ML22173A151 | |
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Site: | Braidwood |
Issue date: | 02/22/2018 |
From: | Randy Baker NRC/RGN-III/DRS/OLB |
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Baker R | |
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ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2
Facility: BRAIDWOOD STATION UNITS 1 and 2 Date of Exam: MAY 29 - June 8, 2018 RO K/A Category Points SRO-Only Points Tier Group K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G* Total A2 G* Total
- 1. 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 3 3 6 Emergency and 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 9 2 2 4 Abnormal Plant N/A N/A Evolutions Tier Totals 4 5 4 4 5 5 27 5 5 10
1 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 28 3 2 5 2.
Plant 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 2 1 3 Systems Tier Totals 4 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 38 5 3 8
- 3. Generic Knowledge and Abilities 1 2 3 4 10 1 2 3 4 7 Categories 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 2
Note: 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable K/A category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outline sections (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only section, the Tier Totals in each K/A category shall not be less than two). (One Tier 3 radiation control K/A is allowed if it is replaced by a K/A from another Tier 3 category.)
- 2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points, and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
- 3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the outline. Systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted with justification. Operationally important, site-specific systems/evolutions that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate K/A statements.
- 4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible. Sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
- 5. Absent a plant -specific priority, only those K/As having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO -only portions, respectively.
- 6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and K/A categories.
- 7. The generic (G) K/As in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the K/A catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable K/As.
- 8. On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics IRs for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. If fuel -h andling equipment is sampled in a category other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO -only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2. (Note 1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO -only exams.
- 9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the K/A catalog and enter the K/A numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals (#) on Form ES -401 -3. Limit SRO selections to K/As that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
G* Generic K/As
- These systems/evolutions must be included as part of t he sample (as applicable to the facility) when Revision 3 of the K/A catalog is used to develop the sample plan. They are not required to be included when using earlier revisions of the K/A catalog.
- These systems/evolutions may be eliminated from the sample (as applicable to the facility) when Revision 3 of the K/A catalog is used to develop the sample plan.
ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Tier 1/Group 1 (RO/SRO)
E/APE # / Name / Safety Function K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G* K/A Topic(s) IR #
000007 (EPE 7; BW E02&E10; CE E02) X EK2.03 - Knowledge of the interrelations between a 3.5 39 Reactor Trip, Stabilization, Recovery / 1 Reactor Trip and the following: Reactor trip status panel. (CFR 41.7 / 45.7) 000008 (APE 8) Pressurizer Vapor Space X AK2.01 - Knowledge of the interrelations between 2.7* 40 Accident / 3 the Pressurizer Vapor Space Accident and the following: Valves 000009 (EPE 9) Small Break LOCA / 3 X EK1.01 -Knowledge of the operational implications 4.2 41 of the following concepts as they apply to the Small Break LOCA-Natural circulation and cooling, including reflux boiling.
000011 (EPE 11) Large Break LOCA / 3 X EA1.05 Ability to operate and monitor the following 4.4 42 as they apply to a Large Break LOCA: Containment isolation valves.
000011 (EPE 11) Large Break LOCA / 3 X 2.4.20 - Knowledge of operational implications of 4.3 84 EOP warnings, cautions, and notes.
SRO-Only Question (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13) 000015 (APE 15) Reactor Coolant Pump X AA1.13 - Ability to operate and/or monitor the 3.4* 43 Malfunctions / 4 following as they apply to Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions (Loss of RC Flow): Reactor power level indicators.
000022 (APE 22) Loss of Reactor Coolant X AA2.01 - Ability to determine or interpret the 3.2 44 Makeup / 2 following as they apply to the Loss of Reactor Coolant Makeup: Whether charging line leak exists.
(CFR 43.5/ 45.13) 000025 (APE 25) Loss of Residual Heat X AK1.01 - Knowledge of the operational implications 3.9 45 Removal System / 4 of the following concepts as they apply to the Residual Heat Removal system: Loss of RHRS during all modes of operation.
