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Rev 0 to Issue 2 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 07/23/1987
Shared Package
ML20196E375 List:
PROC-870723, NUDOCS 8803010086
Download: ML20196E427 (152)


.,.D 1 PLEASE RETI)RN THIS SIGNED EC-2 DUQUENSE LIGHT COMPANY protection programs Nucleat Group coordinator

' J. W. Wenkhous - SAPS July 23, 1987 Date Effluent Control Procedures Manual Transmittal Please make the following changes to your INFORMATION/ CONTROL COPY HO., _

(CONTROL COPY HOLDERS ONLY - Please return a copy of this transmittal signed.)

Mancal: BV-1 ODcM Chapter --

Issue: 2 Revision: 0


BV-1 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)

Filing Instructions Filing Instructions Insert Re:nove Insert Renove Chapter Page Chapter Page Chaeter Page Chapter .Page O,

t V'

  • Entire contents issued July 24, 1987.

TO uOnoras Or CORTROLLED COPIES ONLY Please sign and date a copy of this manual transmittal indicating receipt of the manual and return to the environmental protection programs coordinator at Beaver Valley Power Station by (Date) August 14, 1987 .


( Sitned 8803010006 PDR ADOCK 05 R

BOOM l4 Attachment

' , h -

DUQUESNE' LICHT COMPANY Nuctoce Crsup V(y Review and Approvat Sheet i


% ISSUE 2-Pgs. Tech. Rev. OSC- Approv. Eff.

! Rev.

No. Issd. Sign. Date. Review Date Sign. Date Date l

l 0 TITLE PCS BV-RSC-11-87 BV-OSC-17-87

  • _ _. Y l 1 thru viii BV-RSC-12-87 June 12, 1987 -

7/24/87 1-1 thru l-17 BV-RSC-14-87 7//ds/ IS ~)

2-1 thru 2-96 May 29, 1987 3-1 thru 3-14 g7QM 4,1, 5-1 N, , A-1 thru A-7 l B-1 thru B-4 l

l t,

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Beaver Valley Power Station Uni: 1 j Docket No. 50-334 j t i I l a l 2  :

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Section Title M ,

Table of Contents i List of Tables ,

11 List of Figures vii Preface viii l 1.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS . 1-1 1.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint' Determination 1-1 1.2 Compliance With BVTS 1-8 1.3 Compliance With 10 CFR 50 (Liquids) 1-11 2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 2-1 2.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination 2-1 2.2 Compliance With 10 CrR 20 (Gaseous) 2-20 2.3 Compliance With 10 CFR 50 (Gaseous) 2 44 3.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 31 4.0 INFOR!!ATION RELATED TO 40 CFR 190 4-1 fg k's) 5.0 SITE BOUNDARY FOR GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS 51 Appendix A Summary of Dispersion Calculational Procedures A1 Appendix B Inputs to GALE Code B1 l 1 ISSUE 2 REVISION O m


List of Tables


(/'- Table No. Title Page No.

1,1-1 Liquid Source Terms 16 1.2 1 . Recirculation Times Required Before Sampling of ,


  • = Liquid Discharge Tanks 1.3-1 Ag Values for an Adult for the Beaver Valley Site 1-15 Radionuclide Mix for Gaseous Effluents 2- 17 2.1-1 Monitor Detector Efficienc,ies 2-18 2.1-2 2.2-1 Modes of Gastous Release from Beaver Valley Site 2-31 Vents for Implementation of 10 CiR 20 and 10 CFR 50 2.2 2 Radionuclide Mix for Gaseous Effluents from the 2 32 Beaver Valley Pcwer Station, Unit 1 (Ci/Yr)

Distances of Limiting Maximum Individual Receptors to 2 33 2.2-3 Release Points for Annual X/Q Values 2.2 4 Beaver Valley Site Containment Vents Annual Average, 2 34 Ground Level, X/Q Values. For Continuous Ground

,- ,s Level Releases, for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) and Selected Control Locations.

(s j) 2.2 5 Beaver Valley Site Ventilation Vents Annual Average. 2 35 Ground Level, X/Q Values. For Continuous Ground Level Releases, For Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) and Selected Control locations.

2.2-6 Beaver Valley Site Process Vent Annual Average, 2 36 Ground Level, X/Q Values. For Continuous Ground Level Releases. For Special Distances (!dentified in Table 2.2 3) and Selected Control Locations.

2.2-7 Beaver Valley Site Turbine Building Vent > Annual 2 37 Average Ground Level, X/Q Values. For Continuous ,

Ground Level Releases For Special Distances '

(Identified in Table 2.2-3) and Selected Control Locations.

2.2-8 BVPS-2 Decontamination Building Arnual Average, 2-38  :

Ground Level X/Q Values. For Continuous Ground  ;

Level Releases For Special Distances (!dentified in ,

Tab',e 2,2-3) and Selected Control Locations.


l l

BVal ODCH List of Tables (Continued)


Page No.

k._-)\ Table No. Title 2.2-9 BVPS 2 Vaste Gas Storage Vault Vent Annual Average, 2 39 Ground Level X/Q Values. For Continuous Ground Level Releases. For Special Distances (Identified in '

Table 2.2 3) and Selected Control Locations.

2.2-10 BVPS-2 Condensate Polishing Building Annual Average. 2 40 Ground Level X/Q Values. For Continuous Ground Level Releases, For Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) and Selected Control Locations.

2.2-11 Dose Factors for Noble Cases and Daughters 2 41 2.2 12 Dose Parameters for Finite Elevated Plumes, Beaver 2 42 Valley Power Station Site.

2.2-13 P Values for a Child for the Beaver Valley Site 2 43 g

2.3-1 Modes of Gaseous Release Torr the Beaver Valley 2 63  !

Site Vents for Imp) .,entation of 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50 2.3 2 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Inhalation, 2 64 Adult) 2.3 3 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Inhalation, 2 65 O Teen) 2.3-4 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Inhalation, 2 66 Child) 2.3 5 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Inhalation, 2 67 Infant) 2.3-6 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Ground' Plane) 2 68 2.3 7 R Values for the Besver Valley Site (Vegetable, 2 -69 f

Adult) 2.3-6 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Vegetable, 2 70 Tecn) 2.3-9 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Vegetable, 2 71 Child)

, 2.3-10 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site'(Meat, Adult) 2 72 2.3-11 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Meat Teen) 2 73 2.3 12 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Meat, Child) 2 74 O iii ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

BV-1 ODCM p List of Tables (Continued)

<j C Table No.

Title Page No.,

2.3 13 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Cow Milk, Adult) 2 -75 2.3 14 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Cow Milk. Teen) ,

2 - 76 2.3 15 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Cow Milk, Child) 2-77

[ 2.3 16 R Values ~ for the Beaver Valley Site (Cow Milk. 2 78 Infant) 2.3 17 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Goat Milk, 2 - 79 Adult) 2.3-18 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Goat Milk Teen) 2 80 2.3 19 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Goat Milk. 2 81 Child) l- 2.3 20 R Values for the Beaver Valley Site (Goat Milk, 2-82  ;

Infant) l 2.3 21 Beaver Valley Site Process Vent Dispersion Parameters 2-83 (65),m2 for Continuous Elevated Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr l (v) Beaver Valley Site Containment Vents Dispersion 2 84 [

l 2.3 22 Parameters (D/Q) m , for Continuous Ground Level I l Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr z.2 23 Beaver Valley Site Ventilation Vents Dispersion 2 85 l l

I Parameter (D/Q). m . for Continuous Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr i l 2.3 24 Beaver Valley Site Turbine Building Vents Dispersion 2 -86 Parameters (UTQ), m' , for Continuous Ground Level Releases > $00 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr 2.3 25 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Condensate Polishing Building 2 -87 Vent Dispersion Parameters (D/Q). m , for Continous Ground 1,evel Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr br > 150 Hrs /Qtr iv ISSUE 2 l REY!SION 0 (

i i

BVal ODCM List of Tables (Continued) r%

Page No.

Table'No. Title ,

2.3 26 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Decontamination Building Vent 2-88 ,

Dispersion Parameter (D/Q). m '. for Continuous '

Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr 2.3 27 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Vaste Gas Storage Vault Vent 2 89 Dispersion Parameters (D/Q) m . for Continuous Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr 2.3 28 Beaver Valley Site Process Vent Dispersion Parameters 2-90  ;

1 (D/Q) m . for Continuous Elevated Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3)

Beaver Valley Site Containment Vents Dispersion 2 91, 2.3 29 2 I Parameters (D/Q) m . for Continuous Ground Level Releases > 300 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr for Spec.ial l r

Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) 2.3-30 Beaver Valley Site Ventilation Vents Dispersion 2 92 Parameter (D/Q). m 2. for Continuous Ground Level  ;

Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) 2.3 31 Beaver Valley Site Turbine Building Vents Dispersion 2 93 Parameters (D/Q). m . for Continuous Ground Level I Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3)

2.3-32 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Condensate Polishing Building 2-94  ;

$ Vent DispersionParameter(EQ).m. for.Continous l

Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr l j for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) 2.3 33 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Decontamination Building Vent 2-95 ,

t Dispersion Paraseter (D/Q) m *. for Continuous Ground I Level Releases > Soo Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) [


) v ISSUE 2 i EEVISION 0  ;

f i

I 4

List of Tables (Continued)

) Table No. Title Page No.

2.3-34 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Vaste Gar Storage Vault Vent 2-96 Dispersion Parameter (D/Q). m' . for Continuous Ground* [

Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Distances (Identified in Table 2.2-3) 3.0 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 32 A-1 Beaver Valley Site Release Conditions A3 A-2 Beaver Valley Site Containment Vents Dispersion A-4 Parameters (5),sec/m'. for Ground Level Releases

< 500 Hrs /Yr or < 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Locations (Identified in Table ?.2-3)

A-3 Beaver Valley Site Ventilation Vents Dispersion A-5 Par smeters (57q') . sec/m for Batch Grcund Level 3

Releases < 500 Hrs /Yr or < 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Locations (Identified in Table 2.2-3)

A-4 Beaver Valley Site Process Vent Dispersion Parameters A6

<\ (Eq),sec/m', for Batch Elevated Releases 5 500 Hrs /Yr or 5 150 Hrs /Qtr for Special Locations (Identified in Table 2.2 3) .

A-5 Beaver Valley Site Process Vent Dispersion Parameters A7

( % ) sec!m', for Batch Elevated Releases 5 500 or 5 150 Hrs /Qtr for 0.5 mile increments 1

i I


l l


1 BV 1 ODCM -

List Of Figures h Title h 3.0 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -

Air Sampling Locations . 36 3.0 2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Progrge -

TLD Locations Northwest Quadrant 37 3.0 3 Radiological 2nvironmental Monn .ing Program -

TLD Locations Northeast Quadrant 3-W 3.0 4 Radiological La. '4eental Monitoring Program -

TLD Locattor. - 9 hesss Quadrant 39 3.0 5 R6diological t1virr , ental Monitoring Program -

TLD Location' - ' ,wthwest Quadranc 3 10 3.0-6 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -

Shoreline Sediment. Surface Water, and Drinking 3-11 Vater Sampling Locations 3.0-7 Radiological Environmental Monitoring P: ra -

Milk Sampling Locations 3 12 3.0 8 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -

Foodcrop Sampling Locations 3 13

)_ 3.0 9 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program -

Fish Sampling Locations 3 14

() .

vit ISSUE :


y '

e1 BV-1 ODCt!

IC ,- PREFACE This ' Offs.te Dose Calculation 11anual (ODCrl) provides the information and methodologies to be used by Beaver Valley Power Station' Unit ~1 .

(BVPS-1) to assure compliance 2 with certain portions of BVPS-1 operating Technical Specifications. These portions are those relsted to liquid and gaseous radiological effluents. They are intended to show compliance with 10 CFR 20,-10 CFR 50.36a, Appendix I of 10 CFR 50, and 40 CFR 190. ,

,This ODCt! is based on "Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWR's (NUREG-0472, Draft)", "Preparation of Radiological Effluent -Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG-0133)", and other inputs from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). Specific plant procedures for implementation of this manual will be developed. These_ procedures will be utilized by the operating staff of BVPS-1 to assure compliance with Technical Specifications.

The ODChi has been prepared as generically as possible in order to minimize th.e need for future versions. However, some changes to the ODCt! will be expected in the future. Any such changes will be properly reviewed and approved as indicated in the Administrative Control Section, Specification 6.15.2 of the BVPS-1 Technical Specifications.

t O ,

I viii ISSUE 2 ,


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/ s

~ Beave: . Valley Units 1 and 2 utilize the concept of' a shared liquid


radioactive waste system according to NUREG 0133. This permits the mixing of ' liquid radwaste for processing and allocating of dose due to release as defined in.Section 1.'3. In Section 1.1 effluent monitor 'setpoints for. a conservative mix are based on the individual Units' specific parameters, but effluent monitor setpoints for analysis prior to release permit use of the total dilution flow available at the Site.

It must be noted differences exist between setpoint presentations of the radiatior monitoring systems of BVPS-1 and BVPS-2. There is'a conflict in setpoint terminology. Where BVPS-1 uses HIGH, and HIGH-HIGH the BVPS-2 equilvalants are ALERT and HIGH. Also there is the difference that BVPS-2 setpoints a r<. presented ir pCi/ml rather than. CPM as in BVPS-1. This difference is due to software which applies a conversion factor to the raw data (CPM). Note that the pC1/mi presentation is technically correct only for the specific isotopic mix used in the determination of the conversion factors. Therefore, Unit 2 setpoints determined on analysis prior to release will be correct for. properly controlling dose rate but the indicated ,

pCi/ml value ray differ from the actual value.

1.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination This procedure determines the monitor high-high alarm setpoint that indicates if the concentration of radionuclides in the liquid effluent released from the ~ site to unrestricted areas exceeds the concentrations


t specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other

than dissolved or entrained noble gases or exceeds a concentration of 2 E-4 pCi/ml for dissolved or entrained noble gases.

The methodology described in Section 1.1.2 is an alternative method to be  !

used to determine the monitor high-high alarm setpoint (HHSP). The methodology in Section 1.1.2 mcy be used for any batch release and shall be used when the iotal gamma activity concentration of the liquid effluent  !

prior to dilution exceeds 1.49E-4 gCi/ml. This concentration is equivalent to the RHSP's of 1.69 E4 ncpm and 8.46 E4 nepm (net counts per minute)

-derived in Section 1.1.1 and allows for a tritium concentration up to 1.5E-1 pCi/ml.

1.1.1 Setpoint Determination Based on a Conservative Mix The high-high alarm setpoint for the Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (LW-104) should be set at 1.69E4 nepm and the high-high alarm setpoint for the Liquid

  • Wacte Contamination Monitor (LW-116) should be set at 8.46E4 ncpm These setpoints are based on the following conditions: *
  • Source terms given in Table 1.1-1. These source terms have been  !

generated from the computer code GALE, Revision 0 (NUREG-0017). The inputs to GALE are given in Appendix B. ,

  • Dilution water flow rate of 15,000 gpm.


. . . - - _ - . , , _ . _ , . . , - . .,,,yc , . . , , , . _, ,.

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  • Discharge flow rate prior to dilution of 50 gpm for the Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (LW-104).

i x_/

  • Discharge flow rate prior to dilution of 10 gpm for the Liquid Vaste Contamination Monitor (LW-116)

The above setpoints can be varied based on actual operating conditions resulting in changes in the discharge and dilution flow rates as follows:

HHSP = 56.3 F 1.1 - 0 where:

HHSP = Monitor high-high alarm setpoint above background (ncpm) 56.3 = Proportior.ality constant based on nominal flow conditions (56.3 = 1.69 E4 ncpm x 50 gpm + 1.5 E4 gpm for LW-104 or 56.3

= 8.46 E4 nepm x 10 gpm + 1.5 E4 gpm for LW-116).

F = Dilution water flow rate (gpm) BVPS-1 Cooling Tower Blowdown Rate (not including BVPS-2 Blowdown or the BV-2 release out through the Emergency Outfall Structure),

f = Discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm) The "mix" (radionuclides and composition) of the liquid effluent was determined as follows:

I \

\._s/ a. The liquid source terms that are representative of the "ruix" of the liquid effluent were determined. Liquid source , terms are the radioactivity levels of the radionuclides in the effluent from Table 1.1-1.

b. The fraction of the total radioactivity in the liquid effluent comprised by radionuclide "i" (S f

) for each individual radionuclide in the liquid effluent was determined by equation 1.1-2.

Ag S.= (1,1,;)

1 I A I

i where:

A = Annual release of radionuclide "i" in the liquid effluent from Table 1.1-1. The maximum acceptable total radioact.vity concentration in uCi/ml of 4

all radionuclides in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (C ) was determined by:

(3 e i l



'. , C t


S (1.1-3)

g fI i MPC f


F = Dilution water floe rate (gpm) BVPS-1 Cooling Tower Blowdown Rate (not Ancluding BVPS-2 Blowdown or the BVPS-2 release out through the Emergency Outfall Structure)

= 15,000 gpm f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm)

= 50 gpm for Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (LW-104)

= 10 gpm for Liquid Waste Concamination Monitor (LW-116)

MPC g = Liquid effluent radioactivity concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (pCi/ml) from Table 1.1-1 or if not listed in Table 1.1-1, obtained from Reference 3.


= The fraction of total rsdioactivity attributed to radionuclide "i" (from Equation 1.1-2).


! T The maximum acceptable radioactivity concentration in pCi/ml of

\ms/ radionuclide "i" in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (Cg ) was determined by:

C f

=S C (1.1-4) The calculated monitor count rate in ncpm above background attributed to the radionuclides, C.R., was determined by:

C.R. = I C E (1.1-5) i where:

E g

= Detection efficiency of the monitor for radionuclide "i" (cpm /uci/ml) from Table 1.1-1 or if not listed in Table 1.1-1 from Reference 4 The monitor high-high alarm setpoint above background (ncpm) should be set at the C.R. value. Since only one tank can be released at a time, adjustment of this value is not necessary to compensate for release from more than one source.


BV-1 ODCt!

1.1.2. Setpoint Determination Based on Analysis Prior to Release

) The following method applies to liquid releases when deter.nining the

'" setpoint for the maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution and the associated high-high alarm setpoint based on this flow rate for the Liquid Waste Effluent ?!onitor (LW-104) and the Liquid Waste Contamination

?!onitor (LW-116) during all operational conditions.

The monitor alarm setpoint is set slightly above (a factor of 1.25) the count ra't e that results from the concentration of gamma emitting radionuclides in order to avoid spurious alarms. To compensate for this increase in the monitor alarm setpoint, the allowable discharge flow rate is reduced by the same factor.

When the discharge flow rate is limited by the radwaste discharge pump rate capacity or by adminiscrative selection rather than the allowable flow rate determined from activity concentration, the alarm setpoint will be proportionally adjusted based upon the excess dilution factor provided. The maximum acceatable discharge flow rate (f) prior to dilution (in

.pm) is determined by

f =


( .1-6)

I 1.25 I i ?!PC 1

,, where:


k ') F = Dilution water flow rate, BVPS-1 Cooling Tower blowdown (gpm)

The dilution water flow rate may include the combined cooling tower blowdown flow from both units exiting the discharge structure (but excluding emergency outfall strusture flow) when simultaneous liquid discharges are administrative 1y prohibited.

C. = Radioactivity concentration of radionuclude "i" in the liquid

  • from analysis of the effluent prior to dilution (DCi/ml) liquid effluent to be released.

Note: If the radioactivity of a radionuclide is below the LLD value specified in Table 4.11-1 of the BVPS-1 Technical Specifications, the radionuclide should not be included as a source term in this setpoint calculation.

1.25 = A factor to prevent spbrious alarms caused by deviations in the mixture of radionuclides which affect the monitor response.

MPC g = The liquid effluent radioactivity concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (pCi/ml) from Table 1.1-1 or if not listed in Table 1.1-1 from Reference 3.


s LBV-1 ODCM The calculated monitor. count rate (in nepm)labove background attrib'uted I


co'the radionuclides (C.R.) is determined by:


~\-,)2 C.R.'= 1.25'I Cg'Eg (1.1-7)- l 1


The detection efficiency of the monitor for radienuclide "i"

. .E g - =

(cpm /uci/ml) .from Table 1.1-1 or if not listed in Table 1.1-1 from Reference 4. i A factor to prevent spuricus alarms caused by deviations in


1.25 = .!


  • l the mixture of radionuclides which affect the response. The liquid effluent monitor high-high alarm setpoint above background

. (nepm) should be~ set at the C.R. value adjusted by any excess dilution factor provided as defined in the following equation:

4 . HHSP = C.R. f -(1.1-8) f 1 where:

HHSP = Honitor high-high alarm setpoint above b'ackground C.R. = Calculated monitor count rate (in nepm) from 1.1-7 O

' ~/ f = Maximum. acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution

determined by equation 1.1-6 f = Actual maximum discharge flow rate to be . maintained for the discharge. The reduced value of f may be due to pump limitations or administrative selection. l 1

l l





'$,,) '



Cr-51 9E-5 2E-3 1.07E7 ,

Mn-54 2E-5 '1E-4 8.80E7 Fe-55 8E-5 8E-4 5.20E3 Fe-59 SE-5 SE-5 9.02E7 Co-58 7.7E-4 9E-5 1.19E8 Co-60 1.0E-4 3E-5 1.72E8 Np-239 SE-5 IE-4 5.14E7 4

Br-83 6E-5 3E-6 1.36E6 I Rb-86 IE-5 2E-5 7.57E6 i Sr-89 2E-5 3E-6 .7.84E3 Sr-91 IE-5 SE-5 1.27E8

) Mo-99 3.90E-3 4E-5 .2.42E7

Tc 99m 5.37E-3 3E-3 9.00E7 as

-- Te-127m IE-5 SE-5 5.34E4 7


b Te-127 3E-5 2E-4 4.17E5 4 Te-129m 7E-5 2E-5 5.37E6 O ,

i Te-129 SE-5 8E 1.91E7 $

l I-130 2.5E-4 3E-6 3.10E8 j Te-131m 9E-5 4E-5 1.39E8


Te-131 2E-5 --

1.09E8' l 1-131 6.027E-2 3E-7 1.06E8 Te-132 1.15E-3 2E-5 1.17E8 .

{, 1-132 5.38E-3 8E-6 2.75E8' ,

i I-133 5.769E-2 IE-6 1.01E8

] 1-134 IE-5 2E-5 2.43E8 Cs-134 3.80E-3 9E-6 2.06E8 j 1-135 1.338E-2 4E-6 1.22E8

] Cs-136 1.90E-3 6E-5 3.02E8

Cs-137 2.70E-3 2E-5 7.65E7 gg Ba-140 IE-5 2E-5 5.21E7

<g La-140 1E-5 2E-5 1.74E8 mm All Others* 3 4E-5 .1E-7 OE0

@M TOTAL 1.60E-1 -- -

g 11 - 3 1.60E+2 3E-3 OE0


i j

  • Excluding Tritium and Entrained Noble Gases.

BV-1 ODCM REFERENCES Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints


(1) "Beaver Valley Power Station, Appendix I Analysis - Docket No. 50-334 and 50-412", Table 2.1.3.

(2) "Beaver Valley Power Station, Appendix I Analysis - Docket No. 50-334 and 50-412", Table 2.1.2.

(3) 10CFR20, Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 and footnotes.

(4) "Duquesne Light Co., Beaver Valley Nuclear Plant, Specification No. BVPS 414, Table V Nuclide Data, 5/30/74", Table 2 and Figure 1.

l l



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BV-l'ODCM 1.2 Compliance with BVTS

[] Only nuclides .for. which activity c'ncentrations o are; above -the LLD's (f specified in Table 4.11-1-of Technical Specification are considered to be present.

1.2.1 Batch Releases Pre-Release The radioactivity content of each batch release will be determined prior to release in accordance with Table 4.11-1 of Beaver Valley Unit 1 Technical Specifications (BVTS) . In order to assure representative samples, at.least two tank volumes of entrained fluid from each tank to be discharged shall be recirculated through~ the mixing eductors. This will be accomplished by recirculating the tank contents for at least the time periods indicated in Table 1.2-1. The Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 (BVPS-1) will show compliance with B\TS 'in the following manner:

The activity of the various radionuclides in the batch release, determined in accordance with Table 4.11-1, is divided by the minimum dilution flow to obtain the concentration at the unrestricted area. This calculation is shown in the following equation:

Cg R  ;

Conc g =


(' ~)


%J where:

Coneg = concentration of radionuclide "i" at the unrestricted area, pCi/ml; Cg a concentration of' radionuclide "i" in the potential batch release, pCi/ml; R = release rate of the batch, gpm; MDF = minimum dilution flow, gpm. (May be combined BV-1/BV-2 flow when simultaneous liquid dischargea are administrative 1y prohibited)

The projecced concentrations in the unrestricted area are compared to the concentrations in Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR 20. The most' common MPC g concentrations are listed in Table 1.1-1 and were taten from Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR 20. Before a release is authorized, Expression 1.2-2 must be satisfied.

I (Conc /MPC g g) 5 1 (1.2-2) where:

MPC g = maximum permissBle concentration of rad onuc W e T hom Appendix B. Table II of 10 CFR 20, VCi/mi O 1-8 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

yx BV-1 ODCM

,. . ' lPostrelease The concentration of'each radionuclide following release from the batch tank-


will be calculated in the unrestricted area in the following canner:

The average activity of radionuclide "1". during the time period of release is divided by the actual dilution flow -during the period of ~ release- to obtain the concentration in the' unrestricted area. This calculation is shown in the following equation:

Coneg= ik tk (1.2-3)



Conc N

= the concentration of radionuclide "i" at the unrestricted area, during the release period of time k, pCi/ml; Note: Since _ discharge is from 'an isolated well-mixed tank at essentially a uniform rate, the difference between average

and peak concentration within .any discharge period is minimal.

C = concentration of radionuclide "i" in batch release during ik l

time period k, pCi/ml; v lume f tank released during time period k, gal; l: V k


ADF = actual volume of dilution flow during the time period of k release k, gal.

! To show compliance with BVTS the following relationship must hold:

Eg (ConcikIHPC1 ) 5 1 (1.2-4) 1.2.2 Continuous Continuous releases.of liquid effluents do not presently occur at the'BVPS.

If they did occur the concentration of various radionuclides in the unrestricted area would be calculated using Equation 1,2-1 with Cik, the concentratica of isotope i in the continuous release. To show compliance with BVTS Expression 1.2-4 must again hold.

t O



BV-1 ODCt!



t 1

d Name ~) lark No. Approx. Recire. Time '

(by Operating ?!anual) (hrs)

Laundry and Contaminated 8

Shower Drain Tanks ILV-TK-6A & 6B 4.5 a

Low Level Waste Drain Tanks 1LW-TK-3A & 3B 2.S a

fligh Level Waste Drain Tanks" ILW-TK-2A & 2B 6 a  !

Evaporator Test Tanks ILW-TK-5A & SB 2 a

Steam Generator Drain Tanks ILW-TK+7A & 7B 11,5 ,

Boron Recovery Test Tanks 1BR-TK-2A & 2B 9.7 a From BVPS-1 Operating ?!anual, Chapter 17, Section 4 b Derived from information in BVPS-1 Operating ?!anual, Chapter 8, Section 1 c Not normally a direct source of discharge d The times listed are those required for tm recirculations of a full tank  !

with one n recirculation pump in operation. Partially full tank recirculation times are directly proportional to the fraction of the tank capacity i occupied by the entrained liquid waste after isolation.


. . - -= , . .


!1;3 Compliance With 10 CFR 50 (Liquids)

Beaver . Valley Units 1 and '2 utilize the concept. of. a shared liquid


s ; radioactive waste system according to NUREG 0133. This- permits mixing of

. the liquid radwaste for processing. Since the.resulting effluent release cannot accurately be ascribed to .a specific reactor unit,- the treated effluent releases'are allocated as defined below.

1.3.1 Cumulation of Doses The dose contribution from .the release of liquid effluents will ' be

-calculated monthly for each batch release during the month and a, cumulative-summation of the total body and organ doses will be maintained-for each calendar month, current calendar quarter, and he calendar year to- date.

The dose contribution will be calculated using the following equation:

l' m

4 D = UAF I A g I Atk Cjp kF (l'3~l) i k=1 where:

= the cumulative dose commitment to the total body or any D*

organ, t, from the liquid ef fluents for the total time period m .

      • "I I E Atk' k=1 I at = the length of the kth release over which C ik and Fk are  !

t (s k averaged for all liquid releases, hours; C = the average concentration of radionuclide, "i", in undiluted ik fr m any liquid liquid effluent during time period Atk ,.

release pCi/ml; 1

Ag = the site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ t for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter, mrem-m1 per hr-pCi; c

i m = number of releases contributing to the cumulative dose, D UAF = unit allocation factor. Provides apportionment of dose ,

between Units 1 and 2. Normally set 6t 0.5 for each unit.

(Must total to 1.0)

I 4

P l

l i

1  !

i 4 1-11 ISSUE 2 REVISION O i s

s j . ,

. - + , .-. ,-%_- y- , . - - , , ,,,-,-,,--.-.m--


. . , , , , , - . , , , - - , - - . . , . ----,-,,.-.y, .,-,--,,.----,w-,,.. . . , . . .-w-

~j i,

i ty*


.F k


the near field average dilution factor for Cik during any .

L .

?/'N -liquid effluent release. . Defined as the ratio of.the maximum r

- (,) undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the. product of the . average flow from the. site discharge structure to unrestricted - receiving waters times 3. (3 -is -the site

. specific applicable factor for the mixing effect of the BVPS-

.I' discharge. structure).

. 4 =. Vaste Flow (3)(D11ution. water flow).

The site specific applicable' factor of 3 results in ~a ' conservative estimate ~

of the near field dilution factor based upon ' Regulatory Guide 1.113' methodology and-is a' factor of ten below the limit specified in NUREG-0133, Section 4.3.

The dose factor A was calculated for an adult for each isotope using the f

following equation from NUREG-0133.

Ag = 1.14E5'(730/Dy + 21BF g)DF g (1.3-2) where:

1.14E5 = IE6 6 x 1E3 ml x 1 yr VCi 'l 8760 hr 730 = adult water consumption rate, liters /yr; r]

' 'V D = far-field dilution factor from the near field area within one

" "~

quarter oile of the release point to the potable water intake for adult water consumption; 21 = adult fish consumption, kg/yr; BF = bioaccumulation factor for radionuclide "i" in fish from i

Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 Rev. 1, pCi/kg per pC'i/1, (if none, R.G. 1.109'Rev. 0);

= dose conversion factor for radionuclide "i" for adults for a





BV-1 ODCM A table of A values for an adult at the BVPS-1 are presented in Table 1.3-1 I i

(/ 1. The far field dilution factor (D,,) for the BVPS is 200. This value is based on a total dilution "factor of 600 applicable to the Midland water intake located 1.3 miles downstream and on the opposite bank from the BVPS (ie. 200 = 600 + 3). The total dilution factor of 600 represents a conservative fully mixed annual average. condition. Since the Midland intake is located on the opposite bank and is below the water surface, essentially fully mixed conditions would have to exist for the radioactive effluent to be transported to the intake.

