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5 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14, Initial Test Program
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Issue date: 06/23/2022
Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Safety Analysis Report Chapter 14: Initial Test Program

Table of Contents tion Title Page SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORTS................................ 14.1-1 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT .............................................................. 14.2-1

.1 Summary Test Program and Objectives ................................................... 14.2-1

.1.1 Discussion ................................................................................................. 14.2-1

.1.2 Description................................................................................................ 14.2-1

.1.3 Retest Requirements ................................................................................. 14.2-4 2.2 Organization and Staffing ......................................................................... 14.2-4

.2.1 Discussion ................................................................................................. 14.2-4

.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities....................................................................... 14.2-4

.2.2.1 Plant Operations Review Committee........................................................ 14.2-5

.2.2.2 The Joint Test Group (JTG)...................................................................... 14.2-5

.2.2.3 NNECo. Station Superintendent ............................................................... 14.2-6

.2.2.4 Millstone 3 Superintendent ....................................................................... 14.2-6

.2.2.5 SWEC Lead Advisory Engineer ............................................................... 14.2-6

. SWEC Startup Test Group........................................................................ 14.2-7

.2.2.6 Westinghouse (W) Startup Manager......................................................... 14.2-7

. Westinghouse Site Organization............................................................... 14.2-7

.2.2.7 Millstone Startup Supervisor .................................................................... 14.2-8

. Millstone 3 Startup Engineers................................................................... 14.2-9

.2.2.8 Millstone 3 Staff ....................................................................................... 14.2-9

. Millstone 3 Engineering Staff................................................................... 14.2-9

. Reactor Engineer....................................................................................... 14.2-9

. Operations Supervisor............................................................................... 14.2-9

. Maintenance Supervisor ........................................................................... 14.2-9

. Instrumentation and Controls Supervisor ................................................. 14.2-9

.2.2.9 NUSCo. Production Test Field Supervisor............................................. 14.2-10

.2.2.10 NNECo. QA Supervisor ......................................................................... 14.2-10

tion Title Page

.2.2.11 NUSCo. Project Site Representative ...................................................... 14.2-10 2.2.3 Minimum Qualifications......................................................................... 14.2-10

.2.3.1 Unit Superintendent ................................................................................ 14.2-10

.2.3.2 Millstone 3 Startup Supervisor ............................................................... 14.2-10

.2.3.3 Millstone 3 Startup Engineer .................................................................. 14.2-10

.2.3.4 Westinghouse Startup Manager .............................................................. 14.2-11

.2.3.5 SWEC Lead Advisory Engineer ............................................................. 14.2-11

.2.3.6 SWEC, W, and Consultant Startup Engineers ........................................ 14.2-11

.2.4 Designation of Alternates ....................................................................... 14.2-11

.3 Test Procedures....................................................................................... 14.2-11

.3.1 Discussion ............................................................................................... 14.2-11

.3.2 Test Procedure Preparation, Review, and Approval (Figure 14.2-3)..... 14.2-11

.3.2.1 Preparation .............................................................................................. 14.2-11

.3.2.2 Review .................................................................................................... 14.2-12

.3.2.3 Approval ................................................................................................. 14.2-12

.3.3 Handling of Approved Tests................................................................... 14.2-13

.4 Conduct of the Test Program .................................................................. 14.2-13

.4.1 Procedure Release for Performance (Figure 14.2-4).............................. 14.2-13

.4.2 Performance ............................................................................................ 14.2-14

.4.3 Changes................................................................................................... 14.2-14

.5 Evaluation and Acceptance of Test Results (Figure 14.2-4).................. 14.2-15

.5.1 Evaluation ............................................................................................... 14.2-15

.5.2 Acceptance.............................................................................................. 14.2-15

.6 Test Records ........................................................................................... 14.2-15

.7 Conformance of Test Program with Regulatory Guides ........................ 14.2-16 2.7.1 Regulatory Guide 1.18, Revision 1 - Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary Reactor Containments ............................................................... 14.2-16

.7.2 Regulatory Guide 1.20, Revision 2 - Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program for Reactor Internals during Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing .................................................................................................... 14.2-16

.7.3 Regulatory Guide 1.30 - Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment... 14.2-16

tion Title Page

.7.4 Regulatory Guide 1.37, Revision 0 - Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants.............................................................................. 14.2-16

.7.5 Regulatory Guide 1.41, Revision 0 - Preoperational Testing of Redundant Onsite Electrical Power Systems to Verify Proper Load Group Assignments............................................................................................ 14.2-16 2.7.6 Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2 - Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Post Accident Engineered Safety Feature Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants....................................................................................................... 14.2-16 2.7.7 Regulatory Guide 1.68, Revision 2 - Initial Test Programs for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants.............................................................................. 14.2-17

.7.8 Regulatory Guide 1.68.2, Revision 1 - Initial Startup Test Program to Demonstrate Remote Shutdown Capability for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants....................................................................................................... 14.2-18 2.7.9 Regulatory Guide 1.68.3, Revision 0 - Preoperational Testing of Instrument and Control Air Systems................................................................................ 14.2-18

.7.10 Regulatory Guide 1.72, Revision 1 - Spray Pond Piping Made From Fiberglass-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin For the position on Regulatory Guide 1.72, see FSAR Section 1.8.......................................................... 14.2-19

.7.11 Regulatory Guide 1.79, Revision 1 - Preoperational Testing of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water Reactors .................................. 14.2-19

.7.12 Regulatory Guide 1.95, Revision 1 - Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release ..................... 14.2-19

.7.13 Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1 - Periodic Testing of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants 14.2-19

.7.14 Regulatory Guide 1.116, Revision 0-R - Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems ................................................................................................... 14.2-19

.7.15 Regulatory Guide 1.128, Revision 1 - Installation Design and Installation of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants ........................ 14.2-20

.7.16 Regulatory Guide 1.129, Revision 1 - Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants .................... 14.2-20

.7.17 Regulatory Guide 1.140, Revision 1 - Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Normal Ventilation Exhaust System Air Filtration and Absorption Units for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants............................. 14.2-20

tion Title Page

.8 Utilization of Reactor Operating and Testing Experience in Development of Test Program........................................................................................... 14.2-20

.9 Trial Use of Operating and Emergency Procedures ............................... 14.2-20

.10 Initial Fuel Load and Initial Criticality ................................................... 14.2-20

.10.1 Initial Fuel Load...................................................................................... 14.2-21

.10.2 Post-Core Hot Functional ....................................................................... 14.2-22

.10.3 Initial Criticality...................................................................................... 14.2-23 2.11 Test Program Schedule ........................................................................... 14.2-24

.12 Test Description ...................................................................................... 14.2-24

.12.1 Preoperational Tests................................................................................ 14.2-24

.12.2 Initial Startup Tests ................................................................................. 14.2-25

List of Tables mber Title

-1 Preoperational/Acceptance Test Program Test Descriptions

-2 Startup Test Descriptions

-3 Preoperational/Acceptance/Startup Tests Acceptance Criteria Sources

List of Figures mber Title

-1 Startup Activities Logic Diagrams

-2 Startup Organization Chart

-3 Test Procedure Preparation

-4 Test Procedure Performance

-5 Preoperational Test Phase

-6 Initial Startup Test Phase

1 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PRELIMINARY SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORTS s section is not applicable; Section 14.2 covers the specific information for the Final Safety lysis Report.




.1.1 Discussion test program begins when system construction has been completed by Stone & Webster ineering Corporation (SWEC) and the system is turned over to Northeast Nuclear Energy mpany (NNECo.) for testing. The test program consists of nine phases of testing (Figure 14.2-The objectives of the test program are to provide assurance that:

1. The plant has been properly designed and constructed and is ready to operate in a manner that will not endanger the health and safety of the public.
2. The plant procedures have been evaluated and demonstrated to be adequate.
3. The operating organization is knowledgeable about the plant and procedures and is prepared to operate the plant in a safe manner.

.1.2 Description struction Tests struction tests are not part of the NNECo. initial test program. These tests will be prepared controlled in accordance with applicable SWEC procedures and are used to verify that struction is complete.

se I - Initial Inspection and Component Testing se tests will be conducted to ensure that equipment and components are ready for operation.

ere the same type of testing is repeated on similar electrical, instrumentation, or mechanical ipment, generic procedures will be used. The Phase I tests will list the generic procedures to sed on components or equipment.

se II - Preoperational or Acceptance Testing se tests demonstrate, to the extent practical, the capability of structures, systems, and ponents to meet performance requirements to satisfy design criteria. Additionally, these tests, ch are normally conducted at ambient temperature, verify the operational reliability of ems, components, and protective devices to insure that equipment can be operated safely ng integrated plant testing.

Phase II test program also provides assurance that equipment and systems, important to the ty of the plant, employees, and general public, perform in accordance with design criteria in

operational Tests operational testing is performed to verify that the construction and installation of equipment orming nuclear safety functions have been accomplished in accordance with the design and, he extent practical, that this equipment meets the performance requirements of the design eria.

eneral, preoperational testing is performed on QA Category I systems and structures and on e Non-Category I systems that normally handle radioactive materials or provide direct port of a Category I system.

t procedures include, as appropriate, manual system or component operation, operation of systems and components within systems, automatic operation of systems and components, ration in all alternate or secondary modes of control, and operation and verification tests to onstrate expected operation following loss of power sources and failures of components for ch the systems are designed to remain operational. Preoperational test procedures also ude, as appropriate, verification of proper functioning of instrumentation and controls, missive and prohibit interlocks, and equipment protective devices whose malfunction or mature actuation may unnecessarily shut down or defeat the operation of systems or ipment.

eptance Tests eptance tests are normally performed on Non-Category I systems that are not preoperationally ed.

eptance tests are performed to demonstrate to NNECo. the acceptability of systems as gned and constructed to meet appropriate design and warranty requirements. The testing hod and format for acceptance test procedures is similar to that employed for preoperational ing.

erever practical, the plant operating staff uses facility operating and emergency procedures to orm these tests under the direction of startup engineers in order to familiarize plant personnel h the facilities and procedures and to verify the technical adequacy of the procedures. The t operating staff and procedures will be used to support all following phases of the test gram.

se III - Precore Hot Functional Testing se tests are conducted at normal operating temperature and pressure to ensure that normal and rgency core cooling systems perform in accordance with design criteria. These tests provide rance that when the fuel is loaded into the core it can be cooled under all plant conditions.

luations (i.e., pressurizer bubble, coolant flow and vibration checks, primary plant chemistry lysis, etc.). In conjunction with this test, a thermal expansion test will be conducted on the tor coolant and main steam systems.

mpletion and acceptance of Phase II and precore hot functional tests are prerequisites to fuel ing.

se IV - Initial Fuel Loading plant operating staff, under the direction of the plant Reactor Engineer, will use plant cedures to perform the initial fuel loading. These procedures will address necessary autions to preclude inadvertent criticality.

se V - Post Core Hot Functional Testing s test will essentially consist of control rod drive mechanism coupling, rod cluster control mbly (RCCA) position checks, RCCA drop tests, and the reactor coolant system flow, loss of

, and flow coast down tests.

se tests validate design criteria used in accident analyses which ensure protection of the eral public in an accident situation. These tests also ensure the reliability of the rod drive em.

se VI - Initial Criticality purpose of the initial approach to criticality procedure is to provide a safe and controlled hod of achieving initial reactor criticality. The initial approach is performed by primary lant boron dilution with control rods in the nearly fully withdrawn position at a temperature pressure specified in the procedure.

se VII - Low Power Physics Testing purpose of low power physics testing program is to obtain as- built reactor characteristics and erify W predictions and physics design parameters.

mpletion and acceptance of low power physics testing are prerequisites to power ascension ing.

se VIII - Power Ascension Testing power ascension test procedures describe the detailed steps required for the initial power tup from completion of the low power physics test phase to full rated power level, including e tests necessary to demonstrate safe plant operation within design specifications. It is ned to increase power in specified discrete steps. The test procedures will specify if any

se IX - Warranty Run en Phase VIII is completed, the plant is operated for a period of at least 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> at full power etermine the performance of all systems and equipment under sustained full power conditions.

n satisfactory completion of Phase IX, the startup test program is complete and the plant mences the in-service phase.

.1.3 Retest Requirements rework or modifications performed on a component or system to correct test deficiencies are owed by retesting to assure validity of the original test results. All previously performed tests reperformed on the applicable section of the system unless specifically waived by the Joint t Group (JTG).


.2.1 Discussion ECo. is responsible for controlling, directing, and ensuring that all phases of unit testing are omplished in accordance with established criteria. The organization established to meet the onsibility is shown on Figure 14.2-2.

Millstone 3 Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that the preoperational and startup test se is properly accomplished and accepted. The NNECo. Startup Department is responsible to Millstone 3 Superintendent for planning and executing the startup test program. The ntenance department, instrumentation and control department, and production test department vide personnel to support the startup department during the initial test program. The operations artment conducts all system testing operations under the direction of the startup department in ordance with approved procedures.

Plant Operations Review Committee, consisting of NNECo. supervisory personnel, provides mmendations on the safe operation of the plant to the Millstone 3 Superintendent. The Joint t Group (JTG) consists of a member of the startup department and of each of the principal t design organizations and is chaired by the Millstone 3 Superintendent. The JTG inistratively controls the conduct of the initial test program.

2.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities duties and responsibilities of individuals and organizations involved in the startup of lstone 3 are discussed in the following paragraphs. In general, only those duties and onsibilities which are directly related or unique to the startup test program are mentioned.

lstone Administrative Control Procedures (ACPs) describe the duties of NNECo. supervisory onnel.

Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) consists of NNECo. supervisory personnel and haired by the Millstone 3 Superintendent. In addition to reviewing and accepting all plant rating procedures, the PORC has the following duties:

1. Review and approve the Startup Manual.
2. Review and approve Phase II through IX test procedures and changes thereto.
3. Review and accept the test results for Phase II through IX test procedures.

.2.2.2 The Joint Test Group (JTG)

JTG is advisory to the Station Superintendent for the proper conduct of the startup test gram. It consists of representatives from the major groups concerned with the design, struction, and startup of Millstone 3. It meets routinely and as often as necessary, depending he work load, but not less than once per month (starting at a date determined by the irman).

JTG operates in accordance with a charter adopted by the Group and approved by the Station erintendent as follows:

1. Control the administration of the startup test program commencing the preoperational (Phase II) testing, by ensuring that the startup test program is conducted in accordance with the Startup Manual and approved procedures.
2. Meet, as required, to ensure the safe and proper sequencing of the test program.
3. Review and approve all preoperational and subsequent test procedures.
4. Approve the release of preoperational and subsequent test procedures for execution, review system deficiencies prior to procedure release, and review and disposition all deficiencies prior to Phase IV release.
5. Approve changes to preoperational and subsequent test procedures.
6. Review and approve the results of preoperational and subsequent tests performed under the startup test program.
7. Ensure that all preoperational and subsequent test deficiencies are resolved.
8. Recommend the return of systems or portions thereof to SWEC Construction in order to correct deficiencies.

Station Superintendent has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that a safe, thorough, and cient startup test program is conducted. He must also ensure that Senior Management is perly informed of the status of the startup test program and all significant activities.

.2.2.4 Millstone 3 Superintendent Millstone 3 Superintendent has the following responsibilities and duties:

1. Responsible to the Station Superintendent for ensuring that a safe, thorough, and efficient startup test program is conducted in accordance with the Startup Manual and the Northeast Utilities Quality Assurance Program
2. Serve as Chairman of the Millstone 3 PORC
3. Serve as Chairman of the JTG or designate a member of the plant staff to act as Chairman in his absence
4. Keep the Station Superintendent informed of the status of the startup test program
5. Prepare plant procedures
6. Review and approve the Startup Manual and ensure that the test program is performed in accordance with the manual
7. Ensure that sufficient personnel and equipment are available to execute each phase of the startup test program

.2.2.5 SWEC Lead Advisory Engineer ing final completion of construction activities, the Lead Advisory Engineer assumes prime onsibility for directing the completion of those activities required to bring systems or ponents to a condition suitable for turnover to NNECo. for testing.

ddition, the Lead Advisory Engineer assures satisfactory performance of the following vities:

1. Review and advise NNECo. management of the progress of construction and engineering activities
2. Ensure that construction activities are complete and that the system or portion thereof is ready for turnover to NNECo.
3. Provide an interface between NNECo. and SWEC Construction and coordinate remedial work as required
5. Provide adequate qualified personnel to support the NNECo. Startup Department to ensure a safe and efficient startup test program
6. Serve as a member of JTG
7. Evaluate test results
8. Assist in preparation of the final startup report
9. Provide technical direction of the pressure test program

. SWEC Startup Test Group SWEC Startup Test Group consists of the Lead Advisory Engineer, a group of advisory ineers (system turnover engineers), and a group of startup engineers. The Startup Test up provides technical advice and consultation on all matters relating to the design, operation, testing of SWEC supplied systems and equipment.

.2.2.6 Westinghouse (W) Startup Manager W Startup Manager performs the following duties:

1. Serve as a member of the JTG
2. Review operating and testing procedures pertaining to W supplied systems and equipment changes thereto
3. Provide technical direction on all matters relating to the operation and testing of W supplied systems and equipment
4. Provide adequate qualified support personnel, including vendor representatives, as necessary, to ensure a safe and efficient startup test program
5. Evaluate test results for W supplied equipment
6. Coordinate the resolution of any problems dealing with NSSS equipment
7. Assist in the preparation of the final startup report

. Westinghouse Site Organization Westinghouse Site Organization provides technical advice and consultation on all matters ting to the design, operation, and testing of W supplied systems and equipment.