(CFR 41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3) 000026 (APE 26) Loss of Component X AK3.02 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 3.6 46 Cooling Water / 8 following responses as the apply to the Loss of Component Cooling Water: The automatic actions (alignments) within the CCWS resulting from the actuation of the ESFAS 000027 (APE 27) Pressurizer Pressure X AA2.06 - Ability to determine and interpret the 3.9 85 Control System Malfunction / 3 following as they apply to the Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions: Conditions requiring plant SRO-Only Question shutdown. (CFR: 43.5 / 45.13) 000029 (EPE 29) Anticipated Transient X 2.4.22 - Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing 4.4 86 Without Scram / 1 safety functions during abnormal/emergency operations. (CFR: 41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12)
SRO-Only Question 000038 (EPE 38) Steam Generator Tube X EK3.09 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 4.1 47 Rupture / 3 following responses as the apply to the SGTR:
Criteria for securing/throttling ECCS.
000040 (APE 40; BW E05; CE E05; W E12) X AK1.04 - Knowledge of the operational implications 3.2 48 Steam Line Rupture Excessive Heat of the following concepts as they apply to Steam Transfer / 4 Line Rupture: Nil ductility temperature.
000054 (APE 54; CE E06) Loss of Main X 2.4.9 - Knowledge of low power/shutdown 3.8 49 Feedwater /4 implications in accident (e.g., loss of coolant accident or loss of residual heat removal) mitigation strategies.
000055 (EPE 55) Station Blackout / 6 X EA2.02 - Ability to determine or interpret the 4.4 50 following as they apply to a Station Blackout: RCS core cooling through natural circulation cooling to S/G cooling.
000056 (APE 56) Loss of Offsite Power / 6 X AA2.76 - Ability to determine or interpret the 2.6 51 following as they apply to the Loss of Offsite Power:
Reactor makeup water pump (running).
000057 (APE 57) Loss of Vital AC X AA2.14 - Ability to determine and interpret the 3.6 87 Instrument Bus / 6 following as they apply to the Loss of Vital AC Instrument Bus: That substitute power sources have SRO-Only Question come on line on a loss of initial AC.
(CFR: 43.5 / 45.13) 000058 (APE 58) Loss of DC Power / 6 X AA1.03 - Ability to operate and/or monitor the 3.1 52 following as they apply to Loss of DC Power: Vital and battery bus components.
000062 (APE 62) Loss of Nuclear Service X AK3.02 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 3.6 53 Water / 4 following responses as the apply to the Loss of Nuclear Service Water: The automatic actions (alignments) within the nuclear service water resulting from the actuation of the ESFAS.
000065 (APE 65) Loss of Instrument Air / 8 X 2.4.35 - Knowledge of local auxiliary operator tasks 3.8 54 during an emergency plan and the resultant operational effects.
000077 (APE 77) Generator Voltage and X AK2.07 - Knowledge of the interrelations between 3.6 55 Electric Grid Disturbances / 6 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances and the following: Turbine / Generator control.
(W E04) LOCA Outside Containment / 3 X 2.1.32 - Ability to explain and apply system limits 3.8 56 and precautions.
(W E11) Loss of Emergency Coolant X 2.1. 3 1 - Ability to locate control room switches, 4. 3 88 Recirculation / 4 controls, and indications, and to determine that they correctly reflect the desired plant lineup.
SRO -Only Question (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12)
(BW E04; W E05) Inadequate Heat X EA2.05 - Ability to determine and interpret the 4.4 89 Transfer Loss of Secondary Heat Sink / 4 following as they apply to the (Loss of Secondary Heat Sink): Facility conditions and selection of SRO - Only Question appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operations. (CFR: 43.5 / 45.13)
K/A Category Totals: 3 3 3 3 3 /3 3 /3 Group Point Total: 18 /6
ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Tier 1/Group 2 (RO/SRO)
E/APE # / Name / Safety Function K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G* K/A Topic(s) IR #
000001 (APE 1) Continuous Rod Withdrawal / 1 000003 (APE 3) Dropped Control Rod / 1 X 2.1.27 - Knowledge of system 3.9 57 purpose and/or function.