The cumulative doses for a calendar quarter and a calendar year are compared to the following BVPS-1 Technical Specification limits:

For the calendar quarter, D $ 1.5 mrem total body (1.3-3)

D 5 5 mrem any organ (1.3-4)

For the calendar year, D 5 3 mrem total body (1.3-5)

D 5 10 mrem any organ (1.3-6)

If any of the limits in Expressions 1.3-3 through 1.3-6 are exceeded a


(_, Special Report pursuant to both Section IV.A of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50 and T.S. must be filed with the NRC at the identified locations.

1.3.2 Projection of Doses (Liquids)

Doses due to liquid releases shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with BV-1 TS and this section. The Liquid Radwaste Treatment System shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in each liquid waste batch prior to its discharge in accordance with BV-1 TS when the projected doses due to liquid effluent releases from the site averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ. Doses used in the projection are obtained according to equation 1.3-1. The 31-day dose projection shall be performed according to the following equations:

When including pre-release data L = A+B 31 + C (1.3-7) 37

_ T_



When not including pre-release data

' = A 31 + C (1.3-8)

= D_1 2 -


l l

O I ~s i 1-13 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0




BV-1 ODCM' where:

D = Pr jected 31 day dose, mrem 31 A = Cumulative dose for quarter, mrem B = Projected dose from this release, mrem T = Current days it to quarter C = Value which may be used to anticipate plant trends, mrem i

I l

l l

l i


5 1 -

r_. , ,- ..

BV-1-0DCM i r^s

' I TABLE 1.3-1 t (7 A . VALUES FOR THE ADULT FOR Tile BEAVER VALLEY SITE it (mrem /hr per pCi/ml)

T-BODY THYROID ' KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI LIVER NUCLDE DONE 2 70E-01 2 70E-01 2 70E-01 2 70E-01 2 70E-01 H-3 0 00E-01 2 70E-01 6 26E 03 6 26E 03 6.26E 03 6.26E 03 6 26E 03 6 26E 03 C-14 3 13E 04 4.08E 02 4.08E 02 4.08E 02 4.08E 02' 4.08E 02' 4.08E 02 4.08E 02 NA-24


1.79E 06 0 00E-01 0 00E-01 0 00E-01 5 19E 06 P-32 4 62E 07 2 87E 06 2 81E-01 1 69E 00 3 21E 02 CR-51 '0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.27E 00 7 42E-01 0.00E-01 1.34E 04 NN-54 0.00E-01 4.38E 03 8.35E 02 0 00E-01 1.30E 03 1.95E 01 0 00E-01 1.40E 02 0 00E-01 3 52E 03 HN-56 0 00E-01 1 10E 02 2 54E-02 2 61E 02 FE-55 6.59E 02 4.56E 02 1.06E 02 0 00E-01 0 00E-01 6.83E 02 8.15E 03 FE-59 1.04E 03 2 45E 03 9 3eE 02 0 00E-01 0 00E-01

-~g . . - _ . - - . - - - - - - . - - - . . . - - - . . . . - - 00E-01

- - . . . - -0.00E-01

- - _ - . . - 0.00E-01

- _ . - - - _ 5_33E . . . 02 CO-57 0 00E-01 2 10E 01 3 50E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.81E 03

-Q '~ j CO-58 0 00E-01 8 950 01 2 01E 02 0 00E-01 0.00E 0 00E-01 4.83E 03 0 00E-01 2.57E 02 5 67E 02 0 00E-01 CO-60 1.'05E 03 0 00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 4.51E 02 NI-63 3 12E 04 2 16E'03 0.00E-01 4.17E 02 1.65E 01 7.51E 00 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 NI-65 1 27E 02 0.00E-01 8.53E 02 CU-64 0 00E-01 1 00E 01 4.70E 00 0 00E-01 2.52E 01

- - . - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - 4.93E- - . . .04

- - 00E-01

- - - - - - 4.64E'04 2 32E 04 7.37E 04 3 33E 04 0 00E-01 1.42E 01 ZN-65 0.00E-01 6.13E 01 0.00E-01 ZN-69 4.93E 01 9.43E 01 6.56E 00 5.82E 01 0.00E-01 4.04E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.000-01 BR-33 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 5.24E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 4.11E-04 BR-84 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0 00E-01 2.15E 00 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 BR-85 0.00E-01 4.71E 04 0.00E-01 0 00E-01 0 00E-01 1.99E 04 0.00E-01 1.01E 05 RB-86 2.90E 02 1 54E 02 0.00E-01 0 00E-01 0.00E-01 4.00E-09 RB-88 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.12E-11 RB-89 0.00E-01 1.92E 02 1 35E 02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 3.57E 03 0.00E-01 6 39E 02 0.00E-01 0.00E-0.1 SR-89 2 22E 04

- - - - - - - - - - . . - - . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . 0.00E-01

- - - - . . . .0.00E-01

. . - - . . . -1. 58E

. . . 04 SR-90 5.48E 05 0.00E-01 1 34E 05 0.00E-01 1.95E 03 0.00E-01 1 65E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR-91 4.10E 02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 3.00E 03 SR-92 1 55E 02 0.00E-01 6 72E 00 0.00E-01

--. ----- ... -----....--....--1.55E-02 ..--.- -0.00E-01 0 00E-01 0 00E-01 6 15E 03 Y-90 5 80E-01 0 00E-01 1 61E-02 0 00E-01 2.12E-04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 Y-91H 5.48E-03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 4.68E 03 8.50E 00 0 00E-01 2 27E-01 0.00E-01 Y-91 1-15 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

BV-1 ODCli s


it (mrem /hr per pCi/ni)

NUCLDE BONE LIVER T-BODY THYROID KIDHET LUNG GI-LLI Y-92 5.09E-02 0.00E-01 1.49E-03 -0.00E-01 0 00E-01 0.00E-01 8 92E 02 Y-93 1.62E-01 0.00E-01 4 46E-03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01. 0.00E-01 5.12E 03 2R-95 2.53E-01 8.11E-02 5.49E-02 0.00E-01 1.27E-01 0.00E-01 2 57E 02 ZR-97 1.40E-02 2.82E-03 1.29E-03 0.00E-01 4.26E-03 0.00E-01 8.73E 02 NB-95 4.47E 02 2.48E 02 1.34E 02 0.00E-01 2.46E 02 0.00E-01 1.51E 06 NB-97 3.75E 00 9.48E-01 3 46E-01 0 00E-01 1 11E 00 0. 0 0E -01 3.50E 03 NO-99 0.00E-01 1.05E 02 2.00E 01 0.00E-01 2.38E 02 0 00E-O' 2 43E 02 TC-99M 8.97E-03 2.54E-02 3.23E-01 0.00E-01 3.85E-01 1.24E-02 1.50E 01 TC-101 9.23E-03 1.33E-02 1.30E-01 0.00E-01 2.39E-01 6 79E-03 4.00E-14 RU-103 khik00 000k-01 9kk00 000k-01 h2h01 000b-01 b2hE02 fs-)' RU-105 1 1 3 75E-01 0.00E-01 1.48E-01 0.00E-01 4.85E 00 0.00E-01 2.29E 02 RU-106 6.70E 01 0.00E-01 8.48E 00 0.00E-01 1.29E 02 0.00E-01 4.34E 03 AG-110H 9.48E-01 8.77E-01 5.21E-01 0 00E-01 1 72E 00 0.00E-01 3 58E 02 SB-124- 7.87E 00 1.49E-01 3 12E 00 1 91E-02 0.00E-01 6.13E 00 2 23E 02 SB-125 5.03E 00 5.62E-02 1.20E 00 5.11E 0.00E-01 3.88E 00 5.54E 01 TE-125H 2.57E 03 9.30E 02 3 44E 02 7.72E 02 1.04E 04 0.00E-01 i.03E 04 TE-127M 6.49E 03 2 32E 03 7.90E 02 1.66E 03 2 63E 04 0.00E-01 2.17E 04 TE-127 1.05E 02 3.78E 01 2.28E 01 7.81E 01 4.29E 02 0.00E-01 8.32E 03 TE-129H 1.10E 04 4.11E 03 1.74E 03 3 78E 03 4.60E 04 0.00E-01 5.55E 04 TE-129 3.01E 01 1.13E 01 7.33E 00 2 31E 01 1.26E 02 0.00E-01 2.27E 01 TE-131M 1.66E 03 8.10E 02 6.75E 02 1 28E 03 8.21E 03 0.00E-01 8 05E 04 TE-131 1.89E 01 7.88E 00 5.96E 00 1 55E 01 8.27E 01 0.00E-01 2.67E 00 TE-132 2.41E 03 1.56E 03 1.47E 03 1.72E 03 1.50E 04 0.00E-01 7.39E 04 TE-134 3.10E 01 2.03E 01 1.25E 01 2.71E 01 1 96E 02 0.00E-01 3 44E-02 I-129 1.19E 02 1.02E 02 3.35E 02 2.63E 05 2 19E 02 0.00E-01 1.61E 01 1-130 2.75E 01 8.10E 01 3.20E 01 6.87E 03 1.26E'02 0.00E-01 6 97E 01 1-131 1.51E 02 2.16E 02 1 24E 02 7.08E 04 3.71E 02 0.00E-01 5.70E 01 1-132 7.37E 00 1.97E 01 6.90E 00 6.90E 02 3.14E 01 0.00E-01 3.71E 00 1-133 5.16E 01 8.97E 01 2.74E 01 1 32E 04 1 57E 02 0.00E-01 0.06E 01 1-134 3.85E 00 1 05E 01 3.74E 00 1.81E 02 1 66E 01 0.00E-01 9.12E-03 l-16 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

=BV-1 ODCH-f'j


TABLE 1.3-1


\m.s i:-




I-135 '1.61E 01 4.21E 01 1.55E 01 2.78E 03 6.76E 01 0.00E 4.76E 01 CS-134 2.98E 05 7.09E 05 5.79E 05 0.00E-01 2.29E 05 -7.61E 04 1 24E 04

-CS-136 3.12E 04 1 23E 05 8.86E 04 0.00E-01 6.85E 04 9.39E 1 40E 04

__________________________________________________________________'03- _____________

CS-137 3.82E 05 5.22E 05 3 42E 05 0.00E-01 1.77E 05 5.89E 04 1.01E 04 CS-138 2.64E 02 5.22E 02 2.59E 02 0.00E-01 3.84E 02 3.79E 01 2.23E BA-139 9.69E-01 6.90E-04 2 84E-02 0.00E-01 6.45E-04 3.92E-04 1.72E 00 BA-140 2.03E 02 2.55E-01 1.33E 01 0.00E-01 8.66E-02 1.46E-01 4.18E 02 BA-141 4.71E-01 3.56E-04 1.59E-02 0.00E-01 3.31E-04 2.02E-04 2.22E-10 BA-142 2.13E-01 2.19E-04 1.34E-02 0.00E-01 1.85E-04 1.24E-04 3.00E-19 fx LA-140' 1.51E-01 7.59E-02 2.01E-02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 5.57E.03 I I' LA-142 7.71E-03 3.51E-03 8.74E-04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.56E 01

\_ I CE-141 2.63E-02 1 78E-02 2.02E-03 0.00E-01 8 26E-03 0.00E-01 6.80E 01 CE-143 4.64E-03 3.43E 00 3.79E-04 0 00E-01 1.51E-03 0.00E-01 1 28E 02-CE-144 1.37E 00 5.73E-01 7.36E-02 0.00E-01 3.40E-01 0.00E-01 4.64E 02

.PR-143 5.54E-01 2 22E-01 2.75E-02 0 00E-01 1.28E-01 0.00E-01 2 43E 03 PR-144 1.81E-03 7.53E-04 9.22E-05 0.00E-01 4.25E-04 0.00r-01 2.61E ND-147 3.79E-01 4.38E-01 2.62E-02 0.00E-01 2.56E-01 0.00E-01 2.10E 03-W-187 2.96E 02 2.47E 02 8.65E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 8.10E 04 NP-239 2.90E-02 2.85E-03 1.57E-03 0.00E-01 8.89E-03 0.00E-01 5.85E 02 O



~. 2.0 Gaseous Effluents

'{ \

'# Technical specifications applicable to dose rate apply to the site. The site dose rate is due to the summation of releases from both units.

Technical specifications applicable to accumulated dose apply individually to each unit. Releases at the Beaver Valley Site may be gro md level or elevated in nature. All ground level releases are ider.tified with a specific unit in the determination of site dose rate and dose attributed to that unit. Elevated releases from both units are considered to originate from a shared radwaste system and are discharged from a common release point, the Process Vent, at the tap of tlye Unit I co' ling tower. At Beaver Valley the dose from the shared radwaste system via the Process Vent is normally apportioned equally to the Units. However a containment purge via the Process Vent shall be attributed to a specific unit.

2.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination Technical specifications for Beaver Valley require that the dose rate in unrestricted areas due to noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent released from the site shall be limited to 5 500 mrem /yr to the tutal body and to n 3000 mrom/yr to the skin.

This section describes the method' ology used to maintain the release of noble gas radionuclides within the Technical Specifications limits for the site and determines monitor setpoints for this unit.

The methodologies described in Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 provide an alternate I) means of determining monitor alarm setpoints that may be used when an

's / analysis is performed prior to release.

Control of the site dose rate limit due to noble gases is exercised by a total of eight effluent stream monitors, of which three are located in Unit 1 (alternates exists for these monitors), and five are located in Unit 2.

As previously noted. Unit 2 elevated releases are via the Unit 1 Process Vent.

At this point it is necessary to point out differences that exist between the setpoint presentations of the radiation monitoring systems of BVPS-1 and BVPS-2. First there is a conflict in setpoint terminology. Where BVPS-1 uses HIGH and llIGH-HIGli the BVPS-2 equivalents are ALERT and HIGH. The second difference is that the BVPS-2 setpoint is presented in uCi/cc rather than CPM as in BVPS-1. This difference is due to software which applies a conversion factor to the raw data (CPM). The user is cautioned that the pCi/cc presentation is technically correct only for the specific isotopic mix used in the determination of the conversion factor. In practice setpoint's determined for a calculated mix are correit for that mix.

Setpoints determined on analysis prior to release will be correct for properly controlling dose rate but the indicated pCi/cc value may differ from the actual value.




BV-1 ODCM All -effluent monitors specified herein have HIGH-HIGH (BV-1) or HIGH-(BV-2)'

,_y setpoints established at 30 percent of the' site limit. and except three i monitors noted below, HIGH (BV-1) or ALERT (BV-2) setpoints established at

{s-/ 10 percent of the site limit.

Honitor Setpoint Specifications Based on Fraction of Site Limit Unit, Release Point & Honitor Fraction of Site Limiting Dose Rate Unit 1. Ventilation Vent 30% (HIGH-HIGH) 10% (HIGH)

RM-VS-101B (Alt. VS-109 CH #5)

Unit 1, Containment Vent. 30% (HIGH-HIGH) 10% (HIGH)

RH-VS-107B (Alt. VS-110 CH #5)

Units 1/2, Process Vent 30*. (HIGH-HIGH) 10% (HIGH)

RH-GV-108B (Alt. GV-109 CH #5)

Unit 2, Containment Vent 30' (HIGH) 10% (ALERT) 2HVS*RQ109B Unit 2. Ventilation Vent 30*. (HIGH) 10% (ALERT) 2HVS-RQ101B Unit 2, Vaste Gas Storage Vault 30*. (HIGH) 0.1* (ALERT) 2RMQ-RQ303B Unit 2, Decontamination Building Vent 30*. (HIGH) 0.3?. (ALERT) 2RMQ-RQ301B Unit 2 Condensate Polishing Building vent 30% (HIGH) 0.6% (ALERT) 2HVL-RQ112B Units 1/2 Turbine Building Vent < 0.1% (Unmonitored)

With the monitor setpoints based on fractions of the site limit as defined above, the following criteria may be applied to determine that the dose rate due to noble gas released from the site complies with Technical Specifications:

  • The site dose rate is less than 50?. of the site limit when all monitors

, are below the HIGH (BV-1) and ALERT (BV-2) setpoints.

1 i

  • Vith all monitors below the normal HIGH-HICH (BV-1) and HIGH (BV-2) i setpoints, a combination of three HIGH (BV-1) or ALERT (BV-2) setpoint alarms indicate release may have exceeded site limits.
  • To provide operatienal fle<ibility any one HIGH-HIGH (BV-1) or HIGH
(BV-2), Containment, Ventilation, or Process vent monitor setpoint may be doubled to 60*. of the Site limit if all other monitors in this group i are held below the HIGH (BV-1) and ALERT (BV 2) setpoints.

l I


L1 .


  • From this condition any one monitor alarm would indicate the site dose l,_} rate limit may have been exceeded.

A release may be batch or continuous in nature. Batch refers to releases that are intermittent in radionuclide concentrations or flow, such as releases from gas storage tanks, containment ventings and purges, and systems or components with infrequent use. Batch releases may be due to operational variations which result in radioactive releases greater than 50*.

of the releases normally considered as continuous. Batch releases from these sources during normal operation, including anticipated operational occurrences, are defined as those which occur for a total of 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> or less in a calendar year but not more than 150 hours0.00174 days <br />0.0417 hours <br />2.480159e-4 weeks <br />5.7075e-5 months <br /> in any quarter. The batch relative concentration value has been calculated in accordance with the guidelines provided in NUREG-0324 for short-term release. If simultaneous batch and continuous release out of one vent occurs, use the lowest setpoint obtained accarding to the following Sections 2.1.1 through 2.1.4 2.1.1 Setpoint Determination Based on a Calculated Mix for Ventilation Vent and Containment Building Vent Releases (Ground Releases)

The calculated monitor count rate above background (C.R.), in nepm, the monitor HIGH-HIGH alarm setpoint above background (HHSP), and the monitor HIGH alarm setpoint above background (HSP) for each vent and operational condition should be as follows:

CPM above Background 3 0*. 10*.



  • Continuous Release Via The VS-101B 3.00E3 9.00E2 3.00E2 Ventilation Vent
  • Batch Release of Containment VS-101B 3.90E2 1.17E2 3.90E1 Purge Via the Ventilation Vent
  • Continuous Release Via The VS-107B 6.44E3 1.93E3 6.44E2 Containment Building Vent
  • Batch Release of Containment VS-107B 1.93E3 5.80E2 1.93E2 Purge Via the Containment Building Vent When the primary monitor is 0.0.S. and fLehnical' specifications can be met for the respective alternate monitor, the following setpoints may be utilized:

(n) 2-3 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

BV-1 ODCM CPM Above Background 30% 10%


  • Continuous Release Via The VS-109 1.47E3 4.40E2 1.47E2 Ventilation Vent CHANNEL 5 ,
  • Batch Release of Conttinment VS-109 4.68E2 1.40E2 4.68E1 Purge Via the Ventilation CHANNEL 5 Vent
  • Continuous Release Via The VS-110 3.38E3 1.01E3 3.38E2 Containment Building Vent CHANNEL 5 Batch Release of Containment VS-110 1.01E3 3.04E2 1.01E2 Purge Via the Containment CHANNEL 5 Building Vent The setpoints were determined using the following conditions and information:
  • Source terms given in Table 2.1-1. These gaseous source terms were derived from Stone & Webster computer codes GASIBB (which is similar to the NRC CODE GALE, NUREG-0017) and DRAGON 4 (for the containment vacuum pump sources). Table 2.1-1 does not include particulates and iodines,

(N which are not used in site noble gas dose rate calculations.

\v ]

  • Onsite meteorological data for the period January 1, 1976 through December 31, 1980.
  • Discharge flow rate of 62,000 cfm for the Ventilation Vent (Continuous)
  • Discharge flow rate of 92,000 cfm for the Ventilation Vent (Batch release of containment purge).
  • Discharge flow rate of 49,300 cfm for the Containment Building Vent (Both continuous and batch release of containment purge).
  • Information listed under References - Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints.

l The calculation method given in Sections through was used to derive the monitor setpoints for the following operational conditions:

  • Contir.uous release via the Ventilation Vent.
  • Continuous release via the Containment Building Vent.
  • Batch release of containment purge via the Ventilation Vent.
  • Batch release of containment purge via the Containment Building Vent,




. EV-1 ODCM The "mix" (noble gas radionuclides cad composition) of the gaseous

-- x effluent was determined as follows:

e s V


a. The gaseous source terms that are representat.ive of the "mix" of the gaseous effluent wer, selected. Gaseous source terms are the radioactivity of the nobic gas radionuclides in the effluent. Gaseous

. source terms can be obtained from 'abie 2.1-1.

b. .The fraction of the total radioactivity in the gaseous effluent comprised of noble gas radionuclide "i" (S g ) for each indi idual noble gas radionuclide in the ga.seous effluent was determined by:

A, Sg = g i

3' where:

A = The total radioactivity w radioactivity concentration of g

noble gas radionuclide " in the gaseous ef fluent from Table 2.1-1. , The maximum acceptable total release rate in uCi/sec of all noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent (Qg ) based upon the whole body exposure limit was calculated by:

( /

's 500 Q = (2.1-2)

(X/Q) E K S g4 where:

(X/Q) " = The highest calculated annual avercge relative concer.trat'.n of ef fluents released via the Ver.tilation Vent for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m ) from Table 2.2-5.


= 1.03E-4 sec/m for continuous releases.

8 (X/q) ,'

= The short term relative concentration of effluents released via the \entilation Vent for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m 8) from Table A-3 of Appendix A.

= 3.32E-4 sec/m8 for batch release of wntainment purge.

i rh 2-5 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0 i

Tty-BV-1 ODCM m (X/Q) y = The highest calculated annual average relative concentration of. effluents released via the Containment Building Vent for (LC): any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors-(sec/m') from Table 2.2-4.


= 9.24E-5.sec/m for centinuous releases (X/q)"Y = The short . term relative concentration of effluents released

- via'the containment building vent for any area at- or beyond '-

the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m ) 8from Table A-2 of Appendix A. .

= 3.08E-4 sec/m' for batch release of' containment purge K = The total whole body dose factor due to gamma emmissions from I noble gas radionuclide "1" (mrem / year /vCi/m') from Table 2.2-11.

-l S


= Fr equation (2.1-1) above.

? -Q g was also determined based upon the skin exposure-limit by:

000 e 9t * (2.1-3)

(X/Q) I (Lg + 1.1Mg ) Sf i


  • ' i where:

L = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions from noble gas f

radionuclide "i" (mrem / year /pci/m') froe Table 2.2-11.

Mg = The eir dose factor due to gamma emissions from noble gas ,

j radionuclide "i" (mrad / year /vCi/m') from Table 2.2-11.

1.1 = The ratio of the tissue to air absorption coefficients over the energy range vf the photons of interest, (mrem / mrad).

(E/Q)'= same as in Section ,

L 1.1.4 The maximum acceptable release rate in. yC1/sec of noble gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent (Q g) for eadi ind -vidual noble gas i

radionuclide in the gaseous effluent was determined by:

Qg =S g Qg (2.14) l i

i T



_ . _ . . - . . . ~ _ _ . _ -



(\ )

(NOTE: Use the-lower of the h values obtained in Section and i

'~' The maximum acceptable radioactivity. concentration uCi/cc of noble gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent (Cg ) for each individual noble gas

.radionuclide in the gaseous effluent was determined by:

C = .12E-3h g -

(2.1-5) i F where:

F = The maximum acceptable effluent flow rate at the point of release (cfm)

= 62,000 cfm (Ventilation Vent)( )

= 49.300 cfm (Containment Building Vent)( )

2.12E-3 = Unit conversion factor (60 sec/ min x 3.53 E-5 ft'/cc). The calculated monitor count rate in nepm above background attributed to the noble gas radionuclide (C.R.) was determined by:

C.R. = I Cg E1 (2.1-6)



i where:

Eg = The detection efficiency of the monitor for noble gas radionuclide "i" (cpm /pCi/cc) from Table 2.1-2, The monitor alarm setpoints above background were determined as follows:

a. The monitor HIGH-HIGH alarm HHSP setpoint above background (in nepm) was determined by:

HHSP = 0.30 C.R. (2.1-7)

b. The monitor HIGH alarm setpoir.t HSP above background (in nepm) was determined by:

HSP = 0.10 C.R. (2.1-8)

SCTE: The values 0.3 for the HHSP and 0.1 for the HSP are fractions of the total radioactivity concentration that may be released via the monitored pathway to ensure that the site boundary limit is not exceeded due to simultaneous releases from both units.

i O



_ ~-,

BV-1 ODCM 2.1' . 2 Setpoint Determination Based on a Calculated Mix for Proc'ess Vent g Releases (Elevated Releases)

The calculated monitor count rate above background (C.R.), in'ncpm, the monitor HIGH-HIGH. alarm setpoint above background (HMSP), and the monitor HIGH alarm setpoint above background (HSP) for each operational condition

.are as follows:

CPM Above Background 30% 10%


  • Continuous Release GW-108B 3.83E7 1.15E7 3.8?E6
  • Batch Release of GW-108B 3.93E5 1.18E5 3.93i4 Decay Tanks
  • Batch Release of GV-108B 5.55E6 1.67E6 5.55ES Containment Purge When the primary monitor is out of service and technical specifications can be cet for the respective alternate monitor, the fe'1..'ug setpoints may be utilized:

- CPM Above Background 3 0*. 10%


  • Continuous Release GW-109 2.20E7 6.61E6 2.20E6 CHANNEL 5
  • Batch Release of . GV-109 7.67E6 2.36E6 7.87ES Decay Tanks CHANNEL 5 Batch Release of GV-109 7.37E6 2.21E6 7.37ES Containment Purge CHANNEL 5 The setpoints were determined using a calculated mix from the FSAR discharge flow rar.e of 1450 cfm for the Process Vent.

The calculational method below was used to derive the monitor setpoints for the following operational conditions:

  • Continuous release via the Process Vent
  • Batch release of waste gas tank via the Process Vent
  • Batch release of containment purge via the Process Vent 28 ISSL'E 2 REVISION O e

BV-1 ODCM The "mix" (noble gases and composition) of the gaseous effluent was

,q determined as follows:

a. The gaseous source terms that are representative of the "mix" of the gaseous effluent were evaluated. Gaseous source terms are the radioactivity of the noble gases radionuclides in the effluent. The-gaseous source terms can be obtained from Table 2.1-1.
b. The fraction of the total radioactivity in the gaseous effluent comprised by noble gas radionuclide "1" (Sg ) for each individual noble gas radionuclide in.the gaseous effluent was calculated by:

A, Sg s (2.1-9) g g'

i where:

A = The total radioactivity or radioactivity concentration of g

noble gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent from Table 2.1-1. The maximum acceptable total release rate (in pCi/sec) of all noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent (k)basedupon the whole body exposure !imit was determined by:



  • Ot
  • 900 IV S[ (2.1-10) where:

Vg = The constant for noble gas radionuclide "i" accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume (mrem / year /pCi/sec) from Table 2.2-12. Q was also determined based upon the skin exposure limit as follows:

anoo Ot * (2.1 11)

I (L (X/Q) + 1.1Bg]Sg I

! where:

L = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions from noble gas I radionuclide "i" (mrem / year /pC1/m') from Table 2.2-11.

l l

i i


rll pG BV-1 ODCM

= The highest calculated. annual warage relative concentration

~-(X/Q)PV of effluents-releases via the Process Vent.for any area at or 7]:-

L(j beyond -the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m8 ).from Table 2.2-6.

i - = 2.31E-6 sec/m$


(X/q)PV = The- short term relative concentration of effluents released via the Process Vent for any area at .or beyond the

. unrestricted area boundary .for: all sectors (sec/m 8 ) from Table A-5 of Appendix A.



= 1.07E-5 sec/m B


= The constant _for long term releases (greater than- 500 hrs / year) for noble gas radionuclide "i" accounting for the gamma radiation dose from the elevated finite plume (mrad /ycar/pCi/sec) fro:n Table 2.2-12.

! 2.1 2.4 Tite - maximum acceptable release rate (in pCi/sec)- of ~ noble gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent (h)foreachindividualnoble g

gas radionuclide in the gaseous effluent was determined by:

. Q g =S g Q (2.1-12)

! (NOTE: Use the lower of the hg values obtained in Section and The maximum acceptable radioactivity concentration (in pCi/cc) of noble j gas radionuclide "1" in the gaseous effluent (Cg ) for each in 6 1 dual nome i

' gas radionuclide in the gaseous effluent was determined by:

C = i (2.1-13) i F j tihere:

1 8

2.12E-3 = Unit conversion factor (60 sec/ min x 3.53E-3 ft /cc) f

' T = The maximum acceptable effluent flow race at the point of release (cfm) i = 1450 cfm (Process Vent) The calculated ir,onitor count rate (in nepm) above background attributed

! to the noble gas radionuclides (C.R.) was determined by: -

4 j


BV-1 ODCM C.R. = Z Cg E g (2.1-14) i where:

t E = The detection efficiency of the monitor for noble gas g

radionuclide "i" (cpm /pCi/cc) from Table 2.1-2. The monitor alarm setpoints above background were determined as follows:

a. The monitor HIGH-HIGH alarm setpoint (HHSP) Loove background (in nepm) was determined by:

HHSP = 0.30 C.R. (2.1-15)

b. The -nitor HIGH alarm setpoint (HSP) above background (in nepm) was dete:rined by:

HSP = 0.10 C.R. (2.1-16) 2.1.3 Setpoint Determination Based o.. Analysis Prior to Release for Ventilation Vent and Containment _ Building Vent Release (Ground Releases)

When the setpoints established using "the calculated mix" for ground releases do not provide adequate flexibility for operational needs, the method described below may be us'4 in lieu of that set forth in Step 2.1.1. '

In this case, the results of samp - analysis are used to determine the source term "mix" This calculational method applies to gaseous releases via the Ventilation Vent and via the Containment Building Vent when determining the setpoint for the maximum acceptable dise*arge flow rate and the associated HIGH-HIGH alarm setpoint based on this f l, rate for the Ventilation Vent Gas Monitor (VS-101B) and the Containment Building Gus Monitor (VS-107B) during the following operational conditions:

  • Batch release of containment purge via the Ventilation Vent
  • Batch release of containment purge via the Containment Building Vent NOTE: If the radioactivi*y of a noble ;as radionuclide is below the LLD value specified in Table 4.'l-2 of the BVPS Technical Specifications, cne noble gas radionuclide should not be included as a source term in this setpoint calculation. The maximum acceptable discharge flow rate f rom containment vent or ventilat.on vent during purging is determined as fotlows:

a. The maximum acceptable gaseous discharge flow rate (f) from containment or ventilation vent (in cfm) during purging based upon the whole body exposura limit is calculated by:


BV-1 ODCM 1.06 S T f , ,(X/q) I K g Cg (2.1-17) i where:

1.06 = 500 mrem /yr x 2.12 E-3 500 mrem /yr = dose rate limit 2.12 E-3 = unit conversion factor

= (60 sec/ min x 3.53 E-5 ft /cc) 8 S = Percent of site dose rate released via this pathway. Up to 60*. of the site dose rate is permissible for one release point under the alarm set point rules of Section 2.1. To exceed 60*. of the site limit from one release point, the remaining release pcint limits must be correspendingly reduced or secured to provide the necessary margin below the site dose rate limit.

