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Safety Evaluation Granting Relief from ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Requirement Re Pressure Testing of Class 2 Piping Associated W/Rcs
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/1985
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20136G686 List:
NUDOCS 8511220422
Download: ML20136G737 (5)






j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555


1 SAFETY EVALUATION BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION REQUEST FOR RELIEF FROM INSERVICE PRESSURE TEST REQUIREMENTS BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-317 AND 50-318 INTRODUCTION The Technical Specifications for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 state that inservice examination of ASME B&PV Code Class 1, 2 and 3 components shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50.55a(g) except where specific 3

written relief has been granted by the Commission. The Examination Program is based upon the requirements of the 1974 Edition with the Addenda through the Sumer of 1975. Certain requirements of this Edition and Addenda of Section XI are impractical to perfonn on older plants because of the plants' design, component geometry, materials of construction or the need for extensive temporary modifications and the resultant substantial radiation exposure to plant personnel.

By letter dated August 28, 1985, the Baltimore Electric Company requested relief from the pressure test inspection requirements of the Code for sections of pipes detennined to be impractical to perform these tests.

Requests for Relief Relief is requested for Class 2 piping from the High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI) Auxiliary HPSI, and Low Pressure Safety Inspection (LPSI) Loop Isolation MOVs to the Reactor Coolant System (RCS).

The following lines are affected:

8511220422 851114 PDR ADOCK 05000317 P




1-51-118 1-SI-615-MOV 6"CC-13-1001 2-SI-118 2-615-MOV 6"CC-13-2001 1-SI-616-MOV 2"CC-13-1019 2-SI-616-MOV 2"CC-13-2019 1-SI-617-MOV 3"CC-13-1014 2-SI-617-MOV 3"CC-13-2014 2"CC-13-1005 2"CC-13-2005 2"CC-6-1002 2"CC-6-2002 1-SI-128 1-SI-625-MOV 6"CC-13-1002 2-51-128 2-SI-625-MOV 6"CC-13-2002 1-SI-626-MOV 2"CC-13-1018 2-SI-626-MOV 2"CC-13-2018 1-SI-627-MOV 3"CC-13-1015 2-SI-627-MOV 3"CC-13-2015 2"CC-13-1006 2"CC-13-2006 2"CC-6-1004 2"CC-6-2004 1-51-138 1-SI-635-MOV 6"CC-13-1003 2-51-138 2-SI-635-MOV 6"CC-13-2003 1-SI-636-MOV 2"CC-13-1016 2-SI-636-MOV 2"CC-13-2016 1-SI-637-MOV 3"CC-13-1021 2-SI-637-MOV 3"CC-13-2021 2"CC-13-1007 2"CC-13-2007 2"CC-6-1005 2"CC-6-2005 1-51-148 1-SI-645-MOV 6"CC-13-1004 2-SI-148 2-SI-645-MOV 6"CC-13-2004 1-SI-646-MOV

' 2"CC-13-1017 2-SI-646-MOV 2"CC-13-2017 1-SI-647-MOV 3"CC-13-1020 2-SI-647-MOV 3"CC-13-2020 2"CC-13-1008 2"CC-13-2008 2"CC-6-1005 2"CC-6-2006

ISI Code Class 2 Requirements f

ASME Code Section XI requires hydrostatic testing of all Class 2 piping and components as set forth in Articles IWA-5000 and IWC-5000.

The test pressure requirement for Class 2 piping and components is 1.25 times the design pressure when tested at a temperature not less than 100*F.

i Basis for Relief Request A.

The listed portion of Class 2 piping from HPSI, Aux. HPSI, and LPSI i

Loop Isolation MOV to RCS cannot be isolated from the RCS.

Licensee's Proposed Alternative Tests 1

The licensee proposes to perform a hydrostatic pressure test of the above listed piping, excluding the piping listed in the relief request Item B.

below, to the pressure test requirements of IWB-5000 for Class 1 piping.

This piping can be pressurized via alignment of the charging system to the i

Aux. HPSI header.

j B.

The portions of piping listed below cannot be hydrostatically tested due

  • to inability to align charging pumps to pressurize this piping and the l

operability requirements of these portions when the RCS is pressurized.

i i

4 UNIT 1



1-51-114 1-SI-615-MOV 6"CC-13-1001 7

1-51-124 1-SI-625-MOV 6"CC-13-1002 1-SI-134 1-SI-635-MOV 6"CC-13-1003 1-51-144 1-SI-645-MOV 6"CC-13-1004



2-51-114 2-SI-615-MOV 6"CC-13-2001 2-51-124 2-SI-625-MOV 6"CC-13-2002 2-51-134 2-SI-635-MOV 6"CC-13-2003 2-51-144 2-SI-645-MOV 6"CC-13-2004 Licensee's Proposed Alternate Tests The following tests and examinations are proposed in lieu of hydrostatic testing for proving.the integrity of the piping listed in Item B. above.


Each refueling cycle, a leakage test of this piping is performed in accordance with Technical Specification 6.14.

In this test the piping listed in Item B. is pressurized to LPSI pump discharge pressure and a visual examination for leakage is conducted.


Welds will be selected and examined per Section XI, Article IWC-2000.



The section of piping upstream of check valves51-118,-128,-138,-148, for Units 1 and 2, cannot be tested at a pressure of 1.25 times design pressure without making extensive temporary modifications to keep the valves closed.

The modifications would require:

(1)disassemblyofthevalves,(2), welding of temporary blocks (on the downstream side) inside the valve bodi,es to hold a" jackscrew"typearrangementtokeepthevalveclosed,(3)removalofthe temporary blocking devices from the valves after testing and (4) performing necessary nondestructive testing to assure the integrity of the valve bodies

before returning them to service. Without the temporary modifications to the check valves, the Class 1 system downstream of the check valves would be pressurized to the test pressure of the Class 2 system. This pressure exceeds the Class I hydrostatic pressure requirements.

Conclusion I

Based upon a review of the system design, the basis for relief request, and the licensee's proposed alternate tests, the staff concludes that relief granted from examination and pressure test requirements and alternate methods imposed through this document give reasonable assurance of the piping pressure boundary integrity, that granting relief where the Code requirements are impractical is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property, or the comon defense l

and security, and is otherwise in the public interest considering the burden that could result if they were imposed on the facility. Therefore, in accordance i

with 10 CFR 50.55a (g)(6)(1), relief is granted.

i Principal Contributor:

B. Turovlin Date: November 14, 1985
