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Confirms Info Received Re RO License Retake Exam Scheduled 970627.Forwards W/Ltr Copies of 12 Exam Questions from Plant Exam Bank Which Were Modified.Both Modified & Original Questions Included
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1997
From: Moody B
To: Bundy H
Shared Package
ML20210N765 List:
NUDOCS 9708260142
Download: ML20210N853 (29)


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                                                                                                                                                                                -J Bruce Moody Union Electric - Callaway Plant P.O. Box 620 Fulton, Mo. 65251
                                                                   . June 9,1997 i

Mr. Iloward Bundy U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, Tex. 76011-8064 i

Dear lloward:

This letter confirms the information you have receiveCconcerning the RO License Retake Exam scheduled for June 27 at the Callaway Plant, j The following material was delivered to your office on May 28:

                                                                              . a. 100 question written exam (RO level)
                                                                              . b. Callaway Plant Individual Plant Evaluation (IPEyProbabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) question breakdown
c. Question breakdown concerning question origin
d. Copy of exam security form, Funn ES 201-3
c. Written examination quality assurance checklist, Form ES-4016 Additionally, enclosed with this letter are copies of the 12 exam questions identified as being from the -

plant exam bank which were modified. Both the modified exam question and the original question from the exam bank are included. If you have any questions conceming this material, or if you need any additional information, please call me at 573-676-8194. Sincerely. Bruce Moody 9708260142 970820 PDR ADOCK 05000403 V PDR

    .                . 4, GUESTION #1 A Safety injection has occurred due to a Steam Generator Tube Rupture. The crew has just completed verifying that both NB01 and NB02 are energized per Step 3 of E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety injection. Which one of the following describes the HVAC flowpath for the Fuel Building at this time?

A. Fuel Building supply and normal exhaust stops; emergency exhaust dampers align to the

 . _ _ _ . . .            .. Aux Building. __ .._              _ ._. _ _               _

B. Fuel Building supply and normal exhaust stops; emergency exhaust dampers riign to Fuel and Aux Building. C. Fuel Building supply keeps running or starts; normal and emergency Fuel Building exhaust isolates. D. Fuel Building supply and exhaust keeps running or starts; emergency exhaust dampers align to the Fuel Building. l ANSWER: A. Fuel Building supply and normal exhaust stops; emergency exhaust dampers align to the Aux Building. K/A #: 103K113 2.8/3.1 KA DESCRIPTION: FB Ventilation on SIS OBJECTIVE #: 0110390D


T61,0110.6 LP 39, Page 40 AUTHOR: RBM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - L i DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: t Response B is incorrect because the emergency exhaust does not align to the Fuel Bldg. Response C is incorrect because th.e Fuel Bldg supply does not keep running. Response D is incorrect because the Fuel Bldg supply and exhaust does not keep running and the dampers do not align to the Fuel Bldg. RO Outline #32

COURSES-k QUESTION NO: 1- POINT 3: 1.00 0110390D02A What is the ventilation flowpath for the Fuel Building after a Safety Injection? (Assume no operator action.) A. Fuel Building supply stops; both normal and emergency Fuel Building exhaust isolates.  ! l B. . Fuel Building supply and normal exhaust stops; emergency exhaust aligns to Fuel and Aux Building. C. Fuel Building supply keeps running or starts; normal and emergency Fuel Building exhaust isolates. D. Fuel Building supply and exhaust keeps running or starts; emergency exhaust dampers isolates. ANSWER: A. Fuel Building supply stops; both normal and emergency Fuel Building exhaust isolates.

QUESTION #7 The following plant conditions exist at 0400:

               . T avg 557'F
               . PZR Press 2235 psig
               . Source Range Channel 31 indicates 19 cps
               . Source Range Channel 32 indicates 20 cps The following plant conditions exist at 0409:
               . Tavg 556'F
               . PZR Press 2240 psig                                                                           l
               . Source Range Channel 31 indicates 39 cps
               . Source Range Channel 32 indicates 46 cps Which ONE of the following includes a plant response to the above conditions?