Millstone Startup Supervisor has the following duties:

1. Serve as a member of the JTG; act as Chairman in the absence of the Millstone 3 Superintendent
2. Responsible to the JTG and the Millstone 3 Superintendent for implementing the startup test program
3. Coordinate the preparation, review, control, and distribution of all test procedures
4. Coordinate the transfer of systems, or portions thereof, from SWEC to NNECo. for initial testing
5. Coordinate the testing functions of NNECo. Maintenance, Instrument, Engineering, and Operations Departments and the NUSCo. Production Test Group
6. Ensure timely completion of test prerequisites and notification to the JTG of readiness to perform preoperational and subsequent tests
7. Ensure that sufficient personnel and equipment are available to execute each test of the initial test program
8. Notify the JTG of occurrence which will significantly delay testing or startup, which will affect the safety of personnel or equipment, including significant deficiencies, or any other occurrences which will require the immediate attention or action of the JTG
9. Coordinate the review and evaluation of all test procedures
10. Coordinate, as appropriate, the flushing and hydrostatic testing of the systems
11. Coordinate the resolution of design, construction, or testing deficiencies
12. Supervise the transfer of systems or portions thereof to SWEC Construction for further work or correction of deficiencies
13. Review and approve the test results of Phase I through IX test procedures
14. Review results of installation inspections, ensure that NNECo. transfer inspection is performed, and be responsible for reviewing and concurring with the results of the transfer inspections
15. Maintain a log of plant deficiencies
17. Coordinate the preparation of the Millstone 3 Startup Report

. Millstone 3 Startup Engineers Startup Engineer assists the Startup Supervisor in the performance of his duties; prepares test cedures; supervises the performance of tests, ensuring that the tests are properly conducted in ordance with the test procedures, applicable operating procedures, and the Startup Manual; coordinates the startup testing of assigned systems, as well as pursuing deficiency status orting and resolution.

.2.2.8 Millstone 3 Staff

. Millstone 3 Engineering Staff f Engineers will be assigned to the Startup Supervisor to assist startup engineers in the ormance of tests, to correct assigned deficiencies, and to provide engineering support to other ECo. departments.

. Reactor Engineer Reactor Engineer is responsible for all plant nuclear physics work and nuclear test programs ciated with the core and nuclear plant; has primary responsibility for initial core loading, low er physics testing, and power ascension test programs; and, for initial startup testings, will ew designated test results prior to giving permission to proceed to the next test step.

. Operations Supervisor Operations Supervisor coordinates those portions of Phase I testing which are assigned to the rations Department; supports preoperational and initial startup testing with appropriate onnel assignments; and administers the tagging program.

. Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor reviews test procedures for approval as the applicable department d; provides sufficient trained personnel to support the Startup Department during the initial program; and, following system turnover, assumes responsibility for the repair and ntenance of plant mechanical and certain electrical equipment.

. Instrumentation and Controls Supervisor Instrumentation and Controls Supervisor reviews test procedures for approval as the licable department head; provides sufficiently trained personnel to support the Startup

.2.2.9 NUSCo. Production Test Field Supervisor NUSCo. Production Test Field Supervisor reviews and performs Phase I electrical test cedures; repairs and maintains electrical distribution equipment following turnover; and orms or participates in preoperational testing of major electrical generation and power ribution systems.

.2.2.10 NNECo. QA Supervisor NNECo. QA Supervisor performs the quality related activities outlined in Chapter 17 mencing with system turnover.

.2.2.11 NUSCo. Project Site Representative NUSCo. Project Site Representative provides technical guidance and assistance on matters aining to the startup test program; coordinates the resolution of design changes identified ng testing; and takes appropriate action on potential significant deficiency reports.

.2.3 Minimum Qualifications following details the minimum qualifications of the personnel comprising the Startup anization.

.2.3.1 Unit Superintendent er to Section 13.1.

.2.3.2 Millstone 3 Startup Supervisor Millstone 3 Startup Supervisor must have eight years of applicable power plant experience h a minimum of two years of applicable nuclear power plant experience. A maximum of 4 rs of nonnuclear experience may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of academic training ngineering or the physical sciences or equivalent at the college level.

.2.3.3 Millstone 3 Startup Engineer Millstone 3 Startup Engineer must have a bachelors degree in engineering or the physical nces or the equivalent and two years of applicable power plant experience, at least one year of ch should be applicable nuclear power plant experience.

W Startup Manager must meet the qualification requirements of the Millstone 3 Startup ervisor provided in Section

.2.3.5 SWEC Lead Advisory Engineer SWEC Lead Advisory Engineer must meet the qualification requirements of the Millstone 3 tup Supervisor provided in Section

.2.3.6 SWEC, W, and Consultant Startup Engineers SWEC, W, and Consultant Startup Engineers must possess qualifications commensurate with ECo. personnel assigned similar tasks.

.2.4 Designation of Alternates he absence of key members of the Startup Organization, alternate members will be designated may act on behalf of the absent individual. In the event of extended absences, alternates will t the designated minimum qualification requirements of the principal member.


.3.1 Discussion t procedures will be prepared by or under cognizance of the NNECo. staff using guidelines vided by SWEC and/or W. Phase II and subsequent test procedures are reviewed and approved he Millstone 3 PORC. The JTG reviews and approves preoperational and subsequent startup s.

operational tests will be performed by NNECo. personnel under the direction of a startup ineer. All test procedures will be carefully adhered to with deviations permitted only through t administrative controls. All test data will be accurately recorded and carefully evaluated.

tests and associated documents necessary to confirm test validity will be retained for the life he plant.

etailed description of how these items will be accomplished is discussed in the following ions.

.3.2 Test Procedure Preparation, Review, and Approval (Figure 14.2-3)

.3.2.1 Preparation est procedures are prepared, the NNECo. startup staff may be assisted in test preparation by SWEC advisory, W, or consultant groups.

1. Objective - A clear and concise statement of the purpose of the test
2. Acceptance Criteria - A clear identification of acceptable standards against which the success or failure of the test may be judged
3. References - Sources used to prepare the test
4. Prerequisites - Conditions and special personnel requirements, if any, which must be satisfied prior to conducting the test
5. Initial Conditions - Those conditions which must be satisfied just prior to testing.

This includes a listing of requirement test equipment and environmental conditions.

6. Special Precautions - Those precautions to be observed during the procedural portion of the test
7. Procedure - Individual test steps in sequence providing appropriate methods for documenting test data
8. Restoration - Those steps necessary to restore the system to a normal or specified status

.3.2.2 Review er the test procedure is written, it is reviewed by selected members of the NNECo. staff, SCo. Nuclear Engineering and Operations, SWEC and/or W. Westinghouse is responsible for ew of Phase II preoperational and subsequent startup tests involving W supplied systems.

se reviews are coordinated by the NNECo. Startup Supervisor, and review comments are lved by the originator of the test procedure.

.3.2.3 Approval se I and Generic Tests department head responsible for the test and the NNECo. Startup Supervisor indicate roval of the procedure by signing the cover sheet for generic and Phase I tests, respectively.

se II Preoperational and Subsequent Tests cover sheet, for Phase II preoperational and subsequent tests, must have the following before considered approved:

1. The signature of the NNECo. Startup Supervisor
3. The number of the PORC meeting at which the test was approved
4. The signature of the Millstone 3 Superintendent se II Acceptance Tests same approval is required, except that the JTG need not approve the test.

.3.3 Handling of Approved Tests pon procedure approval, the system/component is not ready for testing, the NNECo. Startup ervisor files the procedures. As systems/components become available for testing, the Startup ervisor obtains the appropriate procedure(s) from the file and forwards them to a startup ineer. The startup engineer reviews the procedure and initiates any procedure changes essary to ensure that the procedure(s) and the installed equipment are compatible and that all ms used in the procedure are current revisions. He then returns the procedure to the Startup ervisor who initiates the release sequence.

pon procedure approval, the system/component is ready for testing, the Startup Supervisor ates the release sequences.


.4.1 Procedure Release for Performance (Figure 14.2-4) n system/component turnover and procedure approval, the NNECo. Startup Supervisor rdinates the completion of procedure prerequisites and arranges for the test to be scheduled.

se I and Phase II testing proceeds concurrently as systems are released to NNECo. However, se I tests on any system will precede Phase II testing and any tests which must be completed r to performing a subsequent test are listed as part of the prerequisites of the following test.

r to performing the subsequent test, all deficient items on the preceding test must be corrected n authorized exception to each item must be obtained prior to continuing. The authorized eptions for preoperational tests and subsequent phases are approved by the JTG and umented in the JTG meeting minutes. The request must contain technical justification for its eption. For Phase I tests and Phase II Acceptance tests, the authorization for exceptions is gated to the Startup Supervisor. The JTG will review all preoperational and subsequent tests, cient items, and prerequisite exceptions and, if satisfied, will authorize the Startup Supervisor elease the entire test or portions of the test procedure.

r to performance of the test, the Shift Supervisor verifies that all appropriate plant systems are y for the test to begin and the affected personnel have been briefed.

h test is performed in strict conformance with the approved test procedure and any authorized nges. All test data are accurately and properly recorded on data blanks within the procedure or pecially prepared data sheets. At all times, the Shift Supervisor is responsible for the safe and per operation of plant equipment and systems and for the safety of plant personnel. Testing be directed by a test supervisor appointed by the cognizant department head or Startup ervisor.

operational testing is directed by NNECo. startup engineers as test supervisors supplemented SWEC advisory engineers, W startup engineers, or qualified consultants and various NNECo.

roduction Test technicians, as necessary. Certain initial startup tests are conducted under the nical direction of the NNECo. Reactor Engineer or his designated representative.

step in a test cannot be successfully performed because of an event such as an equipment function, the test supervisor and the Shift Supervisor will determine whether the remainder of test can be run (i.e., the failure of one instrument in an instrumentation Phase I test usually s not affect subsequent instrument tests). If the remainder can be run, the test supervisor mits a deficiency report to identify, track, and correct the problem and continues with the test.

e problem can be corrected before the test is completed, the step is performed in accordance h the procedure, and the step is signed off. If the problem cannot be corrected before the test is pleted, the deficiency number is identified and the step is signed off.

re may be occasions when it is not possible to complete a test procedure due to plant ditions, partial system turnover, etc (checking a computer point, for example). If this should ur, the test will be completed to the maximum extent practicable. The exact scope of how h is done at one time is determined by the JTG for preoperational and subsequent tests and the tup Supervisor for the other tests. When the allowed portion of the test is complete, the test is rned to the Startup Supervisor to be released when the proper prerequisites are met.

en the test is fully complete, the test supervisor reviews the test data against the stated eptance criteria. If an item is found to be out of specification, the test supervisor will enter the number and brief description of the deficient item. The Startup Supervisor will coordinate her evaluation.

.4.3 Changes t changes are classified as either intent or non-intent changes. An intent change is non orial, which changes the acceptance criteria of the test or which significantly changes the pe or the method of performance of the test. All other changes are classified non-intent.

nges to approved test procedures receive the same approval as that required for the test being nged. For intent changes, this approval must be obtained before implementing the change, ept for Phase I tests. An intent change to a Phase I test may be verbally approved by either the nizant department supervisor or the Startup Supervisor and then implemented by the test and

-intent changes may be implemented by the test and Shift Supervisors with followup written roval within 14 days of implementation.

Test and Shift Supervisors determine if a change is an intent or non-intent change. If either ervisor thinks that the change is an intent change, it will be processed as an intent change.


.5.1 Evaluation test results are evaluated by a minimum of one individual who is not a member of the artment performing the test. This would normally be done by either NUSCo., NNECo.,

EC, and/or W. Additionally, qualified consultants may also be requested to evaluate the pleted test results. The evaluation is to include the determination that all deficiencies have n clearly identified and are being tracked. The evaluations of all test procedures are rdinated by the NNECo. Startup Supervisor. Evaluators will use a Procedure Review Form for umenting their comments. This form becomes part of the official procedure.

.5.2 Acceptance e the test has been thoroughly evaluated and all test deficiencies have been identified, the ECo. Startup Supervisor will accept the test as complete. This constitutes acceptance of Phase ts.

preoperational and startup tests, the Startup Supervisor forwards the test to the JTG which, n satisfied that the test has been properly completed, accepts the test and returns it to the tup Supervisor.

Phase II acceptance tests, the JTG need not review or accept the results of the test.

Startup Supervisor then presents the Phase II and subsequent test procedures to the Millstone ORC for acceptance. PORC acceptance of the procedure is indicated in the PORC meeting utes. Final acceptance is performed by the Millstone 3 Superintendent.

official copies of tests, and supporting documentation required by the tests which are part of startup test program are the property of NNECo. and will be retained for the life of the plant in ordance with the QA program described in Chapter 17.

2.6 TEST RECORDS test procedures and test data developed by the initial test program are retained and maintained ccordance with the Quality Assurance Program described in Chapter 17.

maintenance of the test index, and turnover of completed records to the station QA records ervisor for retention and storage as a permanent plant record.

.7 CONFORMANCE OF TEST PROGRAM WITH REGULATORY GUIDES Millstone 3 initial test program will incorporate applicable Regulatory Guides, which, ether with the extent of conformance, are discussed in the following sections.

.7.1 Regulatory Guide 1.18, Revision 1 - Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary Reactor Containments position on Regulatory Guide 1.18, see FSAR Section 1.8.

2.7.2 Regulatory Guide 1.20, Revision 2 - Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program for Reactor Internals during Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing position on Regulatory Guide 1.20, see FSAR Section 1.8.

.7.3 Regulatory Guide 1.30 - Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.30 test requirements.

.7.4 Regulatory Guide 1.37, Revision 0 - Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.37.

.7.5 Regulatory Guide 1.41, Revision 0 - Preoperational Testing of Redundant Onsite Electrical Power Systems to Verify Proper Load Group Assignments Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.41.

.7.6 Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2 - Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Post Accident Engineered Safety Feature Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants position on Regulatory Guide 1.52, see FSAR Section 1.8.

Millstone 3 initial test program will conform to Regulatory Guide 1.68, except as specified in section:

1. During power escalation, testing will be conducted at the 30 percent power level instead of at the 25 percent power level. Westinghouse supplied plants have generic data for the 30 percent level which they do not have at the 25 percent level (Section C.8; Appendix A, Section 5).
2. Load swing testing will be conducted at the 30, 50, 75, and 100 percent plateaus.
3. The MSIV closure test will be performed at less than 20 percent power to demonstrate the proper dynamic response of the plant and to verify proper integrated operation of plant equipment. Plant response to a full power trip will be verified by the generator trip at 100 percent power. Closure of the MSIVs at 100 percent power would not provide any additional information significant enough to warrant subjecting the plant to such a severe thermal transient (Appendix A, Section 5.m.m).
4. The loss of feedwater heaters test will not be performed. Since plant response to load swings and large load reductions is demonstrated in other tests, there is no need to subject the plant to this additional transient (Appendix A, Section 5.k.k).
5. Millstone 3 does not have a partial scram feature (Appendix A, Section 5.j).
6. Demonstration of the design capability of reactor residual or decay heat removal systems will be done during power ascension testing only if it is not done during hot functional or low power tests (Appendix A, Section 5.1).
7. The following systems will be tested during the startup test phase only if they are not completed during the preoperational test phase:

Reg. Guide Section Component Tested Appendix A, Section 4p Pressurizer and main steam relief valves Appendix A, Section 4r Reactor coolant purification and cleanup system Appendix A, Section 5.c.c Gaseous and liquid waste radioactive waste systems

8. Portions of Appendix A, Section 5.s, will not be conducted. Millstone 3 does not have an integrated control system or a reactor coolant flow control system.
9. The auxiliary (startup) and emergency feedwater control systems and the steam pressure control systems will be tested before the power ascension test phase since
10. The individual rod position indication system is the primary means for determining control rod misalignments. The design of the nuclear instrumentation is not intended to detect a misaligned control rod but rather to detect anomalous core conditions. Therefore, tests will not be conducted in accordance with Appendix A, Section 5.i. However, data on nuclear instrumentation characteristics will be obtained during the core performance test.
11. Testing on emergency loads, to demonstrate that they can start and operate with the minimum and maximum design voltage, will be performed in accordance with Branch Technical Position PSB-1 (NUREG-0800, Appendix 8A). Refer to the response to NRC Question Q430.11 for the description of testing (Regulatory Guide 1.68, Appendix A, Section 1g).
12. No-flow rod drop testing will not be performed. Since rod drop time measurements under flow are more limiting and the special test exception in the Millstone Unit 3 Technical Specifications which would allow Hot No Flow Rod Drop testing was deleted, this testing has been deemed unnecessary (Appendix A, Section 2.b).
13. The Pseudo-rod-ejection test will not be performed at greater than 10% power.

Due to recommendations from the NSSS supplier which indicated both significant flux tilts resulting from this test as well as the ability to take credit for this testing performed at plants of similar design, the ejected rod test has been deemed unnecessary (Appendix A, Section 5.e).

.7.8 Regulatory Guide 1.68.2, Revision 1 - Initial Startup Test Program to Demonstrate Remote Shutdown Capability for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.68.2.

.7.9 Regulatory Guide 1.68.3, Revision 0 - Preoperational Testing of Instrument and Control Air Systems Millstone 3 initial startup test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.68.3 with the eptions and clarifications as specified in this section.