T = Maximum valve for T is 16 based on the limiting restriction in T.S. where the dose rate for a containment purge may be averaged over a time period not to exceed 960 minutes. (As containme'nt air volume change time period is 60 minutes; T = 960/60 = 16',. See Reference (6).

(X/q)vv = The highest calculated short term relative concentration of effluents released via tha Ventilation Vent for any area at r h or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors s (sec/m ) from Table A-3 of Appendix A.


= 3.32E-4 sec/m 3 (X/q)"" = The highest calculated short term relative concentration of effluents released via the Containment Building Vent for areas at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m') from Table A-4 of Appendix A.

= 3.08E-4 sec/m 8 K


= The total whole body dose factor due to gamma emissions from roble gas radionuclide "i" (mrem / year /pCi/m') from Table 2.2-11.

l Cg = The undiluted radioactivity concentration of noble gas radionuclide "1" in the gaseous source (pCi/cc) as determined by analysis of the gas to be released.

I b. The flow rate (f) is also determined based upon the skin exposure limit as follows:

73 l ('~' ) 2-12 ISSUE 2' REVISION 0 l

l 1

l .


BV-1 ODCH f.36S T g , _(X/q) I (Lg + 1.1M g) Cg (2.1-18)


N/ A where:

6.36 = 3000 mrom/yr x 2.12 E-3 3000 mrem /yr a dose rate limit 2.12 E-3 = ut41t conversion f actor

= (60 sec/ min x 3.53 E-5 ft /cc) 8 Lj = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide "L" (mrem / year /pC1/m ) from Table 2.2-11.

8 Mg = The air dose factor due to gamma emissions from noble gas radionuclide "1" (mrad / year /pCi/m ) from Table 2.2-11.

8 I (X/q) = Same as in Section

The flow rate (f) is determined by selecting the smaller of the l c.

calculated (f) values based on the whole body exposure limit (Section l and based on the skin exposure limit (Section

I The actual purge flow rate in efm must be maintained at or below this calculated (f) value or the discharge cannot be made from the vent. The monitor alarm setpoints above background are determined as follows:




a. The calculated monitor HIGH-HIGH alarm setpoint (HHSP) above background (ncpm) attributed to the noble gas radionuclides is determined by: i f I Cf E g


' f2'1~l9)

F'  !


f = The maximum acceptable gaseous discharge flow rate (cfm) l determined in Section

F' = The maximum actual or design effluent flow rate (cfm) at the I l point of release. .


= 92,000 cfm (Ventilation Vent -- design).( )

= 49,300 cfm (Containment Building Vent -- design).( )

l C = The unJiluted radioactivity concentration of noble gas f

radionuclide "1" in the gaseous source (pCi/cc) as determined by analysis of the gas to be released.

j E = The detection efficiency of the monitor for noble gas 1

radionuclide "i" (cpm /pCi/cc) from Table 2.1-2.

l (/*)

v 2-13 ISSLT l REVISION 0 l

1 1



b. When a HIGH-HIGH set point has been calculated according to this s section the monitor HIGH alarm setpoint above background (ncpm) is (v ) determined as follows:

HHSP x 0. 70 = !!SP (2.1-20) 2.1.4 Setpoint Determination Based on Analysis Prior to Release for Process Vent Releases (Elevated Releases)

The following calculation method applies to gaseous releases via the Process Vent when the "calculated mix" does not provide adequate operational flexibility. This method is used to determine the setpoint for the maximum acceptable discharge flow rate and the associated HIGH-HIGH alarm setpoint based on this flow rate for the BVPS-1 Gaseous Waste Gas Monitor (GW-108B) or alternate (GW-109 CH #5) during the following operational conditions:

  • Continuous release via the Process Vent
  • Batch release of waste gas decay tank via the Process Vent
  • Batch release of containment purge via the Process Vent NOTE: If the radioactivity of a noble gas radionuclide is below the LLD value specified in the BVPS Technical Specifications, the noble gas radionuclide should not be included as a source term in this setpoint calculation.

7- s Determine the maximum acceptable discharge flow rate for the release from the Process Vent for the analyzed mix.




a. The maximum acceptable gaseous discharge flow rate (f) in efm based upon the whole body exposure limit is determined by:

1.06 S g,IV C (2.1-21) f 1


1.06 = 500 mrem /yr x 2.12 E-3 500 mrem /yr = dose rate limit, whole body exposure 2.12 E-3 = unit conversion factor

= (60 sec/ min x 3.53 E-5 ft'/cc)

S = Percent of site dose ratn released via this pathecay. Up to 60% of the site dose rate is permissible for one release point under the a7 arm set point rules of Section 2.1. To exceed 60% of the site limit from one release point, the remaining release point limits must be correspondingly reduced or secured to provide the necessary margin below the site dose rate limit.

l \


\__/ 2-14 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

BV-1 ODCt!

Vg = The constant for noble gas radionuclide "i" accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated plume

) (mrem / year /pCi/sec) from Table 2.2-12.

C = The undiluted radioactivity concentration of noble gas '

i radionuclide "i" in the gaseous source (pCi/cc) as determined by analysis of the gas to be released,

b. Based upon the skin exposure limit, (f) is calculated by:

6.36 S g,I [L g(X/Q) , + 1.1Bg ] C g (2.1-22) where:

6.36 = 3000 mrem /yr x 2.12 E-3 3000 mrem /yr = dose rate limit, skin exposure 2.12 E-3 = unit conversion factor 8

= (60 sec/ min x 3.53 E-5 ft /cc)

Lg = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide "i" (mrem / year /pC1/m ) from Table 2.2-11.


= The highest calculated annual average relative concentration (X/Q)P of effluents released via the Process Vent for any area at or w beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (v ) (sec/m8 ) from Table 2.2-6.


= 2.31E-6 sec/m .

(X/q)P', = The short term relative concentration of effluents released via the Process Vent for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m 8) from Table A-5 of Appendix "A" ,

= 1.07E-3 sec/m 8 B = The constant for long-term :eleases (greater than 500 y

hrs / year) for noble gas radionuclide "i" accounting for the gamma radiation from the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume (mrad / year /pCi/sec) from Tab!e 2.2-12.

c. Select the smaller of the calculated f values based on the whole body exposure limit (Section and based on the skin exposw;e limit (Section The actual discharge flow rate in (cfm) must be maintained at or below this f value. The monitor alarm setpoints above background are determined as follows:

a. The calculated monitor HIGH-HIGH alarm setpo(nt (HHSP) above background (ncpm) attributed to the noble gas radionuclides is determined by:

f~h i i

\/ m 2-15 ISSUE 2 REVISION O i


BV-1 ODCM f IC gE g r~' HHSP = y. (2.1-23)

\.s '


f = The maximum acceptable gaseous discharge flow rate (cfm) determined in Section

T' = The maximum actual or design effluent flow rate (cfm) at the point of release.

= 1450 cfm (Process Vent)

Cg = The undiluted radioactivity of noble gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous source (uC1/cc) as determined by analysis of the gas to be released.

E = The detection efficiency of the respective monitor GV-108B or I GW-109 CH 5 for noble gas radionuclide "i" (cpm /pci/cc) from Table 2.1-2.

b. When a HIGH-HIGH set point has been calculated accordire, to this Section the monitor HIGH alarm setpoint (HSP) above background (nepm) is determined by:

HHSP x 0.70 = HSP (2.1-24)

(q) l l


i I

i 2-le ISScE :


,-- y- -

( ) ( )

G G' /


PROCESS VENT Containment VentflatIon Turbine Vent Vent Bldg. Vent Radioactive (Long Term) Auxiliary Turbine Hain Caseous Containmens Building Building Condenser / Containment Waste Nuclide Building

  • Ventilation Ventilation Air Ejector Vacuum Pump *s System (Short Term) (Long Term) (I,ong Term) (Long Term) (Long Term) ** (Short Term)

Kr-83m 2.2E-02 4.2E-01 3.9E-05 2.7E-01 3.7E-04 0.0 Kr-85m 1.5E-01 1.9E+00 1.7E-04 1.2E+00 3.9E-03 7.3E-02 Kr-85 6.1E+01 2.5E+00 2.3E-04 1.6E+00 7.2E-01 2.3E+02 Kr-87 5.4E-02 1.3E+00 1.1E-04 8.2E-01 7.8E-04 0.0 Kr-88 2.4E-01 3.8E+00 3.5E-04 2.4E+00 5.0E-03 0.0 Kr-89 4.7E-04 1.2E-01 1.1E-05 7.7E-02 3.lE-06 0.0 Xe-131m 7.4E-01 1.3E-01 1.2E-05 8.OE-02 1.3E-02 1.3E+00 Xe-133m 8.9E-01 8.9E-01 8.1E-05 5.6E-01 2.2E-02 0.0 Xe-133 8.9E+01 3.6E+01 3.4E-03 2.3E*01 1.9E-00 2.3Et01 Xeul35m 4.5E-03 3.2E-01 2.9E-05 2.0E-01 4.4E-05 0.0 Xe-135 7.0E-01 4.5E.00 4.2E-04 2.8E*00 1.9E-02 0.0 Xc-137 1.0E-03 2.lE-01 2.lE-05 1.3E-01 6.3E-06 0.0 Xe-138 1.5E-02 1.1E+00 9.7E-05 6.6E-01 1.2E-04 0.0 Ar-41 2.5E+01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

  • Containment can be purged via Ventilation Vent, Containment Vent, or Process Vent
    • Heference 2
      • See Section 2.1.1 ISSUE 2 REVISION O 2-17

_ _ ._ . _ - -._. . - _ _ _ _ . . - _. -- _ _ __._ _ . .- _ . . . m - _ _ . ..




Kr-85m 9.80 E7 2.39 E7 9.00 E7 2.43 E7 5.16 E7- - 2.57 E7 Kr-85 3.88 E5 2.47 E7- 3.56 E5 2.51 E7 5.04 E7 2.67'E7 Kr-87 .

7.38 E7 2.95 E7 6.78 E7 3.00 E7 9.60 E7 3.19 E7.

Kr-88 1.14 E8 2.11 E7 1.05 E8 2.14 E7 5.16 E7 2.28 E7 K r- 89 1.39 E8 2.93 E7 1.28 E8 2.98'E7 9.59 E7 3.16 E7 Kr-90 1.34 E8 3.05 E7 1.23 E8 3.10 E7 9.87 E7 3.29 E7-Xe-131m 2.25 E6 1.56 E7 2.07 E6 1.59 E7 -2.94 E7 1.68 E7 Xe-133m 1.26 E7 1.94 E7 1.16 E7 1.97 E7 4.17 E7 2.09 E7 Xe-133 1.01.E7 1.24 E7 9.24 E6 1.26 E7 2.28 E7 1.33 E7 Xe-135m 7.15 E7 5.70 E6 6.58 E7 5.80 E6 1.51 E7 6.15'E6 Xe-135 1.12 E8 2.91 E7 1.03 E8 2.96 E7 6.42 E7 '3.14 E7-Xe-137 3.16 E7 2.96 E7 2.91 E7 3.01 E7 1.05*E8' - 3.19 E7 Xe-138 1.15 E8 2.66 E7 1.06 E8 2.70 E7 7.35 E7- 2.87 E7 Ar-41 7.17 E7 3.00 E7 6.59 E7 3.05 E7 7.19 E7 3.23 E7 j

(1.) Table 2.1-2 lists detector ef ficiencies for the respective Victoreen Monitors corrected for the reduced pressures observed and documented during operation. Also listed are the SPING Channel 5 efficiencies corrected for detec*.or uninue installation factors. (pressure corrections are not required for the 3 ?t :f; sont tors) See reference ~ (4) for additional information. .

1 ISSUE 2 i REVISION O 2-18 mw i -w,_. 4 m we v- rw w-w-- w,we-w,- wevs- w-w ri -- wun ,- m .~,mw- e v w -,w-m m -v wm - w ve -rw- w - w ev- v--

  • w --v-w wr -- 6 = a d



s._,/ Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints (1) "Beaver Valley Power Station, Appendix I Analysis - Docket No. 50-334 and 50-412", Table 2.1.3.

(2) "Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 FSAR", Table 11.3-1 (3) "Duquesne Light Co., Beaver Valley Nuclear Plant, Specification No. BVPS 414, Table V Suc11de Data, 5/30/74", Table 1 and Figure 1, Table 3, ar.d Figure 2.

(4) Gaseous Effluent Monitor Efficiency Data; Calculation Package ERS-SFL 031.

(5) Unit 1/ Unit 2 Setpoints Calculation Package ERS-hMM-87-014.

(6) BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 ODC:! T Factor Justification; Calculation Package ERF-ATL-87-026.


.v N



BV-1 ODCM 2.2 Compliance with 10 CFR 20 (Gaseous)

, ~x I

2.2.1 Noble Gases


1he dose rate in unrestricted areas resulting from noble gas effluents from the site is limited to 500 mrom/yr to the total' body ar1 3,000 mrem /yr to the skin. Site gaseous effluents are the total of Beaver Valley Unit 1 and Unit 2 specific ground releases and a shared elevated release, the Process Vent. Based upon NUREG 0133 the following basic expressions are used to show compliance with BVTS

Q , + K g(X/Q), Q h ,] < 500 mrem /yr I [V fj (2.2-1) i I (Lj (X/Q), + 1.1Bg ] Qg , + (L g + 1.1Mj ](X/Q), Qgy 5 3000 mrem /yr (2.2-2) i ,


K g

= the total body dose factor due to gamma emmissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide "i", mrem / year /pC1/m .

8 L = the skin dose factor due to beta emissions for each I

identified noble gas radionuclide "i", mrem / year /pCi/m .

8 Mg = the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide "i", mrad / year /pCi/m .



V = the constant for each identified noble ges radionuclide "1" accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume, mrem / year /uCf/sec.

B = the constant for long-term releases (greater than 500 hrs / year) for each identified noble gas radionuclide "i" accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite plume, mrad / year /uCi/sec.

1.1 = the ratio of the tissue to air absorption coefficients over l

the energy range of the photon of interest, mrem / mrad.

j Q, = the release rate of noble gas radionuclide "i" in gaseous f

i effluents from free-standing stack, pC1/sec, l .

Qg = the release rate of noble gas radionuclide "i" in gaseous effluents from all vent releases, pCi/sec.

i (X/Q)' = the highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for elevated releases (sec/m ). 8 l

2-20 ISSUE 2 l ,




. I BV-1 ODCM .

l fs (X/Q)y = the highest calculated annual average relative concentration 1 for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for j

( )c ground level releases (sec/m').

At the Beaver Valley Site gaseous releases may occur from: l

1. the Containment Vents atop the-containment domes
2. the Ventilation Vents atop the auxiliary buildings i

3.- the Process Vent atop the BVPS-1 cooling tower l

4 the Turbine Building Vents j

5. the BVPS-2 Condensate Polishing Building Vent
6. the BVPS-2 Decontamination Building Vent
7. the BVPS-2 Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent ,

i Effluent from the Containment Vents are assumed ground level in nature. At I BVPS-1 the source of these releases is the Supplementary Leak Collection and  :

Release System (SLCRS). At BVPS-2 the source of these releases is normal auxiliary building ventilation. It is also possible to release containment purges from these vents. The Ventilation Vent Releases are ground level in i nature. At BVPS-1 the sources of these releases are containment purges and normal auxiliary building ventilation. At BVPS-2 the sources of these releases are containment purges and contiguous areas ventilation. The 4


\-- Turbine building Vents Releases are ground level in nature and the source of these releases are the turbine building ventilation. Release points 4, 5, 6, and 7 above are tot normally radioactive release points. The Process Vent releases are elevated and the sources of these releases are the main  !

condenser air ejectors and the waste gas decay tanks and containment vacuum.

Soble gas releases may normally occur from release points 1 through 3 above.

To show compliance with sito limits in SVTS Expressions 2.2-1 and 2.2-2 are now expressed in terms of the actual release points for the site. Note tbac the expressions for release points 4, 5, 6, and 7 are included for use if radioactive releases via these release points are identified in the future.

l l

I i ~

2-21 ISSUE 2



BV-1 ODC?!

For the total body dose:


IVQ gg +EKg g ((X/Q) y Q g + (X/Q)yy Q g + (X/Q)ty Q 1 + (./Q)cy X Qg 1 pv cyl vv1 tv1 cv2


(X/Q)yy Q g + G/Q)gy Q g g


M)cp 01 +(_0)dv O l dv2 (576) , hg ) 5 500 mrem /yr (2.2-3)

For the skin dose:


I (L (X/Q)p 1

+ 1.1Bg ] Q 1 +I (Lg + 1.1!!g) ((X/Q)cy O i + ( IO)vy 0 1 1 pv cv1 vv1

+ (X/Q)cy Q g + (X/Q)yy Q g + (X/Q)gy Q i (X/Q)ty Q g CP i cp2 tvl cv2 tv2


(E)wv ) s 3000 mrem /yr (2.2-4)

(576)dv I g i g

Ch .



Q3 = release rate of radionuclide "i" from the Process Vent, pv VCi/sec.

Qg = release rate of radionuclide "1" from the BVPS-1 Containment ev1 Vent, pCi/sec.

Qg = release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 Containment cv2 Vent, pCi/sec.

Qg = release rate of radionuclide "1" from the BVPS-1 Ventilation

vv1 Vent, pCi/sec.

. 1 Q1 = release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 Ventilation ,

vv2 Vent, UCi/sec. )

i Q *.

= release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-1 Turbine j tv1 Building Vent, pCi/sec.

i l

Q 1

= release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 Turbine j tv2 Building Vent, pCi/sec. i t I 1




,s Qg = release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 Condensate cp2 Polishing Building Vent, uC1/sec.

(\ ')

Qg = release rate of rcdionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 dv2 Decontamination Building Vent, VCi/sec.

Qg = release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 Waste Gas wv2 Storage Vault Vent, WCi/sec.

(5/Q)PV =releases highest calculated annual average relative concentration for 8

from the Process Vent, sec/m .

(X/Q)cv = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases from the Containment Vent, sec/m 8.

(X/Q)vv = highest calculated annuc1 average relative concentration for releases from the Ventilation Vent, sec/m 8.

(X7Q)*',= highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases for the Turbine Building Vent, sec/m 8.

(X/Q)CP =releases highest for calculated annual Polishing the Condensate average relative Buildingconcentration Vent, sec/m . for 8

(X/Q)dv = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases for the Decontamination Building Vent, sec/m 8.

(~')/ (X7Q)"Y = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases for the Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent, sec/m 8.


Note that the release rate for a containment purge is based on an averaged release rate in vCi/sec for the entire purge (Not to exceed 960 min in accordance with T.S.

All other terms remain the same as those defined previously.

For the site, four potential modes of release are possible. The release modes identify the various combinations of sources of radioactivity and their release points which are used to determino the controlling locations.

They are presented in Table 2.2-1. For Modes 1, 2, and 3, the controlling location for implementation of BVTS is 0.35 miles NV. Inserting the appropriate X/Q's from Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-10 for this location.

Expressions 2.2-3 and 2.2-4 become:

[\ ,e 2-23 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

BV-1 ODCM For the total body:

) . . . . .


IVQ +IKg [9.24E-5 Qg + 1.03E-4 Q g + 7.35E-5 Q 3 + 9.24E-5 Q 3 gg vv1 tv1 cv2 1 pv i cv1 1.03E-4 Q + 7.35E-5 Q + 9.24E-5 Q g + 9.24E-5 Q + 7.35E-5 Q g }

$ 500 mrem /yr (2.2-5)

For the skin:

+I + 1.03E-4 Q g +

I [7.0E-10 Lg + 1.1B g] Qg (L g + 1.1Mg ) [9.24E-5 Qg i pv i cyl vv1

+ 7.35E-5 Q g + 9.24E-5 Q g +

7.35E-5 Q + 9.24E-5 Q + 1.03E-4 Q 9.24E-5 Q + 7.35E-5 Q g ) 5 3000 mrem /yr (2.2-6)

For the release Mode 4, the controlling location is 0.75 miles N. Inserting the appropriate X/Q's from Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-10 for this location, Expressions 2.2-3 and 2.2-4 become:

(n) v For the total body:

+ 4.26E-6 Q j + 3.95E-6 Q g +

IVQfg +IKg [3.95E-6 Qg + 4.99E-6 Q j i pv i cv1 vv1 tv1 cv2 4.99E-6 Q + 4.26E-6 Q + 3.95E-6 Q + 3.95E-6 Q + 4.26E-6 Q ]

5 500 mrem /yr (2.2-7) l l

i 2-24 ISSUE 2 i



LJ l

t i


,s For the skin:

( )

~ j . . .

+I + 4.99E 6 Q g +

I [2.31E-6 L g+ 1.1B g] Q g [L g + 1.lH g) [3.95E-6 Q 1 i pv i cyl vv1 3.95E-6 Q g + 4.99E-6 Q g + 4.26E-6 Q j + 4.26E-6 Q g + 3.95E-6 Q g .

3.95E-6 Q g + 4.26E-6 Q g 5 3000 mrem /yr (2.2-8) vv cp The detercination of controlling location for implementation of BVTS for noble gase is a function of the following parameters:

1. radionuclide mix and their isotopic release rate
2. release mode
3. meteorology The incorporation of these three parameters into Expressions 2.2-3 and 2.2-4 resulted in the expressions for the controlling locations as presented in Expressions 2.2-5 through 2.2-8. ,

e The radionuclide mix used to determine controlling locations was based on source terms calcalated with the Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (T)


computer code GASIBB which is similar to the NRC GALE code. Inputs were based on operating modes of the respective plants. The code inputs utilized are presented in Appendo B. The source term is presented in Table 2.2-2 as a function of release type and release point.

The X/Q values utilized in the equations for implementation of BVTS are based upon the maximum long-term annual average X/Q in the unrestrir.ted area. Table 2.2-3 presents the distances from the release points to the nearest unrestricted area for each of the 16 sectors as well as to the nearest vegetable garden, cow, goat, and beef animal. Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-10 present the long-term annual average (X7Q) values for the Process Vent, Containment Vent, Ventilation Vent. Turbine Building Vent, and if applicable for BVPS-2, Decontamination Building Vent, Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent, and the Condensate Polishing Building Vent release points to the special locations presented in Table 2.2 3. A description of their derivation is provided in Appendix A.

For release modes, 1, 2, and 3, dose calculations were performed using the highest calculated site boundary X/Q values applicable to the release points involved and the projected radionuclide mix applicable to the release source. In that a simultaneous, continuous elevated release could contribute to the dose at a given location, the selection of the two highest sector X/Q values at the site boundary considered this contribution. From these results, the distance and sector associated with the highest

(N calculated site boundary dose were selected as the controlling location.

(m )

l 2 - d ', ISSUE 2 REVISION 0 e

BV-1 ODCM For Modes 1, 2, and 3, the controlling location is 0.35 miles NV. In Mode 1, the dominant release is the auxiliary building ventilation (Ventilation

( - ,) Vent in Unit 1 and Containment Vent in Unit 2). In Modes 2 and 3, the

'- ' dominant release is containment purge from the respective Ventilation Vent or Containment Vent.

For release Mode 4, a similar evaluation was performed. Long-term annual average X/Q values were calculated at the mid point of the 10 standard distances listed in Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-10. In that a simultaneous, ground level release could contribute to the dose at a given location, the selection of the two highest X/Q values at the controlling distance considered this contribution. Since the two maximum X/Q values occurred in the 0.5 - 1.0 mile radial band, the controlling distance was selected at 0.75 miles. From the calculated dose results, the controlling sector was shown to be North. In this Mode, the dominant release is containment purge via the process vent. Neither of the controlling receptor locations are presently inhabited.

Values for K, g L and M, g

which were used in the determination of the controlling receptor location and which are to be used in Expressions 2.2-5 through 2.2-8 to show compliance with BVTS, are presented in Table 2.2-11. Values taken from Table B-1 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, were multiplied by 1E6 to convert picocuries"1 to microcuries'I for use in Table 2.2 11.

Values for Vgand B for the finite plume model can be expressed as shown in T Equation 2.2-9 and 2.2-10. Values were calculated using the NRC code RABFIN s_ / at the site boundary location which would receive the highect total dose from combined Process Vent Ventilation Vent and Turbine Building Vent and Containment Vent releases. These values are presented in Table 2.2 12 and calculated from the following relation:

K III 'jk ggA ,E y Ig

( .24)

B g =TjkI d

u j


I = the results of numerical integration over the plume spatial distribution of the airborne activity as defined by the meteorological condition of wind speed (u)) and atmospheric stability r. lass "k" for a particular wind direction.

K = a numerical constant representing unit conversions.

= (260 mrad)(radians) (m') (transformation) 16 sectors (sec)(Mev)(C1) 25 radians

. . . . . J 1E-6 Ci 3.15E7 sec ,

l uCi yr O 2-2e ,




= 2.1E4 mrad (m ) (transformation)/yr(Mev)(uCi),

8 n = the distance from the release point to the receptor location,

( ) r d


= the mean wind speed assigned to the "j" th wind speed class, u) meters /sec.

f jk

= the joint frequency of occurrence of the "j" th wind speed class and kth stability class (dimensionless).

A gg = the number of photons of energy corresponding to the "1" th energy group emitted per transformation of the "i" th radionuclide, number / transformation.

E g

= the energy assigned to the "1" th energy group, Mev.

9, = the energy absorption coefficient in air for photon energy Hg, meters' .

The Y g factor is computed with conversion from air dose to tissue depth dose, thus:

K III f jk Aggu,E l,-V g TTd Vg = 1.1 (2.2-10) j k1 q (N where: I 9 = the tissue energy absorption coefficient for photons of T

energy Eg , cm 8/gm.

T = the tissue density thickness taken to represent the total d

body dose (5gm/cm8 ). T 1.1 = the ratio of the tissue to air absorption coefficients over the energy range of photons of interest, mrem / mrad.

2.2.2 Iodine-131. Tritium, and Radionuclides in Particulate Form (Ti > 8 Day)  !

The dose rate in unrestricted areas resulting from the of inhalation of I-131, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form (excluding C-14) with half lives greater than 8 days released in gaseous effluents shall be limited to 1,500 mrem /yr to any organ. Based upon STREG-0133, the fellowing i f

basic expression is used to show compliance with BVTS

IP g[(X/Q),h,+(X/Q)y h,]51,500 mrem /yr (2.2-11) g h i

1 O 2-27 ISbCE 2 REVISION 0

BV 1 ODCM where:


'# P*g

= dose parameter for any organ t radionuclide "i", mrem /yr per WCi/m8 ;

for each identified

= the release rate of radionuclide "i", in gaseous effluents Q*i from elevated releases, VCi/sec.

Q gy = the release rate of radionuclide "i", in gaseous effluents

- from ground level releases, VCi/sec.

= the highest calculated annual average relative concentration (FQ)8 at the unrestricted area boundary for elevated releases, sec/m';

(T/Q)"= the highest calculated annual average relative concentration at the unrestricted area boundary for ground level releases, sec/m s ;

Note: The dispersion parameters specified in Section 2.2.2 are limited to the site boundary as defined above.

Releases may occur from any of the site vents in the release modes listed in Table 2.2-1. To show compliance with BVTS, Expression 2.2-11 is now expressed in terms of the actual release. points for the site.


I P 1, [(X/Q)py Q g pv + (X/Q)cy Q 1 cv1 + (X/Q)yy Q 1 + (X/Q)gy Q 1 + (X/Q)cy Q 1 i vv1 tv1 cv2 v

+ + (X/Q)gy Q 1 (X/Q)yy Q g + (X/Q)cp Q g }d" I "

ep2 dv2 wv2 5 1500 mrem /yr (2.2-12) where:

(.EQ)pv= releases highest calculated annualVent, from the Process average relative concentration for sec/m8; (I[Q)"Y = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases from the Containment Vents, sec/m';

(5[Q)" = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases from the Ventilation Vents, sec/m 8; (57Q)tv = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases from the Turbine Building Vents, sec/m';

(X7Q)cp n hip, hest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases from the BVPS-2 Condensate Polishing Building Vent, sec/m';




1 (57Q)dy = highest calculated annual average relative concentration for releases fros- the BVPS 2 Decontamination Building Vent, sec/m ;


(h7Q)" = highestL calculated annual average relative concentration for release from the BVPS-2 Waste Gas Storage Vault, sec/m ; 8 i

Q = long* term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the Process j ,.

pv Vent, uCi/sec; Q.g

= long term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-1 cyl- Containment Vent, DCi/sec; Qg = long term release rate of radion clide T from the BWS-2  !

e cv2 Containment Vent, WCi/sec;  ;

, . l Qg = long-term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-1 l i

vv1. Ventilation Vent, DCi/sec; Qg = long-term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-2 vv2 Ventilation Vent. DCi/sec,

'Q g = long term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the BVPS-1 tv1 Turbine Building Vent, uCi/sec;

Qg = long term release rate of radionuclide "1" from the BVPS-2

' tv2 Turbine Building Vent, pCi/sec; Qg = long-term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the ,

cp2 Condensate Polishin. Ruilding Vent, uCi/sec; I 3 Qg = long-term release rate of radionuclida "i" from the l dv2 Decontamination Building Vent, WCi/sec: j

. I Qg = long-term release rate of radionuclide "i" from the Waste Gas l vv2 Storage Vault Vent, WCi/sec; All other terms are the same as those defined previously.


The Turbine Building Vent, Condensate Polishing Building Vent, i

Decontamination Building Vent, and Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent are not normal radioactive release points. These release points are included only I for use if radioactive releases via these vents are identified in the future. In the calculation to show compliance with B\TS only the l j

{ inhalation pathway is considered, Values of the organ dose parameters, P , were calculated using methodology j

given in NL' REG-0133. For the child age group, the following equation was used for all nuclides. The P g:, values are presented in Table 2.2-13.

t 2-29 ISSL'E 2 REVISION 0

I BV-1 ODCH Pg = 3.7E9 D'AF (2.2-13)

\' 'l where:

3.7E9 = breathing rate of child (3,700 m /yr) 8 x unit conversion factor (1E6 pC1/uCi).

DFA = the organ inhalation dose factor for a child from Table 6 of It USNRC NUREG-0172 Nov. 1977, for organ t, nuclide "i", in units of mrem /pci.

For release modes 1 through 4 the controlling location is the site boundary. 0.35 miles N'.'.

Expression 2.2-12 becomes:

IP g [7.00E-10 Q g + 9.24E-5 Q g + 1.03E-4 Q g + 7.35E-5 Q g + 9.24E-5 i t pv cyl vv1 tv1 Qg + 1.03E-4 Q g + 7.35E 5 Q g + 7.35E-5 Q g + 9.24E-3 Q + 9.24E-5

  • Q g s 1500 mrem /yr (2.2-14) wv2 O

The determination of the controlling location for implementation of BYTS for radiciodines and particulates is a function of the saae three parameters as for noble gases plus a fourth, the actual receptor pathways.

