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Forwards Instrumentation & Control Sys Branch Input for Sser.Confirmation of Electrical Circuit Mods Should Be Requested
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/1982
From: Speis T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-0524, CON-WNP-524 IEB-80-06, IEB-80-6, NUDOCS 8206250371
Download: ML20213E180 (4)


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dun 161982 h icies N G S - fi7 MEMORAflDUtt FOR: Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing FROM: Themis P. Speis, Assistant Director for Reactor Safety Division of Systems Integration



. Docket flo.: 50-397 Licensing Stage: OL Responsible Branch: LB 42 Project Panager: R. Auluck ICSB Reviewer: J. Rosenthal Review Branch: ICSB Review Status: SSER Enclosed is the Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (SSER) input for WNP-2 prepared by the Instrumentation and Control Systems Branch. This SSER addresses two of the four ICSB related open items of the UNP-2 SER (flUREG-0892). The remaining open items will be addmssed in forth-coming SER supplements upon receipt of information from the applicant.

Resolution of the open items addmssed in this supplement, IE Bulletin 30-06, and Remote Shutdown System, mquire modification of electrical circuits. The applicant has comitted to these modifications and associated testing. The Region should be requested to confirm that these modifications are perfonned. Further SSER input for these itens is not planned unless a problem is found.

e s p spej, Themis P. Speis, Assistant Director 0206250371oscon,168206

~ept_Anncn 9 for Reactor Safety x W Division of Systems Integration l



Docket File cc: R. Mattson ICSB Reading File F. Rosa J. Rosenthal (PF) l C. Rossi T. Speis T. Dunning WNP-2 Subject File R. Capra m

_ -i A.Jchwencer ,v A cmety R. Auluck ICSB/DS *

. ICSB/DSI l ICSB/DSI AD M suacw d(* " *"


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7.0 Instrumentation and controls 7.3 Engineered Safety Features Systems 7.3.2 Specific Findings IE Bulletin 80-06, " Engineered Safety Features Reset Control" In the SER (NUREG-0892) the staff stated that a full response t o IEB 80-06, " Engineered Safety Features Reset Control", was required and that corrective actions, if neededi were to be completed prior to fuel load.

The applicant has satisfactorily responded to the staff request (Question 031.136) by WPPSS letter G02-82-445, May 14, 1982.

The applicant has confirmed that the analysis has been com-pletede has committed to modify equipment prior to fuel loads and has committed to preoperational testing to confirm the adequacy of the analysis.

l The control circuits for specific RCIC valves, Radwaste System l isolation valves, RHR sample line valves, and reactor water sample j valves are to be modified in accordance with IEB 80-06.

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7.4 Systems Required for Safe Shutdown 7.4.2 Specific Findings Remote Shutdown System In the SER (NUREG-0892) the staff stated that the staff would review a forthcoming study of remote shutdown capability and report the results in a supplement to the SER. The staff was concerned that the remote shutdown capability described in the FSAR might not meet the quality and redundancy standards need-ed to conform to the staff's interpretation of GDC 19.

The applicant has satisfactorily addressed this issue in WPPSS le t t e r G02-82-447, Ma y 14, 1982, and letter G02-82-036e June 4e 1982.

An a lt e rn at e remote shutdown system is to be installed. The remote shutdown and alternate remote shutdown systems (panele indicatione and c on t r ol) are/or will be seismically quali fiede powered from Class 1E power suppliese and provided with,heatinge ventilating and air conditioning which are separate from each .

other and from the control room.



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The alternate remote shutdown system will be located in the Critical Electrical Switch Gear Room 1, approximately 30 feet from the remote shutdown system. The alternate remote shut-down system will contain RHR loop A valve and pump controtsi SRV solenoid B controls, suppression pool temperaturef RHR loop A flow, reactor vessel water levele and reactor vessel pressure indicators.

The remote shutdown system is described in the SER (NUREG-0892).

WPPSS has committed (letter G02-82-447, May 14, 1982) to install the alternate shutdown system during the first refueling outage.

This commitment is acceptable to the staff and will be made a condition of the license.

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JUN 2 1 19 82 See next page

~ Docket No. : 50-397 MEMORANDUM FOR: A. Schwencer, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2. DL FROM: R. Auluck, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 2, DL



DATE & TIME: Wednesday, June 30, 1982 8:30 AM LOCATION: GE Conference Room Bethesda, MD PURPOSE: Discussion of the following items in the Power System:

Area (Electrical):

1. Cable Separation
2. Override of D-G Test made on LOCA PARTICIPANTS: NRC WPPSS R. Auluck R. Nelson and Support Staff H. Abelson S. Rhow R. Auluck, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 2, DL cc: See next page s - 92062oOi'9__B20621 PDR ADOCK 05000397 g A PDR D 1 crnce) . . P' .h. ...D..L%.g.. B # 2 /. .B C SURNAME) . . . . .Y.k. .d. . .,we.n,g.ey,,

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~ WNV-2 Mr. R. L. Ferguson Managing Director Washington PUblic Power Supply System P. O. Box 968 ~

3000 George Washington Way -

Richland, Washington 99352

. cc: Nicholas Reynolds, Esquire -

Debevoise & Liberman .