1. The Millstone 3 instrument air system is nonsafety-related; all valves are designed to fail in the fail-safe position upon loss of instrument air. Safety grade cold shutdown can be achieved without the use of instrument air. A gradual loss of instrument air test shall be conducted at near normal operating conditions to verify the acceptability of emergency response procedures and system response. Valves shall be individually tested during component testing to verify that the valve responds safely, as designed, to postulated failure modes of the supply system.

(Section C.8).

see FSAR Section 1.8.

.7.11 Regulatory Guide 1.79, Revision 1 - Preoperational Testing of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water Reactors Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.79, except as specified his section.

1. The accumulator isolation valves will be cycled at maximum differential pressure using the normal power supply only. The valve operational capability is independent of the power source (Section C.1.c.(2)).
2. The verification of containment sump vortex control will be done by means of a model test, in which all combinations of pump operation will be tested. In situ testings will be designed to verify flow paths and individual pump operations (Section C.1.b.(2)).
3. The high pressure safety injection system flow test, at hot operating conditions, will be manually initiated to provide better control in avoiding the potential for thermal shock damage. The capability of high pressure safety injection to deliver cooling water, as required, under accident conditions will be verified by analysis based on as-built HPSI pump and system head-capacity curves; however, the operability of the check valves will be demonstrated by testing. Power system response to a safety injection signal will be verified during other testing (Section C.1.a.(2)).

.7.12 Regulatory Guide 1.95, Revision 1 - Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release the position on Regulatory Guide 1.95, see FSAR Section 1.8.

.7.13 Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1 - Periodic Testing of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants the position on Regulatory Guide 1.108, see FSAR Section 1.8.

.7.14 Regulatory Guide 1.116, Revision 0-R - Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems the position on Regulatory Guide 1.116, see FSAR Section 1.8.

Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.128.

.7.16 Regulatory Guide 1.129, Revision 1 - Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants Millstone 3 initial test program will comply with Regulatory Guide 1.129.

.7.17 Regulatory Guide 1.140, Revision 1 - Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Normal Ventilation Exhaust System Air Filtration and Absorption Units for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants

-20 September 1986 the position on Regulatory Guide 1.140, see FSAR Section 1.8.

.8 UTILIZATION OF REACTOR OPERATING AND TESTING EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPMENT OF TEST PROGRAM Millstone 3 test program will utilize information gained from operating and testing erience at similar nuclear plants to provide guidance in developing test procedures and edules and to alert personnel to potential problem areas.

Millstone 3 Superintendent will designate individuals on the plant staff to review pertinent ustry literature, such as NRC IE bulletins, circulars and information letters, vendor information ces and applicable event reports from other facilities. Commitments resulting from this review be tracked to ensure incorporation into plant procedures or design.

2.9 TRIAL USE OF OPERATING AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES plant operating and emergency procedures will be incorporated into the preoperational and al startup tests insofar as practicable. In the startup phase, deviations from the plant cedures will generally be in effect only for special test lineups or evolutions for which no plant cedure is appropriate or available under normal circumstances.

tion 13.5 covers the schedule and preparation of plant procedures in detail.

.10 INITIAL FUEL LOAD AND INITIAL CRITICALITY following subsections provide the prerequisites, precautions, and general sequence of steps to erformed for fuel load, post-core hot functional (PCHF), and initial criticality. Upon pletion of the pre-core hot functional, preparations will be made for fuel load. These parations will include JTG evaluation of outstanding test program deficiencies. These items be resolved prior to commencement of fuel load.

s precritical testing will be performed to ensure that the facility is in a final state of readiness chieve initial criticality. After completion of PCHF, management will again make an ssment of outstanding deficiencies. When these items are resolved, the initial criticality test is ormed.

.10.1 Initial Fuel Load requisites necessary for loading fuel are completion of preoperational tests, establishment of licable technical specifications, and completion of all inspections required by the NSSS dor. The following items are included as part of the inspections or technical specifications to stablished.

1. Examination of fuel rods, poison rods, and control rods.
2. Verification of operable radiation monitors and nuclear instrumentation.
3. Check of containment equipment. This includes verification of operable fuel loading equipment. Operators who will be directly involved will get as much hands-on training as possible.
4. Reactor vessel filled with water, borated as specified, and at the correct temperature.
5. Auxiliary systems, such as the residual heat removal and emergency boron addition systems, verified to be operable.

ddition to the normal source range instrumentation, special submersible neutron detectors are d to monitor flux changes throughout the loading of the core. Data from these instruments will sed to determine, directly or through calculations (i.e., inverse count rate ratio), if an ormal situation exists. Personnel involved in the monitoring, calculating, or evaluation of data be briefed on their responsibilities prior to the test.

procedure starts with the insertion of the temporary nuclear monitor detectors, and those fuel mblies which contain neutron sources, into the vessel. This is followed by insertion of the aining fuel assemblies in a sequence to be determined in conjunction with the NSSS Vendor.

oughout the loading sequence, the following is performed: RCS boron concentration and lant temperature is recorded; high flux alarms are set at appropriate limits; temporary and rce range detectors are monitored visually and at least one channel is monitored audibly; an rse count rate ratio (ICCR) is calculated. A status board is used to record fuel assembly/

ctor locations for each step of the procedure. At completion of core loading, a final core figuration is recorded.

1. An unexpected increase in count rate above a specified level.
2. An unexpected change in RCS boron concentration or water temperature.
3. An unexpected containment radiation monitoring alarm occurs.
4. An insufficient number of neutron detector channels becomes available for monitoring.
5. ICCR data indicates that an abnormal condition exists.

ore loading has been suspended for any reason, required surveillances (i.e., boron centration, water temperature, neutron count rate, etc.) shall continue at the required uency. Loading operations will not resume until the reason for the suspension has been erstood and corrected, or has been evaluated and found acceptable.

.10.2 Post-Core Hot Functional er completion of fuel load, the technical specification shutdown margin for a fully loaded core be verified. Steps are then taken to align and check the operability of instruments, equipment, control systems necessary for plant heatup. Since the PCHF proceeds in steps from cold ditions to operating temperature and pressure, some prerequisites are not required until just ore the appropriate condition for testing. Such prerequisites are identified within the test itself, met before proceeding. Furthermore, several systems may be tested as appendices of the HF. Any prerequisites necessary for these tests will be stated in the applicable test appendix; ure to meet them affects only the test appendix, not the remaining portions of the PCHF. Plant cedures will be used to the maximum extent possible for conducting the PCHF.

ng with general precautions associated with the plant operating procedures, some important autions for PCHF include: the requirement that reactivity changes be made under the direct ervision of a senior reactor operator, and vigilance to assure any boron dilution does not lower tor coolant system (RCS) concentration below that required for fueling shutdown.

PCHF initially prepares the plant for heatup. Upper core internals are installed; the reactor sel head is placed and the studs are tensioned; cables, ductwork, and insulation are connected; the missile shield is put in place. While at ambient temperature, the rod control system will be cked out and rod drop times are measured. After the prerequisites have been met for plant tup (RCS filled and vented, reactor coolant pumps (RCP) operable, etc.), the RCS is heated to mal operating temperature and pressure using RCP heat. At selected points in the heatup, RCS tests will be performed, operation of instrumentation will be checked and compared, and t systems will be tested in accordance with the PCHF appendices.

1. Pressurizer spray and heater effectiveness will be checked.
2. RCS design flow will be verified.
3. Rod drop times under hot conditions will be checked.
4. Flow coastdown will be conducted.

ddition, items encountered during the pre-core hot functional which were unsatisfactory and ems not previously checked under hot conditions will be tested. This includes a checkout of re movable detectors, auxiliary feedwater performance verification, and steam dump controls ing.

.10.3 Initial Criticality n completion of the PCHF, the primary system is at hot shutdown with reactor coolant pumps rating, RCS temperature controlled using the steam bypass/dump system, and RCS boron centration equal to or greater than the value for core loading. Remaining deficiencies are ewed by the JTG and resolution obtained prior to authorization of performance of the initial cality procedure. In addition to the regular plant systems necessary for initial criticality, cial equipment, such as a reactivity computer and recorders for monitoring/plotting data, are cked out and verified as operational.

r to beginning the procedure, there should be a count rate of at least 1/2 counts per second; ible and visual count rate signals should be received from the audible count rate channel and er timer units, respectively, on one source range channel. Approach to criticality is done in a berate and orderly manner. The following precautions are observed during the procedure.

1. Criticality must be anticipated at any time reactivity is being added to the reactor core.
2. Simultaneous rod withdrawal and RCS boron dilution should not be done except as specified in the procedure.
3. Nuclear monitoring data should be observed and the ICCR calculated at specified intervals. If either the ICCR or monitored data indicates an abnormal condition as specified in the procedure, then reactivity addition should be terminated until the source of the abnormal condition is corrected or understood and considered not to adversely affect the safety of continued operations.

initial steps of the procedure require the withdrawal of the control rods in incremental steps l the final control bank is partially withdrawn. Criticality is not expected to occur during the trol rod withdrawal process, but instruments and calculated data are monitored in order to

is significantly reduced to achieve initial criticality in as controlled a manner as possible.

ual criticality may be achieved by withdrawing the last control bank rather than by dilution. In case, dilution would be terminated when ICCR reaches approximately 0.3; the control group ld then be withdrawn incrementally until critical. Once criticality is achieved, control banks boron concentration are adjusted, as necessary, to maintain desired flux level in anticipation erforming low power testing.

2.11 TEST PROGRAM SCHEDULE ure 14.2-5 depicts the time frame and the general sequence of the Millstone 3 initial test gram, which is conducted to insure that the plant, personnel, and procedures can safely and ably support the initial fuel load and subsequent testing.

ure 14.2-6 depicts the time frame and the sequence of the startup tests to take the plant from initial fuel loading through the warranty run in a controlled manner.

initial test program is expected to take approximately 30 months, while the startup test gram is expected to take at least 5 months. Phase II preoperational and subsequent test cedures will be available for regulatory review at least 60 days prior to the scheduled ormance of the test or 60 days prior to the scheduled fuel load date, whichever is sooner.

.12 TEST DESCRIPTION ummary of the sources of acceptance criteria for preoperational and startup tests is presented able 14.2-3.

.12.1 Preoperational Tests test summaries for the preoperational test program, as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.68 vision 2, August 1978), are provided in Table 14.2-1. The testing specified in these maries is conducted during the Phase I, II, and III testing described in this manual. The scope title of the summaries may not, in all cases, correspond directly to the actual test procedures ch will be used. That is, certain test procedures may include more than one test as described in summaries while in other cases the testing described in a summary may be covered under tiple procedures. The overall scope and content of testing described in the summaries will be uded in final procedures.

tain prerequisites will apply in general to all preoperational tests. These general prerequisites listed below in lieu of inclusion in each individual summary.

1. Construction has been completed and the system has been released to NNECo, along with the necessary support systems.
3. Permanent electrical power, air supplies, cooling water, and other support systems are available and ready for service as required.
4. Necessary test equipment is available and calibrated.

.12.2 Initial Startup Tests initial startup test portion of the test program consists of fuel loading, precritical tests, initial cality, low power physics, and power ascension testing. Fuel load and initial criticality cedures and tests are described in Section 14.2.10. Test summaries of all other major tests to be ormed during the initial startup phase are provided in Table 14.2-2.














PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM COLD HYDROSTATIC TEST Prerequisites for testing eral prerequisites have been met. Reactor coolant pump seal water and reactor coolant pump al operating demonstrations have been satisfactorily completed. The system, including rfacing portions of connected systems, has been filled and vented following completion of of of cleanness, and initial water chemistry has been established. Operability of the hydro test p has been satisfactorily demonstrated.

Test Objective and Method test will demonstrate the structural integrity of the reactor coolant and interfacing portions of necting systems. The minimum temperature specified by the NSSS vendor for critical ponents will be established with reactor coolant pump heat prior to increasing pressure.

ssure will be increased in stages to the maximum specified pressure, monitoring for leakage at h step and performing designated inspections on system welds, joints, piping, and ponents. Pressure reduction to specified conditions and return of the system to a configuration further testing will conclude the test.

Acceptance Criteria cold hydrostatic test satisfactorily verifies the integrity of the reactor coolant system.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTROL ROD DRIVE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The rod drive power supply M-G sets and trip breakers have n satisfactorily tested, and are operable from the control room.

Test Objective and Method control, logic and power cabinets are energized and verified functional. The alarm functions checked out and the correct values of system parameters are adjusted.

Acceptance Criteria input failure detection circuits to the Urgent Alarm are verified operable at required setpoints.

ic cabinet operation is verified to be in the correct sequence, and Non-Urgent Alarm input uits are verified operable. The alarm functions from each power cabinet to logic cabinet and annunciators are verified operable. roper slave cycle selection, mechanism timing, and bank rlap are verified.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - FUEL TRANSFER Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All fuel handling equipment has been tested, checked and epted. Construction is complete in the spent fuel pit, fuel transfer tube and refuel cavity.

mmy fuel assembly is available. Reactor vessel internals have been installed. The cask crane been tested and is available.

Test Objective and Summary objective of the test will be to demonstrate the ability of the fuel handling system to move from the new fuel receiving area to a selected position in the reactor core. It will also onstrate the ability of the fuel handling system to remove selected fuel from the reactor core move it to the spent fuel pool. During these transfers, motion of the transfer equipment will be d, limit switch settings, stops and interlocks will be verified. The capability to move spent offsite will be verified if the appropriate shipping cask is available.

Acceptance Criteria phases of fuel motion and interlock operation shall be in accordance with design and deemed sfactory for safe fuel handling.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - POLAR CRANE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All component testing including the construction 125 ent static and 100 percent dynamic load tests have been completed.

Test Objective and Summary s test will verify operability of polar crane control circuits and ability to handle the reactor sel head and various internals components.

Acceptance Criteria crane control circuits and interlocks function in accordance with design. The crane is capable nstallation and removal of the reactor vessel head and those internal components placed during hydrostatic and hot functional testing.


Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor coolant, reactor plant component cooling, and rfacing portions of other support systems are available. Plant is at cold ambient conditions for al testing of components and controls and at normal operating temperature and pressure ng hot functional testing for verification of thermal-hydraulic performance.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the charging and letdown functions of the chemical and volume control em (CHS). The proper functioning of system components, including charging pumps, heat hangers, valves and orifices, as well as the volume control tank level control and cover gas em, purification demineralizers, excess letdown reactor coolant pump seal water, and mical control and makeup functions will be demonstrated. Proper operation of system trols, (including the proper operation of the auxiliary miniflow path) interlocks, and alarms be verified.

harging/SI test will also be performed using various combinations of weaker and stronger rging pumps injecting into the RCS cold legs via separate SI injection lines with suction taken m the RWST. The purpose of this test is to:

a. determine performance characteristics at full flow conditions,
b. verify minimum required safeguards flow is obtainable from the weaker pump,
c. verify runout flow of the stronger pump is not unacceptable, and
d. balance flow to each of the four injection lines.

Acceptance Criteria charging pumps meet or exceed design performance requirements. The charging and letdown mal and alternate flow paths, including heat exchangers, letdown orifices and control valves, ction in accordance with design requirements. The volume control tank level system, diversion es and cover gas system function as required. The system demineralizers operate at specified rates and pressure drops. The chemical control and makeup function operates in accordance h design requirements. Controls, interlocks, and alarms function properly in response to mal or simulated input signals.


Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been meet. The reactor coolant system and interfacing portions of the ume control and supporting systems are available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the operability of the boric acid subsystem of the chemical and volume trol system (CHS). The ability of the system to mix, store and deliver boric acid in required centrations will be verified. Testing may be performed in conjunction with other CHS system testing.

Acceptance Criteria ic acid can be mixed, stored and delivered in accordance with specified design parameters.


Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor coolant system, reactor plant component ling and interfacing portions of the volume control and supporting systems are available. The t is at cold ambient conditions for initial testing of components and controls and at normal rating temperature and pressure for verification of system performance during hot functional ing or later as plant conditions permit.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the operability of the boron thermal regeneration subsystem of the mical and volume control system (CHS). Operability of system controls and interlocks will be onstrated. The capability of the thermal regeneration demineralizers to operate in the borate dilute modes will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria boron thermal regeneration system performs in accordance with design specifications.

uent boron concentrations are in accordance with design requirements in the borate and dilute des of operation. Controls, interlocks and alarms operate in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - FUEL POOL COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Transfer canal and spent fuel storage pool are complete and ilable, with initial fill and leak test completed.

Test Objective and Summary t objective will be to demonstrate the capability of the system to function in all design flow s as required for safe storage of fuel. Testing will include the verification that fuel storage s can be flooded and drained as required; that circulation thru heat exchangers is established; alarms actuate and instrumentation functions. Skimmer operation of the fuel storage areas be demonstrated. Skimmer operation in the Refueling Cavity as well as system recirculation purification (including the RWST) will be demonstrated prior to refueling.

Acceptance Criteria flow rates of system pumps will be verified to be in accordance with design. Flow paths are ect for system cooling, skimming and purification functions and between the system and the eling water storage tank. The purification system will maintain acceptable water quality.

tem level and temperature alarms function as designed for safe storage of fuel.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTAINMENT RECIRCULATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The containment sump special test structure has been ted and provisions for fill and recirculation to the RWST have been completed.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the containment recirculation system to take a suction he containment sump and discharge to either the recirculation spray headers or the low sure safety injection system. The test will be conducted utilizing a temporary test structure ferdam) to permit filling above the level of the containment floor. Spray nozzles will be cked and a flow path will be established to recirculate water back to the RWST. Pumps will be rated singly to determine individual performance characteristics and to verify flow paths.

quate NPSH for the design accident operation of the system will be verified.

foregoing test will be supplemented by a model test which will verify acceptable vortex trol.

owing the flow test, nozzles will be installed and verified operable utilizing air. The flow path the air test shall overlap that of the water test to also verify that there is no blockage in any ion of the flow path.

tem controls, interlocks and alarms will be demonstrated operable in accordance with design.

