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Application to Amend Licenses DPR-53 & DPR-69,authorizing Exemption from ASME Code Section XI Requirements Re Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of Safety Injection Sys.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/28/1985
From: Poindexter C
To: Butcher E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8509030414
Download: ML20134L783 (6)


y' A BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC CHARLES CENTER P.O. BOX 1475. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203 CHRis H. PolNDEXTER vice passior~r cuo,~rc~,mu~o coastaucrica August 28,1985 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Licensing Washington, DC 20555 ATTENTION: Mr. Edward J. Butcher, Acting Chief Operating Reactors Branch #3 SUBJECT Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit Nos.1 & 2; Docket Nos. 50-317 & 50-318 Inservice Inspection Program Request for Relief from ASME Code Section XI Requirements Determ'ned to be Impractical Gentlemen:

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i), we are requesting an exemption from ASME Code Section XI requirements that have been determined to be impractical. In accordance with the NRC Staff Guidance letter dated November 24, 1976, the information concerning the exemption request is presented herein.

It has been determined that hydrostatic pressure testing in accordance with Class 2 requirements d the Safety Injection System piping from the loop isolation Motor Operated Valves (MOVs) to the loop check valves is impractical. These lines should be pressure tested at the Class I requirements of Section XI. It has also been determined that a portion of this piping between the Low Pressure Safety Injection (LPSI) MOVs and the first check valve downstream of these MOVs is impractical to hydrostatically pressure test.

I. COMPONENTS FOR WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED A. The attached sketches #1 and #2 illustrates the system configuration and class boundaries. The following portions of Class 2 piping from the High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI), Auxiliary HPSI, and Low Pressure Safety Injection (LPSI) Loop Isolation MOVs to the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) cannot be isolated from the RCS.

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Mr. Edward 3. Butcher August 28,1985 Page 2 UNIT 1 UNIT 2 FROM TO LINE NOS. FROM TO LINE NOS.

1-SI-118 1-SI-615-MOV 6" CC-13-1001 2-SI-118 2-SI-615-MOV 6" CC-13-2001 1-SI-616-MOV 2" CC-13-1019 2-SI-616-MOV 2" CC-13-2019 l-SI-617-MOV 3" CC-13-1014 2-SI-617-MOV 3" CC-13-2014 2" CC-13-1005 2" CC-13-2005 2" CC-6-1002 2" CC-6-2002 1-SI-128 1-SI-625-MOV 6" CC-13-1002 2-51-128 2-SI-625-MOV 6" CC-13-2002 1-SI-626-MOV 2" CC-13-1018 2-SI-626-MOV 2" CC-13-2018 1-SI-627-MOV 3" CC-13-1015 2-SI-627-MOV 3" CC-13-2015 2" CC-13-1006 2" CC-13-2006 2" CC-6-1004 2" CC-6-2004 1-SI-138 1-SI-635-MOV 6" CC-13-1003 2-SI-138 2-SI-635-MOV 6" CC-13-2003 1-SI-636-MOV 2" CC-13-1016 2-SI-636-MOV 2" CC-13-2016 1-SI-637-MOV 3" CC-13-1021 2-SI-637-MOV 3" CC-13-2021 2" CC-13-1007 2" CC-13-2007 2" CC-6-1005 2" CC-6-2005 1-SI-148 1-SI-645-MOV 6" CC-13-1004 2-51-148 2-SI-645-MOV 6" CC-13-2004 1-SI-646-MOV 2" CC-13-1017 2-SI-646-MOV 2" CC-13-2017 1-SI-647-MOV 3" CC-13-1020 2-SI-647-MOV 3" CC-13-2020 2" CC-13-1008 2" CC-13-2008 2" CC-6-1006 2" CC-6-2006

Mr. Edward 3. Butcher August 28,1985 Page 3 B. The portions of piping listed below cannot be hydrostatically tested due to inability to align charging pumps to pressurize this piping and the operability requirements of these portions when the RCS is pressurized.


1-S1-114 1-SI-615-MOV 6" CC-13-1001 1-SI-124 1-SI-625-MOV 6" CC-13-1002 1-SI-134 1-SI-635-MOV 6" CC-13-1003 1-SI-144 1-SI-645-MOV 6" CC-13-1004 UNIT 2 FROM TO LINE NO.

2-S1-114 2-SI-615-MOV 6" CC-13-2001 2-51-124 2-SI-625-MOV 6" CC-13-2002 2-SI-134 2-SI-635-MOV 6" CC-13-2003 2-SI-144 2-SI-645-MOV 6" CC-13-2004 II. ASME REQUIREMENT FROM WHICH RELIEF IS REQUESTED ASME Code Section XI requires hydrostatic pressure testing of all Class 2 piping and components as set forth in Articles IWA-5000 and IWC-5000. The test pressure requirement for Class 2 piping and components is 1.25 times the design pressure when tested at 100 F. This test pressure exceeds the hydrostatic pressure test requirements of the Class I system downstream of the check valve. Therefore, testing to the Class 2 requirement is prohibited.

III. SUPPORTING INFORMATION The higher pressure requirements of Class 2 hydrostatic pressure testing cannot be accomplished because of the lack of positive isolation from the Class 1 system in the test direction. The Class 1 piping is isolated from the Class 2 system by two check valves. The Class 1 piping test pressure requirement is lower than the Class 2 test pressure requirement.

IV. IN LIEU OF TESTING A. Perform a hydrostatic pressure test of the piping listed in I.A excluding the piping listed in I.B, to the pressure test requirements of IWB-5000 for Class 1 piping. This piping can be pressurized via alignment of the charging system to the Auxiliary HPSI header to the required test pressure of IWB-5000.

Mr. Edward 3. Butcher August 28,1985 Page 4 B. The following tests and examinations are recommended in lieu of hydrostatic testing for proving the integrity of the piping listed in I.B above.

1. Each refueling cycle, a leakage test of this piping is performed in accordance with Technical Specification 6.14. In this test the piping listed in paragraph I.B. is pressurized to LPSI pump discharge pressure and a visual examination for leakage is conducted.
2. Welds will be selected and examined per Section XI, Article IWC-2000.

We have determined that this request constitutes an amendment for Calvert Cliffs Unit Nos.1 & 2, pursuant to 10 CFR 170.21. Accordingly, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Check No. A345606 in the amount of $150.00 is remitted herewith.

Should you have further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours, i

.-  ?

% w. u + l CHP/BCR/gla Attachment cc: D. A. Brune, Esquire G. F. Trowbridge, Esquire D. H. Jaffe, NRC T. Foley, NRC


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