000005 (APE 5) Inoperable/Stuck Control Rod / 1 X AA2.01 - Ability to determine and 3.3 58 interpret the following as they apply to the Inoperable/Stuck Control Rod: Stuck or inoperable rod from in-core and ex-core NIS, in-core or loop temperature measurements.
000024 (APE 24) Emergency Boration / 1 000028 (APE 28) Pressurizer (PZR) Level Control Malfunction / 2 000032 (APE 32) Loss of Source Range Nuclear X AK2.01 - Knowledge of the 2.7* 59 Instrumentation / 7 interrelations between the Loss of Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation and the following:
Power supplies, including proper switch positions.
000033 (APE 33) Loss of Intermediate Range Nuclear X 2.4.45 - Ability to prioritize and 4.3 90 Instrumentation / 7 interpret the significance of each SRO-Only Question annunciator or alarm.
(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.12) 000036 (APE 36; BW/A08) Fuel-Handling Incidents / 8 X K3.02 Knowledge of the reasons 2.9 60 for the following responses as they apply to Fuel Handling Incidents: Interlocks associated with fuel handling equipment.
(CFR 41.5,41.10 / 45.6 / 45.13) 000037 (APE 37) Steam Generator Tube Leak / 3 X AK1.01 - Knowledge of the 2.9* 61 operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Steam Generator Tube Leak:
Use of steam tables.
(CFR 41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3) 000051 (APE 51) Loss of Condenser Vacuum / 4 000059 (APE 59) Accidental Liquid Radwaste Release / 9 000060 (APE 60) Accidental Gaseous Radwaste Release / 9 000061 (APE 61) Area Radiation Monitoring System Alarms X 2.2.44 - Ability to interpret control 4.2 62
/ 7 room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.
(CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.12) 000067 (APE 67) Plant Fire On Site / 8 X AA2.15 - Ability to determine and 3.9 91 SRO-Only Question interpret the following as they apply to the Plant Fire on Site:
Fire Watch Requirements.
(CFR: 43.5 / 45.13) 000068 (APE 68; BW A06) Control Room Evacuation / 8 000069 (APE 69; W E14) Loss of Containment Integrity / 5 X 2.4.30 - Knowledge of events 4.1 92 SRO-Only Question related to system operation/status that must be reported to internal organizations or external agencies, such as the State, the NRC, or the transmission system operator.
(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.11)
000074 (EPE 74; W E06 & E07) Inadequate Core Cooling / X EA2.1 - Ability to determine and 4.0 93 4 interpret the following as they SRO-Only Question apply to the (Saturated Core Cooling): Facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operations.
(CFR: 43.5 / 45.13) 000076 (APE 76) High Reactor Coolant Activity / 9 000078 (APE 78*) RCS Leak / 3 (W E01 & E02) Rediagnosis & SI Termination / 3 (W E13) Steam Generator Overpressure / 4 (W E15) Containment Flooding / 5 X EA2.2 - Ability to determine or 2.9 63 interpret the following as they apply to the (Containment Flooding): Adherence to appropriate procedures and operation within the limitations in the facility's license and amendments. (CFR: 43.5 / 45.13)
(W E16) High Containment Radiation /9 X EK2.1 - Knowledge of the 3.0 64 interrelations between the (High Containment Radiation) and the following: Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.
(CFR: 41.7 / 45.7)
(BW A01) Plant Runback / 1 (BW A02 & A03) Loss of NNI-X/Y/7 (BW A04) Turbine Trip / 4 (BW A05) Emergency Diesel Actuation / 6 (BW A07) Flooding / 8 (BW E03) Inadequate Subcooling Margin / 4 (BW E08; W E03) LOCA CooldownDepressurization / 4 X EA1.1 - Ability to operate and / or 4.0 65 monitor the following as they apply to the (LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization):
Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.
