Gaseous Effluents l Figures 1 Unrestricted Area Map 2 Schematic of Liquid Radwaste System i 3 Effluent Release Points 4 Schematic of Gaseous Radwaste System 5 Radiological Environmental Monitor Locations h i i 1 i i l i i e t I
t A
This manual provides the methodology to calculate radiation doses to individuals in the vicinity of the River Bend Station (RBS). It also provides the methodology for calculating effluent monitoring setpoints and allowable release rates to ensure compliance with the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS) of Gulf States Utilities, River Bend Station. This manual also contains a description of the radiological Environmental Monitoring Program which includes sample point descriptions for both onsite and offsite locations and sampling and analysis frequencies. The ODCM follows the methodology and models suggested by the " Guidance Manual for Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants" (NUREG-0133, dated October 1978) and " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I" (Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, dated October 1977). Simplifying assumptions have been applied where applicable to provide a more workable document for implementing the technical specifications requirements. Alternate calculational methods may be used from those presented as long as the overall methodology does not change or as long as the alternative methods provide results that are more limiting. Also, as available, the most up-to-date revision of Regulatory Guide 1.109 dose conversion factors and site-specific environmental transfer factors may be substituted for those currently included and used in this document. 1-1
n E. ) 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY 2.1 River Bend Station Site Description The River Bend Station Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) contains the official description of the site characteristics. The description that follows is a brief summary for dose calculation purposes: The River' Bend Station (RBS) is on a site in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, located approximately 24 miles north-northwest of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This site is just east of the Mississippi River which is used as the source of the RBS major water requirements and-which receives the RBS liquid effluents. 2.2 Compliance with 10CFR20 (Liquids) 2.2.1 Requirements In accordance with Technical Specification, the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to Unrestricted Areas (Figure 1) shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall'be limited to 2 10 uCi/ml total x activity. The concentration of radionuclides in liquid waste is determined by sampling and analysis in accordance with Technical Specification Table 2.2.2 Methodology This section describes the calculational method to be used to determine F, the fraction of 10CFR20 limits of release concentrations g of liquid radioactive effluents. General Approach Liquid effluent releases from River Bend Station are discharged through the cooling tower water blowdown which is directed to the Mississippi River. Principal sources of radwaste are from floor drains, phase separators / backwash tank subsystem and reactor water cleanup as shown in Figure 2. The liquid radwaste system is operated as a batch system. Only one tank of liquid radwaste is released at a time and is considered a batch. The radioactive content of each batch release will be determined prior to release in accordance with Table of the RBS Technical Specifications. Compliance with 10CFR20 limits will be determined with the following equation: 2-1
1 f n C. F 1 l { b f2 (MPC)1 i=1 where: F Thc. fraction of 10CFR20 MPC limits resulting from = the release source being discharged f = I The undiluted release rate of the release source at the monitor location, in gpm f = 2 The cooling tower blowdown release rate, in gpm C. = The undiluted concentration of nuclide (i), in uCi/ml from sample assay. When a radionuclide has a concentration lower than the Lower Level of De-tection (LLD), it is not reported as being present in the sample (M?C) *. Maximum Permissible Concentration of nuclide (i) = from Appendix A, in uCi/ml as long as F is less than 1.0 the concentration of the tank is within g compliance with 10CFR20 limits. Simplified Approach ~0 For purp oses of simplifying the calculations, the value of 3 x 10 uCi/ml (t nidentified 10CFR20 MPC value) could be substituted for (MPC)1 and the cumulative concentration (C-Total = sum of all identified radionuclide concentrations) or the gross beta gamma concentration should be substituted for C. As long as the diluted f concentration (C-Total f /f ) is less than 3 x 10'8 uCi/ml, the 1 2 nuclide by nuclide calculation is not required to demonstrate compliance with 10CFR20 MPC limits. 2.3 Determination of Setpoints for Radioactive Liouid Effluent Monitors 2.3.1 Requirements Technical Specification requires the radioactive liquid effluent monitor be operable with their high alarn/ trip setpoints set to ensure that limits of Technical Specification are not exceeded. The high alarm / trip setpoints shall be determined and adjusted by the methodology which follows. In all cases, the setpoint values shall be applied above normal background levels. 2-2
s The high alarm setpoint for the liquid effluent radiation monitor is derived from the concentration limit provided in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 applied at the restricted area boundary where the discharge flows into the Mississippi River. 2.3.2 Methodology The high alarm setpoint does not consider dilution, dispersion, or decay of radioactive material beyond the site boundary. That is, the alarm setpoint is based on a concentration limit at the end of the discharge. A sample of each batch of liquid radwaste is analyzed for I-131 and other principal gamma emitters as specified in Table of Technical Specification, for total activity concentration prior to release. The fraction F of the 10CFR20 MPC limits for unrestricted areas is determined in accordance with the preceding section for the activity concentration rcleased. The liquid radwaste effluent line radiation monitor alarm setpoint is determined with the equation: A f2+f1 S = x x g + Bkg 2.3.2-1 b I where: S The radiation monitor setpoint (cpm or uCi) = A The counting rate (cpm /ml) or activity concentra- = tion (uCi/ml) of the sample as determined in the laboratory The ratio of effluent radiation monitor counting = g rate to laboratory counting rate or activity con-centration in a given batch of liquid (cpm per cpm / ml or cpm per uCi/ml) f Release rate of undiluted batch release line = 1 (ml/sec, gpm, or other consistent units of vol/ time) f Minimum dilution flow of cooling tower blowdown = 2 in the discharge (ml/sec, gpm, or other consistent units of vol/ time) Note: A/F represents the counting rate of a solution having the same g radionuclide distribution as the sample and having the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of that mixture. 2-3
rs 2.4 Determining the Dose for Radioactive Liquid Effluents 2.4.1 -Requirements Technical Specification requires 'he dose or dose commitment t to a person offsite due to radioactive material released in liquid effluents be calculated on a cumulative basis at least every 31 days. Dose or dose commitment shall be limited to: a) Less than or equal to 1.5 mRems to the total body and to less than or equal to 5 mRems to any organ, during any quarter; and b) Less than or equal to 3 mRems to the total body and less than or equal to 10 mRems to any organ during any calendar year. 2.4.2 Methodology This section provides the methodology to calculate dose to all age groups and organs from all -radionuclides identified in the liquid effluents. The method is based on the methodology suggested by Sections 4.3 and 4.3.1 of NUREG-0133, Rev.1, November 1978. The site-specific dose factors A f r all viable pathways are listed in Appendix B. h The following equation provides for a dose calculation to the total body or any organ for a given age group (D
- 3) based on actual release conditions during a specific time interval for radioactive liquid releases:
1 1 n n D D = = Ta iT (DF)1 D 2.k24 y,y g y D it = Dose commitment in mrem from radionuclide (1) re-ceived by organ ( t ) of age group (a) resulting from releases during the time interval At g A ir = Site related dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ ( t ) for each identified radio-- nuclide (1). The A values listed in Appendix B h are site-related to RBS and have the units (mrem /hr per uCi/ml) At = Number of hours that the release occurred g Qgg The total quantity of nuclide (i) released during = the time period Atg (uCi) 2-4
s-p Dw = The near field dilution factor. Site specific value is 11.4 (River Bend E.R. p.5.4-5, section (DF)1 The total volume of dilution that = occurred during the release time period At (i.e., the cooling tower blowdown flow multiplied by the time) (ml). The doses associated with each release may then be summed to provide the~ cumulative dose over a desired time period (e.g., sum all doses for releases during a 31 day period, calendar quarter, or a year). The following-equation is used to calculate the total doses for the desired time interval: n D TOTALt i=1 where: D The total dose commitment to the organ = TOTALt (t ) due to all releases during the desired time interval in mrem. D The dose commitment in mrem = ta i to the organ ( t ) of age group (a) due to liquid release (i) during the desired time interval. 2.5 Projecting Dose for Radioactive Liquid Effluents 2.5.1 Requirements Technical Specification requires the liquid radwaste treatment system be used to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge when projected doses due to liquid effluents, to unrestricted areas (Figure 1) would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period. 2-5
s 9 2.5.2 Methodology The following calculational metbodology shall be performed at least once per 31 day period: X D 2.5.2-1 PD = ta X ^ 't D where: PD Projected dose commitment (mrem) to ta = organ ( t ) of age group (a) during the 31 day period The number of days in the 31 day period X = The number of days to date in the 31 day period X = D The total dose commitment (mrem) to an organ D = TOTALt (t ) of age group (a) to date during the 31 day period. The age group (a) is selected based upon highest dose commitment. 2-6
a e 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The River Bend Station discharges gaseous effluents through the Main Plant Exhaust Duct, Fuel Building Exhaust Duct, and Radwaste Building Exhaust Duct. The location of these release points in relation to the River Bend site is found in Figure 3. The gaseous effluent streams, radioactivity monitoring points, and effluent discharge points are shown schematically in Figure 4. For purposes of simplicity, Fuel Building exhaust effluents are included in the Main Plant exhaust duct releases. All gaseous effluent releases are assumed to be ground 1cvel releases. 3.2 Data Requirements for Gaseous Effluents For the purpose of estimating of fsite radionuclide concentrations and radiation doses, measured radionuclide concentrations in gaseous effluents and in ventilation air exhausted from the station are relied upon. Table in the Technical Specifications identifies the radionuclides in gaseous discharges for which sampling and analysis is done. When a nuclide concentration is below the LLD for the analysis, it is not reported as being present in the sample. Real meteorological. data factors are calculated and used in dose calculations for the Semi-annual Effluent Release Report. Historical information and conservative receptor assumptions are only used for ease of Limiting Condition of Operation (LCO) dose limit calculations. Dose calculations performed with actual occurring data will describe the source of the data in the report. Modeling will be performed in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1. 3.3 Instantaneous Release Rate and Setpoint Determination 3.3.1 Instantaneous Release Rate Determination The instantaneous release rate determination is performed to show compliance with the limits set forth in 10CFR20. Requirements Technical Specification states that the dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the site boundary (see Figure 1) shall be limited to the following: a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 mrem / year to the total body and less than or equal to 3,000 mrem / year to the skin; and 3-1
r e e b. For I-131, I-133,
- tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days:
less than or. equal to 1,500 mrem / year to any organ. Methodology General Approach - Total Body and Skin Instantaneous Release Rate Calculations ~ To determine the dose rate from noble gases in unrestricted areas, the following formulae are used: n g(M) Q DR 3.15 x 10 K TB g i=1 n DR "i) ) O skin i+ i i=1 where: DR Dose rate to'the total body in mrem / year. = TB K = The total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide (i) in mrem /sec per uCi/m. Appendix C. L = Skin dose factor due to beta emissions for each g identified noble gas radionuclide (1) in mrem /sec per uCi/m. Appendix C. M = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions for g each identified noble gas radionuclide (i) in 3 mrad /see per uC1/m. Appendix C. (X/Q) The highest calculated annual average relative con- = centration for any area at or beyond the restricted crea boundary in sec/m. For either elevated (stack) or vent releases. Appendix E. Q g The release rate of radionuclide (i) in gaseous = effluents from all releases in uCi/sec. 1.1 Conversion factor for M from mrad to mrem. = g 3.15 x 10 Number of sec/ year. = 3-2 i L