The incorporation of these parameters into Expression 2.2 12 results in the respective equations for each release mode at the site boundary controlling locations. The radionuclide mix was again based upon the source terms presented in Table 2.2-2 as'a function of release type and release point.

In the determination of the controlling site boundary for each release mode, the highest two site boundary X/Q values for each release point were utilized in conjunction with the radionuclide mix and the release rate for each release point to determine the controlling location.

The P values are presented in Table 2.2 13.

The X/Q values in Expression 2.2-14 were obtained from Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-10.

A description of the derivation of the X/Q values is provided in Appendix A.


l l


BVPS 1 - BVPS-2 8 Main Cond. Air Same as Same as Same as Process Vent (pv) Ejector, Waste Mode 1 Mode 1 Mode 1 and Gas, Contain- Containment ment Vacuum Purge BVPS-1 Ventilation 1 Aux. Bldg. Containment Same as Same as Vent (vv1) Ventilation Purge' Mode 1 Modo 1 1

BVPS-1 Containment

  • Leakage Same as Same as Same as Vent (cyl) Collection Mode 1 Mode 1 and Mode 1 Exhaust Containment Purge 8 i

BVPS-1 Turbine Bldg.* Turbine Bldg Same as 3ame as Same as Vent (tv1) Exhaust

  • Mode 1* Mode 1* Mode 1*

BVPS-2 Ventilation 3 Contiguous Containment Same as Same as Vent (vv2) Areas Purge 8 Mode 1 Mode 1 BVPS 2 Containment 3 Aux. Bldg. Same as Same as Same as l Vent (cv2) Ventilation Mode 1 Mode'I and Mode 1 l Containment

  • Purge' )

BVPS-2 Turbine Bldg.' Turbine Bldg Same as Same as Same as Vent (tv2) Exhaust

  • Mode 1* Mode 1* Mode 1*
  • *
  • w ,

BVPS-2 Condensate 2 l Polishing Bldg. Vent (cp2)

  • e
  • i BVPS-2 Decontamination!

l Bldg. Vent (dv2) i

  • l 8 *
  • BVPS-2 Vaste Gas 4

Storage Vault Vent (wv2)

  • Not normally a radioactive release point Note: For the purpose of ir.plementing 10 CFR 50, bat,.1 charges may use continuous meteorology since short term meteorology a used at the time of the annual report.
  • Continuous ground level meteorology is applicable 8 Continuous elevated meteorology is applicable 8 Mode established by purge from one unit, all other release points remain same i

as Mode 1.


' 2-31 ISSUE 2 i REVISION O  !

I l


PROCESS VENT Containment Ventilation Turbine Vent Vent Ridg. Vent Radioactive (Long Term) Auxiliary Turbine Main Caseous Containment Building Building Condenser / Containment Waste Nuc l ide Building

  • Ventilation Ventilation Air Ejector Vacuum Pumps System (Short Term) (Long Term) (Long Term) (Long Term) (Long Term)*** (Short Tera)

Kr-83m 2.2E-02 4.2E-01 3.9E-05 2.7E-Ol 3.7E-04 0.0 Kr-35m 1.5E-O! 1.9E,00 1.7E-04 1.2E+00 3.9E-03 1.2E-02 Kr-85 6.IE+01 2.5E+00 2.3E-04 1.6E+00 7.2E-01 2.3E+02 Kr-87 5.4E-02 1.3E+00 1.lE-04 8.2E-OI 7.f1E-04 0.0 Kr-88 2.4E-01 3.8E.00 3.5E-04 2.4E+00 5.0E-03 0.0 Kr-89 4.7E-04 1.2E-01 1.lE-OS 7.7E-02 3.lE-06 0.0 Xc-131 ra 7.4E-01 1.3E-01 1.2E-05 8.0E-02 1.3E-02 8.3E-Ol Xc-133m 8.9f-01 8.9E-01 8.lE-05 5.6E-Ol 2.2E-02 0.0 Xe-133 8.9E+01 3.6E+01 3.4E-03 2.3E+01 1.9E-00 8.2E+00 ,

Xe-135m 4.5E-03 3.2E-01 2.9E-05 2.0E-01 4.4E-02 0.0 Xe-135 7.0E-Ol 4.5E+00 4.2E-04 2.8E+00 1.9E-02 0.0 Xe-137 1.0E-03 2.lE-01 2.1E-05 1.3E-01 6.3E-06 0.0 Xe-138 1.5E-02 1.1E+00 9.7E-OS 6.6E-Ol 1. 2 E -04 0.0 1-131 1.2E-03 4.6E-03 6.5E-04 2.lE-02 4.7E-04 0.0 1-132 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.SE-06 0.0 1-133 2.0E-04 6.7E-03 8.7E-04 3.OE-02 8.4E-OS 0.0 1-134 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7E-07 0.0 1-135 0.0 0.0 0. 'J 0.0 1.4E-05 0.0 Co-58 7.5E-04 6.0E-04 0.0 0.0 1.6E-05 0.0 Co-60 3.4E-04 2.7E-04 0.0 0.0 7.4E-06 0.0 Mn-54 2.2E-04 1.8E-04 0.0 0.0 4.9E-06 0.0 Fe-59 7.5E-05 6.0E-05 0.0 0.0 1.6E-06 0.0 Sr-89 1.7E-05 1.3E-05 0.0 0.0 3.7E-07 0.0 Sr-90 3.OE-06 2.OE-06 0.0 0.0 6.6E-08 0.0 Cs-134 2.2E-04 1.8E-04 0.0 0.0 4.9E-06 0.0 Cs-137 3.8E-04 3.0E-04 0.0 0.0 :1.4E-06 0.0 C-14 1.OE+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.OE.00 Ar-41 2.5E+01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

  • Containment can be purged via Ventilation Vent. Containment Vent, or Process Ver,t ISSUE 2
    • Ref erence 3 pg 2-20 , REVISION O
      • See Sectson 2.1.1 2-37

_ _ . _ ._._ . - - ~ - _ ~ _ . - _ _ _ _ . . - . - .- _ _- .- _ _ __ _ _ _ ,. _.

O O O BV-1 Ot'CK m Y


l 4

) Doen- Site Soundary Vegetable Carden Milk Cow Milk Coat riest Aniest 8esident

! vind

$ Sector Cround Q evated Cround Elevated Cround Elevated Cround Elevattd Cround Elevated Ground Elevated IW l


i N 670 579 413 2,623 2,423 - -

4,651 4.418 4.152- '3.719 2,527 2.295 l 6,633 2,639 2,461 j NME 535 792 632 2,704 2,461 - -

6,276 2,846 2,605 i NE 490 442 327 724 901 7,741 7,526 20,760 , 20,545 7.741 7,526 708 790.

1 ENE 490 448 394 1,674 1,658 - -

6,824* 4,671 - -

700 1,562 1

E 545 546 551 1,979 1,922 7,065 6,998 4,265 4,200 4,265 4,200 756 1,922 ESE 575 607 672 1,577 1,619 - -

2.565 2,899 1,577 1,619 1,577 1,650 j


SE 575 701 815 1,835 1,961 5,729 5,848 5,729 5,848 3,299 3,420 1,835 1,961 SSE 655 762 912 1,738 1,933 5,053 5,244 9,977 -10,166 1,770 1,964 1,432 1,628 5 850 887 1,054 3,138 3,372 3,347 3,539 - -

2,253 2,487 2,189 2,423 SSw 975 1,064 1,226 2,317 2,560 3,347 3,590 5.616 5,859 2,317 2.560 1,223 1,466 SW 1,435 1,439 1,574 2,221 2,439 - -

2,993 3,210 2 ,4 14 2.632 2,221 2,439 usw 595 561 660 2,301 2,463 5,182 5,341 - -

2,446 2,608 2,301 2,463 W 685 640 681 5,556 3,635 5,118 5,195 - -

4,088 4,166 3,556: 3,635 WNw 810 701 676 3,605 3,590 4,538 4,521 22,529 22,507 3,605 3,590 3,605 3,590 Nw 655 567 482 1,464 1,415 - -

10,944 10,832 4,570 4.461 1,432 1,393.

NNW 645 558 420 1,464 1,285 - -

15.450 15.262- 3,959 3.774 -1,143 1,253

. NOTE: ,

  • Distarices f or ground releases are measured from the centerpoint between the BVPS-i and BVPS-2 Containment Evildings.

Distances for elevated release are measured from the BVPS-1 Cooling Tower.

Elevated release is appitcable to the Process Vent.

Cround release is applicable to all other release points.

Site boundary ground releases: (1) BVPS-2 Turbine Building and Condensate .Polishinr. Raildina.

(2) All other ground release points.

UE 2 2-33 . REVISION O

~ --- . - - . - - .. ,,-- ,.- - - . - - - , , , - - . - - , , . , , - . - , . . , . . . - . . . - - , , . - .,-. - .. - - - . - .. . ..

t 1

1 -

i v'-'

j i

i BV-1 ooc!l j



l Individual Receptors Distances to the Centrol Locaties, is sites i Down- a

! wind site vege- Meet .

sec- Round- table Milk Milk Ani- Resi- 0-3.5- 1.0- 1.5- 2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-ter ary Carden Cow Coat mal desce _ 0. 5__ 1.0 1.5 _ 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 i

N 125.0 12.30 -

5.360 6.27 13.50 233.0 39.5 18.70 11.80 7.68 5.82 4.240 3.480 2.He 2.230 l 1.830 1.Sf.0 l NNE  %.2 6.92 -

2.040 6.42 7.16 148.0 26.8 10450 6.62 4.60 3.44 2.690 2.190 NE 102.0 47.40 1.200 0.265 1.20 49.10 120.0 21.6 11.6W 6.99 4.81 3.55 2.370 1.910 1.450 t.230 ENE 85.8 11.50 -

0.324 -

42.20 103.0 18.4 9.55 5.70 4,14 3.04 2.340 1.800 1.260 1.060 E 54.5 6.16 0.807 1.910 1.91 32.60 89.5 15.7 6.00 3.65 2.40 1.83 1.300 1.040 0.859 0.726 Est 31.1 6.92 -

3.010 6.92 6.92 59.1 10.5 5.16 3.10 1.95 1.43 1.020 0.815 0.412 0.517 0.768 0.649 st 27.8 6.70 0.9% 0.9% 2.74 6.70 65.9 12.0 5.M9 3.54 2 . '.1 1.77 1.160 G.931 sst 24.1 6.68 1.030 0.372 6.50 9.01 67.2 12.0 5.44 3.30 1.91~ 1.41 0.997

  • O.803 0.665 0.563 5 27.5 3.40 3.090 -

5.57 5.21 59.9 17.5 6.77 4.11 2.84 2.10 1.490 1.200 0.999 0.048 ssu 23.8 6.31 3.700 1.740 6.31 19.30 110.0 19.9 7.83 4.00 3.33 2.48 1.%0 1.580 1.190 1.020


su 22.3 13.90 -

9.050 12.30 13.90 160.0 29.2 16.10 9.M 5.85 4.37 3.430 2.790 2.110 1.000 j 3.090.

> vsW 163.0 19.30 5.720 -

17.70 19.30 283.0 49.8 23.50 14.60 -10.30 7.72 5.693 4.650 3.620 1

u 278.0 15.70 9.540 -

13.60 ~3.70 615.0 103.0 49.00 31.00 15.40 11.70 9.320 7.660 6.460 5.550 i 92.10 59.20 40,60 31.20 25.000 20.700 14.200 12.200 UNW 487.0 40.70 30.100 1.810 40.70 40.70 1290.0 203.0 NW 924.0 1 % .00 -

8. M0 40.50 200.00 1710.0 262.0 123.00 79.80 55.00 41.30 34.000 28.200 19.400 16.700 i

i NNW 302.0 63.00 -

1.720 15.40 92.30 547.0 86.4 40.30 26.20 17.60 13.50 10.100 8.350 6.560 5.660 i

3 7




Individual Receptors Distances to the Control Location, la miles Down-wind Site Vege- Meat Sec- Bound- t able Milk Milk Ani- Resi- 0- 0.5- 1.0- 1.5- 2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-tor ary Carmen Cow Coat mal dence 0.5 1.0 1.5 2s0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 152.0 15.00 -

5.980 7.06 15.90 276.0 49.9 22.70 13.70 8.75 6.52 4.69 3.810 2.900 2.470 NNE 62.3 7.66 -

2.150 7.08 7.95 189.0 32.0 12.20 7.31 4.99 3.69 2.87 2.320 1.920 1.630 NE 132.0 57.90 1.240 0.269 1.24 60.20 156.0 24.8 12.70 7.51 5.09 3.73 2.47 1.980 1.500 1.270 ENE 110.0 13.60 -

1.270 -

50.40 135.0 20.6 10.20 6.01 4.31 3.14 2.41 1.930 1.290 1.080 E 67.8 6.66 0.828 1.990 1.99 38.80 116.0 17.7 6.57 3.86 2.61 1.90 1.34 1.070 0.843 0.774 -

ESE 38.0 7.64 -

3.200 7.64 .7.64 76.7 11.9 5.59 3.29 2.05 1.49 1.05 0.042 0.630 0.531 SE 33.3 7.27 1.030 1.030 2.88 7.27 86.2 13.5 6.37 3.75 2.53 '. 84 1.20 0.960 0.790 0.666 SSE 29.1 7.41 1.080 0.382 7.19 10.10 87.0 13.7 3.98 3.53 2.02 1.48 1.04 0.833 0.688 0.531 s 32.8 3.65 3.300 -

6.10 6.38 127.0 20.3 7.56 4.48 3.04 2.23 1.57 1.260 1.050 0.885 SSW 28.7 7.08 4 .040 1.850 7.08 22.90 140.0 23.6 8.87 5.28 3.60 2.66 2.07 1.670 1.260 1.070 su 26.2 15.70 -

9.980 13.80 15.70 204.0 34.8 18.40 11.40 6.38 .4.71 3.66 2.960 2.230 1.900 usw 201.0 22.40 6.230 -

20.40 22.40 347.0 61.3 27.70 16.60 11.40 8.49 6.19 5.020 3.880 3.300 W 345.0 18.00 10.600 -

14.70 18.00 715.0 132.0 60.30 36.50 17.70 13.20 10.40 8.440 7.060 6.040 WNW 598.0 48.60 35.000 1.920 48.60 48.60 1410.0 269.0 120.00 73.00 48.50 36.40 28.70 23.400 15.900 13.600 NW 1030.0 262.00 -

9.520 47.80 271.00 1820.0 350.0 164.00 100.00 66.60 50.10 39.50 32.300 21.900 18.800 NWW 34 5 .0 83.40 -

1.840 18.10 121.00 601.0 114.0 52.80 32.20 21.00 15.80 11.60 9.460 7.360 6.310 ISSUE 2 2-35 REVISION O

O O O BV-1 ODCM TABLE 2.2-6.



Individual Receptore Distances _to the Control Location, in miles Down-wind Site

  • Vege- Heat sec- sound- table Milk Milk Ani- Resi- 0- 0.5- 1.0- 1.'5 ,

2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-toe ary Carden Cow Coat mal desce 0.5 1.0 1.5 _ 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 0.0082 6.720 -

1.910 2.27 6.790 0.0289 23.1000- 4.2700 5.32 2.% 1.91 1.480 1.200 0.996 0.8%

NNE 0.0280 6.590 -

1.430 6.14 6.890 0.0175 14.5000 6.9800 5.47 3.27 2.69 1.770 1.430 1.290 1.100 NE 0.0110 .074 1.610 'O.350 1.61 0.055 0.0069 0.1160 .2300 7.10 5.38 3.68 2.880 2.090 1.880 1.570 ENE 0.0110 9.090 -

1.770 -

0.525 0.0135 0.3310 7.2800 6.02 4.75 3.22 2.620 2.430 1.710 ,



E 0.0 %0 8.300 1.240 2.870 2.87 8.500 0.0124 17.1000 7.8600 6.20 3.67 2.83 2.190 1.730 1.280 1.200 ESE 0.0420 11.600 -

4.570 11.60 11.200 0.0208 12.7000 8.140C 4.78 3.00 2.20 1.360 1.160 0.830 0.727 SE 0.0750. 7.890 1.230 1.230 3.05 7.890 0.4770 7.4000 7.5700 4.45 2.79 2.05 1.460 1.180 0.811 0.686 SSE 0.2060 7.390 1.160 0.357 7.20 9.770 0.3030 9.4400 6.9300 4.06 2.54 1.89 1.170 0.937 0.646 0.%6 S 5.740 3.760 3.490 -

6.06 6.310 0.7960 8.5100 8.4900 4.98 3.37 2.47 1.380 1.110 0.774 0.655 ssW 7.640 3.610 2.140 0.872 3.61 5.820 26.1000 9.1000 4.0300 3.11 2.11 1.% 1.030 0.834 0.807 0.684 su '6.500 3.900 -

2.560 3.47 3.900 36.1000 15.9000 4.9300 3.12 1.77 1.57 1.210 1.060 1.150 0.977

  • wiu 0.126 4.350 1.420 -

3.98 4.330 0.3870 17.8000 4.9000 3.53 2.36 1.H 1.460 1.210 0.920 0.781 tt 0.029 2.490 0.746 -

2.02 2.490 0.0147 8.7200 6.2300 3.68 2.50 1.84 0.741 1.120 0.851 0.795 WNW 0.033 2.530 1.780 0.163 2.53 2.530 0.0202 0.0%9 0.0009 3.07 2.50 1.84 1.110 0.686 0.791 0.731 NW 0.001 0.074 -

0.305 1.67 0.073 0.0084 0.0650 0.1170 3.H 2.30 1.69 1.210 0.903 0.804 0.683 NNW 0.008 6.M0 -

0.224 1.81 6.590 0.0135 6.7800 5.0200 2.96 1.93 1.49 1.050 0.849 0.705 0.599

  • Elevated release X /Q value at site boundary location where ground level release X/Qs maximise.




Individual Receptors Distances to the Contaal Locatloa, in elles Down-cind Site Vege- Meat .

Sec- Sound- table Milk Milk .Ani- Resi- 0- 0.5- 1.0- 1.5- 2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-ter ary C,arden Cow Coat mal _ dence 0. 5_ 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 _ 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 105.0 -14.00 -

5.740 6.74 14.80 244.0 42.6 20.50 12.70 8.18 6.15 4.45 3.640 2.770 2.380 NNE 102.0 7.37 -

2.130 6.83 7.64 161.0 28.8 11.40 6.94 4.79 3.56 2.78 2.250 1.870 1.590 NE 96.6 51.90 1.230 0.268 1.23 53.80 132.0 23.0 12.10 7.24 4.95 3.64 2.42 1.950 1.480 1.250 ENE 84.1 13.20 -

1.280 -

46.30 115.0 19.4 9.89 5.85 4.23 3.09 2.34 1.900 1.270 1.070 E 60.7 6.49 .829 F.980 1.98 35.70 99.2 16.6 6.32 3.75 2.55 1.87 1.32 1.060 0.871 0.735 ESE 37.1 7.25 -

3.100 7.25 7.25 65.8 11.1 5.36 3.19 2.00 1.46 1.03 0.829 0.621 0.524 SE 41.8 7.06 1.020 1.020 2.85 7.06 73.5 12.6 6.12 3.64 2.47 1.81 1.18 0.945 0.779 0.658 SSE 34.0 7.16 1.070 0.384 6.96 9.69 74.2 12.7 5.71 3.41 1.97 1.45 1.02 0.818 0.676 0.572 S 32.7 3.64 3.310 -

6.00 6.27 109.0 18.6 7.13 4.29 2.94 2.17 1.53 1.230 1.020 0.866 SSW 29.7 6.73 3.890 1.800 6.73 20.90 120.0 21.3 8.31 5.03 3.46 2.57 2.00 1.620 1.230 1.060 SW 24.1 14.80 -

9.550 13.10 14.80 174.0 31.2 17.20 10.40 6.10 4 .54 3.54 2.870 2.170 1.850 WSW 159.0 20.80 6.010 -

19.10 20.80 301.0 53.6 25.30 15.60 10.80 8.09 5.93 4.830 3.750 3.200 W 264.0 16.90 10.100 -

13.90 16.90 636.0 111.0 53.90 33.50 16.50 12.40 9.82 8.040 6.760 5.790 WNW 404.0 44.50 32.500 1.870 44.50 44.50 1310.0 218.0 104.00 65.40 44.20 33.60 26.70 27.000 15.000 12.900 MW 735.0 216.00 -

9.100 43.90 222.00 1720.0 27?.0 140.00 88.80 60.30 45.90 36.60 30.100 30.600 17.700 NNW 247.0 71.00 -

1.820 17.00 99.40 557.0 924.0 45.90 28.90 19.20 14.60 10.80 8.880 6.950 5.900._

  • l 2-37 ISSUE 2 REVISION O


\ )




FOR CONTINU0US CROUND LEVEL RELEASES FOR SPECI AL DISTANCES (IDENTIFIED IN TABLE 2.2-3) AND SELECTED CONTROL IECATIONS Individual Receptors Distances to the Control Location, in miles Down-wind Site Vege- Meat Sec- Bound- table Milk Hilk Ani- Resi- 0- 0.5- 1.0- 1.5- 2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-tor ary Carden Cow Coat sat dence 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 _4.5 3.0 s

0 125.00 12.80 -

5.360 6.27 13.50 233.0 39.50 18.70 11.80 7.68 5.82 4.240 3.400 2.660 2.280 NNE 50.20 6.92 -

2 040 6.42 7.16 148.0 26.80 10.80 6.62 4.60 3.44 2.690 2.190 1.830 1.560 NE 102.00 47.40 1.20 0.265 1.20 49.10 120.0 21.60 11.60 6.99 4.81 3.55 2.370 1.910 1.450 1.230 ENE 85.80 12.50 .- 1.240 -

42.20 103.0 18.40 9.55 5.70 4.14 3.04 2.340 1.840 1.260 1.060 E 54.50 6.16 0.867 1.910 1.91 32.60 89.5 15.70 6.08 3.65 2.49 1.83 1.300 1.040 0.859 0.726 ESE 31.10 6.92 -

3.010 6.92 6.92 59.1 10.50 5.16 3.10 1.95 1.43 1.020 0.815 0.612 0.517 st 27.80 6.70 0.994 0.994 2.74 6.70 65.9 12.00 5.89 3.54 2.41 1.77 1.160 0.931 0.768 0.669 SSE 24.10 6.68 1.030 0.372 6.50 9.01 67.2 12.00 5.46 3.30 1.91 1.41 0.997 0.803 0.665 0.563 s 27.50 3.40 3.090 -

5.57 5.81 99.9 17.50 6.77 4.11 2.84 2.10 1.490 1.200 0.999 0.848 ssw 23.80 6.31 3.700 1.740 6.31 19.30 110.0 19.90 7.83 4.80 3.33 2.48 1.940 1.580 1.190 1.020 su . 22.30 13.90 -

9.050 12.30 13.90 160.0 29.20 16.10 9.94 5.85 4.37 3.4 30 2.790 2.110 1.000 usu 163.00 19.33 5.720 -

17.70 19.30 283.0 49.80 23.50 14.60 10.30 7.72 5.690 4.650 3.620 3.090-W 278.00 15.70 9.540 -

13.00 15.70 615.00 103.00 49.00 31.00 15.40 11.70 9.320 7.660 6.460 5.550 WNW 487.00 40.70 30.100 1.810 40.70 40.70 1290.00 203.00 92.10 59.20 40.60 31.20 25.000 20.700 14.200 12.200 MW 924.00 194.00 -

8.660 40.50 200.00 1710.00 262.00 123.00 79.80 55.00 42.30 34.000 2s.200 19.400 16.700 NNW 302.00 63.00 -

1.720 15.40 92.30 547.00 86.40 40.80 26.30 17.60 13.50 10.100 8.350 6.560 5.660 ISSUE 2 2-38 REVISION O

O O O 1



Individual Receptors Distances to the Control Location, in alles Down-wind Site Vege- Heat -

Sec- Bound- table Milk Hilk

  • Aci- Resi- 0- 0.5- 1.0- 1.5- 2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-ter ary Carden Cow Coat mal dence 0.5_ 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4,0 4.5 5.0 N 125.00 12.80 -

5.360 6.27 13.50 233.0 39.50 18.70 11.80 7. : 5.82 4.240 3.480 2.660 2.280 NNE $0.20 6.92 -

2 040 6.42 7.16 148.0 26.80 10.80 6.62 4.60 a.44 2.690 2.190 1.830 1.560 NE 102.00 47.40 1.20 0.265 1.20 49.10 120.0 21.60 11.60 6.99 4.81 3.55 2.370 1.910 1.450 1.230 ENE 85.80 12.50 -

1.240 -

42.20 103.0 18.40 9.55 5.70 4.14 3.04 2.340 1.880 1.260 1.060 E 54.50 6.16 0.8C7 1.910 1.91 32.60 89.5 15.70 6.08 3.65 2.49 1.83 1.300 1.040 0.e59 0.726 ESE 31.10 6.92 -

3.010 6.92 6.92 59.1 10.50 5.16 3.10 1.95 1.43 1.020 0.815 0.612 0.517 SE 27.80 6.70 0.994 0.994 2.74 6.70 65.9 12.00 5.89 3.54 2.41 1.77 1.160 0.931 0.768 0.649 SSE 24.10 6.68 1.030 0.372 6.50 9.01 67.2 12.00 5.46 3.30 1.91 1.41 0.997 0.803 0.665 0.563 S 27.50 3.40 3.090 -

5.57 5.81 99.9 17.50 6.77, 4.11 2.84 2.10 1.490 1.200 0.999 0.848 SSW 23.80 6.31 3.700 1.740 6.31 19.3G 110.0 19.90 7.83 4.80 3.33 2.48 1.940 1.580 1.190 1.020 SW 22.30 13.90 -

9.050 12.30 13.90 160.0 23.26 16.10 9.94 5.85 4.37 3.430 2.790 2.110 1.800 WSW 163.00 19.30 5.720 -

17.70 19.30 283.0 49.80 23.50 14.60 10.30 7.72 5.690 4.650 3.620 3.090 W 278.00 15.70 9.540 -

13.00 15.70 615.00 103.00 49.00 31.00 15.40 11.70 9.320 7.660 6.460 5.550 WNW 487.00 40.70 30.100 1.810 40.70 40.70 1290.00 203.00 92.10 59.20 40.60 31.20 25.000 20.700 14.200 12.200 NW 924.00 194.00 -

S.660 40.50 200.00 1710.00 262.00 123.00 79.80 55.00 42.30 34.000 28.200 19.400 16.700 NNW 302.00 63.00 -

1.720 15.40 92.30 547.00 86.40 40.80 26.30 17.60 13.50 10.100 8.350 6.560 5.660 t

d .

2-39 ISSUE 2




Individual Receptors Distances to the Control Location, in miles


town-eind Site Vege- Meat S c- Bound- table Milk Milk Ani- Resi- 0- 0.5- 1.0- 1.5- 2.0- 2.5- 3.0- 3.5- 4.0- 4.5-ter ary Carden Cow Coat mal dance 0.5 - 1.0 1.5 2.0' 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 N 105.0 14.00 -

5.740 6.74 14.80 244.0 42.6 20.50 12.70 8.18 6.15 4.45 3.640 2.770 2.380 NME 102.0 7.37 -

2.130 6.83 7.64 161.0 28.8 11.40 6.94 4.79 3.56 2.78 2.250 1.870 1.590 NE 96.6 51.90 1.230 0.268 1.23 53.80 132.0 23.0 12.10 7.24 4.95 3.64 2.42 1.950 1.4 80 1.250 -

ENE 84.1 13.20 -

1.280 -

46.30 115.0 19.4 9.39 5.85 4.23 3.09 2.33 1.900 1.270 1.070 E 60.7 6.49 .829 1.980 1.98 35.70 99.2 16.6 6.32 3.75 2.55 1.87 1.32 1.000 0.871 0.735 ESE 37.1 7.25 -

3.100 7.25 7.25 65.8 11.1 5.36 3.19 2.00 1.46 1.03 0.829 0.621 0.524 SE 41.8 7.0C 1.020 1.020 2.85 7.06 73.5 12.6 6.12 3.64 2.47 1,81 1.18 0.945 0.779 0.658 SSE 34.0 7.16 1.070. 0.384 6.96 9.69 74.2 12.7 . 5.71 3.41 1.97 1.45 1.02 0.818 0.676 0.572 S 32.7 3.64 3.310 -

6.00 6.27 109.0 18.6 7.13 4.29 2.94 2.17 1.53 1.230 1.020 0.866 SSW 29.7 6.73 3.890 1.800 6.73 20.90 120.0 21.3 8.31 5.03 3.46 2.57 2.00 1.620 1.230 1.040 SW 24.1 14.80 -

9.550 13.10 14.80 174.0 31.2 17.20 10.40 6.10 4.54 3.54 2.870 2.170 1.850 WSW 159.0 20.80 6.010 -

19.10 20.80 301.0 53.6 25.30 15.60 10.80 8.09 5.93 4.830 3.750 3.200 W 264.0 16.90 10.100 -

13.90 16.90 636.0 111.0 53.90 33.50 16.50 12.40 9.82 81040 6.760 5.790 WNW 404.0 44.50 32.500 1.670 44.50 44.50 1310.0 218.0 104.00 65.40 44.20 33.60 26.70 22.000 15.000 12.900 NW 739.0 216.00 -

9.100 43.90 222.00 1720.0 279.0 140.00 88.80 60.30 45.90 36.60 30.100 20.600 17.700 NNW 247.0 71.00 -

1.820 17.00 99.40 557.0 924.0 45.90 28.90 19.20 14.60 10.80 8.880 6.950 5.980 2-40 ISSUE 2 REVISION O

O O o-v i


TABLE 2.2-11 i


1 Total Body Canuna Air Beta Air Skin Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor

M N K' L i i

i (mrea/yr per pCi/m ) (mrad /yr per UCi/m3 ) (mrad /yr per DCi/m )

i Radionuclide (mrem /yr per DCi/m )

--- 1.93E+01 2.88E+02 Kr-83m 7.56E-02 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 i Kr-85m ..

1.95 E+0 3 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 Kr-85 1.03E+04 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 Kr-87 2.93E+03 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 Kr-88 1.06E+04 1.66E+04- 1.01E+04 1.73E+04 Kr-89 7.83E+03 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 Kr-90 1.11E+03 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 Xe-131m 1.48E+03 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 Xe-133m 1.05E+03 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 Xe-133 7.39E+02 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 Xe-135m 2.46E+03 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 Xe-135 1 27E+04 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 Xe-137 4.75E+03 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03 Ar-41 8.84E+03

  • The listed dose facters are for radionuclides that may be detected in gaseous effluents.