(CFR: 41.7 / 45.5 / 45.6)
(BW E09; CE A13**; W E09 & E10) Natural Circulation/4 (BW E13 & E14) EOP Rules and Enclosures (CE A11**; W E08) RCS OvercoolingPressurized Thermal Shock / 4 (CE A16) Excess RCS Leakage / 2 (CE E09) Functional Recovery (CE E13*) Loss of Forced Circulation/LOOP/Blackout / 4 K/A Category Point Totals: 1 2 1 1 2/2 2/2 Group Point Total: 9/4
ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401Plant SystemsTier 2/Group 1 (RO/SRO) -2
System # / Name K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G* K/A Topic(s) IR #
003 (SF4P RCP) Reactor Coolant X K1.01 - Knowledge of the physical 2.6 1 Pump connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the RCPS and the following systems:
003 (SF4P RCP) Reactor Coolant X A4.03 - Ability to manually operate and/or 2.8 2 Pump monitor in the control room: RCP lube oil and lift pump motor controls.
004 (SF1; SF2 CVCS) Chemical and X K4.12 - Knowledge of CVCS design feature(s) 3.1 3 Volume Control and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Minimum level of VCT.
004 (SF1; SF2 CVCS) Chemical and X A2.10 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 4.2 76 Volume Control following malfunctions or operations on the CVCS; and (b) based on those predictions, SRO-Only Question use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Inadvertent boration/dilution.
(CFR: 41.5/ 43/5 / 45/3 / 45/5) 005 (SF4P RHR) Residual Heat X K5.05 - Knowledge of the operational 2.7* 4 Removal implications of the following concepts as they apply the RHRS: Plant response during "solid plant": pressure change due to the relative incompressibility of water.
005 (SF4P RHR) Residual Heat X 2.1.23 - Ability to perform specific system and 4.4 77 Removal integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.
SRO-Only Question (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.2 / 45.6) 006 (SF2; SF3 ECCS) Emergency X K4.26 - Knowledge of ECCS design feature(s) 3.3 5 Core Cooling and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Parallel redundant systems.
007 (SF5 PRTS) Pressurizer X K1.01 - Knowledge of the physical 2.9 6 Relief/Quench Tank connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PRTS and the following systems:
Containment system.
008 (SF8 CCW) Component Cooling X K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or 3.4 7 Water malfunction of the CCWS will have on the following: Loads cooled by CCWS.
008 (SF8 CCW) Component Cooling X 2.4.21 - Knowledge of the parameters and 4.0 8 Water logic used to assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc.
010 (SF3 PZR PCS) Pressurizer X A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic operation 3.0 9 Pressure Control of the PZR PCS, including: PRT temperature and pressure during PORV testing.
010 (SF3 PZR PCS) Pressurizer X K5.01 - Knowledge of the operational 3.5 10 Pressure Control implications of the following concepts as they apply to the PZR PCS: Determination of condition of fluid in PZR, using steam tables.
012 (SF7 RPS) Reactor Protection X A4.01 - Ability to manually operate and/or 4.5 11 monitor in the control room: Manual trip button.
012 (SF7 RPS) Reactor Protection X K1.02 - Knowledge of the physical 3.4 12 connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the RPS and the following systems:
125VDC system.
013 (SF2 ESFAS) Engineered X K6.01 - Knowledge of the effect of a loss or 2.7* 13 Safety Features Actuation malfunction on the following will have on the ESFAS: Sensors and detectors ES-401 7 Form ES-401-2
022 (SF5 CCS) Containment Cooling X A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 2.6 14 following malfunctions or operations on the CCS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Fan motor thermal overload/high-speed operation.
022 (SF5 CCS) Containment Cooling X A2.06 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 3.2* 78 following malfunctions or operations on the SRO-Only Question CCS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of CCS pump.
(CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.13) 025 (SF5 ICE) Ice Condenser
026 (SF5 CSS) Containment Spray X A1.01 - Ability to predict and/or monitor 3.9 15 changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the CSS controls including: Containment pressure.
039 (SF4S MSS) Main and Reheat X A1.10 - Ability to predict and/or monitor 2.9* 16 Steam changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the MRSS controls including: Air ejector PRM.
039 (SF4S MSS) Main and Reheat X A3.02 - Ability to monitor automatic operation 3.1 17 Steam of the MRSS, including: Isolation of the MRSS.