A. The "B" CCksuction valve bom the RWST, BNLCV112E, opens. B. The Containment Evacuation Alarm sounds. C. The High Flux at Shutdown Alarm sounds. D. The reactor trip breakers open on high source range counts. ANSWER: ^~

         .A.' The~"B" CCP suction valve from the RWST,'BNL'C V112E, opens.

K/A #: 004K107 2.6/2.9 i KA DESCRIPTION: Plant Response to Flux Doubling


OBJECTIVE #: 0110280A



T61.0110.6 LP 28 AUTHOR: RBM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - HO DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A114 responses are associated with actions associated with the NIS source range instruments. Responses B and C have a setpoirs of 5 times background and D has a setpoint of 10E5 cps. RO Outline #3

COURSE: QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 0110200A01A The plant is operating in Mode 3. Initial source range counts are 20 cps on each channel. The Reactor Operator then dilutes the RCS Boron Concentration l sutficient for the count rates to increase to 46 cps in 9 minutes. Select the statement below that best describes plant response? A. BN-LCV-112D & E open, then BG-14V-112B & C close. l B. The containment evacuation alarm sounds. C. I The Rx trip BKRS open on Hi Source Range Rate. ' D. The Hi Flux at Shutdown Alarm sounds. ANSWER: A. BW LCV-112D & E open, then BG-LCV-112B & C close.

OUESTION #19 The electric fire pump has started due to a rupture in the main fire header going into the Radwaste Building. When can tha pump be secured and returned to standby? A. Anytime from Panel KC008 in the main control room. B. Anytime from the local control panel. _ . . ~. . . . . . _ C__ From Panel KC008 in the main. control room after system pressure has.been restored... . . D. From the local control panel after system pressure has been restored. I ANSWER: D. From the local control panel after system pressure has been restored. K/A #: 086A201 2.9/3.1 KA DESCRIPTION: Fire Protection System - Manual S/D of Firepumps - - - OBJECTIVE #: 0110350 0


T61.0110.6 LP 35, Page 78 AUTHOR: RBM SOURCE: ' BANK Modified Y - L


DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: Responses A and C are incorrect because the fire system pumps cannot be secured from the main control room anytime. In order for the system to be restored to normal (standby), system pressure must be restored to normal. thus Response D is the only correct choice. RO.. Outline. #36 .;_._._. .- . _ _... _.._ t 3 i


COURSE QUESTION NO: C. POINTS: 1.00 01103500018 After an automatic actuation of the electric fire pump (due to law pressure), when can the pump be secured? I l 1 l A. Anytime from the main control room ' 4 B. Prom the main control room only after system pressure has been l restored

c. Anytime locally 4

D. Locally - only after system pressure har been restored l ANSWER: 1 i j D. Locally - only after system preneure has been restored i

QUESTION #20 Callaway Plant is in Mode 4. "B" RHR is in service. A plant cooldown is in progress. The Reactor Operator is directed to stop the cooldown. EGHV102, "B" CCW to "B" RHR heat Gxchanger is CLOSED.

    - Which ONE of the following events occur?

A. "B" CCW Sashes in the "B" RHR heat exchanger causing the "B" CCW surge tank level to increase. B. "B" ESW flashes in the "B" CCW heat exchanger causing water hammer in the "B" ESW. C. "B"ikHR flashes in the "B" RHR heat exchanger causing the "B" RHR suction relief to lift. D. Service Water flashes in the "B" CCW heat exchanger causing water hammer in the Service Water system. ANS'NER: I i A. "B" CCW flashes in the "B" RHR heat exchanger causing the "B" CCW surge tank level to increase,- K/A #: 005A103 2.5/2.6 i KA DESCRIPTION: Flash!ng in RHR HX - OBJECTIVE #: 0110100E