Acceptance Criteria containment recirculation system meets design performance requirements established by the ty analysis. Unobstructed flow paths are verified for spray nozzles and ring headers.

trols, interlocks, and alarms function in accordance with design for normal and simulated dent signals.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor coolant and reactor plant component cooling er are available. The refueling water storage tank is available and filled with demineralized or ated water.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the RHR system to operate in both the cooldown and ty injection modes. Initial system operation will be demonstrated with the plant at cold ient conditions, with the following specific tests:

1. Verification of RHR inlet valve interlocks and controls
2. Demonstration of acceptable pump performance on miniflow
3. Verification of proper miniflow control valve operation
4. Demonstration of startup recirculation operation ting will continue through plant heatup for hot functional testing and upon cooldown owing hot functional testing at which time system thermal hydraulic performance and ability ool the RCS will be verified to be in accordance with the design.

system ability to deliver water to the RCS in the safety injection mode will be demonstrated.

s testing will be performed during the demonstration of low pressure safety injection operation ng ESF functional testing.

system will be operated in the refueling mode to demonstrate its ability to transfer water from RWST to the refueling cavity and provide a cooling flow path during refueling operations.

Acceptable Criteria RHR system meets or exceeds design requirements for reaching and maintaining cold tdown conditions, operating in the safety injection mode and providing cooling during eling operations.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - LOW PRESSURE SAFETY INJECTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor vessel is open with internals removed for the flow portion of the test and closed with plant at necessary temperature and pressure for onstrations of check valve hot operability. Nitrogen or compressed air is available for umulator pressurization. A supply of demineralized water or borated water is available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate system ability to perform its intended safety function. Specific tests will ude the following.

1. Discharge of each accumulator to the cold reactor coolant system. Level and pressure measurements will be used to evaluate accumulator discharge performance and to verify that the pipe resistance is within an acceptable range.
2. Verification of nitrogen fill, vent and relief and accumulator makeup and drain capability.
3. Verification of the ability of accumulator isolation valves to open automatically on a safety injection signal against maximum expected differential pressure conditions.
4. Verification of accumulator discharge check valve operability with the RCS in a hot condition.
5. Verification of proper operation of interlocks, controls, and alarms.

Acceptance Criteria low pressure safety injection system performance meets design requirements of the safety lysis.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - HIGH PRESSURE SAFETY INJECTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The refuel water storage tank has been filled to the proper l for testing with water of the required chemistry. For cold testing the reactor vessel will be n with upper and lower internals removed.

testing will be performed with the reactor vessel closed, during hot functional testing.

Test Objective and Summary ts will be conducted to provide assurance that the high pressure safety injection will omplish its intended safety function. The total system test will be instituted by a safety ction signal. It will be demonstrated that proper flow thru each injection path is developed le various suction flow paths are utilized. The preoperational test will use both high pressure ty injection (HPSI) pumps. The test flow injection paths will include both the reactor coolant em (RCS) cold legs and hot legs. Pump capacity and proper NPSH will be verified under erent flow path conditions. Testing will verify that pumps will not trip out under maximum inable flow conditions and that adequate margin exists between trip points and maximum p operating conditions for pump motor trips. Response time of the pumps (time of start signal l desired flow conditions are met) will be evaluated. Proper functioning of alarms, ruments, and valves will be verified as well as valve speed of response. Valve speed and itioning will be verified in the control room and by local visual observation. The capability of SI to deliver as required under accident conditions will be verified by analysis based on as t HPSI pump and system head-capacity curves.

h the reactor coolant system at normal operating temperature and pressure during hot ctional testing, a hot flow test will be performed by injecting a small amount of water into the S to verify the operability of the system check valves.

er both test states, vibration and general movement of piping supports will be measured and luated.

Acceptance Criteria test performance will be evaluated against design requirements. Tests will be acceptable if gn requirements of the safety analysis are satisfied.

PREREQUISITES TEST - QUENCH SPRAY Prerequisites for testing eral prerequisites have been met. Air supply available for nozzle testing.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the hydraulic performance of the quench spray system, proper ctioning of spray nozzles and proper operation of the refuel water storage tank.

refuel water storage tank chemical addition and recirculation system will be demonstrated rable in accordance with design requirements. Quench spray pumps will be operated through recirculation test lines with spray headers isolated to demonstrate hydraulic performance.

per operation of system controls, interlocks, and alarms will be demonstrated for normal and dent signals. Heat tracing circuitry serving the system will be demonstrated operable in ordance with design.

ay nozzles will be tested for proper performance using air.

flow path for the air test shall overlap that of the water test to also verify that there is no kage in any section of the flow path.

Acceptance Criteria quench spray system performance meets design performance requirements established by the ty analysis. Unobstructed flow paths are verified for spray nozzles and ring headers. Controls, rlocks, and alarms function in accordance with design for normal and simulated accident als.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR PLANT SAMPLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Installation of all sample lines and instrumentation from the ote sample points to local stations are complete and ready for service.

Test Objective and Summary t objective will be to demonstrate that samples can be taken from reactor plant systems during and hot functional testing. Testing will be performed to insure that proper sample flow rates be regulated, isolation valves respond to isolation signals and that cooling water flow to ple heat exchangers is adequate.

Acceptance Criteria ple system must demonstrate the capability to operate within design pressure, temperature flow conditions, manufacturers recommendations and needs of plant operation.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTAINMENT LOCAL LEAK RATE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will examine containment penetrations, including air locks and containment isolation es for leakage in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J. The leak rate across each tainment boundary will be measured.

Acceptance Criteria tainment local leak rate tests meet the requirements imposed by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, e B and Type C tests.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTAINMENT VENTILATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Plant may be at ambient temperature or at hot functional ditions as required by individual test procedures.

Test Objective and Summary subsystems make up the containment ventilation system and are designated as the hydrogen mbiner system, containment air recirculation system, control rod drive mechanism cooling em, containment air filtration system, containment purge system, and the containment uum system. Each subsystem will be tested for performance as part of the containment tilation system.

hydrogen recombiner system will verify proper blower capacity and heat rise through the tric heaters using the containment atmosphere.

ration of the three fans of the containment air recirculation system will be verified with air balancing performed during operation. Control of cooling water to the containment coolers, perature sensor operation as well as damper operation will be verified.

control rod drive mechanism shroud ventilation units will be verified capable of maintaining peratures in the CRDM shroud within design limits.

containment air filtration system will be tested to demonstrate fan performance and to verify r efficiency.

, heater and damper operation will be verified during testing of the containment purge system.

h vacuum pumps of the containment vacuum system as well as the air ejector will be tested for ity to reach and maintain design containment vacuum conditions.

Acceptance Criteria subsystems of the containment ventilation system meet the requirements of specification and gn.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - AUXILIARY BUILDING VENTILATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Filter systems have been installed and charged and support ems such as instrument air and electrical are available.

Test Objective and Summary t objective will be to demonstrate that the auxiliary building ventilation system is capable of viding a suitable environment for personnel and equipment and capable of preventing the ad or release of airborne radioactive material to the atmosphere.

flows into and out of the auxiliary building in accordance with design and ability to maintain batmospheric pressure in the building will be verified. Manual and automatic operation of will be verified.

per operation of inlet and exhaust isolation dampers will be verified in manual and automatic des.

rumentation interlocks and alarm operation will be verified. Filter systems will be tested for ciency, flow rates, leak tightness and overall operation. Heaters will be energized and resulting peratures recorded.

Acceptance Criteria tilation system balance in accordance with design criteria and a subatmospheric pressure will erified. Fan and damper operation for various modes of operation will be verified as correct in ordance with design requirements. Filters will meet efficiency, flow and leak tightness as cified in design requirements.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - WASTE DISPOSAL BUILDING VENTILATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ill be demonstrated that the waste disposal building ventilation system will provide a suitable ironment for personnel and equipment. Air flows will be verified to insure that in potentially taminated areas the pressure will be subatmospheric. Heating elements will be actuated and er operated dampers will be actuated.

Acceptance Criteria flows will be verified to be in accordance with design requirements. Dampers will attain per position during power operation.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - FUEL BUILDING HVAC Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will be performed to demonstrate that the ventilation system will maintain a suitable ironment for personnel and equipment. A subatmospheric condition in the fuel building will erified. Operation of the exhaust dampers, heating coils and temperature controls will also be fied. Testing of the exhaust filter train will be performed.

Acceptance Criteria ctional and performance testing will verify design requirements and criteria.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES BUILDING HVAC Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will be used to verify proper system logic during normal and emergency operation.

ting will be used to demonstrate the capability of the five ESF building ventilation subsystems rovide design air flows. The design air exchange capability will be verified in the auxiliary water pump and ventilation mechanical room area. Cooling capacity to the areas of the tainment recirculating pumps, quench spray pumps, residual heat removal pumps and safety ction pumps will be determined by operation of the cooling equipment with known heat loads extrapolating the resulting data to verify that the systems can remove the postulated t-accident heat load.

Acceptance Criteria ormance of each ventilation subsystem will be in accordance with the design requirements for ration and will be proven capable of maintaining area temperature during post-accident heat conditions.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTROL BUILDING VENTILATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Ductwork has been cleaned and filters have been installed.

Test Objective and Summary ability of the ventilation system to maintain personnel comfort and provide proper air ditions for equipment operation will be demonstrated. The capability to isolate the control ding from the outside atmosphere will be demonstrated utilizing simulated signals of SIS and ospheric high radiation or chlorine.

ering and exhaust air flows will be determined and the ability to keep the control room above ospheric pressure will be verified. The control room emergency ventilation system will be ed and will include testing of the compressed air storage system. The control room envelope rates will be demonstrated to be within specified design values.

w through the filter assemblies will be measured and analyzed, heating elements will be rgized and chill water flows evaluated.

nual and automatic operation of fans and dampers will be verified as well as instrument rlocks and alarm operation.

Acceptance Criteria trol room leak rate is in accordance with predetermined design values. Air flows, damper ration, cooling, humidity, and heating performance will be in accordance with design uirements. Filters will meet the design requirements of flow, leak tightness and efficiency.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - SCREEN HOUSE HVAC Prerequisites for Testing General prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary h circulating water and service water ventilation systems will be tested to insure an ironment suitable for personnel and equipment. Air flows will be recorded. Fan, damper and ter operation will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria flows, damper operation, heaters, and thermostatic controls will perform in accordance with gn requirements.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - EMERGENCY GENERATOR ENCLOSURE VENTILATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The diesel generator is available for full-load testing during em performance testing.

Test Objective and Summary ergency generator enclosure building ventilation system testing will verify that ambient losure temperatures are in accordance with the general design temperature requirements ng generator operation, under loaded conditions. Proper operation of thermostatically trolled dampers and fans as well as enclosure cubicle heaters, inlet and outlet dampers and start of the ventilation equipment along with the diesels will be demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria ration and performance of the system will be in accordance with design requirements.


Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Filter banks have been installed, charged and ready for test.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the operation of equipment which will be used to minimize the release of orne radioactive contaminants and to create a partial vacuum in the enclosure, main steam e, engineered safety features, hydrogen recombiner and auxiliary buildings.

h filter bank will be tested for efficiency, absorption, contact time and flow. Fan performance the variable fan inlet vanes which work in conjunction with pressure controls in the enclosure ding will be demonstrated operable in accordance with design requirements. Automatic start ach system, utilizing simulated signals, will be verified. Bypass leak testing of each filter will erformed.

Acceptance Criteria eptance of the system will be based upon component test and integrated system tests meeting design requirements for the supplementary leak collection and release system.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - MAIN STEAM Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The system is at ambient temperature and pressure for fication of control and interlock functioning and at normal temperature and pressure during functional testing for functional performance verification.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify the operation of main steam system protection and control functions. Portions he test will be coordinated with the steam dump control system testing. Specific tests will:

1. demonstrate proper operation of main steam isolation valves (MSIV) and bypass valves;
2. demonstrate the response of the MSIV and bypass valves to a steamline isolation signal (SLI), including verification of closure time;
3. demonstrate the proper operation of atmospheric relief valves and condenser steam dump valves in conjunction with testing of the steam dump control system;
4. demonstrate proper operation of the atmospheric relief blocking valves;
5. demonstrate the operation of the steam generator safety valves, verifying setpoints with a pressure-assist device and verifying proper reseating and leakage within specified limits; and
6. demonstrate the operation of the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump stop valves and speed controls.

Acceptance Criteria main steam isolation valves and bypass valves respond within specified time limits to local remote signals and upon receipt of a steamline isolation signal. Steam generator safety es operate in accordance with design requirements and reseat properly with seat leakage at mal operating pressure within design limits. Main steam atmospheric relief valves and king valves operate in accordance with design requirements. The turbine driven auxiliary water pump steam stop valves operate and pump speed can be controlled within specified gn limits.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - STEAM DUMP CONTROL Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met for the main steam and process protection systems. The m dump control system has been aligned and calibrated to initial settings. The steam generator ospheric relief, safety and condenser steam dumps have been checked and are operational.

Test Objective and Summary ting will be performed prior to and during the pre-core hot functional tests to verify that the m dump control system operates properly in the manual and automatic modes. Testing will onstrate that system interlock functions operate as designed on receipt of blocking signals.

ting will also verify that the atmospheric relief and condenser steam dump valves open in the e required to preclude steam generator safety valve operation during a plant trip which utilizes m dump. During hot functional testing only one steam dump or atmospheric relief will be rated at a time.

Acceptance Criteria atmospheric relief valves operate in accordance with design in both manual and automatic des. The condenser steam dump valves operate in accordance with design from the steam der pressure controller, load rejection controller and turbine trip controller. Blocking rlocks function to prevent condenser steam dump valve opening. The condenser steam dump ning time is equal to or less than a predetermined interval.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The system is at ambient temperature and pressure for fication of control and interlock functions, and at normal operating temperature and pressure ng hot functional testing for functional performance verification.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that the blowdown isolation valves will respond to design isolation signals, and system controls and interlocks function per design.

Acceptance Criteria wdown isolation valves shut on receipt of the auxiliary feed pump running signal within cified time limits. The blowdown flow control system operates in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - MAIN FEEDWATER Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met for both the feedwater and condensate systems. Testing will place both prior to and during hot functional tests, and during power ascension.

Test Objective and Summary test objective will be to demonstrate and verify that the engineered safety features of the em perform in a predetermined manner. Feedwater flow will be interrupted to all steam erators upon receipt of a feedwater isolation signal. Verification of valve operability and time losure will be made. A trip signal will be given to the feed pumps in response to a simulated ty injection signal or a steam generator High-High level signal. A valve trip signal will be erated during power ascension by a Low TAV signal.

Acceptance Criteria ration of the pumps, valves support systems, and signals perform in a manner satisfactory to t engineered safety feature design criteria.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - STEAM GENERATOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met for the feedwater system, and process protection and control ems.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that system control functions are in accordance with design using simulated uts for steam generator water level, feed flow and steam flow. The operation of both the main bypass feedwater regulating valves, system interlocks and controls will be checked. The onse of the feedwater regulating valves to feedwater isolation signals will be checked.

mpletion of testing is prerequisite to initial startup power ascension testing during which final em adjustments are made.

Acceptance Criteria ponse of the feedwater regulating and feedwater bypass valves is in accordance with initial gn calculations for specified combinations of 3-element control input. The feedwater ulating and bypass valves respond properly and within specified time constraints to feedwater ation signals.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - AUXILIARY FEEDWATER Prerequisites for testing eral prerequisites have been met. Demineralized water storage tank is filled to the specified l and plant conditions have been established for the particular phase of the test to be ormed.

Test Objective and Summary test will verify at ambient plant conditions that the system components and controls will ction as designed, including flow path verification and capability of auto start, flow control flow limiting controls and interlocks. The initial operation of the turbine driven auxiliary water pump and ability to deliver design flow to each steam generator will be verified during functional testing. Proper operation of the turbine auxiliary oil system will be verified. Proper ration of heat tracing circuits will be verified. All auxiliary feedwater pumps will have an urance test at least 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> long. Following this endurance run, the pumps will be shut down, led down, and then be restarted and run for at least one hour.

Acceptance Criteria minimum flow capacity at design head of each auxiliary feedwater pump and steam generator rate as specified in the safety analysis will be verified. The system will respond to auto start als and will act to limit flow to a faulted steam generator. Proper lubrication is observed in the iliary turbine. System operation, startup and shutdown does not result in flow instabilities or er hammer.

iliary feedwater pumps will remain within design limits, normal and backup water supply paths will be verified, and pump room ambient conditions do not exceed environmental lification limits for safety related equipment in the room.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - SERVICE WATER SYSTEM Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Intake structure service water bays are flooded and open for er flow. Yard vacuum priming system is in operation. Tests will take place prior to and during functional testing.

Test Objective and Summary test objectives will be to insure proper flow to various system heat exchangers to maintain the red cooling effects. Testing will include verification of flows to each component, safety ation of pumps and valves, temperature differences recorded. System operation will be onstrated in both normal and emergency modes.

