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Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Recently Installed or Upgraded
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 12/23/1987
Shared Package
ML20149E156 List:
NUDOCS 8801130238
Download: ML20149E159 (15)



ATTACHMENT I PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO.159 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.97 ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION (Technical Specifk.ation pages affected) l 8801130238 871223 PDR ADOCK 05000312 P


RANCHO.SEC0 UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditions for Operation Bases (Continued) the specified coincidence logic is maintained, 3) sufficient redundancy is maintained to permit a channel to be cut of service for testing or maintenance, and 4) sufficient system function :1 capability is available for SFAS purposes from diverse paramaters.

The OPERABILITY of these systems is required to provide the overall reliability, redundancy, and diversity assumed available in the facility design for the protection and mitigation of eccident and transient conditions.

The integrated operation of each of these systems is consistent with ths assumptions used in the accident analyses.


Deleted REFERENCE F3AR, Subsection 7.1 f

Proposad Amendment No. 159 3-26a


RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 lECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditior s for Operation Table 3.5.1-1 (Continued)




Operator Action if Functional Unit Minimum Operable Minimum Degree Conditions of Columns A t

Channels of Redundancy and B Cannot be Met Safetv Features

  • i 4.

Reactor Building spray valve j


Reactor Building pressure instrument channels 2

1 Bring to hot shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> b.

Manual pushbuttos.

2 1

Bring to hot shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Total Number Minimum Channe

Process Instrumentation of Channels Doeraole 159-1.

Deleted 2.

Deleted 3.

Deleted 4.

Deleted 5.

Deleted 6.

Deleted 7.

Deleted 8.

Deleted J

If minimum conditiers are not met within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> af ter hot shutdown, the unit shall be placed in cold shutdown condition within an additional 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

L i


Proposed Amendment No. 159 3-30

Rf4NCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditions for Operation Table 3.5.1-1 (Continued)




Operator Action if Functional Unit Total Number of Minimum Channels Conditions of Columns A Channels Operable and B Cannot be Met 9.

Reactor Building Purge Isolation 2

1 Operation may continue provided tSe purge on high radiation inlet & outlet valves of the inoperable channel (s) are closed & their respective breakers de-energized or comply with

At cold shutdown or refueling, each of the purge inlet and outlet valves will be closed.

159* *-

10. Deleted 164* *-

Auxili a ry feedwater 1.

Low Main Feedwater Pressure:

See Section Start Motor Driven Pump and Turbine Driven Pump 2

1 2.

Phase Imbalance /Underpower RCP:

Start Motor Driven and Turbine Driven Pumps 2

1 Proposed Amendment No. 159 3-30a

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditions for Operation 3.5.5 ACCIDENT HONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Accident monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.5.5-1 shall be 159-OPERABLE.

Acolicability At all times except when reactor coolant Tavg is less than 280*F.

Action As defined in Table 3.5.5-1.

Bases The operability of the accident monitoring instrumentation ensures that sufficient information is available on selected plant parameters to monitor and assess these variables following an accident.

This capability is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.97, "Instrumenta-tion for Light-Water Cocied Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following an Accident," and NUREG-0578, "TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-Term Recommendations."

Proposed Amendmrat No. 159 3-38a

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditions for Operation TABLE 3.5.5-1

'159-ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS Total Number Minimum Number of Channels of Channels Action Instrument Ooerable Fadiation Monitorina Instrumentation 1.

Containment Area 2

2 I

High Range Radiation Monitor (7) 2.

High Range Noble (6)

Gas Effluent Monitors a) RB Exhaust Stack (3) 1 1

I b) Aux Building Stack 1

1 I

c) Aux Building Grade Level Vent (4) 1 1

I 3.

Main Steam Lines 2

2 I

Radiation Monitors Accident Monitorina Instrumentation 1.

Hide Range Con-2 1

II tainment Water Level (5) 2.

Containment 2

1 II Hydrogen Analyzer (5) 3.

Emergency Sump 2

1 III Level narrow range (2) 4.

Containment Hide 2

1 II Range Pressure (5) 5.

Subcooling Margin 2

1 II Monitor (2) 6.

Incore Thermocouples(5) 4/ core 2/ core III quadrant quadrant i

e Proposed Amendment No. 159 3-38b

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditions for Operation 159-TABLE 3.5.5-1 (continued) 4 2

ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION OPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS Total Number Minimum Number of Channels of Channels Action Instrument Ooerable 7.

Reactor Coolant Hot Leg 2.

1 II Temperature (7) 8.

Reactor Coolant System 2

1 II Pressure - Hide Range (5) f 9.

Steam Generator Water 2/0TSG 1/0TSG II Level High Range (7)

10. Hot Leg level (5)(8) 2/ LOOP 1/ LOOP III ator 2/0TSG 1/0TSG II 11.SteamGen9(i Pressure (

2 1


12. Condensate (Storage Tank Level 5)
13. Pressuriger Water 3

1 IV Level (Si 14.Auxi1{gryFeedwater 2 per OTSG 1 per OTSG IV Flow '>

15. EMOV Pressurizer 2

1 IV Relief Valve Position Indicator (Acoustic Flow Monitor)

16. EMOV Block Valve 1

1 IV Position Indicator (2)

17. Safety Valve Position 2/ valve 1/ valve IV Indicator (Acoustic Flow Monitor)
18. Borated Hatgr Storage 2

1 IV Tank Levell'1 I

l Proposed Amendment No. 159 3-38c l



_, r _ __


RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Cenditions for Operation Table 3.5.5-1 (Continued) 159-(1)

Deleted (2)

Not displayed on SPDS.