4 o In order to comply with the limits of 10CFR20, DR $ 500 TB mrem / year and DR 5 3,000 mrem / year must be met at the most skin limiting location. The radisnuclide mix was based upon source terms tabulated in the River Bend Station FSAR, Table 11.3-1 and are summarized in Appendix D. The X/Q values utilized in equations and are based upon maximum long-term annual average (X/Q) in the unrestricted area. Appendix F lists the maximum X/Q values for the RBS release points at the restricted area boundary. To select the most limiting location, the highest X/Q for each release point is used (from Appendix F): -6 (X/Q), = 2.0 x 10 sec/m ~ (X/Q)y = 2.11 x 10 sec/m where: (X/Q), Chi /Q for Main Plant exhaust duct and Fuel = Building exhaust duct (X/Q) Chi /Q for Radwaste Building exhaust duct = Appendix F contains the maximum X/Q and D/Q values t' sed in calculating individual doses. Release rates for all release points must be considered at the same time. If releases are occurring at the same time, the total instantaneous dose for all releases must be less than the limits of Technical Specification An administrative control limits the release rates for each of the three release points to 1/3 the total Technical Specification doses. Limited Analysis Approach - Instantaneous Noble Gas Release Rate The above motbodology can be simplified to provide for a rapid determination of cumulative noble gas release limits based on the requirements specified in Section Beginning with equation the simplication proceeds as follows: From an evaluation of projected releases, an effective total body dose factor (K,fg) can be derived. This dose factor is, in effect, a weighted average total body dose factor. See Appendix C for a detailed explanation and evaluation of K,ff. The value of K,ff has been derived from the radioactive noble gas effluents listed in RBS-FSAR and included in Appendix D. The values are: 3-3
s s o Radwaste Building Exhaust Duct: 8.05 x 10" (mrem-m /uCi-sec] K,ff = ?!ain Plant Exhaust Duct and Fuel Building Exhaust Duct: 5.56 x 10' [ mrem-m /uCi-sec) K = ff Either of these values, as appropriate, may be used in conjunction with the total noble gas release rate (E Q ) to verify that the 6 instantaneous dose rate is within the allowable limits. To compensate for any unexpected variability in the radionuclido distribution. a conservatism factor of 0.8 is introduced into the calculation. The simplified equation is: n K (X/Q) { eff. DR TB 0.8 i=1 1 DR Y 8"*** I" "'# TB releases in mrem /sec. (7Q) For ground level or elevated releases, the highest = calculated annual long-term historic relative concentration for any of the 16 sectors, at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary, in sec/m (Appendix F). Q 1 The total release rate of all noble gas nuclides = from the release source of interest in uCi/sec. Determining the Radioiodine and 8-day Particulate Release Rates The following calculational method is provided for determining the dose rate from radiciodine and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days and to determine if they are within the limits listed in Section In the calculation to show compliance with 10CFR20, only the inhalation pathway is considered, since it is the most limiting pathway. Inhalation Pathway: n (m), 6 DR = rP
- 1ssop, 1
1 i=1 3-4
A e where: The organ of interest for the age group of interest. t = Q Release rate of nuclide (i), [uCi/sec]. = 1 DR Dose rate to the organ i for the age group of = I68DP interest from iodines and 8 day particulates via the inhalation pathway [in mrem /yr). (X[Q)D The long-term depleted and 8 day decayed CHI /Q = value based on historical meteorological data (Appendix E) [in sec/m ]. Note: No credit for decay or. depletion has been taken. P The dose factor for applicable environmental = g pathway (in units of mrem /yr per uC1/m ] (Appendix G). Note: For calculations involving tritium, use (X/Q)D I" sec/m. The determination of limiting location for implementation of 10CFR20 for radiciodines and particulates is a function of the same parameters as for noble gases. 3-5
a e Values for P were calculated for an infant for various radionuclides g for the inhalation pathway using the methodology of NUREG-0133. The P values are presented in Appendix G. The values of P reflect, for g each radionuclide, the maximum P value for any organ for the g inhalation pathway. 3.3.2 Setpoint Determination Requirements Instrumentation is provided to monitor beta gamma radiation from radioactive materials released from the River Bend Station in gaseous effluents. Each release point process monitor listed in Tech. Spec. Table includes an alarm that is set to report when the radioactive noble gas in gaseous effluents (Main Plant exhaust duct, Fuel Building exhaust duct or Radwaste Building exhaust duct) is expected to cause a noble gas concentration at ground level offsite equal to or greater than specified in 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 1 for the mixture. MPC values for gaseous radionuclides are listed in Appendix H. The distribution of radioactive noble gases in a gaseous effluent stream is determined by gamma spectrum analysis of identifiable radionuclides in effluent gas sample (s). Results of one or more previous analyses may be averaged to obtain a representative spectrum. In the event the distribution is u~nobtainable from measured data, the distribution of radioactive noble gases based on past data or calculated by the BWR-GALE code appearing in Appendix D may be assumed. To allow for multiple sources of releases from the three different release points, the allowable operating setpoints will be administrative 1y controlled to allocate one-third (1/3) of the total allowable release to each of the release sources. Methodology I l This section describes the methodology for determining alarm / trip setpoints for the three release points. Step 1 Determine the QTB (maximum acceptabic total release rate of all noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent [uCi/sec]) based upon the whole body exposure limit of 500 mrem / year for all release points by: -8 500 -8 500 Q = 3.17 x 10 = 3.17 x 10 TB (X/Q)} K f (X/Q) K,gg. 0.8 g g i 3-6
e where: (X/Q) = The highest calculated annual average relative dispersion factor for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sections (sec/m )'. Appendix F. K = The total whole body dose factor 'due to gamma g emiasions from noble gas radionuclide (i) (mrem /sec per uCi/m ) from Appendix C, Table C-1. f Fraction of noble gas radionuclide (i) to total noble = f gas concentration. 3 K,gg = Kg. f, effective dose factor (mrem /sec per uCi/m ) t from Appendix C, Table C-3. 3.17x10' Inverse of number of seconds per year in year /sec. = 0.8 = Conservative factor to account for changing isotopic inventory. Step 2 Determine Q, (the maximum acceptable release rate of all gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent [uci/sec]) based upon the skin exposure limit of 3,000 mrem / year for all release points by: -8 3,000 -8 3,000 Q = 3.17 x 10 = 3.17 x 10 s (X/Q){[L+1.1M)f] (X[Q)(L+1.1M),gf.0.8 g g f where: i L1 + 1.1Mg Total skin dose factor due to emission from noble = 3 gas radionuclide (i) (mrem /sec/uC1/m ) from Appendix C. (L+1.1M),ff g g g g (1 + 1.1 M )
- f, effective total skin dose
= 3 factor (mrem /sec/uCi/m ) from Appendix C, Table C-4. 3-7
Step 3 Determine C (the maximum acceptable total radioactivity concentration of all noble gas radionuclides for each release point in the gaseous effluent (uCi/cc]. 2.12 E-3 Q C F = m Note: Use the lower of the Q values obtained in Steps 1 and 2. This will protect both the skin and total body from being exposed to the limit. where: F = The maximum acceptable effluent flow rate at the point of release based on design flow rates (cfm). 2.12 E-3 Unit conversion factor to convert uci/sec/cfm to = uCi/cc. Step 4 Determine CR (the calculated monitor count rate above backgrour.d attributed to the noble gas radionuclides [ cpm]) by: (C ) (E ) CR = where: E, Efficiency of the applicable effluent monitor = (cpm /uCi/cc). Stop 5 Determine the HSP (the monitor high alarm setpoint including background (cmp]) by: HSP = T CR + Bkg m where: T, Fraction of the radioactivity from the site that = may be released via the monitored pathway to ensure that the site boundary limit is not exceeded due to simultaneous releases from several pathways. T, .33 for all release points. = 3-8
r Bkg = The background count rate (cpm) due to internal contamination and the radiation levels in the area in which the monitor is installed when the detector sample chamber is filled with uncontaminated air. 3.4 Cumulative Dose Determination for Radioactive Gaseous Effluents 3.4.1 Noble Gases Requirements Technical Specification states that the air dose due to nobli gases released in gaseous effluents from each reactor unit to areas at and beyond the site boundary (see Figure 1) shall be limited to the following: a. During any calendar quarter: less than or equal to 5 mRads for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 mRads for beta radiation; and b. During any calendar year: less than or equal to 10 mRads for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mRads for beta radiation. Methodology This section provides the methodology to calculate the doses to all age groups and organs from all noble gas radionuclides identified in the gaseous effluents. The method is based on the methodology suggested by sections 5.3 and S.3.1 of NUREG-0133, Rev. 1, November, 1978. The site related dose factors for all viable pathways are listed in Appendix I. Dose factors are compiled by age groups, for all organs and radionuclides common to a BWR environment. The following equations provide for air dose calculations based on actual noble gas release rates during a specific time interval for radioactive gaseous release sources at the site boundary: n D
- (
- O Gamma-Air "i
i i=1 n I:: x xczza) D x a 3.c.1.2-2 octa.A1, 1 1 1-1 3-9
e where: D = Gamma-Air The gamma air dose from radioactive noble gases in mrad. M g The gamma air dose factor for radioactive noble gas = 3 nuclide (i) in mrad-m /uCi-sec (Appendix C). (7Q) The long-term atmospheric dispersion factor for ground = level (annual average) for the year of interest. Actual meteorological data and sector wind frequency distributions will be used to determine annual X/Q for the year of interest in sec/m (Appendix E). Q = The number of uCi of nuclide (i) released during the period of interest. D = Beta air dose from radioactive noble gases in mrad. Beta-Air N The beta air dose factor for radioactive noble gas = g nuclide (i) in mrad-m /uCi-sec (Appendix C), Table C-1. Simplified Approach A single effective gamma air dose factor (M,gg) and beta air dose factor (Nggg) have been derived, which are representative of the radionuclide abundances and corresponding dose contributions that are projected in the RBS FSAR. (See Appendix C for a detailed explanation and evaluation of M and N,gg.) The values of M,gg and N,gg which ggg have been derived from the projected radioactive noble gas effluents are: Radwaste Building Exhaust Duct: M,gg 1.01 x 10 mrad-m /uCi-sec = 3 ~ N 8.08 x 10 mrad-m /uCi-sec = ggg Main Plant Exhaust Duct and Fuel Building Exhaust Duct: M 7.46 x 10 mrad-m /uCl-sec = gg ~ N,gg 1.61 x 10 mrad-m /uCi-sec = 3-10
e The effective gamma air dose factor may be used in conjunction with the total noble gas release (I Q) to simplify the dose f evaluation and to verify that the cumulative gamma and beta air dose is within the equivalence of the limits of Technical Specification To compensate for any unexpected variability in the radionuclide distribution, a conservatism factor of 0.8 is introduced into the calculation. The simplified equation is: n (E76) Qi (Megg) 3*4*l 3'l D = Gamma-Air 0.8 t=1 n (57E) Qi (Negg) D Beta-Air 0.8 i=1 3.4.2 Determining the Radiciodine and 8 Day Particulate Dose to Any Organ from Cumulative Releases Requirements Technical Specification states that the dou to a Member of the Public from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released, from each reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to the following: a. During any calendar quarter: less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ; and b. During any calendar year: less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ. Methodology The following calculational method is provided for determining the critical organ dose due to releases of radiciodines and particulates. It is based on Section 5.3.1 of NUREG-0133, Rev. 1, November 1978. The equation can be used for any age group provided that the appropriate dose factors are used and the total dose reflects only those pathways that are applicable to the age group. The symbol (X/Q)D represents a depleted (X/Q) which is different from the noble gas (X/Q) in that (X/Q)D takes into account the loss of iodines, 8 day particulates, and tritium from the plume as the semi-infinite cloud travels over a given distance. The dispersion factor (D/Q) represents the rate of fallout from the cloud that affects a square meter of ground at various distances from the site. The total dose to an organ can then be determined by summing the pathways that apply to the receptor in the sector. The equations are: 3-11
0 0 Inhalation Pathway: n D
- (*
) ( )D I&8DP it i=1 Ground Plane Pathway: n D
- (
) ) I&8DP it i=1 Contaminated Forage / Cow / Milk Pathway: n { D =( x 10 ) R ( ) I58DP it i=1 Total Dose: D = DI&8DPt where: The organ of interest in a specified age t = group. All the applicable pathways for the age group of a = interest. D
- E#" (*)
- "P" I58DPt age group from radioiodines and 8 day particulates due to a particular pathway.