Acceptance Criteria service water system will be verified to function in accordance with the specified design uirements of both safety and normal operating modes.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR PLANT COMPONENT COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Service water system is operational. Plant is at cold ambient ditions for verification of control and interlock operation, and at normal operating temperature verification of thermal-hydraulic performance during hot functional testing.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the reactor plant component cooling system to supply quate cooling to its components. Specific testing will:

1. demonstrate system component operability, control, alarm, and interlock functions;
2. verify that components served by the system receive adequate cooling under normal and emergency operating conditions and that thermal and hydraulic parameters are in accordance with design; and
3. achieve flow balancing to the maximum extent practicable prior to power operation. Adjustments required by added heat loads will be made in the startup test phase.

Acceptance Criteria system thermal-hydraulic performance meets design requirements. Control, alarm and rlock functions perform in accordance with design.

33.PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR PLANT CHILLED WATER Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor plant component cooling water system is ilable. Plant is at cold ambient conditions for verification of control and interlock operation at normal operating temperature for verification of thermal-hydraulic performance during hot ctional testing.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the reactor plant chilled water system to supply quate cooling to its components. Specific testing will:

1. demonstrate system component operability, control alarm, and interlock functions;
2. verify that components served by the system receive adequate cooling under normal operating conditions and that thermal and hydraulic parameters are in accordance with design; and
3. achieve flow balancing to the maximum extent practicable prior to power operation. Adjustments required by added heat loads will be made in the startup test phase.

Acceptance Criteria system meets design cooling requirements. Control, alarm, and interlock functions perform in ordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CHARGING PUMP COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Reactor plant component cooling service water and CHS ems are available. Plant is at cold ambient conditions for verification of control and interlock ration and at normal operating temperature for verification of system cooling performance.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the charging pump cooling system to supply adequate ling. System component operability, control, alarm, and interlock functions will be onstrated. Adequate cooling will be verified after balancing of flow under normal operating ditions.

Acceptance Criteria system meets design cooling requirements. Control, alarm, and interlock functions perform in ordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - SAFETY INJECTION PUMP COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Reactor plant component cooling, service water, and safety ction systems are available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the safety injection pump cooling system to supply quate cooling. System component operability, control, alarm, and interlock functions will be fied after balancing of flow under normal operating conditions.

Acceptance Criteria system meets design cooling requirements. Control, alarm, and interlock functions perform in ordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - NEUTRON SHIELD TANK COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Reactor plant chilled water is available. Plant is at normal rating temperature for verification of system performance during hot functional testing.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify the capability of the system to maintain design temperature within the neutron ld tank.

Acceptance Criteria neutron shield tank temperature can be maintained within specified design limits. System ms function in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR PLANT GASEOUS DRAINS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The boron recovery and radioactive gaseous waste systems capable of receiving drains.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the system to transfer drainage from the pressurizer ef tank, containment drains transfer tank, and primary drains transfer tank to the boron very and/or radioactive gaseous waste systems. Flow paths from systems draining to the em tanks will be verified operable. Control interlock and alarm functions will be verified rable in accordance with design.

Acceptance Criteria system will accept and transfer reactor plant gaseous drains. System parameters, controls rlocks, and alarms function in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - INSTRUMENT AIR AND CONTAINMENT INSTRUMENT AIR Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The system has been pressure tested using instrument air lity gas.

Test Objective and Summary ting will be performed to provide assurance that the instrument air system will provide clean air at the proper pressure to end use equipment.

air operated valves are individually tested to ensure proper operation. This testing includes per response to loss of air.

mpressors will be tested for manual and automatic starting, quality and volume of air delivered verification of instrument readings. Cooling water flows to the compressors will be verified.

rument air dryers will be coupled to the compressor and full flow air tests will be conducted.

ers will be operated full cycle with automatic switching of dryer towers verified. Instruments alarm settings will be verified. Total air demand at normal steady state conditions, including age from the system, will be verified to be in accordance with design. Quality of air will be luated at the dryer outlet. Further verification of cleanliness shall be verified by blowdown of rument air lines through a filter cloth. A gradual loss of instrument air test shall be conducted ear normal operating conditions to verify acceptability of emergency response procedures and em response. A test shall be conducted to demonstrate that plant equipment designed to be plied by the instrument air system is not supplied by other air supplies having less restrictive quality requirements. Plant components requiring large quantities of instrument air shall be rated simultaneously while the system is at near normal steady state conditions to verify that sure transients in the distribution system do not exceed acceptable values. Functional testing l be performed to verify that failures resulting in an increase in the supply system pressure not cause peak transient pressures above the design pressure of the system components.

Acceptance Criteria equipment in the instrument air system will perform in an acceptable manner in accordance h design requirements.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor plant aerated drain system is available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the reactor plant aerated drain system to transfer nage to the radioactive liquid waste system, and the capability of the waste system and the densate demineralizer liquid waste system to process, store and control the release of oactive liquid wastes. Control, interlock, and alarm functions will be verified to operate in ordance with design.

Acceptance Criteria radioactive liquid waste and reactor plant aerated drain systems function in accordance with gn.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - BORON RECOVERY Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The radioactive gaseous waste and reactor plant gaseous n systems are available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the system to process, store and control the transfer of own coolant, distillate boric acid, and discharge waste. Control, interlock, and alarm functions be verified to operate in accordance with design.

Acceptance Criteria cess rates, storage capacities, and discharge concentrations fulfill the design requirements of system. Control, interlock, and alarm functions operate in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor plant aerated and gaseous vent systems are ilable.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the system to process, store, and control the release of oactive gaseous waste. Controls, interlocks, and alarms will be verified functional in ordance with design.

Acceptance Criteria system functions in accordance with design to process and control the release of radioactive eous waste.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - RADIOACTIVE SOLID WASTE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Representative samples of process waste and resin as well as cess chemicals are available to support demonstration of operation.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the system to process waste from the various influent ams to a form acceptable for disposal. Control, interlocks, and alarms will be verified ctional in accordance with design.

Acceptance Criteria waste solidification process is demonstrated acceptable in conformance with design uirements.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - STEAM GENERATOR CHEMICAL FEED Prerequisites for Testing ndard prerequisites have been met. Plant is at cold shutdown for system design chemical feed verification. Plant is at normal operating temperature and pressure for containment isolation fication.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that the system will deliver steam generator chemicals at design rates and onstrate the containment isolation function.

Acceptance Criteria ign chemical feed rates are achieved. Containment isolation occurs upon receipt of signal hin design time limits.

PREOPERATIONAL TESTS - FIRE PROTECTION - WATER Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary t objective will be to demonstrate system response to various fire alarms and sensor inputs.

rument setpoints will be checked, system pressures will be verified and valves separating mic portions of the system from the remainder of the system will be actuated.

Acceptance Criteria ired system response to alarms and sensor inputs will be required. Satisfactory operation of ndary valves and system pressures necessary for flow requirements will be demonstrated.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - FIRE PROTECTION - CO AND HALON Prerequisites for testing eral prerequisites have been met. All systems have been flushed and cleaned. Storage lities for gas are complete and control and instrumentation have been checked and calibrated.

ctric power is available for alarms, heaters, and refrigeration service. Storage tank safety es and vents have been checked for settings and proper installation.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the system to respond to various fire alarms. Gas flows rotected Category I enclosures will be verified with systems responding to automatic and ual actuation. Alarms, timers, and instrumentation associated with the fire protection system be tested.

Acceptance Criteria concentrations in protected areas will be evaluated for acceptable fire fighting capabilities.

alarms, timers, and instrumentation will perform in a predetermined manner.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - 4 KV NORMAL AND EMERGENCY DISTRIBUTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All circuits have been terminated and released to the rating staff. Initial component and pre-energization testing is complete.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify ability to energize each bus from the reserve station service transformer and ties. Overcurrent and differential protective schemes, breaker interlocking schemes, manual sfer and response to lockout signals will be tested. The ability of each bus to carry its imum expected load will be verified as much as is practicable during hot functional testing or uch time that the maximum expected load is available.

Acceptance Criteria n energization each bus will be verified for proper voltage and phase rotation. Proper ration, phase relationships and current magnitudes on the secondary of protective devices are fied.

ACCEPTANCE/PREOPERATIONAL TEST - 480 V NORMAL AND EMERGENCY DISTRIBUTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All circuits have been terminated and released to the rating staff. Initial component and pre-energization testing is complete.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify ability to energize each load center and motor control center (MCC) from its ciated power supply. The interlocking functions of circuit breakers will be verified to operate ectly. The ability of each bus to carry its maximum expected load will be verified during hot ctional testing or at such time that the maximum expected load is available.

Acceptance Criteria n energization, bus and MCC voltage will be verified within design limits. Phase rotation will erified correct. The sequence of breaker interlocking will be verified to be in accordance with gn.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - 120 V AC INSTRUMENT NON-VITAL DISTRIBUTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All circuits have been terminated and released to the rating staff. Initial component and pre-energization testing is complete.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify ability to energize the 120 V AC nonvital instrument distribution panel and puter power supply from their respective power sources. The ability of the non-vital inverters arry the maximum expected load, and the capability of the static switches to transfer loads ween normal and alternate sources will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria tage on the instrument bus will be verified within design limits for the various combinations of er sources and loads. The capability of inverter static switches to transfer without load rruption within the design time delay limits will be verified.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - 120 V AC INSTRUMENT VITAL DISTRIBUTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All circuits have been terminated and released to the rating staff. Initial component and pre-energization testing is complete.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify ability to energize the 120 V AC vital instrument distribution panels from their ective power sources. The ability of the vital inverters to carry the maximum expected load, the capability of the static switches to transfer loads between normal and alternate sources be verified.

Acceptance Criteria tage on the instrument buses will be verified within design limits for the various combinations ower sources and loads. The capability of inverter static switches to transfer without load rruption within design time delay limits will be verified.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - 125 V DC DISTRIBUTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All circuits have been terminated and released to the rating staff. Individual component testing has been completed on battery chargers and station eries.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that the batteries and battery chargers function to provide their required charge discharge rates and load carrying capabilities. This program includes a test of the ability of chargers to restore the battery (i.e., duty cycle) from a discharged to fully charged condition h a demand on the system equal to the largest combined demands of the various steady state

s. The interlocks between bus tie breakers will be tested to verify proper operation.

Acceptance Criteria h battery will be verified capable of supplying 100 percent of its capacity. Each battery rger can operate in float and equalize modes and supply rated continuous current at specified age levels. Operation of breaker interlocks to prevent paralleling two buses through the spare rger will be verified.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - DIESEL GENERATOR Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Component testing of the diesel generator and its support ems has been completed. Fuel oil, cooling, air start, fire protection, and ventilation systems e been tested and are ready for service.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that the diesel generators and supporting equipment will perform in accordance h design. The testing objectives will conform to the general requirements of Regulatory Guide

08. They will verify that the diesel generator is capable of operating in parallel with site power, lone on the emergency bus. This test will primarily confine itself to verifying the diesel erators capability to operate as an electrical power source. The preoperational test of ineered safety features with loss of normal power, together with this test, will demonstrate the erators capability to supply power under emergency conditions.

specific areas to be covered by this test are as follows.

1. The diesels will be operated for a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> full load test including a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> segment at the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> load rating. The required voltage and frequency as well as proper cooling system operation will be verified.
2. The ability to synchronize with offsite power, transfer loads, isolate the diesel and return to standby will be verified.
3. The ability of the diesels to operate during forwarding of fuel from storage tanks to day tanks will be verified.
4. During the combined testing of the diesels, a minimum of 34 consecutive valid tests per diesel will be performed.
5. The ability of the diesel air starting system to deliver the required starts without recharge will be verified.
6. The functional capability of the generator to sequence onto the emergency bus under full load temperature conditions will be tested in the engineered safety features test. Consequently, Item 1 may be done in that test.
7. Proper operation during load shedding will be verified. This will include a test of the loss of the single largest load and complete loss of load with the diesel initially at its maximum continuous rating. Testing will verify voltage requirements are met and that overspeed limits are not exceeded.
8. Testing will verify that during the time the shutdown relay is energized, neither the air start solenoid nor the fuel racks will open.

ing the test sequences, proper operation of each diesel generator unit will be verified through nitoring of specified parameters on the engine and generator units, control systems, interlocks, alarms including the annunciator first-out capability, lubricating oil and cooling water ems, and generator breaker operation. Major supporting systems, including fuel oil, and tilation will be monitored for proper performance.

Acceptance Criteria diesel generator units must meet the following acceptance criteria.

1. Temperatures, pressures, flows, voltage, and frequency are within specified design limits during normal full load and design transients (e.g., load shedding).
2. Reliability is demonstrated by at least 34 consecutive valid tests per unit. In addition to the valid test exceptions listed in Regulatory Guide 1.108, unsuccessful start and load attempts that can be attributed to a procedural error will not be considered valid tests.
3. Automatic and manual controls operate in accordance with design during startup, loading, load transfer, and shutdown.
4. The diesel air start system will supply sufficient capacity for the specified minimum number of starts of each diesel.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - DIESEL GENERATOR FUEL Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Initial component testing has been completed. An initial ply of fuel oil meeting the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.137 is available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that the fuel oil transfer pumps will automatically maintain the fuel oil day level in the design band. The ability to transfer fuel oil between fuel oil storage tanks will be fied. The ability of the fuel oil transfer pumps to maintain design flow rates will be verified.

fuel oil strainers will be inspected for presence of abnormal fouling indications following ing.

Acceptance Criteria l oil transfer pumps operate within design flow and pressure requirements. The fuel oil day is maintained within the specified level band through automatic makeup. No abnormal ing of fuel oil strainers is permitted.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - RESERVE STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMERS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Component testing on support equipment and energization testing of the transformers and associated breakers has been completed. The 345 switchyard is available for service.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify ability to energize the reserve station service transformers. Proper operation of transformers under load will be verified during hot functional testing.

Acceptance Criteria tage on the secondary of both RSST (A&B) will be verified to be in accordance with design

, and phase rotation will be verified correct.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - COMMUNICATIONS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. For the intraplant communications system test, ambient e levels approximating those expected during normal plant operation are established.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the operability of the following communications systems:

1. The sound-powered phone system
2. The voice paging/public address system
3. Offsite radio channels used for emergency communications
4. Offsite telephone circuits used for emergency communications
5. The emergency evacuation alarm
6. Maintenance jack system Acceptance Criteria mmunications system function per design requirements. The voice paging/public address and rgency evacuation alarm systems are audible with expected ambient noise levels. Intraplant munication channels function properly and clear communications can be established off-site elephone and radio channels.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of source, intermediate, and power range circuitry to ond to a simulated test signal, the proper operation of all operational and test circuitry uding the flux deviation signal and the proper functioning of high level trip channels, alarm oints and the audible count rate feature. The proper response of source range detectors to a tron source will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria lear instrument channels respond within specified limits to simulated input signals and vide proper indication and reactor protection outputs. Trip and alarm setpoints are within determined limits and the source range responds properly to the neutron source.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - INCORE NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary r to core loading, testing will verify the response of each channel to simulated detector inputs.

system programming for flux mapping and output to the plant computer will be onstrated.

Acceptance Criteria incore instrument system will operate in accordance with design to support post-fuel load ckout.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - PROCESS AND AREA RADIATION MONITORING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met and necessary check sources are available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify the operability of process monitor pumps, valves, alarms, controls, interlocks, associated instrumentation. Monitor response to known radioactive sources will be verified.

capability of selected monitors to initiate required control actions will be verified. Testing include the containment atmospheric monitoring system and the failed fuel detection system.

proper operation of area radiation monitors, including response to known radiation sources, cation, alarm, and actuation of required control actions will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria nitors will respond in accordance with design. Alarm setpoints correspond to design criteria.

al and remote instrumentation, recording devices, controls, and interlocks operate in ordance with design requirements.


Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met for the solid state protection system and the diesel generator uencer.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify the logic programming of the diesel generator sequencer to emergency guards actuation relay output from the solid state protection system. The response will be fied for both the loss of normal power and non-loss of normal power conditions. Successful pletion of testing will be prerequisites to the integrated testing of safeguards systems.

Acceptance Criteria ic sequencing and timing are in conformance with design for both the loss of normal power non-loss of normal power conditions.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - SOLID STATE PROTECTION SYSTEM Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate proper operation of the reactor trip and engineered safeguards actuation c and output signals of the solid state protection system in response to simulated input signals ach channel. Each design logic condition will be tested and proper coincidence logic verified.

safe operation on loss of power will be verified. The manual reactor trip up to the tripping of reactor trip breakers will also be tested. This will include testing to individually test that a ual trip will remove power from the reactor trip breaker undervoltage coil and energize the nt trip coil.

Acceptance Criteria solid state protection system produces proper logic response for specified input signals.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - PROCESS PROTECTION AND CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION RACKS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Instrument racks have been energized and each circuit card been placed in service.

Test Objective and Summary operability of each NSSS and safety-related balance of plant instrument circuit will be fied during the preoperational test of its respective system.

Acceptance Criteria rument power supplies operate within design voltage and load limits. Instrument racks operate hin design temperature limits.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - PROTECTION/SAFEGUARDS SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME TESTING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ssure sensors used in protection/safeguards system instrument channels will be initially rostatically tested to determine sensor response times. This information will later be used to blish a correlation to the white noise degradation method of response time testing.

in situ method for measuring RTD time response called the loop current step response SR) will be used to initially determine sensor response time. This information will later be d to establish a correlation to the white noise degradation method of response time testing.

ctronic signals will be injected at the input of each protection/safeguards loop and the response e from that point until final actuation will be measured. This method for loop response will be d for both pressure and temperature sensors.

algebraic sum of the loop response time and the associated sensor response time will equal a l response time.