- SOS 86-0054                                   -

l AUTHOR: PJM. SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - HO i DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A. When CCW flow was stopped in the plant to the RHR heat exchanger, CCW flashed to steam in the RHR heat exchanger upon heating up.- B. ESW cools CCW ESW is at a higher pressure so should not flash. C.- B RHR is pressurized so should not flash. D. Service water cools CCW. Service water is at a higher pressure so should not flash. RO Outline #27

7 COURSE - QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 0110100E02A l Which ONE of the following describes the effects on the Component Cooling -{ Water (CCW) System of isolating CCW to the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) l System while the RHR system is in service during an RCS heatup? A. CCW flashing would occur in the RHR heat exchanger, which would cause CCW surge tank level to increase. B. CCW flashing would occur in the RHR heat exchanger, which would i cause CCW surge tank level to decrease. C. CCW system pressure would increase, resulting in a reduction in NPSH to the CCW pumps. D. CCW system pressure would increase, resulting in lifting of the CCW surge tank relief valve. ANSWER: A. CCW flashing would occur in the RHR heat exchanger, which would cause CCW surge tank level to increase.

4 QUESTION'#24 Which ONE of the following electrical kneups is a normallineup for the Switchyard?  ; l A. ESF XFMR XNB01 energized by Safeguards XFMR "B" via ring bus breaker 52-3. -i B.- MTGY-cal.-7 transmission line energized by the main step-up XFMR's via switchyard breaker V53.- C. CAL-BLAN 1 tratumission line energized by 345 KV SWYD Bus "A" via switchyard breaker V41.

  . D.                                                                                                    !

200 series site load XFMR's energized by Safeguards XFMR "A" via ring bus breaker 52-4. ANSWER: A ESF XFMR XNB01 energized by Safeguards XFMR "B"via ring bus breaker 52-3. K/A #: 062K104 3.7/4.2 KA DESCRIPTION: Offsite AC Power Sources OBJECTIVE #; 0110010B


8618-X-94080 AUTHOR: PJM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - L DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A. The only physicallineup which can be made in the switchyard is supplying the ESF transformer with ring bus breaker 52-3 from the B Safeguards transformer. B. MTGY-CAL-7 goes through V85. C. CAL-BLAN 1 goes through V43 and V41 to get to A bus. D. 200 series from XFMR A through 52-2.

 - RO Outline #15 A

COURSE: QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 0110010B02A Which of the following statement.s concerning the Switchyard Distribution System is correct? A. Site loads (200 series) can be supplied by Safeguards XPHR 'A' via Ring ; Bus breaker 52-4. B. MTGY-CAL-7 transmission line can be supplied by the main step-up XFMR's via switchyard breaker V53. C. ESP XFMR XNB01 can be supplied by Safeguards XFMR 'B' via Ring Bus breaker 52-3. D. CAL-BLAd-1 transmission line can supply 345 KV SWYD Bus 'A' via switchyard breaker V41. ANSWER: C. ESF XFMR XNB01 can be supplied by Safeguards XFMR 'B' via Ring Bus breaker 52-3.

    - QUESTION #26
   --The plant has experienced a loss of offsite power. All equipment functioned as designed. Five
    - minutes later, NB0111,fA' D/G output breaker, trips open. Which ONE of the following caused NB0111 to open?
   '_ A. - - High lube oil temperature i

B. _ Overcurrent_ C. Low Jacket Eater pressure i D. Overspeed L L

 -ANSWER: -~                                                --                     -    -

D. Overspeed 1

                                     -K/A #: 064K402 3.9/4.2 KA DESCRIPTION: D/G Output Breaker Trips OBJECTIVE #:                        011003OH


T61.0110.6 LP 3, Pages 59 & 65 AUTHOR: PJM SOURCE: - BANK Modified Y - HO - DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A.- High lube oil temperature does not cause an Engine Shutdown Relay trip.

