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Rev 0 to Readiness Verification Program (Rvp) Description
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Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1988
From: Helwig D
Shared Package
ML20154B926 List:
PROC-880829, NUDOCS 8809140192
Download: ML20154B936 (41)



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l'hlladcIplila Electric Company i Itevision 0 l

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August,1988 hbR A 353 P PNV j

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4 LIMERICK 2 READINESS VERIFICATION PROGRAM (RVP) DESCRIPTION Pliiladelphia Electric Company Approved lly: 1._,_ 8/Z 9l68 General Manager, Nuclear Quality Assurance I

llevision 0 August,1988 l


. ._... M A C R O N Y hl S -. .. . ..... ... .. . .. . . . .. _

.. . . .. . 1 1.0 0 BJ ECT I V E . .... ... .- . .. .. . .. .. .... . . . .

.._ . ... 1

.0 SCOPE.. . . .. . ... .. ..... ... ....__.._..._ .

2 3.0 E LEM ENTS O F V E RI FI CATI 0 N .... . . .. . .. . ... . .. ... . .. . . .... ... ..


2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION VERIFICATION..... . - . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . _ . . . _

IDCA DESCRIFTION- 2 3.1.1 . . _ . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . . . . .

3.1.2 IDCA SAMPLE SYSTEM SELECTION.. ... . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 5 OTilER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION VERIFICATIONS . - . . 8 3.1.3 ...

3.2 VERIFICATION ELEMENT TWO-OPERATIONAL READINESS VtIRIFICATION. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0PERATIONS PROC RAMS AND PROCEDURES ..... .._... .. .... ...... ... 9 3.2.1 10 3.2.2 START.U P PROG P.AM A ND PROCEDUR ES . .. . ... . ..... .... .... ...... ... .

11 3.2.3 M A1NTENANCE ?ROG RAM AND PROCEDURES ......_... ...... . ......... ..

11 3.2.4 ORG ANIZATIONAL INTERFACES .. . ..._= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .

11 3.2.5 O P E P. ATI O N A L ISS U ES .. .... ... . . .... . .... .... .. . . .. ...... . . . ~ . . - . . . . .

12 4.0 PP.O TOCOL . , . . x.x - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

12 4.1 1DCA .. . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

4.2 VERIFICATIONS OTilER TlIAN IDCA AND IDCA CLOSEOUT.. .. ..., ... ..-... ..-. .... 14

....-................. 15

'.0 S!GN1F1 CANT V!!RIF1 CATION ITEMS. . _ ..............

...................... 15 5.1 SO U R CE R EV 1 EW ........ ..... . .... . .. .. ... _ .. . ..

5.2 VERIF1CATlON M ATRIX DEVELOPM ENT .. .. . .. m. . .~. ... .... .. ....<...... 16

... .. .. . _ 18 5.3 V E R I F1 CATION M ATR1 X R EVIS t ONS ... .. ... . .... ..~... ... ... ....

18 5.4 OTlIER ONGOINO VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES BY N9A .. .. ... . . . _.... .......

19 5.5 VE RI F1CATl ON M ATR IX LEG EN D . . .. . .. . ..... .... . . . . .. .... . ..... ..



~..-.. .

........................._-......... 21 TAnLE1 VERIFICATION M ATRIX.. ..._....... .

Ilevision 0 i August,1988


ACRONYMS AC Alternating Current ADS Automatic Depressuritation System AE Architect Engineer Al Action item ANO Arkansas Nuclear One ANSI American National Standards institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers C.AT Construction Assessment Team

llR Containment IIcat Removal (Mode of Residuallicat Removal System)

CRD Control Rod Drive System ,

4 DC Direct Current EAP Engineering Assurance Program ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System EO Equipment Qualification ESW Emergency Service Water FDDR Field Deviatie . nsposition Request FPER Fire Protection Evaluation Report FSAR FinalSafety Analysis Report GE General Electric ilELB liigh En:rgy Line Dreak IIPCI liigh Pressure Coolant injection System ICE Indcyndent Critical Evaivation I&C Ins'rumentation and Contred

IDCA Independent Design and Construction Assessment

, IDI Independent Design Inspection IDR Indeperident Design Resiew IDVP ledependent Design Vr rifkation Prtgram i IE Inspection and Enforcement INPO  !.istitute for Nuclear Power Operations IP inspection Procedure '

IRO Independent Review Organization ISE Independent Safety Engineering KT Kepner Tregoe LER Licensee Event Report LGS Limerick Generating Station LOCA less of Coolant Accident Ilevision 0 11 August,1988

ACRONYMS (Continued)

LPCI Low Pressure Coolant injection System LPCS Low Pressure Core Spray System h1ELB Moderate Energy Line Break blOV hlofor Operated Vaht  !

NDE Non-Destructive Examination ,

PECo Nuclear Quality Assurance Department i NOA 'i NRB PECo Nuclear Resiew Board NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System OL Operating License ,'

OR Observation Report ORV Operational Readiness Verification PA Program Audit PECo Philadelphia Electric Company.

PFR Preliminary Finding Report Pi PhysicalInspect ion '

Phi Preventive h1aintenance PORC LGS Plant Operations Review Committec j- OA Quality Assurance GC Ouality Control 4

OVFI Quality Verification Functional Inspection RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System RilR Residuallicat Removal System RilRSW Residual lleat Removal Service Water System I;PA Readiness Program Aucssment

, RVP Readiness Verificatic t Program j RWCU Reactor Water Clean Up Spiem SALP Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance SDR Significant Deficiency Report SER Safety Evaluation Report SOER Significant Operating Event Report SSFI Safety System FunctionalInspection SWEC Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation TA Technical Audit V Volt (s)

VP Vice President ,

1 Itevision 0 ill August,1988


1.0 OBJECTIVE The objective of the Readiness Verification Program (RVP) is to provide a managed program of independent verifications and self assessment activities performed under the direction of PECo's Nuclear Quality Assurance Department (NOA). His program is designed to provide additional conf:dence to PECo management that Limerick 2 is ready to '

be licensed and placed in operation. In order to provide this assurance, selected verifications will be performed. The bases for the sciected verifications are discussed in Section 5.0,"Significant Verification items."

2.0 SCOPE The llcadiness Verification Program encompasses two distinct verification elements that are structured such that when they are combined, th:y will provide a comprehensive independent measure of Limerick 2's readiness for operation. The two verification elements are: ,

ONE: Dd;n and construction Readiness Verification Perfonn independent verifications in selected ateas, including an in depth design and constmction assessment of at least one safety mlated system, to provide added conpdence that Limerick 2 design and corutruction progrann have been effectively bnplemented and are in accordance with licerning commitments.

TWO: Overational Readiness Verification l'erfonn independent veripcations in selected areas of operational readiness to include procedural adequacy, facilitics, training, operating practices, andprogranu designed to provide adequate staff operational knon!cdge to give additional assurance that I.imerick 2 is readyfor operation in accordarece with liceruing and ather commitments.

llevision 0 1 August,1988



DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION READINESS VERIFICATION Perfonn independent verifications in selected areas, including an in-depth design and constmction assessment of at least one safety related system, to provide added confidence that Limerick 2 design and corutruction programs have been effectively implemented and are in accordance with liccruing conunisments.

The major emphasis of design and construction rer4.iness verification will be the conduct of an Independent Design and Construction Assessment (IDCA). A general description of the IDCA, including the sample system selection criteria, candidate systems considered, and system selection is described below. The basic protocol for IDCA conduct is described in Section 4.0.

3.1.1 IDCA Descriotion The II" . is a comp chensive technical assessment of the implemented design and construcoon process for Limerick 2. By focusing on a system which represents a bicad sample of design and construction activilWs, the IDCA is the equivalent of a combined NRC lategrated Design Inspection (IDI) and Construction Assessment Team (CAT).

