NPL-98-0001, Requests Extension to Relief Request VRR-4A for Disassembly, Insp & Manual Stroke Testing of Valve ISI-00876A.Extension Would Allow Plant to Operate Until Scheduled 1998 Unit 1 Refueling Outage

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Requests Extension to Relief Request VRR-4A for Disassembly, Insp & Manual Stroke Testing of Valve ISI-00876A.Extension Would Allow Plant to Operate Until Scheduled 1998 Unit 1 Refueling Outage
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/02/1998
From: Dante Johnson
NPL-98-0001, NPL-98-1, NUDOCS 9801080258
Download: ML20198D706 (4)


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Wisconsin Electnc POWER COMPANY Point Booch Nuclear Plant (920) 7t&2321 6610 Nuclear Rd ,7wo Rivers. Wi rA241 NPL 98 0001 January 2 1998 De w mt Control Desk U. S. JUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION biail Station Pl 137 Washington, D.C. 20555 Ladies / Gentlemen:

DOCKETS 50 266_6ND 50-301 EUMP AND VALVE INSERVICPJESTING PROGRAM VALVE Ellll!EEEQUESLS E0MI.llEACll NUCLEAR PLANT. UNITS 1 ANDJ Enclosed is a request for a one-time relief (VRR-4B) from the previously approved relief reguests VRR-4 (NRC SER dated October 28,1993) and VRR-4 A (NRC SER dated February 22,1996).

Relief Request VRR 4A asked for a one year extension to the required six year time interval between the disassembly, inspection and manual stroke testing of valve ISI-00867A. Disassembly of ISI 00867A requires the unit to be in a reduced reactor coolant syswm inventory. This valve was scheduled to be worked during the Spring 1997 Unit I refueling ov' age to meet this seven-year requirement. Ilowever, due to station scheduling changes, the 199. Unit I refueling outage was postponed to early 1998. Therefore, Point Beset:is requesting an extension to VRR-4A which would allow the plant to operate until the scheduled 1998 Unit I refueling outage. The past performance of similar valves on Unit I and Unit 2 at Point Beach and also within the industry support this request We look forward to receipt of your response concerning this request. Should any additional i

information be required, please do not hesitate to notfy us.

Sin crely, A

, / 'M Douglas F. Johnson, A

Manager Regulatory Services & Licensing .

lad 4801080258 90o102 PDR P

ADOCK 05000266 pm



Enclosure cc: NRC Resident inspector -

11LI ,ililll'.i,1111.1 AoO NRC Regional Adminsitrator, Region 111 -

AsaAsm Wmmuunm ommu j

7-m Attachment to NPL 98-0001  !

  • Page 1 I l i


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COMPONENT,  ; UNIT I (Drawing Il0E017 Sh.1):_ SI-00867A - ,


This valve opensio nvide a flow path from the safety injection (SI) pumps and the SI Accumulators to j the RCS cold leg uu6 accident conditions. It shuts to isolate the SI System from the RCS and protect - i SIS system components from potential damage caused by over-pressurization and is tested in accordance 4 4 with Techn! cal Specification 15.3.16. ,

n 1

' REOUIRFiMENT PER VRR-4 (NRC SER dated October 28.1993) 3 Valves St 00842A and SI-00867A will cach be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked once every six years, rotating the sequence of valves being inspected such that a different one is completed each time ,

until all have been inspected and the sequence repts.

- CURRENT REOUIREMENT PER VRR-4A (NRC SER dated Febmarv 22.19961

Valve SI-00867A will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked after a seven year interval. 4 ALTERNATE TESTING Valve SI 00867A will be disassembled, inspected, and manually stroked after an eight year interval.


On February 22,1996, NRC staff approved the Wisconsin Electric Power Cenper, t /E) request for relief VRR-4 A from ~ASME Section XI Inservice Testing program - Point Bea6 Anear Plant Units I and 2. The relief request appraval granted the extension of a six-year disassembly and inspection interval  ;

c for SI-00867A on Unit I by one year from the Spring 1996 refueling outage. The reliefincluded a  ;

stipulation that the interval should revert to six years after the inspection.  ;

Unit I was shut down in late February,1996, to deal with minor repairs and design basis issues. The  :

. outage lasted longer than expected. Therefore the startup was delayed to save the remaining core life until the summer peak load period! This extended outage for Unit 1 also offered the opportunity to focus

_ on_the restart of Unit 2 afier its steam generator replacement project. Additional issues with auxiliary feedwater, service water and component cooling water continued to delay the restart of Unit 1. As a result, shut down of Unit I for the refueling previously scheduled for Spring 1997 is now scheduled for

' early 1998.

q Therefore, if granted, the testing of the safety injection check valve (SI-00867A) will be delayed until j L carly 1998. As discussed in the Safety Evaluation Report attached to the NRC letter to WE dated  !

February 22,1996, the interval will revert to six years after this test. 1 E

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. Attachment to NPL 98 0001 Pag'e 2 - ,

The following information is being provided per NRC GL 89 04, Position 2 in support of this relief request.- A total of seven other similar valves have been disassembled or full llow tested within the last five years. All of the valves have been disassembled within the last eight years. To date, no degradation of valve operability or performance has been noted in s.ny disassembly and inspection or full flow test performed on these valves. The following table lists each specific valve, the individual work order (WO) or outage acdvity (OA) under which the work was performed, and the completion date:


UNIT 1 SI 00842A. WO 49881 April 14,1993 WO 890172 April i1,1990 WO 872759 April 14,1988 SI 00842B WO 45639 April 14,1993 WO 890174 April 21,1990 SI-00867A WO 3637 May 1,1990 WO 890176 April 24,1990 WO 872755 April 15,1988 J

SI-00867B WO 9700761 Spring 1997*

OA 8739 Spring 1996*

OA 8739 Spring 1995*

OA 8739 Spring 1994*

WO 890178 April 21,1990 UNIT 2 SI-00842A WO 9510056 October 17,1995 WO 890173 October 5,1989 WO 872760 October 18,1987 SI 00842B WO 9510057 October 17,1995 WO 890175 November 4,1989 St 00867A WO 9510060 October 21,1995 WO 890177 October 5,1989 WO 872753 October 20,1987 ,

SI-00867B WO 9610739 Fall 1996*

OA 8739 Fall 1995*

OA 8739 Fall 94*

j WO 50730 October 8,1993

- W O 890179 November 3,1989

  • Full Flow Test i


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r- - - Attachment to NPL 98 0001

' Pigs 3

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1An industry wide search on January 2,1998, utilizing Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System on similar  !

valves also indicated no failures, although leakage through the seat was reported in 34 instances, .

- including three at Point Beach. - Additionally, these valves are not installed in a problematic iocation based.  ;

on their orientation in the piping system.  !

'I As rwulrsl in VRR-4, this valve has been successfully partially stroked open and shut at each refueling ,

outi e,e and at each cold shutdown in which an Event V test was required. In addition, this valve has successfully passed its seat leakage test in accordance with Point Beach Technical Specification 15.3.16, l

" Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage Tests."

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