   .EL_Overcurrentaripsahe_D/G outputtreaker_onanormal.starttut istlocked                        .-

C. LowJacket water pressuro does not cause an Engine Shutdown Relay trip. D. Overspeed causes and Engine Shutdown Relay actuation. This trips the D/G breaker open on any type of start. RO Outline #16

8 COURSE: . QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 0110030H01C Which ONE of the following has the capability to automatically trip the Standby Diesel Generator Output Breaker after an emergency start? A. Neutral Ground Overcurrent B. Engine Shutdown Relay C. Underfrequency l D. Voltage Restrained Overcurrent l ANSWER: B. Engine Shutdown Relay

                - QUESTION #43 The following conditions exist:
  • Reactor Power is 60%

i* 'A' RCP #1 Seal AP is 170 psid and decreasing 1 psid per minute ei'A' RCP #1-Seal Leak-off flow is 3 gpm

                      * 'A' RCP Frame Vibration is 3 mils and increasing 1 mil /hr

_-..Which one-of the the proper. operator action per 0TO BB-00002cReactor. Coolant ____ Pump Off-Normal? 4 A. Reduce power to <48% and trip the affected RCP. B .' ' Trip the reactor and turbine, then trip the affected RCP. C. Trip the affected RCP and be in Mode 3 within the next 6 hours. D. - Continue to monitor vibration on 'A' RCP. ANSWER: ' A. Reduce power to <48% and trip the affected RCP. K/A #: 015/17AA1.23 3,1/3.2 KA DESCRIPTION: Respond to High RCP Vibration OBJECTIVE #: 003B150B


OTO-BB-00002 _ SOS 96-1775 AUTHOR: RBM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - HO DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: B would be true if vibration was at 5 mils. C is plausible in that you would have 6 hrs to shut down the plant after securing an RCP except in this case the reactor would trip if the pump was secured due to P-8, D is plausible if vibrations were steady.

               . RO Outline #56,

COURSE: QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 003D150B01B The reactor power is at 80% and the following conditions exist:

1. A lost of CCW to Containment for 5 minutes l
2. A RCP frame vibration is 3 mils and increasing at a rate of 1 mil /hr l
3. A RCP seal AP 300 paid Per OTO-BB-00002, RCP Off-Normal, which one of the following is the appropriate Operator Actior,to be taken?

A. Reduce power <40% and trip the affected RCP B. Trip the reactor and turbine and the affected RCP C. Close the #1 Seal Leakoff Isolation Valve within 5 minutes D. Proceed with an orderly plant shutdown and trip the affected RCP within 30 minutes ANSWER: A. Reduce power <48% and trip the affected RCP


4 )


                                      - QUESTION #51 Plant conditions are asloIIows'
  • Mode 1 7 . -100% Reactor Power
                                            . Tavg 588.4*F e NCP is running with BGFCV124 in Auto
                                            .- Letdown flow is 125 gpm
                                            . PZR level controller, BBLK459 is in Auto l
                                            . BBLT459 is the selected channel BBLT459 fails HIGH. NO operator action is taken.

Which ONE of the following occurs in the plant due to BBLT459 failing? A. The Reactor will immediately trip on PZR high level. B. The Reactor will, after a period of time, trip on high PZR level.

C. The Reactor will, after a period of time, trip on low PZR level.

D. The Reactor does not trip due to PZR level. ANSWER: B. The Reactor will, after a period of time, trip on high PZR level. K/A #: 011 A210, ; 3.4/3.6 KA DESCRIPTION: PZR Level Channel Failure OBJECTIVE #: 0110300L -


8756D37 Sheet 11 and 27 AUTHOR: PJM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - HO - DISTRACTER EXPLANATION-A. Rx Trip is 2/3 coincidence. B.. When BBL 1459 fails high, the NCP flow control valve will close down to minimum flow, about 40 gpm, to reduce PZR level while letdown is still 125 gpm. When PZR level gets to 17%, BBLT460 will isolate istdown with BGLCV460. With no letdown while still chargint; the PZR level will increase until a high level Rx Trip occurs at 92% 2/3 coincidence. C. No Rx trips on low level. D. Rx trips on high level. RO Outline #29