Specifically, it will utilize NRC pioneered deep vertical slice techniques to perform an in depth technical review of all design and construction activities associated with the sample system. It will start with basic lleensing commitments end with the as installed configuration of the system and supporting structures. Because of the depth of the assessment ard the breadth of activities reviewed during the IDCA, the iesults and conclusions of the review will provide, both an assessment of the sample system's design and construction status vi., a vis licensing commitments and an assessment of the plant's design and construction process implementation effectiveness. ,

Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) has been selected as the Independent Review Organization to conduct the IDCA. A detailed description of the IDCA to be conducted is found in SWEC Document J.O. No. 18138.00, *Prag, ram for the Independent Design and Construction Assessment of Limerick - Unit 2," which was submitted to the NRC by PECo letter dated July 7,1988. In a response to this submittal dated July 28,1988, Revision 0 2 August,1988

NRC stated that "...the IDCA, if properly implemented, will allow the staff to draw overall i conclusions regarding the adequacy of the design and construction of Limerick Unit 2." This ,

response further stated that the July 7,1988 submittal incorporated NRC comments and win acceptable to NRC staff. IDCA Considerations i

The assessments will begin with an inspection plan which will address, as a minimum, the '

following technical disciplines and activities:

e hfechanical Systems Design e Electrical Power Design e Instrumentation and Controls Design e hicchanical Components Design ,

o Civil and Structural Design e llazards Protection and Common Design Features e hfechanical(Piping) Construction e Electrical Construction

. Welding and Non Destructive Examination e Quality Assurance and Quality Control e Procurement Activities In keeping with NRC-plancered deep vertical slice techniques which have been proven successful in a large number of IDI and CAT inspections, the inspection plan will not be treated as a rigid checklist of detailed review activities. Rather, it will be treated as a starting point for experienced inspectors to follow the leads of potential discrepancies and llevision 0 3 August,1988

t concerns. The basic concept of this technique relles on the experience of the inspectors to probe deep into the process where concerns may exist, rather than rigid adherence to l


checklists in areas where no problems exist.

Where a potential problem is identified, additional information will normally be requested to assure the relevant facts are gathered prior to intitiating an Action Item (AI). The ,

request for additional information may or may not be in writing, depending on the complexity of the question and the need to better describe the request. An Alis initiated when there is concern that a licensing or design commitment has not been met. Also, since this is a performance based assessment, an Al will be initated if there is a concern that the i structure, system, or component may not function in accordance with the design intent, even though there may be no specific violation of licensing or design commitments. All Als and -

Observation Reports (ors) will be uniquely identified and a status log will be maintained.

Responses to Als will be assessed to assure that they adequately address the questions raised. Adequate responses will result in an Al being closed. Unresolved Als will be included in and traceable to 01(3. (See Section 4.1.)

In general, the assesament will be conducted within well defined boundaries of the sample system, certain supporting oystems, and supporting structures, llowever, where valid concerns are identified, the assessment will be expanded "horizontally" beyond the sample system boundaries as necessary to establish the limits of the concerns and their generic implications. Tracking IDCA Results Proposed corrective and preventive actions in respouse to ors will be evaluated by the independent Review Organization to assure that:

1 'the entire problem has been addressed,

2. The proposed action is appropriate, and
3. Potential for impact on Limerick 1 has been considered and appropriately addressed.

Verification of corrective and preventive action implementation will be tracked by NOA as part of the overall RVP follow up and closecut activities.

Revision 0 4 August,1988

I Trending In addition to conclusions related to the design and construction process implementation for the sample system and the overall plant, the assessment will evaluate the number, type, and magnitude of observations and concerns for possible process deficiency trends. Trends which indicate the need for improvements will be identified and the potential impact on plant safety will be evaluated.

3.1.2 IDCA Sample System Selection NOA has selected the Containment Ileat Removal (CIIR) Mode of Residual lleat Removal (RIIR) as the sample system. The scope of the IDCA review is defined in SWEC Document J.O. No. 18138.00. "Program for the Independent Design and Construction Assessment of Limerick - Unit 2." This system was selected as the best choice of a system which provides the broadest possible review of design and construction activities while '

focusing the IDCA team's activities on a limited amount of plant equipment and structures.

The selection process which arrived at CIIR is summarized in Figure 1 using Kepner-Tregoe (K-T) decision analysis. The selection process involved determination of selection criteria, rejection of certain systems for specific reasons (e.g., previously reviewed at Limerick or system complexity), and evaluation of the remaining candidate systems against the criteria using K-T weighted scoring techniques.

The system of choice should be the best balanced choice satisfying the following criteria:

1. Safety significant
2. Substantial architect engineerinvolvement
3. Substantial interface with the reactor system i
4. Representative of typical plant equipment (pumps, motors, motor operated valves,'

AC and DC power, etc.)

5. Modeue to high energy fluids
6. Involvement of all technical disci ,l lines plus interdiscipline and interorganizational interfaces .

i Revision 0 5 August,1988

l l

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7. Large variety of common design features (e.g.,IIELB/MELB, Seismic II/I, Internal 1 and External Missiles, Flooding, Radiation Shielding)


8. Non-destructive examination (NDE) of welds, including radiography (Class 1 and Class 2 piping preferred)
9. Significant amount of Class 1E equipment and instruments
10. Common to both Limerick 1 and Limerick 2.

The Imw Pressure Core Spray (LPCS) system was rejected from consideration because it was the sample system for the Limerick 1 Independent Design Verification Program (IDVP). The liigh Pressure Coolant Injection (IIPCI) system was rejected because it was the subject of a recent NRC construction inspection at Limerick 2. The Residual IIcat Removal (RilR) system, as a whole, was rejected because it is so extensive that it might dilute the focus of the assessment and therefore hamper the desired synergism among inspectors (however, various modes of RilR including containment cooling mode, low I pressure injection mode, etc. were considered). Finally, a number of systems (e.g., Reactor Enclosure Cooling Water, Ultimate lleat Sink, etc.) were rejected because they were unlikely to achieve a high score against the established criteria.

In view of the above, the following systems were evaluated against the criteria:

1. Containment IIcat Removal (CllR) mode of RIIR,
2. Automatic Depre:,surization System and Low Pressure Coolant Injection System (ADS /Li'CI),
3. RIIR Service Water (RilRSW),
4. Emergency Service Water (ESW), and
5. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC). .

Both (1) and (2) are actually a combination of systems acting together in a specific safety mode. The numerical analysis, including the weighting factors assigned to the various criteria, is shown in Figure 1. Containment Ileat Removal was the first choice, with ADS /LPCI second.

Revision 0 () August,1988

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3.1.3 Other Desien and Construction Verincations Ilecause the IDCA is limited in scope, selected additional construction verifications are performed by NOA under the overall RVP. These verifications are performed as part of long-standing NOA programs or as specially developed NOA reviews.

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1 8 August,1988 llevision 0

e 3.2 VERIFICATION ELEMENT TWO: OPERATIONAL READINESS VERIFICATION Perfonn independent vedfications in selected areas of operational readiness to include procedural adequacy, facilitics, training, operating practices, and progmms designed to provide adequate . staff operational knowledge to give additional auurance that Limerick 2 is readyfor operation in accordance with liceming and other commitments.

An important aspect of the Operational Readiness Verification (ORV) will be the emphasis placed on evaluating the effectiveness of the site's operations program in addressing the >

differences between Limerick 1 and Limerick 2 structures, systems, and components and in using systems and structures that are shared or common between the two units. Due to the existence of shared features between the two units, the ORV will review those operational practices on the shared plant features to assure that required Limerick 1 operations will not adversely affect the safe operation of Limerick 2 and, conversely, that Limerick 2 operations '

will not adversely affect Limerick 1. This review concept will be applied to each area described in this section.

Operational readiness verification includes selected verifications performed by individuals of adequate technical experience and expertise to critically review bases and assumptions that underlie programs and procedures generated by line groups to support PECo startup, testing, and operations. Selected verifications willinclude the following items:

3.2.1 Oncrations Programs and Procedures Assess the performance of training programs in selected area., focusing attention on the identification of differences in operator responsibilities betweca Limerick 1 and Limerick 2 and the effects of Limerick 2 operation on Limerick 1. Verify implementation of approved plans developed and incorporated into the training program for training and requalifying operators and instructors and for addressing NRC concerns regarding two unit olv:rator licenses.

Perform an assessment of the procedure development process in selected areas for control, tracking, revision, and inclusion of human factors, design change considerations, and Unit 1 and 2 differences. Verify support procedures are complete and adequate to reliably operate the plant in accordance with plant design licensing bases by performing selected verifications in each of the following areas:

. Administrative procedures e Maintenance program and scheduling procedures llevkion 0 9 August,1988

. Operating procedures 4


. Emergency procederes ,

e Surveillance procedures

. Water chemistry control and analysis e Emergency plan e 11adiological controls

. Fire prevention / protection Verify that procedural consistency exists in selected areas between the physical plant and  ;

equipment and administrative or technical processes. Also verify that the procedures in .!

selected areas adequately satisfy the requirements of their purpose and objectives, properly reflect technical specification requirements, and are technically accurate.

