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t MEMORANDUM FOR THE FILE FROM: Teresa McLearen, Contract Administrator .
MODIFICATION NO. 1 TO NRC-17-83-399, TAYL0E ASSOCIATES On May 23, 1983 Modification No. I was sent to the Contractor for review and execution. In a June 27, 1983 telephone conversation, Joseph Gallo, Tayloe's attorney, requested the dates of the Indian Point proceeding, for which Tayloe had provided magnetic tapes, be inserted in the modification. He-also advised me that he was not prepared to agree to Paragraph 4 and 7 of the modifica tion. Paragraph 4 dealt with the inclusion, on the transcript cover, of the page numbers included in that transcript. Paragraph 7 provided a price per page for the late delivery of transcripts taken during non-regular hours and ordered for daily delivery. Both of these changes had previously been cleared with Ann Riley, Tayloe. . Mr. Gallo's position was that .since the NRC
.was being uncooperative regarding Tayloa's request for relief from the Headquarters delivery requirement in the contract, Tayloe would not agree to cooperate in the' addition of these two changes to the contract.
Modification No. I has been revised to include the dates of the Indian Point proceedinos, as requestqd, and Paragraohs 4 and 7 have been deleted. Cc e, Tros ;7%/ tem, re v tv. fke c46Reafles of' -f 4r irae.
The addition of the Bowers Reporting Company to the list of approved sub-contractors has been included in the modification. This addition was re-quested by Tayloe, subsequent to the preparation of the original version of Modification No.1, and has been approved by the Project Officers.
Q ._. '*
Date Teresa McLearen Contract Administrator, ACB Reviewed and Approved:
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/d' Patricia A. S th 4 7 Contracting fficer 8505310152 841115 PDR FOIA
- RILEYB4-734 PDR i 9