D Total dose in mrem to the organ (t) of a = specified age group from gaseous iodine and particulate affluents, summed over all applicable pathways (z). ~0 3.17 x 10 = The inverse of the number of seconds per year (in years /sec]. 3-12
e o R The dose factor for nuclide (i) for pathway = h (z) to organ (t) of the specified age group. The units are either: 3 forpathwaysusing(5[Q)D mrem-m yr-uCi or 2 mrem-m -sec for pathways using (D/Q) yr-uCi (See Appendix I.) (5[Q)D The depleted (X/Q) value for a specific location where the receptor is located. The units are [sec/m ). (See Appendix F.) Note: No cred_it is taken for depletion and decay. (X/Q)D " ( /0) (D76) The deposition value for a specific location = where the receptor is located. The units are [m' ]. (See Appendix F.) Q The number of microcuries of nuclide (i) released = g (or projected) during the dose calculation exposure period. Limited Analysis Approach The contaminated forage / cow / milk pathway has been identified in Section 5.4 of the RBS ER-OLS as the most limiting, with the infant thyroid being the most critical age group and organ. It is possible to demonstrate compliance with the dose limit of Technical Specification for radioiodines and particulates by only evaluating the infant's thyroid dose due to the release of radiciodines via the contaminated forage / cow / milk pathway. The calculational method to be used includes a conservatism factor of 0.8 which assures that the calculated dose is always greater than or equal to the actual dose despite possible atypical distributions of radionuclides in the gaseous affluent. The simplified dose equation reduces to: D = [3.17 x 10" (D7Q) [ R Q ] /0.8 g fodines 3-13
o Approach Selection Criteria The limited analysis may be used in all cases to demonstrate compliance with the dose limit of Technical Specification (7.5 mrem /qtr) for radiciodines and particulates. Iloweve r, for the dose assessment included in the Semi-annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, doses will be evaluated for all designated agn groups and organs via all designated pathways from radiolodines and particulates measured in the gaseous effluents according to sampling and analyses required by the Technical Specifications. Annual Dose Due to Radioiodine and 8-Day Particulates Technical Specification required the annual dose be calculated at least once per 31 days for all pathways. The following formulae are used to calculate the annual dose for radiciodines and 8-day particulates: Inhalation Pathways: n D I68DP it )D i=1 Ground Plane Pathway: n [ R (D3)* b D = .U x 10 I68DP gt i=1 Contaminated Forage / Cow / Milk Pathway: n D = x R (D3)* k I68DP it i=1 Contaminated Forage / Goat / Milk Pathway: n -8 0 D 3.17 x 10 g .(D/Q)* 1 I68DP i=1 3-14
r o e Contaminated Forage / Meats: n ~0 R '(WO) i D = { 3.17 x 10 I68DP h i=1 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: n I&8DP = 3.17 x 10'0 { R ( 0) I H i=1 Total Dose: n D [ D t = 168DPt z=1 I 3-15 l
where: ~ The organ of interest in a specified age t = group. z = All the applicable pathways for the age group of interest. DR = Dose rate to the organ (t) for the age group of I&8DP t interest from iodines and 8-day particulates via the pathway of interest in mrem /yr. Q The number of uCi of nuclide (i) released during = the year of interest, it = The dose factor for nuclide (i) for organ (t) for the pathway specified (units vary with pathway). (See Appendix I.) (5) = A long-term relative deposition value for elevated and ground level releases. A factor with units of m' which describes the deposition of particulate matter from a plume at a point downrange from the source. Actual meteorological data and sector wind frequency distribution will be used to determine annual average D/Q for the year of interest. (X[Q)D = A long-term depleted and 8-day decayed relative concentration value for elevated and ground level release. It describes the physical dispersion characteristics of a semi-infinite cloud travelling downwind. Since lodines and particulates sett k out (fallout of the cloud) on the ground, the (X/Q)D represents what physically remains of the cloud at a given location downwind from the release point. Actual meteorological data and sector wind frequency distributions will e be used to determine annual average (X/Q)D I# the year of interest. Total body and organ doses will be calculated for pathway and age group on an annual basis using the above described 3 methodology (sec/m ). 8 3.17 x 10 The inverse of the number of seconds per year (in = year /sec). 3 16
where: The organ of interest in a specified age t = group. All the applicable pathways for the age group of z = interest. DR = Dose rate to the organ (T) for the age group of I68DP t interest from iodines and 8-day particulates via the pathway of interest in mrem /yr. Q The number of uCi of nuclide (i) role. d during = g the year of interest. R it = The dose factor for nuclide (i) for organ (t) for the pathway specified [ units vary with pathway). (See Appendix 1.) (D/Q) = A long-term relative deposition value for elevated and ground level releases. A factor -2 with units of m which describes the depositicn of particulate matter from a plume at a point downrange from the source. Actual meteorological data and sector wind frequency distribution will be used to determine annual average D/Q for the year of interest. (FQ)D = A long-term depicted and 8-day decayed relative concentration value for elevated and ground level release. It describes the physical dispersion characteristics of a semi-infinite cloud travelling downwind. Since iodines and particulates settic_out (fallout of the cloud) on e the ground, the (X/Q)D r presents what physically remains of the cloud at a given location downwind from the release point. Actual meteorological data and sector wind frequency distributio_ns will be used to determine annual average (X/Q)D I# the year of interest. Total body and organ doses will be calculated for pathway and age group on an annual basis using the above-described 3 methodology (sec/m ). l -8 l 3.17 x 10 u The inverse of the number of seconds per year (in year /sec). l 3-16
o Meteorological data (X/Q, X/Q, D/Q) will be determined from actual D meteorological data and sector wind frequency distributions for the year of interest. Release rates (uCi/ year) will be based on total activity released through elevated and ground level (total of all vent pathways) as reported in.the Semi-annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. 3.5 Dose Projection - Determination of Need to Operate Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System 3.5.1 Requirement Technical Specification requires that the ventilation exhaust treatment system be used to reduce radioactive material in waste prior to discharge when the projected dose due to gaseous effluents would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period. 3.5.2 Methodology The following calculation method is provided for determining the projected doses: 6 PD _X_ D 3.5.2-1 = Xp I where: PD Projected dose due to all' radioactive gaseous = t effluents during the current 31 day period (mrem). X = Number of days in the 31 day period. X = e num er f ays ate in the 31 day period. D D = Cumulative total dose due to all radioactive t gaseous effluents during the 31 day period to date (mrem). / 9 3-17
A formal dose projection would be based on the latest results of the monthly calculations of the gamma air dose (Section The doses calculated would be divided by the number of days that the plant was operational during that 31 day period. The value may need to be adjusted to account for any changes in operating conditions that could significantly alter the actual releases, such as failed fuel, or changes in ventilation flow rate. I l l i 3-18 t L
o e 4.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Table 4.1 contains the sample point description, sampling and collection frequency, analysis, and analysis frequency for various oxposure pathways in the vicinity of RBS for the radiological monitoring program. Figures 1 and 5 indicate the locations of the various onsite and offsite sampling points and TLD locations. This section describes only those elemer,ts 'f the radiological o environmental monitoring program require'd by the RBS Technical Specifications. Additional exposure pathways,- sample points, analyses, and/or frequencies are performed as described in ER-OLS Section 6.2. Sampics of groundwater are taken from onsite wells located to i intercept any potential contamination of the Upland Terrace Aquifer so that any such contamination would be detected before migrating beyond RBS site boundaries. t d 4-1 o t' h, f f
r_.. TABLE 4.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pa thway Sample Point. De sc r i p t i o n, Sampling and Analysis _and/or Sa_mnie Distance. and Direction _ Collection Freauency [regue_ncy Analy,s3 1 Ai rborne Pa rti-Samples f rom 5 locations: culates and Radioiodines A-1 T ra ining Center. 1.8 Cont inuous a i r sampler Weekley Radioiodine canister: km from site on Hwy #61 in Opera t ion wi th filter ana lysi s weekly for 1-131 N Sector. collection weekly or Weekly Pa rticulate sampler: as required by dust Qua rte r ly Gross beta activity loading, whichever following filter is more f requent, changes, composite for gamma isotopic qua r te rly. R-1 At Gate #23. 1.22 km from site in NNW Sector. Onsite Ga rden Area. 0.76 km f rom si te in WNW Secto r. St. Francis Substa tion. 5.8 km f rom s i te in WNW sector on Hwy Bus 61 (Community Location) Pa rlange substation. 20 km from site in SW Sector. (Control Location)
e ee ss s oo i dd s ly aa mm a mm n aa A GG y in ly sc r se e yu t l q r ae a nr u A[ Q M A R GO y l R p a P n
- v e
t)e G du nsi N nq eLr I ae cDt R r sT e O gF e(r T n n / I in ist N O l o mrny pi ueel M mt l tmr 1 ) ac oeye . L 2 Se 4 A l rmot ril r T e l espa E N g o hoeu L E a C Tddq B M P A N ( T O R I S V _ N N nn O n 0 n b r E oo I om t1 r o u o ii T L tt A i o a o i mr t t y t tr y8t tko aA s m w 5 7. ec A pc T af 6w.c a t L7E oH C ie S c 4H2e t 8. e lr N nfd c e 1N gr 01S I rr om 2 .S s G ci R O sD O lk A 0S ooy i l t in.E nfi t1Ou.E e L yN g p fwn N L e T r8r w O Dd A le.o lorHn I n C 1 t po i l aN uiFe is6 o7 N bo fb n xSoaFi D ,a I p c a pe ttWt eU W A t D m .S Unne mrn sc.i n1 e e R n, N Soat aai eds nso6ft a ie I sF Giii S asn asi oi oc ON tcs de ram otS s Pn N rE nci rrt ne o. nrcUh a O i n Oel m iai Ot5r Oce tm ct I Aei seo Ays n6fr asdro is T h rFr i9 o rnor pi A te e f nm mt eeanf mD C 1 t 2td 1 oo 2eykc 1l t a O ti - nnm rr hw e on1 mm S L Aas Aiak Bif BtH7S C pi 6 k k y n a o we hl i t tp a am Pa id S a e R rr uo t s/ c od e pn r xa i E D 2.
m, .___4 m _.. ~.
( Page 3) Exposure Pathway Sample Point, Description, Sampling and Analysls and/or_$ ample Distance. and Direction Collection F renuency Frequency Analysis Direct Radiation C-2 On LA Hwy 966 on a (Cont.) stub pole about 0.6 south of the intersection or AL Hwys 966 and 965. 7.5 km from site in'NE Sector. D-1 On a stub pole on WF' road 7 about 1.5 km south of the intersection of WF 7 and US Ifwy 61. 1.6 km f rom site in ENE Sector. D-2 On a. stub pole adjacent to a^ gate into a field to the right of Hwy 966 and about 4 km south or the intersection or LA Hwys 965 and 966. 7.3 km from site in ENE Sector. t E-1 In the Gravel Powe r i Center on LA Hwy 68 about 2 km north of the inter-section or LA Hwys 964 and 68. 8.8 km f rom s i te in E Sector. l a 1 t .i I J f
e e s is ly an A y sc inse lyuq ae nr Af MARGO y R c P ne G du N nq I ae R r O gF T n I in N O l o pi M mt 1 ) ac L 4 Se 4 A J T e ( E N g o L E a C B M P e* m A N ( se 1 t o T O t3 y yt d6i o yr R - - u w wi e s htlhwf I ico1 H Hs V dE xeb r h lS t itH N nn t n osa o AtAm lum utOu m a/o on oSk E oo ru ani pe7hc o r s f co rr .t LrLo t7r Sensu L ii eor tt wbe4 pt ce nnff nF aahmr3 A pc oat 6e anFrS o o iWm jtko8 C ie P n9t iWu m m k nda I rr 8i i e hE G ci l6 ss l mdcS leknk er oar 3n.. o o 6.i 6 l o5 a.o O sD e ey oon E o 1 eM5i4r L e v yh w m prae p t ph1 6l t6o O Dd awtHo f hn 0e.. t ootc9t I n rH r b 1ti b c bu.. yptue c D ,a G fAf um6 uts1 r uo w osye A t AoL tk re tur6o tsnr Hl ebrwS R n, eL m s yet soe t s oo l caeH ie h hfk 7wti btSc mit Sen t E oc tnto a.Hfs aanUe aktc UdamnAS Pn or 8 1 a i S ce rriL a n on.. n r m nd d n2eS nl ta n et irno8r Oyomo OnenE O s OanFedi l s e i o l kr ahaS trE re hn pi tmt t en f t E ueS t ktae mD 2nkc.c 1 t o 2. m 24 4 1 ot 2nen t a _ e e8e ai 5r5n bnn ehar1i S _ EC2s6S Fmt0k F9o9i Gaii GCtTo6s y n a o we i hl t tp a am i) Pa d S at e Rn rr o uo tC s/ c( od e pn r x a_ i D E
s ~ t-e e T. 4 l. TABLE 4.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM . ( Pa ge 5 ) l Exposure Pathway Sample Pc int. De sc ri p t ion, Sampling and Analysis j and/or Sample Distance. and Direction Collection frequenEy. freauency. Analy11s-1 f Direct Radiation H-1 On a stub' pole at 'I i (Cont.) the ra il road crossing on l WF 7. 1.7 km from site in SSE Sector. i H-2 On the first South Cencral Bell telephone pole north or the. entrance gate to the Crown Zellerbach Mill on LA Hwy 964 (west side or 964). 5.5 km from site in SSE Sector. J-1 On a stub po re at River Bend Gate f.!3. 1.5 km i f rom s i te i n S Set to r. 4 J-2 On a la rge t ree, last one from the site side on the C-Z rencc. 6 km from site in S Sector. K-1 On CSU utility pole
- L10178 about 0.1 km south I
or intersection of River Bend access road-and WF 7. 4 1.2 km from site in SSW Sector, i K On a stub polo at.the 4 intersection of LA ifwys 414 i and 415. 8.4 km f rom s i te in i l SSW Sector. ? j t 3 I a I
s_ js A anA y e siE se lyu q agni Af M A RGO y R c P ne G du N nq I ae R r O gF T n I in N O l o pi M mt 1 ) ac . L 6 Se 4 A l T e l E N g o L E a C B M P A N ( r T O o R .t I m e m 5c 9 V ys o e e t l o e E oo ionf tl t s tsnf l 6e h nn ti g r hlh i i gr 9S ede0 o hab r ni e A uii p e yW to o L ii l tt iism nBrLm osm hwS U r5 .t A pc tl sk o C ie ul o l o o Unsk ytHW Sfl64c nr Sio t Goi91 e I rr I r9 eatof Gl r9 G ci d c.. krs l c.r. ifAn a S O sp ne 0r itagm tI 0o i oLi h h R yd l tt wnW DI Dd_ L e ohd o Dnenk s d t thne hrlHa O cta t e i rea c utot goa - n n e o.c sCes1 iho.e u i inrA3i ,a sfr5e n l s.. ftr5S Uogs e tL1 A t ol6S ihoo0r l6 Ssn en e R n. e i9 ttpr1 o efi9W G i m el enst i e hha W au ct hoa S mdo hoCoei oc t tR yS Poe c t R yW aknr tp ts Pn u w Snd.e elHn n3l n yi n G m w af sga a nolhn t oa5S nl ei Osa i Adho1 Ooa O m Otoi o r i pD rA npr4W prA t yk insnr l etLe oel S tLe ur 1l n t 2cliy 1 yn t 2or7 li sef mD_ 1il oe a oeni - eeawn - teni - be. tirwm S L pC o s Lstrii MiCos Maf4 NulCtk f y n a o we hl i t tp a am i) Pa d. S at e Rn rr o uo tC s/ c( od e pn r xa i E D l.