                                        COURSES-                                         .

f QUESTION Nos. 1- ' POINTS: 1.00 0110300LO4A which ONE of the'following statements describes the resultant long term plant response to a failed PZR level channel WITHOUT ANY OPERATOR ACTION: (Assume controlling level channel fails.) 4A. HIGH failure causes the plant to trip on High PZR level and LOW failure'causes the plant to trip on High PZR level. l i B. -HIGH failure causes the plant to trip on High PZR level and LOW failure does not cause the plant to trip. C. -LOW failure causes the plant to trip on High.PZR level and HIGH failure does not cause the plant to trip. s D. HIGH failure does not cause the plant to trip and LOW failure does not cause the plant to trip. ANSWER: A. HIGH failure causes the plant to trip on High PZR level and LOW' failure causes the plant to trip _on,High PZR level.

QUESTION #55 A high high shell level occurs in the 1 A heater. Which ONE of the following is the response of Main Feedwater due to the high high level? A. Main Feedwater temperature goes up. B. Main Foodwater temperature goes down. ---Cc Main Foodwater flow goes up. __ _ _ - . D. Main Feedwater flow goes down. I ANSWER: l l B. Main Feedwater temperature goes down l K/A #: 056K103 2.6/2.6 KA DESCRIPTION: Feedwater Temperature Response to LP Htr Isolation OBJECTIVE #: 011022OG


OTS AF-00003 Page 2 AUTHOR: PJM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - HO DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A. Temperature goes down. B. When a high high level occurs in the 1 A heater, the A LP heater string willisolate. Less heat transfer area,less heating of the main feedwater, temperature goes down. C.llow_doesnit change.. D. Flow doesn't change.

  • RO Outline #19

COURSE: . QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 0110220G04A What will cause the L.P. feedwater heaters train 'A' condensate inlet and outlet valves to automatically go shut? A. High high shell level in Heater 1A. B. High high shell level in Heater 3A. C. 50 paid across the condensate polishers. D. Open indication on the low pressure heater bypass valve. ANSWER: t ! A. High high shell level in Heater 1A. l f

QUESTION #56 Callaway is in MODE 1. All systems are lined up m their normal configuration and operat properly. A component cooling water system leak has occurred. The following conditions are noted by the Reactor Operator:

        . The CCW surge tank levelis 53% and DECREASING
        . VCT levelis 65% and INCREASIN_G                       _

Whl5 ONE of the followirdleakage sources would result in these conditions? A. CCW heat exchanger B. Letdown heat exchanger C. RHR heat exchanger D. Seal water heat exchanger ANSWER: D. Seal water heat exchanger K/A #: 00BK164 3.3/3.3 KA DESCRIPTION: Source of CCW Leakage OBJECTIVE #: 011010 d REFtiRENCES: T61.0110.6 LP 10 Pages 2123 AUTHOR: PJM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y HO DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A. A leak in the CCW heat exchanger would result in a leak out of the CCW system due to service water being at a lower pressure than CCW. VCT level would be steady. B. A leak in the letdown heat exchanger would result in a leak into the CCW system. C. A leak in the RHR heat exchanger wculd result in a leak out of the CCW system due to RHR pressure being lower than CCW pressure, VCT level would be steady. D. A leak in the seal water heat exchanger would result in a leak out of the CCW system due to the seal water return pressure being less than CCW pressure. The water leaking out of the CCW system would be leaking into the CVCS system causing an increase in VCT level. RO Outline #10

