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Notice of Violation from Insp on 880119-29.Violations Noted: Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Deviated from on 871030 W/O Temporary Changes Being Made to Procedure.Licensee Strengths & Weaknesses Encl
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1988
Shared Package
ML20148A904 List:
50-317-88-01, 50-317-88-1, 50-318-88-01, 50-318-88-1, NUDOCS 8803210236
Download: ML20148A906 (4)


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Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Docket Nos.

50-317 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant-50-318 i

License Nos. OPR-53 DPR-69 q

As a result of the inspection conducted.on January 13-29,~1988, a violation of l

NRC requirements was identified.

In accordance with the "General S'atement of f

Policy and Procedure for_ NRC Enforcement Action," (10 CFR 2, Appendix. C), 'the


violation is listed below:

j Technical Specification and Cal' vert Cliffs Instruction (CCI) 101J,-

l Review and Approval Procedures for Proposed Calvert Cliffs Procedures, l

require that, when it is necessary to depart from ' approved procedure a -

1 temporary change be written into the procedure and reviewed and approved i'

by two members of station management, one of whom must hold a senior -

reactor operator license on the affected unit, j

i Contrary to the abovt, (1) STP 0-5-1, Auxiliary Feedwater System, was j

deviated from on Octobe ^ 30, 1987 without temporary changes _being made to r

the procedure.

As a cusequence, a _ valve was closed in the No. 13 l

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump recirculation line which had the potential for


degrading the operability of the pump and, (2) several temporary changes including addition and deletion of steps.were made and implemented prior to the required second review for the June 30, 1987 and September 23, 1987 performances of STP 0-65-2, Quarterly Valve Operability Verification.


This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I) applicable to OPR-53 and 69.


i i

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company i

is hereby required to submit to this office within thirty days of the date of i

this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including:

(1) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved.

Where good cause is shown, consideration f

will be given to extending the response time.

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8803210236 880311 03/08/88 PDR ADOCK 05000317



s APPENDIX B LICENSEE STRENGTHS Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Docket Nos.

50-317 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 50-318 License Nos. DPR-53 DPR-69 As a result of the inspection conducted on January 19-29, 1988, the following strengths were identified.


Daily performance, experience and demonstrated knowledge of the operations staf f was goad.

Shift inspectors had positive findings with regard to:

Control room operations and visitor control.

Shift turnovers and crew briefings.

Knowledge level of Auxiliary Operators.

Control Room response to the January 22, 1988 loss of #22 instrument bus and subsequent plant trip demonstrated a well controlled, systematic and professional approach including:

Operator system knowledge and ability to focus on problems quickly.

Good communications.

Excellent immediate follow-up of the trip in review of the plant status.


The licensee's initiative in performing a Safety System Functional Inspec-tion (SSFI) was considered to be positive. The SSFI appears to have been well planned and systematic. BG&E personnel worked jointly with an exper" ienced contractor to develop in-house expertise for future activities of this type.

Findings with potential safety significance were promptly considered by POSRC; licensee engineers and management personnel were thoroughly briefed.


Completed maintenance packages contained detailed descriptions of the work accomplished.

Such packages:

Facilitated turnover, Enhanced communications, Provided evidence of active QC involvement; and, Provided good references for future activities.

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CIR CC 88 0004.0.0 03/11/88

L, Appendix B 2

v 4.

Several good management practices were observed to have been completed or in progress. They included:

U:e of an opinion survey to ideatify potential-problems.

Training in and implementation of team. building / conflict resolution-techniques.

Several steps.taken to enhance communications.

Actions being taken to involve more of the staff at lower levels in collaborative decision making, Accountability measures through interrelated performance objectives and performance appraisals.

Effective reward / recognition system.

Increased emphasis on plant and equipment material conditions.

Maintaining positive employee work ethic.

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l 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY CIR CC 88-01.- 0005.0.0 03/05/88

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l APPENDIX C LICENSEE WEAKNESSES Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Docket Nos.

50-317 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 50-318 License Nos. DPR-53 DPR-69 As a result of the inspection conducted on January 19-29, 1988, the following weaknesses were identified.


Housekeeping and material condition of the plant in selected areas needed improvement:

There was excessive material adrift including test and equipment carts in the vicinity of safety-related buses and panels.

Scaffolding was erected near safety-related equipment for long periods of time.

There were no designated scaffolding storage areas.

General housekeeping was poor in the 5 f t. elevation of the Unit 2 east penetration room and the intake structure.

Contaminated areas in the ECCS pump rooms inhibitec access and con-tributed to the generation of radiological waste based on required operator access to this area several times a shift.


Inadequate control of troubleshooting efforts was the primary cause of the Unit 2 trip that occurred on January 22, 1988.

Improvements appeared to be warranted in the following areas:

Troubleshooting is usually accomplished under a general Maintenance Order without a mechanism for specific control of parameters and bounds.

A more detailed investigation of the job per Calvert Clif fs Instruc-tion 117 was needed prior to commencing work.

1 Conservative steps such as checking for grounds and sneak circuits were not used.

There were communications / interface problems with the vendor in interpreting vendor-supplied information.

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CIR CC 88 0006.0.0 03/11/88