Acceptance Criteria response times of instrumentation in protection/safeguards systems will be equal to or less that required by Technical Specifications.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - DIGITAL ROD POSITION INDICATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the ability of the system to indicate rod position using simulated inputs.

proper functioning of all circuitry will be verified, including rod deviation and position nitoring outputs to the plant computer, rod bottom indications, and alarm outputs. Satisfactory pletion of testing will be prerequisite to system checkout with control rods installed during t core load hot functional testing.

Acceptance Criteria DRPI control board display indicates the simulated input signals within specified system uracy. Outputs to the plant computer are within specified accuracy. System alarms function to cate abnormal conditions in accordance with design. Half accuracy of the system is verified.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - LOOSE PARTS MONITOR Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Plant will be at ambient conditions for initial alignments and mal operating temperature and pressure for integrated checkout during hot functional test se.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate operability of the system including response to known calibrated signals.

rt levels will be established using the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1.133 (9/77). Proper data uisition in both the manual and automatic modes will be demonstrated. Successful completion esting will be prerequisite to system checkout during the initial startup testing power ascension se.

Acceptance Criteria tem will respond to signals above the pre-determined alert level and will not be triggered by mal deliberate plant maneuvers. Data acquisition and display systems operate as designed.

tem will actuate required alarms and interlocks.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - SEISMIC MONITOR Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. A calibrated seismic test signal generator is available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that the seismic monitor will activate at predetermined trigger levels. Proper ration of the system recording and playback features, peak acceleration recorders, spectrum lyzer, and alarm functions will be demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria seismic monitoring system properly responds to simulated input signals.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - EMERGENCY LIGHTING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Normal power is available.

Test Objective and Summary ts will be made to confirm that emergency lighting will provide minimum illumination in areas ntial to safe shutdown of the plant. Testing will include interruption of essential AC lighting rces resulting in corresponding essential DC lighting being provided.

Acceptance Criteria ergency lighting will satisfy design criteria, including automatic actuation of the essential DC ting on loss of corresponding essential AC lighting, and provide specified minimum lighting ls satisfactory for the safe shutdown of the plant when other lighting sources are unavailable.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES INTEGRATED TEST WITHOUT LOSS OF NORMAL POWER Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Preoperational testing has been completed for the solid state ection system and diesel sequencer panel. Testing of safety system components required for test has been completed such that individual equipment can be actuated. The plant computer vailable for test inputs, or arrangements have been made to accurately document the status of ipment to be actuated by the safety signals initiated in this test.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify that engineered safeguards signals, generated at the source, cause the ropriate safeguards components to actuate in accordance with design. In addition to verifying rlap, testing will also verify operation of reset and override functions as well as provide rators with hands on experience in operating the safeguards equipment.

test will be initiated by simulating high containment pressure signals of sufficient magnitude ause a safety injection signal (SIS), but not cause a containment depressurization actuation A). With Train B equipment blocked, Train A equipment will be checked to ensure ipment has actuated as required by an SIS. Various override and reset functions, previously ed during system preoperational tests, will again be checked by the operators as a means of ning, and to ensure they operate as designed under actual conditions. After SIS, the tainment pressure signals will be increased so as to initiate a CDA. Safeguards equipment will erified for proper actuation with a CDA signal; resets and overrides will be verified. Train B be tested in the same way, but with Train A blocked.

oughout the preoperational test program SIS/CDA signals will be manually initiated whenever ible to support component testing (i.e, in support of Regulatory Guide 1.79 testing). Test/

bit switches associated with the diesel sequencer will be used to the maximum extent sible.

Acceptance Criteria ipment that is not inhibited shall actuate as required upon initiation of SIS or CDA. Reset and rride signals shall function as designed.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES TEST WITH LOSS OF NORMAL POWER Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Preoperational testing has been completed for the solid state ection system and diesel sequencer panel. Testing for safety system components has been pleted such that individual equipment can be actuated and monitored to determine response to ty signals. The plant computer or other devices are available to determine the status and ng of safeguards equipment being sequenced onto the emergency diesel generators (EDG).

Test Objective and Summary s test will demonstrate the following:

1. proper sequencing and operation of equipment under loss of normal power (LNP) conditions, with and without safeguards actuation signals; and
2. separation exists between emergency buses.

d sequencing onto the EDGs will include conditions imposed by a safety injection signal

), a containment depressurization signal (CDA), and recirculation mode subsequent to guards actuation. In addition, an LNP and safeguards actuation will be initiated ultaneously on both emergency buses in order to verify there is no interaction which might be imental to the proper sequencing and operation of components on each train.

Acceptance Criteria eguards equipment shall sequence onto the EDGs and operate in accordance with design eria.

EDGs and their associated sequencing equipment shall function per design. Electrical aration between emergency buses shall be verified by observing that no power exists on the A Emergency Bus with all power sources removed and LNP testing being conducted on the B Emergency Bus.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - LEAK DETECTION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The following systems are available for support of testing:

1. Radiation monitoring system
2. Reactor plant aerated drains
3. Reactor plant gaseous drains
4. Computer
5. Emergency safeguards area flooding indication rumentation for all major vessel level indications which input the leak detection program has n calibrated and is operational.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify programs, procedures and instrumentation operability for detection of:

1. reactor coolant boundary leakage; and
2. emergency safeguard area/cubicle flooding a from flow and level instrumentation installed in the reactor coolant and other process ems, drain systems and sumps and sump and drain pump run times will be obtained during vidual system preoperational testing and volumetric correlation will be computed.

procedures used to calculate leakage rates as well as the computer program for leak detection be verified. Simulated or test signals will be inserted into the radiation monitoring system as essary.

flow and level instrumentation installed to indicate flooding of the various engineered guards areas or cubicles will be verified operable.

Acceptance Criteria tems, procedures and programs which support reactor coolant boundary leak detection ction to provide data required by design and Technical Specifications. Flood detection systems ction in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTAINMENT ISOLATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. All systems containing containment isolation devices have n individually tested for operability. The engineered safeguards systems serving containment ation have been tested.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the operability of containment isolation valves and dampers in response ontainment isolation (CIA and CIB) signals.

Acceptance Criteria tainment isolation devices operate in accordance with requirements of design safety analysis.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTAINMENT INTEGRATED LEAK RATE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Type B and Type C local leak rate testing has been sfactorily completed. Containment integrity has been established and systems aligned as uired by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, III.A.1. The containment leakage monitoring system has n calibrated and is available.

Test Objective and Summary t will be performed in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J requirements. The uirements of the containment structural integrity test may be met concurrently with the grated leak rate test.

Acceptance Criteria containment leak rate meets the criteria imposed by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - INTEGRATED PRECORE HOT FUNCTIONAL TESTING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The reactor coolant system cold hydrostatic test has been pleted. All preoperational testing of systems required to support hot plant operations has been pleted and reviewed for adequacy for the joint test groups with all test deficiencies corrected pecifically waived.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the satisfactory performance of systems and components during the tup of the reactor coolant system (RCS), operation at normal temperature, pressure, and ldown. Specific testing will include the following.

1. Heatup of the RCS to normal operating temperature and pressure utilizing the reactor coolant pumps and pressurizer heaters. This test will include demonstration of solid system pressure control and the capability to add hydrazine to the RCS.
2. Perform periodic vibration measurements of reactor coolant pumps.
3. Demonstrate that the operation of pressurizer pressure and level control systems including heater and spray operation. Perform preliminary spray flow adjustments.
4. Demonstrate that the operation of the steam generator atmospheric and condenser steam dump valves is acceptable within specific limits:
a. Proper actuation, operation, reset, and response time of the valves will be demonstrated.
b. Operability of instrumentation, controls, interlocks, and alarms will be verified.
5. Demonstrate the capability of the chemical and volume control system to provide charging water at rated flow against normal RCS pressure, verify letdown flow rate for various operating modes and verify the excess letdown and seal water flows.
6. Perform RCS incore thermocouple and RTD isothermal calibration.
7. Verify ability to maintain steam generator levels and proper operation of feedwater control systems, steam dumps and level instrumentation.
8. Demonstrate proper functioning of the main steam isolation valves at normal operating temperature and pressure.
9. Demonstrate the proper operation of steam generator safety valves, verifying setpoints with a pressure-assist device and verifying proper reseating and leakage within specified limits.
10. Demonstrate the proper operation of pressurizer safety and relief valves, and the capability of the pressurizer relief tank to condense a steam discharge from the pressurizer.
a. The PORV will be operated manually to confirm valve operability and the ability of the pressurizer relief tank (PRT) to condense a discharge.

Leakage following operation will be verified within acceptable limits.

Discharge header leakage detection instrumentation will be verified operable in accordance with design requirements.

b. Operability of PORV and PRT instrumentation, controls, interlocks, and alarms will be verified.
c. Safety valve leakage at RCS normal pressure will be verified within specified limits. Actual safety valve operation will be demonstrated by hydrostatic bench test to verify set points.
11. Operate the reactor coolant pumps for a minimum of 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br /> at full flow to achieve approximately 1 million vibration cycles on reactor internals. Following hot functional testing, the internals are removed and inspected for vibration effects.

See Section 3.9N.2.3 for additional information on the required inspection.

12. Demonstrate the operability of remote shutdown controls.
13. Perform or complete those portions of the following system tests (see individual descriptions), which require the RCS to be at or near normal operating temperature and pressure:
a. Reactor coolant system expansion and restraint
b. Chemical and volume control
c. Boron thermal regeneration
d. Residual heat removal
e. Low pressure safety injection
f. High pressure safety injection
g. Reactor plant sampling
h. Containment ventilation
i. Auxiliary building ventilation
j. Engineered safety features building HVAC
k. Main steam
l. Steam dump control
m. Steam generator blowdown
n. Main feedwater
o. Steam generator water level control
p. Auxiliary feedwater
q. Service water
r. Reactor plant component cooling
s. Reactor plant chilled water
t. Charging pump cooling
u. Safety injection pump cooling
v. Neutron shield tank cooling
w. Steam generator chemical feed
x. Reserve station service transformers
y. Loose parts monitor system
z. Reactor coolant and associated system piping vibration

aa. Thermal expansion of piping and components of secondary systems

14. Perform or complete tests as necessary to ensure the operability of the following systems:
a. Condensate system
b. Extraction steam system
c. Feedwater heater drains and vents system
d. Turbine plant component cooling system
e. Turbine plant sampling system
f. Normal AC power distribution system
15. Perform a controlled plant cooldown, using the steam dump and residual heat removal systems. Demonstrate the capability to de-gas and add hydrogen to the RCS.
16. Demonstrate that the operation of the main steam control valves is acceptable within specific limits. Proper actuation and response time of these valves will be demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria tems and components tested will meet specified design, safety analysis, and Technical cification requirements.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR COOLANT AND ASSOCIATED SYSTEM EXPANSION AND RESTRAINT Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. System is ready for hot functional testing. Instrumentation is lace for tests.

Test Objective and Summary objective of the test will be to observe, measure and record pipe and component movement ng heatup and cooldown. Position of hangers, pipe and restraints will be recorded before tup and at specified temperature plateaus. Piping will undergo visual monitoring during all ses of the test to verify unrestricted expansion. After cooldown, pipe position will be checked inst position noted before heatup.

Acceptance Criteria ng and components demonstrate unrestricted motion within design limits during heatup and ldown. No deformation or interference will be permissible.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR COOLANT AND SELECTED SYSTEMS PIPING VIBRATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Systems are ready for hot functional testing.

rumentation is in place for test.

Test Objective and Summary ting will measure vibration levels of selected portions of the reactor coolant and other selected h and medium energy piping systems in various operational modes prior to and during hot ctional testing. Non instrumented piping will be inspected during system operation to ensure ation levels are within acceptable limits.

Acceptance Criteria ration levels are within specified limits.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - THERMAL EXPANSION OF PIPING AND COMPONENTS OF SECONDARY SYSTEMS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Secondary system components, controls, and support ems have been tested and are ready for hot functional testing. Necessary hangers, supports, restraints have been installed and measurement locations have been designated and prepared.

Test Objective and Summary t objective will be to measure and observe secondary system piping and component movement ng the heatup and cooldown. Measurements will be taken in selected areas before heatup, ng heatup, at hot steady state, and final ambient temperature following cooldown. During ing, observations will be made to verify unrestricted motion and acceptable clearances.

Acceptance Criteria tion of each component will be verified to be within design limits, and no resultant rference or deformation.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONTROL SYSTEM TEST FOR TURBINE RUNBACK OPERATION Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary t signals will be injected to test the whole system.

Acceptance Criteria er tripping the logic system the load reference reduction will runback in accordance with the gn requirements.

PREOPERATION TEST - REACTOR COOLANT LOOP ISOLATION VALVES Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary s test will verify the operability of the reactor coolant isolation valves. The valves will be led. Proper operation of system controls, interlocks, and alarms will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria reactor coolant isolation valves function in accordance with design.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - CONDENSATE AND CONDENSATE STORAGE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Interfacing portions of other systems are available.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the operability of the condensate system. Proper operation of system ponents will be verified. Flow paths and makeup capability will be demonstrated. Proper ration of system controls and alarms, including hotwell level control will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria condensate pumps meet design performance requirements. Controls and alarms function perly.

ACCEPTANCE TEST - TURBINE PLANT SAMPLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Installation of all sample lines and instrumentation from the ote sample points to local stations are complete and ready for service.

Test Objective and Summary t objective will be to demonstrate that samples can be taken from turbine plant systems during and hot functional testing. Testing will be performed to insure that proper sample flow rates be regulated and that cooling water flow to sample heat exchangers is adequate.

Acceptance Criteria ple system must demonstrate the capability to operate within design pressure, temperature flow conditions, manufacturers recommendations and needs of plant operation.

ACCEPTANCE TEST - TURBINE PLANT COMPONENT COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. Service water system is operational. Plant is at cold ambient ditions for verification of control and interlock operation, and at normal operating temperature verification of thermal-hydraulic performance during hot functional testing.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability of the turbine plant component cooling system to supply quate cooling to its components. Specific testing will:

1. demonstrate system component operability, control, alarm, and interlock functions;
2. verify that components served by the system receive adequate cooling under normal and emergency operating conditions and that thermal and hydraulic parameters are in accordance with design; and
3. achieve flow balancing to the maximum extent practicable prior to power operation. Adjustments required by added heat loads will be made in the startup test phase.

Acceptance Criteria system thermal-hydraulic performance meets design requirements. Control, alarm and rlock functions perform in accordance with design.

ACCEPTANCE/PREOPERATIONAL TEST - HEAT TRACING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary t tracing circuits are tested and inspected prior to the installation of piping insulation for formance to vendor drawings and specifications (construction function). Conformance to cifications is reverified following installation of piping insulation. Instrumentation, controls, alarms/annunciators are verified.

Acceptance Criteria formance will meet design specifications.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REFUELING WATER STORAGE TANK COOLING Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites are met.

Test Objective and Summary ting will demonstrate the capability to cool the refueling water storage tank including the ormance of the refueling water storage tank recirculation pumps. Proper operation of system trols and alarms will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria refueling water recirculation system meets design specifications.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - REACTOR VESSEL HEAD VENT Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met.

Test Objective and Summary ability to vent the reactor vessel through the head vent system will be verified during the al fill of the reactor coolant system. Controls and alarms will be checked.

Acceptance Criteria reactor vessel head vent system operates per design requirements.

ACCEPTANCE TEST - CONDENSER AIR REMOVAL Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites are met. Plant may be at ambient temperature or at hot functional conditions equired by individual test procedures. Condensate, auxiliary steam, circulating water, and r support systems will be available as required.

Test Objective and Summary ting will verify the ability to draw and maintain vacuum. Performance of the condenser air oval pumps and other components will be monitored. Control functions and alarms will be fied.

Acceptance Criteria condenser air removal system must demonstrate the capability to draw and maintain vacuum ccordance with design requirements.

ACCEPTANCE TEST - LEAK TEST OF SPENT FUEL POOL GATES AND TRANSFER TUBE Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. The spent fuel pool is filled.

Test Objective and Summary spent fuel pool gates will be installed and the seals inflated. Once the seals are in they will be cked for proper inflation pressure and tightness.

fuel transfer tube blind flange will be installed and leak tested.

Acceptance Criteria spent fuel pool gates maintain inflation pressure. The fuel transfer tube blind flange seals do leak.

PREOPERATIONAL TEST - MECHANICAL AND HYDRAULIC SNUBBERS Prerequisites for Testing eral prerequisites have been met. System is ready for hot functional testing. All snubbers uired to be operable as listed in Tables 3.7-4a and 3.7-4b of Technical Specifications have sfied a preservice examination during the construction phase which contains, as a minimum, fication that:

1. there are no visible signs of damage or impaired operability as a result of storage, handling, or installation;
2. the snubber location, orientation, position setting, and configuration (attachments, extensions, etc.) are according to design drawings and specifications;
3. snubbers are not seized, frozen, or jammed;
4. adequate swing clearance is provided to allow snubber movement;
5. if applicable, fluid is to the recommended level and is not leaking from the snubber system; and
6. structural connections such as pins, fasteners, and other connecting hardware such as lock nuts, tabs, wire, and cotter pins are installed correctly.

se snubbers exceeding a time interval of 6 months between initial preservice examination and operational testing have satisfied a reexamination of Items 1, 4, and 5.

Test Objective and Summary test objective will be to verify snubber thermal movements for systems whose operating perature exceeds 250F. Prior to heatup, snubber position will be recorded. At essentially mal operating temperature snubber positions will be recorded and evaluated to verify expected mal movement and adequate swing clearance. In addition to this, during initial heatup and ldown, measurements of selected snubbers will be taken at specified intervals to verify ected thermal movement and adequate swing clearance. Any discrepancies or inconsistencies be evaluated and corrected, if necessary, prior to proceeding to the next specified interval.

those snubbers on systems that do not attain operating temperature during hot functional ing, verification that the snubber will accommodate protected thermal movement will be done isual observation and examination of snubber clearance.

