ML20140J433 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05000231 |
Issue date: | 04/28/1971 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20140G249 | List:
References | |
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705140082 | |
Download: ML20140J433 (6) | |
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, V,AR AD, Y9, 7,.. 34 PDR t,. v.
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3.4.L. - The average rate of change in sodium temperature at the reactor L
ve'ssel outlet shall be equal to or less than 10 F/ hour if the
.6 temperature from an initial steady stato value exceeds 125 F.
9 If the temperature change exceeds _125 F, the overall average rate rhall be less than or equal to 10 F/hr. 'Ihe main primary reactor i
vessel outlet temperature recorder shall be used to verify that this limit has been met.
i 3.4.M.
The reactor vessel outer head bolts shall be pm-loaded when l
the reactor vessel outlet sodium temperature is less than 500 F l
l such that the calculated bolt stress is equal to or less than 4000 psi.
l l
I 3.4.N.
'1he reactor vessel outer head bolts shall neet the acceptance standards of Paragraph N-322.3 and N-325.3 of Section III using the provisions of Paragraph IS-300 of Section XI of the ASME l
Pressum Vessel Code.
i l
i 3.4.0.
'Ibe cumulative pemanent elongation of the reactor vessel outer head bolts, as detemined by the annual surveillance neasure-ments, shall not exceed 0.030 inch.
l Proposed Change No. 5 April 28, 1971 l
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. BASES FOR.3.4.L-t The change,in the reactor vessel outlet sodium temperature must be controlled l
l st or below 10*F/hr during heat-up and cool-down of the coolant system, when the temperature change is greater than 125*F, to assure that stress levels in the reactor vessel head bolts remain below the values specified in the ASME Pressure Vessel Code. A rapid change in reactor vessel outlet sodissa l
temperature of up to 125'F, followed by a cool-down such as might occur i
following a reactor scram, is acceptable provided that the rapid temperature I
change is followed by a hold in temperature of sufficient duration to give l
an average rate of 10*F/hr from the initial steady state condition.
BASES FOR 3.4.M The maxim m bolt stresses during primary coolant temperature transients are a function of bolt pre-load. The pre-load limit established in 3.4.M pro-l l
vides assurance that the outer head bolt stresses associated with the
-limits given in paragraph 3.4.L remain below the ASME code allowable j
i l
The acceptance standards of Paragraphs N-322.3 and N-325.3 of Section III of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code provide assurance that the bolts are l-capable of performing their intended function over the service life of the reactor.
Paragraph IS-300 of Section XI of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code defines the course of action in the event the surveillance specified i
in Paragraphs 4.4.R and 4.4.S results in indications outside the referenced acceptance standards of Section III.
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BASES FOR 3.4.0 1
g The pennanent elongation specified in 3.4.0. results in an average i
l 1
L bolt strain of about 0.002 in/in. Strains of this magnitude have 8
been conservatively evaluated to estimate the significance of this anount.of pennanent deformation. Based on the results presented in Reference 8, a cumulative bolt strain of 0.002 in/in determined by the j
annual surveillance measurements specified in Paragraph 4.4.R. would t
not significantly reduce the capability of the bolts to perfonn their intended Ibnction.
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I 8.
Ietter, Karl Cohen to Dr. Peter A. Morris, March 17, 1971.
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( 4. 4. R.
Three reactor vessel outer head bolts shall be removed annually for visual inspection, dimensional checks and dye penetrant testing.
Five reactor vessel outer head bolts shall be inspected annually using ultrasonic testing with straight beam longitudinal scan l
from the top of the bolt.
This inspection may be made with the bolts in place or removed frcxa the reactor. Bolts to be examined l
shall be selected so that all of the outer head bolts are examined within a 10 year period.
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Proposed Oiange No. 5 April 28,1971
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BASES 'FOR 4.4.R and 4.4.S t
Excessive rate of change of primary cooiant temperature may cause permanent
- defonnation of the reactor vessel outer head bolts. The limits given in Paragraphs'3.4.L and 3.4.M are intended to avoid such damage. These I
surveillance items are intended to provide additional assurance that these limits are adequate.
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Proposed Change No. 5 April 28,1971 f
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