059 (SF4S MFW) Main Feedwater X A2.05 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 3.1* 18 following malfunctions or operations on the MFW; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Rupture in MFW suction or discharge line.
061 (SF4S AFW) X K2.03 - Knowledge of bus power supplies to 4.0* 19 Auxiliary/Emergency Feedwater the following: AFW diesel driven pump.
062 (SF6 ED AC) AC Electrical X A1.03 - Ability to predict and/or monitor 2.5 20 Distribution changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the AC distribution system controls including: Effect on instrumentation and controls of switching power supplies.
062 (SF6 ED AC) AC Electrical X A2.06 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 3.9 79 Distribution following malfunctions or operations on the ac distribution system; and (b) based on those SRO-Only Question predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Keeping the safeguards buses electrically separate.
(CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.13) 063 (SF6 ED DC) DC Electrical X A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 2.5 21 Distribution following malfunctions or operations on the DC electrical systems; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Grounds.
063 (SF6 ED DC) DC Electrical X 2.4.49 - Ability to perform without reference to 4.4 80 Distribution procedures those actions that require immediate operation of system components SRO-Only Question and controls. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.2 / 45.6) 064 (SF6 EDG) Emergency Diesel X K6.07 - Knowledge of the effect of a loss or 2.7 22 Generator malfunction of the following will have on the EDG system: Air receivers.
073 (SF7 PRM) Process Radiation X K4.01 - Knowledge of PRM system design 4.0 23 Monitoring feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Release termination when radiation exceeds setpoint.
073 (SF7 PRM) Process Radiation X 2.4.47 - Ability to diagnose and recognize 4.2 24 Monitoring trends in an accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate control room reference material. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12) 076 (SF4S SW) Service Water X K2.08 - Knowledge of bus power supplies to 3.1* 25 the following: ESF-actuated MOVs.
076 (SF4S SW) Service Water X 2.2.39 - Knowledge of less than or equal to 3.9 26 one hour Technical Specification action statements for systems.
078 (SF8 IAS) Instrument Air X K3.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or 3.0 27 malfunction of the IAS will have on the following: Cross-tied units. (CFR: 41.7 / 45.6) 103 (SF5 CNT) Containment X K3.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or 3.7 28 malfunction of the containment system will have on the following: Loss of containment integrity under refueling operations.
053 (SF1; SF4P ICS*) Integrated Control
K/A Category Point Totals: 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3/3 2 2 3/2 Group Point Total: 28/5
ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 Plant Systems Tier 2/Group 2 (RO/SRO)
System # / Name K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G* K/A Topic(s) IR #
001 (SF1 CRDS) Control Rod Drive X K2.02 - Knowledge of bus power supplies to 3.6 29 the following: One-line diagram of power supply to trip breakers.
002 (SF2; SF4P RCS) Reactor X A2.01 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 4.3 32 Coolant following malfunctions or operations on the RCS; and (b) based on those predictions, use Procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of coolant inventory.
(CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.5) 011 (SF2 PZR LCS) Pressurizer X A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic operation 2.8* 30 Level Control of the PZR LCS, including: Boration/dilution.
014 (SF1 RPI) Rod Position Indication 015 (SF7 NI) Nuclear X K3.03 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or 2.7 31 Instrumentation malfunction of the NIS will have on the following: Fuel handling system.
016 (SF7 NNI) Nonnuclear Instrumentation 017 (SF7 ITM) In-Core Temperature Monitor 027 (SF5 CIRS) Containment Iodine Removal 028 (SF5 HRPS) Hydrogen Recombiner and Purge Control 029 (SF8 CPS) Containment Purge X A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 3.6 81 SRO-Only Question following malfunctions or operations on the Containment Purge System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Maintenance or other activity taking place inside containment.
(CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.13) 033 (SF8 SFPCS) Spent Fuel Pool X 2.4.41 - Knowledge of the emergency action 4.6 82 Cooling level thresholds and classifications.
SRO-Only Question (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.11) 034 (SF8 FHS) Fuel-Handling Equipment 035 (SF 4P SG) Steam Generator X K6.02 - Knowledge of the effect of a loss or 3.1 34 malfunction on the following will have on the S/GS: Secondary PORV.