1 COURSE: ,, QUESTION NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 0110100H01A The plant is in Mode 4 with both trains of RHR lined up for RCS cooldown. Which of the following would be an indication of a leak in the Seal Water Heat Exchanger? A. Increasing CCW surge tank level B. RCS dilution C. Increasing VCT makeup frequency D. _RCP seal injection temperature increasing ANSWERt D. RCS dilution


e OVESTION #9G The plant is in MODE 2 commencing warmup of the main turbine. Which ONE of the following could be a direct result of a loss of Vital AC Instrument Bus NN02. A. Charging Pump Suction Swaps to the RWST. B. Source Range Hl. Flux Reactor Trip. C. Intermediate Range High Flux Reactor Trip. D. Idle Component Cooling Water Pump Start. ANSWER: C. Intermediate Range High Flux Reactor Trip, K/A #- 057AA219 4.0/4.3 KA DESCRIPTION: Auto Actions on Loss of NN02 OBJECTIVE #: 003B450A


OTO NN 00001 IPE Flooding AUTHOR: FXB SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - L DISTRACTER EXPLANATION: A. NN01 or NN04 . _ _ _ _B. ..._. Source Range High Flux Trip Blocked _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _. . .- - ~ C. NN01 or NN04 RO Outline #57

COURSE: . QUESTION NO: 1 p0INTS: 1.00 003B450A01A Reactor power is 100% with no Technical Specificativo action requirements being tracked. The ' A' CCP is in service with 120 gpm letdown. The yellow train ESFAS status panel audible alarm is received, and the Ro immediately , recognizes that the CCP suction has shifted from the VCT to the RWST. I Which one of the following could be the cause of the CCP suction swapover to the RWST7 A. Flux doubling sensed by flux doubling circu. t B. A 20 gpm leak in the charging header downstream of FCV-121 C. Loss of power to instrument bus NN04 D. Failure of divert valve (112A) to open on high VCT level ANSWER: C. Loss of power to instrument bus NN04 i l I

QUESTION #99 FR P.1, Response to imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition, is in progress due to a steam leak which has been isolated, Which ONE of the following conditions is acceptable using Attachment 7 for RCS Post Soak Cooldown Limitations during recovery from the PTS condition ?

                                      . . A.                    RCS cold legs = 200'F. RCS wide range pressure = 0 psig.                           i B. RCS cbid legs = 260'F. RCS wide range pressure = 300 psig                          4 C. RCS cold legs = 300*F. RCS wide range pressure = 400 psig.

D. RCS cold legs = 400*F. RCS wide range pressure = 300 psig. ANSWER: - C. RCS cold legs = 300*F. RCS wide range pressure - 400 psig. K/A #: E08EA1.3 3.6/4.0 KA DESCRIPTION: RCS Post Soak C/D Limits Following PTS OBJECTIVE #: 003D280E


FR P.1 Att. 7


AUTHOR: PJM SOURCE: BANK Modified Y - HO DISTRACTER EXPLANATION. A. Outside the allowed band. B. Outside the allowed band. C. Correct. D. Outside the allowed band. RO Outline #73


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Page 1 of I

COURSE: QUESTIOli NO: 1 POINTS: 1.00 003D280E01A The plant has experienced a small break LOCA. An orange path on the integrity status trees directs the operators to PR-P.1, Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Ghock Condition. All steps of FR-P.1 are completed and it is

       ' determined that a soak is required.

Which ONE of the following evolutions could be performed during the soak? A. Lower pressurizer level l B. Raine steam generator levels by increasing f eed C. Energize pressurizer heaters D. Start a reactor coolant pump ANGWER: A. Lower pressurizer level t

Ouestion lireakdown: New 67 ) Exam Ilank - Modified 12 ExamIlank-Not Modilled 21 Ifigher Order 56 l

t l j CHIEE EXAMINER RO WRITTEN EXAM COMMENTS CALLAWAY 6/27/97 i Question # Cpmment 1 KA reference should be 013K113 vice 103K113. Resolution: Incorporated. ) 5 None of the choices fully answer the question correctly. Answer A does not  ;

address the status of N36. Distractor 8 appears implausible in that most

, individuals would not presume that an indicator reading on low stop is operable. The same logic also applies to distractor C. Develop a better , answer and distractors or replace. Resolution: Replaced question. I 6 in the stem the term upon completion of emergency procedure guidance is too vague. Distractor A is implausible in the context of the question in that

it is infeasible that cold shutdown would have been reached as the result of j a spurious safety injection. Justify why the applicant is required to know
this from memory. Resolution
Changed distractors. Supported by facility' learning objective.