3.2.2 Start Un Program and Procedures ,

Assess the performance of the start up program in selected areas in demonstrating that structures, systems, and componcnts are ready for operation by performing selected verification of testing and status control processes such as:

. Turnover and acceptance processes and interfaces between construction, start up, 1 and operations.  ;

  • Pre operational test exception records, tracking nonconformances, test compilation ,

and test exceptions, and resolving nonconforming conditions.  :

. Procedure preparation, review, approval, and revision.  ;

I e Approvalof test performance.

llevision 0 10 August,1988

3.2.3 h1alntenance Program and Proceditru ,

Perform selected verifications of the maintenance program with a special emphasis on assuring that controls, procedures, and schedules developed for Limerick 1 have been properly implemented on Limerick 2. Verify that Preventive Maintenance (PM) procedures have been developed using the latest vendor manuals, vendor recommendations, plant experience with similar equipment (plant history), industry experience with similar equipment (industry history), and technical specification requirements. Verify appropriate procedures exist to maintain plant components after receipt of Operating Ucense (OL).

3.2.4 Ornanizational Interfaces Verify interfacing arrangements between the construction, start up, maintenance, operations, and other organizations have been effectively implemented by performing selected verifications of turnc /cr from construction to start up and from start-up to operations.

3.2.5 OmrationalIsiun Review Limerick 1 operations oriented audit and surveillance reports and verify that any operational deficiencies and issues identified in those documents have been adequately addressed for Limerick 2 readiness.

Itevision 0 11 August,1988

4.0 PROTOCOL t e

4.1 IDCA A specific protocol for communications and interactions between the Independent Review Organization (IRO) and PECo and its agents (Bechtel, General Electric, etc.) is necessary  ;

to ensure the independence of the IRO. At the same time, the protocol can not be so  ?'

cumbersome that the flow of information is stifled in the name of independence to the point where the independent reviewer and the responding organizations can not do an effective r job. As stated in Section 3.1.1, Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) has been selected as the IRO. The protwol for the Limerick 2 IDCA is included as Attachment 2 to SWEC document J.O. No. 18138.00, "Program For The Independent Design And Construction Assessment Of Limerick - Unit 2."

PECo reviewed protocols from previous IDVPs and IDRs, and adapted the features of these protocols to the IJmerick 2 RVP. Based on this review, PECo concluded the following: .

1. The 1110 will be established as the agent of the General Manager, NOA,who has sole j responsibility for the RVP and, therefore, the IDCA. As such, the IRO enjoys the

- same independence hom influence by PECo~ management or project personnel as l

the General Manager, NOA, enjoys under 10CFR50, Appendix B.

2. In spite of the independence afforded by 10CFR50, Appendix B, a protocolis necessary to ensure there is no perception of undue influence by PECo, as viewed by intervenors, the NRC, or other concerned outside organizations.

In view of the above considerations, PECo and SWEC have established the following l

protocol for the RVP. This protocol assumes the NRC will elect to participate in or monitor
the verification processes, and is written to accommodate NRC participation, j
1. SWEC may request documentation material, meet with and interview individuals, conduct telephone conversations, or visit the site, PECu headquarters, Bechtel, General Electric, or other contractor's offices to obtain information without prior notification of the NRC or other outside organizations. Communications and transmittals of information shall, however, be documented and such documentation shall be maintained in a location eccessible for NRC examination. Communications -

between SWEC and PECo solely with respect to financial and administrative aspects of the IDCA contract, are outside the scope of this protocol. .

Revision 0 12 August,1988

2. Observations, reports, evaluations and all exchange of correspondence, including  !

drafts, between SWEC and PECo (including its contractors and subcontractors) will ,'

he submitted to the NRC at the same time as they are submitted to PECo. In addition, SWEC shall maintain IDCA files in such condition as to be prepared for NRC examination at any time throughout the assessment, including backup documentation in support of observations, evaluation of proposed resolutions, recommendations, trend analysis, ete.

3. Action items (Als) and Observation Reports (ors) initiated by SWEC will be transmitted to Bechtel for action. Copies of Als and ors initiated by SWEC will be provided to the NRC and PECo by SWEC upon issuance. Copies of responses to Als and ors provided by Bechtel will be provided to the NRC and PECo by Bechtel ,

upon issuance.

4. Following the issuance of an OR, Bechtel(or, other responsible PEco contractor) may discuss the observation with SWEC to obtain further clarification and additional i information to allow a full understanding of the observation and its basis. In these instances, the NRC will be notified 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in advance of telephone calls and 48 l

l hours in advance of meetings. Such communications or meetings shall bc documented. Copies of such documentation shall be mair'nined accessible for NRC l -


l S. Following the issuance of an OR, should it be necessary for Bechtel(or other responsible PECo contractor) to discuss possible or proposed resolutions or actions l

with SWEC, the NRC will be notified 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in advance of telephone calls and 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in advance of scheduled meetings to allow the opportunity for participation.

Such communications or meetings shall be documented. Copies of documentation .

I shall be provided to the NRC and PECo in a timely manner, including copics of the ors discussed.


6. To support the NRC independence criterio, each member of the IDCA team will be required to execute an IDCA agreement and an IDCA questionnaire, Exceptions noted on the IDCA questionnaire will be evaluated by SWEC and the executed questionnaires will be available for NRC and PECo review. Also, any full time PECo employees assigned to the IDCA team will be under the direction ofSWEC.

Such personnel will be required to execute the PEco employee IDCA assignment acknowledgment and agreement to ensure objective conclusions and prevent  :

compromising the purposes of this assessment.

7. If, during the conduct of this assessment, SWEC identifies an item for which it appears that an evaluation needs to be performed to assess potential reportability, SWEC Revision 0 13 August,1988

i willissue a copy of the appropriate documentation of the item (Al or OR) directly to the General Manager, NOA for evaluation and reporting as required. In ,

addition, a copy of the document will be sent to the NRC and Bechtelin lieu of the Al or OR issue process defined in 3, above.

4.2 VERIFICATIONS OTIIER TIIAN IDCA AND IDCA CLOSEOUT Closcout of IDCA ors and other verifications conducted outside of the IDCA Program will .

be completed under the normal PECo Quality Assurance Program activities and ', !

responsibilities. Such verifications will use PECo procedures and commitments for root cause analysis, trending, and corrective actions as necessary to assure item closcout.

Revision 0 14 August,1988


The RVP will assess a cross section of Umerick 2's activities as described in the ,

PECo sponsored "Readiness Program Assessment for Limerick 2," (RPA) dated March 1988. The RPA was submitted to the NRC by PECo letter dated April 11,1988. Problems and concerns having potential applicability to Limerick 2 were selected. NOA has undertaken the task to identify and document these specific verification items in a l verification matrix (see Table 1). He matrix will be used during the conduct of the RVP to  :


' assure that the verification items are identified and adequately verified by NOA. This '

section discusses the development and use of the verification matrix.  !

'j 1


An independent review under NOA was conducted to assess if industry "lessons learned" 'I and significant issues are or will be appropriately addressed at Lin:erick 2. The following -

! sources were assessed for items and issues that in NOA's judgement my be critical to

demonstrating Limerick 2 readiness for operation


e Limerick 1 Licensee Event Reports (LERs) l

) e 1.imerick 1 Independent Design Verification Program (IDVP) [

i e Independent verification programs at ilope Creek 1, Nine Mile Point 2, Clinton, and

lleaver W) ley 2 l
j. l e Independent Design inspections (IDis), Safety System Functional Impections 1 (SSFis) and IDVPs done at other plants .

e NRC responses to the above information e N RC Inspection and Enforcement Manual procedures and instruct.' .ns e IE lhilletins, Notices, and Generic Letters e NUREG 1275, Operating Erperience Feedback Report: New Plants .

9 Revision 0 15 August,1988

l 1

e Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Significant Operating Event Reports 4 (SOERs) h.

e The 1987 Limerick 2 Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) [

report and PEco SALP responses l

e The 1988 Limerich 1 SALP Report ,,  :

. The PECo sponsored Limerick 2 Readiness Program Assessment (RPA) and its implementation e INPO evaluations of Limerick 1 operation

. Peach Bottom Restart Program for organizational readiness commitments that apply :i to Limerick 2 .!

e NRCinspections of Limerick e Limerick Station Significant Deficiency Reports (SDRs) ,

e Known differ:nces between Limerick 1 and Liaterick 2 -

e NOA audits audit progran The 1987 LLnerick 2 SALP Report and the PECo,ponsored "Readiness Program ,

! Assessment for Limerick 2," (RPA) are of particular interest to PECo management as thesc  ;'

have both provided critical assessments of Limerick 2 readiness programs and netivities. In y the selection at specific RVP verification items, these assessments have been specifically >:

l included. Items are shown witn their corresunding RPA function category; Licensing.

Ouality Assurance, Engineering, Construction, liardware Readiness, or Organizational Readiness.


