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t NOV23 q commander, U.S. Army Missile Command Attn: DRCPM-VIE, Bob Brown Redstone Arsenal, Alabama 35898
Dear Sir:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory o 11ssion (NRC) is contracting with Battelle Columbus Laboratories (BCL) to conduct a series of experiments on the sabotage of shipments of spent nuclear fuel. ]n previous NRC-sponsored reactor spent fuel shipping cask sabotage studies, BCL used the Viper precision shaped charge. In order for the results of the new experiments to be compared to the previous experimental results, the NRC would like to use the same explosives.
We anticipate needing 36 Viper Billet Liner Assemblies and 36 Precision Initiating Couplers for use in these experi.nents. The attached statement of work provides shipping information. Please advise us of the estimated cost of these items (delivered) as soon as possible. When we receive the cost estimate, we will proceed with the necessary paperwork to complete the transaction. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Andrea K. Barnold, FTS 202-443-7676.
Sincerely, Originai signed b Karl R. cou.c , g Karl R. Goller, Director Division of Fa::llity Operations Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Statement of Work DISTRIBUTION:
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NOV 23 1993 i
1.0 Background
The NRC is contracting with Battelle Columbus Laboratories (BCL) to conduct a series of experiments on the sabotage of shipments of spent nuclear fuel.
In previous NRC-sponsored shipping cask sabotage studies, BCL used the Viper precision shaped charge. In order for the results of the new experiments to be compared to the previous experiments, the NRC would like to use the same weapon.
2.0 Work Required Redstone Arsenal shall provide:
36 each -
Viper billet liner assembly (no warhead body)
Plc - Booster assembly Ship to: Battelle West Jefferson State Route 142 South Entrance West Jefferson, Ohio Attn: Bill Schola Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
3.0 Technical Contact The NRC project manager is Andrea K. Barnold, FTS 202-443-7676, Human Factors and Safeguards Branch, Division of Facility Operations, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.