10 It is not clear what distractor C is stating, i.e., movement of what?

Changed distractor.

11 Why is the applicant required to know this from memory? Resolution: ' Facility learning objective. 4 16 It should be stated in the stem that there are no other abnormal plant i parameters. Resolution: Incorporated. 17- -It appears that all choices are correct in that they all contain possible sources-- of leakage into the PRT. Reword to solicit the desired answer. Resolution: j Reworded. 1 l 20. It appears that distractors B and D are essentially the same depending on whether service water or essential service water is lined up to the CCW heat exchanger. These distractors should be unique and only the normallineup should be assumed. Resolution: Changed distractor D.

32. KA reference should be 2.3.1 vice 2.3.2. Resolution: Incorporated.

l 34. Distractor A also appears to be a correct answer in that the instrument air - ! compressors apparently stop on the blackout load shed. Resolution: No i change. Air compressor C does not stop on blackout load shed.

66. - TS requires action within 15 minutes to avoid violating Technical Specification, while the given answer states 1 hour.- There is no correct choice. Resolution: Changed enswer, i

1 93. Distractor C could also be considered a correct answer, i.e.,10.3 minutes is 3 approximately 9 minutes. Redo distractors to clearly indicate one correct answer. Resolution: Reworded distractors.

     ,4 CIIIEF EXAMINER RO EXAM DIFFICULTY ANAINIS - cal LAWAY 6/27/97 Legend:                                 ,

L Level of knowlege required A . Knowledge at the comprehension / analysis level K Fundamental knowledge only C "X" indicates a chief examiner comment exists D Overall difficulty of question on a scale of I to 5, with 5 being the most difficult Question L/D C7 Question L/D C7 Question L/D C7 1 K/3 X 35 K/3 69 N3 2 N3 36 N3 70 A/3 3 N3.5 37 K/3 71 A/3 4 K/2.5 38 N3.5 72 K/3 5 K/1.5 X 39 A/3 73 K/3 6 K/3 X 40 N3 74 N3 7 N3 41 A/3 75 N3 8 K/3 42 N3 76 K/3 9 K/3 43 N3 77 A/3 10 K/3 X 44 N3 . 78 A/3 11 K/3 X 45 K/2.5 79 N3 12 N3 46 K/2.5 80 N3 13 A/3.5 47 A/4 81 K/3 14 K/3 48 K/3 82 K/3 15 N3 49 K/2.5 83 N3 16 A/4 X 50 N3 84 N3 17 K/3 X 51 N4 85 K/3 18 K/2 52 K/3 -86 K/3 19 K/2.5 53 K/3 87 K/3 20 A/3 X 54 A/2.5 88 A/3 21 N3 55 N3 89 A/3 22 N3.5 56 N3 90 K/3 23 A/4 57 K/3 91 N3 24 K/4 58 N3 92 K/3 25 K/3 59 K/2.5 93 A/4 X .; A/3 60 A/3 94 N3 1 27 A/3 61 N3 95 N4 28 K/3 62 K/2.5 96 A/4 29 N3 63 A/3 97 N3 30 A/4 64 N3 98 K/3 1 31 K/3 65 A/3.5 99 A/2 32 K/2 X 66 K/3 X 100 K/2 33 K/3 ' 67 A/3 34 N3 X 68 N3.5 A = 58 D.,, = 3.03}}