Monitoring of the RB Exhaust Stack is not required when the purge and equalizing valves are closed.


Monitoring of the Auxiliary Building Grade Level Vent is not required when the unit is not operating.


If SPDS display channel (s) is inoperable, then that instrument channel (s) is considered inoperable.


These monitors are also considered effluent monitors and must be operable during releases per Technical Specification 3.16.

See Table 3.16-1 for compensatory action in the event of an inoperable effluent monitor.


SPDS Display channel (s) only.

See Table 3.5.1-1 for instrument channel (s) operability.


Reactor Coolant Hot Leg Level portion of the Reactor ~ Coolant Inventory 1

Tracking System.

Action I.

With the number of OPERABLE channels less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, either restore the inoperable Channel (s) to 159-OPERABLE status within 72 hourt, or perform both of tha following:



Initiate the pre-planned alternate method of monitoring



Prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification, within 30 days following the event, outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability, and the corrective action and schedule for implementation.



With the number of OPERABLE accident monitoring instrumentation channels less than the Total Number of Channels, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 30 days, or be in ht least HOT SHUTD0HN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


Hitn the number of OPERABLE accident monitoring instrumentation channels less than the Minimum Number of Channels Operable, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 7 days or be in at least HOT SHUTDOHN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

III. With the number of OPERACLE accident monitoring instrumentation channels less than the Minimum Number of Channels Operable, restore the inoperable channel (s) to OPERABLE status within 30 days, or be '.n at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Proposed Amendment No. 159 3-38d i

i RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Limiting Conditions for Operation Table 3.5.5-1 (Continued) 159-Attlan (Continued)



With the number of OPERABLE accident monitoring instrumentation channels less than-the Total Number of Ch::mel(s), restore the inoperable channelsoto OPERABLE status within 7 days, or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, b.

Hith the number of OPERABLE accident monitoring instrumentation channels less than the Minimum Number of Channels Operable, either restore the inoperable channels to OPERABLE witnin 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in et least HOT SHUTDOHN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

i t

a i

Proposed Amendment No. 159 3-38e

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Serveillance Standards Table 4.1-1 (Continued)

INSTRUMENT SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Channel Description Check Test Calibrate Remarks 42.

Reactor Building drain accumulation tank level NA NA R


Incore neutron detectors M(1)

NA NA (1) Check functioning, including functioning af computer read-out and/or recorder readout.



Process and area radi-ation monitoring system H H

0 b.

Containment Area Monitors W



Emergency plant radiation Instruments M(1)


(1) Battery check 46.

Environmental air monitors M(1)


(1) Check functioning 47.

Strong motion acceleiometer Q(1)


(1) Battery check 48.

Deleted 152-~


Pressurizer Hater Level M(1)

NA R(1)

(1) Includes SPDS 50.

Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Rate M (1)

NA R (1)

(1) Include SPDS and Control Room indicators Proposed Amendment No. 159 4-7b

RANCHO SECO UNIT l TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Surveillance Standards Table 4.1-1 (Continued)

INSTRUMENT SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS Channel Description Check Test Calibrate Remarks 51.

Spent Fuel Pool Level H(1)



Daily during refueling 164--

when moving fuel or control rods


1 159-52.

EMOV Pressurizer Relief Valve Position Indicator (Acoustic Flow Monitor)



Deleted 54.

EMOV Block Valve Position Indicator M


1594 55.

Safety Valve Position In-dicator (Acoustic Flow M


Monitor) 56.

Deleted s

t D

Proposed Amendment No. 159 4-7bb

d RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Surveillance Standards TABLE 4.1-1 (Continued)

INSTRUMENT SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Channel Description Check Test Calibrate Remarks

57. Voltage Protection


(1) Compare voltmeter readings a.

Undervol tage M

R b.

Unde rvol tage M

R c.

Time Delay M

R 159*

58. Cor tainment Area High S(2)



(1) Test using installed source Range Monitor (2) Include SPDS

59. Wide Range Containment M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS Water Level

60. Containment Hydrogen S(1)



(1) Include SPDS Analyzer 01.

