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Summary of 880810 Meeting W/Util in Decatur,Al Re Diesel Generator Concerns Resulting from Restart Test Program.List of Attendees,Agenda & Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/1988
From: Moran D
TAC-62264, NUDOCS 8809130086
Download: ML20154A779 (14)



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! < 6 NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION i a I wAsmoToN. o. c. roses

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,f' NcketNo.50-260 SEP 1 M LICENSEE: Tennessee Valley Authority FACILITY: Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Unit 2



On Wednesday August 10, 1988, a meeting was held in the Browns Ferrj Nuclear (BFN) Ptsnt Site Engineering Building Conference Room Decatur, Alacara, with the Tennesee Valley Authority (TVA). The meeting was held to discuss diesel generator concerns resulting from the Restart Test Program.

The attendance list is included as Enclosure 1. The agenda is included as Enf %sure 2. Pertinent points made during the discussion are eaumerated be l f. . identified oy the agenda item number and description. TVA provided point ,: apers for agenda items 4 through 7; these are included as Enclosure 3.

At the close of the meeting, the senior TVA and Jtaff members responsible for the meeting signed a list of items to tP provided by either party and included a due date for transmittal. This list is in:luded as Enclosure 4.

Agenda item 1. R G pump motor breaker problem l

The problem is one occurrence of incomplete contact. The failure could be 1 attributed to any of the foilow1ng:

  • $2 interlock switch had a loose nut


  • Pitting on the MG2 secondary contact

' Guide rail was distorted Tiiis breaker is tested once per month in the "racked-in" position by starting i the RHR pump. Therv are 30 to 40 of this type of breakers per unit. Other breakers of this type have exhibited the same syoptoms. However, this failure occurred once during five LOP /LCCA tests so that TVA concludes at this soint it is not a generic problem. CAQR Number BFP ?80518 was initiated July 26, 1988.

The staff requested a copy of the CAQR close out package to be provided when completed. TVA reported that preventive maintenar<ce on this breaker had fallen through the crack. TVA is reviewing the preventive maintainence procedure,  ;

, EMI-7 (copy cf EMI 7 was provided to the Resident Inspector). Improvements t l will be applied to each of the four breakers involved. The staff will review I

the maintenance procedure and the CAQR closecut package to determine if anything additier.a1 will be requested.

Agenda item 2. Load Tr3nsfers (Sinole Failu e Considerations)

This concerns the possibility of load transfer from one diesel to another between redundart divisions. An example was given where diesel A supplying power to

' LPCI fails and transfers the lead to diesel C. Beth diesels are connected to shutdown bus 1. This transfer was from division 1 to division 2. RFN unit T a 6809130086 080901 t


l DR ADOCK 050 0

2 has two divisions, it was determined that the staff had previously approved this transfer scheme with M.G. sets used as isolation devices.

IE Report 84-20, item 1.A (violation) addresses the inability to' parallel the diesel generator to the grid in the presence of an accident signal. TVA infomed the staff that this paralleling is used only for testing. However, it was necessary to remove the accident signal from the circuit in order to parallel 1 the diesels. The Resident Inspector will close out this item based on the LOP /LOCA C test results.

Agenda item 3. Modification of Antipump on DG Output Breakers Failed During LOP /LOCA Test June 8. 1988 TVA has modified the circuit to provide a time delay sufficient for the anti-pump circuit to recharge. TVA is analyzing the effect of this time deley on the present accident analysis. The staff requested TVA include their analysis of the modified circuit in the CAQR closure package so that the staff can determine the acceptability of the fix.

Agenda item 4. GE Dynamic Load Analysis - Status of Progress.

2 l

TVA provided a handout for agenda items 4 through 8, which is included as Enclosure 3. The GE Dynamic Load Study is on hold until completion of Diesel Generator load acceptance tests.

Acanda item 5. Bechtel Load Analysis Calculations (refer to Enclosure 3)

' Status of progress.