e TABLE 4.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ( Page 7) Exposure Pa thway Sample Point, Description, Sampling and Analysis and/or SamML D i s ta nge. and Direction Co l lect ion F regtLency frequency Analysis Direct Radiation N-2 On the GSU utility pole (Cent.) with the electrical meter at the Point Coupee Pa rish Ferry Land ing. 6.3 km from site in W Sector. P-1 Dehind the onsi te ga rden nea r the ene rgy cente r. 0.9 km from site in WNW Sector, s P-2 App ro x ima te l y 1. 5 km north of the railroad trestle on Tunica Street on a stt b pole. 7.3 km from site in WNW Sector. Q-1 On a GSU property sign opposite to the 2nd t ra i le r on LA Hwy 965 from the river access road. 1.4 km from site in NW Sector. Q-2 On GSU pole with street lights at the intersection of North Commerce Street and American Deauty Street in St. F ra nc i sv i l l e. 6.7 km from site in NW Sector. k
Q 3_ an A y siy se ly tj g ae nr AF MA RG O y R c P tre_ G d tj N ng I ae R r O gf T n I in N O l o pi M mt 1 ) ac L 8 Se 4 A l T e f E N g o L E a C B M P A N ( T O R m I o V r e-y e 0. r. N nn nf hilfwm h E oo o tl eoHo t0o ii i m ev r 2t L tt tk tFatSf rt c A pc a a rsU e a .Se C i e t2 tga m. w I rr s . es efk oAn G ci 1 r l ea o r PLOW O sD g o oW m
- 2. to S iS L
e in,t p dkn N e ,t O I Dd c fn o8c O gran D ,n l2e b o a 5.i e I nati p#S ta aeW u t T acs m tn21 c .S A A s e n so e2W C lrOrt R ie stN idts N O a ei oc aN ataurFN L Pnl s Pn rC cooeW ip a i n neRbt n L n mm et Ati Os andi O irao l s a rs in R esr pi e end ae T t f mD 11 t 2taae t N Cnr a - i - nioh1i O - eim 2 RRs Ricrt6s C LCak y n a hi io we t tn a am i) Pa d. S at e Rn s rr o uo tC s/ c( od e pn r xa i E D w
e B sy 1_ an A y sc in set lyn ae n r_ AF MA R G O cy R P ne G du N nq I ae R r O gF T n I in N l o O pi M mt 1 ) ac . L 9 Se 4 A l T e l E N g o L E a C B M P A N ( T O se R it I 0 ci V S e1 o.. ns e N nn N t6 p4 r a E oo rm O n p o rm L ii l a eo I eyo.t Fo tt a rtr T Pw( c r A pc roteerf A H )e .f C ie tt uhta C e tlS t I rr n ota m O hSea Sm G ci etb W1k L O sD Cnaf 6 tUetW k riN e L e e on 7r T dntp h0 O Dd hcy oy.o S noSsn t I ,n taahiw9t E i oi 5 D ujwttH1 c R hhdH n ta SavotS A odera e E ecn e i r R n .S T Br aft .o ie inSU N unWi nt oc aer dN I )hi s )oc Pn ldtnni 1Cde 2ie a no eoocn L rhm tS ( ( et O pl et ii A l eto a l s efl rr I 1 af r 2tW pi l v ieee C - t ef sN mD Cl a0mwkt E Ssdt Sb a er5aoai P - onim un S A B g6 H T W s S Qcask QSi y n a o we hl i t tp a am i) Pa d. S at e Rn rr o uo tC s/ c( od e pn r x a__ i D E O
y a e TABLE 4.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONME NT AL MON I TORING PROGRAM ( Pa g e 10) P <posure Pa thway Sample Point, Description, Sampling and Analysis 2nd/or__Samale_ _ olstango_and_oi rection_ Conlection Freque_ncy frequen_gy e ar_ysis s 't Direct Radiation L-S ( 3 ) On a utility pole (Cont.) nea r the Fa l se River Academy sign at the edge of New Roads. 10.0 km from site in SW Sector. C-S (4 ) On a utility pole on the left side at the gate to the East Louisiana State Hos-pital, Jackson, LA. 12.0 km from site in NE Sector. C-5-1 (S) Air sampler station behind CSU Service Center in Zachary, LA. 17.0 km from site in SE Sector. C-S-2 (6) On the roof of GSU Service Office Building, North Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA. 40 km from site in SSE Sector. e
TABLE 4.1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ( Page 11) Exposure Pa thway Sample Point, Description, Sampling and Analysis and/or Sample Distance. and Direction Collection frequency f requency Analysis 3. Wa te rbo rne SURFACE (1) I sample from about 4 km Weekly grabs compo-Monthly Gamma isotopic upstream of the plant sited over 1 month analysis l iquid di scha rge outfa l l,
- periods, near LA Hwy 0 ferry Qua rte rly Composite for tritium crossing.
1 sample from about 4 km downstream of the plant liquid d i scha rQc outfa ll, nea r Crown-Ze l lerbach paper mi l l. I sampic f rom discha rge flourly grabs composited Monthly Gamma isotopic ba s i n ( b l owdewt: line along over 1 month periods. analysis River Access Road). Qua rte rly Composite for tritium GROUND 1 sample from Upland Terrace Qua rte rly g rab Qua rte rly Isotopic Analysis Aq u i fe r we l l up g radient and tritium analysis from site. 1 sample f rom Upland t e rra ce Aquifer well down gradient from site. SFDIMENT FROM RIVfR SHORELINE 1 sampic from along cast Semi-annual g ra b s Semi-Gamma isotopic sho re o f river nea r Crown Annually analysis 2c t ierbach paper mill.
O s e CC es O W O OWC ~ ~CO CL CL W ~ .O .O.h. +L 3 a 4 0* OmO Wl WmW W C CL .- - o ~ co W, I W C N eC - h E - e *= = Ema ml E V to E-- C eJ C C to a V <l Omm 0-0 a W C E a W u' ~ c Ca e2 ~C. hOCh .h W4 Wc L-L - oe >n 1: C: G ZC=- - c= ~.a c.4.a 4
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- N
5.0 40CFR190 CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Compliance with 40CFR190 Compliance with 40CFR190 as prescribed by Technical Specification 3.11.4 is to be demonstrated only when one or more of Technical Specification (s),,,, and, including direct radiation are exceeded by a factor of 2. Once this occurs, GSU has 30 days to submit a report in accordance with Specification 3.11.4. 5.2 Calculations Evaluating Conformance with 40CFR190 To perform the calculations to evaluate conformance with 40CFR190, an effort is made to develop doses that are realistic by removing assumptions that lead to overestimates of dose to a Member of the Public (i.e., calculations for compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix I). To accomplish this, the following calculational rules are used: 5.2.1 Doses to Members of the Public via the liquid release pathway are considered to be <1 mrem /yr (Ref NUREG-0543). 5.2.2 Doses to a member of the Public due to a milk pathway will be evaluatea only as can be shown to exist. Otherwise, doses via this pathway will be estimated as <1 mrem /yr. 5.2.3 Environmental sampling data which demonstrate that no pathway exists may be used to delete a pathway to man from a calculalon. 5.2.4 To sum numbers represented as "less than" (<), use the value of the largest number in the group. e.g., <5 + <1 + <1 + <3 = 5 5.2.3 When doses via direct radiation are added to doses via inhalation pathway, they will be calculated for the same distance in the same sector. 5.2.6 The calculational locations for a Member of the Public will only be at residences or places of employment. Note: Additional assumptions may be used to provide situation specific parameters,~provided they are documented along with their concomitar.t bases. 5-1
O 8 5.3 Calculations of Total Body Dose Estimates will be made for each of the following exposure pathways to the same location by age class. Only those age classes known to exist at a location are considered. 5.3.1 Direct Radiation The component of dose to a Member of the Public due to direct radiation will be determined by thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). 5.3.2 Inhalation Dose The inhalation dose will be determined at the calculational locations for each age group according to the methods outlined in Sections 2.0 and 3.0 of this manual. 5.3.3 Ingestion Pathway The dose via the ingestion pathway will be calculated at the consumer locations for the consumers at risk. If no milk pathway exists in a sector, the dose via this pathway will be treated as <1 mrem /yr. 5.3.4 Other Uranium Fuel Cycle Sources The dose from other fuel sources will be treated as <1 mrem /yr. 5.4 Thyroid Dose The dose to the thyroid will be calculated for each sector as the sum of inhalation dose and milk ingestion dose (if existing). The calculational methods will be those identified in Section 3.0 of this manual. 5-2
O 4 6.0 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON STUDIES 6.1 Requirement Technical Specification 3.12.3 states " Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Co-mission." 6.2 Program 6.2.1 Environmental Sample Analyses Comparison Program 6 Environmental sampics from the River Bend Station are to be analyzed by the River Bend Station Environmental Services Group or by a qualified contracting laboratory. These laboratories will participate in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparison Studies (Crosscheck) Program or an equivalent program. This participation will include all of the determinations (sample-radionuclide combinations) that are offered by EPA and that are also included in the licensee's environmental monitoring program. Results of the Interlaboratory Program will be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. 6.2.2 Effluent Release Analyses Program RBS Chemistry Group will perform sample analyses for gamma-emicting radionuclides in effluent releases. The radiochemistry labor : tory will participate annually in a corporate interlaboratory comparison study or an equivalent study. The results of these studies wil; be provided to the NRC upon request. 6.2.3 Abnormal Results If the GSU laboratory or vendor laboratory results lie at greater than three (3) standard deviations from the " recognized value," an evaluation will be performed to identify any recommended remedial actions to reduce anomalous errors. Complete documentation on the evaluation will be available to RBS Environmental Services Group and will be provided to the NRC upon request. 6-1 1
MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATIONS IN WATER IN UNRESTRICTED AREAS MPC MPC MPC Nuclide* (uCi/ml) Nuclide* (uCi/ml) Nuclide* (uCi/ml) H-3 3 E-3 Y-90 2 E-5 Te-l29 8 E-4 Na-24 3 E-5 Y-91 3 E-3 Te-131m 4 E-5 P-32 2 E-5 Y-91 3 E-5 Te-131 None Cr-51 2 E-3 Y-92 6 E-5 Te-132 2 E-5 Mn-54 1 E-4 Y-93 3 E-5 I-130 3 E-6 Mn-56 1 E-4 Zr-95 6 E-5 I-131 3 E-7 Fe-55 6 E-4 Zr-97 2 E-5 I-132 8 E-6 Fe-59 5 E-5 Nb-95 1 E-4 I-133 1 E-6 Co-57 4 E-4 Nb-97 9 E-4 I-134 2 E-5 Co-58 9 E-5 Mo-99 4 E-5 I-135 4 E-6 Co-60 3 E-5 Tc-99m 3 E-3 Cs-134 9 E-6 Ni-65 1 E-4 Tc-101 None Cs-136 6 E-5 Cu-64 2 E-4 Ru-103 8 E-5 Cs-137 2 E-5 Zn-65 1 E-4 Ru-105 1 E-4 Cs-138 None 2n-69 2 E-3 Ru-106 1 E-5 Ba-139 None Br-82 4 E-5 Ag-110m 3 E-5 Ba-140 2 E-5 Br-83 3 E-6 Sn-113 8 E-5 Ba-141 None Br-84 None** In-113m 1 E-3 Ba-142 None Br-85 None Sb-122 3 E-5 La-140 2 E-5 Rb-86 2 E-5 Sb-124 2 E-5 La-142 None Rb-88 None Sb-125 1 E-4 Ce-141 9 E-5 Rb-89 None Te-125m 1 E-4 Ce-143 4 E-5 Sr-89 3 E-6 Te-127m 5 E-5 Cc-144 1 E-5 Sr-90 3 E-7 Te-127 2 E-4 Pr-144 None Sr-91 5 E-5 Te-129m 2 E-5 W-187 6 E-5 Sr-92 6 E-5 Np-239 1 E-4 If a nuclide is not listed, refer to 10CFR20, Appendix B and use the most conservative insoluble / soluble MPC where they are given in Table II, Column 2. None (as per 10CFR20, Appendix B) "No MPC limit for any single radionuclide not listed above with decay mode other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission and with radioactive half-lives less than 2 hours." 1
e TABLE B-1 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE PARAMETERS (Page 1) ^it, mrem /hr per uCi/ml Radionuclide Total Body Critical Organ Na-24 6.01E02 6.01E02 P-32 2.32E04 6.00E05 Cr-51 4.31 1.08E03 Mn-54 4.56E04 7.32E05 Mn-56 1.07E03 1.92E05 Fe-55 9.14E02 5.67E03 Fe-59 8.07E03 7.02E04 Co-58 8.11EG1 7.33E02 Co-60 2.29E02 1.95E03 Ni-63 1.29E03 3.85E04 Ni-65 9.28 5.16E02 Cu-64 1.36E01 2.47E03 Zn-65 3.51E03 7.76E03 Zn-69 6.9E-01 9.93 Sr-89 1.61E02 5.61E03 ~ Sr-90 1.61E02 1.38E05 Sr-91 4.17 4.92E02 Sr-92 1.69 7.76E02 Y-91 2.37 4.89E04 Y-92 1.56E-02 9.32E03 Y-93 4.66E-02 5.35E04 l Zr-95 7.74E-02 3.62E02 Zr-97 1.82E-03 1.23E03 Nb-95 1.34E02 1.51E06 i Mo-99 6.84 2.96E02 Tc-99m 3.45E-01 1.60E01 Tc-101 1.39E-01 2.55E-01 Ra-103 1.55E01 4.21203 Ru-105 1.19 1.84E03 i Ru-106 6.78E01 3.47E04 Ag-110M 1.21E01 8.35E03 l To-129M 2.82E02 5.00E03 Te-131M 6.09E01 7.26E03 Te-132 1.32E02 6.66E03 Ba-139 3.51E-01 2.13E01 Ba-140 1.64E02 5.17E03 Ba-141 1.96E-01 5.82-Ba-142 1.66E-01 2.63 La-142 9.13E-03 2.68E02 Ce-141 4.11E 1.39E04 Ce-143 7.73E-02 ' 2.61E04 Ce-144 1.50E01 9.44E04 m____
