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NRC-2021-000211 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
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Issue date: 08/17/2021
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ML21229A093 List:
FOIA, NRC-2021-000211
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_ .__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _- -

roa;,ngm U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION kne 1 of 1 Pages ,

PRODUCT MATERIAL LICENSu g Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Part 30, Licensing of Byproduct Material, and in reliance on statements and repmsentations hemtofore made by the hcensee, a licent.e is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to mceive, acquire, own, possess, transfer and im-port byproduct material listed below; and to use such byproduct material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below.This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and is subject to all applic2ble r. 'es, regulations, and orders of the Atomic Enemy Com-mission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

Licensee 1.Name 11. S. Naval Railological Defense 3. License number Laboratcry  !

I 2. Addresa Biological & Medical Sciences h4074 (E59) i

4. Expiration date Division  ;

san Francisco 2h, Califcenia Vay_31,1959

5. Reference No.


G. Byproduct material 7. Chemical and/or physical form 8. Maximum amount of radioactivity i l (element and mass number) which licensee may posses at any '

one time l A. Rydr ogen-3 A. Tritlated Water Potassine-h2 A. 50 millicurios O. B. Chloride B. 3 millicurico

c. C. Aconiu_n bromide C.

9_rtillicurica _

9. Authorized use l A throa@ C "caSure total exchangeable potassium, total exchangeable chloride and tot.a1 body rater simitaneously in a total of b0 ncenal adults.


10. Unless otherwise specified, the authorized place of use is the licensee's address stated in Item 2 above.
11. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of Title 10, Part S Code of Federal Reip Iations, Cha;>ter 1, "Starvistds fcr Prot,ection Against Radiv.,1on".
12. Byprcduct mterials shall be used by, cr urrler the supervision of Eldon A. Ecling, y.D.
13. Byprcduct roterial acquirod fece an Atomic Energy Ccruission facility shall not be used in hurans until its phr sceutical quality and acsay here been independently establ$rhe3.


lb. Total araoant of Hydrogen 3 acquired under this licensa shall net exceed 50 rd111 curies. 1 4

For the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission _

Or g. 1 ci;ned by James R flason '

Date _ lay _7#l 238 by T,i q w m w h cMet, of Dwision Lloensing and Regdetaon I 9401310274 940110 #"

REQS LIC30 04-00487-02 CF

Go=fg;na ^


y S., ATOMIC -.-v ENERGY CO..M.. . a. s.MISSION Pega 1 of R Pag:s

  • - m. 7 F t.. By RODUCf MATERIAL LICEN.e, -

nt to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Title 10, Code of Federal Rcqulations, Chapter 1 Part 30, Liceng:of Byproduct Meterial, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a Ecense is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, own, possess, transfer a~nd im-port byproduct material listed below; and to use such byproduct material for the purpose (s) and/at the ~ place (s) desiMated below.This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic


Energy Act of 1954, and is subject to all epplicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Atopile Energy Com.

mission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.


-Ocensee '

S 4

1.Name U. S.

g [ 4M6hk feli!Eer - . u

[3. N'ehe f5mser ~


r A Mc

2. Address fei;cniff ',,4.

san trsine Depoftparat.tortie, 3,' cat. 2, ' Expiratio[dateme*-~3' st pose W 19pt / -



.s 1s a t.< a ,a s. -u u, S; Refersnoe No. :r.,i c.,. c m .s . ,

_ _ . - . _ . _ _ _ _ - ._4 . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ ,

6. Byproduci meterial "A Chemical and/or physical form /8. Maximum amount of radioactivity (elemerd and mass number) \ j which limnsea may at any

\ ,

/ ene time Lanthex2 1M /my FC curtos

_.__ i ._

9. Authorized use \_ _ .

To to used as s trneer in deconta:11 cation uAi 8.

! /


10. Unless otherwise rpecified, the authorized pl .e of use is t icensee's address stated in item 2 above.
11. Eyproduct nsterial my also be ad at Cr@ D Pittehrrg, California.
12. The 11ceno2e shall catgly , the prtnricions of Ti le 10, Part ID, Code of Federal Ecculations, cigtar , "Stecdania for Protco\ ion Against EMintion".

13 Eyproduct mterial s5all un>d by, or u21er tra direct .rvisica of, l J. D. f4rtor or R. E. El k.

11. . W licensas c:all por <can and uss byproduct unterial in soo : ance with t%

procedures repreeant in his application dated Fey DS,1993, nd as s;: ended by: ,

t A. Letter dated r e3,1$3, from the U. e. I?sval radiological setense >

l Laboratory, Francieco 24, California, to TMC with at & abstrsets i entitled: ovaloput of Ibclanation Procedures for Laci T ts" and Prdiolecice Safety Ibasures for Target Ecclaration Etniy." ,

(fra pace 2)


ForAe U. S. Atomic En%Vn dNf" g q4$

k mes R. son baIG _ . _. # _ . _ _ _

by._ # s 1 D nein ellicenring and Regu}alsor, $.

We&nfon 25, D. C. -


. [ ' _,- __


,' rw=,,*g;$=


3Y .ODUCT Supplementary Su 11' Sheet .!

L487 - .