Becthel is currently revising its calculatiens. The bottom line for this analysis is to detemine steady state diesel loads during the accident conditions or loss of offsite power,

, 8genda item 6. Load Acceptance Test Results (refer to Enclosure 3) i

! The GE Dynamic Lead Analysis is tied in with the load acceptance tests. As

! Stated abeve, the GE analysis is on hold until test results are in. TVA

! is making some adjustments. TVA will retest the DGs for Units 1 and 2. A-0, I load acceptance. TVA is redoing these tests to stay within the bounds of the i DG vendors analysis. TVA will complete the final tests of the C and 0 diesels in September 1988, 1 Agenda Item 7 Woodward Governor Centrol Problea Review (refer to enclosu-e 3)

TVA is endeavoring to improve the governor ressense during the time that the largest erergency load is starting on the ciesel generator. The fuel racks did not respond rapidly enough during the initial one second interval when the RHR  ;

pumo motor load is applied to the Diesel Generator. The Woodward Governor Company has recomended changes to improve governor performance. l t

j Agenda Itm A. Anticipated Technical Specifiestion Chances l

TVA stated there arJ possibly two Technical Spe:ification changes which they [

are consider 1rg.

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i 3-

' The present Technical Specifications require testing of the diesel generator to 2/3 of the manufacturer's rating. TVA will make a decision in mid September whether or rot to submit a Technical Specification change.

  • TVA is also considering making a minor Technical Specification change increasing the volu;ne of diesel fuel stored for use by the emergency diesel generators.

Agenda item 9. Major Test Exceptions TVA went through the list of major test exceptions. The resident Inspectors are evaluating all the test exceptions. They will ask for HQ assistance if required. Major exceptions are as follows:



  • Diesel Generator gov e nor adjustments ~during 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> load runs. (See agenda item 7)

' DC output breaker closed and tripped. TVA found a galvanometer closed and shorted out.


' RHR service wats? pump No. 1 failed to close a valve. Start circuit was defeated.

  • PPS MA set - Drive breaker failed to trip due to a defectiv6 timer.

Agenda item 10. Closecut of items !dentified in Inspection Reports

1. IE Report Unanalyzed AC auxiliary power system load 86-06-03 URI configuration.



OSP/ ROB will close cut by issuing SE on Diesel Generators ,

) 2. LER 296/f.8001 Generator breaker logic design deficiency identified during LOP /LOCA testing.

This LER deals with the antipump problem on the diesel generator output breaker. (See agenda item 3 above) The CACR closeout package will be reviewed by the Resident Inspector and 0$P/R06. Resident Inspen or will 3 close out the issue based on the TVA CAOR closecut package,

3. IE Rooort 84-20 Inability to parallel the diesel generators in  ;

item 1.A(violation) the presence of an accident signal.

(See agenda item 2 above)

The Pesident Inspector wil; close out this action based on the test results l

of the BFN LOP /LOCA C - Test. ,

l 4 IE Report Eiisting surveillance procedures not adeountely {

i 87-33-05 meeting technical specifications nor General '

UR! Desian Criteria 18 requirements fcr testing.

j TVA plans to t,rino all the Woodward governors into specification, then  !

per'orm the load acceptance test. The Pesident Inspector will close out  !

this item based on the load acceptance test results together with the OSP SE l en Diesel Generators.


5. JE Report 68-04 05 Diesel generator field breaker tr'pping

. durir.o IFI fuel consumption run.

The DG was brought up to 2950 kW and htd run for one half hour when the breaker tripped. This item will be closed out by the Residant Inspector when the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> load run is completed successfully.

6. LER 259/87025 Failure to test 480V shutdown board loads.

The LEP states this failure problem was resolved. This item will be closed cut by the Resident Inspector after observation of a successful i completion of the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> load run.

7. IE Report 86-72 Electrical calculations program to develop ar.')

(tem U5.3-4 issue procedure for preparation of diesel (Designdeficiencies) generator loading calculations. ,

1 OSP issuance of the SE on diesel generators will close out i;his item.

8. LER 259/87005 Perfom inspection of all components and connections of the diesel generator voltage control system.

The Resident Inspector will close out this item Jpon observation of successful completion of the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> load run.