TABLE B-1 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE PARAMETERS (Page 2) Radionuclide Total Body Critical Organ Pr-143 2.87E-01 2.54E04 Nd-147 2.74-01 2.20E04 l W-187 8.66E01 8.12E04 Np-239 2.10E-03 7.80E02 Br-83 4.80E01 6.91E01 Br-84 6.22E01 6.22E01 I-131 4.50E02 2.57E05 I-132 2.51E01 2.51E03 I-133 9.93E01 4.78E04 I-134 1.36E01 6.58E02 I-135 5.65E01 1.01E04 ( Rb-89 1.51E02 2.15E02 i Cs-134 5.74E03 7.02E03 Cs-136 8.77E02 1.22E03 i Cs-137 3.39E03 5.17E03 Cs-138 2.56 5.17E00 I H-3 2.80E-01 2.88E-01 1
1 TABLE B-2 [ CALCULATIONAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR A f Ait =.1.14 x 105 (Uw/Dw + U BFg + U BI )DFg p 7 g Uw = 730 kg/yr adult water consumption (Reg. Guide 1.109 Table E-5) l Dw = 24,800 dilution factor for potable water intake (RBS Environmental Report page 5.4-5) U = 21 kg/yr adult fish consumption (Reg. Guide 1.109 Table E-5) F BF = bioaccumulation factor for nuclide i in fish (pCi/kg per pCi/L f RBS Environmental Report Table 5.4-3 Reg. Guide 1.109 Table A-1 U = 5 kg/yr adult invertebrate consumption (Reg. Guide 1.109 Table E-5) 7 l-BI = bioaccumulation factor for nuclide i in invertebrated (pCi/kg per pCi/t) g Reg. Guide 1.109 Table A-1 'ose conversion factor for nuclide i for adults DF d = 7 in pre-selected organ t (mrem /pC1). Reg. Guide 1.109, Table E-11. l 1 i L 1 i I i h i e t
TABLE C-1 DOSE TRANSFER FACTORS FOR EXPOSURE TO A SEMI-INFINITE CLOUD OF RADI0 ACTIVE NOBLE GASES D0SE TRANSFEF FACT 0RS Gamma Beta Beta and Gamma Ki Li (L+1.1M)i mrem mrem mrem Nuclide uCi sec/m3 uCi sec/m3 uCi sec/m3 Kr-83m 2.4E-9 6.7E-7 Kr-85m 3.7E-5 4.6E-5 8.9E-5 Kr-85 5.1E-7 4.2E-5 4.3E-5 Kr-87 1.9E-4 3.1E-4 5.3E-4 Kr-88 4.7E-4 7.5E-5 6.0E-4 Kr-89 5.3E-4 3.2E-4 9.3E-4 Kr-90 4.9E-4 2.3E-4 8.0E-4 Xe-131m 2.9E-6 1.5E-5 2.0E-5 Xo-133m 8.0E-6 3.1E-5 4.2E-5 Xe-133 9.3E-6 9.7E-6 2.2E-5 Xe-135m 9.9E-5 2.3E-5 1.4E-4 Xe-135 5.7E-5 5.9E-5 1.3E-4 Xe-137 4.5E-5 3.9E-4 4.4E-4 Xe-138 2.8E-4 1.3E-4 4.5E-4 Ar-41 2.8E-4 8.5E-5 4.0E-4 AIR DOSE TRANSFER FACTORS Gamma Beta Mi Ni mrad mrad Nuclido uCi sec/m3 u0i sec/m3 Kr-83m 6.1E-7 9.1E-6 Kr-85m 3.9E-5 6.2E-5 Kr-85 5.4E-7 6.2E-5 Kr-87 2.0E-4 3.3E-4 Kr-88 4.8E-4 9.3E-5 Kr-89 5.5E-4 3.4E-4 Kr-90 5.2E-4 2.5E-4 Xe-131m 4.9E-6 3.5E-5 Xc-133m 1.0E-5 4.7E-5 Xe-133 1.1E-5 3.3E-5 Xe-135m 1.1E-4 2.3E-5 Xo-135 6.1E-5 7.8E-5 Xe-137 4.8E-5 4.0E-4 Xe-138 2.9E-4 1.5E-4 Ar-41 2.9E-4 1.0E-4 Ref. Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision 1, Table B-1.
TABLE C-2 TECHNICAL BASES FOR EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS (Continued) EQUATION C-3 M,gf ={M 'f g g i where M _= The effective air dose factor due to gamma gg emissions from all noble gases released. M The air dose factor due to gamma emissions from = each noble gas radionuclide "i" released. EQUATION C-4 N,gg={Ng'fg i where N,gg The effective air dose factor due to beta emissions = from all noble gases released. N 5 The air dose factor due to beta emissions from each g noble gas radionuclide "i". To provide an additional degree of conservatism, a factor of 0.8 is introduced into the dose calculation process when the effective dose transfer factor is used. This added conservatism provides additional assurance that the evaluation of dose by the use of a single ef fective factor will not significantly under-estimate any actual dose in the environment. Each year the dose factors should be determined and the average annual values be used.
TABLE C-2 TECHNICAL BASES FOR EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS (Continued) EQUATION C-3 M,gf = )[ M f y g i where M,gg _= The effective air, dose factor due to gamma emissions from all nobic gases released. M 5 The air dose factor ' due to gamma emissions from g, eabh noble gas radionuslide "i" released. EQUATION C-4 N,ff = })) N f g g i where N = The effective air dose factor due to beta emissions eff from all noble gases released. N 3 The.'.r dose factor due to beta emissions from each noble gas radionuclide "i". To provide an additional. degree of conservatism, a factor of 0.8 is introduced into the dose calculation process when the effective dose transfer factor is used. This added conservatism proviies additional assurance that the evaluation of dose by the use of a single effective factor will not significantly under-estimate any actual dose in the environment. Each year the dose factors should be determined and the average annual values be used.
- Exhaust Duct Year K,ff (mrem-m /uCi-sec)
K,gg (mrem-m /uCi-sec) 4 4 Projected ** 5.56 (-5)*** 8.05 (-5) i i 1 i J Main Plant exhaust duct contains contributions from Fuel Building. 3 Projected values from RBS FSAR. When RBS becomes operational, actual release rates reported in semi-annual effluent i report should be used to generate effective dose factors. -5 5.56 (-5) = 5.56-x 10 e 4 i i ) l ?- t -- -..,..,.-.,...--,,_,., ~ _ _.
.r__-_-___-__- 3 { / TABLE C-4 EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS FOR NOBLE GASES SKIN EFFECTIVE DOSE'(L + 1.1 M),ff Main Plano j Radwaste Building Exhaust Duct
- Exhaust Duct 3
3 Year (L+1.1M),ff (mrem-m /uCi-sec) (L+1.1M),ff (mrem-m /uCi-sec) 1 Projected ** 1.36 (-4)*** / 1"39a(.4) i 4 4, f,, I ^ Main Plant exhaust duct /contains contributions from Fu'el Building. f Projected values from RBS FSAR. When RBS becomes operational, actual release rates reported in; semi-annual effluent report should b.piused to generate effective dose factors. 1.36 (-4),=-1.36 x 10" / 4 j i e o v / .t . { j 4 / j i g $1 a9
TABLE C-5 EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS FOR NOBLE GASES AIR DOSES M,gg and N,ff Main Plant Radwaste Building Exhaust Duct
- Exhaust Duct 3
(mrad-m /uCi-sec) (mrad-m /uCi-sec) Gamma Air Beta Air Gamma Air Beta Air "eff eff "eff N eff Projected ** 5.96(-5)*** 8.99(-5) 8.07 (-5) 7.40(-5) Main Plant exhaust duct contains contributions from Fuel Building. Projected values from RBS FSAR. When RBS becomes operational, actual release rates reported in semi-annual effluent report should be used to generate effective dose factors. 5.96 (-5) = .96 x 10' V
EXPECTED RELEASE OF RADIOACTIVE NOBLE GASES IN GASEOUS EFFLUENTS FROM RIVER BEND STATION FSAR* Containment Building ** Radwaste Building Nuclide Ci/yr Fraction Ci/yr Fraction Kr-83m 4.7(-2) 1.07(-5) <1 Kr-85m 218 0.050 <1 Kr-85 210 0.048 <1 Kr-87 14.2 0.003 <1 Kr-88 47.2 0.011 <1 Kr-89 118 0.027 29 .03 Xe-131m 21 0.005 <1 Xc-133m 6.6(-2) 1.504(-5) <1 Xe-133 2,340 0.533 220 .19 Xe-135 693 0.158 280 .24 Xe-135m 140 0.032 530 .46 Xe-137 380 0.087 83 .07 Xe-138 208 0.047 2 1.75 x 10' 4,389. 1.0000 1,144 .99 RBS FSAR Table 11.3-1 Containment Building contains releases from Fuel Building i I
e Long Term Diffusion Estimates E.1 Objective Annual average CHI /Q and D/Q estimates for continuous and intermittent releases were calculated for each of the sixteen 22.5-deg sectors at receptor locations used to determine the maximum individual and population dose receptors. The methodology described in Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1 provided guidance for the aforementioned analysis. The resultant CHI /Q and D/Q values for the maximum individual dose receptors are displayed in Appendix F. E.2 Calculation Techniques Nomenclature !) 2.032 = (2/v) (2w/16)' (dimensionless) x = 3.14159... (dimensionless) exp = 2.71828.. (dimensionless) E Entrainment coefficient (dimensionless) T O = Terrain recirculation k factor (dimensionless) = Downwind receptor distance (m) x = Vertical dispersion o (plume spread) coefficient (m) u'30 = 30-ft average wind speed corresponding to a given hour of onsite meteoro-logical data (m sec'1) 150 = 150-ft average wind speed u corresponding to a given hour of onsite meteoro-logical data (m sec ) ~ (CHI /Q) = Average concentration normalized by source strength (sec m' ) (CHI /Q ) = Depleted CHI /Q (see m'3) D F = Momentum flux 4 -3) g (m sec E-1
h = Maximum adjacent b building height (m) h = Release height (m) r h, = Effective release height (m) h = Nonbuoyant plume rise (m) pr h = Topographic height of receptor above plant grade (m) d = Stack or vent diameter (m) u, = Efflux velocity (m sec-1) N = Total number of valid hours of onsite wind data in all sectors for appli-cable averaging period (dimensionless) 6/Q = Relative deposition rate normalized by source ~ strength (m ) D/Q = Relative deposition per unit area normalized by source strength (m" ) G = Ground release (subscript) (dimensionless) i = Index for atmospheric stability group (Classes A through G) (dimensionless) J = Index for number of hours (dimensionless) k = Index for a particular receptor distance (dimensionless) 1 = Index for a particular 22.5-deg sector (dimensionless) n = Number of hours onsite wind data in a ;, articular 22.5-deg sector (dimensionless) S = Stability parameter (sec~ ) E-2
E.3 CHI /Q Modeling Technique Annual average values of relative concentration were calculated for continuous gaseous releases of activity from the containment building vent and the radwaste building vent according to the straight-line airflow (Gaussian) model described in Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1. ' An adjustment. was made to the model to characterize the regional airflow pattern. The equation of this model is as follows: [ @, ;,,(.,,,,a.,q. ). (8-t )nd (\\ tr r cm 2.os: T.- 2,,.,.., E.3 1 Since the River Bend Station site is located in relatively open terrain, the terrain recirculation factor (Q) (presented in Figure 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.111) was applied. The~ entrainment coefficient (E ) is a function of the ratio of efflux T velocity (u,) to elevated wind speed (u150) fr the conditionally elevated release points. For vent releases occuring below the level of a nearby structure, 100' percent downwash (total entrainment) is conservatively assumed (E T 1). For vent releases occuring between l'and 2 times the height of a-nearby structure, a conditionally elevated release is assumed, and the entrainment coefficient is defined as follows: E = 0.0 when u,/u150 > 5.0 (totally elevated) T = 0.30-0.06 (u,/E150) ET < u,/E150 5 5.0 (partially entrained) when 1.5 E = 2.58-158 (u,/u150) T < u,/E150 5 1.5 (partially entrained) when 1.0 E = 1.0 when u,/u150 T 5 1.0 (totally entrained) E.3-2 Within 5 km in each downwind sector, Equation E.3-1 was evaulated by sector at the property and restricted area boundaries and nearest resident, vegetable garden, milk cow, and meat animal. There were no a E-3 4 m A
goats whose milk is consumed in the area of interest. This evaluation was performed for each continuously emitting release point and the intermittent release from the mechanical vacuum pump with onsite data collected during the period of March 17, 1977 through March 16, 1979. The effective release height was computed from the following equation: h, h -(h )k + h, = r p where the downwash correction factor (as defined by Equation (5) in Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1) is included in the equation for hpr (see Equation E.3-5). . Values of topographic heights were conservatively assessed as the maximum height within a particular annulus-sector (annsect). An annsect is an area bounded by a 22.5-deg sector and any two radial -distances from the release point. For A-D stability conditions, plume rise for nonbuoyant sources was calculated by the following algorithm: when u,/u150 1.5 [u / 2 3 f * \\1 / / 2 I -I E.3-4 h = 1.44 d pr- "150f d when 1.5, u /"150 e Ue E.3-4 d-3 1.5-d h = 1.44 pr "150 d/ "150 s and f"e-\\ E.3-6 'i-pr k"150/ E-4 u_.