N, Deense Number _)g-4 <

CO2Iricet . *Cont 11:24:

14. - Coctinued:

B. 14tt4r dated July 1,19)B, trca the Departamat et the nery, Deaua cf Ships, Esahington 25, D. C., to raam.

C.* Istter Asted July 22,1958, trca the DeNL uk er the Mar (th, Dames of radicias and corpry, VA*f W 25, D. C., % LEJJlc, wi attacbed Bums 41ctter - Serial 5123 with let eat est endorsements.

!f I


i <

!, l For the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission 1 l Or!ged Signed By l j 1:.ns R. Ihson i l by___. _ Chief, Isotopea Itair2 l Date . _AucattJ2_lf>3 Ihvision of Lkenring ared Regulahc.n l i Weshington 25, D. C.

l l


.e, ,

< my47;-874 u.



B 'P ODUC'J MATERIAL BYPEODUCT MA TERI.AL IJCENSE UC SE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 cmd Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Part 30, Licensing of Byproduct Material, and in rehance on statements and representations s heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued cruthorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, own, possess, transfer and and im-im-port byproduct material listed below; and to use such byrroduct material for the purpose (s) and at the placce) plo ~

designaiod below. This licenso shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Atomic -

Energy Act of 1954, a%d is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and orders off the AtomicI Energy Com- Com-mission now or herechekin effect and to any' conditions specified below.




l. Departaeot of t e InvT 3. Licenso number hair 87-7
7. 8. Eaval hd5 legioel 3ctence A

2 Address

2. Laboratory (T61)
4. Expiration date Ectentific Np rts t Pepheahcr 30, 1961 Sras Tranotroe, N 11fa la!l -


5. Reference No.


!, .' , L, (d > h*h07~h

6. Byprrx3uct material 7. Chemical and/or phyelcal* form I
8. Maximum amount of radioactivity (element mid mass number) which licensco may posses at any one time.

A. dyd m es 3 8. Vater F. PotaAsium h2 A. 50 millicaries

'. 3. Totassin;s ploride P. 3 millieuries '

C. h ina 62 C. 8amonin Bryfde C. 9 willicartes

9. Authorimd use

..' ard C. Fenareunt of total body water, A.,P.

exchargeshle chloride simultaneossi


1 crchangabic potasstan, ard tots11 n 60 adult hunne.


10. Unless otherwise spocified, the authortwd place of use is the lice. soo's address stated in Item I :;) 2 2 above.  !
11. Tta licenece shall ecuply with the prorittens of Title 0, Part 20, code of %4ersi 7cenistiere, Chap'.er 1, *S.tsidsrde for Protection (gain Radiation *.


  • Ityproduct nsterials shall be essd by, or urder the dirtot >

ipervirien of, V. I.. Taylor.


13. Pyprohet saterial acquired from an (tonic Tnergy cerafscion fgsility chall not he  !

used in hestna utstil its phsmaetutics,1 cuality sM assay hate han iMepexterstly '


sw b0 i

r the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission For Or:ima; 5gred 91 h r.cs R tim en Eeptember r 21,1959 by 8 I"'t*M8 ##

nva,n a uc and aman =  !

Wa Wpan 25. D. C.

I 7" o_,, e I

o e o 07- L f;c CERMFICATION OF STATUS OF RADI0I50f0FE (DFproduct Material) Y



o. --

NO. 'I

    • I I

' ~

i'I g

. . 1

'] .


U. S. Naval Radiological Defence La Laboratory f


(Institution, firm, hospital, person, etc.)

  • c.} ,

hs-b 71 -

.. ADDRESS San n Francisco n~ t c 224, , C California 1if r 1, DEPARTWENT(S) l' c I B10 10 ca and Biological a d Medical

  • Sciences 1c:al Sc1 Division S c INDIVIDUAL RAD 101SOTOPE USER (S) E. Boling, oh n, M.. D. D. I s

'I d C The licensee and C any individual executing thisCtcertification::I on OD behalft of the licensee certify that (check appropriate item 1 (s) belce):

lc,r ):

.I .,_.

, ct t'1 s

_ No byproduct materials licensee. have been procured and/or possessed by -

I 1 I* X All byproduct materials procured and/or p under Byproduct Material License No. 4 g y sed by licensee (1

(1) been transferred to U S EAYALRadiolog[ cal Defense Laboratory haves  ;

l j

I vhich has Byproduct (Institution, firm, hospital ct Material License No. 48i gerson, etc.)  ;


I i h)g ma (if kncen)

, 7, j"


i l (,)

b (2) been disposeddof by decay.

g .a ..

© l!QI i gg8)8 ,.. ,


} g._ (3)

( )beenD disposedG OS of inDcomplian 00 ith 10 TP .. $.

..4-f 3


?. :


p, a

< ~ ~


c2 .

( s' ew:

O L. 1... All l'1


007 - l B100139-M C cxRTiryinc Orrierit i

Chairrnan, Radioisotope o e CoCommittee mt t i

2 AugusL1961 1


Enci (1) (1) t o, to NRDL DL lt 730 -10 4' WJF:jp ltr 730-104 J :jp of of "' "'


Y * * ' '