041 (SF4S SDS) Steam X A4.05 - Ability to manually operate and/or 3.1 35 Dump/Turbine Bypass Control monitor in the control room: Main steam header pressure.
045 (SF 4S MTG) Main Turbine X 2.4.1 - Knowledge of EOP entry conditions 4.6 33 Generator and immediate action steps.
(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13) 055 (SF4S CARS) Condenser Air Removal 056 (SF4S CDS) Condensate X A2.05 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the 2.5* 83 SRO-Only Question following malfunctions or operations on the Condensate System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Condenser tube leakage. (CFR: 41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.13) 068 (SF9 LRS) Liquid Radwaste ES-401 10 Form ES-401-2
071 (SF9 WGS) Waste Gas X A1.06 - Ability to predict and/or monitor 2.5 36 Disposal changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with Waste Gas Disposal System operating the controls including: Ventilation system.
072 (SF7 ARM) Area Radiation X K4.01 - Knowledge of ARM system design 3.3* 37 Monitoring feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Containment ventilation isolation.
075 (SF8 CW) Circulating Water X K1.08 - Knowledge of the physical 3.2* 38 connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the circulating water system and the following systems: Emergency/essential SWS.
079 (SF8 SAS**) Station Air 086 Fire Protection 050 (SF 9 CRV*) Control Room Ventilation
K/A Category Point Totals: 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/1 Group Point Total: 10/3
ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3
Facility: BRAIDWOOD STATION UNITS 1 and 2 Date of Exam: MAY 29 - June 8, 2018
Category K/A # Topic RO SRO-only IR # IR #
2.1.5 Ability to use procedures related to shift staffing, such as 3.9 94 minimum crew complement, overtime limitations, etc.
(CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12) 2.1.18 Ability to make accurate, clear, and concise logs, records, status 3.6 66 boards, and reports. (CFR: 41.10 / 45.12 / 45.13)
- 1. Conduct of 2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, 3.9 67 Operations tables, etc. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12) 2.1.43 Ability to use procedures to determine the effects on reactivity of 4.1 68 plant changes, such as reactor coolant system temperature, secondary plant, fuel depletion, etc. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.6 / 45.6) 2.1.45 Ability to identify and interpret diverse indications to validate the 4.3 95 response of another indication. (CFR: 41.7 / 43.5 / 45.4)
Subtotal 3 2 2.2.14 Knowledge of the process for controlling equipment 3.9 69 configuration or status. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.3 / 45.13) 2.2.22 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits. 4.7 96
- 2. Equipment (CFR: 41.5 / 43.2 / 45.2)
Control 2.2.42 Ability to recognize system parameters that are entry-level 3.9 70 conditions for Technical Specifications.
(CFR: 41.7 / 41.10 / 43.2 / 43.3 / 45.3)
Subtotal 2 1 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or 3.2 71 emergency conditions. (CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.10) 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases. (CFR: 41.11 / 43.4 / 45.10) 3.8 72 2.3.13 Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to 3.8 97 licensed operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling
- 3. Radiation responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning Control filters, etc. (CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.9 / 45.10) 2.3.14 Knowledge of radiation or contamination hazards that may arise 3.4 73 during normal, abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.
(CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.10) 2.3.15 Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, such as fixed 3.1 98 radiation monitors and alarms, portable survey instruments, personnel monitoring equipment, etc. (CFR: 41.12 / 43.4 / 45.9)
Subtotal 3 2 2.4.3 Ability to identify post-accident instrumentation. 3.7 74 (CFR: 41.6 / 45.4) 2.4.9 Knowledge of low power /shutdown implications in accident (e.g. 4.2 99 LOCA or loss of RHR) mitigation strategies.
- 4. Emergency (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13)
Procedures/Plan 2.4.20 Knowledge of operational implications of EOP warnings, 4.3 100 cautions, and notes. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13) 2.4.46 Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant 4.2 75 conditions. (CFR: 41.10 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.12)
Subtotal 2 2 Tier 3 Point Total 10 7