1200 Seventeenth Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C. ,20036 Mr. G.E. Doupe, Esquire -

Washington Public . Power _ Supply System . .

P.O. Box 968 "

3000 George Washington Way - - - - . . . __

Richland, Washington 99352 J Nicholas Lewis, Chairman Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council 820 East Fifth Avenue Olynpia, Washington 98504

- Roger Nelson, Licensing Manager Washington Public Power Supply System *

- P. 0. Box 968 Richland, Washington 99352 Kr.- W.G. Conn, Sr. N/M Group Supervisor Burhs and Roe, Incorporated 601 Williams Boulevard '

Richiand, Washington 99352


Mr. Richard Feil U.S. NRC Resident Inspector WPPSS-2 NPS P.O. Box 69.

Richland, Washington 99352 .


Dr. G.D. Bouchey Deputy Director, Safety & Security Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 968, M3 650 f_ Richland, Washington 99352 S


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,"Eg[ljiG NOTICE DISTRIBUTION: DATE: -M 2 I 1982 Document Control (50- ) '~




EHylton R. Auluck

. Project Manager RAul uck H. Abgl. son - -

} E. Case S. Rhow .

D. Eisenhut/RPurple R. Tedesco 's J. Youngblood -

A. Schwencer

~ ~.

F. Miraglia - -- -- -

E. Adensam '

SSPB - - - - - - . _

G. Lainas ,

W. Russell /

D. Crutchfield T. Ippolito J. P. Knight W. Johnston ~

D.. Muller P

hHouton ,

cc: Service List L. Rubenstein F. Schroeder M..Ernst .

J. Kramer

. Attorney, OELD Paton - -

, 01&E  ; .

Region y /

Resi. dent Inspector i ACRS (16)

OSD (7) e o O g .


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I M29 1982 liEMORAkDuii FOR: Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director for qE Licensing, DL '

FR0!1: James P. Knight, Assistant Director for Components & Structures Engineering, DE


SUPPLEliEliTARY SAFETY EVALUATIO!i IllPUT - GE0 LOGY Aiiu SEISMOLOGY - WASHIfiGT0li fiUCLEAR PLAliT F2 Attached is the geology and seismology input for the Washington .fluclear Plant #2 SSER. This input includes Sections 2.5.1, 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, and the reports f rom our advisor, the United States Geological Survey and our consultant, D. B. Slemons, as Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively.

As stated in the SSER, there is no basis for altering the conclusions in the CP-SER's for W!iP-2 and the later UllP-1 ond WitP-4 sites, that there are no capable faults within five miles of the site, and that ground motion values of 0.25g and 0.1259 used as the zero period limit of appropriate response spectra for the SSE and OBE are adequately conservative.

He request, however, that the applicant be required to ccmait to the following three courses of action (Decause of recently received infor-adtion):

(1) To provide us witn a statement concerning their program or plans to deal with the USGS estimate of both loose ash-fall thickness cnd rate of occumulation in the event of a volcanic eruption which exceeds the applicant's estimates in the FSAR.

(2) To maintain comunication with the Skagit/Hanford applicant concerning the integratec eaview of subsurface data that has been undertaken in response to the seismic refraction and reflection anomalies identified bj the staff and the USGS close to both plant sites and report to us any significant findings or follow-up investigations as necessary.

(3) To provide us with complete information concerning the location and results of a seismic reflection study along the Columbia River that we have Deen maoe aware of by verbal communication only.

This report was prepared by Ina B. Alterman, Geologist and Jeff Kimball, Seismologist.

Original Signed by R

V. E. Jackson Y ues P. Knight, Assistant Director for y ADOC ohh7 .ee-amponents L Structures Engineering Division of Engineering Attachnant:

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40CKET FILE cc: w/ attachment D. Eisenhut P,. Vollmer R. Tedesco R. Jackson A. Schwencer C. Moon E. Adensam R. Auluck L. Reiter S. Brocoum I. Altennan J. Kimball H. Lefevre A. K. Ibrahim T. Algermissen, USGS T. Hait, USGS D. Dickey, USGS R. Morris, USGS W. Hays, USGS B. Slemmons

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