E' The' result-from Equation E.3-4 or E.3-5 (whichever condition exists) is then compared to Equation E.3-6 and the smaller value of h 18 pr used. For E-G stability conditons, Equations E.3-4, E.3-5, and E.3-6 are compared with: g i i 5-h =4 [m/sj Pr
- and, j
[ 1 / 1/' 8 h = 1.5 lFm/u150 S Pr 1 where 2 2 f, u 1 d e i i F = m 4 and the smallest value was chosen. In the ground level portion of Equation E.3-1, the vertical dispersion term: I I [ 2 2 1 2 1 7 l c + 0.5h /s z 4 1,k was constrained to be less than or equal to 1.7320
- i,k j
E.4 (CHI /Q) and D/Q Modeling Techniques Annual average depleted relative concentration values were conservatively assumed to be equal to annual average relative concentration values (CHI /Q (CHI /Q)D)* I' "#5 taken for attendant plume depletion of radioiodines and particulates. i E-5 i i I
Annual average relative deposition values were calculated using Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. I with the following equation: r ~ P n 3 ' ~ > ~ ET+ l-T "it 16 g g J -, s For the conditionally elevated release points, Figures 6 through 9 of ' Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. I were used to calculate the (6/Q)G and (6/Q)g values, while for the ground level release points, Figure 6 was utilized to calculate the (6/Q)G value. E.5 Methodology Employed for Intermittent Release The methodology employed in the calculation of intermittent release CHI /Qs and D/Qs was as follows: 1. Two-hour sector-averaged CHI /Q values were calculated without terrain recirculation factors. 2. The 15 percent, I hour value was plotted.at 2 hours on log-log coordinates, while the annual average value was plotted at 8,760 hr. A straight line connecting the two points was drawn. 3. Log-log interpolation based on total ground intermittent release hours versus annual hours yielded a CHI /Q multiplier. 4. The multiplier was applied to annual average CHI /Q and D/Q values to obtain intermittent CHI /Q and D/Q values. For River Bend Station, a 320 hr/yr intermittent release through the containment building vent from the mechanitel vacuum pump was evaluated. E-6
TABLE E-1 ~ ANNUAL AVERAGE CHI /Q VALUES x 10 (sec/m ) FOR RESTRICTED AREA BOUNDARY Main Plant Exhaust Radwaste Building Sector Duct (Continuous) Exhaust Duct (Continuous) S 12.4 105 SSW 31.1 121 SW 11.2 152 WSW 14.7 247 W 19.7 578 WNW 29.1 384 NW 14.4 262 NNW 12.1 138 N 15.0 180 NSE 20.0 211 NE 12.9 150 ENE 9.86 146 E 7.37 168 ESE 8.33 154 SE 6.99 93.1 SSE 6.53 45.6 +
TABLE E-2 ANNUAL AVERAGE D/Q VALUES x 10 ' (m' ) ~ FOR RESTRICTED AREA BOUNDARY Main Plant Exhaust Radwaste Building Sector . Duct (Continuous) Exhaust Duct (Continuous) S' 9.37 21.4 SSW 8.47 25.1 SW 8.62 25.3 WSW 8.75 29.0 W 13.1 61.1 WNW 18.1 46.0 NW 9.18 40.8 NNW 9.92 24.7 N 11.0 28.6 NNE 10.6 27.1 NE 7.77 22.3 ENE 9.27 22.7 E 7.53 23.0 ESE 7.06 24.6 SE 6.30 17.2 SSE 5.01 11.8 t I L
TABLE F-1 ATMOSPHERIC DISPEPSION AND DEPOSITION RATES FOR THE MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL DOSE CALCUL\\TIONS* Location Radwaste Bldg. Main Plant Analysis (meters) Exhaust Duct Exhaust Duct Grmma air dose (1) 914 m NNE CHI /Q1(5) - 211.0 Cili /Q2 - 20.0 and Beta Air Dose Maximum Receptor (2) 1,260 m NW CHI /Q1 - 216.0 CHI /Q2 - 11.4 Pesident Same D/Q1(6) - 32.9 D/Q2 - 6.92 Garden Same Meat animal Same Immersion Same Resident (3) 2,000 m NW CHI /Q1 - 4.57 CHI /Q2 - 75.5 g Garden Same D/Q1 2.32 D/Q2 - 10.1 Milk animal 1,300 m NNW CHI /Q1 - 124.0 CHI /Q2 -10.3 D/Q1 - 22.3 D/Q2 - 8.16 Hypothetical milk -1,173 m NNW CHI /Q1 - 138.0 CHI /Q2 -12.1 cnimal (4) D/Q1 - 24.7 D/Q1 - 9.92
- Ref. Table 5.4-1 RBS ER-OLS Notes:
(1) Maximum offsite location (property boundary) with highest CHI /Q (unoccupied). (2) Maximum occupied offsite location with highest CHI /Q and D/Q. (3) Maximum occupied location associated with maximum milk cow grazing pasture. (4) Hypothetical mayimum grazing location for milk cow (see (3) above). (5) All CHI /Q = IQ _gec/m 3 (6) All D/Q = 10 m 9
q TABLE G-1 ENVIRONMENTAL PATHWAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS P(i) FOR GASEOUS DISClb\\RGE PATINAY = INHALATION AGE GROUP = INFANT Organ Dose Factors (mrem /yr per uCi/m ) 3 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin HN-54 6296 77360 0 39600 9840 0 .14E+07 0 C0-60 14800 284800 0 11520 0 0 .5968E+07 .0 ZN-65 46560 53440 32400 103200 68960 0 864000 .0 SR-89 8720 349600 304000 0 0 0 .14E+07 .0 SR-90 .61E+07 722074 .992651E+08 0 0 0 .96063E+07 .0 CS-134 728000 10400 372800 848000 287200 0 97600 .0 CS-137 428000 8400 478400 620800 222400 0 75200 .0 BA-140 2568 218400 39040 49.04 16.72 0 .1272E+07 .0 CE-141 1528 120000 19920 13520 6264 0 361600 .0 I-131 20480 6280 25200 33360 61280 .1192E+08 0 .0 I-133 4520 8880 8640 14800 25840 .2152E+07 0 .0 H-3 588 588 0 588 588 588 588 588 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 O W
TABLE H-1 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBI.E CONCENTRATIONS IN AIR IN UNRESTRICTED AREAS HPC MPC Nuclide* (uCf/ce) Nuclide* (uCi/cc) Ar-41 4 E-8 Y-91 1 E-9 Kr-83m 3 E-6 Zr-95 1 E-9 Kr-85m 1 E-7 Nb-95 3 E-9 Kr-85 3 E-7 Ru-103 3 E-9 Kr-87 2 E-8 Ru-106 2 E-10 Kr-88 2 E-8 Ag-110m 3 E-10 Kr-89 3 E-6 Sn-113 2 E-9 Kr-90 3 E-6 In-113m 2 E-7 Xe-131m 4 E-7 Sn-123 1 E-10 Xe-133m 3 E-7 Sn-126 1 E-10 Xe-133 3 E-7 Sb-124 7 E-10 Xe-135m 3 E-6 Sb-125 9 E-10 Xe-135 1 E-7 Te-125m 4 E-9 Xe-137 3 E-6 Te-127m 1 E-9 Xe-138 3 E-6 Te-129m 1 E-9 H-3 '2 E-7 I-130 1 E-10 P-32 2 E-9 I-131 1 E-10 Cr-51 8 E-8 I-132 3 E-9 Mn-54 1 E-9 I-133 4 E-10 Fe-59 2 E-9 I-134 6 E-9 Co-57 6 E-9 I-135 1 E-9 Co-58 2 E-9 Cs-134 4 E-10 Co-60 3 E-10 Cs-136 6 E-9 Zn-65 2 E-9 Cs-137 5 E-10 Rb-86 2 E-9 Ba-140 1 E-9 Sr-89 3 E-10 La-140 4 E-9 Sr-90 3 E-11 Ce-141 5 E-9 Rb-88 3 E-6 Ce-144 2 E-10 If a nuclide is not listed, refer to 10CFR20 Appendix B and use the most conservative insoluble / soluble NPC where they are given in Table II, Column I.
- None (as per 10CFR20, Appendix B) "no MPC limit for any single radionuclide not listed above with decay mode other than alpha i
emission or spontaneous fission and with radioactive half-lives less than 2 hours."