9. IE Report 85-57-06 Diesel generator oil pressure light upgrade item 06 (violation) response procedure.

l The Resident Inspector will close out this item by inspection of the upgrade, i 10. LER 259/87008 Repair the diesel generat'r o 3E0 control

cabinet dam 6ge as a result of the failure 4

of the potential transformer fuse contact.

The Resident insputer will insoect the hardwere fix and review the supporting documentation. The Resident inspot .nts findings will be coordinated with OSP before the Resident !nspe or closes out the item.

Davi . ora . Pro

TVA Projects Division Office of Special Projects i


As stated


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'C' General Counsel Rcgional Administrator, Region !!

Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

400 West Sumit Hill Dt ive Ell 803 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Knoxv111e, Tenr.essee 37902 Resident inspector /Brcwns Ferry NP Mr. R. L. Gridley U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Tennessee Valley Autiroeity Route 12, Box 637 SN 1578 Lookout Place Athens, Alabama 35611 Cnattanooga, Tennessee 37402.2801 j Mr. C. MJson Dr. Henry Myers, Science Advisor i Tennessee Valley Authority Comittee on Interior i Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant and Insular Affairs P.O. Box 2000 U. S. House. of Representatives Decatur, 35602 Washington, D.C. 20515 Tennessee Valley Authority Mr. M. J. May Rockville Office Tennestse Valley Authurity 11921 Rockville Pike Biowns Ferry Nuclear Plant Suite 402 ,

4 P.O. Pox 2000 Rockville, Maryland 20352 Decatur, Alabama 35602 Mr. D. L. ililliams Mr. S. A. White Tennessee Yelley Authority Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power 400 West Sumf t Hill Drive Tennessee Valley Authority ,

W10 885 6N 38A Lookout Place Knoxvilie. Tennessee 37902 1101 Market 3treet Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801

) Chairman, Lirestone County Comission l P.O. Box 108 Athens, Alabama 35611 l j

Claude Earl Fox, M..'). I State Health Officer j State Department of Public Health '

State Office Building  !

Montgomery, Alabame 36130 i

I l

l 1

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A Enclosure g ENCLOSURE Wsdnesday August 10, 1988  ;

' Meeting with TVA on Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 to Discuss Diesel Generator Concerns Resulting from the Restart Test Program Meeti ng Agetida '

1. RHR Pump Motor Breaker Problem. -


Load Transfers (Single Failure Considerations).


Modification of antipump feature on OG Output Breakers - Failed duri

' LOP /LOCA C Test June 8, 1988.

. Status of Progress, l

4. GE Dynamic Load Analysis j 5.

Bechtel Load /.nalysis Calcul.stions - Status of Progress.

! i J

6. Load Acceptance Test Results.
7. Woodward Governor Control Problem Review.
8. Anticipated Technical Specification Cnanges.  ;


1 9. Major Test Exceptions.

) 10. Close Out of items identified in Inspection Reports. I f

i i i i i 1

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. Enclosure 3


i CBJECTIVE: To bound the Dies *L Generator Load Acceptance test results by analysis.

1 STATV3: On hold until completion of Units 1 and 2 Lead Acceptance Tests i


1. Revise existing model to incorporate te.9t results for the Diesel Generator excititation and governor control systems.
2. Perform full voltage and frequency simulation for the Unit 1 and 2 l Diest; Generators.

4 I

f SCHEDULE: Prior to restart 1

i 0145e-1 I

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i ogJECTIVR To update the original analysis to reflect actual operating conditions of several loads, includit.& LPCI MC sets and Rift '

Pumps, to m3re accurately reflect loading margins and j modifications since original analysis.

I 5 STAttJ8: Bechtel is presently revising the calculations.


I t SCHEDULE: August 12, 1988 1

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l 0145e-2 t



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1. To optimize the Diesel Generator governor control and voltage excitation systems in accordance with vendor rocosmondations.
2. Perform and document by test results the roeponse of the Diesel Generator systema during a full load simulation of a /LOCA for Unit 1 and 2 and with a reduced load for Unit 3.