Acceptance Criteria vement of each snubber will be verified to be within design limits. No contact with or potential rference from any adjacent object will be permissible.















3. STARTUP TEST - CONTROL ROD DRIVE MECHANISM OPERATIONAL TEST Prerequisites for Testing: The rod control system is installed including drive shafts, digital rod position indication detectors and attached rod control cluster assemblies. The reactor coolant system is filled and vented, at ambient conditions with the reactor core installed and all rods fully inserted, with boron concentration equal to or greater than that required for fueling shutdown.

Test Objective and Summary: Test will demonstrate proper mechanism timing during control rod insertion and withdrawal operations.

Acceptance Criteria: Control rod drive mechanism timing and operation conforms to proper mechanism operation as described in the technical manual.



4. STARTUP TEST - ROD POSITION INDICATION Prerequisites for Testing: Preoperational testing of the digital rod position indication (DRPI) system is complete. Calibrated instrumentation is available. The plant is at hot shutdown no-load operating temperature prior to initial criticality.

Test Objective and Summary: Testing will demonstrate that all rods operate satisfactorily over the entire range of travel and to verify that the DRPI system satisfactorily performs the required indication and alarm functions under hot shutdown conditions. Each control rod will be fully withdrawn and inserted in increments and individual rod position indication and group step indication data is recorded. Alarm actuation will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria: The DRPI system performs indication and alarm functions over the entire range of travel within values specified in plant technical specifications.



5. STARTUP TEST - ROD DROP TIME MEASUREMENT Prerequisites for Testing: Plant is at cold shutdown following fuel load.

Initial system preoperational testing and the control rod drive mechanism operational test has been completed. The plant will be heated to hot no load temperature and pressure conditions for the hot drop time testing.

Test Objective and Summary: Testing will measure the drop time of each full length rod with the reactor coolant system (RCS) in a cold condition to confirm satisfactory operation prior to plant heatup. Rods exhibiting the drop times outside a two-sigma data limit will undergo additional drop testing to verify performance. Testing will be performed with the RCS at hot zero power full flow conditions for data comparison with cold tests.

Acceptance Criteria: Rod drop times meet the requirements specified in plant technical specifications.



6. STARTUP TEST - ROD CONTROL SYSTEM Prerequisites for Testing Rod control system and rod position indication has been satisfactorily preoperationally tested. Rod drop tests and mechanism timing alignment has been satisfactorily completed. The plant is at hot no load temperature and pressure prior to initial criticality.

Test Objective and Summary Test will demonstrate that the rod control system satisfactorily performs the required control and indication functions. Rod sequences, control functions, protective interlocks, status lights, alarms, and indications will be tested to verify proper operations.

Acceptance Criteria The rod control system performance conforms to design requirements specified in system technical manuals and the FSAR.



7. STARTUP TEST - PRESSIRIZER SPRAY AND HEATER CAPABILITY AND SETTING CONTINUOUS SPRAY FLOW Prerequisites for Testing Plant is in a hot shutdown condition at approximately normal temperature and pressure. Reactor core is installed, reactor coolant system is borated for fueling shutdown, and reactor coolant pumps are in service. Pressurizer instrumentation and controls are operational. Preliminary settings of spray valves and temperature alarms have been made. Pressurizer level is at the no-load level and reactor coolant system pressure is being maintained by the pressurizer heaters.

Test Objective and Summary A setting will be established for the manual bypass valves around the pressurizer spray control valves to obtain an optimum continuous spray flow.

Setpoint for the spray line low temperature alarms will be established after setting the manual pressurizer spray valves. Normal control spray effectiveness will be verified to be within established limits by operating the spray and recording the pressure response. Proper pressurizer heater effectiveness will be verified by operating the heaters and recording the pressure response.

Acceptance Criteria Pressurizer pressure response to flow through the spray valves and heater operation will be considered acceptable if performance falls within the established allowable ranges.



8. STARTUP TEST - RESISTANCE TEMPERATURE DETECTOR BYPASS LOOP FLOW VERIFICATION Prerequisites for Testing Reactor core is installed, plant is at normal no load temperature and all reactor coolant pumps are running. All RTD bypass loop flow measurement devices are calibrated.

Test Objective and Summary Testing will be performed to measure and determine the flow rate thru each RTD bypass loop. Data obtained will be used to calculate the reactor coolant transport time for each RTD bypass loop. During testing the low flow alarm setpoint and reset for total bypass loop flow on each reactor loop will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria The reactor coolant RTD bypass loop transport time is verified to be within acceptable limits.



9. STARTUP TEST - REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM FLOW MEASUREMENT Prerequisites for Testing Instrumentation to measure the temperature of each loop has been installed and includes the average temperature of each loop. Elbow tap instrumentation has been installed and calibrated. All reactor coolant pumps are operational.

Test Objective and Summary Testing will be conducted to relate reactor coolant loop elbow tap differential pressure to reactor coolant system flow rate. A second measurement based upon secondary plant colorimetric data will be made at 50 percent rated thermal power.

Acceptance Criteria Test data will permit calculation of reactor coolant system flow rate which must be equal to or greater than 90 percent of design values specified in the FSAR prior to criticality. RCS flow will be verified greater than or equal to FSAR design values prior to exceeding 50 percent rated thermal power.



10. STARTUP TEST - REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM FLOW COASTDOWN Prerequisites for Testing The reactor core is installed and the plant is at hot zero power with all reactor coolant pumps running.

Test Objective and Summary During one phase of this test with a simulated power signal to the low flow protection circuitry one reactor coolant pump will be stopped and the time to obtain a low flow trip will be measured. During a second test phase all four reactor coolant pumps will be stopped and flow will be measured.

Acceptance Criteria The low flow delay time must be less than or equal to the time assumed in the safety analysis when one pump is stopped. With four pumps stopped, core flow must exceed or equal that assumed in the FSAR for the first 10 seconds.



11. STARTUP TEST - MOVEABLE INCORE DETECTOR SYSTEM Prerequisites for Testing Plant is at hot shutdown following fuel load.

Test Objective and Summary A dummy cable will be used to ensure proper operation and indexing of the drive system. The detectors will be used to verify system adequacy for incore flux mapping.

Acceptance Criteria The incore instrument system will operate in accordance with design to support flux mapping during the power ascension test.



12. STARTUP TEST - OPERATIONAL ALIGNMENT OF PROCESS TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisites for Testing The initial alignment of the T and Tavg instrumentation is performed prior to initial criticality with the plant in hot shutdown and all reactor coolant pumps running. Additional testing is conducted at approximately 75 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test aligns T and Tavg process instrumentation under isothermal conditions prior to criticality. Another alignment is performed at approximately 75 percent power to obtain extrapolated data for 100 percent power operation.

Acceptance Criteria The extrapolated T and Tavg must fall within the established allowable ranges.



13. STARTUP TEST - COMPUTER PROGRAMS TEST Prerequisites for Testing Process computer has been tested and is in operation. Software development necessary for program execution has been completed.

Test Objective and Summary This test will verify the software associated with computer programs which use inputs to be obtained during the startup testing phase. The programs available will include:

1. Rod supervision
2. Data collection and reduction during moveable detector test
3. Calorimetric
4. Tilting factors
5. Xenon prediction and boration
6. Computations based on incore thermocouples
7. Boron run-down
8. Xenon follow
9. Estimated critical position/shutdown margin
10. Digital rod position indication Acceptance Criteria Program accuracy is within specified limits specified by the Nuclear Steam System Supplier.



14. STARTUP TEST - LOOSE PARTS MONITORING SYSTEM Prerequisites for Testing This test will be performed at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test will be conducted to establish baseline data and alarm limits for the loose parts monitoring system.

Acceptance Criteria System alarms are set.



15. STARTUP TEST - WATER CHEMISTRY CONTROL Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at steady state conditions at approximately 0.30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary Prior to and at criticality, and during power escalation, primary and secondary chemical analyses are performed to verify proper water quality.

Samples will be taken and chemical concentrations will be adjusted to maintain chemistry specifications.

Acceptance Criteria Water chemistry can be maintained within the limits specified by the manufacturer and listed in the Technical Specifications.



16. STARTUP TEST - RADIATION SURVEY Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at steady state conditions at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary Measurements will be used to verify shielding effectiveness, to identify all radiation areas for posting and access control and to verify the operability of selected area radiation monitors. Radiation survey maps will be used to designate points throughout the plant where gamma and neutron surveys will be conducted. The response of area radiation monitors will be compared with survey readings.

Acceptance Criteria Neutron and gamma radiation levels are consistent with the safety analysis report and all areas are properly posted. High radiation areas have properly controlled access. Radiation monitor response is consistent with the survey results.






18. STARTUP TEST - LOW POWER PHYSICS TEST Prerequisites for Testing The initial criticality procedure has been completed. The reactor is critical in the low power range.

Test Objective and Summary The purpose of this test is to measure temperature coefficients and rod worths at selected control rod positions. Flux maps will be performed using the incore moveable detector flux mapping system.

Except for the flux maps, all testing will be conducted at power levels that will minimize the effect fuel heating has on reactivity. Temperature coefficient measurements and a flux map will be made with all rods withdrawn and control bank D at a controlling position. Control bank D will then be inserted and its rod worth calculated. In turn, the rod worths for other control/shutdown groups will be calculated. Throughout this procedure another set of flux maps and temperature coefficient measurements will also be performed.

Acceptance Criteria Calculations and data are within the limits established by the Nuclear Steam System Supplier.



19. STARTUP TEST - BORON REACTIVITY WORTH MEASUREMENT Prerequisites for Testing The reactor is critical in a hot zero power condition.

Test Objective and Summary The purpose of this test is to measure the boron reactivity worth. Boron concentrations will be changed and reactor coolant samples will be taken to measure each change. The control rods will be inserted or withdrawn in order to keep average temperature and power level constant. The change in reactivity corresponding to these successive rod movements will be correlated to the changes in boron concentration to give boron reactivity worth.

Acceptance Criteria The calculated boron worth is consistent with Westinghouse Test predictions.



20. STARTUP TEST - PSEUDO ROD EJECTION TEST Prerequisites for Testing The reactor is critical in a hot zero power condition.

Test Objective and Summary The purpose of this test is to verify that the hot channel factors are within assumptions made in the accident analysis. A selected RCCA will be fully withdrawn while compensating for reactivity changes with boron additions.

A flux map will be taken to measure the resulting flux distributions.

Acceptance Criteria The hot channel factors resulting from the RCCA withdrawal are consistent with the values assumed in the accident analysis.



21. STARTUP TEST - NATURAL CIRCULATION Prerequisites for Testing The low power physics test has been completed. Nuclear steam supply systems and all necessary plant secondary and auxiliary systems are operational. Plant operating procedure prerequisites are met except where special conditions required by this test state otherwise.

Test Objective and Summary The purpose of this test is to demonstrate the plants capability to remove core heat by natural circulation. The test will be initiated by tripping all reactor coolant pumps and monitoring the establishment of natural circulation.

This test will determine the length of time necessary to stabilize natural circulation and will demonstrate the reactor coolant flow distribution by use of incore thermocouples. Effects of changes in charging flow and steam flow on subcooling margin will be determined and subcooling margin monitor performance shall be verified.

This test shall be performed with available licensed reactor operators (RO and SRO) in the control room who will participate in the initiation, maintenance, and recovery from natural circulation mode. Data shall also be taken for feedback for the Millstone 3 simulator response to natural circulation. Operators not directly performing the test shall receive training in natural circulation on the Millstone 3 specific simulator with specific instruction in those areas where simulator response may differ from actual plant performance.

Specific concerns of Attachment 4 to the July 8, 1981 letter from E.P. Rahe to H.R. Denton are addressed as follows.

1. Manual operation of TDAFW pump will be performed during Preoperational Test 30, Auxiliary Feedwater. Pre-core hot functional testing will verify auxiliary feedwater system capability to maintain SG levels. Since all TDAFW pump controls are supplied from DC power sources, a loss of AC power verification test will not be performed.
2. Pressurizer spray and heater as well as charging and steam flow effects on margin to saturation temperature will be tested.

3,4,5. Natural Circulation Test and Station Blackout Test will be performed as Startup Tests 21 and 26, respectively.


EST Number TEST NAME Acceptance Criteria Natural circulation cooling can be established and maintained.



22. STARTUP TEST - POWER ASCENSION TEST Prerequisites for Testing The low power physics test has been completed. Nuclear steam supply systems, plant secondary systems, and all necessary auxiliary systems are operational. Plant operating procedure prerequisites are met except where special circumstances required by this test state otherwise.

Test Objective and Summary The automatic steam dump control test will be among the first tests performed. The turbine generator will then be synchronized onto the grid and testing at power will begin.

Most of the testing will occur at power level plateaus of 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent. At each of these power levels both the primary and secondary systems (plus auxiliaries) will be observed for operation within design specifications. Plant instruments and test instruments will verify proper operation, not only at steady state conditions, but also for selected transients.

Selected performance calculations performed by the computer will be validated. Prior to proceeding from one plateau to another, the test data will be reviewed to assure that operation at a higher power level is permissible.

Acceptance Criteria The plant secondary system and associated auxiliary systems function in accordance with their design. The primary system and associated auxiliary system operate per Westinghouse specifications.



23. STARTUP TEST - DYNAMIC AUTOMATIC STEAM DUMP CONTROL Prerequisites for Testing Reactor is critical at a no load temperature and pressure. Steam dump valves and steam dump control system are operational. Normal condenser vacuum has been established with the circulating water system in operation.

Atmospheric steam relief valve controller is in automatic and feedwater pump is in operation.

Test Objective and Summary Testing will be used to verify the proper closed loop operation of the temperature average steam dump control system for both a turbine trip and load rejection. Small power increases will be utilized to verify that steam dump control can maintain the desired temperature average and that settings are correct.

Acceptance Criteria Both the turbine trip controller and the load rejection controller will respond properly to testing and that there will be no divergent oscillations in temperature.



24. STARTUP TEST - AUTOMATIC STEAM GENERATOR LEVEL CONTROL Prerequisites for Testing Steam generator level control system has been verified as operational with preliminary setpoints determined. Alarms for the steam generators have been set as well as low-low level trip points. The reactor is critical and supplementing reactor coolant pump heat in maintaining the plant in hot standby. Turbine generator is being steam rolled with the steam dump system having been tested. All feedwater pumps are ready for operation.

Test Objective and Summary The level control stability of the steam generator bypass valve in automatic control will be demonstrated at less than 10 percent reactor power. This will be accomplished by going from manual to automatic control after establishing steam generator levels above and below normal. Proper response of the automatic steam generator level control system will be demonstrated when transferring from the feedwater bypass valves to the main feedwater valves. Control of the steam generator water level will be verified during plant transient tests at normal power ratings of 30, 75, and 100 percent with testing in accordance with the NSSS recommendations.

Acceptance Criteria Control system maintains level within design limits.



25. STARTUP TEST - SHUTDOWN FROM OUTSIDE THE CONTROL ROOM Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at a stable power level greater than or equal to 10 percent generator load.

Individual signoffs in the prerequisites section of the test will ensure that preoperation testing of plant instrumentation, controls, and systems to be used at the remote shutdown panel, is complete.

Test Objective and Summary This test will demonstrate the capability of trip and maintain the reactor in a hot standby condition, and place the reactor in cold shutdown, from outside the control room. Control will be transferred from the control room to the remote shutdown panel. With the minimum shift crew, the plant will be shut down and maintained in hot standby for 30 minutes. Pressure and temperature will then be decreased and the residual heat removal system will be placed in operation to cool the plant down to 300F.

Credit for cold shutdown demonstration of cooldown using the residual heat removal system may be taken for equivalent testing performance during the startup test program.

Acceptance Criteria The plant can be tripped and maintained in hot standby and cooled down from outside the control room.



26. STARTUP TEST - STATION BLACKOUT Prerequisites for Testing The plant is in the 10 to 20 percent power range.

Test Objective and Summary This test will demonstrate that the plant responds as designed following a plant trip with no offsite power. The reactor will be tripped. The diesel start, load sequencing, and plant response including natural circulation will be monitored. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump shall be run for a minimum of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> with motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps and turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump cubicle ventilation secured. AC power to the inverters and battery chargers will be removed for a period of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to force battery operation.

Acceptance Criteria The plant responds in accordance with design. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump will remain with design limits and pump room ambient conditions do not exceed environmental qualification limits for safety related equipment in the room.




CLOSURE TEST Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at less than 20 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary The test will verify the MSIV closure time and demonstrate that the plant responds properly to an automatic closure of the MSIVs. All MSIVs will be closed simultaneously. MSIV response times will be recorded and selected plant parameters will be monitored.

Acceptance Criteria MSIV response time and plant response are consistent with the design requirements of the safety analysis report.



28. STARTUP TEST - OPERATIONAL ALIGNMENT OF NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION Objective for Testing This test will be performed at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary During power increases and decreases nuclear instrumentation overlap will be verified and at special power levels calorimetric calibrations will be used to adjust the gain of the power range instruments. During power ascension testing the power range flux trip setpoint will be set to prevent exceeding the target power level by greater than 20 percent or a maximum of 109 percent.

Acceptance Criteria The nuclear instrumentation demonstrates the ability to achieve the operational adjustments made during the test and the satisfactory overlap between source and power ranges.