+. TABLE I-1 t i ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR CASEOUS DISCHARGE PATINAY.= INHALATION AGE GROUP = ADULT t Organ Dose Factors- (mrem /yr per uCi/m ) 3 j Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney - Thyroid Lung Skin l l HN-54 6296 77360 0 39600 9840 0 .14E+07 .0 { CO-60 14800 284800 0 11520 0 0 .5968E+07 .0 i 1 2N-65 46560 53440 32400 103200 68960 0 864000 .0 g. 1 SR-89 8720 349600 304000 0 0 0 .14E+07 .0 j SR-90 .61E+07 -722074 .992651E+08 0 0 0 .96063Et07 .0 j-CS-134 728000 10400 372800 848000 287200 0 97600 .0 i CS-137 428000 8400 478400 620800 222400 0 75200 .0 i BA-140 2568 218400 39040 49.04 16.72 0 .1272E+07 .0 CE141 1528 120000 19920 13520 6264 0 361600 .0 I-131 20480 6280 25200 33360 61280 .1192E+08 0 .0 I-133 4520 8880 8640 14800 25640 .2152E+07 0 .0 l H-3 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 .0 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 I i Based on 1 uCi/see release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. I i i l j l i j f
TABLE I-2 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCl!ARGE PATINAY = INHALATION AGE GROUP = TEEN Organ Dose Factors (mrem /yr per uCi/m ) 3 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin HN-54 8400 66800 0 51120 12720 0 .1984E+07 .0 CO-60 19840 259200 0 15120 0 0 .872E+07 .0 2N-65 62400 46640 38560 133600 86400 0 .124E+07 .0 SR-89 12480 371200 434400 0 0 0 .2416E+07 .0 SR-90 .668E+07 764800 .108E+09 0 0 0 .1648E+08 ,0 CS-134 548800 9760 502400 .1128E+07 375200 0 146400 .0 CS-137 311200 8480 670400 848000 304000 0 120800 .0 BA-140 3520 228800 54720 68.64 22.8 0 .2032E+07 .0 C-141 2168 126400 28400 18960 8880 0 613600 .0 1-131 26400 6488 35440 49120 84000 .1464E+08 0 .0 I-133 6224 10320 12160 20480 35920 .292E+07 0 .0 H-3 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 .0 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. I 4 e
TABLE I-3 ENVIRONMENTAL PATHWAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR CASE 0US DISCHARGE PATHWAY = INHALATION AGE CROUP = CHILD Organ Dose Factors (mrem /yr per uCi/m ) 3 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin NN-54 9509 22903 0 42920 10027 0 .15762Et07 .0 CO-60 22644 96200 0 13135 0 0 .7067E+07 .0 ZN-65 70300 16317 42550 113220 71410 0 995300 .0 SR-89 17242 167240 599400 0 0 0 .21571E+07 .0 SR-90 .644E+07 343467 .101041E+09 0 0 0 .147676E+08 .0 CS-134 224590 3848 651200 .10138E+07 330410 0 120990 .0 CS-137 128390 3618.6 906500 825100 282310 0 103970 .0 BA-140 4329 101750 74000 64.75 21.27 0 .17427E+07 .0 CE-141 2897.1 56610 39220 19536 8547 0 543900 .0 I-131 27269 2841.6 48100 48100 78810 .16243E+08 0 .0 I-133 7696 5476 16576 20313 33781 .3848E+07-0 .0 H-3 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 .0 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02, Based on I uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. O 44> e
r_ TABLE I-4 ENVIRO.9fENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISClb\\RGE PATINAY = INIIALATION AGE GROUP = INFANT Organ Dose Factors (mrem /yr uCi/m ) 3 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 4984 7056 0 25340 4984 0 999600 .0 CO-60 11774 31920 0 8022 0 0 .4508E+07 .0 ZN-65 31080 51380 19320 62580 32480 0 646800 .0 SR-89 11410 63980 397600 0 0 0 .203E+07 .0 SR-90 .259E07 131040 .4088E+08 0 0 0 .11242E+08 .0 CS-134 74480 1334.2 396200 702800 190400 0 79660 .0 CS-137 45500 1334.2 548800 611800 172200 0 71260 .0 BA-140 2898 38360 56000 56 13.426 0 .1596E+07 .0 CE-141 1988 21560 27720 16660 5250 0 516600 .0 I-131 19600 1058.4 37940 44380 51800 .1484E+08 0 .0 I-133 5600 2156 13244 19180 22400 .3556E+07 0 .0 H-3 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 .0 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 5.88E+02 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. O D
TABLE I-5 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCILARGE PATINAY = GROUND PLANE DEPOSITION ACE GROUP = ALL z Organ Dose Factors (a -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body CI-Tra ct Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin NN-54 1.39E+09 1.39E+09 1.39E+09 1.39E+09 1.39E+09 1.39E+09 1.39E+09 1.63E+09 - CO-60 2.15E+10 2.15Et10 2.15Et10 2.15E+10 2.15E+10 2.15E+10 2.15E+10 2.55E+10 ZN-65 7.45E+08 7.45E+08 7.45E+08 7.45E+08 7.45E+08 7.45E+08 7.45E+08 8.62E+08 t SR-89 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.52E+04 { CS-134 6.85E+09 6.85E+09 6.852+09 6.85E+09 6.85E+09 6.85E+09 6.85E+09 8.00E+09 i CS-137 1.03E+10 1.03E+10 1.03E+10 1.03Et10 1.03E+10 1.03E+10 1.03E+10 1.21E+07.i BA-l'+0 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.36E+07 i CE-141 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.55E+07 i I-131 1.73E+07 1.73E+07 1.73E+07 1.73E+07 1.73E+07 1.73E+07 1.73E+07 2.09E+07 I-133 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.98E+06 ! Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. O =
y TABLE I-6 ENVIRONMENTAL PATlfWAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCliARGE - PATHWAY = COW MILK AGE GROUP = ADULT 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin CO-60 .284E+08 .241881E+09 .0 .128763E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 MN-54 .127E+07 .203899E+08 .0 .665585E+07 .198073E+07 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .176E+10 .245287E+10 .122391E+10 .389425E+10 .26046E+10 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .351E+08 .196147E+09 .122294E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .946E+10 .111384E+10 .38552E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .857E+10 .18344E+09 .44054E+10 .104823E+11 .339259E+10 .0 .112614E+10 .0 CS-137 .529E+10 .156329E+09 .590494E+10 .807577E+10 .274132E+10 .0 .911303E+09 .0 BA-140 .167E+07 .524857E+08 .254895E+08 32018.8 10886.4 .0 18332.3 .0 CE-141 324.468 .109361E+08 4229.83 2860.56 1328.6 .0 .0 .0 1-131 1.19E+08 5.48E+07 1.45E+08 2.08E+08 3.56E+08 6.8E+10 .0 .0 I-133 1.03E+06 3.02E+06 1.93E+06 3.36E+06 5.87E+06 4.94E+08 .0 .0 H-3 4.73E+02 4.73E+02 .0 4.73Et02 4.73E+02 4.73E+02 4.73E+02 4.73E+02 C-14 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 3.67E+05 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 9 m
TABLE I-7 ENVIRONMENTAL PATHWAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCHARGE PATilVAY = COW MILK AGE GROUP = TEEN 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 .22E+07 .227521E+08 .0 .11094E+08 .33094E+07 .0 .0 .0 C0-60 .491E+08 .283896E+09 .0 .217964E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .304E+10 .275979Et10 .187678E+10 .651661E+10 .417063E+10 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .646E+08 .268654E+09 .225587E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .134E+11 .152332E+10 .542537E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 + CS-134 .836Et10 .224092E+09 .765571E+10 .180188E+11 .572578E+10 .0 .218604E+10 .0 CS-137 .496E+10 .20260SE+09 .107037E+11 .142397E+11 .484532E+10 .0 .18827E+10 .0 BA-140 .297E+07 .710852E+08 .460918E+08 56478.7 19150.8 .0 37997.1 .0 CE-141 594.76 .148107E+08 7755.2 5177.91 2437.35 .0 .0 .0 I-131 1.98E+08 7.29E+07 2.63E+08 3.69E+08 6.35E+08 1.08E+11 .0 .0 I I-133 1.83E+06 4.54E+06 3.54E+06 6.00Et06 1.05Et07 8.38E+08 .0 .0 H-3 6.16E+02 6.16E+02 .0 6.16E+02 6.16E+02 6.16E+02 6.16E+02 6.16E+02 C-14 1.35E+05 1.35E+05 6.67E+05 1.35E+05 1.35E+05 1.35E+02 1.35E+05 1.35E+05 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 O e
~ TABLE I-8 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS P(i(FOR GASEOUS DISCIIARGE PATINAY = COW MILK ACE GROUP = CIIILD 2 Organ Dose Factors.(m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone _ Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 .441E+07 .135954E+08 .0 .165568E+08 .464211E+07 .0 .0 .0 CO-60 .999Et08 .187633E+09 .0 .338763E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .611E+10 .172533E+10 .368753E+10 .982445E+10 .619015E+10 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .159E+09 .215515E+09 .556711E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 i SR-90 .233Et11 .123798E+10 .919026E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .bi1E+10 .156144E+09 .176511E+11 .289659E+11 .897642E+10 .0 .322095E+10 .0 CS-137 .364E+10 .154424E+09 .257636E+11 .246606E+11 .803636E+10 .0 .289152E+10 .0 BA-140 .649E+07 .563359E+08 .1112E+09 97416.9 31714 .0 58075.5 .0 CE-141 1410 .118459E+08 19039.8 9495.92 ..1.05E+09 2.12E+11 .0 .0 4162.86 .0 .0 .0 I-131 3.65E+08 5.71E+07 6.38E+08 6.40E+08 I-133 4.02E+06 4.28E+06 8.59E+06 1.06E+07 1.77E+07 1.97E+09 .0 .0 11 - 3 9.73E+02 9.73E+02 .0 9.73E+02, 9.73E+02 9.73E+02 9.73E+02 9.73E+02 C-14 3.34E+02 3.32E+05 1.66E+06 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 - Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 ~ 9 e
1 TABLE I-9 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCHARGE PATINAY = COW HILK AGE GROUP = IhTANT Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) 2 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Limg Skin MM-54 .698E+07 .113135E+08 .0 .307987E+08 .682523E+07 .0 .0 .0 CO-60 .163E+09 .164278E+09 .0 .690353E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .783E+10 .143415E+11 .495093E+10 .169785E+11 .823361E+10 .0 .0 .0 l SR-89 .304E+09 .217867E+09 .105978E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .254E+11 .124573E+10 .997665E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .536E+10 .144192E+09 .284608E+11 .530715E+11 .136642E+11 .0 .560158E+10 .0 CS-137 .341E+10 .150418E+09 .41109E+11 .48113E+11 .129155E+11 .0 .522919E+10 .0 BA-140 .118E+08 .562543E+08 .229035E+09 229035 54379.1 .0 140636 .0 CE-141 2720 .119391E+08 37887.4 23108 7124.96 .0 .0 .0 I-131 6.9E+08 5.6E+07 1.33E+09 1.69Et09 1.83E+09 5.15Et11 .0 .0 I-133 7.75E+06 4.48E+06 1.82E+07 2.65E+07 3.11E+07 4.81E+09 .0 .0 H-148E+03 1.48E+03 .0 1.48E+03 1.48E+03 1.48E+03 1.48E+03 1.48E+03 1.48E+03 C-14 6.95E+05 6.95E+05 3.26E+06 6.95E+05 6.95E+05 6.95E+05 6.95E+05 6.95E+05, Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 O e
r TABLE I-10 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i)' EOR GASE0US DISCIIARGE 1 PATINAY = GOAT MILK AGE GROUP = ADULT ~ si x, 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin s CO-60 .341E+07 - .290428E+08 .0 .154606E+07 .0 .0 .0 .0 i MN-54 .152E+06 .244037E+07 .0 796606 237064 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 -~.211E+09 .294066E+09 .14673E+09 .466868E+09 .312256E+09 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .738Et08 .412412E+09 .257131E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .198E+11 .233129E+10 .806903E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .257E+11 .550107E+09 .132111E+11 .314347E+11 .101738E+11 .0 .337711E+10 .0 CS-137 .159E+11 .469874E+09 .177483E+11 .242731E+11 .82395E+10 .0 .273908E+10 .0 BA-140 201000 .631714E+07 .306789E+07 3853.76 1310.28 .0 2206.47 .0 CE-141 38.936 .131233E+07 507.578 343.266 159.432 .0 .0 .0 I-131 1.43E+08 6.55E+07 1.74E+08 2.49E+08 4.26E+08 8.15E+10 .0 .0 l I2133 1.23E+06 3.63E+06 2.32E+06 4.03E+06 7.04E+06 5.93E+08 .0 g .0 11 - 3 9.65E+02 9.65E401 .0 9.65E+02 9.65E+02 9.65E+02 '9.65E+02 9.65E+02 l C-14 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 3.67E+05 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 7.33E+04 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. l Note: The units for C-14 and 11-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 l c .~ h
} il'l8! i!