Items that were determined to apply to Limerick 2 were incorporated into a verification matrix. The left hand column of the matrix lists items which are judged by NOA to be applicable to demonstrating Limerick 2 readiness for operation. The RPA function  ;

't i

Revision 0 16 August,1988

1 t

category is then shown for the item. The source for each item is then listed. The items have ,. ,

been grouped into the following areas of like concern ("Bins") and are presented as such in Table 1: 1 Bin 1 Management Oversight Bin 2 Regulatory Commitments Bin 3 Other Commitments Bin 4 Indeutry ErperiencelReconunendatioru Bin 5 Unit 1/ Unit 2 Differr ~

Bin 6 Component andSyst & G . nality Bin 7 Training a: <!Qualijit - 'onnel Bin 8 Procedure.3dequas. .ntation ,

Bin 9 Docur.. tu.wp

  • The matrix shows whn related to Verification Element 1. Design and Construction Verificat'on . ,erification Element 2, Operational Readiness -

Verification. Under each % .. ..on Element, the verification method by which NOA will assure that the item has been addressed is listed. At least one of five verification methods will be used for each item. The five verification methods are:

  • Teclvical fudir mi) A TA is a performance based verification method that uses the audit process using individuals having sufficient technical expertise to assess the technical adequacy of the audited area.

i . Programf udift /&11 A PA is a compliance based verification method that uses the i audit process to conduct programmatic assessments of specified areas. This technique !s appropr! ate for assessing the achievement of quality in the implementation of the OA program requirements for the audited area.

. Physical Inspectiort..!fil A Pi is technique that uses direct observation of the physical attributes and characteristics of a process or component to verify its conformance with predetermined requirements, e independent critical Evaluation (ICE) ne ICE is a review technique using technically experienced individuals to critically review bases and assumptions used to '

develop programs, procedures and processes. As such, the ICE is used to verify that the right things are being done, llevision 0 17 A rjust,1988

8 l

l e hsdependent Desien and Comtmetinn A tsossment (IDCA) - Developed by NOA and is further described in SWEC Document J.O. No. 18138.00, "Program for the i Independent Design and Construction Assessment of Limerick - Unit 2."

I l

1 For each verification item listed, the NOA group (s) or other independent organization (s) responsible for carrying out the verification are designated. To track the verification progress, columns for Start Date, End Date, and Status are also included and are to be regularly updated throughout the course of the RVP. Start dates and End dates are shown by calendar quarter and year. Verification of each item is ultimately indica;ed in the Status  ;

column by the word "Complete" and is to be accompanied by a list of Closcout Documents -

supporting the "Complete" status.

I A computerized data base system (dBase 111 Plus") will be used and continually updated throughout the duration of the RVP. In this manner, the updated matrix will be used to

  • maintain traceability to Closcout Documents which are maintained in auditable files under the control of NOA.

3.3 VERIFICATION MATRIX REVISIONS NOA will be responsible for the verifications prrfor:ned and docurr.cating results of the verifications. As new or revised verification items, .:lements, or methods are identified, NOA will appropriately revise the RVP and update the matrix.

5A OTilER ONGolNG VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES IlY NQA in addition to tl'c 1(VP, NOA will continue to perform Quality Assurance (OA) and Quality Control (OC) reviews, audits, inspections, and monitoring to assure that on a day to day basis !.imerick 2 activities are conducted in accordance with appropriate procedures and requirements. ,

I dilasc 111 Musis a registered trademark of Ashton Tatt, llevision 0 18 August,1988




.r The Ixgend for the matrix is as follows: f' RFA Function Categorv Umcrick 2 functions required for plant readiness to receive an OL are as described in the -

PECo sponsored "Readiness Program Assessment for Umerick 2" sections listed below:

P Section 4.1  ;

Liceruing -

Section 4.2 L-QualityAnurance -

Engineering - Section 4.3 t Corutruction - Section 4.4 }'

liardware Readiness - Section 4.5.1 Organi:ationalReadiness - Section 4.5.2 l l

.i ~

Sntsia ,

< ANO - Arkansas Nuclear One I!AP - Engirxering Assurance Program

! GE SIL Geneel Electric (Nuclear) Service Information Letter  !

IDR - ledependent Design Review
IDVP - ludependent Dcsign Verification Program IE - Inspection and Enforcement
  • INPO - institute of Nuclear Power Operations IP - Inapection Procedure (

1 LliR -

1.icensee Event Report 4 OR - Observation Report ,

PDAPS - Peach llottom Atomic Power Station PFR - Preliminary Finding Report P&lD - Process and Instrumentation Diagram OVFI - Quality Verification Functional Inspection

  • RPA - Readiness Program Assessment '

SALP - Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance SDR - Significant Deficiency Report i SOER - Significant Operating Experience Report ,'

SSF1 - Safety System Functional Inspection SWEC - Ston i 7'ebster Engineering Corporation l TMII - 'lluc W Island Unit 1 1

Revision 0 19 August,1988

2 9

i Verification Methods j ICE - Independent Critical Evaluation (

IDCA - Independent Desigri and Construction Assessment l PA - Program Audit PI - PhysicalInspection .'

TA - Technical Audit 1

Runonsible Groups CONSTOA - LGS Quality Assurance Unit 2 f CONST OC - LOS Quality Control Unit 2 110 OS - licadquarters Quality Suppet Division of NOA  !

1RO - Independent Review Organiiation (SWEC) ^

! 110 ISED - IIcadquarters Independent Safety Engineering Division of NOA '

4 1.GS ISEG - LGS Independent Safety Evaluation Group LGSOS - LGS Quality Support Section NOA GM - PECo Nuclear Quality Assurance Department General Manager OPS OA - LOS Quality Assurance Unit i OPS OC - LGS Quality Centrol Unit 1


Performance Assessment Division of NQA ,

i C101cluLE2multab TUD -

To De Determined e

llevision 0 20 August,1988

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9 Itevision 0 21 August,1988

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  • f' READ!aESS VERIf!Ca'. ION st4 TRIM +

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.... ...... .... .......... ........ y 1 7 Evoluete key en personnet ur-tersterati eustity 12 seersael ICE Pap 4e08 4e63 Soit9ULED 100 l assiv ed stort ,responsibititles. Assuren6e IP 35501 ,

2 7 Veeify 6cy orecperetionei teat persorwiet Orgeniaet one! 8 IE sennuei PA Con 5T e4 2008 3008 ScuEDULED TOD i eret specified quattficetion Reeditiess IP 70302 i reyJirement2  ;

3 8 verify preoperational test procedtsres Nordaere IE seenuel P4 ConsT e4 4C37 3e08 SCIEOULED TOD  !

have been reviewed and approved per Readiness IP 70302 LES 95 4887 3008 SCNEBULED 100 procedxes and have not bean art <ersely {

g ef fected try desigre changes and modifications, 4 9 Verify vendor's manuels

  • sed by perdmore IE sennual PA DINST e4 4eN 4408 SOIEDULED 100 preope-etlenet test perserviet are neediness IP 70302 ),


5 8 Yerify fitid-chensed drominge ere Engineerirag IE seersant IDCA PA led 3eN 1989 SusEDULED 100 i referred to the declan engineer for IP 703C2 Neet 1889 1989 SolEE4JLED TBD review a w revislera and Configuretten {

g Control Process thrrarjh start y , ,

operatione, erwi training. 1 I

6 7 tierify key perserviet are feeller with perdware IE pannual TA CDOST e4 20W 4em Sour! / s TOD r estettished centrole ever corrective and Leedftess IP 703C2 )<

preventive maintenance dsring preeperationet testing. E 7 8 ve-Ify acceptance criterie are used to perduore IE Itersset P4 LGS ISEG 4808 1009 SOIEDULED T90 cretuate stort , tests and Reediness IP 72301 preoperationet test results and i iustifications for test enceptione are I dacumented. I f

i 8 2 verify stes tw test progree is sterJwere IE saareist PA LGS et 2eOS 1e09 SOCDulED T00 consistert with FSAR comeniteents. Readiness IP 72400 l g

9 2,6, verify GA Program erwJ edministrettwo euelity 1E ste7 st FA Nees 4408 4e08 SDsESULED TOD 9 ontrots define and centrot -he score of Assurance IP 35760 t% QA Program.

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I-10 2 Verify 04 audit program and schesAste hos eustity IE meruset PA PA OPS SA (TS) 1800 1449 SCNESULED TSB


tseen defined and is consistent witti FSaa Aseurerce IP 35741 tsNST e4 3est 4e08 SCNEBULED TSD g and technicet specificetfori commitments. (FSam) $

Nees (FSam) 4eOS 4e08 SCHEDULED Tap 11 4,5, Evaluate GA stof fing and spellfications orgenfretionet SVft, E.I. ICE N04 WI 480l' 4408 SCHEDULED TSO 7 to stepart two unit erration. Reediness Detch 12 2,6 Verify physical Instettation of selected Licensing IE manuel IDCA Ils 3ess 1 esp eressedLED T50 sechanicet eruf fluid synteem ere per IP 37301 ,

I current P&tD's and FSAR comenitaants.