  • I V 3 3 V B , B Total' Body I Gamma Air Total I Body Camma Air i

Dose Rate' Dose Rate Dose Rate Dose Rate mrem /yr mraNyr mrem /yr mrad /yr Noble Gas.

pCi/sec pCi/see pCi/sec Radionuclides pCi/sec Kr-83m 3.19E-10 1.75E-8 4.58E-8 3.96E-5 Kr-85m 7.81E-5 1.16E-4 4.70E-4 7.06E-4 Kr-85 1.55E-6 2.35E-6 5.54E-6 8.40E-6 Kr-87 5.13E-4 7.74E 4 1.45E-3 2.19E-3 Kr-88 1.39E-3 2.09E-3 4.09E-3 6.16E-3 Kr-89 7.99E-4 1.20E-3 1. 3E-3 1.88E-3 Xe-131m 1.64E-5 2.47E-5 1.67E-4 3.09E-4 Xe-133m 1.38E-5 2.11E-5 1.32E-4 2.61E-4 Xe-133. 1.05E-5 1.56E-4 1.54E-4 2.76E-4 Xe-135m 2.41E-4 3.66E-4 6.212-4 9.50E-4 Xe-135 1.41E-4 2.12E-4 6.96E-4 1.05E-3 Xe-137 ' 6.00E-5 9.05E-5 9.66E-5 1.46E 4 1.22E-3 2.22E-3 3.34E-3


Xe-138 Ar-41 8.11E-4 1.02E-3 1.53E-3 2.68E-3 4.02E-3

  • The listed dose parameters are for radionuclides that may be detected in gaseous effluents.

I 1

V and B gvalues used to implement Modes 1, 2, and 3 of Section 2.2.1. (10CFR20) i l 2 B1 values used to implement Modes 1.-2, 3, and 4 of Section 2.3.1. (10CFR50) 3 V and B gvalues to implement Mode 4 of Section 2.2.1. (10CFR20) and to implement monitor setpoint determinations of Section 2.1.2 and 2.1.4 l

l l

l l


ISSUE 2 2-42 REVIS10b 0 l



NUCLIDE BONE LIVER, T. BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI H-3 0.00E-01 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 CR-51 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.54E 02* 8.55E 01 2.43E 01 1.70E 04 1.08E 03 MN-54 0.00E-01 4.29E 04 9.51E 03 0.00E-01 1.00E 04 1.58E 06 2.29E 04 FE-59 2.07E 04 3.34E 04 1.67E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.27E 06 7.07E 04 CO-57 0.00E-01 9.03E 02 1.'07E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 5.07E 05 1.32E 04 CO-58 0.00E-01 1.77E 03 3.16E 03 0.00'E-01 0.00E-01. 1.11E 06 3.44E 04 CO-60 0.00E-01 1.31E 04 2.26E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 7.07E 06 9.62E 04 ZN-65 4.26E 04 1.13E 05 7.03E 04 0.00E-01 7.14E 04 9.95E 05 1.63E 04 SR-89 5.99E 05 0.00E-01 1.72E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.16E 06 1.67E 05 SR-90 1.01E 08 0.00E-01 6.44E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.48E 07 3.43E 05 ZR-95 1.90E 05 4.18E 04 3.70E 04 0.00 E-01 5.96E 04 2.23E 06 6. l t r. 04 NB-95 2.35E 04 S.18E 03 6.55E 03 0.00E-01 8.62E 03 6.14E 05 3.10E 04 NB-97 4.29E-01 7.70E-02 3.60E-02 0.00E-01 8.55E-02 3.42E 03 2.78E 04 HO-99 0.00E-01 1.72E 02 4.25E 01 0.00E-01 3.92E 02 1.35E 05 1.27E 05 tC-99 4.96E 02 5.51E 02 1.98E 02 0.00E-01 6 48E 03 1.25E 06 2.87E 04 AG-110M 1.69E 04 1.14E 04 9.14E 03 0.00E-01 2.12E 04 5.48E 06 1.00E 05 SB-124 5.74E 04 7.40E 02 2.00E 04 1.26E 02 0.00E-01 3.242 06 1.64E 05 SB-125 9.84E 04 7.59E 02 2.07E 04 0.10E 01 0.00E-01 2.32E 06 4.03E 04 I-131 4.81E 04. 4.81E 04 2.73E 04 1.62E 07 7.88E 04 0.00E-01 2.84E 03 CS-134 6.51E 05 1.01E 06 2.25E 05 0.bOE-01 3.30E 05 1.21E 05 3.35E 03 CS-137 9.07E 05 8.25E 05 1.28E 05 0.00E-01 2.82E 05 1.04E 05 3.62E 03 BA-140 7.40E 04 6.48E 01 4.33E 03 0.00E-01 2.11E 01 1.74E 06 1.02E 05 LA-140 6.44E 02 2.25E 02 7.55E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.83E 05 2.26E 05 CE-141 3.92E 04 1.95E 04 2.90E 03 0.00E-01 8.55E 03 5.44E 05 5.66; 04 CE-154 6.77E 06 2.12E 06 3.61E 05 0.00E-01 1.17E 06 1.20E 07 3.89E 05 ISSUE 2 2-43 REVISION O

BV-1 ODCM 2.3 Compliance with 10 CFR 50 (Gaseous)

' s kj At the Beaver Valley Site all elevated gaseous releases are considered to originate from a shared radwaste system. The effluent from both Units are mixed and discharged from a common release point, the process vent, at the top of the Unit 1 cooling tower. The resulting dose for the purpose of implementing 10 CFR 50 is normally apportioned equally to each unit. The only exception would be a containment purge via the process vent. The resulting dose shall be attributed to the contributing reactor unit. Since this operation is expected to be rare, equations are shown throughout this section with the apportionment set at 0.5.

2.3.1 Noble Gases Cumulation of Doses Section II.B.1 of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50 (BVTS limits the releases of gaseous effluents from each reactor such that the estimated annual gamma air dose is limited to 10 millirad and the beta air dose is limited to 20 millirad. In addition, BVTS requires use of radwaste system if air doses when averaged over 31 days exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma and 0.4 mrad for beta. Based upon NCREG-0133, the air dose limits in the unrestricted area due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents are defined by the following expressions:

During any calendar quarter, for gamma radiation:

7-() 3.17E-8 I 1


Mg [(X/Q) Qh ' + (XI9)v9 1v] + (B Q , + bf g ,]

5 5 mrad, (2.3-1)

During any calendar quarter, for beta radiation:

3.17E-S I N '

(X/Q) Q , + (X/q),q + (X/Q),Q , + (X/q)s 91s 5 10 mrad, 1 . .

l (2.3-2) i During any calendar year, for gamma radiation:

e q l

3.17E-8 E M [(X/Q),Q + (X/q),q ,] + (B Q , + b q ,)

3 5 10 mrad,

i. .

l (2.3-3) l During u c lendar year, for beta radiation:

l l

3.17E-8 Z N + 5 20 mrad,

, . 1 (F./f-')vQ iv (X/q)vq iv + (X/Q)sQ. is + (X/q) 1 1 .

! (2.3-4)

,im t 1 l

's / 2-44 ISSUE 2 l



BV-1 ODCM When averaged over 31 days, for the gamma radiation projection:


i -

I 3.17E-8 I 5 0.2 mrad, Q 1y + (X/q)yq 1y] + [Bjg Q , + bg g ,]

M j i _ g [(X/Q)y '


Averaged over 31 days, for the beta radiation projection:

3.17E-8 I N g (X/Q)yQgy + (X/q)yggy + (X/Q),Q s 0.4 mrad 1 , + (X/q),q3 ,

i . j (2.3-6) where:

Mg = the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide "i", mrad /yr per pCi/m';

N = the air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified I

noble gas radionuclide "i", mrad /yr per pCi/m ; 8 i

(X/Q) = the annual average relative concentration for areas at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for long-term vent releases (greater than 500 hrs / year), sec/m';

(X/q)v = unrestricted the relative concentration for areas at or beyond the area boundary for short-term vent releases '

(v ) (equal to or less than 500 hrs / year), sec/m';

(X,Q)* = the annual average relative concentration for areas at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for long-term free 8 standing stack releases (greater than 500 hrs / year), sec/m ;

(X/q)* = the relative concentration for areas at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for short-term frea standing stack releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs / year), sec/m';

q, = release of noble gas radionuclide "i" in gaseous effluents f

for short-term stack releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs / year), pCi; q *."

= release of noble gas radionuclide "i" in gaseous effluents for short-term vent releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs / year), uCi;

= release of noble gas radionuclide "i" in gaseous effluents Q'* for long-term free standing stack releases (greater than 500 hrs / year), pCi;

= release of noble gas radionuclide "1" in gaseous effluents Q *. "

for long-term vent releases (greater than 500 hrs / year), uCi; 7x, I

'x_ / 2-45 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0 l

l l


.B'g =~the -const' ant for 'long-term releases- (greater than 500 f] hrs / year) for'each identified' noble . gas radionuclide. "i"

(/ . accounting .for. the gamma radiation from-the elevated finite plume, mrad /yr'per pCi/sec; b


= the constant for short-term releases (e'qual to or less than ' i 500 hrs / year) for each. identified noble gas radionuclide '? i

l accounting for the gamma radiation from the elevated finite 'i plume, mrad /yr per pCi/sec; --

3.17E-8 = the inverse ~of the number of seconds in a year.- .

NUREG 0133 permits eliminating the short-term release term and short-term meteorological terms in the determination of doses when. short term releases are sufficiently random in both time of day ~and duration to be represented


j by annual average dispersion conditions. l This special consideration is applied in expressions 2.3-1 through 2.3-6,- ,

however a summary of the "real time" meteorological data coupled with the l corresponding releases : sha111 be- included in the Semi-Annual ~ Radioactive'  !

Effluent Release Report.  ;

1 Short-term releases are also evaluated annually -in computer codes technically consistant with XOQD0Q and GASPAR for inclusion in the Annual Radiological Environmental Report.

The . incorporation of this option and the release modes.of Table 2.3-1 the following expressions to show compliance with 10 CFR 50' for

-the calendar quarter or year.

For Release Modes 1, 2, 3,.2nd 4 During any month, calendar quarter, or year:

Gamma Radiation (mrad) 0.2 mrad (per 31 days)  ;

3.17E-8 I Mg !(X/Q)cyQ g + (.W )yyQ g } +.0.5 Bgg Q 5 S.0 mrad (per quarter) i, cv vv pv . 10.0 mrad (per year)

(2.3-7) i l

Beta Radiation (mrad) 0.4 mrad (per 31 days) 3.17E-8 I N g (X/Q)cyQ g + M )yyQ.g + M (.W py Qg 5 10.0 mrad (per quarter) l 1 cv vv pv. 20.0 mrad (per year) -

(2.3-8) where:

l i

(X/Q) " = annual average relative concentration for releases from the Containment Building Vent, sec/m ; 8 d 2-46 ISSUE 2 I REVISION 0 l


- /~~N -(X/Q) # = annuall~ average relative concentration for releases from the

(); Ventilation Vent, sec/m*;-

(X/Q)P', =Processannual average relative concentration.for releases from the Vent, sec/m'; .

(X/Q)"" = annual average relative concentration for-releases from the

. Turbine Building Vent, sec/m ;8 Qj = release of radionuclide "i" from.the Containment Building


cv' Vent, pCi; Q. = release of radionuclide "i" from the Ventilation Vent, pCi; 3

.vv Qj = release of radionuclide "i" from the Process Vent, pCi; PV Qj = release of radionuclide "i" from the Turbine Building Vent, tv pCi;

'For modes 1, 2, 3, and 4 the controlling location is 0.35 miles hV.

Substitution of the appropriate X/Q values into Expressions 2.3-7 and 2.3-8 results in the following:

Release Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4 During any month, calendar quarter or year:

Gamma Radiation (mrad) .

3.17E-8 I Mj [9.24E-5Q j + 1.03E-4Q j + 7.35E-5Q 3 ) + 0.5 B Q jg i, cv vv tv py ,

0.2 mrad (per 31 days) l 5 5.0 mrad (per quarter) (2.3-9) 10.0 mrad (per year) l i

l Beta Radiation -

(mrad) -

3.17E-8 I N j 9.24E-5Q j + 1.03E-4Q 1 + 7.35E-5Q j + (0.5) 7.0E-10Q i cv vv tv py ,

0.4 mrad (per 31 days) 5 10.0 mrad (per quarter) (2.3-10) 20.0 mrad (per year)



3 J

-BV-1 ODCM The determination of the contrciling locations for implementation of 10 CFR e-- 50 is a function of the following-parameters:

'-' (1)- radionuclide mix and their isotopic release (2)' release mode .

(3) meteorology.

The incorporation of these parameters into Expressions 2.3-7 and 2.3 '

resulted in the expressions for the controlling locations s's presented in

- Expressions. 2.3-9 and 2.3-10. The radionuclide mix was based upon source terms calculated using the NRC GALE Code (inputs presented in- Appendix B) and- is presented in Table 2.2-2 as a function of release type and release point.

As in Section 2.2.1, for each release mode, the two highest boundary X/Q-values for each release . point and release duration were utilized in-conjunction with the radionuclide mix and release for each release point to determine the controlling site boundary location. Since elevated releases' occur from the BVPS site and their maximum X/Q values may not decrease with distance (i.e., the site boundary may not have highest X/Q values), the two highest X/Q values for those distances,-greater than the site boundary, were also considered in conjunction with the radionuclide mix to determine the controlling location. These values of X/Q were obtained for the midpoint of the 10 standard distance intervals previously presented in Tables 2.2-4 through-2.2-10.

For each release mode a particular combination of release point mix and meteorology dominates in the determination of the controlling location. For u, release modes 1, 2, 3, and 4, the controlling release is the Ventilation Vent. For release mode - 3, the controlling release is the Containment Puilding Vent.

Values for M g and N,g which were used in the determination of the controlling location and which are to be used by BVPS-1 in Expressions (2.3-

9) and (2.3-10) to show compliance with 10 CFR 50 were presented in Table l 2.2-11. Values taken from Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1 l

were multiplied by 1E6 to convert from picoeuries' to microcuries' for use l in Table 2.2-11.

In the determination of the controlling location for Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4, Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-7 are utilized for X/Q values. The B f

values to be utilized are the same values which were presented in Table 2.2-

12. A description of the derivation of the various X/Q values is presented in Appendix A.

The following relationship should hold for BVPS-1 to show compliance with Technical Specification

2-48 .



l 1-l .

BV-1 ODCt!

r For the calendar quarter:

.g .

Dg 5 5 mrad (2.3-11)

Dg 5 10 mrad (2.3-12)

For the calendar year:

D 5 10 mrad 7


D $ 20 "##d 6

(2*3'l4) where:

D = the air dose from gamma radiation, mrad. -

7 D = the air dose from beta radiation, mrad.

B The quarterly limits given above represent one-half the annual design objective of Section II.B.1 of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50. If any of the limits of Expressions 2.3-11 through 2.3-14 are exceeded, a special report pursuant to both Section IV.A of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50 and Technical Specification must be filed with the NRC at the identified locations.

In addition, B\TS requires that the gaseous radwaste system must be used to reduce radioactive materials in that waste when projected doses (e) v averaged over 31 days exceed any of the following:

D 7.

< 0.2 mrad (2.3-15)

Dg 5 0.4 mrad (2.3-16) Projection of Doses (Noble Gas)

Doses due to gaseous releases from LVPS-1 shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with BVTS and this section. (See also Section Projection of Doses). The Gasecus Radwaste Treatment System and the Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge in accordance with BVTS when the projected gaseous effluent air dose due to gaseous effluent releases from the site averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation. (See also Section Projection of Doses for additional specifications).

The doses used in the 31-day dose projection will be calculated using Expressions 2.3-9 and 2.3-10 as appropriate. The 31-day dose projection shall be performed according to the following equations:

When including pre-release data A+B -

D = I* ( '3 )

31 T g . -

i V 2-49 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0 l

BV-1 CDCH When not including pre-release data rs -


( "A

= (2.3-18)

D 31 - 5.1+


D = Projected.31 day dose, mrad 33 A = Cumulative dose for: quarter, mrad B = Projected dose from this release, mrad T = Current days into quarter C = Value which may be used to anticipate plant trends, mrad 2.3.2 Radioiodine and Particulates Cumulation of Doses Section IIC of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50 (BVTS and limits the release of.radiciodines and radioactive material in particulate form from each reactor such that estimated dose or dose commitment to an individual in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure is- not in excess of.15 mrem to any organ. In addition, BVTS requires the use of gaseous radwaste treatment system when projected doses averaged over 31 days to any organ from gaseous waste would exceed 0.3 mrem. Based upon NUREG-0133, the dose to an organ of an individual from radiciodines and particulates, and radionuclides other than noble gases with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released to unrestricted areas, can

-- be determined by the following expression:

During any month, calendar quarter or year:

0.3 mrem (per 31 days) 3.17E-8 I R [V,Q g, + w ,g q , + W yQiy +wq1y]y 5 7.5 mrem (per quarter) i 15.0 mrem (per calendar year)

(2.3-19) where:

Q = release of radionuclide "i" for long-term free standing stack is releases (greater than 500 hrs /yr), pCi;

= release of radionuclide "i" for long-term vent releases Q'" (greater than 500 hrs /yr), pCi; q = release of radionuclide "i" for short-term free standing is stack releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs /yr), pCi; q" = release of radionuclide "1" for short-term vent releases I

(equal to or less than 500 hrs /yr), pCi; 2-50 ISSUE 2 i REVISION 0 i



-W s.

=. dispersion parameter for.estimatin'g dose to an individual at

. rm the controlling location:for long-term -free standing stack ~

releases (greater than 500 hrs /yr);

!.,~_.y) -'

= sec/m8 for th'e~ inhalation ~ pathway, (57Q),;

's 8

= meters for the food and. ground plane pathway, (D/Q),;.

W = the dispersion parameter- for estimating the. dose to an V

individual at the controlling location. for long-term vent releases (greater than 500 hrs /yr);

= sec/m for the inhalation pathway, (5/Q) ;


= meters ~2 forthefoodandgroundplanepathway,(UTQ)y; w


= dispersion parameter for estimating the dose to an indiv'idual at the controlling location for short-term stack releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs /yr);


= sec/m fortheinhalationpathway,'(%)s i 8

= meters"8 forthefoodandgroundplanepathway,(7q),;

.. L t w u the -dispersion . parameter for estimating the dose to an individual at the controlling location for short-term vent releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs /yr);

= sec/m for the inhalation pathway ( 7q)y; 8

= meters"8 for the food and ground plane pathway, (67q)y; 3.17E-8 = the inverse of the number of seconds in a year; Rg = the dose factor for each identified radionuclide "i" for the.

2 orgar "t" of interest, mrem /yr per pCi/sec per m or mrem /yr per pCi/m 8.


-BV-1 ODCM Radionuclides and particula'tes may be released-from any of the BVPS-1 vents

(~) in the release modes identified in Table 2.3-1. As described previously 'in

(,) (Section at Beaver Valley Unit 1, NUREG 0133 permits use of long-t.erm annual average dispersion calculations .which with the release modes of Table 2.3-1 results, in the following expressions to show compliance with BVTS and BVTS For a particular organ, Expression 2.3-19 becomes: -

3.17E-8 I R h 0.5 W yQg +. W Q 1 +W Qg +V tyQg i pv cv vv tv.

0.3 mrem (per 31 days) 5 7.5 mrem (per quarter) (2.3-20) 15.0 mrem (per calendar year) where:

W p

= dispersion parameter for releases from the Process vent; W = dispersion parameter for releases from the. Containment Building Vent; W ,

= dispersion parameter for releases from the Ventilation Vent; V


= dispersion parameter for releases from the Turbine Building Vent; Q = release of radionuclide "i" from the Process Vent, pCi; Qg = release of radionuclide "i" from the Containment Building cv Vent, pCi; Qg = release of radionuclide "i" from the Ventilation Ver.t. pCi; vv Qg = release of radionuclide "i" from the Turbine Building Vent, tv pCi; The Turbine Building Vent is not normally a radioactive release point. It is included only for use if a radioactive release is identifie d in the future.

In determining the dose at a particular location, dispersion paraueter W, is a function of the pathway. For the food and ground plane pathway, W is in terms of D/Q. If the inhalation pathway is considered, W is in terms of X/Q. Incorporation of the various pathways into Expression 2.3-20 results in the following expression for a particular organ:



"BV-1 ODCM ,

+N cv0' + +

3.17E-8 E. [R + Ei't B ] [0.5 VpyQg tv01 R I

_R 1 vv i vy

[.. i. ,. it G ith!

it V- pv cv



\ ). +

+R g [0.5 (X/Q)pyQ-g +-(X/Q) yQ g + (X/Q)yyQ g (X/Q) yQ g )

vv I pv cv- tv ,

- 0.3 mrem (per'31 days) 5 7.5 mrem (per quarter) (2.3-21) 15.0 mrem (per year) ,


R = dose factor for an organ "t" for radionuclide "1" for the h

G ground plane exposure' pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/sec per m'8; Rg = dose factor for an organ "t" for radionuclide "i" for either H the cow milk or goat milk pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/sec per m ;

.R = dose factor for an organ "t" for radionuclide "1" for the H

V vegetable pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/sec per m~2; R = dose factor for an organ "t" for radionuclide "i" for the meat h

B pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/sec per m"8; l

l R = dose factor for an organ "t" for radionuclide "i" for the l . [s\. II I inhalation pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/m';

j - k)

It should be noted that Wpy, Wcy, and W yy in Expression 2.3-21 are in terms.

l of D/Q(m 8).


Values of the dose factor, Rh , were calculated using the methodology of I NUREG-0133. The following equations were used for all nuclides except

( tritium:

8 (2.3-22)

R it y

( )a ( it)a (mrem /yr Per UCi/m )



K' = a constant of unit conversion IE6 pCi/pCi; (BR) = the breathing rate of the receptor of age group (a), in m 3 /yr; L

l 2-53 ISSUE 2 l


L s

y-BV-1 ODCM each organ - inhalation dose factor-for-the receptor of


(DFAh)a age group (a) for the. "1" th radionuclide, 'in

-f~] _ mrem /pCi. Inhalation dose factors (DFAg) by organ for

-(j f the various age groups are given in Table E-7 through E-p 10 of Regulatory Guide 1.109. Rev.1 or Tables 5 through 8 of NUREG-0172.

.The breathing rates (BR), used for the various age groups are tabulated below. as given 'n Table E-5 of the Regulatory Guide:1.109.

Age Group (a) Breathing Rate (m 8 /yr)

Infant 1400 Child 3700 Teen 8000 Adult 8000 (m** mrem /Yr Per pCi/sec)

Rg = K'K" (SF)DFG h ! (l ~

  • i )/1 ) 1 where:

K' = a constant of unit conversion 1E6 pCi/pCi; K" = a constant of unit conversion, 8760 hr/ year; O A g

= 'the decay constant for the "1" th radionuclide, sec 8; i t = the exposure time, 4.73E8 sec (15 years);

the groundplane dose conversion factor2 for organ "t" for the DFGI * = "1" th radioruc'.ide (mrem /hr per pCi/m ). A tabulation of DFG g values is presented in Table E-6 of Regulatory Guide 1.109; 4

SF = the shielding factor (dimensionless). A shielding factor of 0.7 as suggested in Table E-15 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 is used.

Q ff (1 - f f )e 1*h -A gf t


  • Ps je j it K. F(Uap)F (t)(DFL ) [Ps 4 Y

M kg+1 m it a Y 3 p

(m -mrem /yr per pCi/sec) 8 (2.3-24) nv ISSUE 2 2-54 .


<~ ,,

BQ BV-1 ODCM-where:

~]/m} K'" = a constant of unit. conversion, 1E6 pCi/pC1;

. v .-

Qp = the animals' consumption rate,'in kg/ day (wet' weight);


= the receptor's efik consumption rate, for age (a), in liters /yr;-

Y = the agricultural productivity by unit area o'f pasture p feed grass', in kg/m ;

Y 3

= the agricultural productivity.-by unit area of stored feed, in kg/m*;

= the stable element transfer coefficients, in days / liter; F,

r = fraction 'of deposited activi,ty retained on animals feed grass; the maximum organ ingestion dose factor for the "i" th


(DFLit)a radionuclide for the receptor in' age group (a), in 4

mrem /pC1. Ingestion dose factors (DFL g ,), for ,the various age groups are given in Table E-11 through E-14 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 or Tables 1 through 4 of hTREG-0172.

1 1

= the ' decay constant for the "i" th radionuclide, in sec 5; l


= the decay constant for removal of activity on leaf and plant surfaces by weathering 5.73E-7 sec"8 (corresponding to a 14 day half-life);

t = the transport time from pasture to animal, to milk, to g

receptor, in sec; t = the transport time from pasture, to harvest, to animal, h

to milk, to receptor, in sec; f = fraction of the year that the animal is on pasture p (dimensionless);

f, = fraction of the animal feed,that is pasture grats while the animal is on pasture (dimensionless).

Tabulated below are the parameter values used for cow's milk and their reference to Regulatory Guide 1.109.

1 I

l I

l ' s. 2-55 ISSUE 2 REVISION O i


BV-1 ODCr!

Parameter Value Table

!, ')

r (dimensionless) 1.0 for radioiodine E-15 O.2 for particulates E-15 F, (days / liter) 'Each Stable element E-1 330 E-5 U

ap (liters /yr) - InfantChild 330 E-5 Teen 400 E-5

- Adult 310 E-5 Each radionuclide E-11 to E-14 (DFLh )a (mrem /PCi)

Y (kg/m 8) 0.7 E-15 Y, (kg/m )

8 2.0 E-15 t g (seconds) 1.73E5 (2 days) E-15 t 7.78E6 (90 days) E-15 h (sec nds)

QF (kg/ day) 50 E-3 f 0.5 -

p f, 1.0 _

For goat's milk, all :ues remain the same except for QF which is 6 kg/ day.

U Q ff (1 - fps f )e l'h -1 t if it " K. F(Uap)F (r)(DFL ) [Ps 4 ],

B kg + 1,, f it a Y Yg (m -mrem /yr per pCi/sec) (2.3-25) where:

Fg = the stable element transfer coefficients, in days /kg; U = the receptor's meat consumption rate for age (a) in kg/yr; t = the transport time from pasture to receptor, in see; g

t = the transport time from crop field to receptor, in sec.

g All parameter values are the same as the milk pathway parameter values except Fg which is obtained from Table E-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 and U which is obtained from Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109. The values used are as follows:

d 2-56 ISSUE 2



, BV-1 ODCM Parame.ter ~ Value Table

/' -$ ; F -(days /kg) f Each stable element. . E-1

%' ') '- E-5 U-ap (kg/yr) - Infant .0 Child- 41 E-5 Teen ' E-5 Adult 110 E-5 Han is considered to consume two types of vegetation (fresh and- stored) that.

differ only in the time period between harvest and consumption; therefore:

R gt ,g. ( (r) )(DFL ) [V f e b

' b+Ufe 3 i h) it a aL ag V

Yy (11+l) y

-(m -mrem /yr per pCi/sec) (2.3-26)

- where:

K' = a constant of unit conversion 1E6 pCi/uCi; L

U, = the consumption rate of fresh leafy vegetation by the-receptor in age group (a), in kg/yr; .


. U,

= the consumption rate of stored vegetation by the receptor in age group (a) in kg/yr; ,

f g

= the fraction of the annual intake of fresh leafy vegetation grown locally; f = the fraction of the annual intake of stored vegetation grown.

8 locally;


t = the average time between harvest of leafy vegetation and its g

consumption, in seconds; i

t = the average time between harvest of stored vegetation and its r 3

consumption, in seconds; Y


= the vegetation area density, in kg/m 8; and all other factors are defined previously.

Tabulated below are the appropriate parameter values and their reference to ,

Regulatory Guide 1.109.  ;

1 4


=-+N==w- -e. - a - - - + - -gn,-g-- - * , p_ --y;-VW-t--*rrT-vow '

g BV-1 ODCM Parameter Value' Table

r (dimensionless) l'.0 for radiciodines E-15 0.2 for particulates E-15:

(DFLg),(mrem /pCi) Each'Radionuclide E-11'to E-14 U (kg/yr) - Infant 0 E-5

- a Child 26 E-5 Teen 42 E-5 Adult 64 E-5 U (kg/yr) - Infant. 0 E-_5 a Child 520 E-5 Teen 630 E-5 Adult 520 E f gfdimensionless) 1.0 E-15 Fg 0.76 E-15 (dimensionless) t g (seconds)' 8.6E4 (1 day) E-15 t 5 18E6 (60 days) 'E-15 h (see nds)

Yy (kg/m 8) 2.0 E-15 As discussed in Section 2.2.2, for tritium the_ parameter W for the food pathway is based upon X/Q. The ground plane pathway is_not appropriate for tritium. Therefore, the left-hand portion of Expression 2.3-20 may be s, expressed for purposes of implementation of 40 CFR 190, discussed in Section

.4 0, as:

For tritium:

3.17E-8 (RTt +R Tt , +R Tt +R Tt )_[0.5 (X/Q)pyQT + (X/Q) y .g. Q +

M \ B I pv cv

+ (2.3-27)

(X/Q)yyQ Tys. (X/0)tv0T,y]


R = dose factor for organ "t" for tritium for the milk pathway, Tt M mrem /yr per DCi/sec';

R = dose factor for organ "t" for tritium for the vegetable Tt V pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/m*;

R dose factor for organ "t" for tritium for the beef pathway, Tt mrem /yr per DCi/m';

B R = dose factor for organ "t" for tritium for the inhalation Tt pathway, mrem /yr per pC1/m'.



_t j BV-l'ODCM l Expression 2.3-27.- is used to show complia5ce with'40 CFR 190, as discussed f~N ~ _ in Section 4.0.

a )

. The concentration of tritium in milk is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition. .Therefore, the'RTC is based on [X/Q):


R Tg = K'K'"F,Q 70,p(DFLh)a[0.75(0.5/H)] (mrem /yr per WC1/m')

(2.3-28) where:

K'" = a constant of unit conversion, 10' gm/kg; 'f H = absolute humidity'of the atmosphere, in gm/m';

0. 7.5 = the fraction of total feed that is water; 0.5 = the ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass wcter-to ,

the atmospheric water.

and- other parameters ~ and values are the same as for R g . The value of H M ,

used is 8 grams / meter'. ,

The concentration of tritium in vegetation is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition. Therefore, the Rg is based on V

[X/Q): -

l L S ,

Tt y = K'K'" [U,fg + U,f g](DFLit)a[0.75(0.5/H)]

R f

(mrem /yr per pCi/m8 ) (2:3-29)  !

where all terms have been defined above.

The concentration of tritium in meat is based on its airborne cencentration rather than the deposition. Therefore, the R is based on [X/Q): j Tg R

Tg = K'K'"F f7 Q U,p (DFLh)a[0.75(0.5/H)]

(mrem /yr per pCi/m') (2.3-30) -

where all terms have been defined above.


I 5

-,re.-, -- - , - ~ , - . , . . . . - - . . . - .

. - = - . , . . - ., - , , -. - - - , -

BV-1 ODCM To show compliance with BVTS and BVTS, Equation 2.3-21 is X evaluated at the controlling pathway location. For release modes 1 through

', j 4, the controlling location is a residence 0.69 miles in the NW sector.