29. STARTUP TEST - PROCESS AND EFFLUENT RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM Prerequisites for Testing The plant is approximately 50 percent power for testing of process and effluent radiation monitors.

The plant is at approximately 25 and 100 percent power for testing of the failed fuel detection system.

Test Objective and Summary This test will verify the operability of process and effluent radiation monitors. Testing will include the failed fuel detection system. Samples will be taken at monitored points and analyzed. The results of the analysis will be compared to the readings of the monitor.

Acceptance Criteria The process and effluent monitor responses are consistent with sample results.

The failed detection system response is consistent with sample results.



30. STARTUP TEST - CORE PERFORMANCE Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at steady state conditions at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test verifies that the core performance margins are within design predictions. The moveable detector system and incore thermocouples will be used to obtain data for normal rod configurations. These data will be evaluated to establish core performance parameters.

Acceptance Criteria Core performance parameters are in accordance with design values throughout the permissible range of power-to-flow conditions. The nuclear peaking factors, F (Z) and F shall not exceed Technical Specification limits.



31. STARTUP TEST - POWER COEFFICIENT MEASUREMENTS Prerequisites for Testing Conditions are stabilized at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test will determine the power reactivity coefficients. During each power escalation, data is collected for delta T, Tavg, reactivity and reactor power.

Analysis of the relative changes of these parameters will be used to determine the power coefficient.

Acceptance Criteria Power reactivity coefficients are in accordance with design values.



32. STARTUP TEST - AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE INSTRUMENTATION CALIBRATION Prerequisites for Testing Test data is available from a minimum of three moveable detector flux maps obtained over a range of incore axial offsets. Average core thermal power from thermal power measurements performed during each flux map, and average top and bottom detector currents from each power range channel obtained during each flux map are available. Power range isolation amplifiers, summing amplifiers and function generators have been aligned.

Core average axial offset from reduced flux map data is available.

Test Objective and Summary Testing will consist of a number of calculations utilizing prior test data.

Calculations will be used to demonstrate that the response of the excore power range detectors is linear with respect to incore axial power distribution. Calibration of the excore power range detector input and excore power range detector signals will also be performed.

Acceptance Criteria Calculations and data are within the limits established by Westinghouse.



33. STARTUP TEST - VENTILATION SYSTEM OPERABILITY Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test will verify that with the plant at power, the ventilation systems in containment and the engineered safety feature building can maintain their areas within design limits. With the plant at power, air temperatures will be monitored at various locations in the designated buildings. The temperature of components cooled by the ventilation system will also be monitored.

Acceptance Criteria Applicable area and component temperature are maintained within design limits.



34. STARTUP TEST - TURBINE GENERATOR AND FEEDWATER TURBINE OPERABILITY TEST Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test will demonstrate the operability of the main and feedwater turbines.

Data will be recorded on turbines at various power levels.

Acceptance Criteria Turbine parameters are within design limits for all power levels.



35. STARTUP TEST - CALIBRATION OF STEAM AND FEEDWATER FLOW INSTRUMENTATION AT POWER Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary These tests will be conducted with the plant in a steady state condition.

Feedwater flow signals will be checked against special test instrumentation and steam flow will be checked against feed flow.

Acceptance Criteria Steam flow and feedwater flow channels meet the required accuracy.



36. STARTUP TEST - AUTOMATIC REACTOR CONTROL Prerequisites for Testing Reactor is at equilibrium conditions at approximately 30 percent power.

Automatic controls for pressurizer level, pressurizer pressure, steam dumps, steam generator level, and feedwater pump speed are set and operating.

Reactor rod control system is in manual with control bank D positioned within the maneuvering band and all other rods are fully withdrawn.

Test Objective and Summary Tests will be performed to verify that the automatic reactor control system will return the plant to equilibrium following manually initiated transients.

Average temperature will be increased and decreased by 6F above and below reference temperature. Response of the automatic controls will be recorded.

Acceptance Criteria Average temperature returns to within plus or minus 1.5F of reference temperature.



37. STARTUP TEST - LOAD SWING TEST Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at approximately 30, 50, 75, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test will demonstrate that the plant responds as designed following load changes. At selected power plateaus the turbine generator output will be increased or decreased as rapidly as possible. For load changes of 10 percent at the 75 percent power plateau or greater the maximum design load reject capability will be tested. During the performance of these tests, recordings are analyzed for the behavior of control systems and the need for realignment.

Acceptance Criteria The plant can achieve steady state operation in automatic control. The plant can also handle these load changes without tripping, lifting primary safety valves, or initiating safety injection.



38. STARTUP TEST - AUXILIARY COOLANT SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE TEST Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at 100 percent power and applicable coolant systems are in normal operating lineups.

Test Objective and Summary This test will verify that various cooling systems can maintain components within design limits with the minimum design coolant flow available. The coolant systems to be tested are those that supply the neutron shield tank, penetration coolers and ventilation systems for engineered safeguard features. Applicable coolant systems will be fully loaded at power. Data will be taken on designated equipment.

Acceptance Criteria All component temperatures are within design limits.



39. STARTUP TEST - UNIT TRIP FROM 100-PERCENT TEST Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at 100 percent power with the electrical distribution system aligned for normal full power operation.

Test Objective and Summary This test will demonstrate that the dynamic response of the plant to a full load trip is in accordance with design requirements. The test will be initiated by a trip of the generator main breaker. Data will be recorded to determine the response of control systems to the trip.

Acceptance Criteria The plant is able to achieve steady state conditions after the trip without lifting primary safeties or initiating safety injection.



40. STARTUP TEST - WARRANTY RUN Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary This test will prove the reliability of the NSSS system. The plant will be maintained at rated power for 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />. Appropriate data will be recorded to allow plant performance to be analyzed.

Acceptance Criteria The plant operates within the design limits specified by Westinghouse and there are no unexpected trends at the end of the run.



41. STARTUP TEST - SECONDARY PLANT PERFORMANCE Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary The test will demonstrate the secondary plant performs as designed.

Temperature, pressure, and flow data will be obtained in the feedwater, feedwater heater, and extraction steam system. Adjustments to the feedwater level control system and other control instrumentation are expected.

Acceptance Criteria Systems and components tested will meet design specifications.



42. STARTUP TEST - CONTAINMENT PENETRATION TEMPERATURE MONITORING Prerequisites for Testing The plant is at approximately 30, 50, 75, 90, and 100 percent power.

Test Objective and Summary Testing will monitor the temperature of hot penetrations serviced by reactor plant component cooling. Additionally, testing will monitor the temperature of other penetrations determined to be hot penetrations but not serviced by reactor plant component cooling.

Acceptance Criteria Reactor plant component cooling can maintain the penetrations within design temperature limits.


. Reactor Coolant System Cold FSAR Table 5.4-15 Hydrostatic Test

. Control Rod Drive FSAR 4.6.3; Vendor Specification 001 (Westinghouse) (W)

. Fuel Transfer FSAR 9.1.4; Vendor Specification 001 (Westinghouse)

. Polar Crane FSAR 9.1.4; Vendor Specification 014 (Harnischfeger)

. Volume Control (Charging and Letdown) FSAR 9.3.4; Westinghouse NSSS SU Manual (NEU-SU-2.2.3); Westinghouse Precautions, Limitations; and Setpoints (PLS) Vendor Specifications 001 (Westinghouse) and 459 (Combustion Engineering)

. Volume Control (Boric Acid) FSAR 9.3.4; NEU-SU-2.2.3; IEB 81-02

. Volume Control (Boron Thermal FSAR 9.3.4; NEU-SU-2.2.3; Regeneration) Westinghouse PLS

. Fuel Pool Cooling FSAR 9.1.3

. Containment Recirculation FSAR

0. Residual Heat Removal FSAR 5.4.7, 6.3
1. Low Pressure Safety Injection FSAR 6.3; R.G. 1.79, 1.108
2. High Pressure Safety Injection FSAR 6.3; R.G. 1.79, 1.108
3. Quench Spray FSAR 6.2.2; R.G. 1.1, 1.26, 1.29, 1.97
4. Reactor Plant Sampling FSAR 9.3.2, 9.3.4
5. Containment Local Leak Rate FSAR 6.2.4, 6.2.6; 10 CFR 50 Appendix J
6. Containment Ventilation FSAR, 9.4.6,
7. Auxiliary Building Ventilation FSAR
8. Waste Disposal Building Ventilation FSAR 9.4.1,
9. Fuel Building HVAC FSAR 9.4.1,
0. Engineered Safety Features Building FSAR 9.4.4 HVAC

est No. Test Name Sources

1. Control Building HVAC FSAR 6.4.3, 6.4.5, 9.4.0; R.G. 1.95
2. Screen House HVAC FSAR
3. Emergency Generator Enclosure FSAR, Ventilation
4. Supplementary Leak Collection and FSAR Release System
5. Main Steam FSAR 10.3.3; NEU-SU-2.8.3, 2.8.5
6. Steam Dump Control FSAR; NEU-SU-2.8.3, 2.8.5
7. Steam Generator Blowdown FSAR 10.4.8
8. Main Feedwater FSAR 10.4.7; Vendor Specification 021 (General Electric) and 008 (Byron-Jackson)
9. Steam Generator Water Level Control FSAR
0. Auxiliary Feedwater FSAR 10.4.9
1. Service Water FSAR 9.2.1, Table 9.2-1
2. Reactor Plant Component Cooling FSAR, Table 9.2-5
3. Reactor Plant Chilled Water FSAR, Table 9.2-7
4. Charging Pump Cooling FSAR, Table 9.2-10
5. Safety Injection Pump Cooling FSAR, Table 9.2-12
6. Neutron Shield Tank Cooling FSAR
7. Reactor Plant Gaseous Drains FSAR 9.3.3; R.G. 1.70
8. Instrument Air and Containment FSAR; R.G. 1.68.3 Instrument Air
9. Radioactive Liquid Waste FSAR 9.3.3, 11.2, 11.5, R.G. 1.70
0. Boron Recovery FSAR
1. Radioactive Gaseous Waste FSAR 11.3
2. Radioactive Solid Waste FSAR 11.4
3. Steam Generator Chemical Feed FSAR 10.4.7; Vendor Specification 053 (Yarway)
4. Fire Protection - Water FSAR 9.5.1

est No. Test Name Sources

5. Fire Protection - CO2 and Halon FSAR 9.5.1
6. 4 kV Normal and Emergency FSAR, Table 8.1-2 Distribution P 47. 480 V Normal and Emergency FSAR Distribution
8. 120 V AC Instrument Non-Vital FSAR; Vendor Specification Distribution E261 (Solidstate Controls)
9. 120 V AC Instrument Vital Distribution FSAR; Vendor Specification E622 (Elgar)
0. 125 V DC Distribution FSAR; Table 8.3-5; Vendor Specification E262 (General Electric)
1. Diesel Generator FSAR 8.1.7,; R.G. 1.79; 1.108
2. Diesel Generator Fuel FSAR 9.5.4
3. Reserve Station Service Transformers FSAR, Table 8.1-2
4. Communications FSAR 9.5.2; IEB 79-18
5. Nuclear Instruments FSAR; Westinghouse PLS
6. Incore Nuclear Instrumentation FSAR; Vendor Specification 001 (Westinghouse)
7. Process and Area Radiation Monitoring FSAR 11.5; 12.3.4; Tables 11.5-1, 11.5-2
8. Engineered Safeguards Actuation (Diesel FSAR 8.3 Sequencer)
9. Reactor Trip (Solid State Protection FSAR Table 15.0-4; Westinghouse PLS System)
0. Process Protection and Control FSAR 7.2, 7.3; Vendor Specification 001 Instrument Racks (Westinghouse)
1. Protection/Safeguards System Response FSAR Chapter 15 Time Testing
2. Digital Rod Position Indication FSAR; Vendor Specification 001 (Westinghouse)
3. Loose Parts Monitor FSAR
4. Seismic Monitor FSAR 3.7.4; Vendor Specification 319 (Terra Technology)

est No. Test Name Sources

5. Emergency Lighting FSAR 9.5.3
6. Engineered Safety Features Integrated FSAR 7.3; R.G. 1.79 Test Without Loss of Normal Power
7. Engineered Safety Features Test with FSAR; R.G. 1.108 Loss of Normal Power
8. Leak Detection FSAR; Technical Specifications; R.G. 1.79, 1.108
9. Containment Isolation FSAR 6.2.4
0. Containment Integrated Leak Rate FSAR 6.2.6; ANSI N45.4; 10 CFR 50 Appendix J
1. Integrated Precore Hot Functional R.G. 1.68, 1.79; FSAR 3.9.2, 7.7.1,, Testing 10.3.4, 10.4.7
2. Reactor Coolant and Associated System R.G. 1.68; FSAR 3.9.2 Expansion and Restraint
3. Reactor Coolant and Selected Systems R.G. 1.68; NETM-50; FSAR 3.9.2 Piping Vibration
4. Thermal Expansion of Piping and R.G. 1.68; NETM-50; FSAR 3.9.2 Components of Secondary Systems
5. Control System Test for Turbine Runback FSAR; NEU-SU-2.74, 3.13 Operation
6. Reactor Coolant Loop Isolation Valves FSAR 5.4.12, 7.6.5; Vendor Specification 001 (Westinghouse)
7. Condensate and Condensate Storage FSAR,
78. Turbine Plant Sampling FSAR,
79. Turbine Plant Component Cooling FSAR P 80. Heat Tracing FSAR 7.6.9; IEN 79-24
1. Refueling Water Storage Tank Cooling FSAR, 6.3.4
2. Reactor Vessel Head Vent FSAR 5.4.15
83. Condenser Air Removal FSAR
84. Leak Test of SFP Gates and Transfer Note 1 Tube
5. Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers FSAR 6.6.3

est No. Test Name Sources

. Initial Core Load FSAR 9.1.4,; Westinghouse Nuclear Design Report

. Post-Core Hot Functional Note 1

. Control Rod Drive Mechanism FSAR 4.2.4,; NEU-SU-2.5.1; Operational Test Regulatory Guide 1.68

. Rod Position Indication FSAR,; NEU-SU-2.5.4

. Rod Drop Time Measurement FSAR 4.2.4; NEU-SU-2.5.3; Technical Specifications; Regulatory Guide 1.68

. Rod Control System FSAR 4.2.4,; NEU-SU-2.5.2

. Pressurizer Spray and Heater Capability FSAR 5.4.10; Technical Specifications; and Setting Continuous Spray Flow NEU-SU-2.1.5

. Resistance Temperature Detector Bypass FSAR 5.4.3; NEU-SU-2.1.9 Loop Flow Verification

. Reactor Coolant System Flow FSAR Table 4.4-1; Technical Measurement Specifications

0. Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown FSAR 5.4.3
1. Moveable Incore Detector System FSAR; NEU-SU-2.9.3
2. Operational Alignment of Process NEU-SU-2.9.6; Regulatory Guide 1.68 Temperature Instrumentation
3. Computer Programs Test Baseline Data Acquisition
4. Vibration and Loose Parts Monitoring FSAR System
5. Water Chemistry Control Note 1
6. Radiation Survey FSAR 12.3.1
7. Initial Criticality FSAR 4.4.5,; Technical Specifications
8. Low Power Physics Test FSAR 4.4.5,; Westinghouse Nuclear Design Report
9. Boron Reactivity Worth Measurement FSAR 4.4.5; Westinghouse Nuclear Design Report
0. Pseudo Rod Ejection Test FSAR 15.4

est No. Test Name Sources

1. Natural Circulation FSAR, 15.2.6; Regulatory Guide 1.68
2. Power Ascension Test FSAR 4.4.5,; Regulatory Guide 1.68
3. Dynamic Automatic Steam Dump FSAR; NEU-SU-2.8.5 Control
4. Automatic Steam Generator Level FSAR; NEU-SU-2.8.2 Control
5. Shutdown from Outside the Control Regulatory Guide 1.68.2 Room
6. Station Blackout FSAR; Regulatory Guide 1.68
7. Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) FSAR 10.3.3 Closure Test
8. Operational Alignment of Nuclear Westinghouse PLS: Technical Instrumentation Specifications
9. Process and Effluent Radiation FSAR 11.5.2, 12.3.4, Tables 11.5-1, 11.5-2 Monitoring System
0. Core Performance FSAR 4.4.5; Technical Specifications; Regulatory Guide 1.68
1. Power Coefficient Measurements FSAR 4.4.5; NEU-SU-2.9.11
2. Axial Flux Difference Instrumentation FSAR 4.4.5; Technical Specifications Calibration
3. Ventilation System Operability FSAR 9.4, Table 9.4-1; Regulatory Guide 1.68
4. Turbine Generator and Feedwater Baseline Data Acquisition Turbine Operability Test
5. Calibration of Steam and Feedwater Flow FSAR 10.3.7; NEU-SU-2.9.4 Instrumentation at Power
6. Automatic Reactor Control NEU-SU-2.8.1; Westinghouse PLS
7. Load Swing Test NEU-SU-3.4.7, 3.4.8
8. Auxiliary Coolant Systems Performance FSAR 9.2.2, 9.2.7 Test
9. Unit Trip from 100 Percent Test FSAR 15.2.3; Regulatory Guide 1.68

est No. Test Name Sources

0. Warranty Run NEU-SU-3.5.1
1. Secondary Plant Performance FSAR 10.3, 10.4
2. Containment Penetration Temperature FSAR Monitoring s listing is only a partial summary of the acceptance criteria sources used to prepare the cated test procedures. A detailed listing will be available in each test.


The sources of acceptance criteria for these tests can be found in the test abstract descriptions.