13 2,6 Verify control and f eele instrismontotion Licensing IE IIenuet iDCA lac 3ett le99 SCNEst".ED TOD of a selected system conforms to FSAR IP 37301 description.

14 1,4, verify contrets are in place to Orgeniretienel evff, PA CPS SC 1899 200F SCNESULED TSB 5 Imptenumt procedure updeten per FSaa acediness Catamme 142 comal tomt s.

15 2,5, "crify redletoglet environerntet Organ'aetlenet IE stormset TA OPS en 2009 2009 SCNEBULED TOD .

6 annitoring pro 5rees are operationet, neediness IP 80521  ?

er+t Te-h. Spec. and FSAR commitments, and ere adequate for tuo unit operation.

18 2,7 terify on-elte (PomC) and of f-site (mess orgenfretienst moetert Plan PA PAS (see) 3e08 3ee8 SCNEWLED TOD safety revleu commletees have been seediness for peeps, SPS SA 2409 2009 SCNEBULED TOD ,

estobtIshed, staf fed, and ftactien per IE sennust (PORC) g, TSAR and Tech. Spec. regsiremments. IP 40301 IT 2,5 Verify ef fwtive laptemmentation of the Organiretienst IE simuel PI TA trS EA 1809 2889 SCNESULED TMD requiresamts of ;be Physical Security seediness Chapter OPS 'JC 1889 2009 SCNEBULED TOD Plan and the Sefeguards Contingency Plan 410ba JosST e4 1899 te6;P SCNEDULED TSD essociated with changing to two-mit g:

operstless et Limmerick. t 18 3,8 verify Post-Turnover Cunge Centrot Licensing RPA memort PA CPS e4 4e08 1e09 SCNEDULES TOD Process is formally defined and opptled for Limerick 2 systene. ti l'

  1. l 17 1,2 Verify adequete and timely open item Licensing RPA Report PA/TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A ctone-cut. DELETED - COWEDED 8Y ITEMS 18, 20, 45, 56-71, 84
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p r,

20 2,8 Verify Licensing Doctammt aevision Licensing SPA Report, IDCA leo 3ESS 1999 SJESULED TOD '

Program has essessed tapect of proposed 198T )

anodifications. Lleerick 2 [:

W.P j; 21 3,4, verify f tuad-head centeiruent Engineering Limerick 1 IDCA teo 3008 1eO9 ScuEDULED T80 6 penetrations meet AsseE Code for notates IDVP, Pft g:

for primary upset toed. 016 ,

22 2,4, verify suf ficient and censistent Engineering  : limen IDCA Inc 3008 1e09 StufDULED Teo I.

6,9 docismentatlan to canctisse thet mets /mEtt tavP OR-55, f ef fccts have been adegantely considered OR-57, e and safe-shutdoari capabitity mes OR-64, f demonstrated. OR-73, 1 Limerick 1 l IDVP, j:

Pft-019, g Pft-022 f t

23 2,4, verify eneeuptien from pipe eAlp Engineering Limerick 1 IOCA tec 3008 1e99 SCIEBULED TBD i 6 considerations based en pipe size hos IDVP, f not been entended to jet i gineament Pft-019, i*

etso. Pft-022 6

24 2,4, Verify safety-retoted equipment hos been Engineering rtinten IDCA loo 3CM 1e99 SDIEDULED TED .

6 edegantely protected from ,e===y= dse to IDVP, OR-36  ;

interaction with other equipment s sring

  • a seismic event. {

25 2,4, verify noncriticet dieset generator trip Engineering Clinton IOCA Int, 3em le99 SCHEDULED TBD 6 circuits are tesed dsirg n LOCA IDVP, OR-10 j conditlen. 6 26 2,4, Werify internet penet wiring and Engineering CtInton IDCA ISO 3005 1999 SCFEDULED TOD -

6 enternet recewer electricot seperation IDVP, OR-11  ;

has been adegsetely dsumonstrated. j i

2T 2,6 verify dynamic soit pressures have been Engineering Clinton IDCA N/A N/A N/A DELETED F/A j edequately combined with seismic IDVP, OR-61 I effects, s.a., proper methodology.


i 1

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rose he. 4 l 09/01/88 8 READIMESS VERIFICATION seATRIX .


?j 28 4,6 verify precedure for calcutetten of Engineering pape Creek IDCA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A j instrsawnt set points carmiders drif t IDVP, OR-51, i and other instrument inaccuracies. OR-161 DELETED - INCORPOAATED INTD ITEM 64.


29 4,6 verify voltage drops associated with Engineering mape Creek IDCA IRO 3Q88 1Q89 SosEDULED T8D 120V AC control circuit tergths have IDVP, OR-216

, been edespantely controtted and tracked.

i l 30 4,6 verify condait enoports have been Engineering tape Creek IDCA IRO 3008 1089 SCmEDutED Teo l designed for peek seismic reopense, self IDVP, J Leed, tror systems toeding, and OR-118,

{ amplication of ecceleration. OR-155 t

{ 31 4,6 verif y piping retlef wetwas and other Engineering mine Nite TA N005 1989 1Q89 SCHEDULED TBD t pressure boundaries are desty nd to Point EAP, ComST QA 1Q89 1Q89 ScaEDULED TED j handte ft tt-spen f alture of sentroam Al-E-P011, (Field pressure centrot wetwes for the RCIC, S$ Fist Design) sePCI, and CAD systems. Oconee, Re sho Seco, Pilgrim a

8 32 4,6 verif y se f teu path from sigpression Engineeriat mine mile TA LGS ISEG 1Q89 1Q89 SCMEDULED T8D pool to the condensate storese tank Point EAP, daring velve switchover from sinste AI-E-P37, watwo failure. River send IDE 33 4,6 verify de eultchseer controt circuits Engineering mine Nile IDCA la0 3008 1Q80 SCMEDULED TOD have been specified for mealsmas longtns Point EAP, based agaon voltese drop and wire size Al-E-E33 considerations.


34 4,6 verify structuret toed respairements are Engineering mine mise IDCA ISO 3Q08 1Q89 SCHEDULED T80 appiled consistently to safety-related Point EAP, i structures (e.g., setemic, wind, Al-E-506 tornado, missite, etc.).

35 4,6 verify aiaIne ef suctIan-eide Eneeneerins mittatone 3 IDCA IRO 3088 1999 SOeEDULED TED safety-related samp relief wetwes EAP, Al-P027 considers teekage through perallet

(idled) gamp discheroe check volves.

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09/01/88 READIuT55 VERIFICATI0st M41 RIM .


36 4,6 Veriff ccessIstency of notor nameptete mer h te Miitatone 3 IDCA Ia0 3ee8 1ee9 SCHEDULED T80 date, toed lists, vendor date sheets, Amadiness EAP, Al-E031 and drawings.

h 37 4,6, verify selected system includes Engineering INPO SOER IDCA TA ISO 3Q88 1989 SCHEDULED TOD I T,8 essessment of wutnerability to internet 85-5 LCS ISEG 4Q88 4408 SCHEDULED TBD

. ~t flooding and its offacts on necessery sipport systems, and thet ag.garlate sAysical and proceduret protection is q Incorporated.

d 38 4,6 Verify f an t> Lade escape through neerty Engineering Vogtle IDR, IDCA ISO 3088 1989 5CNEDULED TOD esponsion joints considered as e OR-4-92

'I potentlet internet eissile hazard.

39 4,6 Vertfy bettery ewity/toeding Engineering 55Flo IDCA Ino 3088 1989 SCNEDULED TOO q calcutettons consider effects of low Petisades,

, temperatures. Peterim, j Trojan, 3 Turkey Point h 40 4,6, verify MOW everleed heaters are merchsere 55fts: Ano, IDCA PA Ipo (IDCA) 3008 1089 SCNEDULED TSD j 8 correctly slaed with proper overtoed me.diness Fetisades, OPS e4 (*A) 1Q89 1989 SCMEDULED Tao j protection provided and Survelttarite Turkey Point Procedures have been dewetoped per technical specifIcatlens.

41 4,6, Verify perlusic testing of nordnere 55Fis Amo, 1A LG5 ISEG 1Q89 2Q89 SCnEDutFo =

8 safety-related checat wolves meets IST Readiness Palisades,

'} program respirements to esaure they will Oconee i perform their safety function.