Inserting appropriate X/Q values from Tables 2.2-4 to 2.2-10 and D/Q values from Tables 2.3-28 to 2.3-34, Expression 2.3-21 becomes:

Releste Modes 1 through 4 Per month, calendar quarter or year:

3.17E-8 I j [R g +R y ][(0.5)4.22E-10 Q 1 + 1.56E-8 Q + 1.56E-8 Q g + 1.55E-8 G V -

pv vv ,

Q ]+R f [(0.5) 7.30E-9 Q g + 2.00E-5 Q g + 2.71E-5 Q g + 2.22E-5 Q g ]

tv pv cv vv tv ,

0.3 mrem (per 31 days) 5 7.5 mrem (pez quarter) (2.3-31) 15.0 mrem (per year)

For tritium, for purposes of implementation of 40 CFR 190, as discussed in section 4.0, Expression 2.3-28 reduces to:

3.17E-8 [RTt +R Tt ][ 0.5)7.30E 9 Q g + 2.00E-5 Q g + 2.71E-5 Q 1 V I pv cv vv (2.3-32) f'~3 The determination of a controlling locating for implementation of BVTS and BYTS for radiciodines and particulates is a function

(~') of:

(1) radionuclide mix and their isotopic release (2) relsase mode (3) meteorology (4) exposure pathway (5) receptor's age The incorparation of these parameters into Expression 2.3-19 results in the respective equations for each release mode at the controlling location.

In the determination of the controlling locat. n for each release mode. the radionuclide mix of radioiodines and particulates was nased upon the source terms calculated using the GALE code. This mix was presented in Table 2.2-2 as a function of release mode and release point. Far the ground plane exposure pathway, all radionuclides (excluding H-3 and C-14) were considered in the determination of tne controlling location. Fe: the inhala:lon and food pathways H-3 and C-14 were also considered in determination of the controlling location.



BV-1 ODCM In the determination of the controlling location for each release mode, all


( ) of the exposure' pathways, as presented in Table 2.2-3, were staluated.

\- ' These include cow milk, goat milk, beef and vegetable ingestion and inhalation and ground plane exposure. An infant was assumed to be present at all milk pathway locations. A child was assumed to be present at all vegetable garden and beef animal locations. The ground plane and inhalation exposure pathways were considered to be present at all locations.

For the determination of the controlling location, the highest D/Q and X/Q values for each release point and release mode for the vegetable garden, cow milk, and goat milk pathways were selected. The organ dose was calculated at each of these locations using the radionuclide mix and release of Table 2.2-2. Based upon these calculations, it was determined that the controlling location for release modes 1 through 4 is the residence (vegetable garden)/ child pathway.

For release mode 1 through 4, the controlling release point and mix is the Ventilation Vent.

Tables 2.3-2 through 2.3-20 present R g values for the total body, GI-tract, bone, liver, kidney, thyroid, and lung organs for the ground plane, inhalation, cow milk, gost milk, vegetable, and meat ingostion pathways for the infant. child, teen and adult age groups as appropriate to the pathways.

These values .ere calculated using the methodology described in NUREG-0133 using a grazing period of 6 months.

/~'h In the determination of the controlling location fet release Modes 1-4, s/ Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-7 are utilized for the X/Q for releases from the process vent, containment building vent, the ventilation vent, and the turbine building vent. Tables 2.3-28 through 2.3-34 are utilized for long term D/Q values from the process vent, containment building vent, the ventilation vent, and the turbine bsilding vent. A description of the derivation of the various X/Q and D/Q values is presented in Appendix A.

Long-term D/Q values for tha process vent, containment building vent, the ventilation vent, and turbine building vent are provideo for the midpoints of the following distances:

0.0-0.5 mi., 0.5-1.0 mi . 1.0-1.5 mi., 1. 5 -2.0 mi . , 2. 0-2. 5 mi . , 2. 5-3. 0 mi . ,

3.0-3.5 mi., ;.5 4.0 mi., 4.0-4.5 mi., 4.5-5.0 mi.

The values appear in Tab 1es 2.3-21 through 2.3-27. These values may be utilized if an additional special location arises different from those presented in the special locations of Table 2.2-3.

The following relationship should hold for BVPS-1 to show compliance with BVPS Technical Specification 3,11.2.3.

For the calendar quarter:

D 5 7.5 mrem to any organ (2.3-33)




~BV-1 ODCM A. _

For the calendar year:

' [m s ,/


D 5 15 mrem to any organ. .

(2.3-34) where:

Dr = the dose to any organ from radioiodines and particulates, mrem.

t The quarterly limits given above represent one-half the annual design objective of Section IIC of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50. If any of the limits o t' Expressions 2.3-33 and 2.3-34 are exceeded..a special report pursuant to both Section IV.A of Appendix I of 10 CFR 50 and Technical Specification 3,.11.2.3.a must be filed with the NRC at the identified locations. Projection of Doses (Iodines'and Particulates)

Doses -due to gaseous releases from the BVPS-1 shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with BVTS and this section. (See also Section Projection of Doses). The appropriate portions of the Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge in accordance with.BVTS when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent release from the site averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ. . (See also Section Projection of Doses for additional specifications). Doses resulting from the gaseous effluent release of radiciodines and particulates will be calculated for use in the 31-day dose projection using -Expression t'% (2.3-31). The 31-day dose projection shall be performed according to the following equations:

When including pre-release data A+B D

31 T

+ (* ')

When not including pre-release data


i. 'A


D 31


]{ 31 + C (2.3-36).


f D = Projected 31 day dose, mrem .

33 A = Cumulative dose for quarter, mrem B = Projected dose for this release, mrem T = Current days into quarter Value which may be used to anticipate plant trends, mrem

! C =

J k



. (,,l!.



Release Point -Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 BVPS-1 --BVPS-2 8 Main Cond. Air Same as Same as Same as Process Vent (pv) Ejector, Waste Mode 1

  • Mode 1 Mode 1 and Gas, Contain-
  • Containment ,

ment Vacuum . Purge BVPS-1 Ventilation 8 Aux. Bldg. Containment Same as Same as Vent (tv1) . Ventilation Purge 8 Mode 1 Mode 1 BVPS-1 Containment 8 Leakage Same as Same as Same as Vent (evi)- Collection Mode 1 Mode 1 and Mode 1  ;

Exhaust Containment Purge 8 .

t BVPS-1 Turbine Bldg.8 Turbine Bldg Same as Same as Same as  !

Vent (tv1) Exhaust

  • Mode 1* Mode 1* Mode 1*

BVPS-2 Ventilation 8 Contiguous Containment Same as Same as

  • 8 Vent (vv2) Areas Purgc Mode 1 Mode 1 BVPS-2 Containment 8 Aux. Bldg. Same as Same as Same as Vent (cv2) Ventilation Mode 1 Mode 1 and Mode 1 l Containment r 8

Purge f

BVPS-2 Turbine Bldg.8 Turbine Bldg Same as Same as Same as Vent (tv2) Exhaust

  • Mode 1* Mode lw Mode 1* g l- BVPS-2 Condensate 8 * * * * ,

Polishing Bldg. Vent (cp2)

BVPS-2 Decontamination 8 * * *

  • Bldg. Vent (dv2) i BVPS-2 Waste Gas 8 * * *
  • l Storage Vault Vent (wv2)
*Not normally a radioactive release point i Note
For th purpose of implementing 10 CFR 50, batch discharges may use  :

continuous meteorology since short term meteorology is used at the time p

of the annual report.  ;

8 Continuous ground level meteorology is applicable l

8 Continuous elevated meteorology is applicable

' Mode established by purge from one unit, al1 other release points remain same


t i as Mode 1. ,

i l b l

2 63 ISSUE 2 .


I i

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _--.-_. _ . m . _ . ._ ___ _ - _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _. . _ _ .

l O O O

, BV-1 ODCM TABLE 2.0-2 i


4 I

Pathway = Inhal

Age Group
  • Adult

! r Nuclide T-Body CI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney _ Thyroid Lunt Skin

! H 3 1.26E 03 1.26E 03 0 00E-01 1.26E 03 1.26E 03 1.26E 03 1.26E 03 1.26E 03

} P 32 5.00E 04 8.63E 04 1.32E 06 7.70E 04 0.00E-01' O.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 i . les 54 6.29E 03 7.72E 04 0.00E-01 3.95E 04 9.83E 03 0.00E-01 1.49E 06 0.00E-01 i FE 59 1.05E 04 1.88E 05 1.17E 04 2.77E 04 0.00E-01 ' O.00E-01 1.01E 06 0.00E-01

} CO $8 2.07E 03 1.06E 05 0.00E-01 1.58E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 9.27E 05 0.00E-01 >

j CO 60 1.48E 04 2.84E 05 0.00E-01 1.15E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 5.96E 06 0.00E-01 i ZN 65 4.65E 04 5.34E 04 3.24E 04 1.03E 05 6.89E 04 0.00E-01 8.63E 05

! 0.00E Ra 86 5.89E 04 1.66E 04 0.00E-01 1.35E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 .0.00E-01 i SR 89 8.71E 03 3.49E 05 3.04E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.40E 06 0.00E-01 .

} SR 90 6.09E 06 7.21E 05 9.91E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 9.59E 06 0.00E j Y 91 1.24E 04 3.64E 05 4.62E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.70E 06. 0.00E-01

  • I ZR 95. 2.32E 04, 1.50E 05 1.07E i)5 3.44E 04 5.41E 04 0.00E-01 1.77E 06 C.00E-01 i NB 95 4.20E 03 1.04E 05 1.41E 04 7.80E 03 7.72E 03 0.00E-01 5.04E 05 0.00E-01 1 Rv103 6.57E 02 1.10E 05 1.53E 03 0.00E-01 5.82E 03 0.00E-01 5.04E 05 0.00E-01

} RU106 8.71E 03 9.11E 05 6.90E 04 0.00E-01 1.33E 05 0.00E-01 9.35E 06- 0.00E-01

5.94E 03 AC110M 3.02E 05 1.0SE OA 9.99E 03 1.97E 04 0.00E-01 4.63E 06 0.00E-01 1 TE127M 1.57E 03 1.49E 05 1.26E 04 5.76E 03 4.57E 04 3.28E 03 9.59E 05 0.00E-01 j TE129H 1.58E 03 3.83E 05 9.75E 03 4.67E 03 3.65E On 3.44E 03 1.16E 06 0.00E-01

! I 131 2.05E 04 6.27E 03 2.52E 04 3.57E 04 6.12E 04 1.19E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01

) I 133 4.51E 03 8.87E 03 8.63E 03 1.48E 04 2.58E 04 2.15E 06 0.00E-01' O.00E-01

. Cs134 7.27E 05 1.04E 04 3.72E 05 8.47E 05 2.87E 05 0.00E-01 9.75E.04 '0.00E-01

] Cs136 1.10E 05 1.17E 04 '3.90E 04 1.46E 05 4.55E 04 0.00E-01 1.20E 04 0.00E-01

Cs137 4.27E 05 8.39E 03 '4.78E 05 6.20E 05 2.22E 05 0.00E-01 7.51E 04' O.00E-01

! BA140 2.56E 03 2.18E 05 -3.90E 04 4.90E 01 1.67E 01 0.00E-01 1.27E'06 0.00E-01

$ CE141 1.53E 03 1.20E 05 1.99E 04 1.35E 04 6.25E 03 0.00E-01 3.61E 05- 0.00E-01 l CE144 1.84E 05 8.15E 05 3.43E 06~ 1.43E 06 8.47E 05 0.00E-01 7.76E 06 0.00E-01

  • R values in2 units of arem/yr per pCi/m for inhalation pathway and all.. tritium pathways, and in  !

1 units of m -mrem /yr per pC1/sec for all other pathways. '

' ISSUE 2 .. ,


f ' i i

, _ _ _ _ . _ , _ . = _ - _ . . . . _-.

- - " - - - - - - - - - -- - ----~~-~~~ ~~ ~ '~ ~" ~ - ~ - - ~ -



Age Group = Teen r

Nuclide T-Body CI-Tract Bone Liver Eidney Thyroid Lunt Skin H 3 1.27E 03 1.27E 03 0.00E-OL 1.27E 03 1.27E 03 1.27E 03 . 1.27E 03 1.27E 03 P 32 7.15E 04 9.27E 04 1,89E 06 1.09E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-0)

Mt 54 8.39E 03 6.67E 04 0.00E-01 5.10E 04 1.27E 04 0.00E 1.98E 06 0.00E-01 FE 59 1.43E 04 1.78E 05 1.59E 04 3.69E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 't.53E 06 0.00E-01' CO 58 2.77E 03 9.51E 04 0.00E-01 2.07E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.34E 06 0.00E-01  ;

Co 60 1.98E 04 2.59E 05 0.00E-01 1.51E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 8 71E 06 0.00E-01 ZM 65 6.23E 04 4.66E 04 3.85E 04 1.33E 05 4.63E 04 0.00E-01 1.24E 06 0.00E-01 RB 86 8.39E 04 1.77E 04 0.00E-01 1.90E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SE 89 1.25E 04 3.71E 05 4.34E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.41E 06 0.00E-01 SE 90 6.67E 06 7.64E 05 1.08E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.65E 07 0.00E-01 Y 91 1.77E 04 4.08E 05 6.60E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.93E 06 0.00E-01 ZE 95 3.15E 04 1.49E 05 1.45E 05 4.58E 04 6.73E 04 0.00E-01 2.68E 06 0.00E-01 NS 95 5.66E 03 9.67E 04 1.85E 04 1.03E 04 9.99E 03 0.COE-01 7.50E 05 0.00E-01 .

. RU103 8.95E 02 1.09E 05 2.10E 03 0.00E-01 7.42E 03 0.00E-01 7.82E 05 0.00E-01 RUiO6 1.24E 04 9.59E 05 9.83E 04 0.00E-01 1.90E 05 0.00E-01 1.61E 07 0.00F-01 7.98E 03 2.72E 05 1.38E 04 1.31E 04 2.50E 04 0.00E-01 6.74E 06 0.00E-OL ACliOM TE127M 2.18Z 03 1.59E 05 1.80E 04 8.15E 03 6.53E 04 4.38E 03 1.65E 06 0.00E-01 TE129M 2.24E 03 4.04E 05 1.39E 04 6.57E 03 5.18E 04 4.57E 03 1.97E 06 0.00E-01 1 131 2.64E 04 6.48E 03 3.54E 04 4.09E 04 8.39E 04 1.46E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 6.21E 03 1.03E 04 1.21E 04 2.05E 04 3.59E 04 2.92E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 133 CS134 5.48E 05 9.75E 03 5.02E 05 1.13E 06 3.75E 05 0.00E-01 1.46E 05 0.00E-01 CS136 1.37E 05 1.09E 04 5.14E 04 1.93E 05 1.10E 05 0.00E-01 1.77E 04 0.00E-01 CS137 3.11E 05 8.47E 03 6.69E 05 8.47E 05 *3.04E 05 0.00E-01 1.21E'05 0.00E-01 BA140 3.51E 03 2.28E 05~ 5.46E 04 6.69E 01 2.28E 01 0.00E-01 2.03E 06 0.00E-01 CE141 2.16E 05 1.26E 05 2.84'E 04 1.89E 04 8.87E 03 0.00E-01 6.13E 05 0.00E-01 CE144 2.62E 05 8.63E 05 4.88K 06 2.02E 06 1.21E 06 0.00E-01 1.33E 07 0.00E-01

  • R values in units of ares /yr per DCi/m3 for inhalation pathway and all tritium pathways, and in units of m 2-mren/vr per uCi/see for all other pathways.


O O '



BV-1 ODCt1 TABLE 2.3-4 R VALUES FOR BEAVER VALLEY SITE Pathway = Inhat Age Group = Child ,

T-Body CI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney _ Thyroid Lung Skin Nuclide 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 0.00E -01 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 1.12E 03 H 3 9.86E 04 4.21E 04 2.60E 06 1.14E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 P 32 9.50E 03 2.29E 04 0.00E--01 4.29E 04 1.00E 04 'O.00E-01 1.57E 06 0.00E-01 HN 54 1.67E 04 7.06E 04 2.07E 04 3.34E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1,27E 06 0.00E-01 FE 59 3.16E 03 3.43E 04 0.00E-01 1.77E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.10E 06 0.00E-01 CO 58 2.26E 04 9.61E 04 0.00E-01 1.31E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 7.06E 06 0.00E-01 CO 60 7 02E 04 1.63E 04 4.25E 04 1.13E 05 7.13E 04 0.00E-01 9.94E 05 0.00E-01 ZN 65 1.14E 05 7.98E 03 0.00E-01 1.98E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 s: 86 1.72E 04 1.67E 05 5.99E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.15E 06 0.00E-01 SR 89 6.43E 06 3.43E 05 1.01E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.47E 07 0.00E-01 SR 90 2.43E 04 1.84E 05 9.13E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.62E 06 0.00E-01 Y 91 3.69E 04 6.10E 04 1.90E 05 4.17E 04 5.95E 04 0.00E-01 2.23E 06 0.30.t-01 ZR 95 0.00E-01 NB 95 6.54E 03 3.69E 04 2.35E 04 9.16E 03 8.61E 03 0.00E-01 6.13E 05 1.07E 03 4.47E 04 2.79E 03 0.00E-01 7.02E 03 0.00E-01 6.61E 05 0.00E-01 RU103 1.69E 04 4.29E 05 1.36E 03 0.00E-01 1.84E 05 0.00E-01 1.43E 07 0.00E-01 RU106 1.00E 05 1.68E 04 1.14E 04 2.12E 04 0.00E-01 5.47E 06 0.00E-01 Ac110M 9.13E 03 3.01E 03 7.13E 04 2.48E 04 8.53E 03 6.35E 04 6.06E 03 1.48E 06 0.00E-01 TE127M i

3.04E 03 1.41E 05 1.92E 04 6.84E 03 5.02E 04 6.32E 03 1.76E 06 0.00E-01 TE129M 2.72E 04 2.84E 03 4.80E 04 4.80E 04 7.87E 04 1.62E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 l I 131 0.00E-01 I 133 7.68E 03 5.47E 03 1.66E 04 2.03E 04 3.37E 04 3.84E 06 0.00EM)1 l

2.24E 05 3.84E 03 6.50E 05 1.01E 06 3,30E 05 0.00E-01 1.21E 05 0.00E-01 CS134 1.16E 05 4.17E 03 6.50E 04 1.71E 05 9.53E 04 0.00E-01 1.45E 04 0.00E-01 CS136 1.28E 05 3.61E 03 9.05E 05 8.24E 05 2.82E 05 0.00E-01 1.04E 05 0.00E-01 CS137 4.32E 03 1.02E 05 7.39E 04 6.471 01 2.11E 01 0.00E-01 1.74E 06 0.00E-01 BA140 2.89E 03 5.65E 04 3.9 E 04 1.95E 04 8.53E 03 0.00E-01 5.43E 05 0.00E-01 CE141 3.61E 05 3.88E 05 6.76E 06 2.11E 06 1.17 E 06 0.00E-01 1.19E 07 0.00E-01 CE144

  • R values in units of ares /yr per pCi/m3 for inhalation pathway and all tritium pathways, and in units of m2 -arem/yr per pCi/sec for all other pathways.



O O BV-1 ODCM O  :

$ TABLE 2.3-5


R VALUES FOR BEAVER VALLEY SITE Pathuay = inhal Age Group = Infant Nuclide T-Body t..-Tract Bone Liver Eidney Thyroid Lune Skin H 3 6.46E 02 6.46E 02 0.00E-01 6.46E 02 6.46E 02 6.46E 02 6.46E 02 6.46E 02-P 32 {.73E 04 ,1.61E 04 2.03E 06 1.12E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 24 54 K.98E 03 7.05E 01 0.00E-01 2.53E 04 4.98E 03 0.00E-01 9.98E 05 0.00E-01 FE 59 9.46E 03 2.47E 04 1.35E 04 2.35E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.01E 06 0.00E-01 CO 58 1.82E 03 1.11E 04 0.00E-Q1 1.22E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 7.76E 05 0.00E-01 CO 60 1.18E 04 3.19E 04 0.00E-01 8.01E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 4.50E 06 0.00E IN 65 3'.10E 04 5.13E 04 1.93E 04 6.25E 04 3.24E 04 0.00E-01 6.46E 05 0.00E-01 RB 86 8.81E 04 3.03E 03 0.00E-01 1.90E 05 0.00E 41 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 89 1.14E 04 6.39E 04 3.97E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.03E 06 0.00E-01 SR 90 2.59E 06 1.31E 05 4.08E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1.12E 07 U.00E-01 Y 91 1.57E 04 7.02E 04 5.87E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.45E 06 0.00E-01 ZR 95 2.03E 04 2.17E 04 1.15E 05 2.78E 04 3.10E 04 0.00E-01 1.75E 06 'O.00E-01 NB 95 3.77E 03 1.27E 04 1.57E 04 6.42E 03 4.71E 03 0.00E-01 4.78E 05 0.00E-01 RU103 6.78E 02 1.61E 04 2.01E 03 0.00E-01 4.24E 03 0.00E-01 5.51E 05 -0.00E-01 RU106 1.09E 04 1.64E 05 8.672 04 0.00E-01 1.06E 05 0.00E-01 1.15E 07- 0.00E-01 AC110M 4.99E 03 3.30E 04 9.97E 03 7.21E 03 1.09E 04 0.00E-01 3.66E 06 0.00E-01 TE127M 2.07E 03 2.73E 04 1.66E 04 6.89E 03 3.75E 04 4.86E 03 1.31E 06 0.00E-01 TE129M 2.22E 03 6.89E 04 1.41E 04 6.08E 03 3.17E 04 5.47E 03 1.68E 06 0.00E-01 1 131 1.96E 04 1.06E 03 3.79E 04 4.43E 06 5.17E 04 1.48E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 133 5.59E 03 2.15E 03 1.32E 04 1.92E 04 2.24E 04 3.55E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CS134 7.44E 04 1.33E 03 3.%E 05 7.02E 05 $.90E 05 0.00E-01 7.95E 04 0.00E-01 .

CS136 5.28E 04 1.43F .,3 4.82E 04 1.34E 05 5.63E 04 0.00E-01 1.17E 04 0.00E-01 _ >

CS137 4.54E 04 1.33E 03 5.48E 05 6.11E 05 1.72E 05' O.00E-01 7.12E 04 0.00E-01 BA140 2.89E 03 3.83E 04 5.59E 04 5.59E 01 1.34E 01 0.00E-01 1.59E 06 0.00E-01

. CE141 1.99E 03 2.15E 04 2.77E 04 1.66E 06 5.24E 03 0.00E-01 5.16E 05 0.00E-01 CE144 1.76E 05 1.48E 05 3.19E 06 1.21E 06 5.3tE 05 0.00E-01 9.83E 06 ' O.00E-01 ,

  • R values in units of ares /yr per DCi/m 3 for inhalation pathway and 'all tritis.m pathways, and in units of m -ares /yr per DCi/sec for all other pathways.


. . . _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ . . - - _ _ . = _ _ -. -. .- _.. . .. .. -. .


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l l Pathway = Cround Nuclide T-Body CI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney Thyroid LuaE Skin 1

l tot 54 1.34E 09 1.34E 09 1.34E 09 1.34E 09 1.34E 09 1.34E 09 1.34E 09 1.57E 09 FE 59 2.75E 08 2.75E 08 2.75E 08 2.75E 08 2.75E 08 2.75E 08 2.75E 08 3.23E 08

, CO 58 3.79E 08 3.79E 08 3.79E 08 3.79E OS. 3.79E 08 3.79E 08 3.79E 08 4.44E 08 CO 60 2.15E 10 2.15E 10 2.15E 10 2.15E 10 2.15E 10 2.15E 10 2.15E 10- 2.52E 10 ZN 65 7.49E 08 7.49E 08 7.49E 08 7.49E 08 7.49E 08 7.49E 08- 7.49E 08- 8.61E 08 RB 86 8.99E 06 8.99E 06 8.99E 06 8.99E 06 8.99E 06 8.99E 06 8.99E'06 1.03E 07 1 i SR 89 2.23E 04 2.23E 04 2.23E 04 2.23E 04 2.23E 04 2.23E 04 2.23E 04 2.58E 04 l Y 91 1.08E 06 1.08E 06 1.08E 06 1.08E 06 1.08E 06 1.08E 06 1.08E 06 1.22E 06.

) ZR 95 2.49E 08 2.49E 08 2.49E 08 2.49E 08 2.49E 08 2.49E 08 2.49E 08 2.89E 08 l NB 95 1.36E 08 1.36E 08 1.36E.06 1.36E 08 1.36E 08 1.36E 08 1.36E 08 1.60E 08 RU103 1.09E 08 1.09E 08 1.09E 08 1.09E 08 1.09E 08 1.09E 08 1.09E 08 1.27E 08 l RU106 4.19E 08 4.19E 08 4.19E 08 4.19E 08 4.19E 08 4.19E 08 4.19E 08' 5.03E 08 l AC110H 3.48E 09 3.48E 09 3.48E 09 3.48E 09 3.48E 09 3.48E 09 3.48E 09 4.06E 09

, TE127M 9.15E 04 9.15E 04 9.15E 04 9.15E 04 9.15E 04 9.15E 04. 9.15E 04 1.08E 05 l TE129M 2.00E 07 2.00E 07 2 . 00F. 07 2.00E 07 2.00E 07- 2.00E 07 2.00E 07 2.34E 07 1 131 1.72E 07 1.72E 07 1.72E 07 1.72E 07 1.72E 07 1.72E C7_ 1.72E 07= 2.09E 07 l

I 133 2.47E 06 2.47E 06 2.47E 06 2.47E 06 2.47E 06 2.47E 06 2.47E 06- 3.00E'06 ,

CS134 6.82E 09 6.82E 09 6.e,2E 09 6.82E.09 6.82E 09 6.82E 09 6.82E 09 7.%E 09 CS136 1.49E 08 1.49E 08 1.49E 08 1.49E OS 1.49E 08 1.49E 08 1.49E 08- 1.69E 08 CS137 1.03E 10 1.03E 10 1.03E 10 1.03E 10 1.03E 10 1.03E 10- 1.03E 10 1.20E 10 '

2.05E 07 2.05E 07 -2.34E 07.

i RA140 2.05E 07 2.05E 07 2.05E 07 2.05E 07 2.05E 07 I CE141 1.36E 07 1.36E 07 1.36E 07 1.36E 07 1.36E 07 1.36E 07 1.36E.07 1.53E 07 CE144 6.95E 07 6.95E 07 6.95E 07 6.95E C7 6.95E 07 6.95E 07 6.95E 07 8.03E 07 l

  • R values in units of aren/yr per pCi/m3 for inhalation . pethway and all tritium pathways, ' and in .

units of m 2-ares /yr per DCi/sec for all other pathways.

s 2-68 .


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TABLE 2.3-7 i.


Pathway = Veget Age Group = Adult Nuclide T-Body CI-Tract Bone Liver Eidney Thyroid LuaE -Skin ,

M 3 2.28E 03 2.28E 03 0.00E-01 2.28E 03 2.28E'03 2.28E 03 2.28E 03 2.20E 03 P 32 5.91E 07 1.72E 08 1.53E 09 9.51E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 Mt 54 5.83E 07 9.36E 08 0.00E-01 3.05E 04 9.09E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01.

FE 59 1.12E 08 9.75E 08 1.24E 08 2.93E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 8.17E 07 0.00E-01 CO 58 6.71E 07 6.07E 08 0.00E-01 2.99E 07 0.00E-01 -0.00E-01. 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CO 60 3.67E 08 3.12E 09 0.00E-01 1.66E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01: _

ZN 65 5.77E 08 8.04E 08 4.01E 08 1.28E 09 8.54E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RB 86 1.03E 08 4.36E 07 0.00E-01 2.21E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 89 2.87E 08 1.60K 09 1.00E 10 0.00E41 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 9Q 1.64E 11 1.93E 10 6.70E 11 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01. 0.00E-01 Y 91 1.34E 05 2.76E 09 5.01E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01' O.00E-01 0.00E-01 ZR 95 2.51E 05 1.17E 09 1.16E 06 3.71E 05 5.82E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E NB 95 4.19E 04 4.73E 08 1.40E-05 7.79E 04 7.70E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RU103 2.04E 06 5.53E 08 4.74E 06 0.00E-01 1.81E 07 0.00E-01 ~0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RU106 2.46E 07 1.26E 10 1.94E 08 0.00E-01 '3.75E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 .

AC110M 6.23E 06 4.28E 09 1.13E 07 1.05E 07 2.06E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 j TE127M 6.12E 0' 1.68E 09 5.02E 08 1.80E 08 2.04E 09 1.28E 08- 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 TE129M 4.71E 0, 1.50E 04 2.98E 08 1.11E 08 1.24E 09 1.02E 08 0.03E-01 0.00E-01' I 131 6.61E 07 3.04E 07 8.07E 07 1.15E 08 1.98E 08- 3.78E 10. 0.00E 0.00E-01 l I 133 1.12E 06 3,30E 06 2.11E 06 3.67E 06 6.40E 06 5.39E 08 0.00E-01 >0.00E-01 CS134 8.83E 09 1.89E 08 4.54E 09. 1.08E 10 3.49E 09 0.00E-01 1.16E 09 -0.00E-01 CS136 1.'19E 08 1.86E 07 4.19E 07 1.66E 08 9.21E 07 0.00E-01 1.26E'07 0.00E-Gi CS137 5.94E 09 1.76E 08 6.63E 09 9.07E 09 3.08E 09 0.00E-01 1.02E 09 0.00E-01 '

BA140 8.40E 06 2.64E 06 1.28E 08 1.61E 05' 5.47E 04' O.00E-01 9.22E 04 0.00E-01 l CE141 1.48E 04 4.99E 08 - 1.93E 05 1.31E 05 6,07F. 04 C.002-01 ~0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CE144 1.69E 06 1.06E 10 3.15E 07' 1.32E 07 7.80E 06 _0.00E-01' O.00E-01 0.00E-01

  • R values in units of eres/yr per pCi/m for3 inhalation pathway and allt tritium pathways, and la '

i units of m 2-ares /yr per pCi/sec for all other pathways.


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EV-1 ODCM TABLE 2.3-16 R VALUES FOR BEAVER VALLEY SITE Pathway - Cow Milk Age Group = Infant Nuclide T-Body Cl-Tract Bone Liver Kidney _ Thyroid Lung Skin H 3 2.40E 03 2.40E 03 0.00E-01 2.40E 03 2.40E 03 2.40E 03 2.40E 03 2.40E 03 .