- I 35 00
++ n EE i 65 k 0000000000023 S 11 0 01 1 + + E3 35 g E81 00 n 26. + + u 752 EE n L 355 65 o 565 23 i 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 0 0 0. 1 t 1 i EG s R o A p H e d C d S i 2935 e I o 1000 v D r ++++ i y EEEE t S h 9065 a U T 0000000002023 l O E e 1 111 r S A d C ) n c 11 a R e 9 1 1 O s 0 + + Q F / y + EE27 / ie 8 E 55540000 78735 X ) Cn 2 5 25 i ud 1 7 255 . ++++ r ( i 7 0 1 592EEEE o R rK 9 0 74291665 f e 305001 1 226223 S p 0 R 71 1 1 O r 1 T y C / f 1 A m 779 1 o 1 F e 000 1 1 R + ++ 1 + e I NO
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+E4 u 822 E58.90000 8635 l E I 2 e 212 46 a ) L S mv 1 94 8793+ + + + v 3 B R (i 31 2 8763.2065 EEEE m A E L 368 327 a / T V s 1270054614223 i N r 2 d C O o 64711 n u C tc a r E a ) e S F 902117 i p O 01 1 1 10 ( D e + +++++ r s EEEEEE9 e a oe 81691 1085 5 d e Dn 327348600 0 i y Y o 391954 ++ + l / A nB 54481 20EE E c m N a 271225364 6 u e I g 0024123591207 n R T r A O m F 34 6 h ( c L a e e r A 78990997 a T 000010007 f N t + + + +++++0 o 3 E c EEEEEEEE+ M a 676771 26E7635 e H N r 2358133650000 t O T 013551602+++ + a d R 31 1 500827EEEE r n I I 7436270574565 a V G 77423 e N 23353668.1 s 4 E 851 1 a 1 e K l C e L 991 1 r r I y 700111 8 35 o M d 0+++1 + 0600 c f o 0+EEE+E0 +0++ e TN B 0E562E907E+EE s s AE 0963854038E65 / t OE 45312216 3223 i i GT T 6 51 C n 2 372211 u u
1 e PU h n T YO e o AR d 4701 NG i 40590334413 d I l 566891 11133 4 e e TE c - - - - - - - - - 1 131 s t AG u NONRRSSAE - - - - a o PA N MCZSSCCBCIIHC B N e = ll
F TABLE I-12 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CO.WERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR CASE 00S DISCIIARGE PATINAY = GOAT MILK AGE GROUP = CllILD Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) 2 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 530000 .166996E+07 .0 .198982E+07 557895 .0 .0 .0 CO-60 .12E+08 .225385E+08 .0 .406923E+07 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .733E+09 .206984E+09 .442383E+09 .117861E+10 .742687E+09 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .335E+09 .454072E+09 .117294E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .489Et11 .259817E+10 .1929877+12 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 l CS-134 .183E+11 .467667E+09 .528667E+11 .867556E+11 .268852E+11 .0 .964704E+1 .0 CS-137 .109E+11 .462424E+09 .771493E+11 .738463E+11 .240649E+11 .0 .865866E+10 .0 j BA-140 779000 .676204E+07 .133474E+08 11693 3806.7 .0 6970.9 .0 CE-141 170 .142823Ei07 2295.58 1144.9 501.905 .0 .0 .0 I-131 4.38E+08 6.85E+07 7.65t08 7.7E+08 1.26E+03 2.55E+11 .0 .0 I-133 4.83E+06 5.14E+06 1.03E+07 1.28E+07 2.13E+07 2.37E+09 .0 .0 H-3 1.99E+03 1.99E+03 .0 1.99E+03 1.99E+03 1.00E+03 1.99E+03 1.99E+03 C-14 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 1.66E+06 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 3.32Et05 3.32E+05 3.32E+05 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3
TABLE I-13 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCHARGE PATINAY = GOAT HILK ACE GROUP = INFANT 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body 'GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin HN-54 .838E+06 .135827E+07 .0 .369761E+07 .819419E+06 .0 .0 .0 2 CO-60 .196E+08 .197537E+08 .0 .830118E+07 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .939E+09 .171989E+10 .593732E+09 .203611Et10 .987402E+09 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .64E+09 .458667E+09 .223111E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .535E+11 .262389E+10 .210138E+12 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .161E+11 .433113E+09 .854887E+11 .159413E+12 .410437E+11 .0 .168256E+11 .0 CS-137 .102E+11 .449931E+09 .122965E+12 .143931E+12 .386328E+11 .0 .156416E+11 .0 i BA-140 .141E+07 .672191E+07 .273678EiO8 27367.8 6497.84 .0 16804.8 .0 i CE-141 326 .143094E+07 4540.92 2769.56 853.947 .0 .0 .0 I-131 8.3E+08 6.74E+07 1.6E+09 1.89E+09 2.2E+09 6.20E+11 .0 .0 I-133 .93E+07 .537E+07 .218E+08 .318E+08 3.73E+07 5.78E+09 .0 .0 i H-3 3.01E+03 3.01E+03 .0 3.01E+03 3.01E+03 3.01E+03 3.01E+03 3.01E+03 ! C-14 6.9eE+05 6.95E+05' 3.26E+06 6.95E+05 6.95E+05 6.95E+05 6.95E+05-6.95E+05l Based on I uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per 'uCi/m ). 3
TABLE I-14 ENVIRONMENTAL PAT 11WAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCHARGE PATHWAY = MEAT AGE GROUP = ADULT Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) 2 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin CO-60 .13E+09 .11072E+10 .0 .589407E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 MN-54 .138E+07 .22156E+08 .0 .723234E+07 .215229E+07 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .456E+09 .635517E+09 .317103E+09 .100897E+10 .674828E+09 .0 .0 .0 i SR-89 .732+07 .409059E+08 .255041E+09 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .251E+10 .295532E+09 .102289E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .998E+09 .213621E+08 .513022E+09 .122069E+10 .395076E+09 .0 .131142E+09 .0 CS-137 .625E+09 .184699E+08 .697654E+09 .954132E+09 .32388E+09 .0 .107668E+09 .0 ) BA-140 .179E+07 .562571E+08 .273211E+08 34319.6 11668.6 .0 19649.6 .0 l CE-141 941.49 .317327E+08 12273.5 8300.32 3855.13 .0 . 0. .0 I-131 4.34+06 2.00E+06 5.29E+06 7.57E+06 1.3E+07 2.48E+09 .0 .0 I-133 0.10 0.29 0.19 0.32 0.56 47.48 .0 .0 H-3 2.01E+02 2.02E+02 .0 2.01E+02 2.01E+02 2.01E+04 2.01E+04 2.01E+04 C-14 6.72E+04 6.72E+04 3.36E+05 6.72E+04 6.72E+04. 6.72E+04 6.72E+04 6.72E+04 i Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. i Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3
TABLE I-15 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY ' DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCHARGE PATINAY = MEAT AGE GROUP = TEEN 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 .11E+07 .113761E+08 .0 .554701E+07 .16547E+07 .0 .0 .0 CO-60 .103E+09 .595545E+09 .0 .457235E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 l ZN-65 .361E+09 .327725E+09 .222868E+09 .773848E+09 .495263E+09 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .616E+07 .256178E+08 .215111E+09 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 i SR-90 .164E+10 .1864E+09 .664E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .445E+09 .119283E+08 .407511E+09 .959136E+09 .304781E+09 .0 .116362E+09 .0 CS-137 .268E+09 .109472E+08 .578343E+09 .769403E+09 .261803Et09 .0 .101726E+09 .0 BA-140 .146E+07 .349443E+08 .226579E+08 27763.9 9414.21 .0 18668.9 .0 CE-141 790.3 .1968E+08 10304.9 6880.26 3238.68 .0 .0 .0 I-131 3.31E+06 1.22E+06 4.4E+06 6.16E+06 1.06E+07 1.80E+09 .0 .0 I-133 0.08 0.20 0.16 0.26 0.46 36.84 .0 .0 H-3 1.20E+02 1.20E+02 .0 1.20E+02 1.20Et02 1.20E+02 1.20E+02 1.20E+02 C-14 5.67E+04 5.67+04 2.84E+05 5.67E+04 5.67E+04 5.67E+05 5.67E+04 5.67Et04 Based on I uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3
q ~ 1 TABLE I-16 ENVIRONMENTAL PATHWAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISClfARGE PATHWAY = MEAT AGE GROUP = CHILD 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec)_ Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver _ Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 .169E+07 .532498E+07 .0 .634491E+07 .177895E+07 .0 .0 .0 I C0-60 .16E+09 .300513E+09 .0 .542564E+08 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .554E+09 .156438E+09 .334352E+09 .890793E+09 ' .561322E+09 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .116E+08 .157231E+08 .406154E+09 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .217E+10 .115297E+09 .855917E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .249E+09 .636333E+07 .719333E+09 .118044E+10 .365815E+09 .0 .131263E+09 .0 CS-137 .151E+09 .640606E+07 .106877E+10 .102301E+10 .333377E+09 .0 .11995E+09 .0 BA-140 .243E+07 .210934E+08' .416357E+08 36475.1 11874.4 .0 21744.7 .0 CE-141 1440 .12098E+08-19444.9 96'97.96 4251.43 .0 .0 .0 I-131 4.67E+06 7.30E+05 8.15E+06 8.2E+06 1.35E+07 2.71E+09 .0 .0 I-133 0.14 0.14 0.29 0.36 0.59 66.28 .0 .0 H-3 1.45E+02 1.45E+02 .0 1.45E+021.45E+02 1.45E+02 1.45E+02 1.45E+02 s C-14 1.07E+05 1.07E+05 5.33E+05 1.07E+05' 1.07E+05 1.07E+05 1.07E+05 1.07E+05 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 ~ E s 4 I t v 9
p TABLE I-17 ENVIRONMENTAL PATIIWAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASEOUS DISCIIARGE PATIIWAY = VEGETATION AGE GROUP = ADULT 4 2 Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin CO-60 .36E+09 .30661E+10 .0 .16322E+09 .0 .0 .0 .0 MN-54 .576E+08 .924771E+09 .0 .301872E+09 .898349E+08 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .548E+09 .763736E+09 .38108E+09 .121253E+10 .810977E+09 .0 .0 .0 SR-89 .277E+09 .154794E+10 .965113E+10 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .159E+12 .18721E+11 .647968E+12 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .869E+10 .186009E+09 .446709E+10 .106291E+11 .344009E+10 .0 .114191E+10 .0 CS-137 .579E+10 .171105E+09 .646307E+10 .883908E+10 .300042E+10 .0 .997437E+09 .0 i BA-140 .883E+07 .2618E+09 .127142E+09 159711 54301.6 .0 91442.1 .0 CE-141 14700 .49546E+09 191632 129598 60192.2 .0 .0 .0 I-131 3.3E+07 1.52E+07 4.02E+07 5.75E+07 9.85Et07 1.89E+10 .0 .0 I-133 5.5E+05 1.62E+06 1.04E+06 1.81E+06 3.15E+06 2.65E+08 .0 .0 11 - 3 1.40E+03 1.40E+03 .0 1.40E+03 1.40E+03 1.40E+03 1.40E+03 1.40E+03 C-14 1.81E+05 1.81E+05 9.05E+05 1.81E+05 1.81E+05 1.81E+05 1.81E+05 1.81E+05 s Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and II-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 4 m
r n TABLE I-18 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASE0US DISCHARG PATINAY = VEGETATION ACE GROUP = TEEN Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) 2 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin MN-54 .871E+08 .900778E+09 .0 .439222E+09 .131022E+09 .0 .0 .0 C0-60 .548+09 .316853E+10 .0 .243267E+09 .0 .0 .0 .0
- i ZN-65
.838E+09 .760757E+09 .517351E+09 .179636E+10 .114967E+10 .0 .0 .0-SR-89 .419E+09 .174251E+10 .146317E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 f SR-90 .201E+12 .228454E+11 .813805E+12 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CS-134 .723E+10 .193802E+09 .662091E+10 .155833E+11 .495184E+10 .0 .189056E+10 .0 CS-137 .48E+10 .196069E+09 .103584E+11 .137803E+11 .468902E+10 .0 .182197E+10 .0 l BA-140 .88E+07 .210623E+09 .136568E+09 167344 56743.2 .0 112525 .0 CE-141 21100 .525431E+09 275127 183694 86468.6 .0 .0 .0 I-131 2.88E+07 1.06E+07 3.83E+07 5.35E+07 9.25E+07 1.56E+10 .0 .0 [ I-133 4.99E+05 1.24E+06 9.65E+05 1.64E+06 2.87E+06 2.28E+08 .0 .0 H-3 1.60E+03 1.60E+03 .0 1.60E+03 1.60E+03 1.60E+03 1.60E+03 1.60Et03 i C-14 2.93E+05 2.93E+05 1.47E+06 2.93E+05 2.93E+05 2.93E+05 2.93E+05 2.93E+05, Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a val ue of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 o
v TABLE I-19 ENVIRONMENTAL PATINAY - DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS R(i) FOR GASE0US DISCHAR PATINAY = VEGETATION i AGE GROUP = CHILD Organ Dose Factors (m -mrem /yr per uCi/sec) 2 Nuclide T. Body GI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid Lung Skin NN-54 .171E+09 .5388E+09 .0 .642E+09 .18E+09 .0 .0 .0 CO-60 .109E+10 .204724E+10 .0 .369622E+09 .0 .0 .0 .0 ZN-65 .165E+10 .465925E+09 .995815E+09 .265308E+10 .167181E+10 .0 .0 .0 l t SR-89 .993E+09 .134595E+10 .347682E+11 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 SR-90 .3f2E+12 .181712E+11 .134896E+13 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 l CS-134 .532E+10 .135956Et09 .153689E+11 .252207E+11 .78158E+10 .0 .280449E+10 .0 CS-137 .346E+10 .146788E+09 .244896E+11 .234411E+11 .763896E+10 .0 .274853E+10 .0 BA-140 .16E+08 .138887E+09 .274144E+09 240165 78185.6 .0 143175 .0 CE-141 47300 .397384E+09 638711 318551 139648 .0 .0 .0 I-131 4.07E+07 6.38E+06 7.12E+07. 7.15E+07 1.18E+08 2.37E+10 .0 .0 I-133 8.20E+05 8.75E+05 1.75E+06 2.17E+06 3.61E+06 4.03E+08 .0 .0 H-3 2.49E+03 2.49E+03 .0 2.49E+03 2.49E+03 2.49E+03 2.49E+03 2.49E+03 C-14 7.07E+05 7.07E+05 3.54E+06 7.07E+05 7.07E+05 7.07E+05 7.07E+05 7.07E+05 Based on 1 uCi/sec release rate of each nuclide (i) and a value of 1.0 for X/Q and relative deposition. I Note: The units for C-14 and H-3 are (mrem / year per uCi/m ). 3 5 o
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e FIGURE 4 GASEOUS RADWASTE SYSTEM REZIA, Zig REll6 Radiation Containment Purge Monitors
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i 1 &e GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPANY POST OFFICE box 2951 BEAUMONT, TEXAS /7704 AREA CODE 409 A 3s b63I May 31, 1985 RBG-21,165 File No. G9.5 Mr. H. R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555
Dear Mr. Denton:
River Bend Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 Enclosed for your review is Gulf States Utilities Company's revised Offsite Dose Calculation Manual for River Bend Station. Any questions or coments should be directed to Mr. James Cook at (409) 839-3013. l Sincerely, l . F. % J. E. Booker i Manager-Engineering, Nuclear Fuels & Licensing l River Bend Nuclear Group JEB/WJR/JWC/kt i Enclosures 009 i%E '}}