42 4,6 Verify non-safety grads gir systems de Engineering 55 Fist TA LG5 ISEG 4Q88 1Q89 SCHEDULED T80 not support safety functions. Polisades, Oconee 43 2,4, Verif y single feiture criterion is Engineering 55Fis: AMO, IDCA la0 3088 1Q89 SCNEDULED TSD

6 satisfied. TMI-I, Turkey Point I 44 4,6 kelfy se0W torspe switch settige are meresore 55FIs
IDCA/TA TA IRO (IDCA) 3088 1989 SCmEDULED Tap adecpate for intended fmetion and neediness PetIsades, 80005 (TA) 1Q89 1Q89 SCNEDULED TSO edequately ct.ntrolled. Oconew, CONST 04 2088 3Q88 SCHEDULED TBD

, TMI-I, (TA)

Limerick 1 Inspection Report 87-17 I

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45 3 werify consistency and cesspleteness of Licensins een esport PA OPS en 2099 2009 SCNEDULES 700 interface between apen items /trecking CouSY en 3008 2009 SCNEDULED TSD (Ists in various grows (eA, Licensing, LG5 e5 3e08 2209 SCNEDULED TOD

Start w , operations, etc.).

I l 46 6 verify proper oppticetlan of e4 Preerem Engineerins Limerick 2 IDCA 380 3e06 1009 SCNEDULED TBJ r to design charges. Inspection 1i Report 87-16 1

47 1,2 vertfy offactIwoness of the fletd Audit eustity PECe Audits IDCA PA 180 3 DSS 1009 SCNEDULED Ta0

[f Progree. Assurance (Const.)

.o mees (ops.) 1009 1009 SCNEDULED TOD 7

48 4,6 werify chronic prekees with the sein Ergineerf rg Limerick 1 TA LG5 ISEG 1409 1009 SCNEDULED Te0 centrol reem wentitation chterine see Leas detection systems are resetwed. (nuarrous) 49 4,6, verify reacter vesset neutron fluence meresere Limerick 1 PI LomST eC 1999 2009 SCNEDULED TBD 8 dostmetry is instetted. Readiness LER ST-32


l J 50 4,6, verify RWOJ system changes to reflect meresere Limerick 1 TA LG5 ISEG 4e06 4e08 SCNEDULED TED 8 tessans from Limerick 1 lea 05-82. seedistas LER 85-82 9

51 3,4 verify esistence of respaired electricot eustity Limerick 1 PI PA Con 5T ec 3e06 4408 SCNEDULED Tap 4 ceruhait penetretion plugs and contrats. Assurance LER 86-18 (PI)

OPS e4 (PA) 2009 2009 SCNEDULED TOD

,j 52 4,5 verify teseens from Limerick 1 Leas are nordeere Limerica 1 TA LES ISEG 4408 2009 SCNEDULED TOD 1

'g incorporated into timerick 2 seediness Leas surveittence test, start y , and opeteting procedares.

,, 53 4,6, verify adesysete centrot of proceesre meresore Limerick 1 IDCA PA la0 (IDCA) 3e08 1009 SCNEDULED T80 revisions darire plant modifications, 8 asediness LER 85-98 OPS e4 (PA) 2009 2009 SCNEDULED TSD 54 4,6, 74 if 9 verify easter surveittence test scheeste meresere tist complies with technicet asediness Limerick 1 LER 88-3 PA OPS e4 LG5 e5 2009 2009 2009 2009 SCMEDULED SCNEDULED T80 TED j specificetiens.

f 55 1,2, verify adegsscy of surveillance test meresore Limerick 1 TA LES ISEC 2009 2009 SCNEDULED TBD j 4 with respect to mar 5W system technicet seeminess LER 86-12 6 specificettens.

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' O# ID # ITEM DESCRIPTION CATEGORT SOURCE (5) ComSTR. READ. GAOUP DATE DATE STATUS DOCLseENT 56 4,7 verify system and poticy adegancy with mercheere Limerick 1 TA OPS QA 1099 1Q99 SCNEDULED TOD

l respect to portable radio transmissions. asediness LER 85-44 t

57 2,4 verify each Limerick 2 IIcense condition Licensing Limerick 1 PA OPS QA 2009 2089 SCNEDULED TSD is laptw=4ed es described in the sed LER 85-45

. ard itr supptasents.

58 2,8 vertfy field Devletten Dispositten Licensing RPA Open IDCA IRO 3088 100e SCEDULED TSD g

Regasts (FDDas) were evetusted for Item Licensing significance.

59 2,8 werify PECe meC Generic Letter Seview Licensing RPA Open IDCA TA IRO (IDCA) 3088 ',089 SCHEDULED Ts0

&foeram is ap-te-dete and curront. Itom heQS (TA) 2089 2009 SCMEDULED TBD 60 2,6 verif y adegancy of tirdt betassen perdmore SPA Open P4 N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A Startic/ Operations and the licensing Seediness Item, RPA h ==nts. DELETED - COWERED SY ITEsts Report 45 and 67.

4 61 1,3 Evolunte W-y of plan to transition Licensing RPA Open ICE LG5 ISEG 2089 2089 SCEDG.ED TBD


. Limerick 2 ticensing responsibilities Item,

frem mucteer EnginserIng te mucIeer Linerick 1

, 544 port and LCS. SALP

.I 62 1,3 Evaluate actions to ensure thet eustity Quality RPA Opan ICE uGA Ese 3088 4006 SCMEDULED TBD j Assurance ergenisetten is not too Assurance item 1 couples with too many methods to report j noncenformances.

63 3 verify Engineering unthdown list is Ensine%-ing EPA Open PA NQQS 1009 1Q89 SCNEDULED T80 finotized. Item k 64 4,6, Werify Instrument setpoint Inden Engineering RPA Open IDCA P4 IRO (IDCA) 3008 1Q89 SCHEDULED TSD

.l 8 Procechare is finallaed and leg >temented Item, pogr. C01:5T GA 3088 4088 SCHEDULED TSD

. and that it edegastely considers drif t Creek IDVP, (PA)

and other instrueery inaccurecies. OR-51, OR-161 l

4 65 2.5, vesif y fire Prctection E.ituation neport Engineering RPA open TA NQQS 1999 1Q89 $CHEDULED T80 9 (fPER) is iguinted for Limerick 2. Item o

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66 2,6 verify Limerick 2 Egalpment merdeere aPA open IDCA/TA PA Ino (IDCA) 3008 1989 SCNEDULED TB0 j Guellfication (EG) Proerne reesirements neediness Item, Nine NQ05 $TA) 1089 2089 SCNEDULID TBD ore incorporated into preventive Nite Point LCS Ob (PA) 1099 2Q89 SCNEDULED TSO enintenance program. EAP, l4 Al-E-E11 67 3 Verify focitity turnover proceskare is ^ Censtruction RPA open PA PA CONST QA 2006 3088 SCMEDULED Tto finetired, centains a methdoun just Item j prior to finst turnover, and is g coordinated with Startup activities.

j 68 3 DELETED - INCORPonATED INTO ITEM AT. Construction RPA Open PA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A i Item t

$ 69 2,3 Evetuste Wm arut lauptementation of Greenizationet RPA open PA ICE PAD 4008 1999 SCNEDULED TBD

  • t ove att Organizational Readiness Reediness Item 1 Program.

, TO S Verify,eAere preoperationet testing perdsere aPA Open TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A

, dif fers from Limerick 1, tl.e licenslig Seediness item j commitments have been reviewed for y modification. DELETED


\ aPA open 2006 4088 T80 T1 2 verify stue Tes portlen of nordwere TA CONST SA SCMEDULED l preoperationet testing is censistent Readiness Item, 1987

,f with (SAR censiteent te Reg. Guide 1.68 Limerick 2 regelrements. SAtP T2 2,3 verify att open Itene and nogettwe Licensing 1987 PA/TA Pm 4008 4088 SCNEDULED Tao q coussents in the 1987 Limerick 2 5 ALP Limerick 2 have teeen adeg ately addressed. SALP l

1 T3 2,3, verify redlegra@ic indications art e Construction Limerick 2 IDCA Iro 3088 1Q89 SCNEDULED TSO

6,9 selected system are property h w ed Inspection i and investiseted. Report 86-07

, T4 2,3, verify pipe sets en a selected Construction Limerick 2 IDCA IRO 3088 1Q89 SCNEDULED TSD l ]- 6 system are installed in accorderne with Inspection If the design drawings and commitments. Report 86-12 l\

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T5 2,3, verify dienet generater soverner mereere Limerick 2 PI cousi eA 2008 3008 SCNEDULED TBD J, 6 prevernive maintenance le performed in seediness Inspection tPre-t/u) s accordance with processres and wonder Report 86-12 CPS SC 3008 4408 SCAEIKKED TBD I rocameendetions, (Post-t/u) e

  • 2,3, T6 verify emmoinetton of fleid melds daring Construction Limerick 2 PA Coh5T OA 1e87 3e87 COMPLETED Audits:

) 6 cor=&act of hydrostatic test. Inspection AP-502, Poport 86-15 2M-531, f 2M-532, l 2M-533, 2M.534, 4, 2M-535, 2M-536, l 2M-53J,.