P 32 3.05E 09 1.07E 09 7.88E 10 4.63E 09 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 MN 54 4.54E 06 7.36E 06 0.00E-01 2.00E 07 4.44E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 FE 59 7.21E 07 8.74E 07 1.05E 08 1.83E 08- 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 5.41E 07 0.00E-01 CO 58 2.88E 07 2.88E 07 0.00E-01 1.15E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CO 60 1.11E 08 1.12E 08 0.00E-01 4.71E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 ZN 65 5.26E 09 9.63E 09 3.32E 09 1.14E 10 5.53E 09 0.00E-01, 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RB 86 5.17E 09 2.68E 08 0.00E-01 1.0$E 10 0.00E41 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 89 1.70E 08 1.22E 08 5'.94E 09 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 90 1.79E 10 8.75E 08 7.01E 10 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 ") .00 E-01 0.00E-01 Y 91 9.20E 02 2.48E 06 3.46E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 ZR 95 5.58E 02 3.92E 05 3.23E 03 7.87E 02 8.48E 02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 NB 95 6.54E 04 9.54E 07 2.75E 05 1.13E 05 8.10E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RU103 1.35E 03 4.91E 04 4.04E 03 0.00E-01 8.40E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RU106 1.25E 04 7.60E 05 1.00E 05 0.00E-01 1.18E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 AC110M 1.01E 08 7.89E 09 2.09E 08 1.52E 08 2.18E 08 0.00E-01 .0.00E-01 0.00E-01 TE127H 3.14E 07 1.0$E 08 2.59E 08 8.60E 07 6.38E 08 7.49E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 TE129M 4.31E 07 1.67E 08 2.80E 08 9.59E 07 6.99E 08 1.07E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 131 6.92E 08 5.62E 07 1.34E 09 1.57E 09 1.84E 09 5.17E 11 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 133 7.91E 06 4.57E 06 1.85E 07 2.70E 07 3.17E 07 4.91E 09 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CS134 3.59E 09 9.65E 07 1.90E 10 3.55E 10 9.14E 09 0.00E-01 3.75E 09 0.00E-01 CS136 1.03E 09 4.19E 07 9.37E 08 2.76E 09 1.10E 09 0.00E-01 2.25E 08 0.00E-01 CS137 2.37E 09 1.04E 08 2.85E 10 3.34E 10 8.96E 09 0.00E-01 3.63E 09 0.00E-01 BA140 5.94E 06 2.83E 07 1.15E 08 1.15E 05 2.74E 04 0.00E-01 7.08E 04 0.00E-01 CE141 1.44E 03 6.30E 06 2.00E 04 1.22E 04 3.76E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 3 CE144 6.59E 04 6.75E 07 1.18E 06 4.81E 04 1.94E 05 0.00E-01 0.00F-01 0.00E-01

  • R values in units of mres/yr per VCL/m 3 for inhalation pathway and all tritium pathways, and in units of m 2-mres/yr per pCi/sec for all other pathways.

2-78 ISSUE 2.





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  • C/ A. < Z

p BV-1 ODCM TABLE 2.3-19 R VALUES FOR BEAVER VALLEY SITE Pathway = Coat Milk Age Group = Child Nuclide T-Body CI-Tract Bone Liver Kidney _ Thyroid Lung Skin H 3 3.23E 03 3.23E 03 0.00E-01 3.23E 03 3.23E 03 3.23E 03 3.23E 03 3.23E 03 '

P 32 1.77E 09 1.27E 09 4.59E 10 2.15E 09 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 NH $4 3.44E 05 1.08E 06 0.00E-01 1.29E 06 3.62E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 FE 59 5.88E 05 1.23E 06 7.29E 0} 1.18E 06 0.00E-01 0.0DE-01 3.42E 05 0.00,E-01 CO 58 2.12E 06 4.04E 06 0.00E-01 6.92E 05 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CO 60 8.17E 06 1.53E 07 0.00E-01 2.77E 06 0. 00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 EN 65 4.92E 08 1.39E 08 2.97E 08 7.91E 08 4.98E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RB 86 3.05E 08 3.19E 07 0.00E-01 4.95E 08 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 89 1.87E 08 2.54E 08 6.56E 09 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 SR 90 3.43E 10 1.82E 09 1.35E 11 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 Y 91 5.91E 01 2.94E 05 2.21E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 ZR 95 4.27E 01 5.01E 04 2.18E 02 4.80E 01 6.87E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 NB 95 4.91E 03 1.27E 07 1.76E 04 6.87E 03 6.45E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E 0.00E-01 RU103 9.20E 01 6.19E 03 2.39E 02 0.00E-01 6.03E 02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 RU106 7.28E 02 9.08E 04 5.83E 03 0.00E-01 7.88E 03 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-OL AC110M 7.31E 06 1.09E 09 1.35E 07 9.15E 06 1.70E 07 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 TE127M 1.82E 06 1.24E 07 1.54E 07 4.14E 06 4.38E 07 3.68E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 TE129M 2.54E 06 1.99E 07 1.63E 07 4.$6E 06 4.80E 07 5.27E 06 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 I 131 4.39E 08 6.88E 07 7.68E 08 7.72E 08 1427E 09 2.55E 11 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 133 4.93E 06 5.25E 06 1.0$E 07 1.3'OE 07 2.17E 07 2.42E 09 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CS134 1.23E 10 3.14E 08 3.55E 10 5.82E 10 1.80E 10 0.00E-01 6.47E 09 0.00E-01

. CS136 2.56E 09 1.39E 08 1.44E 09 3.96E 09 1.11E 09 0.00E-01 3.14E 08 0.03E-01 CS137 7.57E 09 3.21E 08 5.36E 10 5.13E 10 1.67E 10 0.00E-01 6.01E 09 0.00E-01 BA140 3.92E 05 3.41E 06 6.72E 06 5.89E 03 1.92E 03 0.00E-01 3.51E 03 0.00E-01 CE141 8.97E 01 7.54E 05 1.21E 03 6.04E 02 2.65E 02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 CE144 5.25E 03 8.05E 06 9.85E 04 3.09E 04 1.71E 04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01

  • R values in units of mrem /yr per pCi/m 3 for inhalation pathway and all tritium patnways, and in units of m 2-ares /yr per DCi/see for all other pathways.


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O t.) :b 4

BV-1 0D01 TABLE 2.3-21 J


FOR CONTINUOUS ELEVATED RELEASES >500 hrs /yr or >150 hrs /qtr Distances to the Control Locations, in Miles Sector 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 6.00E-10 8.60E-09 3.14E-09 1.76E-09 8.12E-10 5.70E-10 4.24E-10 3.29E-10 2.63E-10' 2.15E-10 NNE 6.66E-10 5.64E-09 1.98E-09 2.55E-09 1.33E-09 1.07E-09 6.75E-10 5.23E-10 4.56E-10 3.74E-10 NE 1.03E-09 1.57E-09 1.32E-09 3.62E-09 2.63E-09 1. 64 E-09 1.23E-09 6.13E-10 7.85E-10 6.42E-10 ENE 1.13E-09 1.55E-09 3.69E-09 3.27E-09 2.31E-09 1.29E-09 1.21E-09 6.78E-10 6.72E-10 3.89E-10 E 1.35E-09 1.28E-08 4.09E-09 3.12E-09 1.91E-09 1.36E-09 1.01E-09 7.83E-10 4.15E-10 5.10E-10 ESE 9.82E-10 7.85E-09 4.40E-09 2 46E-09 1.47E-09 1.03E-09 5.65E-10 5.05E-10 3.25E-10 3.00E-10 SE 2.76E-09 6.41E-09 3.52E-09 1.97E-09 1.18E-09 8.27E-10 5.68E-10 4.40E-10 2.93E-10 2.43E-10 SSE 2.22E-09 4.66E-09 3.01E-09 1.68E-09 1.02E-09 7.14E-10 4.25E-10 3.29E-10 2.19E-10 1.80E-10

$ 3.00E-09 4.81E-09 3.76E-09 2.10E-09 1.36E-09 9.52E-10 5.12E-10 3.96E-10 2.68E-10 2.20E-10 SSW 1.44E-08 2.89E-09 7.83E-10 8.84E-10 5.70E-10 4.00E-10 2.55E-10 1.98E-10 1.84E- 10 1.51E-10 SW 1.89E-08 5.55E-09 1.55E-09 8.71E-10 2.61E-10 3. 94 E-10 1.57E-10 2.50E-10 2.54E-10 2.08E-10 WSW 1.57E-09 6.63E-09 1.36E-09 1.04E-09 5.44E-10 2.39E-10 3.84E-10 2.98E-10 2.17E-10 1.78E-10 W 3.78E-10 2.95E-09 1.84E-09 1.03E-09 6.63E-10 4.66E-10 1.37E-10 2.68E-10 1.12E-10 1.75E-10 WNW 4.54E-10 4.13E-10 3.09E-10 4.71E-10 7.35E-10 3.16E-10 1.93E-10 1.10E-10 1.12E-10 1.80E-10 1 NW 4.52E-10 4.09E-10 2.86E-10 1.18E-09 7. 04 E-10 4. 94 E-10 3.37E-10 2.10E-10 2.09E-10 1.71E-10 NNW 3.40E-10 2.05E-09 1.63E-09 9.12E-10 5.86E-10 4.13E-10 2.79E-10 2.16E-10 1.73E 1.42E-10 o

j 2-83 ISSUE 2


. . . - - - _ . , _ . . - . - . - - . - . ~ . - . . . . , , . -, . . . . , , -- .-


FOR CONTINUOUS CROUND LEVEL RELEASES > 500 hrs /yr or > 150 hrs /qtr Distances to the Control Locations, in Miles sector 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 4.46E-08 7.73E-09 3.24E-09 1.81E-09 1.08E-09 7.57E-10 5.16E-10 4.00E-10 2.91E-10 2.38E-10 NNE 5.42E-08 9.39E-09 3.37E-09 -s1.89E-09 1.22E-09 8. 54 E-10 6.35E-10 4.92E-10 3.94 E-10 ' 3.22E-10 NE 7.32E-08 1.27E-08 6.21E-09 3.47E-09 2. 24 E-09 1.57E-09 1.00E-09 7.77E-10 5.69L- 10 4.66E-10 ENE 7.77E-08 1.35E-08 6.51E-09 3. 64E-09 2.50E-09 1.76E-09 1.31E-09 1.01E-09 6.58E-10 5.39E-10 E 6.08E-08 1.0$E-08 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.37E-09 9.59E-10 6. 54 E-10 5.06E-10 4.05E-10 3.32E-10 ESE 3.23E-08 5.60E-09 2.54E-09 1.42E-09 8.46E-10  % 94E-10 4.0)E-10 3.14E-10 2.28E-10 1.87E-10 SE 3.29E-08 5.70E-09 2.59E-09 1.45E-09 9.32E-10 6.55E-10 4.12E-10 3.19E-10 2.55E-10 2.09E-10' SSE 2.84 E-08 4.92E-09 2.06E-09 1.15E-09 6.29E-10 4.42E-10 2.99E-10 2.32E-10 1.85E-10 1.52E-10 S 3.67E-08 6.37E-09 2.26E-09 1.26E-09 8.14E-10 5.71E-10 3.86E-10 2.99E-10 2.39E-10 1.96E-10 SSW 2.61E-08 4.52E-09 1.60E-09 8.97E-10 5.78E-10 4.06E-10 3.02E-10 '2 . 34 E-10, 1.70E-10 1.39E-10 SW 3.06E-08 5.30E-09 '2.62E-09 1.47E-09 8.01E-10 5.62E-10 4.18E-to 3.24E-10 2.35E-10 1.93E-10 WSW 4.60E-08 7.97E-09 3.34E-09 1.87E-09 1.20E-09 8.45E-10 5.87E-10 4.55E-10 3.38E-10 2.77E-10 W 6.49E-08 1.13E-08 4.72E-09 2. 64 E-09 1.19E-09 8.36E-10 6*. 22 E-10 4.82E-10 3.85E-10 3.15E-10 WNW 9.25E-08 1.60E-08 6.43E-09 3.60E-09 2.21E-09 1.55E-09 1.16E-09 8.96E-10 5.79E-10 4.75E-10 NW 1.19E-07 2.07E-08 8.68E-09 4.86E-09 2.99E-09 2.10E-09 1.56E-09 1.21E-09 7.83E-10 6.41E-10 NNW 5.22E-08 9. 04 E-09 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1. 2 8 E-09 .. 9.00E-10 6.25E-10 4. 84E-10 3.59E-10 2.94E-10 2-84 ISSU2 2' REVISION O


FOR CONTINUOUS CHOUND LEVEL RELEASES >500 hrs /yr or >150 hrs /qtr Distances to the Control Locations, in Miles Sector 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 4.46E-08 7.73E-09 3.24E-09 1.81E-09 1.08E-09 7.57E-10 5.16E-10 4.00E-10 '2.91E-10 2.38E-10 NNE 5.42E-08 9.39E-09 3.37E-09 1.89E-09 1.22E-09 8.54E-10 6.35E-10 4.92E-10 -3.94 E-10 3.22E-10 NE 7.32E-08 1.27E-08 6.21E-09 3.47E-09 2.24E-09 1.57E-09 1.,00E-09 7.//c-10 5.69E-10 4.66E-10 ENE 7.77E-08 1.35E-08 6.51E-09 3.64E-09 2.50E-09 1.76E-09 1.31E-09 1.01E-09 6.5SE-10 5.39E-10 E C.08E-08 1.05E-08 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.37E-09 9.59E-10 6.54E-10 5.06E-10 4.05E-10 -3.32E-10 ESE 3.23E-08 5.60E-09 2.54E-09 1.42E-09 8.46E-10 5.94E-10 4.05E-10 3.14 E-10 2.28E-10 1.87E-10 SE 3.29E-08 5.70E-09 2.59E-09 1.45E-09 9.32E-10 6.55E-10 4.12E-10 3.19E-10 2.55E-10 2.09E-10 SSE 2.84E-08 4.92E-09 2.06E-09 1.15E-09 6.29E-10 4.42E-10 2.99E-10 2.32E-10 1.85E-10 1.52E-10 5 3.67E-08 6.37E-09 2.26E-09 1.26E-09 8.14E-10 5.71E-10 3.86E-10 2.99E-10 2.39E-10 1.96E-10 SSW 2.61E-08 4.52E-09 1.60E-09 8.97E-10 5.78E-10 4.06E-10 3.02E-10 2. 34E-10 1.70E-10 1.39E-10 SW 3.06E-08 5.30E-09 2.62E-09 1.47E-09 8.01E-10 5.62E-00 4.18E-10 3.24E-10 2.35E-10 1.93E-10 .

WSW 4.60E-08 7.97E-09 3.34E-09 1.87E-09 1.20E-09 8.45E-10 5.87c-10 4.55E-10 3.38E-10 2.77E-10 W 6.49E-08 1.13E-08 4.72E-09 2.64E-09 1.19E-09 8.36E-10 6.22E-10 4.82E-10 3.85E-10 3.15E-10 WNW 9.25E-08 1.60E-08 6.43E-09 3.60E-09 2.21E-09 1.55E-09 1.16E-09 8.96E-10 5.79E-10 4.75E-10 NW 1.19E-07 2.07E-08 8.68E-09 4.86E-09 2.99E-09 2.19E-09 1.56E-09 1.21E-09' 7.83E-10 6.41E-10 NNW 5.22E-08 9.04E-09 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.28E-09 9.00E-10 6.25E-10 4.84E 3.59E-10 2.94 E-10 2-85 ISSUE 2 REVISION O

O O O BV-1 ODCH TABLE 2.3-24



FOR CONTINUOUS CROUND LEVEL RELEASES > 500 hrs /yr or ' > 150 hrs /qt r Distances to the Control Locations, in Miles Sector 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 4.46E-08 7.73E-09 3.24E-09 1.81E-09 1.08E-09 7.57E-10 5.16E-10 4.COE-10 2.91E-10 2. 38E-10 NME 5.42E-08 9.39E-09 3.37E-09 1.89E-09 1.22E-09 8. 54E-10 6.35E-10 4.91E-10 3.94F-10 3.22E-10 NE 7.32E-08 1.27E-08 6.21E-09 3.47E-09 2.24E-09 1.57E-09 1.00E-09 7.77E-10 5.69E-10 4.66E-10 ENE 7.77E-08 1.35E-08 6.51E-09 3. 64 E-09 2.50E-09 1.76E-09 1.31E-09 1.01E-09 6.58E-10 5.39E-10 E 6.08E-08 1.05E-08 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.37E-09 9.59E-10 6.54 0-10 5.06E-10 4.05E-10 3.32E-10 ESE 3.23E-08 5.60E-09 2.54E-09 1.42E-09 8.46E-10 5.94t-10 4.0$E-10 3.14E-10 2.28E-10 1.87E-10 SE 3.29E-08 5.70E-09 2.59E-09 1.45E-09 9.32E-10 6.5$t-10 4.12E-10 3.ty2-10 2.55E-10 2.09E-10 SSE 2. 84 E-08 4.92E-09 2.06E-09 1.15E-09 6.29E-10 4.4ft-10 2.99E-10 2.32E-10 1.85E-10 1.52E-10 S 3.67E-08 6.37E-09 2.26E-09 1.26E-09 8.14E-10 5.71E-10 3.86E-10 2.99E-10 2.39E-13 1.96E-10 SSW 2.61E-08 4.52E-09 1.60E-09 8.97E-10 5.78E-10 4.06E-10 3.02E-10 2.34E-10 1.70E-10 1.39E-10 SW 3.06E-08 5.30E-09 2.62E-09 1.47E-09 8.01E-10 5.62E-00 4.18E-10 3.24E-10 2.35E-10 1.98E-10 USW 4.60E-08 7.97E-09 3.34E-09 1.87E-09 1.20E-09 8.45E-10 5.87E-10 4.55E-10 3.38E-10 2.77E-10 W 6.49E-08 1.13E-08 4.72E-09 2. 64 E-09 1.19E-09 8.36E-10 6.22E-10 4.82E-10 3.85E-10 3.15E-10 UNW 9.25E-08 1.60E-08 6.43E-09 3.60E-09 2.21E-09 1.55E-09 1.16E-09 8.96E-10 5.79E-10 4.75E-10 NW 1.19E-07 2.07E-08 8.68E-09 4. 86E-09 2.99E-09 2.19E-09


1.56E-09 1.21E-09 7.83E-10 6.41E-10 NNW 5.22E-08 9. 04 E-09 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.28E-09, 9.00E-10 6.25E-10 4.84E-10 3.59E-10 2. 94 E-10 2-86 . ISSUE 2 REVISION O .!

p m


BV-1 ODCM TABLE 2.3-25


FOR CONTINUOUS CROUND LEVEL RELEASES >$00 hrs /yr or >150 hrs /qtr Distances to the Control Locations, in Miles Sector 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 4.46E-08 7.73E-09 3.24E-09 1.81E-09 1.08E-09 F.57E-10 5.16E-10 4.00E-10 2.91E-10 2.38E-10

.NNE 5.42E-08 9.39E-09 3.37E-09 1.89E-09 1.22E-09 8.54E-10 6.35E-10 4.92E-10 3.94E-10 3.22E- 10 NE 7.32E-08 1.27E-08 6.21E-09 3.47E-09 2.24E-09 1.57E-09 1.00E-09 7.77E-10 5.69E-10 4.60E-10 ENE 7.77E-08 1.35E-08 6.51E-09 3.64E-09 2.50E-09 1.76E-09 1.31E-09 1.01E-09 6.58E 5.39E-10 E 6.08E-08 1.05E-08 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.37E-09 9.59E-10 6. 54 E-10 5.06E-10 4.05E-10 3.32E-10 ESE 3.23E-08 5.60E-09 2.54E-09 1.42E-09 C.46E-10 5.94E-10 4.05E-10 3.14E-10 2.28E-10 1.87E-10 SE 3.29E-08 5.70E-09 2.59E-09 1.45E-09 9.32E-10 6.55E-10 4.12E-10 3.19E-10 2.55E-10 2.09E-10 SSE 2. 84 E-08 4.92E-09 2.06E-09 1.15E-09 6.29E-10 4.42E-10 2.99E-10 2.32E-10 1.85E-10 1.52E-10 S 3.67E-08 6.37E-09 2.26E-09 1.26E-09 8.14E-10 5.71E-10 3.86E-10 2.99E-10 2.39E-10 1. 96E-10 SSW 2.61E-08 4.52E-09 1.60E-09 8.97E-10 5.78E-10 4.06E-10 3.02E-10 2. 34 E-10 1.70E-10 1.39E-10 su 3.06E-01 5.30E-09 2.62E-09 1.47E-09 8.01E-10 5.62E-00 4.18E-10 3.24E-10 2.35E-10 1.93E-10 WSW 4.60E-06 7.97E-09 3.34E-09 1487E-09 1.20E-09 8.45E-10 5.87E-10 4.55E-10 3.38E-10 2.77E-10 W 6.49E-08 1.13E-08 4.72E-09 2.64E-09 1.19E-09 8.36E-10 6.22E-10 4.82E-10 3.85E-10 -- 3.15E-10 WNW 9.25E-08 1.60E-08 6.43E-09 3.60E-09 2.21E-09 1.55E-09 1.16E-09 8.96E-10 5.79E-10 4.75E-10 NW 1.19E-07 2.07E-08 8.68E-09 4.86E-C9 2.99E-09 2.19E-09 1.56E-09 1.21E-09 7.83E-10 6.41E-10 NNW 5.22E-08 9. 04 E-09 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.28E-09 9.00E-10 6.25E-10 4.84E-10 3.59E-10 2.94E-10 4




FOR CONTINUOUS CROUND LEVEL RELEASES >500 hrs /yr or >l50 hrs /qtr Distances to the Control Locations, in Hi.les sector 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 4.46E-08 7.73E-09 3.24E-09 1.81E-09 1.08E-09 7.57E-10 5.16E-10 4.00E-10 2.91E-10 2.38E-lG NNE 5.42E-08 9.39E-09 3.37E-09 1.89E-09 1.22E-09 8.54E-10 6.35E-10 4.92E-10 3.94E-10 3.22E-10 NE 7.32E-08 1.27E-08 6.21E-09 3.47E-09 2.24E-09 1.57E-09 1.00E-09 7.77E-10 5.69E-10 4.66E-10 ENE 7.77E-08 1.35E-08 6.51E-09 3.64E-09 2.50E-09 1.76E-09 1.31E-09 1.01E-09 6.58E-10 5.39E-10 E 6.03E-08 1.0$E-08 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.37E-09 9.59E-10 6. 54 E-10 5.06E-10 4.0$E-10 3.32E-10 ESE 3.2'3E-08 5.60E-09 2 . 54 E-09 1.42E-09 8.46E-10 5.94E-10 4.05E-10 3.14 E-10 2.28E-10 1.87E-10 SE 3.29E-08 5.70E-09 2.59E-09 1.45E-09 9.32E-10 6.55E-10 4.12E-10 3.19E-10 2.55E-10 2.09E-10 SSE 2.84E-08 4.92E-09 2.06E-09 1.15E-09 -6.29E-10 4.42E-10 2.99E-10 2.32E-10 1.85E-10 1.52E-10 '

5 3.67E-08 6.37E-09 2.26E-09 1.26E-09 8. !4 E-10 5.71E-10 3.86E-10 2.99E-10 2.39E-10 1.96E-10 SSW 2.61E-08 4.52E-09 1.60E-09 8.97E-10 5.78E-10 4.06E-10 3.02E-10 2.34E-10 1.70E-10 1.39E-10 Su 3.06E-08 5.30E-09 2.62E-09 1.47E-09 8.01E-10 5.62E-00 4.18E-10 3.24E-10 2.35E-10 1.93E-10 wsw 4.60E-08 7.97E-09 3.34E-09 1.87E-09 1.20E-09 8.45E-10 5.87E-10 4.55E-10 3.38E-10 2.77E-10 V 6.49E-08 1.13E-08 4.72E-09 2.64E-09 1.19E-09 8.36E-10 6.22E-10 4.82E-10 3.85E-10 3.15E-lu VNw 9.25E-08 1.60E-08 6.43E-09 3.60E-09 2.21E-09 1.55E-09 1.16E-09 8.96E-10 5.79E-10 4.75E-10 UW l.19E-07 2.07E-08 8.68E-09 4.86E-09 2.99E-09 2.19E-09 1.56E-09 1.21E-09 7.83E-10 6.4tE-10 N UW 5.22E-08 9.04E-09 3.75E-09 2.12E-09 1.28E-09 9.00E-10 6.25E-10 4.84E-10 3.59E-10 2.94E-10 2-88 ISSUE 2 REVISION O

O O O .




FOR CONTINUOUS CROUND LEVEL RELEASES >500 hrs /yr or >150 hrs /qtr a

Distances to the Control Locations, in ML,les Sector 0.0 - 0.5 0 5 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 N 4.46E-08 7.73E-09 3.24E-09 1.81E-09 1.08E-09 7.57E-10 5.16E-10 4.00E-10 2.91E-10 2. 38E-10 NNE 5.42E-08 9.39E-09 3.37E-09 1.89E-09 1.22E-09 8.54 E-10 6.35E-10 4.92E-10 3.94E-10 3.22E-10 NE 7.32E-08 1.27E-08 6.21E-09 3.47E-09 2.24E-09 1.57E-09 1.00E-09 7.77E-10 5.69E-10 4.66E-10 ENE 7.77E-08 1.35E-08 6.51E-09 3.64E-09 2.50E-09 1.76E-09 1.31E-09 1.01E-09 6.58E-10 5.39E-10 E 6.08E-08 1.05E-08 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.37E-09 9.59E-10 6.54E-10 5.06E-10 4.05E-10 3.32E-10 ESE 3.23E-08 5.60E-09 2.54E-09 1.42E-09 8.46E-10 5.94E-10 4.05E-10 3.14 E-10 2.28E-10 1.87E-10 SE 3.29E-08 5.70E-09 2.59E-09 1.45E-09 9.32E-10 6.55E-10 4.12E-10 3.19E-10 2.55E-10 2.09E-10 SSE 2.84E-08 4.92E-09 2.06E-09 1.15E-09 6.29E-10 4.42E-10 2.99E-10 2.32E-10 1.85E-10 1.52E-10 S 3.67E-08 6.37E-09 2.26E-09 1.26E-09 8.14E-10 5.71E-10 3.86E-10 2.99E-10 '2.39E-10 1.96E-10 SSW 2.61E-08 4.52E-09 1.60E-09 8.97E-10 5.78E-10 4.06E-10 3.02E-lO . 2.34E-10 1.70E-10 1.39E-10 SV 3.06E-08 5.30E-09 2.62E-09

. 8.01E-10 5.62E-00 4.18E-10 3. 24 E-10 2.35E-10 1.93E-10 USW 4.60E-08 7.97E-09 3.34E-09 1.87E-09 1.20E-09 8.45E-10 5.87E-lo 4.55E-10 3.38E-10 2.77E-10 W 6.49E-08 1.13E-08 4.72E-09 2.64E-09 1.19E-09 8.36E-10 6.22E-10 4.82E-10 3.85E-10 3.15E-10 WNW 9.25E-08 1.60E-08 6.43E-09 3.60E-09 2.2tE-09 1.55E-09 1.16E-09 8.96E-10 5.79E-10 4.75E-10 KW 1.19E-07 2.07E-08 8.68E-09 4.86E-09 2.99E-09 2.19E-09 1.56E-09 1.21E-09 7.83E-10 6.4tE-10 ,

NKW 5.22E-08 9.04E-09 3.79E-09 2.12E-09 1.28E-09 9.00E-10 6.25E-10 4.84E-10 3.59E-10 2.94E-10 2- 64 ISSUE 2-REVISION O



Individual Receptors Downwind Site Vegetable Milk Milk Meat Sector Boundary d'.a r d e n _

Cow C$at Animal Residence N .600 2.340 -

.572 .707 2.510 NNC .673 3.220 -

.524 2.920 3.220 ,

NE .766 1.280 .660 .111 .660 1.200 ENE 1.010 5.080 -

.702 -

1.760 E 1.370 4.420 .401 1.290 1.290 4.420 ESE .984 6.390 -

2.340 6.390 6.160 SE 11.000 3.680 .466 466 1.300 3.680 SSE 7.060 3.220 .423 .105 a.i40 4.320 S 5.780 1.540 1.410 -

2.610 2.730 SSW 2.040 1.040 .578 .208 1.040 1.460 SV 1.610 1.120 -

.693 .979 1.120 WSW 1.710 1.310 .370 -

1.190 1.310 V .377 .659 .138 -

.518 .659 WNW .424 .746 .497 .029 .746 .746 NW , 447 425 -

.070 488 .422 NNW .340 1.840 -

.043 .545 1.92 2-90 ISSUE 2 REVISION O

.-== y

-l s

j i



Individual Receptora Downwind Site Vegetable Milk Milk Meat Sector Boundary Carden Cow Coat Animal Residence N 25.40 2.05 -

.693 .847 2.19 NNE 18.80 2.02 -

.459 1.850 2.11 NE 63.40 29.30 .455 .078 .455 30.40 ENE 65.90 8.92 -

.661 -

. 32.20 E 38.00 3.90 .382 1.020 1.020 22.70 ESE 17.10 3.56 -

1.380 3.560 3.56 SE 13.80 3.03 .350 .350 1.100 3.03 SSE 10.50 2.65 .317 .094 2.570 3.68 s 10.60 1.05 .934 -

1.860 1.95 SSW 5.59 1.26 .663 .266 1.260 4.42 l SW 3.94 2.21 .

1.320 1.920 2.21 WSW 27.50 2.65 .596 -

2.380 2.65 w 31.60 1.23 .645 -

.960  :.23 WNw 39.10 2.23 1.490 .045 2.230 2.23  :

Nu 70.60 15.00 -

.276 1.990 15.60 NNu 31.50 6.52 -

.068 1.090 9.91 ISSUE 2 l 2-91 REVISION O l

_. . . . __ . _ . . _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ __. _ . _ = . - _ . . ._.

a O O O l

BV-1 ODCM i .