Emergency Sump Level M



Narrow Range

62. Containment Wide range M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS Pressure

63. High Range Noble Gas S


(1) See Table 4.20-1 for additional Effluent Monitors (l) surveillance requirements for

- RB Exhaust Stack effluent monitors


- Aux. Building Stack

. Radwaste Vent

64. Pain Steam Line Radiation 5


R (1) Test using installed source Monitors 159*

65. Reactor Coolant Subcooling M


Margin Monitor

66. Incore Thermocouples M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS

67. Low Temperature Over-N/A (1)

R (1) Prior to cooldown Pressure Protection (EMOV)

Items 68 through 70 reserved for P.A.152 159*


Reactor Coolant Hot Leg M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS Temperature Wide Ran,e


Proposed Amendment No. 159 4-7c

RAMCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Surveillance Standards TABLE 4.1-1 (Continued)

INSTRUMENT SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Channel Description Check Tett Calibrate Remarks 159*


Reactor Coolant System M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS Pressure - Wide Range

79. Steam Generator Wat7r M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS and Control Room level High Range indicators

80. Hot leg Level" M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS

81. Steam Ger.erator M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS and Control Room Pressure Indicators Items 82 through 90 reserved for P.A.164

91. Condensate Storage M(1)

N/A R(1)

(1) Include SPDS Tank Level S = Each shift M - Monthly P = Prior to each startup if not done previous week D = Daily Q = Quarterly R = Once during the refueling interval W = Weekly SY = Semiannual 159-~

Propos-J Amendment No. 159 4-7f

Page 1 of 2 Q

ATTACHMENT II NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION Descriptig Proposed Amendment No.159 rnodifies Technical Specifications as follows:

Technical Specification Table 3.5.5-1 and Table 4.1-1 have been revised to add the Category 1 accident monitoring instrumentation installed to meet the District s commitment to Reg. Guide 1.97.

The new instruments added are RC Hot Leg Temperature, RC System Pressure - Wide Range, SG Water Level High Range, Hot Leg Level, and SG Pressure.

Accident monitoring instruments listed under Process Instrumentation in Table 3.5.1-1 and the applicable LC0 and Bases have been moved to Table 3.5.5-1 and Table 3.5.5-1 has been reformatted to be consistent with the Standard Technical Specifications.

The acoustic flow monitors for the EMOV Pressurizer Relief Yalves and the Safety Valves have been upgraded to meet Class 1 requirements and therefore have been made the primary indication of valve position.

The EMOV power indicator and the Safety Valve T/C have been deleted from Table 3.5.1-1 since backup indication is not required for accident monitoring.

Condensate Storage Tank Level, which was proposed to be added to the list of accident monitoring instruments by Proposed Amendment 131, is included in this Proposed Amendment for consistency.

The SPDS has been upgraded to a seismically qualified, redundant system, which provides the primary display for the Reg. Guide 1.97, Category 1 variables in the Cont:ol Room (Ref. RJR 84-402, dated September 14,1984).

Appropriate notations have been added to each of the Category 1 variables listed on Table 3.5.5-1 which are displayed on SPDS.

Reason for Change The purpose of this change is to incorporate into Table 3.5.5-1, the Category 1 accident monitoring variables that were added or upgraded to meet the requirements of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1 (Generic Letter 82-33) and the District's commitment to Reg. Guide 1.97, Revision 3.

This Proposed Amendment only adds those variables that vere committed for plant restart.

Table 3.5-1 lists several accident monitoring variables. These accident monitoring variables are being incorporated into one table, Table 3.5.5-1, based on guidance in the Standard Technical Specifications.

The redundant acoustic flow monitors on the EMOV Pressurizer Relief Valve and the Safety Valves have been upgraded to meet Class 1 requirements.

They now satisfy the requirements for valve position indication for Item II.D.3 of NUREG 0737.

Backup indication is not required.

Proposed Amendment No. 132 revised the EMOV, but neglected to include the Safety Valves. Therefore, this Proposed Amendment supersedes and withdraws P. A.132 which was submitted on September 22, 1986

f Page 2 of 2 t

The Condensate Storage Tank Level indication was to be added to table 3.5.1-1 by Proposed Amendment No.131. As accident monitoring instrumentation, it has been added to table 3.5.5-1.

Since the CST level has been incorporated herein, P. A.131 is being withdrawn.

In addition to existing hardwired indicators and recorders, the District uses computer driven displays to present Regulatory Guide 1.96, Category 1 variables to the plant operator. This approach is necessary due to space limitations in the Control Room and provides the opportunity to incorporate favorable human factors into the presentation. The location and exact content of these displays were developed as a part of the Control Room Design Review process. Appropriate notations of SPDS display have been added to all Category 1 variables.

Some accident monitoring instrumentation have additional requirements within the Technical Specification. Appropriate notation has been added to provide cross reference.

No Significant Hazards Consideration The District has reviewed the proposed changes against each of the criterion of 10 CFR 50.92 and concluded that the changes to the Technical Specifications -

discussed above would not:


Significantly increase the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated because the accident monitoring variables added and the upgraded SPDS provide additional data to assist the control room operators and does not change any of the automatic responses of the plant to a transient.


Create the possibility of a new or different type of accident than previously evaluated.

Because the accident monitoring variable added and the upgraded SPDS do not have a component control function and the SPDS is isolated so as not to affect any control function.


Involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety because the margin of safety currently designed into the plant is not dependent on the availability of the accident monitoring variables or the SPDS. However, because of the accident monitoring variables added and the upgraded SPDS, the margin of safety provided by accident monitoring instrumentation is enhanced, on the basis of the above, the District concludes that the proposed changes do not constitute any significant hazards to the public, and in no way endangers the public's health and safety.