, 2M-540, 4 2M-545, 8

24-546, 2M-549, 2M-551, 2M-567 1 TT 4 werify use of . proper data in cable Engineerine Limerick 2 100 IDCA 3Q08 1099 SCMEDULED TBD p tting calculations. Inspection L asport 86-21

.I 78 2,3, werify setocted hoet enchaneer eigpert Canstruction Lleerick 2 IDCA I80 3ee8 1099 sCnEDULED TBD

{ 6 melds are in accordance with N iya Inspection drawings and regairements. Report 86-21 79 2,3, verify retlef weto teckwire for mer h ere Limerick 2 PA Cousi en 1987 3088 CDEPLETED setlef l 6 bin =.4n.=t adjustment rirg access plugs seediness Inspection wat u are intact. Report 87-D6 lockwire l audit I


  • 80 2,3,

, verify design changee and e,elpement mer h ere Limerick 2 PA Cousi eA 1e88 3088 SCaCDutED tad 3 6 instetlettens are completed within Reediness Inspection j commaitted timeframe. Report 87-11 81 2,3, verify fitlet welds en selected racemey Construction Limerick 2 IDCA IRO 3088 1089 SCHEDULED Ta0 6 sappwrts are in accordance with design Inspection drawings and resp.rements. Report 87-11 t




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Page No. 13 9 I

09/01/88 READ!WEss WEaIFICAf tou MATalM =


) 82 9 Verify proper documentation of Nor6ere Limerick 2 PA COMsi e4 1e87 1e89 sCNEDutED Tao maintenance inspections on emergency seedinesse inspection (Pre-t/u) dieset generators. Report 87-11 OPS eA TQ89 1Q99 sCNEDutED Teo b (Post-t/u) 83 3 Evatuste casuptetien ef commeltaunts and orsent atlenet IWPO Revleu ICE PAD 4088 4088 SCNEAULED Tto fetteu-se actions from IMPO emit meeting Readiness of March 1968 Alch could lapact

> Limerick 2 reediness.

84 3 verify Deelen Caesure Plan is up-to-date Engineering aPA Report, PA 5005 2389 2009 SCNEDULED TBD j

and that e:L action items esslyiod have been completed prior to detetten from Design Closure Plan the plan.

85 4,6, Evetuate appropriateness e n actions Marchsere NumEG-125 ICE /TA LCS ISEG 4088 2009 $CNEDULED TBD 1 7 taken in response to the r-:emmendations neediness of NumEG-125.

} 86 4,6 verify appropriate response to Nac Norchsere NumEG-125 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A recesumendellen that operstlens persemet Reediness take responsibility for ogsipment as early es possible. DELETED -


A I 87 4 verify appropriate response to NaC Norchsere NumEG-125 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A J recomumendetten thet post-ticensing seediness j procedures be used before fuel toed.


88 4 Verify appropriate response to Nec Nerchsere NumEG-125 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A reccsumendation that construction Readiness I activities be minimized after fuel toed.


89 4 Evoluete use of revleus and dry rus and perchsere NumEG-1275 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A ettoasence of time for additlenet testing Bendiness daring the preeperationet end startip testing progren. DELEiED - INCDAPORATED INTO ITEM 85.

8 i

1 4

i a

3 4 .

I e

.I e.g. no. 31 ,

4 DPA DESIGN j ITEM SIM FUDCTION AND OP. RESPONSIBLE START EuD CLOSEOUT I ID # ID # ITEM DESCRIPTION CATEGORT SOURCE (5) CowSTR. READ. GROLP DATE DATE STATUS D0QJMENT 4 .... .... ....................................... ........ ......... ....... ..... ........... ...... .... .......... ........

.5 s


  • 90 4 Eweluete we of finetized technical mer bare NUREG-1275 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A j spei.*fications to generate and watidate Readiness 7

survei1tonce testing proceibres se recommended by the mRC. DELETED



!dl j 91 4 Ewetuste aperating emperience feectasck mordheere uuREG-1275 ICE /PA N/A N/A N/A I4LETED N/A 3 program (s) for incorporetten of htC Readiness recommendette as of NuREG-1275. DELETED


4 l 92 4,7 verif y appropriate reopense to mRC Organizational MUREG-1275 ICE /PA m/A m/A N/A DELETED M/A L recommmendettons for training initiatives Readiness


[* luTO ITEM 85.

93 4,6 verify Engineering and Design have Engineering muREG-1275 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A i

considered the Ecpipwnt lessens

, eutlined in muREG-125 to impeowe early ptant perfernance. DELEiLD -


94 4.5, verify meeeures have been estabtlehed to merchere Impo SOER TA LG5 ISEG 4.J8 1Q89 SCNEDULED TSD f 6 prevent resin, tiericating ett, and Reediness 82-13, GESIL j ergenic chemicats from being introshced 381 into Limerick 2 reacter coetant.

) 95 4,5, verify procesbres and training in ptoce mordmore ImPO $0ER TA LG5 I$EG 4Q88 1Q89 SCNEDULED TSD j 6, T, concerning ef fects of cetd essether en seediness 82-15

  • 8 safety-related espipment include

<, Limerick 2.

f I 96 4,6, Werify INPO terMtlens to increese nordmore INPO SOER TA LG5 ISEG 4488 1Q89 SCNEDULED TOD

f. 8 diesat generator eveltability have been Reediness 83-1 i ef fectively addressed.


'; 97 4,6, verify luPO recommendations to reehace nordhsere IMPO SOER TA LCS ISEG 4088 1489 SCEEDULED T00 4 8 motor-eperated wolve feitures heve been Reediness 83-9, IMPO l ef fectively adJressed.83-037 98 4, T, verify luPO recommendetlens to prevent organirettenet IMPO SOER 1A LG5 ISEG 2089 2009 SCNEDULED TSD f 8 and mitige.e red misposittaning have Readiness 84-2 teen ef fet.ttwety addressed.

1 i


- . - . . . - . , - - - - - - - - - - - ,,- y. - - , - , _ _ _

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  • k RPA DESIGN ITEM SIN FlasCTION AnD GP. RESPONSIBLE STAni END CLOSE0UT ID # ID # ITEM DESCRIPTION CATEGORY SOURCE (S) C0mSTR. DEAD. GROUP DATE DATE STATUS DOCL8EENT 99 4,T, v.(*fy empo recommendations to prevent Organizationet IMPO SOER TA PAD 1089 1089 SCNEDULED ISD A 8 emcessive persomel radletian esposures asediness 85-3 l hewe been ef foctive1y addreseed.

C j 100 2,4, verify Limerick 2 fire protection erstem Engineering Limerick 1 h OPS 04 (IS) 2Q89 2009 $CNEDULED TSD

] 6 meets design and technical specification LER 88-006 ComST QA 2088 1Q89 SCNEDULED TBD g re ytrements. (Design) 4, 101 2,4, verify post-modification er meresere OV*I, E.I. PA/iA OPS QA 2009 2009 SCHEDULED TBD e 6,7 post-maintensw e inspection and Geadiness Netch

.f performance testine ia comprebensIwe in s accordance with ANSI N18.7-1976 Sec.

5.2.T. *steintenance and modifications".

e i 102 2,4, verif y safety evetuations aWtely Licensing evil, E.I. IDCA TA 190 (IDCA) 3088 1Q99 SCNEDULED tad j 6,7 ad.stantiate the bases for the Netch, Is0 ISED 4088 1209 SCNEDULED TSO

- determination that changes are not a.t Indian Point (TA) asireviewed safety agmstden. 2 j 100 4,6, verify Emergency Operating Procedures Organizationet GWFI, E.I. TA PAD 1Q89 IQS 9 SCNEDULED TBD g 7 are readable and can be eestly used Spy Reediness Match the operators et the penets.


I p 104 4 Ewetuate noens for commmicettag with organizationet SWFI, E.I. ICE PAD 1Q89 1Q99 SCNEDULED TBD 1 Neelth Physics regarding contamination Reediness Netch events without spreading contoiminetton.