- TABLE 2.3-30

~ ~


Individual Receptors Vegetable Milk Milk heat Downwind Site Residence Roundary Carden Cow Coat Animal' Sector 2.05 -

.693 .847 2.19 N 25.40 2.02 - .459 1.850 2.11 NME 18.80 29.30 455 .078 .455 30.40 NE 63.40 32.20 ENE 65.90 8.92 - .661 -

38.00 3.90 382 1.020 1.020 22.70:

E 3.56 - 1.380 3.560 3.56 ESE 17.10 13.80 3.03 .350 .350 1.100 3.03 SE 2.65 .317 .0% 2.570 3.68 SSE 10.50 1.05 .934 - 1.860 1.95 5 10.60 1.26 .M3 .2M 1.260 4.42 SSW 5.59 2.21 3.% 2.21 -

1.320 1.920 SW 2.65 WSW 27.50 2.65 .596 -

_2.380 31.60 1.23 .645 - .960 1.23 W 2.23 wNW 39.10 2,23 1.490~ .045 2.230 70.60 15.00 -

.276 1.990 15.60 WW 9.91 31.50 6.52 -

.068 1.'090 WWW ISSvE 2 2-92 REVISION O

~ . , . . .. _ .,-- =- _ ..- .. - _ _ ,.. ._ . . . , _ _ _ - . . . - . . -_ . . . . . - _ . . _ - - - . -

2 BV-1 0006 TABLE 2.3-31 BEAVER VALLEY SITE TURBINE DUILDINC VENTS DISPERSION PARAMETERS (D/Q). X 10 m' FOR CONTINUOUS CROUND LEVEL RELEASES > 500 NAS/YR OR > 150 NRS/QTR FOR SPECIAL DISTANCES (IDENTIFIED IN TABLE 2.2-3) s Individual Receptors Downwind Site Vegetable Milk Milk Meat Sector Boundary Carden Cow Coa *. Animal Residence N 20.20 2.05 -

.693 .847 2.190 NME , 34 .90 2.02 -

.459 1.850 2.110 NE 54.20 29,30 .455 .078 455 30.4N ENE 57.50 8.92 -

.H1 -

32.200 E 38.10 3.90 .382 1.020 1.020 22.700 ESE 18.60 3.56 -

1.380 3.560 3.560 SE 19.00 3.03 .351 .351 1.100 3.030 SSE 13.30 2.65 .318 .094 2.570 3.690 S 11.30 10.40 .934 -

1.860 1.950 ssu 6.44 1.26 .H4 .2% 1.260 4.430 SW 3.95 2.21 -

1.320 1.920 2.210 Wsw 25.10 2.65 .597 -

2.380 2.650 W 28.40 1.23 .646 -

.961 1.230 WNu 30.90 2.23 1.490 .045 2.230 2.230 WW $6.10 14.90 -

.276 1.980 15.500 NNu 25.10 6.53 -

.068 1.100 9.920 2-93 '




Individual Receptors Downwind Site Vegetable Milk Milk Mest '

Sector Boundary Garden Cow Ce a *. Animal Residence M 20.20 2.05 -

.693 .847 2.190 NNE 34.90 2.02 -

459 1.850 2.!!O NE 54.20 29.30 455 .078 .455 30.400 ENE 51.50 8.92 -

'661 -

32.200 6 38.10 3.90 .382 1.020 1.020 22.700 ESC 18.60 3.56 -

1.380 3.560 3.560 SE 19.00 3.03 .351 .351 1.100 3.030 SSE 13.30 2.65 .318 .094 2.570 3.690 S 11.30 10.40 .934 -

1.860 1.950 SSW 6.44 1.26 .664 .266 1.260 4.430 Su 3.95 2.21 -

1.320 1.920 2.210 WSW 25.10 2.05 .597 ,

2.380 2.650 u 28.40 1.23 .646 -

.961 1.230 WNw 30.90 2.23 1.490 .045 2.230 2.230 tm 56.10 14.90 -

.276 1.980 15.500 NNW 25.10 6.53 -

.068 1.100 9.920 2-94 ISSUE 2 REVISION O


Sector 25.40 2.05 -

.693 .847 2.190 N

18.80 2.02 -

459 1.850 2.110 NNE NE 63.40 29.30 455 .078 .455 30.400.

ENE 65.90 8.92 -

.661 -

32.200 E 38.00 3.90 .382 1.020 1.020 22.700 ESE 17.10 3.56 -

1.380 3.560 3.560 SE 13.80 3.03 .350 .350 1.100 3.030 SSE 10.50 2.65 .317 .094 2.570 3.680


S 10.60 1.05 .934 -

1.860 1.950 SSW 5.59' 1.26 .663 .266 1.260 4.420 SW 3.94 2.21 -

1.320 1.920 2.210 WSW 27.50 2.65 596 -

2.380 2.650 W 31.60 1;23 .645 -

.960 1.230 WNW 39.10 2.23 1.490 .045 2.230 2.230 NW 70.60 15.00 -

.276 1.990 -15.600 NNW 31.50 6.52 -

.068 1.090 9.910-ISSUE 2 2-95 REVISION O

. 3

O O O l




l .

Individual Receptors Downwind Site Vegetable Milk Hilk Heat Sector Boundary Carden Cow Coat Animal Residence N 25.40 2.05 -

.693 .847 2.190 NNE 18.80 2.02 -

459 1.850 2.110 NE 63.40 29.30 .455 .078 455 30.400-ENE 65.90 8.92 -

.661 -

32.200 E 38.00 3.90 .382 1.020 1.020 22.700 ESE 17.10 3.56 -

1.380 3.560 3.560 SE 13.80 3.03 .350 .350 1.100 3.030 SSE 10.50 2.65 .317 .094 2.570 3.680 S 10.60 1.05 .934 -

1.860 1.950 1 SSW 5.59 1.26 .663 .266 1.260 4.420 SW 3.94 2.21 -

1.320 1.920 2.210 WSW 27.50 2.65 .596 -

2.380 2.650 W 31.60 1.23 .645 -

.960' l.230 WNW 39.10 2.23 1.490 .045 2.230 2.230 NW 70.60 15.00 -

.276 1.990 15.600 NNW 31.50 6.52 -

.068 1.090~ 9.910-2-96 ISSUE 2 REVISION O 1


i )



- 3.0 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program


': Table 3.0-1 contains the DLC site number, sector, distance sample point O' description, sampling and collection frequency, analysis, and. anclysis frequency for various_. exposure pathways in the vicinity of the Beaver Valley _

i ' Power Stations (BVPS) for the radiological monitoring program. . Figures 3.0-l 1 through 3.0-9 show the location of the various sampling points.

e l

I-9 s

'l 4

i i

i-a 4

4 3-1 ISSUE 2 j ._


4 1

i w-+r.wwr,-*--+wo-w---r=-.-mwe,.=w,vu,-w- we

4 O O O I

i U, TABLE 3.0-1 '

l RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Sampling and DLC Type and Frequency t Collection l Exposure Pathway Site 3 Frequency of Analyses

! and/or Sample No. Sectorl Miles 2 Sample Point Description _


1. AIRBORNE Continuous sampler Radioiodine Cartridge:

Radioiodine and 11 1.6 Hookstown (Meyer's Fara) 13 Shippingport (Cooke's operation with I-131 analysis weekly.

Particulates 30 4 0.6 Ferry Substation) collection at least Particulate Sampler:

15 0.8 Midland (Midland Substation) weekly.

32 Gross beta analysis fol-46.1 6 2.0 Industry lowing filter change; 5 -

48 10 16.5 Weirton, WV4 (Weirton Water j

Storage Tank) Gamma isotopic analysis on composite (by loca-tion) quarterly.

j 1

I i

Shippingport Boro (Post Office) Continuous measure- Camma dose quarterly.

2. DIRECT RADIATION 10 4 0.8 Meyer's Farm ment with quarterly 13 11 1.6 14 11 2.6 Hookstown collection.

15 14 3.3 Georgetown 27 7 6.2 Brunton's Fara 28 1 8.7 Sherman's Farm 298 3 8.1 Beaver County Hospital 3.0 4 0.6 Shippingport Boro (Cooke's Ferry) 32 15 0.8 Midland Boro (Midland Substation) 45 5 2.2 Raccoon Township (Mt. Pleasant Church) 45.1 6 2.0 Raccoon Township (Kennedy's' Corner) 46 3 2.5 Industry-(Church) -

46.1 3 2.1 Indu'atry (Tire Company) 47 14 4.8 East Liverpool, OH (Water Company) i 4o 10 16.5 Weirton, WV (Water Company) 51 5 8.0 Aliquippa j 59 7 1.1 Iron's Fara 60 13 3.7 Haney's Farm 3-2


'O (-

' TABLE 3.0-1 (Continued)

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Sampling and DLC Collection Type and Frequency Exposure Pathway Site 3 of Analyses Sample Point Description Frequency Sector ^ Miles 2 and/or Sample No.

Western Beaver High School Continuous measure- Gamma dose quarterly.

2. DIRECT RADIATION 70 1 3.0 71 2 5.6 Brighton Township School ment with quarterly (Continued) collection.

72 3 3.2 Logan School 73 4 2.2 Potter Township School 74 4 6.8 center Township (Community College) 75 5 4.3 Raccoon Township - (Holt Road) 76 6 3.8 Reccoon Township School 77 6 5.8 Raccoon Township (Green Carden Road) 78 7 2.3 Raccoon Township Hunicipal Building 79 8 4.6 Raccoon Township (Routes 18 & 151) 80 9 8.4 Raccoon Park 81 9 3.9 Southside School 82 9 7.1 Hanover Township Municipal Building 83 10 4.5 Creene Township (Mill Creek Road) ~

84 11 8.5 Hancock County, WV (Children's Home) 85 12 5.8 Hancock County, WV (Routes 8 & 30) 86 13 6.5 East Liverpool, OH (Cahill's) 87 14 7.0 Calcutta, OH .

88 15 3.1 Midland Heights 89 15 4.7 Ohioville 90 16 5.2 Fairview School 91 2 3.7 Brighton Township (pine Grove & Doyle* Roads) 92 12 3.0 Greene Township (Georgetown Road) 93 16 1.3 Midland (Sunset Hills) 94 8 2.4 Raccoon Township (McCleary Road) 95 10 2.4 Greene Township (McCleary Roadi



O 3 O TABLE 3.0-1 (Continued)*

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Sampling and DLC Type and Frequency Collection Exposure Pathway Site 3 of Analyses and/or Sample' No. SectorI Miles 2 Sample Point Description Frequency _

3. WATERORNE Upstream - in vicinity of Composite sample camma isotopic analysis
a. Surface 49.1 4 5.0 monthly; tritium analysis Montgomery Dam" with sample (River) (ARCO Chemical Company, collection at least on composite (by formerly ARCO Polymers) monthly.6 location) quarterly.

2.1 14 1.3 Downstream - Midland 1.3 Midland (Midland Water Treatment Composite sample I-131 analysis bi-weekly;

-b. Drinking 4 14 gamma isotopic analysis Plant) with sample Water on composite (by loca-5 14 4.8 East Liverpool, OH (East Liver- collection at least pool Water Treatment Plant) bi-weekly.6 tion) monthly; tritium f* analysis on composite j (by location) quarterly.


c. Ground Water None required 7 Vicinity of BVPS Discharge Semi-annually. Camma isotopic analysis
d. Shoreline 2A 13 0.2 semi-annually.

i Sediment Structure l

l l


4. INGESTION Searight's Dairy At least bi-weekly Gamma isotopic and I-131
a. Milk 25 10 2.1 analysis on each sample.

l *8 - - when animals are on

  • 8 - - pasture; at least l
  • 8 - monthly at other i 96 10 10.3 Windshimer's Dairy" times.

3-4 l .

)' f

%. NJ TABLE 3.0-1 (Continued) 1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Sampling and Collection Type and Frequency DI.C of Analyses f 3 Freqeency Exposure Pathway Site Sample Point Description cnd/or Sample' No. SectorI Miles 2

4. INGESTION (Continued) Semi-annually Camma isotopic analysis Downstream -

in vicinity of BVPS on edible portion 2A 13 0.2

b. Fish Discharge Structure 49 3 4.7 Upstream - in vicinity of Montgomery Dam Annually at harvest Camma isotopic and I-131 4 0.8 Three (3) locations within 5 time analysis on edible Food 10 l c.

15 14 3.3 miles of BVPS portion Products 46 3 2.5 (Leafy 10 16.5 One (1) location" (Weirton, WV Vegetables) 48 area) i I Sector numbers 1-16 correspond to the 16 compass direction sectors N - NNW.

2Dictance (in miles) is as measu' red from BVPS Unit 1 Containment Building.

in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

3 A11 Sample Points, unless otherwise noted, arelocations of the Sample Points are provided as Figures 3.0-1 through 3 Mcps showing the approximate ffluents.

"This is a Control Station and is presumed to be outside the influence of BVPS ii e is found to be greater than 10 5A gamma isotopic analysis is to be performed on each sample when the gross beta act v ty times the mean of the Control Station sample.

at intervals not exceeding 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.


6Composite samples are obtained by collecting an aliquot or recharge properties are directed toward is not required as the hydraulic gradientthus, station effluents do notaffect local wells-7Collection of Gr'ound Water samples lley at the BVPS; i

the river because of the high terrain in the r ver va cad ground water sources in the area.

ii factors (highest).

8These Sample Points will vary and are chosen based upon calculated annual depos t on 3-5

FIGURE 3.0-1 V


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Technical Specification requires that when the calculated doses the

'- associated with the effluent releases exceed twice limits of Specifications,,,, or, the licensee shall prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission and limit subsequent releases such that the dose or dose commitment to member (s) of the public from all facility releases is limited to 5 25 mrem to the total body, any organ (except the thyroid, which is limited to 5 75 mrem) for a calendar year. The BVPS-1 Technical Specifications consider doses to members of the public due to the operation of BVPS-1 but do not include doses due to BVPS-2, any other part of the uranium fuel cycle, or direct shine from site reactors. If a Special Report to the Commission is prepared by the licensee as required by Specification the evaluation should address:

1) A determination of the maximum exposed member of the public.
2) A determination of the total dose to this person from all existing pathways and sources of radioactive effluents. Where additional information on pathways and nuclides is needed, the best available information will be used and documented.
3) A determination of the dose resulting from direct radiation from the site facilities.

Total body and organ doses resulting from liquid effluents from the BVPS SITE will be summed with the doses resulting from releases of noble gases,

[s) radiodines particulates, and tritium (excluding C-14). These doses will be

\/ based upon releases from the BVPS SITE during the appropriate time period in which twice the unit specification was exceeded. Direct dose components due to skyshine will be determined either by calculation, using methodology specified in NUREG-0133, or by actual measurement. The dose from both releases and direct radiation will be summed.


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Annual average and grazing season average values of relative concentration (X/Q) and deposition (D/Q) were calculated for continuous and intermittent gaseous releases of activity from the site according to the straight-line airflow (Gaussian) model described in NRC R3gulatory Guide 1.111, Revision 1. Undecayed and undepleted sector average L/Q and D/Q values.were obtained for each of s ixteen 22.5-degree sectors at the site boundary and maximum individual receptors. For an elevated release, defined as occu'rring at a height that is twice the height or more of a nearby structure, credit was taken for the effective release height which is comprised of the physical release height plus momentum plume rise minus the terrain height at a given receptor. A building wake correction factor was used to adjust calculations for ground-level releases. Airflow reversals were also accounted for by applying site-specific terrain recirculation factors for both ground and elevated releases at the site (Albersheim, 1978). The methodology employed in the calculation of intermittent release X/Q and D/Q values is that described in NUREG/CR-2919 (Sagendorf, et.

al. 1982).

The site continuous gaseous release points that have been evaluated include the process vent attached to the BVPS-1 natural draft cooling tower, the Containment Vents, Ventilation Vents. Turbine Building Vents, the BVPS-2 Condensate Polishing Building Vent, Decontamination Building Vent, and Gaseous Waste Storage Tank Vault Vent. The intermittent releases are from the Process Vent, Containment Vents, and Ventilation Vents. Only the process vent was considered to be an elevated release with all other release points being treated as ground-

[\ level releases. A summary of the release characteristics and their locations is

( given in Table A-1.

Onsite meteorological data for the period January 1, 1976 through December 31, 1980, were used as input for the annual-average calculations. The grazing season was represented by a six-month period from May 1 through October 31 for each year of the 5-year meteorological data base. This grazing season corresponds reasonably well with the growing season. The data were collected according to guidance in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23 as Section 2.3 of the BVPS-2 FSAR. The parameters used in the X/Q-D/Q calculations consist of wind speed, wind direction, and AT as an indicator of atmospheric stability.

The lower level winds (35 ft) and AT (150-35 ft) were used for all release points except the process vent which required the use of 503-ft winds and AT (500-35 ft) which are representative of the release height (510 ft).

(( ,/ A-1 ISSUE 2 REVISION 0

e BV-1 ODCM ri'g The annual-average and grazing season X/Q and D/Q values for the continuous and y ,), intermittent radioactive releases were calculated at the site boundary, nearest resident, nearest vegetable garden, nearest milk cow, nearest milk goat, and nearest meat animal. In the case of the process vent releases, several of each receptor type were evaluated in each downwind sector to determine the maximum X/Q-D/Q values. The distances of the limiting maximum individual receptors from


the radioactive release points are given in Table 2.2-3. The continuous release annual average X/Q values at the special locutions for the Containment Vents, Ventilation Vents, Process Vent. Turbine Building Vents, Decontamination Building Vent, Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent, and Condensate Polishing Building Vent, are given in Tables 2.2-4 through 2.2-10 respectively. Continuous release annual average X/Q's for these same release points are also given at ten incremental downwind distances. Continuous release D/Q values for these same release points are given in Tables 2.3-21 through 2.3-27 for the incremental distances and in Tables 2.3-28 through 2.3-34 for the special locations. Due to their location adjacent to the containment building, the BVPS-2 Decontamination Building and Gaseous Waste Storage Tank Vault X/Q's and D/Q's are the same as the containment vent X/Q's and D/Q's. Likewise, the Turbine Building Vent X/Q's and D/Q's apply to the BVPS-2 Condensate Polishing Building as well due to its location adjacent to the Turbine Building.

Tables A-2 through A-5 contain short term X/Q values for batch releases originating from the Containment Vent, Ventilation Vent, and Process Vent releases, respectively. The values in these tables are based on 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> per year of Containment and Ventilation Vent purges and 74 hours8.564815e-4 days <br />0.0206 hours <br />1.223545e-4 weeks <br />2.8157e-5 months <br /> per year of Process Vent purges.

Albersheim, S. R., Development of Terrain Adjustment Factors for Use at the Beaver Vallev Power Station for the Straight-Line Atmospheric Dispersion Model, NUS 2173, NUS Corporation, June 1978 Sagendorf, J. F., Goll, J. T. and Sandusky, W. F. , XODQDOQ: Computer Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations, NUREG/CR-2919 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, September, 1982.

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BV-1 OOCM s 'q.


Vegetable kqLof* E11slLD9erflaDf GREdeO

- [oy gnal Regf Fesidents N 8.21E-5 8.38E-6 -

3.72[-6 4.34E-6 8.82E-6 NME 3.04E-5 4.71[-6 -

1.40E-6 4.38[-6 4.87E-6 NE 4.590-$ 2.210-5 6.05E-7 1.38E-7 6.05E-7 2.28E ENE 3.72E-5 5.25E-6 -

5.66E-7 -

1.88E-5 E 2.930-5 3.790-6 5.150-7 1.17E-6 1.17E-6 1.78E-5 ESE 2.47E-5 5.610-6 -

2. 38e E-6 5.61E-6 5.61E-6 SE 2.14E-5 5.00E-6 8.13E-7 8.13E-7 2.03E-6 5.OOE-6 SSE 2.21E-5 6.31E-6 1.11E-6 3.92E-7 6.130-6 8.49E-6 S 2.15E-5 3.030-6 2.76E-6 -

4.930-6 5.14E-6 Ssw 2.18E-5 6.58E-6 3.81E-6 1.82E-6 6.58E-6 1.78E-5


sW 1.82E-5 1.03E-5 -

6.6TE-6 9.12E-6 1.03E-5 ,

WSW 1.090-4 1.29E-5 4.10E-6 -

1.19E-5 1.29E-5 W 1.49E-4 1.OSE-5 6.55E+6 -

8.77E-6 1.05E WWW 1.91[-4 1.72E-5 1.28E-5 1.23E-6 1. 72E 1.72E-5 NW 3.080-4 6.13E-5 -

3.80E-6 1.36E-5 6.36E-5 NNW 1.80E-4 3.540-5 -

1.35E-6 9.27E-6 5.29E

  • Measured relevant to center point between Unit I and Unit 2 Contairment Buildings Period or Record: 19T6 - 1980 i

1 i


4 .#N '  ;; y

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BV-1 00CM l


l IOR SPECI AL DIST ANCES ( IDEhflf l[G IN TABLE 2.2-3) l Vege tablo .

Cpw Coat 599f . . Residents

( SectoI' . Site Boundary Ga_ntes -

N 9.75E-5 1.00E-5 - 4.210-6 4.9$E-6 1.06E-5.

NME 3.78E-5 5.11E-6 - 1.43E-6 4.72E-6 5.30E-6 5

l N[ 6.13E-5 2.700-5 6.200-7 1.40E-7 6.20E-7 2.81E-5 .;

i l- (NE 4.83E-5 5.58E-6 -

5.71E-7 -

2.24E-5 r

i E 3.66E-5 3.996 4 5.25E-7 1.19E-6 1.19E-6 '2.10E-5 l

[SE 2.99E-5 6.13E-6 - 2.43E-6 6.13E-6 ~ 6.13E-6 SE 2.55[-5 5.29E-6 8.24E-7 8.240-7 2.13E-6 5.29E-6~

SSE 2.65E-5 6.7?E-6 1.12E-6 3.95E-7. 6.530-6. 9.22E-6 S 2.520-5 3.14E-6 2.83E-6 -

5.29E-6' 5.53E-6 SSw 2.60E-5 7.340-6 4.150-6 1.920-6 7.34E-6 12.09E Sw 2.13E! > 1.18E - 7.41E-6 '1.04E 1.180-5 WSW 1.34E-4 1,51E*5 ,

4.460-6 -

1.380-5 '1.51E-5 w 1.77E-4 1.25E-5 7.400-6 -

1.020-5 1.25E-5 www 2.33E-4


2.070-5 1.49E-5 1.30E-6 2.070-5' 2.07E-5 ww 3.320-4 8.57E-5 - 4.24E-6 1.64E-5 8.85E-5 Nww 1.90E-4 4.69[ - 1.45E-6 1.09E-5 6.75E-5

  • Measured relevant to center point between Unit 1 and Unit 2 Containment Buildings -

Period or Record: 19T6 - 1980 A-5 ISSUE 2


, . - - -- .3 4



7 v $ ...

BV-1 ODCM , . .


  • TA8tt A-4 i


i, Vegetable a

.Sstner* Niit_fonetsa try GaEM9 GsM Goa_L 8eer . Residents N 3.09E-9 3.300-6 - 1.13E-6 1.34E-6. 3.36E-6'-

i NME 2.85E-9 2.68E-6 -

6.52E-7 2.47E-6' 2.68E-6'

  • NE 2.02E-10 7.42[-9 5.44E-7 1.24E-7 5.44E-7 , 5.51E-9 (NE 4.02E-9 3.2tE-6 -

6.29E-7 -

1.67E-9 E 2.15E-9 2.910 4.96E-7 1.14E-6 1.14E-6~ 2.91E-6 (SE 6.90E-9 4.97E-6 -

1.95E-6 4.97E-6 4.81E-6

] SE 2.91E-6 3.52E-6 6.02E-7 6.02E-7 1.43E-6 3.52E-6 SSE 4.9tE-6 3.56E-6 6.53[-7 2.18E-7 3.47E 4.71E-6 S 2.4tE-6 1.780-6 1.650-6 -

2.84E-6 2.96E-6 SSW 4.83t-6 2.520-6 1.50E-6 6.60E-7 2.52E-6' 3.96E-6 .

j SW 4.82E-6 2.F50-6 -

1.780-6 2.44E-6 - 2.75E-6 WSW 5.77E-7 2,810-6 8.79E-7 -

2.57E-6 2.81E-6 W 2.88E-9 1.68E-6 4.89E-7 -

1.37E-6 . 1.68E ,!

WWW 3.40E 1.6tE-6 1.13E-6 1.10E-7 1.61E-6 1.61E-6 l Nu 1.34E-9 3.31E-8 -

2.030-7 1.07E-6 3.10E-8' l -

NNW I.52E-9 3.73E-6 -- 1.73E-7 1.31E-61 3.81E-6 j *Meastered reative to Unit I na ttara t d ra f t coo l i ng towe r.

i Period of Record: 1976 - 1980 -

l I

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i 1 A-6 ISSUE'2 l -

REVIS10M 0 t


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60R HAICO ELEVAIED RELEASES 5 500 hrs /yr or 5 150 firs /qtr*

Distances to the Control tocations, in Miles

&ctor SEi-M M- !J L9-L *r 1. 5-L9 L9-2.5 Po't-M M -J,3 M-8 t a LO-4d L5-5.0 N 2.75E-15 1.07E-5 4.100-6 2.610-6 1.51E-6 1.13E-6 8.840-7 7.13E-7 5.93[-7 5.06E-7 NNE 5.90E-17 5.39E-6 2.83[-6 2.19E-6 1.36E-6 1.13E-6 8.05E-7 6.51E-7 5.64E-7 4.81[-7 4 NE 4.45E-16 1.67E-8 7.390-8 2.28E-6 1.72[-6 1.190-6 9.28L-7 6.76E-7 . 34 E ~i 5.32[-7 (NE I.92E-15 8.87E-8 2.600-6 2.210-6 1.66E-6 1.!3E-6 9.25E-7 7.230-7 6.06E-7 3.82E-7 L 1.840-15 5.100-6 2.77E-6 2.23E-6 1.44E-6 1.12E-6 8.740-7 6.92E-7 5.11E-7 4.82E-7 LSE 2.96E-13 5.26E-6 3.480-6 2.04E-6 1.34E-6 9.93L-7 6.70E-7 5.76E-7 4.37E-7 3.83E-7 SE 9.16E-8 3.13L-6 3.38E-6 1.990-6 1.31E-6 9.580-7 7.1fL-7 4 S.74E-7 4.32E-7 3.68E-7 SSt 3.50E-8 4.86E-6 3.33t-6 1.950-6 1.29E-6 9.42E-7 6.55[-7 5.24E-7 3.95E-7 3.32E-7 S 1.??E-7 4.12E-6 3.97E-6 2.34E-6 1.590-6 1.17E-6 7.75E-7 6.24E-7 4.78E-7 4 4.00E-7 SSW 1.75E-5 6.22t-6 2.840-6 2.18E-6 1.480-6 1.08E-6 7.83L-7 6.31E-7 5.62E-7 e4.77E-7 SW 2.081-5 9.11E-6 3.8 7E-6 4 2.19E-6 1.250-6 1.11E-6 8.192-7 7.17E-7 6.89E-7 5.85E-7 WSW 8.56E-3 7.35E-6 3.16E-6 2.290-6 1.46E-6 1.01E-6 9.06E-7 7.52E-7 5.990-7 5.07E-7 W 5.44E-17 4.52L-6 4.21[-6 2.49E-6 1.69E-6 1.250-6 4.860-7 7.680-7 5.80E-7 5.48E-7 WNW 9.25E-18 1.44t-8 5.66E-8 1.92L-6 1.590-6 1.17E-6 7.75E-7 4.610-7 5.28E-7 4.89E-7 NW 2.61E-16 3.961-8 8.37t-8 2.24L-6 1.46E-6 1.08E-6 8.09E-7 6.12E-7 5.42E-7 4.60E-7 NNW 1.9tE-15 3.91L-6 3.66E-6 2.15E-6 1.40E-6 1.08E-6 8.03E-7 6.48E-7 5.370-7 4.56E-7

  • iransmittal via Stone and Webster i n9 sneering Corp Better 2DLS-29981 unde r J .O. 12241 on Janua ry 30, 1987 A-7 -

ISSUE 2 REvisl0N O

r BV-1 ODCM 4

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['T ~ INPUTS TO GALE CODE FOR GENERATION OF LIQUID SOURCE TERM MIX h} BEAVER VALLEY UNIT 1 PWR Thermal power level (megawatts) 2766.000 Plant capacity _ factor .800 Hass of pr,imary coolant (thousand Ibs) 345.000 Percent fuel with cladding defects .120 Primary system letdown rate (gpm) 60.000 Letdown cation demineralizer flow 6.000 Number of steam generators. 3.000 Total steam flow (million 1bs/hr) 11.620 Mass of steam in each steam generator (thousand Ibs) 6.772 Mass of liquid in each steam generator (thousand Ibs) ~97.000 Total mass of secondary coolant (thousand Ibs) 1296.000 Mass of water in steam generator (thousand'Ibs) 291.000 Blowdown rate (thousand Ibs/hr) 33.900 Primary to secondary leak rate (lbs/ day) 100.000 Fission product carry-over fraction .001 Halogen carry-over fraction .010 Condensate demineralizer flow fracton 0.000 Radwaste dilution flow (thousand gpm) 22.500 8


/m DV-1 ODCM

- U qu sp_wAsIrJMr_uJ3 co acctson polay necon3amina3 son ractors snow Rate reaction traction time ilmo ptreak (na !/<tay) or PCA D i scha rvle _l Dan) _ (Dani I C5, Others Shim sticed Rate I . 321 's 1.000 0.000 11.260 7.220 1.00E7 1.0007 1.00E7 (quipment Drains 6.0012 1.000 0.000 11.260 7.220 1.00E7 1.0007 1.0007 Clean Waste I sipu t 7.50t1 1.000 1.000 ts . O T I 0 . 68 8 1.OOE5 2.00E4 1.0005 Oirty Waste input t . 351 1 0.035 1.000 0.018 0. 684 8 1.0005 2.00E4 1.00r$

til ovtt<wn 9.1518s 1.000 0.011 0. 68 6 1.0005 2.0004 1.0005 untreated Is s owo un 0.0 B-3 ISSUC 2 REVISION O DRArT

e- __



m Thermal power level (megawatts) 2766.000 Plant capacity factor .800 Mass of primary coolant (thousand Ibs) 385.000 .

Percent fuel with cladding defects .120 ,J Primary system letdown rate (gpm) 57.000 m Letdown cation demineralizer flow S 700 i Number of steam generators 3.000 g Total steam flow (million Ibs/hr) 11.600 4 Mass of steam in each steam generator (thousand Ibs) 8.700 ql Mass of liquid in each steam generator (thousand Ibs) 100.000 y Total mass of secondary coolant (thousand Ibs) 2000.000 g, Mass of water in steam generator (thousand Ibs) 298.000 Blowdown rate (thousand Ibs/hr) 52.000 Primary to .econdary leak rate (lbs/ day) 100.000 Fission product carry-over fraction .001 -

Halogen carry-over fraction .010 ,

Condensate demineralizer flow fracton 0.000 15.000 Radwaste dilution flow (thousand gpm)

-f, GASEOUS VASTE INPUTS p There is not continuous stripping of full letdown flow _

Mold up time for xenon (days) 39.000 Hold up time for krypton (days) 2.000 ,

3i Primary coolant leak to auxiliary building (lb/ day) 160.000 11 Auxiliary building leak iodine partition factor 7.5E-3 yl Gas waste system particulate release fraction 0.000 4.

Aaxiliary building charcelodine release fraction 0.100 =

particulate release fraction 0.010 2 Containment volume (million cu-ft) 1.800 .-

Frequency of primary coolant degassing (times /yr) 2.000 .I -

Primary te secondary leak rarm (Ib/ day) 100.000 There is a kidney filter  ;

Containment atmosphrere cleanup rate (thousand cfm) 2.000 j

Purge t ue of contain n nt (hours) 8.000 There is not a condensate  ;

Iodine partition factor (gas / liq) in steam generator 0.010 ,.

Frequency of containment building high vol purge (times / year)* 4.000 $

Containment volume purge iodine. release fraction 1.000 7 particulate release fraction 1.000 Steam leak to turbine building (lbs/hr) 1700.000 Fraction iodina released from blowdown tank vent 0.000 Fraction iodine released from main condensate air ejector 0.440 _,

There is not a cryogenic off gas system

  • 2 cold and 2 hot purges  ;

O __


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