1. Items 1 and 2 were initially completed (reduced load on Diesel Generator IC, 1D) on July 8, 1985.

l The Diesel Generators, demonstrated their ability to accept and actelerate under the applied load, however, evaluation of the data i revealed different goverTtor control system responses for each of the Diesel Generators. As a result, additional adjustments and modifications are required and items 1 and 2 for the governtr control systen and iten 3 will be re-performed.

SCHEDULEt Prior to fuel load 0145e-3

l 1


OBJECT; vet Improve the governor response during the time that the largest energency load is starting on the Diesel Conerator.

DISCUSSION: The fuel rack remains unchanged during the initial second when the RHR pump motor is applied to the Diesel Generator because of insufficient voltage (below the designed operating voltage) supplied to the Electric Covernor Acutuator (LJA).

ACTION: Woodward Covernor has made the following recommendations for improvements in the Governor control systes:


1. Change the ECA null voltage to a more negative voltage setting which will force the fuel racks to integrate toward a higher fuel position during the depressed voltage.
2. Lower the speed setting of the Mechanical Covernor to limit the possibility of an overspeed trip. /,4~- G V *# f' E !}e
3. Add droop to the Mechanical Governor to dampen the transient from the Electric Covernor to the Mechanical Governor. ,


Replacement of all old EGA cantrols to make all tne controls the I same (on 3 of the 9 Diesel Generators).

STATUS: Work is presently in progress


SCHEDULE: prior to fuel load 1

01454-1 c

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b Enclosure 4 g ,


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5. IE Report 88-04 05 Diesel generator field breaker tripping during  !

3 IFI fuel consumption run. l t l l The DG was brought up to 2950 kW and had run for one half hour when the 4 breaker tripped. This item will be closed out by the Resident Inspector

! when the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> load run is completed successfully. l j 6. LER 259/87025 Failure to test 480V shutdown board loads. ,


! The LER states this failure problem was resolved. This item will be  !

l closed out by the Resident Inspector after observation of a successful l


completion of the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 100J run.  ;

) 7. IE Report 86-72 Electrical calculations program to develop and i item US.3 4 issue procedure for preparation of diesel

(Designdeficiencies) generator loading calculations.

! OSP issuance of the SE on diesel generators will close out this item. l 1

. 8. LER 259/87005 Perform inspection of all components and  !

connections of the diesel generator voltage  !

control system, j 4 i J The Resident Inspector will close out this item upon observation of successful i
coepletion of the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ledd run. l j

l 4 9. IE Report 85-57 06 Diesel generator oil pressure light upgrade l

item 05 (violation) response procedure. l


The Pesident Inspector will close out this item by inspection of the upgrade, i 10. LER 259/87008 Repair the diesel generator 3ED control i i cabinet damage as a result of the failure l of the potential transformer fuse contact. '

l The Resident Inspector will inspect the hardware fix and review the supporting documentation. The Resident Intpectors findings will be

( coordinated with OSP before the Resident Inspector closes cut the iten, i

4 Original signed by David H. Moran, Project Manager TVA Projects Division l Office of Special Projects


j As stated

.n ] ,

i 0FC . 'P:TVA/LA :D /PM :05P:, M :TVA:AD/P  :  :  :

j I


NAME :MSi s  :


dw  : Afar nos
SB l j l .....:.[/

DATE  : ........:k..........:E...........:............:............:.......................

A9/88  : 8//88 :d/ / /88  :  :  : i


i J

e ,


! Facility: Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Units 1, 2 and 3*

, ,e teetet' File 9 NRC POR i Local POR Projects Reading OSP Reading

J. Partlow >
5. Richardson 1 S. Black I

B. D. Liaw t D. Moran -

i M. Sims i a F. McCoy j J. Rutberg i

{ H. Garg a

A. Marinos j E. F. Christnot

H. Ga rg

> B. Zaleman l ACRS (10)


) GPA/CA (M. Callahan) (5) ,

F. Miraglia

E. Jordan B. Grimes
P. Gwynn .

J. Scarborough 1 T. Elsasser l C. Ader a BFN. Rdg. File i G. Gear; I *cc: Licensee / Applicant & Service List j t

1 J

J ,

I I l

I l l

l -

i  !

1 3

I e I I

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