9 105 4,6 werify appropriate precedares esist to organizationet OWFI, E.I. PA LGS OS 3088 4Q88 SCNEDULED tad

} control site modifications. Readiness Netch, PSAPS Configuratio l

. n management f Task Force


I j 106 4,6, Evolunte ettention to detalt in revleu organizationet SWFI, Indian TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A e T of changes to plant components to ensure Readiness Point 2 l margin of safety is not redaced.


.$. 107 1,3 Evoluete GA/QC orgenlaetion's austity ovFI, Indian IDCA ICE ISO (IDCA) 3088 1089 SCNEDULED TSD j effectivenesse in ettelning management Aeaurarre Point 2, P E(ICE) 3088 3068 SCHEDULED 100

, ettention and corrective action when Restert Plan i sIontfIcar.t pret,taus ere noted. for PSAPS 4

k 9


_- . = . _ - _ _ .. -



Page me. 13 09/01/88 SEADimE55 VERIFICATION MATRIX APA DESIGN P Ilta SIM FUmCTION AND GP. RESPousteLE START EnD CLOSEOLIT D8 ID # ITIN DESCRIPflos CATEGORf $0ueCE(5) ConsTR. READ. GaouP DATE DATE STATUS DOCLpqENT i .... .... ....................................... ........ ......... ....... ..... ........... ...... .... .......... ........

I 108 1,4 verify rompesee to audit findirgs are euelity GvFI, Indian PA PA Nees 1Q89 2009 SCmEDULED TBD timely and aggarepriate menessment Assurance Point 2 Indicators are provided.


l 109 4,6 werify the Limerick 2 temporary bordware evFI, TA OPS 24 3088 4088 SCNEDULED TED modifications are identified and e Reedinese Catanes 1 CowST eA 3uGS 6088 SCNEDULED T80 program is in piece for their removel. and 2 110 1,4 verify a eyotem is in place to identify eustity evFI, PA OPS e4 (PA) 1Q89 2009 SCNEDULED TOD protalems detected try eC permannet aelch Assurance Catoestne 1 are corrected en the spot for proper and 2 9 managnment revleu and trending.

111 4,7 verif y caution taes are not used as herduere evFI, S.C. PI OPS eC (Op. 1989 1089 SCNEDULED 180 operator aies or ptant iabeis. seedtness Cook A1ds) y ConST eC 1e89 te89 SCNEDULED TBD 1 (tabels) h 112 4,5, Evoluete ad-T=ey of operator training Orsanlaationet ovFI, D.C. ICE PAD 1989 1989 SCNEDULED TOD 6 T practices retetod to aperator Reediness Cook j 4 tranagarency plant modifications and amit dif ferences.

, 113 1,3, verify selected Limerick 2 Sientficant euellty Limerick 2 TA TA LCS ISEG 1e89 1e89 SCNEDULED TSD 8 Deficiency Saperts (500s) to identify Asst:rance $De Status root causes and that appropriete Report

] resolution of SDa orturred.

I d 114 5,7 verify Limerick 1 and 2 differe= ee adegately address operator ausreness Orsonlaational seediness List of Limerick 1 TA N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A and are included in aperator training. and 2 DELETED - INCORPORATED 1510 ITEM 112. Differences (Rev. 4) 115 1,4, Ewetuste upper emnessment reopense to nordhere numEG-1275 ICE N/A N/A N/A DELETED N/A

) 6 recommandstiens of meC to focus en the neediness p DOP prior to operettens. OELETED -


116 3,7 verify mea canescts independent eefety Orsonlaationet mestert Plan PA N/A N/A N/A DELETEp N/A revleess of plant events aruf planned Seediness for PGAPS activities. DELETED . InconPORATED IuTO

, l1Em 11T.


i. .



> Pese he. 14  :


  • f aPA DE31GN

.... .... ................. .................... ........ ......... ....... ..... .-=- ...... .... .......... ........

IIT 3,7 worify offactiveness of I. ' . _a Organizettenet mestert Plan ICE Pm0 3e08 4ee8 SCmEDULED Te0 7

Safety Engineerirg Fmction (ISE) in Seedinese for PGAPS i performing 1. ' , a revleus of plant l eperations and advising annagement.

L 118 1,3, werifr retes and reopensibitItles fer orseniaatlenet sestert Ptan PA mea es 3008 3008 SCmEDULED T00 9 each men fianctlen heve been clartfled Reediness for PSAPS and documented.

t 119 1,3, verify reporting reopensibilittee of men orsentretienst mestert Plan PA men GM 3008 3008 SCmEDULED TOO l 9 with line management, the Enocutlwe Seediness for PSAPS J

WP-mucteer, and the muc1eer SewIam Boerd

, have been clarifled and h==nted.

't' 120 4,8 werify Limerick 1 Operstlenet Audit austity Limerick 1 PA OPS e4 2009 2009 SCmEDULED 100 findings howe been reviamed and Aeow ance Operettanet Com1T e4 4408 2009 SCmEDULED T80 appropriately incorporated for Elmerick Audits

, 2.

} 121 6 werify selected electricot and ISC Engineerirg M C IDCA IDCA ISO 3e88 1999 SCmEDULED TSD Interfaces for the A-E and mS$5 eystems Program are campettbte and censistent with Description I Engineerirg and destys rogstruments.

122 3,6, verify selected ISC encteoures, ehletes, Constructlen MC IDCA IDCA Ino 3ees 1e09 sCmEDULED Te0

. S and stonet wires are in canyttance alth Program applicable standards, vender Description regstrements, and project prece&res.

123 6 werify selected field and penet-emeted Engineering M C IDCA IDCA ISO 3008 te09 SCmEDULED TBD

./ R&C ogalgment is capable of centratting Program t and munitoring process factlens se Description j regaired.

124 6 werify sweltability and independence of Engineering MC IDCA IDCA IRO 3008 1e09 SCmEDULED T80 e power evettabte to selected resheident Program j subsystems. Description


. r, 125 6,8 werify interfaces alth setected Engineerire MC IDCA IDCA too 3008 te09 SCmEDutED Tao q disciplines alth respect to structuret Progree h design date for structurel anstysis Description b (leads, pressure, taurerature, etc.),

i i


y O

Page so. 15

  • 09/01/88 DEA $thESS WEElf!CATIOm St4ft!N 8 i SPA DESIGI atta sin nmCT:0= Amo GP. eESPossiett Sinar tuo CtosE0ur ID # ID # ITEM DESCRIPTION CATEGORY $4hJRCE(5) CDm5TE. READ. GAGJP DATE DATE STATUS DoctsEmi j, 126 6,8 werify A-E and wendor futuricetten Constructlen SEC ,DCA IDCA ItO 3008 1009 SCREDULED 100 j precedares have been edespantely Progree

'f/ leptemented earing the fabricetten phases for seIected components.

Description l

127 T,8 werify 2/1 f eetetten tes resswet plan is Construction PECe PA CPS GA 4408 1Q09 ScuCDULED TED g in accordance with estendlehed Internet CIW5T e4 4006 1009 SCHEDULED TED spect ficettens oral proceshares. Letter j g 128 4,7, S

verify the edespancy ef tectonicet epocificettens, operating procesares, Orsenizettenet Beediness Lesetle LER 08-003, ICE /TA LG5 ISEC 2009 2009 SCmEDULED 78D

  • and emergency procedares with respect to 6ESIL 300 f leproving the timeliness of eperator (tev. 1) g response to reacter recircutetten pump

.I trip and/or neutron ftus insteinititles.

l 129 1,2, verify 8 ,tementetten and adat-ry of orgentrettenct 1980 TA/PA No ISES 2e09 2009 5CNEDULED TSO q 3,8 correcttwo actlens reeutting frase poediness Limerick 1

deficiency evoluellen and reporting 5 ALP,
process. sestert Plan i for PSAPS I

< 130 1,2, worify laptementation and % of creenizationet 1900 PA OPS SA 1e09 2009 SCNEDULED T S' S,9 correcttwo actlene reeutting frase Seediness Limerick 1 identified deficiencies fra the L&E SALP, PECe Emergency Preparedese Progree prior to Internet the nest acheested emergency esercise. Audits 131 2.5, vert f y LG5 E=rgency Prepareennes orsentzettenet to Cft 50.67 PA CPS en le09 2009 SCKDutED 130 9 Progree property incorporates Limerick Seediness 2.

132 1,2, verify contrets are in ptoce to mainteln Constructlen set 222-1 PA OPS eA test 2009 SCsEDutED T80

< 6 rewired yard configuretten as timerick Etmit f 2 cenetruction is cowleted as indicated Gradirw3 in the esternet fleedin0 enelyels. Changes) 4 1

J 1

l l4 8
